8-984 flatten Produafion 0N THE BlACKlI-IND PRAIRIES 0F TEXAS THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL CULLEGE 0F TEXAS TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSIUN SERVICE - - - TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIUN College Station, Texas Contents SOIL AND CLIMATIC ADAPTATION ................. ,_ 4 Cultural Practices ................................................ u. GROWTH SCHEDULE OF COTTON ..................... 7* 4 DISEASE CONTROL ..................................... -. CROPPING SYSTEMS AND SOIL CONSERVATION 7 4 R°°l R“ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ---------------------------------- ~- Seedling Diseases ........................................... FERTILIZATION ...................................................... so 6 _ _ A g Bacterial Blight .................................................. -- PLANTING -------------------------------------------------------------- ~ 9 Pseudomonas Wilt ................................ ..... -. Varlelles ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- 9 Nematodes ___________________________ ............... S d .......................................... sssssssssssssssssssssssss -10 ee PREPARATION FOR HARVEST sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Date ..................................................................... -.IO _ I Detoliants . .................. ............................. Rate ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss -IIO _ Desiccants ........................................................ .- Methods ________________________________________________________________ -10 ~ Skiprow pkmfing ________________________________________________ H10 HARVESTING AND QUALITY PRESERVATION“.-. IRRIGATION i2 Proper Culluml Pracfices EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE t“ __________________________________________________ H Recommended Moisture Level WEED CQNTROI- ------------------------------------------------- ~ l3 Efficient Handling of Seed Cotton .................... -. Mechanical -------------------------- --------------------------- ~ l3 Ginning _______________________________________________________________ _- Cross Plowzng _ _ ' _ ' _ ' _ _ ' ' ' ' ' _ ' _ _ ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ F ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' Use of Wqsfes ' _ _ > _ _ 7 V _ i _ _ 7 g _ _ _ _ i _ > _ _ ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Choppers ....................... ................................... >> 4 SpTing-agtign I/Vggdgq" ______________________________________ ................ ~ Chemical eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e15 ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE or COTTON sssssssssss ,- Plfleemellgenfe Tlleatmenlm" ------------------------ -- l5 Adiustments ____________________ _. , Lateral Ozlmg """"""""""""""""""""""""""" "lb Trends in Size of Farms .................................. 74 Spot-spraymg johnsongrass--- ......................... "I7 _ Financing Cotton Production ............................ —D Costs .................................................................... Hi7 _ Production Costs and Returns .......................... Flaming .............................................................. --l7 Landlord-Tenant Teamwork ........................... INSECT CONTROL ............ ~‘* a ................ ............. L19 I Fit the Program to the Farm _______________________________ -20 RESEARCH AND EDUCATIGNAL PROGRAMS Early Season Control ____________________________________________ --2O ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - F ~ F » P - P » F - ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ —- Late Season Control ............................. .......... -21 REFERENCES I , L . _ . _ _ . . L L I I I _ L T .c _____________ __ Cover photograph courtesy of ACCO PRESS flotim Production . . . 0N THE BlACKlANl) PRAIRIES 0F TEXAS UTIONARY CHANGES on the d Prairies during the past l5 years greater precision and more careful g of all farm operations. New prac- quire more off-farm purchases of d services. Investment per acre and ker has increased steadily. Growers improved practices and equipment ly to succeed in cotton production. iroved efficiency that results from hnological advances should be used 'cally and wisely. Changes being about in farming operations by ‘gy can be translated into lower costs auction per unit and improved quality. the Blacklands area is well adapted anized farming. Excellent results en obtained by a number of out- cotton growers in every county. In ounty area comprising the Black- 474 cotton stripper harvesting ma- nd 506 spindle-type pickers were in in 1960. In 1948, there were only “per harvesters in l2 of these counties indle pickers in four counties. Even icctacular advances have been made iii-aways, such as improved fertilizers THE BLACKLAND PRAIRIES OF TEXAS. and their application or the more potent insecticides applied with better sprayers or- better airplanes. Information in this publication was com- piled from current research and extension publications in an effort to provide a ready reference for making decisions on when, where and how to produce cotton in the Blacklands. SOIL AND Cl.lMATlC ADAPTATION The Blackland Prairies often have been re- ferred to as one of the most important and produc- tive agricultural regions of Texas. Cotton has been the most important crop in the area; however, present production is far below the potential. The Blacklands have a total area of about 11,500,000 acres of gently rolling well-dissected prairies. The topography and soils permit rapid surface drainage. The main body of the Blackland Prairies consists of a large wedge-shaped area extending from Red River County on the north to the vicinity of San Antonio. Smaller portions of the Blackland Prairies are to the east and are sepa- rated from the main body. Major upland soils are dark calcareous clays belonging to the Houston Black, Houston, Hunt, Austin, Bell and Lewisville series. The more important bottomland soils are Trinity, Catalpa, Miller, Norwood and Pledger. Most of the cotton is produced dryland on upland soils. Little of the area is adapted to irrigation. Limited irrigation exists on the bottom- land soils. The average yearly rainfall ranges from 45 inches in the northeastern part to 28 inches in the extreme southwestern part. Distribution of rainfall usually is the critical factor in adequate moisture supply for growing cotton in the Black- lands. Table 1 gives an estimate of the cash farm income on the Blackland Prairies by counties. The trend toward larger and fewer farms as economic units of farming operations continues. GROWTH SCHEDULE OF COTTON (Based on planting about April 15) 1. Time to emerge—average 7 to 10 days; range 7 to 30 days. 2. Appearance of third leaf (first true leaf) — 8 days after emergence. 