.4023 i August 1964 Automatic Feed-processing Control With Electronic Weighing TEXAS A8->r-l>>4>¢-PQ9U909I\'J Summary Introduction Procedure Weight Control Sequence Control Event Control Prototype Control Unit Testing the System Results References Appendix (5 u_ a‘; at " Summary Development of an automatic feed-processin control system using automatic weight proportio“; ing is the result of research conducted by the Di partment of Agricultural Engineering. ' A prototype unit was designed and construct: incorporating the following control sections A actions: (1) weight control, (2) sequence control an. (3) event control. Reliability tests made with thé unit show that commercial electronic componen F can be adapted and assembled into an electron” weighing system which will enable an operator t program and process a predetermined ration with out continuous supervision. A schematic diagram of the control system V_ shown in this report. The actual operation of th_ control sequence is explained in detail. u E Acomplished in the spring of 1961. Automatic Feed-processing Control With Electronic Weighing Ralph J. McGinty and Price Hobgood* T1112 NEED FOR MECHANIZING feed-processing o-pera- tions has been well established. The main ob- ject is t0 free labor from time-consuming tasks. Less obvious, perhaps, is the possibility of operating small capacity equipment around the clock and saving on dollars invested and power costs (1, 2, The continued decrease in the number of agricultural workers and the increase in the size of farms demand a change to more efficient labor-saving methods of production. Work has been done to automate specific pieces of equipment, such as an auto-matic load regulator for a feed grinder (4). Also, there have been several tests and reports on volumetric feed meters for small automatic mills (5, 6, 7). As feed-processing operations become more com- plex it becomes necessary to develop control sys- tems in which the various components are controlled as a unit. In a well-designed system each compon- ent must perfonn a given job with all parts work- ing together at a specific signal. Most automatic farm-size feed-processing systems now in existence use volumetric proportioning which is limited to free-flowing materials. Many of the larger commer- cial-type installations use weight proportioning, but it is usually done manually rather than automatically. Since weight proportioning is preferable to volume proportioning, there is a need for an automatic: feed-processing system using weight proportioning. A complete search of the literature, as well as correspondence with leading manufacturers, was ac- The conclusion was that no known commercial automatic weight controller was suitable for producer use, though the PTL load system came close to the desired spec- ifications. Therefore, work was initiated to develop an automatic feed-processing system using automatic weight proportioning. To keep the system practical, thePunit was to be designed and built from commer- cially available components. The unit also was to have a process control program which was flexible rather than designed for a specific job. Procedure A feed-processing operation usually follows a denifite sequence of events. However, occasionally an optional event may be included or excluded. *Respectively, former instructor and professor and head, Department of Agricultural Engineering. ' Using weight proportioning with small-capacity equip- ment requires repeating the sequence of events many times. Any given event can be controlled by multi- ple factors which determine if that event should be included or excluded for that cycle. The stated conditions determine that the control action must consist of three parts: (l) weight control, (2) se- quence control and event control. The three parts or control actions were developed separately and then incorporated in a prototype unit. Weight Control The weight control appeared to be the most critical part and was developed first. Since the Bald- win-Lima-Hamilton PTL load system came closeg to the required specifications for the weight con- troller, a unit was purchased for study. The unit consisted of a voltage-regulated amplifier and con- trol relay. In operation a constant voltage was supplied to a strain gage bridge circuit. The un- balanced voltage, proportional to the load, was fed to a two-stage voltage amplifier. The output voltage from the first amplifier was fed to a second two-stage amplifier with a plate circuit relay in the final stage. Two potentiometers in the cathode cir- cuit of the first stage determined the opening and closing points for the relay. One of these potentio- meters was used to balance the unit at no load and the other to control the weight at which the relay tripped. In the unit purchased, two problems developed. First, the weight-control potentiometer proved to be the limiting factor in accuracy because of its small range of movement from no load to full load. Second, there was no provision for more than one controlled weight, thus the unit had to be changed manually for each change