fiullalin 874 Concrete Tilt-up Construction on tho Farm rquqa/LZ I957 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS, D l R E c T o R, C o L L E GE S T A T I ON, TEXAS SUMMARY Tilt-up construction is a method of building erection which involves the casting of concrete panels ¢ a carefully prepared sand bed or on a floor previously cast at the building site. These panels are fill‘ into a vertical position to form the building walls and, by means of concrete pilasters, are connect together to give the rigid construction necessary for a permanent farm service building. " Methods of tilt-up construction have been developed to a high degree in commercial buildings. Th, techniques require heavy equipment which is not available on the farm. Methods now havqbeen develo 1 which permit the techniques of tilt-up construction to be used on the farm by the utilization "of common f V’ equipment. This publication gives the techniques used in the erection of two experimental tilt-up m‘ structures. A study of 100 plans of implement storage sheds, dairy barns and poultry houses. which collected from 23 land-grant colleges throughout the United States. showed that the walls of most f‘ buildings in these classifications can be constructed from 8 x 8 or 8 x 10-foot panel modules with thickn l‘ of 4 to 6 inches. A - A sand bed covered with 4 mil polyethylene sheeting made a satisfactory casting bed. A minimum two footing holes 8 or more inches in diameter and 30 inches deep were used to support line or pilasters, while a minimum of three footing holes were used to support comer pilasters. Footing ~- were 6 inches thick and long enough to provide a minimum of l0 linear inches of bearing surface for =-'~ panel end. Finished 2 x 4 and 2 x 6-inch lumber was found to be convenient for panel form construction. Concre _, used with satisfactory results contained a minimum of five sacks of cement per cubic yard of mix. Cle _j hard cmd well-graded aggregate was used. Reinforcing steel was placed in every panel to insure adequate strength and stability. The tilting box" at the top of the panel were located one-quarter of the panel height down from the top and one-quarter‘ the panel width in from each side. The bottom tilting bolts were positioned for tilting the panel directly int place or for the use of panel-placement rollers. "k Two or four-row, wheel-type tractors were used with a tilting frame to erect the panels. The largell; available farm tractor is recommended. The lowest gear should be used to‘ insure a slow, smooth and tilting operation. ' ,- E Panels cast on a concrete floor were moved into position by the use of panel rollers. These roll could not be used on an earth surface. Therefore, panels cast on a sand bed were tilted directly into position‘; Pilasters 7 inches wide and 8 inches long with two rods of 3/g-inch reinforcing steel were used to sup 3 5/8-inch panels carrying only a roofing load. One vertical edge of each panel, and all the 3/8-inch reinforcing steel which projected out of the panel, were wrapped with 4 mil polyethylene to prevent bonding of w? concrete when the pilasters were poured. This procedure provides a flexible joint for expansionan contraction when temperature changes occur. » q; Tilt-up construction requires no skilled labor. Two men can handle any phase of the work. For!!!’ materials can be reused for other purposes, after the completion of a tilt-up structure. - CQNTENTS Summary . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.‘-3 Strength of Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weight of Solid Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment for Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fill Tilting Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 4 Tilting Chain and Spreader Bar . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 _ Tilting Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . V . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Tilting Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Panel Placement Rollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Casting Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . Erecting Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l . ‘ Stabilizing the Wall Panels . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l5 Time,LaborandMaterialsRequired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Acknowledgments. . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concrete Tilt-up Construction 0n the Farm OTTO R. KUNZE and PRICE HOBGOOD* FARM SERVICE BUILDING should be durable and 10w in cost, have a long, useful life and still r flexible enough to accommodate the changes in m management, processing and storing as they e developed. a The walls of a ‘structure alone may constitute to 6O percent of the total building cost. There- re, if the cost of the walls could be reduced ap- eciably, the total cost of the structure could be ,'duced. Concrete wall panels have been developed hich can be cast by unskilled labor on the farm. t e panels provide a permanent wall which needs further protection from wind or weather. The lls are water-tight, termite-proof and present a problems in regards to rust, rot or mainten- ce. Concrete-panel buildings lend themselves to a inting and are worked easily into the color heme or pattern of other farm structures. PANEL SIZES Panels for tilt-up construction on the farm [ 1 limited in size to such dimensions and weights e x can be handled readily with farm equipment. 0 determine these sizes, 100 plans of implement a orage sheds, dairy barns and poultry houses a ere collected from 23 land-grant 1 i: roughout the United States. A thorough study cofleges these plans showed that most farm buildings these classifications could be constructed from x 8 or 8 x 10-foot panel modules with thick- esses of 4 to .6 inches. These panels are of con- a enient size to be tilted with the common wheel- " pe farm tractor. a espectively, associate professor and professor, Depart- .‘ ent of Agricultural Engineering. I» ABLE 1. PANEL SIZES AND WEIGHTS USING COMMON SAND AND GRAVEL AGGREGATE Size *5“ Cubic yards required _ 0" x 0'0" x 05/8" .75 2000 . 0" x 0'0" x 51/," 1.10 4400 A '0" x 10'0" x 0%" _ .00 0025 5 0" x 10'0" x 51/," 1.40 5500 a 0'0" x 10'0" x 0%" 1.15 4500 0'0" x 10'0" x 51/2" 1.70 6075 STRENGTH OF PANELS It was thought originally that solid panels 3-5/8 or 5-1/2 inches in thickness would be too heavy and difficult to handle with common farm equipment. Asa result, numerous thin section or web panels were cast with reinforced ribs. These light-weight panels were subjected to sim- ulated impact, wind and racking loads. Further tests were run with a testing frame capable of imposing a horizontal load on a vertical panel until failure occurred. Although the strength and durability of the web panels were satisfactory, construction of the panel forms was a tedious, costly and time-con- suming job. This was especially true when only materials which are commonly available on the. farm were used. This undesirable feature of the web panel forms caused simplicity to be set up as an objective in future research. More Work was done to develop the equip- ment necessary to handle solid panels having thicknesses of 3-5/8 and 5-1/2 inches. These are the common widths of finished 2 x 4 and 2 x 6- inch lumber as it is purchased on the market. It can be used without alteration for panel form construction. Solid 3-5/8-inch panels have sufficient strength for implement storage buildings, ani- mal shelters, dairy barns and poultry houses. WEIGHT OF SOLID PANELS Finished concrete with sand and gravel ag- gregate weighs approximately 150 pounds per cubic foot. The weights of panels most adapta- ble for use in farm building construction are shown in Table 1. ' ready for tilting. 3 EQUIPMENT F OR HANDLING Tilting Frame - A tilting frame is necessary to obtain the required leverage for erecting the Wall panels. It consists of four legs which are constructed from 1-1/2 and 2-inch pipe. Each leg is attached to a tilting bolt which must be placed in the panel before it is cast. The frame attached to a panel is shown in Figure 1. 4 5's: I b» _ gg- .-= _E'2_ FOUR I/z" 0mm. HOLES e" o.c. " ‘é/gyg" STRIP STEEL The four frame legs converge at a co point approximately 10 feet above the pane are connected by a 1/2-inch bolt. One of th A is extended 4 feet beyond the connection to; vide a handhold and additional leverage for ling the panels. The tilting cable extends ' the convergence point to produce a lever a a tilting. a f The two legs attached to the bottom out: panel should be at right angles with the y‘ [I-fir znx 6n _ 5,.» _ 4L0" “Y b \i k i D h '7 Y Y b I b, D5 .“.~. "f. .5." , ‘T111 1*. u} =7": - l N \ I J \\ \\\ \ \ \ \ _;\s\ v \\\ \>>\\\\\‘\\ ~: 0 5/8"x2"STRlPSTEEL \\ / 01.5 Fomm. AT OUTSIDE EDGE \\‘§\>\‘.