3. Appearance of fourth leaf (second true leaf) — 9 days after emergence. 4. Emergence to square— 35 to 40 days. 5. Square to white bloom 4- 20 to 25 days. 6. Bloom to open boll — 50 to 65 days. 7. Boll full grown—20 to 25 days after bloom. a 8. Should be ready to harvest in 160 days (25 percent open in 130 days). 9. Number of seed in 1 bushel of average seed - 120,000. 10. Most effective fruiting period —- June 20 to August l. 4 l1. Ratio of bloom to bolls-approximatcl 35 to 40 percent of blooms make bolls. 12. Last date for normal setting of fruit generally, August 20. 13. Boll period —45 to 65 days. 14. Fiber length laid doqwigl first—25 to ' days. 15. Critical period in length 01? fibcr—16 20 days after blooming. 16. Strength of fiber built up—second 25 t 30 days of boll development. 17. Limiting factor in determining length v lint in a given variety—moisture. 18. Average number of days to bloomi peak-QO. 19. Average number of days from first bloo to peak of blooming— 35. 20. Average number of days from first blo to shed peak—40. 21. Average percent blooms shed-GO to 6i 22. Average number of blooms per plant 40 to 45. 23. 30 percent of crop open—65 to 75 da l, after first white bloom. 24. 70 percent of crop open—85 to 95 da after first white bloom. 25. 85 percent of crop open—95 to 105 da after first white bloom. 26. Plant population per acre, 40-inch rows 1 plant per foot of row, 13,068 plants; 2 plan per foot of row, 26,136 plants, etc. » CROPPING SYSTEMS AND SOIL CONSERVATIO Research on the Blackland Prairies indicat that cotton rotated with other crops generally p duces higher yields than continuous cotton. Be fits of rotated over continuous cotton include bett control of diseases, insects, weeds and soil erosio Some rotations that have proved satisfacto are: 1. Two-year rotation - small grain, cotton. 2. Two-year rotation-grain sorghum, r ton. a 3. Three-year rotation-small grain, cott grain sorghum or corn. 4. Three-year rotation-cotton, grain s ghum or corn, grain sorghum or corn. This rotati requires more fertilizer and gives the land l protection from water erosion. 5. Four-year rotation-small grain, cott grain sorghum, Hubam sweetclover for seed l forage. é l. ESTIMATED INCOME FROM COTTON, 1959, AND AVERAGE LINT YIELD PER ACRE Approx. gross _ vestock Reporting Service. No. farms Production 1955-59 value of lint reported Total acres 500-lb. average yield and seed to harvesting planted?) gross weight lint harvested county, 1959 cotton‘ cotton bales’ acre’ 30¢ lb. lint, $40 ton seed 920 18,700 12,200 325 $2,043,500 199 8,230 3,850 166 644,875 1,122 62,000 23,500 176 3,936,250 101 2,250 1,070 146 179,225 135 16,300 18,000 , 479 3,015,000 417 23,100 22,100 428 3,701,750 268 18,820 11,400 196 3,152,350 1,513 79,100 35,600 210 5,963,000 371 31,000 14,400 186 2,412,000 571 35,400 16,100 27 1 2,696,750 433 18,600 8,900 182 1,490,750 502 12,000 4,960 156 830,800 1,377 121,000 46,000 199 7,705,000 961 66,000 27,500 188 4,606,250 1,172 61,100 21,500 219 3,601,250 1,459 26,250 17,300 240 2,897,750 329 13,000 3,700 155 619,750 302 7,800 3,770 155 631,475 744 31,300 9,000 178 1,507,500 420 12,300 8,200 310 1,373,500 404 15,550 8,480 161 1,420,400 114 7,360 2,850 164 477,375 159 4,650 900 163 150,750 1,374 122,000 34,900 165 5,845,750 504 20,000 7,400 188 1,239,500 1,265 86,000 34,000 209 5,695,000 432 34,600 12,400 168 2,077,000 530 45,400 17,300 187 2,897 ,750 747 44,600 16,300 244 2,730,250 1,452 30,350 15,900 199 2,663,250 453 8,250 3,890 165 651,575 220 9,000 2,910 209 487,425 534 45,000 1 1,500 142 1,926,250 180 5,150 2,220 230 371,850 1,106 77,000 26,500 161 4,438,750 748 42,800 21,000 202 3,517,500 868 83,000 19,300 159 3,232,750 176 6,900 2,700 198 452,250 279 21,000 7,100 262 1,189,250 176 24,500 24,900 537 4,170,750 174 18,400 8,100 211 1,356,750 134 8,700 4,400 187 737,000 543 33,350 13,800 170 2,311,500 367 13,800 5,800 196 971 ,500, 1,174 20,200 12,600 297 2,110,500 ‘E164 97,000 50,400 192 8,442,000 29,078 1,588,810 676,530 2163 $114,573,350 g i culture. Never follow cotton with cotton, especially in areas where root rot prevails. Ordinarily, cotton will follow small grain. The small grain crop can be oats, barley or wheat. Sweetclover may be sown as a companion crop with barley 0r oats but should not be sown with wheat because the sweetclover odor makes wheat grain undesirable for flour. Hubam sweet- clover usually matures before cotton root rot builds up heavily, but biennial sweetclovers may cause an increase in root rot if allowed to grow during July and August. Many growers use the winter growth of small grains for grazing and also harvest a grain crop. If winter grazing is managed properly, small grain supplies winter feed with little detrimental effect on grain yield. Following the grain harvest, addi- tional grazing from the stubble often is possible. Following summer grain harvest, or the short period of stubble grazing, begin seedbed prepara- tion for the following year. Bedding, sweep tillage or plowing are about equally effective. Provided no additional weed control is needed, delay further tillage until undesirable volunteer oats have germi- nated. Then bed the land during October through December. Except when needed for weed control, tillage is undesirable until immediately before planting spring row crops. When cotton is to fol- low grain sorghum, shred the grain sorghum stubble soon after harvest. Sweep tillage and bedding or a combination of bedding and rebed- ding with rows on uniform 40-inch centers prepares the land for the next season. In years of excessive rainfall, a practice of running middles with the wings off the sweep to loosen the soil and permit storage of water may be desirable. Blacklands soils tend to run to- gether and be tight. After the middles become packed, hard rainfall will cause runoff. Crops in the above-mentioned cropping sys- tems should be fertilized with 20 to 40 pounds per acre of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P205). The fertilizer should be applied at or before planting. However, small grains that are not to be grazed should have no more than 20 pounds of nitrogen applied by planting time to avoid excessive growth and lodging. There is no known practice or cropping system that will control root rot completely in the Black- lands, but good management practices and rotation systems have helped reduce its severity. Much of the cotton grown in the Blacklands is produced on the better land where erosion is not a serious problem. Control of soil erosion, 6 however, may be an important consideration cotton production. On areas with less than abo 1 percent slope, no special erosion control pr tices are needed. On areas with slopes of 1 3 percent, a rotation with a small grain