Summary This report summarizes information obtained in the North Texas and Corpus Christi areas dur- ing the spring and summer of 1957 on dairy farms which have converted their operations to the bulk system of producing and handling milk. Texas dairy farmers are operating larger ' units, milking more cows, selling more milk and generally becoming more commercialized. They also are making efforts to increase their effi- ciency by utilizing methods which contribute to more efficient production and marketing of fluid milk. Bulk handling of milk on the farm generally adds to efficient operation. About 27 percent of Texas’ 8,600 Grade “A” dairy farmers are op- erating under the bulk system. Approximately half of the 2,500 bulk tanks on Texas dairy farms .were installed during 1957, and the rapid rate of converting to bulk operation is continuing. In general, the larger dairymen were the first to substitute bulk tanks for 10-gallon cans, but many smaller producers are converting to bulk operation. Bulk equipment owners who, at the time of the interview, had been operating under the bulk system 1 year or longer, had increased their milk production 24 percent at the end of 12 months and the number of cows in their milking herds 19 percent. The increase in production by bulk producers was about three ‘times greater than the increase of the average producer on the market and eight times greater than the increase of the average producer still delivering milk in cans. Tank owners in North Texas reported reduc- tions in hauling costs ranging from 5 to 40 cents per hundredweight of milk; producers in the 0 Corpus Christi area reported reductions from 4 to 36 cents in changing fromcans to bulk tanks. North Texas producers reported that the average difference in hauling rates between the can and bulk system was 15 cents per hundredweight; in the Corpus Christi area, the average difference was 10 cents. Savings in transportation charges is the largest monetary advantage of the bulk :1 tem of handling milk. Dairymen interviewed in North Texas A tanks ranging from 150 gallons to 1,000 gall while tanks in the Corpus Christi area ra . from 200 gallons to 1,000 gallons. The ave a tank in North Texas had a capacity of 400 :4 lons of milk, and in the Corpus Christi area 1 average tank held about 550 gallons. ‘ Forty-nine percent of the dairymen in viewed in North Texas and 25 percent in I Corpus Christi area had purchased pipeline, addition to tanks. The cost of pipelines insta averaged $2,235 per farm. The high cost of tanks and other bulk eq z ment is the main obstacle to the rapid adopt of the bulk system for handling milk. Lack‘ credit is not a problem since most producers q a obtain financing at reasonable terms. w farmers hesitate to convert to bulk equipment A cause they are uncertain about the profitab‘, of the system. The cost of tanks ranges f - $2,130 or $11.88 per gallon of capacity for a 1 gallon tank to $5,250 or $5.25 per gallon of t» pacity for a 1,000-gallon tank. _: Dairy farmers purchase bulk equipment; save on transportation costs, to reduce phys" requirements of labor and to produce more :=f tary milk. Other reasons include pressure fr handlers, replacement of wornout can equipm, and attainment of more accurate milk weigz and butterfat tests. ‘ Present production, seasonality of product‘ future expansion expected in output, milk pic schedule and possible delays in milk pick should be considered in determining the pro size of bulk tank. The general rule for deter ing the proper tank size is two and one-half til the average daily production for every day pi“, up and four times daily production for - other day pickup, if future production is expe p to increase one-third more than the present l; put. z l A 12,800 TEXAS DAIRY FARMERS SELLING MILK ate in 248 of the 254 counties in the State. 3: dairymen produced an estimated 3.2 bil- pounds of milk and sold about 2.6 billion ds during 1957. The farm value of milk J cream sold to plants and dealers by farmers ‘A nted to 138 million dollars, with 115 million yrs coming from sales of whole milk. The s farm income from dairying accruing to farmers during 1957 was 170 million dol- The dairy industry in Texas has become high- ommercialized during recent years. While " number of commercial dairies in the State } sed from 42,000 in 1954 to 12,800 in 1957, _- milk production and sales of milk, butter _ cream by farmers have not decreased ap- ifiably. uring this same period, however, total vol- , of fluid milk sold by Texas farmers more _ doubled while the volume consumed on i“ ~ where produced, and not entering commer- channels, decreased by two-thirds. he average Texas dairy producer selling during 1957 marketed seven times more than the average producer did during 1944 , five times more than in 1949. In addition to lying fluid milk to a greatly increased urban ’ lation, Texas commercial dairymen also are ucing and marketing the milk consumed by t half of the rural residents in the State who, rding to the U. S. Census of Agriculture, did have milk cows in 1954. In 1940, milk cows found on 93 percent of Texas farms. ith these shifts and trends in the number rmers selling milk and the volume of milk eted per farm, the dairy farmer plays a Pr‘ role in supplying milk to urban and other M population than ever before. g) s dairy farmers expand their business, milk *- cows on the average, sell more milk and rally become more commercialized, it is to advantage to produce more efficiently by ting as many of the innovations as possible contribute to more efficient and economical auction and marketing of their product. pipeline milking and the bulk tank system , oring and transporting fluid milk usually ‘considered the most recent and far-reaching actively, assistant professors, and farm management 'alist, Department of Agricultural Economics and ology, College Station, Texas. Bulk Handling of Milk on Texas