TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS. DIRECTOR, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS SUMMARY Both the quality of water available and the soil management practices influence the results with salty irrigation waters. For most successful use of saline waters. apply the following princi Test water and soil periodically and use these analyses as a basis for planning management - '1 TEST—DON‘T GUESS. ’ Apply water uniformly by using a properly designed irrigation system and by leveling where n vi Apply enough water for the crop plus enough to keep salt leached to a satisfactory level. preplant irrigation may be desirable. Irrigate more often than necessary under non-saline conditions. _ Provide adequate drainage. Thefree water table should be at least 5 to 6 feet below the Select crops tolerant to your salt conditions. I Plant good seed under optimum moisture and temperature conditions. Fertilize to replace nutrients lost by leaching and to maintain adequate fertility. Use soil-improving grasses or legumes to maintain good soil structure and to aid water ' and penetration. Soil amendments. such as gypsum and sulfuric acid, do not control salt. Amendments - beneficial where sodium is a problem. Consult your county agricultural agent. experiment station or other agricultural adviser for ":17 on your problems. t» CONTENTS y Summary . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z Amendments Do Not Neutralize Salt . . Introduction . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 some Salls Hlgllly Tmllc " " " v v v ' v " " " All Waters Contain Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 3 Chemlcal Analyses °l S°ll and Walel v ' ' " " _ _ _ TotalDissolvedSolids................§ Salt-affected S0115 and Irrigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Concentration oi Specific Ions ’ H _ Q . _ D Characteristics of Salt-affected Soils . . . . . . . . . . , . 3 Potential Sodium Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saline Soils . S . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 3 Exchangeable Sodium Percentage . . . . . Nonsaline-SodicSoils . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4 Saline-Sodic Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Leaching Requirement . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Effect of Salinity on Plant Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Gypsum v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v _ Factors Affecting Salt Accumulation . . . , . . . . _ . . . 5 Quallly °l llllgallcln Weller " v " v " v ' v " " v " v " ' Large Quantities of Salt Added . . . , . . . . . . . . . 5 sclllnlly Hazard v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v Little or No Salt Evaporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sodlum Hazard v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v ‘v Salinity Controlled by Leaching . . . . . . . , . . . . 6 B°l°n Hazard v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 1m p r op e} Drainage Maycause Salinity I ' _ _ g 6 Carbonate and Bicarbonate Ions Haz g Management Practices Affecting Salinity . . . . . . . . 6 Reclamlllllln v_ v v v v v v v v v v CropsVaryinSaltTolerance . , . . . . . . . . . . ..6 Sallllesollsvv"v"vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrtt Leaching Requirement _ _ , A A _ _ A _ A V ’ ~ , I _ ' ‘ _ t _ 7 Saline-Sodic and Nonsaline-Sodic Soils. Permeable Soils Essential . . . . . . . ..§ . . . . . .. 8 Sllck Spplsvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvl Seed and Seedlings Sensitive to Salt . . . . . . . 8 Agknqwledgments Bed Types Influence Salt Distribution . . . . . . . 9 Irrigate More Often . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 References Sandy Soils First to “Salt Out" . . . , . . . . . . . . . 9 Appendix . . . . , . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . Level Land for UniformvWater Application. . . .10 Definitions 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Commercial Fertilizers May Aid . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Abbreviations Use Good Cropping Practices . . . . . , . , . . . _ . .10 Factors and Conversion Formulas . . . . . r: u’? Salinity Control in Irrigation Agriculture PAUL I. LYERLY and DONALD E. LONGENECKER* if PERMANENT, PROSPEROUS IRRIGATED AGRI- I“ CULTURE is dependent on an adequate . supply of irrigation water of satisfac- quality. The terms “adequate supply” and i isfactory quality” are difficult to define since h is influenced by the other, and both are in- nced by the chemical and physical nature of i soil, climate, adequacy of drainage, crops wn and various farming practices. In many cases, successful irrigation farming é ore dependent on the management practices owed than on the quality of water available. too often too much emphasis is placed on at- pting to answer the question, “How good is ; water?” rather than “How can this water used best?” Frequently, too much attention 'ven to the “toxic limits” of salt concentration a not enough emphasis directed toward the se- ion of suitable crops and adjustment of till- ~ and irrigation practices to the water which :-= vailable. ALL WATERS CONTAIN SALTS ‘ All waters from surface streams and under- und sources contain dissolved substances wn chemically as salts. Ocean water contains roximately 3 percent salts, or 4O tons of salts acre-foot of water. Waters used for irriga- , generally contain .1 to 5 tons of salt per acre- t of water. In general terms, salt is thought of as table ; however, thousands of different salts are wn. Examples of common salts in irrigation - r are table salt (sodium chloride), Epsom salt tgnesium sulfate), gypsum (calcium sulfate), iate of potash (potassium chloride) and bak- soda (sodium bicarbonate). In this publica- , the various salts found in irrigation water be referred to collectively as salt. The total salt content in surface and under- und waters varies widely. Salt is dissolved n; the soil and rock materials through which gwater must seep before becoming available I irrigation. Mountain streams often contain < than one-tenth ton of salt per acre-foot of fer. Drainage waters and ground waters in ert valleys may contain as much as 1O to 15 s of salt per acre-fgfoot. I Ground waters often vary widely in total salt tent at different locations in the same gen- l area and at various depths in the under- und layers of the soil profile. pectively, superintendent and assistant agronomist, Paso Valley Experiment Station, Ysleta, Texas. In addition, waters differ greatly in the kinds of salt present. Some waters are relatively high in sodium salts, such as table salt and baking soda, while others are relatively high in calcium or magnesium salts. The relative proportion of the various salts is of considerable importance. SALT-AFFECTED SOILS AND IRRIGATION A salt-affected soil is one in which salt has ac- cumulated sufficiently to reduce or interfere with crop yields. The source of the salt that accumu- lates 1n a soil usually is the irrigation water. In some cases, however, the soil may have been salty 1n the v1rg1n state, or the salt accumulation may have resulted from a high water table. Most irrigation waters do not contain a suffi- cient concentration of salt to be greatly injurious to plant growth. However, since all surface and underground waters do contain salt, the applica- tron of water by irrigation adds salt to the soil. The salt applied remains in the soil unless it is flushed out in the drainage water or is removed in the harvested crop. With salt being applied with each irrigation, any condition or combination of conditions which allows the salt to accumulate in the soil will produce a salty soil. Since the development of salty soils is a proc- ess of salt accumulation, salt-affected soils can be associated with either good or poor quality wa- ter. Figures 1 and 2 show the effect that soil type and management practices may have on the results obtained from using saline water. Ob- viously, the more salt an irrigation water con- tains, the greater will be the likelihood for salt conditions to develop. CHARACTERISTICS OF SALT-AFFECTED SOILS Three types of salt-affected soils occur: saline soil, nonsaline-sodic soil and saline-sodic soil} Since different management and reclamation practices may be required, it is important to dis- tinguish among these different salt conditions. Saline Soils A saline soil is one which contains sufficient soluble salt to interfere with the growth of most plants. Sodium salts are present, but in rela- tively low concentration in comparison with cal- cium and magnesium salts. Saline soils often are recognized by the presence of white crusts on the soil, by spotty stands and by stunted and ir- regular plant growth. Ordinarily the pH is lower than 8.5. Saline soils generally are floc- 3 culated, and the permeability is comparable with that of similar non-saline soils. The principal effect of salinity is t0 reduce the availability of water t0 the plant. In cases of extremely high salinity, there may be curling and yellowing of the leaves, or firing in the mar- gins 0f the leaves or actual death of the plant. Long before such effects are observed, the gen- eral nutrition and growth physiology of the plant will have been altered. Nonsaline-Sodic Soils A nonsaline-sodic soil is relatively low in sol- uble salts, but contains sufficient exchangeable (adsorbed) sodium to interfere with the growth of most