>1 SUMMARY Mesquite is an aggressive, deep-rooted, unde- sirable woody, sprouting shrub that occurs on ap- proximately 55 million acres of grazing lands in Texas. Economical control» of mesquite on grazing lands depends largely on the selection of methods that will provide the greatest sustained benefits for the money expanded. Where mesquite thrives, no single method or practice will give effective and economical control under widely varying conditions. Good range and livestock management are essen- tial to obtain maximum benefits from the control of mesquite. The chief value of controlling mesquite is to increase the density, vigor and production of palatable range forage species. Some of the factors that influence the effective- ness and cost of controlling individual plants, in thin, open stands by hand or power grubbing, oil- ing with kerosene and diesel fuel and basal appli- cation of 2,4,5-T and soil application of monuron are discussed in this bulletin. Factors that influence the effectiveness and cost of controlling moderate to dense stands by chain- ing and cabling, use of heavy-duty brush cutters, root plowing and aerial application of 2,4,5-T are enumerated. The benefits of mesquite control include in- clude increased carrying capacity of the grazing lands, reduced cost of handling livestock and more efficient use of other range improvement practices. Reinfestation of grazing lands by mesquite is aided by the dissemination of large numbers of viable seed by cattle, horses, sheep and rodents, the apparent lack of palatibility of mesquite foliage to most grazing animals and the failure to maintain a heavy competitive cover of perennial grasses be- cause of overgrazing, drouth and other factors. The values of mesquite are limited largely to utilization of the beans by grazing animals. Some use also is made of the wood for fuel, fence posts and a source of roughage for feeding livestock. Additional uses include gum, preparation of char- coal and other special products. THE COVER PICTURE Figure l. Dense stands of mesquite interfere seriously with the handling of livestock, production of grass and u 1 efficient grazing, and livestock-management practices. CQNTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description and Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Good Range Management ls Essential. . . . Methods of Control........................ Thin to Open Stands....................§ Hand or Power Grubbing. . . . . . . . . . . . Kerosene, Diesel Fuel and Other Oils. . .1 Basal Application of Z,4,5-T. . . . . . . . . . .. A‘ Basal Application of Monuron and Fenur Foliage Sprays with Ground Equipment. Moderate to Dense Stands. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Chaining and Cabling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heavy-duty Brush Cutters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . g Root Aerial Application of Chemicals . . . . . . . Effective Chemicals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Season of Treatment.................: Moisture and Growing Conditions. . . . T Rate and Volume of Application. . . . . . ._ Swath Type of Growth Range Site and Soil Type... .........; Weed Control and Grazing Habits. . Spraying Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . Effects of Repeated Aerial Applicatio ‘E Benefits of Mesquite Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. GrazingResults...... Benefits of Chemical Control. . . . . . . . . . Benefits of Root Plowing and Seeding. . . Effects of Shade on Buffalograss. . . . . . . . . i Reinfestation of Grassland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g Seedling Emergence and Survival. . . . . . . .- Influence of Livestock on Seed Germinati'_ Reinfestation Following Control Practices. Value of Mesquite.........................' Precautions on the Use of Z,4,5-T. . . . Acknowledgments........................... LiteratureCited............................ HE INVASION OF MESQUITE, a thorny, sprouting, woody tree or shrub, has been underway for years on extensive areas of range and pasture- ' the Southwest. Under most conditions, mes- ' considered to be undesirable on grazing lands. " tremely aggressive, forming dense jungles of p. on productive grassland sites, which reduce I ing capacity of the land. It also seriously I the management of livestock and the use of (le range-improvement practices (Figure 1). ,_ 1896, Smith (24) ‘, an agrostologist, stationed ene, Texas, called attention to the hardy, ag- e nature of mesquite and predicted the prob- t» ranchmen face today. Similar observations ade somewhat later in Texas by Bray 1904 p,“ 1908 (7), and by Griffiths 1904 (18) and ber I910 (25) in Arizona. Within recent years, , (2) estimated from surveys made by the Soil ’ ation Service that approximately 55 million if rangeland in Texas were infested by mes- f About l5 to 20 million acres of rangelands ested in New Mexico and Arizona. More than the total infestation in Texas is moderate ‘e stands of brush that seriously affect the ,_ tion of forage and livestock. On the remain- A esquite now occurs in sparse to thin stands develop into a serious problem in the i. Mesquite also often is a noxious pest on 5v croplands, on perennial seeded pastures, ts-of-ways, along fence rows and around wa- "facilities. CRIPTION AND DISTRIBUTION esquite (Prosopis juliflora) belongs to the Mi- family (M imosaceae) and is distributed in i mostly dry, hot areas of United States, Central A a, West Indies, Peru, Chile, Argentine, Iran, In- waiian Islands and other countries of similar , Dayton (9). Three varieties occur in the l’ States, according to Benson and Darrow : mesquite (P. juliflora var. glandulosa) , velvet "te (P. juliflora var. velutina) and western (mesquite (P. juliflora var. torreyana) . Honey p 'vely, formerly Superintendent of Substation N0. 7, = exas, now superintendent of Substation No. 8, Lub- q exas; technician, Substation No. 7, Spur, Texas; plant "‘_ ‘st, Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research , U. S. Department of Agriculture; assistant agronomist, 'on No. 7, Spur, Texas; associate animal husbandman j- superintendent of Substation No. 7, Spur, Texas; (arch agronomist, Crops Research Division, Agricul- l‘ arch Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. A ' : in parentheses refer to Literature Cited. nfrzr/ 0/ Mesquite an wazing (Ta/ads C. E. Fisher, C. H. Meadors, R. Behrens, E. D. Robinson, P. T. Marion and H. l. Morton* mesquite occurs for the most part east and northeast of the Rio Grande in New Mexico and throughout South and West Texas and extends to the northern portion of Oklahoma on the north and Louisiana on the east. Velvet mesquite predominates in Arizona, extreme western New Mexico, Lower California and Mexico. Western mesquite is found in California, southern Nevada, Utah, Western Arizona, southern New Mexico and parts of Texas (Figure 2). The three varieties of mesquite may be dis- tinguished by the size, shape and hairiness of the leaflets. The leaflets of honey mesquite are long, linear, glabrous and widely spaced; those of velvet mesquite are short, hairy and closely spaced; western mesquite is intermediate between the two extremes. From one to as many as four crops of flowers or blooms may occur in succession from late April to August. The “bean,” or seed pod, contains 5 to 20 seed. Production varies widely from season to sea- son. All three varieties vary in growth forms from large single-trunk trees, 20 to 40 feet tall, to small, few to many-stemmed shrubs, depending on environ- mental factors of soil, water, temperature and dis- turbance by grazing animals and man. Mesquite grows up to elevations of 4,500 feet, where the av- erage annual minimum temperature is above -5 degree F. and the frost-free growing season is 200 days or more. It thrives alongdrainage ways in the desert, where the annual rainfall is less than 6 inches, and persists on neutral and alkaline soils in areas where the annual rainfall is more than 30 inches. Mesquite typically has a tap root with an ex- tensive lateral root system that enables it to with- stand drouths, severe competition from perennial grasses and adverse conditions due to prolonged over- grazing of rangelands (26). The roots of well-estab- lished plants may penetrate vertically to depth of 15 to 40 feet and often extend laterally as much as 50 feet from the base of the plant (Figure 3). Never- theless, McGinnis and Arnold (20) found in southern Arizona that mesquite is an inefficient user of soil moisture. They determined that velvet mesquite dur- ing the summer required four times as much water as perennial grasses to produce 1 pound of dry matter. Parker and Martin (22) found in field studies that elimination of velvet mesquite doubled the yield of perennial grasses and increased the yield of animal grasses five fold. '_\ The spread of mesquite on native grassland within the past 40 to 100 years has taken place so rapidly that it has become common knowledge among 3 people of the Southwest. Introduction of plants along the water courses is thought to have been made first by roving herds of buffalo, later by the Spanish horses and finally by the extensive move- ment of cattle during the trail drives. Subsequent invasion from these localized areas more than likely was accelerated by fencing and watering, heavier grazing, lack of repeated burning of grass, rapid transportation of animals with large numbers of vi- able seed in their digestive tracts, extended drouths, and livestock-management. practices (l2) (Figure 4). GOOD RANGE MANAGEMENT IS ESSENTIAL The chief value of controlling mesquite on grazing lands depends largely on increasing the density, vigor and production of palatable perennial forage species. To obtain maximum benefits, treated or cleared grassland preferably should be deferred during the summer for 6 months or longer to permit native or seeded grasses to become firmly established. Parker and Martin, after careful study in southern Arizona, stated that no practical management plan that will completely eliminate the need for direct con- trol measures is known. Nevertheless, any manage- ment plan that includes seeding, summer deferment, water spreading, conservative stocking or other prac- tices that encourage and hasten the developmen good competitive grass cover likely will help I the survival of mesquite seedlings. Following extended drouth when the grass i. is greatly weakened and serously thinned, timel’ plication of 2,4,5-T (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyy acid) will help reduce the survival and establis t’. of mesquite seedlings and unldiesirable range w During the early stages of development, mes seedlings and most range weeds are highly suscep Failure to control these undes' s plants when they are most vulnerable may i to 2,4,5-T. require the use of far more costly measures. For full realization of the benefits from a quite-control program, consideration needs to be V, to selection of sites capable of sustaining a cover of palatable range grasses and the managl’ of grazing on these sites to obtain maximum pr tion. Failure to manage grazing properly on tr? or cleared areas may result in little or no imp‘- ment. In fact, under poor grazing management removal of mesquite may lead to the destructi the few remaining grass plants that were notfl cessible easily to grazing animals. The adageti takes grass to make grass,” should be kept in at all times. i p cow tmn uue u,’ \ ' \ | -..' NEV‘ " p\ "TA" coto. "w," KAN. I _ onsraueuruou- I954 o n - w.» m - u . . - mm-aweui w aqua-i Figure 2. Generalized map showing the distribution of mesquite in the Southwest. The northern limit of mesquite w . pears to follow closely the average annual minimum temperature isotherm oi -5 degree F. s. METHODS OF CONTROL ; e chief problem facing ranchmen is the se- of brush-control measures that will provide Qfeatest sustained benefits for the money ex- l}?