gal/alien s60 - Stndies en 9eed Spei/dge. . . ‘Heating in $Teed Ingredients and Alintnres fientaining Molasses and Added 7at May I957 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS. DIRECTOR. COLLEGE STATLON, TEXAS I depended on the specific ingredient and the individual preparation. ‘A Menhaden Products, Inc., for menhaden fish meal and fish scraps; and to Buford Barrows, Hales andi I DIGEST Studies described in this bulletin are: (1) The critical moisture levels of various protein concentrates. (2) The critical moisture level of 3O individual feed ingredients including grainsaiid grain by a protein concentrates, dehydrated alfalfa meals and bone meal. l (3) Heating in mixtures containing cornmeal and different kinds of molasses. (4) Heating in mixtures containing alfalfa leaf meal and cane molasses. n (5) Heating in mixtures containing corn meal and fat and in those containing soybean meal. Some variation occurred in the critical moisture level of protein concentrates prepared at differ by the same process and in those prepared by different processes. The amount of protein in the trates did not appear to affect the critical moisture level. In general, the exact critical moist 1 Heating in mixtures containing molasses depended on the moisture content of both the ingre' the molasses. If the ingredient had a low moisture content, the addition of molasses high in mo' § not cause heating. But, if the molasses was low in moisture, the mixture heated when the ingrediY high in moisture. A feed mixed with molasses low in moisture did not heat so readily as with molasses high in moisture. ~ ~ " In general, the addition of fat to a feed ingredient did not cause spontaneous heating in the v However, a mixture containing a large amount of fat heated at a lower total moisture level __ containing a small amount of fat. This difference was due to the high moisture content of the portion of the mixture when fat was present. All of the moisture is in the non-fat portion of the ~- Consequently, the non-fat portion of the mixture high in fat is relatively higher in moisture th with the same total moisture that is low in fat. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS These studies were supported in part by a grant in aid from A. I. Kaplan, president, South Sugar and Molasses Company. ‘ Acknowledgment is made to K. N. Wright, sales manager, A. E. Staley Manufacturing Company, l 4O percent soybean oil meal and the 50 percent dehulled soybean meal," to Theodore M. Miller, Company for flaked barley, flaked wheat and crimped oats. This manuscript was adapted in part from a dissertation submitted to the Graduate School Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas by Iohn V. Halick in partial fulfillment of the requ' for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. t‘ CONTENTS Digest V . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Acknowledgments...“,,.... . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Critical Moisture Level of Protein Concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heating in Mixtures Containing Molasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Mixtures Containing Fat . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ingredient with Moisture Slightly Above the Critical Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corn Meal with Different Levels of Moisture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ingredient with High Moisture Level , . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 0F EARLIER STUDIES 0n the critical mois- ilevel of feed ingredients have been re- ~ Halick and Richardson in Texas Station .68, “Influence of Moisture on Heating in 3i he influence of the moisture content meal and of molasses on heating in ixtures of corn meal and ‘molasses were A in the same report. Additional studies ~ carried out on this problem and the described herein. istudies include: (1) the critical mois- _. of alfalfa meals, distillers grains and J tein concentrates; (2) heating in mix- taining corn meal and different kinds ~.