Kauai‘?! 969 ' Analysis of ' Com mercial Ferti l izem ‘Sold during 1959-60 LIBRARY DOCUMENTS DIVISION A & M COLLEGE OF TEXAS COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS fbecemfiea 1960 THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATICIJN R. D. LEWIS. DIRECTOR, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS DIGEST This is the 58th annual report of the operation of the Texas fertilizer law and covers th_ September 1, 1959 to August 31, 1960. Fertilizers and fertilizer materials sold during the fertilizer year beginning July l, 195‘ currently by invoices forwarded by guarantors, amounted to 708,036 tons, was about 7 if than the tonnage sold during the preceding year. Sales of mixed goods decreased I percent f’ materials increased 12 percent. Grades of the 1-2-1 ratio accounted for 63 percent, and the l 9 percent of the total 283,460 tons of mixed goods sold. Mixed goods made up 40 percen: tonnage sold. Nitrogen materials accounted for 57 percent, superphosphates for 12 percent a phosphates for 25 percent of the total of 424,576 tons of materials sold. Analyses are given of 2,610 official samples of fertilizers. Valuations found on analyses s with the analyses guaranteed by the registrants. A CONTENTS Digest ................................................................................................................................................................... .. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ Some Requirements of the Law ...................................................................................................................... Materials Covered ..................................................................................................................................... .. Registration ................................................................................................................................................ _. Labels _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Inspection Fees ..... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Bulk Sales .................................................................................................................................................... Report of Sales .......................................................................................................................................... Grades Approved for 1960-61 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Texas Fertilizer Committee ............................................................................................................................. Brands and Trade-marks ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ,_E Inspection Fees Collected ................................................................................................................................ Tonnage Sales .................................................................................................................................................. _. Valuation per Ton .......................... .............................................................................................................. Analyses Guaranteed and Found ................................................................................................................... To Obtain a Free Analysis .............................................................................................................................. Publications on Fertilizers ......... .. ................................................................................................................. Fertilizer Guarantors Registered in Texas, 1959-60 ................................................ _. ................................ .. Located in Texas ................................ -; ............................................................................................... .j Located Elsewhere .................................................................................................................................... .. 58TH ANNUAL FERTILIZER BULLETIN pub- l compliance with the Texas fertilizer law, fires that the State Chemist shall issue at i lletin annually setting forth the analyses made under the provisions of the ferti- é operations of the law and other informa- ing to the sale of fertilizer in Texas. REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW w governing the sale of commercial ferti- exas is found in Chapter Twelve of Title I Vernon’s Revised Criminal Statutes, 1925, gpter Five of Title Four of Vernon’s Texas ites, 1925. A summary of some important tsof the law follows. For further require- ilties, definitions and other detailed in- reference should be made to the full text p. which will be furnished by the State i request. A 1 Covered ed fertilizers, fertilizer materials and all nces which have, or are claimed to have, a effect on the soil or to promote the growth me under the law, with the exception of one, marl, agricultural gypsum, unground Y. pen manure, barnyard manure and the of any domestic animal in case that said excrement has not been dried or manipu- i erwise treated, or is not claimed t0 have more than $4 a ton. 'on i a fertilizer is offered for sale in Texas, i_ egistered with the State Chemist of Texas, i-tion, Texas. All registrations expire on 1 of each year, and new applications for ; must be submitted for each year. Applica- ' for registration are furnished by the State i request. The application blank must t and sent to the State Chemist together A of the printed bag or tag to be used. A or tag must meet the requirements of the _w. Wording on the application for regis- it agree exactly with the wording on the or tag, and no""change can be made in g on the bag or tag after it has been Such change requires a new registration. plication for registration must be accom- a Product Sheet on which is listed all of ls used in the fertilizers, including the nditioner, and these materials must be sis of Commercial Fertilizers Sold during 1959-60 J. F. FUDGE, State Chemist used in all batches. A change may be made only if it meets the requirements of the law and the State Chemist is notified. The application for registration also must be accompanied by all printed material to be used in connection with advertising and market- ing the product. N0 brand name identical with or so similar to a brand name previously registered by another manu- facturer, as to lead to confusion, can be accepted. No name which is misleading as to the ingredients of the fertilizer can be accepted. The grade of fertilizers should be part of the name of the product; for ex- ample, Jupiter Brand Superphosphate 0-20-0 or Mars Brand 6-12-6 Fertilizer. Labels The law requires the following information to be printed on the bag or on a tag attached to the bag: Net weight of content of the bag. Name of fertilizer in full. Name and address of manufacturer, manipu- lator or guarantor. . Guaranteed analysis (in order given below): Nitrogen, percent Available phosphoric acid, percent Potash, percent Nitrogen refers to the total nitrogen (N) present. Available phosphoric acid (P2O5) must be guaranteed in all mixed fertilizers and in all fertilizer materials, with the following exceptions. Total phosphoric acid may be guaranteed in bone meal, tankage or other similar products, but where this is done, no guarantee of available phosphoric acid can be used. If it is desired to claim available phos- phoric acid only, the guarantee must take the form set forth above. Potash (K20) refers to potash soluble in distilled water. No other guarantee or term can be used. No advertising of any kind shall be printed on the label. Inspection Fees To finance the inspection of fertilizers and the collection and analysis of official samples of fertilizer, experiments on the value of fertilizers and for certain other related purposes, the law imposes an inspection fee of 25 cents per ton on all fertilizers sold or offered for sale in Texas. This fertilizer inspection fee must be paid by the guarantor on the basis of and must accompany a sworn quarterly statement of sales, due in the office of the State Chemist on the first day of September, December, March and June. If the ton- 3 nage report is not filed and the payment of inspection fees is not made within 20 days after the date due, a collection fee amounting 'to 10 percent of the amount due must be charged against the guarantor. Bulk Sales Fertilizer in bulk for manufacturing purposes can be shipped only to the factory of a manufacturer who has registered fertilizers for sale in Texas. Fertilizer in bulk cannot be sold to dealers for resale or distribution. Registered fertilizers may be sold in bulk by manufacturers to persons, individuals or firms for their own use on their own lands, but not for resale or distribution, under rules prescribed by the State Chemist. The inspection fee must be paid on all such sales. All authorizations to sell fertilizer in bulk expire August 31 of each year. Report of Sales The guarantor must mail a report of each sale or shipment of fertilizer within or into Texas to the State Chemist within 3 days after such sale or ship- ment. The report must be made by sending to the State Chemist a copy of the invoice used in billing the customer. The invoices must be numbered, and the same number cannot be used twice during the same year. Reports of sales in bulk to manufacturers must be marked “for manufacturing purposes.” Re- ports of sales in bulk to individuals for use on their own land must be marked “bulk sale to consumer.” GRADES APPROVED FOR 1960-61 The grade of a mixed fertilizer is stated in numbers representing the guaranteed analyses as percentages of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid and water-soluble potash. For example, a grade of 6-12-6 means that the fertilizer is guaranteed by the guaran- tor to contain 6 percent nitrogen, 12 percent available phosphoric acid and 6 percent water-soluble potash. The term grade also may refer to the percentage of a primary component in a fertilizer material, as in superphosphate, 0-20-0. Wherever practicable, the grade of a fertilizer or fertilizer material should be included as part of the full name of the fertilizer required on the label. Fertilizers also may be described by a numerical statement expressing the relation among the primary components in its simplest form, called a ratio. For example, a 6-12-6 fertilizer contains 1 part of nitrogen to 2 parts of available phosphoric acid and to 1 part of potash. Consequently, this fertilizer has a 1-2-1 ratio; other grades having this ratio include 10-20-10 and 12-24-12. The grades of mixed farm fertilizers sold in Texas have been limited in number for more than 30 years. Limitation and standardization of grades reduce the cost of manufacturing and handling, 4 thereby permitting the fertilizer to be: consumer at a lower cost. They also ass' in becoming familiar with the differe fertilizer, enable him to decide more re proper grade to be used and enable v specialists to make definite and simple ' tions. The ratios and‘; minimum gra farm fertilizers to be‘ approved in Te I given year are decided by the Texas p mittee after a public hearing at which l-l and others interested may present reco p This public hearing is held annually int with fertilizer control officials, agricultu and manufacturers of Texas, Louisian Oklahoma and New Mexico. The list ratios and minimum grades is published i fertilizer bulletin and also may be obtain to the State Chemist. ' Following the annual public heari A and grades held at Galveston, Texas, on I, the Texas Fertilizer Committee made n_ the ratio and grade list. The approved ratios and minimum y; the year starting September 1, 1960, are: 1 Minimum Ratio - grade Ratio 0-1-1 0-14-14 1-2-2 0-2-1 0-16-8 l-2-3 l-l-0 l0-l0-0 l-4-4 1-1-1 8-8-8 2-l-0 1-2-0 7-14-0 2-1-1 l-2~l 6-12-6 2-2-1 Grades of mixed goods of the s" those above, but of higher guaranteed were approved. For example, a 12-24-12; as a higher analysis of the 1-2-1 ratio. All fertilizer materials were appro, products containing both nitrogen and av phoric acid, such as 4-16-0 (ammo phosphate), 16-20-0, 11-48-0 and 13-39-0 l phosphate), also were approved as mate I The annual hearing for 1961 will ‘l the Galvez Hotel, Galveston, Texas, on p TEXAS FERTILIZER co | i The Texas Fertilizer Committee, agricultural subject-matter specialists of; tural and Mechanical College of Tex sentatives of the U. S. Department of» is appointed by the Director of the Texas Experiment Station to advise and ass Chemist in the discharge of certain 0 particularly with respect to ratios and gr’ fertilizer to be approved for registration mittee is composed of the following: J. F. Fudge, State Chemist, Chainn W. F. Bennett, Extension Soil Che lackhurst, Professor of Horticulture rison, Acting Head, Department of culture ldwell, Associate Professor of nomy ‘it Fisher, Associate Professor of nomy ancock, Extension Horticulturist foss, Agricultural Conservation and lization, U. S. Department of ulture "R. Paterson, Associate Horticulturist . Singletary, Extension Horticulturist Spears, Extension Agronomist rey, Assistant Professor of fculture rogdon, Head, Department of inomy DS AND TRADE-MARKS l requires the State Chemist to publish gist of brands or trade-marks registered vThe following brands and trade-marks d with the State Chemist during 1959-60: Hi-Quality Oleander Steamboat Hi-Yield Organo Stim-U-Plant Hoffman’s Orgro Sul-Po-Mag Hou-Actinite Org U Phos Sunset Houston Ortho Sunshine Landscape Ortho-Gro Super 20 Hu-Mi-Sol Ovene Supergro Humusol Ozark Superior Hydro-Pak Pan Handle Gold SurGreen Hy-Gro Park Lane Swfgro Hyponex Pasturgro Swfkick International P-Con-Gro Tacco Interstate P. D. Q. Take-Hold Ionate Pelleform T. C. C. Kimbell Perma-Gro Tencor K0-K-O Phillips 66 Texana I K-W Plantabbs Texas Farm Latex Plantation Supply Leeloam Plant-Chem Texas Liquid Life Plant-Gro Texas Longhorn Linck’s Port Texgreen Lion Pro-Gro Tex-Hi Liqua-food Pronto Thrive Liqua Vita Pro Turf Tide Green Liquidry Rainbow Top Crop Liquikik Rais-Mor Topper Lone Star Ramshorn Trebo-Phos Longhorn Ranch Home Tri-40 Lonfosco Ra-Pid-Gro Triple Eight Ma-Der-Gro Red Star Tri-Una-Sol M-C Red Steer Turf-Gro M C C Reliance Turf Magic Mathieson Reuter’s Special Ura-Green Maverick Robot Gardner Uramite Mello-Green Ruhm’s Valley-Gro M. G. RX-l5 V-C Mid-South Sack-O-Mulch VC Prolific Mid-West Scott’s Velva Gro Milorganite SD Versene Min-Hu-Nite Sequestrene Versenol Minor L Shur-Crop Vertagreen Mission Shur-Green Vigoro Mr. N. Smido Vita-L Mule Sod-Gro Vita-Pure Na-Churs Soil Booster Vitogro Naturizer Soil Life Vitrea Nichols Soil Nu Wacco Nitra-Phos Soiltrate Water Feed Nitro-Form SoilTrix Watson’s Nitra N Sowesco Texas Turf N-Rich-R Soylaid Weber-King Nu-Green Spensol Wesco Nurish S S S Wil-gro Nutrio-Sol Sta-Green Wolfe Nuturf StaffePs Wonder-Gro Old Black Joe Start-Rite Woodgrow Old Dutch Mill Stauffer’s Wyatt’s A-M INSPECTION FEES COLLECTED Caprock Ferti-Start C F 8c I Floran Champion Floroganic Chemanure Foli-Gro Chik-a-nure Four Leaf Chloro-Spray F T E Cinagro Garden Mark Coastal G 13-100 Columbus G. 8¢ O. Co-op Golden Harvest Creel Golden Nugget Cross Country Goldenrod C- S- C- Golden Vigoro Danbury Gold Medal Davco Goldthwaite’s ~ Davey Goodpasture Dawn Grace Dennison’s Gran-U-Pels De-Pester Green Dot Desert Green Green Glo Dickey’s Green Light Dixie ‘iheen Pride Dixsol Green Thumb Dow Green Up Dri-Flo Green Valley DuPont Greenz Dutch Gro-Brite E F Gro-Green Es-Min-El ‘ Gro-Mo Fafco i GroMor F arm and Ranch Gro-Rite Fehmel Groso Ferti-Foliage Gro-Stuf Ferti-Ground Gro-Tex F ertigrow Heart Fertilaid Heller-Gro F erti-Lome HiD F erti-Mulch Hill’s Fertilizer inspection fees equivalent to 721,824 tons of fertilizer were collected for fertilizer sold during the Texas fiscal year from September 1, 1959 through August 31, 1960. This tonnage is compared in Table 1 with tonnages on which fees were collected in previous periods. All fees collected are used for the administration of the Texas fertilizer law and for research on various factors which influence the agricultural value of com- " mercial fertilizers. TABLE 1. FERTILIZER INSPECTION FEES COLLECTED, CAL- CULATED ON A TONNAGE-BASIS, DURING DIFFERENT PE- RIODS (SEPTEMBER 1 OF ONE YEAR THROUGH AUGUST 31 OF THE NEXT YEAR) Tonnage Year equivalent reported sold 1905-06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.500 1910-18 (8-year average) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,861 1918-23 (S-year average) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44,770 1923-28 (5-year average) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,927 1928-33 (5-year average) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,962 1933-38 (S-year average) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66,255 1938-43 (5-year average) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,678 1943-48 (5-year average) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314,515 1948-53 (5-year average) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563,493 1953-54 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543,518 1954-55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603,828 1955-56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566,339 1956-57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626,545 1957-58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623,825 1958-59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676,210 FEES COLLECTED 1959-60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721,824 A detailed financial statement concerning re- ceipts and expenditures of fertilizer inspection and collection fees is given in Table 2. TONNAGE SALES . The tonnages of mixed fertilizers and fertilizer materials sold in different areas of Texas, Figure 1, during the year, and_in the State during the fall and spring seasons, are shown in Ta data were compiled from current t-_§ fertilizers required by law t0 be sent, Chemist by fertilizer guarantors withi date of sale. Detailed reports of sal] are given in Progress Reports 2124 2150 (spring sales) y.’ Total sales for the year were 7 f‘ than during the preceding year. Sales t: were l percent lower while sales of I 12 percent higher than last year. Mix up 40 percent of the total tonnage, as 2 43 percent a year ago. Sales of the counted for 63 percent, and of the 1 9 percent, of the total tonnage of mix Combined sales of these two ratios thus { 72 percent of the total tonnage of mix =7. of 6-l2~6 increased 9 percent. Sales ~- creased 6 percent, but this grade acc percent of the tonnage of the 1-2-1 ra '1 cent of the tonnage of all mixed g0 used 39 percent of the mixed goods sol and half of the goods of the 1-2-1 ratio.) the Gulf Coast and the North Cent 73 percent of the mixed goods. M' counted for 76 percent of the total sold. - 47 percent of the total 801d in the " area and only 12 percent of the total"; Texas. a TABLE 2. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF FERTILIZER INSPECTION AND COLLECTION FEES FOR THE AUGUST 31, 1960 RECEIPTS Balance September 1, 1959 $ 52,121.70 Inspection fees 180,456.01 Collection fees 143.36 Total available $232,721.07 Less balance August 31, 1960 73,708.21 Total as shown below $159,012.86 EXPENDITURES _ Salaries Other Buildings»- Item and operating Equipment and other wages expenses improveme Administration of law State Chemist—main office $ 52,669.89 $21,957.55 $ 429.27 $ Statistical services 3,234.00 Q , Feed Control Service 1,730.61 j Total administration of law 52,669.89 26,922.16 429.27 Research to assist in administration of law Administration 1,833.28 Agricultural Information Office 86.40 2,205.75 302.74 Agronomy 39,307.72 3,546.47 386.59 ‘ State Chemist 2,400.00 . Horticulture 194.00 f Substation No. 9, Trans-Pecos 365.25 2,659.80 1,880.90 3 Substation No. 12, Chillicothe 65.63 1,133.59 178.60 " Substation No. 15, Weslaco 12,312.00 1,388.74 2,917.47 36.38 S. W. Great Plains Field Station, Bushland 1,541.49 1,208.90 61.22 F. I. C. A. matching money 2,518.63 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 459.99 5 Total research to assist in administration of law 56,078.49 16,955.15 5,727.52 230.38 Total expenditures $108,748.38 $43,877.31 $6,156.79 $230.38 u I 6 49 percent of the total nitrogen materials, percent of the available phosphoric acid and 96 per- anhydrous ammonia and 63 percent of cent of the potash used in the State. The total of nitrogen solutions. Sales of all tonnage of nitrogen was 90 percent higher than the increased about‘ l4 percent, with total tonnage of available phosphoric acid. The t increases in the tonnages of anhy- tonnage of nitrogen increased by l5 percent and of nitrogen solutions and urea. available phosphoric acidiby 5 percent over a year tonnage of materials sold during the The tonnages of the primary fertilizer com- percent higher than the total of mixed ponents sold during the year, calculated from current sales of materials were 78 percent higher reports of sales and from guaranteed analyses, are 38 percent higher than those of mixed shown in Table 4. Sales of nitrogen, available phos- Texas used 39 percent of the total phoric acidand potash were about twice as great nitrate used in the State, the Gulf Coast during the spring as during the fall season. Mixed t of the ammonium sulfate. West goods provided 16 percent of the total nitrogen, 53 ! TEXAS LP cow CENTRAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I0 TEXAS ............ -.'.-.- _'__.. CENTRAL TEXAS .................................... . o O O I O O Q O. 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . 0 . 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 9 ' ' ' . 0 0 0 0 00 O O O I O O U‘ ' ' . . ‘ . . Q 0 0 0 00 U ' O O O O. 0 0 0 0 0 I . ' . . .. Q 0 O O O O l. ODOI U 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . . ' . . . . o . ooooooooooooo .0 Qmewuaao. Oqsetafw. q 0 0 0 . . onowsn - . . . . . - ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ')l\§9l’£ +HNQ 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . . Q . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . o . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0. \ ' . ° . ' . ' . ' , 0 . 0 . . . . . , Q ¢ 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . I IQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q ' ' ' . . 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 Q Q 0 0 0 I ° '. 000 ............................ 0. '°°Klfi'.' ..v4\u\LEi0£»- 0£IVM@$ U Q ' ' " 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q O O O Q '9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 . . " fill.‘ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 ' 9' 00000 00000 SflummAnuzeo Figure 1 ago. Anhydrous ammonia accounted for 64 percent of the materials nitrogen and 54 percent of the total nitrogen used in the State. Geographic regions of Texas differed widely in the amount of primary components used. East Texas used 38 percent of the nitrogen and 40 percent of the available phosphoric acid in mixed goods. West Texas used 50 percent of the total nitrogen, 58 per- cent of the materials nitrogen and 34 percent of the materials phosphoric acid used in the State. East Texas and the Gulf Coast used 24 percent of the ~ nitrogen, 44 percent of the available phosphoric acid and 65 percent of the potash used in the State. The ratio of total nitrogen to available phosphoric acid to potash was l.7:2.0:l in East Texas, 4.0:3.2:l in the Gulf Coast, 9.2:5.l:l in South Texas, 39218.41 in West Texas and 6.8:3.5:l for the entire State. VALUATION PER T The Texas fertilizer law requires be made to all purchasers of fertilizer if’ found on analysis is 4 percent or m? valuation guaranteed, and that if the v is l0 percent or more below the valuati the fertilizer shall be considered as bei A calculation of the valuation guarant valuation found by analysis must, there The valuation also sums up the valuatii primary components (nitrogen, availa acid and potash) shown in the guara in the analysis, into a single figure venient for comparative purposes. The calculation of the total valu» a specific valuation for each of the I components. The following prices per. TABLE 3. TONNAGES OF MIXED GOODS AND MATERIALS SOLD IN DIFFERENT REGIONS AND SEASONS, CURRENTLY BY GUARANTORS - By regions Iuly 1, 1959 to Iune 30. 1960 Entire State Grade East Gulf North South West West I uly 1 to Ian. 1 to A Texas Coast Central Texas Central Texas Dec. 31 Iune 30 Ad“ I MIXED GOODS _} 1-2-1 ratio (total) 88096 29353 28243 17534 9773 4785 59935 118065 178i - -6 15424 4631 3376 6838 2136 115 5019 27501 ' 10-20-10 70336 9885 17247 5533 4817 2771 46359 64230 12-24-12 882 13846 1058 2468 881 1665 5439 15357 Others 1454 1211 6562 2695 1939 234 3118 10977 1-1-1 ratio (total) 11856 10041 1088 1067 404 425 4008 20875 - - 9192 1471 331 141 61 83 1158 10121 12-12-12 1402 2561 187 269 37 24 805 3675 Others 1262 6009 570 657 306 318 2045 7077 O-P-K grades 648 263 138 162 181 1729 709 2413 1-1-0 ratio 376 429 690 4287 179 1322 1742 5542 1-2-0 ratio 1567 1147 3474 1979 541 150 4335 4523 1-2-2 ratio 4135 1817 316 99 323 56 1088 5613 1-4-4 ratio 1324 2101 100 555 402 34 1034 3482 2-2-1 ratio 522 2756 1971 4022 820 370 3289 7172 10-20-5 grade 509 627 1003 2426 793 3765 2546 6577 Turf and garden 1359 2514 4628 2590 750 3203 3633 11237 Other grades 606 2591 945 3278 514 7711 1558 14086 Total mixed goods 110781 53862 42588 37999 14681 23549 83877 199583 Relative to 1959 89 102 92 111 117 142 99 99 MATERIALS Nitrogen materials (total) 17661 40304 18846 37326 10077 117512 80422 161306 Anhydrous ammonia 2738 4531 2510 10159 4484 87272 39937 71757 Ammonium sulfate 2280 25127 7902 13730 2889 13322 19531 45719 Ammonium nitrate 11470 970 7656 3140 1903 3985 9512 19612 Urea 102 8196 579 2095 165 2618 3184 10571 Other solid N 621 918 172 3903 9 323 2811 3135 N solutions 450 562 27 4301 627 9992 5447 10512 N-P materials (total) 5028 30353 17733 17658 10232 26603 36174 71444 16-20-0 4373 25608 16272 13609 7949 12678 30324 50166 Others 655 4745 1461 4049 2283 13925 5850 21278 Phosphorus materials (total) 5107 5610 9430 6983 2463 21414 21468 29539 Ordinary (0-20-0) 3916 1430 5173 3533 1126 10892 10667 15402 Concentrated 1191 4180 4257 3450 1337 10522 10801 14137 Rock phosphates 6257 7324 242 409 0 5 8363 5875 Potash materials 210 539 113 181 232 1186 732 1729 Manures and composts 184 684 1891 1136 180 726 1487 3315 Other products 66 139 185 558 35 1740 887 1835 Total materials 34522 84954 48439 64254 23219 169187 149533 275043 Relative to 1959 105 118 109 129 123 107 108 115 ALL FERTILIZERS All fertilizers 145303 138815 91027 102253 37900 192736 233410 474626 Relative to 1959 92 108 100 124 121 111 104 108 ‘I AGE OF PRIMARY FERTILIZER COMPONENTS SOLD IULY 1. 1959, TO IUNE 30. 1960. AS REPORTED CUR- '1 RENTLY BY GUARANTORS AND CALCULATED FROM GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Nitrogen Available phosphoric acid Potash Mixed Materials All Mixed Materials All Mixed Materials A11 FALL SEASON. luly 1. to December 31. 1959 3570 2017 5587 7040 1309 8349 3570 69 3639 1338 3649 4987 2294 3048 5342 1266 139 1405 1471 3694 5165 2739 4321 7060 1162 37 1199 1437 5064 6501 2272 3309 5581 893 48 941 214 2218 2432 374 1483 1857 164 15 179 202 32650 32852 351 1989 2340 178 47 225 . 8232 49292 57524 15070 15459 30529 7233 355 7588 g 1958 116 100 101 102 113 107 100 152 101 1, l SPRING SEASON. Ianuary 1 to Iune 30. 1960 ' g 7 6474 5628 12102 11946 655 12601 6671 58 6729 4240 14537 18777 7118 6179 13297 4311 188 4499 2311 5696 8807 3982 2492 6474 1848 43 1891 2438 12981 15419 3521 3086 6607 1391 49 1440 1048 4506 5554 1997 1777 3774 1008 43 1051 1806 50929 52735 3357 12699 16056 1587 373 1960 i. 18317 94277 112594 31921 26888 58809 16816 754 17570 I 1959 100 131 122 98 108 103 100 71 98 FULL FERTILIZER YEAR. Iuly 1. 1959 to lune so. 1960 10044 7645 17689 18986 1964 20950 10241 127 10368 5578 18186 23764 9412 9227 18639 5577 327 5904 3782 9390 13172 6721 6813 13534 3010 80 3090 3875 18045 21920 5793 6395 12188 2284 97 2381 1262 6724 7986 2371 3260 5631 1172 58 1230 _ 2008 83579 85587 3708 14688 18396 1765 420 2185 I 26549 143569 170118 46991 42347 89338 24049 1109 25158 1958-59 102 117 115 100 110 105 100 85 99 e , or 20 pounds) were used for this The valuation is calculated by multiplying the A 1959-60 and also will be used in percentage of each primary component by the valu- ation per unit, and adding the products. Following p» a Prices per unit is an example of the calculation of the valuation of -» ____ -_ $3110 a ton of a 642-6 fertilizer: phgsphgfig acid ____________________________ __ 2.00 _ __ _o5phoric acid in tankage Nltr_0g€n """""""" """" " 6 X $300 __ $1800 ' hone meal ____________________________________________ __ 370 Available phosphoric qgphoric acid in acid ------------------------------ -- 12 X $200 :3 $24-00 phosphate .......................................... _. 50 Soluble potash ................ ._ 6 X $1.00 z $ 6,00 potash -------------------------------------------------- -- 1-00 Guaranteed valuation .......................... .. $48.00 5. AVERAGE ANALYSES OF PRINCIPAL GRADES, WITH SUPPLEMENTARY STATISTICAL DATA Number Nitrogen Available phosphoric acid Potash vF/VGQ 59111119 w Mean. s.1>.(1).C v (2) Mean, s.1>.. C v Mean, s n, C v e/ ) {$53 SP/VG .7 samples 7° (yo . . % (yo - n g/o <70 , , o e$ I 141 8.11 .72 8.9 9.13 1.31 14.3 8.50 76 8.9 106.4 55.81 1.163 10 9.74 .37 3.8 11.61 1.68 14.5 9.95 59 5.9 104.0 72.22 1.204 42 12.01 .78 6.5 13.16 1.54 11.7 12.42 1.15 9.3 103.8 74.25 1.031 54 13.03 .39 3.0 13.59 .83 6.1 13.81 .69 5.0 102.7 84.39 1.082 89 10.06 .67 6.6 20.48 .98 4.8 i i i 101.6 74.11 1.059 7 5.37 .21 3.9 11.74 1.78 15.1 5.56 63 11.3 112.9 59.77 1.494 314 6.46 .61 9.4 12.53 1.05 8.4 6.55 86 13.1 106.2 52.04 1.084 777 9.94 .55 5.5 20.60 1.14 5.5 10.44 82 7.9 101.8 75.25 1.063 . 119 12.00 .47 3.9 24.46 1.12 4.6 12.56 92 7.3 101.5 93.63 .975 - 30 5.66 .77 13.7 11.65 1.46 12.5 10.25 1 28 12.5 112.3 48.46 1.077 1 26 9.95 »;.- . _ .53 5.3 20.73 .76 3.7 5.43 37 6.8 102.3 78.56 1.047 G19 49 33-62 l -42 1-2 i" ——- —- ——- i- —— 100.4 82.92 .825 te as 21.11 .14 0.6 —— —— i -— -— -- 100.5 52.43 .832 412 15.75 .83 5.3 20.85 1.44 6.9 i i i 101.1 87.55 .995 39 13.01 .60 4.6 39.38 1.49 3.8 i i i 100.7 106.90 .914 50 i — i 20.55 66 3.2 i i i 102.7 37.94 .949 40 i — i 46.29 .81 1.7 i i i 100.6 75.65 .822 ' -- deviation (2) C.V.: coeiiicient oi variation or standard deviation as percent of mean. .G.: valuation iound or guaranteed. ANALYSES GUARANTEED AND FOUND The analyses of 2,579 individual official samples collected by inspectors and analyzed in the laboratory of the State Chemist are shown in Table 8 at the end of this bulletin. Where more than five samples of a single product were analyzed, the average of the analyses found were calculated and are shown as a “mean” at the end of each such group. To show the variation among the individual samples within each group, standard deviations were calculated and are expressed as percentages of the means; these are shown as coefficients of variation after the means. A small coefficient of variation indicates a uniform prod- uct, while a large coefficient shows a wide range among individual analyses. The total valuation found in each sample, expressed as a percentage of the valuation guaranteed, is shown in the last column of Table 8. Summaries of the individual analyses of the principal grades are shown in Table 5. In every grade, the average valuation found exceeded the valuation guaranteed. There were a few cases in which the average nitrogen found averaged slightly smaller than the nitrogen guaranteed. Variations among samples were greatest with respect to available phosphoric acid and smallest with respect to nitrogen. The average retail selling prices also are shown, both analyses found and analyses guarante manufacturer are shown. To show ? overall relation of analysis found to a teed by each company, each individual -' was expressed as a percentage of the a teed. These percentages for each man then treated as single} populations, a_ standard deviations werle calculated. I‘ case, the means exceeded 100, or the p of analyses found were greater tha guaranteed. However, very wide diff‘ formity of manufacture among the _ facturers are evident. While the va for many companies, the standard devi companies show clearly that a great I. is necessary for them to produce a u l The wide ranges in analyses shown G standard deviations are evidence that i. are putting out many lots of fertilizers short of the analyses guaranteed. i‘ nitrogen were close to 100, but co” runs in available phosphric acid and? wider range in the relation of an analysis guaranteed are apparent for u; Several organic fertilizers were analyzed during the year. The a A products are so low that they were Table 8, but are given instead in Table. i. the analyses found were greater tha guaranteed. However, these produc i’ purposes other than supplying pr' components. as averages and as ratios in relation to the valuations guaranteed. Data for individual manufacturers of mixed goods are summaried in Table 6. The actual averages of TABLE 6. ANALYSES FOUND COMPARED WITH ANALYSES GUARANTEED BY DIFFERENT MANUF Nitrogen Available phosphoric acid Pot Company AG‘ AF‘ 100 AF/AG AG‘ AF‘ 100 AF/AG AG‘ ” Number 7° % Mean S-D‘ Number % 7° ‘Penn SID‘ Number % Armour, Dallas 139 9.66 9.64 101.3 2.1 148 17.28 17.94 104.4 2.2 108 8.52 Armour, Houston 271 11.19 11.23 100.8 2.0 266 17.60 18.34 104.7 2.2 189 8.26 Best 71 13.93 14.23 103.3 2.1 73 23.25 24.20 104.8 2.2 36 11.00 Campbell 18 8.83 8.97 104.4 2.2 18 12.33 12.60 102.1 2.3 17 8.12 Caprock 8 12.00 11.98 100.2 2.0 12 20.67 21.02 102.5 2.3 6 10.67 Central Texas 46 10.02 9.73 103.0 2.1 52 19.79 20.70 107.3 2.3 31 7.94 Coastal Chemical 24 13.96 13.96 100.1 2.0 24 22.54 24.18 108.4 2.4 13 11.54 Consumers 9 9.78 9.28 95.0 1.7 9 13.67 14.91 116.7 3.1 9 8.11 East Texas Products 66 9.11 9.16 101.1 2.0 66 17.67 18.58 105.8 2.3 65 9.78 Farmers 42 8.90 9.35 105.7 2.2 47 16.85 17.20 102.8 2.2 41 9.02 Gilmer ' 14 8.57 8.71 103.4 2.1 14 14.57 15.49 107.9 2.5 14 8.57 Goodpasture 26 ' 8.65 8.95 106.4 2.3 24 16.96 16.78 99.6 2.1 12 9.17 Hi-Yield 88 9.73 9.66 100.9 2.0 94 18.43 19.59 107.5 2.3 71 8.27 IMC, Texarkana 87 8.42 8.46 101.3 2.1 89 14.90 15.46 104.7 2.2 85 8.69 IMC, Fort Worth 203 9.69 9.61 100.1 2.0 220 17.97 18.61 104.6 2.2 169 8.24 Iacksonville 19 8.74 8.86 101.8 2.1 19 16.63 17.50 105.7 2.4 19 8.74 Olin Mathieson 447 13.59 13.67 100.5 2.0 439 22.61 23.09 102.3 2.1 226 11.85 Pittsburg 50 8.78 8.50 100.1 2.0 50 14.60 15.58 110.6 2.5 46 9.04 Red Star 107 10.86 10.93 101.6 2.1 117 18.63 19.05 103.2 2.2 69 8.83 Smith Douglass 108 12.26 12.65 103.6 2.2 113 22.41 