- No single method that will give effective ‘iionomical control of mesquite under all con- ’.- has been developed. In the early stages of tion, hand or power grubbing may be used to te isolated plants and sparse stands at low ZBut, after extensive areas become heavily in- {with well-established stands and large num- seedlings with seed in the soil, repeated use (‘=01 measures usually is necessary for the great- itained benefits. ce mesquite is able to persist under an ex- , Wide range of conditions, some of the more l; ant factors that should be given consideration ting a method of control are: (1) density tds; (2) stage and rate of infestation; b) forms, whether trees are many-stemmed or unked; (4) benefits that may be realized in f the soils, moisture conditions and potential tivity of land; (5) size of the area to be treated the capital available; (6) the presence of other fable woody plants; and (7) the likelihood of f, of the control measures to livestock, grass and nearby crops (Figure 5). ‘search has shown that mesquite trees and may be killed by mechanical or chemical ifs which destroy the top and all the dormant I buds on the root crown and underground l3). These buds are small, wart-like structures §ithe bark that produce new growth if the top is killed (Figure 6). The bud zone of mes- i it extend from less than 2 inches below the , face- to depths of l2 inches or more on old, s; ees. Usually the depth of these buds is great- isbottomlands and on sites where soils tend to late around the base of the plants. Repeated l of the topwood usually increases the diffi- killing mesquite since it greatly increases the own area and the number of dormant buds i al stems per plant, Fisher (ll) . l) e methods of control reported in this bulle- based on experimental results obtained by exas Agricultural Experiment Station at Spur 1939-56 and at 39 off-station locations in co- ion with ranchmen (Figure 7). Research yuring 1948-56 was conducted in cooperation e Crops Research Division, Agricultural Re- Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Thin tojiQpen Stands Qesquite trees, shrubs and seedlings in widely ed stands may be controlled effectively and gtically by the treatment of individual plants A the early stages of infestation. Some of the g used successfully to control stands of 50 to ants per acre are described in this bulletin. Figure 3. Root system of mesquite showing long lateral roots extending 20 to 50 feet from the base of the plant. Hand or Power Grubbing Control of invading stands of mesquite seedlings may be obtained at relatively low cost by hand grub- bing. The sprout buds on seedlings are shallow and plants can be destroyed by grubbing below the lowest sprout buds, usually 3 to 4 inches below ground level. For the control of extensive areas of thin, open stands of mesquite trees andshrubs, power-grubbing equipment offers an effective and economical means Figure 4. The large mesquite tree in the foreground typifies the initial infestation of native grassland prior to the advent of the grazing industry. The secondary stage of infestation became noticeable soon after the land was fenced and watered and utilization of grass was intensified. Figure 5. Six typical growth forms of mesquite. The growth forms vary with moisture conditions. soil type. low peratures in the northern areas and man's activities that influence the above-ground growth. (A) Trees in stands. (B) Shrub-type invading grassland. (C) Many-stemmed shrubs in dense stands. (D) Trees intermingle with mixed brush. (E) Running mesquite growing on a deep, sandy soil. (F) Many-stemmed shrubs on a dune site. root the plants well below the lowest dormant buds. A crawler-type tractor with a front- ted “stinger” blade will do a satisfactory job _ts of $3.00 to $7.50 per acre on stands up to 75 fper acre (Figure 8). The cost of power grub- gmay be minimized by using the equipment for g ing roads, tanks, spreader dams and clearing land ltivation. Other factors that will influence the pf grubbing include the type of soil, such as _ iclay, mixed land or sand, the moisture content (Ye soil and the type of growth. i, he chief advantages of grubbing are that the t: are actually uprooted, leaving small soil ba- and dead brush on the land to aid the estab- _ gent of grass seedlings. For dense stands, grub- costs usually are prohibitive, many small plants (dissed and a high percentage of the grass cover troyed. The serious disturbance of the soil encourages heavy growth of undesirable weeds fQmay persist for several years until a good cover Tss becomes reestablished. (fine. Diesel Fuel and Other Oils hin stands of single to few-stemmed trees grow- n porous, gravelly and rocky soils may be killed atively low cost throughout the year when the e soil is dry by pouring 1 pint to 2 quarts of ine or diesel fuel around the base of the tree le 1). The killing action of the oils depends movement through the bark and making phys- ontact with the sprout buds around the base tree (Figure 9) . Therefore, enough oil should to wet the bark and soil thoroughly to the sprout buds on the underground stem. Re- it studies have shown that more oil is needed jtain effective kills of mesquite growing on wet, ious clays, when the shrubs are many-stemmed, yon lowlands or other sites where soil has ac- lated around the base of the plants. For the ol of moderate to dense stands, the cost of this 0d usually is prohibitive. "The kill of brushy mesquite may be improved fly with a considerable saving of oil if the top- f; and lateral stems are cut back to the stump i, to oiling. The percentage kill obtained by i’; will range from 60 to 90, depending on the ughness of application. Usually retreatment will cessary within 3 to 5 years to control sprout h of plants that were missed or not treated irly. kerosene and diesel fuel, whichever is cheapest ost readily availaibrle, may be used interchange- i For control of-faxfew trees and shrubs along rows, use of a mixture containing 50 percent fl fuel or kerosene and used crank case oil may the cost of treatment. The total cost of oiling fee usually is 4 to 6 cents per tree. The chief itages of oiling are the readily available supply Figure 6. Sections of mesquite cut at ground level and below the lowest dormant buds. These buds must be destroyed to prevent sprout growth. The tree on the right grew on upland and its lowest dormant buds were 6 inches below ground level. The tree on the left grew on bottomland. where silting occurred, and the lowest dormant buds were 12 inches below ground level. of oils and the minimum amount of equipment re- quired. Basal Application of Z,4.5-T Under conditions where oil alone is too expen- sive and the use of other methods is not feasible, good control of heavier stands, 50 to 125 trees and shrubs per acre, may be obtained by basal applications of 2,4,5-T. (Figure 10). The addition of 2,4,5-T ester Figure 7. Generalized map showing the distribution of mesquite in Texas and the location oi cooperative ranch tests tor the evaluation oi control practices. Figure 8. Above-Thin open stands oi large mesquite trees may be controlled on extensive areas by power grubbing with a “stinger" attachment at moderate cost. Below—Recovery oi grass in soil basins aiter the re- moval oi mesquite. For dense stands, the cost is pro- hibitive and the soil disturbance results in heavy rein- iestation oi undesirable weeds. to light oils, such as kerosene 0r diesel, improves the percentage top kill of mesquite when limited amounts‘ of oils are used. The lower 8 to 12 inches of the basal stems and root crown area should be sprayed thoroughly until runoff is heavy with an oil solu- tion containing 8 pounds acid of 2,4,5-T ester or 2 gallons of 2,4,5-T, ‘l-pound acid formulation, per 100 gallons of diesel fuel or kerosene. One gallon of this solution will treat 10 to 15 moderate-size trees at a cost of 2 to 3 cents per tree for material. Similar Figure 9. The application oi kerosene or diesel Y should be made around the base oi the plant in - iicient amounts to wet the bark to the depth oi the i est dormant buds. This method oi control has been eiiectively to treat open stands oi single-stemmed tr; growing on porous. rocky or gravelly soils. ‘ treatment of stumps also has been effective. to 5-gallon knapsack sprayer fitted with a nozzle!“ delivers a coarse spray is suitable for basal applica This treatment will give excellent kills of. growth and root kills of 20 to 80 percent, depe on the size of trees, growth forms, nature of thef: and thoroughness of application. Usually thef centage of root kill obtained may be improve using larger amounts of spray solution around;- base of the plants. Increasing the amount of 2,4 acid above 8 pounds per 100 gallons seldom impi kills. Applications are almost equally effective’ any season of the year; however, retreatment wil needed at intervals of 3 to 5 years to control seedl; and sprout growth. Basal Application oi Monuron and Fenuron U Highly effective kills of mesquite also ma obtained by spraying a narrow band of soil .g the base of trees and shrubs with a suspension ‘ taining 1 pound of monuron, (3-(P-dichlorophon 1, 1 dimethylurea) , in l0 gallons of water. Ten t trees of average size may be treated at a cost t to 4 cents per tree with 1 gallon of the suspens Since monuron will not dissolve in water, the?