B4086 lulg I969 SlIGARCANE mnns in the lower Rio Granrle Valley of Texas .9, _.\_ ‘f’, u‘ . I Q C g ‘i: » (I a ~ he,’ o‘ w”, ‘I '5} - 3 c‘; * 1 A f nunrvnrsnr Itural Experiment Station j a I. Acting Director. College Station. Texas SUMMARY Field and laboratory studies conducted on a limited scale in 1961, 1962, 1963 and 1964 and in more comprehensive detail in 1968 support the his- torical concept of the adaptation of sugarcane to the environmental conditions of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The potentials for yields of cane and sugar indi- cated by these studies compare most favorably with those reported from the production areas in Louisi- ana and Florida. Stokes (32) , in reporting the 5- year averages from these areas in 1964, indicates cane yields of Florida and Louisiana as 33.2 and 23.8 tons per acre respectively; sugar per ton of cane was 194.6 and 172.2 pounds with acre yields of 6,460 and 4,098 pounds. Fanguy (19) , reporting on the results of sugarcane variety outfield experiments in Louisiana in 1967, indicated top yields from combined locations in the range of 33 tons per acre and sugar yields of 7600 to 8300 pounds. Fanguy reports also that 1967 was a favorable production season in which Louisi- ana growers produced the second largest crop of record. Three varieties, N.Co. 310, C.P. 36-105 and C.P. 44-101, grown in both test periods in Texas, produced higher yields even with limited moisture and nutri- 2 ;; for establishment of an industry. CONTENTS Summary Inn-Qdunrtinn 1961 Trials 1962 Trials 1963 Trials 1964 Trials 1968 Trials ............ .. References Acknowledgments Attachment I Attachment II ents than those reported above from Florida; with more adequate levels of u? nutrients, yields were frequently doublei The water requirement is a signifiv consideration in determining the feasib’ production in South Texas. The "If be limited to areas where supplemental ; supplies of suitable quality are available. will survive periods of adverse conditi demonstrated, and the feasibility of from alternate crops to support cane pr ff be an important economic considerationif t Insects, diseases and salinity which L early industry will in some degree be any new industry. Technological which have been many and far reach” demise of the early industry, hold hopes: solutions. No allotment for cane sugar produ able to Texas and the Lower Rio Grab ,2 the present closely regulated industry. zation for cane production and processi an essential consideration in evaluating -;_' RCANIE TRIAlS Rio Grande Valley of Texas . CowLEY AND B. A. SMITH‘ Sugarcane production and milling were enter- prises of historical significance in the agricultural development of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.1 Small plantings of sugarcane were processed for home use in settlements along the Rio Grande River as early as 1830. The first sugar mill of apparent record was constructed in 1858. Commercial produc- tion and milling operations were in progress in the Brownsville area in 1875; a mill was constructed near Hidalgo in 1896. Cane yields of 30 and 40 tons per acre were reported. Sugar produced by the early industry was marketed locally as transportation to distant markets was limited. With the completion of rail lines to Brownsville in 1904, the sugar industry entered a period of rapid development. Levels of production had been dem- onstrated by the early industry; analyses of the cane confirmed that juice qualities were excellently suited to sugar manufacture. The potential of the industry became a significant, motivating factor in the clear- ing of land, the development of irrigation facilities and the settlement of the area. Mills were operated at Brownsville, San Benito, Harlingen, Donna and Pharr as cane production expanded throughout the area. The sugar industry reached peak operation about 1913; subsequent seasons of adverse markets for sugar, however, marked the beginning of the decline of the industry; by 1921 only one mill was in operation, and its closing in 1922 brought an end to the enterprise. Although available records are not authoratively detailed, several factors apparently contributed to the decline and eventual abandonment of the industry. Market competition and associated economic prob- lems were major and demoralizing influences. Some difficulties with salinity, insects and diseases were reported. The adaptation of alternate crops had by this time been demonstrated, and growers tended to abandon the less attractive enterprise of cane production. With