flybrldS for Texas LIBRARY I IVIENTS DIVISIOAT COLLEGE OF TEXAS COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS SUMMARY Corn hybrids were planted on 85 percent of the Texas corn acreage in 1959. Most was devoted to hybrids developed and released by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Stati_ The total corn acreage is declining with approximately 1,600,000 acresi’ planted in l9 the average yield per acre is increasing. In 1959 the average yield per acrfg was 28.0 b a which is the highest on record. Cultural and management practices which supply the high moisture and fertility requiry are essential for’ good production. General recommendations for these important practices --»_, in Table 1. Adherence to these recommended practices by corn growers throughout the Stat J in a considerable increase in the average yield per acre. = Corn performance tests are conducted throughout the com-growing region of Texas g provide growers with information to be used as a basis for selecting the hybrids best suited _, soil and climatic conditions of Texas. This bulletin contains information on hybrid and varie for the 3-year period, 1957-59, at 22 locations over the State. The corn performance tests ~- land resource areas. These areas, with the test locations in each, are shown in Figure 1. i Information on yield and other characteristics of the hybrids and varieties is presented as 3-year averages for each location and each area. ‘ Texas 30 was the highest yielding hybrid for the 3-year testing period. Considering yield and other desirable characteristics, five yellow hybrids and three w ' recommended for corn production in Texas. A brief description is given of these hybrids -~ of adaptation. TABLE 1. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS BY SOIL AREAS FOR CORN PRODUCTION IN Side- Spac- Fertilizer dress- ing at ing of Planting Plants inches planting nitro- Land resource areas dates per acre in row time‘ gen” Hybrids s. East Texas Timberlands Mar. 5-30 8,000-12,000 12-18 Texas 30. 28, 34, 36 .» Loams and sandy loams 30-60-30 40 Texas 17W, Asgrow 101 Sandy soils 30-60-60 40 Coast Prairie Mar. 15- 8.000-15,000 9-18 Texas 34, 30 "- Blackland Apr. 15 70-40-0 Asgrow 101W, Texas 1 Loams and sandy loams 80-40-40 1 Blackland Prairies Mar. 1-20 8.000-12,000 12-18 Texas 30, 28, Asgrow W?‘ Blackland 30-30-0 Texas 17W, Asgrow 101 ‘ Mixed land 30450-0 Grand Prairie Mar. 1-20 6,500“ 24 Texas 28, 30, 36, Asgrow Blqgklqnd 30-30-0 Texas 17W Mixed land 30-50-0 y West Cross Timbers Mar. 15-30 6,5003 24 30-30-30 Texas 28, 36, 30, Texas 1 Rio Grande Plain Feb. 15- 6,5003 24 Texas 28, 36, 30 l Blackland _ Mar. 1 30-15-0 f Sands and sandy loams 30-30-0 Texas 17W Lower Rio Grande Valley Texas 30, 34, 36, 28, Di ' and Winter Garden Dist. Feb. 1- 13,000-16,000 9-12 Asgrow 101W, 105W, Te i (under irrigation) Mar-l 1 ’ Clays and loams 40-0-0 60 Sands and sandy loams 60-0-0 60 Rolling Plains Mar. 25- 6.5003 24 Texas 28. 36. 30 ~ Clay loams Apr. 10 30 Texas 17W, Asgrow 105 I Sands and sandy loams 20-40-0 30 ‘ High Plains (irrigated) Apr. 10- 9,000-15,000 9-18 Texas 30, 28, 36 j Clay loams May 1 90-0-0 Asgrow 101W, Texas 1 ‘~ Sandy loams 90-30-0 s- Sands 30-60-30 60 ‘Shown as pounds per acre of nitrogen (N), phosphoric acid (P205) and potash (K20). respectively. zShown as pounds per acre of nitrogen (N). “Sorghum has a better yield potential in most years. i S are becoming increasingly more it in Texas corn production. Approxi- ercent of the 1959 corn acreage was l hybrids. Most of this acreage was fcorn hybrids developed by the Texas j Experiment Station. . brid acreages, total corn acreages and T" ds per acre from 1941 through 1959 n Table 2. The ability of the hybrids ‘corn production in Texas is evidenced in the average yield per acre for “1957-59. The 1959 statewide average _ bushels per acre is the highest on has been a marked decline in total f: in Texas in the last two decades as the expanded sorghum