-~ (3) heating in mixtures containing if meal and cane molasses; and (4) heat- ures containing fat. RESULTS fpparatus used to study heating was the hat described in Bulletin 768. In general, jing procedure was used to determine moisture level of an ingredient. Several e ingredient were dried in a circulating ;: a temperature of approximately 65°C. nt of water required to give the desired i content was calculated for each 2 kilo- , material. Four lots of 2 kilos of an in- each with a different moisture content, » per trial. An attempt was made to add Edifferent lots so that the moisture con- een two lots differed by 0.5 to 1.0 per- attempt also was made to adjust the ‘level in one lot in each trial so that it peat, and in another lot so that it heated. of 2 kilos was placed in a 4-liter Dewar ‘ e flask and contents were then main- i an insulated cabinet at a temperature of nd a relative humidity of 70 percent. ocouple in each flash was connected to e point Electro-nik temperature indicator. erature in each flask was recorded daily. procedure used to determine the critical ‘ level of an ingredient is illustrated with p. oil meal that contained 44 percent pro- i. Field Crops Research Branch, Agricultural Re- rvice, U. S. Department of Agriculture, for- w uate student, Department of Biochemistry and ; and professor and formerly technician, De- 1 of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Texas Agricul- eriment Station. 12's an Feed Spa/Tags. . . n21 576a! Jngradients and Mil/turns’ flontaininy Ma/asscs and Adda! 9a! IOHN V. HALICK. L. R. RICHARDSON and MARGARET CLINE* tein. Three separate tests were run to establish the critical moisture level of this ingredient. The first trial was composed of five 2-kilo lots of soy- bean meal with. 11.4, 14.1, 15.1, 15.9, and 16.9 percent moisture. The second trial was composed of four 2-kilo lots with 12.8, 13.9, 14.5 and 15.0 percent moisture. The third trial was composed of four 2-kilo lots with 11.2, 13.9, 15.1 and 16.4, per- cent moisture. The moisture levels at which the soybean meal did and did not heat in the different trials are summarized in Table I. In the first trial, the soybean meal with 15.1 percent moisture heated in 26 days. It did not heat with 14.1 percent moisture. In the second trial, the soybean meal with 15.0 percent moisture heated in 26 days. It did not heat with 14.5 per- cent moisture. In the third trial, the soybean meal with 15.1 percent moisture heated in 35 days, but did not heat with 13.9 percent moisture. These data show that the critical moisture level of this particular sample of soybean meal was between 14.5 and 15.0 percent. Critical Moisture Level oi Protein Concentrations Safe and unsafe moisture levels of protein concentrates were determined in lots which had been prepared by different processes or had been obtained from different sources. These data are summarized in Table 2. The data show that there was some variation in the moisture content at which concentrates heated, and this variation occurred whether the concentrates were prepared by the same process at different times or by a different process. The following examples will illustrate these points. A cottonseed meal pre- pared by the expeller process in 1953 heated with ' 12.1 percent moisture. Another lot prepared by the same process in 1955 with 12.6 percent mois- ture did not heat. Cottonseed meal prepared in 1953 may be used also to illustrate variations in heating due to differences in the process used for TABLE 1. DETERMINATION OF A SAFE MOISTURE LEVEL OF SOYBEAN MEAL 3:311 Did not heat Heated Started to heat ‘Z, moisture ‘X, moisture Days 1 14.1 15.1 26 2 14.5 15.0 25 3 . 