the advent of the Cuban Crisis in 1960 and the possibility for reallocation of foreign and domes- tic sugar quotas, there was renewed interest in the feasibility of sugarcane production. iThere were numerous requests for production and quality data; preliminary studies were cooperatively initiated in 1961 by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station of Texas A8cM University and the Crops Research Branch of the USDA at the Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Weslaco. *Superintendent for research, Texas A8cM University Agricul- tural Research and Extension Center at Weslaco, and research chemist, Food Crops Utilization Research Laboratory, South- em Utilization Research Division, ARS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weslaco, respectively. ‘See references 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, l0, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 on page 8. 3 1961 TRIALS Eight varieties of seed cane were supplied by the Crops Research Branch from the U.S. Sugar Field Station of Canal Point, Florida; the stocks provided represented a range of American and foreign varie- ties as described in Attachment I (32) (21). A small trial with two replicates was planted February 25 in a row spacing of 76 inches. The soil type of the test site was Willacy fine sandy loam. Fertilizer in the equivalent of 60 pounds of elemental nitrogen was applied as a sidedressing in April as the cane began heavy growth, and a similar amount was applied after the foliage was shredded by winds of Hurricane Carla in September. The planting was irrigated 13 times; rainfall of 24.43 inches was re- corded. Sugarcane borer infestations were effectively controlled with 11 applications of Endrin (2-percent granules). No significant disease infections were noted. The trials were harvested for yield data Decem- ber ll, some 290 days after planting. juice samples, processed with a small, three-roller mill supplied by the Crops Research Branch, were frozen and shipped air express to Beltsville, Maryland, for analyses. Yield and quality data are shown in Table 1. The yield and quality data indicate that the length of the growing season was not adequate for the full development of sucrose and purity in the late maturing varieties. N.Co. 293 and Co. 285, both late varieties, produced the highest yields with 80.0 and 79.3 tons of cleaned stalks per acre; the juice quality of Co. 285, however, was poor and did not warrant sucrose analysis; N.Co. 293 had the lowest sucrose level of the other entries evaluated. The yields recorded, ranging from 58 to 80 tons per acre/ were indicative of favorable production potentials. N.Co. 310, with an average yield of 66.7 tons per acre, produced cane of the highest quality, 240 pounds of sugar per ton and the highest acre yield of sugar, 16,033 pounds. All varieties, with excep- tion of Co. 285, produced sugar yields in excess of 11,000 pounds per acre. TABLE 1. YIELD AND ANALYTICAL DATA FROM EIGHT VARIETIES OF SUGARCANE IN A PLANT CANE EXPERI- MENT, WESLACO, 1961 Yield Laboratory-mill juice Yield of sugar of cane analyses per per Varieties per acre Brix Sucrose Purity ton acre ton degrees percent percent pounds pounds B. 42231 58.0 17.4 14.9 85.8 211.8 12,284 Co. 285 79.3 11.2 Co. 312 69.9 15.5 12.1 78.1 163.5 11,429 C.P. 36-105 69.4 15.4 12.3 79.9 168.4 11,687 C.P. 48-103 58.4 16.4 14.7 89.6 213.8 12,486 C.P. 44-101 64.9 16.7 14.5 86.8 207.6 13,473 N.Co. 293 80.0 13.2 11.5 87.1 164.9 13,187 N.Co. 310 66.7 18.0 16.4 91.1 240.3 16,033 4 1962 TRIALS The stubble plots of the 1961 trials .3 vated, fertilized (60 pounds equivalent o nitrogen) and irrigated toward productio crops. Seed canes, reserved from the 1 stock, were planted in a similar design, fertilizer application, in adjacent plots; purpose of the second test‘ was to determ' the cane had become infected with e»: disease that might limit the propagation grown stocks. A less intensive level of H? was planned to observe the reaction of F lower levels of fertility and moisture. ' It is significant to note that the stu survived extremely low temperatures on _. which heavily damaged citrus and dest vegetables. B. 42231 ratooned sparsely .5 103 exhibited some reduction in stand ' have been the result of the freeze. The rainfall during the production 14.62 inches; the trials were irrigated 10 drin granules were applied only four tim infestations of borers were apparent in No diseases were noted. The two trials were harvested for § December 19 after a production season mately 1 