‘b 0 t! My: 0 4O 0m A DI Dun mm m no I ‘MIN cum O lroadent o In! Clay m 40o mania/At iunivorsity ~ L2 “ LO ‘O-O o/plont ll ll lays ‘b P In pint ' O-l u ' ttidnlgo act ' 0'3 l-O 2.0 3.0 _ Dlctonu that P nu plead Iron cum at m: (m) B-HOI LIBRAR! DEB "/1970 Iexas A&M University Phosphorus Fertilization 0f Direct Seeded Tomatoes g/plul 0t 49 don q/pmc a a6 4m rol Experiment Station if Acting Director, College Station, Texas July 1910 ggL q,‘ "will: in -0-8 4n- -o.4 i 3D- ‘O-I I ‘l! s 2.0 _-o.: i w’ ohm °J Li} 2:0 1. 0mm: that P um aloud Iron cum 0t n: tho.) L, rump u! I O8 Q-C 9-4 Hartman O I O I l t0 depth of P pleasant (In) Contents Summary ............................... .......................................... ._ 2 Introduction and Review of Literature ............................ .. 3 Materials and Methods .................................................... .. 4 Results and Discussion .................................................... .- 5 Influence of Phosphorus Rate and Placement on Early Growth of Tomatoes ........................ .. 5 Influence of Phosphorus Rate and Placement on Yield of Field Grown Tomatoes .... ....... .. 6 Influence of Phosphorus Rate and Placement on Nutrient Uptake by Tomatoes .................. .. 8 Influence of Temperature on Growth and Phosphorus Response by Tomatoes ................ ..1O Influence of Residual Phosphorus on Growth and Yield of Tomatoes .................... -.11 Phosphorus Placement Requirements for Tomatoes .................................................... ..11 Literature Cited ................................................................ .-14 Summary Phosphorus fertilization of direct seeded tom was studied in field, laboratory and greenhouse ex ments over a 3-year period in the Lower Rio Gr Valley of Texas. Results indicated that tomatoes very sensitive to placement of phosphorus in that r early growth and high yields were obtained with phorus banded below the seed, but little benefit obtained from broadcast phosphorus. Phosphorus u by young plants was higher from banded than broadcast phosphorus. Uptake of certain other nutr was influenced by phosphorus rate and placemen Phosphorus response was increased under cold ditions of January and February, but phosphorus tilization of fall tomatoes also increased yields. benefit was obtained from phosphorus applied previous year. For maximum response to phosp by tomatoes, the phosphorus must be placed 2 inches below the seed. Other fertilizers such as nitr should not be placed with the phosphorus becaus decreased seed germination and damage to seedl us Fertilization ded Tomatoes THE DIVERSITY OF FARMING PRACTICES in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas results in one of the most complex agricultural areas found in the United States. About 4O different kinds of crops on almost as many soil types are grown in the area. The many soil types have a wide range of chemical and physical properties. This soil variation along with erratic rainfall patterns and intensive irrigation gives rise to a variety of plant and soil relation- ships that would be expected to influence the levels of soil nutrients required for adequate nutrient absorption by plants. The soils of the Rio Grande Valley are rela- tively young compared with soils of other areas that have been cropped for many years. Phosphorus (P) fertilizers have been applied to many soils of the valley, but informa- tion is lacking regarding how, when and how much should be applied. Many of the vegetable crops grown in the area are winter crops. There is considerable evidence that temperature influences the uptake of P by plants (14). Mechanization has influenced the need for fertilization in that time and uniformity of rate of maturity are of utmost importance in crops adapted to maximum mech- anization. The increasing need for further knowledge about methods of using P fertilizers and their require- ments by crops is evidenced by the increase in sales of P fertilizer in Texas from 1959-1960 through 1967-1968 (5, 6). Decreased acreage and demands for increased output have created a need for precision in diagnosing fertility needs of crops to be grown on the limited acre- age allocated to each crop. In the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, spring tomatoes are direct seeded during january and February when soil temperatures are still low. Phosphorus fer- tilization is a common practice, butllittle attention is directed to placement. Phosphorus deficient tomato plants are a common sight, even in fields having had applications of high rates of P. Phosphorus deficient tomato-plants in the seedling stage can be recognized easily by their dwarfed growth and purple coloration. The underside of leaves becomes purple before