crop eve other year is recommended. If the cropping syst does not give sufficient erosionflcontrol, additio measures should be added. More intensive use row crops will require special water erosion contr measures. Ordinarily, areas with slopes greater than percent are not well suited to cotton producti If used, terracing is essential and a rotation inclu ing a small grain crop every other year should used. Costs of all farm operations increase wh growing row crops on steeper land. i FERTILIZATION Soils of the Blackland Prairies are classed i three groups—blackland, grayland and alluvi Predominant soils of the Blackland Prairies - dark and fine textured; hence, they commonly . called blacklands or black waxy lands. The t black waxy soils are moderately well supplied wi organic matter and, although sticky when g they shrink and crumble naturally on drying. grayland soils are low in active calcium, cont less organic matter and, upon drying, become de and compact so that penetration of water is slo Alluvial soils on the Blackland Prairies proba account for about l0 to l5 percent of the regi These soils usually are fine textured and v slowly permeable. Cotton is a deep-rooted plant and grows o; on the deep upland and alluvial soils. Blackla soils have many problems which complicate p duction practices. Most are susceptible to erosi and many fields are completely denuded of t soil. A problem common to the graylands is ke ing the soils open so that plant roots can devel normally. Plow soles or compacted zones are co mon to many soils of the region; however, true black waxy soils expand and contract u wetting and drying and this action helps prev formation of these restricted layers. Grayland a soils do not recover their tilth as rapidly and . more susceptible to this problem. Tilling s while wet further aggravates this condition. A tests show that a high percentage of blackl soils are low in organic matter content. Fe lization is not a major problem in the true bl waxy lands if soil tilth and organic matter I maintained by a good rotation system. Nitro requirements depend on the crops grown in r system. The need for phosphorus can be dc ;| ~ a soil test. Grayland soils present a oblem in most cases and nitrogen and applications generally are required for l; production. 2' opping system on each farm determines ~ amount and kind of fertilizers required iroduction. High cotton yields can be a hen the crop is grown following one ars of adequately fertilized grain sor- grain or sweetclover, or a combination _,_.crops. Without sweetclover or other the cropping system, fertilization with d phosphorus likely is needed for vig- profitable growth. The use of crops to cotton root rot in rotation with not recommended where this disease is Grayland soils, or “raw hide” land, eater, more complex problem in man- l, d fertilization than the true blacklands. cropping of grayland soils to cotton iw crops will develop serious problems the natural tightness of the land and '1ity level. undertaking any fertilization program, gjjsoil tested. Be sure to include in the [Of the soil types on your farm. A soil itvide a firm basis for a soil fertilization an inventory of the plant nutrients Through proper fertilizer practices, ‘can balance the plant nutrients needed economical cotton production. [ilitton plant requires 80 to 100 pounds (N), 40 to 60 pounds of phosphorus 60 to 90 pounds of potassium (K20) production. The fertility level of the cropping system used will determine f, of each nutrient needed for optimum l, The nutrient requirement for cotton yn that of many other crops produced Cotton does not drastically deplete nutrients; however, many production the crop have undesirable effects on jlung cotton plants have a high require- rogen and phosphorus. The cotton ‘italic from the soil approximately two- its total plant nutrient requirement irst third of its life cycle. For this thzation should take place early in the plant, preferably before planting, so fnutrients will be available during the she period. If the crop is to be side- pletl! this operation before the plants i old, and then only if moisture is . 2-: results, apply fertilizers in concen- of». in the active root zone of the cotton 29o .. 8O m \\\ \\ “Z as». a BO L1. 5O 4o i y/y /%ouARE so A 2Q % RATE OF NUTRIENT UPTAKE DQYS I5 3O 45 6O ’ 75 9O I05 I20 I35 B} .. /,-/ / PERCENT Fig. 1. The rate of nutrient uptake is faster when cotton plants are young. plant. The fertilizer should be readily available to the plant during its early development. To be readily available for plant use, the nutrient ele- ments must be in contact with moist soil. Response to fertilizer often depends on the supply of avail- able moisture. Adequately fertilized crops are likely to make more efficient use of water than the ones unfertilized. Deep placement of fertilizer is important in the Blacklands. The fertilizer should be located so that the young roots will intercept the band in early root development. Once the root system has reached the area of placement, feeder roots will build up rapidly and utilize the fertilizer. Shallow placement is inadequate because the Blackland Prairies are subject to short but severe drouths and the fertilizer will not move far from its original placement during the growing season. Several methods of fertilizer application can be used. One that has been successful in many locations is applying the fertilizer behind a chisel at a depth of 2 or more inches, depending on the depth desired. After the fertilizer has been applied, prepare the-seedbeds directly over the fertilized zone. Leave these beds undisturbed until planting time. Plant in the normal manner. This places the seed several inches above the fertilizer band. If the fertilizer is applied 2 or more inches deep before final seedbed preparation, the seed at plant- ing should be 4 or more inches above the fertilizer band. If seed are placed closer than 2 inches to a band of fertilizer, severe seedling damage can occur, resulting in slow emergence and poor stands. 