year. juice samples were Beltsville, Maryland, for analyses as in and quality data are shown in Tables 2 Although cane qualities from the were generally excellent, yield levels, wi i»; tion of Co. 285, were lower than those seed cane planting reflecting in some reaction to lower levels of fertility an Co. 285, as described in Attachment I, h’ bility to withstand adverse growing co ‘ entry produced the highest yield, 63.39 t per acre, but had the lowest sucrose 12.09 percent. C.P. 48-103 produced highest quality, 245.2 pounds of sugar the yield was low due to the poor stan TABLE 2. COMPARISON OF YIELD AND DATA FROM EIGHT VARIETIES OF SUG PLANT CANE EXPERIMENT AT WESLACO,, Laboratory-mill juice i j Yield of cane analyses Varieties per acre Brix Sucrose Purity ton degrees percent percent B. 42231 28.1 17.2 15.1 87.7 {j Co. 285 58.2 14.6 12.2 83.5 . Co. 312 42.8 16.0 13.6 85.3 l C.P. 38-105 38.9 15.2 13.5 88.9 I‘ C.P. 48-103 38.8 17.6 15.9 90.3 ‘ C.P. 44-101 39.9 15.7 14.2 90.5 N.Co. 293 47.8 14.9 13.0 87.4 N.Co. 310 44.2 17.8 16.1 90.3 l» AND ANALYTICAL DATA FROM EIGHT , SUGARCANE IN A FIRST-YEAR STUBBLE ‘AT WESLACO, 1962 Md Laboratory-mill juice Yield of sugar cane analyses Per per acre Brix Sucrose Purity ton acre ~. ton degrees percent percent pounds pounds 7.38 17.5 15.55 88.9 225.2 1,662 ps9 14.8 12.09 84.5 170.7 10,821 .88 17.0 14.98 87.8 215.0 6,854 j .82 16.2 14.15 87.8 208.2 11,749 9.82 18.6 16.80 . 90.6 245.2 4,860 s1 17.0 15.52 91.8 227.7 12.866 g». 15.3 15.70 89.5 199.1 5,742 i, .49 17.5 15.47 89.4 224.7 12.243 :01 and N.Co. 310 produced stalk yields tons per acre with sugar contents of i}! pounds per ton. e seed cane trials were generally lower the stubble cane trials; these yield dif- g be attributable to the more extensive ,3 root systems of the stubble planting fof the season of restricted nutrient and "lies. Co. 285 and N.Co. 293, both late ical varieties, produced the highest .2 and 47.8 tons of stalks per acre but sucrose contents. N.Co. 310 with a 244.2 tons per acre produced cane of the f‘ , 234.5 pounds of sugar per ton and y of 10,367 pounds. trials demonstrated that certain varie- Juce ratoon crops of acceptable yields under restricted levels of management. I,» trial did not become infected with would indicate the feasibility of pro- j A cane locally. 1963 TRIALS A tives of the limited studies, begun in ely attained in the 1962 season. The ,; water requirements for maximum d experiences during the drouth years L when water supply was critically limit- ~ made the evaluation of clone survival ions of severe stress a matter of con- ,_ble trials were cultivated and irrigated i’ blishment of regrowth. No fertilizer and the trials were irrigated only to 'ons of severe moisture stress; five light .1101 water weremade; rainfall of 20.76 ‘lcorded. No“ insecticides were applied, kmage, moderate to severe, was noted. g significance were apparent. ‘ties made creditable regrowth, follow- ‘8 application of water with exception ,2‘ clones of which in both trials largely died. Clone multiplication in subsequent periods, however, was limited, and seasonal growth of the cane was erratic and greatly restricted. The cane was cut January 17, 1964; no samples were taken for yield and quality evaluations. The stalks were re- moved from the plots and burned to eliminate over- wintering borers. Clone survival of several entries demonstrated that sugarcane can withstand severe conditions of moisture and nutrient deficiencies; in years of severe drouth, established stands apparently can be main- tained with limited water supply. It was also dem- onstrated that the sugarcane borer can be a major pest if not controlled by insecticide application. 1964 TRIALS With the demonstrated clone survival in the adverse 1963 season, it became a matter of interest to determine the extent to which the various varie- ties could recover initial levels of yield and quality under favorable conditions. The cane stubble of the 1961 planting was chosen for evaluation as the conditions of initial establish- ment and maintenance would perhaps be more repre- sentative of those which might occur in a series of unfavorable production seasons. The trials were cultivated, fertilized (80 pounds of actual nitrogen) and irrigated following cutting of 1963 growths. Ratoon growth and clone multi- lication were rapid in all varieties, except B. 42231. Although 1964 was a season of rainfall deficiency ‘ (12.53 inches), the cane did exceptionally well with l0 heavy irrigations. Borer infestations were com- paratively light; Endrin was