8-1082 May 1969 production and management °* SMALL GRAINS Fon FORAGE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Texas Agricultural Experiment Station H. O. Kunkel, Acting Director, College Station, Texas Summary Small grains produce good yields of high quality forage at a season when green grazing is limited. Forage production generally is more dependable and yields are higher than for any other crop grown for Winter pasture. Acreage of small grains grown for forage exceeds that of any other winter grazing crop. Small grains may be planted for forage pro- duction from early September to late November. Early plantings result in earlier forage produc- tion while midseason plantings generally result in maximum forage production. Early planting increases the risks of insect and drouth damage but is necessary if early forage production is desired. Seeding rates between 48 and 112 pounds per acre appear to have little influence on total‘ forage production. Early production is favored to some extent by the heavier seeding rates; for this reason, seeding rates of 64-80 pounds per acre are suggested. Small grains respond to fertilization. Appli- cation rates depend on soil type, rainfall and desired production level and should be based on soil test results. Studies have shown favorable responses to nitrogen up to 120 pounds per acre. A split application of nitrogen is definitely fav- ored with part of the nitrogen applied at or prior to planting and part applied as a top dressing in midwinter. Clipping management studies have shown that forage yields may be reduced 20-80 percent by early and frequent pasturing or clipping. Top growth is reduced, and crown and root develop- ment is retarded. Allowing the plant to become well established, 6-8 inches high, before grazing begins is particularly important if maximum yields are to- be obtained. However, some sacri- fice of total production may be necessary or desirable to utilize some forage during critical fall and early winter periods. Growth. studies with oats have shown a direct relationship between growth and temper- ature. Winter temperatures generally are mild 2 enough south of College Station for c growth, but north of this area, growth j are likely to occur during cold period the management program should allow '- ual or accumulated growth for use du i; periods. Otherwise, overgrazing may damage to the stands. Growth also is o rainfall or available moisture during the, season. Apparently about 20 inches from September through April is ad most areas. Seasons with less than 20 a rainfall occur frequently in most of t, therefore, moisture often may be a lim'_ tor. Rainfall excessive for maximum may occur, especially in the coastal -»-;f ' Reduced sunlight energy during t ' months apparently limits growth of w; Planting rates and methods do not see , this response significantly. Prelimina tion of crops and varieties shows no i. differences in adaptation to limited lig Nitrate accumulation is known tofj small grains and to induce toxicity inl animals. Since many factors influeni accumulation, seldom can it be attribu Q single factor. Research has shown t tends to be higher in basal parts of the} favored by overcast weather and dar" is favored to some extent by use of an oxidized form of nitrogen. Ferti usually necessary for small grain produ, the application of moderate amounts fl lizer has not been associated with hi, accumulation. “ Carrying capacity and total anima, tion of small grain pastures are depe, forage production level. Small gra” quality is excellent, and average daily; grazing animals are good. is: Factors influencing choice of _ clude disease reaction, cold hardiness an habit. Varieties change in disease bility, and new, better adapted va" being developed constantly. Current d, should be determined when choosing ;~ production and management of SMALL GRAINS FOR FORAGE 4.‘ i. Holt, M. J. Norris and J. A. l.oncoster* Contents Summary .................................................................................... .. 2 Introduction ............................................................................... ._ 3 Date 0f Planting ..................................................................... _. 4 Seeding Rates and Methods .................................................. .. 4 Fertilization ............................................................................... _. 5 Time and Rate of Nitrogen Application ................... .. 5 Nitrogen and Phosphorus .............................................. .. 6 Management .............................................................................. .. 7 Growth Behavior ...................................................................... -. 9 Response to Management ............................... .; ............. _. 9 Response to Temperature .............................................. ..10 Response to Moisture ..................................................... ..11 Response to Cutting Height ......................................... ..1.3 Response to Light Intensity ......................................... __14 Nitrate Accumulation ............................................................. __16 Grazing ....................................................................................... __17 Varieties ..................................................................................... __18 Acknowledgments ..................................................................... __18 MALL GRAINS ARE SUITED to many uses, one of the main ones ‘being forage for livestock. The average annual acreage of small grains in Texas is estimated to exceed 8 million acres. Of this, more than 2 million are sown for livestock pas- ture and are grazed during the Winter and spring until the forage is exhausted and the crop killed out. A considerable portion of the remaining acreage is grazed during the winter, and then the livestock are removed in time for a grain crop to mature. " In addition to grazing, some acreages, par- ticularly of oats, are used for hay, silage or as soiling crops. A larger percentage of the acre- age in East Texas and on the Coast Prairie is seeded exclusively for grazing than in the other Texas areas. Oats and rye are the principal small grain crops in East Texas, oats on the Coast Prairie and Rio Grande Plain and wheat and oats in Central and West Texas. The small grains produce high quality for- age at a season when green forage is limited. The small grains generally are more reliable for forage production and produce a larger volume of forage than most other winter growing crops. For these reasons, the acreage of small grains used for winter pasture exceeds that of any other winter crop. Because the costs of land prepara- tion, fertilization, seed, seeding and other factors *Respectively, professor, Soil and Crop Sciences Depart- ment; associate professor, Texas A&M Agricultural Research and Extension Center at McGregor; and asso- ciate agronomist, Texas A&M Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Overton. 