7 zone OF MAXIMUM WATER use ~\ \ I \ §_-—" TYPICAL ROOT DEVELOPMENT YOUNG COTTON PLANT Fig. 2. Fertilizer should be applied in concentrated bands in the active root zone of the young plant. If deeper placement is preferred, use a chisel 4 to 6 inches deep in each middle before final bed- ding. However, this practice requires extra power and equipment. Another method is applying the fertilizer behind chisels on 20-inch rather than on 40-inch centers. Prepare the seedbeds in the usual manner and if rebedding or replanting is practiced, the seed will be no further than 1O inches from a band of fertilizer when placement is made on 20- inch centers. The roots will not reach the fertilizer band as quickly as with other methods, but once they do, there should be little difference in response to fertilizer. i This method of application may work well on land that is flat-broken or disked following small grain and prior to the bedding operation. The aforementioned methods of application offer several advantages. If compacted areas are in the soil, rupturing or fracturing will result from the use of the chisel during application. Deep placement will allow the fertilizer to be in contact with moist soil for the longest possible time, which may result in a longer period of availability to the cotton plant. Losses to leaching, erosion and volatilization should be less. The fertilizer also 8 will be so deep that young grass and weed seedlin cannot make use of it readily. Finally, when th fertilizer is applied prior to seedbed preparatio the seedbed can remain undisturbed, thus lessenin the risk of moisture losses. In most instances, comparable yields of cotto are obtained regardless of theisburce of the pla nutrient concerned. However, ammonium for a‘ of nitrogen are less mobile than the nitrate for Urea and anhydrous ammonia are toxic to ger a nating cotton seed, and should not be banded o] near the seed furrow. This danger is reduced i at least 3 weeks elapse between fertilization an planting. Phosphorus materials differ in the d gree of water solubility, and this factor should o. considered in selecting the type of fertilizer. two fertilizers are comparable in chemical analys' availability and solubility, but different in pri per ton, buy the cheaper fertilizer. For maximum yields of cotton on the Blac, land Prairies, consider carefully the structure, til and organic matter content of your soil. Kc crop residues on the soil surface until you ready to mix them in the top 6 inches of the s during seedbed preparation. In cases of hard pa a or compacted layers, chisel plowing, subsurfa sweep plowing or bedding and rebedding are sat Y, factory methods of seedbed preparation. Whei heavy stubble or stalks are left from a previo crop, some temporary depletion of soil nitrog may occur. In this case, add 2O to 25 pounds 4 nitrogen per ton of residue. Y Cotton burs serve a useful purpose in addi ’ organic matter to Texas soils. Apply cotton b Fig. 3. Applying fertilizer deep in bands in the mid just ahead of rebedding is an excellent way to fertilize co _ in the Blacklands. Notice contoured row conservaf practice. (Photo courtesy of Texas Cottonseed Crud Association.) il at rates of 2 to 4 tons per acre. (See tension MP-476.) Often two 0r more ie applications of cotton burs are needed arked increases in yields become evident. ree or more successive applications of i“ rs, the treatment can be discontinued for rs before yields begin to drop appreciably. ition of l2 to 15 pounds of nitrogen per rs used is profitable with the first appli- Cotton following legumes will require lino additional nitrogen. After small grain, ogen will be required for good produc- iollowing forage or hybrid grain sorghum, tionto the nitrogen requirements of the phosphorus (P205), potassium (K20), and (CaO) should be applied according to soil u mendations. Fig. 6. A bur hopper and truck for spreading costs about the same as a Masonry-type bur burner. Both the open-pit burner and the jug-type burner can be discontinued and the burs put back on the land. Deep placement application of fertilizer for - ommended on loam, clay loam and clay soils. liquid or solid, should be chiseled into middles in ding during October, November, December and w I Fig. 7. Burs should be spread dry on the land at the rate of 2 to 4 tons per acre. PLANTING moisture, seed viability, temperature, seed treat- ments and seed storage conditions influence germi- nation. Actual planting operations, such as rate of seeding, depth of covering, type of planter, method to roll or firm the soil after planting and other factors influence the emergence of the cotton seedlings. A Varieties High yields usually determine the choice of varieties grown on the Blackland Prairies; how- ever, yields are only one factor to consider. Aspects such as disease resistance, fiber properties, boll and plant characteristics, adaptation to machine 9 ,_ If fertilizer cannot be chiseled deep into the '2 ore rebedding, a second choice would be a » ent in a band in the bottom of the furrows; Such variables as seedbed preparation, soil_ Fig. 8. Organic matter from cotton burs made the difference. Plant on left received 4 tons per acre. Plant on right, none. harvesting, seed sources and local preference should be evaluated. Some 70 to 80 varieties of cotton are now available. Varieties that perform well in another area of Texas may not be adapted to the Blacklands. The latest compilation of cotton types in the Blacklands is given in Table 2. This is only an approximate distribution of the varietal types, since the percentages may vary from year to year. The method of harvest is a big factor in selecting varietal types. When mechanical strippers are used, all of the fruit is stripped from the plant in one operation. For this reason, a variety which matures rapidly and uniformly over the plant and its seed cotton stays well in the bur, is necessary. The mechanical picker uses a series of revolv- ing spindles to remove seed cotton from the open bolls without damaging or removing the unopened bolls. Varieties for mechanical picking should be open-boll types with a wide-opening boll with fluffy locks. They should have enough storm resistance to prevent damage or loss by moderate winds, yet loose enough to permit efficient picker operation. - The storm-resistant, big boll type prevails in the Blackland Prairies. It differs from the Texas TABLE 2. APPROXIMATE DISTRIBUTION OF BLACKLAND PRAIRIES COTTON TYPES Percent acreage Type occupied Storm-resistant big boll 70 Texas big boll 20 Medium-staple open boll 5 Other 5 10 more information on varietal performance. Oth big boll group principally in the degree of stor resistance. Current varieties included in this grou are Anton Stormproof 99, Bagley’s Storm-Tex 15 Kasch SS strain, Lankart Sel. 57, Lankart Sel. 61 ’ Northern Star 5, Northern Star 411, Stormkini Stufflebeme Stormproof and Watson’s Stormproo, This group is well-adapted foristripper harvestin The high popularity of the Texas big b0, group has lessened in recent years. Many varieti of this type, such as Bagley’s B17 Rowden, Malone Rowden, Malone’s Mebane, New Mebane, Ant 22, Qualla 60, Kasch LL No. 7 and Floyd 8G, sti are in production. These varieties are only mo erately adapted for mechanical stripping. A Where mechanical picking is anticipated, t a medium-staple, open-boll type is recommende This class has bolls of medium size with averag to-poor storm resistance and with staple lengt a averaging mostly l to l 1/32 inches. Such vari ties available for the Blacklands include Deltapi 15, Coker 100A (WR), D8cPL Fox 4, Delfos 916 Stoneville 3202, Stoneville 