I971 f‘ “a nnscnoum. comma nay“ l u: CATTLE FEEDING E om! M special emphasis on economies of size 1 AIM UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ‘unkel, Acting Director, College Station, Texas Contents Highlights ........................................................................ .. 3 Introduction .................................................................... .. 5 Regional Production Characteristics ......................... .. 5 Analytical Model and Data Requirements .............. .. 7 Interregional Competition In The Cattle Feeding—' Fed-Beef Economy .................. .. 9 Effects of Changes In Feedlot Size On The Cattle Feeding- Fed-Beef Economy .................. .24 Implications of Interregional Economic Relationships and Regional Price Differentials ................................................. --26 Potential Adjustments In The Cattle Feeding- Fed-Beef Economy ................ .. 28 Conclusions ..................................................................... .32 Appendix A: Development of Data ............................................ .35 Appendix B: Regional Transportation Rates ......................... .37 Appendix ‘C: Optimum Solutions for Models 2, 3 and 4 ...... ..4l Acknowledgment This research was conducted by The Texas Agri- cultural Experiment Station of Texas A8cM Univer- sity under a cooperative agreement with Marketing Economics Division, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture and under Texas Agri- cultural Experiment Station Project HM-2489, Live- stock Marketing Efficiency and Pricing in the West, which was a contributing project to the Western Regional Livestock Marketing Project WM-48. -Acknowledgment is also made to J. Rod Martin, agricultural economist, Farm Production Economics Division, ERS, USDA, for suggestions offered during the development of the tableau employed in this study. i ights gional economic relationships in the cat- ‘g-fed-beef economy have changed dra- if with the advent of modern commercial ,lot operations and the establishment of 'alized cattle slaughtering and processing F concentrated cattle feeding areas. Con- } ~justments relative to location, size and rm, volume and type of output, and man- practices employed are essential if cattle j» slaughtering firms are to compete in the ' ing — fed-beef economy. “study utilizes a multi-dimensional tranship- iel to determine the least-cost location and levels of cattle feeding and fed-cattle slaugh- 27 specified regions in the 48 contiguous »,satisfy the demand for fed beef. Models ' developed to systematically measure the specified changes in regional feedlot size i, ted 1975 regional feedlot sizes on the opti- 'nal location and levels of cattle feeding ter. In addition, the study shows the least- ent routes for feeder cattle, feed grains, V ter cattle, and dressed fed beef to meet i d requirements in the various sectors of , feeding- fed-beef economy. i; showed that readily available supplies of t and feeder cattle and economies of size operations are of major importance in " g the optimum location and levels of cattle legions with the most favorable competi- i tage in cattle feeding exist primarily in a area encompassing the Texas-Oklahoma , New Mexico, ‘Colorado, Kansas-Nebraska, 'is, portions of lhe Eastern Corn Belt, and Tennessee. ‘ties of size in cattle feedlot operations A fluence the location and, especially, the ‘vels of cattle feeding. However, the find- g ed that economies of size in cattle feeding, by themselves, are generally not sufficient to offset severe locational disadvantages relative to available sources of feed grains and feeder cattle. Locational disadvantages relative to market outlets can be par- tially offset by economies of size in feedlot operations provided resource inputs such as feed grains and feeder cattle are readily available. Optimum solutions with regard to the cattle feeding—fed-beef economy suggests the following: 1. Under present conditions, total costs of pro- ducing and distributing fed beef are minimized when cattle feeding is concentrated predominantly in the Southern Plains, New Mexico-Arizona, Colorado, Kansas-Nebraska and the Central Corn Belt. 2. Increases in minimum regional size to 5,000 head would tend to be most beneficial to cattle feed- ers in the Corn Belt, the Lake States and the North- ern Inter-Mountain States; it would have severe repercussions on some of the current major feeding areas as Nebraska, Kansas, California, Colorado, New Mexico and East Texas where most feedlot market- ings are generally accounted for by feedlots with one-time capacities in excess of 5,000 head. 3. Total costs are minimized when fed cattle are slaughtered in the concentrated cattle feeding areas; but when regional slaughter capacities are below the regional feeding levels, total costs are minimized if fed cattle are shipped to states in the Southeast or the Northeast rather than to the West. 4. Fed-beef distribution costs are minimized when regions West of a line from the western edge of the Plains States through the center of the Texas Panhandle ship surplus beef West and regions east of this line ship to the deficit Northeast, Southeast and East South Central markets. The exception of this pattern is West Texas which is able to ship to the West and Southeast. 5. When regional feeding and slaughter capa- cities are assumed to be unlimited and assuming 3 1975 projected regional feedlot sizes- (a) Almost two-thirds of the U.S. fed cattle would be finished in the Texas-Oklahoma Pan- handle, Kansas and Nebraska with Iowa and Illinois accounting for another one-sixth of the total. (b) Kentucky-Tennessee appeared as a ma- jor cattle feeding area along with New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and the Eastern Corn Belt. 6. Under present conditions, regions facing the highest competitive disadvantage with respect to feeding cattle and/or slaughtering fed cattle were located primarily in the Far West, the Inter-Mountain States, the Lake States, portions of the Corn Belt, the Northeast, and most of the states in the South. The rapidly changing economic environment in the cattle feeding— fed-beef economy during the last decade suggests numerous additional changes at the local and regional levels in the fed-cattle production, cattle slaughter and processing, and fed-beef distri- bution sectors. Such changes, in turn, signify con- tinuous adjustments in regional competitive positions and alignments. Substantial competitive advantages may accrue to regions which adjust to a changing competive envir- onment and are able to realize savings through such factors as (1) economies of size in feedlot operations, (2) locationof feeding facilities in or adjacent to major surplus feed grain producing areas, (3) location of feeding facilities in or adjacent to major surplus feed grain producing areas, (4) cost advantages in acquiring feeder cattle. Realization of regional com- petitive potential is, of course, also dependent on such regional factors as wage rates, level of management, availability of various resource inputs, taxes, the changing structure of demand and so forth. These and other factors require constant analyses and sur- veillance by firms in the highly competitive cattle feeding — fed-beef economy. 4 lgmmercial cattle feeding industry, a highly A and rapidly expanding industry, is per- 10st dynamic sector of the U.S. agricultural The modern commercial cattle feeding resented by large and highly mechanized rations with large investments in fixed nd resource inputs and by highly spe- i nagement and labor. Furthermore, com- ttle feeding firms compete for available and market outlets on a regional or na- This contrasts with the numerous rela- ill farmer-feeders who are dependent pri- p resource inputs and market outlets on a I basis. I i rapid expansion of cattle feeding in the fPIillIlS and other major cattle feeding areas raged increased competition for resources cattle feeding firms and for fed-cattle and arkets. Important economic considerations f.» within the cattlefeeding industry include l'ons as optimum location of feedlot facili- g e to available resources and market outlets, ‘ regional levels of cattle feeding, and opti- iional allocation of feeder cattle and feed Ptisfy the demand for fed beef in the United j a least-cost basis} i‘ many of the necessary ingredients for cat- l» are located in the North Central, the ‘I High Plains and the Western States, about l; U.S. population is concentrated in the and the South. In addition, the preva- large, mechanized cattle feedlot operations ' of the major cattle feeding areas raises concerning the effects of economies of size I um location and-f optimum levels of cattle i study is designed to answer these questions. nts the third phase of a comprehensive " to the United States in this study denotes the 48 i states. INTERREGIONAL COMPETITION IN THE CATTLE FEEDING ECONOMY with special emphasis on economies of size Raymond A. Dietrich, assistant professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Texas Al-M University economic analysis of the cattle feeding industry with- in the Southern Plains. However, this study includes analyses for other cattle feeding areas since major emphasis is placed on the competitive interregional position of the various cattle feeding regions relative to the available resources and the market outlets for fed beef. The first study was a detailed analysis of management practices and cattle feeding systems in the Southern Plains? The second study was con- cerned with costs and economies of size in the Texas- Oklahoma cattle feeding operations? REGIONAL PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS Major differences exist within and between most regions of the United States with respect to the location and concentration of potential fed-beef consumers, cattle feedlot operations, and commer- cial cattle slaughter production. In addition, major differences are also apparent within and between most regions in annual calf crops and annual feed grain production relative to the regional fed-cattle production. The majority of the U.S.-fed cattle have been and are produced in the North-Central region, Table 1. Although the numbers of cattle and calves on feed on January l increased in the North-Central region during the 1955-70 period, the proportion of the U.S. cattle and calves on feed declined from 72 percent in 1955 to 59 percent in 1970. During recent years the rate of growth of cattle feeding has been lower in the North-Central region than it has for the United States. Numbers of cattle and calves on feed increased 33 percent in the United States from 1965 to 1970; they increased 25 percent in the North- “Dietrich, R. A., The Texas-Oklahoma Cattle Feeding Industry --Structure and Operational Characteristics, B-1079, Texas Agr. Exp. Sta., Texas A8cM University, College Station, Texas, December 1968. “Dietrich, R. A., Costs and Economics of Size in Texas-Okla- homa Feedlot Operations, B4083, Texas Agr. Exp.'S'ta., Texas‘ A8¢M University, College Station, Texas, May 1969. TABLE 1. CATTLE AND CALves on FEED As A PERCENT or UNITED STATEs ToTALs, sELEcTEn FEEDING AREAs, JANUARY 1, 1955-70 AREAS 1955 1960 1965 1970 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PERCENT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cattle fed. Small feedlots accounted for 11.! 