applied only in March. No symptoms of viruses or other disease infections were noted. The trials were harvested for yield and quality data January 14, 1965. Juice samples were extracted with a Squier cane sampling mill of the Food Crops Utilization Research Laboratory operated with 30 tons force on the upper roll and were subsequently analyzed by personnel of the cooperating agency. The yield and analytical data are shown in Table 4. TABLE 4. YIELD AND ANALYTICAL DATA FROM EIGHT VARlETIES OF SUGARCANE IN A THIRD-STUBBLE EX- PERIMENT AT WESLACO, 1964 Yield of cane analyses per per Varieties per acre Brix Sucrose Purity ton acre ton degrees percent percent pounds pounds B. 42231 Co. 285 134.5 16.7 13.1 78.3 177.3 23,847 Co. 312 53.3 18.7 15.7 84.0 221.0 11,779 C.P. 36-105 85.1 17.3 13.8 79.7 188.8 16,067 C.P. 48-103 32.4 19.6 16.4 83.7 230.4 7,465 C.P. 44-101 70.8 18.1 14.9 82.3 207.5 14,691 N.Co. 293 65.5 16.4 12.7 77.3 170.8 11,187 N.Co. 310 73.9 19.6 16.4 83.7 230.4 17,027 5 Laboratory-mill juice Yield of sugar The potential for recovery and for prolonged production is demonstrated by the yield and quality of cane produced in the third stubble crop. With the exception of B. 42231, all varieties produced very creditable cane yields of good quality. The yield of Co. 285 (134.5 tons per acre) was particularly out- standing. C.P. 36-105 and N.Co. 310 produced yields of 85.1 and 73.9 tons per acre, respectively. N.Co. 310 and C.P. 48-103 produced canes of excellent qual- ities with indicated sugar recovery levels of 230.4 pounds per ton of cane. Although the studies conducted during the per- iod 1961-64 were made with small plantings at one location on one soil type, the validity of the data recorded is supported by reports of the early indus- try. Commercial varieties available to the industry demonstrated potentials for excellent yields and qualities. Varieties of tropical origin appeared to have excellent potential for yield but had lower levels of sucrose. In recognition of possible limitations in water supplies, observations were made which indi- cate that certain varieties can survive adverse condi- tions and subsequently recover to very creditable levels of yields and qualities under favorable growth environments. 1968 TRIALS With the technology and interest in sweet sor- ghums as cooperatively developed by theTexas Agri- cultural Experiment Station and the Food Crops Utilization Research Laboratory (17) (31), research was reinitiated in 1968 with sugarcane as a com- panion sugar source crop. Winter harvest of sugar- cane and the summer and fall harvest of sweet sor- ghum would provide for an extended milling season (17) (31). The availability of laboratory facilities and technicians of the cooperating federal agency made possible a more comprehensive evaluation of cane quality. Disease free, seed cane of 12 varieties was pro- vided by the Crops Research Branch at Beltsville, Maryland; information regarding the origin and major varietal characteristic is shown in Attachment II (16) (12) (22) (23) (25). The trials were planted January 17 in three replications of 20-foot plots; the row spacing was 76 inches. The so-il type was Willacy fine sandy loam of slightly lighter texture than typi- cal of the series. - The spring months were unseasonably wet, and major demand for irrigation began in June; eight irrigations were applied. Fertilizer in the amount of 90 pounds equivalent of nitrogen was applied in two applications June 3 and August 16. Insecticides were applied nine times; control of borers was lost after three apllications of Sevin dust in the late summer; control was subsequently reestablished with granular Dyfonate. The period of borer activity did, how- ever, provide for some evaluation of varietal resist- ance. Three varieties were noted to flower in late 6 TABLE 5. AVERAGE STALK LENGTHS, NODES PER PLANT AND PERCENT OF BO L»_ FOR 12 VARIETIES OF SUGARCANE IN A P EXPERIMENT AT WESLACO, 1968 1. ' t z Number of Varieties Stalk length nodes N.Co. 810 7'-0"_ --; 21 C.P. 52-48 7'-6" 27 C.P. 52-68 7'-6" 20 C.P. 55-30 7'-0" l9 C.P. 50-28 8'-6" 23 C.P. 36-105 8H6" 23 C.P. 44-101 7'-6" 17 L. 60-25 7'-0" 19 C.P. 47-193 6'-6" 18 C.P. 48-103 7'-0" 21 C.P. 31-517 6'-0" 18 C1. 