23.70 106.5 2.3 70 12.29 Swift, Houston 114 9.80 9.60 100.0 2.0 114 16.93 17.63 105.0 2.2 90 9.27 Swift, Shreveport 45 8.47 8.71 104.5 2.2 45 15.31 15.69 103.6 2.2 45 9.89 Texas Farm Products 106 9.41 9.31 99.4 2.0 109 15.96 16.68 105.4 2.2 94 9.23 Tide 24 14.92 14.86 99.6 2.0 21 13.29 14.02 106.0 2.4 5 6.80 Tyler 29 10.48 10.62 104.5 2.1 29 16.97 17.92 107.1 2.4 22 8.73 Virginia Carolina 176 9.91 9.86 100.4 2.0 179 16.65 17.17 103.4 2.1 145 9.22 AF and AG: Analyses found and analyses guaranteed. Mean and S.D.: Mean and standard deviation oi analyses found expressed as percentages of analyses gut 10 TABLE 7. ANALYSIS OF SOME ORGANIC FERTILIZERS F tT Nitrogen Available phosphoric acid Potash er 1 izer G F G F G F f ural Chemical Company, Houston, Texas e 1.2 2.4 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.3 Company, San Antonio, Texas 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.0 and Cattle Company, Daingerfield, Texas oer manure 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 t an, San Antonio, Texas 1 e 1.2 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.8 2.5 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.5 k~ e 2.2 1.4 1.0 0.8 1.5 2.1 iBy-Products, Galveston, Texas ganic Fertilizer 3.5 5.7 1.5 ' 5.2 1.5 1.7 '_ G Sons, Houston, Texas ' v uano 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.7 1.0 0.9 ids, Lubbock, Texas post 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 age Commission, Milwaukee, Wisc. ‘T 5.5 5.9 4.0 4.4 0 0 "g- Company, Los Fresnos, Texas r manure 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.1 1.0 1.8 _al Chemicals, Fort Worth, Texas h- ed sludge 3.3 3.0 3.6 3.1 0 0 ‘l ural Company, Colorado Springs, Colo. » 1 manure 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.2 1.0 2.7 d F = Analysis found TAIN A FREE ANALYSIS PUBLICATIONS ON FERTILIZERS A of commercial fertilizers for their own , n land (but not for sale) mayiobtain ~ of a sample, provided they take it with the requirements of the Texas _;This privilege of a free analysis applies ers sold under the fertilizer law and i‘ en properly so that they represent the _p The proper sampling of a fertilizer carefully, and the law requires that ‘a certain way to insure a true sample. ire the free analysis of a sample of v tilizer should write to the State Chemist, 11', Texas, and request a copy of the “Application for Free Fertilizer Analy- les will be analyzed unless the sample ' by this form, properly executed. Two reports showing the tonnages of different fertilizers sold in each county in the State were pub- lished during the year. Fall sales are shown in Progress Report 2124 and spring sales in Progress Report 2150. Other publications dealing with the value and use of commercial fertilizers are issued frequently by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. Check lists of these publications will be sent free on request to the Agricultural Information Office, College Station, Texas. To prevent needless waste, and to insure the best possible distribution of these publica- tions, requestors are urged to limit their request to publications they have reason to believe will be useful immediately, and which they will have time to study. l1 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60 Available phoa- 1 H V‘ 1 . m _ 3 . i‘? 2 Manufacturer, z. e\ o jg o Manufacturer, >1 e\° place of business .3 ‘Si; j 3 w place of business .5 f; and brand 5 g‘ é .2 ‘f > and bmnd 2 b1 9 -- :2 % a § 1-1 *1 n. n. > ALLIED CHEMICAL, HOPEWELL, VIRGINIA 1925 9.2 29. Arcadian GoldenUran 32 Solution 32-0-0 2383 8,6 21 Guaranteed 32.0 0.0 0.0 2417 9.9 l 1 1999 91.5 0.0 0.0 99 Mean 9.1 2 '_ 1940 91.4 0.0 0.0 99 Coef. Var. 5.5 11 1843 32'" 0'” 0'" 1°” Armour Pebble Plant Food 5-10-10 1950 92.0 0.0 0.0 100 G d 1 1955 92.1 0.0 0.0 101 u°r°m1j1e 5 5-11 1: .- 2219 92.1 0.0 0.0 101 11111111 11 2291 92.1 0.0 0.0 101 111111 11-11 1- 2294 92.1 0.0 0.0 I01 1m 5-11 1 i Mean 31.9 0.0 0.0 19112 5'5 1 - ceeI. Var. 0.9 0.0 0.0 2381 5-2 _ 1 THE ANACONDA COMPANY. ANACONDA, MONTANA Mean 5-4 1 Anaconda Liquid Phosphoric Acid 0-55-0 Coef- Vur- 2-6 ' 1 Guaranteed 0.0 55.0 0.0 2411 0.0 55.1 0.0 102 Amw“ P1““1¢1111‘f11"1§11§e2e°d2° 51, ARKMO FERTILIZER COMPANY. WALNUT RIDGE. ARK. 1289 5-4 Arkmo General Brand 13-39-0 Armour Pebble Plant Food 16-20-0 Guaranteed 13.9 39.9 0.9 Guaranteed 16,1] 1949 19.1 95.9 0.0 95 55 15.0 ARMOUR AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL co.. DALLAS. TEXAS Armour Pebble Plant Food 15-15-0 279 1414 Guaranteed 15.0 15.0 0.0 283 15A 922 15.1 15.4 9.9 192 356 15 0 1591 14.1 15.1 0.0 100 420 15:7 2259 15.2 15.0 0.0 104 749 11;, 929 15.5 Armour P°"’°<‘§.Zl§3ie§§°d 8 8910 9.0 9.0 1.4 9.9 9.1 I02 112 111-1 1010 9.1 9.9 9.9 109 3 - 1019 9.0 9.9 9.0 104 1122 14-9 e 1215 1.1 11.9 1.1 114 1111191 - j- 1924 1.1 9.9 9.1 109 21511 11-11 I I959 9.0 9.1 9.1 105 216 16-1 -- Mean 1.9 9.4 9.2 M 8 15-1 Coef. Var. 9.4 19.1 4.1 C221“ var 1-2 A; Armour Pebble Plant Food 12-12-12 i Guaranteed 12.0 12.0 12.0 Ammu’ Pebbclfufifiggiefiff‘ 1313960 3 1359 11.5 13.9 12.9 194 409 13.0 ; 2555 12.0 10.1 12.0 95 A P bbl P1 1 F d 0 2011 I 111101.11’ 9 e (III. OO - - v ' Armour Pebble Plant Food 10-20-50 Guaranteed 0.0 _1 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 0.0 249 0.0 - 995 10.4 20.2 0.0 109 1290 0.0 ' I951 10.0 19.4 0.0 99 1925 0.0 j 1420 10.5 21.2 0.0 105 2159 0.0 2 £11111 81g Armour Pebble Plant Food 0-45-0 _; 1924 » 10.1 22.1 0.0 109 G“°"°“1°°‘1‘11 11° 1999 10.1 21.2 0.0 104 11111 ‘1 2155 10.1 20.2 0.0 101 1741 11' '1 Mean 10.2 20.9 0.0 -° 1 Coef. Var. 2.0 4.1 0.0 1822 11° 4‘. Armour Pebble Plant Food 15-30-0 Armour vertcggzignfgggt Foods 1,-8-8 '1 Guaranteed 15.0 30.0 0 0 ' I ' 1012 9.2 . » 1159 19.2 29.5 00 94 11 v 1 P1 1 F d 6126 ' rmour er G reen U11 0O - - “ Armour Pebble Plant Food 10-20-10 Gguaranteed 6.0 l Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 1019 5.5 1 252 9.5 20.9 10.0 100 1999 5.1 I - 219 9.5 20.9 10.9 100 1920 5.5 1 1; 291 10.0 20.0 10.1 101 1909 1.1 I9. 419 10.0 20.2 10.0 I01 2419 5.9 11 ,, 152 10.9 20.0 10.2 I04 2499 1.0 11. 1511 10.0 21.2 10.1 104 Mean 5.5 1 5i 1599 9.9 22.1 9.4 101 Coet. Var. 5.9 . 12 U >5; W93 1UUU < 1101 D 0.4020 1 MMM4 U 00U IIUMWU N 0\ U.L79 1 U4 0. 11$ .5 1U H 1MO£QUwUU 1 N W 0G0 U. .U 00 3? 5 JMLA4 07 LUU 11a. .13 U a. .\ 10...... Jmmaz 1 U 0750 14 U7 U5 fl dz 2W..U. .4 0w U 1U..22 U 2U .4 .U 1U 1 d. 2U .1 U . 1 G .0 m9.2U 2HHW~7U J. U V.“ 00 d» 9 .75 2U. . U U UU 4 m .555 M59700 25 Mflnand U Q 00.85.00 9MH12 H AU 900.14 117. . 5 00915 1UU.... U A . U. .1 2 3U P. 00. .00 1U5 D 9 19U.1U 1a 1 00U.U M 0&0 1m. HMWHU 1M9M79 0 r U. O 3 U1 1 D [M4459 194 "w. e C U00 2215 U91 E r. 0. IHWEwMUU WUI L 009M007 11MU.09..~44 19MW9U P e e 10.827 0120. fi 0. .5 112 .5 10.00 n 1U 5U 1 5 A 12 .7 11 .00 U1 M r. 1U 2 W 1 r 7 00 4 2 2 1 1 u 10d 216 U 904m C 1 U. 1 L 1U U A 1... 5 21.00002 G F0000 Ow 1100 U 1UU2 C u n 2fl45 . 7.. 9 W 0a 1 U2 .UU 115001 S 1m b m 2% m e $000 2.2.100 UU. .U 1MU59 S H110 V @105 .1. E .5 .4 1155.72 UU.UU 1UU2 n 0 e991 a H U 8&1,- 11U. .1 11UU1 B a d H . 1922 Uta C 2 1200.46 U. .U 1UUU E M e n at... 02ml” .1. 4 d 7. .5 1 11231 UU.UU 1U Z C a 9 m N 9U L a U4 . 1 7. U. .U 1 .1 O d e1 2U 1 U U .U 00 L a M .... A 0 00 1 .00 U U T. D. C m R 5 9.01.!“ .7 200U. 00 U .UU E U Ha U 19UU1 1 12U. 2 UU. U kG .1.r. H9784? 110m .5 U. .UU m 0 MW u mm my...” d 101...... 0 1101.111 00.000 9 r. 0 1 . . U. . U. . 1 M m. $1M 1.. w 0...... 1.1 ma... 110mm? 1 M“. n m Ivneu n e921 U.MU.£~U 2%U.500 \.m 1G GE é RH U1 n0 1U. .5 22U. .2 R > r r ATb %o M0 1HF025 d 1995.7 2HU.94 E 2 0 w .h C Pw Jmfi 1 0 9107 ZMQJ M 0 M101 G m EN eu 2 W vmd9 MQMUU 200 M h... 1 5 r UOw 1G n e274 10.0.19 O 020A Mw A Oflo fi a... 1mm... 45H... IIMUZUU C 1 n/ 99 UH 44UU 1U. .U U U51 RU... % M0 1d 40€w55U 1MU.%U5 F .. 0.0.3 1M0] 0A C Pr 6704 110. . . n/ 4 a n/ 1 00 0 . 0 U5 1UU. . 1UU4 H r e u 005002 1 S 001200050 11 HU7 11MWM7 w MG 0amwfi54 E ~AU. J3 7. 7.7. U 11U002 m b 1”%4200 S fibsrww 1 U.UU 1UMWU k l0... 1nwgnw2fi1 V. U1 a 5.5.UU 1mm... 2fl22 . . . . 7 .0 r .... ..\ M20 0 .10.. 1M1... w. z... . 0.5 . 22 {U00 n0. .5 1MUU V N 0w U e4 00 5 .U 1U500 0 n A 0.5. 2 m]... . 5510 1UUU m a... .Z . 14 U 5. .4 11U7 r e U m 1 .22 5 .U 112 A e 1U 2 . U 0O .2 1181 O a . da30.w 1101111 Games 1M108 C . E 00?... 01mU. U W“. 11MZM21 55%U5 1MHW00 . L 5.. O 1 107.71 0W 112 .5 0D. .7 1U B 0 P. . 12 .2 5 .00 1 A JUA 0 77. U 100 .U4 5 .7 .1 m... n 0a.... 1.0.0200 1...“... wwa a 00 h... 551U 122.54 5 .15 1 U9U ..: Hwfifi M U. 5.5.005 1122200 7550000 19UM1 .. .70 n 1 . . “a l. 4. G104. r. 500.37 10b2.n/.1 11U2U H 1 .I. 9 U U U 7 0.! 17.0 1a 57. .7 1001002 1 U.UU 1 U002 W0 nu 2 eefl] 5 .2U 11L .9 U. 1 19U1 U 9d 00.. 0000 n07. 1 10020000 11U. .U 1U100 I~G e... 11200-071 5. .74 110m .00 1UU.0.01 1UUU , 1_ 1J0 7 1.4. n0. .40 .I. l“ 1U .00 1U r0 . 9 2 1 U U U U f. U” U1 U U .2 U U 1 U. U 1 U8 A . . . . .. 1012M... 7.5.05 0. 2x021 1M0...) 1M45M9 559 1 2wU.U.U 1MU.£~5 14541 Uw U 2U .81 1U .00 1 74 2U . 1U .U 15 00 r. .5 2U .7 1U .4 1m... w... “ma”... 1011.11 Jmaa. w. .510 12...... 1m. ZMMJM n 9004 2fl0fl5 255 . 9 1UU.n/U 2UU.Cvn/ 22 fl Fd 1199U9 22LL29 V eeM7 M200. 22MMZJ5 n 0914UU U .U 2U . arch l.’ 22 U 1U .UU 2U 0.8 H UM00405 1M1 .7 1 M0 ka U57U ._...Uaw22 C CW 00914 U. U 1 2G UU.UU 1 0w .1 UUUU U .U2 1mmwm0% 1122MU 1 00245 11M.0%5%5 1nb00U 1m TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED n U} - Ill Q 3 o .03’? 2 o 21f . Mqnufqgfuger, 2- mfg o Manufacturer, 2- :3 j place of business 2 9 3 '8' Pkwe 0i business 2 9 38 ‘ u g1 U u .1: U U g1 U q ' and bfqnd 3 o g a and brand s v1 o E 2 2% 2 2 f; 2% Armour Pebble Plant Food 10-20-10 Armour Pebble Plant Food 5-10-10 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 Guaranteed 5.0 10.0 » 15 10.4 19.7 10.0 101 1717 5.8 12.2 20 10.0 20.2 1723 5.7 12.2 . . 1 . i: 10_2 101 Armour Pebble Plant Food 10-20-20 00 9_0 221; 1&1 104 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 - 71 11.4 20.7 10.2 10s 2066 10-1 17-7 85 10.0 20.5 10.2 102 110 10.0 20.0 10.2 102 “mm” P ebbclfu: 12311123“ H2121" m 120 9.3 20.2 10.0 98 5'9 2117 123 10.1 20.2 10.0 101 ' ' 333 10-5 211-2 10-1 103 Armour Pebble Plant Food 16-20-0 : 422 8-6 20-6 10-0 9'7 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 1 443 9.1 20.2 10.2 98 49 1&1 21_g f 452 10.0 20.3 10.4 102 112 1&3 2&0 A 586 10.3 20.3 10.1 102 110 1&0 2&7 " 653 9.3 21.4 10.1 101 439 1&0 2&3 " 658 9.6 20.1 10.2 99 444 14_9 2&1 l’ 670 9.5 20.4 10.0 100 453 134) 201) 4 706 10.2 20.0 10.0 101 511 15_4 2&5 v 770 10.1 20.5 10.1 102 521 1&0 2&3 775 10.0 21.9 10.0 105 540 1&0 2&0 '-; 811 10.0 20.4 9.1 100 501 1&2 2&3 i1 817 10.6 20.5 10.0 104 677 1&4 2&0 ' 831 10.0 20.1 10.0 101 690 1&0 2&2 -:' 837 9.0 20.0 9.0 95 004 1&0 242 .;' 858 9.4 20.1 10.0 98 696 1&2 1&1 ' 857 8.9 23.4 10.1 105 693 1&2 2&6 j 877 10.0 20.2 10.0 101 039 1&0 2&0 ', 910 9.7 21.9 10.0 104 855 14_5 2&0 1,. 943 10.0 20.3 10.0 101 050 1&0 1&1 ~ 1077 9.1 20.0 10.0 97 904 1&6 22_2 1080 10.0 21.8 10.0 104 907 1&1 22.9 .' 1090 10.1 21.0 10.0 103 911 15_7 2&4 ; 1118 9.7 21.4 10.3 103 916 1&2 21.0 1138 12.3 20.0 8.8 108 1000 1&0 21_0 ; 1151 9.3 21.8 10.0 102 1076 16.1 17.4 '1 1191 9.3 20.8 10.0 100 1126 17_0 2&7‘ Y 1234 10.1 20.0 10.0 101 1141 1&0 1&4 1249 10.0 20.3 10.0 101 1153 15.7 ‘ 1369 9.8 21.8 10.3 105 1154 1&0 2&2 1 1372 10.0 19.8 10.0 1176 1&0 ’ 1555 9.5 25.6 9.7 112 1210 1&0 22_0 1679 9.7 21.0 10.1 102 1250 1&2 2&5 1687 10.1 21.1 10.5 104 1070 1&2 24_0 1945 9.4 22.3 10.3 104 1070 10_0 01_4 1964 10.1 22.2 10.4 107 1451 1&1 1&0 1981 10.1 21.0 11.2 105 1457 1&1 220 2033 9.5 22.2 10.6 105 1550 1&7 22 5 2043 10.2 21.3 10.9 106 1070 1&5 20:7 9.2 22.9 10.2 105 16.1 ,=. 2135 .9.5 22.0 10.4 104 2002 1&7 20'0 2191 9.8 22.2 10.1 105 2042 10 2 1&5 2195 9.9 22.6 10.9 108 2205 10'1 20'1 2252 9.8 22.2 10.1 105 2010 15'7 20'0 . 2295 9.5 20.9 10.6 102 2042 17'0 12"] 2500 10.0 23.1 10.7 109 2554 10'1 20'1 2522 9.3 21.3 10.2 101 Mean 1&0 20's 2555 9.9 104 C001 Var 0'8 124 Mean 9.8 1. . ' ' ' ' COef- Vflr- 5-0 5-3 3-7 Armour Pebble Plant Food 11-48-0 Armour Pebble Plant Food 12-24-12 Guaranteed 11-0 48-0 Guaranteed 12.0 24.0 12.0 14 11-1 48-1 44° 11-3 24-5 l“ 99 Armour Pebble Plant Food 10-09-0 587 12.2 24.2 10.4 100 Guaranteed 10 0 00 0 1152 12.3 24.5 11.4 102 ' ' 120s 12 0 24 a 12 0 101 m 13'“ 41's 1237 12,3 22,0 12,5 9'8 Armour Pebble Plant Food 0-20-0 Mean 12.0 23.9 11.7 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 Coef. Var. 3.4 4.5 6.9 121 0.0 20.0 14 ‘CABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED 5 5'55 5 55' a 5\° :35 8 Manuiucturer. a 5\° gfg 8 .3 f; 3 g U place of business .3 f; j 3 w =1; g» ,3 .3 “.5. 1, 5115 b15551 5 g- _.§._‘.2 f. > .0 g I! o E \ .0 g v 5 S \ 3 E 3.- ‘Fi. é’. :5; .91 E 5 '5. 8 g 15 P1551 Food 0-20-0 454 12.2 12.0 5.5 102 455 0.0 20.5 0.0 102 555 11.5 12.2 5.0 99 505 0.0 20.1 0.0 101 1145 12.0 12.5 5.5 104 519 0.0 101g 1194 11.5 15.5 5.0 105 _ 2100 0.0 .1 . 1205 12.2 12.0 5.4 102 * M5511 1552 ' 12.1 15.5 5.5 110 .; c551. v51. . . . 2059 11.5 15.1 5.9 105 PM Poo-l "-46-" i323 $3 13% S"? {Si *1 uaranteed 0.0 46.0 0.0 2466 12'1 11111 6'1 1114 " 51 0.0 41.5 0.0 104 M 11-8 18-11 8-8 551 0.0 45.1 0.0 101 C “'1” 118 8-8 7-7 8-8 425 0.0 45.1 111g °° - 1- - - - 678 11° 46- - A 0151 51 11 F '1' 5-12-5 1511 0.0 45.5 0.0 101 "m" G“ I” em "eé 1, 12 11 6 11 uaranteed . . . 2290 0.0 45.5 0.0 101 42 511 1111 611 98 - 111115911188 4111-1 1111-111 45 5.5 12.1 5.1 105 = °°- '- - - - 12 5.1 12.0 5.0 101 - . w, plant Food 3-8;; 55 5.0 12.5 5.1 104 16115151115511 5.0 5.0 5.0 421 5.1 12.5 5.1 105 < 50 5.5 5.1 5.4 105 455 5.0 12.0 5.0 100 1 1155 5.1 9.1 5.5 105 488 5-8 12.1 6.1 100 - 441 5.0 12.1 5.2 101 Vgreen Plant FOO 10-20-10 U 565 as 121] 61] 104 1Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 1 .0 g . 574 51] 121] 61] 1m] 5 1119 3-4 33-3 13-3 11111 519 5.4 12.1 5.0 105 11g; 13-1; 17-1 87 554 5.5 11.0 5.4 lga - - - 591 5.0 1 .0 5.5 1 1 555 10.1 20.1 10.0 105 1 1 1151 11.1 11.9 10.0 101 if 3;‘; 131 1141 10.0 20.1 10.2 101 511 5.0 12.5 5.0 105 1205 10.0 21.1 10.2 105 18 1 88 11 111 1 1118 551 5.0 11.4 5.1 95 1553 - - 111-8 1118 101 5.1 11.1 5.0 100 2 3337 13-5 21-5 8-8 105 5.1 12.0 5.0 101 _ 1'1"“ 13-3 33-3 -8 512 5.1 12.2 5.0 102 1 3°“ 1""- 5-8 5- 8- 595 5.0 12.0 5.0 100 igreen Plant Food 6-24-12 373 5-0 11-5 5-0 98 15' Guaranteed 6.0 24.0 12 0 373 5-2 12-9 5-0 102 - ~ 2055 5.1 25.5 12 5 105 555 5.0 12.0 5.1 101 1. 1015 5.1 15.1 5.0 105 Wee“ “"111 1"°°‘1851’1"1°'5 18 11 5 11 1055 5.1 12.0 5.0 101 ‘ 31151511111581‘; 8-8 18-8 5-1 1117 1092 5.2 12.1 5.1 105 was 55 gg-g g1 ggg H13 2:1 12:3 2:1 131 . 3331 5-3 - - 1142 5.4 12.5 5.0 105 5515511 Plant Food Commercial 6-12-6 1193 5-3 12-0 3-0 102 ' Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 1216 6.1 12.7 6.0 104 ' 555 5.0 12.1 5.0 101 1245 5.2 12.5 5.5 104 552 5.5 12.1 5.5 105 1250 5.0 15.1 5.1 105 555 5.1 12.0 5.0 101 1552 5.2 12.5 5.2 104 145 5.2 12.2 5.5 101 1452 5.4 15.0 5.1 101 1054 5.4 12.2 5.2 104 1455 5.2 15.4 5.0 10g 1115 5.2 12.2 5.0 105 1554 5.5 14.5 5.1 11 1195 5.4 12.5 5.5 101 1555 5.111 14.1 5.2 110 1201 5.0 12.0 5.4 101 1515 5. 15.4 5.5 101 1450 5.1 12.0 5.1 101 1590 5.1 12.0 5.9 101 2255 5.5 12.1 5.5 104 1595 5.4 12.1 5.0 105 2295 5.5 12.5 5.0 100 1115 5.5 15.5 5.0 111 2555 5.1, 12.1 5.1 104 1124 5.5 15.4 5.9 112 2555 5.4 ~ 12.5 5.2 105 1125 5.2 13.5 5.5 109 M555 5.2 12.5 5.1 1140 5.5 1 .9 5.9 105 c551. v51. 4.0 2.5 4.9 1150 5.1 15.0 5.5 104 3 agreen Plant Food Commercial 10-10-5 Guatanleecl 1175 5-5 11-7 5-5 135 2192 511 1211 519 105 1 agreen Plant Food Commercial 12-12-6 2196 6.0 12.1 6.6 102 . 5115151115511 12.0 12.0 5.0 2225 5.1 11.1 5.4 101 . 419 11.5 12.0 5.2 99 - 2241 5.9 12.1 5.0 100 15 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTIN A Manufacturer, it X :3 o place oi business 2 f; j 8 § U and brand E U‘ =2 .2 “F, > .3 ,8 5;‘ 8 2 E .3 E n: '3. é’. :> Armour Old Black Ioe Fertilizer 6-12-6 ' 22 5.6 12.4 6.0 100 2344 6.1 12.2 6.1 102 2444 6.1 12.6 6.3 104 2520 9.6 11.9 7.2 125 Mean 6.2 12.4 6. Coef. Var. 7.9 5.2 5.4 Armour Old Black Ioe Fertilizer 10-20-10 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 1498 10.0 21.2 10.0 103 1703 9.5 23.8 10.0 138 1722 10.1 20.8 10.3 1 3 1725 10.1 20.0 10.0 101 2269 9.9 20.4 10.7 102 2366 10.1 20.1 10.4 102 2411 9.6 21.5 10.4 103 Mean 9.9 21.1 10.3 Coet. Var. 2.5 6.2 2.6 Armour Ammonium Nitrate 33.5-0-0 Guaranteed 33.5 0.0 0.0 67 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 99 34.3 0.0 0.0 I03 723 33.9 0.0 0.0 102 771 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 821 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 1384 33.7 0.0 0.0 101 1672 33.5 0.0 0.0 100 1749 33.5 0.0 0.0 100 1974 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 2309 33.1 0.0 0.0 99 2416 33.3 0.0 0.0 100 2492 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 2591 33.9 0.0 0.0 102 Mean 33.6 0.0 0.0 Coef. Var. 0.8 0.0 0.0 Armour Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0 Guaranteed .0 0.0 0.0 105 21.6 0.0 0.0 103 1688 21 1 0.0 0.0 101 2289 21.3 0.0 0.0 102 Armour Big Crop Fertilizer 8-8-8 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 1117 8.3 9.0 7.4 105 Armour Vertagreen Rice Special 6-24-12 Guaranteed 6.0 24.0 12.0 1243 6.5 26.0 12.0 108 Steamboat Brand Ammonium Nitrate 33.5-0-0 Guaranteed 33.5 0.0 0.0 499 33.5 0.0 0.0 100 ASSOCIATED COOPERATIVES, INC., SHEFFIELD, ALABAMA Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer 33.5-0-0 t Guaranteed 33.5 0.0 0.0 707 34.4 0.0 0.0 Diammonium Phosphate 20-52-0 Guaranteed 20.0 52.0 0.0 632 20.2 52.0 0.0 Ammonium Phosphate Nitrate Fertilizer 30-10-0 Guaranteed 30.0 10.0 0.0 513 30.8 10.0 0.0 742 30.0 10.0 0.0 1163 30.0 10.0 0.0 BEST FERTILIZER CO., HOUSTON, TEXAS Best Brand Fertilizer 0-34-17 Guaranteed 0.0 34.0 17.0 1644 0.0 39.9 10.6 16 103 101 103 100 100 107 Manufacturer, place ot business and brand Laboratory no. Nitrogen, ‘Y, Best Brand Fertilizer 8-8-8 Guaranteed 1510 Best Brand Fertilizer 12-12-12 Guaranteed 40 1100 1247 1472 2046 Mean Coef. Var. Best Brand Fertilizer 13-13-13 Guaranteed 1094 2007 Best Brand Fertilizer 10-20-0 Guaranteed 51 245 1293 Best Brand Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guaranteed 578 n-In-Io-In-I QPFP Best Brand Fertilizer 10-20-10 Guaranteed 933 1093 1099 1294 1473 1561 1913 1917 1919 1929 2008 2588 Mean Coet. Var. |—l p-n n Best Brand Fertilizer 12-24-12 Guaranteed 552 2292 |_l p-l Best Brand Fertilizer 15-30-15 Guaranteed 2002 Best Brand Fertilizer 10-20-20 Guaranteed 2587 Best Brand Ammonium Sulfa Guaranteed 41 528 535 P?’ coo n-u-In-I n-In-In-In-Io-In-m-I l-IQQ GDQQUIQODOJQ III P?’ n Fffb PP 9°?