Dairy Farms RANDALL STELLY, DONALD S. MOORE and CECIL A. PARKER* contributions to efficiency and savings in the amount and physical requirements of labor, Fig- ures 1 and 2. This report summarizes information obtained during the spring and summer of 1957 from Tex- as dairy farmers who have converted their opera- tions to the bulk system of producing and hand- ling milk. Purpose of Study Converting from the can to the bulk tank sys- tem of operation is one of the most important de- cisions facing dairymen. In addition to requir- ing a large outlay of capital for new equipment, shifting to the bulk system usually changes dras- tically the physical requirements of labor and the operations in milking and fluid milk handling. This is true especially if a pipeline system is in- stalled along with a tank. Adjustments are neces- sary in production practices as well as in milk storage and handling functions. Contents Summary .................................................................... .. 2 Introduction ............................................................... -. 3 Purpose of Study ..................................................... .- 3 Objectives .................................................................. .. 5 Method of Study . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Characteristics of Bulk Producers ....................... .- 5 Effect of Bulk Operation ...................................... .. 6 Production _ 6 Size and Composition of Herd .... ................ .- 6 Butterfat ............................................................ __ 6 Bacteria .............................................................. __ 7 Transportation Cost .................... _________________ __ 7 Reasons for Purchasing Bulk Equipment .......... .. 7 Influence of Handlers ...................................... __ 8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Bulk Handling ............................................ __ 8 Lower Hauling Costs ...................................... .. 8 Savings in Labor .............................................. __ 9 Savings in Cans and Can Coolers“..-..._.-__._. 9 Wastage and Stickage .................................... _, 9 Milk Weighed on Farm .................................. __ 9 Uniform Fat Test ____________________________________________ __ 9 Improvement in Milk Quality ...................... __ 9 High Initial Cost _____________________________________________ __ 9 Possible Loss of Milk __________________________ __; _________ __ 9 Bulk Tank Cost ________________________________________________________ __1() Comparison Between Investment and Savings ...... .. 10 Pipeline Cost ___________________________________________________________ __11 Financing ___________________________________________________ __ __12 Size of Tanks . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __12 Proper Size ____________________________________ __ ____12 Producers Using Cans _______________________________________ __13 Acknowledgments ____________________________________________________ __14 ~ Many Texas dairymen are trying to attain Grade “A” status. Producers also are encour- aged to increase their production to satisfy the expanding local markets for Grade “A” milk. Throughout the State, milk distributors, proces- sors and producers associations are encouraging dairy farmers to turn from the 10-gallon milk can and pickup truck to bulk storage and trans- portation facilities. These changes present the dairy industry with problems of production, han- dling and distribution and require additional cap- ital investment and increased production in some areas. Texas farmers utilizing the bulk system re- port reduction in transportation cost of 10 to 30 cents per hundredweight over the can system. They also report increases in butterfat content, Figure 2. Cans, can coolers and conventional-type milking parlors are being replaced with pipelines. bulk tanks and moi milking parlors by many Texas dairymen. 4 Figure 1. Bulk tank, pipeline and modern milking parlor add generally to efficiency and to lower milk handling costs; improvements in milk quality and reductions labor requirements. a Although the first bulk system Was install on a large Texas dairy farm during the 1930’s, a substantial volume of milk was l; handled in bulk on Texas farms until the sprk of 1954. Since that time, Texas farmers converted rapidly to the bulk system. r 2,500 of the 8,600 Grade “A” dairymen in State are operating under the bulk system. the North Texas market, 61 percent of the p? ducer milk is delivered in bulk to plants and i ceiving stations by 42 percent of the produce . Comparisons should be made of changes production, storage and handling costs, chan; in volume and product quality and increased i ginvestment. The economics involved in the _rence between the can and tank system could pt materially the number of dairy farmers fmake the conversionand stay in the dairy ess and those who do not make the change eventually are forced out of business. Objectives he main objectives of this study are to de- line the extent to which milk producers are lting the bulk tank system of handling milk ithe reasons for adopting this method. This also attempts to find out the effects of this for handling milk on production, herd jiand composition, storage and hauling costs, requirements, butterfat content and general ity of the product and also to determine the um size of tank at various levels of produc- and the capital requirements and annual fix- fcosts for conversion to the system. Method of Study ‘The information reported in this study was ined through personal interviews with a rep- "ntative sample of dairy producers in the ith Texas and Corpus Christi milk marketing s, Figure 3. {During the spring of 1957, when the inter- ,Ws were conducted, 736 of the 3,200 producers ‘ithfi 24-county North Texas area and 53 of the A