B-‘l 106 April 197i rs Affecting Price to Qnces of Cattle Southwest IVERSITY ICULTURAI. EXPERIMENT STATION iglActing Director, College Station, Texas Summmy and Conclusions Estimates of the values placed on various istics of cattle by markets in the Southwest are to assist. in determining the most profitable produce and the most profitable time and a market the animals. The changes in price m“ associated with certain animal characteristics l» past two decades were determined. The estim --. be useful as basic information for other --' extension projects. i‘ Regression equations were utilized to esti extent to which selected factors contribute to i variation of feeder and slaughter cattle in -__ west. Under a given level of prices, variations prices would be expected to result from two f sources: i 4 (1) Variations in animalcharacteristics grade, market class and breed type; (2) Variations in non-animal characte market location, lot size and season of the w a» Estimates of price differences for these f - developed from two data sources: (a) the 19687 from purchases at auctions of a large order b '_ and 1966-68 quotations from the firm and (b) A average prices compiled by Market News 7 USDA, for the regional markets in the Sou L: 1964-68. 5 Feeder Cattle Order buyer grades of Okie #1, Okie #2 o #3 were used with the order buyer data. Thy correspond to USDA grades of Choice, Good . ' ard for feeder calves and should not affect a mates of price difference associated with the A characteristics} ' Prices differed by about 5 percent betw #1 and #2 and between Okie #2 and #34 Prices differed about 12 percent between OK and heifers of the same weight and grade. Oki ‘For this study, an Okie is defined as an animal of ing with some evidence of dairy or Brahman breeding. y the proportion of English beef breeding the higher y and the lower the Okie grade. ' j in the fourth quarter brought about 3 per- ; an those sold in the second and third quar- year during 1966-68. Between the weights of pounds, price declined at a constant rate. ound by 3 percent. _ News Service data included all types of _’ e marketed at regional markets in the South- nglish beef breeds were predominant. There ‘a 10-percent price difference between Choice i and between Good and Standard. Weight i were about the same as for the Okie data. if price differences between steers and heifers t) and between the third and fourth quarter I (2 percent) were slightly less for Market ifferences due to market location were small ly less than the transfer cost between the , is satisfies one of the necessary conditions Ly competitive market. Generally, the cow- w, the lowest prices and feeding areas the 'nor exceptions may be due to errors in v-t. 8 1964-68, price difference due to grades ier cattle was about $1.50 per 100 pounds er Good steers and about $1.30 for Choice ‘l heifers. Price difference due to vary- i for the same grade was small; for example, {about the same for slaughter steers with }ing from 850 to 1,150 pounds. ference due to location was small and gen- pan the transfer cost between the markets. i" of average prices at different markets from did not reflect expectations concerning deficit areas for slaughter cattle in all cases; , the results must be considered as tentative. Qf steers averaged 62 cents per 100 pounds eifers of the same grade; prices the first pd increase in weight of a feeder reduced the ' quarter of the year were lowest, those the third quarter highest. Trends Prices between slaughter cattle grades narrowed over the period 1955-68. If the trend line is projected to 1972, the price difference between Prime and Choice is essentially eliminated. On the other hand, price differences between feeder grades increased slightly during the same period. Some of the trend may be due to redefinition of grades, but most appears to be due to greater efficiency in cattle feeding and to more accurate reflection by the market of the relative value of specific animal quality. - Implications For feeder cattle production, these findings pro- vide useful guides on returns in the breeding program; for example, an index of total value per head suggests the amount of grade a producer can sacrifice to obtain more rapid gain. In a cross breeding program, a pro- ducer apparently can introduce some dairy, Brahman or other cattle breeds into his herd to produce higher wean- ing weights. If this cross breeding results in a reduc- tion from Choice to Good grade feeders or from Good to Standard, animals must gain at least 50 pounds in weaning weight with no additional feed cost to make the practice pay. If the grade drops from Choice to Standard, then animals must increase weaning weights to about 100 pounds before the change in the breeding program is profitable. If the higher weaning weights have extra costs associated with cow maintenance or creep feeding, it becomes more difficult to overcome the discount due to loss in grade or the discount due to heavier weights. In other words, if a cross breeding program does not maintain the same grade level, serious questions may be raised as to its profit potential. For feedlot operators, these findings imply that they can afford to pay $12 to $18 per head more for a feeder one grade higher assuming the same weight and feeding efficiency potential. Contents SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .......................................... -. ............ -- 2 Feeder Cattle ............................................ -. 2 Slaughter Cattle .... -. .......................... .- 3 Trends-_ .. . 3 Implications ................ .- -. 3 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... -. 5 Purpose of Study ....................................... .. . . -- 5 A Method of Analysis .... .. S PRICE DIFFERENCES OF FEEDER CATTLE .................................... .- 6 Analyses of Order Buyer Auction Data .......................................... -- 6 Analyses of Market News Data .... -- . ..... .. 7 Percentage Differences in Feeder Cattle Prices .............................. .. 8 PRICE DIFFERENCES OF SLAUGHTER CATTLE .......................... .. 9 TRENDS IN PRICE DIFFERENCES OF FEEDER AND SLAUGHTER CATTLE ................................................ .-10 Trends in Price Differences of Slaughter Cattle .............................. ..11 Price Trends Associated with Grade Differences .................. .-11 Price Trends Associated with Weight Differences ................ -.13 Trends in Price Differences Between Steers and Heifers ........ .-14 Trends in Price Differences of Feeder Cattle .................................... --14 Price Trends Associated with Grade Differences .................. __15 Price Trends Associated with Weight Differences ................ __16 Trends in Price Differences Between Steers and Heifers ........ -_16 Summary of Trends in Price Differences of Feeder and Slaughter Cattle .............................................................. __17 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.