‘ pension must be agitated frequently to keep ' chemical from settling to the bottom of the s can. Since the killing action of monuron is du TABLE 1. EFFECT OF BASAL APPLICATIONS 01-" CHEMICALS AND OILS ON PERCENTAGE KILL or MESQUITE AND or MATERIALS t Per 100 trees . . Amount used . Percent , Chemical per 100 gallons Dfluent kill Volume used. Co gallons mat, Monuron l0 lb. Water 42 l0 Monuron Z0 lb. Water 64 l0 Fenuron 1U lb. Water l6 . l0 Fenuron 20 lb. Water 38 l0 Diesel iuel 73 27 1% 2,4,5-T 2 gal. Diesel iuel 4O l0 8 A l0. Above-Basal application of 2.4.5-T in diesel is effective when the lower 6 to 12 inches of the and all basal plant parts are saturated thoroughly. —Basal application of 2.4.5-T or oils is not highly 'cal for the control of brushy. many-stemmed mes- y. tion of the herbicide by the roots of mesquite, soil texture and organic matter influence Lesults obtained. It may take 2 0r more years e trees t0 die after treatment. This chemical not be used t0 treat mesquite if roots of orna- shrubs or other valuable plants are in the Pelleted formulations of monuron containing rcent active ingredient also have given good fol when the material was applied around the 20f each plant at rates of 20 to 30 grams, or ap- fately 2 to 3 tablespoons, per tree. Fenuron, tituted urea closely similar to monuron, was effective for the control of mesquite in these y. e Sprays with éijround Equipment mall trees, sprout growth and seedlings often be controlled effectively by application of ing sprays of herbicides to leaves, stems and plant parts with power sprayers. A suitable solution consists of 1 pound of 2,4,5-T acid equivalent or silvex (2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) pro- pionic acid) of a low volatile ester in 50 gallons of water. The spray solution should be applied in coarse droplets at low pressure to wet the leaves and stems of plants thoroughly. Some agitation usually is needed to prevent the herbicide from settling out. For most effective results the application should be made 4O to 90 days after the first leaves appear in the spring. The amount of spray solution required, 20 to 125 gallons per acre, depends largely on the number and size of plants and the density of foliage. Retreatment usually will be necessary within S to 5 years. The use of boom-type sprayers to control mes- quite generally has not been very effective. How- ever, the application of 1 pound of 2,4,5-T acid Figure ll. Above-Chaining offers a cheap means of knocking down and thinning out heavy stands of mes- quite. It is most effective for the control of large, single- stemmed trees. Below—l year after the area was dou- ble chained. Less than 5 percent of the plants were destroyed. Within 3 to 5 years, more effective measures will be required to control sprout growth. equivalent in l0 to 15 gallons of water per. .1 the control of undesirable weeds also will s mesquite seedlings and small sprout growth}; cautions should be taken to avoid spray n; susceptible crops. Moderate to Dense Stands Experience has shown that extensive i‘ moderate to dense stands of ‘inesquite on ra pasture-land may be brought under control ably by the use of large-scale treatments. Ch aerial application of chemicals, root plowi chopping with heavy-duty brush cutters are “ that have been developed to control brush prove the productivity of rangeland underia, range of plant and soil conditions. Some of tors that influence the general effectiveness, 7 benefits and overall cost of these large-scale ments are discussed in this bulletin. Chaining and Cabling This treatment consists of dragging a hea, anchor chain or cable 300 to 400 feet long in behind two large crawler-type tractors (Figu In most instances, a chain is preferred to because it is more flexible and hugs the grou J ter owing to the rolling motion that tends to f’, chain of uprooted trees and brush. The greatest value of chaining is the low cost of knocking down and thinning out heavy i of mesquite trees to increase grass production if reduce the cost of working livestock. “Double p, ing,” covering the area twice in opposite dirt” will break off nearly all the above-ground gro brushy mesquite and may uproot l0 to 30 i of the large trees when the moisture content Figure 12. Above—Heavy-duty brush cutter weighing Soils is Hilativfily high- _ 14,000 pounds used to crush and chop mixed brush. _ _ Below-Rotary shredder used to cut underbrush. Chemi- Chalnlflg generally offers Only IeIIIPOTHYY cals are not effective for the control of mixed brush. fits for 3 to 5 years, the period depending ti; Courtesy E. L. Caldwell Manufacturing Co., Corpus Christi. Texas. ' TABLE 2. EFFECT OF ROOT PLOWING ON CONTROL OF MESQUITE AND NATIVE GRASS COVER AT SEVEN LOCK, I. a thorou hness of the treatment, otential rodu‘ 8 P P NEAR SPUR £33229; Percent Location Treatment Grctxzslglgnd plants grass cover v P91’ awe’ Buffalo Tobosa Others 1956 Spur [Plowed 1947 Tobosa-Buffalo 261 10 60 5 None . - Tobosa-Buffalo 500 25 60 5 Guthrie Plowed 1948 Tobosa-Buffalo 508 10 10 10 None Tobosa-Buffalo 1200 90 I 10 10 Kalgary Plowed 1948 Tobosa-Buffalo 857 30 5 T None . Tobosa-Buffalo 1089 25 5 T 1 Clairemont Plowed 1948 Tobosa-Buffalo 290 15 5 T None ~ Tobosa-Buffalo 500 _ 15 70 T Gilpin Plowed 1950 Buffalo-Aristida 363 5 T 20 None Buifalo-Aristida 1000 15 T 20 Spur Plowed 1950 Tobosa-Buffalo 116 10 30 T None Tobosa-Buffalo 1423 30 35 T Crosbyton Plowed 1952 Buffalo-Aristida 131 15 O T 5 None Buffalo-Aristida 248 5 T 5 Average Plowed 361 14 16 6 None 851 21 26 6 l0 uflisite and moisture conditions. Follow-up treat- “isuch as aerial applications of chemicals, root g or power grubbing, will be necessary to con- rout growth from plants that were broken off nd level and seedling mesquite. The contract chaining varies from‘3,£1.50 to $5.00 per acre, ing on the type of growth and density of brush, the area to be treated and the topography of p? d. Properly used chaining, in combination ‘Zther methods, may provide maximum benefits " money expended on large areas of land with moderate potential productivity. -duty Brush Cutters , ious types of equipment, including large cut- eighing 2,000 to 14,000 pounds, have been ped to chop and crush brush and trees of mod- ize (Figure l2). Brush cutters have been used ilfully to treat areas where mesquite is inter- with other brush species which cannot be flled by chaining or chemicals, or where other i" of control are not feasible. In much of the -brush area of South Texas, on land with low iterate potential productivity, heavy-duty cutters ten used effectively for controlling brush. The cost of the treatment is $5 to $10 per acre. ‘tment usually will be necessary at intervals of i0 years, depending on the productivity of the nd the rainfall. For control of sprout growth p, pastures, annual cutting with a light-weight cutter or shredder has considerable merit. owing "he brush plow, or root cutter, was developed for clearing brush-infested land for crop iaiml- M9“? recentlY it 3159 has be@n 11551 Figure 13. Above—Heavy-duty brush plow with fins on 'vely [Q Qgntrgl dgnge Stands 0f Inggquitg and the gutting blgdle thatGhelp Illiit roplts ofbundrerllarush cu; z y - o t e soi. eow— iant eavy uty rus pow use brush 9n ranggland’ Expermn“: has Shm/Yn on the King Ranch. These plows are equipped with OOt PlOWIIIg has b€€n IIIOSt successful and prof1t- seeders that utilize the exhaust to plant grass seed at the time of plowing. Courtesy of the Holt Manufactur- ing Company, San Antonio, Texas, and the King Ranch, badly depleted range sites that have deep, I soils with ample moisture to justify the cost Kingsvme, Texas. re 14. An area of mixed brush la_nd in South Texas that has been root-plowed and seeded with a mixture of bui- , and blue panic grasses. The grazing capacity of the brush land under favorable conditions has been increased 4 iold. Courtesy of the Soil Conservation Service. ll of plowing and establishing highly productive native and introduced grasses. The cost of root plowing and seeding varies from $8 to $25 per acre or higher, depending on the extent of the operation, type and size of brush, nature of the soil and the kind and amount of grass seed used and the success in establishing stands. Generally, this operation is too expensive to control brush on extensive areas of rangeland of low to moderate po- tential productivity. This is especially true where the establishment of desirable range grasses by seed- ing has not been successful. The root plow commonly used is mounted on a heavy-duty, crawler-type tractor which pulls an 8 to 10-foot V-shaped cutting blade 10 to 18 inches below the soil surface. By cutting mesquite below the bud zone and severing the roots of other woody plants, sprouting is prevented, except where lateral ling reinfestation. 