JDALLAI bcllwr-uarollo oonunwurscm» v9‘ ‘ ' ‘ unnn ma: unan- noun nun-nu. I 0V0 t! "L! 1 jg" gmi n“! IL IQTL GI _ ' “. t.“ -,_pg|ocucnowmucns nuns unuuvwlllflll nou- u,“ ""'°°" nuns "Mm. 1g”! “II BARZA III? , “L; xlTi ~ » ~.._--==-. “J w anus onwson mom scum PM" ""5 m‘, ' mm nouns mama norm uvcugu‘. noun nvwn mum: IISYLAN 2 4 I MAW ""1 can: l I W _ mnutl. (G16! _ mourn Co“ U“ - _ . _ \. A. w" m ~ w» LT‘ ~ ‘f \\r4......, #3“ ‘ vault»! 1mm Ii? DIIIS mam-o I 0'11"" \ CORN TEST LOCATIONS AREA! AREA u AREA m AREA |v AREA v LAngleion 6.Nocogdoches llflolleflsville l6.Hillsboro 2LBeeville ZPwirie View 7-Tyler I2.Lockhort llwaxohocfie 2250a Antonio i“? *3" 3.Clevelond 8.Mt. Pleasant llflronham l8.Gorland 23Lcmposos r“ “hum” 4.Colleqc Sta. SSuIphur Spqa l4.HolIond l9.6reenville 24Stephenville g sxarbyyanu lflqorksvilb 51mph 20mm» % zacmmom m \ (‘k-‘JLP - A A ¢ fluyu/il‘ I957 w. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS, DIRECTOR, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS DIGEST c" Corn hybrids were planted 0n 81 percent of the Texas corn acreage in 1956. Most 0f this acreage was devoted to hybrids developed and released by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. The, hybrids usually outyield open-pollinated varieties by 20 t0 40 percent. .. Annual Texas corn production is almost 35,000,000 bushels produced on approximately 2,000,000? acres. The low average yield of 17 bushels per acre is caused by insufficient moisture, high tempera- tures and hot dry winds which are encountered frequently in Texas from the middlaof June on throug 1 the summer. Corn should be planted to tassel early in June to escape partially the. effect of these en- vironmental factors which restrict yields. _ ‘ Cultural and management practices which supply the high moisture and fertility requirements of corn are essential for good production. General recommendations for these important practices ar summarized in Table 1. Adherence to these recommended practices by corn growers throughout flue State should result in at least a doubling of the average yield per acre. i ' Corn performance tests are conducted throughout the corn-growing region of Texas each year ti provide growers with information to be used as a basis for selecting the hybrids best suited to th various soil and climatic conditions in Texas. This bulletin contains information on hybrid and va- riety performance for the 3-year period, 1954-56, at 23 locations over the State. Texas has been di vided into five areas for testing purposes. These areas, with the test locations in each, are shown o‘ the front cover. A Information on yield and other characteristics of the hybrids and varieties is presented in tabul i form as 3-year averages for each location and each area. In addition, the 1956 results for three tes 1, in the Lower Rio Grande Valley are included. . Fourteen hybrids and varieties were tested at all locations for the 3-year period, 1954-56, and hybrids and varieties were tested at all locations for the 6-year period. 1951-56. Texas 28 was th highest yielding hybrid for both the 3 and the 6-year period. I During the 3-year period, 1954-56, four yellow hybrids, Texas 32, 34, 36 and 38, and a white h brid, Texas 17W, were developed and released by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. The newer hybrids are better adapted for specific conditions than the older hybrids. Considering both yield and other desirable characters, seven yellow and two white hybrids a f" recommended for corn production in Texas. A brief description is given of these hybrids with the’ areas of adaptation. ' TABLE 1. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS BY SOIL AREAS FOR CORN PRODUCTION IN TEXAS spacing, Fertilizer Side- Soil areas Plggtirsxq plglagttlse 226:2‘: plagting drefiing Soiléiglficéiing Hybrids time‘ nitrogenz y East Texas Timber Country Mar. 5-30 6.500-9,000 18-24 Hairy vetch. Single- 30. 28, 26. 32, Loams and sandy loams 30-60-30 60 tary peas. Austrian 101W. 17W Sandy soils 30-60-60 60 Winter peas, lespedeza 1 Gulf Coast Prairie Mar. 15- 9.000 18 Melilotus indica, 34, 30, 28, 101‘ Blackland Apr. 15 40-40-0 40 Hubam. Madrid and ; Loams and sandy loams 40-40-20 60 Floranna sweetclovers _ Blackland Prairie Mar. 1-20 6,500-9,000 18-24 Hubam. Madrid and 28. 36, 26. 30 Blackland 40-40-0 30 Evergreen sweetclovers 17W, 101W Mixed land 40-40-20 30 Grand Prairie Mar. 1-20 6.500 24 Hubam. Madrid and 28, 36, 38 Blackland 40-40-0 30 Evergreen sweetclovers 17W Mixed land 40-40-20 30 West Cross Timbers Mar. 15-30 6,500 24 15-30-15 30 Hairy vetch. Hubam and 28, 36, 38 ' _ Madrid sweetclovers 17W Rio Grande Plain Feb. 15- 6.500 24 Hubam. Floranna and 36, 28. 17W Blackland Mar. 1 g 20-0-0 30 Melilotus indica A Sands and sandy loams 20-40-0 30 sweetclovers Lower Rio Grande Valley Feb. 1- 13,000-16,000 12 Hubam and Melilotus 30, 32 and Winter Garden dist. Mar. 1 indica sweetclovers (under irrigation) Clays and loams 40-40-0 90 . Sands and sandy loams 40-80-0 90 Rolling Plains Mar. 25- 6.500 24 Alfalfa. hairy vetch, 38. 36. 28 Clay loams Apr. 10 20-20-0 30 Hubam and Madrid Sands and sandy loams 30-30-0 30 sweetclovers High Plains (irrigated) Apr. 10- 9.000-12,000 18 Alfalfa. hairy vetch 28, 30. 36 Clay loams May 1 30-0-0 60 and sweetclovers Sands and sandy loams 30-30-0 60 ‘Shown as pounds per acre of nitrogen (N), phosphoric acid (P205) and potash (K20), respectively. “Shown as pounds per acre of nitrogen (N). ' Com fly/arid: for Texas A. J. BOCKHOLT, J. S. ROGERS and J. W. COLLlERi‘ ORN HYBRIDS have largely replaced open-pollina- ted varieties in Texas since 1940. It is esti- mated that 81 percent of the corn acreage of the State in 1956 was planted to hybrids. Most of this acreage was devoted. to corn hybrids de- veloped and released by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. These hybrids usually out- yield the open-pollinated varieties by 20 to 40 percent. Corn hybrid acreages, total corn acreages and average yields per acre from 1941 through 1956 are shown in Table 2. An increase in the average yield, as a result of the increase in acreage planted to corn hybrids, is not readily apparent from these data. With the exception of several very poor . corn years, however, the average yield per acre has increased as a result of the widespread use of improved corn hybrids. More favorable grow- ing seasons will provide better evidence of the ability of these hybrids to increase corn produc- - tion in Texas. 