3 make Winter forage from small grains expen- sive, it is important to use adapted varieties and follow good cultural and management practices to obtain high yields and efficient production. The results of studies of a number of fac- tors influencing forage production are reported in this bulletin. DATE OF PLANTING There is no fixed date for seeding small grains for forage production. Planting may be as early as late August or as late as late Novem- ber. A 3-year study was conducted at College Station to determine the effect of planting date on forage production. Three varieties were seeded at 15-day intervals from September 1 to December 1. The data in Table 1 show that date of planting has a significant effect on early forage production and also on total forage production. Plantings made after October 1 had little or no forage available by December 1. Peak harvested forage yields were obtained with an October 15 seeding. Seedings prior to October 1 or after November 1 generally produced less forage. The number of clippings varied with the date of seeding. Clipping generally reduces the potential dry-matter production of small grains. Thus, the study also included plots which were harvested only at maturity to determine the in- fluence of planting date in the absence of clip- ping effects. The varieties did respond differ- ently. Gator rye showed peak production with November 1 seeding, Mustang oats with October TABLE 1. FORAGE YIELD OF SMALL GRAIN VARIETIES WITH VARIOUS DATES OF PLANTING, COLLEGE STATION (3-YEAR AVERAGE) Total yield Date Harvestable Total yield harvested of Forage of 3 - 4 only at planting Variety December 1 clippings maturity Sept. 11 Gator rye2 360 1840 Mustang oats 790 1460 Suregrain oats?’ 960 1710 Sept. 15 Gator rye 700 2530 4260 Mustang oats 710 2050 3350 Suregrain oats 920 2210 3880 Oct. 1 Gator rye 590 2240 4100 Mustang oats 690 2120 3600 Suregrain oats 940 g 2160 4050 Oct. 15 Gator rye 230 2940 4680 Mustang oats 210 2610 4630 Suregrain oats 410 2900 4260 Nov. 1 Gator rye 0 2570 5370 Mustang oats 0 2310 3500 Suregrain oats 0 2180 4250 Nov. 15 Gator rye 0 2470 3840 Mustang oats 0 1980 3240 Suregrain oats 0 1830 2800 Dec. 1 Gator rye 0 1590 3490 Mustang oats 0 1850 2960 Suregrain oats 0 1330 2360 ‘Yields are based on only 1 year and adjusted for year effects. zCordova barley was used instead of Gator rye 1 year. “Moregrain oats was used instead of Suregrain oats 1 year. 4 TABLE 2. FORAGE PRODUCTION WITH VARIOUS RATES’, OATS AT CRYSTAL CITY r, $2225 Pounds of air-dry forage per J per acre January 3 February 10 March 18 48 31 l0 2380 4050 64 3060 2790 3480 80 3380 1740 3480 9s 4400 201a soao 15 seeding, and Suregrain oats differ from October 1 to November 1. Late (after November 1) appeared to restric; tial yield more than early seeding. . Certain problems may be encounte“ early plantings which are less likely to It later dates. The three major problems“ sects, drouth and Weeds. These are y; eliminated with the advent of cool p‘ Early seeding is necessary for early fo i duction. If the major need is for late ‘_ early winter forage, some sacrifice of t'l~‘ duction may be desirable in order 1:0,; early forage. Similarly, the risks inv early planting may not eliminate the desi or necessity of early planting. i‘ , SEEDING RATES AND METHODS Seeding rate studies have been limi in general they have shown that seedi ' between 48 and 112 pounds usually do not. influence total forage production. The; of a seeding-rate study with irriga Crystal City are given in Table 2. Ea t; duction was increased with the higher f seeding, but total production with 96 p' TABLE 3. THE INFLUENCE OF SEEDING RATE AND EARLY FORAGE PRODUCTION, COLLEGE STATION seeding Pcstggs Pounds dry forage per acre, method per acre Oats Rye I Broadcast 50 1000 1260 100 1260 1480 Average 1130 1370 12-inch rows 50 870 1160 100 920 1380 Average 1015 1320 TABLE 4. INFLUENCE OF RATE OF SEEDING ON THE FO l‘ OF OATS AT KIRBYVILLE Pou nds Pounds seed per acre forage p 4s 63L . 64 602 80 6420 96 671 _; 1 l 2 b4 r31 l‘ A- YIELDS OF OATS WITH VARIOUS ROW SPACINGS 1;" TES AT BEEVILLE (4-YEAR AVERAGE) Pounds of Pounds of air-dry forage seed per acre per acre 32 1440 48 T680 64 1550 48 T540 24 1290 36 1430 48 I330 ,nly 500 pounds above that with 48 ailable forage on December 1 in a llege Station, Table 3, was increased cum of 260 pounds due to a heavy ' Similar results were obtained at where yields varied less than 700 ,. seed rates from 48 to 112 pounds gble 4. Because of the need for early gand the slight advantage of increased ji- both in producing early forage g a satisfactory stand, it probably is ,1 use 64-80 pounds of seed per acre. Small grains are drill-seeded with the Qches apart. Experimental plantings 12111005 were in 12-inch rows or drills '_ence in handling the small plots. In j College Station involving broadcast ch row seedings, there were no sig- ferences in early forage production, acing and seeding-rate studies have pfcted at Beeville for 4 years. The "f presented in Table 5. It is apparent - row spacing nor seeding rate influ- 5e production significantly. Yields h row plantings tended to be slightly jwith 12 and 18-inch rows. These conducted in a dry area. Where 5 adequate, there might be a greater yield from Wide rows. However, these results do indicate that the tillering char- acteristic of small grains tends to compensate for lower plant populations whether from lower seeding rates or wider row spacings. FERTILIZATION The growth of winter-growing crops is lim- ited by two main factors: temperature and light. Growth of small grains essentially stops at 40° F. While less work has been published on light effects, it is known that light energy during the winter months amounts to only a fraction of peak summer light levels. Probably anything that limits growth also limits responses to other factors. Thus, it would ‘be expected that yield response to applied nutrients would be less than in warm-season grasses and that smaller amounts of nutrients would be necessary for maximum production. Fertilizer management might be- come quite important under such conditions. Time and Rate of Nitrogen Application Studies were conducted at College Station and Mt. Pleasant to determine the effect of time of nitrogen application as well as total amount of nitrogen application on forage yield of small grains. Studies involving rates of nitrogen have been conducted at Temple. The College Station and Mt. Pleasant studies were on fine sandy soil and the Temple studies on Houston black clay. In all cases the crops were fall planted, usually in mid-October, in rows 12 inches apart. Phos- phorus and potassium were applied prior to planting. Fall nitrogen applications were made prior to planting; other dates of application are shown in Tables 6 and 7. The plots generally were clipped 3-5 times each year or when 12-15 inches of growth had occurred. Yields are pre- sented as totals approximately to February 1, from February 1 to March 15 and after March 15. The study at College Station indicates that seasonal production and total yield of both oats IIIGE YIELD OF OATS AND RYE AS INFLUENCED BY TIME AND AMOUNT OF NITROGEN, COLLEGE STATION (2-YEAR AVERAGE] Pounds of dry forage per acre Oats Rye Date of nitrogen application Early Late Early Late October December January March winter winter Spring Total winter winter Spring Total 40 1130 580 1055 2765 ° 1415 1090 425 2930 d 80 1210 570 990 2770 ° 1660 1175 420 3255 “I 40 4o 1050 970 1050 3090"" 1330 1545 430 3355 b" 40 40 1370 1040 1095 3505“ 1495 1660 445 3600"” 120 _ 1835 655 1135 3625" 2095 1275 330 3700"” 60 60 1450 850 1150 3450*‘ 1855 1515 505 3875“ 60 I 60 1260 1060 1050 3370*‘ 1920 1730 400 4050“ 4O 40 40 1210 1140 970 3320*‘ 1695 1595 440 3730"“ 40 40 40 1340 1170 1100 3610" 1880 1730 460 4070" 40 40 40 1280 860 1250 3390“ 1755 1435 550 3740*“ 40 40 40 1230 1100 1160 3490“ 1580 1555 535 3670"” 30 30 30 30 1120 1045 1035 3200"" 1520 1575 540 3735"” in a column with a common letter designation do not differ significantly. TABLE 7. INFLUENCEIOF APPLICATION TIME AND NITROGEN RATE ON FORAGE PRODUCTION OF OATS, MT. PLEASANT (4-Y Nitrogen applications Pounds per acre Pounds of air-dry forage per acre v4. =1»; . x.’ October l February l5 March l5 Total Early winter Late winter Spring f 0 0 343 10o 573 =1 30 30 710 213 733 50 50 1055 34o 923 2 f 90 90 1155 390 1093 -_ 120 120 1130 453 1253 i, 3o 30 50 720 393 1515 45 45 90 393 573 1550 1» 5o 50 12o 1055 735 1740 ¥ 30 30 30 9o 733 433 1930 3t 45 45 45 120 335 595 1933 w T '~ 1 T‘ ha‘. Yields wih a common letter designation do not differ significantly. and rye were affected by time and rate of appli- cation. The study did not include a 0 nitrogen level. The 80-pound nitrogen level increased yield over the 40-pound level, 0n the average, 165 and 375 pounds, respectively, for oats and rye. The 120-pound rate gave a further average increase of 480 pounds. Neither the level of production nor the response to fertilization above a minimum level was great. There was an in- crease of 300 to 400 pounds of forage with the 120-80-80 treatment with three nitrogen appli- cations over the 120-40-40 applied in a similar manner. However, the yield was no greater than with 120-40-40 when the nitrogen was split into only two applications. Early winter forage production was encour- aged by a heavy pre-planting nitrogen applica- tion or a combination of pre-planting and Decem- ber application. Late winter production was greater when some of the nitrogen was applied in January. Yields generally were favored by splitting the nitrogen into a pre-plant and a post-plant application. There was no advantage to more than one top dressing. The post-plant applica- tion can be made in either December or Janu- ary with little effect on total production. The study at College Station was continued a third year with fertilizer rates up to 200-160- 160. This treatment produced 400 pounds more forage than the 120-40-40 treatment. Intermed- iate treatment levels produced from 150 to 200 pounds more forage than 120-40-40. Thus, while some responses were obtained above 120 pounds of nitrogen, they were not of practical significance. In the study at Mt. Pleasant, presented in Table 7, yield responses to» nitrogen were greater than at College Station. It is apparent that 120 pounds of nitrogen produced 1200 to 1500 pounds more foragethan 60 pounds of nitrogen. Fall and early Winter growth increased as the pre-plant nitrogen increased from 30 to 120 pounds. Nitrogen applied in February increased late-winter growth slightly. A split application, 6 .3 especially of the high rate, increased yi' a single pre-plant (October) applicatiof ever, more than two applications (one and one postplant) did not further incr ~’ but did alter distribution of growth extent. Similar results have been obtained; grass in the Coastal Prairie (unpublish Thus, it appears that 40-60 pounds of at the time of or prior to planting a pounds in December, January or Feb " vide the best combination for small g , winter annual grasses for forage p vi» Phosphorus and potash should be applied. ing to soil test indications-probabl pounds of each on light-textured soils in» and East Texas. l Nitrogen and Phosphorus 1 a A 5-year study of fertility practices» production of oats for forage in the b I was conducted at Temple. The data 8 indicate both a nitrogen and a ph response. That more forage production; from nitrogen and phosphorus in c0 than from the additive effects of the tw; independently indicated a favorable in =17 The maximum yield was produced with but this was only 220 pounds higher t‘ produced with a 30-30-0. A 60-60-60 was included in the test, but its produc no higher than that from a 60-60-0. ” TABLE 3. THE INFLUENCE OF COMBINATIONS o1= NI PHOSPHORUS ON FORAGE AYIELDS OF oATs AT AVERAGE) _, Pounds of air-dry forage per acre P338? Pounds N per acre g per acre O l5 30 60 90' 0 2700 3040 3550 3520 3790i 30 2920 3515 3950 3910 4050 50 3055 3530 3990 4040 4130 Average 2395 3395 3330 3320 4010 if MANAGEMENT clipping or other harvest of small ' for forage should strive for maxi- fned forage production Without dam- fds of the. crop. The management ld be economical and practical, tak- nsideration total production and the distribution of the forage produced, pasture or silage. A ouse and field-clipping studies on oats were conducted at Crystal City e the importance of stage of growth pping and the frequency of clipping in forage yields. These results are Table 9. both field and greenhouse conditions, id that oats produced more than twice y; 1 forage for the season when allowed 11a height of 14-16 inches than when soon as they reached 3-4 inches or 8- height. Clipping at 3-4 inches was '5 ental than clipping at 8-10 inches. jWGPG reduced more than those of bar- "r field conditions, barley yields from clippings were 10-percent less than 65' 16-inch clippings, while the yields gere reduced 59 percent with the same The effects of clipping were more he greenhouse than under field condi- ping effects probably are more severe a1 livestock grazing effects because “moves all the forage at one time. lvious greenhouse study at the same ‘d shown that the oat yield was reduced When the plants were clipped each gglfeached a height of 3-4 inches. Clip- “lants one time at 3-4 inches high fol- _ gular clipping at 10-12 inches reduced ‘ f? percent, as compared with regular ,X;10-12 inches. We studies, the best root development id barley occurred when they attained c1 OF CLIPPING ON THE FORAGE PRODUCTION or VEY, CRYSTAL ClTY Height Yield in Percent at which Number oven-dry reduction in clipped, of grams of yield due inches clippings forage to clipping Oats 3 4 8 7 83 8 l0 5 l5 63 l4-l6 2 40 3- 4 9 4l4 75 8-10 5 669 59 p; 4-16 3 1637 Barley - 4 8 6 76 -10 5 15 4o -16 3 25 3- 4 ll 518 5l s-1o 6 95a 1o 3:14-16, 4 1061 Figure l. Growth of oat varieties in clipping management study. College Station, February. a height of 14-16 inches before clipping. Plants clipped at 3-4 inches showed poor root develop- ment, and those at 8-10 inches showed moderate development. This points out the importance of allowing small grains to become well estab- lished before pasturing livestock on them. Studies carried out at College Station, Table 10, further emphasize the importance of proper management of small grains used for winter pasture. Oats, clipped each time the plants reached a height of 4-6 inches, produced only 1550 pounds of forage. When clipped each time the plants attained a height of 10-12 inches, yield amounted to 3170 pounds or twice as much. Fig- uredl shows the growth of plants in this clipping stu y. The plants in this study had reached a height of 4-6 inches on November 13 and did not reach a height of 10-12 inches until January 3, or 6 weeks later. The grower must decide whether the production during this period is more important than greater total production for the season. However, the value of allowing oat plants to become well established before graz- ing starts is evident, and if frequent close utiliza- tion reduced production by as much as 1500 TABLE lO. AVERAGE FORAGE YIELD, POUNDS PER ACRE, OF TWO OAT VARIETIES CLIPPED AT TWO STAGES OF GROWTH, COLLEGE STATION Season of ha rvestl Height of cutting, Early Mid- Early inches winter winter spring Total 4- 6 485 450 6l5 T550 l0-l2 985 T005 1180 3170 lDates of Clipping: EARLY WlNTER——(4-6 inches) November l8, December l, December l7, January 3; (l0 to l2 inches) January 3. MlD-W|NTER——(4-6 inches) January 20, February 9, February 24; (l0-l2 inches) February 24. EARLY SPRlNG—(4-6 inches) March 7, April l5; (lO-l2 inches) March 7, April l5; (l0-l2 inches) April l5. 