plants. Exchangeable sodium differs from soluble sodium in that it is adsorbed on the sur- faces of the fine soil particles. It is not leached readily until displaced by other cations such as calcium or magnesium. These soils often are strongly alkaline, with pH readings usually be- tween 8.5 and 10.0. Plant nutrients, such as iron and phosphorus, become less available to plants under conditions of high pH. ~»As the proportion of exchangeable sodium in- creases, soils tend to become dispersed, less per- meable to Water and of poorer tilth. High sod- ium soils usually are plastic and sticky when wet, and are prone to form clods and crusts on drying. These conditions result in reduced plant growth because of inadequate water penetration, poor “root aeration and soil crusting. Nonsaline-sodic soils occur frequently in small and irregular areas, and often are referred to as “slick spots” or “black alkali” areas. lRefer to Definitions for technical descriptions. The term “sodic” is used to describe soils high in exchangeable sod- ium. The term “alkali” also is used in referring to such soils. Figure 1. High yields oi cotton were obtained in 1951 from this iield near Dateland, Arizona, with water containing more than 5 tons oi salt per acre-ioot. The cotton was planted and grown in the furrows. Water in excess oi that needed by the crop was applied to prevent excessive salt accumu- lation. This field had been in production since 1940 and until 1950 was cropped with Sudangrass. alialia and grain sorghum. Picture courtesy Soil Conservation Service. 4 Sodic soils usually develop because of - sively high sodium in proportion to calciu A magnesium. This may result from a high centage of sodium in the irrigation water ll cause of the precipitation of calcium and m sium salts under certain conditions. Saline-Sodic Soils '1 f. Saline-sodic soils contain sufficient quanl of both total soluble salt and adsorbed sodi reduce the yields of most plants. As long 1 cess soluble salts are present, the physical erties of these soils are similar to those of soils. The pH is seldom higher than 8.5 soil generally remains permeable to wate the excess soluble salts are removed, these may assume the properties of nonsaline soils. This condition is encountered frequ immediately following heavy rains, and sult in the death of young plants. Both nonsaline-sodic and saline-sodic soils: be improved by the replacement of the excl adsorbed sodium by calcium and magnesium. ' usually is done by applying soluble amend {y which supply these cations. Acid-forming a i ments, such as sulfur or sulfuric acid, may be AI i on calcareous soils since they react with lime (calcium carbonate) to form gypsum, a more uble calcium salt. EFFECT OF SALINITY ON PLANT GROWTH Soil salinity causes poor and spotty stanl crops, uneven and stunted growth and poor the extent depending on the degree of sal" The primary effect of salinity is that it a p make water less available to the plant, but icity also may occur. As salinity increases, while still present, becomes increasingly less =- Figure 2. Poor stand oi cotton on a saline soiliY Pecos. The saline condition oi this soil developed in 3" because oi improper management oi water containing: tons oi salt per acre-ioot. Approximately 1.5 bales o! were produced the iirst year in cultivation. A he plant irrigation and planting in the iurrows likely contribute to the restoration oi such land. A i .\»" Q, "BLE 1. QUANTITY OF SALT ADDED TO SOIL , UALLY BY APPLICATION OF 3 ACRE-FEET OF ‘ ATER OF VARIOUS SALT CONCENTRATIONS ;» of salt Tons of salt added to the soil acre-foot _ of 1 2 3 4 5 6 frrappfied year years years years years years % 1% 3 4% 6 7% 9 P. 1 3 6 9 12 15 18 2 6 12 18 24 30 36 4 12 24 36 48 60 72 6 18 36 54 72 90 108 ye to the plant. This is because the osmotic ssure of the soil solution increases as the salt Vcentration increases. a Laboratory tests show t the reduction in plant growth under saline ditions is related closely to the osmotic pres- e of the soil solution. Farmers often refer to ine moisture as “dry moisture.” This simply ins that the soil contains water, but the plants j unable to extract it as readily as from non- ine soils. In the case of extremely high salinity, there y be chlorosis, or firing of the margins of the Aves, or actual death of the plants because of ic effects of such ions as chloride and magne- m. Excessive concentration and absorption of gle ions may retard the absorption of other nerals necessary for good growth. : There is no critical point of salinity where nts fail to grow. As salinity increases, growth f omes less and less until the plants become . orotic and die. Neither is there a definite point salinity where crop production becomes pro- itive. With increasing salinity, the maximum ld potential becomes progressively less. Usu- crop production becomes marginal or uneco- mical at some point of salinity considerably be- that at which plants fail to grow. FACTORS AFFECTING SALT ACCUMULATION a The net increase or decrease in salt annually each acre of land depends on the total volume irrigation water applied, the salt concentration the irrigation Water, the subsoil drainage and p- crop grown. o-rge Quantities of Salt Added » Large quantities of salt may be added to the il each year in the irrigation water, particular- Figure 3. Salt deposit resulting from a small leak in an evaporative cooler illustrates the process by which salts may build up rapidly in the soil. ily in water of high salinity, Figure 3. The quan- tity of salt added to the soil by annual applica- tions of 3 acre-feet of water over a 6-year period is shown in Table 1. As the concentration of salt in the irrigation water increases, the application of salt to the soil increases rapidly. Thus, with I water containing 4 tons of salt per acre-foot of water, the application of 3-acre-feet of water re- sults in a cumulative application of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 tons of salt over a 6-year period. With such water, enough salt is added to the soil each year to approximate 0.4 percent of the soil weight to a depth of 18 inches. This is enough salt to create a severe salinity problem under many con- ditions—-enough to inhibit germination of most seed. Little or No Salt Evaporated Much ofthe water applied to the soil is lost to the atmosphere by evaporation and by tran- spiration of plants. None of the salt is so lost. The amount of salt taken up and removed from the soil by plant growth is small for most crops, as shown in Table 2. Fifteen hundred pounds of cottonseed, for instance, contain a total of only about 34 pounds of sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfate and chloride. Of this total, only about 3 pounds is sodium, the element directly associated with sodic conditions. l} 2. POUNDS OF VARIOUS MINERAL-S REMOVED FROM THE SOIL BY CROPS IN THE EL PASO AREA Yield, pounds Pounds A Cmp per acre - - - - - _ Sodium Calcium Magnesium Sulfate Chloride Total eetclove-r hay 8,000 17 156 104 69 33 379 dangrass hay 10,000 21 34 i 69 199 67 390 i alfa hay 8,000 42 60 49 52 55 258 Vrley straw 2,000 14 8 3 28 15 68 rn silage 30,000 72 58 103 97 103 433 rley grain 1,000 2 1 1 3 7 14 e rghum grain 3,000 6 3 5 8 17 39 ttonseed 1,500 a 2 5 s 16 34 vera 1 e 7,938 22 40 42 58 39 202 Salinity Controlled by Leaching Leaching is the only way by which the salts added in the irrigation water can be removed sat- isfactorily. Sufficient water must be applied t0 dissolve the excess salts and carry them away by subsurface drainage. As the quantity of salt in the soil or irrigation water increases, increasing amounts of water must be passed through the root zone to keep the salinity reduced to a con- centration low enough for crop production. Improper Drainage May Cause Salinity Water will rise 2 to 5 feet or more in the soil above the water table by capillarity. The height to which water will rise above a free water sur- face depends on soil texture, structure and other factors. Water reaching the surface evaporates, leaving a salt deposit which is typical of saline soils, Figure 4. Many saline soils have developed as a result of a high water table or restricted drainage. With the necessity of using additional water beyond the needs of the plant to provide suffi- cient leaching, it is imperative under irrigation that there be adequate drainage for water pass- ing through the root zone. Natural drainage through the underlying soil may be adequate. In cases where subsurface drainage is inadequate, open or tile drains may have to be provided. In no case should the water table be permitted to come nearer than 5 or 6 feet to the soil surface. In some cases, clay lenses or hardpan formations may create a perched water table, and it often becomes necessary to break up these impervious layers by subsoiling, deep plowing or by other means. Figure 4. Saline soils oiten result irom a high water table. Water will rise 4 to 6 feet or more in the soil above a iree water surface. A salt deposit is leit at the surface when water evaporates. 