Response 0f GARDEN ROSES t0 a lanned Planting and Maintenance Program TEXAS ARM UNIVERSITY IIUITURAI EXPERIMENT STATIUN - - - TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSIUN SERVICE College Station, Texas v oses under Texas simple schedule of ons. Anyo condition i, fol planting y g i’ d maint A rden location that will receive at least 6 hours of sunlight per day is highly desirable. In most Texas areas a location that is shaded during the afternoon is probably ideal. When dormant plants are preferred, they may be planted any time that the plants are in good condition and dormant. Most Texas areas, except the Panhandle, have a brief dormant period in late January or during February which is the most desirable planting period. Container grown plants can. be successfully planted at any time during the year if the plants are in active growth when they are transplanted. When the planting location has adequate drainage, extensive bed and soil preparation are not required. In very heavy clay soils where drainage does not occur readily, this condition should be corrected by standard methods before the soil and plantings beds are prepared. Under all other conditions the following procedures will provide an excellent soil environment for garden roses. Prepare the area to be planted by spading or tilling the existing soil to a depth of 12 inches. Spread a mixture of 5O percent ‘horticultural grade perlite and 5O percent coarse peat moss over the area to a depth of 4 inches. Then mix this material thoroughly with the existing soil. If past experience indicates the possibility that soil- borne diseases, nematodes, or weeds may be troublesome, the beds can be fumigated with a liquid carbamate soil fumigant according to the procedure used in these studies. Allow the soil to settle for several weeks after preparation before planting. Select only top-quality plants for planting, and do not allow the tops or roots of t-he plants to dry out during handling or planting. Prepare planting holes in the bed 2 feet apart, about 14 inches in diameter and about 10 inches deep. Leave a mound of soil about 4 inches high in the center of each hole. Prune the roots on the plants to a length not to exceed 12 inches, making sure that all roots are pruned to this same length or less. Prune the tops to an outside eye or bud 6 to 8 inches above the bud union of the plants. Q: u, Set the plants down firmly on the mound of soil le holes so that the roots spread out naturally in all in the hole. Control the depth of planting so that union will be about an inch below the soil surf the hole with soil and tamp it firmly and around. the plant. l’ .x,= v_\ ~;_ When all the plants have been set, water thoroughly with tap water. When the surface of shows signs of drying, water the bed with a c root-stimulator at the rate recommended by the - turer. Apply a 2-inch mulch to the beds as X; root-stimulator has been applied using an organic, I ' L similar to that used in these trials. .53;- After 2 weeks scratch below the mulch to drying has occurred in the soil below. When shows signs of dryness, water the entire plant thoroughly. Watering will not be required oft every 2 weeks or longer, depending on the du tween rains. Never apply additional water mulch or the soil below it is wet. 1 ., e§~ v\ ‘H. \_ . C‘ v Thirty days after planting ap-p-ly a fungicide lined in this program at 2-week intervals. Disco application when active growth ceases in the fallif" winter. Begin the program the second year, the buds begin to break on the plants in the sprin‘ the plants every 3O days with an all-purpose for insect control. Remove the old flowers from the plants the first petal falls, by cutting the stem just first five-leaflet leaf that occurs below the flo. no prune the plants in any other way during season. Flowers should be cut with longer if they are to be used as cut-flowers. I The following spring, in all areas where prevail, remove any dead or broken branches plants. Prune the remainder back to 8 to from the ground and begin the same growing; again. In the colder areas of Texas, delay the pru ii, A plantings until the new buds begin to turn red danger of the last killing frost is over. Then planned maintenance program for the second A. ‘x ' .~ "\ Li‘ ...................................................... _- Z 4 0n ---------------------------------------------------- -- 3 and Materials ................................ .- 4 l‘. Preparation .................................... .. 4 :3 ting Procedures .............................. .- 4 fitment Applications ......................... .. 4 -Starter Solution .......................... .. 4 ‘i5 utrients ............................................. .. 4 gungicide Treatments ....................... -- 5 lch Treatments .............................. .. 5 her Routine Cultural Operations... 5 f d Discussion .................................. .. 5 of Root-Stimulator .................... _. 5 it of Fungicide Treatments .......... .- 6 [i- of Mulchingwigz-i: ....................... .. 6 of Fertilization ............................ .. 6 of a Combination all Treatments .............................. -. 6 g1: - "gments .......................................... -. 