7 TABLE ll. FORAGE PRODUCTION OF OATS OF DIFFERENT GROWTH HABITS AND WITH VARIOUS CLIPPING FREQUENCIES, COLLEGE; Figure 2. Mid-winter College Station of a ' variety (left) and a y, variety of small grain f " ‘ ~ Pounds of air-dry forage per acre Early Harvest growth frequency, November l0 December 2O February I March l4 habit days to December 20 to February l to March l4 to May 3 Erect l0 220 350 290 l00 2O 420 780 630 200 4O 390 790 620 240 Maturity 2550 Average 340 640 5l0 770 Prostrate l0 210 450 490 I30 2O 230 560 (>80 310 4O 320 680 960 340 Maturity 2370 Average 250 560 7l 0 770 pounds per acre, the value of production at this level might be questionable. The influence of clipping practices on root and crown development as well as on forage pro- duction has been studied at College Station. An erect and a prostrate variety of oats, Figure 2, were clipped at 10, 20 and 40-dayintervals and at maturity. Supplemental irrigation was used to prevent’ growth stoppagefrom drouth and to permit regularity of clipping. Air-dry forage produced with these treatments is shown in Table 11. By December 20, a greater tonnage of dry matter was produced on plants unclipped t0 that time (40-day interval) than on plots that had been clipped two or four times. Clipping at a 10-day interval reduced production of the erect variety 48 percent when compared with the 40-day clipping and 58 percent when com- pared with clipping only at maturity. The reduc- tion in the prostrate variety yield due to fre- quent clipping was slightly less than for the erect variety. 3 Crown and root development was p. frequently and followed the same pattern production. Average root and crown We the end of the growing season are given i1 12. Apparently, more frequent clipping tillering and resulted in a smaller crow '1 TABLE t2. TOP AND ROOT GROWTH OF OATS OF If, GROWTH HABITS AND WITH VARIOUS CLIPPINGFR LUFKIN FINE SANDY LOAM SOIL, COLLEGE STATION gligil/lr/h frlgggléiily Pounds of air-dry matters’. habit days Forage Crowns Erect I0 I060 490 20 2030 8T0 40 2040 ll40 Maturity 2550 2720 Prostrate l0 I280 760 20 I780 I600 40 2300 2190 Maturity 2370 3170 Plots unclipped 1 ’ — - - — - . a fl’ 1 | 1 n | n 1 n I l Hi9 1/2 1/16 1/30 2/13 2/27 3/13 3/27 4/10 4/24 s/e Dates jverage cumulative growth of three oat varieties on ‘Andy loam, College Station. expected to reduce top growth. Crowns fmost frequently clipped plots weighed rcent as much as those from plots p," 40-day intervals. Approximately half Ave-ground development was in the ‘tllllfit it was below the mower blade -18 - production in the top foot of soil was frequent clipping, ‘but to a lesser n top and crown development. Roots fuently clipped plots weighed 30 per- an roots from 40-day clipping. That ction was poor this particular season unt for theopoor growth obtained in a t lative growth of three oat varieties ‘ithout the effects of clipping has been fgure 3. Two sets of plots were estab- fe set of plots was unclipped and the ped at regular intervals. Due to in- eather, clipping was delayed until late hen more than 2,000 pounds of forage Qproduced. Total cumulative growth o treatments is shown in Figure 3. following clipping was extremely poor f'cates that utilization may be delayed especially if all the top growth is to be nd if regrowth is expected. Any de- pfoliation of small grains is somewhat i}: to total development of the plant. f these studies, maximum total produc- obtained with a single harvest at the growing season. tion in root development from fre- ping could result in reduced ability of l to take up moisture and nutrients. to cause it to suffer from drouth earlier if‘?- with extensive root development. ¥i.¢rown development reduces the area growth takes place and leaves more exposed to evaporation and water loss ?-0ff. All of these factors and others .- ‘$- Ll. 4.: r in clipping studies. are important in developing a grazing manage- ment program. The available data indicate the desirability of delaying the first grazing until the plants are well established. Subsequent grazing or utilization should provide for either adequate residual leaf area or an adequate recov- ery period between grazings or utilization. GROWTH BEHAVIOR The growth of small grain varieties depends on light, soil and air temperatures and soil mois- ture and nutrients. Varieties may differ in their response to management practices and environ- mental factors. In establishing a forage pro- gram, it would be valuable to know the response to reduced light, the minimum and ,maximum temperatures at which small grains stop growth and whether varieties respond alike to these conditions. Should growth stop below certain minimum temperatures, accumulated growth must be depended on for grazing during such periods. Response to Management The growth-behavior pattern of oat varie- ties has been studied at College Station and Iowa Park for 2 years. Three varieties differing in growth habit and cold-hardiness were used at each location. The varieties were seeded in 12- inch rows and sampled for above-ground growth at weekly intervals. Since the plants were re- moved at ground level, the data presented in the figures that follow include the weight of crowns and are higher than those normally obtained Forage harvesting was im- posed on one set of plots at College Station. Water and fertilizer were applied at levels to pre- vent there being limiting factors in plant growth. A continuous record of air temperature was made. Accumulated growth on plots harvested three times during the growing season is presented in Figure 4. With all above-ground parts har- vested, the rate of growth of the three varieties 6 ' _ --- Erect non-winter hardy j ---- -- Prostrate hardy j -'— - Erect hardy —§1§_;¢ Forage harvested Jan. 3 Feb. 15 Apr. 1 Tons of dry matter per acre 4> I l l l l l l l l I l l l l l l l l I l l j 1 l l 12 19 25 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 ll 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 Nov. Dec . Jan . Feb . Mar . Apr . Dates of sampling Figure 4. Cumulative growth of three oat varieties grown on Lufkin fine sandy loam. 9 Was very similar. Their growth habits normally are different, and it would not be expected that the yields would be equal using normal harvesting procedures. However, when all above-ground growth was measured, the three varieties pro- duced about the same until the first date of harvest. The erect nonwinter-hardy type failed to recover and produce as much after the first clipping. After the second clipping, its produc- tion dropped even further below that of the other two varieties. All three varieties were slow in their recov- ery following each clipping. As much as 4-5 weeks were required for recovery and any appre- ciable growth. During this period, there was some shoot growth but little change in total plant weight. Apparently food reserves in the crown were being transferred to develop new shoot growth, resulting in little change in the accumu- lation of above-ground dry weight. When the first clipping was delayed until late January, Figure 3, reco-very was never satisfactory. These results indicate that clipping may be delayed too long as well as be too- frequent, and the effects may be much the same. These results also show that a longer rest period than is usually pro- vided between grazings would be desirable if rotation grazing is practiced. Response to Temperature To study the growth response of plants to temperature, plots were clipped throughout the season. Growth to each date was determined by sampling an unclipped 2-foot section of row. Average accumulative growth of the three va- rieties by weekly periods is shown in Figure 5. Growth was more uniform at College Station than at I-owa Park. This is to be expected since winter temperatures at College Station are more suitable for continuous growth. The only major break in growth at College Station during the first year came in March. The temperature dropped below freezing for a short period, im- pairing growth and evidently producing some top kill since accumulated growth was reduced during this time. Growth was almost uniformly 6 , ‘ College Station Year 1 College Stati? Year 2 ‘ £) Iowa Park Tons of dry