13.9 15.1 35 its manufacture. Cottonseed meal prepared by screw press and expeller processes with 12.0 and 12.1 percent moisture, respectively, heated. The meal prepared by the prepress solvent process With 12.8 percent moisture was safe from heating. One lot of a dehulled solvent extracted soybean meal which contained 50.0 percent protein, and 15.4 percent moisture did not heat in 1953. Similar meals prepared at different times in 1955 and containing 15.4 and 15.3 percent moisture respectively, did heat. Asolvent extracted soy- bean oil meal containing 44 percent protein and approximately 1.0 percent less moisture than the dehulled soybean meal heated as rapidly as the dehulled meal. These data show that the exact moisture con- tent at which an ingredient will heat depends on the specific material more than any other factor. The amount of protein present and the method of preparation do not appear to be important factors. Under practical conditions, a moisture content of 1 to 1.5 percent less than that for any single lot TABLE 2. MOISTURE CONTENT OF PROTEIN CONCEN- TRATES WHICH HEATED AND WHICH DID NOT HEAT Protein Pr_o- 1:12‘ Year 2:: Heat- Started concentrate tem trials heat ed heating 7.» % ‘Y, mois- mois- Days ture ture Corn gluten meal 3 1954 11.0 11.5 34 Cottonseed meal Screw press 41 4 1953 11.4 12.0 27 Screw press 41 1 1955 11.5 1 1 Expeller 42 3 1953 1 112.1 28 Expeller 40 2 1955 12.6 13.0 26 Prepress solvent 41 3 1953 12.8 13.4 31 .- Prepress solvent 40 1 1955 12.5 1 1 Fish meal Unknown 63 3 1954 11.5 11.6 38 Unknown 3 1955 11.4 1 1 Menhaden 61 3 1954 1 10.7 30 Menhaden 62 3 1955 9.9 10.3 23 Fish scrap Menhaden 60 2 1954 10.2 10.9 17 Menhaden 60 1 1955 9.6 10.1 24 Linseed meal 2 1954 10.6 11.3 36 Meat and bone scraps 50 3 1954 10.0 11.0 23 Sorghum 1 - Gluten meal 3 1953 11.0 11.2 26 Gluten meal residue 4 1954 16.3 17.3 1 37 Soybean oil meal _ Unknown 44 2 1953 13.1 13.3 28 Soybean oil meal Solvent extracted2 50 3 1953 15.4 15.8 37 Solvent extracted2 50 3 1955 14.2 15.4 19 Solvent extracted’ 50 4 1955 13.7 15.3 33 Soybean oil meal Solvent extracted 44 Solvent extracted 44 Solvent extracted 44 1953 14.5 14.9 35 1955 14.4 14.7 13 1955 13.8 14.3 28 $1530) 1N0 observations. 1Dehulled. 4 of a" feed ingredient would be relative from heating. . The critical moisture level of all gredients that has been determined in this tory are given in Table 3. ' Heating in Mixtures Containing Mol Feeds containing molasses hdat moref ly than those containing any other ing Studies were carried out to determine i fluence of the source and moisture con the molasses on heating in mixtures con corn meal and molasses. The corn meal g these tests contained 12.7 percent moist v did not heat in 42 days, but its moisture Was very close to the critical level. c TABLE 3. CRITICAL MOISTURE LEVELS OF INGREDIENTS Ingredient Critical Barley. flaked Bone meal 1953 1952 Corn Whole Ground Corn gluten meal Cottonseed meal Expeller Screw press Prepress solvent Dehydrated alfalfa Stem meal Leaf meal Distillers Dried grains and corn solubles Dried grains (sorghum) Fish meal Unknown Menhaden Fish scrap Linseed meal Meat and bone scraps Sorghum gluten meal Sorghum grain Whole Ground Oats Crimped Ground Whole Rundermeel Soybean meal 44% protein 44% protein 50% protein Wheat Whole l Flaked '~ l 1 Ground ‘ 1 Bran . l f} Shorts l ‘Previously reported in Bulletin 768. corn meal was mixed with 10 and 15 , of one lot of cane molasses that con- 2 percent moisture, and with another lot g tained 27 percent moisture. The same ‘eal was mixed with 10 and 15 percent ‘lasses (Hydrol) that contained 23 percent ,e and with the same amount of sorghum that contained 20 percent moisture. j ta are summarized in Table 4. the mixtures containing molasses heated, e exception of the one containing 15 per- l_ molasses. Mixtures with cane molasses ' g 22 percent moisture started to heat in , While those containing molasses with 27 f moisture started to heat in 7 to 9 days. w; containing corn and sorghum molasses “to heat at about the same time as those 'ng cane molasses with 22 percent mois- her test was carried out to determine the g e of the moisture ‘content of molasses on i’ in mixtures containing alfalfa leaf meal o molasses. When the alfalfa leaf meal "d 9.1 percent moisture, none of the Q; containing 10, 15, 20 or 40 percent of Q. heated, whether the molasses contained 1 