B-1120 May 1972 LIBRARY Am; 2 2x 1912 Texas A&M University COTTON RESPONSE TO LOW RATES OF 2,4-D AND OTHER HERBICIDES TEXAS AdvM UNIVERSITY THE TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION H. O. Kunkel, Acting Director, College Station, Texas v Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable. cozvrEzvrs Summary ............................................................ __ ’ Introduction ______________________________________________________ __ j Materials and Methods .................................... Cotton Response to Herbicide Spray Cotton Response to Foliar-Applied Her ‘ Results and Discussion--.'...§f. ............................ " Cotton Response to Herbicide Spray D 2,4-D ........................................................ ..f Dicamba ..... .. i MCPA ....... .- v Bromoxynil and Amitrole ................. .. Cotton Response to Foliar-Applied Her‘ 2,4-D__ j Dicamba ................................................. .. MCPA i Picloram..-.. .. Bromoxynil ............................................ ..; 2,3,6-TBA and HRS-587 ............... .. Lint Micronaire and Length ................. ..j Relationship Between Estimated Injury‘ and Crop Yield ...................................... .. - Acknowledgment ............................................. .. 5 Literature Cited Appendix. S UMMAR Y Use of hormone-type chemicals is Q many instances to control perennial bro y‘, species in grain sorghum. However, cot ; damaged by spray drift when these herbici properly applied. The objective of this g to establish the relative toxicity of several type herbicides to cotton. Response of i inadvertent spray drift was evaluated ini spray drift trials and by direct applicatii lethal rates at various growth stages. D If ton, in order of decreasing toxicity, was 2, i 2,4-D amine >> dicamba > MCPA > pi bromoxynil >> 2,3,6—iTBA >- HRS—587. of 0.1 pound per acre of 2,4—D, dicamba, reduced lint yields 20 to 97 percent. Yield ~ most severe when cotton was sprayed u‘ ‘j ing. However, lint quality (micronaire . was not affected by herbicides. Mi -_ estimations of foliar damage did not pro estimates of actual crop losses at harvest) ductions were consistently higher than injury estimates. _, RBICIDES sucn AS 2,4-D are highly effec- gprovide low-cost control of many annual .= 'n sorghum (7) and other grass crops. _ they are highly effective in controlling l broadleaf perennials (4,5,8). However, hormone-type chemicals in cotton produc- been of concern because as little as 1- per acre (lb./A) of 2,4-D has injured ), “l broadleaf weeds are becoming more ; both cotton and grain sorghum in West i!» increase can be attributed to less fre- vation and reduced competition from following herbicide use and elimina- l ~ hoeing. l} y several herbicides have been developed useful for annual weed control in sor- near cotton. These compounds include f CPA and bromoxynil. New herbicides Ag- - 'lizing small patches 0-f perennial broad- Q ‘ 2,3,6—TBA, HRS—587 (9) and picloram. study showed 2,3,6-TBA to be relatively 'tton (6). Amitrole has been effective as _' atment for perennial broadleaf weeds. ,| potential hazard from spray drift from 'e newer chemicals in areas where cotton has not been determined. jective of this research was (a) to establish 4:‘ phytotoxicity and hazard to cotton from ~Ywith these materials and (b) to evaluate ‘ship between observable herbicide symp- jy after treatment and cotton yield later n. ATERIALS AND METHODS l~ Response to Herbicide Spray Drift e phytotoxicity from drift of several herbi- aluated under three environmental condi- 1- and 1970. Pots, containing two cotton f». , were placedi, in duplicate at 0, l0 and ' wind from where chemicals were being field plots. The cotton, grown in the associate professor, Texas A8cM University Agricul- A and Extension Center at Lubbock, and professor, 3- Western Great Plains Research Center, Bushland, corrrozv RESPONSE TO LOW RATES 0F 2, 4-1) AND OTHER 11151231010195 D. T. Smith and