1111:" a 3 15:1 1°Z§§$2§.?§ 3231225331.? ?.i‘.i‘§.‘§f‘ei‘.2§; ..2:.:*::::..../ a: a: as" g ' » ‘M 2m I” 1M m, contrast, large feedlots marketed more v_ 15:11:31: 13:2 g1? 13:; 1;‘, cent of the fed cattle in Texas, Califor “Egiggiaggzlgm "Hm Zonalcllzxrntghlllfigihree-fouréhs of the US i‘ $013301 gig 51g are currentlya roduced in the North-. mgzEgrligglN mm 1:: Z33 3:; gig Table 3 Twd) North Central States I0 ‘i 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ' ' V UNITED STATEs 1 0n|o, luo|AuA, ILLINOIS, MICHIGAN, H|scous|u, MINNESOTA, lowA, M|ssouR|, NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKoTA, NEBRASKA AND KAusAs. _ MouTAnA, |DAHO, Hvonuuc, COLORADO, New MEx|co, AR|zouA, UTAH, HAsu|ucTou, Daecou, CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. 3/ DATA FOR GEoRc|A, FLoR|oA, KENTUCKY, Tennessee, ALAaAMA AND MISSISSIPPI wene nor PUBLISHED UNTIL 1960. Souncez CATTLE on FEED, U.S. DEPT. Aca|., Cnov RPT. Bo., STAT. RPTG. SERV., SELECTED Issues. Central region, about 200 percent in Texas, 100 per- cent in Oklahoma and almost 50 percent in Colo- rado and Arizona. Kansas and Nebraska were the principal states in the North-Central region with sub- stantial increases in cattle feeding. Lots with less than 1,000-head capacity repre- sented 99 percent of the total feedlots in the l0 lead- ing cattle feeding states in 1969, Table 2. These states annuallyaccount for about 80 percent of the fed cattle marketed in the United States. Numbers of feedlots with less than 1,000-head capacity declined 12 percent in these states from 1964 to 1969, but mar- ketings from these small feedlots increased 24 per- cent. During the same period, numbers of feedlots with 1,000-head-and-over capacity increased almost one-third while marketings from these large feedlots increased more than 85 percent. These data reveal that the expanding large feedlots have been increas- TABLE 2. UNDER l,000 HEAD 1 NUMBER OF FEEDLOTS AND NUMBER OF FED CATTLE MARKETED BY SIZE GROUP TEN LEADING CATTLE FEEDING STATES AND PERCENTAGE CHANGES l969-69- ing in size, and small feedlots, although L numbers, have also increased in size and nois, account for about one-third of grain production. Texas, the principal i? Central State that produces a substantial“ feed grain annually, accounts for about the U.S. production. The U.S. calf crop, which increased a cent from 1955 to 1970, is produced m‘ South Central and West Central States, y as, the leading state in terms of cow U and older, annually accounts for about the U.S. calf crop. Almost half of the U _ are currently held on farms and ranches ' ern High Plains and the Southeastern "i, cows accounted for three-fourths of the t‘ numbers on January l, 1970 as compar more than one-half in 1955. I Commercial cattle slaughter plants i Central region account for more than hal commercial cattle slaughter, Table 5. Sla in the west North-Central region, alone, count for more than 40 percent of the] slaughter. The western region accounted-v 21 percent of the U.S. cattle slaughter. compared to 16 percent for slaughter South-Central region. Commercial cattle * increased sharply in Texas since 1960 wi 1 / Oven 1,000 HEAD |TEM Penceur ' PERCENTAGE 1961 1969 CHANGE 1961 1969 cnAl0l'? 1961-69 19: -5; Nunaen Numaen PERCENT Numsen Nuuaen Nunaea OF LOTS: louA 15,919 13,839 - 1.6 51 163 NEBRASKA 21,110 20,719 -11.1 330 189 TExAs 1,527 1,300 -11.7 207 300 CALIFORNIA 281 173 -38.1 323 281 COLORADO 1,152 1,226 6.1 81 120 KAN$A§ 13,111 8,871 -31.0 56 126 ILLINOIS 31,931, 21,961 -21.8 66 36 ARIZONA - 27 ' I 8 -70.1 82 51 MINNESOTA 21,060 19,868 - 5.7 20 32 MISSOURI 17,981 17,968 - 0.1 16 32 ToTAL 157,168 138,939 -11.8 1,232 1,633 CATTLE MARAETED: 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 HEAD HEAD I HEAD HEAD lowA 2,853 1,191 17.0 116 121 NEaRAsKA 1,196 1,552 3.7 910 1,770 TexAs 122 111 - 9.0 819 2,595 CALIFORNIA 50 17 -66.0 2,011 2,010 CoLoRAoo 315 311 - 1.3 636 1,116 KANSAS 376 550 16.3 310 1,121 ILLINOIS 1,139 1,132 - 0.6 101 81 ARIZONA 21 -67.5 576 811 M|nuEsoTA 666 755 13.1 37 18 MISSOURI 135 662 52.2 61 69 ToTAL 7,176 9,287 21.2 5,637 10,111 85 _ Nunsen or FEEDLOTS HITH 1,000 - HEAD - on - none cAPAc|Tv |s NUMBER OF LoTs OPERATING ANY TIME ounauc THE YEAR. nunaen or ALL FEEDLOTS IS uunaen AT eun or vEAR. ‘ -, Sounce: Nunaen OF FEEDLOTS BY SIZE Gnouvs AND Nunaea OF FED CATTLE MARKETED 1962-1961, SR8-9, AND CATTLE on FEED, MT. Au. 2-1 (1-70), U.S. DEPT. Acn., CnuP_5 Rwrc. Bo., STAT. RPTG. $ERV., June, 1966 AND JANUARY, 1970. 3. Numsea unoen 1,000 - HEAD CAPACITY Ann Tali f. 5 1mm PaooucT1oN, ANo PEacENTAcE u1sTa1euT1oN, 11v sELEcTEo ~. l E FEEDING sTATEs. 1967-69 1967 1968 1969 - - - - - - - --1,000ToNs------------ 176,026 168,902 1711,279 1 l 1 6.3 7.0 6.11 5.8 6.3 5.7 5 .7 .7 77 3 78.8 77.1 17.6 15.11 15.8 16 7 16.2 15.8 7.6 8.3 7.9 7.5 .7.0 9.0 3.6 11.2 11.5 3.5 11.11 3.2 20.8 23.3 20.9 11.9 5.0 5.5 1.8 1.8 1.5 .7 .7 .8 .5 .5 .11 1.9 2.0 2.8 11.5 9.2 11.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 IANA, lLL1No1s, H1c1-11cAN, N1scoNs1N, M1NNEsoTA, lowA, DAKOTA, 8oL1T11 DAKOTA, NEaaAsNA ANn KANsAs. Howevea, 1 aAL sTATEs aePoaTeo PRODUCTION FOR EAcw oP THESE caoPs. , loAao, NYomNs, CoLoaAoo, New ltxtco, Aa1zoNA, Una, ~ , CAL11=oaN1A Aao NEvAuA. Howevea, NoT ALL sTATEs 1011 aEPoaTeo PRODUCTION FOR eAcw o1= THESE caoPs. V, 1 ~ 1011, 0.8. DEPT. Aca., CaoP RPTG. 80., STAT. RPTG. Issues. n of large, specialized, shipper-type cattle plants near the concentrated cattle feed- i the Northern Texas Panhandle. I. MODEL AND DATA REQUIREMENTS vtitive regional advantages or disadvant- tle feeding may occur as a result of re- rences in the availability of feeder cattle grain supplies, economies of size in ations, market outlets, management prac- jyed, capital and so forth. This study is ‘*1 determine estimates of regional -advant- dvantages. in cattle feeding due to some ferences. y; i’ , 0. 8. PaooucnoN, ANo PERCENT n1sTa1auT1oN,aY GEOGRAPHIC 1955 1960 1965 1970 - - - - - - - - - --1,00011EAo------------- , 112,566 39,353 113,353 115,372 jam: - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.2 7.2 6.0 5.1 L 15.5 111.6 12.7 11.0 £1 l. 26.7 26.2 27.1 27.0 7.7 7.5 7.7 7.8 25.9 26.8 28.3 $1.11 9.9 10.11 10.6 11.7 3.6 3.7 11.3 11.5 12.11 12.7 13.11 111.2 17.0 17.7 18.2 18.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1aE, VemowT, HAssAcwusETTs, Rnooe IsLANo, coNNecncuT, New A1111 PENNsYLVANIA. lLL1No1s, H1c111cAN ANo Hiscbwsna. z , Hlsswal, NoaTN DAaon, 8ouT1-1 0A1G::||:9'I1|\;O mO—I>Oxo'flND -—Ox|n—IQ-~O mOxfl-Io-“O —~o:un—|omo mOmrD-Icmo —~O::c‘>crnrn‘fl—~C> moxncrnmfi1~o —~Oz:nUmrn'r1|\>O 0 mOxDDr-nrnflm RHS P01 ->D—H_O'FI—*? mO-IPUTIND -C>r-cnr>-n-o —~Or-mn-I1I\>Q Mcn-mOm-w: ruOl-KAOTINO -*DGW'I'I—'O ruOUu1'fl—~O —-ovw‘r1mo IQOOWTHUQ 7.21 5.30 .112 :1 N) m s F |\) J3‘ R) P’ '8 7.21 5.30 .112 .112 0 4-" l\) - J‘ I\J _ o C -1.0 __ IEPRESENTS ONLY A SMALL PORTION OF THE TABLEAU ACTUALLY EMPLOYED. tppendix A. In order to depict existing t“ in the cattle feeding—fed-beef economy, i: models were designed so that shipments both within and between regions. W of this study are not intended as precise of prevailing conditions for 1968 or as fictions for the future. Results from the ‘Eu should therefore be interpreted ac- Five models or situations were utilized to v ights and guidelines for decision making ltle feeding- fed-beef industry: _odel l was designed to approximate the _onditions that existed for the cattle feed- f-beef industry for I968. This model deter- ‘, competitive position of each region in p; and distributing fed cattle and fed beef. regional data utilized in this model, with 'on of transfer costs, are shown in Table A_"0(I€IS 2 and 3 are designed to provide opti- y‘ tions concerning the effects of econo- in feedlot operations on the interregional g relationships in, cattle feeding and the dis- {of fed beef. Tlifese models provide insights 1f; changes in interregional economic rela- ‘Ag-and location of cattle feeding as feedlot systematically increased in regions like the t and most Southern States where farmer- sedominate. Models 2 and 3 are similar to 0 YO \I 1.00 1.92 1.92 1.101 .8! 1.59 1.59 1.11 10.00 10.7a 1.29 2.21 2.20 1.69 .0» 1.59 1.59 1.11 090,000 2,129,000 2ss,e00 231,000 121,000 1373,1100 1,021,910 1.0 0 5,202,620 -6.50 1.0 1.0 0 0,309,500 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 0 u,aa1,190 922,130 THIS EXAMPLE IS INTENDED TO DEMONSTRATE THE VARIOUS SITUATIONS THAT HERE INCLUDED IN THE BASIC MODEL. Model 1 with the exception of assumptions concern- ing regional feedlot size and associated fixed feeding costs. 3. Models 4 and 5 provide optimum solutions relative to the location and levels of cattle feeding as implied by estimated regional feedlot sizes for 1975. Model 4 incorporates all the basic assumptions of Model l with the exception of projected I975 regional feedlot sizes. Regional capacity restrictions are not a limiting factor in Model 5. INTERREGIONAL COMPETITION IN THE CATTLE FEEDING — FED-BEEF ECONOMY The competitive environment within the cattle feeding-fed-beef economy is constantly changing. Therefore, continuous adjustments in location, size and type of firm, volume and type of output, and management practices are essential if firms are to compete. Given the regional data and consumption levels, the transhipment model designed for this study reveals the economic interrelationship and competi- tive position among regions in the cattle feeding- fed-beef economy for 1968. In addition, it provides solutions for determining (1) optimum location and levels of cattle feeding including least-cost shipment routes for feeder cattle and feed grain, (2) optimum location and levels of fed-cattle slaughter and least- cost shipment routes for fed cattle, (3) least-cost ship- ment routes for dressed fed beef so that total demand requirements are met, and (4) the competitive posi- 9 TABLE 7 . ESTIMATED FEEDER CATTLE SUPPLIES, FEED GRAIN SUPPLIES, FEED GRAIN REQUIREPENTS FDR NON-FEEDER CATTLE LIVESTOCK, ANNUAL FEEDLOT CAPACITY, FIXED FEED i FEED GRAIN REQUIREPENTS PER HEAD FED, FED CATTLE CARCASS HEIGHTS, ANNUAL SLAUGHTER CAPACITY, SLAUGHTER COSTS, AND FED BEEF CONSUMPTION, BY REGION, f FEEDER CATTLE FEED GRAIN FEED GRAIN FOR ANNUAL FEEDLOT FIXED FEEDING FEED GRAIN PER FED CATTLE ANNUAL SLAUGHTER sLA ' 1 R50|011 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 9711511 uvesrocx CAPACITY cosrs 115110 FED cmcnss 1115131113 CAPACITY 1,; ; 10,000 10,000 Dotuas PER ' Datum , 151g Eggs gayls H_5/1_0 POUND 01-" c1111 Egg Brigg 100 POUNDS 100 P ,, ' (1) HAsu.,0R5c. 891,000 121,800 269,600 878,137 $.0160 2,679 651 6,262,620 (2) I110u7.,l01111o,1tvo. 2,129,000 373,100 237,000 1,327,911 .0159 2,672 650 1,309,500 (31 UrAn,N5v. 170,000 37,1100 121,100 305,622 .0209 2,110 591 2,073,060 (1) CALIF. 875,000 535,800 977,100 1,137,761 .0121 2,198 606 18,913,260 (5) A1112. 219,000 151,200 69,800 1,209,510 .0129 2,019 572 2,857,110 (6) NJEX. 192,000 88,600 67,1100 607,178 .0135 2,071 577 I 1,923,111 (7) 11.1511. 