1, Corn is one of the more important field crops i. grown in Texas. Along with grain sorghum, it furnishes the major portion of feed grain pro- duced in the State. q - Annual Texas corn production is about 35,000,- ;- 000 bushels. This amount fluctuates as a result ‘Respectively, instructor, head and associate agronomist, » Department of Agronomy. AGE. PERCENTAGE OF ACREAGE PLANTED TO CORN HYBRIDS AND AVERAGE YIELD OF CORN IN TEXAS. 1941-56‘ Percenta e Avetage Harvested Hybrid g yield. acreage acreage plantqd to bushels hybrids per acre 4.546.000 31.820 0.7 15.0 4.910.000 58.920 1.2 14.5 4.714.000 70,710 1.5 16.0 3.960.000 118.800 3.0 14.4 3.394.000 509.000 15.0 16.0 3.156.000 726.000 23.0 17.0 2.809.000 997.000 35.5 16.5 2.584.000 1.305.000 50.5 16.5 2.426.000 1.237.000 51.0 22.5 2.959.000 1.687.000 57.0 21.0 2.249.000 3, 1.451.000 64.5 18.5 2.174.000 I 1.554.000 71.5 18.5 1.942.000 " 1.447.000 74.5 16.5 1.967.000 1.426.000 72.5 16.0 2.083.000 1.521.000 73.0 23.5 1.958.000 1.586.000 81.0 13.5 erage 2.989.000 " 17.2 - a irom Agricultural Marketing Service. U. S. Department Agriculture. TABLE 2. TOTAL CORN ACREAGE. CORN HYBRID ACRE-v of variable weather conditions and changing acre- ages. Most of the production is confined to the central and eastern parts of the State where moisture conditions are relatively favorable for corn porduction. Some corn is grown in certain parts of West Texas, but limited rainfall during the growing season in these areas makes corn production hazardous. Corn also is grown on a small portion of the irrigated acreage of the State. Most of the corn crop is fed on the farm where it is produced. In recent years, however, 25 to 40 percent of the production has been entering com- mercial channels. About 2.5 percent of the total Texas corn acreage is harvested as silage and about 1 percent of the annual corn crop is used for human consumption. There has been a marked decline in total corn A acreage in Texas in recent years primarily as a result of expanded sorghum acreages. In recent years, the corn acreage has become stabilized at around 2,000,000 acres annually. This trend, as well as the corn hybrid acreage and average per- acre yield during 1940-56, are shown in Figure 1. CONTENTS Digest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Production Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Performance Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Description oi Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Discussion of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Area I—Southeastem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Area 1I—Northeastem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Area III-South-central . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Area IV—-North-central . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Area V—Westem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Lower Rio Grande Valley . _ . . . . . . .10 Recommended Hybrids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Texas 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Texas 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Texas 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Texas 32 . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Texas 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Texas 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Texas 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Texas 17W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Asgrow 101W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 During this period, the annual harvested corn acreage dropped from slightly under 5,000,000 to a low 0f less than 2,000,000 in 1956. With the advent of sorghum hybrids, future corn acreages will depend primarily on the relative value of sorghum. Although a large acreage is planted to corn each year, the total Texas production is limited by the low average yield. The average yield during 1941-56 was only 17.2 bushels per acre. A short- age of moisture during ‘the latter part of the growing season is a major cause of low yield. This limiting effect of insufficient moisture can be re- duced through the proper use of fertilizers and soil-improving crops, and the planting of adapted hybrids. PRODUCTION PRACTICES Corn grows rapidly and uses a large amount of water and fertilizer elements from the soil in a short time. During its period of rapid growth, corn requires more water per acre than any other field crop. The high requirement for water and plant food elements by corn is because of the large amount of plant material per acre that corn produces. For good corn production, cultural and management practices should be fol- lowed that will supply these high requirements. Wider use of such practices and the planting of adapted hybrids should do much to increase corn yields in Texas. General recommendations by soil areas for corn production 1n Texas are given 1n Table 1. 