8-1084 MAY I969 ?SUGAR BEETS ” |N SOUTHWEST TEXAS Production Potentials TEXAS Al-M UNIVERSITY 9 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 9 H. O. Kunkel, Acting Diredor, College Station, Texas CONTENTS Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -; Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Production Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 General Topographic and Vegetative Characteris = s Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Water Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Land Use: Crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Review of Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i‘ Available Information Related to Local Conditions . . . .1 Programs of Research and Demonstration 1964»65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..§ Major Trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '_f Zavala County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frio County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Uvalde County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f Bexar County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l Demonstrations-Vaneties and Date-of-planting . i Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1965--66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p Date-of-planting Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a: Research Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' a Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1966--68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genetic Stocks Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Demonstration Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Economic Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sugar Beet Production Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identification and Description of Soils of Research Sit References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , AUTHORS _, E. L. Whiteley, associate professor of new crops and soil Department of Soil and Crop Sciences W. R. Cowley, superintendent for research, Texas Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Weslaco CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Y, Economic Analyses, i‘ A. W. Reichardt, area farm management specialist, Texas A T’ Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Weslaco Production Practices ' D. N. Weaver, research assistant, Department of Soil and Cro Identification and Description of Soils of Research Sites, C. L. Godfrey, professor, Department of Soil and Crop Sci i» E ‘th sugar beets were conducted in l3 counties Texas from 1964-68. These tests were grown 'ety of soils ranging from deep sands to heavy - levels of management were used during the » studies. It was clearly demonstrated that the key factor in beet production. Manage- f. the production of most crops is not of '1; quality for the production of high yields p‘ beets. Three factors—nitrogen, insects and ater-must be controlled at the proper levels ‘vtion is to be successful. '5 964-65 season, 50 trials and demonstrations ‘W at 18 locations in 11 counties. A total of was harvested for brix, sucrose and apparent . The average yield of all beets sampled from i“ as 26.4 tons per acre with an average sucrose 5.4.8 percent and an apparent purity of 85.1 ever, wide ranges in yields and qualities there are critical requirements for soil, crop i, agement. Yields and qualities, both high and rally related to and identifiable with manage- i The adaptability of beets for production per ,; was clearly demonstrated; excellent progress a determining‘ varieties, strains and genetic it efficient performance. a 1965-66 program, 32 trials and demonstra- it ducted at 20 locations in the 13-county area. 'th 38, 50 and 50 entries of varieties, strains mocks were grown at three locations; there SUMMARY c were 15 variety trials of nine entries and 14 date-of-planting demonstrations. Some 1,672 samples were analyzed for brix, sucrose and apparent purity. Yields were generally lower than those of the previous season, but the sucrose levels were materially improved. The need for further refinement of cultural practices was indicated. Results from 2 years of tests showed that the level of leaf-spot resistance in the materials tested was not adequate and that chemical controls would have to be used to control this disease. The potential for the production of high yields of good quality beets was adequately demonstrated. Test results in l966—67 again emphasized the role of management in sugar beet production. Where management levels were adequate, good yields of high quality beets were produced. The results from the research plots indicate that the plant material available has the characteristics necessary for the fabrication of hybrid beet varieties adapted to the area. Several commercial varieties perfonned quite well in the tests and could be used in the early stages of commercial production. In 1967, the need for grower experience in managing larging plantings was recognized. Therefore, in the 1967-68 season, several S-acre plantings were made. Five of these plantings were carried to maturity. Results indicate that beets of acceptable quality can be produced under easily achievable management practices. It was clearly demonstrated that sugar beets are well adapted to south- west Texas arid that the farmers in the area have the skills necessary for producing high yields of good quality beets. 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The successful execution of the extensive and widely spread project was made possible by contributions of many organizations and indivituals. The officers and members of the South Texas Sugar “Beet Growers Association gave freely of their time, efforts, production facilities and funds. Banks, County Commissioners’ Courts, Chambers of Commerce and civic organizations provided invaluable assistance in providing grants and organizational leadership. Many agencies of the state and federal governments made essential contributions to supply technical knowledge,’ materials, and, in many instances, direct services. County agents and area specialists of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service were directly involved in all phases of the project. The Dean of Agriculture, Texas A&M University, and the heads of subject-matter departments gave administrative leadership and direction to the program. Numerous co-workers in the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station contributed technical knowledge and services. Special recognition should be accorded W. A. Goodson, technician, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, who served as fieldman for the project and whose enthusiasm and untiring efforts made possible its coordina- tion and execution. 4 AR ACT Amendment of 1962 and the p tion of the U. S. Department of Agriculture ‘ge restriction on sugar beet production 'espread inquiry relative to the feasibility of terprises in southwest Texas. Through inter- _ the Amendment, several criteria were determine the allocation of acreage to new lying new factories in new areas; these criteria factors as the production potential, economic need for the new enterprise, grower manage- ‘ties and attitutes, proximity to markets and capital for factory construction. qtion was considered abundantly available to west Texas for acreage allocation in regard to ‘teria with the exception of definitive data l. oduction potentials. In 1964, the South Texas ‘Growers Association was organized with the jectives to detennine the potentials for produc- iuthwest Texas counties and subsequently to blishment of one or more beet mills in the orandum of Agreement was developed with I University, and substantial grants and other Ce made available to determine production ‘d associated problems. Grants also were made sts and by County Commissioner’s Courts. o e followed in developing authentic informa- Y~ a study of production resources, such as soils, ter supplies, cropping patterns and related 'ew of literature to relate available information ‘jnditions; and a program of research and '-~ to evaluate potentials for yields and qualities ‘de for grower education relative to cultural f~ ired for efficient management. , PRODUCTTQN RESQURCES i~ :1 1phic and vegetative characteristics 3 counties of southwest Texas shown in Figure 3 15,370 square,‘ miles and lie approximately ounds of 28°and 30°latitude at the junction of Tl~ Plateau, the southwestern extension of the A 'ries and the northwestern portion of the Rio _' . The northern tier of counties is bisected by s Fault Zone separating the Edwards Plateau of 700-1 ,000 feet from the lower lying Rio or . Below the Edwards Plateau, a broad rolling AR BEETS m SOUTHWEST TEXAS Production Potentials plain with elevations ranging down to 300 feet with a regionally southeastern slope is crossed by several small rivers and associated tributaries. Mesquite and thorny shrubs characterize the native tree species although such vegetation varies with climate, soils and elevations. Bunch grasses are found on the lighter soils while such species as buffalo, mesquite and grama are indigenous to the heavier soils. Climate As the geographic location would indicate, the climate across the area would be classed as continental; however, maritime influences from the Gulf area in the warm season are often operative. The average annual temperatures vary but slightly, 68°to 72°F., across the area from north to south; variations in temperature extremes ‘are, however, of more critical significance. The average annual rainfall, reflecting the maritime influence, varies from 20 inches in the western counties to 32 inches in the most eastern section of Hays County. The monthly distributions of rainfall at Crystal City (Dimrnit County) and at San Antonio (Bexar County) are shown in Table 1. Soils Soils, which had their origins in both fresh water and marine sediments, are the products of varying amounts of sorting, movement and redistribution with subsequent profile developments under the influencing factors of climate, topography and vegetation. Materials outwashed from the Edwards Plateau are the parent sediments from which the dark calcareous clays extending from Maverick to Bexar County were formed. These outwash materials were also deposited along streams dissecting the Coastal Plains to give rise to alluvial soils. Alluvial soils along the Rio Grande River, generally lighter in texture and color, were developed from outwash sediments of the Rocky Mountains. Marine sediments of the Coastal Plain have given rise to lighter soil types, widely prevalent across the area. A general soils map of the area is shown in Figure 1. There were further refinements in soil classification by personnel of the Soil Conservation Service in identifying and describing the 13 major soil types of the area; these soil types, along with the estimated acreages of each, are listed in Table 2. The soils, by nature of their origins and development, exhibit a wide range of physical and chemical 5 asap 1.50m zH <52. 52.5. 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Climatic Summary, Temperatuf October, 1968 - March, 1968- ? and Rainfall, Carrizo Springs, Texas, and San Antonio,Texas, for the, CARRIZO SPRINGS - DIMIT COUNTY SAN ANTONIO - BEXAR COUNTY Temperature Rainfall Temperature Maximum Minimum Dept. from Dept. from Maximum Minimum Dept. from ' Month Ave. Recorded Recorded Normal Inches Normal Ave. Recorded Recorded Normal Inchelf 1964 5 Oct. 68.9 92 42 -4.5 1.48 -0.81 66.4 88 38 -4.2 1.64 5 Nov. 65.3 86 33 +3.6 0.33 -0.50 62.6 84 33 ;+3.l 4.8l'i Dec. 55.9 88 27 +0.4 0.23 -0.94 52.3 83 24 -1.4 1.22} 1965 ‘ Jan. 57.9 86 27 +3.6 0.20 -0.82 54.4 81 25 +2.4 1.94} Feb. 54.0 83 27 -4.2 1.90 +0.87 49.8 74 25 -5.6 6.43; Mar. 59.9 91 28 -4.6 1.21 +0.41 54.9 85 23 -6.1 2.30] April 74.5 98 49 +2.2 2.03 +0.35 71.6 90 44 +3.4 1.971 May 78.2 94 55 -0.6 6.67 +3.09 75.0 89 49 -0.3 8.181 June 83.7 105 67 -1.0 0.32 -2.22 81.6 95 64 -0.3 2.421 July 86.2 102 69 -0.4 0.00 -1.83 84.9 99 65 +0.9 0.08? Aug. 85.2 101 68 -1.3 0.96 -1.35 84.0 98 64 +0.2 1.65; Sept. 83.7 102 59 +2.2 3.60 +0.78 80.7 99 54 +2.1 3.19; Oct. 69.1 92 43 -4.3 0.57 -1.72 66.8 90 40 -3.8 2.69: Nov. 67.1 96 33 +5.4 1.26 +0.43 64.5 82 30 +5.0 0.897 Dec. 57.2 78 32 +1.7 3.11 +1.94 55.5 76 30 +1.8 4.51: 1966 ~F Jan. 49.0 76 20 -5.3 1.25 +0.23 45.4 74 16 -6.6 1.47t Feb. 53.0 80 26 -4.6 1.10 +0.07 49.8 75 23 -5.6 2.30; Mar. 64.3 89 29 -0.2 0.42 -0.38 60.0 82 24 -1.0 1.14? April 74.3 99 45 +2.0 5.34 +3.66 68.6 89 34 +0.4 3.20. May 75.9 102 58 -2.9 6.94 +3.36 73.5 93 56 -1.8 3.531 June 81.5 101 63 -3.2 0.68 -1.86 78.8 95 61 -3.1 1.78. July 86.4 103 68 -0.2 0.00 -1.83 84.2 99 67 +0.2 0.06; Aug. 85.5 103 66 -1.0 1.86 -0.45 81.9 99 61 -1.9 4.28§ Sept. 81.2 100 62 -0.3 2.94 +0.12 77.5 93 55 -1.1 2.13§ Oct. 71.7 100 42 -1.7 0.80 -1.49 67.0 92 34 -3.6 1.11? Nov. 66.7 89 28 +5.0 0.00 -0.83 63.0 83 26 +3.5 0.001 Dec. 54.7 85 20 -0.8 0.00 -1.17 50.7 81 19 -3.0 0.44§~ 1967 Jan. 54.2 82 20 -0.1 0.10 -0.92 50.2 79 21 -1.8 Feb. 57.0 87 25 -1.2 0.57 -0.46 51.8 77 23 -3.6 Mar. 80.9 96 37 +6.4 1.90 +1.10 66.9 92 29 +5.9 April 78.6 96 58 +6.3 2.65 +0.97 76.6 93 49 +8.4 May 80.7 108 53 +1.9 0.31 -3.27 76.6 101 46 +1.3 June 85.5 104 66 +0.8 0.67 -1.87 84.5 100 64 +2.6 July 87.3 105 67 +0.7 0.16 -1.67 85.3 102 62 +1.3 Aug. 83.4 105 63 -3.1 3.07 +0 76 82.7 101 62 -1.1 Sept. 76.8 93 48 -4.7 11.00 +8.18 75.5 91 47 -3.1 Oct. 69.7 88 38 -3.7 1.46 -0.83 66.9 86 39 -3.7 Nov. 62.9 92 31 +1.2 1.92 +1.09 60.5 87 31 +1.0 Dec. 54.7 79 25 -0.8 1.67 +0.50 51.0 78 26 -2.7 1968 Jan. 53.0 79 26 -1.3 2.40 +1.38 49.8 74 24 -2.2 Feb. 52.8 79 28 -5.4 2.29 +1.26 48.3 75 25 -7.1 Mar. 60.1 86 32 -4.4 0.96 +0.16 58.0 82 29 -3.0 1/ U. S. Weather Bureau Data. properties. In general classification, about one-third are shallow, rocky clays; one-third are deep clays; and one-third are deep sandy soils. External and internal drainage varies with the topography and textural characteristics; most are at least moderately well drained. Bloodworth (1) reports that soils of the area have available water capacities ranging from 1.2 to 1.7 inches per foot in sands and 2.1 to 2.7 inches in clays. The inherent fertility levels range from low in the deep, readily leachable sands to high in the alluvial clays. In soil reaction, the range likewise varies from near neutral t0 strongly basic. All are adequately supplied with 8 bases, and saline or sodic conditions exist areas. “ Approximately one-half of the l0 ' 13-county area are suitable for cultivatil‘ Capability Classes I to IV. A Use Inventory: Classes is shown in Table 3. Approximately, have been developed for irrigated producti shown in Table 4, Irrigation Summaries‘ indicate that some 1,663,569 acres could, water supplies, be placed under irrigation. 