‘ . PP PPPPPPPPP aPPPPwfPPfPaPpP Qccaofi |-c ton-c qc incocnc ac oooat-w-p-ue-n-muub-amcnaaaKrcomccuubucnc ~I= Z Available phos- TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED 2 9' ,, , a o\° 2'3 0 Manufacturer, z- fifg o ess 2 5 3 3 °\ place of business 2 4: 3 8 °\ P, ‘Q, 13 u J5 w d 1., P. g1 0 u .85 w lg g fi .5 g a an rand '3 2 =61 .16: g, z s é 2%. é 9 .2 E é-s. E. é 0 Ammonia Sulfate 21-0-0 Dutch Urea 46-0-0 ' 1587 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 Guaranteed 46.0 0.0 0.0 1988 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 551 46.3 0.0 0.0 101 2143 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 2221 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 CAMPBELL FERTILIZER CO.. HOUSTON. TEXAS 2226 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 Campbells Organic Base Fertilizer 8-8-8 2273 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 Mean 21.1 0.0 [(1.0 606 8.4 8.1 8.0 103 Coei. Var 0.5 0.0 .0 813 8.0 7.4 9.5 101 ‘T610199! 10-20-0 Campbells Organic Base Fertilizer 6-12-6 1 61111111111990 15-0 20-0 0-0 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 246 17.0 20.1 0.0 104 310 0_3 11_7 0_1 104 467 16-6 2°-1 °-g 132 s09 0.9 10.0 0.4 110 541 16.0 20.0 0. 1 0 546 16.2 20.3 0.0 102 Campbell Organic Base Fertilizer 5-10- 717 16.0 20.0 0.0 100 Guaranteed 5.0 10.0 10.0 839 16.2 20.0 0.0 101 1812 7.1 10.4 11.1 119 345 Green Glo Crop Booster 8 8 8 15 1 . . . ' ' 1095 10_0 2L0 0_0 105 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 1101 10.0 20.4 0.0 101 1°66 6-2 8-2 6-6 1°4 1119 10.0 21.0 0.0 10a 2°66 6 4 11° 1°-6 112 142s 16.7 21.4 0.0 10s 2°58 6 1 6-5 9-8 1°? 1000 102 2L4 0'0 104 Green Glo Crop Booster 12-12-12 1588 15.4 23.4 0.0 106 G uaranteed 12.0 12.0 12.0 1643 15.1 23.4 0.0 105 2048 115 119 14 0 m1 2009 16.1 21.8 0.0 105 ' ' ' 2045 10-1 £0441 0-3 13% Green Glo Crop Booster 10-20-10 262 16-° 3-6 °- 1 G d 10.00 20.0 1 .0 2451 16-1 2°-1 °-° 1°1 ‘ “““"“e1°811 9.5 20.9 10.9 109 2561 15-° 24-5 °-° 1°? 2041 9.2 20.0 10.2 101 Mean 16.0 21.6 0.0 V Coef. Var. 2.9 9.7 0.0 Green Glo Crop Booster 16-8-0 . . . Guaranteed 16 0 8.0 0.0 Ferhhzer 18-46-0 ' ; 01111141114411 19.0 40.0 0.0 2°57 44-4 8-3 "-4 94 530 10-0 40-1 0-0 101 Green Glo Crop Booster 10-10-5 113011118, 21.1341 Guaranteed 10.0 10.0 5.0 - 00111111114911 21.0 19.0 0.0 1594 1°-° 12-1 5-1 1118 j 122s 21.0 14.7 0.0 10s 2142 1°-1 1°-6 5-6 1°4 ‘um Sulfate-Phosphate 21-20-0 M-G Brand Organic Base Fertilizer 6-12-6 - Guaranteed 21.0 20.0 0.0 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 <“ 545 21.0 20.3 0.0 101 1677 6.7 12.0 6.5 106 a 1474 2L1 200 0'0 m Ca b 11 G 1 1 <1 F 1'1" 10 2010 . - m ranu a e er zer - - Granulated Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 p e Guaranteed H 10_0 20_0 10_0 ' Guaranteed 0.0 46.0 0.0 07 10_0 20_0 10_0 100 ’ 423 0.0 46.3 0.0 101 507 0.0 46.0 0.0 100 Campbell Granulated Fertilizer 12-24-12 638 0.0 45.1 0.0 99 Guaranteed 12.0 24.0 12.0 639 0.0 44.5 0.0 97 607 11.8 24.2 12.0 100 718 0.0 44.6 0.0 97 750 0.0 45.1 0.0 99 Green Glo Lawn 6. Garden 6-12-6 1559 0.0 46.0 0.0 100 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 2316 0.0 46.2 0.0 101 2128 6.8 7.5 5.7 86 2326 0.0 46.3 0.0 101 2478 0.0 46.1 0.0 100 CAP ROCK FERTILIZER COMPANY, LITTLEFIELD. TEXAS Mean 0.0 45.6 0.0 Cap Rock Fertilizer 0-16-8 ' Coef. Var. 0.0 1.6 0.0 Guaranteed 0.0 16.0 8.0 j 1121(1). s1. 1.001s, wssoun 1574 °-° 12-7 2-1 114 to 2 -20-0 ._ Cap Rock Fertilizer 10-20-10 p 0“°'““4§§§ m 61191011114140 10.0 20 0 10.0 1190 20 0 20.9 0.0 102 244 9-5 2° ° 1°-2 99 - 1430 9.6 20 7 10.0 101 19 15-°-° 1459 10.0 20 9 9.5 10a I Guaranteed 15.0 0.0 0.0 1573 0_4 201 10_3 95 . 501 15.6 0.0 0.0 101 . 548 15.5 0.0 0.0 100 Cap Rock Fertilizer 8-32-16 1189 15.5 0.0 0.0 100 Guaranteed 8.0 32.0 16.0 2223 15.3 0.0 0.0 99 - 1634 9.7 29.4 16.1 100 17 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED" . U1 . U1 _ 3 .8~=\° 3 .36? » Manufacturer, 1:- <>\° :19: o Manuiacturer, z- ¢\° :11 ' place of business .9 g f; 8 § U Plmie 0f business 9 f; .715 ’ and brand g b‘ 79.3 '5 :> and brand g U‘ £3 . .a .8 l; 6 B E .0 i 3 g 3 1 1 .3 :2 =1: '3. 6'1 :> »; E <11 - Cap Rock Fertilizer 16-20-0 523 12.3 20.1 - Guaranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 575 12.1 20.2 I. 471 16.0 20.4 0.0 101 675 14.9 19.2 1431 16.1 18.6 0.0 98 903 16.0 21.1 l 1941 16.1 23.0 0.0 108 1033 13.8 20.0 I _ _ 1829 14.5 20.4 ; Cap Rock Fertilizer 0-20-0 _ 1357 14_5 211g 1 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 0.0 1372 14_3 21_1 4 1460 0.0 20.2 0.0 101 1992 14_8 2111 = 2598 U0 19.6 0.0 98 2264 14_8 173 - 2599 0 0 20.7 0.0 104 2321 154] 2g_1 j 2567 13.8 19.4 - CENTRAL TEXAS FERTILIZER CO.. COMANCHE, TEXAS Mean 14_3 2111 _ Topper Brand Fertilizer 0-20-10 C0911 van 75 4_4 . Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 10.0 , 1871 0.0 22.2 8.2 106 Topper Brand Fertilizer 11-48-0 A Guaranteed 11.0 48.0 Topper Brand Fertilizer 5-10-5 475 11_g 435 Guaranteed 5.0 10.0 5.0 1674 5.5 10.0 6.8 109 Topper Brand Fertilizer 13-39-0 1804 5.5 12.3 6.0 118 Guaranteed 13.0 39.0 1869 5.6 12.7 5.1 2178 10.6 39.6 . .1 5. 2167 5 3 l5 Topper Brand Fertilizer 0-20-0 Topper Brand Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 1050 0.0 22.0 270 6.4 12.7 6.0 106 524 5_5 12_1 511 104 Topper Brand Fertilizers 0-46-0 s77 7.5 12.1 7.7 114 Guaranteed 0-6 46-6 676 7.4 6.7 6.9 97 403 6-6 46-6 1047 6.0 17.7 6.0 124 477 6-6 46-6 160s 6.1 12.6 7.1 106 2177 0-6 47-7 1630 6.1 12.1 6.6 101 Z449 6-6 46-1 . 2172 5.1 12.1 4.3 92 . 255g 55 13_3 5_1 111] CHILEAN NITRATE SALES CORP., NEW YO Mean 5_4 12_1; 5_2 Champion Brgnd Chilean Nitratg oi 811141011 _ _ _ _3 15_7 uaranteed 16. . ‘ C°°f V“ 114 18 2461 16.0 0.0 i Topper Brand Fertilizer 7-14-7 . Guaranteed 7.0 14.0 7.0 COASTAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION, YAZ 1043 7.7 14.3 7.0 105 MISSISSIPPI I 1049 8.0 14.8 7.0 109 Coastal Brand Fertilizer 13-13-13 1808 7.3 14.4 7.1 104 Guaranteed 13.0 13.0 1870 7.1 16.0 5.1 105 159g 13.: 160 14. l . Topper Brand Fertilizer 10-20-10 2141 12_4 1511 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 2143 13_1 135 1 271 10.3 20.9 10.0 104 a 576 10.4 20.0 9.0 101 Coastal Brand Fertilizer 12-24-12 ’ ' 674 11.7 20.0 10.1 107 Guaranteed 12.0 24.0 1 1051 11.4 20.4 9.5 106 637 11.7 24.5 ; 1827 10.1 20.5 10.1 102 641 11.4 24.0 5 1858 9.2 22.6 8.3 102 1597 11.7 25.2 1867 10.4 21.7 10.0 106 1600 12.2 25.9,, 1991 . 8.8 21.2 10.8 100 1609 12.6 25.8 ‘ 2171 8.0 21.8 10.2 98 1611 12.2 25.1 2173 9.3 19.6 10.1 97 2003 12.1 26.5 i Mean 10.0 20.9 9.8 Mean 12.0 25.3 - Coet. Var. 11.5 4.5 7.1 Coef. Var. 3.3 3.4 Topper Brand Fertilizer 5-10-10 Coastal Brand Fertilizer 14-14-7 Guaranteed 5.0 10.0 10.0 Guaranteed 14.0 14.0 1 2497 6.6 15.6 7.6 131 1595 13.4 17.4 , Topper Brand Fertilizer 3-12-12 2140 10'? 16.9 7 Guaranteed 3.0 12.0 12.0 Coastal Brand Fertilizer 12-48-0 * 1868 5.0 13.7 14.4 127 Guaranteed 12.0 48.0 f 2545 5.6 20.2 9.7 149 503 12.9 48.0 ,- Topper Brand Fertilizer 16-20-0 Coastal Brand Fertilizer 16-20-0 - Guaranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 Guaranteed 16.0 20.0 ; 258 13.4 20.8 0.0 93 506 16.0 20.1 i 267 15 3 20.0 0.0 98 636 16.0 21.0 -: 13 . U) o o°\° i .\° '31; § a 2 '5 °\° E 3 '3 3 1e w o o =- ‘S "’ > -" =2 2g ~‘-’ a .3 z =2 o. n‘? :> Fertilizer 16-20-0 ? 640 15.6 20.0 0.0 99 642 16.6 22.1 0.0 107 1596 16.1 21.1 0.0 103 1599 16.5 21.3 0.0 105 1608 16.2 23.4 0.0 109 1610 16.4 22.8 0.0 108 , Mean 16.2 21.5 0.0 f. Coef. Var. 2.0 5.6 0.0 ~ Fertilizer 13-39-0 Guaranteed 13.0 39.0 0.0 ' 1601 13.3 43.6 0.0 109 1d 18-46-0 Guaranteed 18.0 46.0 0.0 j 1228 18.4 4 .2 0.0 104 SOLVENTS CORP" STERLINGTON. LA. Drum Nitrate Fertilizer 33.5-0-0 , Guaranteed 33.5 0.0 0.0 T 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 1768 33.5 0.0 0.0 100 2472 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 2 2502 33.7 0.0 0.0 101 l n Solution 370 37-0-0 "Guaranteed 37.0 0.0 0.0 ‘ 2606 35.6 0.0 0.0 98 % RTILIZER CO., HENDERSON. TEXAS _d Perma Gro 8-8-8 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 I. 2558 8.0 11.8 7.8 116 > and Perma Gro 10-20-10 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 A 96 8.8 20.0 10.1 96 310 10.0 20.5 10.0 102 324 10.0 20.3 10.1 101 1816 9.7 21.7 11.9 106 Hi-Quality Fertilizer 10-20-10 ‘Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 ' 301 10.0 20.5 10.2 102 and Perma Gro Lawn Special 10-5-5 Guaranteed 10.0 5.0 5.0 i 95 9 3 5.5 5.0 126 1340 8 5 8.0 6.3 137 - -0-0 :1 uaranteed 21.0 0.0 0.0 544 21.0 0.0 0.0 VICE. NEEDVILLE, TEXAS "- Fertilizer 14-14-0 1‘ uaranteed 14.0 14.0 0.0 -. 2293 13.1 14.3 0.0 w COMPANY. snnsvzponr. LA. ~- Fertilizer 8-8-8 i. ‘ uaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 ' 896 8.1 8.4 8.1 e- Fertilizer 6-12-6 ' uaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 ; 1063 6.1 12.0 6.6 _ 2090 6.6 11.1 6.7 _-- Fertilizer 10-20-10 uaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 ' 208 10.0 20.2 10.0 763 10.3 20.4 10.4 A TILIZER COMPANY. WESLACO. TEXAS 100 103 102 102 101 103 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED 2 is Manufacturer. a <>\° 3'35 o place oi business .3. f; j g U and brand g g 7g {j '5 z :2 z é-E. a é 895 10.5 10.2 101 979 10.2 10.0 102 1062 10.1 10.3 101 1709 10.5 10.8 105 léleafn v 10.3 oe . ar 2.9 EAST TEXAS PRODUCTS CO., Goldenrod Gran-U-Pels 8-8-8 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 1274 8.3 8.3 106 1735 8.1 8.2 111 2415 8.7 8.7 106 Goldenrod Gran-U-Pels 12-12-12 Guarantzeitazl 12.0 12.0 .1 13.5 12.8 106 Goldenrod Gran-U-Pels 10-20-0 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 0.0 87 10.0 21.6 0.0 105 Goldenrod Gran-U-Pels 6-12-6 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 6.5 12.3 6.0 105 703 6.0 12.9 5.0 102 789 6.5 12.1 6.0 104 969 6.5 12.0 6.3 104 1275 6.3 11.5 7.1 103 1284 6.8 12.0 6.9 107 1707 6.1 14.6 5.5 111 1729 6.2 14.1 6.1 111 1734 6.1 12.5 6.8 105 1788 6.3 12.5 6.8 106 lélecrin v 6.3 12.7 6.3 oe . ar. 3. 7.7 10.6 Goldenrod Gran-U-Pels 10-20-10 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 £133 20.6 10.1 104 . 20.8 10.0 102 92 10.3 20.7 10.4 104 100 9.5 20.0 10.4 99 101 10.2 20.6 10.0 103 118 10.2 20.5 10.0 103 139 9.8 20.4 10.0 101 147 10.0 20.2 10.0 101 148 9.8 20.9 10.0 102 181 10.0 20.2 14.9 107 186 10.0 20.7 10.4 103 328 10.0 20.0 10.1 101 384 10.0 20.5 10.1 102 704 10.0 20.3 10.0 101 708 10.4 20.9 10.4 105 719 9.6 20.5 10.1 100 735 10.0 20.2 8.6 99 790 10.0 20.3 10.0 101 793 10.2 20.1 10.3 102 941 10.2 20.0 10.0 101 952 10.0 19.8 10.0 100 1273 10.0 20.4 10.3 102 1286 9.6 21.6 10.2 103 1308 9.6 21.6 10.0 103 1309 10.0 20.5 10.2 102 1488 9.3 20.3 9.6 98 1499 10.1 20.6 9.6 102 1544 10.1 21.8 10.4 106 1706. 9.7 22.9 9.6 106 1719 9.8 21.7 10.0 104 1728 10.1 20.7 10.4 103 1731 9.6 22.5 9.7 105 1733 10.1 21.0 10.1 103 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED l 2 2 Manufacturer. r Q :3: o Manulacturer, r o\° :16 place oi business .3 E; :5 3 U place oi business g g jg ~ and brand 1- U‘ £2 '17 > and brand 1' 5‘ P.” .3 .9.- g '6 2 E .3 g E5 ' .3 i‘ <5. é’. .'> 3' 1 E 4'3. _ Goldenrod Gran-U-Pels 10-20-10 1897 6.8 12.9 ' 1739 10.1 22.1 10.1 106 2376 7.2 12.0 1787 10.1 21.5 10.2 105 2489 6.7 12.3 i 1901 10.7 20.0 10.8 104 Mean 7.0 12.2 - 1906 13.2 Coef. Var. 3.8 6.9 - 1912 .8 . . 1900 10_1 22_0 10_0 103 Faico Plant Food 10-20-10 2964 9.9 20.9 10.6 109 Guaranteed 13-3 23-3 1 101 20.9 10.6 104 231 13-4 23-2 . 2414 . . 242s 9.7 21.9 10.1 109 233 13-3 23-1 - 2524 9.8 20.9 10.0 102 234 111-4 211-4 T 2526 9.9 20.1 10.9 101 233 2609 9.2 22.2 6.5 101 5 1 - -4 ; Mean 10.0 20.9 10.2 733 13-4 13-2 c651. Var. 2.9 9.9 6.2 Goldenrod Gran-U-Pels 5-10-10 1342 1110 213 j Guaranteed 5.0 10.0 10.0 1353 10_2 21_5 1 1504 5.4 11.5 10.0 110 1360 10_0 19_7 1712 5.1 13.3 10.0 116 1525 10_4 2114 ; 1905 5.2 12.1 10.0 111 1520 11_2 21_2 1 _U_P 1 10_20_20 1791 10.5 21.0 i» Gddemd Gifihmnfeid 10.0 20.0 20.0 1396 13-1 11; 1 957 10.0 18.5 20.0 97 45 -4 13- -' 77 10.5 21.4 20.9 106 2375 13-1 23-1 '3 2119 10.0 20.2 20.1 102 2429 lg-B 213-4 458 1 .8 1 .7 T - FARMERS FERTILIZER COMPANY, TEXARKANA. TEXAS 2490 10_9 201 2' Mule Brand Iaertilize: 02120-20 00 200 200 I 2493 13.1 20,1 . 111111111 e9 - - - 2580 1 .4 20.1 ' 2485 0.0 19.7 20.4 100 Mean 10_3 204 .- Mule Brand Fertilizer a-a-s C°°*- 1""- 3-5 3-9 f Gwmnwed 8-0 8'" 8'” FERD STAFFEL co SAN ANTONI 1511991 Staifel's Lawn 6. Garden Food 8-12-4 ' ' ' Guaranteed 8.0 12.0 f Mule Brand Fertilizer 10-20-0 2102 10.4 14.6 . Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 106 2271 8.2 12.0 _. 1354 10.6 21.0 . 1361 10_0 17_1 0_0 92 W. R. GRACE 6. CO., MEMPHIS, TENN. G U P '11 45-0-0 _ Mule Brand Fertilizer 6-12-6 race rec éilqsrqnfeed 45_[] [L0 ' Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 1227 45_1 0_0 _ 726 6.7 11.6 5.2 102 1312 7.0 12.6 6.5 110 FORD MOTOR COMPANY. DEARBORN. MI 2430 6.3 12.0 7.0 1 4 Ford Diammonium Phosphate 21-53-0 2' Mule Brand Fertilizer 101-20-1010 0 20 o 10 o Guarantilimg A‘ Guarantee . . . ' ' 2 GILMER COTTON 011. 6. FERTILIZER co 1, - - - TEXAS " 1539 10.3 20.2 10.8 103 Texas Longhorn 3_8_8 i '1' 0-20-0 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 '- Mule Brand 11311111111459 ' 0.0 20.0 0.0 1393 9-3 3-4 _1_ 291 0.0 20.1 0.0 101 1519 ‘1-5 13-3 i 904 0.0 20.0 0.0 100 1522 9-3 11-1 * 925 0.0 20.0 0.0 100 .1. “ 1962 0.0 21.6 0.0 10a ems L°nghgfiaiijtzéifi 12 o m , Faico Fertilizer 8-8-8 1509 11-5 14-11 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 07 Texas Longhorn 642$ I 9'1 114 Guaranteed 6.0 ' ' ' 332 6.9 1 . ' i233 3'1 3'3 3'3 H? 1111 1-1 111 ' ' ' 1520 6.1 13.8? 2484 8.1 8.1 8.4 102 . Mean 9.5 9.0 9.1 1732 7-2 "-9 C°ef' Va" 2'9 9'1 6'5 Texas Longhorn 10-20-10 Faico Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0; Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 1518 10.0 21.4 1517 7.3 10.8 6.6 105 1817 10.1 24.0 ~ 1527 7.2 12.8 7.2 114 2089 8.1 17.1 _ 20 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED >4 9\ “f2 Manufacturer, r 9\ 9'3 6 ‘ 3 v 9\° - o 5 3 v 9\° ,ess 4.- 51 ,q u place of business +- A u _ 1 U 2’ u " U 15 m U ,1: U >- 111 T. .2 1F, > and brand 3 8‘ f; .2 m ;> .3 .8 g 6 P. E .0 g g 6 B E .3 E n: '3. 8 > .3 E n: '5. 8 :> 10-20-10 Mission Brand Fertilizer 32-0-0 a Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 Guaranteed 32.0 0.0 0.0 j. 22 8.9 20.3 10.0 97 623 32 0 0.0 0.0 9. 20.1 10.0 99 1g; 2g_4 1g_3 1g3 Mission Brand Fertilizer 8-20-0 i ' Guaranteed 8.0 20.0 0.0 1 GRAIN 6. MILLING COMPANY, 609 8.2 21.6 0.0 ,1 TEXAS 622 9 2 20.6 0.0 ' ' ' F '1' 19-19-0 1 éf,‘f,‘:1,dn,e°e'§“’°’13_0 m; M, 1s. L. 11121110911901: a sons. 1111c- HOUSTON. TEXAS .4 1947 14.9 19.9 0.0 110 Shur-Crop Brand 111-211-111 1 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 -- Liquid Fertilizer 10-15-5 2147 9.6 20.4 11.9 ; .0 15.0 5.0 ~ G““'°“'1ZZ§ '34 15_g 5_7 97 Shur-Crop Brand 12-24-12 2233 9_3 14_2 5_2 95 Guaranteed 12.0 24.0 12.0 a 0 0 647 12.0 24.0 12.0 Liquid Fertilizer 4-1 -1 a d 4_[] 101] 101] Shur-Crop Brand 10-10-5 1- G““'°“'f§§6 4_1 1g_g 1g_3 1g7 Guaranteed 10.0 10.0 5.0 1941 4.2 9.4 10.9 101 635 9-5 111-11 5-11 1942 4.9 11.5 9.9 1a: 1476 12-9 17-9 4-5 1848 4.4 10.5 11.5 1 Shut-Crop Brand 24-16-8 Guaranteed 24.0 16.0 8.0 Z293 4- 1 - - Sh -c 1s a u 49-0-0 75311 6-4 9-11 11-7 1111 "' mp '2';'.'1qrs:1:ed 49.0 0.0 0.0 2540 4.4 10.9 11.0 110 2235 4&3 g_g g_g ""2"" 4'2 '2" "s12 s c 1a <1 1s 20 0 Coei. Var. 15. .7 . hur- rop ran - - '1' . . . . G d 16.0 20. 0.0 V» Liquid Fertilizer 32-0-0 uarantesia 1&5 2L5 M] . Guaranteed 32.0 0.0 0.0 147.7 16 7 21 2 O 0 ’ :- 1989 31.4 0.0 0.0 99 ' ' ' ~ 1620 16.5 25.0 0.0 . 2536 31.2 0.0 0.0 98 '2 Liquid Fertilizer 3_24_g HI-XIELD FERTILIZER CO., BONHAM. TEXAS 2 _g 24_g g_g Hi-Yield Brand 8-8-8 G“““““1°8§‘7l 22 229 m; 98 Guaranteed 9.0 9.0 9.0 1999 9.2 24.7 0.0 109 69 11-11 111-11 9-11 24 g g g 1g2 342 7.7 8.2 8.2 1844 8.4 . . 1945 9.4 24.9 0.0 109 1327 9-11 11-1 9-2 1949 9.2 29.9 0.0 100 7399 7-9 11-6 11-6 1952 9.0 21.2 0.0 97 Z5112 6-11 7-6 7-9 _3 2g_7 g_g 93 Mean 7.9 9.7 8.4 g3 243 g_g 1g4 Coef. Var. 1.3 17.4 6.7 2284 8.5 23.4 0.0 101 Hiyield Brand 1g_2g_g 2537 9-2 24-9 11-11 1113 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 0.0 I: _ 2539 8.5 24.1 0.0 103 355 1g_g 2g_2 g_g ' ‘ ; Mean 8.4 23.5 0.0 522 9_1 2g_7 g_g Coet. Var. 2.7 5.9 0.0 715 9_4 2g_7 g_g ; 1364 10.3 20.6 0.0 WFEIIfITéLIZERI (gglgllgANY, FT. WORTH. TEXAS 1441 1&1 19$. - [m cf Piaf‘ ' '10 0 5 0 5 0 1549 10.9 21.0 0.0 119191111134 w-o 5'0 5-0 m 1752 10.1 29.0 0.0 ' 2272 10's 5'0 5'2 105 M 2247 22-2 "'3 ;_ ' ' ' ean 1 . 