5 VThe" individual farmer should adjust these re- commendations to fit his particular situation. The primary factors limiting corn production in Texas are a shortage of moisture, high maxi- v mum temperatures, hot dry winds and low soil ~ ’ fertility. Low moisture and high temperatures ‘ seriously limit corn production, when they occur . during the most critical period: in the life of the I corn plant, which is approximately 10 days before until 20 days after tasseling. Pollination , and development of the ear and grain take place during this period. In Texas, this critical periqd usually occurs during June and early July. ‘ 1 Unfavorable environmental factors usually be- ' come serious limiting factors for most of Texas v around the middle of June. Therefore, farmers should adopt practices which would bring their i corn into tassel around June 1. This can be done ‘ by planting adapted hybrids at the dates recom; mended in Table 1. When planting is delayed, or . if it is necessary to replant, hybrids with earlier , maturity should be used. i The low fertility or low-moisture holding capacity of many soils frequently limit corn yields in Texas. Nitrogen and, less frequently, phos- phorus and potash applications are required to provide adequate fertility in many areas, Table 1. Recommended soil-improving crops may be used to improve the physical condition and, therefore,» the moisture-holding capacity of many soils. ‘ The limiting effect of insufficient moisture also can be reduced through good cultural practices and by using the optimum number of / HARVESTED CORN ACREAGE / \._ BUSHELS PER ACRE \_ CORN HYBRID ACREAGE — — — - - '\. 4 X (D \" s '\ < 3‘ '\ Ll. O (2) . Q 2" _J A 2 | 4 X // X z’ / / ._....._._—-0-~""i/ 1940 1942 |944 1946 |e4s |9'5o |952 I954 Figure 1. Harvested corn acreage, corn hybrid acreage and average yield per acre in Texas. 1940-56. 1956 f. plants per acre. In areas where shortage 3 moisture at planting time is a problem, early i, paration of the seedbed usually insures enough il moisture for germination and early seedling lwth. Weeds should be controlled by cultivation ikeep them from competing with the corn plants 1.1 nutrients and soil moisture. Shallow cultiva- ins after the seedling stage are recommended, ce deep cultivations destroy or injure many "ts and weaken the corn plant, thereby reduc- yields. The optimum number of corn plants per acre, stand, is largely a problem for the individual wer. The primary factors governing the plant- i“. rate are fertility of the soil, the rainfall and capacity of the soil to store and hold moisture. nerally plant spacings of about 24 inches in the f~ (6,500 to 7,000 plants per acre) are best in areas, and for light sandy soils or soils with Ilium to low fertility. On highly fertile sandy ,_ sandy loam soils, and on heavier soils with ? ly high fertility, spacings of about 18 inches i the row (8,500 to 9,000 plants per acre) are ommended. Under irrigation, spacings of 12 59 inches in the row (12,000 to 16,000 plants acre) are required for maximum yields. Corn performance tests are conducted each year at a number of locations in the State to determine which hybrids should be recommended for a particular area. affords an opportunity for comparing new hy- brid combinations with those now grown through- out the State. New hybrids are released after results from the tests have proved them superior to present hybrids. Yields based on results of 3 or more years’ tests are considerably more reliable than those for 1 year, and furnish satisfactory information PERFORMANCE TESTS This testing progra on which to predict future performance. This bulletin contains information on the per- formance of hybrids for the 3-year period, 1954- 56, at 23 locations throughout the State. A sum- mary for the 6-year period, 1951-56, on yield and other characteristics also is presented. Texas has been divided into five areas for testing purposes. These areas, with the test lo- cations in each, are shown on the front cover. An-- Description oi Tests m also TABLE 3. SOIL TYPES AND METEOROLOGICAL DATA OF LOCATIONS AT WHICH TESTS WERE CONDUCTED Rainfall Length oi growing season I Inches ' Average date ' and. Soil type Years - - - Jqgquqn Years of Aver“ e Average tor Average Last kill- First k111- " record annual growing days ing frost ing frost season‘ 1' °¢°rd in spring in fall AREA I Lake Charles clay 43 48.03 19.27 42 276 Feb. 26 Nov. 29 Hockley fine sandy loam 52 51.15 22.26 53 261 Mar. 7 Nov. 23 Hockley fine sandy loam 54 40.45 17.79 Miller clay 10 38.39 17.15 63 259 Mar. 9 Nov. 23 Bowie fine sandy loam 27 53.84 23.64 27 242 Mar. 16 Nov. 13 AREA II Nacogdoches and Bowie . fine sandy loam 57 47.02 21.48 56 246 Mar. 17 Nov. 18 Kirvin and Bowie fine sandy loam 48 41.80 20.41 46 245 Mar. 18 Nov. 18 Kirvin tine sandy loam 40 43.87 20.18 40 228 Mar. 25 Nov 8 Crockett tine sandy loam 42 39.62 19.59 30 245 Mar. 17 Nov. 13 Norwood clay loam 62 47.92 23.34 53 241 Mar. 19 Nov. 15 AREA HI Houston Black clay 63 32.83 15.86 63 268 Mar. 3 Nov. 26 ' Houston Black clay 72 39.90 17.35 72 260 Mar. 2 Nov. 17 Austin clay 60 32.66 15.81 54 257 Mar. 10 Nov. 22 Austin clay and Houston 73 34.43 16.35 65 251 Mar. 16 Nov. 22 Black clay _ AREA IV - , Y» ro Houston Black clay 52 36.91 18.15 52 251 Mar. 16 Nov. 22 - achie Lewisville clay 59 35.05 17.44 46 232 Mar. 25 Nov. 12 1 _ '11 Denton and San Saba clays 42 33.34 16.10 42 - 228 Mar. 27 Nov. 10 d Houston Black clay 39 34.42 17.07 57 250 Mar. 18 Nov. 23 .. yin, Hum day 56 40.18 19.81 55 234 Mar. 23 Nov. 12 E 1 1.4 AREA V ‘1 g Clareville clay loam 61 30.23 14.20 59 287 Feb. 19 Dec. 3 3 tonio Frio clay loam 83 27.18 12.86 72 279 Feb. 24 Nov. 30 onville Windthorst and Stephenville tine sandy loam 20 30.32 13.87 20 236 Mar. 23 Nov. 14 othe Abilene loam 51 25.12 12.76 50 230 Mar. 22 Nov. 7 co Willacy fine sandy loam 32 24.39 10.81 30 329 Ian. 24 Dec. 19 through Iuly. attempt was made to include five test locations in each area. The division of the State in this manner affords an opportunity to determine any differences in adaptation to moisture levels or latitudes that may exist among the corn hybrids and varieties tested. The five areas and test locations in each are shown with the soil type and meteorological data for each location in Table 3. Most of the tests were conducted at substations, but some were grown with cooperating farmers. During this 3-year period, a total of 72 tests were planted with results being obtained from only 45 because of unfavorable climatic conditions. Each test contained 25 entries. They were selected from Texas hybrids developed by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station which are now grown by farmers, commercial hybrids devel- oped by commercial seed companies, experimental hybrids developed by the Texas