\ ' a ‘ \\\§\v/ / u u “Qxf \ 4 X2 .‘\\_\\ u ? \\ F-"f 31ft: 6"BT / / N : ‘I %_—' fr} \‘/./ 7/8"HOLE I : P’ 1 L l _ p . y- 3‘. ¢_'-.'[4"t.j a,'_'.‘_v-':_§s>' #1: k -._-;_ ~61; ¢¢:;-:i:'.1|/2-_-::~ '9' b‘? 51,1} '6' Figure 2. Construction details for the tilting frame. ame legs to the bottom 0f the panel. f angle iron 3 x 3 x 4 inches and 1/2 inch thick p m of the panel. i nd 5 /8 inch thick is bent to the proper angle a nd Welded to the 2-inch pipe leg. A 3/4-inch Y ole reamed on the outside edge is drilled through t e metal strap attached to the pipe and also usually is adequate. it will tend to lift the rear end of the tractor and cause the wheels to spin. The approximate pull required for tilting an 8 ‘x 8-foot panel 3-5/8 i inches thick with the tilting frame is 2,000 , pounds. A ge of the panel. The tilting frame legs con- » ctingto the bottom of the panel can be kept in e same relative position to the panel, regardless i its size, by adjusting the length of the tilting A game legs which connect to the top ofthe panel. "This adjustment is possible through the use a a 1-1/2-inch pipe which inserts into a 2-inch 'pe. The length of the leg attaching to the top the panel is adjusted by aligning a single 1/2- ‘ ch hole in the 1-1/2-inch pipe with any of a umber of 1/2-inch holes which may be drilled the 2-inch pipe. By use of a 1/2-inch bolt, i ch leg can be secured at its desirable length. A-hinge arrangement is used to connect the A strip = fastened to the 3/ 4-inch tilting bolt at the bot- A metal strap 2 x 5 inches hrough the portion of the angle iron which pro- cts above the panel. A 3/4-inch bolt 2 inches ng can be used to complete the connection. A ketch of the construction is shown in Figure 2. \ The hinged connection permits the tilting rame to be attached to the panel while the frame lying on the ground. The frame can be raised to position and the remaining two legs can be ttached to the top panel bolts with a maximum f safety and a minimum of effort. - ilting Chain and Spreader Bar The tilting bolts in the top of the panel also ust hold the chain to which the tilting cable is g astened. The chain is attached after the tilting rame legs are in place. To keep from exerting nnecessary stresses in the concrete panel while g ilting, a spreader bar consisting of a wooden i x 4 with a length equal to the distance be- _ Ween the tilting bolts should be used. If two 6 penny nails are driven to within 1-1/2 inches l f their length into each end of the 2 x 4, the s xposed section of the nails can be inserted i hrough the links of the tilting chain and there- . i» hold the bar in place. A steel chain construc- > ted of 3 /8-inch material has sufficient strength for tilting the panels discussed in this report. ‘Tilting Cable The tilting cable should be sufficiently long to permit the farmjgractor to develop maximum traction. A 1/2-irichj diameter cable, 50 feet long, If a shorter cable is used, Figure 3. A steel roller used on concrete floors to transport the tilted panels into position. The tilting bolt in the bottom oi the panel is slipped into the slot on the mounting plate. Two rollers are required’ to move a panel. Tilting Power A two-row tractor has been used successfully for tilting 8 x 10-foot panels with a thickness of 3-5/8 inches. For 5-1/2-inch panels, a four-row tractor should be used. To obtain maximum smoothness in the tilting operation, the lowest gear available is recommended. This is import- ant where the panel is tilted directly into place. Sudden jerks in the tilting operation will cause the panel to slip and be out of position when the tilting operation is completed. If the needed trac- tion is not developed by the tractor itself, it may be necessary to use additional wheel weights or ballasts. A Panel Placement Rollers For some tilt-up construction, a concrete floor may be available on which the panels can be cast. In such a case, the panels may or may not be positioned while being cast so that they will tilt directly into place. If the panels are not tilted directly into place, some means of moving them into final position becomes necessary. Figures 3 and 4 show a picture and a sketch, respectively, of the additions made to a purchas- ed roller so that it could be used for this purpose. The roller itself had a capacity of 4,000 pounds and consisted of a 4-inch diameter wheel with a 4-inch bearing surface and a Hyatt type ‘ roller bearing. Other rollers with wheels 2-1/2 inches in diameter and face surfaces 2 inches wide, but without any type of bearings also were used successfully for moving 8 x 8-foot panels 3-5/8 inches thick. The larger rollers proved de- sirable because of their greater capacity and smaller resistance to rolling. A panel to be moved must first be tilted into a vertical position. With the tilting frame still attached, the tilting bolts in the bottom of the panel are loosened and driven back just far enough to slip the roller mounting plates behind the respective bolt heads. The rollers are then secured by tightening the nuts on the tilting bolts. 