20.7 0. '1 roams. BAY CITY. TEXAS C991 Vflr- 7-2 ' 4-9 11-11 '7 15-3 H'-Y' ld B d 6-12-6 611971111199‘! a: 16-0 8-0 1 1e rcmGuaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 2 710 7.4 26.7 8.0 131 225 g_4 12_2 5_4 711 6-2 22-11 6-2 1117 922 7.4 12.0 9.5 110 ‘1- s CHEMICAL COMPANY, MISSION. TEXAS 264 7'2 124 6'1 129 ' d F n. 6 m 4 369 7.0 12.3 6.3 109 G eriitzerd - - so mu 40 1290 9.7 12.9 9.9 107 . 11°19“ e638 7-4 m-z 4-5 1299 9.9 19.2 9.9 109 t; ' ' ' 1335 5.6 12.8 6.0 101 -- Fertilizer 14-10-4 1789 6.9 15.0 6.1 119 iGuaranteed 14.0 10.0 4 0 1794 8.0 16.1 6.6 131 '4 610 13.2 10.8 4 0 1900 7.2 15.7 7.2 126 621 14.0 10.8 4 3 2165 6.4 12.3 6.4 105 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS LSAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED ' . m o , m 8 o 2% 3 .3~\° Manufacturer. f o\ $1113 o Manufacturer. a a\° 311i place oi business g g 3 1:" w place oi business .3 g 3 3 and brand *5 g‘ i > and brand >5 g‘ £2 -0 1: =1 e 2 \ .11 1- - e '6 3 L2 H. n‘: 2 3 é 310. Hi-Yield Brand 0-12-0 051 0.0 20.1 2240 7.0 14.0 7.1 121 2240 0.0 20.4 3112:1111... 3:3 1311 2.2 111-111-1111 111-1111 11111-11 Guaranteed 0.0 46.0 Hi-Yield Brand 10-20-10 1414 0.0 40.0 Guaranteed 13.0 33.3 13.3 99 2254 0.0 40.0 22 .7 . . 2017 0.0 40.2 . 20. . 1 .33 13.1 n3 13.2 .31 11111-11 111-1111 100 10.0 20.2 10.1 101 Guemfleed 111-11 211-11 241 10.2 20.4 10.1 10s 2611 111-11 211-8 000 10.0 20.0 10.1 102 1177 11-1 211-9 020 10.0 20.2 10.0 101 13113 111-8 22-11 041 10.0 20.1 10.4 101 14411 111-5 21-11 052 0.7 20.0 10.0 00 2528 111-11 211-1 s00 0.0 20.4 10.2 07 Meen 111-5 21-11 s71 10.0 20.1 10.1 101 Ceef- Ver- 4-11 2-8 31g 13-3 13% 1g; Ferti-Lome Brand Lawn s. Garden 0-10-4 ' ' ' Guaranteed 6.0 10.0 1000 10.0 20.0 10.1 101 663 6 0 m a 1250 0.0 21.0 11.4 104 - - 1272 0 0 20 1 10 2 07 175° 5-2 12-° 1202 0'4 22'2 10'4 104 25°5 5-2 12-° 1200 0'7 22'2 10'0 100 2545 5-1 11-1 1020 10'1 2s'4 10'1 100 255° 5-2 1°-2 1040 0'0 22'5 1010 102 M55" 5-1 11-1 1500 0:0 201s 10.1 104 5°55 11°"- 1-5 5-5 1541 9-11 24-11 111-9 111 Sunset Lawn 6. Garden Plant Food 5-10-5 1705 10.1 21.0 10.0 104 Guaranteed m m 1111 111 1747 9-4 24-5 111-1 1111 Creel Brand Fish Pond Fertilizer 20-20-5 1753 10.1 22.3 10.2 107 Guaranteed 20,0 211,0 "11 11 111 111 111 10 . . . 195-; m1 m; m1 m3 lNaERNATlONAL MINERAL 0. CHEMICAL co 210s 10.1 20.7 10.4 100 TE ARKANA- TEXAS 2111 1[)_1 2117 10,9 104 International Fertilizer 8-8-8 2164 10.1 20.4 11.0 103 Guaranteed 8-11 8-11 2200 10.1 20.4 11.0 104 177 7.8 8-8 2250 0.7 21.5 11.0 10s 182 8-8 8-5 2400 0.0 10.1 10.1 07 214 0.1 0.5 2400 10.0 20.1 10.7 100 220 8-8 8-8 2404 10.1 20.4 10.4 102 200 0.4 0.1 2505 0.0 21.0 0.0 102 040 0.1 0.2 2501 0.5 21.0 10.1 102 702 0.0 0.1 2500 0.7 20.0 12.0 104 000 0.1 0.7 Mean 0.0 21.0 12.2 Coef. Var. 5.4 6.4 . - - 1000 7.0 11.4 Hi-Yield Brand 5-10-10 1045 0.0 0.0 - Guaranteed 5.0 10.0 10.0 2244 8.2 8.2. 2410 - 0.1 12.0 10.4 122 2050 0.1 3.0 2071 7.0 .1 Hi-Yield Brand 16-20-0 2393 31] g_1 Guaranteed’ 16.0 20.0 0.0 Mean 34'] g3 g3; 12g g3 Coei. var. 4.7 10.1 743 15.1 20.1 0.0 98 International Fertilizer 10-20-0 012 15.7 21.0 0.0 10s Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 010 14.4 20.7 0.0 07 1412 10.1 21.0 International Fertilizer 6-12-6 1793 141 24's 0'0 m4 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 2100 14'0 10'7 0'0 0s 1711 6'6 m M 15-0 21-3 O-o 220 0.0 12.0 C “in v 3-8 9-3 0-0 010 0.0 12.2 °°- '5'- - - - 704 0.0 12.0 Hi-Yield Brand 0-20-0 055 7.4 14.0 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 0.0 1000 0.0 10.0 007 0.0 20.0 0.0 100 1000 7.0 15.0 22 a TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED 2 o 9 E3“ if . , :3 o\ :11 \° Manufacturer. a <>\° 2'33: o g f, é 1i w place of business .3 g % ‘g w 1* U‘ f; .3 u: > and brand >- 61 =- .‘.:! rn > .8 ,3 g a 2 a 3 g 8 a 2 E .3 i2 =1: '3. 8 :> .3 E 3: ‘S. A’. :> _ Fertilizer 6-12-6 1330 9.6 11.0 10.4 102 -j 2190 6.5 11.8 6.6 104 Mean 9.8 10.4 10.0 2360 6.6 12.1 6.0 105 Coet. Var. 2.5 3.7 6.2 2373 6'6 1L5 6'4 m3 International Rainbow Fertilizer 7 14 7 2412 6'7 1L9 6'7 m6 Guaranteed ' 7.0 14.0 7.0 2457 6.8 14.5 10.4 125 . 188 7.0 14.2 7.0 101 2608 5.3 14.2 9.5 118 215 7.2 14.2 7.0 102 Mean 6.7 13.2 7.6 Coet. Var. 10.2 10.0 20.4 997 7-1 14-9 7-2 192 4 956 7.3 14.0 7.0 102 J- Fertilizer 10-20-10 972 7.5 15.1 7.5 108 .1 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 1328 7.2 14.1 7.4 103 5 172 10.0 20.6 10.1 102 1338 7.3 14.0 7.8 103 194 9.8 20.4 10.0 101 1785 7.3 14.3 7.6 104 219 10.0 20.5 10.4 102 1891 7.3 15.0 9.0 109 221 10.2 20.1 10.3 102 2359 7.0 14.4 7.4 103 226 10.0 20.1 10.6 101 2372 7.1 13.9 7.4 101 235 10.0 20.0 10.0 100 2491 7.0 14.1 7.0 101 314 10.0 20.2 10.3 101 Mean 7.2 14.3 7.4 337 9.8 20.0 10.2 100 Coef. Var. 2.0 2.6 7.5 343 9.8 20.2 10.2 100 International Rainbow Fertilizer 10-20-10 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 781 w") 20 5 10A 102 222 10.0 20.0 10.8 102 92a 100 200 10.1 101 229 9-5 29-9 19-1 99 934 162 2037 1&3 103 999 10.0 20.0 10.2 101 953 10:5 20:0 1&5 103 1337 10.0 20.3 10.8 102 971 19-9 29g lg-‘i ntemqtlona Gsgiaglgederu 1290.0 12.0 12.0 {(1-2 m0 1020 0.0 12.0 12.4 101 1343 9:8 20:3 10:5 101 International Rainbow Fertilizer 10-20-5 2202 9.9 19.6 11.0 100 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 5.0 2217 9.6 20.4 10.7 101 344 9.7 A 20.3 5.3 100 2242 9.7 18.9 10.7 97 2243 m2 193 1114 101 mgnnlglzrfiorim. MINERALS a. CHEMICAL CORP.. FQRT 2365 9.3 20.1 10.4 99 W RT I Ex s 2379 g3 2114 12_1 101] International Fertilizer 8-8-8 2394 9_3 2g_3 11_4 19g Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 2097 0.9 20.4 10.1 97 983 8-4 111-9 6-6 125 2424 9.1 21.0 10.1 100 1525 8-9 9-3 10-2 116 Mean 9.9 20.2 10.4 173g g-Q 9-0 8-1 104 c 1. v . 4.2 2.1 4.0 1'7 -1 8-7 8-5 105 a °° “' 2154 0.9 9.9 9.1 101 ’ gertilizer 91-10-10 5 0 1o u m 0 M 2189 8.6 9.1 8.5 107 » uarantee . . . ean 8. 10.0 8.3 Coet. Var. 8.6 19.7 13.8 1 . . . ' International Fertilizer 10-20-0 A Fertilizer 6-12-12 0 2 0 2 0 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 0.0 ' Guaranteed 6. 1 . 1 . 128 10.1 20.0 0.0 ; ' 6.4 11.7 12.9 103 280 13.4 20.0 0.0 102 ' 353 1 .1 0.0 0.0 101 9 Femliw 5720'” s94 10.1 20.1 0.0 101 Guaranteed 5.0 20.0 20.0 599 9_5 29A 9_9 99 I _ 1331 5.1 21.4 20.0 105 199g 3:9 £9]; 9_9 91 1 . . 1 6 7 0.1 0.0 99 ~ gieliiiillzléeiiiizoll1s 0 20 0 0 0 1765 7-6 ' 203 "-9 92 . 1411 14.1 22-4 0'0 9.7 0.0 » m ' ' ' 2115 9.5 18.9 0.0 95 " 0-20-0 P ' Meanv 3.9 20.1 0.0 , Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 0.0 C°°*- “r- 1 -° 2-7 "-9 : 756 0.0 20.6 0.0 103 International Fertilizer 6-12-6 927 0.0 20.7 0.0 104 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 _- _ 268 7.0 12.4 6.0 108 W Rainbow Ferti11zer 10-10-10 407 6.0 12,1 6,0 101 I Guaranteed 10.0 10.0 10.0 571 6.5 12.1 6.0 104 ' 9.8 10.2 10.0 100 673 6.2 12.1 6.0 102 339 10.1 10.2 10.6 103 843 6.1 12.2 6.0 102 935 10.0 10.0 10.0 100 982 6.6 12.0 6.0 104 960 9.5 10.5 9.0 98 I 1252 6.5 12.6 6.7 108 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60. CONTINUED - w . J. 3 2* g 3x Manufacturer. z- 6\° :12 o Manufacturer. z 6\° 3'2 place‘ Qt business .3 g j g U place of business 3 g; 3 3 and brand *5 g‘ ,2 .2 ‘fi > and brand E U‘ 2 .2 .3 i2 3: '3. .3 g I .3 i}, E i? i. International Fertilizer 6-12-6 2153 10,3 21,3 1454 6.2 12.3 6.0 103 2187 9.7 20.9 1493 6.5 12.5 7.2 108 2234 10.5 18.1 1501 7.2 14.7 9.4 126 2354 10.1 19.9 1627 6.1 12.2 6.6 103 2437 10.1 20.1 1881 6.1 14.0 7.0 112 2443 10.1 20.1 1978 6.1 13.1 6.1 106 2529 10.1 22.0 2013 5.4 12.4 6.8 100 2544 9.6 20.7 2031 5.8 12.1 6.6 101 2586 10.1 21.3 2081 5.4 12.0 6.6 98 Mean 10.0 20.5 2259 7.1 12.3 6.4 109 Coef. Var. 3.3 3.6 2353 5.4 12.1 6.4 98 _ _ _ Mean 5_2 12_5 5_5 International Fertilizer 5-10-10 c661. Var. 6.6 5.0 12.0 Guflrflnllglgg International Fertilizer 10-20-10 1944 5,2 12,3 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 1980 5.3 11.8 19 9.8 19.4 10.4 99 2188 5.6 12.3 23 10.1 20.0 8.6 99 2463 5.1 10.1 59 9.4 21.1 10.2 101 Mean 5.3 11.4 73 10.0 20.0 10.2 101 Coei. Var. 3.8 9.1 90 9.4 21.3 10.0 101 _ _ _ 93 19_9 29_5 19_9 192 International Fertilizer 3-12-12 110 9.7 20.6 11.0 102 Guaranteed 8-0 12.0 129 9.4 13.1 1831 8-4 14-8 ‘ 133 10.0 .8 1 .0 . . . 1 44 m-U 2M1 1M1 100 lnternationalGFertiliier d5-20-205 no 20 o 264 10.0 20.0 10.1 102 ‘mmn ‘aim 14 21-9 269 13.0 20.2 ' ' 275 1 .0 20. 1 . 1 1 em - - - _ _ Z85 91-7 20-1 111-" 10° m “howl 5.121111121156116 20 016.0 20.0 308 9.7 20.3 10.0 100 59 14_2 2119 358 10.0 20.0 10.3 101 354 15_9 29_1 375 9.6 20.3 10.1 100 399 15_9 29_1 405 10.0 20.0 10.3 101 495 15_9 29_5 449 9.7 20.7 10.9 102 499 15_1 29_9 570 9.2 20.1 10.0 98 591 15_4 21_9 700 10.1 20.9 10.0 103 595 15_4 29_1 746 10.1 20.0 10.0 101 747 15_9 19_9 757 9.6 20.2 10.4 100 992 15_9 29_9 764 11.0 20.0 10.0 104 995 15_1 293 794 10.4 20.7 10.0 104 929 13_3 21_9 799 10.2 20.4 8.1 100 1923 15_9 21_4 1046 9.5 20.4 10.0 100 1453 14_7 21_4 1054 10.0 20.0 10.3 101 1523 15_9 21_9 1251 10.8 19.1 10.0 101 1552 15_2 21_9 1253 10.0 20.4 10.0 101 1554 15_3 29_3 1281 10.1 20.2 10.1 101 1395 15_3 224 1298 10.4 19.3 10.0 100 1335 15_2 22_3 1407 10.4 20.8 10.0 104 1335 15_2 22_4 1422 10.3 20.6 10.2 103 1933 11_7 23_5 1492 10.6 20.1 11.3 105 2013 14_5 21_5 1502 _10.0 20.7 10.1 102 2092 15.6 20.1" 1524 9.8 19.2 11.2 99 2471 15_2 29_1 1530 10.1 20.6 11.3 104 Mean 15_3 29_9 1547 10.1 21.1 10.2 104 Coeg Vcm 7_1 5_3 1629 10.2 21.0 10.2 104 1535 111-1 21-1 111-1 104 International Fertilizer 13-39-0 Guaranteed 1736 10.1 20.8 10.2 103 431 14_0 343 1806 9.7 21.0 10.2 102 1020 12_1 37_5 1832 10.4 22.0 9.4 106 1029 13_0 39_1 1880 10.0 22.6 11.3 109 2017 13_3 39,4 1895 10.2 21.0 11.6 106 2310 11_0 373 1943 10.3 20.0 10.0 102 Mean 12.7 37,6 1979 1.0.1. 21.6 1.1.7 Coef, Vqf, Q_]_ 43 2014 9.4 20.7 10.3 100 2022 10.3 21.8 10.0 106 International 0-20-0 2093 10.1 20.1 10.1 101 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 2105 10.1 20.1 10.4 102 33 0.0 20.8 2116 10.1 20.1 10.8 102 408 0.0 20.2 24 Ir. i? i‘ jTABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60. CONTINUED - V! . III a , s» a o .05 z- o\ fig Q Manufacturer. z- <>\ gfg o ~ u-u U ‘ 7 ,_| U o‘ .3 a g g w place of business .3 g g u pd c, *5 o =74 .2 m > and brand *5 g‘ m u, > a, E2 % a -g 2,9,. 5 a .4 Z =4 s2. o. > .-1 Z <2 o. d’. > 2220 6.4 14.1 7.9 99 699 0.0 20.1 0.0 101 2319 7.0 14.1 7.3 101 1024 0.0 20.0 0.0 100 2327 7.7 13.6 7.1 103 : 1025 0.0 21.0 0.0 105 2496 7.1 14.1 7.1 102 , . 1367 0.0 20.2 0.0 101 2501 9.1 12.8 7.0 107 I 2094 0.0 20.7 0.0 104 2530 7.6 15.1 5.9 106 2270 0.0 20.9 0.0 105 Mean 7. 14.4 7.4 2330 0.0 20.4 0.0 102 Coet. Var. 7.5 4.8 16.4 1. 2356 0.0 20.5 0.0 103 Meqn 0,0 20,5 0,0 International Rainbow Fertilizer 10-20-10 " Coef. Var. 0.0 1.7 0.0 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 I 1648 9.3 20.2 10.2 99 i, Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 2110 10.0 20.3 10.4 102 lGuaranteed 0.0 46.0 0.0 2320 9.0 19.8 10.2 96 1754 0.0 48.1 0.0 105 6 1757 0,0 46,9 0,0 102 International Rainbow Fertilizer 6-12-12 . Guaranteed 6.0 ' 12.0 12.0 ‘1 Fertilizer 0-52-0 91 6.2 12.4 12.0 96 Guaranteed 0.0 52.0 0.0 2 2600 0,0 54,8 0,0 105 International Rainbow Fertilizer 16-8-8 .;, Guaranteed 16.0 8.0 8.0 * Rainbow Fertilizer 0-16-8 2028 13.9 11.5 9.0 103 ; Guaranteed 0.0 16.0 8.0 2076 14.3 9.4 8.5 98 24 0.0 16.2 8.7 103 2109 15.2 8.4 9.1 100 1467 0.0 17.3 8.4 108 2329 0,0 16,6 8,2 104 International Rainbow Fertilizer 10-10-5 1 2503 0.0 16.1 8.0 101 Guaranteed 10.0 10.0 5.0 4 1427 10.0 10.6 5.8 104 Rainbow Fertilizer 10-10-10 2077 10.1 10.1 5.6 102 Y Guaranteed 10.0 10.0 10.0 ' 1045 10,0 15,0 9,0 115 International Rainbow Fertilizer 10-20-5 1529 10.0 12.9 10.7 111 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 5.0 1535 10.0 11.6 10.1 106 88 9.3 20.6 5.2 100 1761 8.9 13.6 9.6 106 284 9.1 20.6 5.1 99 1797 9.5 11.1 10.1 102 450 10.1 20.2 5.1 102 " Mean 9.7 12.8 9.9 455 8.9 20.1 5.5 97 e1. Var. 5.0 12.2 6.4 558 9.7 20.3 5.6 101 i _ _ 568 10.3 19.6 5.2 101 Rainbow Fertilizer 7-14-7 1143 1113 291] 5_3 134 _ Guaranteed 7.0 14.0 7.0 1155 111g 211g 5_3 132 25 7.0 14.2 7.6 102 1175 9_4 2112 5_5 99 74 6-7 14-1 7-0 99 1101 0.7 20.0 5.0 102 89 7-0 15-2 7-4 1115 1442 10.0 22.0 5.0 100 94 7-0 14-5 7-5 105 1545 9.7 21.1 0.0 104 755 7-1 14-2 7-11 1112 1575 10.0 22.0 5.7 107 Z74 7-1 14-2 7-9 103 1504 10.1 22.0 5.1 107 451 7-0 14-0 7-2 1111 1000 10.1 21.0 5.0 104 454 7-2 14-1 7-0 102 1702 10.1 21.7 5.7 100 489 7-11 14-1 7-5 102 2015 10.1 20.4 5.5 10s 547 7-5 14-1 7-0 104 220s 0.2 20.0 5.1 07 745 8-1 14-2 7-0 107 2020 9.0 20.2 5.5 100 753 7-9 14-5 7-4 1118 2470 10.1 20.4 5.2 102 717 7.0 Mean 9.8 5.5 1044 7-0 14-0 7-11 10° c551. v51. 4.0 0.7 0.0 1052 7.3 14.8 7.0 105 1144 7-0 14-1 7-2 1111 IACKSONVILLE FERTILIZER COMPANY, JACKSONVILLE. 1254 7.0 14.3 7.6 103 TEXAS 1443 7-11 15-2 7-11 1115 Groso Brand Fertilizer 8-8-8 151111 7-2 14-2 13-4 114 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 1546 ». 57-1 14-1 5-4 1°" 000 0.2 0.1 0.0 100 1585 .~., 711 14-6 7-5 104 100s 0.2 0.4 0.0 100 1626 I 7.2 15.0 5.5 102 1663 7.1 14.1 7.0 101 Groso Brand Fertilizer 6-12-6 1665 6.6 14.7 7.2 101 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 1670 6.8 13.1 7.0 96 739 6.4 12.1 6.4 104 1763 7.1 15.0 6.5 104 940 6.5 12.8 6.1 107 1807 7.6 15.2 7.5 109 1005 6.4 13.8 6.5 112 1833 7.7 15.9 7.0 111 2435 6.3 13.6 7.0 111 1873 7.1 15.2 7.4 106 2542 6.0 12.1 7.9 105 2026 7.7 13.4 7.5 103 Mean 6.3 12.9 6.8 2075 8.9 16.3 9.8 124 5 Coet. Var. 2.7 6.2 10.3 25 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTI i" . 1n , 4 I 3 .3 <>\° ,9,- _3 X Manufacturer. g; ~\° $19: a Manufacturer. :>~ .>\° "w; ; Place oi business .9 f; f5 '5' °\_ place oi business E 5 £3 and brand § 8" é '3 g and brand g g1 .9. P; 3 E2 ~21 B m i’ "E1 .-1 Z =2 n. n. > t f; 1‘- E 1g '32 Groso Brand Fertilizer 10-20-10 160 12,2 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 166 12,3 78 10.4 20.2 10.0 102 191 11.8 211 11.4 20.2 8.2 104 198 12.1 732 8.9 22.4 10.0 102 253 12,0 734 10.0 19.3 7.5 96 348 12,3 738 10.1 22.0 10.0 106 389 12,1 938 9.3 21.7 8.2 100 399 12,0 968 10.1 20.7 10.0 103 434 12,11 1002 9.2 21.9 9.0 101 463 12,1 1071 10.2 20.3 10.4 102 473 12.0 1487 10.1 20.2 10.7 102 486 12,0 1924 10.7 22.4 11.2 101 526 12,3 2543 9.9 19.4 11.2 100 529 12,1 Mean 10.0 20.9 9.7 543 12,2 Coei. Var. 6.7 5.4 12.5 581 12.1 KELLY WEBER a COMPANY. mo- LAKE CHARLES. LA. £33 Weber King Brand Fertilizer Special 8-8-8 605 12'3 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 644 12.0 2197 7.5 9.9 10.4 110 040 11:7 Weber King Brand Fertilizer Special 6-12-6 550 12-5 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 735 12-0 5.1 13.8 8.0 107 824 12.0 1616 5.5 18.4 6.1 124 333 12-0 2198 6.4 13.3 6.7 110 1087 11-8 2517 6.2 12.0 9.2 108 Weber King Brand Fertilizer Special 8-16-8 1139 12:0 Guaranteed 8.0 16.0 8.0 1107 12 0 987 8.0 16.8 8.2 103 1210 12:0 Weber King Brand 0-20-0 1213 12-2 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 0.0 1222 12-2 1615 0.0 21.3 0.0 107 1 1 KIPFER CHEMICAL COMPANY, HARLINGEN. TEXAS 1434 12,1 K-W Brand Fertilizer 10-20-0 1437 12,1 Guaranteed 10.00 20.0 0.0 1444 12,3 554 12.0 20.1 0.0 109 1449 11,7 MONSAN TO CHEMICAL COMPANY, ST. LOUIS. MO. Lion Brand Ammonium Nitrate 33.5-0-0 1577 12'1 Guaranteed 33.5 0.0 0.0 159.0 12'0 8. 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 1618 12'1 32 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 1033 12'7 45 34.1 0.0 0.0 102 1002 12'] s11 33.8 0.0 0.0 101 1040 122 333 33.8 0.0 0.0 101 1651 12'1 697 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 1056 12'1 1691 33.8 0.0 0.0 101 1751 12's 2098 33.7 0.0 0.0 101 178 4 12's 2222 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 1800 12'1 2308 33.8 0.0 0.0 101 1940 12'1 2352 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 1994 11's 2:157 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 2000 124 2426 33.5 0.0 0.0 100 20 50 12:0 2486 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 2000 11 7 Mean 0.0 0.0 11.7 C081. V01‘. 0.4 0.0 0.0 Lion Brand Urea 45-0-0 2125 12-1 Guaranteed 45.0 0.0 0.0 2145 13-0 1939 45.3 0.0 0.0 101 2152 12.1 Caustic Potash Technical Grade 0-0-45 1 Guaranteed 0.0 0.0 45.0 2049 124 2603 0.0 0.0 45.1 101 2450 124 OLIN MATHIESON CHEMICAL CORP., HOUSTON. TEXAS 2454 12.0 Mathieson Ammo Phos 12-24-12 Pelletized Fertilizer 2516 11.9 Guaranteed 12.00 24.0 12.0 Mean 12.1 52 12.2 24.0 12.4 102 Coef. Var. 2.9 26 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60. CONTINUED . U! , Ill 3 .30‘ 3 3* v i: o\° 2'32 o Manufacturer. r <>\° 273' O ess .9 g 3 3 place of business .9 f; ‘Ii 3 °\_ e b‘ 2 .2 ‘F: g and brand E U! .2 .3 ‘F. g .3 .3 '§ S E E .3 i; '§ '6 P. E .3 2 n: '3. é’. :> .3 E =1: '3. é’. :> monium Sultate 21-0-0 2134 13.1 13.2 15.0 104 ‘ Guaranteed 21.0 0.0 0.0 2144 13.1 13.2 15.4 107 448 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 2181 13.1 13.1 15.6 107 651 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 2333 13.3 13.5 13.8 107 1202 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 2348 13.2 12.7 12.7 103 1221 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 2534 ' 13.1 14.1 14.4 108 1593 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 Mean 13.1 13.5 13.8’ 2186 21.1 0.0 0.3 lgl Coef. Var. 1.9 4.7 4.8 2 46 21.1 0.0 0. 