B-l I26 October 1972 - Winter Wheat and Grain Sorghum g Systems Northern High Plains of Texas ¥= Y! A; The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station j. E. Miller, Director, College Station, Texas A Texas A8cM University Summary Introduction 3 f Purpose of Publication and v Objectives of Study 3 Location of the Study 3 .4 Climate 3 Topography and Soils 5i Description of the Study 5-ij Results and Discussion t 7 i Wheat 7 f Grain Sorghum 11 a Fallow l4; Soil Properties 16‘ Organic Matter 165i Bulk Density 17 Dry Aggregates _ 17'? Wet Aggregates l8 Economics of the Different Cropping Systems .... ..l9 Acknowledgment 20 f‘ Literature Cited 20 Summary A dryland winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) cropping system study was conducted at the USDA Southwestern Great Plains Research Center, Bushland, from 1957 to 1970. Data for grain yields, soil water storage and use, precipitation, fallow efficiency and soil properties are presented. Wheat grain yields were lowest for the continu- ous wheat (CW), intermediate for wheat in the wheat- sorghum-fallow (WSF) and highest for the wheat- fallow (WF) cropping system on a harvested-area basis. The yield differences seemingly resulted from differ- ences in available soil water at seeding. Water-use efficiency paralleled grain yields when soil water changes and growing season precipitation were con- sidered, but the trends were reversed when precipi- tation during the fallow period was included. Includ- ing fallow precipitation in total water-use efficiency points out the low effectiveness of fallow for influ- encing crop yields. On a harvested-area basis, sorghum in the WSF system significantly outyielded sorghum grown con- tinuously (CS). The increased yields were related to differences in available soil water at seeding. Trends in water-use efficiency, whether based on . growing season or fallow plus growing season precipitation, were similar to the trends for wheat. However, grain 2 Contents m ..\ . sorghum used water more efficiently than did wheat (based on pounds of grain per acre produced per acre- inch of water used). Storage efficiency decreased as the length of the fallow period increased. Storage efficiences ranged from 8.3 percent for the WF system to 20.1 percent for the CS system during the 1959-70 period. The soil organic matter content and the distri- bution of dry and wet soil aggregates measured at the end of the study were significantly affected by.’ the cropping systems. The organic matter of the surface 6 inches of soil was highest (2.04 percent) for a grass treatment, but significant differences also re- sulted from the different wheat and sorghum cropping systems, ranging from 1.64 percent for CS to 1.861 percent for CW. The CS system resulted in the high? est percentage of fine (less than 0.84 millimeters), d =- soil aggregates, indicating greater potential soil erodi- bility by wind than for other systems. The distribu- tion of wet soil aggregates was related to time since harvest of the previous crop. Plant residues favored the formation of larger aggregates, but the effective-A ness of the residues decreased as the length of the fallow period increased (time from harvest to sampling for aggregate size distribution). Soil bulk density was not affected by the cropping systems. PECT TO ACREAGE PLANTED, grain sorghum most important crop in Texas, and it is iin order by cotton and wheat (Yearbook Committee, 1970). Of the state total, i were planted on the Northern High Plains " This area is bounded by the state line on orth and east and by the southern boundary l , Castro, Swisher, Briscoe, Donley and Col- it- counties on the south. In this area, about Q of the grain sorghum and 55 percent of Q were grown on dryland in 1970 (New, 1970). ugh irrigated acreage has increased some- f nt years, water tables and well yields are f and projections are that much of the irri- e will revert to dryland crop production erground water supply is eventually de- 1f hes and Harman, 1969). When this occurs, p production will increase in importance. bility of eventual water importation into has not been overlooked. However, it is ' at water importation would not reduce the op production acreage to below current fi of Publicatipn and Objectives of Study a land winter." wheat and grain sorghum tem study conducted from 1957 to 1970 ' bjectives: _ determine the effects of selected cropping tems on wheat and sorghum grain yields determine the effects of the cropping , gacres of grain sorghum and 2,031,000 acres ' i; [and Winter Wheat and Grain Sorghum Cropping Systems - - if Northern High Plains of Texas Paul W. Unger* systems on residue production for erosion control 3. To determine the interrelationships of soil water at seeding and growing season precipi- tation in their effect on grain and residue yields 4. To determine the efficiency of water storage during the fallow period 5. To compare the effects of reseeded native grass and the various cropping systems on various physical and chemical soil properties. Location of the Study The study was conducted at the USDA South- western Great Plains Research Center, Bushland. The Center, located about l4 miles west of Amarillo, lies in Potter and Randall counties. Its location is near the center of the Northern High Plains of Texas. Soils at the Center are representative of much of the land used for wheat and grain sorghum production in the area (Taylor et al., 1963). Climate Precipitation and temperature are the major climatic factors influencing crop production in the area. Precipitation averages from I6 inches at the western edge to 24 inches at the eastern edge of the ‘Soil scientist, USDA Southwestern Great Plains Research Center, Bushland. Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or The Texas Agricultural Experi- ment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable. i 3 INCHES YEARS Figure l. Long-term precipitation at Amarillo, Texas, plotted as a l2-month moving total to show above- and below-average periods, i892- 1969. Long-term average is 20.92 inches. Points on the curve represent totals for the past l2 months (unpublished data from J. T. Musick). area, but the precipitation at a given location is highly variable (Bonnen, 1960). For example, yearly rainfall at Bushland has ranged from 9.46 inches in 1970 to 32.87 inches in 1941 for the 1939 to 1970 period. The precipitation variability from 1892 to 1969 at Amarillo near the center of the Northern High Plains area is shown in Figure 1.1 ‘J. T. Musick, unpublished data. IO ' I PRECIPITATION U EVAPORATION 8 | (D Figure 2. Monthly rainfall u’ 6 ' and evaporation at the USDA Southwestern Great I , T P I a i n s Research Center, Q Bushland, Texas. The pre- cipitation shown is the av- Z 4 ' erage for a 32-year [1939- 70) period. Evaporation shown for April through September is a 31-year (1940-70) average. For 2 the remaining months, evaporation shown is an , IB-year (1951-68) CtV€r- age. 0 I970 Precipitation at Bushland from 1939 to 1970 has, averaged 18.26 inches per year. Precipitation has averaged 8.66 and 9.94 inches during the grain sor- ghum (June 16 to October l0) and wheat (October 11 to June l5) growing seasons, respectively. The aver- age monthly distribution of precipitation and the average pan evaporation [Young screen pan (Blood- good, Patterson and Smith, 1954)] are shown in‘ Figure 2. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE auur AUG. SEPT. ocr. nov. DEC.‘ MONTH ure has its major effect on crop pro- gh its influence on the length of the _‘od, which averages from about 180 to figthe northwest and southeast portions of tively (Bonnen, 1960). At Bushland, averages 190 days. Although not - rtance for winter wheat, low tempera- influence the length of the growing grain sorghum. The first killing frost average, October 28, but occurred as r 7 and as late as November 22 during period. The last killing frost occurs, on April l8,“ but has occurred as early as nd as late as May l4. Average monthly d minimum temperatures at Bushland m Figure 3. Topography and Soils of the Northern High Plains of Texas is ill feet above sea level and slopes toward ‘theast. ‘The land is nearly flat, but num- 9—n0rmally dry—dot the area. Much of i drainage is into these lakes, but some canyons that extend into the area and gthe headwaters of the Brazos, Red and ivers (Bonnen, 1960). The Canadian River ‘iv iated “breaks” of the river divide the - major subareas. The soils are primarily ay loams, but some sandy soils are in- e principal soil at the Center is Pullman aylor et al., 1963). The Pullman series of the fine, mixed, thermic family of leustalls (order Mollisols). the Northern High Plains are subject to ind, especially under dryland conditions. ce the drouth of the 1930's, controlling by maintaining crop residues on the soil O Q O 00 O 9e monthly f; minimum Kat thePUSDA Great ‘Plains er, Bushland, ‘libs 32 - year TEMPERATURE N b O O .)- l surface by stubble-mulch tillage has been studied. Wheat yields with stubble-mulch tillage were equal to or higher than yields with moldboard and one-way tillage under dryland conditions in a previous study at the Research Center (Johnson, 1950). DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY The Pullman clay loam of the study area had a slope of less than 1 percent. Plot size was 0.21 acre (60 by 150 feet). The plots were bordered on three sides, with natural runoff being permitted from the fourth side. The following treatments, each replicated three times, were randomly assigned to the treatment blocks: 1. Continuous wheat (CW)——wheat seeded on the same plots each year. 2. Wheat-fallow (WF)-wheat seeded on the same plots in alternate years. This cropping system provided for a fallow period of about l5 months between harvest and seeding on a particular plot. Two plots were used for this treatment in each replication. 