5 NOTE:Ul HLL£T' WELDS USED THROUGHOUT (2) ROLLER CAPACITY , 4000 LBS. |'/4"x9'/2" BLACK P|PE |" x n" BLACK PIPE 4 3V2" x 4" x 3/8" GUSSET PLATE 13/4" DIAMETER HOLE 3/4" x 8" THREADED ROD 2- V2" PLATES WELDED |" x as" PIPE a" x 4V2" x V; PLATE s." HEXAGONAL HEAD 5/8" PLATE I" m DIAM., COUNTERSUNK v4“ wum 3/4" en. WELD a GRIND SMOOTH Figure 4. Construction details for panel rollers used to transport tilted wall panels into position. The panel is raised clear of the floor by means 0f a jacking arrangement which consists of a 3 /4-inch threaded rod passing vertically through a nut which is welded t0 the roller frame. The lower end of the threaded rod presses against the vertical pipe section attached to the roller. A bolt head is welded to the top end of the threaded rod which, when turned, raises or lowers the roller frame and the attached panel. .A vertical adjustment of 2-1/2 inches is pro- vided to raise or lower the panel. This allows the panel to be set on a brick ledge below the floor level for ease in making a waterproof joint. A handle 18 inches long is provided on each roller to guide the direction in which the panel is to be moved. CASTING PROCEDURE Tilt-up construction, as every other type of construction, requires careful planning before the erecting work is started. The following dis- Figure 5. The implement shed complete with a solid deck root and asphalt shingles. 6 cussion gives the general procedure used for is erecting an implement shed and an animalshel-gf ter, and recommended improvements in procedu- ure resulting from the experience gained m5???‘ construction of these buildings. The dimensions of the shed were approximately 2O x 40 feet, and those for the animal shelter were approximately 20 x 60 feet. The completed implement shed is . shown in Figure 5. The animal shelter, after partial completion, is shown in Figure 6. The implement shed required ten panels 9 feet 4 inches x 8 feet in size and 3-5/8 inches thick. A two-panel opening was provided 0n the front of the structure to accommodate rolling doors. The animal shelter consisted of an addition to an existing building and was designed with an open front. Therefore, it was necessary to con- struct only the back and one end wall. Concrete posts were used to support the roof in front. The . eight panels cast for this structure were 9 feet 8 inches x 9 feet 3 inches and 3-5/8 inches thick. One panel had a 3-foot x 6-foot-8-inch opening for a door and three other panels had 20 x 30- inch window openings. Actual construction of the buildings began by an even spreading of the sand necessary for the casting beds over the building site. The bat- ter boards were set and the string lines were drawn at floor level to assist in establishing the elevation of the footings or foundation piers. One 8-inch footing hole was drilled for each, of the concrete posts across the front of the ani- _l Figure 6. The animal shelter after the walls had been d, the pilasters and posts poured, the lintels set and the ' plates attached. a j: shelter. TWo holes Were drilled adjacent t0 oh other for the pilaster footing along a Wall § a Wall end, and three holes Were used for the 1 ner pilaster foundations. All holes Were drill- to a depth of 30 inches. = the Wall or corner pilaster footings Were join- and made into a single oval or triangular hole removing the remaining materials between t - holes. In areas of sandy or sandy loam soils, for the construction of a building With 5-1/2- l h panels, it may be desirable to drill three 12- h holes for the Wall footings and five similar e holes for the corner foundations. The foot- l j; caps also should be extended to cover the f undation piers. Footing caps 6 inches thick and approxi- i ately 12 inches Wide Were provided for all pil- ’ Qfisciand posts. The lengths of the caps Were I inches for the concrete posts and 24 inches for it e pilasters. The footing cap forms Were held a place during placement of the concrete With The adjacent holes . 