8-986 DECEMBER 196i I Production and Marketing Practices ier Texas Peaches .. - ‘qpli 0F y”: THE AGRICULTURAL ANII MECHANICAL CGLLEGE UF TEXAS TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATICN - - - TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSIIIN SERVICE College Station, Texas Summary 4 Current developments in production and marketing practic‘ for Texas peaches are presented in this publication. Results o research on peach growing at the Tyler, Stephenville and Montagu, stations and at College Station, Texas, are covered in this repor Generally accepted practices also are discussed. i In recent years a strong consumer demand for quality tree’ ripened dessert peaches has influenced the development of the industry. In addition, full-ripe fruit is wanted for the rapidl i" expanding frozen food industry and for the manufacture ofgicp cream. The Texas peach industry can increase its share of: th peach market by concentrating on producing and marketing tre ripened fruit. Better production methods are increasingly im. portant. These methods include good cultural practices, followed. by improved harvesting, transportation and marketing methods.‘ Production A complex of cultural factors produce top-grade fruit. good site, high enough for good air drainage, is important. Go t soil, deep, fertile, well drained and adequately supplied wit if moisture and a favorable climate are essential. I Other cultural practices also are indispensable: choice 0 the peach variety best adapted to the site, and marketable rf terms of ripeness, size, color and flavor; thorough preparatioi of the site and clearing out of unwanted weeds and grasse’ adequate spacing of trees; good pruning and fruit thinning; propf attention to specific fertilizer needs and the control of insec V, and diseases. Harvesting and Marketing In producing quality peaches it is important that the frui remain on the tree until it attains ripeness that insures go eating quality. Harvesting and marketing practices should be designed t protect the perishable tree-ripe fruit and get it to the consum A in top-quality shape. p Picking containers should protect the fruit from bruising an be suitable for hauling it from the orchard to the packingshe Shipping containers should provide this same protectio , against bruising in transit; in addition, they should be attracti in appearance so that the buyer will be favorably impressed wi p the product. New sizing units that work well with a roller-grader an revolving table also provide maximum protection from bruising Hydro-cooling is a method used to preserve the fruit at th proper stage of ripeness until it reaches the market, mainly removing field heat which produces overrapid maturation. Decreasing the time of handling and transportation become more important when dealing with tree-ripened frui Texas peach growers, therefore, tend more and more to marke their fruit in a local area and avoid long hauls to market. Since the peach is highly perishable, it is necessary for th grower to work along with the wholesale and retail grocers r planning the movement of the crop. A well-organized marketin system requires about 30 days to plan and move the produ from the farm to the consumer. 1 ANISH EXPLORERS INTRODUCED the first peach into [the area now included in Texas in the 16th jury. Anglo-American colonists early in the 19th ry brought in additional varieties. These early i es were grown from seed and varied widely in ' shape, color and other characteristics. They i- small, white or yellow in color and some were ked with red. The so-called Indian peaches, fgrowing in some places in Texas, are repre- tive of these early fruits. _. Pioneers, dedicated to the improvement of the ' , soon developed name varieties from these types A were superior to the original types. J. W. benrauch, horticulturist of Mexia, Texas, worked ,= peaches for 60 years. Ultimately, he had 100 ore varieties growing in his orchard. By cross- ciElberta with Belle October peaches he originated ‘Frank, Irma, Lizzie, Liberty, Anna, Tena, Bar- Katie and other less well-known varieties. His v.5»: variety, obtained in 1889 as a chance seedling, ' ilconsidered the best early-ripening variety in the ' I days of commercial peach growing in Texas. v Other popular varieties were the Frances, intro- Av in 1895, by L. T. Sanders; Arp, by C. P. Orr 97; Alton, by T. V. Munson in 1899; and Early _ler, by E. W. Kirkpatrick in 1906. These varie- icontributed to peach growing in Texas, but they i rn have been replaced largely by other superior ties. Only the Frank, Carman, and Early leler are still being planted. }In 1901, the Texas Legislature enacted legisla- A authorizing the incorporation of companies that _- fruits, vegetables and tobacco. Between 1902 1905, 26 commercial orchards, mainly peach f ds with more than 45,000 acres, formed corpo- i. s under this law. The Texas nursery industry ’ ded rapidly and in 1905 the Texas Legislature "e the Texas Nursery Inspection Law to protect E interests in the State. This statute protected s nurserymen by (enforcing restrictions on the ctively, horticulturist, Substation No. 2, Tyler; associate 'culturist, Substation No. 20, Stephenville; associate horti- _rist, Fruit Investigations Laboratory, Montague; assistant gt»; r, Horticulture Section, Department of Soil and Crop ces; associate professor, Department of Agricultural Eco- fcs and Sociology; head, associate professor and extension iulturist, Horticulture Section, Department of Soil and I Sciences, College Station, Texas. Production and Marketing Practices for Texas Peaches H. F. Morris, T. E. Denman, U. A. Randolph, J. B. Storey, H. B. Sorensen, F. R. Brison, E. E. Burns and B. G. Hancock* importation of diseased and pest-infested nursery stock, and by enforcing their control within the State. The Texas Orchard and Nursery Inspection Law was revised in 1925. In 1953, this law was amended to require that the nursery stock be identified as to origin but also to discourage the sale of nursery stock that is untrue to name or which is dead or devitalized to the extent that it is unfit for sale. Geographic Producing Areas Peaches are grown widely in Texas, but com- mercial production is centered mainly in two areas. One area is in East Texas and includes mainly the counties of Smith, Red River, Rusk, Cherokee, Up- shur, Camp, Harrison and Wood. The other area is in West Central Texas and includes mainly the counties of Clay, Montague, Parker, Eastland, Erath, Comanche, Sommerville and Gillespie. Some peaches are produced commercially in Limestone and Free- stone counties. Peaches are not grown extensively in other parts of Texas. Peach Growing—A Dynamic Industry Peach growing is a highly specialized, intensive type of agriculture. Originally, the Elberta was the variety predominantly grown in Texas. The bushel basket was the standard container and peaches were shipped in refrigerated cars mainly to distant markets for fresh eating, canning and preserving. In contrast, today's orchards have a combination of varieties that provide a succession of ripening dates. In addition to bushel baskets, other satisfactory types of con- tainers such as lugs and fiber boxes are being used. Most near-ripe peaches are-shipped by truck, prefer- ably refrigerated, to nearby markets where customers purchase the fruit for fresh eating and quick freezing. Increasing quantities of full-ripe peaches are also being used for the manufacture of ice cream. Successful peach growing depends on precise operations because this fruit is so perishable. The following factors are important in the profitable commercial production of peaches and are based on experience in growing and marketing peaches at three 3 substations and at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, Texas: Size influences the