12 Figure 15. Left—Aerial application of Z,4.5-T in 1950. This method has been used to control mesquite on approxi- mately 2,500,000 acres of grazing land in Texas. Right-The same area in 1954. l Figure 16. Working cattle in mesquite that had been sprayed by airplane with 2.4.5-T during the preceding year. ‘If To be most beneficial. this method should be repeated at intervals of 5 to 7 years to control sprout growth and seed- “ ‘ roots of the smaller plants are not broken loose fr the soil. The use of 3 to 5 fins, 20 to 30 inches l‘ mounted at a 28-degree angle on the cutting helps break up the surface soil and destroys many? the plants that might otherwise survive. On the Rolling Plains, experimental brush-c trol studies conducted by the Spur station, in . operation with ranchmen, since 1947, on tobosa- ' falo type grassland have shown that root plow’ without fins on the cutting blades destroyed 95 percent of moderate to dense stands of mesqu c However, extremely heavy stands of sunflower (H anthus annus) , Russian thistle (Salsola kali var. tel‘ folia) and other undesirable weeds developed on root-plowed areas soon after treatment and persist on the land for several years. Results obtained seven locations indicated that root plowing o; without seeding had not materially improved pctivity of the rangeland because of heavy dam- } existing grass cover and rapid reinfestation by ilyite sprouts and seedlings (Table 2). vurther studies were undertaken in 1953 t0 de- _ e the value of root plowing and seeding prom- lgnative and introduced range grasses on mod- i productive tobosa-buffalo type grassland. stan bluestem (Andropogon isclzacinzlni) , (Jau- _ bluestem (Andropogon intermedius, variety iius), several strains of sideoats grama (Boate- iiurtipendula) , blue grama (B. gracilisq, buffalo- T(Buchl0e dactyloidos) and weeping lovegrass i’ ostic curvula) were seeded on root-plowed land as then disced to destroy a heavy turf of tobosa Liria mutica). Good stands of all grasses were led with both methods of seedbed preparation; er, 3 years later stands of seeded grasses were rious disadvantage where the tobosa grass was estroyed after root-plowing. Results of grazing ron both seeded and comparable unseeded pas- are reported under “Benefits of Control” in Vulletin. in the Rio Grande Plain of South Texas, a 'nation of root plowing and seeding buffelgrass (Pennisetum cilarie) and blue panic (Panicum anti- dotale) holds excellent promise of greatly increasing the productivity of badly depleted rangelands heavily infested by mixed brush, (1,6) . The principal woody species besides mesquite are blackbrush (Acacia amciztacca), huisache (Acacia farnesiaiva), granjeno (Ccltis pallida) , whitebrush (Lippia ligustriarza), guaycarl (Porleria (mgtzstifolia), lote (Corzrlalia ob- tmifrJia) , cactus (Ojnmtia spp.), cenizo (Leucoplzyl- [um fruicsccfns) and paloverdes (Ccrcidium spp.). Early work on the King Ranch and other ranches in SouthTexas showed that root plowing alone usu- ally was unsatisfactory because of relatively poor kills of white brush, lote and other understory brush plants; failure of native grasses to become reestab- lished; and rapid reinfestation by brush seedlings. M/ithin recent years, however, experience by ranch- men and range technicians of the Soil Conserva- tion Service in extensive trials indicates that most of the undesirable features of root plowing may be overcome. The use of fins on the cutting blade of the root plow was effective in destroying a very high percentage of undesirable, shallow-rooted woody ., TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF RANCH TESTS. 1949-56 - Date re- Date Soil Type of Plant Moisture Nature oi Weed treat- treated type growth condition condition Top Rootl regrowth control ment needed 5/29/49 Clay loam Small trees Good Good 98 45 Sparse Exc. 1956 5/24/50 Clay loam Small trees Good Fair 98 19 M. rapid Good 1954 6/2/51 Clay loam Small trees Good Fair 98 18 Moderate Good 1955 5/27/52 Clay loam Small trees Fair Fair 98 10 Moderate Fair 1956 5/ 27/ 53 Clay loam Small trees Good Dry 98 18 Moderate Fair 1957 5/ 29/ 54 Clay loam Small trees Good Fair 98 36 Sparse Good 1958 5/31/55 Clay loam Small trees Good Fair 98 69 Sparse Good 1962 5/24/56 Clay loam Small trees Fair Dry 98 17 Moderate Fair 1960 5/ 22/ 50 Sandy loam Small trees Good Fair 98 31 Sparse Good 1956 6/ 14/51 Sandy loam Small trees Good Fair 98 26 Sparse Good 1957 6/ 12/52 Sandy loam Small trees Fair Fair 98 20 Sparse Good 1953 6/ 12/53 Sandy loam Small trees Good Dry 95 27 Sparse Fair 1960 5/ 7/ 54 Sandy loam Small trees Good Fair 98 49 Sparse Fair 1962 6/7/55 Sandy loam Small trees Good Fair 98 23 Sparse Fair 1962 6/ 1 6/ 56 Sandy loam Small trees Fair Dry 98 31 Sparse Fair 1963 i‘- v- an. 3/31/50 Sandy loam Med. trees Fair Dry 75 30 Moderate Good 1954 a1 6/12/51 Sandy loam Small trees Good Fair 98 40 Sparse Fair 1956 an Angelo 5/ l 1/ 50 Clay loam Med. trees Good Fair 98 37 Sparse Fair 1954 Odessa 5/ 13/50 Clay loam Small trees Good Good 98 45 Sparse Good 1953 1 Albany 5/ 15/50 Clay loam Large trees Good Fair 95 5 Moderate Good 1954 M. Gail 5/ 18/50 Clay loam Small trees Fair Fair 85 5 M. rapid Good 1954 Paducah 5/29/50 Clay loam Med. trees Fair Fair 98 5 M. rapid Good 1954 v eg, Vemqn 5/ 31 / 50 Clay loam Med. trees Good Good 98 21 Moderate Good 1955 an. Dean 6/ 31/ 50 Sandy loam Small trees Good Good 98 65 Sparse Exc. 1956 '. Henrietta 6/ 5/ 50 Clay loam Large trees Good Good 98 ll Moderate Good 1955 l» 6/ 5/ 50 Clay loam Small trees Good Good 98 86 Sparse Good 1955 ~ endon 6/ 8/ 50 Clay loam Med. trees Good Fair 98 17 Moderate Good 1954 ~cino 5/ 7/ 51 Fine sand Med. trees Good Good 98 90 Sparse Exc. 1958 y " orias 5/ 8/ 51 Fine sand Large trees Good Good 98 45 Sparse Good 1956 I‘ orias 5/ 8/ 51 Fine sand Sprouts Good Good 98 95 Sparse Exc. 1960 I; '1'ilden 6/ 8/ 51 Clay loam Med. trees Good Good 98 40 Sparse Good 1958 Pi a Pryor 6/11/51 Clay loam Med. trees Good Fair 98 15 Moderate Fair 1956 aria 6/‘22751 Clay loam Small trees Fair Fair 98 l0 Moderate Fair 1956 2' Sonora 7/‘1-0/51 Clay loam Med. trees Fair v.dry 98 5 M. rapid Fair 1954 1 uthrie 5/ 27/ 50 Clay loam Med. trees Good Good 98 23 Moderate Exc. 1954 - uthrie 5/ 27/ 51 Clay loam Small trees Good Fair 98 l0 Moderate Exc. 1954 _ thrie 5/ 27/ 53 Clay loam Med. trees Good Fair 98 20 Rapid Good 1958 - . Sparse - thrie 6/ 8/ 54 Clay loam Sprouts Fair Fair 90 l0 M. rapid Good 1958 . uthrie 6/ 7/ 56 Clay loam Med. trees Good Fair 98 31 Sparse Good 1962 f“ qe kill 1s w months after treatment. l3 20- PERCENT DRY WEIGHT OF TOTAL AVAILABLE CARBOHYDRATES 5 3 , Spring growth Period folioqo period s sprays effective 3n ans 4/1 4/l5 5/1 5/15 on 6/l5 1/: "ms an ans SAMPLING DATE Figure 17. Average total available carbohydrate content oi mesquite root tissues at biweekly intervals during 1953-56. Aerial application oi 2.4.5-T has been most ei- iective from May 20 to Iuly 15, when the carbohydrate content of the roots is being replenished rapidly. plants (Figure 13). By seeding 1 to 2 pounds each of buffelgrass and blue panicum with special equipment mounted on the root plow, a quick com- petitive cover helped to prevent rapid reinfestation by brush seedlings (Figure l4). It has been esti- mated conservatively that the carrying capacity of the badly depleted brushland was increased 2 to 4 fold or more during the first few years after the root plowing and seeding operations were completed. Some control of brush seedlings likely will be necessary, depending on the early establishment of a vigorous grass cover, management of the treated area and seasonal rainfall. The chief advantage of the root plowing and seeding operation is the rather complete destruction of nearly all existing undesir- able kinds of brush and the resultant greatly in- creased carrying capacity of badly depleted range- land. It is an excellent practice where the estab- »- lishment of grass cover is successful and the potential productivity of the land is sufficiently great to sus- tain heavy production of grass forage. The high initial cost of the operation, the lack of knowledge of productivity and longevity of buffel- grass and blue panic stands under a wide range of conditions and the degree of success in obtaining satisfactory stands are factors that should be consid- ered in choosing this method of control. Failure to obtain stands of grasses because of unfavorable rain- TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF SOIL MOISTURE AND FOLIAGE COVER ON PERCENT- AGE KILL OF MESQUITE Soil moisture Percent km Foliage Prior to Following cover leafing out leaiing out Tops Roots Deficient Deficient Sparse 50-90 Trace Deficient Intermittent Variable 70-98 Tr. to l5 Deficient Adequate Normal 90-98 20 to 40 Adequate Normal Heavy 95-98 40 to 98 Adequate Below normal Normal 95-98 60 to 98 14 fall, poor soil conditions and other causes fol ~ the initial seeding often results in a serious problem that may persist on the land for many l This is not a serious consideration on land that ' able for crop production. On marginal crop however, failure to obtain stands of perennial v tion may bring about serious wind and water e] and noxious weed infestation that have little i, grazing value. Once established, weeds greatl crease the difficulty of establishing a cover of on the land. In most instances, the control of v infestations soon after emergence will increase chances of obtaining satisfactory stands of g grasses. Aerial Application of Chemicals Extensive trials since 1949 have shown that _ control of moderate to dense stands of mesquite? be obtained at low cost by aerial application of 2, (16). This method lends itself to treatment: tensive areas of grassland with low to moderate; ductivity where it is desirable to obtain max' amount of brush control for the money expe (Figure l5, 16). Repeated applications at int of 5 to 7 years will be needed under most condi to control mesquite effectively (Table application of herbicides also provides an eff and economical means of controlling sprout i? seedlings and undesirable weeds following th- of mechanical treatments. Herbicides have not Y= effective for the control of mixed brush. The chemicals used to control mesquite are, toxic to livestock and grass plants, but are haz A to use near fields of cotton and other suscei broadleaf crops. The effectiveness of the che; treatment is governed largely by the environm factors that influence the growth of mesquite Some of the factors that should be consideredi é chemical treatment of mesquite are discussed fo; ing. i Effective Chemicals. Experimental studies * ducted cooperatively with ranchmen at various, tions throughout the mesquite area of Texas} shown that low-volatile esters of 2,4,5-T are '_ effective for the control of mesquite under a"- range of conditions and are much less hazard use than 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)’ combinations of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. Other che tested were special formulations of 2,4,5-T, inc water and oil soluble amines, (2 (2,4-dichlorof oxy) propionic acid), MCPA (2 methyl-4-c phenoxy acetic acid), MCPB (4-(2-methyl-4-c phenoxy) butryic acid), amitrol (3 amino-1,2, azole) , 2,3,6 TBA (2,3,6 trichloro benzoic acid). many other closely related systemic chemicals. ‘a Aerial application of monuron and fenur“ spray solutions and in pellet forms at rates up t pounds of active ingredient per acre in 1955-56 y to give effective control of mesquite. These ma ' 5. HERBICIDAL SOLUTIONS FOR THE CONTROL RMAL GROWTH OF MESQUITE WITH 1/3 POUND EQUIVALENT APPLIED AT A 3-GALLON RATE PER ACRE Gallons 5e Amount of (4 lgelrgilgdzguiv. Diesel fuel Water Total per gal.) 2/3 pt. .5 2.50 s 1-1/3 pt. 1.0 5.00 6 i" 1 qt. 1.5 7.25 9 1 qt. 2/3 pt. 2.0 9.75 12 é! 1 qt. 1-1/3 pt 2.5 12.25 15 2 qt. 3.0 14.50 18 2 qt. 2/3 pt. 3.5 17.00 21 ’2 qt. l-l/3 pt. 4.0 19.50 24 3 qt. 4.5 21.75 27 .3 qt. 2/3 pt. 5.0 24.25 30 . l gal. 2 qt. 1-1/3 pt. 10.0 48.50 60 2 gal. 2 qt. 15.0 72.50 90 3 gal. 1 qt. 2/3 pt. 20.0 96.75 120 4 gal. 1-1/3 pt. 25.0 121.00 150 5 gal. 30.0 145.00 180 fibeen effective for mesquite only when applied applications. he low-volatile ester formulations of 2,4,5-T fbeen more satisfactory than amine salt or sus- ‘I acid formulations. The following esters ap- f: to be approximately equal in effectiveness ‘d tests: butoxy ethanol ester, propylene glycol ‘ther ester, iso-octyl ester and butoxy ethoxy pro- I ester. The use of high-volatile esters is con- unsafe because of the possibilities of herbi- iidrift of vapors from the treated areas that might I sensitive crops. ason of Treatment. The stage of growth of Mite is one of the most important factors in- ‘ing the effectiveness of growth regulators ap- A to the foliage. Experimental applications at ‘ intervals from early spring to late fall, together field trials, have shown that most effective kills TABLE 6. CALIBRATION TABLE FOR THE CONTROL OF NORMAL GROWTH OF MESQUITE USING SWATH WIDTH OF 60 FEET Gallons of 232%?