B-112W January 1973 ll-iéaiiq, “‘* "ea":““i\i-i§‘i’ g5‘ t; The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station n a s , a i The Texas Agricultural Extension Service ‘ u Texas A&M University - i College Station, Texas Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the financial con of the United States Golf Association Green S 5p O. J. Noer Research Foundation and other org to the turf research program of The Texas A g - Experiment Station. These contributions. has possible much of the research summarized in lication. ' Cover photos Courtesy John M. Griffith, ]r., Tolar, Texas Contents Acknowledgments .......................................................................................... .. 2 Summary ............................................................ .......................................... -- 4 Introduction .................................................................................................. -. 5 Bermudagrass Varieties ............................................................................... -. 5 Bermudagrass Establishment ....................................................................... -. 7 Greens ..................................................................................................... -. 7 Tees and Fairways .............................................................................. .. 3 Roughs ................................................................................................... .. 9 Bermudagrasls Maintenance ......................................................................... .. 9 Putting Greens ...................................................................................... .19 Mowing __________________________________________________________________________________________ -10 Fertilization ................................................................................... .10 Watering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "11 Verticutting .................................................................................... -.11 Aerification ....................................................... ........................... -12 Top-Dressing .................................................................................. .12 Overseeding ................................................................................... -13 Fairways ................................................................................................. -14- Irrigation ....................................................................................... ..15 Drainage ........................................................................................ ..15 Mowing .......................................................................................... -.15 Aerification .................................................................................... -.16 Dethatching ....................................... .......................................... -.16 Fertilization ............................................ ..................................... ..16 Weed Control ................................................................................ -.17 »,- ,’ Tees ........................................................................................................ __18 Irrigation ....................................................................................... __18 Mowing .......................................................................................... --18 Aerification .................................................................................... __18 Fertilization ................................................................................... __19 Overseeding ................................................................................... __19 3 M s u M M A R Y a . \ "a. "*: ‘ l’; ‘I ‘l: w; u“. u-fl“ "p3 Bermudagrass tolerates a wide range of environ- mental conditions including drouth, heavy irrigation, heavy fertilization, close and frequent mowing and ex- cessive traffic. Consequently, bermudagrass is widely used for golf turf throughout the South. Special purpose bermudagrasses have been developed for golf greens, tees and fairways. Tifdwarf and Tifgreen bermuda- grasses are excellent for putting greens, while Tifway, Tifgreen and common are well suited for golf tees and fairways. U-3 bermudagrass is the most cold-tolerant of the golf turf selections and is used for tees and fair- ways in the Texas Panhandle. Certified stock of these bermudagrass selections is available in Texas; buyers should specify Texas Certified stock to guarantee source and purity of planting material. Common bermudagrass is the only turf variety that can be established from seed. All other varieties must be established from vegetative material. If sod is pur- chased, it must first be shredded into fragments (sprigs) consisting of roots and stems. The sprigs should be uniformly broadcast over the seedbed at a rate of 5 to 10 bushels per 1,000 square feet on greens and 2 to 3 bushels on tees and fairways. Sprigs should be broad- cast with a hydromulcher or other equipment, incor- porated lightly with a disc or top-dressed with a steri- lized soil mixture and watered lightly and frequently until they are rooted. Rolling with a heavy cultipacker or roller will help firm the seedbed and smooth the sur- face. Subsequent watering, fertilizing and mowing prac- tices are the keys to attaining a fast cover. Bermudagrasses require a high level of maintenance to provide desirable and attractive playing surfaces. Irri- gation rates and frequencies are dependent on climatic conditions and soil types within a specific area. Gen- erally, an average of one-fourth of an inch of water per day is required to maintain bermudagrass turf during summer months. The frequency of application is deter- mined by the storage capacity of the soil or soil mixture. Bermudagrasses have a high requirement for nitrogen fertilization. Bermudagrass greens and tees require 4 _ ,0 f\\0'°-"" a.n-..v. o\'o~',l “"0" w" ‘ ' "i. ' from 12 to 24- pounds of nitrogen per year to maid‘ a desirable playing surface, whereas fairway tu quires much less. Nitrogen sources largely dete" the rate and frequency of applications. Mowing ” ances of bermudagrass turf range from one-eighth A, to several inches in height and from daily to mo. frequencies depending on the use of the turf. f. Putting greens should be mowed daily at 1/3 t inch to maintain a smooth uniform putting su e Light, frequent, vertical mowing is required to A» thatch and eliminate graininess in bermudagrass pup greens. Periodic aerification and top-dressing i, soil mixture are necessary to reduce thatch, all surface compaction and maintain a smooth putting face. Overseeding bermudagrass greens with a season grass or grass mixture is required to provi‘ year-round playing surface. Maintenance of golf f, is similar to that of golf greens depending on quid of turf desired. Maintenance of fairway turf is also similar to‘, of greens and tees, but the