-- . .17 REFERENCES _ 18 APPENDIX ....... Q . . . . . . _ _ , _ _ , , _ "18 4 1;» CHANGING AS TO the kinds of beef ed for feedlot operations and the kinds iired by packers and retailers. Ranchers, operators, wholesalers, packers and oming more aware of the importance 'ghts, daily weight gains, breed character- liiciency, grades, carcass yields and yields j Therefore, the industry and researchers it more information concerning the value ,1 es on various animal characteristics, the tion of markets and the seasonal avail- , . It is inefficient for each operator or v industry to make his own price analysis “(decisions involving many other relation- 'ore, there are gaps in most data series. to provide more extensive, com- ully, better estimates of price differ- rtain factors than are now available. jShOHld assist the industry in determining is ble animals to produce and the most place to market the animals. Analy- if dertaken to determine whether price fated with certain animal characteristics uring the past two decades. f? objectives of this study were ibe the relationship between the prices Esold at auction markets in the South- gcattle characteristics. The feeder cattle lnsidered were the grade, weight, type ‘llanimal. The influences of other factors, e of the sale, location of markets and year on feeder cattle prices, were also fyze the price differences among feeder Si» cattle sold at regional markets in research assistant and associate professor, y cultural Economics and Rural Sociology. J I A fleetin g Price Dflfereneer of Cattle l; in the Southwest J. B. Janus AND D. E. FARRI$* the Southwest. The influences of grade, weight, class, season and market location on market price were exam- ined; and 3) To determine whether the price differences associated with the market class, weight and grade of feeder cattle and of slaughter cattle have changed dur- ing the last two decades. Method of Analysis For Objectives 1 and 2, linear regression equations were utilized to estimate the extent to which selected factors contribute to the price variation of feeder and slaughter cattle in the Southwest. Under a given level of cattle prices, variations in cattle prices would be expected to result from two principal sources: (1) Variations in animal characteristics——weight, grade, market class and breed type; (2) Variations in non-animal characteristics-— market location, lot size and the year and the season of the year in which the transaction occurs. The effects of these factors on the price of feeder and slaughter cattle are illustrated by the following general statistical model: P = B0 + G1 + BIXI + B2X2 + B3X3 + + B4X4 + Qk + YrL + E Where P = the price in dollars per hundredweight, B, — constants, G, = grade, X1 = weight, X2 = market class (sex), X3 = breed, ML, = market location, X4 = lot size, Qk season, YrL = year, E = error terrn. Certain of the independent variables in this model, such as weight and the lot size, can take values over some continuous range. Other independent variables, such as grade or market location, are not easily meas- ured on a continuous scale. Therefore, it was necessary to assign these variables numerical values to introduce them into the model. Such variables are commonly called dummy variables. Suits describes the procedure for the use of dummy variables in regression equations (8). James gives more detail on the statistical analysis (5). For Objective 3, linear regression techniques were used to estimate the time trend in price differences associated with the animal characteristics of weight, grade and market class in both feeder and slaughter cattle. Price Differences of Feeder Cattle In any price analysis, the usefulness and limitations of the estimates are dependent on the source and form of data. Prices of feeder cattle were developed from several sources and time periods, and each set of data yields slightly different estimates. Feeder cattle prices and related information were obtained from the follow- ing sources: (1) Auction market invoices of Okie feeder cattle purchased by a large order buying firm in 1968 were expected to provide the most precise measure of price ‘ differences because a specific description of each lot and the exact price paid for each lot were available. Further- more, 1968 was a year of relatively stable cattle prices when the market would be expected to transmit accu- rate measures of the value of different characteristics; (2) Order buyer price quotations for the 1966-68 period were used for estimates of additional variables not included in the data from invoices. The longer period was one of relatively stable, but slightly rising prices; (3) Prices compiled by the Market News Service provided more extensive coverage, but the estimates of price differences due to different characteristics were probably less precise than those of the other two sources. These data were compiled by, averaging price ranges quoted daily by grades and weight groupings and, con- sequently, had less precision than more narrowly defined quotations or specific sales records. Monthly averages of daily prices for the period 1964-68 were used. Analyses of Order Buyer Auction Data Data for the livestock auction price difference analyses were obtained from the records of an order buying firm located in Fort Worth. The firm’s staff of buyers purchase feeder cattle from many country live- stock auctions, primarily from those located within a 6. 250-mile radius of Fort Worth. However, also purchases cattle from more distant auctions the Fort Worth market. It is assumed that u, is a competitive buyer on each market from buys feeder calves; consequently, the prices it -“ expected to reflect the market for the specific. cattle under consideration. ‘Although the fir primarily in Okie type calveslit purchased Englis cattle for its customers. The firm differentiati quality with its own numerical grading system. 1 ingly, Okie #1, Okie #2 and Okie #3 grades‘ pond to the USDA grades of Choice, Good an, ard, respectively. i Data for certain of the analyses were i directly from the firm’s livestock auction pur 1' voices. The invoices covered selected months year period, 1968, and represented a sample of in each cardinal point of the compass from Fort, Other data originating from auctions were t from feeder cattle price quotations issued by i" These prices are the approximate prices (f Worth) charged feedlot customers for givenf weight categories of feeder cattle. The price q also differentiate between the breed and the sex i within a particular grade-weight category. i‘ The price quotations are approximate in g are the firm’s best estimates of current pri firm’s normal procedure is to purchase cattle lot operators at cost plus a charge for the perf of the buying and assembly function. Revi j quotation sheets are mailed to potential pur 0v feeder calves when significant changes occur prices the firm pays for cattle on the market fr =5 it purchases. Quotation sheets covering a 3-ye i 1966-68, were obtained for analysis. ‘i Four different analyses were conducted usi =1 buyer data, each designed to develop estimates, ferent factors (Table 1). The 1968 data on and Okie #2 steers provide reliable estimates, effect of area and weight on prices and proba, the best estimates on the difference between Q and Okie #2 steers because it covers a period tively stable prices and a rather uniform group f The data from order buyer quotations i were used to develop estimates of price differ tween seasons or quarters of the year, three Oki Choice steers and Choice heifers and English b A and Okies. 4’ The average difference between an Okie Okie #2 steer was $1.35 per hundredweight; increase in weight of 50 pounds decreased the price paid by $0.79. The weight effect appear linear over the range of 300- to SOO-pound i l-68 period when average prices were than in 1968, the effects of grade and » so lower. Number 5 Okies were priced fredweight below #2 (Table 1). es averaged $3.66 per 100 pounds above ‘f ity of heifers (Table 1), and Good and ‘h beef breed steers averaged $2.43 above “same grades and weights (Table 1). IMATED DEVIATIONS FROM SPECIFIED ; PRICES PAID FOR FEEDER CATTLE AT TEXAS‘ Okie #1 Good 8c “Okie" “Okie" Steers 8: Choice steers’ steers’ heifers’ steers 1968 1966-68 1966-68 1966-68 ——--——Do1larspercwt————-— 1.35 1.17 0.00 0.00 —1.§0 ‘breeds 2.43 ~ 0.00 3.66 0.00 2.57 1.85 1.94 2.79 1.58 1.23 1.29 1.67 0.79 0.61 0.64 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 —-0.79 -—O.62 —O.65 0.80 0.75 0.60 1.08 1.31 1.54 1.09 1.36 1.