Station and open- pollinated varieties. Of the 25 entries, 14 were tested at all loca- tions during 1954-56, while at least 15 were kept constant within each area for this same period. Ten were tested during the 6-year period, 1951- 56. The remaining entries, which were primarily experimental hybrids, varied with areas and years and are not included in this report. Data are presented for all entries which were tested at all locations in an area for the entire 3-year period. ‘All tests were designed as 5 x 5 triple lattices with six replications, but were analyzed as » randomized blocks since little efficiency was gain- a ed from the triple lattice analysis. A combined analysis was made for each loca- V. tion of the entries which were constant for the j 3-year period. Average yields. of the individual a entries in each test, rather=than the individual i plot yields, were used in making these combined ’ analyses. Standard errors were computed from , the interaction of hybrids x years, and the dif- , ference required for significance is reported for ’ each location. A combined analysis also was made 1 for each area, and the differences between hy- f brids were tested for significance by the within- a hybrid variance. The differences required for significance for both areas and individual loca- a tions are shown in Tables 6 through 10. The dif- . ference in yield between any two entries must , equal or exceed the amount shown at the bottom ‘a of each column to give odds of 19 to 1 that such difference is real and not due to chance. Discussion oi Results Weather conditions were extremely unfavor- able for corn production during 2 of the 3 tests years covered in this report. Insufficient mois- ture severely reduced corn yields in 1954 and 1956 j when the statewide average yields per acre Werej 16.0 and 13.5 bushels, respectively, Table 2. In j_ TABLE 4. PERFORMANCE DATA ON YIELD AND OTHER CHARACTERS . Acre yield. Root Stalk Unsound Worm dam- . ,, Days to Ears per ‘ Emu” bushels lodging. ‘Y, breakage. ‘Y, ears. ‘Z, age score‘ shelling‘ /" silk plant A 3-YEAR AVERAGE. 1954-56 Texas 28 44.3 9.9 11.7 9.3 2.6 81.1 76.1 1.2 a " Texas 26 44.1 10.2 12.7 9.0 2.8 80.9 75.4 1.2 ’ Texas 32 43.9 8.4 12.4 9.9 3.1 82.1 76.2 1.2 _ Texas 30 42.5 6.9 9.9 7.6 2.2 80.9 76.3 1.0 A Texas 15W 41.3 _ 6.1 7.5 8.5 3.0 80.2 77.1 1.1 A Texas 17W 40.1 6.1 7.7 7.5 2.5 79.0 73.8 1.1 ‘t Asgrow 101W 40.0 5.3 11.3 5.6 2.2 80.7 77.8 1.3 . United U72 38.1 4.8 11.4 8.8 2.5 82.1 74.7 1.1 » Keystone 222 37.5 6.2 17.5 10.9 3.1 81.4 76.9 1.1 i Funk G711 37.4 4.7 23.2 11.6 2.9 79.9 78.0 1.0 '- DeKa1b 1002 37.0 4.8 12.1 15.0 3.0 78.8 74.7 1.0 TRF 3 35.6 6.3 8.2 9.9 2.7 77.0 74.0 1.0 A Surcropper 31.2 10.1 13.0 13.1 2.7 78.6 78.7 .9 Ferguson's Yellow Dent 29.2 16.9 19.3 16.7 2.8 79.8 79.2 .9 Number of tests included 45 38 40 43 43 15 12 41 l B-YEAR AVERAGE. 1951-56 a Texas 28 44.4 12.6 10.2 8.5 2.6 80.8 80.8 1.1 ' Texas 26 43.7 12.3 11.3 7.9 2.7 80.5 80.4 1.1 i Texas 30 42.8 8.9 9.1 7.1 2.2 80.6 81.2 1.0 ' Texas 15W 41.1 7.7 6.7 8.3 2.8 79.7 81.9 1.1 A United U72 38.8 9.0 11.5 8.1 2.6 81.8 80.8 1.0 , Keystone 222 38.5 8.0 17.6 9.6 3.0 80.9 81.0 1.1 i Funk G711 37.6 7.5 20.3 10.0 2.8 79.5 82.4 1.0 . TRF 3 37.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 2.6 77.3 78.8 1.0 t Surcropper 32.3 12.9 13.1 11.9 2.6 . 78.0 82.3 .9 Ferguson's Yellow Dent 28.8 16.8 16.9 15.3 2.7 - 78.8 83.1 .8 Number of tests included 101 84 84 95 96 35 34 90 ‘Refers to the relative degree of damage to the ears: 1 indicates practically no damage; 2.3.4 and 5 represent successivel » greater degrees of damage. 6 1955, below freezing temperatures during the last iweek in March greatly reduced or destroyed the stands 0f much of the corn acreage. However, weather conditions during the remainder of the season were extremely favorable, and the state- ' wide average yield of 23.5‘ bushels per acre was lithe highest since 1908. v Table 4 emphasizes the difference among the jhybrids and varieties tested in characteristics other than yield. Data are included on 14 hybrids land varieties tested at all locations during the >3-year period, 1954-56, and on 10 hybrids and varieties tested at all locations during the 6-year i period, 1951-56. Funk G711 was superior to all iother hybrids in freedom from root lodging for jthe 3 and 6-year periods, but it was the most susceptible to stalk breakage. Among the white hybrids, Asgrow 101W and Texas 15W were superior in resistance to root lodging. Texas 30 fled all yellow hybrids in resistance to stalk break- iage and Texas 15W was the most resistant white hybrid. Growers who plan to harvest their fields with mechanical pickers should be especially interested in the amount of stalk breakage that occurs, since ' "w on broken stalks frequently are missed by a i. echanical harvester. Resistance to root lodging §~ not as important from this standpoint, since J echanical harvesters usually recover a high per- ‘ntage of root-lodged plants. Of the hybrids tested at all locations, Texas -0 was the most resistant yellow hybrid to ear- iorms and ear-rot organisms. Asgrow 101W was i e most resistant white hybrid during the 3-year ’ riod. ‘l Texas 32 and United U72 had the highest l elling percentage of the hybrids studied, and F 3 had the lowest. Using number of days om planting to silking as an index of maturity, exas 17W and TRF 3 were the earliest hybrids. A the yellow hybrids tested at all locations, nited U72 and Texas 26 were the earliest. All ybrids included in the tests had an average of 0 to 1.3 ears per plant; the two open-pollinated rieties included in all tests had an average of i8 and 0.9 ear per plant. For the 3-year period, grow 101W was the most prolific hybrid, and exas 28, 26 and 32 were the most prolific among l yellow hybrids. 5. COMPARATIVE VALUES OF AGRONOMIC CHAR- ACTERS. 1954-56 * , - o Worm M .es bdgmg- A» Unsougad damage Root sun. em- /. 5cm. xas 2a 19.0 19.9 12.9 2.9 , as so 9.0 10.2 9.9 2.9 i as 34 8.2 11.8 6.8 2.0 ers to the relative degree of damage to the ears; l indi- es practically no damage: 2.3.4 and 5 represent success- 1 1y greater degrees oi damage. TABLE 6. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST. AREA I. 1954-56 Bushels of shelled corn per acre Entries Angle- Cleve- Prairie College Kirby- Aver- ton land‘ View Station’ ville” age Texas 28 48.6 40.9 57.9 71.8 42.6 53.6 Texas 34 51.0 51.8 52.8 62.8 44.1 52.4 Texas 26 44.0 55.4 58.7 66.4 37.0 51.8 Texas 30 47.6 44.0 56.2 62.4 43.4 51.5 Texas 32 45.2 47.9 57.3 65.8 37.8 51.1 Texas 15W 44.5 50.7 52.0 68.0 41.2 50.8 Asgrow 101W 48.0 44.4 52.6 61.0 30.4 48.1 Texas 17W 44.4 42.8 47.3 57.3 36.9 46.0 Funk G711 39.1 37.1 53.8 60.5 33.4 45.7 Keystone 222 38.5 43.2 50.0 55.3 36.3 44.7 DeKalb 1002 39.4 32.1 47.9 63.1 26.8 43.1 United U72 42.0 37.1 48.5 51.6 30.0 42.9 TRF 3 41.6 38.2 38.9 40.5 30.6 38.4 Surcropper 37.9 ‘ 35.3 32.4 50.2 27.7 36.6 Ferguson's Yellow Dent 26.8 33.7 32.1 50.4 29.0 33.6 Tuxpan 19.1 25.7 35.4 44.6 16.8 28.3 Average yield 41.1 41.3 48.4 58.2 34.0 44.9 Least signifi- cant differ- ence. 19 to 1 8.2 12.6 11.6 11.1 8.0 4.9 ‘One-year average. ’Two-year average. The locations of the various corn tests are shown on the front cover. Yields of the per- formance tests at the various locations are pre- sented by test areas in Tables 6 through 10. A brief discussion of the climate, soils and recom- mended cultural practices is given for each area. Detailed annual results for each location are not included. The 3-year average for each location is shown, except at locations where only 1 or 2 years data are available. The average acre yields for the different areas ranged from 29 to 47 bushels. Texas 28 was the highest yielding entry for the 3-year and the 6-year periods. The high- est yielding white hybrid was Texas 15W. Only those hybrids and varieties are reported on which data are available for the entire 3-year period. Hybrids are recommended, in order of pre- ference, for each area. A description and con- ditions under which the recommended hybrids generally will perform best are presented in a later section. Area I-Southeastem This area is that part of South Texas east of the 40-inch rainfall line. Corn production is concentrated in the bottoms of the Trinity River and other streams, and on the well-drained sandy soils of the Coastal Prairie. Although this area has early, warm spring weather, most corn is planted in March and April because of heavy early rains. Poor stands and reduced yields often occur as a result of too much moisture early in the season. The soils used for corn production benefit from both soil-im- proving legumes, such as vetch and Austrian Winter peas, and summer legumes, such as cow- peas, can be used successfully. A complete fer- tilizer is recommended at or before planting, 7 TABLE 7. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST. AREA II. 1954-56 Bushels of shelled corn per acre Entries Nacog- Mount Sulphur C1arks- Aver- doches Tyler Plea?‘ Springs‘ ville‘ age ant Texas 32 45.6 34.2 38.7 18.8 72.7 42.1 Texas 26 40.9 37.7 37.7 23.3 75.3 41.3 Texas 28 36.5 35.3 32.8 21.6 78.3 38.6 Texas 30 39.7 29.9 39.9 19.7 77.7 38.4 Texas 15W 39.7 34.2 20.6 19.7 65.9 36.5 Texas 17W 35.8 29.7 42.5 25.6 60.9 36.1 Dekalb 1002 33.5 27.8 ' 29.6 22.4 70.1 34.0 Asgrow 101W 38.0 29.0 g 18.0 16.0 69.8 33.8 United U72 33.2 28.9 20.4 24.2 71.1 33.5 Texas 34 34.1 27.2 32.7 13.7 71.4 33.5 Funk G711 29.6 28.4 30.8 17.3 72.9 32.7 Keystone 222 32.7 28.5 21.4 16.4 68.7 32.2 TRF 3 30.9 25.5 26.4 25.9 55.7 30.8 Surcropper 27.8 17.9 16.1 12.9 69.4 26.1 Ferguson's Yellow Dent 25.8 22.1 14.3 13.1 64.0 26.1 Average yield 34.9 29.1 28.1 19.4 69.6 34.3 Least signifi- cant differ- ence. 19 to 1 NS’ NS’ 8.5 5.2 9.5 5.5 ‘One-year average. ‘No significant difference among entries. and additional nitrogen should be used as a side- dressing early in the growing season. Hybrids resistant to insects and diseases should be grown in the Gulf Coast Prairie since these organisms frequently cause severe damage to susceptible varieties. Table 5 gives the com- parative values of agronomic characters of Texas 28 and 30, the hybrids’ previously recommended for this area, and Texas 34, a new hybrid es- pecially adapted to the Gulf Coast. The data show the marked superiority of Texas 34 over the other hybrids in resistance to earworm and diseases. Texas 28, 34, 26 and 30 had the highest aver- age yields for this area, Table 6. Texas 15W was the highest yielding white hybrid. The test at Prairie View had the highest 3-year average in this area. The high average yield at Col- lege Station is somewhat misleading since the test was lost in 1956, the most unfavorable sea- son during the 3-year period. Consequently, the average yields shown for this location are prob- ably high in comparison with the other locations. The test at Kirbyville was lost in 1955, the most favorable corn year, because ‘of- a freeze in late March. Considering both yield and other character- istics, Texas 34, 30 and 28 are the recommended yellow hybrids for this area, and Texas 15W and Asgrow 101W are the recommended white hybrids. Area 11—Northeastem This area, which is that part of North Texas east of the 40-inch rainfall line, had extremely unfavorable corn years in 1954 and 1956. Yields were curtailed seriously by severe drouths during the growing season. 