marketability of peaches. Peaches of good size (21/1 inches in diameter and larger) sell readily. Variety, thinning and other cultural operations influence size. Color is important. Peaches with varying pro- portions of red and yellow surface color, with yellow flesh, sell best in retail stores. Color is determined by the variety, pruning, thinning and soil fertility. Maturity and freshness encourage repeat pur- chases. Immature fruit does not appeal to the average buyer. Flavor, which is a pleasing blend of sweetness and acidity, ultimately sells peaches best in the ,market. Taste and flavor vary widely, however, for different varieties and under different growing con- ditions. Success in growing marketable peaches with these qualities depends on the important factors presented in the following pages. Production CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Close investigation should be given to climatic conditions before investing money in peach produc- tion in Texas. Table 1, on climatic conditions, shows that occasionally the various peach producing areas are severely affected by some type of calamity such as freeze, insufficient cold hours, drouth or hail. Special attention should be given to selecting varie- ties needing 800 to 950 chilling hours for the eastern TABLE l. CLIMATIC‘ CONDITION REPORT ON PEACH PRODUCTION IN VARIOUS AREAS, 1940-60 part of the State. Four years during 1940-60 did A have sufficient cold hours at the Tyler station Q the Elberta. " Varieties with high chilling requirements sho be more profitable in the West Cross Timbers sec ' since only 2 years of the 1940-60 period showed. sufficient cold hours at the Stephenville station." Trees or crops seldom are destroyed entirely m? than 1 year in succession. i‘ SITE The selection of orchard site is very impor J The elevation should provide for adequate air v » age, which tends to prevent frost pockets and d =_ or loss from occasional late spring frosts. The el tion above the immediately surrounding count more important than the elevation above sea I Steep slopes should be avoided because of exce erosion. - SOILS Peach trees thrive best on soils that are: (1) d enough to accommodate good root penetrati (2) sufficiently fertile to support good growth fruit bearing, (3) well-drained, both on the su r and in the subsoil and (4) adequately supplied moisture necessary for normal growth. At the Tyler station peaches are grown cessfully on soils that have a l2 to 18-inch su layer of sandy loam underlaid with a pervious s soil, which indicates good drainage and suffici air for root growth. Heavy blue or grey subsoils unfavorable for long life of trees because of u‘ drainage and poor aeration, Figure l. Tyler Stephenville Montague Stonewall Years Lack of cold hours Freeze Lack of Drouth Hail Freeze cold hours Drouth Hail Freeze Lack of cold hours Lack of cold hours Drouth Hail Freeze Drouth p! 1960 1959 l l 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 I 2 1947 1946 1945 2 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 Nr-IM MWI-Ir- Q when-n Q MMNN Nr-dr-Ibba- mn-s-oat-t- lélQlQn-I Q-l ‘Rating: 0 = lack of cold hours in number; 1 = slight; 2 = severe; 3 = total. 4 At the Stephenville station and Montague labora- p [5, Peach orchards have been grown successfully fandy loams, 6 inches deep and deeper, underlaid a reddish clay subsoil. Experience at these ens shows that orchards on these soils can be ‘feted to produce commercial crops for 15 years 'ore. In Clay county, some profitable orchards sandy surface layers that are as much as 2O feet and some superior orchards grow in such ions. PROPAGATION OF TREES igaStandard varieties of peaches are propagated by ,ing them onto rootstocks of proved adaptability. growth, productivity and longevity of a peach depends considerably on the rootstock. Peaches belong to the same genus as plums, ots, cherries and almonds and may be inter- ed with all of these species. In commercial ice, however, only the peach is used as a root- g‘. Rootstocks grown from “natural,” or wild es, from Tennessee,iKentucky and the Carolinas, used in the past. More recently, seedlings of ed varieties such as Lovell and Elberta have been extensively. These seedlings and those from ral fruit are susceptible to nematodes, particu- the root-knot nematode, a troublesome soil pest gany peach-growing areas. The 8-37 is somewhat ant to the root-knot nematode and is being used lme extent where that pest is present. "Trees of name peach varieties budded on Nema- yd (FV 234-1), a new USDA peach rootstock, are ing on highly nematode-infested soil near Jack- fille. The trees are healthy and show no symp- of nematode damage. Almost all trees in the test, growing on the commercially common peach rootstock, were killed by nematodes in 3 years after planting. Another rootstock, aga, is reported resistant to nematode damage. stock has been released and is available com- i ianl” §Peach trees on ordinary rootstocks for commercial tings usually cost 40 to 50 cents per tree; special gtocks are more. l REPLANTING giSome peach trees in an orchard die inevitably ng the early years of the planting. In many cases, l_ of such trees is caused by poor drainage, shallow orsome other unfavorable local soil condition. should not be replanted on such locations until I conditions are corrected. Poor soil is not only ause of tree loss, but it is the most serious cause. arch workers at the Stephenville and Tyler sta- 4;. found that peach trees could be replanted with tation of survival and normal growth if the l, of the original tree resulted from causes other an unfavorable site or soil. At Brownwood, Texas, trees replanted on old p on alluvial Frio clay loam showed striking fits in new tree growth from soil fumigation methyl bromide. Control of weeds and grasses, Figure 1. Seepage damage to Burbank Elberta trees, re- sulting from poor drainage and aeration. especially during the first 3 years after replanting, was found to be the most effective treatment for insurance of survival. This suggests that particular attention should be given to the eradication of heavy turfs of Bermudagrass and Johnsongrass before re- planting peach trees on old sites. VARIETIES Successful peach growing depends on a wise selection of varieties. Decision on varieties is im- portant in the establishment and management of a peach orchard. A variety should yield satisfactorily; it should have an appropriate rest period for the locality in which it is to be grown; the time of bloom- ing and initiation of growth in the spring should be after the customary date of freezes and killing frost; the trees and fruit should be resistant to diseases en- countered; and finally, the trees should be vigorous and adaptable to the area. The variety also should sell well. Size, color, flavor and degree of ripening are factors that influence sales. Many new varieties have been introduced in recent years as a result of intensive breeding programs conducted by state and federal research agencies and interested plant breeders. Many characteristics of these new varieties, such as skin color, firmness, flavor and disease-resistance are superior. By selecting the proper combination of varieties to provide for a succession of ripening dates, fruit will mature through- out the summer. The marketing system used and the length of the favorable marketing season determine the combination of varieties that provide the best succession of ripening periods. Evaluation studies conducted over the past 20 years at Stephenville, Tyler and Montague stations show that varieties vary widely in adaptation. New varieties, therefore, should be planted on a trial basis until they are fully tested and recommended by qualified personnel at the stations. The rest period and prolonged dormancy are important in the choice of variety. All