4o'- o" stakes driven next to them. Each form Was set to floor level. Each footing Was reinforced With tWo bars of 3,/8-inch reinforcing steel Which ex- tended the length of the footing and projected 18 inches above to provide ample room for fasten- ing the pilaster or concrete post reinforcing steel. The footings Were cast With a mix contain- ing five sacks of cement per cubic yard of con- crete. The top surface Was screeded, floated and given a final steel troWel finish to provide a uni- form bearing area for the Wall panels. The sand floors Were used for the panel cast- ing beds. All the panels could not be cast in one operation since both panels adjoining any corner required the same area for casting. Figure 7 illustrates the panel form layout for the side Walls in the implement shed, and Figure 8 shows the layout for the end panels after the side panels had been. tilted into place. The panel forms consisted of finished 2 x 4- inch lumber. The top and bottom forms Were placed first, since they Were utilized as supports for the screed Which Was used to level the sand. Figure 9 illustrates the screeding operation. The forms Were set in exact position for tilting the completed panels into place. the inside of the form at the bottom of the panels be set along the inside line of the finished Wall. Care Was taken to keep from making un- necessary and undesirable imprints on the casting bed after the screeding process Was completed. If a person accidentally stepped on the prepared l, - E4)" :1‘! 1L4" +210" aL 1'-a" _ 2'-o"_ ‘rte’ f 21o" _ 114" ilzzflo" f L I | T I %__ | O t; | is I) i I ‘L e14 j 14 s14 l ja 9-4 ,1 If" 9-4 ' w: in l‘ l 783-4 I 2 f? 5 N a J’. 9 4 l I TL. L; ‘e ""2 .'_ ,0 ‘m 3V K. '0 l l ‘l ' L TE! LJ _l__l ____J -—' . .. , _ 2-0‘ 1 11o" J 2-0" 1 sis" 41201 e16" law‘; "° =-° A 1 T ‘F I I l Figure 7. The panel form layout ior casting all of the side panels in the implement shed. This required that 2o'- |'/4" |s'- o" s .4‘ 3%?‘ SPACER BLOCK IL 8-0" all Figure 8. The panel iorm layout for the end panels as constructed for the implement shed after all of the side panels hail. " been tilted into place. sand bed, the resulting foot print appeared in the finished Wall. Any other imprint in the sand bed also appeared in the finished product. Following the screeding process, a 4 mil poly- ethylene sheet was placed over the casting bed to prevent water from seeping out of the concrete and to provide a smooth finish on the underside of the panel. The plastic sheeting was worked carefully through under the panel forms and cut with suf- ficient extra length to pull on for smoothing and anchoring the sheets. The side forms for the panels were set and spaced to provide adequate clearance between pan- els for the tilting process. A 3 /4-inch opening between the two outside edges of the side forms gave a total clearance of 4 inches between panels when the forms’ were removed. This distance Figure 9. A 2 x 4-inch piece of lumber being used as a screed to smooth the sand bed inside the forms. 8 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W PLACEMENT ornsmroacs mam ROD PROJECTION. NOTCH |s|%"oEEP SPACE COVERED DURING POURING AND FINISHING ALL FORMS ARE FINI$HED 2"): 4" TILTED PANEL SPACE COVERED DURING PDURING AND FINISHING ALL FORMS ARE FINISHED 2": 4" I \ mV/flfl/ \ ~. §\\\\\\\\\\\ C} proved to be adequate. The ;3/4-inch space to be covered during the casting operation t0 pret- vent its being filled with concrete. Failure to keep this space clear caused severe binding (lllrqtsif? ing removal of the forms after the panels been cast. For adjacent corner panels, the first section could be tilted into place without concern about The second panel, I however, required a clearance of 3 inches between . the inside edge of the tilted panel and the panel g clearance at the corner edge. being cast. Figures 10, 11 and 12 show the 3/8-inch re- inforcing steel which was used in a solid panel, . a panel with a window and a panel with a door opening, respectively. The dimensions represent the size of panel used in the animal shelter. _ All reinforcing steel in the solid panel was placed 1 inch above ground level and, consequent- ly, was in tension duringthe tilting operation. Two horizontal bars extended 