acreages. This as the corn hybrid acreage and -acre yield during 1940-59, is shown f During this period, the annual har- 5| acreage dropped from slightly less 000 to a low of less than 1,600,000 "ows rapidly and uses a large amount ‘d plant nutrients from the soil in a ‘f During its period of rapid growth, ~ more water per acre than any other .. The high requirements for water and éelements by corn is because of the ‘a tof plant material per acre that corn * For good corn production, cultural ‘ment practices that will supply these -ments should be followed. Wider use actices and the planting of adapted uld help to increase corn yields in T recommendations by soil areas for r tion in Texas are given in Table 1. ual farmer should adjust these recom- to fit his particular situation. ZVERFORMANCE TESTS erformance tests are conducted each *number of locations in the State to which hybrids should be recommended p- ular area. This testing program also viopportunity for {comparing new hybrid "s with those now grown throughout i New hybrids are released after results ts have indicated they are superior to rids. F, instructor and associate agronomist, De- ' Agronomy. Corn Hybrids for Texas A. I. Bockholt and f. 1V. Collier* Yields based on results of 3 or more years’ tests are considerably more reliable than those for 1 year, and furnish satisfactory information on which to predict future performance of a hybrid. In addition to yield, information is obtained on such factors as root and, stalk lodging, resistance to disease and insects, maturity, prolificacy and shelling percentage. This bulletin contains information on the performance of hybrids for the 3-year period, 1957-59, at 22 locations throughout the State. Information on the 3-year performance of hybrids before 1957 may be obtained from Bulletin 878. Description of Tests The corn performance tests are reported by land resource areas. These areas, with the test locations in each, are shown in Figure 1. A land resource area is a division of the State composed of broad areas of related soils. Climatic and grow- ing conditions within an area are relatively similar. Exceptions are the northern and south- ern Blackland Prairies and the two test locations in the Rio Grande Plain where considerable differ- ences in seasonal temperatures exist. Data from these areas are reported separately in Tables 7, 8 and 10. The division of the State into these CONTENTS Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Performance Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Description of Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Discussion oi Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Coast Prairie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 East Texas Timberlands . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Blackland and Grand Prairies . . . . . . . .7 West Cross Timbers and Rolling Plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Rio Grande Plain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Alluvial Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Description of Recommended Hybrids. . . . .8 Texas 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Texas 3O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Texas 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Texas 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Asgrow 104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Texas 17W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Asgrow 101W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Asgrow 105W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Acknowledgments, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 uum nzsounc: um; -~- 'M I J : mfmehwm rJr-J} entries. The entries were selected g $33M -- ""4 a hybrids developed by the Texas A _, z meme..." I111“; 4;‘ ‘: perlment Station, commerclal hyb _ f, fifcfjfimm WET}? by commercial seed companies, expp f‘ mic-glee“- I‘ 5”" ‘ ' brids developed