6 MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AFFECTING SALINITY Although farming practices vary fromf; irrigated region to another, many general i. ciples have widespread application for min” ing the effects of salinity. < Crops Vary in Salt Tolerailnce Some crop plants can tolerate relatively amounts of salt. Others are more easily inj Some may be injured by relatively small 15 of salt. The choice of crops to be grown, p becomes highly important. Non-tolerant cannot be grown successfully on saline soils. p; the salt in the water and soil increases, the TABLE 3. RELATIVE SALT TOLERANCE OF V,‘ OUS CROP PLANTS. GOOD GROWTH AND Yli“ OF THE LISTED CROPS CAN BE EXPECTED A SOIL SALINITY BELOW THAT GIVEN IN HEADING‘ ~ ‘ Moderately Relatively High] I salt salt salt Relatively non-tolerant tolerant tolerant toleran EC x 108 EC x 103 EC x 10* EC x 10' 2.0 —- 4.0’ 4.0 —— 6.0’ 6.0 —-— 8.0’ 8.0 — 12.0’ i FIELD CROPS % Field bean Sorghum Cotton Barley (g Cowpeas (grain) Rye (grain) Sugar beet Corn (field) Wheat Rape Castorbean (grain) Soybean Oats (grain) Rice FORAGE CROPS White clover” Tall fesque Wheat- Alkali saca Alsike clover Meadow grasses Bermuda Q Red clover fesque Sudangrass Barley (ha Ladino clover Orchard- Sweetclover Rhodesgr Crimson grass Alfalfa Blue _ clover Millet Ryegrass Pamcgra Rose clover Sour clover Rye (hay) Burnet clover Birdsfoot Wheat (hay) trefoil Oats (hay) VEGETABLE CROPS Lima bean Tomato Garden beet Asparagus i, Green bean Broccoli _ Kale W. ; Celery Cabbage Spinach Pepper Okra Lettuce Sweet corn Onion Pea Watermelon Cantaloupe 2 Squash . c‘ FRUIT CROPS Pear Olive Pomegranate Date Palm Apple Grape Fig ‘l Orange Grapefruit Plum Apricot Peach g Strawberry “i Lemon “f Avocado it ‘Adapted from USDA Agricultural Handbook 60, Salinity "Laboratory. a - “Conductivity of saturation extract from the soil, expr i as millimhos/cm at 25° C. ' ‘i “Common name formerly was White Dutch Clover. l- of crops which can be grown successfully be- mes more limited. * The relative salt tolerance of a number of p plants is shown in Table 3. The tolerance of ops listed may vary somewhat, depending on f; particular variety grown, the cultural prac- es used and the climatic factors. Cotton, for ptance, is one of the more salt-tolerant crops, wever, American-Egyptian varieties probably e somewhat more salt tolerant under most con- tions than Upland varieties. Some crops, such beets, may be highly salt tolerant as mature nts, but sensitive to salt at the time of germi- ition. Other crops, such as corn, possess less lerance to salt as growing plants but germinate asonably well under moderately saline condi- 011s. f ' aching Requirements a a The amount of salt added to the soil is de- i rmined by the salt content and volume of water A plied. The amount of salt removed by leaching ; . determined, likewise, by the salt content and l antity of water passed below the root zone. As he quantity of salt in the soil or in the irrigation SALT CONTENT FOR LOW FOR MODERATELY water increases, increasing amounts of water must be passed through the root zone to keep the soil salinity low enough for crop. production. Salt- tolerant crops can be grown with less leaching than more sensitive crops. Soil salinity cannot be reduced below the salinity of the water used for leaching. The approximate percentage of water entering the soil which must be passed through the root zone (leaching percent or requirementZ) to main- tain good yields of salt-tolerant and non-tolerant crops is shown in Figure 5. For water contain- ing 2 tons of salt per acre-foot, approximately 29 percent leaching is required to maintain good cotton yields. This does not mean that cotton cannot be produced with less leaching when using such water. If less leaching is done, however, higher salinity may result in lower yields. Salin- ity may not be the only cause of reduced yields. It would be inefficient to leach in the amount in- dicated if the fertility or other conditions were limiting yields. ESee page 12 for method used in determining the leaching requirement. APPROXIMATE LEACHING NECESSARY FOR TOLERANT t IRRIGATION TOLERANT CROPS TOLERANT CROPS CROPS a ATER (LADINO CLOVER) (BARLEY) 1lTON PER ACRE-FOOT TONS PER ACRE-FOOT 5 TONS PER. NOT ACRE-FOOT POSSIBLE Figure 5. Approximate leaching requirements—percentage of the irrigation water (white area) that must pass below the J ot zone to prevent an appreciable reduction in crop yields because of a salt accumulation in the soil. 7 Figure 6. Saline soils result in poor and spotty stands and irregular plant growth. Reasonably good growth of mature plants sometimes may be obtained on soils too salty for good seed germination. Permeable Soils Essential The need for applying large quantities 0f wa- ter for leaching when using highly saline irriga- tion water emphasizes the need for open, easily permeable soils. Typical infiltration rates of El Paso Valley soils are shown in Table 4. With lOW rates of water infiltration, such as one-fourth inch or less per hour, it would be impossible to obtain adequate leaching without restricting growth because of insufficient root aeration. Clays and clay loam soils, which have very low permeability, cannot be leached readily. Salts TABLE 4. TYPICAL INFILTRATION RATES O PASO VALLEY SOILS‘ Hours for water I Soil Infiltration rate, - penetrate 3 feet wi Inches per hour standing water on su Clay l/4 _- l/z 144 — 72 Clay loam 1/2 — 2 72 - 18 Sandy loam 2 —- 3 _ _ 18 —- 12 Coarse sand 7 — 9“ --, A 5 — 4 ‘Courtesy of L. Freeman, So-il ‘Conservation Service. often build up in these finer-textured soils _ when low-salt waters are applied. Permea may be lowered by poor soil structure resu_ from too much sodium, from excessive or timed tillage practices or because of poor p ping systems. Chiseling or deep plowing mayf in increasing soil permeability where hard i plow soles or clay layers restrict drainage. In many instances, the leaching requiremi can be handled most satisfactorily by a heavy plant irrigation, with lighter irrigations throughout the growing season. The heavy- plant irrigation also serves to lower soil sal’ to a minimum at the time of seed germinati Seed and Seedlings Sensitive to Salt Germinating seed and seedlings usually much less salt tolerant than mature plants. ure to obtain a good stand often is the pr’ reason for poor yields under saline conditions, cause mature plants sometimes thrive and reasonably well on soil that is too saline to LLI 5' § , :}:_:';§§:*,';'.'-,‘-_'.' "-_';'-,'.'.};.'-I-".'_.;§§'-_'Ii _',_ w ' 7 Z ._,_... _ ‘g. -_._ -.. 2 r LIJ c: 3 #1 l‘; i1? oou-ooz o.o2-o.| o.| -o.2 02- 05 05-2-0 PERCENT SALT IN SOIL Figure 7. Salt content of soil under furrow irrigation. Arrows show the direction oi the flow oi water and salt d and sometime after irrigation. 8 _, .',_=.~'.a . LOW 01.5 ROW BED r LE ROW BED PING BED re salt accumulation is excessive. p good seed germination, Figure 6. Manage- pnt practices should be followed which will pro- a minimum of salt at the time of germination y; in the immediate vicinity of the youngseed- _'S. A heavy preplant irrigation or use of spe- i types of beds for seeding may help in reduc- i: salinity. g Salinity usually retards seed germination, pre- > ably because soil moisture is less available. ring the delay in germination, the soil sur- nding the seed may be excessively dried by ds, or seed rots may set in. Hence, under sa- ,- conditions, seed should be planted under as rly optimum moisture and temperature con- 'ons as possible. Difficulty may be experienced in getting nds (even on non-saline soils) of certain salt- rant crops, such as Rhodesgrass, which have tively small seed and which are slow to ger- ate and become established. On the other hand, ps, such as Sudangrass, while possessing some- at less salt tolerance, germinate quickly, and .0 rapidly in the seedling stage, and may give ch better results under moderately saline con- IOIIS. -- Types Influence Salt Distribution It is well known that salts tend to accumulate the ridges when using a furrow type of irriga- n. The direction-of salt movement in the soil der furrow irrigation is shown in Figure 7. ith each irrigation, salt leaches out of the soil der the furrows and builds up in the ridges. here soils and farming pract1ces permit, furrow nting with "a lister type planter may a1d 1n ob- ‘pining stands under saline conditions. SALINITY AT PLANTING TIME MODERATE HIGH "".’~.s=‘<- is‘\—\~.- j; Figure 8. Effect of soil salinity and bed type on salt accumulation in a seeded area. Germination is delayed or prevented Double (cantaloupe) or sloping beds are help- ful in getting stands under saline conditions. Typical salt accumulation under different types of beds is shown in Figure 8. With double beds, most of the salt accumulates in the center of the bed, leaving the shoulders relatively free of salt. Sloping beds may be better on highly salty soils because seed can be planted on the slope below the zone of salt accumulation. Irrigate More Often Most plants require a continuous supply of readily available moisture to grow normally and produce high yields. It has been pointed out that salinity reduces the availability of water to the plant because of increased osmotic pressure of the soil solution. As the soil becomes progressively drier following an irrigation, the salt concentra- tion in the soil solution becomes progressively higher, Figure 9. Consequently, plant growth declines in proportion to the increase in salinity. Irrigations must be made more frequently to pre- vent excessively high salt concentrations from occurring in the soil solutlon because of low mois- ture levels. Plants grown on saline soils usually do not show typical wilting or moisture-deficiency symp- toms as readily as plants grown on non-saline soils. Plants growing on highly saline soil often are in need of water, although the soil appears moist. Therefore, considerable moisture stress may occur before the plant shows signs of need for irrigation. Sandy Soils First to "Salt Out" Although permeable and readily leachable, sandy soils often are among the first to “salt out” v5.3 ' \ , w’ . .