8 iiMost of the corn in this area is planted in i March. However, when spring rains are ex- cessive, much of the corn is planted as late as Most of the corn acreage is April and May. on the better-drained bottomland and the mod- erately-sandy uplands. These soils respond well to soil-building crops and commercial fertilizers. The use of both winter and Summer legumes in a cropping system will bene it corn production- Vetch and Austrian Winter peas are used most, commonly as winter legumes; lespedeza and cow- peas are the summer legumes most frequently planted. A complete fertilizer should be Lfed at or before corn planting, and additional niiro- gen should be added as a sidedressing early int the growing season. Texas 32, 26, 28 and 30 were the highest» yielding yellow hybrids in this area, Table 7. Among the white hybrids, Texas 15W and 17WI had the highest average yields. As a result of * the extremely unfavorable climatic conditions, re- sults for only 1 year were obtained from the Mount Pleasant, Sulphur Springs and Clarksvillei locations. Texas 30, 28 and 32 are recommended as Texas 15W and’ yellow hybrids for this area. 17W are recommended as white hybrids. Area 111—South-central This area, which is the part of South Texa receiving 30 to 40 inches“ of rainfall annually is important in Texas corn production. Cor is grown on a wide variety of soils, but mostl on blackland and bottomland. These “heavyi soils respond well to soil-building crops and wate conservation practices. The use of legumes i the cropping system, such as the sweetclovers will greatly benefit corn production. Commer‘ cial fertilizers are beneficial, but are not as imi portant as in areas of higher rainfall. In man, TABLE 3. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, AREA 111, 1954-55 Bushels of shelled corn per acre l Entries Lock- Bren- Hol- Tem- Aver hart‘ ham land‘ ple age . Texas 26 30.6 62.7 63.8 51.4 53.1 Texas 28 30.4 66.0 60.6 49.4 52.8 Texas 32 30.2 60.5 64.5 50.9 52.4 Texas 30 29.3 63.4 360.4 49.5 51. Texas 36 31.1 56.7 61.6 49.9 50 . Asgrow 101W 32.0 56.8 57.2 46.3 48. Texas 15W 30.6 58.0 56.6 46.2 48.7 Texas 38 33.3 52.3 53.0 50.1 48. Keystone 222 27.8 58.6 54.7 44.9 47 1 Texas 17W 31.1 52.7 54.2 46.7 46. United U72 32.3 53.9 53.6 44.1 46.6 Funk G711 24.4 57.7 53.2 42.8 45. : DeKalb 1002 26.2 53.5 52.5 44.8 45. TRF 3 29.8 48.7 53.6 42.2 441. Surcropper 22.2 48.5 48.2 38.4 40 Ferguson's ' Yellow Dent 16.6 149.5 47.9 33.3 37. Average yield 28.6 56.2 56.0 45.7 47 ‘ Least significant . . difference. 19 to 1 7.1 9.9 » 6.2 6.5 3 ' ‘Two-year average. ‘instances, the addition of commercial fertilizer, especially phosphorus to the soil-building legume, jis more beneficial than the addition of fertilizer f to the corn crop. Early warm temperatures in this area, ac- lcompanied by favorable planting moisture, per- v mit early planting of corn. As a result, the corn often escapes the summer drouth, or is far enough 1 along in its development that reduction in yield i by drouths is not as serious as in other parts - of the State. . The high average yield obtained, as shown " V in Table 8, indicates that in this area the growing i conditions were more favorable than in the other I areas for the 3-year period. The test at Lock- hart was lost in 1955 because of a freeze and the test at Holland was lost in 1956 because of the drouth. , Texas 26, 28, 32, 30 and 36 were the highest yielding yellow hybrids. Asgrow 101W and Tex- as 15W had the highest yield of the white hy- ibrids. These hybrids are recommended to grow- _ers in this area. ‘Area IV-North-central . This is the major corn-growing area of the State, and is that part of North Texas receiving ‘30 to 40 inches of rainfall annually. Most of .. the corn is grown on heavy blackland and bottom- land soils. Shortage of moisture during the sum- lmer is the limiting factor on corn production. Practices to conserve and store moisture are “important. The use of deep-rooted legumes in 1a cropping system is especially beneficial to corn ‘production. Commercial fertilizers are needed on - f. soils of the area to produce good corn yields; TABLE 9. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, AREA IV. 1954-56 Bushels of shelled corn per acre Hills- Waxa- Gar- boro’ hachie” land’ Green- Den- A Entries . ‘ villef ton‘ age -1 exas 36 28.2 23.7 54.5 31.8 34.7 34.6 exas 26 24.5 25.7 54.6 29.4 37.9 34.0 “ exas 28 28.2 23.8 54.2 28.4 35.3 33.8 ~ exas 38 30.8 25.2 46.8 31.6 35.5 33.8 » exas 17W 25.1 24.6 47.0 29.9 36.3 32.2 oxas 32 24.6 22.2 55.2 23.6 34.3 31.7 nited U72 25.2 24.2 48.8 25.8 32.1 31.1 oxas 15W 24.6 21.8 47.0 27.4 36.3 30.9 oxas 30 22.4 19.2 53.8 22.3 34.2 29.9 1 - ow 101W 25.2 21.0 44.4 25.3 35.1 29.7 ' 3 24.3 23.4 39.0 27.4 35.7 29.3 iKalb 1002 20.6 18.2 43.1 25.4 33.1 27.5 i- ‘G711 14.0 18.9 41.6 26.8 30.4 35.9 Tystone 222 17.8 17.0 39.3 25.4 29.0 25.3 cropper 15.5 12.4 35.3 17.8 30.3 21.4 'rguson's ._ » allow Dent 12.2 12.4 39.0 18.3 20.1 20.4 erage yield 22.1 2013 " 4s.s 26.0 33.1 29.5 1 ast signifi- _--i- differ- ce. 19 to 1 3.9 6.0 NS’ _ 6.4 4.0 3.6 e-year GVGIGQG- 0-year average. - significant difference among entries. Aver- _ TABLE 10. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST. AREA V. 1954-56 Bushels of shelled corn per acre Enmes Bee- San Stephen- Chilli- Aver- ville‘ Antonio ville‘ cothe‘ age Texas 32 10.6 55.8 32.6 23.3 39.0 Texas 38 12.2 51.5 39.4 23.3 38.2 Texas 28 12.5 52.6 28.6 22.4 36.9 Texas 36 12.2 50.8 34.5 20.1 36.5 Texas 26 13.1 49.1 32.1 20.8 . 35.6 Texas 17W 11.0 50.6 30.7 19.4 35.5 Asgrow 101W 11.1 50.9 32.8 15.4 35.5 Texas 30 11.6 48.4 34.8 20.1 35.3 Texas 15W 13.3 51.0 25.7 17.7 35.0 TRF 3 10.8 45.9 32.9 19.5 33.5 Funk G711 10.9 45.8 32.8 13.2 32.4 Keystone 222 11.6 45.8 27.3 17.1 32.3 United U72 11.8 A 46.0 26.0 17.0 32.2 DeKalb 1002 10.2 41.3 32.2 ' 19.7 31.0 Surcropper 9.0 41.8 26.2 9.5 28.4 Ferguson's Yellow Dent 7.9 37.0 24.0 11.6 25.8 Average yield 11.2 47.8 30.8 18.1 33.9 Least significant difference. 19 to 1 2.2 7.0 7.1 4.3 4,2 ‘One-year average. h0wever,_as in area III, the greatest benefit from commercial fertilizer often comes from its use on soil-building crops. This area had extremely unfavorable weather for corn production during this 3-year period, The low average yield for the area, shown in Table 9, reflects the adverse conditions. None of the locations in this area have com- plete data for the 3-year testing period. The tests at Hillsboro, Waxahachie and Denton were lost during a freeze in 1955. The Denton and Greenville tests in 1956 failed because of the drouth. The test at Garland was not planted in 1956. Texas 36, 26, 28 and 38 were the highest yielding yellow hybrids, and Texas 17W was the highest yielding White hybrid. These hybrids are recommended for this area. Area V—Westem Only a small part of the State’s corn crop is produced in this area of less than 30 inches of annual rainfall. Limited rainfall