percent moisture. The alfalfa leaf meal "ng 14.3 percent moisture was mixed with a 20 and 40 percent molasses. When -= containing 20 or 28 percent moisture was with dehydrated alfalfa leaf meal that ‘w 9.1 percent moisture, none of the mix- ted. Even though the moisture level of j ure which contained 40 percent molasses percent moisture was above the critical the dehydrated alfalfa leaf meal, it did t. It is possible that the osmotic con- '0n of the mixture containing 40 percent was too high for the molds to grow. The obtained when molasses was added to the ted alfalfa leaf meal that contained 14.3 i moisture are shown in Table 5. When ‘ture content of alfalfa leaf meal was 14.3 p, none of the mixtures with molasses that .5 20 percent moisture heated, but when with molasses that contained 28 percent e, those with 10, 15 and 20 percent mo- eated. Again the mixture containing 40 ' of molasses did not heat probably because .11 level of molasses may increase the osmotic Agitation of the mixture. If the moisture , of the ingredient is decidedly below the y level, the addition of relatively large f; of molasses with a high moisture level cause the mixture to heat. n. data are in agreement with those re- in Bulletin1768, that a feed mixed with a -.; low in moisture will not heat as readily lmixed with a molasses high in moisture, i use of a molasses low in moisture alone insure the absence of heating. The mois- intent of the other ingredients is just as as that of the molasses, and the moisture TABLE 4. HEATING IN MIXTURES OF CORN MEAL‘ AND MOLASSES FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES Molasses Moisture Started Source 1133:? Molasses Mixture heating 7° % ‘X. Days Cane 1U 22 13.8 26 15 22 14.2 - 23 1U 27 14.1 9 15 27 14.7 7 Corn 1U 23 13.8 33 15 23 14.6 2 Sorghum 1U 21 13.6 27 15 21 14.1 3U ‘Moisture content o1 corn meal, 12.7%. ‘Did not heat. content of all the ingredients will have to be such that the total moisture content of the mixed feed is below the critical level. Mixtures Containing Fat A surplus of fat has accumulated during the past few years and a large amount of non-edible fat is being used in animal feeds. The purpose of.» part of these tests Was to obtain information on heating when fat is added to various feed ingredients. The feed ingredients used in these tests were yellow corn meal and soybean oil meal. The fats used were mazola and lard. Mazola is corn oil refined by the Corn Products Refining Company. Ingredient with Moisture Slightly Above the Critical Level In one series of three separate trials, yellow corn meal with an average of 13.4 percent mois- ture was mixed with 0, 5, 10 and 15 percent mazola. In another trial, corn meal with 13.1 percent moisture was mixed with the same quantities of lard. The results of these tests are summarized in Table 6. I Without fat the corn meal containing 13.4 percent moisture heated in an average of 29.3 days, while the one containing 13.1 percent mois- TABLE 5. HEATING IN MIXTURES OF ALFALFA LEAF MEAL‘ AND CANE MOLASSES Moisture Molasses started added In molasses In mixture hBQIiTIQ ‘V. "/0 , 7° Ddvs 1U 2U 15.2 15 2U 15.5 2U 2U 15.9 4U 2U 17.1 1U 28 16.2 36 15 26 16.8 23 2U 26 17.6 36 4U 26 2U.4 ‘Moisture content of alfalfa leai meal. 14.3%. TABLE 6. HEATING IN MIXTURES CONTAINING CORN MEAL AND A FAT No o‘ Pa‘ Gem Moisture Started . ' M ' content of to ""115 Source Percent Amount cgfiteurff mixture hem % % ‘V. 13ers 3 None 100 13.4 29.3 1 None 100 12.1 1 3 Mazola’ 5 95 I 13.4 12.3 32.0 1 Lard 5 95 13.1 12.1 39.0 3 Mazola l0 90 13.4 11.8 20.0 1 Lard 10 90 13.1 11.7 36.0 3 Mazola 15 85 13.4 11.3 21.0 1 Lard 15 85 13.1 10.6 31.0 ‘Did not heat. “Mazola is corn oil obtained from the Corn Products Refining Company. ture did not heat in 42 days. All mixtures heated when mazola or lard was added to corn meal that contained 13.4 or 13.1 percent moisture. In general, the mixtures containing fat started to heat sooner than the corn meal without fat. Also the mixtures with 10 and 15 percent fat started to heat sooner than those with 5 percent. The mixtures containing fat heated more rapidly than the corn meal without fat in spite of the fact that the mixtures contained approximately 2 percent less moisture than the corn meal that did not heat. In a second series, yellow corn meal containing 14.3, 14.0 and 14.5 percent moisture was mixed with 10 and 15 percent of mazola and with 10 and 15 percent of lard. A similar test was made with soybean oil meal that contained TABLE 7. HEATING IN MIXTURES CONTAINING CORN MEAL OR SOYBEAN OIL MEAL AND A FAT Moisture Moisture Started No. of Ingre- content of trials client Fonlen.