8 tenance Program Planned Planting and A. F. DeW/ert/J Department of Soil and Crop Science: HE CULTURE OF GARDEN ROSES has long been considered a specialized undertaking. Considerable scientific infor- mation about the cultural requirements necessary for producing good rose plants under nursery and greenhouse conditions is available, but these findings have not been applied to the culture of roses in garden or landscape environments. Many of the cultural practices recommended in the past for the growthand development of garden roses are timeworn pro- cedures that might now be discarded in favor of a predeter- mined and planned schedule for the planting and mainte- nance of these garden subjects. Much of the information available that deals with growing garden roses is based on results obtained in climatic regions where the seasonal changes are not closely related to those experienced in the various sit- uations encountered in Texas and the Southwest. It is exceed- ingly difficult to adapt these recommendations to Texas con- ditions with any success.- For many years Texas ranked second in the production of garden rose plants in the United States. During recent years the reputation for the production of quality rose plants has been disminishing, even though the top-graded plants produced have continued to be of high quality. This concept may be due, to some extent at least, to poor cultural practices applied to these plants after they are received and are placed in garden or landscape plantings. These practices are also uneconomical and disappointing to the home gardener. No available records of any scientific investigations in Texas during recent years have been directed specifically to the problems involved in growing roses in landscape or garden locations. Past problems related to growing garden roses 3 successfully indicated that a need existed for a reliable schedule of cultural procedures, including soil preparation, method of planting, spacing of plants, rapid establishment after planting, proper application of nutrients, control of insect and disease problems and the pruning, mulching and moisture requirements involved. Research with roses and other woody plants grown in containers and under garden conditions at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and elsewhere indicates that the usual recommendations for planting, for soil pre- paration, for soil structural requirements and for other cultural practices may be greatly modified. Studies were initiated at College Station in 1960 to evaluate the response of hybrid rose plants to various cultural practices applied to these plants under landscape and ganden conditions. In addition, some information was obtained on the effect of heavy winter mulches on the performance of garden roses under prevailing climatic conditions. METHODS AND MATERIALS Three planting beds, 96 feet long and 6 feet wide, were constructed in the open field in full sun. The ex- perimental beds were enclosed in 2 x 6-inch redwood curbs that extended 4 inches above the existing grade. Each of the beds was divided, with redwood dividers, into 12 equal 6 x 8-foot plots. This established a ran- domized block design consisting of 36 plots, with an area of 48 square feet in each plot. Twelve rose plants, spaced 2 feet apart on centers, were planted in each plot. Four varieties of hybrid tea and one variety of hybrid floribunda roses were included in the trials. Each plot contained 4 plants each of three varieties randomized throughout the experiment that was composed of 87 plants of each variety, making a total of 435 plants. Twelve treatments were used in the study. Each treatment was replicated three times. The treatments were composed of the four following materials that were coded with the indicated letters. R I root-starter solution X I no treatment (control) N I nutrients M I mulch F I fungicide These materials were used as 12 treatments alone and in combinations as numbered and listed below: 1. MNF 5. NF 9. R 2. F 6. N 10. M 3. MN 7. RN l1. NMFR 4. RFN 8. MRF 12. X The rose plants used were obtained from a source of commercial nursery plants and were No. 1 grade on Rom m-iultiflora understock. No varieties were designated when the plants were ordered. Those sent by the source? considered as representative varieties for garden use. i varieties planted were hybrid tea-variety Peace, hybri, variety Alamo, hybrid floribunda-variety Pinocchio, i tea-variety The Doctor, hybrid tea-variety Charlotte i‘ strong. Soil PreRdI§ati0n' The existing soil type in the area where the?» were conducted is Lufkin fine sandy loam. k within the experimental plots was rototilled to a 12 inches. Four inches of a mixture of 50 perce i cultural grade perlite and 50 percent sphagnum pe by volume, were evenly spread on the surface area was again rototilled until these material thoroughly incorporated with the existing soil. perimental area was then fumigated with a liquid c p _, soil fumigant at the rate of 1 quart per 100 square if area. The soil was rototilled again 7 days after i‘ plication to aerate the soil. Then the soil was ae - ___, an additional 14 days before the plants were planti .5 Planting Procedures The plants were prepared for planting as soon h were received from the nursery by pruning the i to exceed 12 inches in length. The tops were p approximately 8 inches above the bud union. Holes not larger than 14 inches in diamet prepared in the plots, with a mound of earth piled center of the hole. The plants were set on this so that the roots extended evenly in all directii the mound. The depth of planting was controlle bud union was set at, or just below, the existing after the soil was settled after planting. Treatm ent A pplicationr The various treatments were applied to the =i cording to the following procedures. ROOT-STARTER SOLUTION: A commercial solution was applied to all plots designated for ment at the time of planting. No further a were made. .1 The material used was a commercial producti. lated for this purpose. It contained 5 percent i 20 percent phosphoric acid, 1O percent potash p percent indole-butyric acid. This product was -.»