1 1 2211 2L2 [Lg [Lg 101 Mathieson Ammo Phos 15-15-15 Pelletized Fertilizer M000 010 0'0 0'0 00000000211055 112 10s _ 0°00‘ V00‘ 0'0 0'0 0'0 2055 2505 14.0 15.1 17.2 102 rea 45-0-0 _ _ _ _ Guaranteed 45_g [M] [m Mathieson Ammo Phos 15-30-0 Pe11et1zed Fert111zer 2257 45_3 (Lg M] 131 Guaranteed 15.0 30.0 0.0 2002 45.1 0.0 0.0 101 gag fig 1g" 2041 45.1 0.0 0.0 101 - -1 - 9 249s 45.4 0.0 0.0 101 668 15-4 3"" "-" 102 2504 45.0 0.0 0.0 101 852 15-1 ""5 "-" 102 Mean 45-2 0'0 0'0 Mathieson Ammo Phos 10-20-10 Pelletized Fertilizer v "wi- Vflr- "-3 "-" "-" Guaranteed 10.0 2 . 10.0 "I I 16 10.1 19.9 10.6 101 , 800115111454 0.0 45.0 0.0 27 m” 20-3 m6 m3 j 35 10.0 20.3 10.4 102 ~ 1203 0.0 46.9 0.0 102 56 9 8 20 7 m 4 m2 1548 0.0 46.1 0.0 101 ' ‘ ' 1796 D 0 46 8 o o 102 82 10.0 21.0 10.9 104 2024 0'0 462 0'0 1m 97 10.1 20.2 11.0 103 204a 010 4512 010 101 311-2 ig-g {g1 "iifv- 3"?» ‘"3 31% 12s .1: 22-2 1:: 1:1 -»- o Phos 13-13-13 Pelletized Fertilizer 190 10.0 20.8 10.2 103 Guaranteed 1 .0 13.0 13.0 195 10.4 20.1 10.1 102 9 75 13.3 13.8 13.6 107 197 10.2 20.8 10.2 103 161 13.2 13.0 13.2 104 201 10.1 20.4 10.2 102 165 13.0 13.2 14.0 105 216 10.1 20.4 10.0 102 232 218 1g.0 20.2 10.8 102 3 5 . . . 251 1 .0 20.0 10.1 101 425 13.0 13.2 14.2 105 255 10.0 20.0 10.0 100 430 13.2 13.6 13.6 106 283 10.0 20.1 10.0 101 487 13.2 13.0 13.4 104 317 10.0 20.0 10.2 101 520 13.4 13.7 13.6 107 325 10.0 20.0 10.1 101 531 13.4 13.1 13.6 106 334 10.0 20.4 10.2 102 604 14.2 13.0 13.2 108 340 9.4 20.4 10.3 100 786 13.0 13.0 13.2 103 347 10.0 20.1 10.0 101 313 13'? 13'; 13% i3? Z32 13% 33% ‘S? ‘E3 . . . . . 1 . 1 948 13.0 13.0 13.2 103 429 10.0 20.4 10.8 102 1084 12.6 12.5 13.4 101 432 10.0 20.0 10.6 101 1096 12.8 13.0 13.4 102 446 10.0 20.0 10.6 101 110g 13.0 13g 493 10.2 20.1 10.8 102 110 12.7 1 . 3. 1 494 10.1 20.0 10.4 101 1138 13.0 13.0 13.2 103 515 10.6 20.0 12.2 105 1183 13.1 13.6 14.0 106 530 10.0 20.1 10.9 102 1214 13.0 13.5 13.6 105 563 10.0 20.0 11.4 102 1235 12.7 13.1 13.8 103 566 10.0 20.0 10.6 101 1240 13.0 13.5 13.6 13541 654 10.0 " 20.0 10.4 101 1375 13.0 13.1 13.6 1 733 10.0 20.4 10.3 102 1435 12.7 14.9 15.2 110 816 10.1 21.0 10.4 104 1479 13.1 13.5 13.8 106 820 10.0 20.1 10.8 102 1531 13.0 13.5 14.0 106 822 10.1 20.1 10.3 102 1592 13.1 14.8 14.0 110 825 10.0 20.1 10.1 101 1828 13.4 15.2 12.2 109 851 10.4 20.0 10.8 103 1975 13.1 14.5 13.6 108 867 9.7 19.6 11.1 100 2004 13.4 15.3 13.8 112 887 10.0 20.0 10.4 101 2035 13.2 13.9 13.6 107 973 10.0 21.7 10.1 105 2040 13.1 13.1 13.3 104 986 10.2 20.1 12.1 104 2052 13.1 13.2 14.3 106 994 10.0 20.7 10.2 102 2074 13.1 13.4 14.0 106 1012 10.0 20.0 11.2 102 2119 12.7 13.2 14.4 106 1037 10.0 21.0 10.4 103 27 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CON'1'1N I'd . m , ' . 2 s6" a E0 Manufacturer. z- e\° 3'15: o Manufacturer, r $ :35» place of business 3 g 3 '5’ place of business 2 5 j I U u _= U u <6 u and brand >6 8" 5.5.’ u) ;> and brand 3 U‘ 5 2g P- a 9 6 29' .4 z -<: n. n‘! > E n: n.- Mathieson Ammo Phos 10-20-10 Mathieson Ammo Phos 8-32-16 Pelletized » 1040 10.0 20.0 10.0 101 Guaranteed 0.0 0 1.- 1005 10.0 20.0 10.0 101 1400 0.1 020 1097 9.4 20.0 10.2 99 1014 0.0 0 1102 9.4 21.0 11.0 100 100s 0.1 02.9 1107 10.0 20.0 10.2 101 _ .- 1109 1112 21m 1g_3 111g Math1eson Ammo Phos 16-20-0 Pelletized 1110 10.0 20.0 10.2 101 611910111966 16-6 26- 1127 10.1 20.1 10.2 101 56 16-6 21-1 1105 10.0 20.0 10.4 101 115 15-7 21 1102 10.0 20.5 10.0 102 162 16-2 26 1209 10.0 20.0 11.0 104 176 16-1 26 1209 10.2 20.0 10.0 102 252 16-5 - 1205 10.0 20.2 10.7 102 257 16-4 2 1 1002 10.0 20.0 11.0 104 259 15-7 “- 1000 9.4 20.0 11.0 101 266 16-9 26 1455 97 19.0 11.0 100 276 15-5 26- 1471 10.4 21.0 11.4 100 286 15-6 26- i- 1502 10.4 21.0 11.4 100 949 16-6 26 1500 10.1 21.2 11.0 100 666 16-6 26 1572 10.2 22.2 11.0 109 662 16-6 1010 10.0 20.2 10.5 102 996 16-6 26 "1 104s 9.1 22.9 12.2 107 966 16-6 26 1059 10.4 21.0 12.0 109 462 16.1 2 1000 10.1 21.0 12.0 100 412 16-9 26-’ 1001 10.1 19.9 11.1 102 419 16-6 1700 10.1 20.0 10.5 100 414 16-6 '1‘ 171s 10.2 21.9 10.0 107 426 16-6 '5 1704 10.0 21.9 10.4 . 107 466 16-6 2 _ 1059 10.4 22.9 10.7 110 447 16-6 1 1000 10.2 21.0 10.4 10s 466 16-6 ~'- 1070 10.1 22.0 12.2 109 475 16-6 » 1911 10.1 21.9 10.2 100 476 16-6 1970 10.1 21.2 11.0 100 479 16-6 2029 10.1 20.4 11.0 104 489 16-6 2041 10.1 21.0 11.5 100 466 16-1 2050 10.1 20.1 12.4 104 462 16-6 2000 10.1 19.0 11.5 102 465 16-1 2122 10.1 19.0 11.9 100 466 16-1 2127 9.5 20.0 12.0 101 562 16-2 2207 10.5 20.0 10.0 100 512 16-4 2201 10.1 20.0 10.9 102 516 16-6 2200 9.0 21.0 11.0 104 516 15-5 2297 10.1 20.1 10.0 102 519 16-1 2009 10.2 19.4 10.5 100 564 16-6 2442 10.1 20.1 10.4 102 567 16-6 2495 10.1 19.0 10.1 100 542 15-6 2500 10.2 19.0 10.9 101 555 16-6 2500 10.1 19.0 10.2 100 556 16-9 2509 10.1 20.1 10.0 101 564 14-7 2579 10.1 20.4 10.4 102 567 16-2 Mean 10.1 20.5 10.0 566 15-6 Coef. Var. 2.4 0.4 0.1 596 16-7 - 592 10.0 Mathieson Ammo Phos 10-20-20 Pelletized Fertilizer 594 16.0 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 20.0 597 16.3 199 10.4 20.5 20.0 100 000 10.0 200 10.0 20.9 20.4 100 000 10.0 1005 10.2 21.0 20.1 104 004 10.1 2100 9.2 20.9 22.2 102 040 10.1 045 10.0 Mathieson Ammo Phos 6-24-24 Pelletized Fertilizer 649 16,0 Guaranteed 0.0 24.0 24.0 555 15,5 100 0.0 24.1 24.0 102 072 10.0 100 0.0 24.2 24.0 101 000 10.1 200 0.1 24.0 24.2 102 005 10.1 502 0.0 24.0 24.0 101 552 15,5 2007 0.1 25.9 27.2 109 751 10.0 2009 0.1 24.2 24.1 101 700 15.2 Mean 0.1 24.5 24.0 029 10.1 Coef. Var. 1.6 2.9 4.9 832 16.2 28 "TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60. CONTINUED 6 80% 6 3Q a q o i1 ~ g a €°~ or, z- 11 °\,, Manuiacturer. f o g ess g g 3 u _ U place of business g g 3 u _ U '5 g‘ '51 g> and brand '5 g‘ ‘g > 0 ~11 E0 % a 0 0 E0 ~55 m _ 1-1 z =1‘- n. n. > 1-1 z <2 n. n. > "Ammo Phos 16-20-0 Pelletized Fertilize 2051 16.1 21.7 0.0 105 1 044 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2054 10.1 20.0 0.0 100 050 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2000 15.0 21.0 0.0 102 050 10.0 20.0 0.0 101 2101 10.1 20.1 0.0 101 005 15.4 21.0 0.0 101 2110 10.1 20.1 0.0 101 010 10.1 20.0 0.0 101 2145 ' 10.1 19.0 0.0 100 1021 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2151 10.2 20.1 0.0 101 1002 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2101 10.2 19.1 0.0 00 1005 15.0 20.0 0.0 00 2110 10.1 21.1 0.0 100 1000 10.0 20.1 0.0 101 2119 10.1 10.0 0.0 101 1041 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2219 10.1 19.5 0.0 100 1050 10.0 20.4 0.0 101 2205 10.1 20.1 0.0 101 1050 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2250 10.2 20.2 0.0 101 1050 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2202 10.1 20.2 0.0 101 1000 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2200 10.1 20.2 0.0 101 1104 10.0 20.1 0.0 101 2022 10.1 20.1 0.0 101 1100 15.4 20.5 0.0 100 2025 10.1 20.1 0.0 102 1111 10.0 21.2 0.0 100 2001 10.0 20.1 0.0 101 1124 15.0 21.0 0.0 100 2041 15.0 20.0 0.0 100 1140 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2045 10.1 20.1 0.0 101 1100 10.1 20.0 0.0 101 2450 10.1 20.1 0.0 101 1112 15.0 20.0 0.0 99 2455 10.0 19.9 0.0 100 1114 10.0 20.1 0.0 101 2405 10.1 10.0 0.0 100 1100 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2501 10.2 20.1 0.0 101 1100 10.0 20.1 0.0 101 2500 15.0 21.0 0.0 102 1190 15.0 21.0 0.0 100 2500 10.1 22.0 0.0 105 1204 14.9 20.0 0.0 110 2510 10.1 20.0 0.0 100 1211 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 2500 10.0 10.9 0.0 100 1215 10.0 21.2 0.0 100 2010 10.1 21.4 0.0 104 1220 10.1 20.2 0.0 101 Mean 10.0 20.5 0.0 1225 10.0 21.2 0.0 1010 c501. Var. 1.0 0.0 0.0 10% Mathieson Ammo Phos 11-48-0 Pelletized Fertilize 1255 1&0 20_0 0_0 100 Guarantee: 11.0 48.0 0.0 1014 10.2 20.0 0.0 101 1" 11-" 48-4 "-" 1"1 1009 15.5 20.4 0.0 101 474 11-1 4"" "-" "8 1410 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 48" 11-8 48-" "-" 1"1 1420 10.1 21.2 0.0 104 5"" 11-8 48-" "-" 1"1 1420 10.1 21.0 0.0 105 14"" 11-" 48-" "-" 1"" 1429 161 2L6 M, m4 1400 11.1 40.2 0.0 101 1400 10.1 20.5 0.0 102 1571 1"-" 49-" "-" 1"" 1400 10.0 21.1 0.0 100 158" 11-" 48-4 "-" 1"" 1445 10.0 21.0 0.0 104 1""" 11-" 48-" "-" 1"" 1440 15.1 21.1 0.0 102 1"4" 11-" 49-" "-" 1"4 1450 10.1 20.2 0.0 101 185" 12-4 48-" "-" 1"4 1456 15:] 2011 0_0 99 1949 11.3 50.3 0.0 105 1400 10.4 21.0 0.0 105 215" 11-1 48-1 "-" 1"1 140s 11.1 21.0 0.0 101 244" 11-1 48-" "-" 1"1 1510 10.1 21.1 0.0 105 2595 11-3 48-1 "-" 1"1 1510 15.0 21.0 0.0 100 M5111" 11-4 48-4 "-" 1500 10.1 21.1 0.0 100 C°°- V“ 3-3 1-9 "-" 1000 10.1 21.0 0.0 104 - - - - 16119 16.1 2117 11111 1115 Math1eson 11131111101511111115131116 48 llsPoellehzzgioFertllxzeg 1041 10.1 20.4 0.0 109 m9 16] 49", 0'0 m 1652 16.4 20.4 0.0 103 1602 16.4 50.6 0'0 105 105s 10.2 20.0 0.0 101 ‘ ' ' 1658 16.4 20.0 0.0 101 Mathieson Ammo Phos 13-39-0 Pelletized Fertilize 1660 16.1 20.6 0.0 102 Guaranteed 13.0 39.0 0.0 1000 10.2 21.1 0.0 104 111 10.1 09.4 0.0 101 1001 0- 15.2 20.5 0.0 102 240 10.0 00.0 0.0 102 1105 10.5 21.1 0.0 105 250 10.1 09.2 0.0 101 1004 10.1 21.4 0.0 104 001 10.1 09.0 0.0 101 1050 10.1 21.1 0.0 10s 401 10.0 00.0 0.0 100 1010 10.1 21.1 0.0 100 412 10.0 00.0 0.0 100 1040 10.1 21.1 0.0 105 511 10.1 00.0 0.0 00 1954 10.1 21.5 0.0 104 521 10.0 00.4 0.0 100 1900 10.1 21.5 0.0 104 590 10.1 00.2 0.0 101 1900 10.1 20.1 0.0 102 055 10.0 00.0 0.0 100 2001 11.0 21.4 0.0 101 101 10.0 00.0 0.0 101 200s 10.0 20.9 0.0 100 1000 10.0 41.0 0.0 105 2000 15.0 21.0 0.0 100 2 1404 10.1 0.0 104 40.9 ' 20 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60. CONTI . 0'1 o . 6': } a 26 a 2* Manufacturer, a‘ °\° :1?! Q Manufacturer, f °\° I place of business .9 f; Ii U °_ place of business .9 g 3 U_ and brand g U‘ £3 '5: g and brand E U‘ s.“ n .3 g 3 E E .3 ,8 '§ 5. .3 2 <3. é’. :> .3 E m3‘. Mathieson Ammo Phos 13-39-0 Pelletized Fertilizer PITTSBURG FERTILIZER COMPANY. PITTS - 1581 13.0 40.0 0.0 102 Golden Nugget Brand 8-8-8 n‘ 1641 13.8 39.5 0.0 103 Guaranteed 8.0 1646 13.1 39.0 0.0 101 152 8.7 1650 13.4 40.1 0.0 103 238 8.5 1657 13.2 39.6 0.0 102 1322 5.5 1661 13.2 39.3 0.0 102 1351 5.2 1783 13.1 41.6 0.0 105 1398 9.8 1835 13.3 40.3 0.0 103 1742 8.1 1951 13.1 39.6 0.0 102 1818 8.5 2263 13.2 39.7 0.0 102 2362 8.1 2334 13.1 39-.7 0.0 102 2396 6.6 . . 2510 13.2 38.0 0.0 99 2403 7.7 . ' Mean 13.2 39.6 0.0 2488 4.8 . _ Coef. Var. 1.5 2.2 0.0 Mean 7.4 . .2 Coef. Var. 22.1 . , TY. ,_ CHEMICAL COMPANY YAZOO CI G01 den Nugget Brand 12-12-12 :7 MCC Brand Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer 33.5-0-0 Guaranteed 12-0 - - Guaranteed 33.5 0.0 0.0 1397 13-11 - I 360 34.1 0.0 0.0 102 14115 12-6 - f; 1953 33-5 11° "-9 1°“ Golden Nugget Brand 10-20-0 '1' ouvz: SEED s. NURSERY. SAN ANGELO, TEXAS G“‘“°“‘1jf]§ ' _ Olive Special Plant Food 10-10-5 ' ' 5' Guaranteed 10.0 10.0 5.0 Golden Nugget Brand 6-12-6 2.5 Guaranteed 6'0 . . 151 7.9 - * OZARK MAHONING COMPANY. TULSA. OKLA. 1128 7.9 . i‘ Ozark 16-20-0 1352 1.1 . Guaranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 1143 1.6 i 2414 16.2 20.1 0 0 101 1904 6.5 . ‘ 2363 6.7 . Ozark 13-39-0 2382 5.7 , Guaranteed 13.0 39.0 0.0 2404 6.6 . 2413 12.1 33.6 0 0 99 2551 1.0 1 Mean 7.1 '- olflfk 0-52-0 Coef. Var. 10.9 Guaranteed 0.0 52.0 0.0 .7 2475 0.0 55.2 0.0 107 Golden Nugget Brand 10-20-10 Guaranteed 10.0 PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY. BARTLESVILLE. OKLA. 149 . 9.3 _: Phillips 66 Ammonium Nitrate 33.5-0-0 150 9.2 , Guaranteed 33.5 0.0 0.0 153 9.3 j 372 33.5 0.0 0.0 100 243 9.7 1' 1950 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 315 10.0 1987 33.7 0.0 0.0 101 318 10.0 " 2218 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 924 9.0 20. Y. 2276 33.9 0.0 0.0 102 1011 9.1 { 2310 33.5 0.0 0.0 100 1061 10.0 ? 2324 33.5 0.0 0.0 100 1321 9.7 4 Mean 33.6 0.0 0.0 1350 8.7 [- Coet. Var. 0.4 0.0 0.0 1404 9.2 I? ' 2302 8.8 5; Phillips 66 Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0 2361 8.2 l. Guaranteed 21.0 0.0 0.0 233g 7_7 ,2 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 2527 9_3 l_ 1157 21.4 0.0 0.0 102 2532 11m 2M 1381 21.2 0.0 0.0 101 2564 93 ‘Y 1767 21.4 0.0 0.0 102 Mean 9_3 ; 1823 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 Coeh van 63 I 1955 21.2 0.0 0.0 101 a 2099 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 Golden Nugget Brand 5-10-10 if 2277 21.2 0.0 0.0 101 Guaranteed 5.0 10. . 2285 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 237 7.6 1 *1 2499 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 2381 5.6 11.51; 2561 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 2393 6.2 13.7; 2573 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 2395 5.8 11.41 2597 21.1 0.0 0.0 101 2405 5.3 p Mean 21.2 0.0 0.0 Mean 6.1 11.35 CoeI. Var. 0.5 0.0 0.0 Coei. Var. 14.8 13.6 30 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZEBS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED . J1 . v‘: 3 2* 3 .3=>\° O ~ O Q. ~ p, f § 2'19. \, Manufacturer, if § Q IE \° o '_. U O _ o ,_ U o ~8- fi ,1; U _ place of bus1ness -- g ,,q d _ 1 H Ut 2 U ‘a w d b d P. U! 2 U "1': U o o ,,,, i 1n > an ran o o ,,_ a v1 > 9 = E2 5 a 1* = 2,9, 11 a .4 2' =12 o. g > .3 E =11 n. d’. > ,~ et Brand 10-20-20 2441 6.6 10.9 6.1 1 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 20.0 Mean 6.6 12.4 6.3 e 2392 8.7 19.3 15.0 89 Coei. Var. 6.6 7.1 5.7 get Brand 16-20-0 Red Star Pelleted Super Flo Brand 10-20-10 =, Guaranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 Guaranteed ' 10.0 20.0 10.0 . 2 13.5 20.9 0.0 94 9.5 19.3 10.1 1403 11.1 25.7 0.0 96 79 9.6 20.1 10.0 1755 12.2 22.2 0.0 92 125 9.4 21.0 10.2 . 239 9.1 20.1 10.8 TILIZER COMPANY, PLAINVIEW. TEXAS 291 9.7 20.2 10.0 Acid 0-53-0 292 10.0 20.0 10.2 "" Guaranteed 0.0 53.0 0.0 299 10.1 21.0 10.0 h’ 2469 0.0 53.4 0.0 101 303 9.0 20.0 10.0 ‘ 313 9.4 20.2 10.2 Y” ‘ 6. CHEMICAL CO., LOS FRESNOS. TEXAS 316 9.7 20.5 10.1 a oludrv 20-20-0 921 9.5 - 20.0 10.2 f Guaranteed 20.0 20.0 0.0 301 9,3 20,0 10,4 ‘_ 1149 20.0 20.0 0.0 100 840 9.5 20.0 10.1 ortilizer 14-14-14 e Guaranteed 14.0 14.0 14.0 ' ' ' 1112 9.5 20.0 10 0 549 14.2 14.1. 14.0 101 1271 9 3 20 2 10.1 1150 14.2 14.8 14.6 104 1313 9'5 20's 10's a 1188 14.0 14.7 14.4 103 1386 9:2 20:9 10:5 _T1L1ZER CO., SULPHUR SPRINGS. TEXAS a. 1leted Super F10 BICIIId I’ Guaranteed 15.0 15.0 0.0 1887 8.9 19.8 1017 ‘ 1.5.1 15.0 0.0 101 1894; B111“ 1333 31? 131% 111% i, 74o 8_1 8_1 an 101 2000 10.5 20.2 10.3 1. 1114 9.9 9.1 9.1 111 21121 11-‘1 211-1 111-2 ,1 1902 9.1 9.0 9.7 101 211711 111-1 111-11 11-1 ‘_ 2592 10.1 9.7 11.0 127 13141 lleted Super Flo Brand 12-12-12 2339 10-1 19-3 10.3 ', Guaranteed 12.0 12.0 12.0 2403 113-3 19-4 10.2 * 602 13.4 12.0 8.2 101 2425 11-2 13-7 10-1 1999 12.1 13.4 12.8 106 illeted Super F10 Brand 10-20-0 2513 111-7 13-7 11.0 1 ‘ Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 0.0 2573 9-7 19-3 10.4 290 9.7 20.1 0.0 99 Mean 9-7 211-1 10-5 293 10,1 20,0 0,0 101 Ceei. Var. 5.3 4.3 6.4 ggi Red Star Pelleted Super Flo Brand 12-24-12 Guaranteed 101s 11.2 19.2 0.0 109 ‘$111 12-11 211-11 12-4 1019 10.9 20.0 0.0 102 111 12-5 24-11 12-11 1299 10.7 20.1 0.0 104 111911 11-1 21-11 12-11 1401 10.5 20.2 0.0 10a 211511 111-2 25-7 111-5 1542 10.1 20.0 0.0 101 2079 m3 19-9 0.0 m1 Red Star Pelétlzaéirasgigzlé F10 Bgaaxd 5-1106100 m0 2300 10.3 20.1 0.0 102 2390 6'4 1 1'3 6'9 2305 9.8 18.5 0.0 95 2407 6'8 1 5'4 11's Mean 10.4 20.2 0.0 ' ' ' Ceei, Var, 4.4 5,7 0,0 Red Star Pelleted Super F10 Brand 16-20-0 v 2“ y, Guaranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 p eted Super FlozBrand 6-12-6 9 15.5 20.1 0.0 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 300 16.0 20.0 0.0 240 6.2 12.0 6.0 102 362 15.1 20.1 0.0 254 7.6 12.2 6.0 111 386 16.1 20.0 0.0 1115 6.3 12.7 6.0 105 460 16.2 20.3 0.0 1400 6.4 12.1 6.2 104 600 15.7 20.4 0.0 1738 6.5 13.8 6.2 111 755 15.0 20.0 0.0 1888 6.1 13.3 6.9 108 842 16.0 20.8 0.0 1892 6.7 13.3 7.0 112 1017 16.6 19.6 0.0 2391 6.9 11.6 6.4 105 1020 16.5 20.3 0.0 2408 6.9 12.1 6.4 107 1113 16.0 20.0 0.0 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTIN 1'3 n U] o . II _' .9.- o £5 2 o .§_$ Manufacturer, z- °\ Q \° Manufacturer. f °\ o place of business g g Ii U °_ U place of business 4g g 1E g1 and brand *' b‘ £3 ‘111 > and brand 1* U‘ .3 E mi. n‘! > 1S E afie Red Star Pelleted Super Flo Brand 16-20-0 Smith Douglass Pelleform 15-30-0 ., ’ 1266 16.1 20.0 0.0 101 Guaranteed 15.0 900 1269 16.1 20.7 0.0 102 2027 11.9 . 19 1270 14.9 20.0 0.0 97 2290 15.4 90.2 . 1956 16.2 21.9 0.0 10s _ e 1961 16_1 22_6 6_6 165 Smith Douglass Pelleiorm 10-20-10 a 1997 16.4 21.5 0.0 105 Guaranteed 111-11 211-11 1 2049 15.9 21.4 0.0 101 57 111-1 211-9“ 2169 15.7 20.9 0.0 100 99 111-Z 211-1. 2240 16.1 19.4 0.0 99 183 11-1 211-11. 2907 15.4 20.1 0.0 99 192 111-9 211-11: 2515 16.4 20.1 0.0 102 229 111-4 211-4 Mean 15.9 20.4 0.0 555 111-5 211-1- Coef. Var. 9.1 9.4 0.0 Red Star Pelleted Super Flo Brand 8-32-0 814 10.4 23.1,? Guaranteed 9.0 92.0 0.0 942 12.0 21.7. 