‘ of 5"“ ingredient to ingredient + fat heat % % Days Feed ingredient without fat 3 Corn 14.3 0 8 1 Corn 14.0 0 7 3 Corn 14.0 0 9 1 Corn 14.5 0 3 1 Soybean meal 13.6 0 1 Feed ingredient. 90% + lat 10% 3 Corn 14.3 Mazola 12.3 n 7 1 Corn 14.0 Lard 11.2 3 3 Corn 14.0 Mazola 12.1 12 1 Corn 14.5 Lard 12.3 13 1 Soybean meal 13.6 Mazola 12.1 36 1 Soybean meal 13.6 Lard 12.1 36 l Feed ingredient. 85% + fat 15% 3 Corn 14.3 Mazola 11.9 7 l Corn 14.0 Lard 11.1 13 3 Corn 14.0 Mazola 11.4 10 1 Corn 14.5 Lard 11.9 7 1 Soybean meal 13.6 Mazola 11.3 35 1 Soybean meal 13.6 Lard 11.2 ‘Did not heat in 42 days. 6 13.6‘percent moisture. The results of thes are summarized in Table 7. All the mixtures containing corn m_ fat started to heat about the same time t, corn meal without added fat. The mixtu soybean oil meal and fat started to h approximately 35 days, while vsgithout fatt p bean oil meal did not heat int42tdays. The ' with lard were essentially the same as thog mazola. ' Corn Meal with Diiierent Levels oi Mo A third test was made to determine the on heating in mixtures when 1O percent h was added to corn meal that contained di amounts of moisture. The levels of moist the corn meal were 11.7, 12.9, 13.5, 14.8 an_ percent. When fat was added to the vario of corn meal, the moisture content of mi ' was 10.7, 11.7, 12.3, 13.1 and 13.5 perce spectively. These results are summari Table 8. . Neither the corn meal nor the mixtures , when the moisture content of the corn -:_ below the critical level. When the moistu Ji tent of the corn meal was above the critical, the addition of fat delayed the heating sl' Ingredient with High Moisture Level l‘ A feed ingredient heats more rapidly an higher temperature as itsilmoisture conte creases above the critical level. Determi was made of the effect of "an ingredient, excessive moisture, on the heating cycle W is mixed with different amounts 0f -. saturated fat such as mazola. It was sus that the initial heating produced by the gro molds in the non-fat portion of the mixture i start oxidation of the fat, and as a result I would be an increase in the temperature in, tion to that produced by mold respiration. ' TABLE 8. HEATING IN CORN MEAL CONTAINING V l AMOUNTS OF MOISTURE AND IN A MIXTURE CONT i 90 PERCENT CORN MEAL AND 10 PERCENT MA Moisture in corn St A, meal and mazola to Corn meal alone and mixture with fat %_ Corn meal‘ < 11.7 Corn meal 61 mazola 10.7 Corn meal 12.9 Corn meal 6. mazola 11.7 Corn meal 13.5 Corn meal d mazola 12.3 Corn meal 14.8 Corn meal d. mazola 13.1 Corn meal '_ 15.0 Corn meal 6. mazola ' 13.5 ‘The corn meal with and without lat contained the 1 amount of moisture at each level tested. ‘ zDid not heat in 42 days. possibility was that the mixture con- t and high moisture ingredient might {a high temperature for a longer period same ingredient without the fat. Ac- "one test was run to determine the rate f; and the maximum temperature reached -; containing fat-and an ingredient with jmoisture. In this test, corn meal that 17.5 percent moisture was mixed with p 20 percent of mazola. The results are Figure 1. ' (the corn meal contained 17.5 percent the mixtures started to heat in 1 to 2 Wrdless of the amount of fat present. mum temperature was reached in 9 to gThe maximum temperature in the mix- ining 10percent mazola was 117° F; in 'ning 20 percent mazola, it was 124° F, , out fat it was 112° F.