- .' l’ 4}}? g'i\'*i-"v"_'-‘.-_: W’ -"'f§=?l?¢-"1<'i§3"5_ 7 7 " “ a; v a . - '. f" '.'-' t . nasty r ‘* Fad? w. x1» (olgilw-s‘ " '-' 19-‘ 1M5 }'--_¢}"'/l "J /""’;f!/§‘f1r.é{'"’ ‘Q ONE LITER WATER IO GRAMS SALT under poor management. These coarse-textured soils are 10W in water-holding capacity, retain- ing only about one-half inch of available moisture per foot of soil depth, compared" with about 2 inches for clay soils, Figure 10. With such a rel- atively small reservoir of available moisture, re- CL AYS LOAMS SANDS 5O d 8 4O E 5 Available q 3o g Available t- 5 o 2o c: UJ 0. Available u.| ‘s’ ‘i’ z 2i <1 <1 uJ “H; m; ‘M2’ "' uJ>-"' >3 223-’ 2-14 %-1< 4M5 In?!” 3&3” $2 <4 <14 '$5 T3523 ‘P9531 :1: zo: on: 2o z o<9 ooo 0&2 O - — 32 Z21 Z23; I SOIL SALINITY Figure l0. The amount oi soil moisture available for plant growth is influenced by both soil texture and soil salinity. Fine-textured soils have a greater water-holding capacity than coarse-textured soils. Saline water is less available to plants than non-saline water. l0 one Hatrf WATER EVAPO \ Io -_ ~" \ \\\l|||1; . -. l ' _ I“. ' cg» ad?-.~ J 9 s“) I PERCENT SALT SOLUTION Figure 9. Diagrammatic effect oi water evaporation on the concentration at salt solutions. 2 PERGENT SALT sonata“; moval of moisture by the plant depletes the] able supply rapidly and results in a rapid in. in salt concentration of the remaining so; Figure 9. Hence, unless irrigated freq sandy soils may show extreme effects of more quickly than clay soils. F Level Land for Uniform Water Appli it Proper field leveling and a Well-planne gation system are most helpful in min’ salinity. Salinity problems are aggrava field or soil conditions which result in water penetration. High areas and ridges fail to get sufficient Water for leaching develop saline conditions resulting in “salte spots. Areas With lower than average perni ity may develop the same condition. Lowi in the field which are subject to drowning- courage the irrigator to cut off the Water- the remainder of the field has had sufficien gation. Water distribution and penetration; be uniform to bring about uniform leachi salt. ' Commercial Fertilizers May Aid The need for periodic leaching to remo cess salts has been stressed. Unfortunately» process also removes soluble plant nutrients the soil. Nitrogen is especially suscepti, leaching. Periodic applications of commerc' tilizer or manures may be necessary to p sufficient fertility for good crop produ, When the application of large quantities of gation water is necessary, smaller, but mor quent fertilizer applications, may be desira Use Good Cropping Practices a It is desirable with saline soils to main i good soil structure to encourage Water i _, tion and penetration, especially on soils are poor in these respects. The inclusion l, “ABLE 5. LANTS T0 BORON, ARRANGE-D ACCORDING TO mes, grasses 0r other green manure crops in _ e rotation for this purpose may be helpful, Fig- e 11. i Excessive tillage operations and Working the til While too wet or too dry tend to destroy the q structure and should be avoided. endments Do Not Neutralize Salt Common soil amendments, such as gypsum, lfur or sulfuric acid, do not “neutralize” or ounteract” salinity. Under certain conditions, ese amendments may be used to make the soil pore permeable and thereby facilitate the leach- i» of excess salt. Where soil and subsoil per- eability are good, the use of amendments is not commended generally for saline soils. I me Salts Highly Toxic p Under most conditions, the ill effects of salin- yare caused largelyby the increase in osmotic ressure of the soil solution, which increases as e total concentration of salts in solution in- eases. However, certain salts or ions may pro- uce specific toxic effects. This is known as the specific ion” effect. Boron is extremely toxic w plants, and injury may occur if the boron con- nt of the irrigation water exceeds 2 to 4 parts million, depending on the particular plants own. The relative boron tolerance of various I Slants is shown in Table 5. Many of the ions commonly occurring in irri- ation waters, such as chloride or sulfate, may »- toxic when present in large quantities, par- 'cularily if their relative proportion to other ions s high. The toxicity may result from the par- ‘cular ion as such, or by alteration of the gen- al metabolism of the plant because of an un- llanced supply or availability of other nutrients. RELATIVE TOLERANCE OF VARIOUS AECREASING TOLERANCE WITHIN EACH GROUP‘ I olerant Semi-tolerant Sensitive . paragus Sunflower Pecan Calm Potato Black walnut .% ate palm Acala cotton Jerusalem artichoke ugar beet Pima cotton Navy bean angel Tomato American elm arden beet Sweetpea Plum a lfalfa Radish Pear ladiolus Field pea Apple 1~ oadbean Ragged Robin rose Grape (Sultanina a ‘ion Olive and Malaga) urnip Barley Kado-ta fig abbage Wheat Persimmon i ttuce Corn Cherry I arrot Sorghum Mgrain Peach Oats i ' ‘ Apriwt Zinnia Thornless blackberry Pumpkin Orange Bell pepper Avocado Sweet potato a Grapefruit Lima bean Lemon atings made by Eaton, 1935. Leaching of excess salts from the soil is facilitated by soil improving crops which improve soil struc- Figure l1. ture and permeability. Good soil structure also lessens crusting and cracking of the soil. This is an excellent stand of Sweet Sudangrass. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF SOIL AND WATER Reliable soil and water analyses aid greatly in planning and adjusting management practices to best suit the water and soil available. Peri- odic water analyses will provide information on the composition and concentration of salt in the irrigation water, which may change from time to time. Soil analyses will indicate whether the saline or sodic condition of the soil is improving or is becoming worse under the farming prac- tices followed. It is important that samples be collected and composited in such a manner that they will represent correctly the water or soil to be analyzed. Soil analyses are made by the Soil Testing Laboratory and water analyses by the State Chemist, both at College Station, Texas. Directions should be obtained first on how to take and send a sample. Ordinarily a fee is charged for these analyses. Many private lab- oratories also make soil and water analyses. While numerous types of laboratory tests are available, the analyses described following are most commonly used and most informative in rou- tine salinity tests. The concentration and composition of dis- solved salts determine the suitability of water for irrigation use. Water analyses ordinarily should include: (1) a determination of the total dis- solved salts, (2) a determination of the more im- portant ions, such as sodium, calcium, chloride and bicarbonate and (3) a determination of the proportion of sodium to calcium and magnesium. Routine soil analyses should include the de- termination of: (1) concentration of salt in the saturation extract, (2) percent of exchangeable sodium, (3) pH and (4) calcium content of the soil, either, as gypsum or calcium carbonate, or as both. ll Figure 12. The saline condition in the soil generally is estimated by determining the soluble salt in the “saturation extract." A representative sample of soil is saturated with water and part of the water is extracted by aid of a vacuum for analysis. The farmer generally thinks in terms of the salt contained in the irrigation water he applies; the plant, however, is influenced by the salt in the soil solution. This is governed by the salt al- ready in the soil as well as the salt in the water applied. A saturation extract is obtained to pro- vide an estimate of the salinity of the soil solu- tion. This is done by saturating the soil with water and then extracting some of the water with the aid of a vacuum, Figure 12. The salt con- stituents contained in the saturation extract are then determined. Total Dissolved Solids The total dissolved solids (salts) may be de- termined by evaporating a known quantity of water to dryness after filtering to remove sus- pended matter, then Weighing the salt residue. Results are reported in parts per million (p.p.m.), - percentage or other units. A more common and faster method is to measure the electrical con- ductivity of the solution, since the amount of elec- trical current Water will conduct is related closely to the dissolved salt content. The salt concen- tration may be reported directly in terms of elec- trical conductivity (ec), or may be converted into approximate parts per million, tons per acre-foot of water (t.a.f.), or other figures more readily visualized in everyday usageyTable 6. TABLE 6. APPROXIMATE SALINITY VALUES EX- PRESSED IN VARIOUS TERMS Electrical Tons per Parts per Grainsl conductivity acre-foot million per (ec x 10°) (t.a.f.) (p.p.m.) gallon 575 l/z 368 21 1148 1 735 43 2297 2 1470 86 4594 _4 2940 173 6891 6 4410 258 12 e-Concentration of Specific Ions Upon dissolving, salts dissociate into p) carrying positive charges (cations) and =1 charges (anions)- These electrically chargi ticles are called ions. The proportion or é tration of the various ions is especially im 3 from the standpoint of adsorbed sodium L toxicity, or both. Anions commonly included in water a analyses are: chloride (Cl), sulfate (S04): bonate (CO3) and bicarbonate (H003). C‘ commonly analyzed for are: calcium (Ca), sium (Mg), sodium (Na) and potassium ( A trates or other ions may be included. Boro are made in areas where waters may conta’ element in harmful amounts. A Concentrations of the various ions usu? given in parts per million or milliequivalen l1ter (meq/l). l Potential Sodium Hazard Methods commonly used for estimati potential sodium hazard from use of high w water are concerned with the proportion o ium in solution in relation to the total catio l centration. Of the several methods in us determination of sodium percentage is the and most commonly used. The sodium pe- age may be defined as the percentage of i, A to the total positive ions present, expressed ; equivalent basis. A more recently develo lation designated as the sodium-adsorption (sar) appears to give a more reliable est of the potential sodium hazard (17). Waters relatively high in carbonates or. bonates have an increased sodium hazard, calcium and magnesium may be precipitaf the soil as carbonates. Waters containing amounts of carbonate or bicarbonate tend i cipitate calcium and magnesium carbona the soil becomes drier. This results in a c ponding increase in the sodium percentage soil solution. The sodium percentage “po takes into account calcium and magnesium? bonates that might be precipitated. The carbonateplus bicarbonate over. calcium plus nesium is known as the “residual sodium ca; ate.” Formulas for calculating the sodium. centage, sodium adsorption ratio, sodium per age “possible” and residual sodium carbona shown following. Ion concentrations are exp ed in milliequivalents per liter: Sodium percentage (ssp) I sodium >< 100 sodium + calcium + magnesium ,+ potassi Sodium adsorption ratio (sar) I sodium \/ calcium + magnesium 2 Sodium percentage “possible” I sodium >< 100 odium + calcium + magnesium + potassium) — (carbonate + bicarbonate) Residual sodium carbonate (rsc) I (carbonate + bicarbonate) — (calcium + magnesium) a . hangeable Sodium Percentage The percentage of exchangeable (adsorbed) ium in the soil may have a considerable in- nce on soil tilth and other properties. It is l as a criterion of a sodic soil and is useful for ermining the amount of soil amendment needed reclamation purposes. While the methods of lyses are somewhat involved, the formula for ulating the exchangeable sodium percentage Exchangeable sodium percentage (esp) I Exchangeable sodium (meq/100 gm. soil) . >< 100 tion exchange capacity (meq/10O gm. soil) i. The cation exchange capacity is defined as the . adsorptive capacity of the soil for cations. 5 i a The term “pH” is a measure of the acidity or linity as determined by the hydrogen ion con- tration. Pure water with a pH of 7.0 is neu- l-— neither acid nor alkaline. A solution with 4 (H lower than 7 .0 is acid, while a pH above 7 .0 . ylkaline. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 on T ogarithmic scale. Nonsaline-sodic soils gen- lly have pH values of 8.5 or above. Many nu- nts become relatively unavailable to plants at l high pH values. ching Requirement The leaching requirement is the percentage irrigation water entering the soil which must z below the root zone to reduce the soil salinity a desired level. For areas having relatively f rainfall and rather saline irrigation water, a ctical estimate of the amount of leaching essary may be obtained from the following I ula: ~ I (Leaching requirement I , ec of irrigation water ec permissible in drainage water . Under. certain conditions, it may be desirable l1 use other formulas (not given here) which _e into consideratifiofi rainfall, salt removal by l nts, precipitation of salts in the soil and toxic s. r The concentration of saltwhich can be toler- a w in the soil is somewhat relative, depending a g the varieties and crops grown, climate, fre- quency of irrigation and other management prac- tices, and on the yields expected. Table 3 is use- ful for estimating the permissible soil salinity level for various crops. To obtain good yields, the maximum soil extract concentration probably should be kept below a conductivity of 4 mmhos/cm for sensitivecrops, such as beans or Ladino clover, should not exceed 8 mmhos/cm for relatively tolerant crops, such as alfalfa and cotton, or 12 mmhos/ cm for highly tolerant crops, such as barley. Somewhat higher salt concen- trations may be permissible if some reduction in yield is acceptable or more economical. Gypsum Gypsum (calcium sulfate) is found in soils in arid regions in quantities ranging from a trace to many tons per acre-foot. Gypsum is important in the soil as a source of soluble calcium. The use of irrigation waters with a high sodium per- centage is less harmful on soils of high gypsum content. The presence of soluble calcium also is important in reclamation processes. Alkaline-earth carbonates (calcium and mag- nesium carbonates) usually occur in appreciable amounts in soils in arid areas. These materials may occur as fine salt particles and may improve the physical condition of the soil, or they may oc- cur in, hard layers, such as caliche, and restrict water movement. Alkaline-earth carbonates are nearly insoluble and as such have little influence on the sodium (or sodic) status of the soil. These carbonates, however, may be changed to more sol- uble sulfates by the use of acid-forming soil amendments, such as sulfur or sulfuric acid. The alkaline earth carbonates are, therefore, impor- tant in reclamation processes as a potential source of soluble calcium and magnesium, and they often influence the choice of soil amendments. QUALITY OF IRRIGATION WATER The quality of irrigation water used has an important influence on the results which may be expected under irrigation. The quality of water is a relative matter, however, rather than a fixed entity, since the results obtained with a given wa- ter may be influenced greatly by the crops grown, the soils, climate, management practices and quantity of water available. Nevertheless, water analyses can serve as a valuable guide in esti- mating the saline or sodic problems which can be expected and for determining management prac- tices best suited for the water at hand. The quality of irrigation water is influenced by: ( 1) the total salt concentration or salinity hazard, (2) the amount of sodium and its rela- tion to other cations, (3) the concentration of boron or other constituents that may be toxic and (4) the bicarbonate content in relation to calcium and magnesium. Salinity Hazard The salt concentration in most waters is not sufficiently high to be injurious to plant growth. l3 It is the salt accumulation in the soil which pro- duces injurious saline conditions. As the concen- tration of salt in the irrigationqwater increases, the salinity hazard (tendency for salts to accu- mulate in the soil) likewise increases. Figure 13 was prepared by the USDA Salinity Laboratory and is a useful guide for estimating the relative salinity and sodic hazard of various Waters. The various salinity classes are: Class 1. Low-salinity water (C1) can be used for irrigation with most crops on most soils with little likelihood that soil salinity will develop. Some leaching is required, but this occurs under normal irrigation practices except in soils of ex- tremely low permeability. Class 2. Medium-salinity water (C2) can be used if a moderate amount of leaching occurs. Plants with moderate salt tolerance can be grown in most cases without special practices for salin- ity control. Class 3. High-salinity water (C3) cannot be used on soils with restricted drainage. Even with adequate drainage, special management for salin- ity control may be required and plants with good salt tolerance should be selected. Class 4. Very high salinity water (C4) is not suitable for irrigation under ordinary conditions, but may be used occasionally under special cir- cumstances. The soils must be permeable, drain- Ioo 2 s 4 s e 1 a I000 2 a 4 sooo | I I I I I III I I I so- r HOP] 4 \ t. __ CF84 _ 2O \ G2-S4 N 03-94 INCH 3 1o O a _ \ o4-s4 ‘ 8 \\ g“ _ oI-s: \ _ 5 2 -- \ - g g § \\ oz-sa : .5. N a IC- \\ _ s - = a 2 cI-sz \ g \\ g l2— ~ § l0\ oz-sz 0*“ _ I Ol-QZ y - G4°$2 ‘ Ql-Ql i 63-8! 4O l llllllll l ll Q Ioo zoo no zzoo 4’ oonouonvnv - nIoaounos/ou. Isouo‘) n as‘ o. o I 2 3 4 LOW MEDIUM HIGH VENY HIGH SALINIT Y HAZARD / Figure l3. Diagram for the classification of irrigation water. From Handbook 6U, U. S. Salinity Laboratory. l4 age must be adequate, irrigation water ll I applied in excess to provide considerable 1 and highly salt-tolerant crops should be ~=f Farmers in the Trans-Pecos area of T I‘ producing consistently 2 to 3 bales of co upland soil with irrigation Water containif proximately 3 tons of salt per acre-foot of '_ (3500 micromhos/cm.).