commercial 5 TABLE 2. TEMPERATURE DURING NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, JANUARY AND FEBRUARY Hours below 45° F. Hours above 70° F. Area 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 Average 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 Average Montague 1694 1356 1444 1637 1737 1573 121 87 18 85 32 69 Stephenville 1386 1158 1474 1295 1583 1379 140 112 12 140 58 92 Tyler 1269 979 1258 1217 1355 1216 204 160 56 149 58 125 College Station 780 697 978 914 1099 894 314 272 126 "174 98 197 Prairie View 747 630 604 914 1159 8 1 1 333 311 160 38 66 182 Crystal City 836 757 837 656 510 712 112 187 254 355 546 304 varieties are characterized by a rest period, and a certain amount of cold weather is required during the dormant season before trees resume normal growth in the spring. The actual degree of low temperature varies with varieties. Temperatures below 45° F. ' are regarded as effective and those above 70° F. are thought to be offsetting. Failure of leaf and flower- buds to resume growth in early spring at the normal time for the variety indicates insufficient cold weather; this condition is known as prolonged dormancy. The importance of winter chilling in peach growing has been known for a long time. Recently, interest in this factor has been stimulated by: Several crop failures because of inadequate chill- ing (1950, 1951, 1952); i The accurate determination of the chilling re- quirements of the principal varieties of peaches; Accurate records on the amount of cold and off- setting warm weather prevailing during the winter. The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station has such records on each of the important peach-growing areas of the State, Table 2. Thus, it is now possible to determine rather accurately the amount of cold TABLE 3. PEACH VARIETIES FOR DIFFERENT AREAS OF TEXAS likely to occur in a given area and to select and plant varieties with appropriate cold requirements. Cold requirements for important peach varieties are given in Table 3. Insufficient winter chilling may result in any one or a combination of the conditions briefly outlined as follows: A delay in spring growth of both leaf and flower-i buds may occur and a prolonged delay of either results usually in loss of the crop. Most varieties require more chilling for growth initiation of leafbuds than for flowerbuds. Thus, trees may bloom but the leafbuds may fail to grow at the proper time. The blooms and small fruit may be normal but they may drop because of the long delay in the formation of foliage needed to supply necessary plant food. New growth of peach trees in the spring normally results from buds on limbs that grew and developed the previous season. Trees that do not receive suffi- cient chilling ultimately resume growth, but mainly from older buds near the ground, on the trunk and in the angles of the scaffold branches, instead of from. Variety Color Cling m. E t w t C s Rllztirfiirlg 8635011116 ia- surfa“ Flesh freestone ment-hours Teairsas "limbs: country‘ Groslbeck Brazos May 25- May 25- May 26- Cardinal red yellow cling 900 June 5 June 1-10 June 5 June 5 Redcap yellow / red yellow cling 750 June 5-10 June 1-8 June 1-8 June 5-13 Maygold yellow / red yellow cling 650 June 6-16 Dixired dark red yellow cling 1050 June 6-15 June 1-10 June 2-10 Coronet yellow / red yellow semi-cling 800 June 5-15 June 12-22 June 8-18 June 10-20 June 12-22 Ranger red yellow freestone 950 June 25- June 25- June 20- June 20- ' July 5 July 10 July 5 July 1 Triogem yellow / red yellow freestone 850 June 15-25 July 1-12 June 25- June 25- July 5 July 5 Southland yellow / red yellow freestone 750 June 26- July 6 Redglobe bright red yellow freestone 850 July 5-15 July 5-20 July 1-10 July 1-10 Scarlet yellow / red Elberta dull red streaks freestone 850 July 5-15 Loring yellow / red yellow freestone 850 July 10-20 July 12-25 July 5-15 July 5-15 July 6-16 July 22- July 15- July 15- Redskin bright red yellow freestone 750-800 July 15-25 Aug. 10 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Elberta yellow / red yellow freestone 850 July 25- July 22- July 15- July 15- Aug. 5 Aug. 10 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Frank yellow yellow cling 750 Aug. 1-15 Aug. 10-25 Aug. 5-20 Aug. 5-20 Aug. 15-25 ‘Gillespie-Blanca counties area. 6 ear-old buds. Such trees appear ragged and are j eptible to sunscald because there is no protective fliage during the spring. Special attention in prun- is required to reshape trees of this kind and t0 ‘Jovide protection against sunscald damage in the , Peach varieties with cold requirements less than ye prevaling amount of cold for a locality probably "ll bloom early, and the chances of the fruit being led by freeze or frost are increased. Those varie- a. with cold requirements greater than the usual Count of cold in their locality will be delayed in looming and growth. The rest period, by delaying iowth only briefly, may serve as a distinct advan- pie. Observations at the Stephenville station indi- Ste the importance of selecting varieties with chill- requirements slightly more than the average iumulation of effective cold. The slightly pro- ged dormancy, thus imposed, causes a delay in ossoming which often means a difference between full crop and a total loss, in years when spring ost is a critical factor. The varieties planted most widely in Texas are ted in Table 3; important characteristics and ripen- jg season are given for each. Varieties recommended planting in each important peach growing area i the State are listed in the order of ripening in {able 4. ‘ PLANTING TREES Peach trees become reestablished readily when cember through February. The recommended gcing is 20 to 25 feet in East Texas and 25 to 30 in North Central Texas since soil moisture is A re likely to be a limiting factor at critical times, re 2. This spacing is not favorable for spraying rows at one time with a speed sprayer; rows _ ced 20 or 25 feet apart with the trees planted either 25 or 30-foot intervals in the row can be orayed more efficiently. Early vigorous growth of ung trees can be encouraged by the application p‘ fertilizer and by controlling weeds and grass i ough cultivation or the use of chemicals. The rate growth during the first year is related directly the age at which the trees produce profitable yields. i» d growth the first year hastens the attainment tree size necessary for yields at an early age. H PRUNING f tgPruning develops and maintains a tree with good ipe. Branching should begin at a height that will rmit easy cultivation. Overall height of the bear- f; tree should be favorable to easy harvesting of fruit from the ground since fruit bends limbs iwnward. The center of the tree should be open, ft enough small limbs in the interior should be at to provide shade for the framework branches to ilp prevent sunscald. An open center facilitates i esting, enables sunlight to penetrate the interior _ the tree, encourages good fruit color and is favor- . to uniform distribution of spray materials. . N». v-(fln - m, ,‘..,_. v v u, nsplanted during the dormant season from late. TABLE 4. PEACH VARIETIES RECOMMENDED FOR VARIOUS GROWING AREAS Gillespie and East Texas We.