during the growing season and its poor distribution make corn production hazardous. Corn should not be grown in this area except on soils in good phys- ical condition with a good soil-water relationship. Green manure crops turned under ahead of corn are not successful in this area because of a scarcity of moisture for the growth and decom- position of the legume crop. However, legumes, such as the sweetclovers, are beneficial in a crop- ping system to improve the moisture intake and moisture-holding capacity of the soil. Since moisture limits corn production in this area, commercial fertilizers are not as important as in other areas of the State. Texas 32, 38, 28 and 36 had the highest aver- age yield among the yellow hybrids, and Texas 9 17W and Asgrow 101W were the highest yielding white hybrids in area V, Table 10. These hybrids are recommended for this area. ' The data for this area are inadequate and, consequently, the results are not as reliable as those for the other areas. Only a single year’s results were obtained at Beeville, Stephenville and Chillicothe. The results at San Antonio are the result to some extent of a supplemental irri- gation in 1956 which prevented a crop failure. These crop failures reflect the hazards of corn production in this area of limited rainfall. Lower Rio Grande Valley Irrigated corn performance tests were con- ducted at three locations in the Lower Rio Grande .Valley in 1956 to determine the hybrids best adapted to that area. The tests were grown on the Lower Rio Grande Experiment Station at Weslaco, the Rio Farms at Monte Alto and the H. J. Garrett farm, 6 miles south of San Benito. Soils of the test sites were Harlingen silty clay at San Benito and Willacy fine sandy loam at Weslaco and Monte Alto. The tests were con- ducted under high levels of fertility and the corn was well supplied with moisture throughout the growing season. Excellent yields of corn may be obtained un- der irrigation in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, as shown by the results of tests at the three locations, Table 11. Some corn also is grown under dryland conditions on the eastern side of the Valley, but yields are much lower than those under irrigation. The leading hybrids at both Monte Alto and San Benito yielded more than 100 bushels per acre, while the best hybrids at Weslaco produced more than 70 bushels. Yields i’ '1 TABLE 11. com: PERFORMANCE "rssr. IRRIGATED, LOW- ER RIO GRANDE VALLEY. 1956 Bushels of shelled corn per acre tries En Weslaco Nate 33:30 Average Texas 32 71.7 105.6 122.9 100.1 Texas 30 66.5 107.1 125.3 99.6 North Carolina 42 85.0 94.4 112.4 97.3 Dixie 82 75.7 98.7 116.3 96.9 North Carolina 27 83.6 93.3 112.5 96.5 Texas 15W 76.0 94.8 113.2 94.7 Tennessee 90 ' 65.2 96.6 g 121.4 94.4 Coker 911 67.3 96.7 115.2 93.1 Texas 28 64.9 96.8 113.8 _ 91.8 Texas 26 62.7 104.1 107.5 91.4 Texas 17W 73.0 84.4 115.9 91.1 Tennessee 29 67.5 95.7 110.0 91.1 Texas 9W 74.0 79.1 119.8 91.0 North Carolina 29 65.9 91.1 111.1 89.4 Georgia 101W 70.7 77.5 107.5 85.2 Dixie 18 63.0 86.7 104.7 84.8 Asgrow 101W 59.0 84.4 109.6 84.3 TRF 3 62.2 75.2 101.2 79.5 Coker 811 40.0 81.4 103.4 74.9 Surcropper 47.6 60.7 92.6 67.3 Average yield 67.8 90.2 111.8 89.7 Least significant difference, 19 to 1 11.6 13.0 11.5 11.5 l0 at Weslaco, however, were reduced considerably by a heavy infestation of sugar cane borers. Texas 30 and 32 had the highest average yields in tests conducted at the three locations. Both hybrids were outstanding at Monte Alto" and San Benito, and they also produced good yields at Weslaco. Texaskg39 is recommended over Texas 32 because of its superior resistance: to earworms and diseases. North Carolina 42,, Dixie 82 and North Carolina 27 gave good results in the Valley tests, and may produce high yields? of ensilage because of their greater vegetative. growth. * RECOMMENDED HYBRIDS During the 3-year period, 1954-56, four yellow hybrids, Texas 32, 34, 36 and 38, and a white hybrid, Texas 17W, were developed and released by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station These newer hybrids are better adapted for spe- cific conditions than the older hybrids. ; Considering both yield and other desirabl characters, seven yellow hybrids and two whi '- hybrids are recommended for corn productio in Texas. A brief description of these hybrids with their areas of recommendation, follows: 7 ' Texas 26 , A yellow hybrid produced by combining Tx32 x Tx203 as the seed parent, with Tx127C r Tx132A as the pollinator parent. This hybri is slightly earlier than Texas 28 and 30. It pr duces medium-size ears with yellow dent-ty grains that are rather large and deep yello This hybrid has a wide range of adaptation an produces two good ears under favorable condi- tions. It is somewhat susceptible to earwo and ear rots and root lodging. It is recommend primarily for areas III, IV and V. i Texas 28 A yellow hybrid usually produced by c0 t: bining Tx127C x Tx132A as the seed paren with Tx325 x Tx303 as the pollinator paren However, the reciprocal of this cross is som times used. Texas 28 is slightly later than Te =» 26. It also produces larger ears than Texas A and has the same tendency to make two ea under favorable conditions. The grains produc are large and possess a good yellow color. T I hybrid is somewhat resistant to earworms a ear rots, and the ears ordinarily suffer only t. erate damage. It shows a moderate degree g root lodging and is fairly resistant to stalk br '_ ' age. It has a very wide range of adaptati and is recommended for all areas of the Sta, Texas 30 A yellow hybrid produced by combini Tx173D x Tx203 as the seed parent, with Tx3 x Tx303 as the pollinator parent. Texas 30‘ similar to Texas 28 in maturity. It produ large ears with large, yellow dent-type gra‘ 4 Hybrid Although primarily a one-ear hybrid, it may produce two ears under optimum conditions. This hybrid is fairly resistant to earworms and ear rots. It also is resistant to root lodging and stalk breakage. Texas 30 is recommended for areas I, II, III and IV. I Texas 32 A yellow hybrid