A. F. Wiese* greenhouse, was in an expanded cotyledon stage, with true leaves being initiated. Pots were placed in posi- tion immediately prior to spraying each treatment. Five minutes after spraying, pots were moved to the windward side of the field and later returned to a greenhouse where injury to cotton was visually esti- mated 3 weeks after treatment. Chemicals investi- gated in this trial were 2,4—D amine, ZA-D ester, dicamba, MCPA, bromoxynil and amitrole (Appen- dix). All chemicals were applied at 1 pound per acre of active ingredient in 15 gallons of water, with 0.5 percent surfactant, at 28 pounds pressure, with a tractor-mounted plot sprayer. Wind velocities ranged from 3 to l0 miles per hour, and air temperature ranged from 68° to 80° F. Plots were 13.3 by 35 feet with three replications. In a second experiment, cotton growing in a field was sprayed with 1 pound per acre of either 2,4—-D amine or dicamba. At the time of application, cotton was l2 inches tall and squaring. Soil was dry, air temperature was 95° F and wind was 2 to 5 miles per hour. Chemicals, replicated three times, were applied to 30-foot sections of one 40-inch row in 30 gallons of water, at 40 pounds pressure. After ma- turity, cotton was hand-harvested in 20 feet of the treated row and in the three adjacent leeward rows to evaluate spray drift. Cotton Response to Foliar-Applied Herbicides Relative phytotoxicity and drift hazard were evaluated by applying low sublethal rates of several herbicides at various stages of cotton growth (Table l). Herbicides applied were 2,4—D amine, dicamba, MCPA, picloram, bromoxynil, 2,3,6-TBA and HRS- 587. Chemicals were applied in 36 gallons per acre, at low pressure (15 pounds) with three replications. TABLE l. STAGE OF COTTON GROWTH AND APPLI- CATION DATES WHEN LOW RATES OF HERBICIDE WERE SPRAYED ON COTTON Stage of cotton growth when treated Year Presquare Square Bloom 1965 June l4 Aug ll 1966 July 8 1969 July 18 July 25 July 30 TABLE 2. PERCENTAGE INJURY FROM SIMULATED HERBICIDE DRIFT TO COTTON SEEDLINGS AND 40 FEET DOWNWIND, UNDER THREE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS‘ 1969 — 73° F 1970 —— 68° F 1970 — 80° F 3.4 to 7.9 MPH 8 to l0 MPH 4 to 6 MPH Rate Herbicide (lb./A) 0 l0 40 mean 0 l0 40 mean 0 10 40 mean Untreated control 0 0 0 0° 0 0 0 0“ 0 0 0, 0“ 0 2,4-D amine’ l 100 50 20 57" 90 37 7 45" 95 45 l5; 52' 95 2,4—D ester 1 82 25 17 42“ 82 40 22“ 48“ 82 Dicamba’ 1 75 15 5 32" 82 20 0 34"’ 85 30 7 41'" 81 MCPA I 50 15 0 22”‘ 47 20 0 22° 80 10 5 32° 59 Bromoxynil l 100 22 2 42*‘ 95 27 5 42"’ 97 Amitrole 8 100 0 0 33" 100 Mean 65‘ l6" 5" 67“ 21*’ 5° 73‘ 25" 9° ‘Injury was visually estimated on plants grown in l-gallon cans in a greenhouse after seedlings were exposed while . " plots. Means with the same letter are not different, and herbicide-drift distance interactions were significant in (P<0.05). ‘Applied at 0.5 pound per acre in 1969. Plots were one row by 30 feet with two untreated rows between plots, in three replications. Injury to cotton was estimated visually at two dates in 1969. Lint yield and fiber quality (length and micronaire) were determined after cotton was killed by frost in the fall. Plots were furrow-irrigated twice in 1965 but were not irrigated in 1966 or 1969. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Cotton Response to Herbicide Spray Drift Damage from herbicides to crop plants was readily apparent when cotton seedlings were evalu- ated in the greenhouse (Table 2). In all three trials cotton was most severely damaged by all chemicals when cotton was directly sprayed (0 feet downwind). The degree of injury to the seedlings diminished or became nonexistent as their distance from plots ‘being sprayed increased. Damage to cotton depended on the distance from the sprayed area and the chemical used. Damage to cotton, in order of decreasing injury, was 2,4—D ester > 2,4—D amine >> dicamba E MCPA > bromoxynil > amitrole. 