frequency of maintenf operations is reduced considerably. Fairways shou mowed from 3A; to 1% inch depending on the gra riety, the frequency of mowing and the quality of desired. Irrigation should be sufficient to prevent wilting without creating wet playing conditions. F, zation rates and frequencies should be adequate to n? tain a green color and a dense turf without excl growth. Under special circumstances, aerification '0 vertical mowing may be necessary to alleviate com: tion and remove excess thatch accumulation l. fairways. f Weed and other pest control practices should f w label recommendations as stated by the manufactur the product. Specific weed, insect and disease-co recommendations may be obtained from county agri tural agents, turf extension specialists or others kn‘ edgeable in the diagnosis of pest problems. P0s'i identification of the specific pest is the first step t0 effective control. -‘ x1 THERE WERE 540 GOLF COURSES IN f‘; with a total of more than 7,000 golf holes p“ to the National Golf Foundation. The amount ey spent for turf maintenance on golf courses in as risen dramatically in the past 20 years. The l» cost of turf maintenance per hole for 1952, Presently, $35 million are spent annually for ance of golf course turf in Texas. This may asted to only $15 million in 1961, or more than rcent increase in 10 years. Construction costs holes have demonstrated even greater increases. rising costs of construction and maintenance Vite efficient and effective management practices. ideas and practices relating to the management udagrass turf on Texas golf courses are sum- i in this report. The information and manage- '3 actices presented are based on research conducted f»; ASzM University from 1957 through 1972 and ded for use in producing higher quality golf A Texas. BERMUDAGRASS VARIETIES _ udagrass is a warm-season, sod-forming peren- spreads by stolons and rhizomes. It is widely ted throughout the southern part of the United d widely used? for lawns, golf courses, athletic l d other turfgrass areas (Table 1). Common grass, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., was intro- , om Africa and is well adapted to the South where a is sufficient and to the Southwest under irriga- t is best adapted where the average daily tem- is above 75° F. Bermudagrass turns off-color j- 1970 was $2,278, $3,307 and $4,577, respec-t Bermudagrass Management R. L. Duble, W. G. Menn and A. C. Novosad* in cool weather and brown after frost. 1t does not tol- erate dense shade or poor drainage and produces good- quality turf only on liberally fertilized soil. It is rela- tively drouth resistant, but responds well to irrigation. Bermudagrass is fairly resistant to diseases and insects and rather tolerant to selective herbicides. A number of improved varieties have been developed for turf usage through extensive hybridization and selec- tion. Most improved varieties are sterile, or nearly so, and must be propagated vegetatively. Improved ber- mudagrass varieties released by the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, the Crops Research Division, Agri- cultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture (USDA), the U. S. Golf Association Green Section (USGA) and other organizations are subject to certifi- cation in Texas. The purchase of certified turfgrass sod or sprigs guarantees the buyer a pure source of planting material. In the case of common bermudagrass, the buyer is encouraged to purchase certified seed. Common bermudagrass is the most widely used grass for golf course turf in Texas. It is a relatively coarse-textured grass but is well suited for tees and fair- ways. Common bermudagrass putting greens require frequent top-dressings and vertical mowing to provide *Respectively, assistant professor and instructor, The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Department of Soil and Crop Sciences), and pasture specialist, Texas Agricultural Extension Service (Department of Soil and Crop Sciences). Mention of a trademark name or a proprietary prod- uct does not constitute a guarantee or Warranty of the product by The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. 5 Common can be estab- lished from seed or vegetative material. Common ber- mudagrass is rapidly being replaced by the finer-textured varieties on golf greens. an acceptable putting surface. Tifgreen bermudagrass, released in 1956 at Tifton, is a fine-textured, vigorous hybrid that makes a dense, weed-resistant turf. Tifgreen (Tifton 328) is the South’s most widely used putting green grass. It produces an excellent quality putting green which tolerates overseed- ing with cool-season grasses better than most bermuda- grasses. Tifgreen bermudagrass must be established from vegetative material. Certified planting sprigs of Tifgreen are available through certified producers in Texas. Tifdwarf bermudagrass, released in 1965 by the Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station at Tifton, is a superior grass for golf greens. Glenn W. Burton, who helped develop the grass, said, “Its tiny leaves hug the ground so closely that a number of them are never cut by the greensmower. This characteristic helps it to tol- erate a 3/ 16-inch cutting height better than Tifgreen. Its softer leaves and fewer seed heads also contribute to its superior putting quality. Tifdwarf has a darker green color than Tifgreen. Its basic purple plant color, which helps to keep it looking dark green in the summertime, Bermudagrass varieties should be on the basis of appearance and mainten requirements. i‘ becomes very noticeable when temperatures drop in fall. As a consequence, Tifdwarf takes on a purp cast that may prove objectionable to some.” Tifdwi has proved to be winter hardy in areas of Texas if Tifgreen has been successfully grown. At Texas _ University’s turf research laboratory, Tifdwarf has Q duced a darker green and denser turf than Tifgreen. also has about the same nutrient requirements as, green but appears to be more susceptible to sod webw and bermudagrass mite damage. Tifdwarf requires top-dressing material than Tifgreen to produce a sm‘: putting surface. Certified planting sprigs of Tifd are available through certified producers in Texas. Tifway bermudagrass, selected as Tifton 419, r released in 1960 by the Georgia Agricultural Exper" Station for use on fairways and tees. Tifway hasfi upright growth habit, stiff leaves and a dark green These characteristics make it superior for fairway Tifway does not recover from injury as fast as Tif or common bermudagrass. Certified planting spri Tifway are available through certified producers in T p‘ Texturf 1F, selected as T35A, was released by Texas Agricultural Experiment Station at College tion in 1957. Texturf 1F is a fine-textured, light ; grass that produces a dense turf. It is relatively fr TABLE i. CHARACTERISTICS OF BERMUDAGRASS VARIETIES USED FOR PUTTING GREEN TURF IN TEXAS Seed head Thatch Disease r Variety Texture Color production accumulation resistance Qu, Sunturf Medium Very dark Few Light Poor Tiffine Fine Light Abundant Heavy Fair Fair Tifgreen Fine Dark Few Medium Fair Ex q Gene Tift Fine Light Abundant Medium heavy Fair Fairi: Texturf lF Medium Light Few Medium Poor Tifdwarf Fine Very dark Very few Medium Fair Exce Common Very coarse Medium Abundant Light Poor Poor? ‘An overall evaluation of bermudagrass varieties based on general appearance, density, spring recovery, putting quality and mainten’ requirements. 