BM s79 Studies an 966d 5’ ‘ Heat inhibiting Activity 0f Various Gompaunds and wmmcrcia/ Pradutts NaaenzAe/z r957 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS. DIRECTOR. COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS DIGEST Several compounds which offered some promise as inhibitors of heating and the growth of molds in mixed feeds and feed ingredients were tested for their fungistatic activity in corn meal containing various amounts of moisture. Calcium propionate and sorbic acid at a level of 0.3 percerlt prevented heating completely in all feed ingredients tested. Smaller amounts of the inhibitors only delayed heating; Propion- ic acid and propionic anhydride. each at a level of 0.1 percent. prevented heating. Sodium propionate was not effective as a fungistatic agent at a level of 0.6 percent. Propionamide and propionanalide also were not effective at a level of 0.1 percent which was the maximum level tested. l Short-chain fatty acids——butyric. valeric and caproic acids—inhibited or delayed heating when they were added to com meal at a level of 0.1 to 0.2 percent. The heat-inhibiting activity of the fatty acid decreased as the number of carbons in the fatty acids increased. Citric and succinic acid did not inhib- it heating. Acetyl acetone and benzyl mucochlorate inhibited heating when added to corn meal at a level of 0.1 percent. Compounds which inhibited heating were more effective when the moisture content of the ingredient was only slightly above the critical level. They were less effective at higher moisture con- tents. Four products which the manufacturer claimed inhibited heating were tested for their fungistatic activ- ity. None of these materials was active at a level several times that recommended by the manufacturer as being effective. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This manuscript was adapted in part from a dissertation submitted to the Graduate School of the Ag- ricultural and Mechanical College of Texas by Iohn V. Halick in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Acknowledgment is made to A. I. Kaplan. president of Southwestern Sugar and Molasses Company. New York. New York. for a grant-in-aid which supported this study in part; to L. T. Spence. Merck and Company. Rahway. New Iersey. for acetyl acetone and benzl mucochlorate; to F. M. Iornlin. E. I. du Pont de Nemoures G Company. Wilmington. Delaware. for propionic acid and calcium propionate. CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . v . . . . 3 Experimental, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . 3 Propionates as Inhibitors of Heating . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . v . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . v . . . . . 4 . . v v . . 3 Heat-inhibiting Action of Various Compounds. . . . . . . . . . . v v . , v . v . . . . . . . . . . v v v . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . v v 4 Propionate and Sorbic Acid as Inhibitors of Heating in Different Ingredients . 4 . . . . . v . v v . . v . . . . . . . 4 Heat-inhibiting Action of Propionate in the Presence of Sodium Acetate and Yeast Extract . , . . . . . . .. 5 Heat-inhibiting Activity of Commercial Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . v . . v . . . . . v 5 Use of Inhibitors in Feeds . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . v . . . v v v v . . . . . . v v . . v . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . v . . _ . . . . . 5 References . . . . v . v . v . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . v . v . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . v v v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . v . 