7, Auburn 56, Plai . Stardel, Empire WR, Deltapine Smooth Leaf, Cok 124, Pope, Rex, Dixie King, Deltapine TPS: Watson’s Empire, Texacala, Austin, Brazos an Tideland. Consult your county agricultural agent 02-, aspects, such as disease resistance and seedlin vigor, should be considered in selecting the variet No one variety possesses all of the desirable pla A and fiber characteristics. In many cases, there A little difference in the overall performance of thl recommended varieties for the Blacklands. Prefe ence of the producer will be a deciding factor i, many instances. F Seed Use only good-quality, treated planting see Treatment with an approved fungicide helps g reduce losses in stand caused by seedling diseas Treatment also helps to prevent seed decay an: damping off from soil and seedborne organis (See Texas Station Progress Report 2001 for reco if mended methods of mixing fungicides with t soil and Progress Report .2003 for the recommend fungicides.) A Type of seed affects the stand of plants tained. Fuzzy, mechanically delinted and aci delinted seed are available. In cold, damp weathi fuzzy seed generally withstand the dormant peri before germination without as much seed deca However, with other conditions equal, delint seed usually give quicker emergence and m0 uniform stands. A your county agricultural agent for seed lgfor planting purposes. _ germination and cold soils are closely ‘To Cotton should not be planted until i ' average date of the last killing frost in g. A reasonable frost-free growing season i" the Blackland Prairies. ost cases under dryland farming in the f? moisture conditions determine the date ‘ting, which may not coincide with the 0- date. For best results, the minimum soil ure at a 3-inch depth should not be lower degrees F. at 7 a.m. for three mornings g preceding planting. Extension Leaflet the planting periods for portions of the f 1 Prairies that fall under pink bollworm requirement. ting too early seldom justifies the risk in having seed and young plants unduly ..t0 rain, hail, cold, disease and insects. - anted extremely early will not necessarily ed earlier. ty planting rates or improper stands can __» fficient or hampered operations through- entire season, as well as lowered yields. _l of modern, mechanical equipment de- 7; uniform stand. Growers frequently lose les per 100 acres because of poor stands. f~ can compensate to a degree for a y in stand; however, a population of 40,000 T! plants per acre lends itself to efficient "w harvesting. This is an average of three lants per foot of row. Usually, 18 to 24 .lo£ good-quality seed per acre will insure “v under normal conditions. This rela- plant population helps to reduce g of the cotton plant and tends to raise i, r fruiting branches higher above the i e. Regardless of the type of seed used delinted), there should be little differ- planting rates. Where acid-delinted seed do not reduce the poundage by more ‘percent. Table 3 gives the quantity of T ‘required to give desired plant spacing g rows, assuming 60 percent emergence. ‘Texas .,Extension L-49l for more informa- calibraiion of planting equipment. i s: use of drill-type row planters is recom- ZffOI‘ the Blackland Prairies. The practice of drilling to a stand is desirable, and further thinning should not be necessary. Conventional drill planters are recommended and no special devices are needed to insure covering the seed. Because of the sticky condition of most Blackland soils, delay rolling the seeded area from half to a full day to allow the soil to dry. As soon as practical, roll with a surface press wheel. This conserves moisture and makes a satisfactory situ- ation where lateral oiling for weed control is planned. The use of seed-press wheels at planting time is not recommended. Cover the seed at a depth of.l to 2 inches, when the seed are likely to remain in moist soil until they sprout and emerge. Planting on the bed is desirable and germination is best on a firm, undisturbed seedbed. Allow the beds to settle and receive moisture before planting. Usually, some type of cultivation, either a drag harrow, disk or shallow cultivator, should immediately precede the plant- ing operation to lower the beds and control seed- ling grass and weeds. A shovel-type planter opener is used and a large sweep flattens and cleans the bed. Skip-row Planting In some areas, growers plant two rows and skip one, plant two rows and skip two, or use other combinations of skip-row planting. Under dryland conditions on the Blackland Prairies and considering principally the yield, this practice is not recommended. Under irrigation, the practice may be warranted; however, it is optional from the standpoint of yield. One drawback to this practice is the increased vegetativeness of plants in relationship to machine harvesting. The larger stalks can especially hinder machine stripping. Other disadvantages might be insect control problems and insecticide wastage, cultivation problems and fertilizer distribution. Since terraces are widespread throughout the Black- lands, the skipping of rows might increase the problem of handling and cultivating point rows. TABLE 3. COTTONSEED REQUIRED TO GIVE DE- SIRED' PLANT SPACING IN 40-INCH ROWS‘ Plant Plants per Plants per Lb. seed spacing (in.) ft. of row acre per acre 1 12 156,816 58.0 2 6 78,408 29.0 3 4 52,272 19.4 4 3 39,204 14.5 6 2 26,136 9.7 8 1% 19,602 7.3 lAssume 4,500 seed per lb. and 60 percent emergence. ll IRRIGATION The cotton plant makes effective use of nutri- ents and water. With its deep roots, cotton can utilize water from depths of 5 t0 6 feet. The soil should contain the maximum amount of available moisture to the sixth foot if the soil profile is capable of storing moisture to this level. During its early life, the cotton plant sends roots down quickly if it is not restricted by compacted zones or hard-pan layers. During the first 4 to 5 weeks, the cotton plant uses little moisture. Moisture stored in the plant root zone of the soil before planting is of more value than any other moisture that the cotton plant receives during the growing season. The peak period of use occurs with bloom- ing and continues throughout the boll period. During this 45-day period, the plant may utilize up to 75 percent of the total moisture required to produce the crop. The first fruiting forms appear at the end of the fourth or fifth week. These forms produce blooms within an additional 3 to 31/2 weeks. When blooms first occur, the demand for moisture in- creases sharply. on environmental conditions. early forms. of cotton. increase production. The cotton plant responds to moisture levels in various ways. Where growing seasons are long,’ water can be applied to the crop over a longer period without adverse results. In short growing y season areas, the irrigation shut-off date for the . crop must be earlier in the season, so that the plants can harden and mature before frost. RATE OF WATER USE IN RELATION TO PLANT DEVELOPMENT "'6" ' 5 .. .. . _,l FIRST 3 Hhiiiiii nni» "zyzniin. 