41-223 4'-6" 20 1968-011 50-28, November 24; C.P. 52 ber 26; and C.P. 44-101, December ll. The trials were harvested January 2 corded were yields, average length of c average number of nodes per stalk and t; age range of plants with evidence of u‘ tation. Samples were processed for jui Squier sample mill and subsequently anal laboratory. Data regarding stalk lengths, num' per plant and percent borer damage are Table 5. Yield data, sucrose and appa i values and recoverable sugar are shown w? Other analytical data, true purity, invert s! sugars, carbonate ash and free acidity l‘ juice quality are shown in Table 7. Stalk lengths of cleaned cane ranged i ages of 8 feet, 6 inches for C.P. 50-28 an TABLE 6. STALK YIELD, SUCROSE, PURI COVERABLE SUGAR or 12 VARIETIES or IN A PLANT CANE EXPERIMENT AT WES § Yield of cane g per acre Sucrose, Purity, per w; Juice analyses Yield?‘ Varieties tons percent percent poun f N.Co. 810 70.6 15.6 86.0 227.8‘ C.P. 52-48 62.9 13.1 83.9 188.5 f, C.P. 52-68 62.1 15.9 84.3 229.9 C.P. 55-30 55.3 15.5 84.7 224.7 C.P. 50-28 50.8 16.1 86.8 235.8 C.P. 36-105 50.7 13.2 81.0 187.0 1 C.P. 44-101 49.9 15.3 85.0 221.1‘ L. 60-25 50.0 15.9 87.4 234.1 ‘ C.P. 47-193 48.6 15.5 85.5 226.7 5i or. 48-108 41.0 16.4 88.3 242.7 C.P. 31-517 28.3 8.0 63.6 96.9 C1. 41-223 26.0 15.6 87.8 230.2 Q LSD .05 4.8 1.8 4.9 9.0.1 LSD .01 6.5 2.4 6.7 12.0 f “ UE PURITIES, INVERT SUGARS. TOTAL yoNATE ASH AND FREE ACIDITIES, BASED m CONTENT OF CRUSHER JUICES FROM OF SUGARCANE IN A PLANT CANE EX- , WESLACO, 19681 True Invert Total Carbonate Free purity, sugars, sugars, ash, acidity, percent percent percent percent percent 86.96 0.99 87.95 4.16 0.62 84.99 1 .67 86.66 4.23 0.81 87.52 0.73 88.24 4.47 0.71 85.71 4.15 89.86 3.66 0.46 87.76 0.98 88.74 4.10 0.63 83.65 2.03 85.68 5.34 0.85 87.34 1.41 88.75 4.60 0.76 88.21 0.68 88.89 4.00 0.54 87.29 1.18 88.47 4.35 0.72 88.80 0.79 89.59 3.84 0.51 69.37 4.43 74.37 11.93 1.85 88.29 0.86 89.14 3.28 0.53 2.63 0.79 2.12 2.38 0.12 3.57 1.08 2.87 3.23 0.16 analysis a sfdata provided in the preceding tables were ob- to methods described in the following sections i tion of the Official Methods of Analysis of the _ (8): Sucrose (Pol), 29.020C; brix solids, 29.009; F nt of juices, 29.008; carbonate ash, 29.012; true l’ invert sugars, 29.035. Apparent purity is calcu- (P01) percent brix solids, and free acidity is ytion of a weighed juice sample with standard j of 8.3 and calculated as free aconitic acid per- ,.- content. A ort 4-foot stalks of c1. 41-223. C.P. 47- "jf 31-517 produced stalks in the 6-foot other varieties were intermediate, in the , O mber of nodes per plant ranged from 52-48 to 17 for C.P. 44-101; internode lihe potential for leaf production can thus was a wide range of difference in borer ost heavily damaged was the variety, ‘lwhile C.P. 31-517 averaged less than 5- ge. Other varieties exhibiting apparent iistance were C.P. 52-68 and C.P. 47-193. ‘ven of the 12 varieties produced stalk tons per acre or greater. N.Co. 310 was gyielding with 70.6 tons. C.P. 31-517 and lwere the lowest yielding varieties with 30 tons. the 12 varieties had sucrose levels of 15 i more. The highest levels of sucrose were nes of C.P. 48-103 and C.P. 50-28 with 1.1 percent, respectively. C.P. 31-517, with _ntent of 8.0 percent, was the only variety fcceptable level of sucrose. 1' t purities of all varieties, except C.P. 31- the excellent quality range of 80 percent and above. C.P. 48-103 with 88.3 percent had the highest level; C.P. 31-517 was the lowest with only 63.6 percent. The pounds of sugar per ton of cane are deter- mined by formula, the variable factors of which are sucrose and apparent purity. Nine of the 12 varie- ties produced sugar per ton of cane in the range of 200 pounds and higher. Cane of C.P. 48-103 was the highest with 242.7 pounds while C.P. 31-517 with the low quality values had the lowest. Eight of the l2 entries produced acre yields of more than 10,000 pounds of sugar. N.Co. 310 with superior yield and good quality levels produced the highest yield, 16,090 pounds per acre; C.P. 31-517 with low stalk yield and poor juice quality was the lowest with 2,743 pounds per acre. Further evaluations of these and other quality factors are possible from consideration of the analyti- cal data shown in Table 7. These data result from more precise determinations of the solid matter, su- crose and other raw juice constituents than are re- quired for the evaluation of field samples as shown in Table 6 and therefore permit more reliable meas- urement of the quality of the crusher juices obtained in the 1968 sugar cane trials. The juice true purities indicate that, with the exception of varieties C.P. 31- 517 and possibly C.P. 36-105, the materials in these trials had attained essentially full maturity. Similar indications regarding plant maturity are provided by the generally low levels of