1_/ 1,119,000 1,253,200 193,000 2,830,151 .0121 2,093 582 11,389,710 (8) E.T5x. _2/ 2,391,000 679,800 156,100 1,137,711 .0117 1,387 111 1,679,760 (91 11 0m. g/ 111,000 129,100 51,100 125,015 .0135 2,311 637 1,363,100 (101 5.01m. 1/ 1,120,000 75,600 103,100 333,060 .0102 1,909 527 2,635,000 (11) 001.0. 790,000 211,100 151,000 1,926,156 .0132 2,021 600 11,655,200 (12) K1111. 1,139,000 1,296,000 183,800 2,338,715 .0151 2,663 6118 10,782,720 (131 N501: 1,552,000 2,100,000 793,200 1,012,520 .0171 2,723 660 27,119,100 (111) N.D.,S.D. 2,213,000 1,793,600 685,800 9113,9112 .0280 2,808 676 6,330,061 (151 M11111.,H|s. 1,602,000 3,609,000 2,260,600 1,563,230 .0322 2,657 617 20,091,065 (16) IOWA 1,057,000 11,911,100 2,559,000 5,113,788 .0302 2,8111 678 31,106,610 (171 111. 559,000 1,721,600 1,399,200 1,129,000 .0331 2,965 707 11,007,990 (101 H1c11.,lu0.,01110 775,000 1,133,000 1,973,100 2,310,705 .0333 2,305 629 17,107,125 (19) M0. 1,191,000 1,355,000 900,200 1,001,663 .0323 2,663 6110 10,303,200 (20) ARK.,LA. 1,053,000 72,200 915,800 33,000 .0373 1,917 530 1,871,960 (21) M|ss.,ALA.,GA. 1,957,000 513,000 2,207,200 297,677 .0269 1,917 530 5,821,700 (22) FLA. 375,000 80,800 361,100 155,110 .0195 2,635 6113 2,615,915 (23) N.C.,S.C. 355,000 553,800 1,016,000 86,900 .0520 2,253 617 1,963,291 (211 1116,1611. 1,313,000 529,000 061,000 176,301 .0302 2,272 622 5,303,110 (25) W.VA.,VA.,I'ID.,DEL. 158,000 110,800 776,100 81,100 .0511 2,761 667 2,770,718 (26) PA. 5/ 107,600 610,200 286,210 .0381 3,151 7113 6,582,980 (27) NORTHEAST fi/ 191,200 1,121,000 25,000 .0555 2,953 705 6,800,130 u. s. 27,100,000 30,151,000 21,793,000 36,522,070 -- -- -- 236,967,312 1/ 115st 15x13 111010053 CROP REPORTING DISTRICTS 1-N, 1-S, 2-N, 2-S, 3, 6 AND 7. 2/ E/(sr TEXAS 111c1.u05s CROP REPORTING DISTRICTS 11, 5-N, 5-S, 8-N, 8-8, 9, 10-11 AND 10-8. §/ 11537511111 OKLAHOMA |uc1.u05s CROP REPORTING DISTRICTS 1, 1 m0 7._ 3/ 9137511111 0011111011111 111010053 CROP REPORTING DISTRICTS 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 11110 9. 5/ P550511 01111.5 SUPPLIES 115125 591111111750 70 05 "0" m 115010113 26 11110 27 00121113 1968. S55 APPENDIX A. tion and potential of regions in competing for feeder cattle, feed grains, fed slaughter cattle, and market outlets for fed beef. Assumptions in the basic model relative to re- gional feedlot size were altered in additional models to determine and analyze changes in the interregional economic relationships within the cattle feeding- fed-beef economy as regional feedlot sizes were syste- matically increased in selected regions. Regional fixed-feeding costs, which are used in this study to depict economies of size in cattle feed- ing, were, derived by applying the estimated average regional feedlot size to the fixed feeding cost— feed- lot size function developed in a study of Texas- Oklahoma cattle feedlot operations.“ Since detailed fixed feeding cost data were not available for most regions employed in this study, it was assumed that the shape of the fixed-cost functions were generally similar for the various sizes of feedlots in each region. “See Dietrich. R. A.. reference cited in footnote 3, page 2|. and Appendix A for a detailed description of the methodology employed for estimating regional feedlot sizes. The function used to estimate costs per pound of gain was log Y, : —.932490 — .23l240 log X where Y, is defined as fixed costs per pound of gain and X represents one-time feedlot capacity. l0 Further, it was assumed that the rela‘, the various regional fixed-cost functio equal, is influenced by fixed invest“ of capacity. ‘ Previous studies have shown th ments per head of capacity vary from; the Corn Belt, from $35 to $160 ini- States, from $50 to $200 in the Sou and from $30 to $50 per head of Southern Plains.“ In order to ensure ti "Simerl, L. H., “How Feed Supplies Affect University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, pa“ ' Texas Cattle Feeders Association, Amarillo... _ I970; Erickson, D. E., Hinton, R. A. and ‘ Prospects for Cattle Feeding, Illinois Beef , sity of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, I968; Hun I den, j. P., Economies of Size For Speciali, Colorado, FPED, ERS, U.S. Department off Econ. Rpt. 9l, May I966; Walker, W. G. 11 Costs and Returns From Drylot Feeding of? sippi, Agr. Exp. Sta., Mississippi State Unf liam, H. C., Ihen, L. A. and Toussiant, W v Analysis of Selected Systems for Feeding Carolina, A. E. Information Series No. 1~ Agricultural Economics, North Carolina S leigh, North Carolina, April I964; and Di , ence cited in footnote 3. " fficients as shown in Table 7, column 5, 4* existing regional cost situations for all nal fixed feeding costs were raised 50 ‘ceding areas in the Pacific Northwest, " States, the Corn Belt, the Lake States g east." Fixed feeding costs in the South ft were raised 33 percent. f»: costs were calculated as follows: i the regional feedlot size in Iowa, as marketings, was estimated to be 346 i methodology employed for estimating g 0t size is described in Appendix A. This §- when applied to the Texas-Oklahoma ',-; cost function yielded a fixed feeding it per pound of gain. Adjustments for l» fixed investments per head of capacity ’ Southern Plains and Iowa resulted in a .1 cost of $0453 per pound of gain for el l. Fixed feeding costs for feedlots nd 5,000-head capacity as estimated from klahoma fixed feeding cost function were 6.0163 per pound of gain, respectively. adjusted fixed feeding costs for Iowa in 1d 3 in which minimum regional feedlot i at 1,000 and 5,000 head are $0355 and " pound of gain. This compares with a 1g cost in California and West Texas of _ the one-time regional feedlot size was “ly 18,400 head. decision whether to raise regional fixed w‘ 50 percent or 33 percent for specified ‘estimated from the Texas-Oklahoma fixed function, was based on regional fixed _. per head of capacity, considerations con- p} atic conditions in the various regions tion supplied by feeders in some of the , the Corn Belt States and Coloradofi >7 of fixed feeding costs by 50 percent for feedlots for the Corn Belt, the Lake States as compared with the Southern Plains ; regions in the Southwest appears to be T" This is also generally true for regions I and Southeast in which fixed feeding raised 33 percent. ‘K odels employed in this study, in addition 8.; costs were raised 50 percent in regions 1, 2, ll, _5, l6, l7, l8, l9, 26, and 27. Fixed feeding costs J 5 percent in regions 8, l0, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and i visited and conferred with three to six feedlot in Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois concerning feeding costs and management prac- a during the summer of 1969. Reasons generally f» operators for higher fixed investment costs in l’ compared to the Southern Plains included higher V. in barns and shelters for protection from inclement f‘ from two to three times more pen space per head 7o offset potential mud problems. Feed storage fa- n» often also used for enterprises other than _»; were also observed to be more substantial in the l compared to the Southern Plains. to the basic model, were designed primarily to meas- ure the effects of economies of size in feedlot opera- tions. Models 2 and 3, in which minimum regional feedlot sizes were set at 1,000 and 5,000 head, respec- tively, were designed to estimate the impact of lower fixed costs on the cattle feeding- fed-beef economy as feedlots expand in size. Variable costs in this study are represented pri- marily by the regional price differentials for feeder cattle and feed grain as determined from the opti- mum solutions of the various models employed. Costs associated with feed grain and feeder cattle generally represent more than 90 percent of the total variable costs in cattle feeding. All other variable costs were assumed to be similar in all regions. ' A stipulation was also imposed on all models that the regional feed grain requirements for livestock other than cattle in feedlots had to be satisfied from available supplies of feed grain from current produc- tion.” Wheat and rye, which accounted for approxi- mately 4 percent of the total grain consumed by U.S. livestock and poultry in 1968, are not included in the available supplies of feed grain. Regional feeder cattle placement and fed-cattle marketing weights, along with per head feed grain requirements associ- ated with regional feeding practices, were estimated and incorporated into each model. Least-Cost Feeder Cattle Shipments and Feeding Levels Model l was designed to depict the basic inter- regional economic relationship existing for the cattle feeding-fed-beef economy during 1968. The least- cost flow patterns for feeder cattle in Model l are shown in Figure 2. The optimum regional feeding levels, feeder cattle shipments (the underscored fig- ures) and opportunity costs are shown in Table 8. Opportunity costs, which result when shipments do not occur within or between regions, reflect the de- crease in f.o.b. delivered price or the reduction in transportation costs necessary before shipments would occur. Conversely, opportunity costs may also be in- terpreted as the penalty or additional costs incurred for the system when non-optimum shipment routes are employed. The annual feedlot capacity, the an- nual surplus feedlot capacity and surplus feeder cattle are also shown on a regional basis in Table 8. The regional feeder cattle flow patterns, as shown in Figure 2, depict both the optimum distribution patterns and optimum location of cattle feeding for 1968 when total costs in the cattle feeding- fed-beef economy are minimized simultaneously. The bulk of the feeder cattle are shipped either West to feedlots in the Southwest and Southern Plains or North to Kansas, Nebraska and the Corn Belt. One notable exception is California, which ships feeder cattle to “Other livestock are defined to include all grain consuming ani- mal units other than cattle in feedlots. ll Arizona. These results suggest that the cost of mov- ing feed grain to California along with relatively high feeding costs places feeders at a competitive dis- advantage in that state. Considerations regarding optimum location and levels of cattle feeding, among others, include avail- ability of feeder cattle, feed grains and market out- lets for live fed cattle and dressed fed beef. Table 8 and subsequent table showing the results of Model l reveal that one or more of these factors had an important influence, on interregional competition in cattle feeding. Other important factors such as capi- tal availability, labor supplies, weather and so forth were not considered in this study. Model l shows that although 80 percent of the cattle feeding was located in eight principal feeding areas, cattle feeding apparently will take place in some areas of the South and the East when capacity restraints on feeding and slaughtering, including the effects of existing economies of size, Table 8. Such capacity restrictions aff patterns in the optimum solutions to the they place an upper limit on the volum or slaughter occurring in any one regi or unused capacity, which did not affect f solutions of the models employed, refe ,7 nual estimated capacity not utilized in solution. While the model employed 1’, did not assess a penalty for surplus capa, capacity in the real world context, w, longer run, suggests inefficiencies and 1_ investment decisions by individual fi 1». industry. * Another major observation is tha“ of the available feeding facilities in x compassing Washington-Oregon (1), M Wyoming (2), Utah-Nevada (3), Calif Arizona (5) are unused when cattle fee“ TABLE 8 . MODEL 1 FEEDER CATTLE SUPPLIES, OPTIMUM FEEDING LEVELS, OPPORTUNITY costs, SURPLUS FEEDER CATTLE, FEEDLOT CAPACITIES AND SURPLUS FEEDLOT CAPACITY, BY REGIONS, 1968 FEEDER UPTIMUM FEEDING LEVELS 1/ $HlPP1NG CATTLE REc|ous SUPPLY 1 2 3 0 5 6 7 8 9 H5812 (1) 1181s11.,0REc. 890,000 _66;5_31_3 .05 2.12 1.82 2.36 0.62 6.10 10.51 5.35 (2) Mourulmutgmo. 