'pal Soil Series in the 13-County Areal Water Suppligs In an agricultural area of irrigation-based economy, water supply is a factor of critical significance. Approxi- Acres mately one-third of the irrigated acreage is supplied from water of the streams which dissect the area. Maverick, Zavala, Bexar and Dimmit counties use the greatest amount 3,, 59,999 of surface water. Water flows are impounded in several 200,000 reservoirs, and studies are in progress by state and federal agencies toward further conservation of flood flows which 350,000 escape toward the Gulf. Flows of streams which cross the .‘ (°“1°”°°“s"ma“t) 50,000 Balcones Fault Zone are subject to infiltration to the ‘ ~ 200,000 porous Edwards Limestone and emerge as spring flows 299,999 when the capacity of the underground reservoir is 0 100,000 exceeded. Water qualities are good to excellent with the 250 000 exception of the saline supplies occasionally withdrawn ’ from the Rio Grande. (overwashed) The major sources of ground water supplies are the ’ Edwards Limestone and the Carrizo Sands underground . 100>000 reservoirs. ~I . 300,000 The Edw d f . . ar s ormation lies generally along the .5 5,000 Balcones Fault Zone extending across a six-county area i 1 300,000 from Brackettville in Kinney County to San Marcos in Hays Mm 19,999 County. The area covers an estimated 7,000 square miles I containing about 300,000 acres of land that are irrigable. of these soils appears in the appendix The irrigated acreage is probably less than 100,000 acres. A 0 ' predominant feature of the Edwards Reservoir is the rapid ’ rate of recharge as surface water from drainways of the Plateau enter through the Fault Zone. Spring flows are 0 3. Use of Inventory acreage by capability classes (adapted from Table 9, CNI, USDA, SCS, 1962) Class Cropland Pasture—Range Forest Woodland Other Land Total _ --------------------------------- --1000 Acres ---------------------------------- -- I—IV 235.3 459.0 - 5.3 699.6 f V-VII 2.2 47.1 - - 49.3 Total 237.5 506.1 - 5.3 748.9 I-IV 284.6 93.9 43.0 8.0 429.5 V-VII 2.7 46.7 144.8 6.2 200.4 Total 287.3 140.6 187.8 14.2 629.9 I-VI 40.4 11.1 37.8 .6 89.9 V-VII .4 11.4 245.9 1.3 259.0 Total 40.8 22.5 283.7 1.9 348.9 t I—IV 50.8 683.1 - 32.2 766.1 T. V-VII .2 77.6 - - 77.8 Total 51.0 760.7 - 32.2 843.9 I-IV 148.4 453.9 - 1.2 603.5 V-VII 2.7 99.9 - - 102.6 Total 151.1 553.8 - 1.2 706.1 I-IV 84.2 26.0 42.7 .8 ' 153.7 V-VVII 1.0 5.4 256.8 .1 263.3 Total 85.2 31.4 299.5 .9 417.0 , I-IV 2.5 62.3 - - 64.8 '~ V-VII - 702.8 117.7 1.2 821.7 Total 2.5 765.1 117.7 1.2 886.5 lle I-IV 73.0 754.9 - .6 828.5 .5 V-VII 1.1 119.3 - — 120.4 Total 74.1 874.2 - .6 948.9 Table 3. Continued Total} County Class Cropland Pasture—Range Forest Woodland Other Land --------------------------------- —-1000 Acres—----------——------—-—————----—----rf Maverick I-IV 38.5 - - 3.5 42.0; V—VII 6.1 757.3 — .8 764.2§ Total 44.6 757.3 — 4.3 806.2‘ Medina I-IV 171.4 381.2 - 18,20 570.6 ,_ V—VII 1.6 275.9 - i 5 277.5 Total 173.0 657.1 — 18.0 848.1% Llvalde I-IV 157.6 271.4 - 12.7 441.11‘ V-VII .3 184.2 379.9 - 564.4, Total 157.9 455.6 379.9 12.7 1006.1; Wilson I-IV 234.8 99.7 113.6 2.6 450.7 V-VII 7.0 31.4 10.0 — 48.4} Total 241.8 131.1 123.6 2.6 499.1, Zavala I-IV 89.7 632.2 - 8.6 730.5; V-VII 2.4 84.1 - - 86.5j Total 92.1 716.3 — 8.6 817.0; GRAND TOTALS 1638.9 6371.8 1392.2 103.7 9506.63 Table 4. Irrigation summary for counties* Total Area of Similar County Irrigated by acres Soils but not Ground Water ,Surface Water Irrigated Irrigated Atascosa 28,330 175 28,505 192,605 Bexar 15,261 14,700 29,961 9,500 Comal 25 175 200 5,590 Dimmit 12,085 7,633** 19,718 95,318 Prio 44,595 0 44,595 276,690 Hays 1,176 1,011 2,187 16,500 Kinney 5,300 600 5,900 98,255 LaSa11e 8,724 l,45l** 10,175 174,230 Maverick 1,629 36,820 38,449 45,744 Medina 9 ,064 10 , 500 19 ,564 176 ,030 Uvalde 20,254 1,125** 21,379 124,944 Wilson 14,491 4,000 18,491 353,163 Zavala 119,852 l8,800** 138,652 95,000 Total 280,786 96,990 377,776 1,663,569 *Texas water Commission Bulletin 6515 June, 1965. **Contains some acreage irrigated by both ground water and surface water. indicative of the water level in the reservoir; annual recharges of 500,000 acre feet and more have been estimated. Except in periods of sustained drouth, discharge by spring flows exceeds that from wells. Failures of properly developed Edwards wells are reportedly few even in the drouth periods; as the development of wells continues, spring flows will no doubt be diminished, but the outlook for irrigation supply is favorable. Water quality is satis- factory for agricultural purposes. The outcrop of the Carrizo Sands is a comparatively narrow belt extending generally northward along the western sections of Dimmit and Zavala counties thence eastward along the county line areas of Uvalde, Frio, Atascosa and Wilson counties. The formation dips sharply, l0 averaging 60 feet per mile, to the south .~ estimated 260,000 acres are irrigated from g Wells originally drilled into the Carrizo aroun free flowing from the artesian pressure devel a centuries. With extensive agricultural develo drawals exceeded recharge, and well failures - l were experienced. Recession of the water -J directly to the pumping rate. Complete dept Carrizo Reservoir is not anticipated under v modern well-development techniques and .1 With heavy withdrawals, continued recession o ’ must be anticipated until cropping sy =1 economic pressures, are stablized to adjust J Water quality from the Carrizo source is gener i? t m l major irrigated crops in the l3 counties in J according to acreage (adapted from data of Qter Commission) are shown in Table 5. '_ ting land use to the potential for beet inly irrigated acreages were considered; there ‘much dry-farmed and brushy range land. The . of the livestock economy, which is j part by dryland and range enterprises, is a the ranking of irrigated acreages grown to _- res, barley and oats and forage sorghum; = re ranked in the top five of irrigated land uses l3 counties; barley and oats in 12 counties and i, s in l0 counties. Grain sorghum ranked W» five land-use crops in 10 counties, ranking f” and vegetables ranked among the top five in production, subject to acreage control, was FAtascosa, Frio, LaSalle and Wilson counties. g- use to cotton was confined in major _, to Maverick and Medina counties. There are, A .. d enterprises with both crops. "1 e of farm products sold and the major source _ involved are shown in Table 6. These data, as ‘7- the Agricultural Census of 1964, reflect, in * the land use classifications. The livestock supported by dryland enterprises, was the Table 5. Irrigated Crops Ranked in Descending Order of Acreage in 13 Southwest Texas Counties County Crops Atascosa Pastures, Peanuts, Oats and Barley, Vegetables, Grain Sorghum Bexar Oats and Barley, Vegetables, Pastures, Forage Sorghum, Grain Sorghum Coma] Oats and Barley, Pastures, Forage Sorghums Dimmit Vegetables, Forage Sorghum, Pastures, Oats and Barley, Grain Sorghum Frio Oats and Barley, Peanuts, Pasture, Grain Sorghum, Vegetables Hays Pastures, Forage, Sorghum, Corn,’ Oats and Barley, Alfalfa Kinney Oats and Barley, Forage Sorghum, Grain Sorghum, Pastures, Vegetables La Salle Oats and Barley, Vegetables, Pastures, Peanuts, Grain Sorghum Maverick Pastures, Oats and Barley, Forage Sorghum, Cotton, Vegetables Medina Grain Sorghum, Oats and Barley, Forage Sorghum, Vegetables, Cotton Uvalde Grain Sorghum, Oats and Barley, Forage Sorghum, Vegetables, Pasture Wilson Pastures, Forage Sorghum, Peanuts, Grain Sorghum, Vegetables Zavala Vegetables, Grain Sorghums, Forage Sorghum, Oats and Barley, Pastures Table 6. Value of Farm Products Sold and Major Sources by Percentage in 13 Southwest Texas Counties - U. S. Census-1964 Percent From Livestock Value of A11 Farm and County Products Sold A11 Crops Field Crops Vegetables Products Atascosa $ 9,622,008 46.58 34.12 9.16 52.99 Bexar 17,334,367 29.11 15.54 7.86 70.48 Comal 2,956,128 13.78 12.16 3.36 83.71 Dimmit 5,594,205 52.12 2.69 45.17 46.81 Frio 10,242,133 65.02 53.37 11.07 34.70 Hays 8,113,080 10.42 10.18 0.86 88.56 Kinney 2,500,038 2.61 1.32 0.92 95.04 LaSalle 3,832,386 11.63 9.40 2.02 80.68 Maverick 5,884,861 24.22 14.60 9.01 81 Medina 7,543,750 46.88 44.19 3.43 50.30 Uvalde 9,997,047 15.82 9.66 5.95 82.78 Wilsoiir 6,352,344 37.63 32.24 4.43 62.21 Zavala 10,770,884 56.34 22.00 32.05 43.26 Total $101,243,231 Area Average (Z) 35.61 22.56 11.02 63.46 ll predominant source of farm income, contributing about 64 percent. About 36 percent of the value of all farm products sold is derived from crops. The contribution of field crops was almost double that of vegetables, the major con- tributing crop enterprise in two counties, Dimmit and Zavala. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Modern day beet enterprises and associated tech- nologies are the results of more than a century of research and experience. The literature, through which history of the industry may be traced, is voluminous, and only significant milestones can be presented. Established as a crop of economic significance in Europe by 1830, it was not until 1870 that the first successful enterprise was established in the United States. The early history of American production is characterized by crisis after crisis with the use of European varieties which had little or no resistance to diseases, the first apparent limitation. Production in the humid areas was severely attacked by Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora betacoli) and black root (Aphanomyces eachilicidas); curly top (Ruga verrucosans) almost forced abandonment of the industry west of the Rocky Mountains. Production practices were developed by Overpeck and Elcock (12) in the 1930’s to provide supplies of American-grown seed. Research to develop disease resistance in sugar beets was begun by the U. S. Department of Agriculture in 1925. By 1930 the first variety with significant resistance to curly top had been developed by Eubanks and Stahl (6). ' Although this variety was subject to bolting (seed stem formation), effective resistance to curly top was sub- sequently obtained through hybridization with wild types. From screening trials conducted in 1925, Tracy (19) isolated 14 strains with some resistance to Cercospora leaf spot; through. the execution of complex programs of breeding involving crosses of resistant inbreds, varieties with effective levels of resistance were established. Starting with a varietal development program by Coons (2) in 1936, a succession of leaf-spot resistant strains has been produced. In 1930, according to Coons et al. (3), Lavis and Larmer found bolting resistance in the variety, U. S. 15, a curly-top resistant strain; the bolting-resistant strain thus isolated was found to have moderate levels of resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora schach tii) and rust (Uromyces betae). Although susceptible to leaf spot, this strain was an advancement toward multiple disease resistance. Multiple resistance to curly top and to leaf spot was developed by Steward (18) and others through programs of recurrent backcrossing and screening under conditions heavily infectious to the two diseases. Resistance to black-root disease was first discovered by Coons (4) in 1940. Subsequent breeding and selection resulted in the development of resistant varieties. Other diseases of possible critical significance to production as reported by Coons are Rhizoctonia (Pellicularia filamentosa), a wet-weather disease, sclerotium root rot (Sclerotium rolfsil) and sugar beet virus yellows. 12 The discovery of male sterility by 0 a (13) and its subsequent use in breeding progr r the development of disease-resistant hybrids of potential. ' Through breeding research, the industry n with resistant strains to provide an ever-incre I of security from crop failures. Since new i pathogens may appear and new diseases may d; breeding research is a continuing and major L U. S. Department of Agriculture. Excellent been made in recent years toward develop’ control measures for leaf spot and elimi = " through control of insect vectors. Concurrent with programs of breeding resistance, other outstanding advances were j field. Monogerm strains were introduced intoi, States by V. F. Savitsky (16) in 1948. Limite was early reported as naturally occurring I‘ grown beets. Helen Savitsky (15) in 1952 contribution to the refinement of con treatment of seedling beets for production ~i numbers of tetraploid plants. The advantai hybrids’ exhibiting heterosis similar to that ~f coupled with male sterility and rapid reco . genetic characters further advanced the deve productive strains. That the sugar beet has a wide range. of ’ evident from the differing climatic and soil con major production areas of the United States. In“: area, beets in north central sections are groj -textured acid soils; in the rnidwest, there is production on alkaline soils with supplemental‘ ‘I the intermountain area, beets are grown under‘ _, sedimentary valley soils; in the west, there l production, as either a winter or a summer wide range of soil and climatic conditions. - Skuderna (17) the sugar beet is one of the m producers of food among all cultivated crops; a l’ producing 3,700—4,000 pounds of sugar i byproduct value in tops, pulp and molasses , 60-bushel-per-acre corn crop. * Sugar beet seed will germinate in a wide temperatures. According to Robbins and Pri range is from 35°to 86°F.; germination was ' fl high soil temperatures (126°F.) in the Impe r, California. Beets normally require 150-21 maturity for optimum yields and quality; the’ season is, therefore, governed by conditions l, conducive to favorable growth and sugar _ reported by Esau (5), climate is one of the mo factors in determining the suitability of an - ‘ production; a long growing period is required, - i is greatly influenced by the seasonal diSllflblllliO_' Central California, October plantings were e t subject to curly top infection; bolting was {A November and December plantings; March l plantings were lower in yields and sugar. i Ulrich (20) and others have shown that I‘ development patterns are greatly affected by - i temperatures, moisture and nutrients. Day tithe top-root ratio; with short photoperiods, _: ~- to be proportionately greater; longer days , top weight but increase root weights. Giddings (8), beets low in sucrose were ~ at low light intensities or at very high day _- ratures. No particular day temperature a mperature effects; the night temperature for accumulation was lower than that for " growth. Moisture stress reduced vegetative l teased sucrose content of beets grown at I els of nitrogen (10). Beet juice purity and its were increased by late-season nitrogen f the effect of the two factors are indepen- tive. According to Nuckols (11) transpira- i largely determined by