the- re- mainder of the plant, but in severe cases the entire plant, including the stem, will be purple. The leaves are generally small, and the plant does not appear to be growing. As a result of the slow growth, length of time to fruiting and maturity is increased, and yields are decreased. Direct seeded tomatoes for fall production are also susceptible to P deficiency, but the deficiency is not as common as in spring tomatoes because of higher temperatures at seeding. Results from P experiments indicate that the same rate or method of placement is not equally effective *Associate professor, Texas A8zM University Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Weslaco. for all crops and soil types. Numerous P placement and rate experiments have been conducted in greenhouse pots. However, P placement and rate data from green- houses are necessarily limited to short-term early growth experiments. Because most of the P field experiments with tomatoes have been conducted with transplanted tomatoes, very little information is available regarding the P requirements of direct seeded tomatoes. Although research from other areas contributes to the knowledge of P fertilization of tomatoes in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, complete guidelines cannot be established because of differences in soils and environmental factors. Rooting habits and high P requirements of tomato seedlings are primary factors to consider in developing a P fertilizer program for tomatoes. Locascio and Warren (10) found that the growth of tomato plants was related to the time required for their roots to reach applied P and that the initial root growth was of the taproot type. These findings suggest that distance of lateral placement of P fertilizer would be of primary importance in obtaining early growth and yield of tomatoes. In other studies by Locascio, Warren and Wilcox (11), good yields were obtained from low rates of P applied as a seed treatment alone, but placement of P in a band 1 to 1.5 inches below the seed was the best method. For transplanted tomatoes, deep placement of P was found to be more efficient than shallow P placement (9). In shallow rocky Florida soils, Orth (12) indicated that it is difficult to place P in uniform bands, but early P requirements of direct seeded tomatoes can be satisfied by placing P with the seed. Results of studies of the effect of soil temperature on P nutrition, reviewed by Sutton (14), suggest that in certain cases adverse effects of cold soils can be reduced by P fertilizers. The influence of P fertilizers on the uptake of other nutrients has been studied (1, 2). The primary effect seems to be a reduction in zinc and iron uptake with increasing amounts of P added. Recently, a magnesium- phosphorus interaction in tomatoes was reported (8). Occurrences of these interactions have been observed, but their significance has not been fully evaluated. Preliminary experiments with P placement methods on Harlingen clay (c) soil (7) indicated that tomatoes grown under Lower Rio Grande Valley conditions were extremely sensitive to P rate and method of placement. This led to a more complete investigation in which field, greenhouse and laboratory experiments were con- ducted at the Texas A&M University Agricultural Re- search and Extension Center at Weslaco to gain addi- tional information concerning the P requirements of direct seeded tomatoes. 4 MATERIALS AND METHODS Soils used in the study were Harlingen clay, Will fine sandy loam (fsl) and Hidalgo sandy clay w» (scl) all of which are common to the Rio Grande V area of South Texas and Northern Mexico. Harling is uniform in texture to a depth of several feet, due to its fine texture, waterpenetration is very sl. Willacy and Hidalgo soils are medium textured ~ allow rapid water penetration. Harlingen and Hid soils are calcareous throughout the soil profile. Wil: soils are not calcareous in the surface but become p careous below the topsoil. Soil test characteristics of soils are shown in Table 1. Field experiments were conducted on Harling‘ ' and Willacy fsl in spring 1967 to determine the influ of P rate and placement on tomato growth, nutr a uptake, maturity rate and yield. Phosphorus rates of 80, 120 and 200 pounds of P2O5 per acre were ap by two methods (400 pounds of P205 per acre were included on the Harlingen c). One method consi of applying P as a band directly beneath the seed (banded); the other method consisted of broadcas the P over the entire plot area and then mixing it I the surface 3 inches with a rolling cultivator. A r _. without P was also included. The form of P was 0-46-0. ‘Chico’ tomatoes were seeded in 76- rows and immediately watered to obtain a stand. replications were included in the field experim’ Plant samples from all treatments were taken periodi to gain information concerning nutrient uptake growth rate. Normal cultural and irrigation pra for the area were followed throughout the grog season. Similar experiments were conducted on Hi scl in 1969 except that the rates of P205 used 50, 100, 150 and 200 pounds per acre; the row spa were 38 inches; and the variety of tomato grown ‘Chico III’. An experiment to evaluate the influence of P a _ cation on fall-grown Chico tomatoes was conduct Harlingen c in 1967. The rates of P205 were 0 and pounds per acre applied in a band below the seeda . Phosphorus treatments of O, 400, 800 and I pounds of P205 per acre were broadcast on Harlin TABLE ‘l. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOILS USED IN THE S lb no.1 Ib Pzos/GCFGI extracted with extracted‘- sodium ammo bicarbonate acet _ pH at pH 8.5 at pH Harlingen c 8.2 I06 30 ' Willacy fsl 7.8 74 47 Hidalgo scl 8.2 28 ‘Based on 0 to 6-inch depth. fOther treatments included placement of 14 and i of P205 per acre in direct contact with the p i60tand 120 pounds of P205 per acre in a band 1 below the seed. Chico tomatoes were grown. ; tomatoes were grown on the broadcast plots to determine the residual effect of P applied ‘hl- year. Additional treatments were included the yield level with 200 pounds of P205 ‘iapplied 3 inches below the seed and with the placed 3 inches below and 4 inches to the side d. Growth and P uptake were determined A sample analysis. ‘F- experiments were conducted in 1968 and 1969 gen c and Hidalgo scl to evaluate the influence gement on early growth of tomatoes. To evalu- _ of placement on growth, trenches were in the center of the row and sloped from we at one end to a depth of 12 inches at the of a 25-foot row. Phosphorus at the rate of ‘ids of P205 per acre was placed in the bottom ches; then the trenches were covered and the piseeded directly over the trenches. To evaluate i; ce of lateral placement of P, trenches were at a constant depth (2.5 inches) but started of the row at one end and gradually moved =~ the row to a maximum distance of 8 inches row length. Phosphorus at the rate of 120 if P205 per acre was placed in the bottom of es, then covered, and the tomatoes were seeded < the center of the row. This resulted in Ilateral placementof P from O to 8 inches from r line of the seed placement. The area was to ensure germination. Plant samples were growth measurements and P analysis. ‘jT- ouse studies were conducted to determine nce of soil temperature on tomato response il temperatures were thermostatically controlled culating water bath. Soil temperatures used 5y c were 60 i 4, 70 i 3 and 82 i- 4° F. es for Hidalgo scl were 65 i 3 and 84 i Ltemperatures varied from about 74° F at night ‘during the day. Rates of P205 used were 0 and ~ per acre. Placement was in a band 2.5 inches seed. Temperature treatments were initiated 'nation. Plant data were taken to evaluate "cc of P on growth at each soil temperature. turbed cores __(5 inches in diameter by 3 inches h taken fromiiwillacy fsl and Harlingen c and 1 a greenhouse. Tomatoes were seeded in the allowed to grow for 3O days. At the end of w period, the plants were clipped at the soil ried and weighed. The cores were then di- the upper 1.5 inches and lower 1.5 inches. The roots were removed from each half of the cores and oven-dry root weights obtained. Plant samples taken in these studies were dry ashed according to the methods of Chapman and Pratt (3). Phosphorus determinations were made by the molyb- denum-blue method, and cation determinations were made with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Influence of Phosphorus Rate and Placement on Early Growth of Tomatoes Growth of tomato plants at any given stage is a function of several factors such as light, moisture, tem- perature, variety and nutrient availability. Phosphorus significantly influenced early growth of tomatoes on Hidalgo scl (Figure 1). The Hidalgo scl used was very low in P; consequently, there was a sharp increase in plant growth with 5O pounds per acre of P205 placed in a band below the seed. Increases in growth were not obtained with 50 pounds of P205 broadcast. Maximum early growth of tomatoes was obtained from a band application of 100 pounds of P205. Broadcast applica- tion of 200 pounds of P205 appeared to be equivalent to about 30 pounds banded. 