6 eads and makes good spring recovery. ptible to leaf diseases and, consequent- ended along the Gulf Coast and in East 1F produces excellent quality turf on fféareas of Central, North and West Texas eswatering is practiced. Certified planting Q 1F are available through certified pro- .- I released in 1956 by Alabama, Arkansas, South Carolina agricultural experiment is a fine-textured, dark green, turf-type is susceptible to leaf diseases, but they -.. manent damage. Sunturf is sufficiently as a putting green grass. ‘sometimes identified as Gene Tift, was f Florida Agricultural Experiment Station It was selected at the Bayshore Golf Club, 194,5 and is believed to be a natural U common bermudagrass and an introduced “South Africa. It is light green in color ed. It has been used as a fairway and "grass but now is being replaced with su- ins. Numerous variations have appeared greens. Bayshore also produces abundant pa]: conditions of drouth and unbalanced y rmudagrass was released by the Georgia Experiment Station in 1953. It is light , f» fine textured and more disease resistant y»: bermudagrass. Tiffine, like Bayshore, V, dant seed heads under stress conditions. A longer being planted on new greens; both iffine and Bayshore greens are being re- er selections. udagrass was released in 1947 by the Section and the USDA. It is a moderately cold tolerant and fast spreading grass that or use on tees and fairways in the Texas h UDAGRASS ESTABLISHMENT exception of common bermudagrass, the w» on golf courses must be established from 0' terial. Common can be established either or with seed. Seed or vegetative material to 10> ld be of known varietal purity and free from 1 Weeds. State certified planting material and C be used. to assure genetic purity and mini- The use of noncertified planting material wn sources may result in the wrong variety and the introduction of troublesome weeds 4 le nutsedge and others. f e available from two general types of ber- f ommon bermudagrass and giant bermuda- grass. Both are grown in western states where most of the common bermudagrass seed are produced. Giant bermudagrass is a coarse, vigorous growing, open, up- right type adapted for pasture and hay use. It is fre- quently a weed in seed fields of common bermudagrass. As a result some lots of common bermudagrass seed sold for turf purposes also have giant mixed with them. Buying and using only certified common bermudagrass seed will prevent this possibility. U-3 bermudagrass produces seed sometimes offered for sale. This seed should be avoided; establishment should be with vegetative material from a certified source. Seed from U-3 do not produce plants like U-3. Greens Proper green construction and soil preparation are necessary prior to grass establishment. Properly built greens will help insure good grass growth and minimize maintenance. Many problems associated with soil com- paction, water infiltration, poor drainage and poor play- ing conditions usually can be avoided by proper green construction. Some specifications for putting-green construction followzl 1. Locate the greens in full sunlight where there is good air movement. 2. Provide good soil drainage. This usually will necessitate the use of tile below the surface overlaid with crushed rock or pea gravel followed with coarse sand and with 12 inches of suitable soil mixture in which the grass is to grow. The top soil mixture, such as washed and screened sand, soil and peat in an 8-1-1 ratio or other materials should be properly proportioned and mixed in accordance with test results from a competent laboratory such as the USGA Soil Testing Service, Box 5248, State College, Mississippi 39762. Samples of ma- terials available for use are subjected to tests, and recom- mendations of a suitable mixture are made for a nominal fee. 3. Contour the green to drain the water from its‘ surface away from the paths of heavy traffic. 4. After applying the topsoil mixture, uniformly incorporate fertilizer and/ or lime requirements accord- ing to a soil test recommendation. Usually, a complete fertilizer, such as 12-12-12, applied at a rate of 15 to 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet will be adequate. After the soil has been leveled and smoothed, it should be com- pacted or firmed. Firming will eliminate soft spots and result in having the stolon bed uniformly firm. Use of water is helpful in settling and firming the surface and ‘Detailed specifications for putting-green construction are available from the U.S. Golf Association Green Section, 40 East 38th Street, New York, New York 10016 for a nominal fee. also will reveal any water-holding depressions which might interfere with surface drainage. 5. Before planting, fumigate the soil with 1.5 t0 2 pounds of methylbromide per 100 square feet applied under air tight covers for 24 to 48 hours to kill weed seeds, nematodes and other soil-borne pests. For effec- tive results, soil temperatures must be above 50° F. Wait 48 hours after removing covers before planting the grass. The vegetative planting material should be freshly harvested, kept moist and protected from desiccation by the wind and the sun. It likewise should not have been exposed to undue heating, which can occur when moist material is allowed to remain packed for extended periods of time, especially when temperatures are high. Exposure to freezing temperatures, of course, should also be avoid- ed. The soil should be moist when material is planted. There are several methods of planting, such as set- ting sprigs at intervals of 6 to 12 inches or broadcasting sprigs and stolons. For a quick cover and minimal weed problems, broadcasting 5 to 10 bushels of shredded sprigs or stolons per 1,000 square feet is suggested. The heavier rates permit earlier play. Most greens today are established by a method known as “stolonizing.” This refers to the planting of shredded stolons or frag- ments of bermudagrass roots and stems resulting when the grass sod is chopped into fine pieces. This shredded material is spread over the area with mechanized equip- ment and then lightly incorporated into the existing soil or covered lightly with sterilized topsoil mix. About one-fourth inch of soil is usually adequate; this is ap- proximately three-fourths cubic yards per 1,000 square feet. The soil should be the same as that used in the topsoil mixture for the green. After the soil is added, the area should be rolled lightly. If coarser planting material is used, then it should be incorporated deeper into the soil, or topsoil should be added to cover the sprigs adequately. Rolling should follow to smooth the surface and to