air temperatures; three—five times as much water during "U temperature and low humidity as they use ‘I conditions. With the use of radioactive ‘rson found that beet-root activity in early gely confined to the surface foot of the y the season, however, roots were active t0 eet and more. The results of a number of are in general agreement that 65 percent l» d by beets is obtained in the top foot and W tained in the top 2 feet of the soil profile. -, by Larson (9) indicated that only 5 percent orbed came from the 3- to 5-foot depths. t. research and experience with western- ets indicate a water requirement of 1.5—2.3 “ production of nominal yields. Larson and _ termined that maximum daily moisture use from 0.10 to 0.24 inches. Research data are ment that moisture stress at the maturation cive to and even necessary for maximum tion. The total amount of irrigation water less important than the time of application. levels of management, therefore, are k essful beet production. The plant has no _- nism to initiate and maintain the synthesis f‘ sugar. The synthesis of carbohydrates in the j ceed the energy demand of the plant system i ~ orage of sugar in the roots; the sequences of A velopment are top growth, root development I age. With the optimum availability of water _ the first two stages proceed rapidly; without g, to control water and nutrients (primarily i rose level of 4—8 percent is established, and tinue to grow. Conditions to reduce the ents of the plant must be achieved through 'ency, moisture stress and/or cool tempera- Vi- crop-management practices require not only timing and rates of fertilizer and irrigation t also knowledge of the nitrifying power of if residual nutrients of previous crop applica- - by Gardner and Robertson (7) has shown a ship between leaf petiole nitrogen and i at harvest time. The critical nitrate-nitrogen I in leaf petioles is considered to be 1,000 ppm ‘I tbasis; depletion of the nitrogen to this level 4-6 weeks before harvest is conducive to sugar accumula- tion. The labor requirements for beet production have been greatly reduced in recent years by technological advances. The laborious tasks of hand thinning have been largely eliminated by the use of monogerm seed, precision planting and mechanical thinners. Herbicides for control of major weed pests are available. Developments in harvesting and handling equipment rival those of the cotton industry. AVAILABLE INFORMATION RELATED TO LOCAL CONDITIONS Climatic data indicate the possibility of both winter and summer production in southwest Texas. Conditions will be favorable for the development of both curly top and leaf spot diseases. Varieties of best adaptation can be determined only by field trials. Available information suggests that stands of beets might be established every month of the year; however, high temperatures of the sandy soils might reduce gerrnina- tion during the hottest period of the summer. More irrigation water and more intensive weed control measures would be required to establish and maintain stands from summer plantings; such plantings, however, would approach maturity in the cool season when soil nitrification is at the lowest level, thus enhancing sucrose storage; shorter day lengths and lower light intensities might be more influential than the cool temperatures on sucrose content and purity. Fall- and winter-planted beets could be grown with less water and less hazard of weed infestations; winter-grown beets would be slower in growth and development, more subject to seed-stem inducing temperatures and would mature at a time of increasing soil temperatures and increased soil nitrification; the favorable interaction of soil moisture and soil nitrogen levels would require precision in management. Fertilizer programs for optimum beet production must of necessity encompass all crops in. a rotation; fertilizer practices, cropping sequences and soil manage- ment must be adjusted to meet the production require- ments of beets. The crop preceding beets must be deep rooted and capable of depleting the nitrogen level in the soil profile; heavy crop residues must be avoided. The succeeding crop must of necessity be planted in a soil low in residual nitrogen and low in organic matter with possibly deteriorated physical conditions. Land-use patterns of the 13-county area would appear to provide no major handicap to the development of proper crop rotations with beets. Basing plans, upon 400,000 acres of land currently under irrigation and assuming a 5-year rotation, some 80,000 acres could be devoted to beets; an industry of 40,000 acres would seem to be a conservative potential after allowing for such reductions in the estimate as required by the maintenance of acreage allotted to controlled crops and by grower preference. The diversity of crops and the predominance of livestock in the economy would seem to strongly favor the initiation of a beet enterprise if efficient production could 13 be achieved. Rotations with forage crops, particularly those ensiled or green chopped, could be used to reduce soil nitrogen levels. The climatic advantage of double cropping would provide for the rapid restoration of organic-matter levels following the beet crop. The diversity of crops indicates wide grower expertise with machinery, agricul- tural chemicals and irrigation. Beet enterprises would be a most valuable asset to the livestock industry; byproducts would provide large quantities of feed and should materially reduce land requirements for forage production. Farm income from beets would add economic stability and would provide a more substantial basis than now exists for the adjustment of cropping practices to water supplies in areas where there are limitations. PROGRAMS OF RESEARCH AND DEMONSTRATION l964—65 Some preliminary investigations preceded the initiation of the cooperative program. In the l963—64 season, observational plantings of several varieties were grown near San Antonio, presumably on Houston clay soil, by Henry Van De Walle. Samples taken from plantings made monthly from October 1963 through July 1964 indicated yield potentials of 25-30 tons per acre of beets with acceptable sucrose and purities. Bolting, however, was noted in the October planting following a low temperature of 13°F in January 1964. With the subsequent initiation of the formal program, all research and demonstrations were conducted at outfield locations with cooperating Association growers who furnished land and other production facilities. Samples, rasped in the field and immediately frozen, were sub- sequently analyzed by the Analytical Services Department at Texas A&M University. Weather conditions which prevailed across the area during the period of the program, 1964-68, are indicated in Table 1. Because of limited time and personnel, optimum selectivity was lacking in the choice of sites. The major objectives, however, were to screen varieties and genetic stocks and to conduct date-of-planting tests and demonstra- tions at locations typical of large soil and climatic areas. Major Trials Varieties and genetic stocks representative of the range available were planted on farms near San Antonio, Uvalde, Pearsall, Castorville and Crystal City in Bexar, Uvalde, Frio, Medina and Zavala counties, respectively, from seed supplied by personnel and breeders in the Crops Research Division, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and by sugar beet companies. A list of the materials included , the sources of seed and other pertinent information are shown in Table 7. October-planted trials, which included 40 entries, were established at San Antonio, Uvalde, Pearsall and Crystal City; trials with 56 entries were planted at Castroville and San Antonio in January l965;however, the Castroville planting was destroyed in seedling stage by a hail and sleet storm in February. The test design was that of a 14 randomized block with six replications. The plots! row with two rows per bed. Stands and seedling i rated after emergence by using HC-1 1 variety as a. The plants were subsequently thinned to 6—8-inche Notes on growth and development and on ' , diseases were recorded periodically. No fungic" applied in any of the major trials. ’ Zavala County: The trial in Zavala C i conducted on the Joe ByrdlFarm 17 miles n I Crystal City. The soil type was Blanco silty loam; was supplied from a l,l00-foot Carrizo well. Th been heavily fertilized in anticipation of fall 1 production. Stands, although adequate, were ra poor to very good reflecting differential viability, of the entries. Breeding line SL l26xSp58 outstanding in seedling vigor; entries with SL1 parentage were notably outstanding in growth an ment. The Zavala County trial was destroyed by j” April, and no samples were taken for yield est’ "A and petiole nitrogen evaluations of random pl j taken April 28, after the flooding, indicated a1 nitrate level and immaturity of the roots- Both p and Cercospora diseases were noted, parti l‘: susceptible lines, and Rhizoctonia infection bec spread following the flooding. Although the trial v adverse weather, valuable information was feasibility of winter production was indicated, a observations were made relative to site selec preparation and management. l‘ Frio County: The Frio County trial w,‘ October 24, 1964, near Pearsall on the Fr' Research Foundation Farm, the land of which g by George Toalson. The soil type was Duval F? loam; the previous crop on the site was cotton;6' of 16-20-0 were applied as a preplant fertilizer I Irrigation was by sprinkler application of waste ‘ the nearby Medina Electric Power Plant. The "f established in adequate stands, but variability} entries was recorded. The SL126xSP5822-0 p outstanding in seedling vigor. The foliage disel were light to severe, particularly in susceptible _ Rhizoctonia disease was noted particularly at sp i1 locations where excessive water accumulated. The plants were luxuriant and made excell’ and development until April 26 when the trial damaged by hail and flooding. Portions of the J washed out, and the foliage was badly shre remaining plants regrew tops, and plots represenflj entries were harvested July 17 for yield a -_ evaluations. The yields and the results of the - ' shown in Table 8. Yields of 25—5O tons per» obtained; 11 of the entries produced very accep»; of sucrose; the purity levels of several lines were percent. The variety, U.S. 75, with yield of 1 acre, produced the equivalent of 6.51 tons of, acre. Although differences in performa undoubtedly affected by hail damage, differen responses were apparent to confirm that so of sugar beet material planted in the San Antonio Area Resistance Seed Seed4/ Leaf Curly Black Bolting Other Source Type- Spot Top Root COM. - - - ~ Strain of Holly GECl/ m X§/ X x Sugar GEC m X X X (EC m X X x ~.3 GEC m x X l - S401(4n) .6 Triploid GEC m X X X " GEC m X X X GEC m X x X X GBC m X X X GEC m X X GEC m X X X GEC m X X GEC m X . X JSM2/ M X X JSM m X X JSM m X X JSM m X X JSM m X X JSM m X X JSM m X X JSM m X X JSM m X X JSM m X X JSM M X X JSM M X X JSM m X X JSM M X X JSM M X X JSM M X X JSM M X X JSM M X X Joey M x X JOG m X X X X JOG M X X JOG M X X JOG M X X JOG m X X X J06 m X X X COM. Spreckles Strain COM. Holly Strain V} Beltsville, Maryland ?r1ane, Salinas, California 1 11, Ft. Collins, Colorado __ disease resistance known or assumed. ,- analyses of sugar beet breeding lines and varieties in " Y w Plots: Planted October 24, 1964; Harvested July 17, 1965 Yield Apparent Tons of tons Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar per acre % % per acre 37.04 15.51 15.98 84.77 5.96 31.63 16.81 14.99 89.11 4.73 33.19 18.53 15.81 85.32 5.23 47.33 14.64 13.97 92.91 6.61 37.85 14.46 13.61 89.88 5.15 35.26 17.24 14.93 87.26 5.26 47.10 16.55 14.22 83.49 6.69 38.89 16.65 14.75 90.22 5.72 39.15 15.75 14.16 88.77 5.60 41.31 16.93 14.98 89.55 6.11 31.21 18.23 15.27 84.32 4.76 24.64 16.77 13.72 81.77 3.40 32.52 15.05 12.73 83.94 4.14 25.66 12.47 9.59 84.53 2.44 44.08 14.92 13.29 84.87 5.86 38.75 13.82 11.37 83.72 4.42 25.93 13.11 11.46 87.54 2.97 44 86 13 91 10.74 76 32 4.85 50 04 12 89 10.45 80 73 5.21 44 08 15 03 14.76 93 34 6.51 29 51 13 77 12.08 87 45 3.56 36 06 16 72 14.78 90 75 5.35 36 30 16 06 13.34 83 24 4.84 35 78 18 22 15.70 86 36 5.63 38 37 13 53 11.78 88 47 4.52 32 88 15 50 14.50 93 30 4.76 5 60 1 17 2.08 2 89 1.09 store sucrose at higher levels of soil nitrogen. lplication of nitrogen was apparently near the ‘a of excessive was indicated by petiole analyses high root yields. The light sandy soils, easily " d low in organic matter, lend themselves more ‘Y ontrol of nitrogen and moisture levels than do soil types. The feasibility of winter production ‘indicated by the results of this trial. County: The trial was conducted on the Otto Strube Farm 3 miles northwest of Uvalde. The soil type was Montell clay at a site formerly grown to vegetable-field crop rotations and maintained at a high level of fertility. A preplant application of 500 pounds of 16-20-0 was broad- cast prior to land preparation. Irrigation water was supplied from an Edwards well. The plants were established in adequate stands showing differences in seedling vigor in the patterns noted in the Zavala and Frio county trials. The plants grew luxuriantly under the stimulus of a high level of soil nitrogen. Foliage diseases were noted, and minor incidence of Rhizoctonia was recorded where water accumulated from excessive rainfall prevalent during the growth period. Samples were harvested June 23 to obtain data relative to differential responses to the high nitrogen and moisture levels in the soil. The yields and analyses results are shown in Table 9. Yields were excellent, ranging from 21 tons to more than 45 tons per acre. None of the entries produced acceptable levels of sucrose;however, several lines had acceptable purities. Leaf petiole and soil analyses confimred that there were high levels of nitrogen in both the first and second foot of the soil profile. The trials were harvested again July 29; the analyses indicated further maturity of the beets, but the sucrose still had not attained acceptable levels. Several breeding lines, however, appeared to be superior as shown by the yields and sucrose percentages in Table 10. Results of the Uvalde trial indicated that none of the varieties and strains included had ability to store sugar under the conditions of high nitrogen and moisture levels in » the summer-maturing crop. The excellent adaptation of the beets for growth and development, however, was clearly indicated. A longer growth period than the 9 months used Table 9. Yield and analysis of sugar beet breeding lines and varieties in Uvalde County — first harvest Research Plots: Planted October 21, 1964: Harvested June 23 6 24, 1965 Yield Apparent Tons of Line Description tons BriX Sucrose purity raw Sugar