__, Soils of the ar rather permeable, underground drainage is. cotton (salt tolerant) is the principal cr practices such as furrow planting and f q irrigation to minimize salinity are cus Practically all water in the area is class Class 4, or very high saline water, accor the guide for salinity classes, Figure 13. _ vide a better basis for differentiating I5 waters within this area, Christensen and (2) suggested the following classification; I, 0-1 t.a.f.; Class II, 1-2 t.a.f.; Class III t.a.f; Class IV, 3.5-5.5 t.a.f; Class V, abo, t.a.f. Other research workers suggested di classifications for other localized areas. classifications, which are more lenient th devised by the U. S. Salinity Laboratory, l’: satisfactory for the customary farming p and areas for which they were designed, b I should not be extended to other areas or. crops and management practices. “ Sodium Hazard , Since the physical condition of the soilv I fluenced greatly by an increase in excha sodium, it is necessary to consider the sodi ard of irrigation Water. Also, plants sensi sodium may be injured by accumulations J ium in the soil. Both the sodium adsorptio and total salt concentration influence the hazard, as shown in Figure 13. ‘ Low-sodium water (S1) can be used f0 gation on almost all soils with little danger l, development of harmful levels of excha q sodium. However, sodium-sensitive crop‘, as stone-fruit trees and avocados, may --. late injurious concentrations of sodium. " Medium-sodium water (S2) will pres‘ appreciable sodium hazard in fine-textur having high cation-exchange-capacity, es,» under low-leaching conditions, unless gyps” present in the soil. This water may be g coarse-textured or organic soils with nv‘ meability. 9 High-sodium water (S3) may produce , ful levels of exchangeable sodium in mos and will require special soil management drainage, high leaching and organic matte e tions. Gypsiferous soils may not develop’ ful levels of exchangeable sodium from su ters. Chemical amendments may be requi 1 replacement of exchangeable sodium, exce’ amendments may not be feasible with Wa very high salinity. Very high sodium water (S4) Qenerallyl-i satisfactory for irrigation purposes except , id perhaps medium salinity, where the solution calcium from the soil or use 0f gypsum or other = endments may make the use of these waters sible. a Waters with a sodium percentage of less than ut 60, and having a 10w bicarbonate content, e probably satisfactory under most conditions. _~ the sodium percentage increases above 60 the dium hazard becomes progressively greater. The occurrence of appreciable amounts of gyp- In in the soil may permit the use of waters hav- q an unfavorably high sodium hazard, partic- rly if the total salt content of the water is latively low. The sodium hazard of low saline ters may be reduced by the addition of gypsum . the water. Similarly, it may be advantageous add soil amendments periodically when using gh sodium waters. Only soil amendments con- ining soluble calcium should be used on non- lcareous soils, while either these or acid-form- g amendments, such as sulfur or sulfuric acid, , ay be used on calcareous soils. The cost of ap- jying a sufficient amount of amendment to cor- - t the sodium hazard of very highly saline later may be prohibitive. ron Hazard While occurring in insignificant amounts in any areas, soluble boron is extremely toxic. lants sensitive to boron may be injured by as le as 0.7 p.p.m. of boron in the saturation ex- act, and more than 1.5 p.p.m. appears unsafe cept for boron-tolerant plants, Table 5. More ater may be required for leaching boron than r other salts. A classification of irrigation ater according to the boron concentration is ven in Table 7. prbonate and Bicarbonate Ions Hazards " As previously indicated, the soil dries after i: irrigation and the soil solution becomes more '1 more concentrated. Under these conditions, ere may be a tendency for the less soluble com- punds to precipitate from solution. Calcium and agnesium carbonates are much less soluble than dium carbonate and may precipitate on drying much is present. The precipitation of calcium l d magnesium results in a corresponding in- ease in the proportion of sodium in solution. ABLE 7. PERMISSIBLE LIMITS OF BORON FOR SEVERAL CLASSES OF IRRIGATION WATERS‘ B0 '7 l Boron- Semi-tolerant Boron- m“ c ass sensitive crops crops tolerant crops - — — — Parts per million — — — — Excellent <’0.33 <0.67 <1.00 Good 0.33 to .07: 0.67 to 1.33 1.00 to 2.00 Permissible .67 to 1.050 ' 1.33 to 2.00 2.00 to 3.00 Doubtful 1.00 to 1.25 2.00 to 2.50 3.00 to 3.75 Unsuitable >“1.25 >2.50 >3.75 ‘ ofield (1936). ~: than. ore than. The bicarbonate ion is important since it is a source of excess carbonate. The extent to which calcium and magnesium carbonates will precipitate and the conditions favoring precipitation are not clearly understood. Waters containing 1.25-2.5 meq./l of residual sodium carbonate are probably marginal and those with more than 2.5 meq./l probably are un- safe for irrigation. Therefore, waters with a “possible” sodium percentage much higher than actual sodium percentage possess an additional sodium hazard. As with high sodium waters, the effects of un- favorably high bicarbonate may be lessened if proper soil amendments are used or if the soil contains an appreciable amount of gypsum. RECLAMATION Leaching of undesirable salts is the key to suc- cessful improvement and reclamation of salty soils. If an adequate supply of reasonably good irrigation water is available, if soil permeability is reasonably good and if drainage is adequate, it should be possible to reclaim almost any salt-af- fected soil. The first step in a reclamation operation should be the collection and analyses or repre- sentative water and soil samples. These analyses will provide information as to the severity of the problem and Whether the problem involves salin- ity, sodium or boron, or a combination of these factors. Reclamation procedures should be plan- ned accordingly. Saline Soils The reclamation of most saline soils is a rela- tively simple operation if drainage is not restrict- ed. Sufficient water is passed through the soil to dissolve the excess salts and carry them away in the drainage water. The quantity of water needed for reclamation depends on the amount of salt in the irrigation water and in the soil, and also on the extent of reclamation desired. Three to 4 acre-feet of water. or even more, may be re- quired. The land should be leveled carefully and borders thrown up so that the field can be flood- ed. Water should be held on the surface until leaching has reduced the salt concentration to a safe level. On slowly permeable soils, it may be desirable to obtain a partial reclamation, then plant a salt-tolerant crop, such as Bermudagrass or barley, to assist in opening up the soil before further leaching. Ordinarily, saline soils are in reasonably good tilth after reclamation and may be farmed at once. Saline-Sodic and Nonsaline-Sodic Soils The reclaiming of sodic soils is more difficult than for saline soils, since the former includes re- placing exchangeable sodium with calcium and improving soil tilth as well as the leaching of un- desired salts. The calcium needed for replacing exchangeable sodium may be supplied in the irri- 15 TABLE 8. APPROXIMATE AMOUNTS OF GYPSUM AND SULFUR REQUIRED TO REPLACE INDICATED AMOUNTS OF EXCHANGEABLE SODIUM‘ Exchangeable sodium (meq. per 100 gm. of soil) Gypsum (caso.-2H.o) Smf“ ons per acre-foot of soil’ - - 0.32. 0.64 0.96 1.28 1.60 1.92 2.24 2.56 2.88 10 3.20 wwqmmmwuw l-l ‘Q. Q l I O wmqcwmwwnq ‘From USDA Agricultural Handbook 60, U.S. Salinity Laboratory. *1 acre-foot of soil weighs approximately 4,000,000 pounds. gation water or perhaps from gypsum in the soil 1n some cases. Most likely the use of an appro- priate soil amendment will be required. Soil amendments commonly used may be di- vided into two types: (1) amendments providing soluble calcium, such as gypsum and calcium chlo- ride, and (2) acid or acid-forming amendments, such as sulfur, sulfuric acid, iron sulfate and aluminum sulfate. Calcium polysulfides (lime-sul- fur) are both calcium-supplying and acid-form- ing, but are perhaps most beneficial in the latter capacity. Applications of limestone may be of considerable value as a source of calcium on acid soils, but are of questionable value on alkaline soils. Amendments providing soluble calcium are suitable for reclamation of all types of sodic soils. Acid-forming amendments are most useful on soils containing calcium carbonate since they re- act with the latter to form calcium sulfate. The relative value of the different acid-forming amendments is determined largely by their sul- fur content. The choice of amendment depends on whether the soil contains calcium carbonate, improving the soil structure on sodic soils. 