3' 0.7- C t" O 3 , 3 0.6- / y m g‘ 0.5‘ o Q o ‘O 3 0.4- /o O ° 0.3 - ' 5 o a O 2- BOhd Q -—/O U Broadcast 0.! - Hidalgo scl 50 I00 I50 200 P2 o5 Appma (lb/Al Figure l. Influence of rate and placement of P on early growth of tomatoes on Hidalgo scl. 5 TABLE 2. INFLUENCE OF P RATE AND PLACEMENT ON EARLY GROWTH OF FIELD GROWN TOMATO PLANTS, SPRING 1967 Harlingen c _ Willacy fsl I P105 applied 25 days 49 clays 25 days 49 clays lb/acre mgm/plant’ g/plant mgm/plant g/plant 0 13.5’ 0.42 29.0 1.24 40 band 16.5 1.94 35.6 1.25 80 band 21.8 2.42 38.6 1.33 120 band 24.1 2.85 36.1 1.25 200 band 23.9 2.90 31.6 1.06 400 band 26.0 2.47 40 broadcast 14.0 0.69 32.7 1.28 8O broadcast 16.5 0.70 37.8 1.32 120 broadcast 17.1 0.63 33.3 1.01 200 broadcast 19.5 0.88 34.4 1.14 400 broadcast 20.0 1.03 LSD ‘(.051 y 5.1 0.41 5.2 N.S. ‘1 gram [g1 = 1,000 milligrams (mgm). ‘Weights are on oven dry basis. Early growth response on Willacy fsl was not as evident as on the Hidalgo scl (Table 2), but 25-day-olcl plants grown on plots receiving 40, 8O and 120 pounds banded and 8O and 200 pounds broadcast were signifi- cantly larger than the control. At 49 days there were no significant differences in size of plants due to rate or placement of P. Results obtained on Harlingen c soil indicated an early growth response, but higher rates were required by seedling tomatoes. Data in Table 2 indicate that at 25 days, rates greater than 80 pounds of P205 per acre applied in a band resulted in significant early growth differences, but the largest plants were grown on plots that had received the 400 pounds of P205 band treat- ment. Broadcast application of 200 pounds of P205 per acre was required to significantly influence early growth of tomatoes on this clay soil. Broadcast P application was not as effective as placed P in promoting growth during the first 25 days. Plant samples taken at 49 days supplied additional evidence that broadcast P was not effective in obtaining rapid early growth of tomatoes TABLE 3. INFLUENCE OF P RATE AND METHOD OF APPLICATION ON EARLY GROWTH OF FIELD GROWN CHICO TOMATOES ON HARLINGEN C, SPRING 1968 Green wt P105 applied 21 days after emergence lb/acre g/plant‘ O 0.15 14 with seed 0.21 36 with seed 0.20 60 3 inches below seed 0.28 I20 3 inches below seed 0.35 400 broadcast 0.23 800 broadcast 0.30 1600 broadcast 0.35 ‘Based on 70°C drying weight. 6 O Bond E O 2 . .0 0 Q 3 g’ . E f: ». a. I. 2 .. (0 ‘OW M i : g ° —-os u . 46' Harlingen Clay I00 20o 30o 4o P205 Applied (lb /Al i‘ Figure 2. Influence of phosphorus rate and placement on » required by tomato plants to reach bloom stage. on Harlingen c soil. Plants receiving 400 pound P205 per acre broadcast were much smaller than pl receiving 4O pounds placed in a band below the I Experiments in 1968 on Harlingen c indicated th broadcast application of 1,600 pounds of P205 per was equivalent to a placed application of 120 p0 = (Table 3). There was a slight increase in plant with each additional 400-pound-per-acre incremen broadcast P205 up to 1,600 pounds per acre. The b i cast rate required for maximum early growth would. be economically feasible. Placement of low rates I with the seed slightly increased early growth, butY rates used (14 and 36 pounds of P205 per acre) did promote early growth as well as treatments ba below the seed. - ‘ Treatments that resulted in rapid early growt tomatoes on Harlingen c also caused plants to bl earlier (Figure 2). Tomato plants grown without plied P bloomed in 63 days, whereas plants grown 40 and 400 pounds of P205 applied in a band b - the seed bloomed in 52 and 49 days, respectively. » broadcast P treatments were much less effective in moting early bloom in that 400 pounds of P205 br cast only reduced the days to bloom to 54. Influence of Phosphorus Rate and Placement on Yield of Field Grown Tomatoes Band application of P caused a large increas yield at first harvest at all rates of P on Hidalgo i Hidalgo scl O » e l'z!, I . 0 Bond O Broadcast so loo 15o. zoo g o5 Applied (lb/A) luence of rote and placement of P on yield of toma-l Hidalgo scl. _2 Highest yield was 11-.5 tons (T) per acre pgapplications of 100 pounds of P205 per acre. Qlmost a fivefold increase over the plots that i ive P. .The greatest increase in yield occurred 'tial 50-pound increment applied in a band. of P205 per acre did not increase yields 'cd as a broadcast treatment, but increased 50 pounds slightly increased yields with each if“ increment. Highest yield from broadcast P i wasonly 4.5 T per acre and was obtained Q-pound-per-acre rate of P205. flgof tomatoes was not influenced by rate or ref P on the Willacy fsl (Table 4). Data the concentration of available soil P in the . was sufficient for the yields obtained. ‘increases due to applied P on Harlingen c similar to those obtained on Hidalgo scl. ‘ds on the Harlingen c (Figure 4) were ' UENCE OF RATE AND PLACEMENT OF PHOSPHORUS _ TOMATOES GROWN ON WlLLACY FSL, SPRlNG 1967 Tomato yield (T/ocre) lewflflwvwflw Pammmoooaw obtained ‘with the 200-pound rate of P205 placed in a band below the seed. Yields from the plots receiving 200 pounds of P205 placed were about two times greater than those without