2,4-D When’ cotton was sprayed with 2,4—D amine, plant damage ranged from 90 to 100 percent. Damage was most severe in low wind since the chemical was not displaced and diluted by wind. High wind (8 to l0 miles per hour) decreased the effect of 2,4—D sprayed directly on cotton since some of the chemical was blown away. Plants located l0 feet away were dam- aged 37 to 50 percent, and plants 40 feet away were damaged 7 to 20 percent. Injury was lower when wind diluted and displaced more of the 2,4—D spray. Damage from 2,4-D ester to cotton 0 and 10 feet downwind was comparable to that observed with 2,4-—D amine. However, the ester formulation re» sulted in more damage to cotton located 40 feet away 4 than did 2,4—D amine. The difference toxicity between the formulations was vf evident when wind velocity was 8 to l0 f hour. It was concluded that damage to rg 2,4—D was directly related to wind veloci» damage from 2,4—D could be confined t0 A ate area of application when winds were miles per hour). However, with in g speeds, damage in the immediate area was more chemical was blown away and distri a wide area. k . ' Dicamba j Foliar damage from dicamba was n1 to air temperature than to wind velocity tion. Damage to directly sprayed cotton 75 to 85 percent. Cotton located l0 feet damaged 15 to 30 percent, and cotton was damaged 0 to 7 percent. Injury to l more severe when dicamba was sprayed at, at 68° or 73° F. Response of cotton to to temperature differences, was particul _ on plants located l0 and 40 feet away fro chemical was applied. However, drift - (10 to 40 feet) was consistently less cotton than that of 2,4-D amine or ester; tive safety of dicamba, in relation to 2,4- evident in another field trial (Table 3). g and dicamba killed cotton when the crop j p. TABLE 3. LINT YIELD OF COTTON, l DOWNWIND WHEN AN ADJACENT ROW WAS SPRAYED WITH 2,4—D OR DICAMBA Lint, lb./ ROWS d -' f Treated He? ‘j Herbicide lb. / A row l Untreated control 224 208 2,4—D amine l 0 160 Dicamba 1 0 205 mba did not reduce lint yield in the , as did 2,4-D. MCPA is chemically very similar to (“chemical was consistently less toxic to "2,4—D (Table 2). Furthermore, MCPA p. . 'ng than dicamba. Damage to cotton yed with MCPA ranged from 47 to 80 _ appeared to be related to air temperature gof application. Only minor damage (10 i- t) occurred on cotton located 10 feet Qsand no significant damage was observed wind from the sprayed area. Of the herbicides investigated, MCPA ap- A the least hazardous for use around cotton 41 A and Amitrole f ynil was highly toxic if sprayed directly Foliage and stems were completely desic- ;- on cotton located l0 feet downwind i 'ght1y damaged (22 to 27 percent) while -j7n0t occur on plants 40 feet downwind. In gjury from amitrole was limited to those y sprayed. There was no evidence of ' g drift from amitrole. y Cotton Response to Foliar-Applied Herbicides Damage to cotton increased as application rates increased; however, a fivefold or tenfold increase in rates did not result in a fivefold or tenfold increase in cotton damage (Table 4). Yield losses were gen- erally most severe from herbicides applied when cot- ton was in a vegetative state and actively growing (presquare and square stages). Less herbicide damage occurred after cotton bloomed when bolls were de~ veloping and plants were less vegetative and not growing rapidly. Herbicide toxicity was in the same relative order in reducing cotton yields as it was in damaging cotton in simulated drift trials (Table 4). Herbicides that decreased lint yield, in order of decreasing toxicity, were 2,4—D >> dicamba > MCPA > picloram >> bromoxynil >> 2,3,6—TBA E HRS~587. 