per acre % per acre 1 HH-1 35.73 14.85 11.58 77.97 4.16 2 SL126XSP5460—0 29.60 14.48 11.81 81.24 3.50 3 SL(126X128)XSP5460—0 34.72 14.49 11.37 78.15 3.88 4 F62-569H3XSP5460—0 34.33 15.03 11.58 76.84 3.91 5 F62-569H3X663 46.08 13.48 10.71 79.10 4.97 6 SL(126X128)XUS401(4n);T. 33.40 15.47 12.56 81.04 4.14 7 SL(126X128)XSP5822-0 29.35 14.41 11.41 79.07 3.41 8 F62-569H3XUS401(4n);T. 41.18 12.16 9.77 77.98 4.05 9 F62-569H3xSP5822-0 35.03 13.86 10.69 77.14 3.72 10 $L126XUS401(4n);T. 32.46 14.67 11.27 76.65 3.65 11 SL126X5P5822—0 34.18 13.83 10.85 77.53 3.70 12 SP64100-04 27.01 14.88 10.85 73.03 2.96 13 SP64100-05 29.46 14.71 11.77 80.23 3.47 14 U$H6 39.78 13.36 10.28 76.64 4.09 15 USH7 41.42 14.16 11.53 79.66 4.77 16 USH8 38.38 14.14 10.83 76.94 4.23 17 (569HOX563)X663 39.24 14.26 11.22 78.55 4.34 18 (569HOX563)XNB7 38.07 12.45 9.45 75.70 3.58 19 562HOX564X663 36.27 14.13 11.39 80.83 4.15 20 (562HOX546)XNB7 32.87 13.46 10.06 76.81 '3.34 21 (563HOX550)X464 37.52 14.53 11.60 80.00 4.30 22 (563HOX534)X464 39.86 13.95 11.36 81.66 4.53 23 (562H0XS69)X3425;T. 32.93 14.17 10.93 77.02 3.64 24 USH2; Triploid 43.44 13.24 11.05 81.05 4.76 25 USH6; Triploid 42.97 13.12 9.82 74.86 4.19 26 USH7; Triploid 39.15 13.00 10.13 77.94 4.01 27 US75 36.28 14.54 11.23 77.52 4.06 28 PS6-502 Inbred; B.R. 24.05 13.74 10.69 77.12 2.59 29 1547 Inbred; 8.R. 21.07 15;00 11.17 74.83 2.35 30 0539 Inbred; B.R. 21.49 13.24 10.25 77.44 2.18 31 F59—512 Inbred; B.R. 27.09 12.97 9.45 73.48 2.53 32 US40l 27.87 14.14 10.81 76.03 2.97 33 F61—562H0XSP5460-0 29.58 14.09 11.22 79.65 3.32 34 USH2; Diploid 42.66 14.54 11.57 79.64 5.00 35 SP5822-0 32.70 14.46 11.36 78.44 3.76 36 SP60S1-0 33.24 14.51 11.43 78.90 3.72 37 FC502X663 37.52 15.67 11.97 76.18 4.46 38 FC503 $ub—1.X663 31.51 14.70 11.94 81.15 3.74 39 S302H 33.40 13.90 10.77 77.37 3.55 40 HC1l 24.44 16.23 12.35 75.79 2.77 LSD(0.05) 9.14 1.52 1.38 5.60 1.05 15 did not at that time appear to be feasible. Special management practices to control soil nitrogen levels were indicated as an essential requirement, and planting dates to afford maturity in cool weather were suggested by the results. Bexar County: Trials were planted on the Henry Van De Walle Farm west of San Antonio October 20. The soil type was Houston clay which had been grown to vegetables under high fertility levels for many years. Fertilizer, 250 pounds per acre of 0-46-0, was used in sidedressed application. The irrigation water was from a 1,100-foot Edwards well. Although established in adequate stands, the trials were affected by continuously wet weather; no cultivation was possible from December through March. Cercospora infection was severe on susceptible lines; resistant lines failed to exhibit resistance levels reported—a failure which indicates the necessity for chemical control measures in such adverse seasons. Curly top infection was prevalent, but the intensity of infection was better associated with genetic resistance claimed than was the Cercospora infection. The trials were harvested July 7. As shown in Table ll yields were good, generally in the 25—30-ton range. Despite the conditions of excessive moisture and high initial nitrogen level of the soil, 25 of the entries produced acceptable levels of sucrose and purity; 10 of the entries had a sucrose content of more than 15 percent with apparent purity of more than 85 percent. The results of this trial indicated that winter-grown beets can be successfully produced on Houston clay soil, even in adverse seasons. A trial of 56 entries was planted on the Henry Van De Walle Farm January 8, 1965. This planting, made and grown under adverse conditions of the season, grew well Table 10. Yield and analysis of sugar beet breeding lines and varieties in Uvalde County - Second Harvest Research P1ots: Planted October 21, 1964; Harvested July 29 8 30, 1965 Yield Apparent Tons of Line Description tons Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar per acre per acre 1 HH-1 33.33 16.33 12.43 76.07 4.19 2 SLl26xSP5460—0 28.19 18.09 14.12 77.97 4.00 3 SL(126x128)xSP5460-0 26.48 17.44 13.80 78.88 3.67 4 F62—569H3xSP5460—0 27.18 16.56 12.46 75.10 3.40 5 F62-569H3x663 37.22 15.72 12.33 78.73 4.67 6 SL(126x128)xUS40l(4n);T. 30.60 17.28 13.66 78.78 4.27 7 SL(126x128)xSP5822—0 32.16 16.89 12.86 75.99 4.14 8 F62—569H3xUS401(4n);T. 27.41 16.71 13.25 79.20 3.70 9 F62-569H3xSP5822—0 32.31 15.79 11.82 74.76 3.86 10 SL126xUS401(4n);T 28.42 16.92 13.63 80.85 3.90 11 SL126XSP5822—0 24.84 17.15 13.34 77.66 3.30 12 SP64100—04 26.63 17.52 13.17 78.68 3.55 13 SP64100-05 28.73 17.81 13.97 77.95 4.04 14 USH6 30.60 15.61 11.97 77.66 3.60 15 US H7 , 31.60 15.43 11.68 75.49 3.65 16 US H8 23.91 15.84 12.06 76.06 2.84 17 (569H0x563)x663 32.71 15.00 11.00 74.20 3.67 18 (569H0x563)xNB7 27.64 13.81 10.08 72.94 2.81 19 562H0x546x663 33.69 15.39 11.89 77.11 4.08 20 (562H0x546)xNB7 22.50 15.06 11.41 75.65 2.59 21 (563H0x550)x464 36.99 15.30 11.44 74.65 4.21 22 (563H0x534)x464 28.43 15.61 11.65 74.70 3.41 23 (562H0x569)x3425;Tr1p. 30.65 15.49 11.72 75.59 3.54 24 US H2 Triploid 39.95 14.22 10.75 72.42 4.26 25 US H6 Triploid 40.02 14.81 11.46 77.44 4.59 26 US H7 Triploid 34.41 14.67 11.22 76.42 3.90 27 US 75 34.57 15.73 12.04 76.44 4.18 28 F56-502 Inbred; B.R. 19.62 14.70 11.63 79.99 2.34 29 1547 Inbred; B.R. 13.32 14.80 10.93 73.70 1.46 30 0539 Inbred; B.R. 12.24 14.51 11.37 78.22 1.40 31 F59—512 Inbred; B.R. 15.50 12.88 9.69 75.11 1.50 32 US401 27.33 16.98 13.25 78.52 3.47 33 F61-562H0xSP5460-0 27.25 16.35 12.93 76.93 3.54 34 US H2 Diploid 38.62 16.17 12.57 77.29 4.83 35 SP5822-0 22.27 16.69 13.22 79.13 3.01 36 SP6051-0 31.46 16.21 12.50 77.05 3.94 37 FC502x663 30.52 17.33 14.62 78.50 4.51 38 FCS03 Sub—1.x663 28.11 16.53 12.96 78.35 3.65 39 S-302 H 29.20 15.36 11.68 75.89 3.44 40 HC-11 27.24 17.25 13.51 78.68 3.68 LSD(0.05) 8.76 1.62 1.63 5.14 1.21 Table ll. San Antonio in Bexar County Research Plots: Planted October 20, 1964; Harvested July 73 Yield and analysis of sugar beet breading lines and variet 9 Yield Appa {_ Line Description tons Brix Sucrose puritj per acre % % J 1 HH—1 34.41 15.59 13.55 2 SL126xSP5460—0 32.25 16.71 14.78 3 SL(126x128)xSP5460-0 30.09 16.95 15.33 4 P62—569H3xSP5460—0 30.00 15.55 13.78 5 P62056H3x663 36.05 16.62 14.36 6 SL(126X128)XUS401(4n);T. 26.55 17.54 15.33 7 SL(l26x128)XSP5822—0 33.37 315.88 14.06 8 F62—569H3xUS401(4n);T. 26.60 ?16.43 14.09 9 F62—569H3xSP5822—0 27.07 "16.47 15.09 10 SL126xUS401(4n);T. 28.88 16.11 14.61 11 SL126xSP5822-0 32.73 17.10 15.11 12 SP64l00—04 23.34 19.29 16.90 13 SP64100—05 25.85 17.44 15.71 14 USH6 31.04 15.35 13.55 15 USH7 30.08 14.83 13.32 16 USH8 23.00 15.25 13.75 17 (569HOX563)X663 29.05 16.42 15.04 18 (569HOX563)xNB7 25.25 15.39 14.22 19 562H0x546x663 29.91 15.37 13.98 20 (562H0x546)xNB7 25.76 16.19 14.55 21 (563HOX550)x464 31.81 15.30 13.49 22 (563H0x534)x464 28.36 16.24 14.12 23 (562H0x569)x3425;T. 29.48 14.80 13.20 24 USH2; Triploid 35.70 14.30 12.95 25 USH6; Triploid 36.40 15.05 13.26 26 USH6; Triploid 37.87 14.53 12.67 27 US75 25.33 14.97 13.27 28 F56—502 Inbred; B.R. 14.06 18.27 16.19 29 1547 Inbred; B.R. 13.92 13.79 12.38 30 0539 Inbred; B.R. 17.72 14.20 12.70 31 F59-512 Inbred; B.R. 16.34 16.65 14.75 32 US401 28.44 15.84 14.29 33 P61—562 H0xSp5460—0 24.31 16.11 14.36 34 USH2; diploid 31.41 15.69 14.17 35 SP5822—0 25.33 16.87 15.23 36 SP6051—0 25.07 16.94 14.65 37 FC502x663 29.49 18.51 16.36 38 PC503 Sub—1.x663 25.97 15.69 12.45 39 S—302H 27.05 15.64 14.02 40 HC11 29.74 15.95 14.17 LSD(0.05) 4.80 1.39 1.43 Table 12. Yield and analysis of sugar beet breeding lines and variet* Bexar County - January planting 9 Research Plots: Planted January , 1965; Harvested Augu!I_ Yield Line Description tons Brix Sucrose per acre % % 1 US401 10.63 16.92 13.64 2 F61-562H0xUS401(4n) 12.19 14.85 14.61 3 SL(129x133)xSP5822-0 12.45 16.63 13.13 4 SP5822-0 20.22 16.15 12.71 5 FC502xSP5822—0 14.26 16.30 12.84 6 FC503xSP5822-0 14.52 17.15 13.78 7 SP605l-0 22.30 14.30 11.02 8 PC502xSP605l—0 14.02 16.32 13.05 9 PC502x663 14.74 15.38 11.97 10 PC(502/2x503)xSP59B18-0 14.52 15.91 12.55 11 FC(502/2x504)xSP59B18-0 15.04 16.79 13.20 12 FC(502/2x503)xFC901 18.67 15.85 12.84 13 FC(502/2x504)xFC901 8.48 15.35 11.97 14 FC(502/2x503)xS-62-l6(4n) 10.64 17.31 13.71 15 1964-1(SL122xSP5460-0) 15.04 16.39 12.98 16 1964-2(SL126xSP5460-0) 15.04 16.25 13.42 17 1964-3(SL126xSL128xSP5460-0) 18.15 15.02 12.04 18 1964-4(F62-569H3xSP5460-0) 12.45 14.35 13.34 19 1964-12(SL126xSL128xSP5822-0) 19.97 17.61 14.29 20 1964-14(F62-569H3xSP5822-0) 17.11 17.15 13.78 21 SL128xSL133xSP5460-O 21.00 16.82 13.56 22 (SL128xSL129)xSL133xSP5460-0 16.08 17.95 14.36 23 (SL128xSL129)xSL133xSP5822-0 18.15 15.85 12.40 24 1964-11(SL126xSL133xUS401;4n) 20.23 15.53 12.11 25 1964—15(SL126xUS401;4n) 16.08 15.86 12.32 26 1964-7 (USH2) 16.34 16.39 12.91 27 SP6322-0 10.11 16.24 13.27 28 US401 13.49 15.15 11.82 29 SP6351-0 12.33 15.14 11.75 30 SP64l94-0 22.56 14.19 11.10 31 SP64100-04 12.15 15.97 12.33 32 SP64l00—05 10.87 17.48 13.71 33 463 H2 21.26 16.49 12.98 34 263 TH2 20.68 16.91 13.64 35 463 H4 15.05 17.26 13.92 36 363 H7 10.63 16.66 13.27 37 263 TH3 20.23 16.84 13.56 38 464H8 13.48 15.15 11.24 39 464 H11 16.60 15.85 12.04 40 464 H14 7.52 16.49 12.91 41 F64-425 H4 14.50 16.43 13.05 42 4404 H8 9.58 16.94 13.27 43 472 H4 6.23 16.02 12.77 44 384 11.67 17.03 13.64 45 F57-68 10.14 15.20 11.75 46 4539 H4 15.56 16.32 12.76 47 3539 H7 5.19 14.47 11.17 48 4539 H8 15.56 16.49 13.20 49 413 H4 15.04 15.85 12.48 50 F64-30H4 17.37 14.97 11.53 S1 HH1 20.23 15.45 12.11 52 HC—11 12.19 15.97 12/52 53 S-302 H 11.41 14.97 11.68 54 737 12.94 15.74 12.11 S5 S-5 17.38 16.74 13.42 56 S-1 10.79 16.85 13.39 LSD(0.05) 9.5a 2.62 2.64 warmer spring temperatures; greatly reduced ever, indicated the influencing factor of the A ~ cold, wet weather. Flooding from a break in a age reservoir destroyed four replications, and ‘rd of the trial was harvested. Leaf-petiole els were high at sampling August 24; yields and t the analyses are shown in Table 12. Only two 26xSL128) x SP5822-0 and (SL128xSLl29) x ‘ 460-0) produced beets of acceptable yield and f}. tent. Although the beets had an appearance of ', der the conditions of the high August tempera- ~ ger production period might have improved 'th two-thirds of the trial destroyed, it did not q eto continue. ‘ens-Varieties and Date-of-Planting assistance of county agents and research per- Texas A&M University, selected cooperators in ty area conducted variety and date-of-planting “Options under indigenous crop production pro- : with any new crop, the outcomes reflected lack l, e with and understanding of the requirements E l production; the results perhaps were related ower levels of management and to soil conditions arietal differences. The results and associated g factors are not related in detail since this ~ is included in county agent reports. A, al demonstrations with the variety, 302 H, were the l964—65 season. Two of these tests 7. beets of acceptable quality. In Zavala County a p. 0f 34.5 tons of beets per acre with 14.0 percent 1d an apparent purity of 86.9 percent was 7A planting in Dimmit County produced 18.0 tons j r acre with 15.5 percent sucrose and an apparent $82.8 percent. The beets in Atascosa and Maverick roduced good yields but were not of satisfactory ese beets were high in nitrogen as determined by tiole test, and vegetative growth had not been ring the growing season. These tests indicate the “ood management in sugar beet production. The the nitrogen level in the soil and the control of {water are critical factors in the production of high high-quality beets. te-of-planting test using the variety, 302 H, was October 1964 and planted each month up to and March 1965. Table 13 shows the yields and l?» lts from these plantings. Plantings were made in fes in October; the yields were good, but the __-.- apparent purity, because of excessive nitrogen A re, were not of acceptable levels. However, the I of raw sugar in tons per acre was high because ‘ields. This indicates the potentials under proper _.. agement. ’ tings were made" in five counties in November. 1;- of these plantings, Table 13, were not of quality, but some individual plantings were. A rcentage of 15.4 was obtained in one planting plunder an adequate level of management. i‘ December plantings produced the highest quality Table 13. Results from date of planting tests in 1964-65. Figures in table are averages of all plantings for the months listed Yield in. Apparent Tons of tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar acre* % % % per acre Month planted October 38.7 15.2 12.0 78.8 4.63 November 26.0 15.3 11.9 77.9 2.93 December 20.8 17.2 14.1 82.3 2.93 January 17.9 15.7 11.5 73.9 2.04 February 11.5 15.6 12.2 78.9 1.40 March 8.2 14.1 13.1 80.0 1.13 *A11 plots were harvested during the period June 14 to 19, 1965. beets. Although yields were not high, the sucrose and apparent purity percentages were acceptable for milling. Some of the beets were in the medium and high range of nitrate nitrogen as determined by the leaf-petiole test. Excessive rainfall during January, February and March 1965 with relatively cold weather limited the growth of these plantings. The failure of the January 1965 plantings to reach maturity by the mid-June harvest date is reflected in the low yields and sucrose and apparent purity percentages. Excessive rainfall and cold weather limited the growth of these beets during January, February and March. Rainfall measured about 20 inches, and frost occurred several times. Hail damaged the beets during February. The February plantings did not make adequate growth during the early spring because of adverse weather conditions and the short growing period. These beets did not mature before the June harvest date, and the yield, sucrose and apparent purity were quite low. The March plantings were quite similar to the February plantings. They did not mature by the mid-June harvest date. These beets were growing well when harvested and, consequently, were not expected to produce high quality beets at that time. Subsequent tests made in the fall of 1965 indicated that March plantings would produce good yields of high-quality beets for fall harvest. Results of date-of-planting tests indicate that beets can be established in the winter months in the San Antonio-Winter Garden area. Plantings can be made through December and produce beets of acceptable yields and quality for harvest in midsummer. Management of fertilizer, particularly nitrogen, and water are the critical factors in beet production. Plantings made in January, February and March will not mature before early fall and will require a high level of management to produce good quality beets then. Management of crops preceding the beets in the rotation will be critical in that they should utilize most of the available nitrogen in the soil so that exact amounts can be applied to the beet crop. Table 