applied .P. As on Hidalgo scl, _the greatest yield increase was with the initial increment of P. These yield increases with low rates of band P indicate that correct placement of P is very important in final yield as well as in early growth response. Very little increase in yield of tomatoes was obtained with broadcast P at any of therates used. Yield data from. the_1968 experiments involving extremely high rates of broadcast P. on Harlingen ‘c were unavailable because of prolonged rain at harvest time. Data from growth measurements in 1968___and yield data from broadcast rates up to 400 pounds of P205 per acre in 1967, however, indicate that broad- casting P for tomatoes is not a feasible practice. A Although most of the tomatoes are grown in the spring in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, considerable‘ acreage is planted in. the fall. Response to applied P would be expected ‘to be less in the fall than’! in the spring because ‘of higher temperatures when tomatoes are planted (July and August) for fall production. Results from application of P to fall-grown tomatoes (Table 5) ‘indicate that a substantial yield increase can be expected. Yields were increased by about 5O ‘percent as a result of band application of 1515 pounds of P205 per acre. 4 > '2 I ‘i 2 O 5 - Horlingen c 25b 9 Band { . I Broadcast I00 200 300 40.0 r505 Applied (lb/Al i Figure 4. Influence of rote and placement of P on yield of tomci- toes on Harlingen c. I - - 7 TABLE 5. INFLUENCE OF APPLIED P ON YIELD OF FALL~GROWN TOMATOES ON HARLINGEN CLAY P205 Oppliéd lb / acre T / acre 0 6.1 I15 9.3 These data indicate that large yield increases can be expected from the proper application of P fertilizer to tomatoes. To obtain maximum results from applied P, it must be placed in a band directly below the seed. Although response to applied P appears to be less in the fall, yield increases can be obtained from P applied to fall tomatoes. Influence of Phosphorus Rate and Placement on Nutrient Uptake by Tomatoes Hidalgo scl: Application of different P rates and place- ment had a marked influence on P uptake by tomatoes. Concentration of P in 36-day-old plants was significantly higher from band treatments than from broadcast treatments at all rates of P. Table 6 shows that P concentrations in the whole plant were increased from 0.13 percent without P applied to 0.58 percent with 50 pounds of P205 applied in a band below the seed. The P content of plants was increased to 0.69 percent with the 100-pound rate of P205. Broadcast P slightly increased P concentrations in the plants, but highest P concentration in the plants was only 0.35 percent with the 150 and 200-pound broadcast rates of P205. For maximum plant size, the level of P needed in whole tomato plants at this stage of growth appeared to be between 0.6 and 0.7 percent. Potassium (K) concen- trations in the plant at 36 days were also influenced by P rate and placement. All treatments except the SO-pound P205 broadcast rate resulted in significantly higher con- centrations of K in the plants than in the check. These data do not indicate whether there was a stimulation effect by P or an accumulation of K due to rapid growth of the plants. Magnesium (Mg) concentrations in the plants were slightly decreased with additions of band P. This rea I was previously reported (8). Even though Mg levels ~ reduced, they remained at a sufficient level for adeq i ' growth. Zinc (Zn) concentrations in the plants gene d decreased with increasing rates of P, but the decr were not consistent. Iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) v centrations in the plants were not significantly influen by P treatment when sampled Qat 36 days. Analyses‘ plants 66 days after planting showed that P concentrati; in plants from all band P treatments were signifi .» higher than the control, but broadcast P did not signifi . y increase the concentration of P in the 66-day-old p I (Table 7). Band P treatments also resulted in décre concentrations of Zn and Mg in the whole plants. Willacy fsl: Phosphorus rate and placement definitely fluenced P concentrations in ZS-day-old tomato p 2 grown on Willacy fsl (Table 8). The 40-pound rate P205 in a band increased the P concentration from 0i to 0.61 percent, but increasing the P205 rates above‘ _ pounds per acre did not result in further increase. 