“ Cross Freestone Brazos Timbers . county counties Cardinal Cardinal Cardinal Maygold Coronet Dixired Redcap Hiland Triogem Ranger Coronet Redcap Ranger Redglobe Redglobe Southland Scarlet Elberta Loring Loring Loring Loring Redskin Redskin Frank Redskin Elberta Frank Two general systems are followed in the selection and shaping of the limbs that are to become the main framework of a tree. Both have been used success- fully at various units of the Texas Agricultural Ex- periment Station. First System Steps followed in pruning trees by one system are: First year-When a tree is transplanted, the cen- tral stem should be headed back so that it remains 24 to S30 inches high. A large number of lateral branches will develop when growth starts in the spring. Three of the new limbs radiating in differ- ent directions from the uppermost part of the trunk are selected to become the primary scaffold branches of the tree. Limbs originating near the same point are more likely to make uniform growth than those spaced at intervals along the trunk. When the three primary branches have been selected, any other branches that might retard their growth or crowd them should be removed. This system of shaping trees is used in orchards of the Stephenville station, and the trees develop well-knitted heads with wide- angled, durable crotches and framework. Second year-During the ‘winter before the be- ginning of the second growing season, all limbs along Figure 2. One-year old peach orchard planted on contour to conserve soil and moisture. the main trunk are cut off except the three selected for the framework. Each of the three main scaffold limbs is cut back, preferably about 12 inches above the juncture of the branches with the main trunk. This stimulates the growth of lateral branches. Two limbs growing in opposite directions and rising at different points are selected from these lateral branches and encouraged t0 produce the tertiary scaffold limbs of the permanent framework. Limbs that grow into the center of the tree should be cut out to produce an open center. Third year—Each of the six secondary scaffold limbs are pruned back, if necessary, to produce addi- tional framework limbs around the perimeter of the tree. Center limbs and low-hanging outside limbs should be removed. Some thinning of smaller limbs and twigs along the main branches is necessary, and tips of leading branches should be cut back to pre- serve the uniform shape of the tree and maintain it at the desired height. F uture years-With the scaffold limbs and frame- work of the tree well established, future pruning should keep the fruiting area at the desired height, maintain the open-center feature of the tree and discourage overbearing by judicious thinning of potential fruit-bearing limbs. Thinning is accom- plished by removing limbs along the main frame- work, leaving relatively short fruiting limbs spaced about 8 inches apart and by heading back most of the vigorous growing limbs that tend to give the tree excessive height. Second System Another system widely used in training peach trees is outlined as follows: when the young tree is set in the orchard, it is headed to a height of 24 to 30 inches. All lateral limbs should at this time be cut to 4 or 5-inch stubs, a procedure necessary to protect the vegetative buds which are used in developing the framework of the tree. When suffi- cient new growth has developed in the spring for the selection of lateral limbs, at least three of these limbs spaced 6 to 8 inches apart and radiating in different directions should be chosen. The terminal buds of all new growth not chosen for frame limbs should be pinched out to halt excessive develop- ment. Allowing the extra new growth to remain serves two purposes: a replacement can be made if damage occurs to a selected frame limb and the foliage helps to shade the young tree trunk while aiding in plant food development. Frequent inspection through the growing season should be made to curb any excessive development of the surplus new growth and to make any replace- ment required for selected frame limbs. Very little pruning is required during the first 2 or 3 fruiting years if correct training is obtained on the young tree, but occasionally a limb must be removed in order to maintain an open type tree. Older, more mature trees should be pruned more 8 heavily than younger ones, though too much n‘ often is removed even from vigorous bearing tree In future years, the pruning of the bearing trees ' essentially the same as that previously outlined. FERTILIZATION No definite fertilizer recommendation can o? made for all peach orchardsil, Soil type, fertility amount of erosion and the age and condition of th trees all enter into one of the more perplexing pro lems of orcharding. Results of previous researc indicate the effect of the rootstock, and behavior 0 the individual tree is more likely to determine‘ th rate of tree growth and its productive ability tha any variation of plant nutrients. Soils in East Texas are deficient in nitrogen an phosphorus and the light sandy soils are somewha deficient in potash. Therefore, it is considere necessary to furnish all three of the major element nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, to the bearin peach tree. The usual recommended formula is v l-l-l ratio for the sandy soils and a 2-2-1 ratio f0 the redlands or heavy clay loams. A Some growers consider that one application o" nitrogen during the first 3 years is sufficient to secur the desired tree growth. Usually the required nitr gen is obtained from an addition of one-half poun to l pound of ammonium nitrate to the tree durin ~ each season. j The introduction of the new, early-ripenin varieties of peaches further complicates fertilize recommendations. Recent results of an extensiv fertilizer test with Dixired peaches at the Stephenvill station show that a spring fertilizer application delay ripening from 1 to 2 weeks. Such a delay can mea a tremendous loss to the grower with the pric dropping rapidly so early in the season. A mor serious problem arises when these early clingstone are then forced to compete with the first freestone‘ on the market. The problem becomes less critical as the seaso advances, but the grower should be careful in th fertilization of bearing trees in the drier areas of th State. Frequently, a heavy application of fertilize will delay the maturity of the fruit until a dry perio occurs, resulting in total or partial loss of the crop‘ A fertilizer test with the Halehaven variety at th Stephenville station was affected by this conditio approximately l year in 3. A balanced fertilizer 0 a 1-2-1 ratio is suggested where the moisture suppl is likely to become deficient during midsummer. Thi provides trees with essential plant food elements with out promoting excessive vegetative growth. CULTIVATION A thorough job of site preparation before plant} ing trees is highly economical and profitable. Th' operation includes the eradication of undesirabl turfs of perennial grasses and brush growth. It is als advisable in some instances to use a subsoiling chise I break through the hardpan to improve soil drain- and to increase water-holding capacity. ,_ Whether a disk harrow, springtooth harrow or are used in cultivating the orchard after the is are planted, two operations are essential. First, ‘(e depth necessary to till the soil for best results I yuld be established and this depth maintained to iid cutting feeder roots. Second, deep tillage close i” the young trees should be avoided since it may in young brace roots as well as ruin the feeder system. In the eastern section of the State it is well to ve a certain amount of surface residue when plow- Si; -under a cover crop or removing summer weeds grasses, Figure 3. Excessive cultivation is ex- insive and undesirable since the so-called “clean itivation” allows rapid runoff during a rain and fr absorption of moisture. In the Cross Timbers, summer cultivation, Figure 4, is a worthwhile “lctice because it helps to conserve moisture. Cover p should be grown during the winter, Figure 5. i; discourages wind and water erosion and adds matter to the soil when plowed under. Q THINNING e Need, time and method are important in fruit 1 ning. .4 Thinning is necessary for the production of lity peaches. The demand for larger fruit in nt years has created a need for exact thinning, , cially with the early-ripening varieties that tend small. Such varieties