__ 1 part in 8O parts of water and was applied to nated plots at the rate of approximately 1 gall: solution per square foot of soil surface. This Tf was equal to approximately 3 pints per rose w‘ NUTRIENTS: A commercial formulation plete fertilizer was used for all plots designated l. ii ion during the trials. This commercial product {especially formulated for the fertilization of i?‘ plants, using the following components: p, t nitrogen (4 percent from ammonium sul- "rcent from diammonium phosphate) 10 per- oric acid (7.5 percent from 20 percent super- cl 2.5 percent from diammonium phosphate) ash (from 60 percent muriate of potash). ~_._ to the above ingredients, the product also con- percent organic nitrogen from cottonseed meal, minor elements in ‘the following amounts: cent; manganese 0.012 percent; zinc 0.013 per- 0.004 percent; boron 0.008 percent; and mo- 0008 percent. iertilizer was applied at the rate of 3 pounds e feet as a dry surface application. The first was made 4 weeks after the planting date. pplications were made during the growing week intervals. Care was taken to be certain was uniformly moist when the fertilizer was the plots were then thoroughly watered after ons were made. TREATMENT-SI The fungicide used in was a commercial formulation containing 50 -trichloromethyl-thiophthalimide. Applications 3 o the designated plots at the rate of 2 pounds erial to 100 gallons of water at 2-week intervals growing season. The first application was made if the buds began to swell after planting. ‘in TREATMENTS: A commercial product com- "shredded pine bark prepared for this particular used in these trials as a mulching material. ial was applied to the surface of the plot to 'mate depth of 2 inches. The mulch was ap- _ the soil had been well watered following ‘r ROUTINE CULTURAL OPERATIONS: All plots 1 ed in accordance with tensiometer readings or re testing methods, and were kept weed free. A between the trial plots were mowed, trimmed, ed in accordance with good turf management c, pests were controlled by a preventive spray ing a combination insecticide formulated es- i) the control of major insect pests attacking S‘ is material was, applied at recommended rates iintervals during the growing season. No fungi- 'als were included in this formulation. fs on the number of actively growing breaks r of flowers produced were made at about als. All flowers were removed to the first five-leaflet leaf at the time of first petal fall. No other pruning was performed. Data on root-starter solution plots was taken 30 clays from the date of planting by selecting representative plants from the plots receiving the root-starter solution treat- ment, digging them and comparing the number of roots produced on treated plots with the number of roots pro- duced on plants on untreated plots. Root growth on representative plants was again compared at the end of the growing season. Measurements on all other plots were taken at monthly intervals or as the growth and development of the plants indicated. The following criteria were used in accumu- lating data: number of healthy "breaks" produced per plant; number of flowers produced per plant; vigor and general condition of plants as observed by a panel of workers and recorded by photographs; number of leaves and stems expressing disease symptoms; evaluation of varietal and individual differences at the end of the grow- ing season; and evaluation of the condition of all plants at the end of the first and second growing seasons. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Present recommendations for planting garden roses in Texas stipulate that fall or winter planting is most desir- able but garden conditions are unstable during the winter months and dormant roses are not always obtainable in good condition in the fall. The plants in this investi- gation were planted in early spring. on February 20, 1962 to determine whether spring planting might not be de- sirable and satisfactory under Texas conditions. The only application of the root-stimulator used was made on February 21. The first fertilizer application was made on March 5 and the mulch was applied on March 12. The fungicide applications were started on March 26. The spraying program with the all-purpose insecti- cide was started on April 2, 1962. The trials were con- tinued until December 31, 1963. Effect of Root-Stimulator There was no significant difference in the number of flowers and the number of healthy breaks produced by the plots treated with root-stimulator when compared with the plots not receiving this treatment. However, data was taken on the average number of roots produced on the plants in plots treated with root-stimulator and the control plots by digging representative plants and counting the roots produced during the first 45 days after planting. With the exception of the variety Alamo where no significant differences were noted, all of the plants treated with root-stimulator had produced approximately 25 per- cent more feeder roots than those in the untreated plots, 5 Figure 1. Comparison of rose plants (variety Peace) shouting the effect of root starter solution on early root development. The plant on the left was treated with starter solution. Figure 1—comparative photo. N0 further data was taken on these plots since the principal value