80, 120 and 200-pound-per-acre rates of broadcast P I significantly increased P concentrations in the plants, g P concentrations in plants from band treatments were u b higher than those from broadcast treatments. Man r and Zn concentrations were not influenced by P treating ‘ at the 25-day sampling. Magnesium and Fe concentra in the plants were decreased with high rates of but were not influenced by broadcast P. Potassium con trations in the plants were increased over the check by rates of band P. When sampled at 49 days, plants from all trea .1 with band P contained higher concentrations of P the check (Table 9). Concentrations of P in plants f A broadcast treatments were slightly higher but not siyq cantly higher than the check. Concentrations of Mn, K, Ca and Fe in the plants were not significantly ' fluenced by rate or placement of P. Zinc concentra ' i in the plants were reduced with high rates of P regar of application method. TABLE 6. INFLUENCE OF P RATE AND PLACEMENT ON NUTRIENT UPTAKE BY FIELD GROWN TOMATOES ON HIDALGO SCL SOIL (W PLANT 36 DAYS AFTER PLANTING) P105 applied % % % % PPM PPM Ib / acre P‘ K Ca Mg Fe Mn 0 0.13 1.95 3.33 0.98 583 I35 50 band 0.58 3.13 3.61 0.87 463 I35 I00 band 0.69 3.30 3.85 0.77 563 I37 I50 band 0.68 3.26 4.24 0.82 586 I47 200 band 0.56 3.25 4.00 0.87 473 I10 50 broadcast 0.22 2.15 3.11 0.90 440 126 I00 broadcast 0.29 3.23 4.28 0.93 456 I32 150 broadcast 0.35 2.68 3.95 0.94 656 I34 200 broadcast 0.35 3.00 4.40 1.06 579 110 LSD (.05) 0.18 0.55 0.56 0.18 N.S. N.S. ‘All values based on 70°C drying weight. 8 ,. mrwewce or P 1m: AND PLACEMENT on uurmem ' BY FIELD GROWN TOMATOES ON HIDALGO SCL SOIL I PLANT 66 DAYS AFTER PLANTING) Harlingen c: Application of P in a band below the seed significantly increased the concentrations of P in the plant when sampled 25 days after planting (Table 10). Rates of I 16d ° . PPM PPM PPM - g’. Kg Fe M" Zn 200 and 400 pounds of P205 were required, however, to significantly influence the concentration of P in the plants 0'24 0'96 482 98 52 when a lied as broadcast treatments. Concentrations of 0.33 0.72 426 75 33 PP _ 0.44 0.76 426 98 28 M , Mn Ca and Fe in the lants were enerall decreased 0 41 0 a3 416 10a 29 g ’ P g y 0:37 0'77 44o 95 36 with increasing rates of band applied P. Application of st 0.25 0.85 386 87 37 high rates of broadcast P resulted in reduced Mn and Fe a 81% gig jgg g: concentrations in the whole plants. j -- 6.1 0.30 0.09 393 a6 4a ' 0.07 O. I2 N.S. N.S. I5 I s based on 70°C drying weight. Concentrations of nutrients in tomato plants grown on Harlingen c and sampled at 49 days are shown in INFLUENCE OF P RATE AND PLACEMENT ON NUTRIENT UPTAKE BY FIELD GROWN TOMATOES ON WILLACY FSL SOIL (WHOLE iod ‘A. 7i. ‘l. 7t PPM PPM PPM - P‘ K Cc Mg Fe Mn Zn 0.2a 3.64 3.75 1.00 31a 13a 26 0.61 4.29 3.50 0.91 297 96 25 0.56 4.05 3.49 0.a9 310 122 21 0.60 4.2a 3.34 0.37 25a 114 24 - 0.64 4.09 3.43 0.95 235 115 23 .1 0.30 3.65 3.55 0.95 310 123 24 A; - =1 0.36 4.0a 3.63 0.97 2a2 143 23 f " cost 0.34 3.39 3.65 0.9a 355 129 25 V. -- 6.1 0.35 4.06 3.50 0.94 312 126 22 1 0.06 0.32 0.25 0.1 1 61 us. N.S. s based on 70°C drying weight. INFLUENCE OF P RATE AND PLACEMENT ON NUTRIENT UPTAKE BY FIELD GROWN TOMATOES _ DAYS AFTER PLANTING) ON WILLACY FSL SOIL (WHOLE a Ied °/o ‘l: 7o % PPM PPM PPM P‘ K Ca Mg Fe Mn Zn 0.26 3J8 4.2 0.96 270 I98 28 0.32 3.I6 4.3 0.93 3I0 I85 24 0.36 2.98 4.4 0.99 283 I64 24 0.36 2.96 4.5 0.97 273 I64 20 0.34 3.06 4.5 I.03 305 2I0 23 SI 0.28 3.08 4.4 I.03 280 205 24 II 0.29 3.I0 4.2 0.95 263 I72 23 SI. 0.3I 3.06 4.4 0.99 295 I78 25 MI 0.29 3.35 4.5 0.99 288 I72 2I p 0.06 N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. 5 ’ - based on 70°C drying weight. _ INFLUENCE OF P RATE AND PLACEMENT ON NUTRIENT UPTAKE BY FIELD GROWN TOMATOES ON HARLINGEN C SOIL (WHOLE f- DAYS AFTER PLANTING) 6d % ‘Y. % 7. PPM PPM PPM ;. P‘ K Ca Mg Fe Mn Zn 0.II 2.62 5.0 I.I7 390 I88 I7 0.26 3.0I 4.7 I.08 282 I52 I6 0.30 3.35 4.6 I.I I 292 I45 I6 0.43 3.34 4.2 0.99 300 I I8 I6 0.42 3.20 4.5 I.07 305 I4I I6 ' _ 0.46 3.44 4.4 I.I2 350 I32 I5 _y n ‘0.14 3.09 5.1 1.20 430 175 17 ‘W 0.22 3.I4 4.8 I.I6 295 I54 I6 I OBI 0.I9 3.20 5.0 I.2I 328 I62 I3 I SI 0.26 3J9 4.4 I.I2 314 I4I I4 - SI 0.28 3.20 4.8 I.I3 288 I38 I3 0.I 2 0.23 0.4 0.07 80 36 N.S. based on 70°C drying weight. TABLE 1l. INFLUENCE OF P RATE AND PLACEMENT ON NUTRIENT UPTAKE BY FIELD GROWN TOMATOES ON HARLINGEN C SOlL (WH _ PLANT 49 DAYS AFTER PLANTING) _ » P105 applied ‘Y, 5% % p % PPM PPM _ v " lb/acre P‘ K - Ca i Mg _ Fe Mn '_ a 0 0.26 2.54 V4.39 1.16 343 178 40 band . 0.32 2.92 4.24 0.96 y _ 430 _» 55 80 band 0.36 p 2.83 , .4.52 0.98 525 ._ a 55 120 band 0.33 2.93 4.05 y 0.88 443 ._ 48 200 band . 0.36 3.01 4.20 0.91 460 57 400 band 10.34 2.79 I 4.32 0.94 ,. 510 4 g y 65 40 broadcast 0.28 2.27 4.57 1.02 536. 163 80 broadcast 0.28 - 2.76 4.55 . 1.16 _ 435 166 120 broadcast 0.28 2.39 4.76 __ (1.12 . 465i 165 200 broadcast A 0.25 2.59 4.69 1.12 _ 522 ~ 175 400 broadcast i 0.28 2.64 5.02 1.17 . 