producers in the 7-county Corpus Christi area ire using the bulk handling system. TIA random sample of 230 producers was drawn m the list of all bulk producers in the North i as area. In the Corpus Chrisit area the sam- consisted of all tank owners in the area. In- ‘I ation considered reliable and complete ugh for analysis was obtained from 191 tank ', ers in North Texas and 36 in the Corpus Cristi area. f TThe North Texas and Corpus Christi areas e selected for the study primarily because pro- ers of these areas had made the greatest prog- is in converting to bulk method of milk hand- g. These areas had 72 percent of the 1,100 pks on Texas farms as of January 1957. The “ducing and marketing areas are well defined graphically and extend over several counties; 7y are located at opposite ends of the State, rep- enting wide differences in climate, soil and ture conditions and general dairy farm oper- ng conditions. a r c During 1957, dairy farmers in the 34 counties gluded in those, two areas comprised 42 percent ~Grade “A” milk producers in the State. Those ers marketed 38 percent of the 2.6 billion lunds of whole milk sold by Texas farmers in ,57 and received 45 percent of the total 115 mil- n dollars that Texas dairy farmers got as the rm value of fluid milk sales. Information also was obtained from 179 dairy farmers in North Texas who were selling milk in 10-gallon cans. The same sampling procedure was used in selecting can producers as was used for bulk producers. Characteristics of Bulk Producers On the average, producers in South Texas con- trol a larger acreage and have more cows in the milking herd than those in North Texas. There was a significant difference in herd composition between the two regions. Holsteins were found on more farms in North than in South Texas and the average North Texas Holstein owner had one- third more cows than the dairyman in the South. The reverse holds true for Jerseys. Interviews with producers operating with 10- gallon cans in North Texas indicate that they are smaller operators, on the average. They control one-fourth fewer acres and have 60 percent as many cows in the milking herd as bulk produc- ers. During the spring of 1957 the average bulk tank owner delivered twice as much milk as the average producer handling milk in cans. The average producer using cans is about 4 years old- er than the bulk tank owner. In general, the larger dairymen were the first to install bulk equipment. However, a larger pro- portion of the smaller producers now are buying tanks. An indication of this trend is presented in Table 1, which shows that during January 1956 less than 4O percent of the 307 bulk oper- ators in North Texas produced under 30,000 pounds of milk each but during June 1957 about 61 percent of the 952 bulk producers were in this group. Figure 3. Location of counties included in the survey. 5 TABLE 1. COMPARISON OF RELATIVE VOLUME OF ||._ Pounds of milk Ianuary 1956 August 1 idneghvtigeilgst; Number of Percent of Production, Percent of . Number of Percent of . producers producers thousand pounds total bulk producers producers tho Less than 10.000 2 .6 18 .1 11 2.0 10.000 to 19.999 38 12.4 592 4.6 122 1,- 21.8 20.000 to 29.999 82 26.7 2.057 15.9 166*". ‘I; 29.6 30.000 to 39.999 65 21.2 2.263 17.4 106 18.9 40.000 to 49.999 43 14.0 1.934 14.9 71 12.7» 50.000 to 59.999 I 26 8.4 1.427 11.0 28 5.0 60.000 to 69.999 14 4.6 902 7.0 16 2.9 70.000 to 79.999 14 4.6 1.050 8.1 19 3.4 80.000 to 89.999 6 2.0 583 4.5 8 1.4 90.000 to 99.999 5 1.6 478 3.7 4 .7 100.000 and over 12 3.9 1.665 12.8 9 1.6 Total 307 100 12.969 100 560 100 ‘From records of the North Texas Milk Market Administrator. Effect of Bulk Operation PRODUCTION Thirty-nine percent of the tank owners in North Texas and 47 percent in the Corpus Christi area reported that bulk tanks had no noticeable effect on the volume of milk they produced. How- ever, 37 percent of the North Texas tank owners reported a slight increase and 9 percent reported a considerable increase while 33 percent of the Corpus Christi producers reported a slight in- crease and 6 percent a considerable increase in the amount of milk produced. Fourteen percent of the producers in both areas did not specify the effect of bulk operation on milk volume. Milk production records for 145 of the 191 bulk producers in the North Texas area indicate that the total production increased 24 percent from the 3-month period preceding the dates they obtained bulk equipment to the same 3 months 1 year later, Table 2. Milk delivery records of all producers in the North Texas area indicate that the average producer increased his produc- tion 8 percent between the first 10 months of 1956 and the same period of 1957. Can produc- ers delivered an average of 643 pounds of milk per day during the spring of 1956 and 665 pounds per day during the spring of 1957, or an increase between the two periods of only 3 percent. Bulk handling equipment gives a net savings in milk volume of about 1 percent because of re- duced spillage. However, increases in the number of cows in the milking herds and changes toward more Holsteins contribute more to increased pro- duction than this reduced wastage. The increase in total production in North Tex- as after 1 year of operation amounted to 1 pound of milk per day per cow. Higher producing cows, better feed and care, weather and other factors could contribute to this increase, but the greater percentage of Holsteins in the herds probably contributed the greater part. 6 Efforts of tank owners to minimize overhea costs of bulk equipment ownership by obtainin maximum utilization of tank capacity is anothe incentive to increased production. Many farmer, installed tanks that were one-third to one-hal larger than required for every other day pickup’ Some were utilizing their tanks to only 25 per. cent of capacity. While the average tank Wag approximately 400 gallons, the average produce - still handling milk in cans produced 65 gallon per day and can get by with a 200-gallon tank Thus more 200-gallon tanks are needed to ac. comodate the smaller producers. a SIZE AND COMPOSITION OF HERD Dairymen interviewed in North Texas had an; average of 52 cows in the milking herd before they obtained bulk handling equipment, and an; average of 61 cows while operating in bulk. Cor- pus Christi producers reported an average of 60; cows before installing bulk tanks and 72 at time? of interview. Excluding farmers who reported no change in size of herd (and including only those; reporting either an increase or a decrease) the! average North Texas dairyman added about 12 cows to his herd while Corpus Christi area pro-Q ducers increased their herds by almost 24 cows-v. on the average. Changes in size and composition»? of herds are indicated in Tables 3, 4 and 5. I Comparisons of size and composition of herdsl of 145 bulk tank owners in North Texas before, and after installing tanks indicate that they had. increased their milking herds by 1,429 cows, or an average of 10 cows each. However, 78 per- cent of this increase was Holstein cows, 16 per- j; cent Jerseys and 6 percent other breeds. BUTTERFAT Sixty-one percent of the tank owners reportedfj no noticeable change in the butterfat content of; their milk with bulk tanks, while 37 percent re- ported a higher fat content and 2 percent, a lowerv- fat content. HAVING BULK TANKS. NORTH TEXAS MARKET‘ December 1956 Iune 1957 lumber of Percent of Production, Percent of Number of Percent of Production. Percent of ‘producers producers _ thousand pounds total bulk producers producers thousand pounds total bulk 17 2.4 116 .4 31 3.3 202 .7 106 15.0 1.745 6.6 243 25.5 3,898 13.2 221 31.3 5.421 20.6 307 32.2 7.580 _ 25.6 136 19.3 4.728 18.0 171 18.0 5.871 19.8 85 12.0 3.801 14.5 88 9.2 3.948 13.4 49 6.9 2.546 9.7 47 4.9 2.593 8.8 27 3.8 1.726 6.6 22 2.3 1.428 4.8 24 3.4 1.809 6.9 17 1.8 1.264 4.2 10 1.4 865 3.3 13 g 1.4 1.098 3.7 12 1.7 1.140 4.4 3 .3 290 1.0 20 2.8 2.372 9.0 10 _ 1.1. 1.405 4.8 707 100 26.269 100 952 100 29.577 100 TThe total amount of butterfat contained in the A marketed by 145 North Texas tank owners ore and after obtaining tanks shows a fat con- t decrease from 4.04 to 3.90 percent, or .14 entage points, Table 2. This 3.5 percent de- Tse in total butterfat content may be account- ;Jf0r by changes in herd composition and the 11 cent increase in Holstein cows. ‘CTERIA Thirty-eight percent of the tank owners in rth Texas and 40 percent in the Corpus Christi H . reported no noticeable change in the bac- l 'a count of their milk after they installed bulk ipment. However, 56 percent of the North Tas producers and 60 percent of the Corpus isti producers reported decreases in bacteria Qvnt of their milk, while 6 percent of the North s producers reported a slight increase in bac- a. ; NSPORTATION COST Although studies in other areas on bulk han- g equipment show some reductions in bac- 'a count, less spillage of milk and savings of sical labor, the most significant savings are uctions in milk hauling costs. Q Producer milk is transported to plants in ffks owned by farmers, trucks belonging to _‘ handlers or cooperative associations that , hase the milk, or in trucks owned by contract 1' lers. Seventy-three percent of the farmers North Texas and 70 percent in the Corpus isti area had their milk hauled under contract ing the spring of 1957. Trucks belonging to ‘dlers or cooperative associations hauled the 5 for 23 percent-of the North Texas farmers . for 30 percent of those in the Corpus Christi a. The hauling costs of tank owners in North as ranged from 15 to 40 cents per hundred- ight compared with charges ranging from 20 to 60 cents reported by Corpus Christi producers, Table 6. Before installing a tank the average North Texas tank owner interviewed paid 38 cents per hundredweight to have his milk hauled in cans. After installation of a tank, the average hauling rate was reduced to 23 cents. In the Corpus Christi area, the average reduction was from 53 cents to 43 cents. , In North Texas, 96 percent of the dairy farm- ers reported reductions in hauling rates between cans and tanks of 10 to 20 cents per hundred- weight of milk. Of these, 23 percent reported re- ductions of 10 cents, 48 percent reported reduc- tions of 15 cents and 25 percent reported reduc- tions of 20 cents. Analyses of the total cost to all North Texas producers for transporting milk from the farms to plants during May 1957 show that milk hauled in cans costs an average of 37 cents per hundred pounds while milk hauled in bulk tanks costs an average of 23 cents or a difference of 15 cents per hundred pounds. Transportation cost data for individual producers are not available but, based on total costs of transporting milk from the farms to plant locations in North Texas, the range in cost to producers per hundred pounds of milk marketed during May 1957 was as indi- cated in Table 7. ' Reasons for Purchasing Bulk Equipment The average tank owner gave two or more reasons for purchasing, bulk handling equipment. The reasons given most frequently and the per- centage of farmers interviewed are: to reduce the physical requirements of labor, 53 percent; to save on transportation charges, 48 percent; to produce more sanitary milk, 39 percent; to re- duce the amount of labor and therefore milk more cows, 30 percent; pressure by handlers who re- fused to pick up or receive milk in cans, 22 per- cent; and to replace worn out can equipment, 22 7 TABLE 2. CHANGES IN MILK AND BUTTERFAT PRODUC- TION BEFORE AND AFTER INSTALLING BULK HANDLING EQUIPMENT, 145 FARMERS, NORTH TEXAS ' Milk production‘ Butterfat content Item 90d“, period of milkiapercent Total Production Before tank, pounds 12,596,000 4.04 After tank, pounds 15,690,000 3.90 Percent change 24 — .14 Production per cow - Beiore tank, pounds 1.660 After tank, pounds 1,738 