t0 be derived from the use of the root stimulator is the early development of feeder roots to aid in the rapid establishment of a vigorous root system. Effect of Fungicide Treatments The plants to which the fungicide was applied pro- duced an average of 11 percent more healthy breaks per plant than plants that were not sprayed. Data was also taken on the effectiveness of the fungicide treatments by actual leaf counts taken once every 30 days during the first 12 months of the trials. The average number of leaves showing blackspot or mildew symptoms during the year 1962 are shown in Figure 2. Effect of Mulching The plants in the plots that received the mulch pro- duced 13.3 percent more healthy breaks per plant than those in the unmulched plots. This differential is signif- icant in this particular treatment since the plots under the mulch required watering only half as often as the unmulched plots to keep the soil uniformly moist during the growing season. Effect of Fertilization All of the plots to which the complete fertilizer was applied at 30-day intervals produced an average of 12 per- Figure 3. Comparison of fertilized and unfertil' of roses. Plants in the top photo received no treatment in the hottom photo received a combination of all cent more healthy breaks per plant than those fertilization. i‘ However, the qualitative effect of fertilizati much more evident throughout the growing i those exhibited by the quantitative data. The diff the health and vigor of the fertilized and u plots is illustrated in Figure 3. Effect of a Combination of all Treatni There was a significant difference among receiving a combination of all treatments and they‘; Plants receiving all treatments produced an aver“ more healthy breaks per plant. The vigor, foili and flower color were superior in the treated pl in the control plots the foliage was chlorotic, \- weak and the flowers small. iii The results of this 2-year study indicate performance of garden roses is .not dependent specialized and time-consuming cultural practicesii The method of securing data by counting" thi of healthy breaks and the number of flowers i at 30-day intervals was not entirely satisfactory-ff qualitative factors of the amount and color of rtgfi duced, the size and color of the flowers and Treatment No. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll Percent Blackspot 15% 15% 25% 0 0 15% 30% Trace 56% 26% Trace Percent Mildew Trace Trace 25% Trace Trace 0 0 0 0 0 Trace Figure 2. Average numher of leaves showing hlachspot or mildew symptoms in 1962. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov l l l b l l l Plots receiving oll treatments Control plots "4. Cbart of number of flowers produced by variety irnzstrong during tbe growing season. of vigor, of the plants used was not satis- ected by the data. the fresh weight and dry weight of the plants because of the number of individuals treatments and the duration of the study. data taken in this manner, however, would e the results obtained in this study mo-re mean- statistically significant, and would more closely qualitative results that were evident through i‘ ation and evaluation during the various peri- fpgrowing season. dy indicates that many of the tirneworn prac- ifollowed in growing garden roses may well be ‘j favor of a predetermined and well-planned i‘ less time-consuming maintenance practices. ‘w’- e plants in this study responded well to all gnts used during this 2-year period. The cli- "tions that prevailed during these growing sea- gjpnot as favorable as those of normal years in Tince a severe drouth occurred during the second ._ ‘A. ' I 4‘ ‘g . k. Q i-Moy June July Aug Sept Oct Nov C! l l l l l l l Combination of oll treatments i“ if ‘iii” Season Totals: Treoled Plots 235 Control Plots I30 i}. Difference in number of flowers produced for \' I v i‘ on among control plants and plants receiving all r sbown in tbis cbart. April, 1962 a-(r-mwa» .. - . June’, .. July, 162 Figure 6. Tbe growtb and development of tbe garden roses during tbe first growing season is sbown in tbese pbotos (and cover pboto). From top to bottom: 2 montbs, 5 montbs and 6 montbs after planting. Cover pboto sbows condition of plants 7 montbs after planting. year. All of the varieties used in these trials produced a considerable number of flowers during each month of the growing season. The comparative production of breaks during this period is shown in Figures 4 and 5. These data show that the production of flowers by the plants in the plots receiving only the scheduled amount of mainte- nance during the growing season produced significantly larger numbers of flowers, especially during the hot, dry months of the year. Only 16 of the 435 plants included in this study died during the 2-year period and all of these were in the control plots. All the plants showed very favorable responses to individual treatments such as bi-monthly applications of a fungici-de, monthly fertilizer application, mulching, an application of root stimulator at planting time, and thorough watering at weekly intervals. A combination of these treatments produced results that were far more sig- nificant than those obtained by any of the treatments alone. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Grateful acknowledgment i: made t0 the Co., The Stauffer Chemical Co. and Mirmul, I‘ for financial arsixtance; to. CQZoperative R018 for Jupplying the rare plant; med," and to f Thompron for gathering data. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, R. E. Patterson, Director, College Station, Texas Response 0f GARDEN ROSES t0 a lanned Planting and Maintenance Program TEXAS ARM UNIVERSITY IIUITURAI EXPERIMENT STATIUN - - - TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSIUN SERVICE College Station, Texas v oses under Texas simple schedule of ons. Anyo condition i, fol planting y g i’ d maint A rden location that will receive at least 6 hours of sunlight per day is highly desirable. In most Texas areas a location that is shaded during the afternoon is probably ideal. When dormant plants are preferred, they may be planted any time that the plants are in good condition and dormant. Most Texas areas, except the Panhandle, have a brief dormant period in late January or during February which is the most desirable planting period. Container grown plants can. be successfully planted at any time during the year if the plants are in active growth when they are transplanted. When the planting location has adequate drainage, extensive bed and soil preparation are not required. In very heavy clay soils where drainage does not occur readily, this condition should be corrected by standard methods before the soil and plantings beds are prepared. Under all other conditions the following procedures will provide an excellent soil environment for garden roses. Prepare the area to be planted by spading or tilling the existing soil to a depth of 12 inches. Spread a mixture of 5O percent ‘horticultural grade perlite and 5O percent coarse peat moss over the area to a depth of 4 inches. Then mix this material thoroughly with the existing soil. If past experience indicates the possibility that soil- borne diseases, nematodes, or weeds may be troublesome, the beds can be fumigated with a liquid carbamate soil fumigant according to the procedure used in these studies. Allow the soil to settle for several weeks after preparation before planting. Select only top-quality plants for planting, and do not allow the tops or roots of t-he plants to dry out during handling or planting. Prepare planting holes in the bed 2 feet apart, about 14 inches in diameter and about 10 inches deep. Leave a mound of soil about 4 inches high in the center of each hole. Prune the roots on the plants to a length not to exceed 12 inches, making sure that all roots are pruned to this same length or less. Prune the tops to an outside eye or bud 6 to 8 inches above the bud union of the plants. Q: u, Set the plants down firmly on the mound of soil le holes so that the roots spread out naturally in all in the hole. Control the depth of planting so that union will be about an inch below the soil surf the hole with soil and tamp it firmly and around. the plant. l’ .x,= v_\ ~;_ When all the plants have been set, water thoroughly with tap water. When the surface of shows signs of drying, water the bed with a c root-stimulator at the rate recommended by the - turer. Apply a 2-inch mulch to the beds as X; root-stimulator has been applied using an organic, I ' L similar to that used in these trials. .53;- After 2 weeks scratch below the mulch to drying has occurred in the soil below. When shows signs of dryness, water the entire plant thoroughly. Watering will not be required oft every 2 weeks or longer, depending on the du tween rains. Never apply additional water mulch or the soil below it is wet. 1 ., e§~ v\ ‘H. \_ . C‘ v Thirty days after planting ap-p-ly a fungicide lined in this program at 2-week intervals. Disco application when active growth ceases in the fallif" winter. Begin the program the second year, the buds begin to break on the plants in the sprin‘ the plants every 3O days with an all-purpose for insect control. Remove the old flowers from the plants the first petal falls, by cutting the stem just first five-leaflet leaf that occurs below the flo. no prune the plants in any other way during season. Flowers should be cut with longer if they are to be used as cut-flowers. I The following spring, in all areas where prevail, remove any dead or broken branches plants. Prune the remainder back to 8 to from the ground and begin the same growing; again. In the colder areas of Texas, delay the pru ii, A plantings until the new buds begin to turn red danger of the last killing frost is over. Then planned maintenance program for the second A. ‘x ' .~ "\ Li‘ ...................................................... _- Z 4 0n ---------------------------------------------------- -- 3 and Materials ................................ .- 4 l‘. Preparation .................................... .. 4 :3 ting Procedures .............................. .- 4 fitment Applications ......................... .. 4 -Starter Solution .......................... .. 4 ‘i5 utrients ............................................. .. 4 gungicide Treatments ....................... -- 5 lch Treatments .............................. .. 5 her Routine Cultural Operations... 5 f d Discussion .................................. .. 5 of Root-Stimulator .................... _. 5 it of Fungicide Treatments .......... .- 6 [i- of Mulchingwigz-i: ....................... .. 6 of Fertilization ............................ .. 6 of a Combination all Treatments .............................. -. 6 g1: - "gments .......................................... -. 