‘ of Lzsrgctttllilof iggtcxil: Acres in solution miles I feet l swath swath per swath (at 3 gal. per acre) .1 528 31.680 .727 2.18 .2 1.056 63.360 1.454 4.36 .3 1.584 95.040 2.181 6.54 .4 2.112 126.720 2.909 8.73 .5 2.640 158.400 ~ 3.636 10.91 .6 3.168 190.080 4.363 13.09 .7 3.696 221.760 5.090 15.27 .8 4.224 ' 253.440 5.818 17.45 .9 4.752 285.120 6.545 19.64 1.0 5.280 316.800 7.272 21.82 2.0 10.560 633.600 14.545 43.64 3.0 15.840 950.400 21.818 65.45 have been obtained 50 to 80 days after the first leaves appeared in the spring. Good results may be ob- tained during unusually early warm seasons by spray- ing mesquite l0 to 15 days after the leaves are fully formed and start turning from the characteristic light green to dark green. The optimum date for treat- ment of mequite at Spur has been approximately 65 days after the first leaves appear. Applications be- fore the leaves have developed in the spring or during summer and fall after mesquite has ceased active growth usually give only partial kills of above-ground stems and twigs. Since it is known that lmaximum transport of ZA-D and 2,4,5-T takes place when the plants are actively growing and storing food (8), studies were undertaken in 1950 to determine when the root re- serves reached a low point and the approximate time a rapid buildup of reserves might occur. Analyses of root samples collected at monthly and later at bi-weekly intervals during 1950-56 showed that the low point of root reserves occurs when mesquite is ure 18. Left—Bottom1and pastures at the Spur station that was heavily infested with mesquite prior to treatment 1947. Right-The same area after mesquite had been brought under control. runoff water utilized by means of er spreaders and stocking rate adjusted to utilize 50 percent of the forage production. A combination of these actices conservatively increased the grazing capacity two to four fold by 1954. 15 TABLE 7. CALIBRATION TABLE FOR THE CONTROL OF DENSE REGROWTH OF MESQUITE AND HEAVY WEED IN- FESTATION USING A SWATH WIDTH OF 42 FEET Gallpns Length oi Length of Square . ° . swath, swath, feet in Acres“? soluumgh miles feet swath SW“ I?“ swa at 4 gal. per acre) .1 528 22.176 .509 2.04 .2 1,056 44,352 1.018 4.07 .3 1.584 66.528 1.527 6.11 .4 2.112 88.704 2.036 8.14 .5 2 .640 110.880 2.545 10.18 .6 3.168 133.056 3.055 12.22 .7 3 .696 155.232 3.564 14.26 .8 4,224 177,408 4.073 16.29 .9 4,752 199.584 4.582 18.33 1.0 5,280 221,760 5.091 20.36 2.0 10,560 443,520 10.182 40.73 3.0 15.840 665.280 15.273 61.09 leafing out and completing early-spring growth (Fig- ure l7). Thereafter rapid replenishment of root reserves follows, provided soil moisture and other environmental factors are favorable. At this stage of growth, aerial applications of 2,4,5-T have been most effective. Moisture and Growing Conditions. During the spray season, the effectiveness of 2,4,5-T and other growth regulator chemicals depends largely on factors that influence the growth of mesquite. Experience shows that good control of mesquite has been ob- tained generally when moisture was adequate to sup- port normal development of foliage in the spring (Table 4). The influence of soil moisture and plant con- dition on percentage root kill of mesquite is indicated strongly from results obtained in 33 ranch tests during 1949-56. In nine cases when soil moisture conditions were considered to be good at the time of aerial TABLE 8. HERBICIDAL SOLUTIONS FOR THE CONTROL OF DENSE REGROWTH OF MESQUITE AND HEAVY WEED INFESTATIONS USING l/z-POUND ACID EQUIVALENT AP- PLIED AT A 4-GALLON RATE PER ACRE Gallons Acreage Amount of to be herbicides D- H l W t T l treated (4 1h acid equi“ iese ue a er ota per gal.) 1 1 pt. 1 2.88 4 2 1 qt. 2 5.75 - 8 3 1 qt. 1 pt. 3 8.63 12 4 2 qt. 4 11.5 16 5 2 qt. 1 pt 5 14.38 20 6 3 qt. 6 18.25 24 7 3 qt. 1 pt 7 20.13 28 8 1 gal. 8 23.00 32 9 1 gal. 1 pt 9 25.88 36 10 1 gal. 1 qt. 10 28.75 40 20 2 gal. 2 qt. 20 57.50 80 30 3 gal. 3 qt. 30 86.25 120 40 5 gal. 40 115.00 160 50 6 gal. 1 qt. 50 143.75 200 60 7 gal. 2 qt. 60 172.50 240 application of 2,4,5-T, the root kill of mesquite v,‘ from 11 to 95 percent and averaged 60 percent. i. der less favorable conditions in 18 cases when‘ moisture was considered to be fair, the perce t. root kill varied from 5 to 69 percent for an av of 24 percent. l-Vhen the soil was considered d- the time of application in six cases, the root t; varied from 5 to 31 percent for; an average of 21 * cent. When plant condition fiyas considered t good at the time of application, an average root ki 39 percent was obtained in 25 cases. When if condition was considered to be fair, the average v kill was only 15 percent in nine cases. i If the growth and development of foliage} affected seriously by drouth or leaf insects, of intermittent showers stimulate new growth, spra should be delayed until moisture conditions bee? more favorable in later years. Unusually good ' trol of mesquite has been obtained at several tions by spray treatments applied in wet years’- lowing drouth years. . Rate and Volume of Application. The am_ of chemical used in extensive aerial tests ranged n l/6 to 2-2/ 3 pounds acid of a low-volatile este 2,4,5-T per acre on different growth forms of g‘ quite. These varying rates of chemical were ap in 2, 4, 8 and in a few instances, 12 gallons oft water emulsions and diesel fuel per acre. carriers tested included water alone, oil-water e, sions containing in proportions of 1:8, 1:6, 1:4 5' 1:1 diesel oil, naptha, kerosene, low and high p11 toxic oils and many other materials. Results of these studies show that the ori or natural growth of mesquite was controlled i effectively and economically by the applicatio 1 1 / 3 pound acid in 3 gallons of 1:6 diesel fuel- _ emulsion per acre (Tables 5, 6). Increasing amount of chemical or the volume of the spray _, terial did not improve the effectiveness of the ment under a wide range of conditions. Sprout growth of mesquite was controlled fectively with chemicals when the above-gr growth reached a height of 3 to 4 feet or more i ure 18). In most instances, best results were 0b ed by the use of l/2 pound acid of a low-vol, ester of 2,4,5-T or silvex in 4 gallons of a 1:3 v. fuel-water emulsion per acre (Tables 7, 8). T ment of small sprout growth less than 3 feet usually was much less effective because of an’ parent lack of balance between the above-gr growth and that of a well-established root sys Control of running mesquite, a decumbent gr, ' form, appeared unsatisfactory in limited trials. Swath Width. Tests were conducted at six tions during 1954-56 to determine the influen ' g swath width on the effectiveness of chemical n; ment of mesquite. A Stearman biplane equi with a 27-foot boom and 14 low-pressure nozzles; s. l/3, l/2 and l pound acid of 2,4,5-T .2, 54, 67 and 84-foot swaths. The results ob- ‘Show that, for natural or original growth of e, swath widths of 60 to 84 feet gave just as ntrol as the 30 to 42-foot swaths (Table 9). “U “E. ~< a treatment of dense sprout growth 3 to 4 l, the 42-foot swath width appeared to be pat more effective than the 60 and 80-foot but further study is needed.’ ln these tests, jtions were made with cross winds of 3 to 7 3- hour. Under downwind or no wind con- , experience has shown that a swath width et usually tends to give more uniform control. of Growth. Extensive trials have been ed on various growth forms of mesquite. ilants and seedlings have been destroyed ef- by chemical treatment. Good to excellent fof mesquite brush with stems up to 4 inches eter also l1as been obtained when moisture :nt conditions were reasonably favorable. For p‘ of large trees with trunks 6 to 18 inches in ‘If, good top kills with some root kills have btained only under the most favorable con- Under average soil and plant conditions, y when the trees lacked vigor and had con- e dead top wood, chemical treatments usu- F- fair top kills but little or no root kill. A Option of mechanical methods that will destroy Jhpercentage of the old trees followed several ter by chemical treatment of sprout growth j instances have given good control at low cost. f‘ ge Site and Soil Type. Throughout nearly the test areas, noticeably more effective con- ; mesquite has been obtained on light sandy i“ upland sites. In cooperative ranch tests in , the average percentage root kill of mesquite ; on clay and clay loam soils was 24 percent. j l3 cases where mesquite occurred on fine jams and fine sands, an average root kill of jnt was obtained. In most instances on bot- ti} sites with moderate to heavy clays, top kills ‘iftisfactory; however, heavy regrowth usually J- at the base of the plant, indicating little movement of chemical below the soil line. ply, it is thought that mesquite is more diffi- kill on bottomlands because the trees tend Erger and the dormant buds are buried deeper ,he soil line. A swath width of less than 42 heavier rates of chemical did not improve the ness of the treatment. i‘ ed Control and Grazing Habits. Under fa- F growing ccmditions, seedlings and young 0f annual broomweed (Gutierrezia dracun cu- cockleburs (Xanthium spp.) , sunflowers ‘thus annus) , Russian thistle (Salsola kali var. la), lambs quarters (Chenopodiom alba) , an- joton (Croton spp.) and many other annual af