by the Texas Stati I. ggzregmne. L _;p__‘ pollinated varieties. i 1 f, fljgfil“ _ Data are presented for all 25 " *---P-=- experimental hybrids, which werei‘ W’ p locations in an area for the entire " The remaining entries varied with a and are not included. Each test =; a 5 x 5-triple lattice with six repli EA tical analyses of yield were made- the significance of differences “f yields. These least significant diff ‘I l. “shim 11:1 Locnngnsnmmdal. lated 0n the basis Of Odds Of t0‘: 2. Prairie w“ n. Holland ,5 Qfofjjizm ‘I; gag-Bel» by which average yields must differ p ;§;_};'_,,l_m___ 2';- ences between any two averages caj gg- ggfmv 11~s~-_»»g--»»~»- to be real and not due to chance. ~ ‘"9914 Z2. Clnlhcnlhe Figure 1. Land resource areas and corn test locations. Disgussion Qf Results areas affords an opportunity to determine if any differences in adaptation to climatic and general soil conditions exist among the hybrids. The soil type and meterological data for each location are shown in Table 3. Most of the tests were conducted at substations, but some were grown with cooperating farmers. 3-year period, results were obtained from a total of 55 tests. MILLIONS OF ACRES 3. Cleveland l. College Sla. (Uplqqd) 5- Mm 51m (bottom) 5 Each performance test was co" for each location and land resou v least significant difference value is‘ H. Temple I5. McGregot Ii. Waxahachte Weather conditions were highly.‘ corn production during the 3 yea i this report. The average yield for g in Texas during each of these yea exceeded that of any year during th Table 2. Table 4 emphasizes the diffe i acteristics other than yield amo and other varieties tested. Data a i During this ,-___ ; ‘. HARVESTED 00am ACREAGE ------ -- BUSHELS PER ACRE i CORN HYBRID ACREAGE I’ X *4? "l |94o |942 |944 194s I948 |9so I952 |9s4 |9se 195a‘ —r | I I r | l | I ] I | I | I | I | Figure 2. Harvested corn acreage, corn hybrid acreage and average yield per acre in Texas, 5' AL CORN ACREAGE, CORN HYBRID ACRE- , AGE OF ACREAGE PLANTED TO CORN HY- AGE YIELD OF CORN IN TEXAS. 1941-59‘ v Avera e ted Hybrid P‘f’°°“<‘i°‘g° yieldg » - acreage pfimte. to bushels ybnds per acre 31.820 0.7 15.0 58.920 1.2 14.5 70.710 1.5 16.0 118.800 3.0 14.4 509.000 15.0 16.0 726.000 . 23.0 17.0 997.000 35.5 16.5 1.305.000 50.5 16.5 1.237.000 51.0 22.5 1.687.000 57.0 21.0 1.451.000 64.5 18.5 1.554.000 71.5 18.5 1.447.000 74.5 16.5 1.426.000 72.5 16.0 1.521.000 73.0 23.5 1.586.000 81.0 13.5 1.482.000 85.0 23.5 1.511.000 85.0 26.0 1.352.000 84.5 28.0 cultural Marketing Service. U. S. Department ;nd varieties tested at all locations. and Texas 38 were the hybrids most root and stalk lodging. Lodging ces the desirability of a hybrid for lg» rvesting. Stalk lodging consists of v ‘ng of stalks between the ground and . Root lodging results from the roots pulling loose when the ground is soft, and usually occurs during a rain and Windstorm. Most root lodging occurs before the corn is mature, whereas, most stalk lodging begins after the corn is mature and continues until harvest time. When mechan- ical pickers are used more losses occur from stalk lodging than root lodging, since ears on broken stalks are missed frequently. Texas 34, 30 and 17W were the hybrids most resistant to earworms and ear-rot organisms. Texas 28 and 30 had the highest shelling per- centages of the hybrids studied, and TRF 9 had the lowest. Using number of days from planting to silking as an index of. maturity, Texas 38 and 17W were the earliest hybrids while Texas 34 was the latest. Texas 28 and Asgrow 104 were the most prolific. Yields of the performance tests at the various locations are presented by land resource areas in Tables 5 through 11. Detailed annual results for each location are not included. The 3-year average for each location is shown, except at locations where only 1 or 2 years’ data are available. Only those hybrids and varieties for which data are available for the entire 3-year period are