1-1/2 inches be- yond the panel at either end to provide anchorage to the pilasters. The side forms were notched to accommodate these steel extensions and were placed with the openings facing down to facili- tate removal after the panels were cast. This reinforcing steel is the minimum amount with which a successful tilting operation was obtain- v I ed. Additional steel was desirable from a safety I standpoint. Consequently two 3/ 8-inch compres- sion bars and one tension bar were added and placed, as shown in Figure 11. L 3-0 ,1 F . llg-Ie a-a'o3s 10a woaa ,,| 00a "e/QZ l Figure l0. The minimum amount of steel which permitted “cessiul tilting of a solid panel for the animal shelter. Panels with window openings required a set reinforcing bars at points one-quarter of the 7' nel width from each vertical edge of the panel. e bars in each set were placed vertically above ch other and were located 1 inch and 2-5/8 ches, respectively, above ground level. A hori- ntal reinforcing bar extending exactly the width the panel was placed 3 inches from the top of e panel and 2-5 /8 inches above ground level to a rengthen the concrete beam above the window . ening. The remaining reinforcing steel was aced as in the solid panel previously described. a e Window form consisting of 2 x 4-inch lumber g as staked in place and a 3/8 x 6-inch bolt was __)e" ROD rmom TOP \ G I ‘Q +4 + m la" ROD u" FROM an} ' IL w EC.A"A || Sgl ll g= "8 Q! ._ H g | \\ , : - I ‘t l |\ I o: I l i '1} °°. i ' ' 3 B5 A ' | mo _ H! 2 - ‘P-Fr: * x F»! i | U‘: i’ g i l g °°= i | I U! O | I l "o | 1 I I ‘ 2"" L *1 I l l /i r l l // x | l / I l I / I \ |/ / I I \| t V‘ ‘ m t Figure Placement of 3/g-inch steel in a panel with a window opening. 3/8“ ROD I"FROI\_A To|=> o, 4 I -|> 4+ 7T’ II .1. I I U‘ X ll ‘ a: l la RODI FROM BOT. i sec A-A 5 u 9|_8u q/g" 1% ‘ | _ J G 4t a“ é‘ :0- m’ w 8 3 (Q m1 1 i» -° 3 3 = m d» 2 2 3 3 H f +4 _]_ - Figure 12. Location of steel reinforcing rods in a concrete wall panel containing a door opening. inserted in each side to secure the form to the concrete panel. The panel containing the door was reinforced. l with three sets of bars running horizontally. These sets were placed at the same elevations as in the panel with the window opening. The same steel extensions as previously described were used to anchor the panel to the pilasters. Two sets of 3 s/8-inch steel bars also were placed in the panel 3 inches from each vertical edge of the door opening. The steel was placed at the same elevation as the horizontal bars. The re- maining reinforcing bars were placed as in the panels previously described. The door form, con- sisting of 2 x 4-inch material, was staked in place and bolts 1/2 x 6 inches were used to secure it to the concrete panel. The shanks of the 3 /4 x 6-inch tilting bolts were wrapped with several layers of brown wrap- ping paper and positioned in the panel, as shown in Figure 13. Wrapping of the bolts permits their easy removal after the panels are tilted into place. If the panel is cast on a concrete floor with the thought of using panel rollers to move it ' into position, the lower tilting bolts should be tied to the diagonal bars a distance of 9-1/2 inches from the bottom edge of the panel. Panels with door openings may or may not permit the tilting bolts at the top of the panel to be placed, as shown in Figure 13. If the bolts cannot be installed as recommended, they should be placed an equal distance in from the panel sides and along the set of horizontal reinforcing barsimmediately above the door opening. Holes were drilled in the form for the top of the panels and 1/2 x 8-inch bolts were inserted on 39-inch centers for securing the topyplate to the finished ‘Wall. The same 2 x 4-inch lumber 9 w l ‘VH ~1~ xT i» I 3 .. ‘wg /4 sous b,’ l | I I\ /' l l | \ ’ \ / W: f ‘”\% K 1;\% l _1_ 7 NOTES ALL TILTING BOLTS TIED TO STEEL REINFORCEMENT | %3/4" BQLTS-‘xx \ -» -------------------- --sq -_. Figure 13. The recommended location of the tilting bolts in a wall panel to be tilted directly into place. The illustra- tion shows steel intersections as they occurred in the panels. used for the form was used later for the top plate of the erected Walls. Any additional bolt holes or openings requir- ed in the completed wall had to be provided at this time. In the animal shelter, two rows of 1/2-inch holes, 18 inches on center, were provided on the entire length of the back wall to