2,129,000 3.05 5.30 0 3.58 2.39 2.30 3.72 8.00 2.97 (3) UTAH,NEV. 078,000 5.37 0 1.05 2.79 1.10 1.66 3.19 7.03 2.78 (0) CALIF. 875,000 6.31 0.61 0.05 £6,827 Qflg 2.110 5.10 9.65 6.93 (5) ARIZ. 209,000 12.06 9.10 8.33 6.12. 212,000 3.88 6.06 10.15 8.17 (6) NJtx. 092,000 12.111 6.97 6.72 6.23 1.60 09_2J_0@ 2.65 7.62 2.92 (7) HJEx. 1,109,000 11.68 6.16 5.99 6.55 2.00 .37 1,109,000 5.00 .76 (8) E.TEx. 2,309,000 8.97 3.87 0.15 0.62 2123;? jligfl Qgifl 1,037,700 .67 (9) H.010>|00c costs, av aemous, 1968 SHIPPING nssnnAnquzll REGIONS 1 2 3 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (1) HASHHOREG. 10,331,190 .95 1.100 .55 1.89 2.101 3.11 3.00 3.05 3.21 2.53 (10) CALIF. 1.02 1.61 1.62 6,653,179 1.35 2.09 2.80 2.66 2.85 2.97 2.67 (5) ARIZ. 1.01 1.00 .85 1,867,280 989,860 .96 1.62 1.102 1.71 1.810 1.61 (6) NJtx. .79 .58 .103 1,1056,161 .22 @280 .76 .71 .85 .99 .83 (7) H.IEX. .78 .55 .103 10,163,600 .17 .05 1,319,200 §Q_8_,_2_Q .210 .29 .61 (8) E.TEx. 2.010 1.77 1.69 1.23 1.310 1.37 1.37 10,679,760 1.59 1.19 1.83 (9) H.0023fi1 ,131 23,198,567 23, 505, 855 ---- ---- ---- i1 Ares 10m. =18 THE 8As1c1100EL As PREVIOUSLY DEFINED; M3051. 2 ASSUMES A 11111111111 REGIONAL 1=1-:1-:o1_or s12: 0F 1,000 HEAD; Monet 3 ASSUMES A 11111111111 112010101. 11:01.01 s12: ~ 11:10; A110 most l1 REFLECTS THE 1975 PROJECTED REGIONAL FEEDLOT SIZES. V- IX A FDR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE METHODOLOGY EVPLOYED IN DEVELOPING THESE DATA. 25 for resources and markets in the cattle feeding— fed- beef economy. Such increases in regional feedlot sizes, which tend to decrease total fed-beef production costs, sug- gests that feeders with one-time capacities of 1,000 head or 5,000 head in predominant farmer-feeder areas generally are in a much stronger position to compete for resources and markets than are the smaller farmer-feeders in the same area. While nu- merous farmer-feeders in the Corn Belt States may have access to surplus seasonal farm labor and gen- erally large supplies of relatively low-priced feed grains, such advantages, as suggested by this study, will generally not be sufficient in the long run to offset cost advantages available to the larger, more specialized commercial feedlot operators. The signifi- cance of these findings are that cattle feedlot opera- tions in the major surplus grain producing regions, where farmer-feeders predominate, must increase in size to either be competitive or to maintain their competitive position in the cattle feeding-fed-beef economy. . The findings further suggest that, when and if, feedlot operators increase the size of cattle feeding operations in Iowa, Missouri, Michigan-Indiana-Ohio and Minnesota-Wisconsin, major cattle feeding re- gions as Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, "California and New Mexico would be affected most severely. For example, Iowa, the Eastern Corn Belt States, and the Lake States have a locational advantage over Nebras- ka and Kansas in shipping fed beef to the deficit fed- beef markets in the Northeast and along the East Coast. Nebraska and Kansas, consequently, would have to look to deficit markets in the South and Southeast for their surplus fed beef. West Texas would become the major supplier for California with Colorado looking primarily to the Inter-Mountain States and Washington-Oregon for its surplus output. IMPLICATIONS OF INTERREGIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIPS AND REGIONAL PRICE DIFFERENTIALS Regional changes in the location and levels of cattle feeding as a result of changes in regional feed- lot size also affect the regional price structure for feeder cattle, feed grains, fed cattle and dressed fed beef. Such regional price structures are the result of regional differences in surplus and deficit situations and regional ability to compete for resources and market outlets. Table l4 shows that feeder cattle prices were generally lowest in the Southeastern States, East Tex- as, the Inter-Mountain States and the Pacific North- west. These regions are large surplus producers of feeder cattle which are shipped relatively long dis- tances. Highest prices were generally noted for Ari- zona (5), Iowa (16), New Mexico (6), Western Okla- homa (9) and Illinois (17). While these regional price differentials reflect existing regional supply-demand 26 TAaLs 1'1. REGIONAL FEEDER CATTLE PRICE OIFFERENTIALS, av most, a m REGIONAL FEEDLOT s|ze AND FIXED resume cosrs . Ramon lhoEL ‘I 2 - - - - - - - - - LLAns/cwr- -‘ - - - - _' (1) HAsn, Daze -.se ‘nllll -.ss I (2) Hour, lomo, mo -.59 -.'4I1 -.59 (a) um, Nev -.ss -.s1 -.e1 (h) CALIF -.5 -.38 -.53 (5) Aalz .112 .28 .11 (6) N (EX .21 .15 -.03 (7) H TEX 0 0 0 (B) E TEX -.51 -.51 -.5I (9) H (MLA .03 .08 -.07 (10) E OKLA -.17 -.10 -.31 (11) CoLo .09 -.05 -.1'I (12) KAN -.03 .03 -.13 (13) NEBR .01 .06 ~09 m) no, so -.au -.a1 -.s1 (15) Mmu, Hrsc -.22 -.0‘) ~05 he) IONA ' .03 .20 .20 (17) ntt -.os .os .06 (18) Mncn, mo, 0mm -.15 0 0 (19) Mlssounl -.27 -.09 ~09 (20) ARK, LA -.60 -.60 -.60 (21) MISS, ALA, GA -.77 -.57 -.5'I (22) m -.s1 -.\1s -.s1 (2a) NC, sc -.59 -.I+5 ~60 t2») 1mm» -.ss an)» -.n (5) u vA,vA,m,nzt,oc -.5u -.1+0 -.5') (26) PENN -. 28 -. 17 -. 29 (27) u 5 -.1+5 -.02 -.15 conditions, they may also provide insight 1 cattle producers and feedlot operators ' existing and anticipated regional price dif the structure of the cattle feeding industry i change. .A The Southern Plains, which annuall.’ for about 20 percent of the beef cows 2’ older in the 48 contiguous states, is generall as a surplus feeder cattle producing area. with the recent upsurge of large commer operations in West Texas (7) and Western I (9), these two regions have become net 1» feeder cattle as reflected by the price diff‘ Table l4. East Texas (8) and Eastern (10), in contrast, export substantial volum‘ cattle as demonstrated by the relatively ».__ differentials in these two regions. Price ~11 are somewhat lower in East Texas com those of Eastern Oklahoma since East V) mally faced with relatively larger surplus 1 feeder cattle and also ships feeder cattle '1 tant markets. _ i; The price differentials in Table l4 strate the sensitivity of regional feeder w’; to both increasing and decreasing demand, cattle as regional feedlot structures and >1 cattle fed undergoes change. For example prices increased 17 cents per hundredw_ Model 2, as numbers of cattle fed in- ‘f state when average feedlot capacities 1,000 head as in Model 2. In contrast, prices declined l3 cents per hundred- ifornia when numbers of cattle fed in lined 25 percent from Model 1 to feeder cattle are also sensitive to changes i-demand situation in nearby competing iioptimum solution for Model 3 revealed y would be minimized when Washing- feeds no cattle and also does not ship 0 another region. Presumably such cat- , ome stockers or would be slaughtered “tle. Numbers of cattle fed in California y same from Model 2 to Model 3, but fprices in California were l5 cents per I?» lower in Model 3 than Model 2. This “g1 e to increased surplus feeder cattle sup- y,“ estern regions which exerted additional ,= ~ ure on prices in that area since regon's entire supply of feeder cattle s in Model 3. ‘n price differentials were highest in the uth, and the Northeast for all models, * ese regions are characterized by deficit ‘iproduction relative to feed grains de- i FEED GRAIN PRICE DIFFERENTIALS, BY MODEL, GIVEN CHANGES IN AND FIXED FEEDING COSTS i 2 1111021. 3 l‘ - - - - - - --6oLL11ns/c1rr-------------- .29 .29 .32 .29 1113 .08 .11 .08 .21 .21 .21 .21 .117 .117 .117 .117 .31 .31 .31 .31 .15 .15 .15 .15 0 0 0 0 .011 .011 .08 0 -.01 -.01 -.01 -.01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 -.07 -.07 -.07 - 07 ...09 -.09 -.09 - 09 -.13 -.13 -.09 -.13 -.13 -.13 - 09 - 13 -.13 -.13 -.09 -.13 -.09 -.09 -.05 -.13 -.011 -.011 0 -.08 -.06 -.06 -.02 -.10 .09 .09 .13 .05 .01 :1“ .01 .11 .03 .21 " .21 .5 .17 .18 .18 .22 .111 .08 .08 .12 .011 .15 .15 .19 .11 .17 .17 .21 .13 .23 .23 .27 19 TABLE 16. REGIONAL LIVE FED CATTLE (oassszo EQUIVALENT) PRICE DIFFERENTIALS, av noosL, c1vs11 CHANGES 111 112111011111. FEEIJLOT SIZE AND FIXED FEEDING cos1's 115111011 M1051. 1 2 3 11 - - - - - - - --DOLLARS/T1T------------- (1) 1111811, 011cc 1.35 1.511 1.1a 1.112 12) 1b1rr, IDAHO, 1N0 .511 .72 .86 .50 13) UTAH, NEV .39 .60 .67 .82 111) CALIF 1.37 1.39 1.117 1.311 15) ARIZ 1.05 1.05 1.13 .96 16) 11 DEX .25 .27 .35 .22 17) H TEX 0 0 0 0 181 E Tex .51 .51 .60 .51 19) N OKLA .5 .02 .02 .06 (10) E OKLA .80 .57 .57 .61 111) COLO .311 ’ .36 .1111 ‘ .31 112) KAN . 57 . 36 . 35 . 38 113) NEBR .63 .113 .111 .35 1111) N0, S0 .85 .72 .35 .59 115) M11111, N180 1.111 .81 .51 1.20 116) 1011A 1.12 .80 .59 .711 117) ILL 1.57 1.27 1.19 1.311 118) M1011, 1ND, 0-110 1.59 1.36 1.31 1.111 119) Mlssoum 1.28 .98 .90 1.05 12D) ARK, LA 2.56 1.31 .97 2.65 121) Miss, ALA, GA 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.116 122) FLA 1.82 1.811 1.85 1.79 123) NC, SC 2.03 2.03 1.99 2.03 1211 KY, 151111 1.5a 1.53 1.5a 1.5a 125) HVA, VA, 111,011,116 2.21 1.98 1.92 2.15 1 26) PENN 2. 51 2. 28 2. 22 2. 