actually require wider -. ing than some of the older varieties that normally good marketable size with little thinning. ion tests show that a spacing of 6 to 8 inches along f: twigs is desirable for these new varieties. On A loaded trees this necessitates the removal of much , t, which seems drastic to many growers; however, larger size attained by the remaining peaches ly compensates for those removed. A harvest of 3 bushels of large fruit that brings top prices More profitable than twice as many bushels of jller fruit selling for low prices. A heavy crop in delays ripening, sometimes a week or more, ch tends to offset advantages of planting early “ieties. This is important early in the season when price tends to drop rapidly. In dry summers, ‘if inned fruit may even fail to reach marketable resulting in a total crop loss. Thinning favorably affects the leaf-fruit ratio by ‘inating a part of the fruit and by stimulating ter twig growth, and leaf size, both of which react ntageously in ithe production of better grade “ es. Work at the Stephenville station shows that with ripening varieties, thinning is most effective if , done early, shortly after the shuck-off. Figure 3. Disking small grain, mixed oats, wheat and barley in an 18-year-old Elberta orchard, leaving some surface residue. .-.\-..~w.<-~. . Figure 4. Clean summer cultivation. f '5..- Figure 5. Cover crop mixture of oats and Austrian winter peas in mature peach orchard. Timing is not so critical with mid-and-late season varieties. These may be thinned with decreasing results any time before maturity. Thinning by hand is more tedious when the fruit is small than later when it is larger. Rapid and relatively inexpensive methods of thinning are often practiced early, fol- lowed by more precise and careful thinning before pit-hardening time. Method Fruit usually is thinned by hand-pulling and by knocking with a looped section of a V-belt or rubber hose attached to a short pole. Chemicals are being used experimentally. Hand-pulling is slow, tedious and expensive but is most practical for varieties which must be thinned early when the fruit is small. _Thinning with a belt or hose is effective for removing fruit that has attained one-half inch in diameter. This rapid method should be followed with more careful hand-thinning. There has been widespread interest in the use of chemicals for thinning peaches. The most promising material tested under Texas conditions has been a carbamate, (FS-Chloro-IPC). Variable results were obtained when it was used on different varieties at the Stephenville station. Some varieties were thinned too much and others showed little response. Standard concentrations did not produce the same degree of thinning during different years. Chemical thinning obviously requires less labor; however, results in Texas have been inconclusive, and additional research is needed before chemical thinning can be recom- mended. INSECTS AND DISEASES Many insect pests and diseases are injurious to peach trees and fruit. Information on these and nnanagement practices to control them are presented in MP-283, “Peach and Plum Diseases” and in L-245, “Texas Guide for Controlling Insects and Diseases on Fruits and Nuts,” which may be obtained from county agricultural agents or the Agricultural In- formation Office, A8cM College of Texas, College Station, Texas. COST OF ORCHARD Planting a peach orchard is a long-term invest- ment which requires several years before the first crop can be harvested. There are 3 nonproductive years after planting in which all cultural operations should be practiced. Main cost items are land, trees and labor and management of planting and cultiva- tion. Land costs are variable. Good land for peaches can be purchased for $60 to $100 per acre, depending on the location. Good trees cost 45 to 75 cents per tree. Usually 87 to 108 trees are planted per acre. Costs of planting and maintenance until bearing age are extremely variable, depending on local factors. Reports from Tyler and Stephenville show that costs of developing an orchard to bearing age range from $150 to $200 per acre. l0 Harvesting and Marketing The profitable sale of peaches is the ultimate objective of commercial peach growing. Profitable sales depend on variety and quality characteristics already discussed. maturity, postharvest handlingfpre-cooling and stor- age), picking and shipping containers and finally market outlets. MATURITY The development of sweetness and other tasfe factors ceases when a peach fruit is harvested from a tree. It is important, therefore, that the fruit remain on the trees until it is ripe enough to insure good eating quality. termine ripeness. Color is a measure of ripeness. Growers learn to associate various shades of ground color with maturity. A change in ground color from whitish green to yellowish green is a basis for determinin maturity of most varieties. All fruit on a tree does not mature at the same time. Color cannot be relied on entirely as an accurate index for peach varieties that develop extensive red pigmentation well before maturity. Yellow groun color, particularly at the stem end, can be used. The best color index is the absence of green color at th shaded area where the fruit-bearing twig has been i contact with the fruit. This area has been shade by the twig and the interfering red pigments do no form here. Yellowness of this area and peach matu rity are directly related. Experienced pickers becom adept at selecting fruits that are mature by their general appearance except those varieties that ar all red. Firmness of flesh is another way of determinin maturity. Hand pressure has been used and mor recently accurate fruit pressure testers have been use a to determine maturity. This has been proved to t. the most accurate means of measuring maturity an maintaining the desired level of fruit quality goini to market. Fully ripened fruit has a pressure tes of less than 4 pounds as determined by the Magnu if Taylor pressure tester. This is too ripe for frui which is to be shipped to market, or which is n4 offered for retail sales in less than 24 hours. Th'i fruit has poor eating quality and is subject to bru' ing and postharvest rots. The ideal stage of maturi by pressure test is in the 4 to 7-pound range. Th' fruit ships well and ripens sufficiently during th ,0 short holding periods in the market system to be v prime quality when offered for sale. Pressure teste may be obtained from most orchard supply hous The actual degree of desired ripeness is det - mined by the market outlet. Peaches should be fu ripe for use in ice cream, firm-ripe for canning , freezing, firm-ripe to full-ripe for sale at roadsi markets and hard-to-firm-ripe for distant shipmen They also depend on proper Several ways may be used to de- Observations and tests to determine the ideal of maturity for Texas-grown peaches indicate i? these objective tests can be used successfully. information, however, is more valuable when supplemented with a practical knowledge of t bnmental conditions and market desires. } ize can be used also as a guide to maturity, i“ increases in fruit size and maturation proceed evenly. However, in some sections of the try where peaches are produced under irrigation, uit may reach maximum size well in advance turity. Under Texas conditions, although size be used as a guide, it should be supplemented “Qcolor and texture measurements or observations. a HARVESTING Increasing quantities of Texas-grown peaches are i‘; harvested in a more mature state. This makes f1 important to exercise unusual care in the "ting and handling of this highly perishable Ang Containers n recent years, consumer demand for ripe es has encouraged growers to change harvesting ices. Bushel baskets and drop-bottom picking popular containers for harvesting fruit in the are not suitable for tree-ripened peaches since fffruit bruises easily. good picking container should be sturdy and *0 protect the fruit from bruising during picking auling. It should be inexpensive, should enable icker to use both hands for picking and should itable for hauling fruit from the orchard to the f yngshed. sturdy wooden box which can be snapped . to a shoulder strap worn by the picker was 'ally suitable at the Stephenville station, Figure hen three layers of fruit have been placed care- riin the box, it can be unsnapped quickly and erred to the truck used to haul the fruit to the gshed. The box is well suited for stacking field, on the truck and in the packingshed. 