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 -—0.20 0.00 0.25 —0.18 I auctions in western Arkansas, western Louisiana klahoma. information obtained from order buyer invoices. A information obtained from order buyer price order buyer were #1, #2, and #3 Okie, ' correspond to USDA grade of Choice, Good and ‘ usually having, some dairy or Brahman breeding. » adjusted by inean distance from Fort Worth. A Louisiana. ' - Oklahoma. extreme South Texas. ‘- far west or Plains areas. A1 - from Order Buyer Price Information, This a compiled from Appendix Tables 1-4. Considering the discount for extra weight and the discount for marketing in the fourth quarter, the esti- mates suggest that a 400-pound Okie feeder calf in the third quarter, held until the next quarter and weighing 100 pounds more, would have increased in value only about $19 during 1966-68 (Table 1): 500# >< (.2705 -— .0158) = 500 >< .2545 $127.25 400 >< .2703 = $108.12 Difference = .15 19.13 Analysis of prices by areas of Texas resulted in esti- mates with a range of 45 cents per 100 pounds. The southern area had the highest price and the western and eastern the lowest (Table 1). These differences are small and generally less than transfer cost between mar- kets. It was hypothesized, based on knowledge of move- ment of feeders, that prices in the northern area would be higher than in the southern area. It is not clear why the southern average price exceeded the northern by 25 cents per 100 pounds. This was not supported by the analysis of feeder steers based on market news data covering a longer time period. However, for the same data source, the average price for feeder heifers at Hous- ton exceeded the Fort Worth price. This finding of con- flicting evidence is significant because of the location relative to feeding areas. The Fort Worth and northern Texas markets would normally be expected to be higher than the Houston and southern Texas markets. Errors in classification and measurement could be responsible ' for this result just as could errors of the marketing system. Analyses of Market News Data Recent price differences of feeder cattle sold through major Southwestern markets were estimated. Data were obtained from market locations of Amarillo, Clovis, Fort Worth, Oklahoma City, Phoenix, San Angelo, San Antonio and Houston. The data were monthly averages from market quotations for the 5-year period, 1964-68, issued by the Livestock Division, Agri- cultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture. It was assumed that the grades of cattle are reported uniformly and comparably for all the markets. An important limitation is the possibility of different dis- tributions of cattle for each grade and weight category. This is an unknown in the data that cannot be specified. Separate analyses were made for steers, for heifers and for all data combined because the price response associated with several characteristics may be different between steers and heifers; however, by combining the data the price difference between steers and heifers could be estimated. Most of the variability in prices of feeder cattle during the 5-year period 1964-68 was accounted for by 7 grade, time and sex differences. The time variable accounted for changes in the overall price level due to changes in demand and supply. Prices of feeder cattle were generally increasing from 1964 through 1968 with variability in steer prices being greater than in heifer prices. Variation in price per pound due to weight, market location and season of the year was lower than for the other factors measured (Table 2). The weight effect for heifers, although statistically significant, is not confirmed by other analyses and should be regarded as atypical. TABLE 2. ESTIMATED DEVIATIONS FROM SPECIFIED FACTORS IN MARKET NEWS PRICES OF FEEDER CATTLE ON MARKETS IN THE SOUTHWEST Feeder Feeder All Factor steers heifers feeders - -- — Dollars per cwt. —- —— —- Grade Prime 5.55 2.90 5.21 Choice 2.15 1.59 1.89 GOOd 0.00 0.00 0.00 Standard —-2.48 -—1.88 -2.20 Utility -—5.57 —4.20 -4.85 Weight‘ 350 pounds 0.75 —0.661 0.68 40o pounds 0.57 -0.17‘ 0.34 450 pounds 0.00 0.00 0.00 500 pounds ——0.57 —0.15 —-O.54 550 pounds —0.74 —0.61 —0.68 Market location Amarillo 0.49 0-06 0-27 Clovis 0.26 0.57 0.50 Fort Worth 0.00 0.00 0.00 Oklahoma City 0.11 -0.40 --0.14 Phoenix —0.69 —1.18 —0.95 San Angelo 0.50 —0.18 0.04 San Antonio -0.05 0.28 0.11 Houston -0.55 0.22 —0.08 Season First quarter 0.15 0.29 0.22 Second quarter 0.60 0.72 0.67 Third quarter 0.67 0.85 0.76 Fourth quarter 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sex Steers 2.48 Heifers I 0.00 Year 1964 0.00 0.00 0.00 1965 1.71 1.51 1.53 1966 5.58 4.69 5.26 1967 5.60 4.70 5.28 1968 6.59 5.56 6.09 ‘Data on weights were midpoints of quoted weight ranges; as a result the effect of weight on price is less sensitive than other analyses where actual weights of each lot were specified. Source: Calculated from data obtained from Market News Serv- ice, U.S. Department of Agriculture. This table was compiled from Appendix Table 5. Differences between the grades of Choi and Standard were larger for steers than heif difference of Choice over Good steers was $f Good over Standard $2.48 per hundredweigh ’ averaged $2.48 above heifers for the same g p weight (Table 2). i‘ When comparing these estimates with -l Table 1, it should be noted "that the estimates 1 areonly for Okie cattle not graded by USDA ‘ In the previous analysis (Table 1), grades of buying firm were used, and the time period - Estimates on the effect of weight on price - cattle developed from the market news data ( would not be expected to be as sensitive as ~f Table 1 because the market news quotations r6 weight ranges rather than to average weights if Consequently, estimates of the effect of w price are lower than in the previous analysis (i and are believed to underestimate this factor. The effect of market location on price but statistically significant. Estimates were _;_' consistent with expectations of higher prices in feeding areas and lower prices in the surplus g areas. An exception was the Phoenix market ~~ the lowest prices for both steers and heifers o regional markets considered. Other deviations 1 expected occurred in the heifer analysis. The San and Houston markets were above the Fort Worth, opposite was expected. “ Despite some unexplained variations, these" suggest that the market paid a premium for t; grades of feeder calves —— the improvement of u on a 400-pound steer was worth from $6 to _ head from 1964 to 1968. * Percentage Differences in Feeder Cattle Prices i With a substantial change in price level, price differences between different factors ~ expected to change. To provide a guide that ml more general applications than the absolute d' percentage price differences associated with g: weight of feeder cattle were calculated from _ These estimates were expressed in terms of , based on value per head of a 400-pound Cho using data from the order buyer price quot Okie steers (Table 5) and data from Mark‘ Service which covered all types of steers genery keted in the Southwest (Table 4). at The weight indexes were about the same sets of data, with value increasing about 1O pe head for each increase of 50 pounds. The in, grade differences were about twice as large Market News Service data as for the order * . DALUE INDEX OF “OKIE” FEEDER STEERS j CHOICE 400-POUND STEER‘ i“ 55o 1b 40o lb 45o 1b 50o lb — -- Percent of total value per head — — -- 89.4 100.0‘ 110.0 119.5 85.8 95.8 105.5 114.5 81.7 91.2 100.1 108.5 012% for Okie heifers of the same weight and - ct about 3% for animals marketed in the » es are not official USDA grades. Q ;- price of Okie #1 feeder steer weighing 400 "a .96/cwt during 1966-68. --- from Order Buyer Quotations. dex based on Market News Service data de difference of almost 10 percent be- (it grades of steers (Table 4), whereas, that ffsteer was almost 5 percent. This suggests i4 buyer grades are more narrowly defined 3 grades. 