attach a feed rack. One row was 22 inches above the floor and the other was 32 inches. Wooden dowels wrapped in paper were driven into the concrete panels prior to finishing to provide these open- ings. Figure 14 shows the wall in final position with some of the dowels still in place. The panels were cast with a mix of five sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete. The mix- ture was rodded thoroughlyand carefully. Pre- Figure 14. The rear wall of the animal shelter with l/g-inch holes provided for the attachment oi a feed rack. l0 cautionswere taken to insure a smooth bot surface on each panel. The top surfaces f screeded, hand floated and given a final bra’ finish. The tilting, top plate, window and door fra? bolts were checked during the casting and f ishing of the respective panels to insure thatt , were in proper position. Thepanels were allo f to cure for 3 days before being tilted. Attem‘ to cure the panels for shorter periods were pi tially successful, but are not recommended. ERECTIN G PROCEDURE The forms surrounding the panels had to removed before tilting could take place. The forms, if left in place, interfered with the steellit projecting out of the foundation footings. The; top and bottom panel forms in some cases were continuous from one panel to the next, and also had to be removed. To attach the tilting frame to a panel, two. legs of the frame were connected to the lower... tilting bolts. The frame then was erected into-Q vertical position as shown in Figure 15. The f other two legs were attached to the top tilting I bolts by a slotted shoe at the end of each leg. conection similar to the one used on the lower» tilting bolts also may be used. The tilting chain was attached to these same? bolts and the spreader bar was hooked into this‘ ‘ tilting chain. The tilting cable was attached to, the chain and then placed. over the intersectiony of the legs at the top of the tilting frame to , vide a lever arm for tilting the panel. A sawii‘;;f; horse was placed in front of the panel to stop the‘? tilting frame as the panel came into the vertical; position. l A slow, steady pull was required to tilt the , panels. Figure 16 shows a panel being tilted into ‘ place. A jerking motion would cause the panel to slip out of position. A ' After tilting, the cable remained connected, until the panel was plumbed and braced with. 2 x 4-inch lumber 16 feet long. Two braces per. panel were used successfully, but three braces proved to be more desirable. Figure 17 shows this portion of the procedure. The braces were nailed to 2 X 4-inch stakes which had been driven. into the ground. One end of a light gage metal strap was nailed to the upper end of each brace: and the other end with a 5/8-inch hole was slip- . ped over a top plate bolt to secure the brace to the panel. N uts. were placed on the bolts. After 7 the tilting frame was removed, the metal straps were wired to the lower tilting bolts to make the panel more secure. » a STABILIZING THE WALL PANELS The panels were plumbed and aligned with each other before they were stabilized. The re-e Figure 15. Left—The tilting frame being erected after two legs of the frame had been attached to the tilting bolts along bottom edge of the panel. _ Figure l6. re encountered necessitated the installation of a bar. Figure 17. Right-The wall panel, after tilting, was plu i forcing steel projecting into the pilasters was apped with 4 mil polyethylene to prevent bond- “g, and thus allowed for expansion and contrac- on of the wall panel. This procedure proved (tisfactory, but some bond still developed be- een the panel wall and the pilaster. To insure expansion joint, one vertical edge of every nel should be wrapped with polyethylene before e forms are set and the pilasters are cast. . Two bars of reinforcing steel were placed d tied into each of the pilasters along the wall ctions and in the posts in front of the animal elter. The pilaster forms were built of ply- ood and are sketched in Figures 18,. 19 and 20. en gage aluminum wire was used at 12-inch in- rvals for tying the pilaster forms into place. Forms for the 6 x 6-inch concrete posts in ont of the animal shelter were built out of 1 x 8 nd 1 x 6-inch material. Notches were provided t the tops of the posts for setting lintels, which nsisted of ‘two beams of 2 x 10-inch lumber ailed together. The lintels supported the top ate. a F0OTlNG5||-** "WI . —~A 7i C " P , / //rr/.