Percent change 4.1 percent. Other reasons are: t0 obtain more ac- curate Weights of the milk marketed, 8 percent and t0 get more accurate butterfat tests, 3 per- cent. INFLUENCE OF HANDLERS As the proportion of producer milk in cans re- ceived in plants decreases relative to bulk re- ceipts, many handlers attempt to avoid the high cost 0f dual milk receiving by accepting only bulk milk. Under such a situation farmers ‘still han- dling milk in cans and selling it to those plants must convert to bulk handling or find a handler willing to accept milk in cans. Farmers unable or unprepared to install tanks may suffer incon- veniences or economic losses. However, the eco- nomic effect on farmers usually is reduced when TABLE 3. SIZE AND COMPOSITION OF HERD, CAN AND TANK SYSTEMS, NORTH TEXAS handlers announce their intention in time for l‘ ducers to install tanks. l Seventy-four percent of the tank owners v terviewed in the Corpus" Christi area and 37 ~- cent of those in North Texas reported that h" dlers had encouraged them to install tanks. Of the North Texas producerfs encouraged handlers to purchase tanks, 53' percent repo i they were forced to purchase bulk equipment cause handlers purchasing their milk quit f cepting milk in cans. In the Corpus Christi a 16 percent of the producers reported they w encouraged by handlers to install tanks. 0t forms of handler encouragement consisted of- forming farmers about the benefits of bulk dling and granting producers premiums for == milk. ' Advantages and Disadvantage of Bulk Handling Because of the high cost of bulk tanks, da’ farmers contemplating converting from cans ~- tanks should consider carefully both the adv tages and disadvantages of bulk operation. LOWER HAULlNG COSTS From the monetary standpoint the grea i advantage of bulk handling of milk is the red i. tion in milk hauling costs. Reductions in ha Breed of cattle‘ Number N b Iersey Holstein Other breeds °f ¢°W5 um er Avera e Number Avera e Number Avera 7 " in he'd of farms ljiufrgfg; numbegot of farms numbergot of tarms number ' with Jerseys cogavs per with cows per with other cows p, arm Holstems farm breeds farm, . Can system No can experience 15 Less than l0 _ 1 1 5.0 1 4.0 10 to 19 3 3 8.0 3 8.3 20 to 29 27 Z3 12.7 19 13.6 10 30 to 39 28 19 19.4 20 20.4 8 40 to 49 30 22 21.6 23 26.5 8 254 50 to 59 26 21 27.7 22 26.5 13 60 to 69 22 17 25.8 16 42.4 7 70 to 79 * 19 17 27.4 16 40.5 l1 80 and over 20 16 ' 36.3 16 88.9 8 Total 191 139 23.2 136 34.1 65 . Tank system Not given 1 Less than 10 10 to 19 . 20 to 29 - 15 15 10.7 15 12.0 7 30 to 39 38 25 16.1 29 23.6 9 40 to 49 22 19 17.9 16 27.8 9 50 to 59 33 26 21.0 29 29.7 16 60 to 69 22 18 21.8 18 40.3 9 70 to 79 25 21 36.8 17 48.4 ~ 12 80 and over 35 28 32.1 32 78.4 15 Total 191 152 23.1 156 40.0 77 ‘Some farmerslhad more than one breed of cattle. 8 ‘I TABLE 4. SIZE AND COMPOSITION OF HERD, CAN SYSTEM AND TANKI SYSTEM, CORPUS CHRISTI AREA I Breed of cattle‘ Number Iersey Holstein Other breeds " N b , f‘ “W5 ofufxgm: . Number Average Number Average Number Average m he'd of farms number of of farms number of of farms number of ' with cows per with cows per with other cows per Ierseys farm Holsteins farm breeds farm i Can system I -~- experience 5 ' than l0 '- 19 '- 29 6 6 22.0 2 5.0 1 8.0 39 7 6 28.0 4 15.2 1 2.0 49 4 2 40.0 3 32.0 59 3 1 56.0 2 53.0 - 69 p’ 79 1 1 28.0 1 42. over 10 9 109.4 1 10.0 wTotal 36 25 58.0 ll 28.1 4 29 Tank system _ than 10 ‘l9 29 1 l 25 1 2.0 39 12 9 23.4 8 18.0 2 20.5 f - ~49 59 5 3 52.0 2 29.0 2 27.5 I- 69 2 1 27.0 2 54.0 79 1 1 34.0 1 33.0 1 5.0 M- over 15 13 108.0 4 49.5 2 42.5 {Total 36 28 66.3 18 30.2 7 26.6 7e farmers had more than one breed of cattle. " rates under the bulk system arise from con- 'dation of can routes and converting to every er day pickup, and result in decreased mile- j and time required per hundredweight of milk AIVINGS m LABOR ‘Although it was difficult to determine the ex- lsavings in labor requirements by changing t0 -, operation because the number 0f cows milk- ‘increased after the change, there are indica- j- of reduction in man hours per hundred ‘nds of milk. Tank owners reported utilizing p time for milking and barn feeding, and clean- and sterilizing milk rooms and barns. Bulk ‘fling equipment contributes to reductions in fphysical requirements of labor when a pipe- f is used with a tank and lifting heavy cans of f}. is eliminated. IVINGS IN CANS AND CAN COOLERS These can be applied to the depreciation and fieep cost of tanks. STAGE AN]; “STICKAGE In addition td‘ spilling of milk from cans dur- ' handling and some butterfat sticking to can f; losses usually occur through some milk not ining out of cans. These show up as a differ- _‘ in weight and a decreased fat test. Under p. handling these losses are minimized. MILK WEIGHED ON FARM Since milk volume is taken while the milk is in the tank, bulk operators appear better satis- fied with volume determination and any spillage in handling is for the account of the handler or hauler. UNIFORM FAT TEST Thorough mixing of the milk in the tank be- fore fat samples are taken assures more uni- formity in the fat sample. IMPROVEMENT IN MILK QUALITY Some handlers offer premiums for milk with low bacteria count. Although bulk tanks will not insure milk quality, they make it easier to maintain milk quality and thus benefit from premiums paid for low bacteria milk. HIGH INITIAL COST Other expenses usually are associated with bulk equipment such as the cost of remodeling and rewiring the milk room and improving the road leading to the milk room to accomodate the larger tank trucks. POSSIBLE LOSS OF MILK If milk in a tank is rejected because of qual- ity, the supply from four milkings is lost if it is on an every. other day pickup schedule; under the can system only one can may be rejected. TABLE 5. CHANGES IN SIZE AND COMPOSITION OF HERD ON FARMS CHANGING TO BULK METHOD OF OPERA NORTH TEXAS