0P5" m “l, i Piiiinnnin rmlniiiiiiii.’ n. n 1 i}lflflflilgiil)?!‘HWH’?' w n: '1:';"":::nnn;:: ::::;;:~:: 411:1: (D I ‘i ’ i} ;i'§"§l§i§li'»i'; liii}; D 3 n n ';';§;nrnn§'; w, DEFOLIATION ‘_ n- A l-‘mn’ w min: PERIOD m nlnmi i nim- uJ g 13:21:»: * nnwln Hint: n- ; .-:1:1:1:1:1: . l i} f; iglm 4 .-:-:-:-:;:;:;:- » n m, ; _ ; l will ll» u, -------- - n n: ‘linniiiin l in: g ..;.;-:-:-: s P m: y; . , llnn: "lnnnnnnnn 1: nag; m ‘nnggnnnz; ngynn. 4 n iinnn q; n? :e:;:;_: _ . n _ »l , 1131;; .25 10.4 PER onwi, w; l, 1 ’ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' - llmill)lllllllllllllllllllllllll)i) ii)! o no 2o 3o 40 so 6o 10 e0 9o noo nno 20 n30 n40 n50 n60 A DAYS A PLANTING nnARvn-zst} Fig. 9. The cotton plant uses more moisture during the peak bloom period of 80 to 110 days after planting than an . other period in its life cycle. 12 I.“ PEAK atooun i’ This demand must be met or production will be reduced. The young boll de- velops into full size in 18 to 21 days after bloom- ing. It requires 45 to 65 days to open, depending Cotton continues‘ to develop new fruiting forms until the plant is killed by frost. The best-quality lint which brings _ the highest price is that whic-hrfglevelops from the The cotton plant normally hits its blooming peak at 8O to 90 days of age. An ade- quate supply of moisture and nutrients plus good: insect control at this time will insure a good crop Under average conditions, the cotto‘ t plant sheds about 65 percent of the squares, blooms and young bolls. A production practice that will cause the plant to retain any of these forms will e rate at which the plant uses water out the season varies from very little dur- ly life to as much as .4 inch per day during and extreme weather conditions. the Blacklands, irrigation should not be Try until the cotton plant has reached the iistage if the soil moisture storage reservoir led to capacity before planting. Irrigation es for the growing season should be planned a1 moisture conditions during the balance growing season. Texas Extension B-896 Yzhelpful in developing an irrigation schedule jelsBlackland Prairies. WEED comnot plcal if.» cultivation is the most important and 1 onomical weed control measure. Rotary the key supplementary practice. ltivation, just often and deep enough to if grass and weeds, usually is done with Approximately 40 acres can be cultivated ‘four-row rig in a 12-hour day by an experi- izoperator. these points in mind about cultivation: Use a line-diagram to set the cultivator. accurate lines on a flat, smooth floor to rows and middles. (See Figure 10.) ‘o. 400k, “Implement Setting Frame,” is avail- [F your county agricultural agent. Adjust spacing according to the line- and set all sweeps flat so the toe and “l touch on a flat surface. (See Figure ll.) Make final adjustments for row profile in t ~ Proper speed of tractor is essential-Z to g er hour with normal swee s, de endin P _ _ P P g i; size and soil type. Weeds in the seedling stage are easier to pjrge weeds often must be removed by hand Proper cultivation leaves a cover of loose an exposed face of shear marks. Normal cultivation depth is about 2 inches. tivation, if necessary to shape beds for nor in heavy johnsongrass, should be done hallow cultivation minimizes moisture loss Silents cutting feeder roots. ‘Do not cultivate in dry weather just to cracks.” “Heavy dirting” late in the season is un- j for machine harvesting. Only a slight elevation in the drill row is desired to prevent the accumulation of defoliated leaves. l0. If more dirt is desired, as in irrigation, a different style sweep should be selected instead of tilting the sweep on the point. Setting on the point speeds wear and causes increased cutting of cotton roots. Keep these points in mind about rotary hoe- mg: 1. The destructive power of the rotary hoe on weeds increases as the speed increases. Reduc- tions up to 75 percent in hand hoe labor are common. In most cases run the hoe at speeds of 4 to 6 miles per hour. 2. On contoured rows and terraced fields, the broadcast rotary hoe is easier to use at high --—-———uooct——— --—--—— -~uoou————— § FRONT MOUNTED IIILEIKNTS § IMPLEMENT SETTING FRAME IKAR FOR REAR IDLEMENTS »_----now—~—— Fig. ll. Line diagram for setting two- or four-row tractor-mounted implements on 40-inch row width. The shop floor is a good place to paint this diagram. l3 Fig. l0. Setting two-row cultivator with an implement setting frame. It can be used as a portable line diagram. speeds than the cultivator-mounted type, since it does not have to be held on the row. 3. The rotary hoe should be used immedi- ately after the soil surface has dried and formed a crust. It breaks up the crust, dries out the top half inch of soil and kills emerging weeds. (See Figure l3.) The rotary hoe will not kill weeds and grass that have become established. 4. Light-weight tractors with pull-behind types can get in the field sooner after rains and can rotary hoe before it is dry enough to sweep cultivate. Spread front wheel-type tractors can operate safely at high speeds. 5. The cultivator-mounted, row-type rotary hoe is an effective rotary shield to keep sweeps from covering young cotton. Tests show this use makes it possible to increase sweep cultivation speed in young cotton by 60 percent. 6. Various shop-made rotary hoes are avail- able. One popular model has three “gangs” per row. (See Figure l5.) Cross-plowing Cross-plowing is primarily a method of thin- ning. Where practical, it can reduce hand hoeing. Fields should be relatively large and level so that erosion will not be a problem. With an increase in machine harvesting, the practice of cross-plowing has disappeared largely because it reduced efficiency and lowered yields. Choppers Mechanical choppers will do a satisfactory job of thinning heavily drilled stands and a certain amount of weed control as the row is blocked out. Fig. 12. The broadcast-type rotary hoe is an effective weed control tool when cotton and weeds are small. 