6 5' HE DISCOVERY OF A LOW-COST compound that i would inhibit the growth of molds and the " companying heating, which would not decrease he value of grain or feed for animal consump- 'on, would have great economic importance in “e grain, feed, animal and human food indus- les. Milner, Christensen and Geddes (1947) tested pproximately 100 compounds for their mold in- 'bitory action on wheat stored with a moisture ntent of 1'6 to 25 percent. On the basis of 1 toxicity to seed with a moisture content of 0 percent and a fair to high toxicity to molds, 'ght compounds were tested extensively as mold hibitors. The order of their decreasing ac- 'vity were: 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate, thio- rea, p-aminobenzoic acid, sulfonilamide, benzene lfonamide, 2-aminothiazole, chloramine B and lcium propionate. Wolford (1945) used sodium propionate to uce the growth of micro-organisms in fruits d vegetables, and Lenhart and Cosens (1949) .1. d propionic acid to inhibit the growth of molds sugar solutions. i‘ Dubos (1950) reported that short-chain or- nic acids, such as acetic, propionic, butyric, proic and capric, inhibited the growth of mam- -lian tubercle bacilli to a marked degree. More T ‘ently sorbic acid has been used extensively to ' ibit the growth of molds in various foods, illips and Mundt (1950), Jones and Harper V952), Smith and Rollin (1954a) (1954b) ; Mel- ' k, Luckmann and Gooding (1954) ; Deuel, A1- l-Salter, Wei] and Smyth (1954); Boyd and rr (1955); Beneke and Fabian (1955), Mel- k, Valteich and Hackett (1956). a It has now become common practice for com- rcial bakeries and other food processors to '- inhibitors to prevent the growth of molds various food products. Sorbic acid has been a. recently in human foods to a greater extent n propionate because it is a more effective 'bitor and it does not impair the flavor of 's as much as propionate. Halick and‘ Richardson (1953) used calcium pionate to prevent heating and the growth F olds in corn meal that contained 17.4 percent pectively, professor, Department of Biochemistry and trition; and chemist, USDA, Substation No. 4, Beau- t, Texas, formerly graduate student, Department of - hemistry and Nutrition. - Studies on 9m! Spill/aye . . . ifleat Inhibiting Activity 0/ Various éampounds and fiommcrcia/ Products ‘ ‘L. R. RICHARDSON and IOHN V. HALICK* moisture. These studies were carried out at a temperature of 90° F and a relative humidity of 770 percent. Corn meal with 0.3 percent cal- cium propionate did not heat in 42 days. With- out propionate and stored under the same con- ditions, it started to heat in 2 days and reached a maximum temperature of 126° F in 3 days. The studies using various inhibitors to pre- vent heating in feed ingredients were continued and the results are reported in this bulletin. EXPERIMENTAL Propionates as Inhibitor oi Heating Since earlier tests have shown that calcium propionate prevented heating in corn meal, a test was carried out to determine whether other pro- pionates also were effective inhibitors. The pro- pionates tested were propionic acid, propionic anhydride, calciumpropionate, sodium propionate, propionamide and propionanalide. The com- pounds were mixed with the corn meal and heat- ing studies were carried out in the apparatus previously described by Halick and Richardson (1953). The effect of adding various amounts of these propionates on the growth of molds and the accompanying heating in corn meal is sum- marized in Table 1. Propionic acid and propionic anhydride at a level of 0.1 percent inhibited the TABLE 1. EFFECT OF VARIOUS PROPIONATES ON HEAT- ING AND THE GROWTH OF MOLDS IN YELLOW CORN MEAL . Mold Inhibitor P??? $3221’. orn meal. ‘Y a e days ' c ° per gm 15.2 Propionic acid None 7 525.0 15.1 " " 0.1 1.8 14.9 Propionic anhydride None 7 360.0 14.8 " " 0.1 15.2 Calcium propionate None 7 525.0 15.1 " " 0.1 7 525.0 15.0 " " 0.3 3.5 14.8 Sodium propionate 0.1 7 565.0 14.8 " " 0.3 7 245.0 13.4 " " 0.6 14 184.0 15.6 Propionamide 0.1 5 800.0 14.4 " 0.3 6 665.0 15.9 l Propioncmalide 0.1 6 650.0 15.8 " 0.3 ll 205.0 growth 0f molds and heating in corn meal con- taining approximately 15 percent moisture. The same meal without an inhibitor started to heat in 7 days and reached a maximum temperature 0f 120° F in 10 days. Calcium propionate in- hibited the growth 0f molds and heating at a level of 0.3 percent, but was not effective at a level of 0.1 percent. Sodium propionate did not inhibit the growth of molds and heating at a level of 0.6 percent. Both propionamide and pro- pionanalide were not effective as mold inhibitors at a top level of 0.3 percent under the conditions used in these experiments. Why calcium pro- pionate was more effective than sodium propio- nate is not understood. It is well known that propionates are more effective inhibitors of the growth of molds in an acid environment and it is possible that calcium propionate may provide a more acid environment than the sodium salt. Heat-inhibiting Action oi Various Compounds Short-chain fatty acids of the same homolo- gous series as propionic acid have been reported to inhibit the growth of various microorganisms. In view of these reports, several fatty acids and TABLE 2. EFFECT OF VARIOUS COMPOUNDS ON HEAT- ING AND THE GROWTH OF MOLDS IN YELLOW CORN MEAL Moisture Percent started content oi Inhibitor added to heat, 10,000 corn meal. ‘Y, d‘!!! per gm 15.2 Butyric acid None II 525.0 15,2 " " 0.10 60.0 15.2 " " 0.30 0.3 18.3 " " None 2 1550.0 18.9 " " 0.10 I2 650.0 18.0 " " 0-30 14.0 Valeric acid None 8 14.0 " " . 