AND CORPUS CHRISTI AREAS Total Farms with increase Farms with decrease Net change A A i ,. Breed‘ number Farms _ Total inbizg: Farms Total dellireiriz Total 2;? farms reporting increase per farm reporting decrease per farm cows reporfi reporting reporting X _ , A North Texas f’ Iersey 45 400 8.9 23 231 10.0 + 169 + 2 Holstein - 70 1389 19.8 18 253 14.0 + 1136 + 12. Other 26 176 6.8 10 126 12.6 + 50 + 1 iTotal 112’ 131 1965 15.0 51 610 12.0 + 1355 +12 Corpus Christi area Iersey 10 288 28.8 4 58 14.5 + 230 + 16. Holstein 9 178 19.8 1 15 15.0 + 163 + 16. Other 4 37 9.2 0 0 0.0 + 37 + 9 Total l8“ 23 503 21.9 5 73 14.6 + 430 +23 ‘Some farmers had more than one breed of cattle. “Excludes 15 farms which had no can experience and 64 farms reporting no change in total number oi cows. sExcludes 5 farms which had no can experience and 13 farms reporting no change in total number of cows. TABLE 6. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES AND MILES TO PLANT. NORTH TEXAS AND CORPUS CHRIST] AREAS Can system Tank system Elifizlaefirzztjifi: Number Average Number Average P91’ hundred ot {arms numiaer of farms numioer Pm-mds reporting of mlles reporting of mlles to plant to plant North Texas Not given 28‘ 71 15 1 9.0 20 88 32.0 25 6 24.8 87 71.8 30 23 31.6 6 124.2 35 10 36.8 1 30.0 40 115 65.0 1 125.0 42 1 65.0 43 2 18.5 45 2 39.0 50 1 105.0 55 1 30.0 60 2 40.0 Total 167 54.6 184 54.3 Corpus Christi area Not given 9‘ 1 20 1 32.0 25 35 3 46.7 40 1 4 61.0 41 1 4 69.5 42 1 68.0 44 3 73.3 45 1 75.0 4 75.5 46 1 78.0 47 1 80.0 50 10 69.3 12 102.1 51 1 50.0 60 2 64.0 1 71.0 61 1 80.0 62 1 68.0 65 6 89.1 75 4 115.0 Total 27 78.2 35 78.2 ‘Includes farmers who had no can experience, farmers who did their own hauling and farms ior which data were not available. 10 Bulk Tan/< Cost The average cost of milk tanks installed North Texas dairy farms is shown in Table; These costs include the basic unit with a calib tion chart, the compressor, freight and insta, tion charges. For a 400-gallon tank, these av age about $2,200 for the basic unit, $600 fort a compressor and $320 for freight and installati‘ Usually there are other cost items associated W ownership and operation of a bulk tank aver ing about $100 per farm. This includes $50 _ labor and material to rewire the milk room, $ for an agitator timer and $30 for cleani‘ brushes and fluid, wall opening and tank sanita cap. The cost per gallon capacity ranges fro, $11.83 for a 180-gallon tank to $5.25 for a 1,0 gallon tank. Comparison Between Investment and Savings Texas tank owners believe that tanks shouf last an average of 17 years, while most tank ers estimate that the basic tanks should last or more years. However, tanks have not been" use long enough for anyone to know exactly ho ‘V long they will last under operating conditions. At total savings of 15 cents and 10 cents 5 hundredweight of milk as indicated for N0 5 Texas and Corpus Christi producers and 15-y tank life, and allowing 3 percent of the install tank cost for upkeep and repairs, insurance l", taxes, the break-even points between additio investment for bulk equipment and total savin are shown in Table 9. Maximum savings can be obtained only Wh tanks are utilized to capacity. After consideri erences in ownership and use costs between and bulk equipment, North Texas tank own- pwith savings of 15 cents per hundredweight Q’ ilk can expect to break even on an additional istment for bulk equipment of about $452 per idred pounds of milk marketed per day over .,estimated 15-year ‘life of tanks. Corpus ;isti producers reporting average savings of ents per hundredweight, can expect to break n on an additional investment of $301 per dred pounds of milk marketed per day. With average production of 665 pounds per day, j= h-Texas producers still selling milk in cans 2d afford to repay an additional investment of ‘l 16 for bulk equipment over an estimated tank i‘ 0f 15 years with savings of 15 cents per hun- weight of milk, Figure 4. In addition to direct savings in transportation ' , producers may want to include less notice- .' savings such as reduced labor requirements, c and can cooler replacement, reduced milk go and stickage, when these apply to their a 1on. Figure 4 shows how a dairy farmer, produc- = 600 pounds of milk per day, may determine . much he can afford to pay for bulk equip- t and break even at the end of 15 years if his savings will amount to 15 cents per hundred- weight during that time. He can do this by lo- cating the 15-cent point on the horizontal axis of Figure 4. Directly above this point on the verti- cal axis to the line representing 600 pounds, the two lines intersect at a point which the scale on the left indicates will support an additional in- vestment of about $2,700. A farmer may know that bulk equipment will cost him $3,000 and that he will save 10 cents per hundredweight if he markets his milk in bulk. By using Figure 4, he can determine how much milk he will have to sell per day to break even over a 15-year period by buying the equipment. In this case he locates the $3,000 figure to the left of the chart; the vertical line directly‘ across represents the 10 cents per hundredweight savings. At that point the chart indicates that he will have to mar- ket about 1,000 pounds of milk per day to pay for the equipment out of savings during 15 years. Pipeline Cost Ninety-six of the 191 bulk operators inter- viewed in North Texas and 10 of the 36 in the Corpus Christi area had pipelines along with tanks. However, pipeline owners enjoy decreased 7 3' . {Loo _ At volume oi milk sales indicated by diagonal 6 lines, producers with total savings per hundred 0Q pounds indicated can expect to break even \\ with an additional investment on ‘the vertical 0Q axis at the end oi 15 years of bulk equipment O64. \O 5 — use. $00‘ o o ° Q0 6° \\ o 4 \\o“\°“ so - o 09° 100 , 3 - . \'\ot\ "°“‘ 500 l 00 a » 400 r 2 _ zoo q<\“°“ 300 \ . °“°.