- The tempera- _he mixtures containing 10 and 20 per- azola decreased to 115° and 116° _F, ly, at 14 days. The temperature of the without fat was 112° F. In this experi- .- mixtures containing fat heated to “ peratures than those without fat. How- only one test was run, the data are rted to mean that a mixed feed con- ded. fat will always heat to a higher re than one without fat. Sometimes “moisture content was just above the vel the ingredient heated more rapidly g was added, and other times it heated f hout fat. Regardless of the direction _nge, the difference in the time required aatgredient to heat with and without fat ively small. Likewise, the difference in ‘mum temperature reached was small; "' 30m Meol and Mozolo Corn Meol= I25 % Moisture I20 3' no 2 . D 3 I00 ; . g No. on curve= moisture in If mixture 9O . 3'9 _ t I . l l I J J Mozola ~/; 2O IQ _ none Figure 1. Rate of heating and the maximum temperature reached in mixtures containing iat and an ingredient with excessive moisture. sometimes the temperature was higher with fat, again it was higher without fat. A mixed feed or a feed ingredient containing a large amount of fat will heat at a lower moisture level than one containing a small amount of fat. The difference is explained on the basis of the moisture content of the non-fat portion of the mixture. Assuming _ that two mixtures have the same moisture con?‘ tent, the non-fat portion of a mixture with a large amount of fat will have a higher moisture content than the non-fat portion of the mixture with a small amount of fat, because all of the moisture is in the non-fat portion of the mixture. Table 6. 7 and 8 and Figure 1 show that the addition of fat to a feed ingredient did not cause spontaneous heating under conditions used in these tests. "Msents a coordinated effort t0 solve the many problems relating to a common objective or situation] State-wide Résearc "k w "k um srmou Q us: stssrmous I ‘m: rem twonxmmss l cooweurm stamens The Texas Agricultural Experiment Stati is the public agricultural research age Location of field research units in Texas mam- oi the State of Texas‘ and 1s One oi ‘h tained by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and cooperating agencies PC1115 oi the Texas COHI-Bge IN THE MAIN STATION, with headquarters at College Station, are 16 subject-matter departments, 2:; departments, 5 regulatory services and the administrative staff. Located out in the major agricultur _ of Texas are 21 substations and 9 field laboratories. In addition, there are 14 cooperating stations T‘ by other agencies. Cooperating agencies include the Texas Forest Service, Game and Fish Commi Texas, Texas Prison System, U. S. Department of Agriculture, University of Texas, Texas Technologi A a lege, Texas College of Arts and Industries and the King Ranch. Some experiments are conducted onji, and ranches and in rural homes. if x RESEARCH BY THE TEXAS STATION is organized by programs and projects. A program of research ‘ search project represents the procedures for attacking a specific problem within a program. THE TEXAS STATION is conducting about 350 active research projects, grouped in 25 programs whi clude all phases of agriculture in Texas. Among these are: conservation and improvement of soil‘ servation and use of water in agriculture; grasses and legumes for pastures, ranges, hay, conservatii improvement of.soils; grain crops; cotton and other fiber crops; vegetable crops; citrus and other su cal fruits; fruits and nuts; oil seed crops—other than cotton; ornamental plants—including turf; weeds; insects; plant diseases; beef cattle; dairy cattle; sheep and goats; swine; chickens and turkey‘ mal diseases and parasites; fish and game on farms and ranches; farm and ranch engineering; far, ranch business; marketing agricultural products; rural home economics; and rural agricultural eco =4, Two additional programs are maintenance and upkeep, and central services. REsEARcH RESULTS are carried to Texas farm and ranch owners and homemakers by specialists and agents of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.