8 tenance Program Planned Planting and A. F. DeW/ert/J Department of Soil and Crop Science: HE CULTURE OF GARDEN ROSES has long been considered a specialized undertaking. Considerable scientific infor- mation about the cultural requirements necessary for producing good rose plants under nursery and greenhouse conditions is available, but these findings have not been applied to the culture of roses in garden or landscape environments. Many of the cultural practices recommended in the past for the growthand development of garden roses are timeworn pro- cedures that might now be discarded in favor of a predeter- mined and planned schedule for the planting and mainte- nance of these garden subjects. Much of the information available that deals with growing garden roses is based on results obtained in climatic regions where the seasonal changes are not closely related to those experienced in the various sit- uations encountered in Texas and the Southwest. It is exceed- ingly difficult to adapt these recommendations to Texas con- ditions with any success.- For many years Texas ranked second in the production of garden rose plants in the United States. During recent years the reputation for the production of quality rose plants has been disminishing, even though the top-graded plants produced have continued to be of high quality. This concept may be due, to some extent at least, to poor cultural practices applied to these plants after they are received and are placed in garden or landscape plantings. These practices are also uneconomical and disappointing to the home gardener. No available records of any scientific investigations in Texas during recent years have been directed specifically to the problems involved in growing roses in landscape or garden locations. Past problems related to growing garden roses 3 successfully indicated that a need existed for a reliable schedule of cultural procedures, including soil preparation, method of planting, spacing of plants, rapid establishment after planting, proper application of nutrients, control of insect and disease problems and the pruning, mulching and moisture requirements involved. Research with roses and other woody plants grown in containers and under garden conditions at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and elsewhere indicates that the usual recommendations for planting, for soil pre- paration, for soil structural requirements and for other cultural practices may be greatly modified. Studies were initiated at College Station in 1960 to evaluate the response of hybrid rose plants to various cultural practices applied to these plants under landscape and ganden conditions. In addition, some information was obtained on the effect of heavy winter mulches on the performance of garden roses under prevailing climatic conditions. METHODS AND MATERIALS Three planting beds, 96 feet long and 6 feet wide, were constructed in the open field in full sun. The ex- perimental beds were enclosed in 2 x 6-inch redwood curbs that extended 4 inches above the existing grade. Each of the beds was divided, with redwood dividers, into 12 equal 6 x 8-foot plots. This established a ran- domized block design consisting of 36 plots, with an area of 48 square feet in each plot. Twelve rose plants, spaced 2 feet apart on centers, were planted in each plot. Four varieties of hybrid tea and one variety of hybrid floribunda roses were included in the trials. Each plot contained 4 plants each of three varieties randomized throughout the experiment that was composed of 87 plants of each variety, making a total of 435 plants. Twelve treatments were used in the study. Each treatment was replicated three times. The treatments were composed of the four following materials that were coded with the indicated letters. R I root-starter solution X I no treatment (control) N I nutrients M I mulch F I fungicide These materials were used as 12 treatments alone and in combinations as numbered and listed below: 1. MNF 5. NF 9. R 2. F 6. N 10. M 3. MN 7. RN l1. NMFR 4. RFN 8. MRF 12. X The rose plants used were obtained from a source of commercial nursery plants and were No. 1 grade on Rom m-iultiflora understock. No varieties were designated when the plants were ordered. Those sent by the source? considered as representative varieties for garden use. i varieties planted were hybrid tea-variety Peace, hybri, variety Alamo, hybrid floribunda-variety Pinocchio, i tea-variety The Doctor, hybrid tea-variety Charlotte i‘ strong. Soil PreRdI§ati0n' The existing soil type in the area where the?» were conducted is Lufkin fine sandy loam. k within the experimental plots was rototilled to a 12 inches. Four inches of a mixture of 50 perce i cultural grade perlite and 50 percent sphagnum pe by volume, were evenly spread on the surface area was again rototilled until these material thoroughly incorporated with the existing soil. perimental area was then fumigated with a liquid c p _, soil fumigant at the rate of 1 quart per 100 square if area. The soil was rototilled again 7 days after i‘ plication to aerate the soil. Then the soil was ae - ___, an additional 14 days before the plants were planti .5 Planting Procedures The plants were prepared for planting as soon h were received from the nursery by pruning the i to exceed 12 inches in length. The tops were p approximately 8 inches above the bud union. Holes not larger than 14 inches in diamet prepared in the plots, with a mound of earth piled center of the hole. The plants were set on this so that the roots extended evenly in all directii the mound. The depth of planting was controlle bud union was set at, or just below, the existing after the soil was settled after planting. Treatm ent A pplicationr The various treatments were applied to the =i cording to the following procedures. ROOT-STARTER SOLUTION: A commercial solution was applied to all plots designated for ment at the time of planting. No further a were made. .1 The material used was a commercial producti. lated for this purpose. It contained 5 percent i 20 percent phosphoric acid, 1O percent potash p percent indole-butyric acid. This product was -.»