plants are controlled satisfactorily by aerial treatment of mesquite with l/3 to 1/2 pound acid of 2,4,5-T per acre. The chemical treatment becomes less effective as weeds approach maturity. The grasses on land that has been sprayed with 2,4,5-T to control mesquite, almost without exception, are heavily utilized by livestock even though there may be large areas of untreated land available to the grazing animals. It is thought that the greater amount of sunlight and moisture made available to the grasses following treatment of mesquite is pri- marily responsible for this grazing preference. Some chemical changes probably occur in the composition of the grass plants, but no definite information has been obtained on‘ this subject. To obtain greatest benefit from the use of chem- icals for the control of mesquite and undesirable weeds, careful consideration should be given to the selection of seasons and sites. Following extended drouths, the grass cover usually becomes thin and, therefore, mesquite seedlings and other undesirable plants can gain a foothold. Timing the chemical treatments when rainfall becomes favorable to help eliminate these invading plants will greatly speed up the recovery of native grasses on the range. Spraying Equipment. Research work on the effect of droplet size of the spray solution delivered by aerial equipment has been conducted under field and laboratory conditions. These tests showed that equip- ment which delivered a major portion of the droplets within a range of 100 to 400 microns is most satis- factory for the control of mesquite. The use of drop- lets of less than 100 microns increased the danger of TABLE 9. EFFECT OF AERIAL SWATH WIDTH AND VARI- OUS RATES OF 2.4.5-T ON PERCENTAGE KILL OF MES- QUITE AT SIX LOCATIONS, 1954-57 Swath Volume. gal. Percent width, Pourfds Oi 2'4'5'T 1:3 emulsion root feet acld per acre per acre kill‘ 30 i 1/4 5.59 31 30 1/2 5.59 34 30 3/4 5.59 30 30 l 5.59 34 42 1/4 4.00 33 42 1/2 4.00 31 42 3/4 \ 4.00 34 42 1 4.00 32 54 1/4 3.10 31 54 1/2 3.10 35 54 3/4 3.10 33 54 1 3.10 29 67 1/4 2.54 31 B7 1/2 2.54 31 67 3/4 2.54 31 67 1 2.54 33 84 1/4 2.00 33 84 1/2 2.00 40 84 3/4 2.00 31 84 1 2.00 33 ‘Percentage root kill 15 months or longer after treatment. 17 spray drift, whereas droplets above 400 microns tended to give inadequate coverage of the foliage. For best results, only experienced operators with approved equipment should be employed to apply these chemicals. The height of flight, nearness of susceptible crops, wind direction and velocity, con- dition of the plants to be treated and many other related factors must be taken into consideration by the operator for the greatest benefit and safety to 1 the landowner. The cost of aerial ‘chemical treatment of mes- quite varies from 32 to $3 per acre depending on such factors as the amount of chemical applied, swath width used, the size of the area to be treated and the distance to the landing field. Effects of Repeated Aerial Applications. Early experimental tests with 2,4,5-T under a wide range of climatic and environmental conditions showed that in nearly all instances excellent top kills were obtained, but that root kills varied from 5 to 95 percent. Even though root kills, in many cases, were low because of unfavorable plant conditions and other factors, in every instance there was insufficient sprout growth to permit retreatment within a period of less than 3 years after the initial treatment. In cases where root kills of 30 to 50 percent were obtained, sprout growth rarely was large enough to permit retreatment within 4 to 7 years. Where kills above 50 percent were obtained, retreatment at intervals of 8 to 10 years couldbe expected to give good to excellent control of mesquite. Results of aerial retreatment tests conducted at Spur and Guthrie are shown in Table l0. The av- erage kill obtained from one application varied from l0 to 29 percent under a wide range of conditions; however, retreatment 3 to 5 years later increased the average kill from 19 percent for the initial treatment TABLE 10. EFFECT OF REPEATED AERIAL APPLICATIONS OF 2.4.5-T ON THE ROOT KILL OF MESQUITE Retreatment Initial treatment Height of D-t- 212st‘ fszrzzi: Ffiffifil I SPUR 1949 Small trees 21 1952 24-26 34 1949 Small trees 29 1954 36-48 58 1950 Small trees l0 1953 24-36 24 1950 Small trees 10 1954 36-48 39 1951 Small trees 16 1953 24-36 49 1951 Small trees 16 1954 36-48 57 GUTHRIE 1950 Small trees l0 1953 36-48 42 1950 Medium trees 17 1953 36-48 32 1950 Small trees 27 1954 36-48 38 1950 Small trees 31 1955 36-60 54 1950 Small trees 26 1955 36-60 32 1951 Small trees 20 1956 36-60 47 1953 Medium trees l0 1957 36-60 30 Average percent kill 19 41 18 to 4-1 percent for two treatments. These results t cate that, under favorable conditions, repeat i cations of 2,4,5-T will gradually bring mesquite u control at relatively low cost. ‘ BENEFITS OF MESQUITE CONTRO i The chief benefits realized from the contro mesquite on rangeland include a marked reducg in cost of handling and caririg for livestock, ani crease in the ‘carrying capacity of the land, red ‘ hazards of death losses from mesquite bean poiso” and the use of other sound range and livestock n; agement practices that often are not feasible i tures heavily infested with brush (Figure 18). ~ extent of the benefits derived from the control: mesquite will depend largely on the degree and t of infestation, the potential productivity of the and the condition of desirable range vegetation management. ‘ Grazing Results Benefits oi Chemical Control Grazing trials with yearling steers were conducf at the Spur station in the summers during 1945-54 eight 20-acre native pastures that originally had m erate stand of brushy mesquite. In 1945, two upl and two bottomland sites were cleared of mesq by removing the top wood and treating the stu t‘ Later, the sprout growth and seedling mesquite w controlled at intervals of 5 years by aerial appl tion of 2,4,5-T. On four closely adjoining pastu“ two on upland and two on bottomland, compara stands of brush received no treatment. The past were stocked on the average from May 1 to Octo 3 at a moderate rate of 6.50 acres per head for annual grazing period of 156 days. s‘ Grazing trials for the 10-year period show average steer gain of 204 pounds for the cleared r» tures and 173 pounds for the brush pastures (Fi i 19), a difference of 31 pounds per head in favor? the cleared pastures (Table ll). During the f‘ sons of 1948, 1952 and 1953, acre-gains on cle . pastures were 42, 53 and 35 percent higher, res, tively, than on the pastures infested with mesqu‘ The average gain of yearling steers was lowest, l- pounds per head, on upland sites infested with t, quite, and highest, 224 pounds per head, on bott land sites where mesquite was controlled (Figure _ For the overall period of study, the annual acre-I was increased an average of 18 percent by the c, trol of mesquite. This increase was worth $1 t; acre where yearling steers were valued at 20 ce per pound. Reynolds and Tschirley (23) estima; that, under normal conditions in Arizona, the c‘ trol of mesquite would give a three-fold increase -r grazing capacity. g In addition to the increased returns obtai ’ by the control of mesquite, it was estimated that I 19. Cleared and mesquite-infested pastures used in the grazing trials. Control of mesquite increased steer an average of 31 pounds per head annually during 1945-54. ‘fequired for working and handling livestock cleared pastures was less than one-fourth that 111 to work cattle on the brush pastures. The Yon the cleared pastures tended to be more ‘Land those on the brush pastures usually be- ore difficult to handle as the season progressed. 1'01 Root Plowing and Seeding area of upland native grassland of moderate 151 productivity, with. a fair cover of tobosa, i, sideoats grama grasses, vine mesquite and a ‘Rte stand of mesquite, was divided into two fipastures in 1953. One pasture was root-plowed A lied during March. Good stands of Causasian 11 King ranch bluestem, several strains of side- a, buffalo, blue grama and mixtures of these éwere obtained on the seeded pasture. This g was not grazed during 1953-54; however, a crop was harvested during the fall of 1954. g er 10-acre pasture, which previously had been with power equipment, was treated with Y!» _. .1 *5‘ e ‘cl-l. SUMMARY OF GRAZING TRIALS WITH YEAR- RS DURING THE SUMMER ON CLEARED AND JNFESTED PASTURES, FOR THE IO-YEAR PE- RIOD. 1945-54 Aver- Number _ age Acres oi days Average gain. pounds number per grazed Qf head P91’ Steer Daily Acre steers p season 0.0 0.0 154 104 1.19 22.75 0.0 0.0 154 140 .90 11.92 5.0-; 150 224 1.41 44.24 y» and 1.0 5.0 150 190 1.25 00.40 11 0.5 0.5 150 204 1.00 00.50 '10 0.5 0.5 15s 170 1.10 20.10 2,4,5-T to control mesquite sprout growth and seed- lings. This pasture was grazed during the period the grasses were becoming established on the seeded pasture. ‘ Grazing trials with yearling steers were begun on both pastures in the spring of 1955. Results of these trials with yearling steers during the summers of 1953-58 are shown in Table l2. For the 11-year period, 1955-58, when the reseeded pasture was ready to be grazed, gains of yearling steers averaged 196 pounds per head, compared with 157 pounds per head for steers on native grass cleared of mesquite. The acre-gains also were higher on the root-plowed and reseeded pasture. For the 6 years, 1953-57, how- ever, there was no advantage for the pasture that was root-plowed and seeded over the native grass pasture cleared of mesquite. If the seeded grasses continue to maintain satis- factory stands and vigor under moderate grazing, a distinct advantage should develop in favor of re- seeded pastures over a period of years. It would be expected that on land with high potential produc- tivity, greater benefits likely would be realized from 225 - 224 - 6° E Steer gain ' E- ‘é 200 .. E Acre qoin I98 * _ 5O 8 j i z :1 z =- o 104 .._ = _ g a. = i i ‘a 0 1 a. 9 = i .0 _ 9 < = uni w ..... .7 4 Q i i j .:.:.:. (9 K —- -_ i»: " i 1111111 m w I50 _ I48 z -— _ 3° n: m .1 "- ''''''' O 1;, = —' I;I~I-f .3 < 125 __ -; :§:§:§; .... §:§:§:j _ 20 100 ' = "it! 15:1: = I0 UPLD um. 0 0011014041110 001101414100 0110511 01.2mm anusn 01.541250 Figure 20. Influence of mesquite control on steer and acre gain during 1945-56 at Spur on upland and bot- tomland pastures. Bottomland pastures have produced approximately twice as much beef gain per acre as closely adioining upland pastures. 