'nce only three layers of peaches are placed in allow box, bruising of soft fruit is reduced . A soft pad in the bottom of the box provides {nal protection. rowers report wide adaptation of this harvest- Vntainer for different steps in handling and iting peaches. Some growers haul their fruit y to large public markets in the box and pack- be fruit as it is sold. This is an ideal method guling choice, tree-ripened fruit that should be with care. g Other growers stack the boxes the: high on‘; their trucks and haul the fruit packingsheds. g PRE-COCLING AND STQRAGE cooling xach hydro-cooling is valuable when the fruit held in cold storage for short periods. Stor- age is recommended when an even or orderly flow of fruit into marketing channels is desired. Hydro- cooling is a way of rapidly removing field heat from the fruit. This heat can be harmful in that rates of maturation and breakdown are directly related to heat. Cooled fruit has a longer storage and market life. The process of removing heat by hydro-cooling involves flooding or spraying the fruit with ice water. Commercial hydro-cooling units are available, or small capacity units can be built by following avail- able specifications. The relationship of initial fruit maturity, hydro- cooling and postharvest-ripening temperatures to con- sumer acceptance is presented in Table 5. Maturity of fruits was determined by a Magnuss- Taylor pressure tester. The fruit was subjected to hydro-cooling, storage and taste tests at three levels of maturity. These were: ripe peaches which had a pressure test of 2 pounds or less; semi-ripe which had an average test of 6 pounds; and green which had an average test of 12 pounds. The hydro-cooling treatment consisted of cooling the peaches for 15 minutes at a temperature of 35° F. to remove field heat. The storage ripening of the semi-ripe and green peaches was carried out at room temperature and at 65° F. As this fruit reached the ripe stage it was removed to 35° F. storage and held for organoleptic evaluation. Figure 6. Wooden picking box attached to shoulder strap. l1 Examination of the table reveals a pattern of preference for peaches receiving the various treat- ments in the following order: (1) room temperature, (2) hydro-cooling plus room temperature, (3) 65° F. storage and (4) hydro-cooling followed by 65° F. storage. Peaches ripened at room temperature were preferred to those ripened at 65° F. and peaches which were not hydro-cooled were preferred to those which were. This indicates the flavor of the peaches was impaired by the chilling action of hydro-cooling. The initial maturity of the peaches seems more important for determining quality than any one treatment or combination of treatments investigated here. Ripe peaches were rated more acceptable than storage-ripened fruit and storage-ripened semi-ripe fruit was rated as more acceptable than storage- ripened green fruit. Another advantage of hydro-cooling other than simple heat removal is that it prevents postharvest decay. Many suitable commercial preparations are available. Those that are principally phenolic de- rivatives or chlorine compounds usually contain wet- ting agents to improve coverage and provide more efficient heat exchange. Ordinary sodium hypo- chloride household bleach can be used with the addi- tion of wetting agents for small-scale operations. The label indicates the chlorine concentration of the bleach; this should be diluted to 100 parts per million. Postharvest Ripening and Storage Peaches which are not fully mature can be held at room temperature 1 to 2 days in the early summer; however, when day temperatures are high and the relative humidity is low, excessive shriveling and weight loss occur. When this condition exists, ripen- ing should be carried out under cool temperatures. Research with Texas peaches indicates that 65° F. is an ideal ripening temperature. Peaches in the pressure test range of 4 to 7 pounds ripen satisfac- torily in 24 hours; in the pressure test range of 7 TABLE 5. RELATIONSHIP OF MATURITY, HYDRO- COOLING AND STORAGE RIPENING TO CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE OF RANGER AND DIXIRED PEACHES Initial Pressure T t t, Days to Conslimer maturity test ma men ripen accep fmce , ranking Average Average Average Ripe 2 pounds RT 0 l Ripe 2 Hy + RT 0 2 Semi-ripe 6 RT 5 3 Semi-ripe 6 65° 7 4 Semi-ripe 6 Hy —{— RT 5 5 Semi-ripe 6 Hy + 65° 7 6 Green 12 RT 7.5 7 Green 12 Hy + RT 7.5 8 Green 12 Hy + 65° 14 9 Green 12 65° l4 l0 ‘RT I Room temperature storage. Hy I Hydro-cooled. 65° I 65° F. storage. 12 to l0 pounds, they ripen in 48 to 72 hours; and t“ the pressure test range of l0 to 12 pounds, they ripe in 3 to 6 days. Ripened fruit will remain in edib condition 7 to 10 days when stored at 35° F. to 40° '- The use of cool storage ripening rooms is reco i mended for fruit which has been picked slightl immature. Cold storage is valuable in maintaini an orderly flow of quality fruit to the market. A GRADING AND PACKING The peach is highly perishable and must I moved quickly in all channels of distribution fro the grower to the ultimate consumer. This inciud efficiency in handling and packing the fruit by t grower. , The introduction of new highly colored varieti of peaches with very light pubescence has eliminat the need for expensive brushing units. The caref i handling required for tree-ripened fruit has ma most sizing machines obsolete. Formerly elabora machines were used in sizing and preparing peach for market. ’ Some growers have turned to packaging direct from the harvesting container. They use a sm sloping table with a surface large enough to hol two or more containers for different-sized fruit. T picking box is conveniently located on a shelf attach to one side of the table, and the fruit is sized r - hand as it is transferred to the proper containe‘ Figure 7. A well-trained crew of packers capable of turni out the maximum number of units per day is esse tial for efficient operation. The grower must follo orchard practices that will insure the production o‘ a uniform crop of medium-to-large-sized fruit. f Revolving tables are becoming a standard fixtu in many of the new packinghouses, Figure 8. large quantities of cull fruit are brought to the she a roller-grader can be combined profitably with t revolving table to remove such fruit before it reach the packing stations located around the table. Th provides a rapid and economical system of packagin especially where a minimum of sizing is required; New types of sizing units are being develop that work well with a roller-grader and revolvi 1i table to provide maximum protection from bruisi i at all times. Such a machine has recently been co’ pleted at the Stephenville station, Figure 9. T entire unit is designed so that the fruit is nev dropped. It rolls along on canvas aprons as i moves from the roller-grader to the sizer and on ' the revolving tables. ‘ MARKET OUTLETS Quality peaches have a good potential mark in Texas and adjacent states. Essential to the su cessful marketing of peaches are good size, color a v taste. Peaches also must be available in sufficie quantity throughout the season to