1price that can be used as a base, these used to estimate the value of a different “jight category by multiplying the price of igory by the ratio of the indexes of the father category. For example, if the value ‘d USDA Good steer was $135, the value USDA Choice steer would be estimated 2.o/1o2.2 = $161. in Table 3 would be more appropriate jers and in Table 4 for English beef flDifferences of Slaughter Cattle ence of selected factors on the price per of slaughter cattle sold through major s in the Southwest was examined. Mar- fUEVINDEX OF FEEDER STEERS RELATIVE 11C]! 400-POUND sTEER= 400 lb 450 lb 500 lb i‘ — — Percent of total value per head -- -— 10o.0’ 111.3 122.0 91.9 102.2 111.8 82.5 91.6 100.1 i; steers reported by Market News Service, i about 10% for heifers of the same weight and L -= about 2% for calves marketed in the fourth price of 400-pound USDA Choice feeder steer ' during 1964-68. from Market News Quotations. ket price quotations issued by the Livestock Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture furnished data for the analyses. Usable data were obtained from the regional market locations of Clovis, Fort Worth, Oklahoma City, San Antonio and Houston. The performance of the assembly function for slaughter cattle has undergone rapid change. To a large degree, the processor is bypassing established marketing facilities and assembling slaughter cattle by purchasing directly from feedlot operators. By 1967, almost all of the fed cattle produced in Texas and Oklahoma were sold ona direct-to-packer basis. Feed- lot operators reported practically no shipments to public markets in a study made by Dietrich (2). However, 82 percent of the feedlots in Texas and 67 percent of the feedlots in Oklahoma used federal-state live cattle quota- tions as their primary sources of price information. San Angelo, Phoenix and Amarillo reported no, or very few, quotations for slaughter steers and heifers for 1964 through 1968. Consequently, these markets were not included in the analyses. Oklahoma City re- ported quotations only for the years 1964, 1965 and part of one quarter for 1966. No price quotations for 1967 and only two quarters in each of the years 1966 and 1968 were reported at Houston. Other regional markets reported data for only one or a few grade- weight classifications over the 1964-68 period. Conse- quently, only data for the period 1964-66 were sub- jected to analysis. Further, only price quotations for the grades of Good and Choice were used. Because of these limitations the results must be interpreted with caution. Although data were less complete than for feeder cattle, estimates were generally in line with expectations. Choice over Good grade was $1.49 per hundredweight for steers and $1.30 for heifers. The price of steers averaged $0.62 above that of heifers for the same grade and weight range (Table 5 and Appendix Table 6). For steers, weights of 950 to 1,050 were estimated to bring the highest prices; however, there was little difference paid per pound for steers weighing between 850 and 1,150 of the same grade. The difference in prices of different weights of heifers of the same grade was not statistically significant (Table 5). Estimates of influence of market location are sub- ject to question. Those for slaughter steers were not statistically significant and those for heifers difficult to explain because prices at Clovis, a surplus feeding area, averaged higher than at other markets except Houston. The analyses of both steers and heifers were expected to yield a lower price at Clovis than at the other markets. Since they did not, this should be considered a tentative finding. TABLE 5. ESTIMATED DEVIATIONS FROM SPECIFIED FACTORS IN MARKET NEWS PRICES OF SLAUGHTER CATTLE ON MARKETS IN THE SOUTHWEST (1964-1966) Slaughter Slaughter Variable steers heifers Combined —-——-—Dollarspercwt-————-- Grade Choice 1.49 1.30 1.43 Good 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weight 650 pounds —-0.59 NS NS 750 pounds —0.27 850 pounds —0.06 950 pounds —0.03 1,050 pounds 0.0 1,150 pounds —0.14 1,250 pounds —0.41 1,350 pounds —0.78 Market location Clovis 0.32 N.S. 0.54 0.41 Fort Worth 0.00 N.S. 0.00 0.00 Oklahoma City 0.11 N.S. 0.45 0.24 San Antonio 0.19 N.S. 0.34 0.29 Houston 0.41 N.S. 0.83 0.45 Season First quarter —-1.04 —-O.67 -0.87 Second quarter —0.30 -0.01 —0.16 Third quarter 0.59 0-53 0-59 Fourth quarter 0.00 0.00 0-00 Sex Steers 0-52 Heifers 0-00 Year 1964 0.00 0.00 0.00 1965 2.44 1.86 2.18 1966 3.83 3.60 3.72 NS indicates the estimates were not significantly different from the group mean at a probability level of at least 90%. Source: Calculated from data obtained from Market News Service U.S. Department of Agriculture. More detail in Appendix Table 6. The estimates from these analyses suggest that the value of a 1,000-pound Choice steer over a Good steer of the same weight was about $15 per head. The mar- ket transferred about two-thirds of this premium back to the feeder calf (comparisonof estimates from Tables 4 and 5). The difference per head for steers and heifers appeared to be higher for the feeder ($10) than for the 1,000-pound slaughter animal ($6). That seasonal price differences were lowest in the first quarter reflected lower costs for feeder cattle purchased in the fourth quarter. Estimates of individual factors that affect prices of feeder and slaughter cattle documented the generally accepted hypothesis that the live cattle markets of the Southwest operate competitively and pricing is relatively 10 efficient. Deviations from expectations based, nomic theory were small and could be due i‘ errors in measurement or errors by participan market. Trends in Price Differences of Feeder and Slaughter Cattle Trends in feeder and slaughter cattle an age price differences associated with select were analyzed. Specifically, the following -_ was examined: Developments in the last ‘tw have resulted in a narrowing of price differen market classes, grades and weights of slaugh This hypothesis was based, in part, on the of a decrease in the value of edible tallow -~ consumer's changing preferences toward lessf waste on retail cuts of beef; therefore, high or heavier slaughter animals should be dec _ price relative to lower quality or lighter anim a given weight and grade, it was believed that; difference of a slaughter steer over a slaugh had decreased because of improved feeding f agement of heifers on feed. Feedlots are 7,; produce slaughter heifers to a given weight I risk to the packer and retailer of excess wast pared with those marketed in the past. i‘ The hypothesis that price differences ket classes, grades and weights of feeder increased was also considered. This hypothesis f on changes provided by the development of the large feedlots and the increased effi realizing gains. In addition, it was believed‘? more specialized feeding industry is more ‘I reflecting the value of individual feeder ani it was formerly. The increased efficiency would be expected to place a relatively higher lighter animals and on lower quality ani efficiency of feeding heifer cattle has increase increase in the efficiency of feeding steer v have been greater; therefore, a widening of difference of a feeder steer of a given weight l‘ over a comparable feeder heifer might be i Linear regression and correlation analysis was tical method used to test the hypotheses. The general model is