19 root plowing and reseeding to adapted, palatable range grasses. Experience has shown that on land with low potential productivity, forage production is too low and unstable to justify the use of this prac- tice. The cost of root plowing, seeding and spraying annually with 2,4,5-T to control undesirable weeds and seedling mesquite was $20 per acre, whereas the cost of controlling mesquite with a treedozer followed by one basal application of 2,4,5-T to control sprouts and seedlings was $10 per acre. The cost of these treatments must be considered to be relative since the cost will vary with the size of the area to be treated, type and density of brush, cost of estab- lishing a good stand of grass, nature of the land and need for subsequent weed and brush-control measures. Effect oi Shade on Buifalograss Experimental studies were undertaken in 1938 to determine the influence of different amounts of shade on buffalograss. Special lath cages were con- structed to simulate no shade, light shade, moderate shade, heavy shade and dense shade by mesquite (Figure 21) . The plots were clipped during the late spring, summer and fall to determine the yield and nutritive content of the forage. Basal density of the buffalograss was estimated each spring soon after it began growth. The yield of Buffalograss when grown in full sunlight and different amounts of shade for the 6-year period of study, 1939-44, is shown in Table 13. The data indicate that the yield of buffalograss grown in light to moderate amounts of shade was not ma- terially affected, but that it was seriously reduced by heavy and dense shade. Increasing the shade tended to increase the protein content of the forage. " This increase, however, appeared to be associated with an increase in crude-fiber content and a decrease in nitrogen-free extract (Table 14). Determinations also showed that the moisture content of the forage increased and grass leaves tended to become elongated with increasing amounts of shade. » Observati dicated that the elongated leaves were much t‘, to break during certain seasons of the year tha i grown in light shade or full sunlight. The. cover of buffalograss for all plots averaged 6“ cent in 1939, when the studies were begun. Six‘ later, the basal cover declined to 52, 40, 29, l 0 percent, respectively, for buffalograss grown i sunlight, light, moderate, heavy/"land dense sha These results indicate that small amour artificial shade did not materially affect the i nutritive content and basal cover of buffal‘ Under conditions of natural shade, the addedj petition for soil moisture and plant food by m i undoubtedly reduces the productivity of the , especially where moderate to dense stands of i’ prevail, as shown by Parker and Martin worki=l Arizona. i REINFESTATION OF GRASSLA ; It is common knowledge among ranchmeni farmers that effective control of well-established .~ ’ of mesquite on grazing lands depends on ing a high percentage of the existing plants 1 prevention of rapid reinfestation from se_ the soil and those brought in by grazing an' rodents, wind, water and by sprout growth of that were not destroyed. - ' Seedling Emergence and Surviv, Research conducted at Spur during l! showed that heavy emergence of mesquite see might occur within 1 to 3 years following cont well-established stands of mesquite, especially If soil and grass cover were seriously disturbed. ' an area of tobosa-buffalo type grassland pro ‘ from grazing animals for 15 years, 871 seedli ,' a total of 2,952 per acre that emerged withi months after 237 trees and small mesquite had, removed by hand grubbing, became well establ TABLE 12. SUMMARY OF GRAZING TRIALS ON ROOT-PLOWED AND RESEEDED PASTURE AND ON A NATIVE A PASTURE CLEARED OP‘ MESQUITE. 1954-58 ' Average gain. pounds Average annu -_ pounds '3 Treatment ' Item g g f 1959 1954 1955 195s 1957 195s .- Root plowed, Steer gain 0‘ 01 275 142 263 139 195 seeded Acre gain 0 0 68 43 53 42 51 Daily gain 0 0 1.56 1.45 1.43 .84 1.29 Native grass. Steer gain 123’ 117’ 253 94 196 115 157 control of Acre gain 16 17 62 28 39 34 41 mesquite Daily gain 1.41 .94 1.43 .96 1.06 .69 1.03 Date grazed 4/28-8/31 4/28-9/1 5/10-11/4 4/24-9/4 5/1-11/1 4/29-10/10 Number o1 days 87 125 177 132 184 165 152 Rate of grazing, acres per head 7.68 10.00 4.07 3.33 5.00 3.33 3.82 ‘Not grazed in 1953-54. ‘Data from comparable native grass pasture. 20 s 22, 23). The heaviest mortality of the p gs occurred soon after emergence. A gradual lillOfl of only l6 percent in seedling numbers glace during the next 12 years. The growth of gngs, however, was greatly restricted by severe tition of a heavy cover of grasses consisting pri- of tobosa, buffalo, vine mesquite and traces piers. Timely application of 2,4,5-T, together A 1e competition of grasses, might have prevented rvival of a majority of the seedlings. The sur- f seedlings that emerged in later years averaged 2O plants per acre annually. The heavy ~19 .1 énce of mesquite seedlings in 1941 undoubtedly pifluenced by the prolonged drouth from 1933 i0, which greatly reduced the basal cover of ial grasses. Attempts to destroy well-estab- tmesquite seedlings by burning a heavy cover gsa and buffalo grasses during the early spring mmer failed to destroy an appreciable number 3Y1 seedlings during a 2-year period of study. ince oi Livestock on Seed Germination ceding trials were undertaken in 1940 to deter- fthe influence of mastication and digestion by ‘m classes of animals on the germination of ite seed. It was found that 97, 79 and l6 t of a total of 745 sound beans fed in pods‘ f} through the digestive tracts of horses, yearlings, land ewes, respectively, during a period of 158 The greatest number of seed was expelled ‘f animals 42 to 60 hours after feeding. Germi- of seed that had passed through the animals 82 percent for the horses, 69 percent for ' fyearlings and 25 percent for ewes. For seed pods and not fed to the animals, germination ply 26 percent, whereas germination of seed re- i mechanically from the woody capsules that the seed was 86 percent. The longevity of ‘Finder range conditions is not known; however, certain conditions bean weevils (Mimosestes and (Bruchus prosopis) often destroy a high tage of the embryos of many mature seed. insects that commonly attack mesquite include thead wood borer (Buprestidae spp.) , the twig t (Oncideres trinodatus) and the measuring 1,19 member of the Geomatridae family. A fun- Ganoderma zonatum) also attacks the basal ivparts under some conditions. Figure 21. Bufialograss grown under heavy shade was taller, higher in moisture and protein and crude fiber contents. but lower in carbohydrates during the first 3 years of study. For the 6-year period of study, however. the average yield dropped from 1,235 pounds for grass produced in full sunlight to only 191 pounds for grass grown under heavy artificial shade. Reiniestation Following Control Practices To obtain information on the influence of re- infestation by seed in the soil and those brought in by rodents, birds and coyotes, a 160-acre experimen- tal pasture was cleared of mesquite by hand grubbing. The pasture was grazed during the summers of 1940- 56 by cattle which did not have access to mesquite beans for at least 10 days prior to the beginning of the grazing season. In 1940, when the land was grubbed, there was an average of 213 trees per acre. Five years later, 109 seedlings per acre had reached grub-hoe size, 18 to 24 inches tall, and were removed. In 1952, 185 additional seedlings per acre were re- moved from the land. Thus, since the initial clear- ing, 294 seedling mesquite per acre were removed during an ll-year period in addition to the original 213 trees. Observations in 1957 showed that 50 to 75 additional seedlings had become established and will need to be removed to prevent seed production. It is not known how long seedlings will continue to 19. INFLUENCE 0F DIFFERENT AMOUNTS 0F SHADE ON THE YIELD. POUNDS PER ACRE, 0F AIR-DRY BUFFALO- GRASS, 1999-44 spl-afgg " 1999 1940 1941 1942 1949 1944 Average None 109 574 2599 1909 1910 590 1295 4-inch 259 714 299s 1924 1920 702 1952 949911 a 904 ~ 919 2929 1909 1999 570 1270 2-inch 994 990 1952 295 994 74 s50 149911 299 994 499 0 0 0 191 21 TABLE 14. INFLUENOE OF DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF SHADE ON THE PERCENTAGE NUTRITIVE COMPOSITION OF BUFFALOGRASS. OVEN-DRY BASIS. 1939-41 Nutrient Full sun Light M31121“ Heavy Dense Protein 8.85 9.50 9.47 10.53 12.62 Crude fat 2.13 2.11 2.19 2.37 1.97 Crude fiber 26.42 26.46 28.16 28.05 27.04 N.F.E. 49.54 49.52 47.76 46.21 41.14 Ash 13.06 12.52 12.41 12.84 20.44 Ca° .64 .67 .57 .64 .72 P205 .44 .54 , .53 .55 .67 emerge on the land, but likely the land will never reach the point of being completely free of mesquite under grazing conditions. Additional studies, in cooperation with ranch- men, have shown that land that was hand-grubbed to remove a moderate stand of mesquite had an av- erage of 668 mesquite seedlings 3 to 4 feet tall per acre 14 years later. Eight years after moderate to dense stands of mesquite, averaging 851 plants per acre, were controlled by root plowing at seven loca- tions, an average of 361 seedlings, 3 to 5 feet tall, per Figure 22. Above-Reinfestation of ungrazed native grassland by seedling mesquite 2 Years after the area was cleared of all mesquite plants. Fifteen years later, 871 of these seedlings survived even though the area had not been grazed since 1940. Below—Heavy emer- gence of mesquite seedlings on badly deteriorated grassland following a severe drouth. 