16 Figure 14. Growing and plowing under highly salt-toler- ant crops. such as barley. are beneficial in reclaiming and the cost and the speed of reaction desired. . cium chloride provides readily soluble but is too expensive for common use. Su__ acid and iron and aluminum sulfates are l! ments which act quickly, while sulfur, wh’ dependent on microbial activity, acts sl, Where possible, amendments should be thoroughly with the soil forsbest results. A ments Which are waterisdluble can be ap easily and economically in the irrigation wa The quantity of soil amendment need, pends on the water quality, quantity of exc able sodium to be replaced, completeness of ical reactions in the soil and other factors. amounts of gypsum and sulfur required place various amounts of exchangeable w, are given in Table 8. Somewhat higher than those shown are suggested, since the rep ment process is not complete. * Fields should be bordered and leach, flooding, as with saline soils. Ordinarily, , saline-sodic soils have low permeability, leaching may be slow, often requiring wee 1s months. The dispersed condition and poor. 7' characteristic of sodic soils may persist leaching is completed. Farming practices will improve the soil structure should be Figure 14. The soil should not be worked A excessively wet, tillage operations should be , g to a minimum and soil-improving crops s ' be grown. * Slick Spots Irrigated fields often contain small irre, areas known as “slick spots.” These areas’ duce little or no growth, are hard and tight dry and sticky when wet. These usually are areas of sodic soil. These areas are diffic» reclaim because they cannot be leached wit interfering with other operations in the fieldf good treatment is to apply and work in a li . supply of the appropriate soil amendment. plications of manure or other organic mate or planting salt-tolerant crops, such as o : .8 or Bermudagrass, are useful for increasing meability so that leaching may be obtained. casionally these slick spots are underlain by l_ ized clay lenses or other impervious layers impede leaching. Subsoiliflg, deep plowing establishment of deep-rooted crops maybe it ficial in such cases. l Digging holes through a deep, impervious and filling with sand is an expensive process; often the only satisfactory way in which drai can be established. This procedure often caf used advantageously for shade trees and of‘ mental plants. ' ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Much of the information in this bull based on research done at the U. S. Salinity oratory, Riverside, California, and also i findings of other research workers in this i ther states. LECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY (ec): Reference is not made in the text O all quoted material and references. A more chnical and complete discussion of material pre- is given in U. S. Department of Agricul- re Handbook 60 and other references cited. The authors acknowledge the many helpful uggestions of the following men in reviewing the anuscript: H. E. Hayward, L. A. Richards, W. Gardner, C. A. Bower, L. V. Wilcox and R. C. eeve, U. S. Salinity Laboratory; W. S. Foster, exas Agricultural Extension Service; and C L. cdfrey, H. E. Joham and M. E. Bloodworth, p Definitions LKALI SOIL: See sodic soil. LKALINE: A chemical term referring to a basic reac- tion where the pH is above 7.0 as distinguished from an acid reaction where the pH is below 7.0. LKALINE-EARTH CARBONATES: Generally refers to calcium and magnesium carbonates, also referred to as lime carbonates. VAILABLE WATER (MOISTURE): The quantity of water retained in the soil between the limits of field capacity and the permanent wilting percentage is termed “available water” for plant use. It usually is expressed in inches per foot of soil depth. ductivity provides a rapid, useful measure of salt “con- centration in water solutions since the amount of current which the zsolution will conduct is closely correlated with theaamount of dissolved salt. The standard unit of conductivity is mhos/ cm, however, other units often are used. A water containing ap- proximately 1 ton of salt per acre-foot may be ex- pressed in the following units: ec — .0O1148 mhos/cm ec x 10” — 1.148 millimhos/ cm or mmho/ cm ec x 10° — 1148 micromhos/cm or a mho/cm Electrical con-H I 10. Grillot, Georges, 1954. The Biological and Agricultural Problems Presented by Plants Tolerant of Saline or Brackish Water and the Employment of Such Water for Irrigation. UNESCO Arid Zone Programme-IV Reviews of Research on Problems of Utilization of Saline Water. Hayward, H. E., 1954. Plant Growth Under Saline Conditions. UNESCO Arid Zone Programme-IV Re- views of Research on Problems of Utilization of Saline Water. Hayward, H. E. and C. H. Wadleigh, 1949. Plant Growth on Saline and Alkali Soils. Advances in Agronomy Vol. 1:1-38. _ _ _ 11. Harris, Karl, 1949. Factors that Give Value to Land exas Agrlcultural Experiment Station. The or Basic Land Values. Ariz. Agric. Expt. Sta. Bul. 223. l 9511s expressed m th1S_ Rubhcatlon do p01,; 199995‘ 12. Lyerly, P. J ., 1957. Salinity Problems in the El Paso arily represent the opinions of these individuals Area. Symposium on proiflems of the Upper Rig 4n the problems discussed and the recommenda- Grande River, pp. 57-62. r 011$ given. ' 13. Scofield, C. S., 1936. The Salinity of Irrigation Water. X ‘ Smithsn, Inst. Ann. Rpt. 1935: 275-287. RGIGIGIICGS 14. Thorne, D. W. and H. B. Peterson, 1954. dligiigated . » . . Soils Their Fertility and Management. 2n ition. i1. Bernstein, L., M. Fireman and R. C. Reeve, 1955. ’ - _ - - Control of Salinity in the Imperial Valley, California, The Blaklston Company’ Phfladelphla and Torwlto: e USDA ARS 41-4, 15. Thorne, J. P. and W. _Thorne, 1951. Irrigation I l2 Christensen P. D. and P. J. Lyerly 1953. Water ‘évaterss of gtellhéggihelr Quahty and Use’ Utah Agnc’ I Quality-As It Influences Irrigation Practices and . Xpt’ ta‘ u ' ' ‘ _ Crop Production—El Paso and Pecos Areas, Texas. 16. Staff, 1955. Water, Year Book of Agriculture, Texas Agric. Expt. Sta. Cir. 132. - 3. Dregne, H. E. and H. J . Maker, 1954. Irrigation Well 17. United States Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954. Diag- Waters of New Mexico—-Chemical Characteristics, I nosis and lgiprfciGnent of Saline and Alkali Soils. Quality and Use. New Mexico Agric. Expt. Sta. Bul. USDA, Han oo o. 60. 386- I s: 18. Wadleigh, o. H. and Milton Fireman, 194s. Salt Dis- . Eaton, F. M., 1935. Boron in Soils and Irrigation tribution Under Furrow Irrigatgd Cotton and ItsP Ef- Waters and Its Effect on Plants With Particular fect on Water Removal. Soil ci. Soc. Amer. roc. Reference to the San Joaquin Valley of California. 13:527-530. p USDA Tech‘ Bul‘ 448' 19. Wilcox, L. V., 1948. Explanation and Interpretation ii Eaton, Frank M., 1950. Significance of Carbonates of Analyses of Irrigation Water. USDA Cir. 784. l; in Irrigation ‘Waters’ Soil Science’ 69123433’ 20. Wilcox, L. V., 1957. Reclamation and Management of . Eaton, F. M., 1954. Formulas for Estimating Leach- Saline and Alkali Soils. Talk presented at Western ‘ ing and Gypsum Requirements of Irrigation Waters. Cotton Irrigation Conference, Phoenix, Ariz. Mar. 4, Tex. Agric. Expt. Sta. Misc. Pub. 111. 1957- .. Freeman, Lawrence. USDA Soil Conservation Ser- 21. Wilcox, L. V., 1948. The Quality of Water for Irriga- vice, Unpublished Data. tion Use. USDA Technical Bul. 962. APPENDIX EQUIVALENT: A term developed by chemists to express the unit weight of an element or ion that will react with or be equal to another in chemical reactions. Eight units (grams) of oxygen are used as a standard for comparison. The equivalent weights of chemical constituents receiving primary attention in irrigation are: CHEMICAL EQUIVALENT CONSTITUENT SYMBOL WEIGHT, GRAMS Calcium Ca a 20,04 Magnesium Mg 12.16 Sodium Na 23.00 Potassium K 39.10 Chloride C1 35.46 Carbonate CO3 30.01 Bicarbonate HCOe 61.02 Sulfate S04 48.03 Gypsum Ca SO. . 2HeO 86.05 Sulfur S 16.03 Sulfuric acid HZSO. 49,04 Iron sulfate FeSOi . 7HeO 139.01 FIELD CAPACITY: Amount of water remaining in the soil after gravitational water has drained downward following irrigation or period of considerable rain. Expressed as_ inches per foot of soil depth or per- centage of soil weight. 17 ION: Upon dissolving, salts dissociate into particles carry- ing positive (cations) and negative (an1ons)_electr1cal charges. These charged particles are called ions. MILLIEQUIVALENTS PER LITER (meq/l): The milli- equivalents of any salt or ion per liter of solution. A milliequivalent I equivalent/ 1000. NONSALINE-SODIC SOIL: A soil that contains suf- ficient exchangeable sodium to interfere with the growth of most crop plants and does not contain appreciable quantities of soluble salt. Quantitively defined as a soil with an exchangeable sodium per- centage greater than 15 and a saturation extract con- ductivity of less than 4 mmhos/ cm at 25° C. OSMOTIC PRESSURE: A property of a solution de- pendent on the concentration of salts or dissolved sub- stances in the solution (and other factors) and relating to its diffusing tendency. In plant-soil relations, two osmotic pressures are involved. If the osmotic pres- sure of the root cell sap is higher than that of the soil solution, water will move from the soil into the plant. The more nearly equal the osmotic pressures of the cell sap and soil solution become, the more difficult it is for plants to obtain water. (For a more accurate definition refer to text books on plant physi- ology or soil physics.) PARTS PER MILLION (p.p.m.): The parts of salt or salt constituent per million parts of solution. PERMANENT WILTING POINT: Quantity of water re- maining in the soil after plants have withdrawn all they can and wilt permanently. Expressed in inches per foot of soil depth or percentage of soil weight. RESIDUAL SODIUM CARBONATE: See page 12. SALINE-SODIC SOIL: A soil containing both sufficient soluble salt and exchangeable sodium to interfere with growth of most plants. Quantitatively defined as a soil containing an exchangeable sodium percentage above 15 with a saturation extract conductivity of 4 mmhos/ cm or more at 25° C. SALINE SOIL: Soil that contains sufficient soluble salt to interfere with the growth of most crop plants. For the purpose of definition, soil for which the con- ductivity of the saturation extract is 4 or more millimhc-s per cm. at 25° C. FORMULAS FOR CALCULATING WATER DEPTH, VOLUME AND IRRTGATING TIME. THESE FORMUL-i NoT TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION DITCH Loss, Loss OF TAIL WATER oR UNEVEN WATER PENETRA ALLowANCE MUST BE MADE FOR SUCH FACTORS WHERE PERTINENT. 