firm the soil around the sprigs. The sprigs should be watered immediately after planting and the soil kept moist by frequent light water- ings. This may require two to three waterings daily, especially under conditions of high temperatures and low humidity. ‘The frequent watering schedule should be continued until the grass is well rooted and growing. The schedule then should be adjusted to apply more water each time, but less frequently, in order to encour- age a deeper root development. As the grass starts to grow, additional nitrogen fertilizer will be needed. At the initiation of grass growth, approximately 1.5 pounds of N per 1,000 square feet should be applied and this application repeated every 2 weeks until a good cover is attained. Nitrogen fertilizer, along with optimum moisture conditions, is the key to attaining a quick cover. should be constructed to allow good surface dra' Mowing should begin as soon as some of the 1;? reaches a height of approximately 1 inch. While turf is becoming established, the cutting height s l probably be at least one-half inch, or high enou prevent scalping of high spots. As the green and low areas are filled by topdressing, the cup height should gradually be lowered as the smoo r of the surface permits. When the turf is fully -..~ lished, the cutting height should be at the desired h for play. j The same topsoil mixture used in constru should be added to fill low spots and to smooth r_ areas. This operation should begin as soon as the is well enough established to permit this being ~- without damage. Approximately one-fourth cubic of topdressing per 1,000 square feet may be appli a single operation without damage to the turf. The v should be permitted to recover between topdr operations. Tees and Fairways The tee surface often is only fill-soil. The ~ desirable loam or sandy loam soil should be rese for the tee surface. Site conditions generally do H justify elaborate seedbed building or the installatio subsurface drain lines, but some modification ofi topsoil is often desirable. This is especially true f tee areas are small and subjected to heavy use. A ‘ with gentle slopes which are machine-mowable. Since considerable acreage is involved in fai grass is usually established in the existing soil wi ‘ modification. If areas are to be cut during construe the topsoil should be set aside and spread back - when the cuts are completed. The soil should no worked while it is excessively wet. The fairway I should be thoroughly cultivated in order to form a - bed that is firm and free of weeds and undecayed u parts or other organic materials. Provision for ad l surface water drainage should be considered in the ' struction phase. Z When vegetatively propagated bermudagrass ' be used on fairways and tees, the planting procedur similar to that for greens. A lower planting rat often used on fairways because quick establishmen usually not so critical; thus, costs can be reduced. '* minimum rate should be 2 or 3 bushels per 1,000 sq feet or 100 bushels per acre. The sprigs should be =0: cast on a clean seedbed and incorporated into moist by disking or otherwise. Rolling should follow imm ately. Covering with topsoil is generally not prac‘ on extensive areas such as fairways. Good If‘ conditions must be maintained to assure a good c0 Common bermudagrass is often seeded on fairw and tees. The seeding rate should be 20 to 40 pout iJ-m on bermudagrass seed per acre. The éswill give a quicker cover with fewer weed ‘ting can be accomplished by disking the lightly and following with a drag 0r V» smooth and firm the soil. The seed should i cast evenly over the area and rolled again. ' -type roller usually works best for this oper- I 'al seeders are available which will do the seeding in one operation. Regardless of the 0d, the seed should only be pressed into Til and not covered deeply. is critical in bermudagrass establishment The top inch of soil must remain moist for s after planting for new bermudagrass seed- _§ lish sufficient root systems to survive. Thus, of the top inch of soil after the seeds germi- _ ore the roots have penetrated below this c in high seedling mortality. of newly planted areas is sometimes bene- may be helpful especially when establishing iopes or when water evaporation rates are (Aral mulches such as straw or hay may be as manufactured mulches, such as cellulose. oplanting equipment is available to apply i edded stolons along with a special mulch, qwater. Fertilizer also can be applied in the N011. Qr and/or lime needs, determined by a soil be incorporated into the soil during seedbed ' just prior to planting, either vegetatively or i? The nitrogen fertilizer can be withheld in ‘ Qasoil application to reduce the encouragement p~| growth ahead of the grass. In this event, ly two pounds of N per 1,000 square feet, ids per acre, should be applied immediately ; starts growth, with additional applications i~ately 60 pounds per acre at monthly intervals ‘a cover is attained. Y should begin as soon as there is sufficient or weed growth. Most weeds in bermudagrass n olled through the use of selective herbicides, v organic arsenicals and 2,4~-D. Mixtures of ‘fcides which will control both grassy and n weeds in one application are available. The i‘ of competitive weeds will greatly enhance A ass growth and coverage. if t- Roughs a a on practice in the past was to permit roughs ‘pied by naturally occurring vegetation which iccasionally. The trend today is to plant roughs fairways. Acceptable cover and playing con- it- obtained by adjusting height and frequency of cut and by controlling fertilizer application. Ber- mudagrasses such as common or Tifway produce tough roughs but can be used if there is not too much shade. To help establish fairness in penalties, the grass can be mowed at an intermediate height adjacent to the fairways and maintained at increasing height as distance away from the fairways increases. BERMUDAGRASS MAINTENANCE Bermudagrasses in general are drouth tolerant; that is, they will survive dry soil conditions longer than most turfgrasses. However, the drouth tolerance of bermuda- grass is based on the ability of this plant to become semi- dormant and to resume growth when moisture is ade- quate. The grass does not provide a desirable turf under drouth conditions but responds readily to irrigation. On the other hand, bermudagrass will not tolerate poorly drained soils. Thus, irrigation practices are critical for the maintenance of fine bermudagrass turf. On poorly drained soils overwatering can result in the loss of turf. In general, the water requirements for bermudagrass turf, for a particular area of the State, are dependent I upon the water-holding capacity of the soil and the evapo- transpiration rate of the site. The water-holding capacity of a clay soil (heavy soil) is greater than that of a sandy soil. Thus, a clay soil will require less frequent watering than a sandy soil. The evapotranspiration rate changes from day to day but is primarily dependent upon tem- perature and, consequently, will vary