__ 1 part in 8O parts of water and was applied to nated plots at the rate of approximately 1 gall: solution per square foot of soil surface. This Tf was equal to approximately 3 pints per rose w‘ NUTRIENTS: A commercial formulation plete fertilizer was used for all plots designated l. ii ion during the trials. This commercial product {especially formulated for the fertilization of i?‘ plants, using the following components: p, t nitrogen (4 percent from ammonium sul- "rcent from diammonium phosphate) 10 per- oric acid (7.5 percent from 20 percent super- cl 2.5 percent from diammonium phosphate) ash (from 60 percent muriate of potash). ~_._ to the above ingredients, the product also con- percent organic nitrogen from cottonseed meal, minor elements in ‘the following amounts: cent; manganese 0.012 percent; zinc 0.013 per- 0.004 percent; boron 0.008 percent; and mo- 0008 percent. iertilizer was applied at the rate of 3 pounds e feet as a dry surface application. The first was made 4 weeks after the planting date. pplications were made during the growing week intervals. Care was taken to be certain was uniformly moist when the fertilizer was the plots were then thoroughly watered after ons were made. TREATMENT-SI The fungicide used in was a commercial formulation containing 50 -trichloromethyl-thiophthalimide. Applications 3 o the designated plots at the rate of 2 pounds erial to 100 gallons of water at 2-week intervals growing season. The first application was made if the buds began to swell after planting. ‘in TREATMENTS: A commercial product com- "shredded pine bark prepared for this particular used in these trials as a mulching material. ial was applied to the surface of the plot to 'mate depth of 2 inches. The mulch was ap- _ the soil had been well watered following ‘r ROUTINE CULTURAL OPERATIONS: All plots 1 ed in accordance with tensiometer readings or re testing methods, and were kept weed free. A between the trial plots were mowed, trimmed, ed in accordance with good turf management c, pests were controlled by a preventive spray ing a combination insecticide formulated es- i) the control of major insect pests attacking S‘ is material was, applied at recommended rates iintervals during the growing season. No fungi- 'als were included in this formulation. fs on the number of actively growing breaks r of flowers produced were made at about als. All flowers were removed to the first five-leaflet leaf at the time of first petal fall. No other pruning was performed. Data on root-starter solution plots was taken 30 clays from the date of planting by selecting representative plants from the plots receiving the root-starter solution treat- ment, digging them and comparing the number of roots produced on treated plots with the number of roots pro- duced on plants on untreated plots. Root growth on representative plants was again compared at the end of the growing season. Measurements on all other plots were taken at monthly intervals or as the growth and development of the plants indicated. The following criteria were used in accumu- lating data: number of healthy "breaks" produced per plant; number of flowers produced per plant; vigor and general condition of plants as observed by a panel of workers and recorded by photographs; number of leaves and stems expressing disease symptoms; evaluation of varietal and individual differences at the end of the grow- ing season; and evaluation of the condition of all plants at the end of the first and second growing seasons. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Present recommendations for planting garden roses in Texas stipulate that fall or winter planting is most desir- able but garden conditions are unstable during the winter months and dormant roses are not always obtainable in good condition in the fall. The plants in this investi- gation were planted in early spring. on February 20, 1962 to determine whether spring planting might not be de- sirable and satisfactory under Texas conditions. The only application of the root-stimulator used was made on February 21. The first fertilizer application was made on March 5 and the mulch was applied on March 12. The fungicide applications were started on March 26. The spraying program with the all-purpose insecti- cide was started on April 2, 1962. The trials were con- tinued until December 31, 1963. Effect of Root-Stimulator There was no significant difference in the number of flowers and the number of healthy breaks produced by the plots treated with root-stimulator when compared with the plots not receiving this treatment. However, data was taken on the average number of roots produced on the plants in plots treated with root-stimulator and the control plots by digging representative plants and counting the roots produced during the first 45 days after planting. With the exception of the variety Alamo where no significant differences were noted, all of the plants treated with root-stimulator had produced approximately 25 per- cent more feeder roots than those in the untreated plots, 5 Figure 1. Comparison of rose plants (variety Peace) shouting the effect of root starter solution on early root development. The plant on the left was treated with starter solution. Figure 1—comparative photo. N0 further data was taken on these plots since the principal