3. Wheat-sorghum-fallow (WSF)—altemate crops of wheat and sorghum seeded on the plots, resulting in two crops being grown during the 3-year rotation. This system provided for a fallow period of ll months between sor- ghum harvest and wheat seeding or between wheat harvest and sorghum seeding. Three plots were used for this treatment in each replication. 4. Wheat-sorghum-fallow with permanent ridges and furrows on 40-inch spacings (WSF-RF)- this cropping system was similar to the WSF system above, except that the tillage methods were different. This treatment was designed n n A l l 1 n A o n 4 JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OOT. NOV. DEG. MONTH for the ridges to function as increased runoff zones and the furrows, because of deep chisel- ing, to function as increased water intake zones. Through increased water concentra- tion and depth of water penetration in the furrows, evaporation losses should be de- creased and, thus, storage efficiency increased. The system was first used for the 1966-67 crop. Plots for this cropping system were those originally designated as wheat-optional wheat, wheat-optional sorghum and sorghum- optional wheat. The optional seedings were based on 1.5 inches of water being available for plant growth in the upper 2 feet of the soil at seeding time. By 1966, the options had not been exercised because the available soil water at seeding time always exceeded this amount. Data from the wheat-optional wheat and wheat-optional sorghum plots were combined with data from the continuous wheat plots, and data from the sorghum- optional wheat plots were combined with data from the continuous sorghum plots for the 1957-66 period. 5. Continuous sorghum (CS)—sorghum seeded on the same plots each year. 6. Grass-seeded to native grasses and used as reference plots to determine the effects of grass on physical and chemical properties of soil. All tillage before seeding wheat and sorghum, except on the WSF-RF plots, was performed with stubble-mulch equipment. This equipment had 30- to 40-inch sweeps, and the tillage was limited to about a 5-inch depth. On the WSF-RF plots, the furrows were chiseled after crop harvest, provided the soil was dry, to a l-foot depth with a vibrating chisel. Initial tillage when the soil was wet and subsequent tillage after a chiseling operation were performed with a sweep-row weeder with buffers attached to the sweeps to maintain the ridges and furrows. The 24-inch sweeps tilled the furrows and lower sides of the ridges, while the rod tilled the upper portion of the ridges. In some years, a rolling cultivator was used on the WSF-RF plots to control small weeds and volunteer wheat. Concho variety wheat was seeded in 1957 and 1958. Thereafter, Tascosa variety wheat was used. Seeding rate was about 30 pounds per acre. Seeding date depended on soil water availability for germi- nation and ranged from September 10 in 1964 to November 19 in 1957. On the CW, WF and WSF plots, seeding was performed with a hoe-type (Noble) drill which resulted in a 14-inch spacing between drill rows. A single-disk, 10-inch grain drill was used to seed wheat on the WSF-RF plots. Two rows were seeded on the ridge and two in the furrows of the 40-inch spaced ridge-furrows. 6 Grain sorghum hybrids used were RS-610 from 1958 to 1964 and RS-626, a similar hybrid with head I smut resistance, from 1965 to 1970. The seeding rate a was about 2 pounds per acre. Seeding dates ranged from June 4 in 1969 to July 9 in 1962. Lister planters , or unit planters mounted behind listers were used to seed sorghum in furrows spaced 40 inches apart. ‘ A. mixture of buffalo (Buchloe dactyloides), blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) and sideoats grama (Boute- i loua curtipendula) grasses was seeded on the grass. plots April 3, 1958. Favorable soil water conditions * at seeding resulted in a good stand of the grasses. p‘ Forage produced on the grass plots was not measured or utilized. In some years, the plots were mowed or sprayed with 2,4-D to control weeds. In the interval between crops, weeds were con- trolled with stubble-mulch or sweep-rod weeder tillage. 5 For weed control in sorghum, the initial cultivation was with a knife sled on all plots. The second culti-l vation was with a knife sled on the WSF-RF plots and with a sweep cultivator on the other plots. Culti- vations largely leveled ridges and furrows on the lister- seeded plots. In some years, weeds were controlledl by spraying with 2,4-D. Occasionally, hand hoeing was used to control sparse weed populations. Grow- ing-season weeds in wheat were controlled with 2,4-D in years when heavy infestations occurred. No fertilizers were used on either the wheat or the grain sorghum during the study. Dryland wheat ; has not responded to nitrogen or phosphorus ferti- lization on Pullman clay loam (Eck and Fanning, 1962), and nutrient deficiencies have not been ob-i served on dryland grain sorghum. The soil water content at seeding and harvest. was determined gravimetrically from cores obtainedi by l-foot increments to a 6-foot depth at three 1oca- 5 tions per plot. Although soil water was measured to a 6-foot depth, Musick and Sletten (1966) indicated - that sorghum yields were more closely related to water content and change to a 4-foot soil depth of Pullman soil. Therefore, the soil water data presented, other‘ than in Figure 4, are based on the 4-foot depth. Precipitation was measured at the plot area. i In most years, grain yields were determined by I combine harvesting a swath through the entire length of each plot. In a few cases, yields were determined by hand harvesting measured areas in the plots. Residue yields were not measured in enough years ' to warrant inclusion and analysis of the data. How», ever, the residues produced, along with stubble-mulch‘ tillage, generally effectively controlled wind erosion on the plot area. 1 In November 1970 soil cores were obtained at ' six locations in each plot to a 4-foot depth. The cores were divided into 0- to 6-, 6- to 12-, 12- to 18-, 18- to 24-, 24- to 36- and 36- to 48-inch increments.‘ “composited by depth increments and 'ing soil bulk density and organic _ g The organic matter content was l" the Walkley-Black procedure (Piper, nic, matter content was also deter- w ce- samples taken at the initiation p samples were obtained in November and dry aggregate determinations. For I f: size distribution determinations, a ist soil was obtained from the 1- to at three locations in each plot. The -- through a 15-inch sieve while moist, before the distribution of water-stable a nest of sieves was determined accord- - ure outlined by Kemper and Chepil I procedure was slightly modified by the and 4.00-millimeter (mm) sieves rather - 4.76-mm sieves along with 1.00- and ples for aggregate size distribution by _‘ ere obtained from the surface 1 inch of locations in each plot. These samples if- before the size distribution of the dry 5 determined with a rotary sieve having The different sieves had 0.42-, 0.84-, 2.0-, ,1 square openings. ULTS AND DISCUSSION Wheat water, precipitation, water storage and a are given in Table 1 by individual wheat cropping systems. Average values l‘, - s during which the cropping systems can _ ‘ are given in Table 2. Winter wheat was Q fall and harvested in late spring or early fthe following year. A crop year is the the wheat was harvested. Although VJ}- was harvested in 1958, pregrowing season data (precipitation from harvest of last _' g of the current crop) were not available U Data for all crops are presented, but Tffiom the 1959-70 and the 1967-70 periods , f ed. The wheat-sorghum-fallow rotation and furrows (WSF-RF) was used during .; period only. grain yields were significantly affected ""_-- systems. Based on the area harvested, " acre was lowest for continuous wheat u diate for wheat-sorghum-fallow (WSF) "J for wheat-fallow (WF) for the 1959-70 averaged somewhat higher for the F systems during the 1967-70 period than j 1959-70 period. For the 1967-70 period, _ system increased the average yield by per acre over the WSF system, but the not statistically significant. Also, the ce (83 pounds per acre) between the WSF-RF and WF systems was not significant. The WSF-RF system was tested in only 4 crop years, a period possibly too short to make a valid test of this cropping system. Available soil water content at seeding was lowest for the CW system, averaging 2.29 inches to a 4-foot depth for the 1959-70 period. The WSF and WF systems resulted in 1.08 and 1.38 inches greater water contents at seeding, respectively, than the CW system. Soil water contents at seeding during the 1967-70 period averaged slightly lower than during the 1959- 70 period. The soil water content at seeding for the WSF-RF system was similar to that of the WSF system. A possible reason that the WSF-RF-system did not increase water storage as anticipated was inadequate weed control. Herbicides were not used during the nongrowing period, and the sweep-rod weeder and rolling cultivator were not effective tillage implements for operation on the undisturbed permanent ridges. Soil water changes between seeding and harvest averaged 0.93, 1.94 and 2.11 inches for the CW, WSF and WF systems, respectively, for the 1959-70 period. The greater changes due to the WSF and WF systems were approximately equal to the additional water stored at seeding due to these systems as compared with the CW system. Changes during the 1967-70 period were somewhat greater than during the 1959- 70 period. Again, the greater changes due to the WSF, WF and WSF-RF systems as compared with the CW system were similar to the differences in water content at seeding. Changes in soil water for the WSF-RF system were similar to those of the WSF system. Assuming