considerably be- tween seasons and between areas of the state. It may range from less than one one-hundredth inch of water per day during the winter to greater than one-third inch of water per day during the summer. Thus, under extreme conditions one-third inch of water per day might be required to maintain adequate soil moisture. Watering systems for golf courses must be designed to meet the requirements for bermudagrass turf during stress periods. The frequency of application and quantity of ferti- lizer required for bermudagrass turf depend on the length of the growing season, the soil type, the variety, the desired appearance and growth rate and the source of nitrogen used. In Texas, the length of the growing sea- son for bermudagrass varies considerably from north to south. In general, South Texas has a 9- to 12-month growing season for bermudagrass, whereas North Texas has a 6- to 8-month growing season. The quantity of fertilizer required increases with the length of the grow- ing season. Soil type also influences the frequency and quantity of fertilizer required. Some soils are inherently low in one or more plant nutrients. Soil testsg provide one ’Soil samples may be sent to the Soil Testing Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843. 9 means of detecting nutrient deficiencies. Efficient ferti- lizer practices can be made only 0n the basis of soil tests. The frequency of application 0f fertilizer also depends on the soil type. Sandy soils are generally more subject than clay soils to leaching of fertilizer nutrients. Thus, nitrogen fertilizers need to be applied in smaller and more frequent applications on sandy soils than on clay soils. Bermudagrass varieties differ in nitrogen require- ments. In general, the fine-textured varieties need t0 be maintained at a higher level of nitrogen than common bermudagrass. The desired color, density and growth rate of bermudagrass largely determine the amount of fertilizer required. The dense, dark green turf demand- ed for putting greens requires higher levels of fertilizer than fairway turf where the same color and density are not essential. Likewise, tees require a higher level of fertilizer than fairways because of the heavier traffic and greater injury from clubs on golf tees. The rate of recovery of bermudagrass turf on golf tees is directly related to the level of nitrogen fertilizer applied. The source of nitrogen used largely determines the frequency and quantity of fertilizer applications required to produce a uniform appearance. Nitrogen from inor- ganic sources such as ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate is readily available to the grass. Thus, inorganic nitrogen sources produce a rapid growth stimulation followed by a sharp decline in growth rate and color. Therefore, it is necessary to apply inorganic nitrogen sources in small, frequent amounts. Nitrogen from or- ganic sources such as sewage sludge and ureaformalde- hyde is not as readily available as nitrogen from inor- ganic sources. Consequently, larger and less frequent applications can be made. Organic nitrogen surfaces are often used on putting greens where a uniform growth rate is important. Frequently, a combination of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources is used to obtain the advantages of both materials. Mowing requirements for bermudagrass turf are dictated by variety, usage and maintenance intensity. In general, fine-textured bermudagrasses require closer and more frequent mowing than common bermudagrass. Turf usage largely determines the mowing height and frequency required to maintain desirable characteristics. Putting green turf is mowed at a height of 1/8 to 1/1‘ inch and from four to seven times each week. Fairways and tees are mowed at a height of 1% to 55/8 inch from two to three times each week. In general, the shorter the mowing height, the more frequently the grass should be mowed. Mowing requirements are dependent upon the mainte- nance level imposed on the turf. Nitrogen fertilization and watering practices largely determine the required frequency of mowing for avoiding excessive accumula- tion and injury to turf. l0 I Putting G I Golf course putting greens constitute the most ' sively managed areas in Texas agriculture. The‘ proved varieties of bermudagrass, materials and w, ment make possible the putting green quality affo golfers today. Mowing Bermudagrass putting greens should be mow 1/3 to 1/1 inch depending on the variety of grass and‘ putting speed desired. Tifdwarf mowed at 1/8 inch a produce a very fast putting surface, while Tifgreen. Texturf 1F mowed at 1A1 inch will produce a slg putting surface. The height of cut is determined‘- setting the greens mower but is influenced by the am y of mat or thatch present. A putting green with little thatch will provide a faster and smoother pu surface than a green with a heavy thatch when r at the same height. When a heavy thatch is pr _‘ the height of cut is greater than the mower setting’ cates. Tifdwarf should be mowed daily at a heigh 1/8 to 3/ 16 inch. Tifgreen and other varieties sh be mowed daily at a height of 3/16 to 1/4 inch. 9 frequent mowing favors the accumulation of thatch leads to dry spots, scalping and sponginess. Fertilization ,_ Bermudagrass has a high nitrogen requirement: maintenance of high quality putting greens. Depenl on the length of the growing season, 8 to 20 poun nitrogen per 1,000 square feet may be required year. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and pota removed from bermudagrass putting greens is appri mately 4-1-2. The nitrogen requirement can be met t.‘ inorganic nitrogen sources such as ammonium ni and ammonium sulfate, but a uniform growth ra _, difficult to maintain. Nitrogen should be appli 1 to 2 pounds of actual N per 1,000 square feet at I to three-week intervals during the growing seasoi these materials are used (Table 2). Because the nitr from these inorganic sources is completely water sol ' and is readily available to the plant, a rapid resp: can be expected. The material must be watered the soil so that the grass is not burned. Organic ni! ' gen sources such as sewage sludge, ureaformaldehf and IBDU can be used alone or in combinations inorganic sources to meet nitrogen requirements. nitrogen from the organic sources is not readily avail g ESTED FREQUENCY AND RATE OF APPLICATION FOR ‘ti’? EN SOURCES FOR PUTTING GREEN TURF Rate Frequency Lb. N/1,000 sq ft Weeks _ lfute 1 to 2 2 to 3 ‘hltrote 1 to 2 2 To 3 e sources 1 to 2 2 to 3 Ic l V1 1 v- yde 4 6 . 