invert sugars, with the pos- sible_exception of variety C.P. 55-30 where the invert sugar content is comparatively high. Total sugars of varieties C.P. 52-48, C.P. 36-105 and C.P. 31-517 are lower than the 88 to 89-percent level anticipated, but generally coincide with higher invert sugar levels. While carbonate ash determinations are not accur- ate measures of the juice mineral content, the values do serve as an index of the relative maturity of the plant; in this series of varieties such a relationship is obvious, as both C.P. 31-517 and C.P. 36-105 were found to have the highest ash content. Free acidities also provide an index of plant maturity with the higher values of C.P. 31-517 and C.P. 36-105 coincid- ing with the lower values indicating maturity pro- vided by other analytical data. Insufficient repli- cated data were available from starch, protein and aconitic acid analyses for insertion in Table 7, but certain generalizations appear to be justified. Starch was noted to vary in these juices between 0.09 and 0.25 percent on the juice dry solid matter. Such values are generally much higher than those reported elsewhere, even in the Uba cane planted in South Africa (ll). The analytical method employed in measuring starch in these present studies (18) has not been widely used, as it has been considered some- what tedious in comparison with the method of Balch (l3, 14), frequently used in Louisiana, and the modi- fications of Balch’s method reported in use elsewhere (1). However, limited comparisons of the starch- 7 iodine colorimetric method suggested by Balch, and that used here, which depends on the measurement of phenol-starch color, provide evidence that starch- iodine color fails to measure all of the starch present. A similar experience was reported by Cashen, et al. (15) when comparisons of Balch’s method and an anthrone colorimetric procedure were made. Pro- tein (Kjeldahl N x 6.25) levels found in the sugar cane juices ranged by varieties from approximately 2 percent to 4.7 percent on the juice solid matter, averaging 3.2 percent except for variety C.P. 31-517 where the three replicates average 8.0 percent. Aco- nitic acid levels ranged from approximately 0.05 to 0.28 percent on juice solids, except for C.P. 31-517, where a value of approximately 1.0 percent was found. s}! 10. ll. 12. 13. l4. l5. 16. 17. REFERENCES Alexander, J. B. “Some Notes on Starch in the Sugar In- dustry”, Proceedings of the 28th South African Sugar Tech- nologists Association, 1954. Anon. “Brownsville Sugar Leads”, Brownsville Daily Her- ald, March 7, 1906. Anon. “New 1200 Ton Mill Starts Grinding Cane Mon- day", San Benito Light, November 15, 1912. Anon. “Developing Large Acreage of Cane Near San Benito”, San Benito Light, November 16, 1917. Anon. “Delta of the Lower Rio Grande is Remarkable”, San Antonio Express, June 7, 1907. Anon. “Breaking Ground for Sugarcane Planting, Hills Farm Near Harlingen, Texas”, Gulf Coast Magazine, Octo- ber 1908. Anon. “Big Sugar Mills on Rio Grande ----”, San Antonio Express, October l0, 1910. Anon. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 9th Ed., 1960. Anon. “Sugar Industry Made Fortunes Back in the l920's”, Brownsville Herald, Dec. 12, 1942. Anon. “Valley Agriculture Develops by Experiment From Rice and Cane to Present High Point”, Valley Morning Star, November 17, 1950. Anon. “Annual Reports”, Sugar Milling Institute of South Africa, Communications No. 64, 1965. pp 7-9. Anon. “1968 Sugarcane Variety Recommendations for Louisiana", (prepared jointly by personnel of the USDA Sugarcane Field Station, Houma, Louisiana, and the L.S.U. Agr. Expt. Sta., Baton Rouge, La.), The Sugar Bulletin 46:13, July 15, 1968. p. 5. Balch, R. T., B. A. Smith, L. F. Martin. “Note on the Starch Content of Louisiana Sugarcane and Raw Sugar”, Sugar J. 15:6, 1952. p. 39-40. Balch, R. T. “Further Notes on Starch in Louisiana Canes, Junices and Raw Sugars”, Sugar J. 15:8, 1953. p. 11- 15. Cashen, N. A., and J. J. Friloux. “Comparison of Meth- ods for Determination of Starch in Sugar Cane Juices”, J. Agr. and Food Chem. 14, 1966. p. 434-437. Coleman, R. E. Letter, March 3, 1969 (Descriptive infor- mation about ten varieties of sugarcane.) Cowley, W. R. “Sweet Sorghums in South Texas; Yield Potentials and Cultural Practices”, T.A. 7642, Jour. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Society, January 1969. 