that the yield differences were associ- ated only with differences in the soil water content at seeding, each inch of additional soil water at seeding resulted in 142 and 188 pounds more grain per acre for the WSF and WF systems, respectively, during the 1959-70 period than for the CW system. During the 1967-70 period, each additional inch of stored water resulted in 182, 270 and 345 pounds more grain per acre for the WSF, WSF-RF and WF systems, respec- tively. The increases during the 1959-70 period com- pare favorably with those predicted by Johnson (1964). The greater-than-predicted increases during the 1967- 70 period possibly were due to better distribution of growing season precipitation. Another possibility may have been better growing-season weed control. Weeds, primarily Tansy mustard [Descurainia pinnata (Walt.) Britt.], were controlled chemically in early spring during the 1967-70 period. Soil water contents at seeding and changes be- tween seeding and harvest indicate that appreciable amounts of “available” water were present in the soil at harvest in some years (Figure 4). Much of the available water present was due to late season rain- fall, which benefited the crop only slightly. Rainfall from June 1, June l1 and June 21 to harvest averaged 7 4.35, 2.66 and 1.04 inches, respectively, during the study period. The average harvest date was June 28. Growing season precipitation was identical for all systems, and total growing season water use by the crops was considered equal to growing season precipitation plus soil water changes. Water use values include some water lost by surface runoff in some seasons. Using this total, grain production averaged 54, 60 and 69 pounds per acre-inch of water used during the 1959-70 period for the CW, WSF TABLE 1. WHEAT YIELD, AVAILABLE SOIL WATER,‘ PRECIPITATION, WATER STORAGE AND WATER USE DATA BYTdNDlVlDUAL YEARS FOR CONTINUOUS WHEAT, WHEAT-SORGHUM-FALLOW AND WHEAT-FALLOW CROPPING SYSTEMS ON DRYLAND Water-use Total water used efficiency Pre-GS Pre-GS es and es es and es Avcniubie so“ precip- precip- precip- precip- wme, itation itation itation itation _ Precipitation Water storage *1‘ $011 + soil + soil + soil cfOppiflg Grain At water water water water system Year yield seedIng Change’ GS“ Pre-GS‘ Amount Erficiency” change change change change Lb./acre Lb. /acre Inches Inches Inches Percent Inches Inch CW 1958 885 3.93 6——5.1 3 8.17 13.30 67 1959 862 2.82 -1.98 9.14 9.88 4.02 40.7 11.12 21.00 78 41 1960 1440 1.05 + 2.01 17.03 5.44 0.21 3.9 15.02 20.46 96 70 1961 663 5.20 —3.44 11.49 15.12 2.14 14.2 14.93 30.05 44 22 T962 98 1.36 +1.56 13.65 5.64 -0.40 — 7.1 12.09 17.73 8 6 1963 481 2.82 —-0.15 10.10 8.29 —0.1O — 1.2 10.25 18.54 47 26 1964 676 2.89 —-2.30 6.99 7.68 0.22 2.9 9.29 16.97 73 40 1965 214 0.70 +1.43 19.77 2.76 0.11 4.0 18.34 21.10 12 10 1966 412 2.95 '——3.48 5.53 4.75 0.82 17.3 9.01 13.76 46 30 1967 478 1.07 --0.72 12.38 6.43 1.60 24.9 13.10 19.53 36 24 1968 802 0.52 '-—0.60 8.79 2.83 0.17 6.0 9.39 12.22 85 66 1969 486 1.43 +0.22 11.84 7.13 1.51 21.0 11.62 18.75 42 26 1970 672 4.70 —3.80 4.38 14.13 3.05 21.6 8.18 22.31 82 30 WSF 1958 793 3.87 '—5.41 8.17 13.58 58 1959 1108 3.16 '—3.96 9.14 19.49 13.10 32.59 85 34 1960 1326 2.34 0.00 17.03 13.98 2.69 19.2 17.03 31.01 78 43 1961 676 5.38 —3.4O 11.49 31.03 4.75 15.3 14.89 45.92 45 15 1962 504 4.08 —0.68 13.65 10.88 1.39 12.8 14.33 25.21 35 20 1963 458 3.55 —0.69 10.10 20.81 2.90 13.9 10.79 31.60 42 14 1964 705 2.94 -—2.39 6.99 17.08 2.78 16.3 9.38 26.46 _75 27 1965 261 2.58 +3.15 19.77 8.67 —0.67 — 7.7 16.62 25.29 16 10 1966 668 3.47 '—4.06 5.53 20.48 1.53 7.5 9.59 30.07 70 22 1967 590 1.98 —1.82 12.38 10.03 0.29 2.9 14.20 24.23 42 24 1968 , 756 2.06 -1.90 8.79 15.05 2.67 17.7 10.69 25.74 71 29 1969 1508 3.98 —-3.06 11.84 16.22 4.12 25.4 14.90 31.12 101 48 1970 540 4.96 ——4.53 4.38 24.75 3.91 15.8 8.91 33.66 61 16 WSF-RF 1967 623 2.84 ——2.76 12.38 10.03 0.29 2.9 15.14 25.17 41 25 1968 1244 2.41 —2.33 8.79 15.05 2.80 18.6 11.12 26.17 112 48 1969 1234 3.11 —2.11 11.84 16.22 3.49 21.5 13.95 30.17 88 41 1970 690 4.37 —3.94 4.38 24.75 3.16 12.8 8.32 33.07 83 21 WF 1958 859 3.28 '—4.47 8.17 12.64 68 1959 1116 3.80 --3.07 9.14 26.77 12.21 38.98 91 29 1960 1589 3.5T —0.70 17.03 24.46 4.70 19.2 17.73 42.19 90 38 1961 715 4.78 —3.09 11.49 37.59 4.05 10.8 14.58 52.17 49 14 1962 409 4.86 —2.07 13.65 32.24 2.05 6.4 15.72 47.96 26 9 1963 573 3.45 ——1.15 10.10 27.58 1.76 6.4 11.25 38.83 51 15 1964 873 4.10 ——2.96 6.99 26.07 1.31 5 O 9.95 36.02 88 24 1965 260 2.87 +2.19 19.77 17.43 0.57 3.3 17.58 35.01 15 7 1966 744 4.15 '——4.88 5.53 27.28 3.01 11.0 10.4.1 37.69 71 20 1967 1029 1.31 +0.25 12.38 16.71 —3.75 —22.4 12.13 28.84 85 36 1968 956 1.89 ——1.70 8.79 24.89 2.62 10.5 10.49 35.38 91 27 1969 1466 4.00 -—-2.81 11.84 18.74 2.44 13.0 14.65 33.39 100 44 1970 672 5.41 —5.36 4.38 33.08 5.22 15.8 9.74 42.82 69 16 ‘Determined to a 4-foot depth and based on wilting point values determined by the sunflower technique. Unavailable water to 4 feet totals, 9.97 inches. 1 ‘Based on soil water changes between crop seeding and harvest. ‘Growing season. ‘Pregrowing season (from harvest of previous crop to seeding of current crop). ‘Based on soil water changes and precipitation occurring during the fallow period that preceded seeding of the indicated crop. ‘Changes in available soil water content exceeding the available soil water content at seeding apparently resulted from the inadequacy of the sunflower technique for establishing a precise wilting point for wheat and from soil drying to below the wilting point due to evaporation. iWHEAT YIELD, AVAILABLE SOIL WATER,‘ PRECIPITATION, WATER STORAGE AND WATER USE DATA BY PERIODS FOR T, WHEAT-SORGHUM-FALLOW AND WHEAT-FALLOW CROPPING SYSTEMS ON DRYLAND Water-use Total water used efficiency Pre-GS Pre-GS GS and GS GS and GS Available soil 9'99")‘ PWCIP‘ PTQCIP‘ PTWIP‘ water itation itation itation itation Precipitation Water storage ‘l’ $9" + soil + soil + soil Grain At water water water water yield seeding Change’ GS” Pre-GS‘ Amount Efficiency“ change change change change Lb./ acre Inches Inches Inches Percent Inches Lb. I acre - inch '62s? 2.41 -1.2e 10.71 11.97 s5 75a" 3.41 -2.21 10.71 12.92 so 866' 3.64 —2.29 10.71 ’ 13.00 69 '607' 2.29 -0.93 10.92 7.50 1.03 14.8 11.85 19.35 54 33 761' 3.37 —1.94 10.92 17.38 2.40 13.9 12.86 30.24 60 25 867' 3.67 —-2.11 10.92 26.07 2.18 8.3 13.03 39.10 69 22 '610' 1.93 —-1.33 9.34 7.63 1.58 20.7 10.67 18.30 62 37 849' 3.24 —2.82 9.34 16.52 2.75 16.6 12.16 28.68 69 29 F 948'" 3.18 -—2.78 9.34 16.52 2.44 14.7 12.12 28.64 81 34 1031' 3.15 —2.40 9.34 23.36 1.63 7.0 11.74 35.10 86 31 4-foot depth and based on wilting point values determined by the sunflower technique. Unavailable water to 4 feet totals changes between crop seeding and harvest. (from harvest of previous crop to seeding of current crop). " stored divided by total precipitation received during all fallow periods. In a group followed by the same letter or letters are not significantly different (Duncan's Multiple Range Test--5-percent SOIL WATER VCONTENT-“INOHES/FOOT 2.o 2.5 3.0 5.5 _ 2.0 2.5 5.0 5.5 I I I ‘ T l *'I7 I ‘U 2~° 2-5 3-0 3-5 WATER content T0 s Fr. (AGTUAL- wm ' svsram HARV. seen. . wsF-wn. 2.1a 4.65 cw 1.14 5.22 ' 1:41- 255 5.51 wsr- _ cs wsF-soa. 2.21 4.51 $°R6HUM 0s 2.2a see soil water contents at the beginning (harvest) and end (seeding) of the fallow periods for the dryland wheat and grain sor- V ng systems; also wilting point values, based on the sunflower technique and field observations. The actual minus wilting point 31in estimate of the plant available water in the soil at harvest of the previous crop and seeding of the indicated crop. m 140' l.l.l '2 I20 ' a SORGHUM-‘GS E t_ too- < i \. {I ao - 6 I ....l | so - WHEAT-GS 3 ' SORGHUM-TOTAL g 4o - Z v AT—TOTAL < 2o - i‘ O! w INCREASING FALLOW LENGTH o I I l 0W WSF WF 0S OROPPING SYSTEM Figure 5. Water efficiency for grain production as influenced by wheat and grain sorghum in the different dryland cropping systems (lengths of fallow periods). The values are based on growing sea- son soil water change and precipitation (GS) or growing season soil water change and total precipitation between crop harvests (total). and WF systems, respectively (Figure 5). Water-use efficiencies were 62, 69, 81 and 86 pounds of grain per acre-inch of water during the 1967-70 period for the CW, WSF, WSF-RF and WF systems, respectively. The greater water-use efficiency during the 1967-70 period again possibly was due to better growing season precipitation distribution and weed control during this period than during the 1959-70 period. Reason for the greater efficiency for the WSF-RF system as compared with the WSF system and the greater in- _. crease in efficiency for the WF system as compared i with the other systems for the 1967-70 period over d the 1959-70 period is not readily apparent. Values I for the 1959-70 period should be more reliable be- cause the 1967-70 period may have been too short to > make valid tests of the systems, especially under the highly variable climatic conditions prevalent in the region. When fallow precipitation, that received from harvest of the previous crop to seeding of the current crop, was included with water used by the current. crop, total water-use values averaged 19.35, 30.24 and - 39.10 inches per crop during the 1959-70 period for g the CW, WSF and WF systems, respectively. Corre- , sponding total water-use efficiency values were 33, 25 I and 22 pounds per acre-inch, respectively (Figure 5). l The lower total water-use efficiency values obtained . by including fallow precipitation indicate the low effectiveness of fallow precipitation for increasing crop . yields. Trends during the 1967-70 period generally were similar to trends during the 1959-70 period, but y the values were slightly higher. The