matter per acre l I l l l l l l l l l l I l I l l l I I l l I I I l l‘ 2T4 1118 25 l 8 15222951219265 12 19262 9 1623 3071A 2128 Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Date of sampling Figure 5. Average cumulative growth of small grain varieties at two locations in Texas. l0 >1 av continuous at College Station during the year. .. Growth was more irregular at 10W. probably because conditions unfavorable I, growth occurred more frequently. Th breaks in growth occurred in mid-J early March and early April. During 15 days of January, the temperature below 20° F. on several occasions, and i; age temperature for the “entire period " 363° F. In early March and early Ap '1 temperatures probably would be more because of the more advanced stages of of the plants, the temperature dropped J ing on 1 or more days. Growth stopp actual loss of dry matter during those; are apparent in Figure 5. Less than 50: of the total growth at Iowa Park had Q duced by March 26, whereas 75-100 pe j the growth had been produced at College; by this date. One to 2 tons more fo i been produced at College Station than f? Park by March 26. Although growth " duced at Iowa Park during the winter, tion was less reliable from the grazin- point than at College Station. These point up the need for more critical j management in the Texas areas having? xvinters. i" Although growth behavior of the i" rieties without clipping is not presente interactions at Iowa Park may be poin In the early part of the season, all thr ties behaved about alike. Even during cold period in January, there was no di‘ in the growth of the three varieties even they differed in winter-hardiness. D A freezing period in early March, the er winter hardy oat produced no growth weeks, the erect winter hardy varie slight growth and the prostrate type ma growth. Evidently the stage of gro -= major factor in determining the influence? temperature on growth. The erect typ in a critical stage of growth in earlyf while the prostrate, being later in matu ’ not reach this critical stage until early f The relationship of oat growth to m ‘p, perature was calculated. Temperatures V every 3 hours were averaged in computi temperatures. The regression of growth f temperature, shown in Figure 6, was 1.- nificant. The correlation coefficient W with 37 degrees of freedom indicating relationship between the two variable; regression of growth on temperature -<' as a straight line relationship gave a Q , 64 and indicates little or no growth r average daily temperature of 40° F. Q average with each 1° change in tem.‘ biweekly growth changed 64 poundsfwi temperature limits of these studies. It i‘, a ent from the regression figure, which on 3 years of data at College Station an} at Iowa Park, that other factors also in 45 50 g f? It is difficult t0 maintain moisture at um level, and this was a contributing "$1 variability in growth rate. Sunlight * ‘fried and may well have contributed to tion in plant growth. Some o-f the vari- uld have been due to sampling error a 2-foot sample was taken from each jthe stands were not completely uniform. _-’ regression line shown is ‘based on a atio-n. Growth probably would not be lpecially at the lower and upper limits. fession line would indicate no growth average temperature of 4O to 42° F. wth was measured at Iowa Park at tem- below this level, indicating that the not linear. The data indicate that when irature drops below a mean of 45° F., h may be expected. high temperatures under field condi- encountered only at or near the end of growth cycle of oats, it was not pos- “determine at what point or level high res could becbme a limiting factor in pwth. It is evident, however, that high g res seldom limit oats grown for forage e studies indicate that residual or sur- h rather than continuous growth must g» on for continuous grazing 1n areas 55 60 65 70 Average weighted temperature (°F) iifiegression of oat growth on weighted air temperaturefiollege Station and Iowa Park. in which average temperatures may be below 45° F. for periods of several days. Response to Moisture Yield in response to moisture was not studied under controlled conditions, but some informa- tio-n can be gained from the data obtained at several locations over a period of years. Rain- fall varied by location and from season to sea- son at a given location. Figure 7 shows the total rainfall for the growing season, September through April, for a 6-year period at six loca- tions in Texas. Average forage yield of all varieties grown at each location during the entire 6-year period also is shown. Yield data are not available fo-r all years at Angleton. The available data indicate a nega- tive relationship between yield and total rain- fall. The lowest rainfall during the growing season was about 17 inches, which apparently is adequate for good production. This is an area where drainage is a problem in periods of high rainfall. Apparently, poorer performance in high rainfall years is related to the drainage problem. Results at Temple indicate a good relation- ship between yield and rainfall below 20 inches. Above this amount of rainfall, the yield levels off at about 11/2 tons of air-dry forage per acre. ll Rainfall apparently was adequate during all fall. Thus, the yield level remained r, years of the test at Kirbyville. The studies were same through the test Deriod- l", located on a deep sandy soil which apparently Rainfall at Gilmer, which was th had no drainage problems in years of high rain- location to Mount Pleasant, varied from y ..;. —-- — Forage Rainfall 3 I. Beeville ‘T " \ \ \ / / \ \\ I \ " \ d I \" § fl | I I I H \ $ . . *5 >3 - P Klrbyvll 1e H l G) :_ Cu m 54 ; g c n ( i i o. f a " o0 cu H . o I — _ U-l ‘- l-H i“ 0 .¢_ m i; a , H I | n n a Nacogdoches .‘ - . i \ i \ \ a n I 1 n | I n n j a 1 1 52-3 53-4 54-5 55-6 56-7 57-8 52-3 53-4 54-5 55-6 56-7 57- Year 5 Figure 7. Average forage yield of small grain varieties and total seasonal rainfall, Beeville, Angleton, Temple, Kirbyville, g and Nacogdoches. .~Y 12 n 40 inches. Yield was related to wy in the years of lower rainfall. The low yields in 1956-57 and 1957-58 are _ derstood. The test plots were located If? sand which should have been well _t is possible that rainfall in excess of resulted in some leaching of nutrients, ‘fing yields. ainfall and yield varied considerably voches, but the relationship between gariables was not close. This was a gtion, and the test area was moved period. It is possible that soil effects Vere the more important since rainfall ‘f’ inches except for 1 year. all is important in determining ex- ‘ds of small grains grown for forage. y be insufficient for maximum pro- many areas of Texas. The Coast less likely to experience a deficiency, fr: of the flat topography and heavy isive moisture for optimum growth f» countered. Failure to obtain better ps between growth and moisture in l: may have been due in part to rain- yution patterns, inadequate nutrition gement effects. The incidence of dis- related to humidity and general mois- ;'tions. Several outbreaks of disease sir the yield-rainfall relationships. Cutting Height production and total above-ground growth of a prostrate oat variety, an ariety and annual ryegrass were deter- gthree cutting (stubble) heights. The planted in mid-October and harvested lif intervals at stubble heights of 2, 4 ‘hes beginning December 21. Total nd growth including harvested ma- f determined at weekly intervals begin- l- second cutting. Leaf area index also y, ined weekly. fforage yield was not significantly in- A, height of clipping, Table 13. Winter I yields of oats and ryegrass were very l. 4 and 6-inch stubble heights. Over f» of forage had been harvested from 1 2 inches by the end of January