565 .. .168 _ LSD (.05) . i 0.03 N.S. 0.41 0.09 99 ‘22 , »‘- ‘All values based on 70°C drying weight. f Table 11. Band application of P resulted in higher concen- trations of P in the plants; broadcast P did not significantly increase the P concentrations. Manganese, Zn, Mg and Ca concentrations were decreased in plants receiving band P, but concentrations of these elements were not affected by broadcast P. This would indicate either a dilution effect due to increased growth associated with high plant con- centrations of P or an interaction between P and the uptake of these nutrients. Plants were also sampled for leaf analysis’ at 98 days, The importance of ~ abundant ‘P in the early gr ‘z _ stages of tomato plants grown on Harlingen c is "sh" in Figure 5. A linear relationship with an r value ‘n 0.842 was obtained between percent P in the whole p ’ and green weight of ZS-day-old plants. This indicates q high concentrations of plant P are required for rapid ~- growth. Figure 6 shows that P concentration in plants- i a function of rate of P application and age of plant i that to obtain the levels of plant P needed for early gro l * the P must be" available at growth‘ initiation. At 25 --* there were increases in P concentration up to 120 po i ' ‘ but, of the elements determined, only P concentration was influenced by P rate or Placement of P205, but by 49 days the influence of P application - P concentration was much less. By 98 days plants gr on the check plots contained a slightly higher concentr p of P in the leaves than those with P applied. These J 10,40. suggest that sidedress P would not be effective in st' lating rapid early growth. ‘ 0.35’ ,_ . 4 Influence of Temperature on Growth and Phosphorus Response by Tomatoes 0'30’ Results of experiments with controlled soil tern‘ a, tures indicated that plant growth was a function of i Q25. temperature and P application (Table 12). A defi 3 P-temperature interaction was evident on Harlingen c l S’. Hidalgo scl. Plant growth increased with increasing M E 020- perature from 60 to 82° F when no P was applied U . E _ . _ . . \ 5,, 015* a a ' _ TABLE 12. INFLUENCE OF SOIL TEMPERATURE AND P APPLICA ON EARLY GROWTH OF TOMATOES O 0'10 . "0842 Green wt Green A ' ’ g/plant with g/plant ygosnxlruoacm is Soil temperature °F 120 lb Pzos/GCTQ O 1 oas- ~ ' i "mung." Clay Harlingen clay soil / 25 9°" G'°""' . e2 i 4 1.95 20.51 ' ' ‘ ' ' " I 7O i 3 2.40 0.2 0| 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 60 i 4 0.62 0.1 of p I wh P Hidalgo sandy clay loam .' ° “ °" '°“' a4 i s - y 2.21 o.6~ Figure 5. Relationship between P concentration in tomato plants 65 i 3 2.32 Q_3 ' and plant weight. 10 o‘ Harlingen clay o. ; 0 o 0' 4 A . 4A g- ° OM25 Doys o. I 49 Days A 98 Days so 12o. ieo 24o aoo sso 42o P205 Applied (lb/A) Relationship between rate of P¢O5 applied in a band t P in plants grown on Harlingen c. i _,_ c soil. However, when 120 pounds of P205 ‘were applied, plants grown at 70° were about larger than those grown at 60°. Similarly, as slightly increased on Hidalgo scl by increasing iratures from 65 to 84° F without applied P. maximum growth response with? .~P applied the 65° F temperature. p, of Residual Phosphorus on ‘(and Yield of Tomatoes indicate that tomatoes benefit very little from to Harlingen c the previous year (Table 1'3). l“ in 33-day-old plants was not influenced by. P of 1,600 pounds P205 per acre the (previous fsize 6O days after emergence was slightly in- -~ the residual effect of the previously applied it However, the residual effect from 1,600 pounds l- was not enough to stimulate maximum early fable 13). Plants grown in plots receiving 200 P205 3 inches directly below the seed in 1969 i; times larger than, those fromthe residual 1,600- ent and over-I three times larger than those i- plots. Placement of 200 pounds of P205 in _'ches._below and 4 inches to the side of the seed resulted in much smaller plants at 60 days than i rate placed directly below the seed. Phosphorus .4 (‘on in 33-day-old plants was much higher‘ from TABLE 13. INFLUENCE OF RESIDUAL SOIL P ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF TOMATOES ON HARLlNGEN C SOIL % P in g/plant whole plant oven dry wt Yield of 33 days 60 days fruit, P205 applied I after after T/acre, lb/acre i‘ emergence emergence 1 969 0 0.15 0.27 3.9 400 broadcast, 1968 0.15 0.38 3.8 800 broadcast, 1968 0.15 0.33 4.5 1,600 broadcast, 1968 0.16 0.42 5.3 200 3 inches below seed, 1969 0.55 0.86 8.2 200 3 inches below seed and 4 inches to , a side, 1969 0.22 0.50 5.9 P placed directly below. the seed in 1969 than from the residual P treatments and» the 1969 treatment placed 3 inches below and 4 inches to the side of the seed. Yield response in 1969 was very similar in pattern to early growth characteristics and P uptake by the plants. Yields were increased only from 3.9 to 5.3 tons per acre with the highest residual treatment, but the 200-pound P205 rate placed below the seed in 1969 increased