values were 37, 29, 34 and 31 pounds per acre-inch for the CW, WSF, g WSF-RF and WF systems, respectively. ' Multiple linear regression analysis (Ezekiel and Fox, 1959) was used to establish relationships between A available soil water at seeding, growing season precipi- a tation and wheat grain yields. For this analysis, thef growing season was divided into six growth periods. _ The periods were germination, seedling establishment i and fall growth—seeding to December 31; winter main- ‘I tenance and early spring growth-January 1 to April v 15; rapid spring growth to boot-April 16 to April 30; -' late boot and flowering-May 1 to May 20; grain- filling-May 21 to June l0; and grain hardening to f harvest-June 11 to harvest. The net regression co- efficients, along with their standard errors, and the . coefficients of multiple determination (R2 values) for the CW, WSF and WF systems are given in Table 3. f TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS ASSOCIATING WHEAT GRAIN YIELDS IN THE C\N, WSF AND WF SYSTEMS ON DRYLAND WITH AVAILABLE SOIL WATER AT SEEDING‘ AND PRECIPITATION DURING DIFFERENT PERIODS OF THE GROWING SEASON: Coefficient Net regression coefficients’ 0f mulllple Cropping determination ' system bu‘ b1 b: I): b4 b6 be b1 (R2) I CW 161 12 51 98 184 52 76 -— 76 0.797‘ (Standard error) i117 i 92 i111 i 271 i106 i108 i 69 WSF 1092 - 199 ‘14<2* 202 —1112** 161* 25 -122* o.a42* (Standard error) i110 i 68 i 82 i 180 i 71 i126 i 48 F 681 —— 85 81 173 —— 533 116 67 — 98 0.745 (Standard error) i 147 i 104 i 109 i 276 i 103 i 130 i 71 ‘Determined to a 4-foot depth. to harvest (b1). ‘The b coefficients indicate pounds of groin per acre per acre-inch of water. 'Y--inte rcept. ‘Asterisks denote statistical significance (one—-5~percent level; two--1-percent level). l0 Unavailable water to 4 feet totals 9.97 inches. ‘The growing season periods and associated regression coefficients were germination, seedling establishment and fall growth—seeding to De? cember 31 (b2); winter maintenance and early spring growth—-Januory 1 to April 15 lbs); rapid spring growth to boot—-April 16 to April j 30 (b4); late boot and flowering-—May 1 to May 20 (b5); grain filling—-May 21 to June 10 (bit); and grain hardening to harvest—June 11 a The b1 regression coefficient is associated with this factor. .. net regression coefficients were ob- ‘the WSF system. The coefficients were " seeding to December 31, January 1 May l to May 15 periods and negative ‘to April 30 and the June ll to harvest n for the highly significant negative ipitation on grain yields during the '1 30 period (rapid spring growth to pparent but may be associated with 'ty later in the growing season. For .- uate precipitation occurs during the pril 30 period to permit the develop- plants, “normal” or “below normal” l?- later in the growing season may be mature the grain properly. The nega- of precipitation during the grain hard- est period was associated with plant H; possibly, hail damage as the crop ap- ' i urity. Although not significant, coeffi- -?= te season precipitation indicated yield the CW and WF cropping systems also. -- ted finding from the analyses was the ‘cant positive influences of available soil If“ on wheat grain yields. Actually, it not significant, coefficients were ob- WSF and WF systems. According to 2, available soil water at seeding and est for the CW, intennediate for the "Jy est for the WF system, but the influence at seeding on yields was not reflected in ion coefficients. Random variation v L» a factor, but other workers (Eck and ‘ ) also have experienced difficulty in re- yields to soil water and precipitation although the data in Tables 1 and 2 “'1 the greater yields for the WSF and WF ' related to greater available soil water at these systems than for the CW system, i’ during the growing season possibly ob- g uences of available soil water at seeding. l‘ icients of multiple determination (R2 ff significant for the CW and WSF systems, ghat significant amounts of the variations if accounted for by available soil water at ,- by growing season precipitation. The the WF system (0.745) approached the for statistical significance (0.754). Grain Sorghum il water, precipitation, water storage and ta for the grain sorghum cropping systems , Table 4 for individual years. Average igivenlfin Table 5 for periods in which the pping systems can be compared. Although [*1 systems were not fully in sequence in ~ for that year are included. Pregrowing fpitation (that received between harvest ‘ ifus crop and seeding of the current crop) {p crop was determined by establishing “normal” harvest dates for the previous crops (July 1 for wheat and November 1 for grain sorghum). For the 1958-70 period, grain sorghum yields for the VJSF treatment exceeded yields for the CS treat- ment by 4-20 pounds per acre, and the difference was statistically significant. Based on the area harvested, the yields averaged 1,137 and 1,557 pounds per acre for the CS and WSF systems, respectively. The differ- ences are attributed to greater soil water contents at seeding and changes during the growing season for the WSF system as compared with the CS system since precipitation for both systems was identical. The greater water change for the WVSF system was approx- imately equal to the greater water content for this system at seeding. Average grain yields for the 1967-70 period when the WSF-RF system was in effect were 970, 1,135 and 965 pounds per acre for the CS, WSF and WSF-RF systems, respectively. The lower yield for the WSF- RF system as compared with the WSF system possibly resulted from the lower soil water content and change for the WSF-RF system. The smaller water change resulted from a lower water content at seeding with the WSF-RF system, but reasons for the lower water content are not clear. Inadequate weed control on the permanent ridge-furrows as mentioned in the wheat section, may have been a factor. For comparable systems (CS and WSF), yields were lower during the 1967-70 period than. during the 1958-70 period (Table 5). Water content at seed- ing and growing season change were lower during the 1967-70 period as was growing-season precipitation. Consequently, yields also were lower. However, data for the 1958-70 period should be more reliable when comparing cropping systems because of the greater number of years involved. Based on the differences in available soil water at seeding between the CS and WSF systems, each inch of additional stored water resulted in a 609-pound- per-acre increase in grain yields for the WSF system during the 1958-70 period and a 358-pound-per-acre increase during the 1967-70 period. Water contents at seeding for the CS and WSF-RF systems were sim- ilar during the 1967-70 period, and yields also were similar for the two systems. The yield increases due to additional stored water at seeding were in the range reported by Bond, Army and Lehman (1964). It is doubtful, however, that the yield increases were due to the amount of additional stored water per se. Of possibly greater importance was the distribution of water in the profile and the depth of wetting of the profile (Figure 4). For cotton, Fisher and Burnett (1953) reported marked increases in lint yield with increases in water in the second and third foot of soil. Similar results can be expected for grain sorghum because deep profile water would be available to the plants in latter growth stages when water is important during heading and grain filling. ll TABLE 4. GRAIN SORGHUM YIELD, AVAILABLE SOIL WATER,‘ PRECIPITATlON, WATER STORAGE AND WATER USE DATA BY INDIVIDUAL YEARS FOR CONTINUOUS SORGHUM AND WHEAT-SORGHUM-FALLOW CROPPING SYSTEMS ON DRYLAND er-‘Based on soil water changes between crop seeding and harvest. Water-use Total water used efficiency Pre-GS Pre-GS p GS and GS GS and GS Available soil presip- presip- Presip- Prede- wafer itation itqtion itation itation‘ . . . -|— soil .—l-', soil + soil + soi Cropping Grain At Precmmcfmn Water slorqqe water wlater water water system Year yield seeding Change’ GS’ Pre-GS‘ Amount Efficiency“ change change change change Lb. lacre Inches Inches Inches Percent Inches Lb./acre - inch CS 1958 1948 4.38 °——4.76 10.80 8.93 15.56 24.49 125 80w 1959 674 1.72 -1.46 8.60 6.50 2.18 33.5 10.06 16.56 67 412' 1960 1675 3.37 +0.10 19.81 15.57 3.11 20.0 19.71 35.28 85 47 1961 2060 4.56 —3.51 8.81 5.10 1.09 21.4 12.32 17.42 167 118 1962 715 2.49 —2.46 9.37 12.65 1.44 11.4 11.83 24.48 60 29 1963 1599 3.66 ——0.86 8.80 8.85 3.23 36.5 9.66 18.51 166 86 1964 500 2.47 -—-0.85 8.70 4.01 -—0.33 —- 8.2 9.55 13.56 52 37 1965 1376 3.70 -2.29 6.76 15.65 2.08 13.3 9.05 24.70 152 56 1966 360 1.98 '——2.56 6.72 3.47 0.57 16.4 9.28 12.75 A 39 28 1967 384 1.52 °—-1.67 7.19 7.56 2.10 27.8 8.86 16.42 43 23 1968 1350 2.48 —0.93 8.72 8.72 2.63 30.2 9.65 18.37 140 73 1969 959 1.95 +0.57 13.76 7.77 0.40 5.1 13.19 20.96 73 46 1970 1187 4.86 —4.1 6 3.21 7.60 2.34 30.8 7.37 14.97 161 79 WSF 1958 2026 4.07 “—4.42 10.80 17.04 15.22 32.26 133 63 1959 1964 3.13 —2.5O 8.60 16.67 4.67 28.0 11.10 27.77 177 71 1960 1990 2.77 —0.08 19.81 22.61 3.57 15.8 19.89 42.50 100 47 1961 2540 5.06 —4.41 8.81 24.57 2.72 11.1 13.22 37.79 192 67 1962 1325 3.49 —3.33 9.37 19.12 1.51 7.9 12.70 31.82 104 42 1963 1726 4.63 —-1.38 8.80 18.35 1.23 6.7 10.18 28.53 170 60 1964 1050 3.39 —1.45 8.70 12.77 0.53 4.2 10.15 22.92 103 46 1965 1545 5.05 —-3.36 6.76 22.45 4.50 20.0 10.12 32.57 153 47 1966 1542 3.96 °—4.57 6.72 10.15 —-1.77 -—17.4 11.29 21.44 137 72 1967 449 1.67 '—1.81 7.19 14.15 2.26 16.0 9.00 23.15 50 19 1968 1682 2.81 —1.76 8.72 11.25 2.65 23.6 10.48 21.73 160 77 1969 785 3.23 —0.99 13.76 16.22) 3.07 18.9 14.75 30.97 53 25 1970 1622 4.93 —4.61 3.21 18.51 4.01 21.7 7.82 26.33 207 62 WSF-RF 1967 235 1.02 -—1.40 7.19 14.15 1.57 11.1 8.59 22.74 27 10 1968 1586 2.03 —O.82 8.72 11.25 1.95 17 3 9.54 20.79 166 76 1969 802 2.30 —0.07 13.76 16.22 2.22 13.7 13.83 30.05 58 27 1970 1238 4.93 —4.65 3.21 18.51 3.93 21.2 7.86 26.37 158 47 ‘Determined to a 4-foot depth and based on wilting point values determined by the sunflower technique. Unavailable water to 4 feet: totals 9.97 inches. ‘Growing season. ‘Pregrowing season (from harvest of previous crop to seeding of current crop). ‘Based on soil water changes and precipitation occurring during the fallow period that preceded seeding of the indicated crop. ‘Changes in available soil water content exceeding the available soil water content at seeding apparently resulted from the inadequacy of the- sunflower technique for establishing a precise wilting point for grain sorghum and from soil drying to below the wilting point due to. evaporation. The influence of depth of moist soil on yields has or factors for influencing yields. One of these could been illustrated by Fisher and Burnett (1953) for be greater water intake during the growing season; cotton and by Brown and Shrader (1959) for grain (See section on Soil Properties.) The coefficients for sorghum. ' the regression equations and the R2 values were no V) greatly different when the available soil water at seed- ing was considered to a 6~foot depth, indicating a relatively minor influence of water in soil at a 5- o . 