in weight. Separate am- plifiers could have been used for each ingredient, but the cost would be prohibitive. To eliminate these two problems the weight- control potentiometer was removed from the cir- cuit and a bank of ten-turn precision potentiometers was used in its place. A separate potentiometer was used for each ingredient. Each potentiometer in turn was switched into the circuit in place of the original weight control. The additional range of movement from no load to full load greatly in- creased the accuracy with which the desired weight could be set. By using a separate potentiometer for each ingredient, it could be automatically switched 3 Figure 1. Prototype control unit. Front row left to right: Baldwin strain gage amplifier, modified controller with four set-point dials and manual select switch, power supply. Back row left to right: event control relays, time delay relays, automatic electric stepping switch. into the circuit when needed; thus, eliminating manual adjustment for each cycle. Relatively high wattage po-tentiometers were chosen t0 reduce warmup drift due t0 switching cold potentiometers into the circuit. Tests showed that the resistance differences among the potentiometers were negligible and any one of the potentiometers could be used to calibrate the system. Only four weight-control potentiometers were used in the prototype unit; however more could be added if needed. The only limitatio-n to the number of potentiometers would be the size o-f the switch needed to switch them into and out of the circuit. With these modifications, it was possible to set accurately the weight-control potentiometer to 0.1 percent of the full-scale value or to 1 pound in 1,000. The modified Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton PTL system appeared to meet the necessary specifications for accuracy and reliability, provided a precision linear load cell was used. Sequence Control An automatic electric type 45, five-bank, 50- position stepping switch was selected for sequence control. The switch was hermetically sealed, cap- able of stepping at the rate of 75 steps per second, with a rated life of 10 million operations. One switch bank was used to provide a path fo-r step- ping pulses, two banks were needed to switch the set-point potentiometers, one bank was for the oper- ation sequence control and the fifth bank was a spare. With 50 positions, up to 50 sequenced events could be controlled. Switches with more or fewer positions could be purchased if needed. Unused positions can be bypassed at approximately 75 per 4 second. The extra positions add flexibility to unit. Event Control Each event controller must be individually I signed as each event is unique. One event mil be the weighing of an ingredient, another the ing or conveying of grain and ‘still another the ing of ingredients. In the simplest case the evf controller could consist of a relay controlled by step-switch. The relay in turn could control a mot In another case, a time delay might be required starting or stopping a motor, a time interval quired for mixing or a pause o-f one auger uni another auger catches up. Satisfactory circuits f. the mentioned cases and for many others have lo been in existence. Thus, standard relays, timi time delays, pressure switches and photocells control each type of event can be selected accordi to the specific need. a Prototype Control Unit A prototype unit was designed and construct incorporating the three control sections, Figure The stepping switch provided sequencing contr‘ ~ The weight co-ntroller was activated by the switch whenever an event consisted of weighing A ingredient. The step-switch also selected the oil-l weight-control potentiometer for each ingredie Each event control circuit was activated in turn I the step-switch. I At this stage of development of the automa process control system, no attempt was made ~ optimize the actual design or size of the circui The three control sections and their common supply were b-uilt on separate chassis and connec A. by cables. Extra compo-nents were included insure flexibility. All components were deliberat, oversized to increase reliability. Small pilot rel were used between the step-switch and power p; cuits to insure long switch life. A low-voltage lated power supply was used for safety. Both volts AC and 24 volts DC were provided in r to experiment with various available AC and I’ relays. Suitable switches were included so that system could be operated manually or automatical Connections to the step-switch were made from t inal strips which provided simplicity in changil the sequence program. Sequence order could p changed, events added or dropped in a matterl minutes simply by changing some connections. Ti feature greatly increased the flexibility of the systif ' Testing the System Initial laboratory tests on weighing water fl ‘ ing into a barrel indicated the weight-control ' was satisfactory. To test the entire system it necessary to weigh batches of grain repeatedly w testing for (1) absolute accuracy, (2) repeatability and reliability. The first two items