18. Dubois, M., K. A. Gilles, J. K. Hamilton, P. ‘ F. Smith. “Colorimetric Method for De’ Sugars and Related Substances", Anal. ~, p. 350-356. I 19. Fanguy, Hugh P. “Sugarcane Variety O t; ments in Louisiana in 1967”, The Sugar November 15, 1968. p. 6. - 20. Griffin, Henry P., Jr. “Story of San Juan P tory of Valley Developmentf’, Valley Marni 2s, 1965. < 21. Hebert, L. P. “Culture of Sugarcane for tion in Louisiana", Agriculture Handbook cultural Research Service, USDA, June 1964., 22. Hebert, L. P. “The 1968 Sugarcane Var’ Florida”, USDA CR-80-68, NOV. 1968. i‘ 23. Hebert, L. P. “Florida Sugarcane Variel 1966”, reprint from January 1967 issue 5 Journal. 24. Hill, Lon c. Notes from files of Hill 25. Matherne, Rouby J. “Distribution of Su l, in Louisiana”, The Sugar Bulletin 47.7, Jan 4. 26. Pearey, John R. Echoes from the Rio _ Now, Springman-King Company, Brownsvi _ pp. 50-53. 27. Ratkin, Gary Alan, “Sugarcane; Early Valley Farming and Citriculture. 40:3, September a 28. Ratkin, Gary Alan, “Local Markets T I Sugar”, Texas Farming and Citriculture. "- 1963. " 29. Ratkin, Gary Alan. “Sugarcane Industry Boom”, Texas Farming and Citriculture. ' 1963. 30. Ratkin, Gary Alan. “Valley Sugarcane l, Gamut from Boom to Bust”, Texas Fa H ‘y, culture. 40:8, February 1964. 1 31. Smith, B. A. “Production of Sugar from S Jour. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Society, 32. Stokes, I. E. Letter, May 13, 1966 aw‘ tion about eight varieties of sugarcane M,‘ yields of sugarcane in Louisiana and Flori", f‘ .- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I. E. Stokes, former leader, Sugar .1 Sorghum Investigations, Crops Res - Q Agricultural Research Service, United ment of Agriculture supplied the seed " initial plantings made in 1961 and made analyses of cane juices. R. E. 5 rent leader of that Section, provided L 1968 plantings. i Lon C. Hill, Mrs. M. U. Caul and Hill made files of the pioneer Hill f uf for compilation of information relative, torical aspects of the early industry. ATTACHMENT I a Origin, Major Plant Characteristics and _ ties and Strains Evaluated, 1961-64. B. 42231 — a heavy stalk variety rec " production in tropical areas where irriga able. The variety has been grown mosh‘ i e Dominican Republic and has not commercial culture in the United étendency to lodge, the variety is sus- 5'6. variety of uncertain parentage which pecies. The variety at one time was Ansively in the Punjab State of India; ileased for production in the United 1y resistant to red rot but susceptible ~c>ratoon stunting diseases. Classified te maturing variety, the most favor- its reported characteristic to with- ditions. U Indian variety which has been most f» in the northern production areas _- it has not been released for produc- i - ~ States. Reportedly a heavy yielder, A aracteristically crooked, and the va- i1 suited for mechanical harvesting. '0 red rot, but highly susceptible to and ratoon stunting disease. A —released in 1945, was once a leading iana but is no longer grown in pro- that State. It proved to be limited v a range of soil types, lacked cold ‘d poor milling and processing qual- attributes of the variety were moder- go mosaic, resistance to red rot and ‘u early maturity and apparent resist- 7 failure. l-a cooperative agency release made 1955. It is one of the earlier matur- in that state and produces cane _ ity with good milling characteristics; g attributes are moderate resistance to " rot diseases and tolerance to cold T 'ety is reportedly better adapted to lighter soils and is lacking in com- It is susceptible to injury from the pon and Sinbar. -released in 1949, was a leading va- some 50 percent of the acreage for TLouisiana; the acreage in 1968, how- jjt 7 percent. The canes are green, erect and suitable for mechanical is adapted to most soil types, reason- turity, and tolerant to cold tempera- eptible to mosaic, moderately resist- moderately susceptible to root rot, y‘ to borer injury. With capacity for th, a principal attribute is the pro- ble crops. ~ 5* developed in South Africa where it Ft ercially after 1959. It has not been roduction in the United States. A fietywith a tendency to lodge, it is _1 rot but susceptible to mosaic. N.Co. 310 — jointly released in 1954 by the USDA, the Louisiana Experiment Station and the American Sugarcane League. The variety has had the most tolerance to cold injury of any variety released in Louisiana and is moderately resistant to damage of the sugarcane borer. It is susceptible to mosaic and moderately susceptible to red rot. A green large barrel cane with good milling qualities, N.Co. 310 is adapted to both light and heavy soils of the cur- rent production areas. The use of the variety has declined