“ lQ\'\k) I ' Non N“) 2 IOO i, o/ o * | | | - 5 IO l5 2O v Savings between can and bulk systems (cents per hundred pounds of milk) it .4. Relationship between savings through bulk handling of milk and additional investment possible for bulk equipment. ll TABLE 7. AVERAGE COST OF TRANSPORTING 100 POUNDS OF MILK. NORTH TEXAS MARKET Plant location Can Bulk _ Difference ——————Cents——-——— Location A 37 24 13 Location B 29 21 8 Location C 41 26 15 Location D 40 25 15 Average, all locations 37 23 14 physical labor requirements attributable to this equipment only at a substantial cost. The cost of pipelines installed averaged $2,235 per farm. Glass pipelines had average cost of $2,294 as com- pared with $1,882 for metal pipelines. However, the average length of metal pipes reported was 51.7 feet compared with 72.4 feet for glass and on a linear foot basis, metal pipelines averaged $36.40 per foot as compared with $31.70 for glass. Where applicable, costs of pipelines should be con- sidered with tank costs in any analysis of total savings versus additional investment for bulk op- eraton. Financing Eighty-three percent of farmers having bulk milk handling equipment obtained credit to pur- chase tanks. Forty percent of those farmers ob- tained credit from local banks, 35 percent from bulk equipment dealers, 10 percent from milk handlers, 5 percent from producers associations and the remaining 10 percent obtained credit from the Production Credit Association, Farmers Home Administration and other sources. Interest rates on this borrowed capital ranged from 4 to 8 per- cent per year and averaged 5 percent per year. Most loans called for repayment between 3 and 4 years, and 9 out of 10 stipulated monthly “repayment amounts usually deducted from the producer’s milk checks. The financing aspects of converting to bulk operation by Texas dairy farmers are reported in a separate bulletin. Size of Tanks Tanks on farms visited in North Texas during this survey ranged from 150 gallons to 1,000 gal- lons, Table 10. The average tank had a capacity TABLE 8. COST OF BULK TANKS INSTALLED ON TEXAS DAIRY FARMS Cost per gallon Size oi tank Cost to iarmer of capacity Gallons — -—- — — Dollars — —— — — 180 ‘ 2,130 11.83 250 2.330 9.32 300 2.750 9.17 400 3.120 7.80 500 3.650 7.30 600 4.000 6.67 700 4.300 6.14 800 4.645 5.81 1.000 5.250 5.25 12 of 400 gallons and 27 percent of the produc" had tanks of this size. Ninety-three percent, the producers interviewed had purchased ta ranging from 250 to 600 gallons. Thirty-four j cent of all tanks had ‘a capacity of 250 and p, gallons, and 33 percent were 500 to ‘600 gallo I In the Corpus Christi areaqthe size of ta ranged from 200 to 1,000 gallons and the aver tank had a capacity of 450 gallons. Twenty-n percent of the producers in that area purcha a 300-gallon tank and 20 percent purchased a i, gallon tank. Eleven percent purchased a 400- lon tank and the same number purchased a i‘ gallon tank. ’ TABLE 9. BREAK-EVEN POINTS BETWEEN TOTAL S INGS AND ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT ‘ Daily milk production Additional investment possible tor i Total savings of Total savings. 10 cents per cwt. 15 cents per ' over 15 years over 15 ye Pounds —- — — -— — Dollars — — — 100 301 452 150 452 798 200 602 904 250 753 1.130 300 903 1.356 350 1.054 1.582 400 1.204 1.808 500 1.505 2.260 600 1.806 _ 2.712 700 2.107 3.164 800 2.408 3.616 900 2.709 4.068 1.000 3.010 4.520 1.100 3.311 4.972 1.200 3.612 5.424 Most producers interviewed purchased i hot water heaters because those they had did ' meet the requirements for bulk handling. I PROPER SIZE Present and expected future volume of p duction should be considered in determining t proper tank size. Texas dairymen who have i; tained tanks that are too large for most econo ical use at present production can get maxim utilization of their equipment only through l additions to their resources and greatly increa milk sales. Farmers who have purchased ta too small for their present production must res' to daily milk pickup which results in higher ha ing charges. Additional expenditures for bulk handling equipment will be necessary for a future expansion of production. ' Dairymen contemplating purchasing b” tanks should consider the following factors in i ciding on the size of tank: present producti seasonality of production, or amount produ during the peak production season; future ex J sion expected in production; milk pickup sci dule; and possible delays in pickups. ' Although pricing regulations in milk market- }: orders are designed to reduce seasonal fluc- tions in milk deliveries by producers, most “as markets operating under Federal Market- I Orders still have large seasonal fluctuations fluid milk delivered by local producers. Bulk ration has not resulted in reduced seasonality iproduction. Seasonality of average daily pro- Jction for the 191 bulk tank owners included in f study and all milk producers in the North " as area from the spring of 1954 through the ing of 1957 are shown in Table 11. f The average dairyman contemplating install- p‘ a tank should allow for about 25 percent be- (een his low and peak production season. f Since 93 percent of the producers interviewed North Texas and 89 percent interviewed in the us Christi area had their milk hauled by con- .