depend mainly 0n the weight-control unit while the third depends upon all components in the system. The three items can be tested by virtually any type of processing program since the main requirements are weighing and repetition. Many factors which would be important in an actual process would have no bearing on the performance of the control system itself. For example, the thoroughness of mixing would depend upon the design of the mixer used and not upon the relay which turned the mixer on and off. Since only the control system was being tested, many simplifications could be made for convenience. Since many repetitions were to be run, it was desirable to use the same grain many times; this ruled out grinding and mixing operations. Unground sorghum grain was used to simplify conveying. Be- cause of limited space only two ingredients, both un- ground sorghum grain, were used. For this test, it was immaterial what actually took place during the interval between weighing batches, so a hypo- thetical sequence was simulated, Table 1. In the simulated system a weigh tank, consist- ing of a lfi-cubic-foot ho-pper-bottom barrel, was suspended from a steel pipe frame, Figures 2 and 3. A Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton type TXX precision linear loa(l cell with a capacity of 1,000 pounds formed a link in the suspension system. The load cell was electrically connected to the amplifier. Two storage bins, similar in design to the weigh tank, were mounted a few yards from the weigh tank. Each of the storage bins had an auger running from their hopper bottom to a point just above the weigh tank. One of the storage tanks was arbitrarily labeled A and the other B. Grain from A and B was augered into the weigh tank. Power relays mounted on the weigh tank frame controlled motors operating augers TABLE l. PROGRAMMED SEQUENCE OF EVENTS‘ Event number Event I Weigh X pounds of ingredient A 2 Weigh Y pounds of ingredient B 3 Fill mixer 4,5,6 and 7 Mix and while mixing refill weigh tank with X pounds of ingredient A and Y pounds of ingredient B; then wait until mixing is complete 8' Empty mixer 3i Fill mixer 4,5,6 and 7 (Same as 4, 5, 6 and 7 above) n-2 Stop gsignal n-l Finish cycle and mix last batch n Empty mixer, stop "The reader should keep in mind that the actual sequence Ifollowed was entirely arbitrary. In practice any 50 events could be arranged in any necessary order. DUMMY MIXER 3-5" AUGER \4" AU can suwwormus 3m A / \ / FRAME |o' ----- -- . ______ .1 4"AUGER ‘ mGRAVlTY FLOW 4‘ AUGER WEIGH TANK BIN f} CONTROL TABLE Figure 2. Plan view of test system. from tanks A and B. A short, horizontal auger if mounted in the bottom of the weigh tank emptied the weigh tank into a hopper. A second auger simul- taneously elevated grain from the hopper into the dummy mixer. The dummy mixer consisted of a fourth bin identical to the storage bins. Lights on top of the dummy mixer were used to signify when “mixing” was taking place. Pressure switches were located near the bottom of both the weigh tank and mixer. These switches activated time-delay relays when the bins were nearly empty. The time-delay relays allowed the bins and augers to empty completely before a new event was started. An interval timer controlled the mix- ing time. After mixing was completed, the mixer was emptied. An auger mounted in the hopper bottom of the mixer elevated the grain to the top of the two storage bins, filling A then B. A sche- matic diagram of the control system is shown in Figure 4. The actual operation of the control se- quence is explained in detail in the Appendix. In order to test the accuracy of the weight con- trol, a set of crane-type scales were mounted in the suspension linkage above the load cell. The scales were calibrated over their entire range from 0 to 500 pounds at 20-pound intervals and found to be accurate within iV2 pound. The scales were marked at l-pound intervals and could be estimated to 1/2- pound. To avoid implying ultraprecision the scales were read to the nearest pound. As can be seen from the previously outlined event schedule, Table 1, some weight readings could be taken during a pause (while mixing) and thus read very carefully. However, the weight of in- 5 Figure 3. Test system and controls. gredient A (if both A and B were weighed) had to be read quickly while the scale indicator was mov- ing. Such readings had a possibility o-f human er- ror and so were labeled “estimated” in the data. Frequent checks were made on the accuracy of A by setting B to zero pounds for a few cycles which then permitted A to be read during a pause. A record of faults and their causes was kept along with the weight record. This was for the R4 4444 ' A77 '- purpose of determining the reliability of the vari components. More extensive tests of a final will be required to prove or disprove long-term liability. * Results Reliability tests were startediin the fall of but no attempt was made to; check the accur of weighing. A few mechanical problems appea and were eliminated. No trouble was encounte i in the control circuit itself. A A precision