14 shows the yields and analyses of the sugar-beet varieties grown in six counties. These sugar beets were planted in October and November 1964 and harvested in July 1965. The variety 302 H had the highest percent sucrose in five of the eight tests in which it appeared. The variety S-5 performed well in all of the nine tests. Six of the 17 nine tests contained at least one variety that produced sugar beets of acceptable quality. Plantings in five of the six counties produced sugar beets of acceptable quality. Table 15 shows the results from the variety and date-of-planting plots. The yield, sucrose and apparent purity varied directly with the management the sugar beets received. On the well-drained soils in which the nitrogen was reduced to a low level, the sugar beets were of acceptable quality. In Table 16 the varieties are grouped to show variety performance in each county. Results again emphasize the management factor in sugar-beet production. Variety 302 H was the best performer in the tests, producing the highest percentages of both sucrose and apparent purity. The individual varieties performed as was expected under the management they received. SUMMARY In the 1964-65 season, 50 trials and demonstrations were conducted at 18 locations in 11 counties. A total of 1,237 samples were analyzed for sucrose and apparent purity. The average yield of beets sampled from all locations was 26.36 tons per acre with an average sucrose content of 14.8 percent and an apparent purity of 85.07 percent. Wide ranges in yields and qualities, however, indicated critical requirements for soil, crop and water management. Yields and qualities, both high and low, were generally readily related to and identifiable with manage- ment factors. The demonstration plots in Atascosa, Dimmit, Maverick and Zavala counties illustrate the range Table 14. Yield and analysis of sugar beet variety tests in six counties in 1965 County Yield Apparent Tons of and tons Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar Grower Variety per acre % % % Per dfire Bexar 737 30.08 14.13 11.31 79.04 3.40 Van De Walle S-2 35.27 11.77 9.14 77.66 3.22 302 H 30.08 16.74 13.92 83.15 4.19 S-5 33.38 12.32 9 28 75 32 3.56 S-l 32 16 11.95 8 99 75 23 2.89 0immit S-5 31 07 19 03 17 19 90 37 5 34 Oelkers S-1 32.01 15.91 13.27 83.45 4.25 S-2 33 64 15 81 13 20 86 45 4-44 302 H 30 14 17 14 14 87 86 75 4.48 Hays S-1 18 16 15.04 12.33 82 34 2 24 Chesser 302 H 20 12 16.77 14.65 87 39 2 95 S-5 24 54 16.47 13.56 82 33 3.33 S-2 23 80 15.31 13.09 82 77 3.12 Frio S-5 39 23 ll 29 8 27 73.43 3 24 K. Yeager S-1 40 19 10 68 8 34 78.10 3 35 S-2 45 38 12 23 9 72 79.65 4 41 S-3 40 97 11 66 8 24 70.40 3 38 737 44 86 ll 23 7 83 69.86 3 51 LaSa11e S-5 39 41 15.79 11.97 74 72 4.72 Favor 5-1 2e 52 15.80 11.61 73 64 3 32 S-2 28 52 15.73 11.10 70 64 3 17 302 H 39 15 15.68 11.63 73 39 4 51 LaSa11e s-1 22 30 20 14 17 67 87 as 3.94 Culley 302 H 28 27 20 72 18 20 88 12 5.15 S-5 25 93 19 10 16 83 88 06 4.36 S-2 32 67 21 57 18 18 84 32 5.94 Wilson 302 H 16 15 17.77 16.25 91 66 2 62 gann S-1 15 89 17.03 14.65 86 02 2 33 S-2 25 23 16.91 14.36 84 99 3 62 S-5 18 46 16.91 15.01 88 71 2 77 Wilson 5-1 15 30 16.12 14.06 87 11 2 15 Higgins 302 H 24 89 15.83 13.80 85 72 3 43 S-5 23 86 16.53 14.21 85 98 3 39 S-2 25 93 15.61 13.86 88 23 3 59 Wilson S-2 26 45 15 02 13.20 87 88 3 49 V. Yeager S-1 20 22 13 34 11.02 82 61 2 23 S-5 34 22 16 80 12.62 75 12 4 32 302 H 28 52 14 54 14.07 96 77 4 01 18 Table 15. Yield and analysis of sugar beet varieties in date of N Result Demonstrations - 1965 J County Yield and tons Brix Sucrose Grower Variety per acre % % November, 1964 Maverick 302 H l9.00* 19.90 17.55 Pendell S-1 19.00* 18.53 16.10 S-2 19.00* 18.58 15.37 S-5 19.00* 18.07 14.37 Maverick S-1 15.42 13.10 10.88 Weyrick s-2 20.56 12}so 9.96 302 H 26.16 ]14!43 11.46 I January, 1965 Maverick 302 H 19.00* 17.83 14.09 Pendell S-1 19.00* 17.49 14.50 S-2 19.00* 17.95 14.79 S-5 l9.00* 16.68 12.18 Maverick S-1 24.29 15.27 11.46 Weyrick S-2 21.49 15.15 12.91 S-5 26.16 14.19 11.31 302 H 23.36 15.74 13.05 Wilson 302 H 14.95 17.49 16.10 Gann S-1 12.15 17.95 16.24 S-2 11.68 17.60 16.10 S-5 19.62 16.44 14.65 March‘ 1965 Maverick 302 H 19.00* 16.80 13.78 Pendell S-1 19.00* 16.80 13.49 S-2 19.00* 16.91 12.62 S-3 19.00* 16.80 14.65 S-5 19.00* 16.56 13.34 Maverick S-1 12.15 14.54 11.60 Weyrick S-2 15.88 14.03 11.75 S-3 14.02 13.11 10.44 S-5 13.08 14.27 10.88 302 H 12.15 14.98 11.89 *Estimated yield **Calculated from estimated yield Table 16. Yield and analysis of sugar beet varieties in the varir Yield County Grower tons Brix Sucrose pu per acre Variety S-1 Bexar Van De Walle 32.16 11.95 8.99 Dimmit Oelkers 32.01 '15.91 13.27 Hays Chesser 18.16 15.04 12.33 Frio K. Yeager 40.19 10.68 8.34 LaSa11e Favor 28.52 15.80 11.68 LaSa1le Gulley 22.30 20.14 17.67 Wilson Gann 15.89 17.03 14.65 Wilson Higgins 15.30 16.12 14.06 Wilson V. Yeager 20.22 13.34 11.02 Average 24.94 15.11 12.45 Variety S-2 Bexar Van De Walle 35.27 11.77 9.14 Dimmit Oelkers 33.64 15.81 13.20 Hays Chesser 23.80 15.81 13.09 Frio K. Yeager 45.38 12.23 9.72 LaSa11e Favor 28.52 15.73 11.10 LaSa11e Gulley 32.67 21.57 18.18 Wilson Gann 25.23 16.91 14.36 Wilson Higgins 25.93 15.61 13.86 Wilson V. Yeager 26.45 15.02 13.20 Average 30.77 15.61 12.88 Variety S-5 Bexar Van De Walle 33.38 12.32 9.28 Dimmit Oelkers 31.07 19.03 17.19 Hays Chesser 24.54 16.47 13.56 Frio K. Yeager 39.23 11.29 8.27 LaSa11e Favor 39.41 15.79 11.97 LaSal1e Gulley 25.93 19.10 16.83 Wilson Gann 18.46 16.91 15.01 Wilson Higgins 23.86 » 16.53 14.21 Wilson V. Yeager 34.22 16.80 12.62 Average 30.01 17.76 13.22 Variety 302 H Bexar Van De Walle 30.08 16.74 13.92 Dimmit Oelkers 30.14 17.14 14.87 Hays Chesser 20.12 16.77 14.65 LaSa11e Favor 39.15 15.68 11.63 LaSa11e Gulley 28.27 20.72 18.20 Wilson Gann 16.15 17.77 16.25 Wilson Higgins 24.89 15.83 13.80 Wilson Yeager 28.52 14.54 14.07 Average 27.17 16.90 14.67 Variety 737 Bexar Van De Walle 30.08 14.13 11.31 Frio K. Yeager 44.86 11.23 7.83 Average 37.47 12.68 9.57 Variety S-3 Frio K. Yeager 40.97 11.66 8.24 Q = and quality of sugar beets to be expected * t levels of management. These data are l Table 17. The adaptability of beets for se in the area was clearly demonstrated; ‘y ess was made toward determining varieties, 7 netic stocks of most efficient performance. 1965-1966 A _ III 1 T€S|ZS bf planting tests were planted in 9 of the 13 u San Antonio-Winder Garden Area. The three u‘ H, 737 and H-l0—and were grown on eight of types found in the area. There were from one its in each county. Results are summarized in j“ sults of the individual tests may be obtained 1L. Whiteley, Department of Soil and Crop A&M University. were date-of-planting tests at two locations in flunty. At one location, half of the test was on a , e sandy loam and the other half on Miguel fine ‘f; The yields from this test were not high but “been increased by the addition of nitrogen. The tent was about 14 percent for the three ‘made in July, August and September and 1 March 1966. * 0nd test in Atascosa County was planted on A sandy loam. Plantings were made in November, and January and harvested in July 1966. Beet _ not adequate for yield samples, but samples for laboratory analyses. The nitrate levels in the [time of harvest. N te-of-planting tests in Bexar County were made f1 tions on two soil types. The test on Houston iwas planted in July, August and September and ' March 1966. The July test produced good _ due to severe infestations of Cercospora leaf ‘August and September plantings did not. The =1 tent of beets from all three planting dates was for milling. These beets did not completely soil nitrogen prior to harvest and were in the A ge when harvested. beets grown on Lewisville silty clay were planted ust, September and October and were harvested '_ and July 1966. These plantings followed i and the soil contained a high level of nitrogen in l 2 feet of the profile. Yields in this test were tons per acre, but the sucrose content was around t. Cercospora leaf spot caused severe damage to {and such damage would tend to lower the sucrose f’ test in Dimmit County on Blanco silty clay loam L; high yields (fabove 3O tons per acre) of low l‘- iets. These beets followed vegetables and failed to q nitrate nitrogen level below the medium range if. growing season. Cercospora leaf spot caused i‘ ge; the beets were defoliated several times prior i, . Plantings were made in September and October _ ted in June. f‘; high, and sucrose levels were at a maintenance Table 17. Yield and analysis of sugar beet demonstration plots in four counties County Yield Apparent Tons of and Variety Tons Brix Sucrose Purity Sugar Grower Per Acre % % ° Per Acre Atascosa Muckleroy 302 H 23.85 14.89 12.81 81.81 2.90 Dimmit Stahl 302 H 18.00 18.75 15.52 82.76 2.79 Maverick Pittman 302 H 25.95 9.56 6.96 72.82 1.80 Zavala Carnes 302 H 34.57 16.10 14.00 86.92 4.84 Zavala Maedgen 302 H 27.10 15.89 13.16 83.56 3.57 Average 25.90 15.04 12.36 81.66 3.18 Table 18. The performance of the varieties 302H, 737 and H—lO at seven dates of plafltiflgin 1955-55 Date of Yield Brix Sucrose Apparent Tons of Planting in tons % % purity raw sugar per acre* % per acre July 21.86 17.24 14.93 85.25 3.26 August 17.80 17.77 14.84 83.23 2.64 September 20.55 14.58 12.91 86.15 2.65 October 22.41 17.28 11.42 88.62 2.56 November 10.74 17.28 15.28 88.40 1.60 January 22.43 12.86 11.85 90.58 2.66 March 9.97 15.22 13.44 88.32 1.34 * Test plots were harvested from February to July inclusive. The test in Frio County was on Duval fine sandy loam and was planted in July, August and September and harvested in February 1966. The yield from the July planting was 22.8 tons per acre with 17.3 percent sucrose and an apparent purity of 89.3 percent. The yields from the August and September plantings were lower than anticipated, but the sucrose content was about l8 percent. These beets were not thinned to a proper spacing in the row. Cercospora leaf spot and curly top caused some damage. The nitrate nitrogen level in the leaf petiole was reduced to a low level about 2 weeks before harvest. Beets were planted on five dates on Montell clay in Uvalde County. Beets planted in August and September were harvested in February, and those planted in September, October and March were harvested in June. The yields from plantings made in August and harvested in February were good, and the sucrose content was fair. Yields from the September planting were good, and the sucrose level was adequate for milling. Yields from the March planting were quite low, but the sucrose level was near that required for economical milling. The tests in Wilson County were grown on Webb fine sandy loam. Plantings were made in July, September and November and harvested in early June. Yields were not as high as expected, but sucrose levels were acceptable. The yields could have been adjusted upward by better manage- ment, particularly thinning at an early date, application of more nitrogen and better use of irrigation water. The beets grown in Zavala County on Uvalde silty clay were planted in September, October and January and harvested in July. Yields from these plantings were good, but the sucrose level was low. Several factors contributed to 19 the low sucrose content; among these Cercospora leaf spot, improper thinning and high level of nitrogen in the soil were the most important. The data from all the date-of-planting tests, presented in Table 18, reflect the influence of management on the yield and quality of sugar beets. The three varieties grown were not developed for planting in this area. However, given proper management, they will perform quite well. Plantings made in September and October, when harvested in February 0r March, produced quite low yields and were low in sucrose. Plantings made in July and August and harvested in February and March produced good yields of high- quality beets. The data for the three varieties at four dates of planting are presented in Table l9. The dates are averages from all locations and all harvest dates and cover the 6-month period from February to July inclusive. Most of the harvests were made in June and July when sugar beets would be least expected to produce high-quality beets. However, under high levels of management, good yields of high-quality beets were produced. Variety Tests Nine variety tests were planted in July, August, September, October and November. Then consisted of nine varieties replicated four times. Harvests were made in February, March, June and July. No beets were harvested in April and May because of severe infestations of Cercospora leaf spot in most of the tests. The test in Uvalde County, grown on Montell clay, was planted August 6, 1965, and harvested February 26, 1966. Data from this test are shown in Tables 20 and 21. Yields were lower than desirable, but the quality factors were good. Cercospora leaf spot and curly top caused some damage. The nitrogen level, as determined by the leaf petiole test, was in the medium range. Results indicate that beets of good quality can be harvested in the winter months. The variety test in Frio County, grown on Duval fine sandy loam, was planted July 27, 1965, and harvested February 28, 1966. The yields were good but could have been improved by proper spacing in the row. Cercospora leaf spot and curly top caused some damage. The quality of Table 19. The yield and quality of three sugar beet varieties in the date of planCing tests in 1965-66 Apparent Tons of Date of tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar p1antiQg_ acre per acre Variety 302 H July 18.86 17.56 15.03 85.40 2.77 August 15.16 16.11 13.27 82.33 2.01 September 22.72 14.53 12.47 86.45 2.43 October 24.05 11.37 10.08 88.91 2.37 Average 20.20 14.89 12.71 85.77 2.40 Variety 737 July 20.51 16.80 14.03 84.20 2.84 August 17.31 18.41 15.74 83.77 2.61 September 20.86 14.37 12.27 85.47 2.31 October 19.27 15.05 13.35. 88.85 2.47 Average 19.49 16.16 13.85 85.57 2.58 Variety H-10 July 26.49 16.38 13.78 84.07 3.57 August 19.30 17.91 14.91 83.00 2.82 September 21.65 _ 14.21 12.24 86.28 2.42 October 24.39 10.58 9.32 87.97 2.21 Average 22.96 14.77 12.56 85.33 2.76 20 the beets was excellent, and better management ~= increased yields and improved or maintained l The laboratory and field data from the test are p ; Tables 22 and 23. The test in Zavala County was grown on p, clay loam. Yields were below the desired level L. have been increased by increasing the nitrogen p, Quality factors of the beets were excellent and w: with proper management, good"’oeets may be , the area in the early spring. The laboratory and f a Tables 24 and 25 indicate the potential of this soil i beet production. f Two variety tests were grown in Bexar Co i test, grown on Houston Black clay following was severely damaged by Cercospora leaf spot. was so severe that the beets were defoliated twi i‘ time a few weeks prior to harvest. The yield Table 20. Laboratory data from the variety test on Otto Strubfl 3 Uvalde County, planted August 6, 1965; harvested Fe ' 26, 1966 Yield in Apparent Variety tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw ' acre % % % 5-2 15 90 18 10 15 O8 83 36 2. . S-3 12 80 17 64 14 65 83 72 1. S-S 16 83 16 l5 13 24 82 44 2._ 202 H l3 40 18 41 15 38 83 41 2. 