represented by the Pd = B0 + BlT + E ' Where _ Pd =1 annual average price difference per 1 weight of animals differing by a sele _i T = time in years, I E = error term. Data used in the analyses were obtained, nual average market quotations issued by the, tural Marketing Service, U.S. Depart- ]' ture. Omaha market quotations were yses of price differences of slaughtered F» as City quotations in the analyses of of feeder cattle. These two markets the most representative of the national 5' type of cattle considered. Differences of Slaughter Cattle 1.» of statistical analyses and graphs of and observations were examined for i. in trend due to grade changes. Although ‘Jges were noted, there was evidence of lions due to fundamental shifts in buyer iaA8SOCillt8d with Grade Differences peerage price differentials per hundred- with grade differences for both ' and steers trended downward over the 11955-68 (Table 6 and Figures 1 and 2). (rage price difference per 100 pounds for l’ steers over Choice slaughter steers was about $1.50 for all three weight classifications examined -—900 to 1,100 pounds, 1,100 to 1,300 pounds and 1,300 to 1,500 pounds. In each case, the price difference of Prime grade steers over Choice grade steers has trended downward at about 14 cents per year over the period. Based on the regression equations, 1968 price differences of Prime slaughter steers over Choice slaugh- ter steers were estimated to be 52 cents for 900- to 1,100- pound animals, 62 cents for 1,100- to 1,300-pound ani- mals and 54 cents for 1,300- to 1,500-pound animals. The 14-year average price difference of Choice grade slaughter steers over Good grade slaughter steers of the two weight classifications, 900 to 1,100 pounds and 1,100 to 1,300 pounds, was $2.32 per hundred- weight. For both weight classifications, this price dif- ference has trended downward at about 10 cents per year over the period. Estimates of the 1968 price dif- ferences of Choice steers over Good steers were $1.64 for the 900- to 1,100-pound animals and $1.62 for the 1,300- to 1,500-pound animals. The price differences per 100 pounds for Prime slaughter heifers over Choice slaughter heifers weigh- ie S IN PRICE DIFFERENCES DUE TO GRADE DIFFERENCES IN SLAUGHTER CATTLE AT OMAHA Price difference (PD) Regression in estimates Intercept Trend in PD Estimated Estimated 1955-68 value 1955-68 Explanation 1972 1968 Average (b0) (b1) R’ S . — — — — — —— —- Dollars per cwt — — — — ~ —— - ;~' lb i minus Good 1.19 2.17 5.76 5.5880 -.2445** .7545 .6068 'ce rninus Good 1.25 1.64 2.52 5.0918 _.1055** .5989 .5687 ‘e minus Choice - .05 .52 1.44 2.5048 -.1417** .8249 .2845 Y 1i lb e minus Good 1.21 2.24 3.91 5.8309 —.2566** .7509 .6435 v minus Good 1.19 1.62 2.52 5.1265 -.1074** .5765 .4010 minus Choice .02 .62 1.59 2.7046 -.1492** .8241 .5001 n lb minus Choice .05 .54 1.45 2.5115 -.1410** .8057 .5054 minus Good 2.07 2.58 5.59 4.5555 -.1256** .5255 .5216 ‘ice minus Good 1.69 1.89 2.21 2.5850 _.0495* .5082 .5252 minus Choice .59 .69 1.18 1.7466 -.0755** .6718 .2296 ~.‘._ ‘ t‘ _' e minus Good 1.87 2.02 2.27 2.5605 -.o585‘r .2249 .5098 ' ‘ty level of 99%. level of 95%. ‘ " ‘ty level.“ of 90%. i’ to hold weight groups completely constant over time due to changes in price reporting. Weight classifications for - 'fers were 800 to 1,000 pounds during 1955-59, 900 to 1,100 pounds during 1960-68; Good heifers were 700 to T195559 and 800 to 1,000 pounds during 1960-68. ‘w for Choice heifers were 600 to 800 pounds during 1955-59, 700-900 pounds during 1960-68 ; Good heifers were during 1955-59 and 600 to 800 pounds during 1960-68. --- data obtained from Market News Service, USDA. ll $/cwt Prime minus Choice " _ . (900—ll0O pounds) Equation 4-3 OP‘ Min-b l v 1965 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Choice minus Good (900—1l00 pounds) $/cwt 4 - 3 ' ' _ _ _ Equation 4-2 2 - ' ‘ , , ‘ , ’ ' 1 ; o I I I I I I l I I I I I I I 1955- 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 6s 66 67 .68 $/cwt 7 1 Prime minus Good 5 _ I (900—ll00 pounds) 5 4 3 Equation 4-1 2 1 _ 0 _ I I I 1 I I I I I I r I T 1955 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 $/cwt 3 Prime minus Choice 2 ' ‘ , (1300-1500 pounds) Equation 4-7 1 _ ' ' , ‘ _ _ ‘ . 6 O I I r I I I I I I I I l l ‘ 1955 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 3 Prime minus Choice s/“wt ' _ (1100-1300 pounds) Equation 4-6 i ' ' 1 _ i ‘ 6 _ . 0 I 1 | l I I T I I I I I I l 1955 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 $/cwt 4 Choice minus Good 3 - ° (1100-1300 pounds) Equation 4-5 5 ' . ' . ~ - , Q 0 I l I I 1 I I I l I I I 1 I 1955 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 $/cwt Z i 6 Prime minus Good 5 ‘ ' (1100-1300 pounds) 5 4 I Figure 1. Trends ferences between I Eqmtim‘ 4'4 3 ' _ slaughter steers at i 2 - ' 5 l - 0 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1955 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ing approximately 800 to 1,100 pounds averaged $1.18 ter heifers over Good slaughter heifers was during the 14-year period. This price difference trended to be $2.02. The average price difference downward at the rate of 8 cents per year, and for 1968 slaughter heifers over Good slaughter heifers I‘ the equation estimated a price difference of Prime approximately 700 to 1,100 pounds was $2 i slaughter heifers over Choice slaughter heifers of 69 price difference trended downward at the q cents. The average price difference per hundredweight cents per year and was estimated to be $1.98 for Choice slaughter heifers weighing about 500 to 800 All of the equations which examined ' pounds over Good slaughter heifers of the same weight price differences associated with grade diff a was $2.27 and decreased at an average rate of 4 cents slaughter cattle reflected a downward trend. i per year. The 1968 price difference of Choice slaugh- two equations, the regression coefficients w l ‘v12 $lcvt $I—'l\7U)#U1 §'$/gut 3 . Choice minus Good (Light Weight) 2 q . . i o . u - _ o . . . l 4 9 I I r F I I I I I I I I I T - 1955 56 s7 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 1% $/cwt 3 I Prime minus Choice ( Medium Weight) ‘i 2 r‘ o , 1 "' - u . I o 5 ‘ 9 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1955 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 1 Choice minus Good (Medium Weight) 7 $/cwt 3 — , _ _ _ 2 q ‘ ° ‘ g a - ‘ c . 1 1 0 I I T I I I I I I I I I I I 1955 56 57. 58 59 61 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Figure 2. Trends in price dif- ferences between grades of slaughter heifers at Omaha. 1955 96 57 -percent level of probability. One of the I- trend coefficients was significant at the 1 el, and the second coefficient was signifi- I ‘percent level of probability. On the basis F ts, the hypothesis that price differences V,“ grades of slaughter cattle have decreased ected. Associated with Weight Differences 60f a lack of data for slaughter heifers, p‘ calculated only for the price differences ‘it l I I I I l l 66 associated with weight differences for slaughter steers. All of the equations reflected very little rise or fall over the period under study (Table 7 and Figure 3). Only one of the seven trend coefficients calculated was significant at a probability level of at least 90 percent. Based on these results, the hypothesis that price differ- ences associated with weight , differences in slaughter cattle have decreased cannot be accepted. The 14-year average price difference per hundred- weight associated with weight differences varied from 48 to —12 cents per hundredweight. For the prime II S IN PRICE DIFFERENCES DUE TO WEIGHT DIFFERENCES OF SLAUGHTER STEERS AT OMAHA Regression estimates Average price Intercept Trend in PD difference value 1955-68 Explanation (PD) (b0) (b1) R’ S p — — — — — -— — Dollars per cwt — — — — — — — I ( 90o to 1,100) minus (1,300 10 1,500) .36 .3529 .0009 NS .0001 .3715 Q, (1,100 r6 1,300) minus (1,300 r0 1,500) .48 .4456 .0044 NS .0084 .2078 ( 900 to 1,100) minus (1,100 to 1,300) -.12 -.0927 -.0035 NS .0061 .1973 f;.