2,4-D Application of 0.05 and 0.1 pound per acre of 2,4—D on cotton foliage caused significant yield losses each year. Yield reductions ranged from 32 to 81 percent, averaging all application dates. Spraying 0.01 pound per acre of 2,4—D did not cause losses that were statistically significant; however, yields were consistently 7 to 32 percent lower than those of un- treated controls. The earlier the cotton was sprayed A T YIELD OF COTTON FOLLOWING FOLIAR APPLICATION OF LOW RATES OF HERBICIDES AT VARIOUS 5 AGES‘ " ‘K. ->- 1965 1966 1969 Rater a (lb. / A) Square Bloom Mean Square Presquare Square Bloom Mean .1 ./A) of . control 805 912 859' 149"“ 103 203 93 133‘ Percent reduction in yield-compared to untreated controls above 0.01 25 7 15”" 28°‘ 32 25 10 22”“ 0.05 57 10 32°‘ 81¢ 94 76 54 7 5‘ 0.10 78 23 49“ 79‘ 97 79 49 77 f 0.01 +4 7 3" + 107 ‘ 79 38 +46 69*“ 0.05 24 l4 19"" 5'“ 84 55 l1 53*‘ 0.10 61 27 43'" 20°‘ 91 76 69 78' 0.01 +15“ +4 70 +31 27"“ 0.05 + 12'" 75 57 +46 38M’ 0.10 49" 75 62 16 504"‘ 0.01 4 14 8' +16" 0.05 16 15 16"“ 52“ 0.10 56 24 44“ 818 0-01 +4"'° +9 25 27 22"” 0.05 +20“ 56 48 66 544-‘ 0.10 24d“ 38 78 68 65°‘ 0.01 +2 19 9" + 30 29 6 8"" 0.05 6 14 10" 3 19 +1 11"’ 0.10 ' l0 11 11“ + 34" 32 40 3 69*“ 0.10 i +2 8 3‘ 17°“ 0.20 6 11 8" 24" 15" 45" 51“ 20" -_~ (+) indicate yield increase above untreated controls; all other values are ‘Z, loss. Interactions between herbicide d time of application were significant in 1965 and 1969 (P<0.05). Means followed by the same letter are not differ- 5 the more severe was its damage. The increased susceptibility of seedling cotton to 2,4—D was readily apparent in the 1969 trial. There was no indication of increased cotton yield due to low rates of 2,4—D since the rates investigated were probably above the ultra-low levels required for beneficial growth stimu- lation. Dicamba Application of 0.1 pound per acre of dicamba consistently reduced cotton yields, and losses gen- erally ranged from 27 to 91 percent. Reduction in lint production was greatest in 1969. As in results with 2,4—D, yields were reduced most when cotton was sprayed early in the year. However, losses oc- curred when the highest application rate (0.1 pound per acre) of dicamba was applied at cotton bloom. In three instances yields appeared to be enhanced from dicamba applied at 0.01 pound per acre. How- ever, this rate also reduced yields 3 to 79 percent at other times. MCPA The visual response of cotton to MCPA was similar to that of 2,4—D, although yields were not as drastically reduced by MCPA. Damage to cotton decreased with increased plant age. Seedlings sus- tained the most damage, but injury was insignificant on older plants. In five of eight instances, yields were not decreased at all by MCPA at 0.01 or 0.05 pound per acre. The sodium salt of MCPA was less toxic to cotton than the formulation of 2A-D or dicamba used in these tests. Picloram This herbicide is highly effective on many perennial broadleaf weeds since the chemical persists and moves in the soil. Picloram at 0.01 pound per acre did not reduce yields compared to the untreated check. However, yields were consistently lowered following application of 0.1 pound per acre regard- less of the growth stage. Legume, solanaceous and other crops are considerably more sensitive to picloram than is cotton. Consequently, picloram should be used with extreme caution around soybeans, peas, beans, tomato, potato, pepper, egg plant, cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe and other crops. Sensitive crops should-not be planted in fields where runoff or tailwater from treated fields may flow. Direction and flow of runoff water should be determined before picloram application. Bromoxynil Bromoxynil, a contact-type herbicide, was highly toxic to cotton in 1969 when applied at 0.05 or 0.1 pound per acre. The chemical tended to cause more damage on old than on young plants. However, bromoxynil would be safe to use around cotton fields since damage would be limited to plants in direct contact with the spray. 