1. Acre-inches per acre I cubic feet per second x hours gallons per minute x hours acres x 1.008 2. Acre-feet per acre I cubic feet per second x hours acres x 12.1 3. Acre-inches I cubic feet per second x hours gallons per minute x hours or SALT-AFFECTED SOIL: A soil that contains ei ficient soluble salt or exchangeable sodium, to interfere with the growth of most, plants. SODIC SOIL: A soil containing sufficient exc sodium to interfere with the growth of y‘ plants. Quantitatively defined as a soil with‘; changeable sodium percentage greater than 15f with or without appreciable amounts of soluj Also known as alkali soil. .__ SODIUM ADSORPTION RATlOuziiiSee page 12. SODIUM PERCENTAGE: See page 12. SODIUM PERCENTAGE POSSIBLE: See page SOIL STRUCTURE: Refers to the manner in ~~ soil particles are clustered together into cl aggregates. A stable structure is highly d‘ in the finer-textured soils, since it permif penetration of water and air. Green man f cover crops are especially valuable for their : promote aggregation. SOIL TEXTURE: Refers to the size of the Q particles of which the soil is composed, such : , silt and clay. Coarse-textured soils contain? quantities of sand-size particles; fine-text contain considerable clay. Loam is a term in, that a soil contains appreciable amounts of a. ‘ii? size fractions. * ABBREVIATIONS t.a.f. z tons per acre-foot p.p.m. I parts per million gm. I grams gr. I grains c.f.s. I cubic feet per second g.m. z gallons per minute meq./l I milliequivalents per liter sar. I sodium adsorption ratio t.d.s. I total dissolved solids, generally salts < I less than , > I more than esp. I exchangeable sodium percentage lr I leaching requirement ec I electrical conductivity ssp I soluble sodium percentage gallons per minute x hours acres x 452.5 acres x 5430 1.008 4. Acre-feet I cubic feet per second x hours gallons per or 12.1 5. Hours irrigating time I t_o_tal acre_-feet required x 12.1 Yibic feet pergcoRd 6. Hours irrigating time I acre-inches per acre desired x acres x 1.008 cubic feet per second or acre-inches per acre desired x acres x 452.5 minute x hours 5,430 acre-feet required x 5430 452.5 gallons per minute gallons per minute EXAMPLE (1) How many acre-feet of water are pumped per day by a well producing 2,000 gallons per minute? Use formula 4b gallons per minute x hours 2,000 x 24 48,000 5,430 — W I 5,430 I 8.84 acre-feet (2) How many hours will be required to apply 4 inches of water to 100 acres of land when using 5 cubic I‘ water per second? Use formula 6a acre-inches per acre desired x acres x 1.008 cubic feet per second l8 4 x 100 x 1.00s 403.2 l "F ACTORS AND CONVERSION FORMULAS‘ 1 cubic foot I 7.48 gallons. 1 gallonI.1337 cubic foot. ,1 liter-_I 1.057 quarts I .2642 gallon Water Weighs: 8.34 pounds per gallon 62.43 pounds per cubic foot 2,719,450 pounds‘ per acre-foot. Soil vveighs: 68 to 100 pounds per cubic foot 4,000,000 pounds per acre-foot (average figure) One acre-foot of water contains: 43,560 cubic feet i 325,829 gallons 12 acre-inches _ 1 acre-inch of water: Weighs 226,620 pounds contains 27,152 gallons contains 3,630 cubic feet. 1 million gallons I 3.0689 acre-feet contains 133,680 cubic feet. 1 percent I 1/100 I 10,000 p.p.m. 10,000 p.p.m. I » M_eq./l x equivalent weight 2: p.p.m. Grains per gallon x 17.1 I p.p.m. p.p.m. x .00136 I tons per acre-foot of Water. ec x 103 (millimhos/'cm) x 1000 I ec x 10“ (micromhos/ cm) . Tons of salt per acre-foot (t.a.f.) of water x 735 I p.p.m. 1 cubic foot per second I 7.48 gaL/sec. 448.8 gal./min. 26,928 gaL/ hour 646,272 gaL/day 60 cu. ft./ min. 3600 cu. ft./hour 86,400 cu. ft./day 0.992 acre-inches/hour 23.8 acre-inches/ day 0.0826 acre-ft./hour 1.98 acre-ft./day 1000 gallons per minute I 60,000 gal./hour 1,440,000 gal./day 2.228 cu. ft./second 1% n8 cu ftJminute 8021‘ cu. ft./hour 192,504 cu. ft./ day 2.21 acre-inches/hour 53.03 acre-inches/day 0.184 acre-ft./hour 4.416 acre-ft./day ‘Many of the factorsgiven are in approximate figures. APPROXIMATE WATER-HOLDING CAPACITY OF SOILS Moisture llilzlllfitgze Moisture 161153;?‘ Soil texture held at permanent available inches of field 1 wilting to water to 6311361153’ pointl plants‘ wet 3 feet of soil” Sands 1.0 - 1.4 .2 — .4 .8 - 1.0 2.1 Sandy loams 1.9 - 2.3 .6 - .8 1.3 - 1.5 3.2 loams 2.5 - 2.9 ' .9 - 1.1 1.6 - 1.8 3.8 Silt loams 2.7 - 3.1 1.0 - 1.2 1.7- 1.9 4.1 Clay loams 3.0 - 3.4 ' 1.1 - 1.3 1.9'- 2.1 4.5 Clays 3.5 - 3.9 1.5 - 1.7 2.0 - 2.2 4.8 ‘Expressed as inches of water per foot of soil. “ikssuming three-fourths of the available Water has been evaporated or used by plants at time of irrigation. 19 fiwfi hafiw am.ma afi.aa» fimmfi aa.ma awfiw fiaam 22a am.ma mmaa bfima aa.aa L. . . -. 55m aaa.a fimaa maaa. $5 a mama a.amm mmaa.. wham afi.am fifimm mmam mmam ammm am.aa 5.3 mmma fifiaa amaa mamm. amfim rmaa 5mm. aama mmaa a.fiafi am.aa mfimm mmam mafim amfim afimm mm.aa 5S am.ma ma.aa swam fimm.m maamm . NSN amm.a aaaa. amma aama mabm ma.mm mm.am am.fim aa.mm mm.aa $5 >fi.ma mm.ma ma.aa amm.m ama.a amfifi aam.m $3 maa.a fimmm. aaaa maaa fimbm maaam am.aa mm.ma 5.3 ma.fia mm.ma aa.aa fifia.a 5mm ama.a mwafi mam.m B3 mfim.a vmmm. mfiafi. a? mmaa. a.mma mm.am mm.ma mfima ma.aa fifia.a amm.m fimvfi ama.a fimm.m amfi.fi mam.m aam.m maa.a vmmm. fimmm. $8.. aam wsam am.ma mm.ma ama.a E3 fimm.m mvafi amfi.fi >am.m mam.m Nag aam.m >ma.a maa.a fimmm. mfiafi. $5 amma. amm a.ama fism ..............mam.m mma.m amfi.m aam.m ama.a ma? $5 amma maa.a ammm. amaa. amfifi. aamm. B3. maaa. mmma. aaa m.mfia afimm . wmvamfi amm.m mma.m ama. 85 aam.a mam.a fiaa.a fifiaa. £3 aaam. mvam. mmaa. mafia. fiaaa. 23.. aa méma 28m ..., mfimfi ama.m mfia.a $5 aam.a fiafi.a 5N4 . a aaa.a ammm. SE. mamm. ammm. £5. amma. fimma. mfifia. am fi.aaa aa.mm maamm amm.a S5 $3 mam.a 5N4 mmaa amma. $5.. 5E. afiafi. fiaam. $3. aaaa. $5. amma. E afi.ma fiammm mma.m aam.a mmfi.a mmm.a fiaa.a aaa.a amma. $2.. amaa. mamm. wkx... mmam. mmma. . fiaaa. maaa. amma.. aa 3.3 . am.ma mmam mmm.a mam.a maa.a fifiaa. ammm. fimE... amaa. fimmm. amfifi. mamm. aamm. maaa. amma. mmma. 3%. am fia.ma mm.fia ama.m .. aaa.a $5 ammm. mmaa.. Si. $8. mamm. amfifi. ammm. mmam. £5. fimma. maaa. mfifia. amma. afi 5.5. fia.aa aam.a 3?. mama. amaa. aaam. mamm. afiafi. aka. mamm. mmam. amaa. amma. maaa. vafia. amma. aaaa. am mm.am £3. aaa.a fiamm. mamfi. amfifi. wgm. ammm. fiaam. mmam. aamm. wEH amma. fimma. mfifia. amma. amma. aaaa. am aa.ma maamm fiamm. mmam. amfim. aamm. amaa. $5. $2. amma. maaa. fimma. maaa. mfifia. amma. aaaa. aaaa. mmaa. aa mmaa. amm.a mmam. amma. mama. maaa. fiaaa. fimma. $8. maaa. mmma. mfifia. amma. amma. aaaa. mmaa. mmaa. mmaa. m aam.a .25 amma. mama. mfima. amma. aaaa. Eaa. mmaa. mmaa. aaaa. mmaa. aaaa. fifiaa. mmaa. S8. aaaa. aaaa. a is. am mam? a .5. a . . . wasszb am». maa fim Na aa aa a m b a m fi m N a mb m mm amm . wasoaa wnommw ., mmmozwmmofi 0H meszaz mam mzoqqfiw mo ZOaHUDQHM mme MOh "fiaaa.. ,0 9 amam mmma m.maa >25 aa.aa fia.mm 3E aa.aa mmém amafi mmafi aamm 3E mmaa fiam.m maa.a mmfifi 32m aaa 8 . mafifi afiaa m.mfia wwfi. ma.ma ma.aa mammm am.afi ammfi aaa.a aa.am aamfim am.ma afi.ma mafia afia.fi aaa.m amm.a E. 0 5am mfiaa vfiaa am.afi mfi.mfi mm.afi aafim mamm ma.mm aaafim aa.am mm.aa afi.ma mamm mmfifi aaa.m aaa.a mma a am $3 asfim am.afi aamfim mammm aaam am.ma mm.aa afi.fia afi.ma mm.aa mam.m maa.a mma.fi aaa.m amma mma.a maam. mm aaaa 35. 23m mm.aa ma.ma mmaa mm.fia mmma 5.3 aaa.a mamm maaa amafi mamm mmaa afim.a mamm. mmafi. am m.mam m.mam mfiam mm.fia fia.ma afi.ma ma.aa S? aaa.a mmfi.a. maa.a ama.fi 25 a>fi.m afim.a . vama. maaa. aaam. ma ammm m.fiaa 5.5 mm.ma fifi 5.: afi.aa amma aaa.m mfiaa mmaam mmafi a>fi.m fiamm 53 maam. £5. mamm. fia mm? fi.ama mfimm , am.ma mm.aa 3.2 aaa.a mam.m 85. afifi.a N53 vamfi mmm.m afia.m fi>a.a mmam. NR3 mwmfi ma 3.? a.aaa am.mm aa.aa aa.aa aaa.a ama.m £3 mfia.a ama.m amafi Sam 5am mma.a 2%. mmfiv. amafi. Efi ma m.fima g2 mm.am aa.aa aa.aa aaa.a mma.m mKS fiam.a fimfi.m mfimfi ama.m 55 mam.a aaaa. mama. mfimfi. flaw. aa a.mam m.mma mmaa S? aaa.a fiam.m mmfi.a maaa mmamm ama.fi mmfifi aam.a avfim mma.a fiamm. maaa. mmafi. aaam. aa mmmm a.fima £5 mmam mmfim wmfi.» fiaaa ama.m >am.m mafifi aaamm 2.3 amm.m mmfi.a mmfiw. wSm. aim. amma. a aawfi a.aaa 5.2 fimaa Ems maaa ama.m amm.m mma.fi aaa.a aam.m mfia.m mma.a mmm.a aaaa. amafi. aamm. mmaa. m m.aafi aaSa mm.ma mfiaa fiama. mmanm 8g mmafi ama.fi a>fi.m mamm fiamm mmama $3 £5 ammfi. mamm. afifia. a. 3mm am.mm aa.a.a ama.m fimfi.m ama.fi mafi.fi >33 . avfim k3 avfim mmaa . mmfi.a >23. amafi. 25. 2%. afima. a 5% mfi.aa Baa . amafi mfimfi .. mma.fi aaamm aam.a mam.m a>fi.m aaam mmaa afim.a fiamm. mmafi. aaam. aaam. mmaa. m a.mmm fim.mm fimaa. saam ama.m aam.m . 5am mfia.m fiam.m mmaa mmaa mmm.a vaaa. maaa. mamm. 3am. mmaa. amma. fi $5 ma.afi ama.m mvam 26m aafim amm.m mma.a £5 mmfi.a afim.a 5%. mmfia. amafi. avfim. amma. afima. amaa. m . a.aaa 2km vaam -mma.a mam.a .mma.a mmfi.a mmm.a 53 Si... fiamm. maaa. amafi. aamm. mmaa. afima. amma. mafia. m amam mmma mma.a a vaaa. aaaa. -. fiamm. £3. maaa. £5 amafi. mmafi. aamm. Q3... mmaa. amma. amaa. mafia. 2.8. a . mafifi afi.aa mmfi.a fimmfiw. mama. maaa. wEm. amafi. ammfi. 25. aaam. $3 amma. afima. amaa. mafia. aama. mmaa.. m.» 3% mfia. 5%. amafi. mfimfi. mmafi. 25. aamm. mamm. avfim. aaam. mmaa. afima. amma. mafia. aama. 2a.... maaa. m . mm.fia. awfim amafi. . 2.3 m5... aaam. amma. mmaa. afifia. afima. mmaa. amma. amaa. mafia. 2%. mmaa. maaa. mmaa. m.m ama.m mmm.a mmaa. maaa. aaaa. amma. 3.8. aaaa. $8. aafia. mafia. amma. mfima. maaa. mmaa. maaa. afiaa. amaa a mama am Maw? a 5% a . . . aaa $05" ac mascaa mafia . emmmémofi OB emmmdzoomm mo zoibomamsfiaama MOM mqmfie