enable them = become an established commodity on the market. a Before 1930 numerous packinghouses were located portant production centers that handled carload ments to distant markets. Equipment used in sheds was designed to handle the hard, green 't to be ring-packed in bushel baskets. The prac- of facing the basket with a layer of highly L ed fruit often was unsatisfactory to the buyer added little value to the final product. By 1940 the trucking industry largely had taken the marketing of peaches. Many truckers lped the fruit into the open bed and hauled it idreds of miles to market. The fruit lacked ity, but the buyer did have an opportunity to what he was purchasing. A new market arose after the war with the rapid imsion of the frozen food industry. There is also ‘ifexcellent market today for fresh dessert peaches ughout the summer. The public is demanding ighly colored, yellow-fleshed peach with good or that is ready for immediate consumption when chased. Several market outlets are sales from roadside “kw to packingshed operators, brokers and whole- , local stores, processors and direct sales from ards. dside Stands Successful marketing of fruit from a roadside ket depends on these important factors: a Fruit clean and attractively displayed, Figure l0. Fruit available over a prolonged period. Several kinds of commodities available. i __ Location in its nearness to population center i or to a well-traveled highway. .- from Orchards Sales from the orchard to the consumer dispose , ops in another way. The sales are usually small “ushel or less) and the consumer wants the highest ity fruit. This is a good market outlet, particu- for growers in areas where there are relatively orchards. Iringshed Operators Packingshed operators usually are located near center of the peach production area. They are icked fruit from the grower. The packingshed , ator buys and receives the fruit, grades, packs f loads it for shipment and usually has contacts f e it can be sold. Packingsheds may be inde- ;dent enterprises or cooperatives of local growers. ers and Wholesalers I Brokers and wholesalers usually are located in tant terminal market and buy or accept consign- of the packed fruit from packingshed operators sale to the retail merchants. ly reliable businessmen who purchase the load, Figure 7. Individual packing station where fruit is pack- aged directly from harvesting container. Figure 8. Revolving tables are common in many new pack- inghouses. - .4 Figure 9. Roller-grader and revolving table with latest type of sizing units. l3 ~sidered as a supplementary outlet. Terminal market buyers in major cities are will- ing to purchase Texas peaches if volume is main- tained for 6 t0 8 weeks during the season. Successful marketing by this method depends partly on the aggressiveness of the broker. The attractiveness of any account to the broker is de- termined by the volume and quality of fruit and the length of time that it will be on the market. This is particularly true for brokers who have accounts with growers in areas that can supply quality fruit throughout the season. i Local Stores, Chain Stores and Supermarkets Local stores, chain stores and supermarkets con- stitute an outlet that can be utilized in marketing peaches. Success depends on a clear understanding and a close working relationship between the store and the grower. Here again the arrangement is likely to be successful if clean, attractive, high-quality fruit is supplied throughout a given period. Direct Sales Sales may be made to truckers seeking a produce load to carry as a “back haul” or to produce dealers who will purchase an entire crop. In order to buy as cheaply as possible, the trucker is willing to purchase “combined grade.” He may, at times, purchase only the top grade. This method of direct sales is not a very reliable way to move an entire crop because the truckers are not always there to buy. Processing, Freezing and Canning Peaches for freezing and canning represent an important market outlet, which needs to be developed further. Since Texas peach production is oriented mainly towards fresh market sales, processing is con- However, new production techniques extend the hope of high- volume commercial peach processing in Texas. These techniques promise greatly increased yields per acre, Figure l0. Selling peaches at a roadside stand. 14 a reduction of the unit production cost and j selection of peach varieties specifically for processi Peaches for home processing represent an cellent outlet for fully ripe peaches. These pea 1 generally are too soft to withstand extensive hand A or shipment to market but are ideal for the ~j processor. To encourage this type of sales, sev growers provide customers twilth instructions freezing peaches. Instructions developed by the T Agricultural Experiment Station are shown in I Appendix. ‘ SHIPPING CONTAINERS A successful shipping container should: j transport produce to market in the best condi possible, (2) be attractive in appearance, iden; the product and (4) create a memorable and ple impression of the product. ; The container also should be strong and e stacked and protect the produce from bruising. f should be easy to pack and handle, should dis‘ the product neatly and attractively and should. inexpensive. Regardless of construction, bulk containers certain common weaknesses. Some of the fruit- the bottom of the container is bruised by the press from above. When fruit is stored for any lengt time, various kinds of rots spread through the ,'_Y tamer. ‘Y I Each major type of container has some partic j advantage. - Baskets The bushel basket has been the most pop i container for shipping green mature peaches. I inexpensive and can be easily packed and hang with green mature fruit. However, it does not y; adequate protection from bruising for the f mature-type peach now demanded by consumers. Wirebound Boxes To overcome some of the objections to the r0 if wooden basket, various types of wirebound o; appeared on the market. Evaluation studies reve that these boxes somewhat reduced the bruising tree-ripened fruit for distant shipment. They stac better in storage than regular baskets and mad fairly attractive pack. The wirebound box is used mainly for shippi green mature peaches. It. is a major competitor the basket. Its major advantages are that it canl stored in a flat condition, thus reducing space I that it is easily stacked for shipment and storage; Lugs For many years, West Coast growers have the conventional peach lug in combination with pa’ cups for individual fruit. This container has accepted readily by all supermarket managers beca‘ of its many desirable features. It is a small, handled container that stacks well, offers maxim ection t0 the fruit and can be used for display, ‘ e ll. With the increasing demand for ripe some losses do occur in the bottom layer of The thin cardboard pad, which separates éiitwo layers of fruit, does not always protect the ‘m layer from bruising. Recent experiments with in veneer shelf, supported on cleats between the ilayers of fruit, showed that it was possible to give ébottom layer adequate protection. Several types f: lded cup trays, designed for use with the stand- ipeach lug, are now available. They would replace [fruit cups and eliminate the need for the sup- k~ shelf but would again pose the problem of qul sizing. These trays do not seem as practical e crinkle cup which does not require careful of the fruit. board Containers §Many kinds of fiberboard boxes, designed for packaging, have been developed in recent years. of them are in one piece and can be assembled “ply by folding at certain points. The newer types ‘i sing a moisture-resistant fiberboard that prevents box from collapsing in moist storage. They are ictive and can be used for displaying fruit in the Recently designed