301 H 18 S0 15 97 13 2O 82 65 2. 737 15 41 17 46 14 87 84 59 2. H—2 14 03 16 82 14 21 82 45 1. l-l—4 17 19 17 49 14 51 82 73 2. H—10 16.60 17 78 14.90 83.84 2. LSD(0.05) 5.85 1.16 1.16 2.87 1'»; Table 21. Field data from the variety test on Otto Strube Fan planted August 6, 1965; harvested February 26, 1966 ‘ wt. of Wt. of Tons of No. 0f F10 Variety beets plus beets- TopzRoot tops/ beets/ brix tops-pounds pounds ratio acre foot i a S-2 42.75 16.75 1:0.64 24.29 3.00 '5 S-3 35.00 13.50 l:0.63 20.09 1.82 S-S 49.38 17.75 1:0.56 29.55 2.04 202 H 48.75 14.45 1:0.42 32.05 2.57 19. - 301 H 44.88 19.50 1:0.77 23.71 2.54 17. 737 46.88 16.25 l:0.53 28.62 2.14 18., H—2 53.13 16.50 1:0.45 34.23 2.68 18. '. H—4 41.38 18.13 l:0.78 21.72 3.25 18. V’ H-10 44.50 17.50 1:0.65 25.23 2.75 l5. Average 45.18 16.71 l-O.6O 26.50 2.53 I‘, Table 22. Laboratory analyses of samples from Peanut Growers ' v Farm, planted July 27, 1965; harvested February 28, 1 Yield in Apparent Tone: Variety tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw ' acre % % r 5-2 21.32 18.41 15.92 86.25 3. _ S-3 21.89 18.11 15.81 86.76 3. " 5-5 21.26 20.42 17.24 87.79 3. 202 H 21.00 21.12 18.35 86.96 3. 301 H 20.74 18.70 16.28 87.17 3. 737 16.27 20.63 17.58 88.59 2. H-2 19.19 19.23 16.83 87.44 3. H-4 21.00 20.38 18.06 88.52 3., H—l0 21.39 19.10 16.72 88.11 2. LSD(0.05) 3.53 1.84 2.06 3.60 O. Table 23. Field data from variety test in Peanut Growers Rese Farm, planted July 27, 1965; harvested February 29, Wt. of wt. of Tons of No. o ~. Variety beets plus beets- Top:Root tops/ beets/ ‘: foot ~ . tops-pounds pounds ratio acre S—2 37.88 20 63 l:l.20 17.89 4.07 S-3 40.00 21 13 1:1.l2 19.57 3.46 S-5 35.50 20 5O 111.37 15.56 3.29 ‘ 202 H 32.63 20 25 l:l.64 12.84 4.03 301 l-l 37.00 20 00 1:l.l8 17.63 4.18 737 28.25 15 75 1:l.26 12.96 2.75 H—2 32.50 18 50 l:1.32 14.52 3.93» l-l-4 33.38 20 25 1:l.54 13.62 4.31 H-lO 34.88 2O 63 l:l.45 14.78 4.04 Average 34.67 17 74 1:l.34 15.49 3.78 i .J. Stacy, Zavala County, variety test, planted July 29, , 1965; harvested March 3, 1966 ‘ 1 Y eld in Apparent Tons of tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar acre % per acre 18.56 18.79 16.89 89.96 3.16 18.05 18.02 15.94 88.75 4.48 19.10 19.39 17.26 88.80 2.91 11.56 19.97 17.84 89.51 2.27 22.42 18.46 16.40 88.70 3.76 15.14 20.78 18.53 89.98 2.82 16.35 22.17 20.05 90.42 3.27 16.81 21.31 19.27 89.68 3.22 17.22 20.27 18.49 91.13 3.17 6.14 2.53 2.61 2.50 1.23 ‘f lLJ. Stacy, Zavala County, variety test, planted July 29, 1965; i: harvested March 3, 1966 1' “ . o Wt. of Tons of No. of Field I beets plus beets- Top :Root tops/ beets/ brix ' t --- ds ounds ratio acre foot 51.83 19.33 l:l.55 11.68 1.81 19.03 44.00 28.00 l:1.75 14.95 0.71 18.98 40.75 20.75 l:l.04 18.69 1.29 20.85 26.67 13.67 1:l.05 12.15 1.52 20.70 35.25 19.25 l:l.20 14.95 1.36 18.78 32.00 17.50 1:1.2l 13.55 1.14 21.00 - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - -- ---— 21.68 29.50 14.33 1:0.94 14.17 1.48 21.55 35.50 16.50 1:0.87 17.75 1.57 20.30 34.44 18.67 l:l.20 14.73 1.36 20.32 Laboratory analyses of variety test on Van De Walle Farm, V‘ Bexar County, planted July 27, 1965; harvested March 24, 1966 _* v m in Apparent Tons of ' tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar ‘ acre g % per acre 185.02 16.31 13.71 83.87 2.46 15.43 14.00 14.11 84.74 2.12 17.76 16.35 13.82 84.37 2.40 16.71 15.78 13.10 83.03 2.18 17.11 15.62 13.02 83.39 2.22 20.10 16.62 13.89 83.56 2.79 19.46 17.26 14.36 83.21 2.78 17.37 16.58 13.85 83.43 2.39 19.19 16.10 13.34 82.77 2.56 4.38 2.19 2.30 1.88 0.54 Field data from variety test on Van De Walle Farm, Bexar " County, planted July 27, 1965; harvested March 24, 1966 l'.of ~ Wt. of Tons of No. of Field ybeets plus beets- Top :Root tops/ beets/ brix ~ os unds ounds ratio acre foot % 28.38 17.38 1:1.93 9.33 1.64 16.25 22.88 14.88 1:1.B6 8.30 1.64 14.60 26.50 17.13 111.83 9.72 1.61 15.93 24.63 15.63 1:1.74 9.33 1.32 17.20 24.38 16.50 1:2.09 8.17 1.32 15.50 30.00 19.38 1:1.82 11.01 1.57 18.25 28.50 18.75 1:l.92 10.11 1.32 17.83 24.00 16.75 112.31 7.52 1.18 16.33 25.50 18.50 l:2.64 7.26 1.36 16.88 25.86 17.21 l:2.02 8.97 1.44 16.53 _ Laboratory data from variety test on Aelvoet Farm, Bexar “ County, planted July 12, 1965; harvested March 25, 1966 eld 1n Apparent Tons of tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar acre % '76 per acre 35.26 14.81 12.03 81.28 4.23 30.22 15.85 12.67 80.05 3.83 30.71 14.77 11.79 79.57 3.55 27.27 14.67 11.57 78.81 3.15 31.45 14.63 11.76 80.66 3.69 35.00 15.37 12.29 79.93 4.27 35.13 14.03 11.24 80.15 3.96 30.34 14.69 11.71 79.67 3.55 35.01 14.33 11.75 82.22 4.10 3.59 2.26 1.84 2.02 0.58 . Field data from variety test on Aelvoet Farm, Bexar County, “ planted July 12, 1966 Wt. of Wt. of »,- . Tons of No. of Field '— beets plus beets- Topfiloot tqps/ beets/ brix * tos- nds pounds lratio acre foot _ 49.88 35.88 1:2.56 13.76 2.04 14.95 ‘ 41.75 30.75 l:2.80 10.56 1.71 15.60 ' 44.88 31.25 122.29 13.40 1.86 15.63 42.50 27.75 l:1.88 15.72 2.00 15.08 45.13 32.00 l:2.44 12.90 1.75 14.65 53.88 35.63 1:l.95 17.94 1.79 16.50 55.38 35.75 l:l.82 19.23 1.75 14.80 43.63 30.88 1:2.42 12.53 1.86 15.65 47.25 35.63 l:3.07 11.42 2.07 16.55 47.14 32.84 l:2.36 14.16 1.87 15.49 content were reduced due to active growth of the beets at harvest time. Data from this test are shown in Tables 26 and 27. The other test in Bexar County, grown on Lewisville silty clay, followed vegetables that had been heavily fertilized. Results illustrate the combined effects of too much nitrogen and severe infestation of Cercospora leaf spot. The beets were planted July 12, 1965, and harvested March 25, 1966. The data in Tables 28 and 29 indicate the production potential of this soil; however, a very high level of management will have to be employed to produce high quality beets. Cercospora leaf spot completely defoliated the beets in this test about 4 weeks prior to harvest. The test in Atascosa County on Miguel, fine sandy loam was one of the best conducted in the 1965-66 season. The test was planted October ll, 1965, and harvested June 8, 1966. The production indicates the potential of this soil for the sugar beets production. Cercospora leaf spot and curly top caused no appreciable damage. That the fertilzers and irrigation practices were properly managed to produce good yields of high quality beets is indicated by the data ir1 Tables 30 and 31. The production and quality obtained in this test are believed to be near what should be average for the area. Two variety tests were conducted in Hays County on Lewisville silty clay. The first test reported, Tables 32 and 33, was planted November 5, 1965, and harvested June ll, 1966. Results indicate that good beets can be produced on Table 30. J. D. Starr, Atascosa County, variety test, planted October 11, 1965; harvested June 8, 1966 Yield in Apparent Tons of Variety tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar acre % % per acre S-2 28.39 17.76 15 70 88.34 4.47 S-3 29.17 18.15 16 06 88.46 4 68 S-5 29.30 16.72 14 83 88.63 4.28 202 H 28.26 16.28 14 32 87.97 3.98 301 H 24.63 16.75 14 87 88.73 3.66 737 25.73 18.00 15 99 88.80 4.09 H-2 25.02 17.68 15 77 89.15 4.06 H-4 27 48 15.53 13 63 87.79 3.73 H-10 26.32 16.52 14.40 87.09 3.89 LSD(0.05) 9.38 2.71 1.56 1.66 1.53 Table 31. J. D. Starr, Atascosa County, variety test, planted October 11, 1965; harvested June 8, 1966 Wt. of Wt. of Tons of No. of Field Variety beets plus beets- Top:Root tops/ beets/ brix tops-pounds pounds ratio acre foot % S-2 38.38 27 38 1:2.49 11.41 1.43 19.03 S-3 38.25 28 13 1:2.78 10.50 1.43 19.53 S-5 44.00 28 25 121.79 16.33 1.43 18.13 202 H 38.00 27.25 1:2.53 11.15 1.46 17.53 301 H 36.63 23.75 l:l.84 13.36 1.50 17.55 737 37.00 24.88 1:2.05 12.57 1.11 18.50 H-2 37.75 24.13 1:1.77 14.13 1.39 18.70 H-4 40.63 26.50 1:1.88 14.65 0.96 15.53 8-10 36.00 25.38 1:2.39 11.01 1.18 18.70 Average 38 52 26.18 122.17 12.79 1.32 18.13 Table 32. Southwest Texas State College, Hays County, variety test, planted November 5, 1965; harvested June ll, 1966 Yield in Apparent Tons of Variety tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar acre % per acre S-2 19.90 17.43 15.26 87.54 2.99 S-3 17.57 17.34 15.19 87.58 2.67 S-5 21.52 17.72 15.52 87.50 3.34 202 H 19.04 19.01 16.89 88.54 3.22 301 H 20.64 17.40 15.34 88.11 3.17 737 16.87 17.37 15.26 87.87 2.57 H-2 21.25 18.09 15.95 88.16 3.39 H-4 23.59 18.68 16.54 88.62 2.89 H~10 23.22 19.19 16.82 87.65 3.91 LSD(0.0S) 4.24 1.45 1.51 1.77 0.59 21 this soil type under proper management. The yields might have been increased by increasing the nitrogen application and by planting at an earlier date. The second test in Hays County on Lewisville silty produced an average of 38.5 tons per acre of beets with a sucrose content of 12.8 percent. Results indicate the production potential of this soil. The beets were planted September 15, 1965, and harvested June 16, 1966. The variety S-3 was outstanding in the test producing 52.3 tons of beets with 13.9 percent sucrose. Better control of nitrogen fertilizer would have reduced the yield and increased the sucrose content. Cercospora leaf spot and curly top did not cause appreciable damage in this test. Data are shown in Tables 34 and 35. The variety test in Comal County, on Lewisville silty clay, was planted October 23, 1965, and harvested July 5, 1966. The yield and quality factors shown in Tables 36 and 37 further emphasize the potential of this soil for sugar beet production. Although the stand was not good, adequate yields of good-quality beets were produced. Cercospora leaf spot caused the loss of many of the leaves, and subsequent regrowth reduced the level of sucrose. The test in Medina County on Knippa silty clay was planted October 28, 1965, and harvested June 30, 1966. The results are presented in Tables 38 and 39. Yields were good, but the quality factors were not adequate for milling. Damage caused by Cercospora leaf spot is responsible, in part, for the low sucrose content. Table 40 summarizes the yield and quality factors of the nine varieties grown in the 1966 variety tests. These tests were conducted in eight counties and on seven soil types. They represent the yields and quality that could be expected from a medium to low. level of management. Incomplete data on several other tests conducted in the area are not included. In most cases yields were not determined due to poor stands. All varieties produced more than 21 tons of beets per acre. Only one variety produced less than 14 percent Table 33. Southwest Texas State College, Hays County, variety test, planted November 5, 1965; harvested June 11, 1966 Wt. of Wt. of Tons of No. of Field Variety beets plus beets— Top:Root tops/ beets/ brix tops-pounds pounds ratio acre foot % S-2 33.00 20 25 1 1 59 12.53 1 63 18.33 S-3 28.63 17 88 1 1 66 10.56 1 36 17.25 S-5 35.25 21 50 1 1 56 13.51 1 46 17.80 202 31.88 19 38 1 1 55 12.28 1 71 18.80 301 H 34.25 21 00 1 1 58 13.02 1 50 17.68 737 26.50 17 17 1 1 84 9.17 1 29 17.97 H-2 35.38 21 63 1 1 54 13.81 1 68 18.23 H-4 37.25 24 00 1 1 81 13.02 1 75 18.60 H-10 34.00 23 63 1 2 28 10.19 1 64 19.30 Average 32.90 20 72 1 1 71 12.01 1 56 18.22 Table 34. Robert Knispel, Hays County, variety test, planted September 15, 1965; harvested June 16, 1966 Yield in Apparent Tons of Variety tons per Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar acre % per acre S-2 32.68 15.05 13.34 86.95 4 32 S-3 52.29 16.04 13.87 86.99 7.26 S-5 43 45 13.01 11 22 86.31 4 84 202 H 30 82 14.72 12 83 87.17 3.94 301 H 42 02 13.59 11 88 87.49 5 01 737 39 92 13.76 12 00 87.19 4 78 H-2 30 82 16.50 14 44 87.47 4 49 H—4 30 82 14.66 12 66 86.33 3.90 H-10 43.42 15.13 13.09 86.51 5.62 LSD(0.05) 10.16 1.72 1.60 1.52 1 30 22 Table 35. Robert Knispel, Hays County, variety test, planted . 15, 1965; harvested June 16, 1966 ‘ Wt. of Wt. of Tons of No. o_ Variety beets plus beets- Top:Root tops/ t ops ~pounds pounds rat io acre S-2 28.13 17.50 121.64 19.88 1. S-3 38.50 28.00 1:2.67 19.62 1. S-5 37.63 23.13 1:1.60 27.10 1. 202 H 26.50 16.50 1:1.65 18.69 1. 301 H 35.13 22.50 121.78 23.60 1. 737 31.88 21.38 1:2.04 19.62 1. H-2 30.88 16.50 111.15 26.87 1. H—4 25.25 16.50 1:1.89 16.35 1. H-10 36.38 23.25 1:1.Y7 24.54 1. Average 31.48 19.66 L;1.§0 21.81 1. X‘ Table 36. Edwin Hanz, Jr. Comal County, variety test, planted _ 23, 1965; harvested July 5, 1966 Yield in Apparent Variety tons per Brix Sucrose purity acre % % S-2 28.01 15.03 13.13 87.20 S-3 23.82 15.80 13.49 85.26 S-5 25.06 16.50 14.43 87.46 202 H 23.59 16.85 15.09 87.04 301 H 29.48 15.81 13.78 88.56 H-2 24.33 17.17 15.01 88.74 H—4 21.90 16.90 14.90 88.21 H-10 21.45 17.03 15.63 89.24 302 H 28.26 15.46 13.54 87.48 LSD(0.05) 1.90 1.10 1.14 2.92 Table 37. Edwin Hanz, Jr., Comal County, variety test, p1ant_ 23, 1965; harvested July 5, 1966 . Wt. of Wt. of Tons of No. o ,- Variety beets plus beets— Top:Root tops/ tgps;pounds pounds ratio acre S-2 34.75 28.50 1:4.56 6.14 S-3 33.75 26.00 1:3.35 7.62 S-5 35.75 25.50 1:2.49 10.07 202 31.25 24.00 1:3.31 7.13 301 H 40.00 30.00 1:3.00 9.83 H-2 33.00 24.75 123.00 8.11 H—4 29.15 22.13 1:3.15 6.90 H— 0 — — - — - - — — - - - — - — — — ~ - - -- 302 H 38 00 28.75 1:3.11 9.09 Average 34 46 26.20 1:3.25 8.11 Table 38. L. E. Pope, Medina County, variety test, planted t: 1965; harvested June 30, 1966 Yield in Apparent Variety tons per Brix Sucrose purity acre % % S-2 25.93 13.56 13.00 84.76 S-3 28.73 14.09 12.29 87.02 5-5 25.35 13.06 11.79 87.04 202 H 25.23 14.65 12.55 85.44 301 H 28.62 13.79 11.68 84.52 737 26.86 13.91 11.82 85.36 H-2 23 12 13.32 11.28 84.52 H—4 30 37 14.22 12.15 85.38 302 H 24.65 13.92 11.78 84.64 LSD(0.05) 4.66 2.15 2.53 3.30 Table 39. L. E. Pope, Medina County, variety test, planted '3 1965; harvested June 30, 1966 Tons of No. 0 : Wt. of Wt. of Variety beets plus beets— Top:Root tops/ beets]. topsyounds pounds ratio acre foot t. 6-2 36.35 27.75 1:3.26 7.95 3.36 _i 6-3 42.88 30.75 1=2.s4 11.33 3.68 ; 6-5 38.75 27.13 1=2.33 10.86 3.46 __ 202 a 37.25 27.00 1;2.63 9.58 3.64 ; 301 a 44.38 30.63 1=2.23 12.85 3.82 . 