4 b 1 to 11/2 3 to 4 of inorganic ’_ sources 2 to 3 4 to 5 4 1' but is released slowly over a period of sev- l Sewage sludge at 1 to 11/2 pounds N per -» feet at 3- to 4-week intervals 0r ureaformal- PBDU at 4 pounds N per 1,000 square feet tervals will meet the nitrogen requirements igrass putting greens during the growing F= 2). g rus and potassium requirements can be met complete fertilizers such as 12-12-12 and i om fertilizer materials such as super phos- l, and muriate of potash, 0-0-60. In the lysis such as 16-4-8, the first number (16) the percent elemental nitrogen, the second represents the percent P205 and the third represents the percent K20. Applications - rials should be based on “soil test” recom- land materials should be applied in the fall at recommended rates. Unnecessary applica- 1e materials are expensive and may lead to ociated with an imbalance of plant nutrients. "agrass requires abundant water during the Ln to maintain a high quality putting sur- in circumstances greens may require water f one-half or more inches per day during f»: The water requirement depends on the iration rate and the soil mixture used in the During hot, dry, Windy weather, greens 3 rapidly, and daily watering may be required severe wilting. If greens are properly con- putting surface and aprons will not become i- following daily watering at heavy rates. constructed greens, heavy, frequent watering p saturated soil conditions with oxygen being "m the soil. If the oxygen supply in the root leted, bermudagrass cannot utilize the water h the soil may be saturated. Thus, where gation rates are less than one-half inch per 1- should be allowed to dry to the point where the grass begins to wilt before being watered. After greens are observed for a time, a watering schedule can be established that will meet the water requirements of bermudagrass without excluding oxygen from the root zone. Water infiltration rate is important when establish- ing a watering schedule. Water should never be applied faster than the soil can absorb it because much of it will be lost through runoff, and very little will penetrate the root zone of bermudagrass. Putting greens constructed according to USGA Green Section specifications will have an adequate infiltration rate to meet watering require- ments. Light, frequent application of water discourages deep rooting in bermudagrass and encourages disease and weed development. Thus, water should be withheld until the grass begins to show stress; then water should be applied until the root zone is thoroughly wet. Putting greens should never be watered to hold a golf shot. This must be accomplished through aerification and top- dressing practices. Hard, compacted greens that have a very low infil- tration rate can be improved by aerifying and top-dress- P ing with a coarse-textured material. Preferably, an aerifier with 1/2-111011 hollow tines that remove 3-inch cores on 2-inch centers should be used for this operation. The soil cores should be removed and replaced by top- dressing of a washed sand or a mixture of sand and calcined clay. The coarse-textured material should be worked into the holes by being dragged in several direc- tions with a heavy, steel mat. This material will help to keep the holes open for the infiltration of air and water. The presence of a heavy thatch layer will also inter- fere with the movement of air and Water into the soil. Thatch can be removed by aerification and vertical mow- ing. The residue must be removed by a brush or vacuum sweeper. Top-dressing the green will also encourage thatch reduction and improve Water movement. Verficufiing Bermudagrass, like creeping bentgrass, spreads by stolons and becomes quite grainy during the growing season. Vertical mowing on a regular schedule will pre- vent graininess and provide an excellent putting surface. Vertical mowing in two directions at 2-week intervals with the blades set to cut only the grass runners will not noticeably discolor the turf and will help produce a true putting surface. The same practice on a Weekly schedule will eliminate graininess and reduce thatch accumulation and produce a fast, smooth putting surface. The vertical mower may also be used following aerification to break up and scatter the soil cores. The vertical mower should be used routinely as a management tool and not on an emergency basis as a renovator. ll \\\ .. \ \ X \ ¢ ‘ \\ “o, Vertical mowing is required to reduce grain anal thatch in bermuda- grass turf. Aerification The need for aerification of putting greens must be determined 0n an individual basis. Again the green construction and soil mixture should determine aerifi- cation practices. Greens constructed according to USGA Green Section specifications will have adequate aeration for deep root growth. However, it will be necessary to aerify greens to encourage bermudagrass transition in the spring, to reduce thatch accumulation during the summer and to alleviate compaction resulting from heavy traffic. A minimum of two aerifications each year is essential to good bermudagrass putting greens. Aerifi- cation should be accomplished with to l/g-inch hollow tines that remove a 2- or 3-inch soil core at relatively close intervals. Qne-half inch tines may be used during Golf greens need aerification to reduce thatch accumulation anal to alleviate surface compaction from heavy traffic. 12 the spring and fall to remove maximum soil and accumulation. Smaller tines should be used durin summer months. i Soil cores may be shredded with a vertical m' and dragged with a steel mat to provide top-dr or they may be removed from the green. If remo w thatch or elimination of compacflion is the purpol the aerification, the cores should be removed fro, green and replaced by a good top-dressing mixtur the aerification is to encourage bermudagrass tran in the spring or to destroy surface crusts, the soil ‘l may be shredded and dragged. Putting greens constructed of material with a large percentage of fine sand, silt and clay tend t: hard and compacted when subjected to heavy tr, These greens will require more frequent aerification q properly built greens to overcome compaction an“, hold a golf shot. Putting greens constructed with a,’ ture of sand, organic matter and soil (8-1-1 ratio)jf not require frequent aerification. Top-dressing g p Three practices prevent accumulation of ;ig residues and compacted soil conditions—-vertical m0 g aerification and top-dressing. All are essential i‘_ maintenance of fine bermudagrass turf. Top-dress an expensive and arduous task and requires ='_j_ planning and organization. Equipment to shred, l and screen the top-dressing material is essential, an automatic top-dressing machine. This equipmf expensive, but saves labor and does a better job i. hand mixing and spreading. The success of the > dressing operation depends largely on the choi t. material for use in the mixture. If the soil in the l provides good drainage, water and nutrient retention‘; ‘l e top-dressing material should be of the same re. If the soil or soil mixture has not per- Tsfactorily, a more desirable mixture should top-dressing. In this case a physical analysis irials available for use should be made by the g Testing Service“ or another competent soil ratory. The service will include a recom- for a suitable mixture for top-dressing or truction. This mixture should become the top-dressing material. l the proper top-dressing material is shredded, screened, it should be sterilized with methyl another sterilant and composted for 8 to 1O '0r to use. Top-dressing should