2,3,6-TBA and HRS-587 , These chemicals had little or no adverse. on cotton. In 1969, 2,3,6—TBA reduced yields applied at 0.1 pound per acre on cotton before * ing. However, these chemicals could gene used with adequate safety for perennial weed ~f around fields without danger to cotton. l Lint Micronaireland Length In contrast to yields, application of he generally had little or no effect on lint quality 5). However, some differences between s I application and between herbicides were -; Lint quality was suppressed most when chemi l applied before blooming-in the presquare or. stages. This was most apparent in micronaire‘ in 1969. ' In most instances, all application rates of at all stages tended to lower micronaire. The‘ tion was in high-yielding irrigated cotton i The low rate of 2,4-D (0.01 pound per acre) detrimental as 0.1 pound per acre. However, did not affect fiber length. l Dicamba reduced micronaire most when 5 at 0.1 pound per acre or at presquare or square I stages. There was little or no reduction in mi when dicamba was sprayed when cotton was blj In contrast, MCPA affected micronaire mos applied to seedling cotton (presquare), -- - v5. the rate applied. ‘ Picloram had little or no influence o) quality, except when applied at 0.1 pound ~- when cotton was squaring. Micronaire was but fiber length was not affected. Bromox fered from other herbicides in that it e y micronaire with later stages of application. a naire was lowered following application of 0.1» per acre of bromoxynil at squaring or bloo 1969. The safest compounds investigated, 2,3,; and HRS—587, did not reduce fiber quality. when 2,3,6—TBA was applied at 0.1 pound in 1969. I Relationship Between Estimated Inj and Crop Yield Since fiber quality was affected to only extent by chemicals, the primary economic A posed by herbicide drift was yield reductij 1969 foliar damage to cotton was estimated _‘ on July 30 and August 15 following app Yield losses in 1969, due to chemical treatm ‘ greater than in other years. Injury estima not made in 1965 and 1966. ~ The highest estimates of crop damage wi MCPA and dicamba were in cotton evaluated": after chemicals were sprayed on seedling (p ‘ cotton (Table 6). Chemical injury ranged f ma. 1 CRONAIRE AND LENGTH OF COTTON LINT FOLLOWING APPLICATION OF LOW RATES OF HERBI- QARIOUS GROWTH STAGES‘ Micronaire Length (32nds of an inch) 1965 1966 1969 1965 1966 Rate (lb. / A) Square Bloom Square Presquare Square Bloom Mean Square Bloom Square l 3.2 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.3 4 0 4.2‘ 30 29 30 0.01 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.7 4.2 4 1 4.0”" 29 30 33 0.05 3.2 3.6 3.8 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.6”‘ 29 30 32 0.10 3.4 3.7 4.2 2.9 3 6 3.9 3.5"“ 30 29 31 0.01 3.0 3.7 4.2 2.6 4.1 4.0 3.6M‘ 30 30 32 0.05 3.2 3.4 3.8 2.4 4.2 4.0 3.5"“ 30 30 32 0.10 2.9 3.6 3.7 2.1 3.5 3.8 3.2° 29 29 32 0.01 4.2 4.0 4.0 3.9 4.0”“ 34 0.05 4.5 3.6 4 5 4.2 4.1'-° 30 0.10 4.1 3.7 4 3 4.2 4.1"” ' 33 0.01 3.2 3.4 4.0 29 30 32 0.05 3.3 3.6 3.8 30 30 32 0.10 2.7 3.8 3.8 29 30 32 0.01 4.1 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.2‘ 32 0.05 3.9 4.0 4.2 3.8 4.0"‘ 32 0.10 4.2 4.6 3.9 3.8 4.l"° 34 0.01 3 5 3.6 4.3 4.2 4.0 4.1"’ 29 30 0.05 3 8 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.2‘ 29 29 0.10 3 4 3.7 4.5 3.8 4.0 3.7 3.8"’ 29 30 32 0.10 3 4 3.5 4.3 30 29 32 0.20 3 4 3.4 30 29 3.5” 4.0‘ 4.0‘ Aland was highest where 2,4—D or MCPA at r acre was applied. The apparent foliar s. "a considerably by 28 days after pre- 1 was sprayed. When cotton was sprayed j ble only for 1969. Means with the same letter are not different (P<0.05). at square or blooming stages, estimates of crop injury were substantially lower (generally 0 to 38 percent) ' than following treatment of presquare cotton. Injury and yield reduction with bromoxynil were about i» IMATED INJURY TO COTTON FOLLOWING HERBICIDE APPLICATION IN 1969 IN RELATION TO LINT YIELD AT HARVEST‘ Presquare Square Bloom Rate % injury % loss % injury ‘Z, loss % injury % loss (lb./ A) 12 days 28 days in yield 5 days 20 days in yield at 16 days in yield ‘ . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0.01 7 5 32 0 ‘ 2 25 5 10 0.05 35 l7 94 5 8 76 8 54 0.10 70 28 97 7 13 79 17 49 0.01 8 8 79 3 7 38 0 +46 0.05 25 8 84 3 8 55 0 ll 0.10 18 23 91 8 8 76 0 69 0.01 5 12 +4 12 7 70 0 +31 0.05 33 30 75 7 17 57 0 +46 0.10 75 40 75 13 27 62 l0 16 0.01 32 3 +9 15 15 25 10 27 0.05 45 45 56 23 23 48 38 66 0.10 50 48 38 38 35 78 72 68 0.01 2 5 +30 5 0 29 0 6 0.05 8 5 3 2 2 19 0 +1 0.10 7 10 32 5 3 40 0 3 25 18 45 8 l0 51 9 20 r untreated controls. ‘l-< for presquare, square and bloom applications were July 18, July 25 and July 30, respectively. 30 (presquare and square stages) and August 15 (presquare, square and bloom). Injury was visually Positive values (+) indicate yield 7 equal. Estimated injury and yield loss were low with 2,3,6-—TBA. " - There was no consistent relationship between visual estimates of‘ percentage injury to cotton and actual yields. In some instances low estimates of injury (40 percent or less) were followed by high reduction (60 percent or more). in crop yield. This was particularly true" for dieainba, 2.4.20 and MCPA applied at 0.05 pound per acre or more to cotton in the presquare or square stages. With this rate at the square stage of treatment, all estimates of crop damage were low (less than 27 percent) while actual yield losses were generally high (55 percent or more). For example, injury from 0.0.5 pound per acre was estimated at 8 percent, but yield loss was 76 percent. These data show that it is extremely difficult to predict accurately the extent of crop loss from herbicide drift prior to the time of actual harvest. Therefore, portions of cotton fields that appear to be damaged from inadvertent chemical drift should be clearly marked and identified. Then “damaged” and known untreated areas should be harvested sepa- rately to accurately assess the magnitude of actual crop loss. In most instances cotton could be har- vested by hand from different areas in the same field for comparison to determine whether economic crop damage actually occurred. APPENDIX SUMMARY OF HERBICIDES INVESTIGATED FOR SPRAY DRIFT DAMAGE TO COTTON IN WEST TEXAS A ACKNOWLEDGMENT ; This research was supported by Plai z Growers, Inc., Lubbock, Texas, and by C0 f Raleigh, North Carolina. LITERATURE CITED 1. Behrens, R., W. C. Hall and C. E. Fisher. j responses of cotton to four phenoxy type herbi SWC. 8:72—-75. ' l; 2. Ergle, D. R. and A. A. Dunlap. 1949. n: i to 2,4—D. Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 713. ‘ 3. Porter, W. K., C. H. Thomas and J. B. Baker; three-year study on the effect of some phenox i. on cotton. Weeds. 72341-348. 4. Smith, D. T. 1970. Texas blueweed control g type herbicides, amitrole-T and tillage. Texas. Sta. Progress Report. 2848. f 5. Wiese, A. F. 1967. Perennial weed control in Texas. Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta. MP—828. i 6. Wiese, A. F. and A. c. Martin. 196s. Toxi’ ’ acid herbicides to cotton and soybeans. W a M 7. Wiese, A. F. and H. E. Rea. 195s. Trea’ sorghum with 2,4—D. Agron. _]. 50:309-310. j s. Wiese, A. F. and H. E. Rea. 1959. Bindweed aruensis L.) control and seedling emergence as. tillage, 2,4—D and competitive crops. Agron. 1.": 9. Wiese, A. F. and H. E. Rea. 1961. Control F weed and other perennial weed with benzoic j acetic acids. Weeds. 9:423—428. i Chemistry and Formulation TO 1970 Common Trade name name‘ Supplier 2,4—D amine Formula 40 Dow 2,4—D ester Weedone LV4 Amchem. Dicamba Banvel Velsicol MCPA Chiptox Rhodia Bromoxynil r Buctryl Rhodia Amitrole Amitrol-T Amchem Picloram Tordon 22K Dow 2,3,6—TBA Trysben 200 Dupont HRS—587 Tritac Hooker isopropanol-ethanol amine of Zxkdichlorophenox .- -_ butoxyethanol ester of 2,4——dichlorophenoxyacetic acid .. dimethylamine salt of 2—methoxy—3,6—dichlorobenz0ic f sodium salt of 2—methyl—4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid " 3,5—dibromo-Il-hydroxybenzonitril 3—arnino~s—triazole + ammonium thiocyanate ,_ potassium salt of 4—amino—3,5,6—trichloropicolinic aci A‘ 2,3,6—trichlorobenzoic acid ' 2,3,6-trichlorobenzyloxypropanol ,- ‘2,4—D also sold as Weedar, Dacamine and numerous other trade names. MCPA (Amchem), Brominal (Amchem) and Cytrol (American Cyanamid). MCPA, bromoxynil and amitrole also _~ i,