,¢.¢,..@..¢.@ ’Lzwnis bjijé Summary Results of experiments conducted to determine the effect of natural or simulated climatic conditions on the residual toxicities of several chlorinated hydro- carbon and organophosphorus insecticides to several species of cotton pests are summarized in this pub- lication. In tests on the boll weevil with the chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, the residual properties of endrin and Sevin appeared to be quite similar under a variety of weathering conditions. Based on residual properties alone, toxaphene and dieldrin ranked with endrin and Sevin, but the initial toxicities of dieldrin and endrin to the boll weevil were appreciably greater than those of toxaphene. The mortality rate among weevils confined on spray residues of these insecti- cides was reduced by 20 to 30 percent after exposure of the residues to simulated wind or rain. This re- duction could result in failure to control the boll weevil under field conditions. The residual properties of aldrin and BHC were inferior to those of endrin, Sevin, dieldrin and toxa- phene under a variety of climatic conditions. The results obtained with heptachlor were erratic. The results obtained in tests on the boll weevil were similar to the data from tests with the cotton leafworm, the salt-marsh caterpillar and the garden webworm. Among the organophosphorus insecticides used in tests on the boll weevil, Guthion appeared to be more resistant to weathering than malathion, methyl parathion or Phosdrin. Malathion appeared to have residual properties intermediate between those-t" of Guthion and methyl parathion, while the period of residual effectiveness of Phosdrin was very short under all conditions. Simulated rain was the only weathering agent which appreciably reduced the residual toxicity of Guthion. In general, weathering did not reduce the residual toxicities of the organophosphorus insecti- cides as much in tests with cotton aphids and spider mites as in tests with the boll weevil. When treated plants were held under varying temperature and humidity conditions for 48 hours prior to the release of insects on the plants, the residual toxicities of all the insecticides tested were reduced appreciably. Losses in residual effectiveness among insecti- cidal dusts exposed to wind and rain usually were greater than among sprays of the same materials. Con ten ts Summary ________________________________________________________________________ __ 2 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides ............ .. 8 E . t 1 M th d 3 Qrganophosphvrlls Insecticides ......................... u 9 xperimen a e o s ............................................... -- Insecticides ............................................................ ._ 3 Effect of Slmulated Wmd """"""""""""""""""""" " g Clilnatic Conditions e 3 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides ............ .. l0 Test Insects _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ ‘ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 Organophosphorus Insecticides ........................ .. l0 Bioassay Techniques ___________________________________________ __ 4 Effect of Simulated Dew on Insecticides ................ .. ll Effeet of Temperature and Humidity ____________________ __ 4 Effect of Sunlight on Insecticides ............................. .- ll Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Inseotioides ____________ __ 5 Effect of Climatic Factors on Sevin ........................ .- ll Orsanophosphorus Insecticides ------------------------- -- 7 Literature Cited ........................................................... _. 11 Effect 0f Simulated Rain ........................................... .- 8 Acknowledgments ......................................................... _. ll V PERSISTENCE OF INSECTICIDE RESIDUES was recog- (ed as a factor in insect control shortly after I (vent of the chlorinated hydrocarbon and organo- orus insecticides. Research on the effect of (tic factors on the residual toxicities of insecti- ‘~10 cotton insects was begun at the Texas Agri- Experiment Station by Gaines and Dean Data on the effect of sunshine and simulated n insecticide residues were presented by Gaines can (1950). Further research on the effect of ted rain, sunlight, high natural temperatures wind on insecticide residues was conducted by ‘s and Mistric (1951, 1952) , Mistric and Gaines 1- , 1954), Mistric (1954), Owen (1954) , Mistric rowers are offered a choice of many different cides for use in the control of the major cotton pests. Many of the chlorinated hydrocarbon rganophosphorus insecticides are recommended e control of several diverse groups of insects. p dition t0 selecting an insecticide known to be f. t0 a particular pest species, it would be advan- '- s for the grower to know what residual proper- lo anticipate from a given insecticide under s weather conditions in the field. Experimental Methods FCTICIDES _ ch insecticide included in these studies was hed by the manufacturer. All spray materials ?