be stored in like to insure free flow at the time of application.) frequent applications of top-dressing are more than heavy, infrequent applications. Tifdwarf if} ass, in particular, will not tolerate heavy top-l The application of 1/2 to 3%; cubic yards per‘ are feet of putting surface at least four times 1e growing season is recommended. A top- A ould never be so heavy as to cover the grass. i, benefits 0f top-dressing are pointed out by Wil- eyfieldf‘ “Top-dressing does more than smooth g surface. It encourages new growth, resulting upright and fine-bladed turf. Top-dressing ent thatch accumulation by encouraging or- i; er decomposition. It also increases water and . ‘detention in the soil profile; thus, localized dry wreduced. Top-dressing adds resilience to the L1}- top-dressed greens ‘hold’ a golf shot better. played greens, this point is of particular e. Greens top-dressed just prior to the winter fewer problems from desiccation and winter ples of material to Agronomy Department, il Testing Lab, Box 5248, State College, Missis- ld, William. 1969. Top-Dress Greens and See Q ence. USGA Green Section Record. 1:1-4. l material is composted several months before being olf greens. Top-dressing golf greens helps to smooth the putting surface, to reduce thatch and to improve the resilience of the turf. Top-dressing is expensive but essential to maintain- ing fine bermudagrass putting greens. Although it does not produce immediate miracles, its long-range benefits are undeniable. Together vertical mowing, aerifying and top-dressing can do much for the maintenance of fine bermudagrass putting greens. Overseeding To protect dormant bermudagrass from traffic and to provide a green, uniform putting surface during the winter, cool-season grasses or grass mixtures are seeded each fall. The alternatives to overseeding—spraying col- orants on dormant turf, playing temporary greens or playing dormant greens—are generally unacceptable to the golfer. The success of the overseeding depends largely on the preparation of the greens prior to planting. Bermudagrass will survive the winter and recover earlier in the spring if it is healthy and relatively free of thatch going into the dormant period. Aerification, vertical mowing and top-dressing four to six weeks prior to the overseeding date will help alleviate soil compaction, reduce thatch accumulation and encourage bermudagrass root development. Aerifying with 3/8- to l/g-lflCll hollow tines and light vertical mowing in several directions will remove much of the organic residue and grass runners that contribute to thatch. Top-dressing with one-eighth inch of material and fertilizing with nitrogen will en- courage organic matter decomposition and stimulate bermudagrass regrowth At the time of overseeding, light vertical mowing in two directions will thin bermudagrass and reduce com- petition with overseeded grasses. “Soil test” recommen- dations with respect to P, K and lime should be followed. Excessive phosphorus may encourage Poa annua, where- as phosphorus or potassium deficiencies will retard over- seeded grasses. Nitrogen fertilization should not be excessive and may be delayed until seedlings have emerged. Selection of grass or grass mixtures and seed- ing rates depend somewhat on results desired. For 13 example, perennial ryegrasses seeded at 40 pounds per 1,000 square feet will provide a fine-textured, dense and uniform putting surface that will tolerate heavy traffic. Other desirable qualities of the ryegrasses are their rapid germination and establishment and their excellent com- petition with annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.). Poa trivialis at 10 to 12 pounds per 1,000 square feet will provide a fine putting surface but will not tolerate as much traffic or compete with annual bluegrass as well as the perennial ryegrasses. Other cool-season grasses include bluegrasses, fescuegrasses and bentgrasses, most of which are used in mixtures of two or more varieties. The alternatives are numerous, but in Texas the most popular combinations contain various amounts of Sea- side bentgrass, Poa trivialis and Kentucky bluegrass or fescue.5 Qverseeded greens will require light, frequent water- ing until seedlings are established. It may be necessary to water several times each day during the first 2 Weeks after seeding. Putting greens should be mowed at 1A]: to 5/16 inch with a freshly sharpened mower during this time. Regular mowing schedules may be main- tained. Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Helminthosporium and other seedling diseases should be controlled on a pre- ventative spraying schedule during the establishment period. Frequent changing of pin placements is essential to protect overseeded grasses and dormant bermudagrass from excessive wear. Loss of grasscover or thin areas encourage annual bluegrass and other Weeds to invade the putting green turf. Winter greens require 1%: to 11/; pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per month, depending on grass used, to maintain good color and uniform growth. Solu- ble and slow-release nitrogen sources may be used to “Menn, W. G., and G. G. McBee. 1971. An Evaluation of Various Cool Season Grasses and Grass Mixtures in Over- seeding a Tifgreen Bermudagrass Golf Green. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. PR—2878. 14 Overseeding bermudagrass greens is sary to provide an acceptable putting; face throughout the winter. The phot‘ shows the seed before top-dressing? and after top-dressing (right). i furnish the required amount. If soluble sources are small, frequent applications are necessary. If release sources are used, larger and less frequent i; plications may be made. Phosphorus and potas requirements should be met prior to the time of if seeding. i Spring transition from cool-season grasses to V‘ mudagrass can be improved by proper timing of ve mowing, aerification and fertilization. Light verticu every week or two when bermudagrass breaks dorm will thin oversee-ded grasses and stimulate the rec of bermudagrass. Whether verticutting is at‘ every week or only every 2 weeks depends on _ rapidly the bermudagrass grows. Cool night tem tures will retard bermudagrass recovery and result y: thin turf if verticutting has been too severe. 0n“; other hand, failure to thin cool-season grasses retard bermudagrass recovery. If transition to be l!’ grass is proceeding too slowly, aerification with 3/8, hollow tines will favor bermudagrass. Increasing gen fertilization to 2 pounds per 1,000 squarewfeet" a soluble N source every 3 weeks will also stimula if bermudagrass. i Fai ' Although putting green maintenance requires l concern and major expenditures, much of the g l; played on the fairways. The condition of the fai will be reflected in the golfer’s attitude or opinion particular course and most certainly in his game of .