0-10 13.4 Caproic acid None 12 13.4 " " 0.10 22 13.4 ” " 0-20 16.3 Sorbic acid None 3 16.3 " ” 0.10 17 16.3 " " 0.20 33 16.3 " " 0.30 15.2 Acetyl acetone None 9 100.0 15.2 " " 0.02 l0 360.0 15.2 " " 0.05 24 325.0 15.2 " " 0.10 V 5.0 15.2 Benzyl mucochlorate None 10 550.0 15.2 " " 0.02 12 235.0 15.2 " " 0.05 19 155.0 15.2 " " 0.10 1.5 15.7 Citric acid None 6 15.6 " " 0.25 7 15.5 " " 0.50 7 15.3 " " 0.75 7 15.5 " " 1.00 7 15.4 Succinic acid None 7 15.6 " " 0.25 7 15.5 ” " 0.50 7 15.6 " " 0.75 7 15.7 " " 1.00 7 other compounds which offered some promise were tested as inhibitors of heating in corn meal. The results are summarized in Table 2. Butyric acid at a level of 0.1 percent prevented heating in corn meal containing 15 percent mois- ture. When the moisture content of the meal . was increased to 18 percent, 0.1 percent of butyric _ acid delayed the onset of heating, but 0.3 percent i; was required to prevent it completely._- Valerie acid at a level of 0.1 percent also prevented heat- ; ing in corn meal that contained 14 percent mois- ; ture. This acid was not tested with meals that : contained a larger amount of moisture. Caproic . acid did not prevent heating at a level of 0.1 1. percent in corn meal containing 13.4 percent . moisture. At a level of 0.2 percent, however, it " prevented heating. Caproic acid was less effec- Q tive than butyric or valeric acid. The heat in- g hibiting activity of these acids appeared to de- _ crease as the number of carbons in the chain, increased. . Sorbic acid at a level of 0.3 percent prevented ’ heating for at least 42 days when the corn meal contained 16.3 percent moisture. At a level of I 0.1 and 0.2 percent, sorbic acid delayed heating. from 3 to 17 and 33 days, respectively. Acetyl acetone and benzyl mucochlorate, each at a level of 0.1 percent, prevented heating and the growth ’ of molds completely in corn meal containing 15.2 " The latter two compounds were not effective inhibitors of heating at a level a of 0.02 or 0.05 percent. Citric and succinic‘ acids did not prevent heating and the growth of molds when added to corn meal at a level of 1.0 _ percent moisture. percent. Propionate and Sorbic Acid as Inhibitors oi Heating in Diiierent Ingredients Tests were carried out to determine whether; calcium propionate and sorbic acid prevented heat- ing in a variety of feed ingredients. Both com- i pounds were added separately to the ingredient} at a level of 0.3 percent. The flasks containing T the ingredients with and without the inhibitor were then stored in the heating apparatus under f the same conditions used in other studies. The g ingredient used and days required for the var-i ious treatments to start heating are given in Table 3. The data show that calcium propionate and sorbic acid prevented heating in every ingredi- ent used when its moisture content was only .1 slightly above the critical level. When the mois- ture content of an ingredient was 1 to 3 percentf above the critical level, the inhibitors were much For example, meat and bone ’ scraps have a critical moisture level of 10.0 per-y cent. When the moisture content was increased to 11.1 percent, it started to heat in 17 days. without the inhibitors, and did not heat in 42: days with either inhibitor. When the moisture was increased to 12.5 percent, the sample con- less effective. TABLE 3. INHIBITION OF HEATING IN FEED INGREDIENTS A ONTAINING VARIOUS AMOUNTS OF MOISTURE WITH . ' PROPIONATE AND SORBATES I Days to start heating . _ With inhibitors Moisture lnsredieni Qgnfent, 7° 1 _Wi§h9u1 Calcium Sorbic - mhlbllm‘ propionate. acid. 0.3% 0.3% Wheat shorts 15.3 20 aked barley 14.9 -1l ‘I ound oats 14.9 12 a 1.1. meal 13.6 12 orghum gluten meal 11.9 19 i ' eed meal 12.4 