6-foot depth on sorghum yields. i Another possible factor involved in the differences in yields between the CS and WSF systems was water intake during the growing season. Regression equa- tions based on available soil water at seeding (X) and a yields (Y) were Y = — 104.4 + 412.5X (R2 = 0.646) for Total growing-season water use by the crops w _ continuous sorghum and Y = 449.9 + 298.7X (R2 considered equal to growing-season precipitation pl ~ = 0.305) for sorghum in the WSF system. Yields for soil water change between seeding and harvest. Usin the CS system were more dependent on stored soil this total, grain production averaged 102 and l3 water at seeding than for the WSF system. The lesser pounds per acre-inch of water used during the 1958-7 dependency on stored soil water for the WSF system period for the CS and WSF systems, respective] y. points toward a greater influence of some other factor (Figure 5). During the 1967-70 period, the efficien ~ 12 ~ IN SORGHUM YIELD, AVAILABLE sort WATER,‘ PRECIPITATION, WATER STORAGE AND WATER USE DATA BY PE- sORGI-IUM AND WHEAT-SORGHUM-FALLOW CROPPWG sYsTEMs ON DRYLAND Water-use Total water used efficiency Pre-GS Pre-GS GS and GS GS and GS Available soil Pmflp‘ Pmilp‘ Preclp‘ Praflp‘ water nation itation itation itation _ Precipitation Water storaae + 5°51 "l- SOll + soil + soil Grain A: water water water water iyleld seeding Change’ GS“ Pre~GS‘ Amount Effidency‘ change change change change Lb./acre - inch .1137‘ 3.01 -—1.91 9.32 8.65 1.73 20.1 11.23 19.88 102 57 Lb. I acre Inches lnches Inches Percent Inches 1557" 3.70 —2.66 9.32 17.23 2.41 14.0 11.98 29.21 134 54 ' 970‘ 2.70 -—-l.54 8.22 7.91 1.86 23.6 9.76 17.67 104 56 1135" 3.16 —2.29 8.22 15.03 2.99 19.9 10.51 25.54 118 46 965' 2.57 —- 1 .18 8.22 15.03 2.41 16.1 9.40 24.43 102 40 changes between crop seeding and harvest. 118 and 102 for the CS, WSF and A respectively. The greater efficiency SF system than for the CS system soil water content at seeding and eased yields for the WSF system. » e greater water content was deeper itgure 4). Brown and Shrader (1959) -- water-use efficiencies with greater . Possibly also involved with the .. for the WSF system may have been -season water intake as mentioned efficiency based on pounds of grain acre per acre-inch of water used was um than for wheat. Also, the increase sorghum in the WSF system over um was greater than the increase in heat in the WSF system over continu- . - 5). This difference suggests that more responsive to fallow than wheat jgrain production. Similar conclusions Luebs (1962). Timeliness of precipi- pect to the growing season may have _ ble for grain sorghum than for wheat. the water stored in soil at winter wheat Hm used or evaporated during the long t period, and spring vegetative growth pendent upon precipitation. For grain “- staged water at seeding along with pre- more readily available for vegetative 'n production. ow precipitation was included with the current crop, total water-use values 'gher (19.88 vs. 11.23 inches and 29.21 for the CS and WSF systems, respec- depth and based on wilting point values determined by the sunflower technique. Unavailable water to 4 feet mm harvest of previous crop to seeding of current crop). ~ - divided by total precipitation received during all fallow periods. (b group followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Duncan's Multiple Range Test——5-percent level). tively) and water-use efficiency values were much lower (57 vs. 102 pounds per acre-inch and 54 vs. 134 pounds per acre-inch for the CS and WSF systems, respectively) than where growing season precipitation alone was used. The low efficiency values for grain sorghum production when including fallow precipi- tat-ion further substantiate the low effectiveness of fallow for increasing crop production. However, efficiency values were higher for grain sorghum than for wheat when fallow precipitation was included, again suggesting that grain sorghum was more re- sponsive than wheat to fallow precipitation with respect to grain production (Figure 5). Multiple linear regression analysis was used to establish relationships between available soil water at seeding, precipitation during the growing season and grain yields for the sorghum. The growing season was divided into five periods which corresponded to major plant growth stages. These were germination and seedling establishment—seeding to 20 days after seeding; rapid vegetative growth-21 to 50 days after seeding; late boot and flowering—51 to 65 days after seeding; grain filling—66 to 80 days after seeding; and grain hardening to harvest—81 days after seeding to harvest. The net regression coefficients and coeffi- cients of multiple determination (R2 values) for sorghum in the CS and WSF systems are given in Table 6. Standard errors were calculated for the individual net regression coefficients. The coefficients (Table 6) indicate that grain yields for the CS and WSF systems were influenced most by the available soil water content at seeding. Although the coefficient (b1) for available water at seeding was higher for the WSF system than for the CS system, the standard error associated with this 13 coefficient also was higher for the WSF system. Based on the coefficient and the standard error, an inch of available water at seeding would cause a range in grain yields from 383 to 431 pounds per acre for the CS system and a range from 368 to 530 pounds per acre for the WSF system in about two of three cases. For the CS system, yields were influenced most by precipitation during the period of rapid vegetative growth, as indicated by the regression coefficient being greater than the standard error for the coefficient. Undoubtedly, yields were also influenced by precipi- tation during other periods. However, the high variability of precipitation during the study period, which is typical for the study area, resulted in the high standard errors. The regression coefficients exceeded the standard errors for the germination and seedling establishment (b2) and grain filling (b5) pre- cipitation periods for the WSF system, indicating a positive influence of precipitation on yields during these periods. The coefficients of multiple determination (R2 values) were 0.893 and 0.656 for the CS and WSF systems, respectively. The R2 values suggest a higher correlation between yields, soil water and precipitation for the CS system than for the WSF system and a greater influence of some other factors on yields for the WSF system than for the CS system. Soil fertility may have been a factor. Although dryland grain sorghum on Pullman clay loam has shown no nutrient deficiencies, it is possible that grain sorghum would respond to fertilizer in years of above-average precip- itation. Fallow Fallowing (the practice of allowing land to remain idle and weed-free for a growing season) has been widely used to increase yield levels. As an illustration, it was arbitrarily assumed that a crop producing less than 600 pounds of grain per acre harvested would not be profitable. Data for this 13-year study show that wheat in the CW, WSF and WF systems produced less than 600 pounds of grain per acre in 6, 5 and 3 years, respectively. For grain sorghum, yields were TABLE 6. SUMMARY OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS ASSOCIATING GRAIN YIELDS OF CONTINUOUS SORGHUM AND SORGHUMl IN A WSF SYSTEM ON DRYLAND WITH AVAILABLE SOIL WATER AT SEEDING‘ AND PRECIPITATION DURING DIFFERENT PERIODS OF THE GROW-i less than 600 pounds per acre in 3 years for continu- l" ous sorghum and in l year for sorghum in the WSF - system. Thus, fallow did increase the reliability of , grain production by wheat and sorghum during the study period. Fallowing increased the yields of wheat and grain , sorghum but decreased the efficiency of total water‘ use for grain production. This inefficiency of fallow I is widely recognized. For the study area, precipitation storage has generally been around l5 percent of the precipitation received during the fallow period for i Precipitation, water,‘ storage and water storage efficiency values during the fallow period preceding wheat are included in Tables l and 2 and preceding grain sorghum in Tables 4. and 5. The distributions of water at the beginning; (harvest of previous crop) and end (seeding of crop) j winter wheat (Johnson, 1966). of the fallow periods are shown in Figure 4. For wheat, the fallow periods (interval between crops for CW) were about 3, ll and 15 months for the