while unds had been harvested with the 6 g height, Figure 8. The short heights as much total yield only because the ‘ l’! FORAGE YIELD OF OATS, RYE AND RYEGRASS CUT vi HTS AND TWO FRlfiQUENClES, COLLEGE STATION Pounds of dry forage per acre Rye Ryegrass Average 1764 3008 2317 2460 2550 2427 1848 2750 2364 Clipping height 2-inch 3000 ' 2000 1000 I 3000 ' 2000 Pounds of harvested dry forage per acre 1000 Dates of harvest Figure 8. Cumulative yield of rye and oats clipped at 28-day intervals, College Station. final clipping was made at a uniform 2-inch height. Rye which was more upright in growth produced more winter forage with the 4-inch height. Total above-ground cumulative growth of oats and rye was favored by the 6-inch clipping height, Figure 9. Most of this growth was apparently below the 4 to 6-inch height. Since midwinter is a more critical period for available green forage than early spring, the improved growth of the plant with mild clipping during this period is of less significance than the utiliza- tion of the growth. Since total cumulative growth is favored by mild defoliation, it might be assumed that growth was more uniform with the less severe defolia- tion. However, this was not found to be the Clipping height 2-inch _ 3000 ,- --— 4- inch ------ 6-inch 2000 5 1000 - 4 00o - A . 3000 Pounds of dry matter per acre 2000 1000 P l l l I I | l l 1-18 1-25 2-1 2-8 2-16 2-23 3-8 3-15 3-23 3-29 Dates of sampling Figure 9. Cumulative growth of rye and oats clipped at 28-day intervals, College Station. 13 case. Clippingfregardless of the clipping height, resulted in a decrease during the following weeklil or weeks in accumulated Weight of the plants. ' These weight losses were more severe with greater stubble heights than with the lesser. Even though the weight losses were more severe, recovery was more rapid. These results suggest that initial regrowth is made at the expense of reserves stored in the crown. The less severe defoliation would favor a greater storage and more potential for weight change. Greater reserves would result in more rapid recovery. Frequent close utilization would restrict the building up of stored carbohydrates and thus the potential for weight loss would be limited. Height of cutting resulted in significantly different leaf-area patterns. The relationship of leaf area to growth during the succeeding week had a correlation coefficient of 0.243 which is highly significant. Even though this relation- ship was significant, it was not high and sug- gests that many other factors than the amount of leaves influence regrowth of these plants. The winter of 1959-60 had extended periods of overcast when limited light retarded growth. Under these conditions the effect of differences in leaf area might be reduced. The growth be- havior of the plant suggests that initial regrowth following clipping is made from stored reserves rather than from new photosynthetic products. Since significant differences in leaf area existed, this growth behavior might suggest that the old or basal leaves are inefficient or ineffective and that new leaves produced from stored reserves are necessary for photosynthesis. Leaf area actually decreased further during the week fol- lowing clipping with most treatments indicating that many of the basal leaves died and that this leaf loss exceeded new leaf growth. If it is assumed that the old leaves are in- efficient in photosynthesis, a better correlation of leaf area with growth might be obtained by omitting the week following clipping when only old leaves were present. The correlation coeffi- cient for leaf area and growth using an average of the leaf area in the second and third week following harvest and total growth in the third and fourth weeks was significant, r : 0.520. This was based on the periods following the Jan- uary 18 and February 16 harvests. The results of these studies suggest that prostrate varieties of oats and ryegrass may have to be utilized at fairly short heights in midwinter if forage is to be available at critical periods. These practices do» not favor maximum plant development, but a compromise seems necessary. Greater clipping heights favor total plant devel- opment but not necessarily uniformity of growth. Winter annual plants respond to clipping with a loss in total accumulated dry weight. With greater clipping heights, recovery is more rapid, probably because of more stored reserves and greater residual leaf area to promote recovery growth. 14 Response to Light Intensify One of the major environmental probably limiting growth of winter crops 1 Relatively little information is available, response of agronomic crops to- light or f‘ available crops differ in their response to light. One method of increasing produ winter crops would ‘be using or developi suited to growth under low light conditio eral crops have been evaliiated under or trolled environment and field conditions; assumption that if reduced light does nf growth, light is not a major factor in theT tion of that crop. f Five cool-season forage crops (ryegr‘ barley, oats and wheat) were planted in‘ Norwood fine sandy loam soil. Followil gence the plants were thinned to 25 pl‘ pot, trimmed to a uniform 2-inch height formly watered with a liquid complete f {Q The pots were placed in two growth ci operating at alternating day-night temp of 72 and 60° F. Maximum light inten maintained in one chamber, and light other chamber was reduced approxim pertclent. The day and night periods were i eac . ‘ When the plants reached an appr height of 6 inches, they were cut to w. stubble height, and the clippings were d . weighed. The stubble from one-half the each chamber was removed at the soil dried and weighed, and the pots were tinued. Pots of two of the five remainin in each chamber were switched to balan f ous light effects. The pots were again , with a complete nutrient solution, and ~43 were allowed to grow to a height of 6; followed by a second harvest. ‘ Three winter annual crops (ryegrj, and oats) were seeded on Lufkin fine san soil October 24 in 12 and 24-inch rows? rate of 75 pounds of seed per acre. Li reduced 25 percent beginning December", 28 days and again January 31 for 28 1;; treatments including shading were repli =3 times. In the field test, plant samples were at weekly intervals and separated into stems. Air temperature was recorded Y Dixon recording thermograph, and lig recorded with a Pyrheliometer. .1 ' .1 Winter-annual Crops (Growth c u Rye and ryegrass showed the least effect § level on yield in the growth chamber. regrowth, wheat showed the least effec duced light followed by ryegrass. Howev differences were not great, Table 14. _, was definitely less with reduced light, :- reduction of stubble weight caused by p} light in all cases indicated a lack of carbo storage in the presence of limited light. Previous light level also influenced r following cutting. Maximum yields W. ‘RAGE EFFECTS OF LIGHT LEVELS ON GROWTH ANNUAL CROPS IN A GROWTH CHAMBER irst cutting Second cuttingz Stubble Previous weight light Yield 0.1323 High 0.1840 Low 0.1586 0.0911 High 0.1541 Low 0.1252 I approximately 4O percent in the low light chamber. jot dry matter per pot. .2 plants maintained throughout at ; educed light had approximately the ;on regrowth whether the reduced ,1! the initial growth or the regrowth. [he effect of reduced carbohydrate j e stubble with reduced light was h» t as the direct effect of reduced Wth. Regrowth from plants main- yuced light throughout was approxi- lcent as great as from plants main- 'hout at high light. ta do not suggest any major differ- {the varieties in response to limited barley and oat varieties may have .,more sensitive than Wheat, rye and egrass showed slightly fewer over- P! 5 