14 Fig. l3. Cultivator mounted rotary hoe “floats” insid the front sweeps. Sweeps should be new type, low crow broad, low wings for high-speed cultivation without hea . “dirting.” The power take-off driven types are more positive acting under all conditions than the ground-drive . types. However, under favorable conditions, sev eral of the ground-driven choppers have worke satisfactorily at less cost. Use of mechanical thinning devices has no been extensive in the Blacklands because it is fel that cotton should be planted to a stand, and tha thinning is an unnecessary operation on an effil cient mechanized farm. S faring-action I/Veeder After cotton has reached the six-leaf stage, f spring weeder attachment on the front cultivato Fig. l4. The rotary hoe is the key weed control n. and avoids covering small cotton. * Fig. l5. There is a wide selection of rotary hoes. This type has proved highly satisfactory. controls small weeds in the drill if a slight i is maintained at the base of the plants. figure 16.) _ i cal ergence Treatment re-emergence chemical treatment at planting tis popular in some states, but has not been Widely in Texas. re-emergence chemical treatment of a l0 to h band over the row at planting time is five for killing shallow-germinating weeds and under some soil conditions without injury tton. Such treatment usually costs $3 per Pre-emergence treatments are most effective the soil surface is sealed by rain and left iiturbed. “Dirting” too quickly in cotton that ‘ed a pre-emergence treatment throws grass f'nto the row. ire-emergence chemicals work best on soils rust without cracking. Poor results are com- in dry areas and on soils that crack after rain. J ergence chemicals usually fail 40 percent or of the time under such conditions. i armex DL is the pre-emergence chemical in general use. It a suspension (not a solution) ‘Mould be stirredithoroughly before and during fiapplication. One-half gallon of Karmex DL -_as a band application will treat 3 to 6 acres ton, depending on the dosage, width of band row spacing. Mix Karmex DL with water and apply it to the soil as a pre-emergence spray immediately after the crop is planted. If possible, planting and spraying should be one operation. The soil should be well prepared and as free as possible from trash and clods. Spray equipment should be cleaned and calibrated carefully, and the nozzles adjusted to deliver the proper amount of spray mixture to cover the area treated. Shut off spray booms while starting, turning, slowing or stopping, since injury to the crop may result. Equipment: Use a low-volume herbicide sprayer. Some growers equip the planter to apply Fig. l6. The spring action weeder controls weeds in the drill after cotton‘ reaches the six-leaf stage or larger. 15 the chemical. Others prefer to use high-clearance spray machines to apply the Karmex DL in a separate operation after planting. Both are satis- factory, but follow instructions on the manufac- turer’s label for calibrating the spray equipment. Make certain the tank is clean and free of scale. Strainer and nozzle screen, 50-mesh size, are sug- gested. Do not use flannel or cloth-type strainers. Constant agitation of the spray mixture is required; if a return line is used, it should reach the inside bottom of the tanks. Size of nozzles should be such as to deliver 0.3 to 0.4 gallon per minute per nozzle at 40 pounds pressure. Exceeding 40 pounds pressure will cause the spray to “fog” and blow. Use a large nozzle which will put out the material at a lower pressure and will not “fog” the spray. Usually for speeds of 3 to 4 miles per hour, use 8003-size nozzles; for 4 to 5 miles per hour, 8004; for 5 to 6 miles per hour, 8005. Calibration: The following procedure is based on the width of band treated and is not affected by row spacing. 1. With the tractor gear and throttle setting that will be used for actual application, determine the number of seconds required for the tractor to travel the measured distance shown opposite the desired band width (full throttle is preferred to insure maximum pump capacity) as follows: 10-inch band .................... -326 feet 12-inch band .................... .272 feet 14-inch band .................... ..232 feet 16-inch band .................... .-204 feet 2. Adjust the height of boom to obtain the desired band width. With water only in the tank and using the same throttle setting, but with tractor standing still, adjust the pressure so that each nozzle delivers 1 quart of spray in the exact number of seconds as determined in (1) for the selected band width. Equipment is now ready to apply the required spray volume, provided the gear and throttle setting are not changed. Mixing spray: For use on heavy soil types high in clay or organic matter, use 1/2 gallon of Karmex DL for each 53 gallons of spray mixture. On light soils low in clay or organic matter, use 3 pints for each 53 gallons of spray mixture. Do not use this mixture on very sandy soils lacking in clay or organic matter, since its leaching down- ward may damage the crop. Fill spray tank one-fourth to half full of water through a large top fuel funnel with strainer. Start the pump to agitate the water in the spray tank. Karmex DL must be stirred thoroughly before measuring. Pour the proper amount into the 16 funnel while the remaining water is being adde to the tank. Replanting: If bad weather makes replantin necessary, it can be done in soil treated wit. Karmex DL. The soil should be reworked befor replanting. Do not re-treat the field with Karme DL during the same crop year or injury to crop may result. Do not replant to crops othe than cotton within 4 to 6 months following treat IIICHI. fi . z» Lateral Oiling Herbicidal oils have been used since 1949 t‘ control grass and weeds after cotton is up to _ stand. The practice is reliable and economical More than 71,000 acres were “oiled” in 1960 i 75 counties. Many growers believe it is mor economical to use the oil and eliminate using pref emergence chemicals. The first application ca be made when cotton is about 3 inches high, o‘ 7 to l0 days old. Three applications at 7-da intervals can be made. Oil should not be applie after the bark begins to crack at the base of th plants. When the stalks reach the size of a lea pencil (3 /16 inch in diameter), oiling should cease‘ Lateral oiling works best where the bed is leve and before cotton is cultivated. Equipment needed includes a low-gallonage- low-pressure insect spray rig and parallel-actio oiling shoes which cost about $75 for a two-ro f setup. These oiling shoes use two fan~type nozzl placed l0 inches apart and one on each side of th row, usually operated at 21/2 miles per hour a 25 to 40 pounds pressure. Young cotton contains enough natural on the stem below the seed leaf or seed leaf sca to shed the oil without damage. The oil is petroleum naphtha containing no added fortifyin agent, it generally has a boiling point range o 300 to 400 degrees F. and an aromatic content o 18 to 25 percent. Five gallons per acre usually ar sufficient. In heavy grass, 7 to l0 gallons per acr may be required. Cost at bulk station dealers I about 20 to 25 cents per gallon, depending 0 transportation. Cost of labor and tractor applica’ tion per acre is about $1. Many farmers repor saving $6 to $25 per acre over hand hoeing un treated grass in cotton. For more information, ask your county a ' cultural agent for Texas Extension MP-504. 