fiberboard containers have desirable features of the wooden peach lug. A iner with a sturdy shelf that would be fully f‘ to the lug in all respects could be constructed. [Containers a ' veral years ago it seemed that cell containers of be the answer to the growers’ problem of giving uit more individual protection. Initial studies fted several objectionable features to the early Since the cells were not interchangeable, the Tr was required to stock many different sizes xes for various-sized fruit. The boxes frequently I sufficient strength and were not moisture proof. the fruit was carefully sized, it rolled about if individual cell, resulting in considerable bruis- y Recent improvements in construction, along interchangeable cells for one standard box, have these containers more acceptable. [A CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE onsumers are becoming more familiar with l'pened peaches and would like to buy this type {peach which can be used as a fresh dessert. A ipened peach requires some modifications in pg»; harvesting and marketing. The peach in- has made every effort to produce and market pe of peach“ the consumer wants. To reduce an of handling a tree-ripened peach, the distance es will move to market should be limited. The of peaches that is produced currently in Texas marketed 300 to 500 miles from the area of tion. onsiderable work by the Department of Agri- a1 Economics and Sociology and the Stephen- f . _- ‘s v i; Figure ll. An attractive lug pack, showing Redglobe, a promising new peach variety ready for distant shipment. ville station has been done to determine the quality acceptance of new varieties of Texas-grown peaches in retail stores during the past 4 years. Sales of peach and other stone fruit were compared for 2 years. In 1956, peaches accounted for 58 percent, plums 36 percent and apricots 6 percent of stone fruit sales. However, during the same period in 1957, peaches accounted for 65 percent of the sales while plums accounted for 30 percent and apricots, 5 percent. Texas peach sales increased from 50 to 63.3 per- cent of total peach sales during the 3-year study, Table 6. During the study, research improved the size and quality through better grading techniques. The first year of the study, Texas peaches were sold at the same price or less than competing peaches. However, in the second and third years of the study the larger peaches were sold at a premium, thus show- ing the consumer is willing to pay for quality. Texas peaches, having equal or greater sales volume, show that Texas can produce quality peaches that more than satisfy consumer demand. Texas peaches were sized in three groups in 1958- 59. The large-sized (2% inches) peaches were sold at a 2-cent premium price and the medium-sized (2% inches) peaches were sold at the same price as the competing peaches in the retail stores. During these tests these two sizes of Texas peaches (more than 8O percent of Texas peach volume), when properly sized and graded, competed at the same or higher price with fruit from other areas, indicating that Texas peaches can be competitive, especially when more than 60 percent of the peaches Tsold in the stores were local Texas peaches, Table ~7-. Retail store tests on firm-ripe ‘and green mature peaches conducted by the Texas Agricultural Experi- ment Station during 1959 showed that almost all waste and spoilage resulted from shriveled, slow-moving, green mature fruit rather than from bruising of over- ripe fruit. When peaches of varying degrees of ripe- ness were mixed in a display, consumers pinched the 15 TABLE 6. DISTRIBUTION OF PEACH SALES BY AREA OF ORIGIN, 1957-59 Year 1957 1958 1959 ————Percent———— Texas peaches 50.0 53.8 63.3 Peaches from other areas 50.0 46.2 37.7 fruit and handled it more, in an effort to select the riper peaches. As a result, damage was incurred and waste was increased. It was also difficult to maintain the attractive appearance of the display. A few green peaches mixed with the fully-colored fruit gave the display a green appearance which slowed down sales. Consumers demand fresh, ripe peaches for immediate consumption. Retail store sales tests in Dallas during 1957 re- vealed that the shelf life of Texas peaches compares favorably with that of peaches from other areas. Spoilage of Texas peaches resulted in a total loss of only 6 percent to the retailer. All stores will not sell the same volume of peaches. The average income of the people in the area of the store influences the sale of all commodi- ties. Peach sales in pounds per 100 customers and 100 produce items are shown in Table 8. Stores were classified according to income groups, and the produce items per customer are shown for each store. The high and low-medium income stores sold more peaches per 100 customers in 1957 than the other groups, but in 1958 the medium-high income store had the great- est sales with the high income group next, followed by the lower income stores. The low-medium income store had the lowest number of pounds of peaches per 100 produce items, while the pounds of peaches sold per 100 customers was higher. This may be i caused by larger individual sales, possibly purchases for canning. Appendix INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOME FREEZING OF PEACHES Frozen peaches are an attractive and delicious dessert. Properly prepared and handled, the flavor and appearance are similar to the fresh fruit. No other fruit lends itself to freezing preservation as well as these fresh, tree-ripened peaches. The steps to follow are simple. Peeling Dip the fruit in boiling water until the skin slips off easily. This requires 1 to 2 minutes, depending on the maturity and variety of the fruit. Place the fruit immediately in cool water to avoid any cooking of the flesh. Slip the skin from the fruit and pare TABLE 7. DISTRIBUTION OF TEXAS PEACH WEIGHT AND VALUE OF SALES ~ Year 195s 1959 1959? Size of Pounds of Value peaches peaches salv — — — — ——Peiltcent————- 25/3 inches 29.9 27.5 32.1 '9 2% inches 54.8 55.8 55.4 21/3 inches 15.3 16.7 12.5 away the defective areas. Quickly cut the fruit t halves and remove the seed. Cut the halves i as many sections as desired and immediately p’ the cut fruit in a holding solution which will q vent browning. Holding Solution 9,; Unless treated, the peeled and cut peaches i, discolor rapidly when exposed to the air. This g occur not only when the peaches are being prep for freezing, but also later when they are being tha: to be eaten. Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, is the =l material to prevent this browning. It can be ; chased from any dealer in home freezing sup The holding solution should contain 0.1 pe ‘ ascorbic acid, one-half teaspoon per quart of by household measure. Sugaring and Packing Remove fruit from the holding solution drain away all excess moisture. Mix the fruit " dry sugar in a large pan or bowl at the rat'_ 1 pound of sugar per 4 pounds of fruit. Put i, into containers and cover it with the syrup ~= remains in the pan or bowl. Close the conta" with an airtight seal. Label them, including of variety of peach and the date. Freeze the frui quickly as possible. ' Containers Containers for frozen peaches should be ably airtight and moisture proof. They shoulf shaped for space economy in the freezer, easily la and economical. Plastic films and contai ' moisture-vapor-proof containers and glass freezing may be used satisfactorily. I The following points are important: Use tree-ripened, high-quality fruit. . Prepare and freeze the fruit as quickly as _ possible. 9 Always use ascorbic acid. . Place containers in the freezer loosely. This ‘I allows air to circulate around the pack-q ages and they will freeze faster. a Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, R. D. Lewis, Director, College Station, Texas