nnual Crops (Field): Plant devel- 6' her expressed as total plant weight Tmponents, was less on a unit-area ye rows than in narrow rows; the from 30 to 50 percent, Table 15. nexpected since plant growth at the measurements was inadequate to ire area between 24-inch rows. juction reduced growth approxi- ‘rcent in late December and early I e trend started out the same in [it the pattern was reversed the last "urement. In every instance shaded a Average Temperature (°F) 57 55 52 57 48 55 58 61 54 59 S5 | n I I l l l I 30 12" row Grams per square foot N c I Full sunlight iF-X-X- 757.. sunl ight I l l I I l I l I | 12/13 12/20 12/27 1/3 1/10 1/17 1/24 l/31 2/7 2/14 2/21 Date of sampling Figure 10. Cumulative growth of winter annual crops and response to reduced light. - plants exceeded unshaded plants at the final sam- pling date. The growth patterns are shown in Figure 10 along with average maximum temperature for each measurement period. That the two row spacings showed the same pattern of response to shading would suggest no major difference in light utilization efficiency due to row spacing. The reversal of the shading effect at the final sampling period is assumed to be associated with temperature and a generally very poor light situ- ation. A below freezing temperature occurred on February 17, and there were only two days of sunshine during the period. Covered frames were used to reduce the light. Even tho-ugh they were elevated at least 12 inches to allow air circulation, they no doubt offered some protec- tion from the low temperature. The lack of light would have prevented recovery in the exposed plots, whereas the protected plots likely con- tinued to make some growth (elongation) from stored reserves in the stubble. These studies indicate that major winter annual crops do not differ greatly in sensitivity to limited light. The data also indicate that the crops are restricted in growth by limited light as well as by low temperatures. ERESPONSE OF WINTER ANNUAL CROPS‘ TO REDUCED LIGHT UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS Date of sampling Light December January February treatment 1 3 2o 27 3 31 7 14 21 if Plant weight (grams per square foot) ‘unlight 8.3 12.7 18.6 18.7 23.6 27.7 28.2 27.3 _. ent sunlight 8.3 12.8 15.0 17.0 23.6 25.8 25.8 31.1 unlight 6.8 8.4 13.5 11.9 16.2 22.9 19.8 18.8 ent sunlight 6.8 8.2 12.5 9.8 16.2 20.4 17.8 20.6 Leaf weight (grams per square foot) lsunlight * 6.4 9.6 13.7 13.9 17.1 20.3 21.7 21.4 i- ent sunlight 6.4 9.9 11.2 12.7 17.1 19.2 20.2 22.3 ‘sunlight 5.3 8.3 10.8 8.8 11.4 16.8 17.8 14.4 ent sunlight 5.3 5.9 9.7 7.1 11.4 15.0 13.3 14.9 perature (°F.) s7 ss s2 47 s1 s4 s9 ss ‘rass, rye and oats. 15 NITRATE ACCUMULATION Nitrate accumulation sometimes occurs in small grains, and animal toxicity may result from grazing small grains high in nitrate. Many fac- tors, both internal and external, influence nitrate accumulation. A few of these factors have been studied with oats grown under field conditions on fine sandy loam soil at College Station. These factors have included time and rate of nitrogen application, form of nitrogen, plant parts and day-night fluctuations in nitrate content of plant tissue. A plot was seeded to oats in mid-October and fertilized with 40-40-40 at time of seeding. On February 1, two sources of nitrogen were applied at the rate of 100 pounds of N per acre onplots 5 by 10 feet in three replications. Be- ginning February 14, plant samples were col- lected from each plot at 3-hour intervals for a period of 48 hours. The plants were cut at the ground level and dried immediately at 180° F. Following drying, each sample was separated into leaves versus sheath and stem tissue. The samples were then ground to pass a 40-mesh screen and were analyzed for nitrate. The data in Figure 11 indicate a source of nitrogen effect. a diurnal cycle in nitrate content and a morphological difference in nitrate accum- ulation. Obviously sheath and stem tissue was higher in nitrate than leaf tissue. With few exceptions this occurred with all treatments and times of collection. Source of nitrogen effect is most apparent in the stem tissue, the oxidized form resulting in the greatest accumulation. A level of approximately 1.0 is considered to be approaching or in the area of potential toxicity. This level was exceeded or even approached only in stem tissue with an oxidized form o-f nitrogen. Nitrate accumulation with nitrate fertilization was greater during dark periods than light periods. but no diurnal cycle is evident with ammonia fertilization. The sampling period was characterized largely by mild temperatures, com- TABLE 16. NITRATE CONTENT (PERCENT NITRATE) OF OATS WITH VARIOUS FERTILIZATION TREATMENTS, COLLEGE STATION ""4 Percent Nitrate N03 Stem __ Leaf I 9 12 3 6 Q, Day " 9 12 3 6 Day 9 12 3 6 Night Time of day or night Figure 11. The influence of source of nitrogen, plant ~- of day on nitrate content of oat tissue. plete cloud cover and periodic light rail for some clearing during the final 3-6 h.’ Following the initial sampling, t, were harvested, but no additional nitr applied. A second set of samples was i. 14 days after the initial sampling. trends in nitrate content were eviden second sampling — two weeks had elaps, a greater time interval between fertiliza sampling, the period was characterized rather than cloudy weather, and new; was involved. Any or all of these facto have caused the difference in results. i est nitrate levels encountered were w, the suspected toxicity level. Obviouslyzf accumulation does not always occur even“ or in stem and vascular tissue or with . fertilization. ‘ To determine whether either time or} of nitrogen fertilization is important in: accumulation in winter forage, oats wer in October and fertilized with phosph r Pounds of N and date Part Date of sample of Gpplicotiorfi of December January - February October December January plant 22 29 5 13 26 1 9 18 40 Leaves .45 .32 .75 .96 .39 .32 .41 .16 Stems .97 .88 .98 .92 .76 .79 .42 .10 120 Leaves .52 .55 .69 1.05 .44 .35 .43 .29 Stems 1.38 1.35 .95 .95 .57 .46 .36 .43 60 6O Leaves .69 .65 .78 .93 .51 .40 .54 .37 Stems 1.63 .77 .87 .60 .57 .76 .54 .62 4O 40 4O Leaves .22 .36 .61 .46 .58 .29 .33 .56 Stems .56 .88 .91 .97 .72 .50 .62 .37 Leaves .47 .47 .71 .85 .48 .34 .43 .34 Date average3 Stems 1.14 .97 .97 .86 .66 .63 .49 .38 ‘All plots received 0-40-40 prior to planting. “On the average, stems were significantly higher in nitrate than leaves. “Dates differed significantly. 16 _ lanting. Nitrogen in the form of f» nitrate was applied at the times and - shown in Table 16. Nitrate deter- [were made on samples taken at inter- 3 December 22 to February 18. The jere divided into those portions above Lmower cutting height and labeled as stems, respectively. Stem tissue or .