19 I eat 6. bone scraps o 11.1 17 f. eat 6. bone scraps 12.5 9 15 I5 ‘I ybean meal 15.0 30 30 ‘Cottonseed meal 12.4 21 Cottonseed meal 14.7 8 6 l0 itaining the inhibitors started to heat in about the same time as the sample containing 11.1 per- : ent moisture and no inhibitor. ' 1 The results with soybean and cottonseed meals ontaining large amounts of water were similar ~ 1 those with meat and bone scraps. The results how that calcium propionate and sorbic acid inhibit the growth of molds and heating i11 prac- ically all feed ingredients. However, the ac- ivity of both compounds depended on the amount f inhibitor present and on the moisture content if the ingredient.- i eat-inhibiting Action oi Propionate in the i’ esence oi Sodium Acetate and Yeast tract It was observed in studies which were carried ut in a nutrient medium with an isolated mold, spergillus niger, that the addition of sodium ‘cetate or a yeast extract to the medium de- ‘troyed the mold inhibiting action of the propio- ate. As a result of this observation, sodium lcetate and a yeast extract were each added to ’ rn meal containing 0.3 percent calcium propio- ate. The meal contained 15.8 percent moisture nd heated readily without the propionate. When he propionate was present, the mixture did not CABLE 4. HEAT INHIBITING ACTION IN CORN MEAL BY EXTRACT i Moisture C l . st rt c“ _ content oi l! mum Supplement a e ° M meal, 7° prozpionate. °/o heat. days ' 15.8 None None 4 15.8 0.3 None ‘ 15.8 0.3 Yeast extract 1% 15.8 0.3 Sodium acetate 1% i‘ - heating observed VOPIONATE IN THE PRESENCE OF ACETATE AND YEAST ' heat even though sodium acetate or yeast ex- tract was present. These data show that the sodium acetate or yeast extract did not destroy the inhibiting action when the propionate was added to an ingredient. These results are sum- marized in Table 4. Heat-inhibiting Activity oi Commercial Products Several commercial products which were claimed by the manufacturer to inhibit heating and the growth of molds were tested. These data are summarized in Table 5. None of the products tested was effective even at levels that would make their use prohibitive. Use oi Inhibitors in Feeds The question may be asked whether the use of inhibitors in mixed feeds would be practical. Calcium propionate and sorbic acid are allowed by the Food and Drug Administration to be used as fungistatic agents in human foods and pre- sumably are permissible for animal feeds. There- fore, it appears that these two compounds could be used to inhibit heating in animal feed, pro- vided the cost would not be too great. Whether the cost is too great can be determined only by the feed manufacturer and the manufacturer of the inhibitor. In private conversations with one of the authors (LRR), manufacturers have expressed doubt that it would be feasible to use propionates as inhibitors of heating in mixed feeds under present conditions. It appears that sorbic acid would be prohibitive at the present time for the same reason. TABLE 5. ACTIVITY OF COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS WHICH THE MANUFACTURER CLAIMED WOULD INHIBIT HEATING Motistlzrei Amount oi Started to 60521152611? 7° product added heat. days 15.47 None 3 15.26 3/4 lb per ton‘ 4 15.51 5 lb per ton 4 15.44 1 lb per ton‘ 4 15.43 5 1b per ton 3 15.64 None 3 16.00 1.0% 2 16.25 1.5% 3 16.19 2.0% 3 16.64 2.5% 3 16.18 None 4 15.93 300 ppm 4 16.14 350 ppm 4 16.11 400 ppm 4 16.02 500 ppm 4 16.91 None 4 16.73 0.00$[, 4 16.6 0.01 o 4 16.72 0.05% 4 16.55 0.10% 4 ‘Amount recommended as being eiiective. The cost of using acetyl acetone at the rate of 0.1 percent would be approximately $3.50 per ton and the cost of using benzyl mucochlorate would be about the same or more at the present time. Therefore, these two compounds and fatty acids would be too expensive. It appears that the use of materials with moisture contents below the critical level is the only practical procedure to prevent heating in mixed feeds and feed ingredients. The critical moisture contents of approximately 30 feed in- gredients are given in Texas Station Bulletin 860. REFERENCES Beneke, E. S. and F. W. Fabian 1955. Sorbic acid as a fungistatic agent at different pH levels for molds iso- lated from strawberries and tomatoes. Food Tech. 9:486. Boyd, J. W., and H. L. A. Tarr 1955. Inhibition of