included in this publication. Texas 30, with a 3-year average yield of over 60 bushels per acre, was the highest yielding hybrid. Texas 17W was the highest yielding white hybrid. Coast Prairie This area comprises a nearly flat strip of country 20 to 80 miles wide that borders the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the Sabine to the T SOIL TYPES AND METEOROLOGICAL DATA OF LOCATIONS AT WHICH TESTS WERE CONDUCTED Rainfall Length of growing season Inches Average dates Years o! Average Awledgge Years oi Average Ifast ‘km; in‘ ikm" record annual growing record days lng r93 "lg {mat so“ type season. m spring m all Lake Charles clay 43 48.14 18.69 39 276 Feb. 26 Nov. 29 Hoclrley line sandy loam 42 51.15 22.26 39 261 Mar. 7 Nov. 23 Hoclrley fine sandy loam 42 40.45 17.79 Miller clay 56 38.94 17.15 53 259 Mar. 9 Nov. 23 Bowie fine sandy loam 27 53.84 23.64 27 242 Mar. 16 Nov. 13 Nacogdoches and Bowie fine sandy loam 47 47.02 21.48 44 234 Mar. 23 Nov. 12 Kirvin and Bowie fine . sandy loam 36 41.68 19.07 34 245 Mar. 18 Nov. 18 l, Kirvin line sandy loam 29 43.87 20.18 26 228 Mar. 25 Nov. 8 Norwood clay loam 62 47.92 23.34 53 241 Mar. 19 Nov. 15 Houston Black clay 60 31.95 14.69 60 268 Mar. 3 Nov. 26 Bell clay 60 34.43 16.35 53 251 Mar. 15 Nov. 22 Austin clay and Houston Black clay 60 34.43 16.35 53 251 Mar. 16 Nov. 22 Crawford clay 54 32.95 16.19 54 244 Mar. 11 Nov. 10 Houston Black clay 52 36.91 18.15 40 230 Mar. 20 Nov. 5 Houston Black-play 49 35.05 17.44 46 232 Mar. 25 Nov. 12 Danton and Saja Saba clays 33 33.34 16.10 33 228 Mar. 27 Nov. 10 Hunt clay 42 40.18 19.81 55 234 Mar. 23 Nov. 12 Clareville clay loam 52 30.55 14.26 51 287 Feb. 19 Dec. 3 Frio clay loam 68 27.93 13.77 68 279 Feb. 24 Nov. 30 Windthorst and Stephenville line sandy loam 49 30.80 15.28 42 236 Mar. 23 Nov. 14 Abilene loam 51 25.12 12.76 50 230 Mar. 22 Nov. 7 Willacy line sandy loam 32 24.39 10.81 30 329 Ian. 24 Dec. 19 July. TABLE 4. PERFORMANCE DATA ON YIELD AND OTHER CHARACTERISTICS, 1957-59 Entries Age gilleld’ logglarlg, loflhxililgg. 11:21:“! 6111111115126 shelling’ DQ515211 us e s percent percent percent score‘ percen s‘ Texas 30 60.3 13.2 10.8 8.7 2.4 82.6 80.9 Texas 28 58.1 17.1 11.3 11.6 2.8 82.9 80.4 Asgrow 104 56.0 11.5 11.7 10.0 2.9 182.2 80.8 Texas 32 56.0 11.9 9.8 14.5 3.4 181.5 80.8 Texas 36 53.7 12.0 11.4 10.4 2.8 82.2 79.5 Texas 34 51.6 11.8 10.2 7.4 2.3 80.4 83.9 Watson 111 51.5 11.3 8.9 10.6 2.9 80.4 78.6 Dekalb 1023 ' 51.5 10.7 11.4 12.5 3.1 81.0 79.9 < Texas 17W 50.7 7.9 6.1 7.1 2.7 80.0 77.1 f Funk G7l1B 47.1 10.3 11.3 12.1 3.0 79.8 82.3 .4 TRF 9 46.4 12.0 8.9 11.2 3.0 76.8 78.5 A Texas 38 44.1 8.3 5.9 11.0 2.9 80.4 75.8 Surcropper 41.2 14.5 10.7 13.2 3.0 79.8 80.8 Y Yellow Dent 36.7 18.4 12.8 18.8 3.1 77.6 81.4 Number of - > tests included 55 49 46 51 51 26 23 ‘Reiers to the relative degree of damage to the ears: 1 indicates greater degrees of damage. Guadalupe River. Rainfall is sufficiently high during most of the season for the proper growth of crop plants, although drouth conditions may occur during the latter part of the summer. Ex- cessive moisture is a serious hazard durlng the winter and early spring, and planting of spring crops is delayed frequently. The use of fertilizers is essential in obtaining maximum corn_ yields 1n this area. Because of relatively high rainfall and humidity, diseases and insects frequently cause serious damage to corn. Texas 30, 36 and 34 had the highest average yields for this area, Table 5. Asgrow 101W was the highest yielding white hybrid. The test at Cleveland Was lost in 1957 and 1959 because of insects and unfavorable weather conditions. Consideringboth yield and other character- istics, Texas 30 and 34 are the recommended TABLE 5. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, COAST PRAIRIE. 