-,, rt 0f the plant was higher in nitrate tissue. Stem tissue from plots receiv- ' e heavy nitrogen application in Octo- fher in nitrate in late December than e from plots receiving smaller incre- ft consistent trends or differences seem ciated with December or January of N up to 60 pounds per acre. These jicate some effects of nitrogen fertiliza- 1Q» one of these levels would be considered ;_ a toxicity standpoint. e accumulation is influenced by many id may change greatly within a few ihese samples were taken during late ours except as indicated in Table 15, not necessarily the peak period. Thus, ffound in these studies do not neces- esent maximum or even average levels 7give a fairly good indication of treat- Vts. The results suggest that an oxi- of nitrogen may favor nitrate accum- gpecially in mid-winter. Heavy rates e application might influence nitrate on under favorable conditions. There dication that nitrogen application in samounts or increments is a major fac- I fate accumulation in small grains. GRAZING1 zing research was started at the i311 University Research Center at Mc- }fall 1958. Experimental pastures, 10 , were located on gently sloping land, {class II, medium depth Houston clay V; 1959-62, a fertilizer treatment of _' acre was applied at planting time pdressing of 20 pounds of nitrogen January. During the 1963-65 period, per rate was increased to 50-40-0 at lime without topdressing in January. Eng variety of oats was used in 1959 " Suregrain oats were used in 1961. " New Nortex and Bronco oats were 12. Alamo-X, new Nortex and Bronco "es were used during 1963-65. The fsown at the rate of 96 pounds of seed and planting dates varied from October 20 during 1959-62. During 1963- vnting dates ivaried from September 15 ' 10. "l “teers weighing about 400 pounds, rang- 1350 to 500 pounds, were purchased in Tported in this section was taken from Texas Experiment Station Progress Report 2473, y M. J. Norris and W. E. Kruse, Texas A&M >_Research Center at McGregor. the fall and used on the pastures. The animals were weighed at 28-day intervals except during rainy weather. Stocking rate adjustments were made on weigh day using the put-and-take system to adjust the animal numbers for the forage available. Stocking rate adjustments were made to maintain a visual surplus of forage on 25-30 percent of the pasture. Grazing was continu- ous. Animals were not taken off pastures dur- ing wet weather, and no supplemental feed was given livestock. Summaries of animal performance on oat pastures for 1959-65 are shown in Table 17. The year column in this table designates the year the oat crop matured. The grazing period included the spring of the year listed and the fall of the previous year. The calendar grazing period var- ied from 141 days in 1964 to 219 days in 1960. Grazing was started as early as November 10 and as late as January 23 and ended as early as May 5 and as late as June 8. Rainfall, temperatures and other forage crop growing factors during this 7-year period were erratic but provided a reasonable sample of conditions that are normally expected at this location. Oat grazing results with beef cattle steers during a 7-year period furnished realistic esti- mates of stocking rates, animal grazing days TABLE 17. SUMMARY OF OAT GRAZING WITH BEEF STEERS, McGREGOR, 1959-65 Sfgjlfiierg Animal Livestock gains, pounds acres per days Per Daily, Year animal per acre acre per head Winter grazing‘ 3.3 26.1 40.4 1.5 1959 Spring grazingz 2.6 39.9 100.7 2.5 Season total 2.9 66.0 141.7 2.2 Winter grazing 2.6 43.0 45.0 1.0 1960 Spring grazing 2.5 44.8 121.6 2.7 Season total 2.5 87.8 166.6 1.9 Winter grazing 2.0 49.0 97.5 2.0 1961 Spring grazing 1.1 85.8 214.2 2.5 Season total 1.4 134.8 311.7 2.3 Winter grazing 3.3 19.5 36.4 1.9 1962 Spring grazinga 2.3 44.9 96.5 2.4 Season total 2.6 64.4 132.9 2.1 Winter grazing 2.9 26.6 74.1 2.8 1963 Spring grazing 2.1 44.3 109.5 2.5 Season total 2.4 70.9 183.6 2.6 Winter grazing 2.3 16.6 14.6 0.9 1964 Spring grazinga 1.7 62.2 130.0 2.1 Season total 1.8 78.8 144.6 1.8 Winter grazing 2.2 37.6 62.2 1.7 1965 Spring grazing 0.8 98.1 193.1 2.0 Season total 1.2 135.7 255.3 1.9 Aver- Winter grazing 2.7 31.2 52.9 1.7 age Spring grazing 1.9 65.4 137.9 2.4 Season total 2.1 96.6 190.8 2.1 ‘Winter grazing includes grazing to March 1. zSpring grazing includes grazing from March 1 to end of season- about June 1-15. “Stocking rates were not high enough to fully use forage available in the spring. 17 per acre, individual livestock gains and acre live- stock gains. Under average weather conditions, 2.7 acres per steer were required for satisfactory gains during the winter and 1.9 acres from March 1 to about June. Livestock gains per acre averaged 190.8 pounds per season, with 96.6 animal grazing days per acre at an average daily gain of about 2 pounds per steer. During a more favorable growing season, such as 1961, the stocking rate was increased to 2 acres per ani- mal during the winter and 1 acre per animal after March 1, with a production of 312 pounds animal gains per acre on 135 animal-grazing days per acre. VARIETIES Small grains are the most important crops grown for late fall, winter and early spring graz- ing in Texas. Many varieties which give satis- factory performance are available. Over much of the State the crop is grown primarily for grain but is grazed during a part of its grow- ing season. Therefore, one of the factors in- fluencing choice of variety is its grain produc- tion. Practically all of the varieties that are grown extensively are commercial grain varie- ties. Experimental lines that show promise for grain production are tested for forage produc- tion. Thus, information on the forage producing ability is available when the variety is released for commercial production. Oats are the predominant cereal crop used for grazing in the central, eastern and southern sections of the State. Other cereal crops are included in tests in these areas, but research work has been concerned primarily with oat varieties. Descriptions of these varieties are available in other publications. Varieties differ in total production and in the distribution of production during the growing season. Oats are classified as spring, winter and intermediate types. The so-called “spring types” are not true spring types, such as are grown in the Corn Belt, but are erect-growing winter oats of low hardi- ness which produce early forage when fall- seeded. Winter-type oats have a prostrate growth habit in the fall and winter and are late in forage production, but are cold-hardy. The intermediate types are intermediate between spring and winter types in these characteristics. Wheat, barley and rye varieties also differ in cold-tolerance and type of early growth. Because of the major disease problems on small grains, varieties change rapidly. Disease is less a problem in forage production than in grain production because disease seldom becomes serious until early spring when the major forage needs have been met. However, disease suscepti- 18 TABLE l8. LIST OF VARIETIES CURRENTLY ADAPTED PRODUCTION Area Oats Wheat Rye North and Ora Knox 62 Bonel Northeast Nora Riley 67 Elbon Texas Norwin Caddo Alamo-X Sturdy Moregrain -_ New Nortex Central and Coronado Caddo Bonel Southeast New Nortex Sturdy Elbon Texas Ora Knox Alamo-X Milam Florida 500 Atlas 66 Suregrain Coast Prairie Coronado Milam Bonel Cortez Atlas 66 Elbon Florida 500 Ora Suregrain Rio Grande Florida 500 Milam Bonel Plains Coronado Atlas 66 Elbon Cortez Ora Suregrain West Texas Cimarron Caddo Bonel Norwin Tascosa Elbon Alamo-X Concho New Nortex Wichita Scout Northwest Cimarron Caddo Bonel Texas Norwin Sturdy Elbon Wintok Concho Arkwin Tascosa Wichita Scout bility would probably reduce forage pr, and certainly influences availability l" Since varieties do change relatively rapi cific variety performance data will not, ported in this publication. Currently, V] which give the most consistent perform various sections of the State are incl’ Table 18. Other varieties not named =’ satisfactory, and new ones are in the pr being developed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Some of the data in this bulletin plied by Lucas Reyes, Texas A&M Un_ Agricultural Research Station at Beeville Cook, Blackland Research Center, Temx J. R. Wood, Texas A&M Agricultural '{ and Extension Center at Beaumont. _Y_ Seed for many of the studies were by I. M. Atkins and associates, Depart Soil and Crop Sciences, College Station, independent small grain breeders. A [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Texas A8cM University College Station, Texas 7784s H. O. Kunkel, Acting Director- Publication ' P05 Unind Sum