- t haulers under every other day pickup sche- ‘_ es, tanks should be large enough to hold 2 full ys’ production. An extra allowance should be de to hold one additional milking to take care “possible delays in the pickup schedule. l‘ North Texas bulk equipment owners increased _uction an average of 24 percent after 1 year bulk operation. The average dairyman should w for a future increase of one-third more than Al; present production. > On the basis of this analysis, the general rule Qfigurihg the proper tank size is two and one- if times the average daily production for every fy pickup and four times daily production for other day pickup if an allowance of one- d of present production is desired to hold fu- - increases in production. Producers Using Cans ;t-1Ilt€I‘VI€WS with North Texas dairymen using l s indicate that they hesitate to purchase bulk ipment because of the high initial cost, re- ;;ance to borrow money, uncertainty of the fitableness of bulk operation, lack of suffi- u volume of milk production and age. PA large number of the can producers express- Pa desire to convert to bulk operation. Almost jpercent reported they had discussed the mat- Iwith tank dealers. However, 43 percent of Q: stated they had not discussed the matter btaining credit for that purpose. jThe number of bulk operators on the North l s market increased from 736 in January 1957 1,325 in January 1958, indicating that many hose can producers fulfilled their desire to con- . their operation.__to bulk. Eighty-six of the 179 can producers interview- anticipated no difficulty in getting their milk TABLE l0. NUMBER OF FARMERS WITH TANKS OF VARIOUS SIZES Size of tank, gallons North Texas area Corpus Christi area -— — — Number of farmers -— — — 150 1 0 200 1 3 250 32 2 300 33 - 10 400 50 4 500 34 8 600 29 4 700 6 2 800 4 2 1,000 1 1 Total 191 36 hauled to the plant if they handled milk in bulk. About 5 percent thought they could not get their milk picked up by a contract bulk hauler. How- ever, as larger proportions of producers in an area convert to bulk operation and the relative route densities between can and bulk tanker-truck routes shift in favor of bulk milk, can producers may find it increasingly difficult to get contract haulers to pick up their milk. In such a situation differences in transportation charges may shift... further in favor of the bulk method. If the trend toward handling bulk milk exper- ienced in Texas during 1956 and 1957 continues at the same rate, it is doubtful that any Grade “A” milk will be handled in cans in the State by the end of 1962. The result could mean great hardships for dairymen still handling milk in cans at that time. Thus, every dairy farmer planning to remain in the dairy business should start planning now for the day when a market will no longer exist for milk handled in cans. TABLE 11. SEASONALITY OF MILK PRODUCTION, NORTH TEXAS MARKET, SPRING 1954 THROUGH SPRING 1957 Daily average production for the season 191 tank All producers producers on the market P32???‘ Pairs‘ ..:::;r.:;%:.. agggg- .::.‘:.i::s:.. (1133-- pounds period pounds period Spring 1146 104 720 110 Summer 1076 98 606 93 Fall 957 - 88 609 94 Winter 1205 110 671 103 Yearly av. 1099 100 657 100 ‘Spring includes March through Maypsummer, Iune through August: tall, September and October; winter, December through February. l3 14 Acknowledgments Appreciation is expressed to the management of the North Texas Producers Association of Ar- lington and the Coastal Bend Milk Producers As- sociation of Corpus Christi for their cooperation in this study. The help given by the North Texas Milk Mar- ket Administrator’s Office in furnishing produc- tion and marketing data for the North Texas Market is gratefully acknowledged. This study Was made under the Texas Agri- cultural Experiment Station’s State Contributing Project to the Southern Regional Dairy Market- ing Project Number SM-10, “Adopting the Mar- ket Structure for Milk and Dairy Products to Changing Supply and Demand Conditions in the South.” [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] Location oi field research units oi the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and cooperating agencies ORGANIZATION OPERATION. Research results are carried to Texas farmers, ranchmen and homemakers by county agents and specialists of the Texas Agricultural Ex- lcnsion Service joclay ,6 Kedearcb .96 jomorrowl/S rogrezid . Two additional programs are maintenance and upkeep, and central se i_ State-wide Research .‘_ g _ 6.": “if i’ The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station’ is the public agricultural research agency? oi the State of Texas. and is one oi ten, parts oi the Texas A&M College System. IN THE MAIN STATION, with headquarters at College Station, are 16 sub matter departments, 2 service departments, 3 regulatory services and§ administrative staff. Located out in the major agricultural areas of Texafi 21 substations and 9 field laboratories. In addition, there are 14- coope A stations owned by other agencies. Cooperating agencies include the n Forest Service, Game and Fish Commission of Texas, Texas Prison Syj, U. S. Department of Agriculture, University of Texas, Texas Technolo‘ College, Texas College of Arts and Industries and the King Ranch. ~. experiments are conducted on farms and ranches and in rural homesf ., THE TEXAS STATION is conducting about 400 active research projects, groi in 25 programs, which include all phases of agriculture in Texas. A these are: ' Conservation and improvement of soil Beef cattle Conservation and use of water Dairy cattle Grasses and legumes Sheep and goats Grain crops Swine Cotton and other fiber crops Chickens and turkeys g, Vegetable crops Animal diseases and parasites '~ ' Citrus and other subtropical fruits Fish and game I Fruits and nuts Farm and ranch engineering Oil seed crops Farm and ranch business Ornamental plants Marketing agricultural produ F Brush and weeds Rural home economics i Insects Rural agricultural economics -: Plant diseases 7" AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH seeks the WHATS. the WHYS. the WHENS, the WHERES and the HOWS ot hundreds of problems which confront operators of farms and ranches, and themany industries depending on or serving agriculture. Workers of the Main Station .- and the field units oi the Texas Agricultural Experiment I Station seek diligently to’ find solutions to these problems. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, R. D Lewis, Director, College Station, Texas.