50 127) N E 2.117 2.25 1.99 2.16 manded by the poultry and livestock industry. Feed grain prices, in all models, were highest in California (4) followed by Arizona (5). As expected, feed grain prices were generally lowest in the "Corn Belt and Northern Plains states. However, feed grain prices may have been slightly understated in the Eastern Corn Belt and regions with grain export facilities since export demand was not incorporated into the various models. Prices were slightly higher in the Eastern Corn Belt than those of the Western Corn Belt because of locational advantages in shipping to the deficit Northeast. Regional feed grain price dif- ferentials generally remained relatively more stable than did price differentials for feeder cattle when minimum feedlot sizes were increased to 1,000 and 5,000 head in Models 2 and 3, respectively. Table 16, which depicts regional differences in fed-cattle prices at the slaughter level, reveals that fed-cattle prices were generally highest in Pennsyl- vania and the Northeast. Generally higher fed-cattle prices in these two regions can be attributed primari- ly to the excess demand for fed beef relative to production along with the availability of surplus slaughter capacity. Fed slaughter cattle prices were lowest in West Texas, the base region, which did not have sufficient slaughter capacity to slaughter all the cattle fed within that region. Consequently, West Texas and also Western Oklahoma, the region with 27 the second lowest fed-cattle prices, shipped substan- tial numbers of fed cattle to the Southeast for slaughter. These results suggest that fed-cattle prices will remain generally lowest in I/Vest Texas and Western Oklahoma until such time as slaughter facilities are equal to or exceed local fed-cattle slaughter supplies. Relatively lower fed-cattle prices in surplus fed-cattle production areas as the Texas-Oklahoma Panhandle tends to encourage establishment of additional slaughter facilities in such areas by slaughtering firms seeking to minimize fed-cattle acquisition costs. This is evidenced by the recent construction of large, spe- (iializeil, shipper-type cattle slaughter plants in and adjacent to the Texas-Oklahoma Panhandle areas. Regional price differentials for dressed fed beef reveals that fed-beef prices were generally highest in such deficit areas as the Northeast, the South, Cali- fornia and Washington-Oregon, Table 17. Lowest fed-beef prices were generally observed for the South- ern Plains and Colorado. These regions are large surplus producers of fed beef and are faced with relatively long distant shipments to major fed-beef consumption centers. Higher regional fed-beef price differentials indi- cate both the relative degree of excess regional de- mand over production as well as relative distances TABLE 17. RsciouAi. DRESSED FED BEEF PRICE DIFFERENTIALS, av MODEL, GIVEN CHANGES IN REGIONAL FEEDLOT SIZE Auo FlXED FEEDING cosrs REGION 110051. 1 2 3 11 - - - - - - - --Doi.i.ARs/cvrr------------- (1) HASH, DREG 1.11 1.38 1.1111 1.21 (2) Mom, lnAiio, Hro 70 .611 .69 .611 (3) UTAH, Nev 50 .81 .56 .50 (11) CALIF 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 (5) ARiz .72 .72 .72 .72 (6) N (‘EX 35 .35 .35 .35 (7) H TEX 0 0 0 0 (B) E TEX 69 .69 .69 .69 (9) H (XLA .02 -.03 -.03 -.03 (10) E OKLA .30 .17 .13 .22 (11) CoLo .03 .03 .03 .03 (12) KAN .31 .09 -.011 .16 (13) NEBR 27 .02 -.11 .12 (111) N0, SD .611 .119 .011 .111 (15) MINN, Hisc. .83 .118 .10 .60 (16) IONA - .57 .32 ' .19 .112 (17) |LL 1.01 .76 .63 .86 (18) Micii, luo, 0i1|o 1.17 .92 .79 1.02 (19) MISSOURI .65 .113 .30 .50 (20) ARK, LA .72 .69 .65 .72 (21) Miss, ALA, GA 1 1.13 1.01 .93 1.06 (22) FLA 1.53 1.53 1.119 1.53 (23) NC, SC 1.65 1.50 1.37 1.57 (211) KY, TENN 1.07 1.02 .911 1.07 (5) 11 VA,VA,1b,DEL,DC 1.82 1_57 1_i.3 1,79 (26) PENN 1.87 1.62 1.119 1.72 (27) N E 2.211 2.00 1.66 1.77 28 between major deficit consumption centers in ' to major supply areas. For example, dressed prices were generally highest in the North Further analysis of the price differentials Northeast for the various models in Table cates that fed-beef prices declined in that r1 cattle feeding increased in the more near in the Eastern Corn Belt in Models 2 and ,1 competitive interregional relationship is also in a lower price differential for the Northea Model 4 compared with Model 1. In both 1 and 4, Nebraska and Iowa were the sole of fed beef to the deficit Northeast. How least-cost solution for Model 4 revealed a (Ti increase in cattle feeding in Iowa comp. Model l, and at the same time North 1f Dakota initiated cattle feeding up to the i the required consumption within its own, Model 4. The overall result was that Neb f its market in North Dakota-South Dakota j to seek outlets in the more distant Northeast Nebraska, one of the major suppliers to f east, was in a less favorable competitive up’ Model 4 than in Model l. Consequently, received a lower price for its product as re i lower fed-beef price differentials in Model 4f; ilar situation existed for Iowa which shi stantially greater supplies of fed beef to 1 distant Pennsylvania market in Model 4 --‘ with Model 1. " The adverse price effects for the North States resulting from substantial increased f the neighboring Corn Belt and Lake sta flected in the declining price differentials f’ (12) and Nebraska (l3) in Models 2 and 3, These results revealed that fed-beef prices i’. to decline in Kansas and Nebraska even thy decreased fed-cattle production. However, , gions retained their regional surplus fed- ; and competed for the same general mar Iowa and the Eastern Corn Belt States whi locational advantage in shipping surplus "-; the Northeast while at the same time suq increasing their fed-beef production in ~- 3. POTENTIAL ADJUSTMENTS IN T11 CATTLE FEEDlNG—FED-BEEF ECON’) To gain insights into the potential 1 adjustments in the cattle feeding-— fed-beef} a model was developed to incorporate p; changes in regional feedlot size while regi feeding and slaughter levels were permit established in each region on a least-cost i out capacity restrictions. Unlimited regio" i and slaughter capacities assume that catt and slaughtering firms have ample time and to adjust capacities to optimal levels. Model 5 incorporates all the assu Model l with the exception of regional sla ‘pacities which were unlimited. In addi- nal feedlot sizes in Model 5 were based feedlot sizes for 1975 reflecting changes gs among various size groups of feedlots ~ to 1968 as reported by the U.S. Depart- ; iculture. ’ 8 and Table l8 revealed that regions with tcompetitive advantage in cattle feeding trated in an area encompassing the Texas- ‘Panhandle, New Mexico, Arizona, Colo- -Nebraska, Iowa-Illinois, portio-ns of the V-i Belt and Kentucky-Tennessee. Num- Title fed in the cattle feeding belt accounted nt of the total required to meet the U.S. ~ and in Model 5. According to data re- l the USDA, states in the cattle feeding belt for 70 percent of the U.S. fed-cattle mar- a ring 1968. The lone exception to the pat- Model 5 was Washington-Oregon where U cattle fed are equal to that region's fed- mption. Almost 60 percent of the cattle v fed in the Texas-Oklahoma Panhandle, 3i Nebraska with Iowa and Illinois account- f other l6 percent. The potential for East _,-~ to be overstated in Model 5 since the ‘in for feed grain was not considered. i tial for the Kentucky-Tennessee area ap- ‘irst glance, somewhat surprising. However, ure 8. Cattle feeding belt as defined by regions with the highest competitive advantage in cattle feeding (Model 5). that area enjoys locational advantages with respect to (l) surplus feed grain supplies in the Corn Belt, (2) surplus feeder cattle production in the South and (3) a large deficit fed-beef market in the South. The concentration of cattle feeding activities among a relatively few states in model 5 has impor- tant economic implications for feeder cattle and calf producers, feed suppliers and manufacturers, and fed- cattle slaughtering and processing plants. The least- cost shipment patterns of feeder cattle in Table 18 reveals that feeder cattle producing states in the Northwest and parts of the deep South would be most disadvantaged if firms comprising the cattle feed- ing—fed-beef industry were located on a least-cost production basis. Regions with unfed feeder cattle, including states in the Northwest, Florida and North Carolina-South Carolina, imply a relatively greater locational (lisadvantage for these areas compared to competing areas in shipping feeder cattle to feedlots in the least-cost cattle feeding belt. Such a locational disadvantage, other things equal, suggests that feeder cattle prices would be lowest for producers in these more distant feeder cattle production areas given the concentration of cattle feeding operations suggested by Model 5. The optimum distribution patterns of feed grain available for cattle feeding show that feed grain transport costs are minimized when the Southern 29 n01: 18. M0051 5 F5505): c1111.: supvuss, 01111111111 FEEDING LEVELS, 01111001011111 cosrs 11110 sunwtus FEEDER 01111.5, av REGIONS, 111111 N0 nssnucnous 011 11501 .1 FEEDING CAPACITY AND REGIONAL FEEDLOT s1zs PROJECTED to 1975 F5505): P5501211 c1111.: nssnmnou AND 0011mm REGIONAL 551201110 LEVELS 911101.00 i» 51111101110 c1111.: 1111511., 11.T5x., K11N., 1011/1 111011., |N0., 7177,? T0111. P550511 < REGIONS SUPPLY 0115c. A1112. N.1'£x. H.0KLA. E.T5x. C01.0. N502. 11.1.. 01110 TENN. s1111>1>50 CATTLE 5552.. fi§A2__ fl§A2_. f (1) HAs11.,OR1-:c. 091,000 665,010 665,010 220, (2) MoNr.,|0)1110,Hv0. 2,129,000 90,500 90,500 2,000, (0) UrAu,N5v. 170,000 170,000 170,000 0 ,} (1) 011.11. 075,000 075,000 »_o 075,000 0 6-’ (5) ARIZ. 2119,000 209,000 209,000 0 (6) 11.11511. 192,000 192,000 192,000 o (7) IALTEX. 1,109,000 1,109,000 1,109,000 0.; (0) 5.1m. 2,091,000 700,029 1,610,671 2,091,000 of, (9) H-OKLA. 011,000 011,000 011,000 0 . (10) 5.0101. 1,120,000 1,120,000 1,120,000 o1 (11) COLO. 790,000 290,135 095,865 790,000 0: (12) KAN. 1,039,000 80,897 1,350,103 1,039,000 (13) NEBR. 1,552,000 1,552,000 1,552,000 0 (11) 11.0.,s.0. 2,210,000 2,210,000 2,210,000 " (15) 11111100116. 1,602,000 1,602,000 1,602,000 (16) lowA 1,057,000 1,057,000 1,057,000 (17) ILL. 559,000 559,000 559,000 (18) M1011. , 1N0. ,01110 775,000 775,000 775,000 (19) 110. 1,191,000 1,260,512 200,100 1,191,000 (20) ARK. ,LA. 1,053,000 1,053,000 1,053,000 (21) MISS. ,ALA. ,GI1. 1,957,000 1,957,000 1,957,000 (22) FLA. 375,000 0 (23) N.C.,S.C. 355,000 0 (211) KY.,TENN. 1,313,000 262,670 1,050,326 1,313,000 (25) H.VA. ,VA.,("0.,DEL. 058,000 0 In“, 27,188,000 665,313 209,000 1,367,000 7,036,860 1,610,671 095,865 6,379,615 3,711,162 775,000 1,050,326 Plains imports most of its feed grain requirement from Kansas, Table 19.13 The Kansas-Nebraska area, at the same time, receives most of its feed grain requirement from Iowa. West Texas ships substantial quantities of feed grains to New Mexico and Arizona while Illinois supplies the grain required for cattle feeding in Kentucky-Tennessee. Regions with sub- stantial quantities of surplus feed grains in Model 5 "Regional feed grain supplies were distributed on a least-cost basis among regions in Model 5 as in Model 1 such that grain requirements for feeding to other livestock were satisfied. TABLE 19. fbDEL 5 2 OPTIMJM SHIPMENTS OF AVAILABLE FEED GRAIN FOR CATTLE FEEDING AND SURPLUS FEED GRAIN BY REGION, WITH N0 RESTRICTIONS ON REGIONA FEEDING CAPACITY AND REGIONAL FEEDLOT SIZE PROJECTED TO 1975 2 7110 816 include the Northern Plains States, the and Iowa. Economic theory suggests that fed-ca ter, assuming unlimited regional slaughtj will be predominantly production orien: specifically, the combined acquisition, slai distribution costs are generally expected»? as slaughter firms locate in the primary areas. The results in Table 20, which _ 97 percent of the slaughter was product) ‘0Esr1u1T10N 1/ Sunwtus SHIPPING H/(sn. , H.T5x. KAN. , 101111, M1011. , 1N0. , Kv., Tout FEED REGIONS 0115c. A1112. NJtx. H.01<1.11. E.T5x. 001.0. N500. 11.1.. 01110 TENN. s1111>1=50 0mm (2) m~1.,11>)11o,m0. 170,207 170,207 0 (7) 11.1111. 51,020 200,106 121,171 750,600 0 (8) E-TEX. 223,000 223,000 0 (9) H.01<1.11. 129,100 129,100 0 (12) KAN. 1,136,800 1,136,800 0 (13) NEBR. 100,032 696,272 836,300 0 (10) N.D.,S.D. 0 918,163 (15) M1NN.,11I1s. 0 1,021,200 (16) 10111 1,025,210 710,210 1,770,150 500,111 (17) ILL. 311,966 238,630 550,600 0 (18) M1c11.,|ND.,01l0 178,637 178,637 118,563 TOTAL W337 51,020 283 106 1,690,670 223,000 100,032 1,721,082 1,060,209 178,637 2 8,6 0 5, 6 ,0 1 2,96, 1 1/ 8111111151110 m5 IN TEN THOUSAND P0uN0s. 30 l‘. F0021. 