( 900 to 1,100) minus (1,300 m 1,500) .37 .3679 .0007 NS .0001 .2961 .- (1,100 m 1,300) minus (1,300 to 1,500) .35 .2523 .0125 NS .0935 .1702 ( 900 r0 1,000) minus (1,100 r0 1,300) .03 .1156 -.0119 Ns .0965 .1584 ( 900 t0 1,100) minus (1,100 to 1,300) .03 .1501 —.0158'l' .2458 .1207 _ ility level of 90%. ftrend coefficient does not differ from zero at a probability level of at least 90%. from data obtained from the Market News Service, USDA. l3 Steers minus Heifers (Good Grade) Figure 3. Tren differences betw steers and heifers $/cwt 2 _l Equation 4-21 l - _ _ . _ _ . ' - e O 1 l l 1 l I I ' 1960 61 62 63 64 65- 66 67 68 l Steers minus Heifers (Choice Grade) $/cwt 2 Equation 4-20 1 _ _ 0 I I I I I 1 I I I 1960 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Steers minus Heifers (Prime Grade) $/cwt 2 - Equation 4-19 1 _ ' 0 1 I n l l l I I I .1960 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 grade, the 1,100- to 1,300-pound weight range had slightly higher prices than lighter or heavier weights. For the Choice grade the 900- to 1,100-pound weight range had the highest prices. Within a grade of the three top USDA grades, there was practically no dif- ference in price paid for steers weighing between 900 and 1,300 pounds; however, weights beyond 1,300 pounds were discounted up to $0.50. The small differ- ences in price due to heavier weights showed no signifi- cant trend over the 14-year period. Trends in Price Differences Between Steers and Heifers Data for the period 1960 through 1968 were used for analysis of price differences between steers and heifers weighing approximately 900 to 1,100 pounds in each of the three grade categories-—Prime, Choice and Good (Table 8 and Figure 3). The average price dif- ference of steers over heifers was 76 cents for both Prime and Good grades. The average price difference TABLE 8. TRENDS IN PRICE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS AT OMAHA (1 of Choice steers over Choice heifers was 71 c ~ of the equations reflected a downward trendf only one of the trend coefficients was signifii 95-percent level of probability. The remain: cients were not significantly different from probability level of at least 90 percent. On of these results, the hypothesis that price. between slaughter steers and slaughter h decreased cannot be accepted. I Trends in Price Differences of Feeder Ca Because of weight classification changes news reporters, it was not possible to hold stant in the analyses. Changes also occur l_ methods of reporting grade classifications; f the classification 300- to 500-pound Good J heifers was used from 1955 through 1961. i this classification was separated into the two-l tions of 300- to 500-pound Choice heifers I 500-pound Good heifers. At times a com Price difference (PD) Regression estimates Intercept Trend in PD Estimated 1960-68 value 1959-68 Equation no. Explanation 1968 average (bu) (b1) R’ — — — ~ — — - Dollars per cwt — —— — -— —- — Steers minus heifers A 4-19 Prime, 900 t0 1,100 .77 .76 .7581 .0008 NS .0002 4-20 ChOiCC, 900 t0 1,100 .83 .71 .5573 .0500 NS .3048 - 4-21 Good, steers 900 to 1,100 .98 .76 .4883 0550* .4869 heifers 800 to 1,000 *Refers to a probability level of 95%. NS indicates the coefficient was not different from zero at a probability level of at least 90%. Source: Calculated from data obtained from the Market News Service, USDA. 14 ative of the USDA Market News Service indicated that the standards are roughly comparable grade by grade. In view of the preceding, this study assumed the two sets of grade standards to be directly translatable. grade classification changes occurred. ociated with data used in a particular ed in Table 9. 9;» 1964, the U.S. Department of Agricul- d redefined feeder cattle grades. Prior was an "easing up” in the interpretation grade standards in anticipation of the There is little published material avail- “the translation of the two sets of stand- i, information obtained from a represent- Price Trends Associated with Grade Differences Due to a lack of data, only two equations were calculated: Choice grade compared with Good grade for medium weight steers and Choice grade compared with Good grade for heavier weight steers (Table 9 S IN PRICE DIFFERENCES FOR FEEDER CATTLE AT KANSAS CITY (1955-1968) Regression estimates Price difference (PD) Intercept Trend in PD Estimated Estimated 1955-68 value 1955-68 Explanation 1972 1968 Average (b0) (b1) R’ 5 — — — — — — —- Dollars per cwt — — — — — - - (steers) Yw weights Choice minus Good 2.77 2.65 2.40 2.1415 .0547’r .2181 .2865 weights Gxoice minus Good 1.99 1.85 1.61 1.5450 .0562‘r .2201 .2965 (Good 8r Choice steers) (Plight minus Heavy 4.21 5.99 5.64 5.2515 .0541 NS .0187 1.1085 Medium minus heavy 1.63 1.54 1.40 1.2418 .0214 NS .0200 .6513 Light minus medium 2.58 2.45 2.23 1.9896 .0327 NS .0164 1.1047 weights Steers minus Heifers 4.09 3.80 3.34 2.8135 .0708** .4161 .3650 H weights Steers minus heifers 3.03 2.94 2.81 2.6504 .0210 NS .0545 .3805 ility level of 90%. inn-- level of 99%. I the coefficient is not significant at a probability level of at least 90%. ple to hold weights completely constant over the 14-year period. The classifications were changed slightly during the per- _'_ 4-22, weights for both grades were 500 to 800 pounds for the years 1955-65 and 550 to 750 pounds and 750 to 1,000 1 1966-68. In Equation 4-23, weights for both grades were 800 to 1,050 pounds for the years 1955-61, 800 to 1,000 -- 1962-65 and 750 to 1,000 pounds for the years 1966-68. i, analyses were: For lighter weight animals, the price of the one grade classification, Good and Choice, for the years average price of the two classifications of Good and Choice for the years 1962-68. For the classification of medium and "ls, the average price of the two grades of Good and Choice was used for nhe entire 14-year period. Weight classifi- 9- analyses were: For the lighter weight animals, 300 to 500 pounds for the years 1955-61, 300 to 550 pounds for the the years 1962 through 1968, 300 to 500 pounds for the Good grade for the years 1962 through 1965 and 300 to 550 '-< 5 1966 through 1968; for the medium weight animals, 500 to 800 pounds for both Choice and Good grades for the ,_ 1966 and 550 to 750 pounds for both grades for the years 1966 through 1968; for the heavier animals, 800 to 1,050 do grades of Good and Choice for the years 1955 through 1961, 800 to 1,000 pounds for both grades for the years 1962 750 to 1,000 pounds for the two grades for the years 1966 through 1968. analysis of lighter weight animals were: For both steers and heifers, prices for the one grade classification of Good 5111c years 1955 through 1961 and the average of the prices of the two grades of Choice and Good for the years 1962 eight classifications were: 300 t0 500 pounds for both steers and heifers for the years 1955 through 1961; for Choice “Alto 550 pounds for the years 1962 through 1968; for Good grade steers, 300 to 500 pounds for the years 1962 through 3550 pounds for the years 1966 through 1968; for both Good and Choice grades of heifers, 300 to 500 pounds for the F~ 1968. i-A- steers and heifers, prices for the grade classification of Choice were used. The weight classifications were: For steers, 3» for the years 1955 through 1965, and 550 to 750 pounds for the years 1966 through 1968; for heifers, 500 to 750 -» 1 1955 through 1965, and 500 to 700 pounds for the years 1966 through 1968. from data obtained from the Market News Service, USDA. t I5 Figure 4. Trends in: ferences between $/cut Z “ Choice minus Good (Heavy Weight) Equation 4-23 3 - 2.