value t0 be derived from the use of the root stimulator is the early development of feeder roots to aid in the rapid establishment of a vigorous root system. Effect of Fungicide Treatments The plants to which the fungicide was applied pro- duced an average of 11 percent more healthy breaks per plant than plants that were not sprayed. Data was also taken on the effectiveness of the fungicide treatments by actual leaf counts taken once every 30 days during the first 12 months of the trials. The average number of leaves showing blackspot or mildew symptoms during the year 1962 are shown in Figure 2. Effect of Mulching The plants in the plots that received the mulch pro- duced 13.3 percent more healthy breaks per plant than those in the unmulched plots. This differential is signif- icant in this particular treatment since the plots under the mulch required watering only half as often as the unmulched plots to keep the soil uniformly moist during the growing season. Effect of Fertilization All of the plots to which the complete fertilizer was applied at 30-day intervals produced an average of 12 per- Figure 3. Comparison of fertilized and unfertil' of roses. Plants in the top photo received no treatment in the hottom photo received a combination of all cent more healthy breaks per plant than those fertilization. i‘ However, the qualitative effect of fertilizati much more evident throughout the growing i those exhibited by the quantitative data. The diff the health and vigor of the fertilized and u plots is illustrated in Figure 3. Effect of a Combination of all Treatni There was a significant difference among receiving a combination of all treatments and they‘; Plants receiving all treatments produced an aver“ more healthy breaks per plant. The vigor, foili and flower color were superior in the treated pl in the control plots the foliage was chlorotic, \- weak and the flowers small. iii The results of this 2-year study indicate performance of garden roses is .not dependent specialized and time-consuming cultural practicesii The method of securing data by counting" thi of healthy breaks and the number of flowers i at 30-day intervals was not entirely satisfactory-ff qualitative factors of the amount and color of rtgfi duced, the size and color of the flowers and Treatment No. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll Percent Blackspot 15% 15% 25% 0 0 15% 30% Trace 56% 26% Trace Percent Mildew Trace Trace 25% Trace Trace 0 0 0 0 0 Trace Figure 2. Average numher of leaves showing hlachspot or mildew symptoms in 1962. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov l l l b l l l Plots receiving oll treatments Control plots "4. Cbart of number of flowers produced by variety irnzstrong during tbe growing season. of vigor, of the plants used was not satis- ected by the data. the fresh weight and dry weight of the plants because of the number of individuals treatments and the duration of the study. data taken in this manner, however, would e the results obtained in this study mo-re mean- statistically significant, and would more closely qualitative results that were evident through i‘ ation and evaluation during the various peri- fpgrowing season. dy indicates that many of the tirneworn prac- ifollowed in growing garden roses may well be ‘j favor of a predetermined and well-planned i‘ less time-consuming maintenance practices. ‘w’- e plants in this study responded well to all gnts used during this 2-year period. The cli- "tions that prevailed during these growing sea- gjpnot as favorable as those of normal years in Tince a severe drouth occurred during the second ._ ‘A. ' I 4‘ ‘g . k. Q i-Moy June July Aug Sept Oct Nov C! l l l l l l l Combination of oll treatments i“ if ‘iii” Season Totals: Treoled Plots 235 Control Plots I30 i}. Difference in number of flowers produced for \' I v i‘ on among control plants and plants receiving all r sbown in tbis cbart. April, 1962 a-(r-mwa» .. - . June’, .. July, 162 Figure 6. Tbe growtb and development of tbe garden roses during tbe first growing season is sbown in tbese pbotos (and cover pboto). From top to bottom: 2 montbs, 5 montbs and 6 montbs after planting. Cover pboto sbows condition of plants 7 montbs after planting. year. All of the varieties used in these trials produced a considerable number of flowers during each month of the growing season. The comparative production of breaks during this period is shown in Figures 4 and 5. These data show that the production of flowers by the plants in the plots receiving only the scheduled amount of mainte- nance during the growing season produced significantly larger numbers of flowers, especially during the hot, dry months of the year. Only 16 of the 435 plants included in this study died during the 2-year period and all of these were in the control plots. All the plants showed very favorable responses to individual treatments such as bi-monthly applications of a fungici-de, monthly fertilizer application, mulching, an application of root stimulator at planting time, and thorough watering at weekly intervals. A combination of these treatments produced results that were far more sig- nificant than those obtained by any of the treatments alone. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Grateful acknowledgment i: made t0 the Co., The Stauffer Chemical Co. and Mirmul, I‘ for financial arsixtance; to. CQZoperative R018 for Jupplying the rare plant; med," and to f Thompron for gathering data. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, R. E. Patterson, Director, College Station, Texas