5 = UPTIMUM SHIPMENTS or FED CATTLE lonzssso EQUlVALENTl FOR stnucnrzn, av nsc1ou, wurn no RESTRICTION on SLAUGHTER CAPACITY AND REGIONAL reenter s1z: PROJECTED TO 1975 HAsH., Onsc. H.TEx., ARIZ. N.MEX. H.0KLA. E.TEx. 1,331,130 1,320,200 7,337,590 05,050,730 7,151,377 EMU. 1,20s,ss0 DESTINATION 1/ TOTAL SHIPPED Kv., TENN- KAn., Iowa, M1cH.,lN0., NEBR. ILL. Oulo Coto. 0,331,190 1,020,280 7,887,590 06,257,398 7,151,377 3,371,880 M1,791,70h 3,371,330 33,173,375 3,512,029 25,056,001 0,070,750 25,H66,801 h,87N,750 6,533,030 s,53a,00 H,331,190 1,%2H,280 7,887,590 N5,050,738 7,151,377 nrs ARE IN 100 POUNDS. ‘5, provide further evidence that costs are l, when slaughter is production-oriented. able 20 shows that costs for some regions nimized when slaughter is not production- "The optimum solution reveals that total inimized when Eastern Oklahoma imports i: cattle instead of dressed fed beef from Liklahoma. These results suggest that, given slaughter facilities, regional alterations in ,s as labor costs, power costs, local taxes, ion costs and so forth may affect the form l in which livestock and meat products are igHowever, cost disadvantages as well as ad- ould be associated with the complete shift ghter industry to the primary production itic changes would occur in the optimum ' routes and associated volumes of dressed ,1» when cattle feeding is concentrated ile feeding belt, as indicated by Table 21, ,5 available slaughter facilities in the pri- "uction areas, Table 20. These findings immarized as follows: 9 0- e West Texas-Western Oklahoma area is ‘shipper of fed beef to the Northeastern the West Coast and the Southeast. The ahoma Panhandle emerges as a strong com- the deficit Northeast (27) with Kansas- i“ It is the sole supplier for Pennsylvania i supplies almost two-thirds of the fed-beef ts in California (4). In addition, the Tex- v0.1a Panhandle ships substantial quantities k beef to Arkansas-Louisiana (20), Florida i North Carolina-South Carolina (23). ansas-Nebraska finds itself shipping pre- ‘ y to markets in the East. The Northeast f» received more than half the fed beef l. in Kansas-Nebraska in Model 5. Other outlets include the Middle Atlantic States, 1,206,660 3,371,880 38,178,875 29,079,630 U,B7N,750 6,533,030 1h9,090,000 the Eastern Corn Belt, Missouri and North Dakota- South Dakota. 3. Preferred markets for Iowa-Illinois included the Lake States and the Eastern Corn Belt markets which were shared with Kansas-Nebraska. Iowa was a major supplier of fed beef to the Northeast (27) in Model 1 along with Nebraska. However, as a result of the increased concentration of cattle feeding in the Plains States in Model 5, fed-beef prices would tend to decline in these areas; and therefore, the Texas-Oklahoma Panhandle is able to compete for the Northeastern markets with Kansas-Nebraska. 4. Both New Mexico and Arizona compete with West Texas-Western Oklahoma for the deficit Cali- fornia (4) fed-beef market. With increased cattle feeding, the Plains States, Arizona (5) and, especially New Mexico (6), find it difficult to compete for fed- beef markets in the South. 5. Kentucky-Tennessee, in addition to supply- ing its own fed-beef requirements, has a locational advantage in shipping fed beef to the Mississippi- Alabama-Georgia markets. 6. Out-of-state shipments from Colorado move to the Inter-Mountain States of Montana-Idaho- Wyoming (2) and Utah-Nevada (3). Fed-beef pro- duction in Washington-Oregon (1) was limited to consumption within that area. Regional price differentials in Model 5, although generally similar to those for the previous models as shown in Tables 14-17, reveal somewhat greater dif- ferences between surplus and deficit regions. This was especially true for feeder cattle. For example, when cattle feeding is concentrated in the cattle feed- ing belt, feeder cattle producers in the Far West and the South are faced with relatively long distance shipments of feeder cattle. Consequently, prices for feeder cattle in such areas would be expected to reflect increased transportation costs as indicated by 31 TABLE 21- MODEL 5- 2 UPTIMUM SHIPMENTS FOR DRESSED FED BEEF, BY REGION, WITH NO RESTRICTIONS ON FEEDING AND SLAUGHTER CAPACITY AND REGIONAL FEEDLOT P‘ SHIPPING REGIONS 1 2 3 H 5 wASH.,UREG. M,331,190 1m. 1131,1120 9a9,0s0 11.11511. 1,120,610 166,900 W.lEX.,W.UKLA. 11,535,710 E.1ex. E.0KLA. COLD. 922,130 926,k30 KAN.,NEBR. IOHA,ILL. MICH.,IND.,UHl0 KY.,TE~~. DESTINATION 1/ 6 7 1,019,200 152,500 8 9 10 11 12 ' 13 . 5,207,900 , 1,206,660 1,520,320 . 1,710,160 999,9 TOTAL %,331,190 922,130 926,N30 19,390,7H0 989,860 566,980 1,319,200 5,287,980 153,500 1,206,660 1,523,320 1,718,160 999ji€ 1/ SHIPMENTS ARE IN 100 POUNDS. substantially lower regional price differentials, Table 22. Regions importing relatively large numbers of feeder cattle, in contrast, would be faced with rela- tively higher prices of feeder cattle. The pattern of regional price differentials for feed grain, fed slaugh- ter cattle and fed beef in Model 5 was generally similar to those developed in earlier models. How- ever, the regional price differentials for fed beef in the latter model was generally lower than those devel- oped in the earlier models. Lower regional fed-beef price differentials sug- ‘ gest that costs of producing and distributing fed beef would decline when cattle feeding is concen- trated in regions with the highest competitive ad- vantage in cattle feeding. Optimum solutions for the various models revealed that total costs of pro- ducing and distributing fed cattle and fed beef de- clined about $15 million from Model 4 to Model 5. The decline from Model 1 to Model 5, although due partly to projected 1975 regional feedlot sizes, was approximately $70 million dollars. CONCLUSIONS The dramatically changing economic environ- ment in the cattle feeding—fed-beef economy sug- gests that numerous changes are imperative at the local and regional levels in the fed-cattle production, processing and distribution sectors. Factors generat- ing these dynamic changes include changes in tastes and preferences, a shifting and growing population with an increasing per capita income, and continuous technological innovations in cattle feeding, fed-cattle slaughter, transportation and distribution systems, and changes in the production of feeder cattle and feed. In addition, differences in such regional fac- tors as capital, level of management, availability of resources for producing feed and feeder cattle, will- ingness to adopt technological innovations, and others contribute to constantly changing regional competi- tive positions and situations among variously en- 32 dowed regions. Some of the above factors I directly considered in the models employed.’ The cattle feeding- fed-beef economy trayed in this study, although oversimpli vides insights concerning interregional I relationships and potential change in regi tionships as a result of changes in region economies of size. The simultaneous sol the various sectors of the cattle feeding 1 economy demonstrate how regional competi 1' are interwoven and provide guidelines for? making by firms and individuals associated livestock and meat industry. Regions enjoying economies of size g feedlot operations, other things equal, gen enjoy competitive advantages in the cattle fed-beef economy over regions where such _f_ are not so evident. The findings reveal gional disadvantages resulting from disec 1i feedlot size and higher transportation and costs can be partially offset through ecol size in feedlot operations. However, eco_ size in cattle feeding operations by the not sufficient to offset severe locational dis__ relative to available sources of feeder cattle; grains. For example, Table 7 revealed p feeders in California ranked first along 1 Texas in availability of economies of size ° operations. The least-cost solutions for 1v models designed in this study, however, sh most of the California feedlot capacities I come surplus in a highly competitive eco result of relatively high transportation c," ated with the importation of feed grain extent, feeder cattle. Locational disadvantages relative to 1. lets can be partially offset by economies -_ feedlot operations when resource inputs’ feeder cattle and feed grains are readily f Even though far removed from major 1f; ters, North Dakota-South Dakota fed subst L 2,228,050 2,038,753 1,883,397 1,108,690 3,079,170 ;1,051,s10 10,197,130 5 1,870,750 ' 3,615,000 2,988,870 TOTAL 23 211 25 26 27 SHIPPED 0,831,190 1,121,280 7,887,590 8,811,100 15,987,155 15,050,738 7,151,377 1,208,680 3,371,880 7,706,270 19,529,175 38,178,875 29,079,880 1,878,750 2,888,030 6.533.030 _ _tle in the optimum solution for Model 3 f-ge feedlot capacities were increased to resulting in a relatively lower fixed feed- that area. This suggests that cattle feed- gying areas where feed grain and feeder iggenerally abundant can compete in the "J-ing-fed-beef economy provided econo- in feedlot operations are sufficient to gtional disadvantages. "feeders in Corn Belt States like Iowa and l1 major surplus feed grain producing e United States, enjoy competitive ad- er most other major cattle feeding areas om relatively lower feed grain prices. This advantage, however, is offset to a large _ diseconomies in feedlot operations. Such 'es are evident in generally higher fixed f}: less specialized management and feed- j!‘ lower degree of feedlot utilization and hen compared with the large, commercial ich have adopted big business techniques. l e implementation of innovative cost sav- Q ues specifically designed for farmer-feeders ‘nsion of large commercial feedlot opera- 5112C possible economies of size in feeding, 1rators inthe Corn Belt may lag or decline f1 the rapidly expanding activity in the ‘lies. . evealed that substantial increases could be 1 in cattle feeding in the Western and ~ n Belt and the Lake States with increases l feedlot size to 5,000-head capacity or the f1 regional cost saving techniques to offset f»- onomies of feedlot size. Such increases beeding in the 1Com Belt and Lake States would have severe repercussions on the i, especially, Nebraska areas. Competitive 3" accruing to the Corn Belt and Lake States and Nebraska, in this situation, stem ‘from locational advantages in shipping fed j deficit fed-beef markets in the Northeast '; 1 ,s10 19,878,870 3,079,170 2,228,050 3,815,000 3,902,150 2,918,670 2,888,030 7,708,270 8,881,000 35,518,930 109,090,000 and Middle Atlantic States. The Southern Plains, at the same time, enjoys a locational advantage over Kansas and Nebraska in shipments to deficit fed-beef markets in the South. The projection of regional feedlot sizes to 1975, along with unlimited regional capacity restrictions relative to numbers of cattle fed or slaughtered, re- sulted in a concentrated cattle feeding belt from the TABLE 22. REGIONAL PRICE DIFFERENTIALS FOR FEEDER CATTLE, FEED GRAIN, FED SLAUGHTER CATTLE. AND FED BEEF, “JOEL Fzenza FEED FED F20 REGION CATTLE GRAIN SLAUGHTER BEEF - - - - - - - - DoLLARs/0wT- -c:T:LE - - - - - - - ; - - (1) HAsu, Oazc -.98 .30 1.26 1.92 (2) MDNT, IDAHO, Hvo -.98 .09 .3» .90 (3) UTAH, Nev -.76 .21 .19 .75 (E) CALIF -.92 .k7 .97 1.30 (5) Amz -.52 .31 .67 .72 (6) N HEX -.08 .15 .30 .35 (7) H Tex 0 0 0 0 18) E Tex -.51 .0» .03 V .08 19) H OKLA .11 .02 .01 -.03 (10) E 0KLA -.06 .011 .75 .311 (11) 001.0 -.30 .02 .19 28 (12) KAN -.12 -.0\1 .27 .26 (13) NEBR .10 -.07 .31 29 (110) N0, S0 -.