in Louisiana from a peak of 23 percent of the acreage in 1962 primarily because of susceptibilty to mosaic. It is the leading variety in Taiwan and is widely grown in Australia, Mexico and Iran. ATTACHMENT II Origin, Major Plant Characteristics and Use of Varie- ties Evaluated, 1968. C.P. 52-48 — jointly released in 1960 by the USDA, the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cairo Cane Growers League. This high yielding, lodging resistant variety was developed for sirup pro- duction in Southwest Georgia. It is reported to ger- minate well in the early spring and to tiller freely. It produces good stands in stubble crops. The growth is upright, and the straight stalks are very hard; it is well adapted to mechanical harvesting but diffi- cult to hand cut. Mosaic infection had not been observed at the time of release, and resistance to red rot was reported. It is susceptible to borer damage. C.P. 52-68 — jointly released in 1958 by the USDA and the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station. The variety is adapted to both light and heavy soils and produces vigorous, erect canes that are well adapted to machine harvest. It is susceptible to mosaic, moderately resistant to red rot, resistant to root rot and reportedly has some measure of resist- ance to ratoon stunting disease. It is more suscepti- ble.to cold injury than N.Co. 310. C.P. 52-68 was grown on less than 13 percent of the acreage in 1961, but expansion of plantings was indicated. C.P. 55-30—a release of the Louisiana Agricul- tural Experiment Station, the American Sugarcane League and the USDA made in 1963 for particular adaptation to the Mississippi River Delta region. The variety establishes in good stands from seed cane and reportedly is especially vigorous in stubble crops. It is adapted to both light and heavy soils. The variety is susceptible to mosaic and ratoon stunt- ing diseases with intermediate tolerance to cold in- jury and moderate tolerance to borer damage. The growth is erect, and the canes are well adapted to machine harvesting. Reportedly some 15 percent of the acreage in Louisiana is grown to this variety. C.P. 50-28 — developed in the breeding program of the United States Department of Agriculture at Canal Point, Florida, was released jointly with the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station in 1957 for 9 planting initially on the muck and sandy muck soils of the Fellsmere area in Florida; subsequent tests indicate adaptability in other areas also. Early ma- turity and cold tolerance were major attributes of the new variety in providing a cane for both early and late harvests. This variety reportedly excels all other varieties grown in the Fellsmere production section in production of ratoon crop from stubble. Growth habit is normally upright; however, lodging occurs with heavy growth and adverse conditions. The variety is reportedly resistant to “several of the leaf spotting diseases common in Florida”; it is sus- ceptible to mosaic and ratoon stunting diseases but has some tolerance to damage by the sugarcane borer. Florida reportedly was using this variety on about 5 percent of the acreage in 1968. L. 60-25 — jointly released in 1966 by the Louisi- ana Agricultural Experiment Station, the USDA and the American Sugarcane League. Although a recent release, it is reportedly considered an important va- riety of potential in Louisiana. It has yielded well on both light and heavy soils, exhibits good vigor and early maturity and has good sucrose content. It 1O is tolerant to ratoon stunting and resistan diseases. The variety is, however, suscepti mosaic disease and damage by borers, a i; tolerant of Dalapon herbicide. *- C.P. 47-193 -a cooperative agency Louisiana made in 1955. It never becamé variety, apparently because of limitation tion to a range of soil. types, susceptibilp injury and inferiority in milling quality. cipal attribute was resistance to mosaic i7 reportedly is moderately resistant to b0 I C.P. 31-517 —a selection from a cr one parent of an old variety D-74 assume one grown in the early South Texas in Yj data relative to adaptation of this selectio‘ able from Louisiana or Florida. i Cl. 41-223 - a patented variety devel leased by the U.S. Sugar Corporation at- Florida. It has been a leading variety i since about 1953. Reportedly its princi _ besides good yields and high sugar, is th ‘T content of the canes. [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Texan AkM University College Station, Texas 77843 H. 0. Kunkel, Acting Director-Publication;