“were prepared from emulsifiable concentrates, .811 dusts were formulated with commercial ts. Fresh stocks of insecticides were obtained I - at the beginning of each new season. arch was conducted on the following chlori- ighydrocarbon insecticides: toxaphene, dieldrin, aldrin, benzene hexachloride and heptachlor; the following organophosphorus insecticides: ion, methyl parathion, malathion, Guthion and in. Also, several preliminary tests were con- Ywith Sevin, a carbamate insecticide. a, ‘ATIC continuous tory so that individual climatic factors could er controlled or simulated. Natural or out- i ively, formerly assistant professor and head, Department ‘mology. of the experiments were conducted in the’ RESIDUAL TIIXICITIES 0F INSECTICIDES T0 CIITTIIN INSECTS B. G. Hightower and J- C. Gaines* door climatic conditions were utilized for weathering the residues in some of the tests when it was possible to avoid any complicating conditions. In order to evaluate the weathering effect of a particular combination of climatic factors affecting insecticidal residues for a specified period of time, potted cotton plants were sprayed or dusted and separated into the following groups for detailed observation: 1. Initial toxicity - Insects were released on the sprayed or dusted plants within 45 minutes after treatment. Maximum mortalities usually were ob- tained on these plants and all losses in toxicity from weathering were estimated on this basis. 2. Twenty-four hour exposure-Insecticides on cotton plants were exposed to certain weather con? ditions for 24 hours prior to the release of the test insects on the treated plants. 3. Wind or rain-Insecticides on cotton plants were exposed to wind or simulated rain for all or part of 24 hours prior to the confinement of the insects on the treated plants. Temperature during the exposure periods ranged from 54° to 115° F. and the relative humidity varied from 28 to 98 percent. An uninsulated room was used in some of the tests to subject treated plants to high temperatures in the absence of bright sunlight. The sun raised temperatures in the room from 110° to 115° F. for about 4 hours during a 24-hour period. For comparison, similar groups of treated plants were held in the laboratory at 85° i 5° F. during the 24 hours prior to the release of the insects on all the treated plants. After the insects had been released on the various groups of treated plants, they were all held under identical conditions for the remainder of the test. Natural wind currents were simulated in the laboratory by means of a 16-inch oscillating electric fan, Figure 1. The insecticide-treated plants exposed to simulated wind were placed in a single row about 3 feet in front of the fan within the range of oscilla- tion. A later modification of this technique involved placing the fan vertically in a rigid mount about a circular plywood table. Treated plants situated around the rim of the table were exposed for 24 hours to the uniform air currents produced by the fan. Wind velocities in both techniques varied from 3.5 to 5 miles per hour (m.p.h.) . Figure 1. Modified Dustan table for applying simulated wind to treated cotton plants. Rain was simulated by means of a circular garden sprinkler mounted vertically in the top of a steel frame 3 feet square and 5 feet high, Figure 2. A l6-mesh screen wire tray was mounted 15 inches below the sprinkler t0 break the stream of water into drops. The sprayed or dusted plants were placed on the floor directly under the sprinkler and water was allowed to fall until 0.5 inch had collected in a gauge on the floor between the plants. This simulated a hard un- interrupted shower for 3 minutes. TEST INSECTS Field-collected boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis Boh., were used in some of the tests. However, more Figure 2. Apparatus for applying simulated rain to treated cotton plants. 4 uniform results generally were obtained when the insects were reared from infested squares collected in the field and held under controlled temperatures in the laboratory until the adults emerged. Laboratory-reared third and fourth instar larvae were used in the tests involving the salt-marsh cater- pillar Estigmene acrea (Dr.) and the cotton leafworm, Alabama argillacea (Hbn.).__E?