|18 -.11 .68 87 (15) M188. N188 -.05 -.11 1.25 79 (16) |OHA -.18 -.11 .78 .63 (17) ILL -.18 -.11 1.27 1.02 (18) Mlcn, luo, 0N|o -.h2 -.11 1.25 1.23 (19) H1ss0un1 -.01 -.08 .98 .65 (20) ARK, LA -.60 .07 .60 .72 (21) Muss, ALA, GA -.78 .05 1.00 1.05 (22) FLA -1.01 .19 1.17 1.53 (23) NC, $2 -.99 .11 1.73 1.61 (2)6) KY, TENN -.89 .06 1.15 1.06 (25) HVA,VA,DEL,HD,DC -.92 .08 2.12 1.71 (26) PENN -.60 .10 2.17 1.93 (27) N E -.79 .16 2.04 1.9% 33 Texas-Oklahoma Panhandle and New Mexico area through Kansas and Nebraska, the Western Corn Belt, portions of the Eastern Corn Belt and down into Kentucky-Tennessee. The implications of these findings may be summarized as follows: l. Substantial competitive advantages, other things equal, will accrue to regions in the cattle feed- ing — fed-beef economy with the following attributes: (a) Economies of size in feedlot operations, (b) Location of feeding facilities in or adjacent to major surplus feed grain producing areas, (c) Location of slaughter facilities in the pri- mary fed cattle producing areas, and (d) Cost advantages in acquiring feeder cattle. 2. Location relative to market outlets is not an overriding factor as costs of transporting dressed beef to more distant markets can be offset by economies of size in feedlot operations, lower f.o.b. feed and feeder cattle costs, lower slaughter cattle acquisition and slaughtering costs, lower taxes and so forth. 3. Generally greater concentration of cattle feeding activity in the Texas-Oklahoma Panhandle and Kansas-Nebraska areas compared with the Corn Belt suggests that regions which enjoy substantial advantages in economies of size in cattle feeding along with generally adequate feeder cattle and feed grain supplies or accessibility to them can anticipate relatively greater growth and expansion in feedlot activity than can regions where diseconomies of size are generally prevalent. This does not indicate that the cattle feeding industry in the Corn Belt will eventually be replaced by cattle feeders in the Texas- Oklahoma Panhandle or Kansas and Nebraska. How- ever, it does suggest that farmer-feeders in the Corn 34 Belt, who do not adopt cost saving techniq j ing from economies of size or other facto faced with increasingly less favorable cf positions when competing with regions wh commercial feedlots predominate. ’ 4. Regions like California, which " moved from available sources of feed grain -_ cattle even though they enjoy economies q feedlot operations and nearby market on severe competitive disadvantages and ma 5 increasingly difficult to compete for resou y cattle feeding——fed-beef economy. Econo 1. suggests that minimum feeding levels in su in the short run, would be at those levels i, to utilize local surplus feed supplies. 5. With the exception of Kentucky- cattle feeders in the South face severe resulting primarily from deficit feed grain v-jf and diseconomies of size in feedlot operati) petitive advantages accruing to Kentucky-- in the cattle feeding- fed-beef economy c other states in the South stem primarily tional advantages in obtaining feed grain’, Corn Belt. However, compared to other t feeding regions, Kentucky-Tennessee is _j competitive disadvantages as a result of of size in feedlot operations. Yet, it enj“ tional advantage in obtaining feeder nearby Southeastern States and in shippin to the deficit fed-beef markets in the So 6. Fed-cattle slaughter and processi, will continue to locate near concentrated w, ing areas to realize cost advantages ass» acquisition costs and to assure adequate supplies. APPENDIX A Development of Data ta utilized in this study were developed ,m secondary sources as Texas Agricul- ent Station publications and from vari- _ls issued by the U.S. Department of The specific sources and estimating i» ployed are described in the following. Supplies 3 feeder cattle and calf supplies were w data published by the USDA in "Live- eat Statistics,” “Livestock and Poultry 5 and “Calf Crop." The 1968 regional " supplies were postulated as follows: , feeder cattle = calf crop — total cow _ - bull replacements — commercial and pughter — deaths. 3 beef cow and bull replacements were U.S. replacement ratio or replacements -I— ,’ ventory. Replacements were estimated lowing equation: ? ents = Net inventory + deaths — be- Eng inventory entory = ending inventory + commercial I; (CT. lacements were defined as heifer calves k as reported by the USDA. (Ional Feedlal Size and I ing Capacity '9 regional feedlot size for feedlots with t’ d-over capacity were based on a weight- "~ re as represented by 1968 marketings __ various feedlot size groups as reported DA in "Cattle on Feed." The average I in each size group was defined as the uarter range. The lower one-quarter (then weighted by the proportion of re- , ttle marketings from lots with 1,000- er capacity and aggregated over the f groups. Data on average regional feed- feedlots with less than 1,000-head capacity g d through correspondence with livestock Q- ‘ sonnel and state statisticians in the vari- The estimated regional feedlot sizes for ,000-head-and-over capacity and lots with DOG-head capacity were then weighted by ion of fed-cattle marketings represented e group to obtain the regional feedlot "one-time regional feedlot capacities for 1,000-head-and-over capacity were esti- ultiplying the number of reported feed- TABLE 23. ESTIMATED FEEDER CATTLE PLACEMENT AND FAT CATTLE MARKETING HEIGHTS, ASSUMPTIONS REGARDING LENGTH OF TIME ON FEED, AND PER HEAD FEED GRAIN REQUIRE- MENTS, BY REGIONS FEEDER CATTLE FAT CATTLE DAYS PER HEAD FEED Recnons PLAcsnEuT MARKETING on GRAIN HEIGHTS HEIGHTS F1220 RE UIREMENTS £21m E5 114E _°U"_°§ (1) HASH. ,0REG. 618 1,068 165 2,679 (2) M011T. ,1oA11o,HYo. 616 1,066 165 2,672 (3) UTA11,N1-:v. 5711 9711 1115 2,1118 (11) CALIF. 592 992 1115 2,198 (5) ARIZ. 538 938 1115 2,0119 (6) N. MEX. 5116 9116 1115 2,071 (7) H. TEx. 5511 9511 1115 2,093 (s) E. Tex. 1121 711s 125 1,387 (9) H. OKLA. 61111 1,01111 1115 2,3111 (10) E. OKLA. 1187 _ 887 1115 1,909 (11) COL0. 6611 1,1111 165 12,8211 (12) KAN. 613 1,063 165 2,663 (13) NEBR. 1332 1,082 165 2,723 (111) N.0., 8.0. 659 1,109 165 2,808 (15) 1111111., Husc. 611 1,061 165 2,657 11s) IOHA s61 1,111 165 2,811+ (17) ILL. 709 1,159 165 2,965 (18) M1c11.,l11o.,0111o 631 1,031 1115 2,305 (19) MISSOURI 613 1,063 165 2,663 (20) ARK., LA. 1190 890 1115 1,917 (21) M1ss.,A|_A.,GA. 1190 890 1115 1,917 (22) FLA. 6011 1,0511 165 2, 635 (23) N.E., S.C. 612 1,012 1115 2,253 (211) KY., TENN. 619 1,019 1115 2,272 (25) H.VA.,VA.,I)EL.,DC m 1,0911 155 2,161 (26) PENN 768 1,218 165 3,151 (27) N.E. 705 1.155 165 2,953 lots within each size group by the lower one-quarter range and summing over all size groups, The one- time feeding capacities of these large lots were then adjusted by annual turn-over ratios, as reflected by the average days on feed in Table 23, to obtain annual feeding capacities. One-time regional feeding capacities for feedlots with less than 1,000-head capa- city were obtained through correspondence with live- stock marketing personnel and state statisticians in the various regions. The annual turn-over ratio for these small feedlots was arbitrarily set at 1.0. Regional Per Head Feed Grain Requirements Estimated per head feed grain requirements were based on regional cattle placement and fat cattle marketing weights and length of time on feed, Table 23. Fed-cattle marketing weightswere estimated from available slaughter data and weights of cattle on feed as reported by the USDA for I968. Regional feeding periods and total gain per head were based on fat cattle marketing weights as follows: Fat cattle Days on Total gain marketing weights feed per head (pounds) (days) (pounds) 1,000 8c over 165 450 999 to 800 I45 400‘ 799 8c under I25 325 35 Regional placement weights are defined as the difference between fat cattle marketing weights and total gain per head. Feed grain consumption was based on placement weights and daily rates of gain. Total regional per head feed grain consumption was set at 1.5 percent of the body weight for the first 30 days on feed and 2.0 percent for every day thereafter. Regional feed grain production, food industry and seed use and consumption by grain-consuming animal units other than cattle on feed were estimated from data published by the USDA in “National and State Livestock — Feed Relationships.” Fed-Beef Consumption Estimates Since previous research has indicated that per capita fed-beef consumption is influenced predom- inantly by per capita consumer income, fed-beef con- sumption in this study was postulated as a function of per capita income. The fed-beef equation utilized for estimating regional fed-beef consumption was as followszl“ Y = -69.209220 + .06l772X (l0.79)** R2 = .90 F = 116.4?‘ where: Y = per capita consumption of fed beef, X = deflated per capita consumer income. Transportation Rates Transportation costs used in this study were the lowest of either truck or rail among all regions. Cost data on other modes of transportation were not in- cluded in this study. Four equations were utilized for developing truck and rail transportation rate functions for cattle, feed grain and dressed fed beef. These equations were postulated as follows: (1) Y = a + bx (2) Y a + bx + b(x)‘-’ (3) Y = a + bx + b(x)2 + b(x)3 (4) Y=a+bx+b\/x_ where: Y = shipping cost in dollars per hundredweight for the specified commodity, x = miles shipped. “The t-value of the estimated parameter is directly below the coefficient in all estimating equations in this study. (‘"') de- notes statistical significance at the one percent probability level. 36 Truck and rail transportation costs rd data for cattle and carcass beef were obta’ state and regional tariff bureaus and froi shipping firms. Transportation cost data adjusted for backhaul privileges. Intraregi age was assumed to be equal to one-half thest possible shipment from the shipping ._ ing point within each region. Data for 1; truck and rail transportation functions for _ were supplied by the Texas Transportation ; Texas A&M University. a Truck and rail transportation functig appeared to conform most closely to obs ping rates for cattle, feed grain and " were adopted for this study. These are as Cattle: _ Ye, = .105092 + .001911x + .004 01.41)" (2 R2 = .93 F =11 Yo, = 514954 + .00075sx (121.s9)** s. R2 = .89 F = 192.94" Feed Grain: if Yfg. = .09062s + .000491x (50.42)** p R2 = .72 F = 2542.59+ Y.” = 205012 + .000715x it (s.4s)" 9 R2 = .54 F = 41.99" 5 Carcass Beef: Y,“ = 850828 + .00]097X (2.2..59)** . R2 = .75 F = 551.082! Yb, = -.170010 + .0001s1x + 11 (.58) R2 = s5 F = sss.s2"f Yo. = cattle shipping cost in doll _ dredweight by truck, j Ye, = cattle shipping cost in doll €_ dredweight by rail, g Yfgt = feed grain shipping cost in p hundredweight by truck, ” Y,” = feed grain shipping cost inf hundredweight by rail, A YM = carcass beef shipping cost in; hundredweight by truck, Q Yb, = carcass beef shipping cost irffl hundredweight by rail. 37 00. 