mold and yeast development in fish products. Food Tech. 9:411. Deuel, H. J. J12, R. Alfin-Salter, C. S. Weil and H. F. Smyth Jr. 1954. Sorbic acid as a fungistatic agent for foods. I. Harmlessness of sorbic acid as a dietary com- ponent. Food Research 19:1. Dubos, R. J., 1950. The effect of organic acids on mam- malian tubercle bacilli. J. Exptl. Med., 92:319. Halick, J. V., and L. R. Richardson 1953. Influence of goisture on heating in feeds. Tex. Agri. Expt. Sta. ul. 768. Jones, H., and G’. S. Harper 1952. A preliminary study of factors effecting the quality of pickles on the Canadian market. Food Tech. 6:304. * Lenhart, J. and K. W. Cosens 1949. Molds and bacteria curbed in immersion freezing. Food Ind. 21:442. I Melnick, 1)., H. W. Valteich, and A. Hackett 1956. Sorbic acid as a fungistatic agent for foods. “XI. Effectiveness of ascorbic acid in protecting cakes-i; Food Research 21:133. ' i’ » Melnick, D., F. H. Luckmann, and C. M. Gooding 1954. Sor- bic acid as. a fungistatic agent for foods. VI: Metabolic degradation of sorbic acid in cheese by molds and mech- anism of mold inhibition. Food Research 19:44. . Milner, M., o. M. Christensen, and W. F. Geddes 1947* Grain storage studies. VII. Influence of certain mol inhibitors on respiration of moist wheat. Cereal Chem 24:507. Phillips, G. F., and J. O. Mundt 1950. Sorbic acid a. an inhibitor of scum yeasts in cucumber fermentations. Food Tech. 4:291. a Smith, D. P., and N. J . Rollin 1954a. Sorbic acid as a fungi static agent for foods. VIII. Need and efficacy in pro tecting packaged cheese. Food Tech. 8:133. ‘ Smith, n. P., and N. J. Rollin 1954b. Sorbic acid as a fungi static agent for foods. VII. Effectiveness of sorbic aci in protecting cheese. Food Research 19:59. '» Wolford, E. R., 1945. The effect of sodium propiona q on microorganisms. J. Bact. 50:235. . [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] k um srmou Q us: stosrmous I n m» luminous: 4 ooorwmo srmnus Location of field research units oi the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and cooperating agencies IN THE MAIN STATION, with headquarters at College Station, are 16 subj» matter departments, 2 service departments, 3 regulatory services and . administrative staff. Located out in the major agricultural areas of Texas = 21 substations and 9 field laboratories. In addition, there are 14 cooperafr stations owned by other agencies. ' Forest Service, Came and Fish Commission of Texas, Texas Prison Syst U. S. Department of Agriculture, University of Texas, Texas Technologi, College, Texas College of Arts and Industries and the King Ranch. So‘ experiments are conducted on farms and ranches and in rural homes. a ORGANIZATION THE TEXAS STATION is conducting about 400 active research projects, grou in 25 programs, which include all phases of agriculture in Texas. Amo these are: Conservation and improvement of soil Conservation and use of water Grasses and legumes Grain crops Cotton and other fiber crops Vegetable crops Citrus and other subtropical fruits Fruits and nuts Oil seed crops Ornamental plants Brush and weeds OPERATION Insects Two additional programs are maintenance and upkeep, and central service’ Research results are carried to Texas farmers, FGILChITLGIZ ‘and homema/cers by county agents and specialists of the Texas Agricultural Ex- tension Service jOl/[Cly 2 KQJQCLPCA n95 jOWLOPFOl/Ui’) I"OgI"€55 State-wide Research i‘ i 4y ‘k The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station is the public agricultural research agency of the State of Texas. and is one of ten parts of the Texas AcSM College System Cooperating agencies include the Te Beef cattle Dairy cattle Sheep and goats Swine Chickens and turkeys Animal diseases and parasites Fish and game Farm and ranch engineering Farm and ranch business Marketing agricultural products j Rural home economics '5 Rural agricultural economics Plant diseases AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH seeks the WHATS. the WHYS, the WHENS. the, WHERES and the HOWS oi hundreds oi problems which confront operators of farms and ranches. and the many industries depending on or serving agriculture. Workers of the Main Station and the field units of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station seek diligently to find a solutions to these problems. -