1957-59 Texas 32 55.9 70.2 50.0 45.1 Texas 28 53.1 66.1 46.1 40.0 Bushels oi shelled corn per acre Texas 33 5&4 531) 4L2 4L1 f i _ Prair- Texas 34 60.0 61.9 36.8 37.2 , Em: es Angleton (33:48. Vie‘? Average Asgrow 5 D1014 lb 55.4 64.5 40.3 37.2 e a Texas 30 59.1 39.6 53.2 53.8 1023 544 62-7 4 4'2 35-9 Texas 36 55.7 33.7 53.8 51.8 Watson Texas 34 59-2 45-2 44-3 51'" 111 56.5 59.5 96.6 s94 Texas 26 54.5 94.0 51.5 50.9 Texas - I Texas 3? 55-3 » 25-3 51'” 5°‘ 17w 56.9 57.6 96.6 992 Asgrow 101W 56.4 38.5 46.3 49.5 Funk ' Asgrow 104 51.4 50.2 38.4 49.0 (47143 5&8 54.6 31.7 310 Watson 111 48.7 33.8 53.5 48.6 Tm, 9 4&6 523 33 o “'2 Funk G740 51.7 30.4 50.0 47.9 Texas 38 444 52.2 32's 37'! Dekalb 1023 47.5 26.2 54.3 47.4 Yellow ' ' Texas 17W 50.0 20.0 51.7 46.5 Dem 4 43 4,42 22 2 281 Ftlrlkscvun 9116 4910 4219 “PP” 42" 46-7 25-9 26-5 Surcropper 42.4 28.9 40.9 39.8 Average Yellow Dent 32.4 19.4 36.4 32.3 Yield 533 595 3&1 3&7 Average Yield 50.0 31.4 48.7 46.8 Leqst Sig- nificant Least significant difference. dilierence. 19 to 1 9.1 14.4 7.3 6.0 1g to 1 1&9 33 9A 85 11958 onl“ 11958 only. 6 practically no damage. 2, 3. 4 and 5 repres .4 yellow hybrids for this area. Asgroi Texas 17W are the recommended W4 East Texas Timberlands This area consists primarily o. ranging from loamy fine sands t0; loams, although a large number of di ranging from fine sands to clay tf cluded. Most of the corn acreage is f drained bottomland and the mode uplands. These soils respond well t. fertilizers. This area usually has I climate for corn production and k TABLE s. corm PERFORMANCE TEST. r: 1 BERLANDS. 1951-59 _ Bushels 61 shelled com Kirby- Nacog- Mount , ville doches lylilqPleasant -1 Entries Texas 30 65.3 68.6 48.6 42.5 PERFORMANCE TEST, SOUTHERN BLACK- , . LAND PRAIRIE, 1957-59 Bushels of shelled corn per acre 1 A3122“ 113C312?- Holland Temple Average ; 70.8 80.2 59.2 74.1 70.3 j 73.7 78.1 59.1 72.2 70.2 ~' 71.5 76.1 60.1 68.3 68.4 ~ 71.3 74.2 55.5 65.2 65.9 l 65.8 70.4 59.1 63.1 64.1 7 64.5 71.2 55.3 60.4 62.1 i 58.5 64.0 56.4 61.1 59.7 ,9 66.0 63.5 51.3 58.7 59.6 f 60.4 61.8 48.2 66.0 58.9 ' 59.5 65.7 52.1 57.3 58.0 - 55.0 58.3 51.0 57.8 55.3 i. 54.6 53.4 49.2 51.0 52.0 ‘ 50.8 46.0 42.6 52.7 48.3 ~ 39.8 38.2 34.0 39.2 40.5 a 62.4 64.4 52.4 60.6 59.5 i_ l0 5 12.7 5.7 8.2 6.3 f the State’s corn crop is produced ‘y; and 32 were the highest yielding _,ds in this area, Table 6. Texas 17W est yielding white hybrid. The test 7 nty was not planted in 1957 and in f- lts were so variable that no reliable btained. In 1958 the average yield county test was 119.8 bushels which ‘t average yield ever recorded for a - corn performance test in Texas. area Texas 30, 28, 34 and 36 are the 1.. yellow hybrids; Texas 17W and f; are the recommended white Y - Grand Prairies reas lie in a belt that extends from 0f San Antonio northward to the The soils are mainly fine textured, ays which are inherently productive. n is inadequate for optimum corn and summer drouths may curtail i extent practically every year. Pro- ices which conserve and store mois- . y important. Commercial fertilizers il some soils in the area to produce Qlds. For testing purposes, this region ed into northern and southern areas ary line running east and west at youthern area, excellent yields were ll locations, Table 7. Texas 30, 28 104 were the highest yielding hybrids »» These yellow hybrids and Texas 36 v ded to growers in this area. Among rids, Texas 17W produced the high- gAsgrow 101W and Texas 17W are nded white hybrids for this area. ' is not shown in Table 7 as it was not included in all 1959 tests for this area. How- ever, in the previous 5 years, Asgrow 101W equaled or exceeded the other white hybrids in yield. In the northern area, the yields were lower than those in the southern area. Texas 28, 30 and Asgrow 104 produced the highest yields, Table 8. These hybrids plus Texas 36 are recom- mended for this area. Texas 17W was the highest yielding white hybrid and is also recommended. West Cross Timbers and Rolling Plains These areas are in North and Northwest Texas, west and northwest of the Blackland and Grand Prairies. Lack of rainfall and