0m. mo; 0m; m0; 30.2 3m; 00; G; 00; 03; G; 0m.2 m>; 00; 00.2 02.0 0m; 00.0 00d 02.0 00d 0>d m0.0 m3.0 m0d 0md 20500 2>0S 0m. 23. mm. m0.2 00; 00; 00; 3m; 00; 32;. 00;. 03; m3; m0; 20.2 mm; 2m; 00; 02.; 0>; 3m.2 02d m3.0 00.0 mm; 00d 0>d u¢:¢w.¢...<_._ 200S m0; mm. 0m. m2; 0>. 00; m2; 03; 03; 32; 00; 03; mm; 00.2 00; 30; 20.0 00; 30.2 00; 32.0 >2d m3.0 00.0 23d 03.0 0md 0:02.220 2m0S 0m; m0; m2; >3. >0. m2; 0m. . >m. mm. 3m. 00. m0; 00; 03.2 >0; 00; 0m.2 2.2; m0; 20; 03.2 00; mm.2 m3d 00d 30d 0md w._.__>=2= 230S m0.2 00.2 0>. >m. >3. 00; 0m. 00.2 00.2 02; 30; m3; mm; 02.; 30; >m; 0m; 0m; 0>; 03; 2>; 0m; 00d 0>.0 00.0 30.0 00.0 ur>o3z0d 0>; 00; mod G; 00; 03; 3>; 00.0 m0d m>.0 0md mm.0 22.0 2.3.38 200S 3m; 00; m2; 0m. 0m. 30.2 >m. m0. >0; >0; 30; 00; >0; 0m; 00; m0; 0m; 02; 03.2 32.2 m0; m0; 3m; 00.0 20.0 22.0 0m.0 220S 00; 3m.2 03; >m. 00; m0; m0. 2.m. 00; 00; 00; m0.2 m0; 0m.2 2.0.2 m2.2 33.2 2.m. 00; 20. 22; 00; 00; 02d 00; 20.0 03d 2538. 200S 20; 00; 03.2 mm. 00; m3; >0; 00; 33. >0. mm. 2>. 20.2 02.2 3m. 00. 00; 3m. 00; 00; 20; >0; >0; 00.0 >>; 00; 30.0 >50 3.355“... 2mS 00; 32; 32; 3m. 02; m3.2 >0; 00; 2.m. 0m. 22.. 0m. 00; 00; m2; 02; 03; 00.2 00.2 33; 3m.2 m0; 00.0 23.0 00; 30; 00.0 .52.. >000 20S 03; 00; 00; 00. 30; m3.2 30; 00.2 mm. 2>. >0. 3>. >0. 32; 00; 0m. 20; 2.0; 02.2 >0; 30; m3.2 00; 20d m0; m>; 00d 0307.09.20.00 2>S G; 03.2 03; m0; m3.2 m0; 00.2 m0; 2>. 0m. 3>. 23. 00. 0m. 2>. 00. 32; 00.2 00; 00; m0; m0; 0>.2 22d 2m; 0m; 00d $2.0: $0 202S 0m; m3.2 mm; 00; mm; 00; >0; m0; 20; 00; >m. 00. 3m. 0>. 0m. >0.2 00.2 00; 00; 0m; m3; mm.2 0m; 00.0 00; 03.2 mm; 2.3.2533... 2m2S m>; m0; .00; 03.2 0>.2 >0d 0m; 0m; 02; 00; 32; 0m. 0>. 00. m0. 2.0.; 0m.2 2.3; m0; 0m; 03; 00; 00d >0.0 33; 30.2 0>; zuu0¢un< 23S 00; 20; 00; >0; 30; 02..2 00; 2.0.2 3m. m2; 00; 2.. 0m. m0. 3m. 0m. 0m. mm. 0m. 00.2 02; m0; 00.2 2m; m0; 00; 00; 02.32 025.0 20S 00; mm; 30.2 00.2 >m; 00.2 m0; m2; 00. 02; 0m. 00. >0; >0; 0m. 0>. mm. m0. 0>. 02; 20; m2; 3m; 00; 23.2 0m; 0m; .3120 202S 02.0 2m; 20.0 0m; 0m; mod 0m; 33; 00.2 03; 20.2 32; 00; 0m; 0m. mm. >m. 02; m0. 03; 30.2 0m. 0m.2 0>; m0.2 00; 00; ¢u>zu0 222S _ 0m.2 00; 00; >2; 0m; 20; 02; >0. 3m. 00; >0; 00.2 00; 2.3; mm. m0. 02; m0. 00. >m. m0. 22; m3; 00; >m; 00; 30d >20 $82300 202S 00.0 0>; 30; m0; 0>; 00.2 03; 00.2 00; 00; 02; 00; 00.2 m0; 0m. 0>. m0. 00. 03. 02; m0. 30. 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MooEL 2 FEEDER CATTLE SUPPLIES, OPTIFIM FEEDING LEvELs, owwonrumtv costs, SURPLUS FEEDER CATTLE, FEEDLOT cAPAcmEs AND SURPLUS FEEDLOT GAPAGITY, 11v 111231011, 1968 FEE0ER 0117111011 FEEDING LEvELs 1_/ Smwmuc CATTLE REGIONS SUPPLY 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 g 9 , 19 11 !§A2__ (1) HASHHOREG. 891,000 §§_,_3_1_3 1.78 2.80 3.115 3.99 5.82 6.98 11.39 5.90 9.211 1.33 (2) 1b11T.,lDA11o,HYO. 2,129,000 3.15 5.30 .68 5.21 1.02 3.50 11.60 8.88 3.52 6.86 2.08 (3) UTA11,NEv. 178,000 3.611 0 0 2.69 1.00 1.13 2.31 6.58 1.60 11.11 .10 11) CALIF. 875,000 1.68 11.71 3.10 6__2[1_,_5L0_0_ QSLE 2.01 11.35 8.90 5.85 6.86 11.91 (5) ARIZ. 219,000 10.83 9.20 7.38 6.12 Zfifi 3.115 5.71 9.110 7.09,} 8.06 6.78 (s) 11.11511. 152,000 11.22 7.50 6.20 s.“ 2.07 33,00 2.33 7.30 2.27:" 5.35 3.31 (7) H.TEx. 1,119,000 10.80 7.01 5.79 7.30 2.75 .69 1,119,000 5.00 .13 3.15 2.87 (8) E.TEX. 2,391,000 8.09 11.72 3.95 5.37 .75 .32 i 1,137,711 .31 1.06 1.511 (9) H.01005001s 0F FED cA11L5 BY 00500000, 1968 80000050000 DESTINATION Q 005c0o00s 1 2 3 10 5 6 '1 8 9 10 11 12 (1) HASHHDREG. 10,331,190 1.610 1.66 1.28 2.77 3.85 10.21 10.39 10.03 10.210 3.07 (10) CALIF. .91 2.12 1.102 3,7810,1070 1.38 2.52 3.21 3.103 3.710 3.31 2.910 (5) ARIZ. 1.1010 2.19 1.38 .102 2,857,1100 1.62 2.32 1.20 2.88 2.39 2.22 (6) NJtx. .96 1.08 .1010 LQQ .06 1,923,1101 .73 1.10 .810 .98 .59 (7) 101.1501. .77 .88 .26 .110 .21 .18 11,389,7100 .36 .26 .101 (8) EJEx. 1.87 1.910 1.36 1.30 1.18 1.52 1.310 10,679,760 1.63 .98 1.52 (9) H.00005001s (100 POUNDS). 0100500 0000100500: A005 00050001000010 cos1a 00000000 RESULT FRUM 0001 HAVING AN I ARE SHOWN IN DOLLARS PER HUNDREDHEIGHT. ACTIVITY 000 1005 0001mm soLunol. TABLE 31. mozL 2 0010mm SHIPMENTS FOR 0005ss50 FED e555 AND o0=0=o001uu|1v SHIPPING c0s1s, BY 00500000, 1968_ SHIPPING DESTINATIONH 00500000 1 1 3 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 T1 (1) HAsH.,0005c. 10,331,190 1.22 1.67 .82 2.16 2.68 3.38 3.27 3.37 3.61 2.80 (10) CALIF. .75 1.61 1.62 10,700,169 1.35 2.09 2.80 2.66 2.90 3.10 2.67 (5) A0002. .710 1.00 .85 1,867,280 @860 .96 1.62 1.102 1.76 1.97 1.61 (6) N.|1'£x. .52 .58 .103 1,1056,161 .22 £30 .76 .71 .90 1.12 .83 (7) H.TEx. .51 .55 103 8,157,330 .17 .05 1,319,200 §Z&,_2_20 .29 .102 .61 (8) E.TEx. 1.77 1.77 1.69 1.23 1.310 1.37 1.37 10,679,760 1.610 1.32 1.83 (9) H.00005001s (100 POUNDS). 0100500 00u0~1e500s A005 00000001000011: cos1s 00000000 RESULT 500000 0001 HAVING AN ACTIVITY 000 1005 0001mm soLu1| i‘ ARE SHOHN IN DOLLARS PER HUNDREDHEIGHT. 44 TOTAL 15 15 11 15 19 20 21 22 23 25 25 26 27 SHIPPED 3.15 3.59 3.57 2.33 3.51 3,95 3.75 3.90 3.53 3.59 3.63 3.25 3.10 5,331,190 3.39 3.39 3.15 3.16 3.33 3.05 3.15 3.12 3.02 3.17 3.51 3.06 3.06 3,785,570 2.60 2.51 2.26 2.23 2.55 1.97 2.07 2.13 1.95 2.01 2.23 2.18 2.18 2,857,150 1.18 1.09 .65 .85 .85 .72 .80 .75 .72 .69 .93 .76 .76 2,838,850 .68 .59 .33 .35 .31 1 757 939 .10 .01 1,527,121 1,888,525 .61 .23 .25 16,573,225 1.32 1.23 .72 .69 .85 1g5,gg1 .19 1,599,803 .10 .19 .33 .58 .56 6,383,585 .52 .33 .08 .10 .09 .20 .13 .16 .06 5§5,5§§ .15 0 0 2,707,537 .87 .76 .55 .59 .55 _33 .31 .37 .23 .19 .52 .37 .39 1,755,226 .73 .77 .65 .51 .55 .91 .78 .95 .67 .62 .76 .55 .51 5,372,000 .51 .35 .10 .11 555,555 .52 .22 .25 .13 .03 .15 .02 .01 15,155,067 .30 .13 .25 .20 .30 _59 .58 .51 .32 ‘ .21 .28 .12. .08 23,665,709 .17 31,106,650 .13 1 .22 .28 1.02 .60 .65 .37 .28 .32 .15 .10 31,106,650 1.15 1.01 10,103,652 .25 .59 1.17 .77 .80 .59 .37 .56 .33 .32 10,103,652 1.35 1.51 .65 15 773,355 1.23 1,55 .92 .90 .56 .60 .33 .28 .10 15,773,355 .93 .67 §Q5,§§§ .33 .02 .92 .53 .57 .33 .23 .37 .25 .28 905,338 1.93 1.92 1.21 .95 1.56 1.01 .10 .25 .10 1,511,555 .37 .50 .57 1,577,688 3.09 .3.08 2.35 2.05 2.61 2.07 1.35 551,551 .71 1.59 .91 1.15 1.20 997,357 2.87 2.95 2.19 1.75 2.52 2.21 1.35 .86 5§§,11§ 1.32 - .28 .72 .75 536,173 1.85 1.86 1.07 .89 1.52 1.29 .23 .65 .32 1,097,108 .52 .63 .69 1,097,108 2.82 2.95 2.21 1.67 2.61 2.51 1.67 1.11 .33 1.57 0 552,300 .37 552,938, 3.12 2.53 1.97 2.85 3.00 2.16 1.70 1.12 2.03 .35 2,126,763 .56 2,126,763. , 1.. - 11 --- /1 , , .656 1,071,960 0 2,597,160 1,960,295 5,027,005 0 2,K9,701 0 159,090,000 120,095,065 01,106,650 11,007,990 17,107,525 10,000,200 1,071,960 5,025,700 2,655,955 1,960,295 5,000,510 2,770,710 6,502,900 6,000,500 206,967,052 A 895 865 0 0 2,515,970 9,715,555 0 5,825,700 58,785 0 355,606 2,770,718 3,913,279 6,800,50 87,877,352 TOTAL 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 25 26 27 SHIPPED 0.02 0.20 0.06 0.06 0.20 0.15 0.12 0.07 0.16 0.02 2.95 2.75 5,001,190 0.01 0.10 0.05 0.10 2.70 2.76 2.60 2.70 2. 00 2.05 2.91 2.79 5,700,169 2.20 1.96 1.91 2.00 1.59 1.57 1.57 1.62 1.69 1.72 1.00 1.07 2,057,150 1.06 1.11 1.07 1.15 .72 .70 .70 .00 .05 .07 .96 1.02 1,920,151 .09 .60 .52 .65 .00 .09 1,005,990 .15 .21 .20 .50 .57 11,009,750 1.65 1.20 1.12 1.05 .26 .55, .20 .50 .60 .65 .91 .97 5,679,760 .59 .06 .01 .50 .12 .09 .09 .11 .15 .17 .-20 .27 1,060,100 .66 .09 .01 .07 @5030 1,072,250 0 .02 .07 .09 .20 .26 2,605,000, .71 .55 .59 .66 .55 .50 .59 .52 .56 .09 .52 .56 5,072,000 .27 .10 .15 8,079,170 -20 .00 .09 Egg .05 5,002,015 _ .00 .10 10,702,720 .00 .17 .05 .22 -35 .16 .17 .07 .11 0 0 25,710,290 27,559,500 2._16._._0 590. i _._J_‘1 705 516 i3 ~59 .25 .25 .10 .17 2,550,576 6,171,699 9,006,650 01,106,651 .01 11,007,990 .06 .70 .77 .00 .07 .20 .16 .16 .19 .25 11,007,990 1.02 .57 15,778,855 1-17 1-16 .60 .55 .25 .56 .09 .09 .11 15,770,055 .57 .21 .09 -01 -37 .09 .10 .01 505% 1_§,6_00 .05 .11 500,656 1.50 i, .90 .70 1.07 1,871,960 .02 .00 .10 .00 .00 .59 .66 1,071,960 2.92 952.23 1.89 2.53 1-76 1.15 2,597,160 .77 1.55 .91 1.25 1.27 2,597,160 2.55 1.86 1.37 2.21 1-68 .90 .55 1,960,295 1.09 .15 .60 .67 1,960,295 1.65 .83 .62 1-25 J15 2,572,750 .25 .10 2,555,055 .20 .55 .50 5,027,005 2.60 1.90 1.87 2-51 2-25 1.50 1.10 .00 1.56 .17 2,669,701 .27 2,669,701 2.160.590 11,051,610 19,578,070 0.079.170 2,228,050 0,655,000 0,902,150 2,956,670 2,000,000 7,706,270 0,051,500 05,516,900 159,090,000 45 46 TABLE 32 . moEL_3 FEEDER CATTLE SUPPLIES, OPTIMUM FEEDING LEVELS, OPPORTUNITY COSTS, BY REGION, 1968 SURPLUS FEEDER CATTLE, FEEDLOT CAPACITIES AND SURPLUS FEEDER OPTIMJM FEEDING LEVELS 1/ SHIPPING CATTLE REGIONS SUPPLY 1 2 3 l, 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 115i (1) HASHHUREG. 891,000 0 1.78 2.80 3.19 11.03 5.86 6.08 10.19 6.00 9.31 1.23 (2) 110111., lo1111o,wYo. 2,129,000 3.15 5.30 .68 5.25 11.06 3.51 3.70 7.98 3.62 6.96 1.98 (3) UTAH.,NEV. 178,000 3.611 0 3054632 2.73 1.011 1.17 1.111 5.68 1.70, 11.51 814$ (1) CALIF. 875,000 1.611 11.67 3.06 65500 225% 2.01 3.111 7.96 5119111, 6.92 1.80 (5) A1212. 219,000 10.79 9.16 7.31 6.12 53% 3.115 11.77 8.116 7.15 8.12 6.611 (6) N.MEx. 192,000 11.17 7.116 6.16 6.66 2.07 113000 1.39 6.36 2.33 5.111 3.17 (7) wJEx. 1,119,000 11.70 7.91 6.69 8.211 3.69 1.63 1,119,000 5.00 1.113 11.15 3.67 (8) E.TEX. 2,391,000 8.99 5.62 11.85 6.31 1.69 1.26 1,310,000 1,051,000 1.311 2.06 2.311 (9) w.011~11z1ns 01- FED CATTLE (oasssso EQUIVALENT) FOR SLAUGHTER, OPPORTUNITY s1111>1>111c costs, SLAUGHTER CAPACITIES, A1105‘ CAPACITIES, BY 1212111011, 1968 r SHIPPING DESTINATION 1/ REGIONS 1 7 3 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 (3) UTAH,NEV. 1,815,395 .19 .211 .18 1.10 1.72 2.17 2.211 2.09 2.15 (11) CALIF. .85 2.07 1.67 3,7811,1170 1.38 2.52 3.29 3.112 3.82 3.39 (5) ARIZ. 1.38 2.111 1.63 .112 2,857,180 1.62 2.110 1.21 2.96 2.117 (6) N.l1'£x. .90 1.03 .69 1 .06 1,923,1111 .81 1.09 .92 1.06 (7) 11.T1=.x. .63 .75 .113 .06 .13 .10 11,389,7110 .27 .26 .27 (8) E.TEX. 1.82 1.90 1.62 1.31 1.19 1.53 1.113 11,679,760 1.72 1.07 (9) 11.011=1uc DESTINATION 1/ REGIONS 1 2 3 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 (1) HASHUOREG. 11,331,190 1.118 1.81 1.11 2.611 3.68 3.99 11.17 3.78 3.98 2.90 (11) CALIF. 1.08 2.12 1.73 3,7811,1170 1.111 2.52 3.16 3.38 3.65 3.22 2.911 (5) ARlz. 1.57 2.16 1.66 .39 2,857,1110 1.59 2.211 1.22 2.76 2.27 2.19 (6) N.MEX. 1.13 1.08 .75 9l5ji9 .09 1,923,1111 .68 1.05 .75 ._ .89 .59 (7) w.TEx. .99 .93 .62 .19 .29 .23 11,389,7110 .36 .22‘ p15 .23 .116 (8) E.TEx. 2.09 1.99 1.72 1.35 1.26 1.57 1.311 11,679,760 1.59 .911 1.57 (9) H.0KLA. .85 .79 .57 .75 .88 .37 .29 .69 1,363,180 8_79,_7_7_1_1 .28 (10) E.011>|11c costs, av 1151:1011 SHIPPING DESTINATION 1/ REGIONS 1 2 3 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I (1) HASHHIREG. 11,331,190 1.05 1.50 .65 1.99 2.51 3.21 3.10 3.20 3.39 2.63 3.11 (11) CALIF. .92 1.61 1.62 11,700,169 1.35 2.09 2.80 2.66 2.90 3.05 2.67 3.06 I (5) ARlz. .91 1.00 .85 1,867,280 9Q,§6_0 .96 1.62 1.112 1.76 1.92 1.61 1.92 I (6) N.I"£x. .69 .58 .113 1,1156,161 .22 flQQ .76 .71 .90 1.07 .83 1.07 . (7) H.TEX. .68 .55 .113 11,906,930 .17 .05 1,319,200 Q8420 .29 .37 .61 .59 ‘ (8) E.TEx. 1.911 1.77 1.69 1.23 1.311 1.37 1.37 11,679,760 1.611 1.27 1.83 1.50 I} (9) H.01