1999 7.5 92.1 0.0 99 965 10.7 22.2 11 9 10.5 2. f Red Star Pelleted Super Flo Brand 13-39-0 1231 1113 Guaranteed 13.0 39.0 0.0 1376 1116 2M1 462 13.0 39.1 0.0 101 1563 11_6 231211 Red Star Pelleted Super Flo Brand 0-20-0 1 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 0.0 1693 1114 21 a; 299 0.0 20.1 0.0 101 1695 11-1 11-11 294 0.0 20.2 0.0 101 1m 111-a 11:1,- 902 0.0 20.6 0.0 109 1716 111-a m. 997 0.0 20.0 0.0 100 18111 111-z 111 741 0.0 20.2 0.0 101 1861 111-g 23-6 1267 0.0 20.5 0.0 109 1925 111-z 21:6; 1997 0.0 22.1 0.0 111 21171 111-s 11111- 1996 0.0 21.1 0.0 106 21118 111-s 21:11 Mean 0.0 20.6 0.0 M - . ean 10.6 21.7 . Coef. Var. 0.0 3.4 0.0 C°e1 Var 42 58-1 '- en 0- 0-5 " Red Star Peuégeixtged 1 11116 161) 51] Smith Douglass Pelleiorm 12-24-12 124 10.0 10.9 5.9 104 Guaranteed 12-11 459 10.0 10.1 5.7 102 199 12-11 1402 10.9 11.6 5.9 112 4711 12-2 1995 11.9 12.0 5.1 119 497 12-11 2025 10.4 12.9 6.6 114 1191 12-4 2162 10.2 10.5 5.9 104 11115 12-1 2906 9.1 11.6 5.2 102 1191 12-1 2514 10.0 19.4 6.9 116 11911 12-1 2550 11.0 10.1 5.9 109 1195 12-1 Mean 10.4 11.4 5.7 1219 12-9 c691. Var. 7 6 9.7 11.4 Red Star Triple Flo Brand 0-46-0 2662 11_7 Guaranteed 0.0 46.0 0.0 2669 11_6 969 0.0 46.5 0.0 101 2139 1L3 1 2911 0 0 49.4 0.0 106 2184 124 SMITH DOUGLASS co.. 1110.. TEXAS CITY. TEXAS Smith Douglass Pelleiorm 12-12-12 2574 1211 Guaranteed 12.0 12.0 12.0 M 1211 796 12.0 12.2 12.2 101 C e91“ V 3-2 :1: 1:1 111 " 1977 1 . . . m- , e19 m _ _ 2599 12.9 12.7 12.2 104 s "h D°ugl 515411111111 m Smith Douglass 99116161111 14-14-14 111112 111-9 Guaranteed 14.0 14.0 14.0 11114 111-1 1229 19.9 15.6 15.2 109 2159 111-4 1621 14.1 15.; 16.6 1g; 2255 111-1 1696 19.1 16. . 2070 14.1 16 9 14 4 107 5mm‘ D°“91‘§f1a1’1f111'1‘1*if11m 6'24'§‘1*1 Smith Douglass Pelleform 10-20-0 1132 7.0 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 0.0 1378 7.0 557 10.7 20.9 0.0 104 1694 6.6 1990 11.2 22.0 0.0 109 1962 9.9 32 ABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED 6 50% 6 5g a \° '5. ~ ‘1 \<> '5. ~ z- ° _ m \., Manufacturer, a ° w f2 \° .3 g j U °_ U place oi business .3 2'5; 3 g °_ '5 8‘ '51 > and brand 3 U‘ g "5, g 0 2:. ~51, a 0 8s 5 a .4 z =1: n. n. :> .4 z n: n. 8 :> l’ . Pelleiorm 7-28-14 Smith Douglass 0-52-0 ‘i uaranteed 7.0 28.0 14.0 Guaranteed 0.0 52.0 0.0 .. 1654 7.9 28.8 15.2 107 2571 0.0 53.2 0.0 103 L Pelletorm 16-20-0 SCOPE CHEMICAL CO., BENTON HARBOR. MICHIGAN ‘ uaranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 Tri 40 10-20-10 ' i; 469 16.5 20.0 0.0 102 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 480 16.7 20.0 0.0 103 2117 10.8 21.7 11.6 110 g 498 12.6 22.2 0.0 94 573 15_7 2113 [L11 10g SQUTHWEST_CI'I_EMICAL. INC" McALLEN. TEXAS ;. 004 10.s 21.0 0.0 10s T515 Crop I-Iqwd 741-" f’ 315 15_5 213 1L1] 1113 Guaranteed 7.0 21.0 0.0 Q 1100 10.5 20.0 0.0 100 1159 7-3 21-11 0-11 102 1192 16.0 21.3 0.0 103 . . 1101 10.0 21.0 0.0 101 1°!’ C"? 1"‘1c‘;‘“1"111‘1°fl m 0 m 0 5 0 1220 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 ‘1 "11 1Z8 m-l 10-4 5-4 m3 ’-' 1230 16.0 21.7 0.0 104 ' ' ' ~‘ 13"" 111-1 "l" "-" 1"? Guaranteed 00.0 0.0 0.0 12g" "g 1(1)" 020 01.0 0.0 0.0 01 5 1 1 -1 - "- 1 1 1100 02.0 .0 . .» 1623 16.8 22.2 0.0 109 0 0 0 98 1 1692 16.8 22.0 0.0 108 Top Crop Liquid 12-15-0 1 1745 16.1 22.9 0.0 107 Guaranteed 12.0 15.0 0.0 1800 16.4 23.0 0.0 108 627 11.7 15.0 0.0 99 1 1942 16.2 20.5 0.0 102 1158 11.3 15.1 0.0 98 ~’" 1952 16.1 23.7 0.0 109 5 2001 10.2 21.5 0.0 10s T<>P CIOP Liquid "-54-" 21153 165 2115 1L0 1114 Guaranteed 0.0 54.0 0.0 1 2101 10.1 21.0 0.0 10s "Z" "-" 54-6 11" 1112 2185 16.1 21.1 0.0 103 2229 1&8 19A on m1 S%I‘1V'IQEZ\II{E§:I24EIJERTILIZER 6. CHEMICAL. EL PASO. TEXAS 2237 17.0 19.1 0.0 102 Gum“ nteed 8.0 24.0 0.0 2304 16.3 21.8 0.0 106 2607 8 5 24 1 0 0 m3 2447 16.6 20.9 0.0 105 ' ' ‘ 2452 15-" 24-5 "11 109 SPENCER CHEMICAL COMPANY, KANSAS CITY o. ' Z55" 16-5 20-4 "-" 1"" Mr. N. Ammonium Nitrate 00.s-0-0 ' M 1 Mean 15-2 21-4 0-0 Guaranteed 33.5 0.0 0.0 A_ Coei. Var. 4.8 6.3 0.0 142 345 1L0 1L0 104 Peneform 16484] 1756 33.6 0.0 0.0 101 jGuaranteed 10.0 40.0 0.0 1947 33-8 11° 11-11 1111 2576 15.8 46.9 0.0 99 spell”; Urea 454141 Guaranteed 45.0 0.0 0.0 Pelletorm 13-39-0 .' Guaranteed 13.0 39.0 0.0 2183 4&0 0'0 0'0 mo . 1133 13.2 39.4 0.0 102 Spencer Green 32414) 2575 13-1 40-8 0-0 104 Guaranteed 32.0 0.0 0.0 I -~: Pelleiorm Fertilizer 0-46-0 2604 3L0 0'0 0'0 97 Guaranteed "-" 415-" "-" swn-"r a. COMPANY. HOUSTON. TEXAS 1 1612 "-" 47-" "-" 1"" swiive Red Steer 1s-1s-0 2023 o-U 46-2 0-0 101 Guaranteed 15.0 15.0 0.0 . 1938 11.5 16.3 0.0 90 10 1_Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 Swift's Red Steer 8-8-8 7 767 11.1 24.3 10.8 116 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 989 13.5 15.5 10.4 103 779 7.7 9.5 8.0 105 998 13.3 16.4 10.3 104 1489 8.1 8.7 8.4 105 1341 10.0 20.9 12.4 106 1497 8.4 12.4 8.8 123 1392 2102.4 20.0 10.2 102 1523 8.5 10.1 9.0 114 1973 {11.2 20.9 12.1 110 2083 8.0 8.3 9.0 104 2091 10.1 20.2 10.7 102 Mean 8.1 9.8 8.6 2160 10.1 20.7 10.7 103 Coei. Var. 3.9 16.5 5.0 § Mean 22117 11:3 1111 Swift's Red Steer 12-12-12 - Co“ var 12 0 13 3 .7 5 Guaranteed 12.0 12.0 12.0 E ' ' ' ' ' 2036 10.5 15.3 12.0 103 1» 0-51-0 Swiifs Her Steer 10-20-0 jnGuaranteed 0.0 51.0 0.0 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 0.0 ~ 2476 0.0 51.9 0.0 102 9.2 19.6 0.0 96 2572 0.0 51.1 0.0 101 I 504 9.5 20.2 0.0 99 33 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED 34 S o 11* 2 o 1* Manufacturer, f °\ \° Manufacturer, a s? place of business e3 g 3 U °_ U place of business e3 g Ii U and brand 3 g‘ '5 > and brand '5 1g’ 6 8.2 % a 6 B6 .4 z =1: n. n. :> .44 z =1: n. Swift's Red Steer 10-20-0 913 9.6 20.0 ' 583 10.0 20.2 0.0 101 1257 9.4 20.8 588 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 1393 9.3 20.0 827 9.2 20.3 0.0 98 1490 10.1 24.5 835 9.5 20.0 0.0 98 1562 9.7 20.1 847 9.4 20.9 0.0 100 1684 9.3 20.6 1970 8.8 22.4 0.0 102 1702 10.2 21.1 Mean 9.5 20.5 0.0 1863 9.5 21.3 Coef. Var. 4.2 4.2 0.0 1921 10.6 21.6 _ I 1926 9.7 20.1 Swifts Red Steer 6-12-6 1959 9_4 21_9 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 2934 9_5 2g_7 31 6.5 11.8 6.1 103 229g 9_4 2g_1 84 6.0 12.6 6.0 103 235g 1g_1 2M 111 11 111 11 111 - - - M 9.7 20.5 Var. 4.0 4.6 456 614 12:4 6:5 106 Swift's Red Steer 12-24-12 525 6.6 12.6 6.3 107 Guaranteed 12.0 24.0 582 6.9 12.9 6.0 110 458 12.0 24.0 659 6.2 12.2 6.0 103 510 12.0 24.7 661 6.6 12.3 6.1 13g 2519 12.1 24.0 780 6.5 12.5 6.1 1 _ , 803 7" 14's 1%‘; Swifts Red 5651;111:1111-1112 so 10o 32117; 121171 6:0 100 61 5-5 11-7 664 6.6 12.0 6.7 104 17111 5-1 111-7 646 6.6 16.4 6.0 11o 1713 6-4 111-11 f 349 5-5 13-2 5-9 111 Swift's Red Steer 10-20-20 1 11139 3-7 12-3 5-1 1114 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 " 1146 6.8 13.1 7.3 113 1533 7_9 24_2 1111 11 111 111 1685 6:1 7:2 107 Swift's Red S1661’ 16-20-0 1922 6.1 14.1 1.4 115 9116161116661 16-11 711-11 2062 6.6 12.1 6.0 107 117 15-6 711-11 2651 6.9 16.9 10.1 124 395 15-6 711-7 6 7 107 457 16.2 20.0 2468 6.6 12.3 . 0 2o a 2512 6.4 14.1 611] gag 20-1 M... 25" Z‘? 13'? Z» 688 15-1 w ' I 1 823 14.6 20.0 Coef. Var. 5.9 6.2 15.1 848 14-2 2L6 Swift's Red Steer 7-14-7 363 14-5 211-5 Guaranteed 7.0 14 0 7.0 1057 14-5 22-0 2174 6.5 11 7 7.1 90 1145 15.6 20.7 Swift's Red Steer 10-26-16 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 ' ' 64 9 6 19 5 9 6 96 2176 “'7 2°" ' ' ' Mean 15.0 20.7 46 9.5 20.4 16.9 104 C f v 5 4 3 6 44 9.6 21.5 10.6 100 °° ' ‘“' ' ' _ 58 10.0 19.3 10.0 99 Swift's Red Steer 0-20-0 "u" 76 9.4 20.4 10.1 99 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 , 83 9.8 20.3 10.0 100 491 0.0 20.3 ‘ 127 1&0 21m 10A 101 Swift s Minute Man Ammonium Nitrate 3 326 10.3 20.2 10.0 102 . Guaranteed 33.5 0.0 381 .6 0. . ' ' 660 10.0 20.0 10.0 100 Vigoro for Commercial Growers 10-20-10 662 8.9 20.6 8.4 96 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 765 9.4 20.0 10.0 98 508 9.2 20.3 777 10.0 20.9 10.0 103 1161 9.5 20.5 1g? Vigoro for St. Augustine Grass 12-6-6 792 10's 20"] “f2 m2 Guaranteed 12.0 6.0 ' ' ' 681 11.1 6.5 797 10.0 20.4 10.1 102 B 14 14 7 828 10.0 20.0 10.3 101 rimm - - 850 9.3 20.1 10.1 98 Guaranteed 14.0 14.0 862 9.5 20.0 10.2 99 1155 13.1 14.0 901 9.5 20.4 10.1 100 1162 13.1 15.1 51 » ABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60. CONTINUED 8 é’ 1* 2 E8“ A r 922g o‘, Manufacturer. f f Efg o‘, g .9 $1 ,,q U place of business 3 $1‘ ,1; d E a’ U Q J5 U 2 m U u 8d U U‘ -- .... m > and brand U‘ -- . m > .8 ,3 '8 8 2 E 3 g '8 *2 2 \ .3 i2 a’: i. 8 > 3 E 3: “é. 11’. § - 12181111 19-19-19 Guaranteed 13.0 13.0 13.0 Guaranteed 13.0 13.0 13.0 1 2s 12.4 11.1 15.8 97 1918 12.2 14.8 19.8 109 24 2084 12.9 15.0 19.2 109 81111111111888 8.0 24.0 24.0 21177 - 13-11 111-11 111-7 1114 5-3 25-5 23-2 13g Pasturgro 6-24-24 1 1874 6.6 24.6 18.8 G d 6_0 241] 4_0 1, 2175 '7 2 24-1 24-1 1115 11111111121401 8.1 25.4 24.0 104 111w, SHREVEPQRT, 1,11, 2456 10.0 21.0 24.8 108 guelrgfifed 80 89 89 Certified Formula for Sweet Potatoes 7-14-14 4 8.5 8.7 8'4 Gudrflnteed 7-0 219 811 8:1 810 101 14-11 14-11 1113 997 8.9 8.5 7.1 102 - 13-11 14-1 1111 1915 8.8 10.7 9.0 117 . 2929 94 92 99 194 112114419 $198191 Pfioguggs. lglgcéocnocnlzs. TEXAS , 2559 8.9 8.2 8.1 107 °1‘° 1 "an e‘ 1 12°‘ " ' 9 Mean 8.5 8.7 8.1 uaranieed 880 8.0 880 2 c881 v81 91 119 78 11 11-11 11-4 11-11 11111 1 ' ' ' ' ' 179 8.4 8.1 8.1 104 9891:1181 8-1t2-8d 6 U 12 0 6 0 83g 8.0 3.2 8.2 102 » uamn ee - - - 8 8.9 .0 8.0 108 - 158 8.9 12.7 8.9 111 871; 9,2 0,4 7,2 100 729 8.5 11.9 8.1 101 991 9,0 3,0 8,0 100 :21 21 111 21 121 12 81 . - - 1 8. 8.9 8.0 102 1055 6.3 12.5 6.7 106 1075 9,0 3,1 3,4 102 1667 6-5 13-1 6-4 169 1122 8.4 10.3 6.8 110 1910 6.8 13.4 8.7 117 1305 9,0 9,3 3,4 107 2560 6.9 12.3 6.8 109 1347 3,0 9,1 9,5 107 2562 6-7 12-1 6-1 165 1759 8.5 11.0 8.4 117 Mean 6-6 12-4 6-6 1775 7.8 8.8 8.4 109 . _ Coef. Var. 3.0 4.9 12.8 1931 9,1 9,0 9,0 107 9 _ _ 1971 8.5 10.2 9.0 115 J 8519111111111111111181110 10.0 20.0 10.0 22111 7-4 11-4 11-5 99 102 10.4 19.5 10.2 101 221111 11-4 11-1 11-2 1111 292 10.0 20.9 10.0 101 2439 11-11 8-1 3-2 1111 981 10.8 20.5 10.0 104 24113 7-11 7-7 8-4 99 1058 10.0 20.9 10.0 101 Mean 11-2 11-7 11-2 1066 93 181] 13$ 99 Coef. Var. 5.2 10.1 6.2 118 111 1909 10.0 20.1 10.8 102 e ' ' ' 1929 19 9 29 2 19 9 192 1905 11.4 19.8 12.0 102 1999 19-1 22-9 19-4 199 1507 11.7 15.0 11.8 107 2901 9.8 20.9 10.5 102 2978 10.9 17.1 11.8 98 ' ' ' 2499 9 9 19 9 19 9 99 2192 11.9 12.0 15.0 102 2419 9.9 18.9 10.8 98 M 2481 1111 2429 9.9 25.1 10.9 114 e11“ ' - - 2 491 9 9 29 1 19 9 191 c881. v81. 8.2 9.1 10.1 2438 9-11 211-9 1 111-1 99 Lone Star Brand 10-20-0 Fertilizer 2525 111-O 19-8 11-4 1112 61181111118811 10.0 20.0 0.0 Mean 9-9 26-2 111-7 1778 9.4 22.0 0.0 104 9 Coei. Var. 4.1 8.1 8.1 2131 9,7 20,4 0,0 100 s 5-10-10 2205 9.2 - 19.9 0.0 95 1151118111888 5.11 111.11 111.11 2914 w-l 19-9 1w 101 962 -.- 51,9 “m 11m 106 Lone Star Brand 6-12-6 Fertilizer 1 Steer 3-12-12 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 Guaranteed 3.0 12.0 12.0 137 6.0 12.4 6.1 102 , 224 9.4 12.1 12.4 104 180 8.2 12.2 8.0 102 » . 805 8. 1 .9 8.0 102 (1111111111111111111111811118811 rower 110 1210 0 10 0 1172 5'11 11-11 11-11 117 152 9 29-1 19-9 191 875 8.2 12.0 8.0 102 - - 882 8.2 12.0 8.1 102 , 1 992 8.0 12.5 8.9 104 1 81181811118811 8.0 8.0 8.0 1074 8.0 12.0 8.2 101 1 720 7.5 9.9 8.2 109 1121 8.0 12.8 8.0 109 984 8.0 8.7 8.2 104 1907 7.9 15.0 7.2 124 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FEBTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED -7 36 .2‘ 5* 2; E5" Manufacturer, f- °\" 2'1‘; \, Manufacturer, Z1 °\" :1‘; place of business 6g i; I g °_ place 0f business wg f; 1' and brand " U‘ 3.5’. ‘a U and brand " U‘ 3.” Q o n-l h g > Q ,_ o u-q n '3 r3 3.8 ‘6 E '3 r?- 53 5?- ..1 z n: n. n. :> .4‘ 2 z =1: 9. i» Lone Star Brand 6-12-6 Fertilizer Lone Star Brand 10-20-20 Fertilizer ' 1348 6.1 12.9 6.3 105 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 1417 6.2 12.6 6.7 13g 879 10.0 20.3 1557 6.0 12.8 6.5 1 1604 61] 12A 55 103 Lone Star Brand 6-24-24 Fertilizer 1119 6.4 14.0 6.6 114 Glwrflnteed 6-0 24-0 1911 6.1 12.9 6.9 106 1778 6-9 25-2 1972 5'8 132 7'1 106 Lone Star Brand 16-20-0 Fertilize 13g Guaranteed 16.0 20.0 I M 6-1 12-7 6-4 909 16.0 20.5 2 62;?‘ Var 5'1 6'4 6'2 “'4 223' - - - - - - 6 15.6 2 .0 » Lone Star Brand 10-20-10 Fertilgzrler 200 100 _ G"""""e'1'2' 10's 19'5 10'4 102 1336 115's ‘ - - - 2 9 4.1 0. - 54 g5 13% 2015 14.9 19.0 a 1117s 10's 20'2 10'0 101 M“? “'4 21'? " ' ' ' Coe . Var. 3.2 4. '7 178 10.0 20.0 10.1 101 187 10.0 20.0 10.5 101 Lone Star Brand Fertilizer 0-20-0 207 10.0 20.2 10.3 101 Guqrqmeed 0,0 20,0 656 10.1 20.0 10.2 102 55 0,0 21,0 698 10.0 20.0 10.0 100 1774 0,0 21,4 772 10.0 $0.6 2448 0.0 20.6 798 9.5 1.1 1 . 000 10,0 20,5 10,1 102 TEXAS FARM SUPPLY, BAY CITY. TEXAS 309 9,7 20,2 10,0 100 Tex-Farm Fertilizer 16-8-0 371 9,5 20,0 10,9 99 Guaranteed 16.0 8.0 914 9.6 20.0 10.0 99 1987 16-1 10-9 88° 10'2 20'“ l” 101 r1121". PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, mo- £01m a 894 10'4 20'0 10'0 102 Tide Green Liquid Fertilizer 12-12-0 » us]? Guaranteed 12.0 12.0 911 9'6 20'0 10'0 99 516 12-3 l“ 990 9'1 20'0 10'0 99 619 l“ l“ 1120 10'0 20'0 10'0 100 624 12-1 "-7 ' ' ' 1169 12.4 12.3 2222 122 2.2-2 222 222 1416 10's 19'6 10's 102 m4 12-1 134 1509 10'1 21'1 10'2 105 Me“ l“ "-5 1601 9'6 2119 910 101 C°e*- V“ "-8 2-9 1773 9.7 20.9 10.1 102 T-d G L- -d 1:- t-l- 1545,11 1610 10.1 20.9 11.9 10a 1 e ‘men g1‘:;,,,,;§;1,'=" 100 15,0 1907 9.4 20.9 10.4 101 612 15_3 1&0 1920 9.5 19.1 11.7 98 712 14_3 15_7 2222 .22 222 222 209a 9:1 20:1 11:0 99 Tide Green Liquid Fertilizer 10-20-0 2130 9.7 20.3 10.0 100 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 2193 9.2 137 615 10.2 20.8 2204 9.7 2 . . . 2 Tide Green Liquid Fertilizer 8-16-8 _. Guaranteed 8.0 16.0 ‘ ' ' ' 714 7.6 17.5 ,3 i??? 13'?‘ Z311 131 131 1168 28 12-1 2 Mean 9:9 20,4 10,4 Tide Green Liquid Fertilizer 12-12-6 2n ; _ _ 3,5 3,1 7,5 Guaranteed 12.0 1 . i C°°f V“ 614 11.2 i‘ 12-24-12 F '1' 625 10-6 1- ~ "one 8"" Brgiidaranteed e"12.z0"' 24.0 12.0 1157 11-5 12-2 " 50 11.3 24.3 12.1 99 - L- -d I,- -1- 15404] ; 1698 11-8 24-9 12" 1v" h“ 6”” é‘fI§....iZ’ZZi"°' 15.0 10.0 1935 12.1 26.6 13.2 107 613 151] 1Z3 2149 10.5 24.9 13.2 99 317 15_0 10,0 = __ 619 15.1 10.1 2 Lone Star Bgznd 5-10-1: Fertzlgzoer 100 w” 1171 15,0 10,3 . uurantee - - 2182 15.7 10.9 i 993 3.5 115 10.3 98 Mean 15.2 11.0 ;'l 2087 5.8 12 4 12 2 121 Coei Var 2.0 6.9 2 4s o-4s-o v -- aranteed 2312 l 8-8-8 aranteed 210 974 ltd-INA CHEMICA Mecca lI-l 99°59!” ocaoc: 0.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.4 I III a o 3*“ >- °\ “"15 , '* ~ <9 '6 <>\ .3 g z == _ U s 8‘ £8 "F? => f; E2 *3 a A Z <1 n. n. > 1d Fertilize ~aranteed 0.0 0.0 611 0.0 0.0 100 620 0.0 0.0 100 1184 0.0 0.0 98 1d Fertilize aranteed 0.0 _ 713 0.0 101 A >1‘ CO., TYLER. food 8-8-8 ‘ aranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 ' 900 8.9 9.5 8.8 114 1495 8.7 11.8 9.4 124 1771 8.1 10.7 9.8 115 2011 8.4 10.2 13.6 124 Food 6-12 6 arcmteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 899 7.1 9.2 6.5 97 951 8.1 12.0 6.0 113 1494 8.6 11.5 8.3 119 1770 6.1 12.4 9.0 109 q 1916 8.0 12.1 10.1 122 ;Mean 7.6 11.4 8.0 Cost. Var. 13.0 11.3 21.5 Food 10-20-10 e ~ aranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 1 e 62 10.4 22.4 10.8 109 189 10.2 20.8 10.4 103 204 10.5 20.6 10.0 104 376 9.5 20.3 10.1 99 378 8.3 20.4 10.1 95 950 9.4 22.3 10.0 104 1261 11.6 24.0 11.4 118 1496 10.5 18.6 11.9 101 1721 10.5 14.9 11.3 91 1769 10.4 21.2 11.6 107 1915 11.2 23.4 11.2 115 1928 10.7 17.4 10.2 97 .. 2010 9.7 21.0 12.5 105 _ Mean 10.2 20.6 10.9 / Coef. Var. 8.2 12.0 7.6 i Food 16-20-0 y aranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 1 63 14.9 20.6 0.0 98 682 14.2 20.5 0.0 95 866 13.8 21.7 0.0 97 949 14.0 22.7 0.0 100 1291 15.0 20.6 0.0 98 V 1772 17.0 20.0 0.0 104 f1 Mean 14.8 21.0 0.0 Coet. Var. 7.9 4.7 0.0 i 88-20-0 é aranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 ’ 1589 14.3 27.0 0.0 111 111C PROD. DIV... TENN. CORP" TAMPA. 101 our- SHREVEPORT. LA. 105 102 111 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED I é 3 .S°\° Manufacturer, f °\° :19 \, place of business g g E 1:1 °_ w and brand *5 U‘ ,2 ‘F: > a 2 <> B a ..= z n: '3. 8 :> 1246 7.6 8.0 8.7 99 1279 8.0 8.3 8.1 102 1536 8.1 8.3 8.4 103 1782 7.8 8.1 8.5 101 2209 . 7.2 8.2 8.8 98 Mean 7.9 8.5 8.4 Coef. Var. 4.4 8.1 3.4 V-C Fertilizer 12-12-12 Guaranteed 12.0 12.0 12.0 796 12.3 12.7 12.0 104 1245 12.0 12.8 12.8 107 1506 12.2 12.5 12.0 103 V-C Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 37 6.0 12.0 6.1 101 176 5.8 12.2 6.3 101 212 7.0 12.0 7.8 110 976 6.7 12.0 7.1 107 981 6.2 12.1 7.0 107 1505 6.5 13.2 6.7 110 1565 6.3 12.4 6.1 104 1877 6.6 12.7 7.3 110 Mean 6.4 12.3 6.8 Coei. Var 6.1 3.4 8.9 Sulphate of Ammonia 21-0-0 Guaranteed 21.0 0.0 0.0 1060 21.0 0.0 0.0 100 V-C 20 Superphosphate 0-20-0 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 0.0 431 0.0 20.2 0.0 101 1780 0.0 21.9 0.0 110 1968 0.0 21 3 0.0 107 V-C 47 Granular Triple Superphosphate 0-47-0 Guaranteed 0.0 47.0 0.0 0.0 48.4 0.0 103 V-C Granulated Fertilizer 15-15-0 Guaranteed 15.0 15.0 0.0 1302 13.4 16.0 0.0 97 2107 12.9 15.3 0.0 93 V-C Granulated Fertilizer 8-8-8 Guaranteed 8.0 8.0 8.0 759 8.0 8.4 8.6 103 886 8.0 8.0 8.1 101 890 8.7 9.8 8.8 114 892 8.8 8.5 8.2 108 897 7.7 8.0 8.0 99 931 8.3 8.5 8.4 105 946 11.2 9.7 8.3 128 1004 8.0 8.5 8.2 103 1675 7.4 9.2 8.2 102 2012 8.1 9.0 9.0 107 2085 7.4 8.4 9.7 102 2200 7.4 ' 8.0 8.6 98 2213 7.3 8.1 8.5 97 2421 7.5 8.3 8.0 99 Mean 8.1 8.6 8.5 Coet. Var. 12.4 7.0 5.4 V-C Granulated Fertilizer 12-12-12 Guaranteed 12.0 12.0 12.0 39 11.8 11.8 12.8 100 185 11.7 12.3 12.6 101 769 12.0 12.3 12.1 101 885 11.0 12.4 12.7 98 889 11.5 12.1 13.4 101 Mean 11.6 12.2 12.7 Coef. Var. 3.2 1.8 3.6 37 TABLE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CON I 6' 24 6' 8 fl o .::°_ 11 o .0 1 Manufacturer, - f; °\ 2'12 \,, Manufacturer, Q °\ s’ place of business 63 g 3 8 °_ w place of business 63 g; j and brand '5 g‘ g2 fi ;> and brand 3 111 Q _' g 1: g *6 2 E .6 ,8 Q‘ - .4 E <15. é’. :> ".5 E n: i V-C Granulated Fertilizer 13-13-13 382 9.4 20 Guaranteed 13.0 13.0 13.0 690 10.4 - ’ '1 1466 11.6 19.5 19.6 96 709 10.0 20 .l V-C Granulated Fertilizer 10-20-0 2 l Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 0.0 701 10_1 | . 