737 41 38 28.75 1.2.28 11.80 3.57 ’ 11-2 36 75 24.75 112.06 11.21 3.25 H—4 45.63 32.50 1=2.48 12.27 3.9 Y 302 H 35.00 24.88 1.2.46 9.46 3.1a » Average 39.81 28.24 1=2.47 10.81 3.5 Table 40. Summary of variety tests grown in 1966 Yield in Apparent Variety tons per Brix Sucrose purity acre % % % 5-2 24.40 16.53 14.40 85.95 S—3 25.00 16.50 14.41 85.93 5-5 25.03 16.41 14.11 85.99 202 H 21.69 17.15 14.79 85.79 301 H 25.56 16.07 13.82 86.00 737 23.57 17.11 14.72 86.46 H-2 22 63 17.20 14.90 86.12 H—4 23 64 17.06 14.80 86.14 H-10 25 53 16.78 14.48 86.14 Average 24.12 16.76 14.49 86. A ‘eties had above 85 percent apparent Q ly good averages indicate that standard f. - ts will produce well in the area. <1. rolving genetic stocks and varieties, r counties and on four soil types, 4 V, vior of the genetic stocks with known _’~ rcial varieties. The genetic stocks were Coe, J. S. McFarlane and J. O. Gaskill of if» nt of Agriculture. These materials have needed to develop a hybrid variety for ‘Winter Garden area, and their adaptation W died in these tests. n, 1965, harvested March 17, 1966 The study in Bexar County, grown on Houston Black clay, was planted July 27, 1965 , and harvested March 17, 1966. The test consisted of 50 entries in a randomized block replicated six times. The results are presented in Tables 41 and 42. The beets in this test were severely damaged by Cercospora leaf spot with heavy subsequent defoliation about 6 weeks prior to harvest. A heavy regrowth of leaves, occurring in the 4-5 weeks immediately preceding harvest, reduced both the yield and the sucrose content of the beets. The nitrate level in the leaf petioles was in the medium range about 20 days prior to harvest and too high for the accumulation of maximum levels of sucrose in the beet roots. The average, however, for the 50 entries was 14.72 percent sucrose which is adequate for processing. ' 2 Yield and quality of sugar beets - Henry Van De walle Farm, Bexar County, planted July 27, Apparent Tons of Variety or Number Tons Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar per acre % % % per acre H2 16.60 16.34 13.59 83.14 2.23 H2 (triploid) 18.41 16.53 14.10 85.44 2.60 H6 (triploid) 14.44 17.42 14.72 84.56 2.08 H7 17.63 16.80 14.17 84.30 2.49 6» H7 (triploid) 14.81 17.23 14.53 84.47 2.14 ;569Hox563)X663 17.81 17.93 14.94 83.15 2.68 “ 62HoX546)X464 19.46 15.00 12.58 83.89 2.45 63noX550)X464 20.48 15.40 12.67 82.25 2.58 4 H8 11.75 14.77 12.49 84.63 1.44 4569noX563)XNB7 11.41 15.65 13.20 84.38 1.51 ,i562a0X546)XN87 12.36 15.07 12.59 83.96 1.53 *K562HOX569)X3425 14.87 17.30 14.04 83.66 2.06 ‘ 75 15.65 16.38 13.51 82.66 2.09 1 H 16.77 16.74 13.92 83.15 2.33 6551-0 15.99 17.27 14.39 83.39 2.30 64100-03 12.71 18.66 15.78 84.47 1.98 SP 64100-05 15.90 17.30 14.59 83.63 2.31 ¥§P 64194-0 17.89 18.40 15.60 84.59 2.81 623356-04 33 21.78 17.65 14.10 83.30 3.08 ;§P 623358-04 3n 21.87 16.54 14.19 86.00 3.07 *$P 623358-06 35 17.81 17.99 15.11 83.90 2.68 ;SP 623359-010 19.10 18.41 15.50 84.28 2.96 :$L126XsP5460-0 16.42 17.76 14.86 83.59 2.44 ;SL(126X128)XsP5460-0 17.81 17.73 14.99 84.33 2.65 §SL(126X128)XsP5822-0 18.17 17.86 14.94 83.47 2.70 ¢P62-569H3XsP5460-0 18.50 17.62 14.79 83.89 2.73 §P62-569H3XsP5822-0 16.77 17.35 14.46 83.74 2.42 gus 401 20.14 17.33 14.45 83.39 2.90 asp 5822-0 14.18 18.03 15.18 83.99 2.15 ,1 H6 18 24 17.32 14.62 84.25 2.67 .SL (129X133) X SP 5822-0 17 31 17.07 14.21 83.13 2.48 f;GT SXSP 5822-0 17 98 16.59 14.04 84.73 2.47 ;§L (129X133) X SP 6322-0 17 89 17.00 14.19 83.48 2.54 -SP 6051-0 13.12 17.25 14.84 85.45 1.92 FPO 502XsP 6051-0 15.47 18.26 15.42 84.45 2.36 ‘;rc 502xMcParlane*s 663 17.37 18.75 15.91 84.61 2.77 1(Pc 502/2 X PC 503) X SP 5822-0 17.89 18.96 16.22 85.34 2.97 .1(PC 502/2 X PC 503) X SP 59818-0 17.72 18.82 15.91 84.57 2.80 §%Pc 502/2 X PC 504) X SP 59818-0 19.19 18.94 16.00 84.40 3.07 ‘8(PC 502/2 X PC 503) X SP 621160-00 15.56 19.66 16.68 84.85 2.59 ',(Pc 502/2 X SP 58119461) X SP62ll60—O0 18.65 20.82 17.79 85.40 3.29 f(PC 502/2 X PC 504) X SP 621160-00 14.64 19.18 16.17 84.31 2.37 _§(sP 581194s1 X PC 504) X SP 6221160-00 16.08 18.65 15.69 84.05 2.52 ,;(Pc 502/2 X PC 503) X PC 901 18.41 18.61 15.86 85.13 2.92 ; (PC 502/2 X PC 504) X PC 901 17.29 17.66 14.79 83.69 2.56 f~(PC 502/2 X PC 503) X s-62-16(4g) 17.01 18.50 15.46 83.54 2.62 2 H10 18.53 17.93 14.74 83.45 2.73 4 302-H 17.37 16.61 13.90 83.52 2.40 f'HH4 14.09 16.39 13.59 83.97 1.91 j‘202 H 14.61 18.01 15.02 83.32 2.17 ;,LSD(0.05) 3.46 1.63 1.48 1.91 0.51 23 Table 42. "Field data on sugar beets — Henry Van De walle Farm, Bexar County, planted July 27, la harvested, March 23, 1966 Total wt. Wt. of Top:Root Tons of No. of Fiel-1 Line Variety number of beets beets ratio beets/ beets/ brix 5 No. gplus tops acre foot % 1 us H2 23.3 16.0 1=2.19 7.57 1.29 17.0 ‘ 2 US H2 (triploid) 23.3 17.8 1:3.24 5.70 1.14 17.3 3 US H6 (triploid) 18.8 13.9 1:2.84 5.08 1.45 17.6 4 US H7 22.6 17.0 1:3.09 5.81 1.17 16.7 5 US H7 (triploid) 16.3 12.7 1:3.53 3.73 0.88 17.7 3 6 , (569HOX563)x663 22.0 14.8 1:2.06 7.47 1.17 17.4 3 7 (562HOx546)x464 24.1 18.8 1:3.55 5.50 1.12 15.4 Q 8 (563HOx550)x464 24.5 19.8 l:l.16 4.87 1.43 16.3 i 9 US H8 15.2 11.3 1:2.90 4.04 1.00 15.5 . 10 (569HOX563)xNB7 14.7 11.0 1:2.97 3.84 1.31 15.5 5 11 (562HOX546)xNB7 15.0 11.9 112.59 3.22 1.00 15.1 12 (562HOx569)X3425 20.3 14.3 1:2.38 6.22 1.19 16.7 13 US 75 20.5 15.3 1:2.94 5.39 1.24 17.5 14 301 H 21.8 16.2 1:2.89 5.81 1.07 16.8 15 SP 6551-0 23.0 15.4 1:2.03 7.88 1.17 18.0 5 16 SP 64100-03 16.8 12.3 1:2.73 4.67 1.26 18.8 i 17 SP 64100-05 20.6 15.3 1:2.89 5.50 1.21 17.7 ; 18 SP 64194-0 25.3 17.3 l:2.l1 8.50 0.98 18.7 1 19 SP 623356-04 3Q 29.7 21.0 1:2.41 9.02 1.17 17.8 fl 20 SP 623358-04 3n 33.0 21.1 l:1.77 12.34 0.98 17.1 9 21 SP 623358-06 3Q 26.3 17.2 1:1.89 9.44 1.14 17.2 22 SP 623359-010 27.5 18.4 1:2.02 9.44 1.14 19,1 23 SLl26xSP5460-0 24.6 15.8 1:l.80 9.13 1.26 18.2 24 SL(126X128)xSP5460-0 26.3 17.3 1:1.92 9.33 1.38 18.6 25 SL(126x128)XSP5822—0 26.9 17.6 1:1.89 9.65 1.10 17.7 26 F62-569H3xSP5460-0 27.0 17.8 1:1.93 9.54 1.26 17.6 27 F62-569H3xSP5822—0 25.3 16.2 1:1.78 9.44 1.26 17.5 28 US 401 29.1 1914 1:2.00 10.06 1.14 17.6 29 SP 5822-0 21.9 13.5 1:1.61 8.71 1.17 18.5 30 US H6 24.5 17.6 l:2.55 7.16 1.12 17.3 31 SL (129x133)XSP5822—0 24.9 15.1 1:1.54 10.16 1.40 32 GT5xSP5822-0 26.9 17.3 1:1.84 9.96 1.07 33 SL(129x133)xSP6322-0 26.8 17.3 1:1.82 9.85 1.36 34 SP6051-0 20.9 12.7 1:1.55 8.50 1.29 35 PC502xSP6051-0 25.3 14.9 1:l.43 10.79 0.86 36 PC502xMcFar1ane's 663 24.5 16.8 1:2.18 7.99 1.02 37 (PC502/2xPC503)xSP5822—0 27.2 17.3 1:l.75 10.27 1.17 38 (PC502/2XPC503)XSP59B18-0 25.9 17.1 1:1.94 9.13 1.26 39 (FC502/2XFC504)xSP59B18-0 27.8 18.6 1:1.84 9.54 1.50 40 (FC502/2XFC503)xSP621160—00 25.3 15.1 1:l.48 10.58 1.21 41 (PC502/2XSP581194S1)XSP621160-00 28.1 18.1 1:l.81 10.37 1.19 42 (PC502/2xFC504)xSP621160-00 21.8 12.5 l:1.34 9.65 0.88 43 (SP581l94SlxFC504)XSP62ll60-00 23.9 15.5 1:1.85 8.71 1.48 44 (FC502/2xPC503)XFC901 28.3 17.8 l:1.70 10.89 1.29 45 (FC502/2xFC504)XFC901 25.8 "16.7 1:1.84 9.44 1.21 46 (FC50?/2XFC503)XS-62-l6(4Q) 24.4 15.9 1:1.87 8.82 0.93 47 HH10 24.1 17.8 1:2.83 6.53 1.38 48 302-H 24.1 16.8 1:2.30 7.57 1.19 49 HH4 19.3 13.6 1:2.39 5.91 1.36 50 202 H 20.1 14.1 1:2.35 6.22 1.05 Average 23.71 16.10 l:2.19 7.90 1.19 The test in Dimmit County, grown on Blanco silty in the soil. This test contained 38 clay loam, was planted August 17, 1965, and harvested April 2, 1966. Damage from curly top was light, but Cercospora leaf spot was moderate to severe depending on the line or variety involved. The nitrate nitrogen content of the leaf petioles was in the medium range at harvest which is too high for the production of beets with a high sucrose content. The data in Tables 43 and 44 indicate that these beets were not quite mature at the time of harvest. However, evaluation of the lines was possible, and this was the primary objective of the test. The test in LaSalle County was grown on Duval fine sandy loam; this soil was irrigated from a well containing some salts, and some evidence of salt damage was apparent 24 randomized block design was replicated six y and sucrose content were lower than desirab a lines produced adequate sucrose levels. Cerc ‘ caused light damage to this test but was not a ~¥ in the production levels obtained. The nitrate in the leaf petioles at the time of harvest was in, range and was, in part, responsible for the levels. Adverse soil conditions, along withl irrigation, were the primary factors in the low} results are presented in Tables 45 and 46. The test in Uvalde County, grown on was planted October 26, 1965, and harves 1966. It included 38 entries and was a rand » Yield and quality data on sugar beets — Jack Bowman Farm, Dimmit County, planted ;§ August 17, 1965; harvested April 2, 1966 Apparent Tons of Variety or Number Tons Brix Sucrose purity raw sugar per acre % % % per acre %‘U$ H2 20.02 14.65 12.41 84.13 2.49 _ us n2 (triploid) 20.74 15.32 12.64 93.79 2.66 ":03 H6 (triploid) 22.51 15.82 13.37 84.33 2.98 US H7 19.50 16.48 13.95 84.38 2.65 US H7 (triploid) 23.54 14.83 12.55 83.82 2.94 (569HOX563)X663 22.40 15.16 12.70 83.78 2.86 5 (562HOX546)X464 21.26 16.20 13.61 83.85 2.85 F‘(563HOX550)464 19.81 15.03 12.55 82.62 2.46 5 US H8 . 19.19 15.55 13.20 84.63 2.53 (569HOX563)XNB7 19.02 16.01 13.92 84.36 2.61 (562HOX546)XNB7 15.45 16.73 14.17 84.53 2.13 (562HOX569)X3425 19.19 15.98 13.44 84.03 2.55 ‘ US 75 17.84 14.75 12.27 83.12 2.20 301 H 20.53 16.05 13.46 83.89 2.73 SP 6551-0 16.70 15.03 12.58 83.67 2.07 SP 64100-03 14.11 16.90 14.31 84.47 1.99 4; SP 64100-05 17.01 16.94 14.39 84.72 2.41 * SP 64194-0 18.05 14.59 12.30 84.38 2.22 SP 623356-04 3Q 19.50 “ 15.12 12.62 83.45 2.45 f SP 623358-04 3Q 18.57 14.44 12.04 83.34 2.21 ‘. SP 623358-06 3n 21.26 14.23 11.87 83.32 2.53 SP 623359-010 17.32 16.30 13.80 84.65 2.37 SLl26xSP5460-0 16.96 14.44 12.11 84.03 ' 2.08 SL(126X128)xSP5460-0 18.05 14.87 12.43 83.43 2.25 SL(126X128)XSP5822—0 19.81 15.30 12.79 83.60 2.53 P62-569H3xSP5460-0 19.40 15.39 12.88 83.64 2.50 P62-569H3XSP5822-0 17.94 14.92 12.54 84.06 2.17 US 401 18.98 14.80 12.42 83.94 2.32 I“ SP 5822-0 16.60 14.54 12.16 83.55 2.00 “ us H6 17.32 16.39 13.96 64.40 2.39 T 19.50 16.16 13.66 94.40 2.62 Q5 X SP 5822-0 21.57 15.07 13.03 84.26 2.80 b}(129Xl33) X SP 6322-0 18.97 17.32 14.75 84.40 2.73 § , 20.01 14.04 11.70 83.27 2.32 \§S02XSP 6051-0 12.45 _ 17.18 14.36 84.54 1.78 p§S02xMcFar1ane's 663 17.74 15.75 13.23 83.93 2.35 ; 502/2XFC 503) XSP 5822-0 15.45 16.32 13.71 83.94 2.11 ; 502/2XFC 503) XSP 59B18-0 14.73 15.96 13.47 84.31 1.98 , S02/2xFC 504) xSP 59B18-0 19.60 15.75 13.32 84.40 2.55 p 502/2XFC'503) xSP 621160-00 13.17 17.50 14.94 84.81 1.86 ‘V, S02/2XSP 581194SL) X SP 621160-00 15.56 18.87 16.16 85.31 2.42 . S02/2xPC 504) x SP 621160-00 15.97 17.46 14.86 85.47 2.32 ' 581194SLxFC 504) xSP 621160-00 16.29 16.77 14.29 84.79 2.24 502/2XPC 503) X PC 901 16.39 16.96 14.38 84.78 2.33 502/2XFC 504) X PC 901 17.84 16.415 13.83 83.86 2.49 A S02/2XFC 503) X S-62-16 (42) 18.05 15.32 12.86 83.91 2.31 IO 18.69 13.80 11.48 83.11 2.16 2 H 20.64 15.49 13.08 84.16 2.65 V“ 18.88 15.97 13.37 83.69 2.51 r2 H 20.43 15.22 12.74 83.59 2.58 v§(0.05) 4.05 1.93 1.83 1.41 1.79 Table 44. Field data on sugar beets - Jack Bowman Farm, Dimmit County, planted August 17, 1965, harvested April 2, 1966 Total wt. wt. of Top;Root Tons of No. of Field Line beets plus beets ratio beets beets brix No. tops-pounds pounds tops/ per acre foot 1 33.23 15.83 110.91 17.40 1.34 16.3 2 32.67 16.67 111.04 16.00 1.07 15.5 3 34.25 18.08 1:1.12 16.17 1.33 15.7 4 33.50 15.67 110.88 17.83 1.21 16.3 5 35.67 18.92 121.13 16.75 1.17 15.0 6 36.42 18.00 110.98 18.42 1.33 15.9 7 32.42 17.08 111.11 15.34 1.24 15.9 8 29.75 15.92 111.15 13.83 1.19 16.3 9 26.75 15.42 1:1.36 11.33 1.26 16.0 10 27.25 15.17 1:l.26 12.08 1.52 16.0 11 23.00 12.42 111.17 10.58 1.03 16.1 12 29.83 15.42 111.07 14.41 1.24 15.8 13 28.92 14.33 1:0.98 14.59 1.17 16.1 14 34.42 16.50 110.92 17.92 1.43 16.4 15 35.25 13.42' 110.61 21.83 1.17 15.5 16 26.92 11.33 l:0.73 15.59 1.26 17.3 17 28.67 13.67 1:0.91 15.00 1.21 16.3 18 39.33 14.50 1:0.58 24.83 1.26 15.5 19 37.17 15.67 110.73 21.50 1.17 15.0 20 41.25 14.92 1:0.57 26.33 1.00 15.1 21 42.08 17.08 1:0.68 25.00 1.10 14.0 22 34.33 13.92 1:0.68 20.41 1.14 16.4 23 37.33 14.25 1:0.62 23.08 1.29 16.5 24 40.92 14.50 110.55 26.42 1.29 15.9 25 38.08 15.92 l:O.72 22.16 1.00 15.7 26 36.42 15.58 110.75 20.84 1.29 15.7 27 36.50 14.42 l:0.65 22.08 1.24 15.2 28 35.67 15.25 110.75 20.42 1.07 14.8 29 35.67 13.33 1:0.60 22.34 1.24 14.8 30 30.58 13.92 110.84 16.66 1.26 16.3 31 39.08 15.67 1:0.67 23.41 1.05 15.4 32 44.00 13.33 110.65 26.67 1.21 15.4 33 39.83 15.25 1:0.62 24.58 1.31 16.2 34 44.00 16.08 1:0.58 27.92 1.24 14.6 35 31.42 10.00 1:0.47 21.42 1.05 17.3 36 33.58 14.25 110.74 19.33 1.29 17.3 37 37.75 12.42 110.49 25.33 1.29 16.3 38 31.58 11.83 1:0.60 19.75 1.12 16.6 39 33.17 15.75 110.96 17.42 1.10 16.0 40 32.58 10.58 110.48 22.00 1.38 17.0 41 34.25 12.50 1:0.57 21.75 1.14 18.0 42 39.17 12.83 1.0.49 26.34 1.33 16.5 43 33.58 13.08 110.64 20.50 1.19 16.8 44 34.58 13.17 1:0.62 21.41 1.24 17.4 45 32.17 14.33 l:0.80 17.84 1.26 16.2 46 39.58 14.50 110.58 25.08 1.24 16.3 47 38.25 15.83 110.71 22.42 1.43 14.9 48 33.75 16.58 110.97 17.17 1.43 15.9 49 34.08 15.17 120.80 18.91 1.43 16.4 50 37.42 16.42 110.78 21.00 1.19 15.8 Average 34.76 14.81 110.78 19.95 1.23 16.0 Table 45. C. E. weatherford Farm, LaSa1le County, major test, planted October 16, 1965; harvested June 15, 1966 Yield Apparent Tons of Line of Variety tons/ Brix Sucrose purity raw Sugar acre % % % per acre US 401 25.50 14.49 12.55 86.54 2.99 SL l26XSP5460-0 16.42 16.98 15.11 88.57 2.32 SL (l26Xl28) X SP5460—0 17.14 16.63 13.21 87.45 2.23 SL (126x128) x SP5822-0 18.30 16.66 14.73 88.10 2.53 SL (126x128) x US 401 4n 15.42 15.65 13.83 88.30 2.17 SP 5822-0 15.96 16.71 13.04 87.02 2.06 USH6 21.02 13.58 11.72 86.22 2.46 SL (129x133) x SP 5822-0 19.55 17.20 15.26 88.07 2.85 CTS x SP 5822-0 15.26 17.18 12.85 86.97 1.97 SL (129x133) x SP 6322-0 17.13 15.00 13.31 88.40 2.36 SP 6051-0 14.80 15.79 14.00 88.43 2.04 PC (502x503) x 663 16.97 16.53 14.60 87.79 2.44 PC (502/2 x 503) x 663 16.04 16.62 14.43 88.57 2.29 (F61-56H0x2648) X SP 631225-02 16.97 15.99 14.17 88.42 2.40 USH2 18.69 14.40 12.55 87.13 2.30 U$H2 triploid 22.19 13.42 11.63 86.50 2.49 USH6 16.74 14.32 12.56 87.75 2.13 USH6 triploid 21.65 14.71 13.00 88.32 2.75 USH7 22.65 14.26 12.57 87.53 2.90 USH8 16.04 12.30 10.83 87.39 1.60 (S63H0xS50) x 464 21.72 13.22 11.52 87.02 2.50 (563HOx556) x 463 22.43 12.63 10.98 87.68 2.48 (562HOx546) x NB7 17.71 11.65 10.12 86.01 1.78 (562H0x549( x 3425 19.39 14.34 12.71 87.33 2.46 US75 16.43 14.58 12.79 87.47 2.05 (SLl26X6121) 1 6428-O 14.80 14.40 12.62 87.36 1.81 (SL129x6121) x 6428-0 16.74 _16.82 15.04 89.27 2.53 LS l26xSP 5822-0 16.27 16.11 14.12 87.74 2.21 S-2 15.50 13.27 11.69 87.67 1.76 S-3 16.58 13.26 11.51 86.35 1.70 S-5 16.66 15.58 12.61 86.63 2.06 301 H 18.53 12.89 11.17 86.52 2.04 302 H 17.05 15.39 13.52 87.72 2.15 202 H 17.52 16.25 13.80 88.16 2.38 737 23.20 15.81 13.92 88.00 3.19 H2 17.36 15.31 13.37 86.94 2.23 H4 19.07 14.66 12.76 86.74 2.36 64H22 14.25 17.37 15.40 88.29 2.08 LSD(0.05) 6.70 2.77 2.43 1.80 0.83 26 Table 46. C. E. weatherford Farm, La Salle County, major teit planted October 16, 1965; harvested June 15, 1966 Total Wt. Wt. of beets beets Top:Root Line or Variety plus tops pounds ratio pounds us 401 29.92 19.59 111.90 SL126xSP5460-0 27.25 17.50 1=1.79 SL(126X128)xSP5460-0 24.33 19.25 113.00 SL(l26x128)xSP5822—0 29.59 19.59 112.19 SL(126x128)xUS401 45 23.09 16.50 112.51 SP 5922-0 25.93 17.09 111.95 USH6 29.33 22.50 113.29 SL(129x133)xSP5822—0 31.09 20.92 112.09 CT5xSP5822-0 22.50 r 19.33 112.95 sL.