- . . o ' ' l- ‘ ' ' ' ' ' O 0 T I l I I l I I I I l F I I 1955 5 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 $/Cwt 5 ' Choice minus Good (Medium Weight) 4 _ Equation 4-22 3 “ , . 0 . - 2 ' , , 0 o o ° ' 1 _ O n I | I l I 1 I 1 I I I 1 T 1955 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 and Figure 4). The average price difference between Choice and Good feeder steers of the medium weight category was $2.40 per 100 pounds. For the heavier weight category, Choice feeder steers were found to have an average price difference of $1.61 per hundred- weight over Good steers. The 1968 price differences were estimated to be $2.63 and $1.85, respectively. Both of the equations exhibited an upward trend of 3.5 cents per year, and the trend coefficients were significantly different from zero at a probability level of 90 percent. On the basis of these results, the hypothesis that price differences associated with grades of feeder cattle have increased cannot be rejected. Price (Trends Associated with Weight Differences Price differences associated with weight differences of feeder steers exhibited slight upward trends for the 14-year period 1955 through 1968 (Table 9 and Figure 5). However, none of the regression coefficients were Light Weight minus Medium Weight ’ feeder steers at K ~- significantly different from zero at a probabi if of at least 90 percent. On the basis of th i the hypothesis that price differences associ . weights in feeder cattle have increased c ' accepted. ‘ The average price difference of lighter; (approximately 300 to 500 pounds) over hea mals (approximately 800 to 1,000 pounds) wi Medium weight animals (approximately 500 .. pounds) had an average price difference of hundredweight over heavier feeder steers. D __ 14-year period, the average price difference weight steers over medium weight steers was _ Trends in Price Differences Between Steers and Heifers f Two equations were calculated to deter trend in price differences associated with m ‘T’ —-steer prices minus heifer prices for light Figure 5. Trends differences between- $/cwt S - 4 ~ , ' Equation 4-26 3 ' - ¢ . 2 . _ ~ 1- o o 0 ' o o ‘ ‘ I I I I I I | | u a | 1955 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 $/cwt 3 _ Medium Weight minus Heavy Weight 2- ‘ ' Equation 4-25 1 _ _ ° - ' . , 0 i ' 0 o I I I 1 I | I | | r -| I | 1955 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 $/cwt 7 _ Light Weight minus Heavy Weight s- ~ ' 5 _ Equation 4~24 4 _ ‘ ' _ _4‘ 3- 0 F 2_ O 1- . ' ~ 0 1955 56 S7 58 59 60 61 16 weights of feeder 7 Kansas City. ‘ 63 64 65 66 67 68 r prices minus heifer prices for medium ,6 ~ (Table 9 and Figure 6). Both equa- w, an upward trend. However, the trend ulated for the medium weight animals " 500 to 800 pounds) was not significant ‘ty level of at least 90 percent. The trend ff-culated for the lighter weight animals y 300 to 500 pounds) was significant at flevel of 99 percent. Considering the re- “thesis that price differences associated ass in feeder cattle have increased cannot the lighter weight animals and cannot j~ the heavier weight animals. The average i‘ 'al of steers over heifers was $2.81 for '_rnals and $3.34 for the lighter animals. iégerence of lighter weight steers over lighter i‘ was estimated to be $3.80 in 1968. The t for the lighter weight animals indi- ge increase in the price difference of 7 _» tends in Price Differences of i? ughter Cattle if! feeder cattle and slaughter cattle price iated with the selected animal character- weight and market class are summarized. ic hypotheses tested were ( 1) Develop- last two decades have resulted in a nar- differences among grades, weights and slaughter cattle and (2) Developments j,» decades have resulted in a widening of '- among grades, weights and the market cattle. is of statistical tests of the trend coeffi- und that price differences among grades i e have decreased and price differences of feeder cattle have increased. Both ‘nsistent with the hypotheses, but slight changes which have occurred in USDA grade specifica- tions may account for some of the trend in both cases. If the trend of price differences between Prime and Choice grades of slaughter cattle continues, by 1972 there will be no difference in price between the two grades. This implies that there will be no price incen- tive for producing feeder cattle that will grade prime at slaughter weights. On the other hand, the price dif- ference of Choice feeders over Good feeders is widen- ing and is projected to be 14 cents greater in 1972 than the estimated 1968 price difference. This implies an increasing incentive to produce feeder calves which grade Choice as opposed to feeder calves which grade Good. ' For the lighter weight feeder cattle, the value of a steer relative to that of a heifer has increased as hypothesized; however, the trend in the price difference between feeder steers and heifers of heavier weights was nonsignificant, possibly because the increase in the feeding efficiency of heavier steers and heifers has in- creased about equally. The price differences between slaughter steers and heifers exhibited no trend possibly because of the use of terminal market price data in the analysis. The slaughter animals passing through the terminal markets are, for the most part, small lots of farmer-produced animals, and, consequently, the risk to the packer of excess waste associated with heifers is unchanged over the period covered by the analysis. -Price differences associated with weight for both feeder and slaughter animals exhibited no trend. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Vann-Roach Cattle Company for making data available for part of this study and Billy W. Lockhead and Paul R. Henry of the Livestock Division, Consumer and Marketing Serv- ice, and U.S. Department of Agriculture for providing other data used in this study. The authors are indebted 5 Steers minus Heifers (Medium Weight) 7 4 . Q U 3 _ - o ' ' ‘ . o o o ¢2 _ . . 1- o | I I I l I l | I _| I l I 1955 5 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 5 4 Steers minus Heifers (Light Weight) g 1, _ . , , Figure 6. Trends in price dif- . 3 _ . . _ _ - _ - ferences between feeder steers ; 2 . ' . and heifers at Kansas City. 1 3 0 I | | | I I I 1955 S6 57 58 59 60 61 17 to R. A. Dietrich, R. J. Freund, C. F. Lard and C. E. Shafer for reviewing the manuscript. This study was a contributing project to WM-48, "Livestock Marketing and Pricing Efficiency in the West," Western Regional Technical Livestock Market- ing Committee. It is based on the PhD Dissertation of John B. James, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Texas A8zM University, December 1970. (1) (2) (5) 18 References Broadbent, E. E., A. G. Madsen and V. I. West. Pricing Butcher Hogs at Illinois Country Markets. University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 714. September 1965. Dietrich, Raymond A. Price Information and Meat Mar- keting in Texas and Oklahoma. U.S. Department of Agri- culture, Economic Research Service, Report N0. 115. June 1967. Freund, R. J. and J. C. Purcell. Marketing Cattle and Calues Through Southern Auctions, Influence of Market- ing Conditions ana’ Practices on Prices. Southern Coopera- tive Series, Bulletin 59. January 1959. APPENDIX TABLE 1. (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Appendix UNADJUSTED MEANS OF VARI- ABLES CLASSIFIED BY MONTHS AND AREAS — LIVE- STOCK AUCTION DATA (1968)‘ Freund, R. J. and Roy G. Stout. Marketing’) Cali/es Through Southern Auctions, Analysis‘; Contributing to Price Variation. Southern . Series, Bulletin 54. June 1958. A James, John B. Factors Affecting Price D' Cattle in the Southwest, PhD Dissertation. l/i Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, t’ University, December 1970. McPherson, W. K. Well Do Auctions Q Price of Cattle?" journal of Farm Economic February 1956. ‘I Purcell, Joseph C. Comparative Analysis of on Georgia Auctions and Midwest Terrni Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station, 1i‘ June 1956. Suits, D. B. "Use of Dummy Variables in Equations," journal of the American Statisti tion, December 1957. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Economic R ice, National Food Situation. February 1969.1, Williamson, J. C., Jr. Cattle Prices at c) Auctions. Agricultural Economic Series N0., Carolina State College, September 1956. Mean of specified variables (X4) Num- (X2) (X3) DlS- Independent ber of (X1) Weight Lot tance“ Price variable lots Grade’ (lbs) size (miles) ($/cwt) Month M1, January 290 .417 399 4.9 157 25.82 Ms, March 543 .538 408 4.5 156 27.82 M5, May 469 .727 401 5.2 16o 28.27 M1, July 505 .541 395 6.3 167 27.94 M», Sept. 569 .460 396 9.8 171 26.07 M10, QCf. 688 .445 400 10.4 163 26.20 M11, Nov. 592 .480 405 7.6 162 27.04 Area A1, Eastern 1756 .509 400 8.4 181 26.90 A2, Northern 674 .518 400 7.7 153 27.09 A4, SOtIthem 541 .556 406 4.8 101 27.04 A5, Western 685 .491 400 6.3 173 27.30 Total or average 3,656 .514 401 7.3 162 27.03 Standard deviation .50 42.3 6.89 45.1 1.52 ‘Area 3 excluded. zNumber one Okie = 1; number two Okie = 0. “Distance from Fort Worth in miles. Source: Calculated from Order Buyer Invoices. LE 2. ESTIMATES OF DIFFERENCES IN E #1 AND OKIE #2 FEEDER STEERS 1 E TO SPECIFIED FACTORS (SELECTED _, - tion 2-1 Equation 2-2 Equation 2-3 éfiomplete Areas Months ii model eliminated eliminated ———-——-Dollars per cwt—-—-——--—- 32.6643 32.6214 32.7265 1.3535 1.3516 1.6262 (51.02) (49.81) (44.60) ‘ .0158 - .0158 - .0156 (51.21) (50.13) (36.10) j -.01158 - .0135 - .0408 ( 5.61) ( 6.56) (15.01) i .0006 .0008 .0003 (1.19) (2.85) ( .54) .1658 - .1324 .0324 NS .0141 NS .2837 .2299 .1521 —- .1116 1.1155 —- 1.1143 .8709 .8613 .9560 .9501 .7703 .7720 .9459 — .9207 .6958 -— .6903 .1600 .1419 .776 .795 1.092 .739 .726 .484 3656 3656 3656 ;-- tern area (As) excluded. if parentheses are t values associated with the esti- b value for discrete variables not statistically at a probability level of at least 90 percent. i- ed variable’s coefficient was not tested as its was not part of the computer output. Within variables, the deleted variable is the last one from Order Buyer Invoices. APPENDIX TABLE 3. ESTIMATES OF DIFFERENCES IN PRICE QUOTATIONS OF FEEDER STEERS AND BULLS DUE TO SPECIFIED FACTORS (1966-1968) Equation Equation Equation 2-4 2-5 2-6 Independent Complete Grades Quarters variable model eliminated eliminated ————-——Dollarspercwt-—--——--— Constant 31.6651 52.3260 31.6807 G1, Okie #1 1.2119 1.2115 G1, Okie #2 .0420 NS .0416 NS G5, 01:16 #3 — 1.2539 — 1.2531 X1, Weight —- .0123 —- .0137 — .0123 ( 36:88) (31.82) (34.62) Q1, ]an., Feb., Mar. .0546 NS .0473 Q1, April, May, june .3414 .3448 Q8, July, Aug., Sept. .3456 .3463 Q1, Oct., Nov., Dec. - .7416 - .7348 S 1.209 1.507 1.289 R’ .636 .434 .586 n 1497 1497 1497 The numbers in parentheses are t values associated with the esti- mate above each. NS indicates the b value for discrete variables not statistically significant from zero at a probability level of at least 90 percent. However, the deleted variables coefficient was not tested as its standard deviation was not part of the computer output. Within a group of discrete variables, the deleted variable is the last one of the group. Source: Calculated from Order Buyer Price Quotations. APPENDIX TABLE 4. ESTIMATES OF DIFFERENCES IN PRICES OF OKIE #1 FEEDER HEIFERS AND STEERS AND BULLS DUE TO SPECIFIED FACTORS (1966-1968) Equation 2-7 Equation 2-8 Independent Complete Quarters variable model eliminated — — -— Dollars per cwt —- — -— Constant 29.4805 29.5142 Xhwelght — .0129 — .0129 (21.49) (19.53) X2, 58X 3.6557 3.6558 (36.44) (33.06) Q1, jan., Feb., Mar. —- .1060 NS Q2, April, May, june .4540 Q8, July, Aug., Sept. .5071 Q1, Oct., Nov., Dec} -- .8551 S 1.184 1.306 R2 .773 .723 r1 558 558 The numbers in parentheses are t values associated with the esti- mate above each. NS indicates the b value for discrete variables not statistically significant from zero at a probability level of at least 9O percent. However, the deleted variable’s coefficient was not tested as its standard deviation was not part of the computer output. Within a group of discrete variables, the deleted variable is the last one of the group. Source: Calculated from Order Buyer Price Quotations. 19 APPENDIX TABLE 5. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES OF DIF- FERENCES IN PRICES OF FIVE GRADES OF FEEDER STEERS AND HEIFERS DUE TO SELECTED FACTORS (1964-68) APPENDIX TABLE 6. SUMMARY 0F THE l 0F DIFFERENCES IN PRICES 0F GOOD - SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS DUE To g FACTORS (1964-1966) Equation Equation Equation Independent 2-10 2- l 1 2-1 2 variable Steers Heifers Combined —-——-———Dollarspercwt-——————- Constant 27.0275 8.6457 _ 24.2551 G1, Prime 3.8186 3.2150 3.5954 G2, Choice 2.6171 1.9106 2.2724 Ga, Good .4718 .3182 .3860 G4, Standard — 2,0094 —1.5572 — 1.8110 G5, Utility - 4.8981 --3.8867 — 4.4428 X1, Weight - .0080 .0577 - .0072 (6.34) (4.14) (7.40) X1’, Weight Square 00000065 — 00006383 .00000047 ( .61) (4.58) ( .57) ’ ML1, Amarillo .4814 .1674 .3248 MLz, Clovis .2494 .4729 .3534 MLs, F011 Worth - .0072 NS .1028 .0545 NS ML}, Oklahoma City .1074 — .2941 - .0865 MLs, Phoenix -— .7012 —1.0807 — .8908 M14, San Angelo .2891 — .0739 NS .0984 NS M111, San Antonio -- .0599 NS .3862 .1683 MLs, Houston — .3590 .3194 —- .0221 Q1, _Ian., Feb., Mar. —- .2156 — .1600 — .1875 Q2, April, May, June .2495 .2661 .2533 Q8, July, Aug., Sept. .3162 .3842 .3464 Q4, Oct., N0v., Dec. — .3501 — .4503 — .4122 Yr1, 1964 — 3.8542 " —3.2508 — 3.6312 Yfa, 1965 — 2.1478 —-1.9436 -— 2.1018 Yfa, 1966 1.7209 1.4358 1.6242 Yh, 1967 1.7446 1.4513 1.6473 Yrs, 1968 2.5365 2.3073 2.4615 X2, 38X 2.4818 (62.17) S 1.333 1.209 1.339 R2 .890 .877 .882 n 2769 V2274 5043 The numbers in parentheses are t values associated with the esti- mate above each. NS indicates tl1e b values for discrete variables not statistically significant from zero at a probability level of at least 90 percent. However, the deleted variable’s coefficient was not tested as its standard deviation was not part of the computer output. Within a group of discrete variables, the deleted variable is the last one of the group. Source: Calculated from data obtained from the Market News Service, USDA. 20 Independent variable Steers Heifers — — Dollars per cwt Constant 17.0324 i“ 21.5194 Grade ' 1.4949 1.3012 (12.28) (8.35) Weight .0114 .0008 ( 5.10) ( 15) Weight Square - .00000584 —— .00000055 -: ( 3.03) ( .15) _ MLi, Clovis .1090 NS .0451 NS . MLe, Fort Worth — .2065 —- .4943 1; MLa, Okla. City — .0939 NS - .0395 NS -~Ji M11; San Antonio - .0198 NS - .1508 NS ~ MLe, Houston .2052 ' .3379 Q1, Jan, Feb., Mar. —— .8518 — .6476 Q2, Apr., May, june - .1106 NS .0166 NS Q0, July, Aug., Sept. ' .7757 .6078 Q1, Oct., Nov., Dec. .1867 .0232 »_ x11, 1964 - 2.0894 - 1.8204 ._ -’-_, n2, 1965 .3513 .0457 NS‘ Yre, 1966 1.7381 1.7767 Sex ‘ S 1.130 1.068 R’ .737 .699 n 459 381 The numbers in parentheses are t values associated h‘ mate above each. ' - NS indicates the b values for discrete variables M; significant from zero at a probability level of at l However, the deleted variable's coefficient was .11 ti, standard deviation was not part of the computer V“, a group of discrete variables, the deleted variable of the group. 5 Source: Calculated from data obtained from the ~ Service, USDA.