high tem- peratures severely limit corn production through- out these areas in most years. Corn is of minor importance, but some corn is grown on the eastern glges of the West Cross Timbers and the Rolling a1ns. The tests at Chillicothe in 1957 and at Stephenville in 1957 and 1959 were lost because of unfavorable weather conditions. Texas 30, 17W and 28 were the highest yielding hybrids in this area, Table 9. Texas 28, 36 and 30 are the recommended yellow hybrids for this area. Among the white hybrids, Texas 17W and Asgrow 105W are recommended. Rio Grande Plain This is a broad, undulating to rolling area in South Texas. The climate is relatively mild and the rainfall varies from approximately 30 TABLE 8. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST. NORTHERN BLACK- LAND AND GRAND PRAIRIES. 1957-59 Bushels of shelled corn per acre Entries Mc- Hills- Waxa- Green- Gregor boro‘ hachie ville‘ Demon Average Texas 28 54.4 43.8 48.3 45.6 47.6 49.2 Texas 30 54.8 42.5 50.0 48.8 42.4 48.5 Asgrow 104 51.0 45.8 50.0 48.0 42.1 47.6 Texas 32 51.0 38.4 40.2 40.0 44.5 44.2 Texas 17W 45.9 38.2 40.6 42.9 42.1 42.5 Texas 36 45.9 39.7 41.0 43.9 40.0 42.3 Watson 111 45.7 38.8 44.3 28.7 40.9 41.9 Texas 34 45.7 34.8 41.8 34.4 33.0 39.2 TRF 9 40.8 35.0 37.0 37.9 40.8 39.0 Dekalb 1023 45.5 36.6 29.7 35.2 40.4 38.1 Texas 38 40.3 29.6 32.8 36.4 33.6 35.1 Funk G71 1B 37.0 28.3 35.4 34.8 35.0 35.0 Sur- cropper 34.9 34.2 31.7 35.6 29.0 32.5 Yellow Dent 31.1 28.1 26.9 28.9 29.1 29.0 Average yield 44.6 36.7 39.3 38.7 38.6 40.3 Least sig- nificant difference. 19 to 1 8.2 5.1 9.7 7.7 8.2 4.1 ‘1957 only. TABLE 9. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST. WEST CROSS TIM- BERS AND ROLLING PLAINS, 1957-59 Bushels of shelled corn per acre E r' m les Chillicothe‘ Stephenville’ Average Texas 30 36.6 28.4 33.9 Texas 17W 38.3 24.2 33.6 Texas 28 37.0 25.9 33.3 Asgrow 105W 36.9 24.9 32.9 Watson 111 37.2 23.0 32.5 TRF 9 35.2 22.3 30.9 Texas 36 34.5 21.9 30.3 Texas 32 32.8 25.1 30.2 Asgrow 104 33.0 23.4 29.8 Dekalb 1023 32.8 21.9 29.2 Texas 38 31.8 23.6 29.0 Conrad 7 31.0 21.2 27.8 Asgrow 107W 30.1 20.2 26.8 Funk G7l1B 28.0 22.1 26.0 Texas 34 23.8 20.0 22.5 Surcropper 21.0 15.9 19.3 Yellow Dent 16.2 14.9 15.8 Average Yield 31.5 22.3 28.5 Least significant difference, 19 to 1 7.6 3.7 5.6 ‘I958 and 1959. 21958 only. inches annually on the eastern edge to 20 inches on the western side. portant in this region with the exception of a small strip on the eastern side and to a limited extent in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Corn is relatively unim- Dixie 82, Texas 30, 28 and 34 produced yields over 100 bushels per acre in the irrigated tests at Weslaco, Table 10. Under dryland at Beeville, Texas 3O and 28 were the highest yielding hybrids. TABLE 10. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, RIO GRANDE PLAIN, 1957-59 _ Bushels o! shelled corn per acre Emnes Weslaco Rank Beeville Rank Dixie 82 113.0 1 Texas 30 103.5 2 43.4 1 Texas 28 102.6 3 41.9 2 Texas 34 100.8 4 36.0 9 Asgrow 102 98.0 5 Asgrow 101W 94.5 6 Texas 36 93.3 7 39.6 4 Asgrow 107W 93.1 8 Asgrow 104 92.2 9 39.4 5 Asgrow 105W 88.1 l0 35.7 10 Texas 17W 81.0 11 36.3 7 Surcropper 76.3 12 32.0 13 Texas 38 70.7 13 35.1 ll Yellow Dent 60.4 14 26.1 15 Texas 32 40.6 3 Dekalb 1023 37.4 6 Watson 111 36.1 8 TRF 9 33.3 12 Funk G7l1B 31.9 14 Average yield 93.7 36.4 Least significant diiference, 19 to 1 12.8 3.5 8 Under irrigation Dixie 82, Texas 30,; 28 are the recommended yellow h f Asgrow 101W, 105W and Texas 1? recommended white hybrids. a Under dryland, Texas 28, 36 and recommended yellow hybrids while is the recommended ‘white hybrid. Alluvial Soils Alluvial soils are present alo throughout the corn growing area. : important of these border the Trinity, Colorado Rivers. These soils, in 1 highly productive, but the use of f sometimes necessary for maximum ‘ Excellent yields of corn may be 0b q irrigation. ‘ Texas 30 produced the highest yi the irrigated and