(129><1s3)>9322-0 25.59 19.33 112.53 9 529051-0 24.42 15.93 111.94 9 FC(502x503)x663 24.42 19.17 1=2.91 5.94 I-‘C(502/2x503)x663 23.09 17.17 112.91 5.52 (F61-56HOx2648)xSP63l225-02 25.33 19.17 112.54 9.59 0992 29.42 20.00 1=:.12 9.00 0992 triploid 29.33 23.97 114.19 5.29, usns 23.97 17.92 113.12 5.31, usne triploid $0.59 23.17 15.13 6.92; 0997 30.75 24.42 113.99 5.91* usue 22.50 17.17 1=3.22 4.99’ (563H0x550)x464 30.00 23.25 1:3.44 6.31.“ (563H0x556)x463 31.50 24.00 113.20 l 7.01 (562H0x546)xNB7 22.17 17.17 113.43 4.67 f (5s2aoxss9)><342s 27.97 20.75 113.00 9.41.‘ 0975 23.29 17.59 1=s.10 5.30 (s1.129>;ting Fine, mixed, thermic Lewisville sic Typic i. u 1- - Haplustolls ivtion Y of nting Fine-loamy, mixed thermic Venus loam Typic ~ tra- Haplustolls gm Fine, mixed, thermi c Lewisville sic Typic ,~ Haplustolls V ion Fine- carbonatic, hyperthermic Fluventic Ustochrepts J ** _-ic Blanco sicl }>tion '1 Deep, moderately well drained, neutral to slightly acid fine sandy loam formed in calcareous reddish clayey residium high in iron oxide. Surface is reddish brown light fine sandy loam, neutral to slightly acid, over slightly acid red heavy sandy clay loam subsoil (4-6 inches thick) becoming yellowish brown mottled at about 20 inches. Below about 24 inches, soil becomes mildly alkaline, changing to calcareous with CaC03 accumulation at about 36 inches. Typical Webb soils have subsoils a little more clayey than this soil and the subsoil is free of mottling for at least 6 inches. Webb soils are low to moderate in plant nutrients. Estimated acreage in study area: 10,000 acres. Neutral to slightly acid moderately well drained fine sandy loam soil with dense clayey subsoil formed in calcareous clayey residium. Surface soil is reddish brown fine sandy loam over brown clay subsoil with many brown and reddish brown mottles. (Subsoil becomes extremely hard on drying.) Surface and upper subsoil, neutral to slightly acid in reaction; lower subsoil becomes alkaline and calcareous with zone of CaC03 at about 40 inches. This site is fairly typical of the Miguel series. Miguel soils are low to moderate in plant nutrients. Estimated acreage in study area: 250,000 acres. Neutral to slightly acid moderately well drained soil with dense clayey subsoil, formed in calcareous clayey residium. Surface and upper layers, reddish brown fine sandy loam. Subsoil (12-18 inches) brown clay with many fine yellowish brown and reddish brown mottles. (Subsoil becomes extremely hard on drying.) Upper subsoil is neutral to slightly acid in reaction, the lower moderately alkaline and calcare- ous with a CaC03 zone at about 40 inches. This site is in a foot-slope position below an eroded field higher in the landscape. A mantle of reddish sediments about 8 inches thick have been deposited on the site from this field making the surface thicker and more red than typical for the series. The site also receives extra water. The lower part of the plot, especially, is likely too wet at times in the subsoil. Miguel soils are low to moderate in nutri- ents. This site does not appearas drouthy as conmonly observed for Miguel soils. Estimated acreage in study area: 50,000 acres. Deep, slowly drained calcareous clay soil developed in calcareous clayey old allu- vium. From the surface to about 40 inches, the soil is dark gray strongly calcare- ous clay. Below this depth is calcareous clay but browner and more calcareous. CaC03 concretions are common below about 30 inches and increase in amount with depth. This soil is fairly typical of the series on old terraces. Houston Black soils are moderate to high in plant nutrients but are strongly calcareous and very high in shrink-swell clays, causing wide cracks as they dry. Estimated acreage in study area: 200,000 acres. Deep, moderately well drained clayey soil developed in calcareous clayey old alluv- ium. From surface to about 18 inches, the soil is very dark brown weakly calcareous silty clay or heavy clay loam. Below this layer the soil is lighter colored and more calcareous with CaC03 concretions and threads of CaC03 present. This soil is darker in the surface, has less free carbonates, and acts more loamy than typical for the series, probably due to management (barnyard manures may have been added). Lewisville soils are moderate to high in plant nutrients-- this site is probably higher than usual because of past soil management. Estimated acreage in study area: l00,000 acres. moderately well drained to well drained calcareous loamy soil formed in caL careous loamy to clayey old alluvium on stream terraces just above the modern flood plain. Surface soil, grayish brown calcareous loam. Control section (10- 40 inch layer) is also loamy but slightly lighter in color and more calcareous. This soil is about typical for the Venus series. It is a similar soil to the Frio soils but is less clayey and somewhat lighter colored. It is also similar to the Guadalupe soils but differs mostly in having a more clayey control section. Venus soils are moderate to high in plant nutrients. Estimated acreage in study area: 5,000 acres. Deep, Deep, moderately well drained clayey soil formed in calcareous clayey old allu- vium. From the surface to a depth of about 20 inches the soil is very dark grayish brown calcareous silty clay containing many earthworm casts and tunnels. The layer below is a brown calcareous light clay containing a few concretions and nodules of CaC03. This soil site was fonnerly a sheep lot, making the surface in better tilth than typical for the series. The soil is probably higher in organic matter and nitro- gen than typical. Lewisville soils are moderate to high in nutrients. Estimated acreage in study area: 100,000 acres. Deep, moderately well drained calcareous loamy soil fonned in recent calcareous alluvium of an active flood plain. Surface soil, light brownish gray silty clay. loam. Control section (10-40 inches) is similar in color and texture but becomes more silty with depth. Below about 40 inches, thin very fine sandy loam and silty loam lenses are conmon. - This soil is more silty than typical for Blanco soi to high in nutrients but are strongly calcareous. lighter colored than the associated Frio soils. Estimated acreage in study area: 50,000 acres. ls. Blanco soils are moderate They are less clayey and ‘ries, classification is for a similar soil proposed as a new series in south Texas. 37 38 County 8- Kind of Soil Classification Farm Test(s) Soil Type Subgroup Family " Description and Interpretation FRIO Mann Genetic Miguel fsl Udic Fine, mixed, Neutral to slightly acid moderately well drained fine sandy loam soil Trials Paleustalfs hyperthermic calcareous clayey residium. Surface soil, reddish brown fine sandy lo .1 brown to reddish brown clay subsoil with many brown and yellowish brown‘ (Subsoil of Miguel soils becomes extremely hard when dry.) Surface and» subsoil are neutral to slightly acid in reaction, but lower subsoil --_’ line and a zone of CaCO3 accumulation occurs at about 40 inches. i" This soil is slightly redder in the surface and subsoil than typical fo g series, probably not as hard when dry as typicalt. The site is below a l area of Webb soils which are redder and have-lilflely influenced the soil‘ plot. Miguel soils are low to moderate in planfnutrients. Estimated acreage in study area: 250,000 acres. y Yeager County Blanco Sicl Deep, moderately well drained calcareous loamy soil developed in recent, Demon- ' of an active flood plain. Surface soil, light brownish gray silty clay: stration Control section (10-40 inches) is similar in color but ranges from heav a clay loam (approaching silty clay loam). Below 40 inches thin sandy a lenses are common. The profile in general is slightly higher in silt a than typical for the series and probably dries out slower. Blanco soil »~= moderate to high in nutrients but are strongly calcareous, are less cl ' the associated Frio soils and are lighter colored throughout. Estimated acreage in study area: 50,000 acres Tolson* County Duval fsl Udic Fine-loamy, Deep, well drained calcareous fine sandy loam soil formed in calcareous. Demon- (calcare- Haplustalfs mixed, hyper- residium. Surface and other upper horizons total about 12-15 inches in stration ous variant) thermic are brown in color, over a light brown sandy clay loam subsoil. Soil i t careous throughout with a zone of CaCO3 at about 42 inches. Date of This soil differs from Duval soils in being calcareous and less red. l Planting lar to Hidalgo soils but is more red. It differs from Hebb in being careous in the upper horizons and less red and less clayey in the subso variant is probably of minor extent in the area, and is moderate to hi I nutrients . i » Estimated acreage in study area: 50,000 acres. Tiiii Peanut Growers Association. HAYS Knispel County Lewisville c Typic Fine, mixed, Deep, moderately well drained calcareous clayey soil developed in cal . Demon- Haplustolls thermic clayey valley fill. From the surface to about 20 inches, soil is dark_ stration brown calcareous clay. Below this, soil is similar but brown in color calcareous. Lime threads and lime splotches are common. f This soil is more clayey than typical for the Lewisville series. Lewi v soils are moderate to high in plant nutrients. Estimated acreage in study area: 100,000 acres. SH Texas Did not Lewisville c Typic Fine, mixed, Deep, moderately well drained calcareous clayey soil developed in cal _ State record Haplustolls thermic clayey valley fill. From the surface to about 20 inches, soil is very _ College ish brown calcareous clay. Below this, soil is similar but brownish more calcareous. Lime threads and lime splotches are comnon. ‘ This soil is less calcareous and more clayey than typical for the Lewi series and apparently is an intergrade between the Houston Black-terry Lewisville soils. Lewisville soils are moderate to high in plant nut l_ Estimated acreage in study area: 100,000 acres. ’ LaSALLE Favor Date -of Frio sicl CwnuZic Fine, mixed, Deep, moderately well drained calcareous loamy soil developed in allu w Planting Haplustolls thermic modern flood plain (overflowed once since 1937). Surface, calcareous ish brown heavy silty clay loam. Below this, control section (10-401, similar but becomes lighter in color below about 20 inches. A few W; occur at lower depths. Thin lenses of lighter textured materials are present - below control section. This soil is in a higher position than typical for Frio soils and is g less frequently. Stratification in lower portion not as evident as - found in Frio soils. Frio soils are moderate to high in plant nutrien Estimated acreage in study area: 200,000 acres. . MEDINA Kelso To be Miguel fsl Udic Fine, mixed, Deep, slowly drained neutral to slightly acid soil with a dense clayey ' planted PaZeustaZfs hyperthermic formed in calcareous clayey residium. Surface soil, brown heavy fine somewhat crusty. Subsoil, at about 12 inches, is brown clay with many. lowish brown and reddish brown mottles - subsoil becomes dense and ext v when dry. Upper subsoil, neutral in reaction - the lower moderately calcareous. Zone of CaCO3 occurs at about 40 inches. .: This soil differs from typical Miguel in being more clayey in the surf being less slo ing (on a nearly level area which may have collected s slope alluvium). Conmonly, Miguel soils occur in association with Oral but above them in the landscape. They differ from Orelia soils by bei‘ in surface, having mottled subsoils, and by being somewhat less drouthy. Miguel soils are low to moderate in plant nutrients. They tend to be -<' somewhat drouthy. " Estimated acreage in study area: 250,000 acres. Soil Classification Description and Interpretation Soil Type Subgroup Family Lemingitlfs Aquic Arenic Fine, mixed, PaZeustaZfs hyperthermic Knippa sic Vertic Fine, mixed, Calciustolls thermic T -ly included in the suspended Medio series. It has probably also been included in the Nueces series in old surveys. Deep, slightly acid sandy soil with a dense clayey subsoil. Excessively drained in upper part of profile but slowly drained in lower part. This soil has formed in a shallow valley in sandy clay residium. Surface soil, pale brown fine sand, changing to brown light loamy sand below the plow layer down to about 24 inches. (Surface texture appears to have been made coarser than other upper layers by winnowing.) Upper subsoil (below 24 inches), grayish brown sandy clay with many gray and reddish mottles, indicative of periods of wetness. Below this is sandy clay containing more red mottles and less evidence of wetness. Reaction changes from slightly acid in the surface and upper subsoil to moderately alkaline at a depth of around 60 inches. This soil is fairly typical for the series in profile properties but occurs higher in the landscape than usual. Leming soils are low in plant nutrients, especially nitrogen. Hater intake into surface soil is initially rapid but the abrupt textural change in the subsoil probably produces a temporary perched water table when the low water-holding capacity of the soil is exceeded by rainfall or irrigation. Estimated acreage in study area: 50,000 acres. Deep, moderately well drained ca careous crumbly silty clay soil developed in clayey outwash. Surface layer and to depth of about 24 inches, soil is dark brown calcareous silty clay. Below this depth, the soil becomes slightly lighter in color, slightly more clayey and more calcareous with a CaC0 zone at around 36 inches. Site 1: Less clayey in surface than typical for Knippa soils - has likely had soil material added during construction of the airfield. Site 2: About typical for the series. Knippa soils are less clayey than the associated Montell soils, but are clayey and contain shrinking and swelling clays. As they dry, many fine cracks form between strongly developed structural units rather than large cracks such as conmonly observed in Montell soils. They are moderate to high in plant nutrients Estimated acreage in study area: 250,000 acres. Leming is a 39 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 40 REFERENCES Bloodworth, M. E., Some Principles and Practices in the Irrigation of Texas Soils. Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 937, Sept., 1959. Brewbaker, H. E., Adaptation of the Sugar Beet to Meet the Needs of the Sugar Industry in America. Jor. Am. Soc. Agron. 36:570-5. 1944. Carsner, Eubanks and C. F. Stahl, Studies on Curly Top Disease of the Sugar Beet. Jour. Agr. Res. 28-4:297-320. 1924. 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