yields to 8.2 tons ‘ per acre. Yields from the plots receiving P 3 inches below and 4 inches to the side of the seed were considerably lower than from the same rate placed directly below the seed. These data indicate further evidence of the critical placement requirements of P for maximum yields of tomatoes. Phosphorus Placement Requirements for Tomatoes Results of experiments with variable depth trenches indicate depth-of-placement requirements on medium and fine-textured soils (Figure 7). Depth of P placement is extremely critical on the fine-textured soil but less so on the medium-textured soil. Maximum early "growth of tomatoes on the fine-textured soil was obtained when P was placed at a depth of 2 inches. When placed closer to the surface than 2 inches, drying and cracking of the clay soil left the P in a dry zone near the surface. Because root growth was below the dry zone containing the P, little response to P was obtained. When P was placed below a depth of 2 inches, there was less early growth of the tomatoes possibly because of slow root growth in the clay soil. - A comparative study of root growth demonstrates the slow root growth of tomatoes on Harlingen c soil (Table 14). In undisturbed cores from greenhouse studies, 88 TABLE 14. DISTRIBUTION OF TOMATO ROOTS lN UNDISTURBED CORES OF WILLACY FSL AND HARLlNGEN C SOIL ‘Z. of roots Soil in top 1.5 inches Top/root ratio Harlingen c 88 6.5 Willacy fsl - ' 56 - 2.2 11 Hidalgo scl q/plant at 36 days depth at P placement line.) Figure 7. Influence of depth of phosphorus placement on early growth of tomatoes. and 56 percent of the tomato roots were contained in the surface 1.5 inches when grown on Harlingen c and Willacy fsl, respectively. These data indicate that roots grow down- ward at a more rapid rate in the sandy loam soil than 6.0L -o.s Harlingen c i; -O.5 o -u q; ‘Q4 E Q’ .2 o. u "03 5 § a. Q 10.2 ‘Q O '0.l l.O 2.0 3.0 l Distance that P was placed from center of row line.) Figure 8. Influence of lateral distance of placement on early growth and P uptake by tomatoes grown on Harlingen c soil. l2 in the clay soil. Furthermore, the larger top / root rati obtained on the Harlingen c indicate that smaller amount of roots must support the top growth on Harlingen c on Willacy fsl. Robertson et al. (13) indicated simi results for root growth and P uptake by corn. Duncan M Ohlrogge (4) obtained a close relationship between y development and volume of fertilized soil. Similarly, r P uptake by tomatoes on these sails appears to be clo l related to volume of soil explored by tomato roots unl P is placed in a concentrated band below the seed. I mum depth of P placement on the clay soil would probabg be influenced to a large extent by moisture conditi prevailing during the early growth stages. As would i expected from observations of the rooting habits, maxim P response on Hidalgo scl was obtained when P was pl --, at a depth of 2 to 6 inches. Depth of placement was w nearly so critical, however, on the medium-textured soil. l The necessity for precise horizontal placement y‘ Harlingen c is shown in Figure 8. Plant size decre slightly with increase in lateral distance of placement f to 1 inch but decreased sharply when P was placed than 1 inch away from the seed row. Phosphorus concen » a tion in the plants followed essentially the same patt as growth in that P concentration was seriously redu when lateral placement was more than 1 inch. Late r . placement on the Hidalgo soil was also critical in obtain —_ maximum early growth (Figure 9). The plant reaction’ p P placement on Hidalgo scl was similar to that Harlingen c except that the critical lateral distance of pl i, ment was 1.5 inches. ‘ l.2 "L2 q/plant . ;_ 1.0 11.0 U - ‘U w 0.8 “(l8 N d a 0.6 "05 ‘E . 2 . 9- 0.4 '0.4 } . . 02' Hidalgo sci '0'?- l.0 2.0 3.0 Distance that P was placed tram center of row line.) P Figure 9. Influence of lateral distance of placement on growth and P uptake by tomatoes grown on Hidalgo scl soif _ g data indicate that tomatoes are very finutdtion and that large yield increases can soils of the Lower Rio Grande Valley “ifie- 'cate requirements of placement are met. _‘ requirements, P must be banded directly if at planting time at a depth of 2 to 3 best be accomplished with a combination pit-planter that will band the P and plant I operation. possible damage to seed or seedlings, p ’ types of. fertilizer should not be placed LITERATURE cman Boawn, L. C., F. G. Viets, jr. and C. L. Crawford. 1954. 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Agric. 20, [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] exas Agricultural Experiment Station Texas AScM University College Station, Texas 77848 I. Kunkel, Acting Director-Publication PGTAGE In F [ Unit“ $1000: Dopu