dryland tests at Coll’ Table 11. Texas 17W was the hig < white hybrid. ‘A Texas 30 and 34 are the recommi hybrids for these soils. Among the .. Texas 17W and Asgrow 101W are r DESCRIPTION or mzco I r HYBRIDS ' Considering yield and other acteristics, 5 yellow hybrids and 3 .1 are recommended for corn productio Recommendations are based on ‘pre _ as well as those obtained during '»~ period. A brief description of these v their areas of recommendation, follo Texas 28 A yellow hybrid usually produ bining Tx127 C X Tx132A as the seed g Tx325 X Tx303 as the pollinator pa ever, the reciprocal of this cross is. times since it can be produced by the ” method when Tx325 X Tx303 is used parent. Texas 28 produces large ea yellow grains. Under favorable co» hybrid has a tendency to produce I stalk. It has a wide adaptation r’ recommended for all areas of the the Coast Prairie where insects 1» seriously damage corn. Texas 30 A yellow hybrid produced by, Tx173D X Tx203 as the seed parent,; X Tx303 as the pollen parent. Tex maturity slightly later than Texas l duces large ears with large, yello grain. Although primarily a one-e, may produce two ears under optim .1 This hybrid is more resistant to I stalk breakage, insects and diseasest . sis recommended for all areas of the low hybrid produced by combining _ Z x203 as the seed parent, with Tx601 u; the pollen parent. Texas 34 is more {idisease resistant than the other recom- 110w hybrids. It is later in maturity }= 28 and 30 and, under favorable con- jl grow 1 to 2 feet taller. Texas 34 is f= ed particularly for the Gulf Coast and bottomland and irrigated land of >= where high yields are anticipated. low hybrid produced by combining 5x533 as the seed parent, with Tx127C i: the pollinator parent. Texas 36 will la day earlier than Texas 28 and is f~ Texas 28 in resistance to root and ‘ng. This hybrid is slightly more to earworm damage than Texas 30, a similar to Texas 28 in its reaction _.= and ear-rot diseases. It is recom- rticularly for the northern Blackland Grand Prairie. _ 04 ium maturity yellow dent hybrid ‘y the Asgrow Texas Company of '0, Texas. Asgrow 104 is a semi- rid which produces medium sized ears . deep yellow grain. It is comparable l in maturity and resistance to both '1 and stalk breaking. Asgrow 104 ather wide range of adaptation, and . icularly well adapted to the Black- e. te hybrid produced by combining Tx585 as the seed parent, with K55 f- pollinator parent. The ears of this arge, with a fairly large Surcropper- f It silks about 2 to 3 days earlier if 28, and it is somewhat drouth re- st of the white corn in the State is "r San Antonio in South Texas and n in North Texas. Drouth is im- it limits corn production in both of p almost every year. Texas 17W is » particularly for these white corn _' eas since its early maturity, drouth nd large grain size are distinct ad- these areas. 1w corn hybrid developed by the Asgrow ny, San Antonio, Texas. Under good Asgrow 101W characteristically pro- niform ears. It silks about 4 days TABLE 11. CORN PERFORMANCE TEST, BRAZOS RIVER VALLEY NEAR COLLEGE STATION. 1957-59 Bushels of shelled corn per acre Entries Dryland Irrigated Average Texas 30 86.9 104.5 95.8 Texas 34 86.6 100.5 93.6 Texas 32 84.0 101.0 92.5 Texas 28 85.4 96.5 91.0 Dekalb 1023 86.0 94.0 90.1 Texas 36 75.9 93.7 84.9 Funk G711B 70.8 90.0 80.4 Watson 111 72,2 81.8 77.1 Texas 17W 73.1 80.9 77.0 Surcropper 66.5 81.2 . 73.9 TRF 9 68.1 73.6 70.9 Texas 38 64.0 67.8 65.9 Yellow Dent 56.9 72.7 64.9 Average Yield 75.1 87.6 81.4 Least significant difference. 