CW, WSF and WF systems, respectively. For grain sorghum, the fallow periods (interval between crops for CS) were about 8 and ll months for the CS and WSF systems, respectively. Precipitation amounts were directly related to} length of the fallow period, and, in general, water storage increased as length of the fallow period in-»_ creased. A marked exception was evident for the fr WF cropping system. Although the fallow period for WF was 4 months longer than for WSF and pre-% cipitation averaged about 9 inches more for WF than for WSF, the WF system resulted in slightly less water" storage and considerably lower storage efficiency than‘ the WSF system. Possible reasons may have been the soil water content at harvest and distribution of pre? cipitation during the fallow period. High precipita-i tion in late May and June (Figure 2) when wheat approaches maturity sometimes results in relatively? high soil water contents at wheat harvest, thus re-"f ducing the potential for water storage during the subsequent fallow period. On the other hand, they prevalence of lower precipitation as grain sorghum. approaches maturity results in low soil water contents; ING SEASON: Coefficient Cropping Net regression coefficients‘ °f mulilPle 1 determination , system bu‘ b1 b: b: b4 bs be i CS -—847 5407*‘: — IO I9) 226 4O 68 0.893** (Standard error) i 24 i I 2) i I 04 i 564 i 275 i 276 WSF -s64 500*" 17o 132 -s0s 283 - 39 0856* (Standard error) i I 32 i I Q4 i I 37 i 524 i 243 i 266 ‘Determined to a 4-foot depth. Unavailable water to 4 feet totals 9.97 inches. The b1 regression coefficient is associated with this factor. ‘The growing season periods and associated regression coefficients were germination and seedling establishment—seeding to 20 days after. seeding (b2); rapid vegetative growth-—2l to 50 days after seeding lbs); late boot to flowering—-5I to 65 days after seeding (b4); grain , filIing--66 to 80 days after seeding lbs); and grain hardening to harvest—8l days after seeding to harvest Ibo). ‘The b coefficients indicate pounds of grain per acre per acre-inch of water. ‘Y-—intercept. ‘Asterisks denote statistical sign-ificance (one-S-percent level; two-—l-percent level). 14 _ a greater potential for water storage _ ow period. Thus, although storage ~ was less for the WF than for -- actual water contents at seeding were - WF than for the WSF system (Table 2). precipitation amounts during the fallow CS and CW systems were similar (7.50 ), water storage was about 68 percent _ than for CW. The resultant storage a 14.8 and 20.1 percent for the CW ’_ respectively. The soil water content the two crops, as discussed in the pre- ph, was a major factor influencing 31in the interval between crops. Another - ce undoubtedly was the distribution 4‘- Lower precipitation prevailed as approached (August and September) i- sorghum seeding (May and June). Except for the WF system, water storage effi- ciencies were somewhat higher during the 1967-70 period than during the 1959-70 period. However, data from the longer period should give a better indication of the treatment effects on water storage than from the 1967-70 period. Water storage effi- ciency for the WSF-RF system was slightly less than for the WSF system. The permanent ridge-furrow system did not enhance water storage as anticipated, but the period during which this system was included possibly was too short to validly test the system. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to establish relationships between available water re- maining in the soil at harvest of, the previous crop, precipitation during the fallow period and available soil water at seeding. A summary of the results for the wheat and grain sorghum cropping systems is given in Table 7. g -' OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS ASSOCIATING AVAILABLE SOIL WATER AT SEEDING OF WHEAT AND r ON DRYLAND WITH AVAILABLE SOIL WATER AT HARVEST‘ AND PRECIPITATION DURING DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF THE Factor or precipitation period Y-intercepi” and net regression coefficients‘ Symbol Value Coefficient of multiple determination WSF Available soil water at harvest Precipitation—-harvest to July 3I Precipitatiom-August Precipitatiom-Sept. I to seeding Available soil water at sorghum Precipitatiom-sorghum harvest to Precipitatiom-Dec. I to April 3O Precipitatiom-May I to June 30 Precipitation-July I to Aug. 3I Precipitation-Sept. I to seeding Available soil water at harvest Precipitation—-harvest to July 3I Precipitation-Aug. I to Nov. 3O Precipitatiom-Dec. I to April 30 Precipitation-—May I to June 3O Precipitation-July I to Aug. 3I Precipitation—Sept. I to seeding Available soil wafer at harvest Precipitation-harvest to Nov. 3O Precipitatiom-Dec. I to Feb. 28 Precipitation—-Mar. I to April 30 Precipitation—-May I to seeding Available soil water at wheat harvest Precipitation-harvest to July 3I Precipitatiom-Aug. I to Sept. 30 Precipitation-—Oct. I to Nov. 30 Precipitation—-Dec. I to Feb. 28 Precipitation-Mar. I to April 30 Precipitation-May I to seeding —O.8I2 ‘0.873** .316 .337 .366 .357 0.945 0.8I I** .297 .489 .095 .OI 2 .225 .I 64 harvest Nov. 3O 0.303 0732* .096 .126 . I OI — .203 .l I3 .357 .I 38 I .260 O.552N.S. 0.545 0.345 0. I O4 0.072 0.093 2.329 0.672* --0.039 0.009 0.386 0.226 —0.l 80 —0.6I7 —0.074 ???????? 9'91’??? 9'??????? 9'?????9' 9'9‘??? -foot depth. Unavailable water to 4 feet totals 9.97 inches. Indicate Inches of water storage per inch of soil water at harvest or inch of precipitation received. statistical significance Ione-S-percent level; two-—I-percent level). 15 The net regression coefficients suggest relatively high water storage from precipitation occurring soon after sorghum harvest and relatively low storage after wheat harvest except for the continuous wheat system. The coefficients also suggest rather high storage of precipitation as wheat seeding is approached and rather low storage as sorghum seeding is approached. This latter suggestion is contrary to expectations as discussed earlier. A possible explanation would be the effects of temperature and other climatic condi- tions on evaporation. Potential evaporation is higher before sorghum seeding than before wheat seeding. Consequently, water storage as a portion of precipi- tation received may indeed be greater before wheat seeding than before sorghum seeding, but total water stored may still be greater before sorghum seeding than before wheat seeding due to the greater amounts of precipitation occurring before sorghum seeding. Of course, the limitations of multiple regression anal- ysis are realized, and the suggested trends may be coincidental rather than real. For continuous wheat, precipitation between crops had a relatively constant effect on available soil water at seeding as indicated by the net regression coeffi- cients. Also, the high coefficient of multiple determi- nation (R2 = 0.873) suggests a minimum true correla- tion between the dependent and independent variables of about 0.65 (P = 0.95) as determined from graphs and discussion presented by Ezekiel and Fox (1959, pp. 295-298). The high coefficient of multiple de- termination for the CW system further suggests that available soil water at seeding can be estimated with a fair degree of accuracy from a knowledge of avail- able water remaining in the soil at harvest and the precipitation during the nongrowing season. By hav- ing a fairly reliable estimate of available soil water at seeding time, the producer could decide whether to " seed wheat (continuous wheat) or whether to fallow the land with hopes of better returns from a sorghum crop the following year or a wheat crop a year later. The low efficiency of fallow for storing precipi- tation as soil water and increasing crop production points to a need for flexible crop management and cropping systems. When the soil water content is high at harvest, water storage during the fallow period is low or water may actually be lost from the soil. In such cases, the water in the soil and subsequent pre- cipitation may be more efficiently used if another crop is seeded immediately after harvest. After wheat, grain sorghum or a forage crop for livestock could be used. The increasing cattle industry in the area presents attractive possibilities for forage production. Wheat for grain or grazing could be seeded after grain sorghum when soil water conditions are favorable. Other possibilities would be to seed wheat or sorghum continuously if soil water conditions are favorable rather than seed the alternate crop later in the fallow period. Without drastic alterations of the soil surface (microwatersheds, waterproofing, continuous mulches, 16 and so forth) and possibly profile modification, it is doubtful that the efficiency of fallow with respect to water storage and crop production can be markedly increased by current cropping practices and systems. . Flexible management and cropping systems will have to be used to make the most efficient use of all avail- . able water supplies. Soil Properties Organic Matter The organic matter content in the surface 6 inches A of soil was significantly higher in 1970 for the grass s treatment than for any of the other treatments (Talble 8). The difference in organic matter content due to 1 the CW and CS treatments was significant also. _ Although not necessarily significant, all samples for the 0- to 6-inch depth from treatments with only wheat’ in the cropping system had higher organic matter 1 contents than those from systems with wheat and sor- a ghum or sorghum alone. Apparently, wheat is more. conducive to maintaining the organic matter level . of a soil than grain sorghum. Similar conclusions were reached by Hobbs and Thompson (1971). In comparison with the organic matter content. of samples obtained from the surface 6 inches of soil when