3 9.4 20.8 0.0 100 760 105 20. 106 10.8 20.9 0.0 100 795 92 21 131 8.8 20.1 0.0 100 002 103 20 281 10.0 20.5 0.0 102 860 9 4 l 909 10.0 20.0 0.0 100 884 10:0 i, 1 350 10.1 20.0 0.0 103 891 10 0 z ' 1500 8.0 21.5 0.0 103 930 10.0 y, Mean 10.0 20.0 0.0 945 10:4 l, ' Coef. Var. 4.5 2.5 0.0 956 10_0 y, 0 V-C Granulated Fertilizer 15-30-0 Guaranteed 15.0 30.0 0 0 985 “f7 2 1 415 14.5 90.0 0 0 102 995 9:6 2 0 V-C Granulated Fertilizer 6-12-6 1244 10-3 2. Guaranteed 6.0 12.0 6.0 1256 9-7 2 140 6.6 12.1 6.9 106 1262 111-11 2 155 6.9 12.1 6.6 104 1264 111-11 1 726 6.1 12.2 6.7 109 1278 111.11 '1 756 6.9 12.0 6.7 104 131111 111-3 2. 762 6.6 12.0 6.9 107 1394 111-3 . 779 6.6 12.0 7.0 106 1485 9-6 2 600 6.0 12.0 6.4 101 1513 9-7 2 699 6.6 12.0 6.7 107 1534 9-3 » 696 7.9 15.9 7.7 192 1564 111-5 2 992 6.0 12.5 7.7 106 1697 111-3 1. 947 6.9 12.0 6.0 102 17114 111-3 '- 967 6.1 12.0 6.9 102 1781 111-1 23 970 6.6 12.5 6.1 106 1792 111-1 21. 1009 6.6 12.2 6.9 106 11176 111-4 21. 1269 6.5 12.0 7.7 107 1919 9-6 1' a 1260 7.0 12.6 6.7 111 1927 111-5 21 . 1462 6.4 12.7 6.9 106 21186 7-1 1 . 1710 6.1 12.7 6.1 104 21116 9-3 ~' - 2114 6.1 12.1 6.7 109 2113 111-2 * 2210 6.1 11.1 6.6 99 2199 9-1 17 2214 6.2 11.2 6.9 100 22113 9-5 1 2255 7.9 19.0 7.1 115 22116 9-6 l9- 2260 6.9 11.1 6.6 100 2212 9-4 1 2966 6.1 12.0 6.5 102 2256 9-6 2 2422 6.5 12.1 6.6 106 24211 9-9 1 M666 6.5 12.2 6.7 2427 9-7 21 c661. v66. 6.7 7.2 6.6 i . V-C Granulated Fertilizer 10-20-10 Mean 93 0,0 Guaranteed 10.0 20.0 10.0 Coat Van 43 ' 4 9.2 19.6 10.2 97 38 10.1 20.1 10.4 102 V-C Granulated Fertilizer 12-24-12 104 10.0 21.0 10.1 109 6666661666 12.0 10; 18.3 $3.: 13.; 1 10.6 19 . . 1 . 416 11.0 194 10.2 20.6 10.0 109 1409 11.7 141 10.0 21.6 10.1 105 1464 10.6 149 10.9 20.1 10.1 102 _ _ 154 10_1 204 10_4 102 V-C Granulated Fert1l1zer 5-10-10 174 10.0 20.9 10.2 101 6119191116611 5-11 164 10.0 21.9 10.4 104 175 5-1 196 10.0 20.0 10.0 100 2397 5-1 v-c: 6166616166 P61111166: 10-20-20 209 10.1 20.5 10.1 102 G““’““'1§j§ 290 10.0 20.9 10.4 101 2211 9'5 242 10.0 20.5 10.0 101 ' 277 9.4 21.0 10.8 101 V-C Granulated Fertilizer 6-24-24 282 10.0 20.1 10.1 101 Guaranteed 6.0 970 10.0 20.4 10.0 101 1461 6.0 38 . 'LE 8. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS SAMPLED DURING 1959-60, CONTINUED g \~ g \° f ° _ o IE \° Manuiacturer, g ° _ m IE \,, o '_. U O I o '_‘ U O a f’ ,5 u '5 U place of business .6 f, i; u ‘a U g g’ 5.3 u: > and brand 3 g‘ mg u: > ‘fi ” 3 .2 ‘g E '5 6 53 .3 "3 E .4 E <2 a. n. > .4 E n: a. d’. > A Fertilizer 1s-2o-o Valley Gro P9111112... 16-20-0 grantee: m0 Guaranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 ' - 0 - - 1165 16.0 21.8 0.0 108 16.3 20.6 0.0 103 333 13-4 20-4 0-0 93 Valley Gro Fertilizer 45-0-0 589 15-5 20-1 0-0 99 Guaranteed ' 45.0 0.0 0.0 :21 122 21: a1: 1:: 906 16-0 21-8 0-0 105 WESTERN CHEMICAL. PECOS. TEXAS 1098 14.0 20.0 0.0 90 Gulf Liquid [L544] 1265 15.0 20.8 0.0 99 13m 13 4 19 4 0 0 9o Guaranteed 0.0 54.0 0.0 1:83 m‘; 2;” 0.0 135 2602 0.0 54.0 0.0 1 4 15. 2 .0 0.0 1 2 - - 1561 1s.1 23.1 0.0 10a Gm‘ Lmmd 834'" 1676 1&0 2L1 [m m3 uaranteed 8.0 24.0 0.0 181s 16.2 22.1 0.0 107 m5 8-1 23-“ °-° , W5V§TERN FERTILIZER co.. 11111111251105. TEXAS 2246 1&1 202 0-0 101 esco Brand P61111128!‘ 0-18-6 if 2323 15_1 2L3 M; m2 Guaranteed 0.0 18.0 6.0 3, 254v 1s.s 20.1 0.0 10s 2275 0-0 15-0 7-0 Mean 15.5 21.0 0.0 _ _ ;Q°ef_ Var 5_7 51] [m Wesco Brand Fertilizer 16-20-0 i~ g 8&8 Guaranteed 16.0 20.0 0.0 " “unwed 8 0 8 0 8 0 1578 16.1 24.5 0.0 .. 1568 8" 8'8 8'0 '04 Wesco Brand Fertilizer 0-20-0 F" 1242-12 Guaranteed 0.0 20.0 0.0 wrranteed 12.0 12.0 12.0 » 1579 [Lg 2Z7 (m 1s: i: CQQP" MISSIQN, TEXAS - WYATT WHOLESALE, INC" SAN ANGELO, TEXAS ' ‘n; 12-24-12 Wyatt's A-M Mixture 10-10-5 ‘ aranteed 12.0 24.0 12.0 Guaranteed 10.0 10.0 5.0 §. 1164 12.1 24.0 13.2 102 514 9.3 10.3 1.9 \ ‘w. Fertilizer Guarantors Registered in Texas. 195 LOCATED IN TEXAS Agri-Chem 0f Texas, 2734 Roosevelt Avenue, San Antonio Agricultural Chemicals of Dallas, 3707 E. Kiest Blvd., Dallas -. Agricultural Chemicals, Inc., Llano Agro-Chem Corporation, Box 5459, Ascarate Branch, El Paso Agro-Chem Development Laboratories, Box 1101, El Paso Armour Agricultural Chemical Co., Box 5296, Dallas Armour Agricultural Chemical Co., Box 1412, Houston Associated Laboratories, 2121 S. Central Expressway, Dallas Bactex Company, Inc., Box 4065, Station A, San Antonio Baker Bros. Co., Box 828, Fort Worth Balch-Jackson Co., 623 S. Oakes, San Angelo Baron Chemical Co., Inc., 915 Texas Avenue, El Paso Bell Chemical Co., 1421 Levee St., Dallas 7 Best Fertilizer Co., 8420 Manchester Street, Houston 12 Blue Bonnet, Box 1608, Harlingen Blume System Tree Experts, 2736 Virginia, Houston 6 Campbell Fertilizer Co., Inc., 102 Japhet Street, Houston Cap Rock Fertilizer Co., Littlefield Carl Pool Labs, Box 12188, San Antonio Cato 8c Putty, 510 Soledad, San Antonio Central Texas Fertilizer Co., Inc., Box 761, Comanche Chemical Products Co., Inc., Box 187, Hurst Chemical Specialties Co., Box 1453, Laredo Consumer’s Fertilizer Co., Inc., Henderson R. R. Cunningham, 3800 Northwest Highway, Dallas 20 Danbury Farm Supply, Danbury Dennisons, Weslaco Diamond Feed 8c Cattle Co., Box 353, Daingerfield E. Dickey, 4604 Rosedale, Austin Diversified Products Corp., Box 5184, Dallas Dixie Farm Service, Inc., Box 71, Needville Dril-Kem, Inc., 1525B No. Post Oak Road, Houston East Texas Products Co., Box 176, Tyler Edna Liquid Fertilizer Co., Edna Farm and Ranch Fertilizer Co., 102 W. French Pl., San Antonio 12 Farmers Fertilizer Company, Box 944, Texarkana, Ark.-Tex. Fehmel Dusting Service, Box 1061, Bay City 40 Ferd Staffel Co., Box 2380, San Anto Ferti-Mulch Company, Route 2, Rou‘ Forrest’s Greenhouse, Box 357, Waxa Gilmer Cotton Oil 8c Fertilizer Comp" Goodpasture Grain"&fl-‘-Milling Co., B , Green Light Plant Food Co., Box 684 Gulf Coast Fertilizer Co., Bishop i Gulf Coast Organic and Mineral Co Blvd., Pharr , Gulf Rendering By-Products Corp., j veston -: Hale Laboratories, Box 1348, Bay Ci Harvest Fertilizer and Chemical Co.,-i Hayes-Simmons Co., Box 633, Missio B. L. Henderson 8c Sons, Box 19204, Hill’s Nursery, Victoria Hi-Yield Fertilizer Company, Box 4, i‘ A. c. Huff Enterprises, Box 2242.7, International Guano Company, 6115 » Dallas 35 International Minerals 8c Chem. ts‘; Fort Worth ~‘ Interstate By-Products and Supply he Fort Worth Jacksonville Fertilizer Company, B1 sonville f Jones Farm Store, Box 786, Muleshoe Kipfer Chemical Company, Box 770,‘ Klauss-White, 1441 W. Poplar St., Sa Lister Laboratory, Ltd., Box 84, He v Lone Star Steel Company, Box 12226, Marbach, E. W., Converse i Margie Korn Garden Shop, 5213 W.‘ Dallas t Mar-Mitch Ltd, Box 1691, Pampa g Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marv Mid west Feed Yards, Box 1370, San J. w. Nichols Co., 719 N. Main, F0 Nutrio-Sol Labs, 2842 Ave. G., Fort i_ The Organic MC Compost Works, l Hamilton f Organic Materials Company, Box ll i Pan Handle Gold Fertilizer cd, j Amarillo l; Pel-Star Fertilizer Co., Inc., Los Fr’; Pittsburg Fertilizer Co., Pittsburg Plainsman Feeds, 601 E. 5th Street, l Port Fertilizer and Chemical Co., to? Price’s El Paso Dairy, Box 3008, Sta. t‘ Product Development Co., 1525B N’ Road, Houston 24 i‘ tilizer Company, Box 486, Sulphur 1'1 Farm Chemicals, Box 170, Plain- Bandera _ Service, Elsa ' al Co. of Texas, Box 7556, Houston 7 iv Mills, 150 Apache St., San Antonio V‘ Co., Inc., (San Jacinto Chem. Co.) l, Texas City filizer Co., 205 S. Allen Street, Monahans pany, San Juan Service, 8729 Old County Drive, El Paso ion Service, Box 573, San Antonio C1 ucts Co., 5800 Live Oak, Waco Fertilizer 8c Chemical Co., Rt. 1, Box I ampo A Liquid Fertilizer Corp., Box 515, Katy emical Company, 500 South 19th Street, ertilizer c0, Box 12234, Dallas ertilizer and Chemical Co., 5030 East ‘Drive, El Paso '2, P. o. Box 8155, San Antonio 12 74m Company, Box 507, Weslaco 7Q“ Co., Consolidated Chemical In- i Div., 6910 Fannin St., Suite 300 So.. i 25 fustries Corp., 1207 S. Buckner, Dallas J tilizer Company, Box 3262, Bryan emical Co., Box 725, Aransas Pass in pany, Plant Food Div., Box 7707, “a, Inc., Elsa 'cultural Chemical Co., Box 745, Fort iChemicals, Box 1571, Texas City 1 Products, Box 31, Nacogdoches _ Supply, 1820 Ave. H., Bay City _1 ~ Fertilizer Co., Box 808, La Feria fuilders, Inc., Box 587, Center ts Inc., 800 North Closner, Edinburg il Products Company, 2218 N. Piedras Paso y z er Company, 420i South Oakland, Tyler V. ers Cooperative, Box 907, Mission ‘emicals, Ltd., 1809 Broadway, Lubbock tilizer Company, Box 398, Muleshoe Fertilizer 8c Peat Moss Co., 2776 Pine a bilene j Guano Company, Spur i er Guarantors Registered in Texas, 1958-59—Cont'd. Wilson Chemical 8c Testing Laboratory, Box 1101, El Paso Wonder-Gro Corp., Room 2, International Airport, San Antonio Wood Chemical Co., Box 599, Lubbock Wyatt Wholesale Inc., 609 W. llth Street, San Angelo Young’s Horticultural 8c Pest Control Chem. Co., Rt. 2, Box 89, Snyder LOCATED ELSEWHERE Agricultural Products Company, Box 658, Anthony, New Mexico Agricultural Products Company, Inc., Mesquite, New Mexico Allied Chemical Corp., Nitrogen Div., Drawer 61, Hopewell, Virginia J. L. Alls, 2128 Alvarado N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico AmChem Products, Inc., Ambler, Pennsylvania American Agricultural Chemical Co., 100 Church Street, New York 7, New York American Bulb Co., 711 Third Ave., New York 17, New York American Cyanamid Company, Box 383, Princeton, New Jersey American Liquid Fertilizer Co., 2nd and St. Clair Street, Marietta, Ohio The Anaconda Company, Anaconda, Montana Arizona Agro Phosphate Co., 5420 W. Bethany Home Road, Glendale, Arizona Arkmo Plant Food Co., Inc., Walnut Ridge, Arkansas Armour Agricultural Chemical Company, Selma, Missouri Associated Cooperatives, Inc., 750 W. 20th Ave., Sheffield, Alabama Atlas Fish Fertilizer Co., 1 Drumm St., San Francisco ll, California B 8c W Fertilizer Company, Columbus, Nebraska Barco Manufacturing Co., Inc., 119 Dewey St., Worcester 10, Massachusetts Better Homes Bureau, Newark, New York Bio Products, Inc., Warrenton, Oregon Blackstone Guano Company, Inc., Box 3218, Queens- boro Sta., Shreveport, La. The Borden Co.—Chem. Div., 350 Madison Ave., New York 17, New York Boyle-Midway, Inc., 22 E. 40th Street, New York 16, New York Bradley 8c Baker, 1401 Peach Tree St., Atlanta 9, Georgia ‘ California Spray Chemical Corp., Lucas and Ortho Way, Richmond, California 41 Fertilizer Guctrantors Registered in Texas, 1958-5 V H. D. Campbell Company, Rochelle, Illinois Chilean Nitrate Sales Corp., 120 Broadway, New York 5, New York Cloro-Spray Corp., 2215 N. American, Philadelphia 33, Pennsylvania Clover Chemical Company, Box 10865, Pittsburgh A 36, Pennsylvania Coastal Chemical Corp., Yazoo City, Mississippi Colorado Fuel and Iron Corp., Box 1920, Denver, Colorado Commercial Solvents Corp., 260 Madison Ave., New York 61, New York Crown Zellerbach Corp., Chemical Products Div., Camas, Washington Davey‘ Tree Expert Company, 117 So. Water Street, Kent, Ohio Davison Chemical Company, Box 987, Joplin, Mis- soun Desert Green Corp., Box 112, Belen, New Mexico Dixie Fertilizer Company, Inc., Box llll, Shreveport, Louisiana Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan Edgewood Farms, Inc., Marysville, Ohio E. I. Dupont de Nemours 8c Co., Box 993, Wilming- ton, Delaware Farm Craft Feeds, Inc., 2340 Maury Street, Des Moines, Iowa Ferro Corporation, 4150 East 56th St., Cleveland 5, Ohio Fort Smith Cotton Oil Company, Fort Smith, Arkansas Garden Research Laboratory, 565 Fifth Ave., Room 400, New York 17, New York Geigy Agricultural Chemicals, Box 430, Yonkers, New York Goulard and Olena, Inc., Skillman, New Jersey Grace Chemical Co., Box 4906, Memphis 7, Tennessee Grand River Chem. Div. of Deere 8c Co., Box 1417, Pryor, Oklahoma Heinl’s Greenhouse Laboratories, 4401 LaGrange St., Toledo, Ohio . Heller Greenhouse Laboratories, 218 E. Pikes Peak Ave., Colorado Springs, Colorado Hercules Powder Co., 900 Market Street, Wilmington 99, Delaware Hershey Estates, Inc., Hershey, Pennsylvania H 8c H Wholesale Nursery, Inc., Box 1068, Las Cruces, New Mexico A. H. Hoffman, Inc., Landisville, Pennsylvania Hydro-Pak Company, Box 666, Savannah, Georgia- Hydroponic Chemical Company, Inc., Copley, Ohio Hy-Gro Corp., 1101 Maryland Ave., Baltimore 1, Maryland 42 International Mineral 8c Chemical Co Texarkana, Arkansas ; International Minerals 8c Chem. Co Dept., Old Orchard Road, Skoki Kelly, Weber and Colnpany, Inc., i Louisiana , Lake Charles Feed Company, Inc., i Louisiana 2 Leeds Chemical Products, 531 Webst cago, Illinois r O. E. Linck Company, Clifton, New J Loncala Phosphate Company, Box 338, Florida Mid-South Chemical Corp., 1222 Memphis, Tennessee. - Minden Cotton Oil and Ice Company, Louisiana i Mississippi Chemical Corp., Yazoo Monsanto Chemical Co., Lindbergh 8c l‘ St. Louis 24, Missouri f Na-Churs Plant Food Company, 421 v Marion, Ohio Natural Plant Food Company, 210 A Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Naturizer Company, Box 755, Norma Nitro-Form Agricultural Chemicals, Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. it Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., Box ‘f: Arkansas Ozark-Mahoning Co., 210 w. Sixth i Oklahoma Philip R. Park, Inc., Berth 42, San Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesi Plantabbs Corporation, 1105 Maryl y Maryland ~ Plant Research Company, 8020 N0. h Skokie, Illinois y Plant Shine Company, 404 S. 4th Str Missouri . Proen Products Company, 9th and Grad California “Pronto” Liquid Fertilizer Corp., Bo Louisiana I Ralph’s Ironite Company, Box 420,1 Arizona Ra-Pid-Gro Corp., 88 Ossian Street, i; York " Ravel Bros., Inc., Box 462, Albuquerq if Reliance Fertilizer Co., 106 E. Bay S Georgia j Reuter Seed Co., Inc., 320 N. Carroll Orleans 9, Louisiana phate 8c Chemical Co., 813 S. Garden St., bia, Tennessee f} and Sons Company, Marysville, Ohio Buck and Company, 925 S0. Homan Ave., 5- 7, Illinois mmission of the City of Milwaukee, Box ilwaukee l, Wisconsin A, olesale Bulb Co., Jonesboro, Louisiana jents Corp., 2002 Board of Trade Bldg., “v 4, Illinois Corp., 2501 East Fourth st, Oklahoma “iklahoma itrogen Supply Co., Yazoo City, Mississippi emical Company, 610 Dwight Building, I City, Missouri g Labs, Box 1955, Columbus l6, Ohio , ertilizer Co., Morris, Illinois ant Food Co., Inc., Clovis, New Mexico pany, Plant Food Div., Box 3567, Queens- _ tion, Shreveport, La. 'zer Guarcmtors Registered in Texas. 1958-59—Cont'd. Tennessee Corp., 619-29 Grant Building, Atlanta, Georgia L. Teweles Seed Co., Box 624, Milwaukee 1, Wis- consin Thompson Sales Co., Box 246, Montgomery, Alabama U. S. Phosphoric Division, Tennessee Corp., Box 3269, Tampa 1, Florida United States. Steel Corp., Box 599, Fairfield, Alabama Victor Chemical Works, 155 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, Illinois Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp., Box 3218 Queens- boro Station, Shreveport, La. Vitaguano Limited, ll S. LaSalle St., Chicago 3, Illinois V Western Agricultural Chemical Co., Box 1074, Colo- rado Springs, Colorado ' Western Phosphates, Inc., Box 893, Salt Lake City l0, Utah Worm Profit Farms, 2233 Laura, Wichita, Kansas 43 ORGANIZATION OPERATION i MAIN snnou Q r/tzs sunsn-rxous I nrs nun IABORATORXB Q coorzurxxc snmoss Location oi field research units oi the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and cooperating agencies IN THE MAIN STATION, with headquarters at College Station, =:_ matter departments, 2 service departments, 3 regulatory se . administrative staff. Located out in the major agricultural 21 substations and 9 field laboratories. In addition, there are 1 stations owned by other agencies. Forest Service, Game and Fish Commission of Texas, Texas ' a 1 U. S. Department of Agriculture, University of Texas, Texas s_- _ _,j_e?_;;..~»-----=- v College, Texas College of Arts and Industries and the King I, - experiments are conducted on farms and ranches and in rural-u I: THE TEXAS STATION is conducting about 400 active research pr. in 25 programs, which include all phases of agriculture in T these are: Conservation and improvement of soil Beef cattle Conservation and use of water Grasses and legumes Grain crops Cotton and other fiber crops Vegetable crops Citrus and other subtropical fruits Fruits and nuts Oil seed crops Ornamental plants Brush -and weeds Insects Two additional programs are‘ maintenance and upkeep, and Research results are carried to Texas farmers, ranchmen and homemakers by county agents and specialists of the Texas Agricultural Ex- tension Service 3001a? 2 Keziearcé State-wide iRese The Texas Agricultural Experiment i: is the public agricultural research - oi the State oi Texas. and is one l parts oi the Aslvl College oi Texas. Cooperating agencies incl Dairy cattle Sheep and goats Swine ; Chickens and turk j Animal diseases a Fish and game Farm and ranch en Farm and ranch b - Marketing agricul n: Rural home econofl Rural agricultural v Plant diseases » AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH seeks the -, WHYS. the WHENS, the WHERES and the hundreds oi problems which confront o iarms and ranches, and the many industries‘ ing on or serving agriculture. Workers oi -' Station and the iield units oi the Texas A _ Experiment Station seek diligently to iind sol ' these problems. are 7 9C7", OPPOLU 5 "or i