lo-ad cell was obtained the latter 0 of November, and weight tests were started. system was first calibrated on December 2, ‘t; A minor adjustment in calibration was made January 8, 1964. Experimental changes were w; in the calibration on February l0 and ll. Othert A these, the only other adjustments consisted of ch- ing the zero setting at the start of each test. i To be practical, the system would have to main accurate over a reasonably long interval i time and under widely varying conditions. To the accuracy under severe conditions, only occasi adjustments were made on calibration, and the u’ was operated with only a 2-minute warmup in peratures ranging from 25° F. to 74° F. (high -— e-JI @ @ t. CONTROLLER POIA 4, Pore vorc Porn "' I j, ‘_ - ‘__ a 24v Ac j 4 > CONTROL RELAY n‘ _y_ . I SPARE I "WAG nt-o- 6 § ll ‘F f g 1f 7 " nz-u- - l a is. . “'7 i g 23v v2! "— us-s-zo s; s5" d‘ us-4-zo @ ‘n4 x x 6' 5 ' .1 - 24v Ac » a4vAc ,' - '= @ 1 _ g; ' 510v [I9 H ZERO 1 24v Ac m i 24v Ac ; l-IV Ac -> »< s-v I20 5 V, - wz _§ moomco comnottcn cmcuur liv"! ; z4vAc _ E ' i i I -z4v oc I E i; ‘l! stew swncu \__.. 1 PRESSURE swncn m l? MAGNETIC MOTOR i" 82 mxcn " ‘ =< + — '0‘ s 76 69 H f 24v 0c 0 1 , woven mm. I lie f \ a |8 » i? r~— J. svow smut , I545 '4'“ EMPTY MIXER j__ ' "V" anus! 0.25.1 moron STARTING IS-l “V” CONTACTS. _L ' 1, sum smut j uuv Ac "O ‘z t: New,“ uc. CONTACT comnottco "VAC < 2‘vAc BY INTERVAL TIMER ( LT.) -l I~ ‘ u: v Ac F34‘ Mm .. '4}- ss-z-az “b”. I mo. wencn um “q. ‘ PRESSURE sw. us_u_u m __ n20 j W NC. I ‘I V. as-4-_1 6 7O q‘ i. ' PM C POY c fi ' L‘, ss-s-uo m 95 j 4|- FILL MIXER. I Q NS-II ,0, u AurouAnc stAnt- st 6 z‘v P010 a4vAc m v l5 -H- r-T DIS-IS -||- EMPTY _w:|cu TANK. z4vAc % 64 as-s-s g az-4-@ E I20 n-a-no 9 m ' n4 4 l- us-v AND us-z ARE I T "9"" _H_ v45; SPARES AND ARE nor _ z4vAc “v Ac snovm. NOTE :- ABBREVIATIONS :- 88-3-0 63 70 R¢-4-@ | Q l. no SCALE l. MS- MANUAL swncn "-3-" ‘ " zvnmuc TERMINAL POINTS ARE z. 55- sup swncu i "3 _“_ uuuacnco :50. 3 RE _ REL" l l UQ-lo IRELlY TERMINALS ARE ENCIRCLED. ZOVAC Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the control system. TABLE 2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Number Set-point Mean scale Igsiialfium Zialfilttfum f - ht d. v ion evla ion salgples d; rlfzuzjlgs’ from set-point, from mean, pounds pounds 164 50 50 i2 ' i2 236 100 98 __3 +2 230 150 147 _4 +2 223 200 198 -_3 +2 178 300 299 _3 i2 temperatures did not occur during the period of the study) . Because of the infrequent adjustment of cali- bration, the actual weight often varied from the set-point weight by 3 to 4 pounds. However, this . could have been easily corrected by either adjust- ing the calibration or off-setting the set-point by a i. corresponding amount. Calibration adjustment re- quired approximately 15 minutes to perform. Grain was weighed at the rate of 300 pounds a per minute and fell approximately 5 feet into the weigh tank. Over a period of a few hours, the ‘ repeatability of the weights was usually 11/2 pound. ~ Over an entire day, including the period of warm- up, the drift might reach 3 pounds. Allowing 15 ,2 to 2O minutes for wannup, instead of the 2 minutes initially used, cut the daily drift by 5O percent. A summary of test results are shown in Table 2. The use of daily calibration checks and a 15- minute warmup decreased the deviations by ap- proximately 50 percent. As expected, the percent- age error decreased with increasing weight. For very small weights it would be necessary to use a i smaller load cell. The results of the reliability tests given in this report indicate that the prototype unit is practical and show that commercial electronic components can be adapted and assembled into an electronic weigh- ing system which will enable an operator to pro- gram and process a predetermined ration without continuous supervision. References l. Hienton, Truman E. et al. Electricity in Agricul- fttiral Engineering. john Wiley 8c Sons, Inc. New York, 1958. 2. Andrew, F. W. et al. Controls For Farmstead Automation, Laboratory Manual for Electric Con- trols Workshopsi Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois, 1961. S. Paine, Myron D., Harold Winterfield and Dennis L. Moe. Low Voltage Flexible Sequence Auto- matic Controls. South Dakota Agricultural Ex- periment Station Bulletin 500. 4. Puckett, H. B. Electronic Controller for an Automatic Feed Grinder. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 615, August 1957. 5. Butt, L. Results of Performance Tests of a Small Farm Mixer Grinder. Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station Progress Report Series No. 57, August 1955. 6. Hobgood, Price and W. E. McCune. Feed Pro- po-rtioning, Grinding and Mixing on the Farm. A Summary of Progress Report to the Texas Farm Electrification Committee. Department of Agricultural Engineering, Texas AScM University, June 26, 1959. 