19 to 1 12.0 12.3 11.5 later than Texas 17W. This hybrid is slightly superior to Texas 17W in resistance to earworms and ear-rot organisms, but is more susceptible to stalk breaking. Asgrow 101W performs well under favorable moisture conditions, and is recom- mended for the Coast Prairie, southern Black- lands and the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Asgrow 105W A- white corn hybrid developed by the A.sgrow Texas Company, San Antonio, Texas. Asgrow 105W is of the same maturity as Texas 17W and it ordinarily produces one ear per stalk. It is similar to Texas 17W in adaptation and may be expected to perform well in the white corn grow- ing areas in Texas. Asgrow 105W has relatively short plants with low ear height, and is quite resistant to both root and stalk breaking. It has good resistance to drouth, insects and disease. The medium-to-large white kernels are well adapted to the various industrial uses for white corn. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their appreciation to the following substation personnel and cooperat- ing growers who participated in the corn testing program: Lucas Reyes, Glenn Black and Edward Neal, Substation No. 1, Beeville; P. R. Johnson, Substation No. 2, Tyler; B. E. J eter, Jr. and J . C. Smith, Substation No. 3, Angleton; R. M. Smith, Substation No. 5, Temple; James Gardenhire and D. I. Dudley, Substation No. 6, Denton; H. C. Hutson, Substation No. 11, Nacogdoches; J. R. Quinby, Substation No. 12, Chillicothe; W. R. Cowley, Substation No. 15, Weslaco; O. E. Smith and J. C. Williams, Substation No. 18, Prairie View; B. C. Langley, Substation No. 20, Stephen- ville; J . R. Wood, Substation No. 22, Kirbyville; 9 M. J. Norris and H. O. Hill, Substation No. 23, McGregor; J. A. Lancaster, Dairy Investigations Lab., Mount Pleasant; D. D. Porter, U. S. Cotton Field Sta., Greenville; Herman Lynch, County Agricultural Agent, Bowie county; Paul Mebane and Quinton Raab, Asgrow Texas Co., San An- tonio; Emmett and B. A. Harper, Harper Seed Farms, Martindale; F. B. Romberg, Romberg Seed Farm, Holland; and Hosa Rogers, Farmer, Waxahachie. l0 Statistical analyses of the by Brad Lisenbee and R. L. S i. Data Processing Center. ‘ Acknowledgment is made to , formerly head of the Departme , for his valuable aid in guiding t’ ment program. ‘_ Appreciation is éxpressed to ; A. G. Douglas, research assis. assistance in collecting data. ~‘ [Blank Page in Original BLllletin] i bum names Q "nus SUBTATIONS I nu rm.» Luouvronxzs A COOPERATING snnoxs Location oi field research units oi the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and cooperating agencies ORGANIZATION OPERATION Research results are carried t0 Texas farmers, ranchmen and homemakers by county agents and specialists of the Texas Agricultural Ex- tension Service KQJQGLPCA n95 jOIWlOPfOl/Ull State-wide Res The Texas Agricultural Expe is the public agricultural rese oi the State oi Texas. and is 5 parts oi the A&M College oi IN THE MAIN STATION, with headquarters at College Sta matter departments, 2 service departments, 3 regulat -- administrative staff. Located out in the major agricultur“ 21 substations and 9 field laboratories. In addition, the _’ stations owned by other agencies. Cooperating agenci Forest Service, Game and Fish Commission of Texas, p’ U. S. Department of Agriculture, University of Texas,- College, Texas College of Arts and Industries and the ; experiments are conducted on farms and ranches and in; THE TEXAS STATION is conducting about 400 active resea _ in 25 programs, which include all phases of agricultur these are: = Conservation and improvement oi soil Beef cattle V Conservation and use of water Dairy cattle Grasses and legumes Sheep and Grain crops Swine ‘ Cotton and other fiber crops Chickens and‘; Vegetable crops Animal disc; Citrus and other subtropical fruits Fish and g If Fruits and nuts Farm and r Q Oil seed crops Farm and r = Ornamental plants Marketing ap Brush and weeds Rural home Insects Rural agricu * f Plant diseases Two additional programs are maintenance and upkeepp, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH seeltl '- WHYS, the WHENS. the WHERES and; hundreds oi problems which conir l’; iarms and ranches. and the many in ing on or serving agriculture. Wor Station and the iield units oi the To < Experiment Station seek diligently to H these problems. 5