the study was started in 1957, only the CS treat-A‘ ment resulted in an organic matter content decreasef The increase in organic matter contents as a result- of the grass and CW treatments were significant. The‘ increases due to the WF, WSF and WSF-RF treat- ments were not significant according to the unpaired 3 "t" tCSL The organic matter contents of samples from other depths were not significantly different as a result of the treatments except for the 24- to 36-inch depth‘ of the WF treatment over the CW treatment. This difference evidently was due to random variation because there was no logical reason for that difference TABLE 8. SOIL ORGANIC MATTER IN 1970 AS INFLUENCED B V WHEAT AND GRAIN SORGHUM CROPPlNG SYSTEMS AND BY GRASS ON DRYLAND; MEAN VALUES FOR SAMPLES COLLECTED AT lNlTlA- TlON OF THE STUDY IN 1957 1 Soil depth (inches) Treatment 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-86 36-4 Percent cw 11.86"‘ 1.40" 1.22"‘ 0.86"" 0.53" 0.44‘ w1= 1.77"‘ 1.84" 1.08"‘ .89“ .80“ .47‘ 1 ws1= 1.70"" 1.40" 1.09" 85°“ .68“ .45‘ ». WSF-RF 1.70"‘ 1.30"" 1.18" 92"" .66“ .46‘ cs 1.64" 1.80"" 1.20"‘ .79“ .68“ .47‘ . Grass 2.04‘ 1.45"‘ 1.14" .84“ .70“ .52‘ Mean (all . treatments) 11.79‘ 1.87‘ 1.14‘ .85‘ .68‘ .47‘ A Mecm (all samples—— 19571 1.66 1.22 1.08 0.86 0.64 ‘Column or row values or mean values followed by the same lett or letters are not significantly different at the S-percent lev (Duncan's Multiple Range Test). ; organic matter contents at other depths for f‘ ents were similar 0, the organic matter content of samples A 6- to 12-inch depth of the grass plots was ‘t greater than that of the initial soil (m this depth, and this increase was sig- or the other treatments and depths, the , tter contents were similar to those of the _ samples. The increase in soil organic '1 ent for the grass plots apparently resulted turn to the soil of all forage produced. (was not grazed or removed as hay. The to the CW treatment and the tendency ses due to the WF and WSF treatments cted. Generally, it is considered diffi- tain soil organic matter contents under nditions and even more difficult to in- Hobbs and Thompson (1971), however, reversal of the downward trend in soil ter when a change was made from con- hum or sorghum-fallow cropping systems -wheat-sorghum cropping system. They the increase to different equilibrium or- ' levels for the different systems. Namely, E’ H systems had lower equilibrium levels llow-wheat sorghum system-hence, the en the latter system was introduced. ild area used for the study of this report pped to wheat continuously or alternately ,_ since it was broken from sod in 1927. initially broken from sod in 1919 but "1 grass after 2 years of sorghum.) Since the n cropped to wheat previously, the reasons ses in organic matter for the 1970 sam- f: 1957 samples are not readily apparent. Vle reason may be that the organic matter ‘ 'unduly low in 1957. A major drouth preceding 7 years resulted in either crop low residue production. Microbial activity gluring the drouth, and the low residue resulted in a net reduction of soil organic er the drouth, higher residue production soil organic matter level. Data reported 1968) for an adjacent dryland wheat tillage q g practices study (CW and WF) were simi- ,ing the reliability of the organic matter ble 8. h not statistically significant except for lues for depth, several trends in soil bulk .ble 9) are apparent. At all except the 0- d the 36- and 48-inch depths, the bulk ighest the CS treatment. The higher for this treatment possibly was related organic matter content. 0- to 6-inch depth, the bulk density was the grass treatment. This depth was the or all except the grass treatment, which TABLE 9. SOIL 8uu< DENSITY IN 1-1 readily moves into soil AND GRAIN SORGHUM CROPPlNG fol-es and’ in many Cases, DRYLAND further water entry. 5°" detnces in the distribu- Treatment 0-6 6-12 12-18 ‘ound in this study, in water intake for G/Cm ystems could be cw ‘0.95 1.50 1.56 1.5 the differenees w1= 1.09 1.47 1.51 . 6 WSF 1.04 1.52 1.56 1.59 ‘it’ ‘(ere Ida‘ WSF-RF 1.07 1.57 1.55 1.64 11g influence cs 1.13 1.65 1.65 1.69 ‘q d - Grass 1.51 1.57 1.46 1.59 $6.0m ’ 5°11 Mean (all Hons was treatments) '1.13' 1.55” 1.55“ 1.61‘ 1.5: reduces a. soil is ‘Column and row and 'mean values are not significantly a. aMean values followed by the same letter are not significaiqccurs‘ ferent at the 5-percent level (Duncan's Multiple Range Test) loam been explains the lower bulk densities for the tillage p?“ The grass plots had not been tilled since the grills was established in April 1958. The mean bulk densitlfi for the 0- to 6-inch depth was significantly lower than for the other depths. Again, these differences resulted from tilling the surface layer of all plots except those 1n grass. Dry Aggregates The percentages of aggregates in the different size ranges were significantly affected by the different treat- ments imposed during the study period (Table l0). According to Woodruff and Siddoway (1965), about 75 percent of the aggregates (clods) on large, bare, smooth, unprotected fields should be greater than (>) 0.84 mm in order to hold average annual soil losses by wind erosion to less than the tolerable level of 5 tons per acre. All cropping systems resulted in less than the required amount of large aggregates to con- trol wind erosion effectively (Table 10). For the less than (<) 0.84-mm fraction, the amounts ranged from 35.8 percent for the T/VF system to 46.0 percent for the CS system, and the differences were significant as indicated in Table l0. Soil of the CS plots would be more erodible than that of other plots, while the TABLE 10. DRY AGGREGATE SlZE DISTRIBUTION IN 1970 AS INFLU- ENCED BY WHEAT AND GRAlN SORGHUM CROPPING SYSTEMS AND BY GRASS ON DRYLAND Soil fraction size (mm) Treatment <0.84 0.84-2.0 2.0-6.4 64-183 >18.3 MWD’ i Percent mm cw ‘39.4* 13.1"‘ 17.9" 20.8"“ 8.8‘ 7.87 WF 35.8‘ 12.7"‘ 17.9" 22.5‘ 11.3" 9.26 ws1= 39.6‘ 13.1"‘ 17.6" 21.6"‘ 8.1” 7.63 WSF-RF 41.5‘ 15.0"’ 17.7“ 17.8“ 8.1‘ 7.20 cs 46.0‘ 14.1"‘ 183°" 18.7" 2.8‘ 4.81 Grass 13.2"‘ 13.1"‘ 22.2“ 28.2‘ 23.3‘ 15.78 Mean (all treatments) 235.9‘ 13.51’ 18.6” 21.6“ 10.4‘ ‘Mean weight diameter. zColumn or row values or mean values followed by the same letter or letters are not significantly different at the 5-percent level (Dun- can's Multiple Range Test). 17 The net regression .1'Odibl8. CIOP residues on [116 high water stgrage frQmVid€d gOOd PYOICCtiOII during after sorghum harvgst 1T1)’ spring erosion period. The wheat; harvest excgpt were not tilled until April, and The Cggfficientg alat that time maintained most of precipitation as W sllffaCe- rather 10W 5mm‘ the grass treatment, there were no This latter S119 , yces in the percentages of aggregates in ‘t1QS°“5fSf°dteaf‘2.0-, 2.0- to 0.4- or 6.4- to l8.3-mm size t. e e 6c S fto treatments. For the >l8.3-mm range, 1on5 on eyeatment resulted in a significantly lower before so‘ Conseqw‘ percentage than the other treatments. tation though the data are not shown, separate statis- seedininalyses were made for the dry aggregate distri- storedn data from the WF, WSF and WSF-RF cropping than-ms. For the WF system, the wheat plots (plots of m which wheat was harvested in 1970) had signifi- Ofltly less fine aggregates (<0.84 mm) than fallow yrlots (plots that were fallowed during the 1969-70 rwheat season). Also, the wheat plots had significantly more aggregates in the >l8.3-mm range than the fallow plots. For the WSF-RF system, significant differences were found between the percentages of aggregates in the <0.84-mm range for the wheat, fallow and sorghum plots, with wheat having the lowest and sorghum having the highest percentage of aggregates in this size range. The wheat plots had significantly more aggregates in the >l8.3-mm range than either the fallow or sorghum plots. Although not significant, the trends for aggregates from the WSF system were similar to those of the WSF-RF system. These data suggest that wheat was more conducive to stabilizing dry soil aggregates than sor- ghum but that the effects of wheat on the stability of dry aggregates were relatively short lived. The grass treatment resulted in significantly fewer aggregates in the <0.84-mm size range than any of the other treatments and significantly more aggregates in the 6.4- to 18.?» and the >l8.3-mm size ranges than the other treatments. Another method of indicating the differences in dry soil aggregation between treatments is through the calculation of a mean weight diameter (MWD) for each treatment (Kempe and Chepil, 1965). The MWD is equal to the sum of the products of the mean diameter (Y1) in millimeters of each size fraction and the proportion of the total weight (wi) occurring in the corresponding fraction. The amount passing through the finest sieve is included. A maximum diameter of 76.2 mm was assumed for the largest frac- tion. The equation used was n '= 2 Kiwi i=1 Size distribution data (Table l0) for the different treatments were used to calculate the MWD values. Data for the CW treatment were used in the follow- ing example of the calculations: l8 MWD = [(0.42 mm X 0.394) + (1.42 mm >< 0.131) + (4.20 mm x 0.179) + (12.35 mm X 0.208) + (47.75 mm >< 0.088)] = 7.87 mm. The calculated MWD’s are included in Table l0. By the nature of the calculations, the percentages of A1 coarse aggregates have a greater; influence on the MWD than those of the fine aggregates, and high a MWD values reflect greater amounts of coarse aggre- gates for a treatment than low MWD values. The? MWD was higher for the grass treatment than for’ the tillage treatments. For the different croppiqg“ treatments, the MWD was highest for WF and lowest. for CS, again indicating greater erosion susceptibility for the CS treatment than for the other treatments. The dry aggregate size distribution data indicate that all cropping systems on dryland could lead to serious wind erosion problems. However, through use. of stubble-mulch tillage which maintained most of the crop residues on the surface, wind erosion gen- erally was controlled adequately under the prevailing conditions. However, in some years, residue produc- tion is low, and erosion by wind may be severetj Under such conditions, tillage which increases thef cloddiness and roughness of the soil surface may be necessary to reduce wind erosion to tolerable levels.