7. Puckett, H. B. and Robert M. Peart. Volumetric Feed Meters, Their Performance for Automatic Feeding Systems. Illinois Agricultural Experi- ment Station Bulletin 618, September 1957. Appendix Control Sequence In the actual operation the control sequence was as follows: The manual switch designated MS in Figure 4 was turned to Position 5 and the power was turned on. The equipment was allowed to warmup for several minutes and the zero adjustment on the con- troller was checked and adjusted if necessary. The manual switch was advanced to Position 6 which grounded Position 52 on Bank 4 of the step- switch (that is, SS-4-52). This in turn grounded Relay 4. With Relay 4 grounded, its contacts closed and grounded the step-switch magnetic motor. The pulsing action of Relay 2 and the interrupter springs K-2 and K-3 supplied pulses of current to the step-switch motor MM-S and caused it to ad- vance all five banks of the step-switch (SS-1, SS-2, SS-3, SS-4 and SS-5) simultaneously to Position 6. This started the automatic operation. In Position 6 the weight-control potentiometer for ingredient A, designated Pot. A in Figure 4, was connected into the controller circuit through SS-1-6 and SS-2-6. SS-3-6 connected power to Relay 5 which activated Relay 15 and caused ingredient A to be conveyed into the weigh tank. When the set- point weight for ingredient A was reached, the con- troller activated Relay 1 grounding Relay 4 through S-4-6. This supplied power to the step-switch motor causing it to advance to Position 9. (The step- switch was advanced from Position 6 to Position 9 to give all relays time for their contacts to disengage.) In Position 9 the weight-control potentiometer for ingredient B designated as Pot. B in Figure 4 was switched into the controller circuit by SS-1-9 7 and SS-2-9. SS-3-9 connected power t0 Relay 6 which activated Relay 16. This started the con- veyor which augered ingredient B into the weigh tank. When the set-point weight for ingredient B was reached, Relay 1 was activated and through SS-4-9 in turn activated Relay 4. The closing of Relay 4’s contacts along-with the pulsing action of the interrupter springs K-2 and K-3 and Relay 2 provided power to the step-switch motor causing ‘all five banks to step to Position 10. In Position 10, SS-3lconnected power to Relay 7 which activated Relays 9, 10, 17 and 18. Relay 13 was not yet activated because the grain in the weigh tank held the weigh tank pressure switch (in series with Relay l3) contacts open. Relay 9 turned on Relay 17 which emptied the weigh tank and Relay 18 which conveyed the grain to the mixer. Relay 10 was used to switch the relatively large DC current for Relay 13 which was a DC variable time- delay relay. YVhen the weigh tank was nearly empty the contacts of the weigh tank pressure switch closed and Relay 13 started its timing interval. After a short time which allowed the conveyors to com- pletely empty themselves of grain, the contacts of Relay 13 closed. This shut off Relays 9, 17 and 18 and grounded Relay 4, activating the step-switch motor to advance to Position 14. At Position 14, SS-1 and SS-2 reconnected po- tentiometer A into the controller circuit. SS-3 sup- plied power for Relay 5 which started the process of weighing ingredient A into the weigh tank. SS-5 supplied power to Relay 11 which in turn connected the interval timer (I.T.) to 115 volts AC. The in- terval timer contacts supplied power for Relay 19 which started the mixing process. When the de- i\ 510 21 sired weight for ingredient A was reached, the stei ‘switch was stepped to Position 16. An inter - holding contact in the interval timer kept the‘, interval timer running although Relay ll was dis-f. connected by SS-5. In Position 16, weight-contr A potentiometer B was connected into the controller- circuit by SS-1 and SS-2. SS-3 supplied power M . » Relay 6 and started the process. of weighing ingredi- g When the desired weight for ingredient was reached, the step-switch advanced to Position! l 17 where it remained until the interval timer con-A it tacts in series with SS-4-17 closed, grounding Relay ent B. 4 and advancing the step-switch to Position 18. In Position 18, SS-3 supplied power to Relay 87 f which activated Relays 12 and 20. Relay 14 was A kept off by the pressure switch in the mixer. Relay f. 20 controlled the conveyor motor which emptied-j the mixer. When the mixer was nearly empty, the pressure switch contacts closed and Relay 14 started ?‘ its delaying operation. the step-switch to advance. Contacts step-switch to advance to Position 52. When operat- l ing on automatic control, Position SS-4-52 was * grounded through manual switch MS-6-6; this caused the cycle to repeat. The grain weighed in the previous cycle would be empited into the mixer, g the mixer started and a new batch of grain weighed. At the end of the operation, the stop signal would ; switch MS-5-20 from MS-6-6 to MS-5-5 which would stop and step-switch when it reached Position 52. ‘ The stop signal would also cause SS-4-16 to be < grounded thus preventing any further weighing of grain. The last batch would be mixed and emptied. Q At the end of the delay‘ period when the augers had emptied, Relay 14 ii grounded SS-4-l which grounded Relay 4 and caused ss-4-19 ‘ through SS-4-51 were grounded which caused the 5