22 acrfr had become well established on the land ( ' 2) . These results indicate strongly that no one l, ment will completely eliminate mesquite on ; lands. Repeated treatments, together with range management practices that will favor de ment of a good cover of grass to reduce the n of seedlings that may become established, will needed at intervals of 5 to years. A VALUE OF MESQUITE The value of mesquite as a forage plant is u; largely to the utilization of the seed pods, com) called beans. Nearly all classes of livestock, wily and rodents relish the mature, sugary beans d y) the summer and fall. Chemical analyses show the seed pods with seed contain approximatel percent protein, 48 percent carbohydrates, 27 per crude fiber and 2 percent fat. The seed alone ‘ tain approximately 38 percent protein, but t; of them are not digested by range animals (17). _ leaves are seldom browsed to any noticeable ex‘) during the growing season, but occasionally live make good use of dry leaves following an early, ing frost in the fall. A The utilization of beans by grazing anima. riously hinders the success of any mesquite-co program. Even though the production of bea highly variable from season to season, the app“ longevity of seed, 44 years in a herbarium repi by Martin (21), results in a build up of a h” seed source in the soil. Recent work by Doll] and Anthony (10) showed that during prolo drouths when other forage is scant, cattle may.) velop mesquite bean poisoning, which results in vere losses in weight and in some cases in During seasons when heavy bean crops are prod J many horses and mature cattle are often lost bec of compaction of the beans in the digestive trac Formerly mesquite wood was used for fuel y, fence posts; only limited use of mesquite for purposes is now made. Within recent years, M' et. al. (19) and others have shown that mesq; stems 1 to 3 inches in diameter have value as r01, age when ground and fed to cattle. The che contents of such ground mesquite stems collecte monthly intervals from March to November are sh in Table 15. f A Mesquite wood samples have been submitt various commercial paper interests and other inf tries that make use of wood cellulose in large q) tities. In all instances, other sources of wood found to be more economical to process or they; duced a higher quality product. The collectio mesquite gum that is exuded during certain i of the year, manufacture of charcoal and other cial products offer limited uses for mesquite w Other values of mesquite include protection a source of food for quail, dove and other wild ‘lite honey is highly prized by beemen. The of. mesquite for shade to grazing animals is able. AUTIONS ON THE use 01-" 2.4.511" ilnchmen in the Southwest have sprayed more million acres of mesquite without affecting wth of susceptible plants such as cotton, grapes, 1= elons, tomatoes and many other broad-leaved The following suggestions are offered to ,1 injury and possible damage to broad-leaved st; only low-volatile formulations of 2,4,5-T that ‘en tested and approved for the control of rite. Fumes from volatile ester formulations fffect susceptible plants several days after ap- E1 Drift resulting from the application of vvolatile or low-volatile formulations will affect owth of susceptible crops. 1o not use 2,4-D or mixtures of ZA-D and 2,4,5-T * control of mesquite. Sprays of ZA-D and the 1 es are not as effective as 2,4,5-T and are much "hazardous to use where susceptible crops are a » ccessful and experienced aerial applicators ound the following distances give a safe mar- g operation for the application of low-volatile ‘lations of 2,4,5-T for the control of mesquite froper equipment: Proximity to susceptible crops, miles 'j v locity, hour Upwind Downwind iwind 2 2 . - 3 1/2 2 6 1A3 3 f- 10 1A; 4 p - l0 Not recommended * irplane spraying equipment should be designed justed to apply the spray solutions in coarse ts at low pressure on the boom. Positive cut- iould be used on each nozzle and between the :1 tank and the boom. The equipment should a constant type agitator. here should be no leaks or drip of any kind the nozzles, boom or spraying equipment. leaded planes should not be ferried over sus- le plants. The use of municipal airports f be avoided. 5 (v _or ground application, 2,4,5-T should not be iflnearer than 1 mile downwind to susceptible 7when these crops are making rapid growth. olatile esters may be used upwind within 300 susceptible crops. In the fall, most summer 300° Legend ..._.. No treatment -‘\ .._.- Gross burned in spring of I942-44 2590 j \ _._Grass burned I944 '-. E \ 2000 ‘- I500 I000 \--- ______ — — — - — —— NUMBER OF MESQUITE SEEDLINGS PER ACRE I_|-unnI-"—'_'_I-|- _ I - 50o :94: 42 43 ~44 4s 41 4e 49 5| s2 s: s4 s5 5s, YEAR Figure 23. Survival of mesquite seedlings on ungrazed tobosa-buffalo type grasslands, during 1941-56. following the removal of 213 small trees and seedlings per acre in 1940. crops are fairly tolerant to 2,4,5-T. Low pressures with coarse sprays are safest. Equipment used for. the application of 2,4,5-T should not be used to spray susceptible crops in other control programs unless adequate steps have been taken to clean the equipment thoroughly by special- ized procedures. 2,4,5-T is not poisonous and grazing animals may remain in the area being treated with this chem- ical. Where poisonous weeds are present in treated pastures, “there is some likelihood of the animals taking the sprayed plants when palatable forage is scant. For greatest effectiveness and safety, employ only experienced and qualified operators who recognize the value of 2,4,5-T as well as its hazards to other crops. ' Ranchmen and farmers should be informed of the value of 2,4,5-T and its limitations for the con- trol of mesquite. For further information on the use of 2,4,5-T for the control of mesquite, see your county agri- cultural agent or write to the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Spur, Texas. TABLE 15. AVERAGE PERCENTAGE NUTRITIVE CONTENT OF GROUND 1 TO 3-INCH MESQUITE STEMS COLLECTED AT ‘MONTHLY INTERVALS, MARCH TO NOVEMBER, 1957 Analysis Average Range Water 7.96 6-10 Protein 7.09 4-10 Fat 1.36 .9-l.75 Fiber 41.16 33-46 Ash 6.37 3-14 N.F.E. 35.82 32-38 Ca° 2.00 1.75-3.55 P205 .07 .03-.11 Carotene‘ 18.13 - 6-55 ‘Parts per million. 23 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are especially indebted to E. Swenson of Emery Farm Lands, Spur, Texas; D. Burns of the Pitchfork Ranch, Guthrie, Texas; and George Humphries, 6666 Ranch, Guthrie, Texas, for furnishing land, facilities and other valuable assis- tance; to the Dodge Jones Foundation, Abilene, Tex- as, for grant-in-aid funds that made much of the research possible; to J. E. Hooper of Aerial Sprayers of Stamford and to Clint Fry of the American Dust- ing and Spraying Company of Chickasha, Oklahoma, for furnishing aerial spraying equipment and other valuable assistance; to the Flying Farmers Founda- tion; the Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michi- gan; the American Chemical Company, Ambler, Pennsylvania; the Ethyl Corporation, New York City; Hevden Chemical Company, New York; Chemagro, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and E. I. Dupont DeNe- mours and Company, I/Vilmington, Delaware, for grants-in-aid and materials; to ranchmen in South and West Texas for providing land and facilities, in- cluding the cost of chemicals and applications to conduct ranch tests; to commercial organizations for furnishing experimental materials including chem- icals, oils and other items for evaluation; to members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Commit- tee for assistance in locating the ranch tests; and to Alvis C. Bilbery, who assisted with the research work during 1938-56 as foreman. These investigations were conducted cooperative- ly by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and the Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. LITERATURE CITED 1. Allison, D. V. and C. A. Rechenthin. 1956. Root Plow- ing Proved Best Method of Brush Control in South Texas. Journal Range Management. Vol. 9 pp 130-133. 2. Allred, B. I/V. 1949. Distribution and Control of Sev- eral WVoody Plants in Oklahoma and Texas. Journal Range Management. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 17-29. 3. Behrens, Richard. 1955. The Influence of Droplet Size tn Percentage Kill of Mesquite. Proceedings of the Southern “Iced Conference. 4. Benson, Lyman and R. A. Darrow. 1944. Manual of Southwestern Desert Trees and Shrubs. Biological Science Bull. No. 6. University of Arizona. ’ 5. Bray, vVilliam L. 1904. Forest Resourcesiof Texas. USDA Bul. 47, p 71. 6. Carter, Meril G. 1958. Reclaiming Texas Brushlancl Range. Journal Range Management. Vol. ll, No. 1, pp 1-4. 24 7. cook, o. F. 190s. Change of Vegetation on.the_ Texas Prairies. USDA Bur. Plant Industry Circular 14, s. Crafts, A. s. 1.95s. Herbicides, Their Absorptio, Translocation. Agr. and Food Chem. Vol. 1 No. 1, pp 51 9. Dayton, W. A. 1931. Important Western Browse ‘I USDA Misc. Pub. 101. 10. Dollahite, J. W. and W. V. Anthony. 1957. .Ma t tion in Cattle on an Unbalanced DlQtEOf Mesquite Beans. Agr. Exp. Sta. Progress Report 1931a ii ’ 11. Fisher, C. E. 1947. Present Information on the? quite Problem. Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Progress Report 105 12. Fisher, c. E. 1950. The Mesquite Problem Southwest. Journal Range Management. Vol. 3, No. L 50-70. 1s. Fisher, c. L. Fultz, and H. Hopp. 1946. F’ Affecting Actions of Oils and Water Soluble Chemicals in quite Eradication. Ecological Monographs, V01. 16, N0. 109-126. 14. Fisher, C. E., D. WV. Young and P. T. Marion, Control of Mesquite. Texas. Agr. Exp. Sta. Progress ‘>1 1320. I A 15. Fisher, C. E., C. H. Meadors and R. Behrens. Some Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of 245 Tric’; phenoxyacetlc Acid in Killing Mesquite. Weeds. Vol. IV l, 2. April. pp 139-147. A 16. Fisher, C. E., IV. M. Phillips, C. H. Meadors, ‘a; Darrow and ‘V. G. McCully. 1952. Mesquite Control t" ative Ranch Tests 1950-51. Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Progress. port 1465. 17. Fraps, G. S. 1932. The Composition and Utilizati Texas Feeding Stuffs. Tex. Agr. Expt. Bulletin 461. ' 18. Griffiths, David. 1904. Range Investigations in zona. USDA Bur. Plant Industry Bul. 67, pp. 62. 19. Marion, P. T., C. E. Fisher, E. D. Robison. _ Ground Mesquite YVood as a Roughage in Rations for Yea Steers. Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Progress Report 1972. ' 20. McGinnies, WV. G. and Arnold, Joseph F. 1939. ' tive YVater Requirements of Arizona Range Plants. Ar' Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bu1., pp 80. ‘ 21. Martin, S. Clark. 1950. Unpublished reports. S’ western Forest and Range Experiment Station, Tucson, Ar‘ 22. Parker, K. w. and s. Clark Martin. 1952. The quite Problem on Southern Arizona Ranges. USDA Cir.‘ 908. ' 23. Reynolds, H. G. and F. H. Tschirley. 1957. Mesq Control on Southwestern Rangeland. USDA Leaflet 421. est Service, IA/ashington, D. C. 24. Smith, J. c. 1890. Fodder and Forage Plants i clusive of Grasses. U.S. Dept. of Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 2 ' 25. Thornber, J. J. 1910. The Grazing Resourc Arizona. Arizona Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 65, pp 245-360. A 26. U.S. Dept. Agr. Range Plant Handbook. 1937. F} Service, Washington, D. C. t U '