produced by combining Tx303 x Tx203 as the seed parent, with Tx127C x TxB18t as the pollinator parent. This hybrid may be produced without detasseling or blending since the seed parent is male sterile and the pollinator restores fertility. Texas 32 gives its best comparative performance under highly favor- able environmental conditions, and does not per- form as well as most of the Texas hybrids under low-yield conditions. It produces long, slender ears and has a tendency to make two ears under favor- able conditions. The grain has a soft cap and a light yellow color. The tips of the ears protrude from the husks, making it susceptible to ear rots and earworms. It is recommended for areas II, III, IV and V where earworms and ear-rot organ- isms are not too severe. Texas 34 A yellow hybrid produced by combining Tx303 x Tx203 as the seed parent, with Tx601 x Tx602 as the pollen parent. Texas 34 has a long husk and is more resistant to insects and diseases than any of the other Texas hybrids, Table 5. This hybrid is later in maturity and, under favorable conditions, will grow 1 to 2 feet taller than the otherTexas hybrids. Texas 34 is recommended for the Gulf Coast Prairie, for fertile bottomland and irrigated land where high yields are anticipated. It also is recommended as a silage corn where high yields (10 to 20 tons per acre) are probable. Texas 36 A moderately early yellow hybrid produced by combining Tx325 x Tx533 as the seed parent, j with Tx127C x Tx203 as the pollinator parent. It will silk about a day earlier than Texas 26. I ‘Texas 36 is superior to Texas 26 and 28 in resistance to root lodging and has about the same amount of stalk breakage as the other Texas hybrids, Table 12. This hybrid appears more susceptible to earworm damage than Texas 30, TABLE 12. COMPARATIVE VALUES OF AGRONOMIC CHARACTERS. 1954-56 Lodgingloi, unsound Worm Days Ears damage to per R°°t Stalk ears’ % score silk plant Texas 29 9.1 9,5 , a 9.2 2.9 19.9 1.2 ‘ Texas 29 9.9 9.9 ' 9.2 2.9 11.9 1.1 1, Texas s0 5.9 9.0 9.9 2.2 11.9 1.0 Texas a2 1.4 9.9 9.0 9.0 11.9 1.2 i Texas s9 1.0 9.9 1.9 2.9 19.1 1.2 ’ Texas 38 3.3 5.2 6.9 h 2.5 73.8 1.1 .Number of tests 31 31 35 35 9 33 TABLE 13. COMPARISON OF TEXAS HYBRIDS UNDER HIGH AND LOW YIELD LEVELS, BUSHELS PER ACRE. 1954-56 Hybrid High Low Texas 26 55.4 28.0 Texas 28 55.4 28.3 Texas 3U 53.1 26.1 Texas 32 55.8 27.2 Texas 36 53.6 30.8 Texas 38 49.2 31.5 Number of tests 15 10 but is similar to Texas 26 and 28 in its reaction to earworms and ear-rot diseases. Texas 36 is more heat and drouth tolerant than the other Texas hybrids. It is recommended particularly for areas III, IV and V where earli- ness and drouth resistance frequently are essen- tial factors in corn production. In the low yield range, 2O to 40 bushels per acre, Texas 36 has yielded better than the older Texas hybrids, Table 13. Texas 36 should replace Texas 26 and 28 to a large extent in the Blackland and Grand Prairie where these hybrids are commonly grown. Texas 38 An early-maturing yellow hybrid produced by combining Tx403 x Tx401 as the seed parent, with Tx402 x Tx332 as the pollinator parent. The comparative performance of Texas 38 with the other Texas hybrids for characters other than yield is presented in Table 12. Texas 38 is the most resistant hybrid to root lodging and stalk breaking. In percentage of unsound ears, it is similar to Texas 30 and 36, and it has a lower worm damage score than any of the hybrids ex- cept Texas 3O and 34. This hybrid silks 3 to 5 days earlier than the other Texas hybrids and may be harvested 1 to 2 weeks earlier. Under similar conditions, plants of Texas 38 are usually 2 feet shorter than plants of the other Texas hy- brids, and the ears are borne about 1 to 2 feet ower. On the basis of present results, Texas 38 frequently may be expected to outyield other hybrids at the 20 to 40-bushel yield level, but it usually will yield less than these at the higher yield levels, Table 13. Texas 38 is a special-purpose hybrid that can be grown under any conditions where quick ma- turity may be valuable. It is recommended par- ticularly for the western part of the corn-growing region, for late plantings, regardless of area, and on drouthy soils. Texas 17W A white hybrid produced by combining Tx61M x Tx585 as the seed parent, with K55 x K64 as theppollinator parent. The ears of this hybrid are large, with fairly large Surcropper-type grain. It silks about 2 to 3 days earlier than Texas 26 or 28, and is somewhat drouth resistant. Most of the white corn in the State is produced near ll San Antonio in South Texas and near Sherman in North Texas. Drouth is important in limiting corn production in both of these areas almost every year. Texas 17W is particularly recom- mended for these white corn-producing areas since its earliness, drouth resistance and large grain size are a distinct advantage in these areas. Asgrow 101W 7 A white corn hybrid developed by the Asso- ciated Seed Growers, Inc., San Antonio, Texas. Under good conditions, Asgrow 101W character- istically produces two uniform ears. It silks about 4m days later than Texas 17W. This hybrid is slightly superior to Texas 17W in resistance to earworms and ear-rot organisms, but ‘is more susceptible to stalk breaking. Asgrow 101W per- a forms well under favorable moisture conditions, and is recommended for areas I, III and V. 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their appreciation to all substation personnel and cooperating growers who participated in the corn performance testing program during 1954-56. Acknowledgment is made to R. P. Bates, for- merly with the Department {pf Agronomy and located at Temple, and T. E. McAfee, professor, Department of Agronomy, for their assistance in conducting tests and collecting data. Appreciation also is expressed to A. G. Doug- las, S. J. Ellis and E. C. Gilmore, research as- sistants, for their assistance in collecting data. We are indebted to R. L. Smith, statistical supervisor, Texas Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion for making the statistical analyses.