‘ Samples for the dry aggregates size distribution‘ determinations were collected in November, and it: is recognized that different size distributions may have: been found had the samples been collected at some: other time. For example, freezing and thawing a w" known to pulverize the soil surface. However, the. data presented are satisfactory for determining th; relative influence of the cropping systems on soi? erosion susceptibility but should not be used to indi. cate the absolute erosion potential during the criti ,_ late winter-early spring erosion period. g Wet Aggregates g The size distribution of soil aggregates wetti under vacuum was determined by wet sieving the soil under water. The percentages of aggregates in th different size ranges as determined by the amoun retained on the different sieves and the amount pa w ing through the finest sieve are given in Table 1l_ Also given are mean weight diameters calculat according to the procedure illustrated in the sectio pertaining to dry aggregates. The different wheat and sorghum cropping sy tems significantly affected the percentages of aggr, gates in the <0.25- and the 4.0- to 12.7-mm size rang_ but not in the intermediate ranges. The grass trea ment resulted in significant differences as compar with other treatments in the <0.25-, 2.0- to 4.0- an 4.0- to 12.7-mm size ranges. , The grass treatment resulted in the lowest vif the WF and WSF treatments resulted in the highesj?‘ percentages of aggregates in the <0.25-mm size ran_ The low percentage of fine aggregates (<0.25 f AGGREGATE SIZE DISTRIBUTION IN I970 AS IN- ‘ T AND GRAIN SORGHUM CROPPING SYSTEMS DRYLAND SoiI fraction size (mm) ’ 0.25-I.O I.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 4.0-I2.7 MWD‘ Percent mm 27.2‘ 7.6‘ 8.9‘ 19.9"‘ 2.26 27.7‘ 7.2‘ 8.0‘ 15.1"‘ 1.4a 25.0" 7.4‘ 8.3‘ 17.2"‘ 1.60 29.3‘ 7.3‘ 7.6‘ 16.8"“ 1.58 27.9‘ 7.7‘ 8.9‘ 19.9“ 2.27 27.1‘ 12.2"’ 12.9"‘ 22.4“ 2.64 27.4‘ .8.2‘ 9.1‘ 18.6“ I Ives or mean values followed by the same letter Ignlficantly different at the 5-percent level (Dun- - Test). wtment was attributed to the organic ) accumulation (Table 8) under the __--r was beneficial for soil aggregation. of grass on soil aggregation was also '5'“ higher percentage of aggregates for ent in the 2.0- to 4.0- and 4.0- to ges. The organic matter under grass together in larger aggregates. This of sod on soil aggregation is widely were higher percentages of fine aggre- , WSF and WSF-RF treatments than ~ CS treatments apparently was related Data in Table ll for the WF, _ -RF treatments are averages for the "it in the crop rotations. Although ' ' 'vidual sequences are not shown, the ne aggregates was greater for plots WSF-RF systems that were {allowed g -pping season than for plots that were heat or grain sorghum. Apparently, ad a beneficial effect on soil aggre- {irelatively short period. The fallow p. sufficiently long so that most of the “ athered by the time of sampling and, dues no longer benefited soil aggre- ahe CW and CS systems, the intervals “gwere relatively short, and greater aggre- i‘ 1 - nt. s in the percentages of aggregates for atments for the 4.0- to 12.7-mm range _ *the trends for the <0.25-mm range. V" ect the ability of residues from recent ~~ to promote the formation of large y This ability was also reflected in the I for different treatments. h higher percentages of water-stable fills-the larger size ranges should permit intake than soils having higher i'_ fine aggregates. The fine aggregates ult from dispersion of the soil upon wetting. This fine material readily moves into soil pores with water, clogs the pores and, in many cases, virtually seals the soil against further water entry. Although significant differences in the distribu- tion of the wet aggregates were found in this study, it is doubtful whether differences in water intake for the wheat and sorghum cropping systems could be detected under field conditions. First, the differences between treatments, although significant, were rela- tively small, and presumably the resulting influence on water intake would be small also. Second, soil for the aggregate distribution determinations was wetted under vacuum. This type of wetting reduces soil dispersion. ,Under field conditions, the soil is rapidly wetted by precipitation, and dispersion occurs. Differences in aggregate stability of Pullman clay loam as a result of rapid and vacuum wetting have been shown by Unger (1969). Also, raindrops striking bare soil enhance dispersion, whereas even small amounts of surface residues intercept raindrops and reduce soil dispersion. Weathered residues serve this purpose but evidently had little influence on the size distribu- tion of wet aggregates as discussed previously. Conse- quently, water intake on the rotation plots (WF, WSF and WSF-RF) under field conditions may be greater” than on the continuous cropping plots (CW and CS) because the rotation plots, even at the end of the fallow period, have weathered residues on the surface which intercept the raindrops. This possible differ- ence in water intake during the growing season by soil of the rotation and continuous cropping plots may have been a major factor in greater grain pro- duction on the rotation plots as compared with the continuous cropping plots. It is doubtful that the small differences in available soil water at seeding alone were responsible for the differences in yield. Economics of the Different Cropping Systems In Tables 2 and 5, average grain yields for the different cropping systems are presented. The aver- age yields, however, were based on the area harvested TABLE I2. MEAN ANNUAL YIELDS BASED ON THE AREA HARVESTED AND AREA IN THE DIFFERENT CROPPING SYSTEMS FOR WHEAT AND GRAIN SORGHUM ON DRYLAND (I958 THROUGH I970) Mean yield Mean yield (area harvested) (area in cropping system) Cropping Total system Wheat Sorghum Wheat Sorghum grain‘ Lb./acre Continuous wheat 628 628 628 Wheat- sorghum- fallow’ 758 I557 253 5I9 772 Wheat- fallow“ 866 433 433 Continuous sorghum I I37 I I37 I I37 ‘Accounts for differences in area harvested each year and area in the cropping systems. 23-year system. '2-year system. I9 TABLE 13. SUMMARY OF FIELD OPERATIONS‘ PERFORMED FOR THE WHEAT AND GRAIN SORGHUM CROPPING SYSTEMS ON DRYLAND. THE VALUES SHOWN ARE THE AVERAGE NUMBERS PERFORMED FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A CROP Wheat Sorghum Operation CW WF WSF CS WSF No. / year Seeding 1.0 1.0 1.0 21.3 ‘L3 Sweep tillage 2.8 7.2 4.6 1.9 4.6 Cultivations 1.0 1.0 ‘Occasional operations such as spraying for weeds and insects and use of the rotary hoe to aid emergence of grain sorghum are not included because they were not performed a sufficient number of times to establish trends. ‘Sorghum was reseeded in about 1 year in 3. each year and did not take into account the differ- ences in acreages devoted to the different cropping systems. For an economic analysis of the cropping systems, differences in acreages along with production requirements and retums for the different systems must be considered. In Table 12, average yields are presented on the basis of the harvested area and the area in each cropping system. Table 13 summarizes the field operations performed for each cropping system during the study period. Data in Tables 12 and 13 along with prevailing costs and grain prices can be used to obtain estimated incomes and expenses per harvested acre for the differ- ent cropping systems. A complete economic analysis of the cropping systems, however, is beyond the scope of this paper. For those interested, the guidelines published by Grubb, Moore and I..acewel1 (1967) and by Osborn, Moore and Ethridge (1969) for the pro- duction of dryland wheat and grain sorghum would be useful for determining the system most suitable for a particular production enterprise. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This study was a cooperative effort between the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A8cM University. Numerous persons have been involved in this study since it was initiated in 1957. The author is indebted to all of them and especially to T. J. Army and J. J. Bond, who planned and initiated the study and managed it the first 4 years, and to W. C. Johnson and C. E. Van Doren, who managed it in subsequent years; also to F. O. Wood, who performed most of the field operations in the latter years of the study, and to J. J. Parker, who assisted in performing the soil physical analysis at the conclusion of the field study. LITERATURE CITED l. Bloodgood, D. W., R._E. Patterson and R. L. Smith. 1954. Water evaporation studies in Texas. Texas Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 787. 2. Bond, J. J., T. J. Army and 0. R. Lehman. 1964. Row spacing, plant populations and moisture supply as factors in dryland grain sorghum production. Agron. Jour. 56:3—6. 20 l0. 12. l3. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 23. 24. Bonnen, C. A. 1960. Types of farming in Texas. Texas J Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 964. Brown, Paul L., and W. D. Shrader. evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency of grain sor- ghum under different cultural practices. Agron. Jour. 51:339-343. Eck, Harold V., and Carl Fanning. 1959. Grain yields, ‘ 1962. 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