1. Ipazine in Bayol D, an experimental pos emergence herbicide, gives promise for controlli . small annual weeds and nutgrass in young cottol It may be on the market for limited trials by 196 Should this herbicide be registered under Publ'_ 17. Conventional two-row lateral oiling equipment lntrolling grass in small cotton. i 518 for use on cotton, research data justify a trial use material on a limited acreage. 1 In such trials, the material should carry 1.5 jg ds of the material per 40 gallons of mixture. filve gallons of this mixture should be applied 5acre in a 12-inch band centered on the drill. Application equipment is fairly simple, but iFnow commercially available. Satisfactory ap- ,1 tion can be obtained by modifying the end the delivery lines of a conventional pre- ence spray machine or regular insect control er. This modification and the proper setting wit‘. nozzles are shown in Figures 18 and 19. off-center nozzles per row, OCO2 or 0C03 or l’ equivalent, are required at the delivery end i e line as opposed to one nozzle on a pre- fgence spray machine. The tank of the spray ine also should have highly efficient hydraulic tion or a good mechanical agitator. In setting , ozzles, the fan pattern is directed to minimize ct with cotton leaves, as shown in Figure 19, ‘jthis factor is not as critical as it is with herbi- i’ Oil. ‘ ifDo not apply this herbicide until the cotton least 4 inches tall or after bark cracks form l’ e cotton stem. Make no more than two appli- ns. Temporary yellowing of cotton leaves p, ed with this herbicide may occur. Cases of t-to-moderate chlorosis have not resulted in decreases in research tests except where un- sarily high rates were involved. Treatments gld be applied before annual weeds develop nd the seedling stage. *2. Dicryl also has shown much promise for post-emergence control of annual weeds in g cotton-where applied as a directed spray. Use regular lateral oiling equipment or spray nozzles as shown in Figures 18 and 19. Limited research data and demonstration results in several Texas counties were inadequate for recommenda- tion in 1961. If tried on a few acres, instructions on the manufacturer’s label should be followed. Spot-spraying [ohnsongrass Established Johnsongrass can be eradicated in cotton by spot-spraying. It is faster and cheaper than hand hoeing. Hoeing usually does not eradi- cate the grass. Spot-spraying was introduced by the A8cM College of Texas in 1954. ,It became popular immediately as a supplement to cultural practices for the control of Johnsongrass, particu- larly for scattered infestations in cotton. Herbicidal oils and water solutions of sodium dalapon are used for spot-spraying Johnsongrass. Oils are applied to the crown or stem at the groundline only. Water solutions of dalapon are applied as wetting sprays to the foliage. These and other sprays suitable for spot-spraying Johnson- grass must be applied selectively if plants in the treated spots are to be saved. A 50-50 mixture of naphtha and diesel fuel oil is the oil spray most commonly used. Various I I : TUBEI§ I- o. {- NUTS a ser scnaws , , -2-"l.D.TUBE wsto I , "ro PLATE | I - - _ - - - - _ - - _ _ --- I I GEE l z 1 l l __ _ _ _ _ _ _ I . a l I | .. I .§. , ,1 4 ROD,LENGTH _a_"PLATE ‘ro m’ APPLICATION u sou‘ I 4L PIPE Fig. 18. Bracket for mounting post-emergence nozzles for Dicryl and Ipazine. Fig. 19. Nozzle arrangement for applying Dicryl and Ipazine post-emergence materials using off-center nozzles, 0C02 or 0C03. 17 other oil mixtures may be used for economy, for increased contact toxicity or for a combination of contact toxicity and residual effectiveness. A new jet gun sprayer developed at College Station now permits selective use of this herbicide in cotton and sorghum. Oil sprays kill on contact and are most effective when applied to the crown of John- songrass sprouts 6 inches or less high. If Johnsongrass infestation is not heavy, you can do a faster job by modifying the regular insect control spray rig on your tractor. (See Figure 22.) Four spray lines, 12 feet long, the same as the spray lines of the jet gun or gravity flow sprayer, can be attached to the tractor sprayer boom. A crew of four men can walk behind the tractor and spot- spray the grass on 8 rows. Another adaptation would be to fasten two seats for operators, the boom and two spray lines on front of the four-row tractor cultivator. Two spray men can then ride and spot-spray the Johnsongrass in four rows. Sodium dalapon is used at a concentration of 20 pounds in 100 gallons of water. It is a trans- located herbicide but also has a residual effect. Sodium dalapon kills the grass tops and many underground buds. It formerly was used primarily for nonselective treatment of large spots of Johnson- grass in sparsely infested cotton fields and for treatment of noncrop sites. Information on this practice can be obtained from your county agricultural agent. Instructions, including costs, are available in Texas Station B-902 and MP-423. Costs johnsongrass must be controlled if cotton is to receive full benefit from a fertilization program and to permit machine harvest of grass-free lint. Fig. 20. Field crew spot-spraying Johnsongrass in cotton at the right stage. 18 Fig. 21. The jetgun sprayer is efficient for selective, spot application of any weed control spray material. i One application of a pre-emergence chemical costs about $3 per acre. One lateral oiling application costs about $1.25 to $2.50, depending on whether 5 to 10 gallons per acre are used on the grass in» a festation. Spot-spraying Johnsongrass varies from * $4 to $18 per acre, depending on the infestation. The total cost may vary from about $8.25 to $23.50 per acre. Subtract $3 for pre-emergence s chemicals and the range is about $5.25 to $20. This may be a savings over the conventional methods of hand hoeing and plowing, depending on the rainfall, labor cost and weediness of the. land. I It stabilizes the cost of weed control to a figure ,5 most Blackland growers feel is worth incurring. Flaming Flame cultivation has been in limited use in- Texas since about 1947. Improvements have been Fig. 22. A regular insect control spray rig can vi adapted for a crew of four to spot-spray grass in cotton.- in recent years in the equipment used. This ice offers more promise in river bottom crops pose under irrigation than under upland con- Flame is used to control small weeds and grass e drill area of cotton after the stems grow to it the size of a lead pencil. Flame works best plied across relatively level and smooth row es. It should not be used where the row j le is such that the flame is deflected toward pper parts of the cotton plant. This might n if a single, late flaming is attempted. laming involves a series of treatments. Al- f; conditions vary widely, the first flaming ally is done at a pressure of 3O to 4O pounds 1a speed of 21/2 to S miles per hour. Later