- » I _ bermudagrass fairways provide a fine playing Tus a beautiful oppe-oronce. Tough fairways may not receive the intensive care e greens and tees, they should not be neglected. ilfer expects a uniform, dense, closely mowed iof turf from which to hit his next shot toward qe degree of fairway maintenance will vary con- ly from course to course depending primarily budget. The following suggestions are offered is in mind and range from minimal care of fair- the utmost in fairway maintenance. '\ ' l1 ‘lfers playing on fairways not having watering g play on poor turf throughout much of the year. ltion in Texas has the quantity of evenly dis- f rainfall needed to eliminate the requirement of emental irrigation system. - l z e irrigation system fury for successful fnce of bermuda- There is no hard and fast rule as to how much or how often all golf fairways should be watered. Two general theories of watering are as follows: (l) Deep soakings several days apart will promote deep rooting and consequently a more drouth tolerant grass and (2) frequent watering will maintain a uniform degree of moisture in the upper soil. The first theory of “deep soakings” seems to be more practical; however, with the sophisticated automatic irrigation systems now avail- able, the latter theory may be applicable. Courses having heavy soils in fairways should not be equipped with high volume sprinkler heads. The low infiltration rate of these soils restricts the movement of water into the soil and much moisture is lost through runoff. The reverse is true for courses built on light, sandy-textured soils. Here the high volume sprinkler would save time in watering. If watered properly, the heavy soils can be watered less frequently than the sandy soils. Drainage Surface and internal drainage are a necessity on fairways to insure a playable course after heavy rains or waterings. This may call for filling in low spots or the use of French drains in some areas. Mowing Properly mowed fairways not only give the course a neat, uniform appearance but also afford the golfer a good, clean shot to the green. Frequency of mowing may vary from biweekly to three or four times per week depending on acreage to be mowed, equipment available and season of the year. During the active growing sea- son, bermudagrass fairways should be mowed at least weekly and preferably two or three times per Week. 15 Normally, the greater mowing frequency results in a dense, uniform and more beautiful playing surface. F air- way mowing units will vary from 5-gang to 9- 0r even 11-gang units; the 5- and 7-gang units are more maneu- verable. Large, open, relatively flat areas would be suited to the use of the 9- or 11-gang mowing units. With two 5-gang units, a 5- and 7-gang unit or two 7-gang units, the fairways 0n an average 18-hole golf course can be easily mowed in half a day. A combina- tion of a 5- and a 7-gang unit may be better than two 5- or two 7-gang units. With a mowing schedule so that any given fairway is mowed alternately with a 5-gang unit and a 7-gang unit, the problem of wheel marks will be decreased on courses following a program of two to three mowings per week. If only two 5-gang or two 7-gang units are available, the variable hitch location allows change of the location of the hookup at each mowing, thereby changing the location of the wheels in relation to the mowing unit. Changing the direction of mowing with each cutting will prevent the grass from lying down. The variety of grass in the fairway will have some bearing upon the type mower that should be used. As a general rule, shifting toward finer textured grasses in the fairway means changing to mowing units containing more blades per cutting reel. For example, in mowing common bermudagrass fairways, the mowing unit should contain 5 or 6 blades per reel, while in mowing Tifway bermudagrass fairways, the reel should contain 6 or 7 blades. On some courses where Tifgreen or one of the other fine-textured bermudagrasses have been used throughout, the mowing units would need 7 to 8 blades per reel. Cutting height in the fairways can affect the golfer’s game. A closely mowed fairway lessens the possibility that the golfer’s club will catch the grass before coming in contact with the ball and also decreases the drag on the ball as it hits the ground. Normally, the mowing level for fairways will vary from 1/; inch to about 3/; inch in height. Several factors will govern mowing height; grass variety is one. For example, Tifgreen bermuda looks good and plays well when mowed at 1/2 inch, while common bermuda looks better at a 3ZL-inch cutting height. AFrequency of mowing will also influence clipping height. Those fairways mowed only once per week should be clipped at the taller height, while those being clipped three times per week could stand even closer mowing. Seasons of the year affect mowing height. In spring the cut should be lower and should be raised slightly during July and August. A fairway mowed at 1/2 inch during April, May and June may be mowed at 2/3 or 3/4 inch during July and August. However, as the weather becomes cooler in September and October, the cutting height can be gradually lowered to the spring level. 16 ture and nutrients into the soil where they are neg Aerifi cation The practice of aerification of fairways is incre each year. This increase is required, in part, to alle» the compaction problems caused by the increase in tr on today’s golf courses. Also, aerification provides more efficient use of moisture and nutrients in the way and perhaps reduces or helps control thatch buil The need for aerification!“ will vary consider, between different courses and perhaps even between ferent fairways on the same course. The need for =i tion will be influenced largely by the amount of encountered and the soil type on which the fairway L constructed. Some courses “get by” without a fai aerification program while others must aerify as o as four or five times per year. Many aerify on g the spring and once in late summer or early fall. i Circumstances that may indicate a need for aera are excessive water run-off, hard-to-wet soils or yello i grass from lack of oxygen (apparent when moisture i nutrient levels are adequate and yellowing is not a r of disease or insect damage). A Dethutching . Vertical mowing (dethatching) has become a sary practice on a number of courses throughout: State because thatch prohibits the movement of air, u. Thus the grass may lose much of its drouth tole .1 and require excessive fertilization. Thatch accumul appears to be associated with an increase in Many of the effects of thatch are not yet clearly de ' however, turfgrass researchers at The Texas Agricul Experiment Station are conducting studies which v shed new light on many problems associated with , As with aerification, the need for dethatchin vertical mowing must be determined by local ci stances. Vertical mowing needs might be influenci grass variety, frequency and height of mowing l? the fairway fertilization program. Some courses no dethatching; others are on a monthly fairway cutting schedule. Courses that must be verticut i per month during the growing season probably f problems in other areas of their maintenance pro that are causing this rapid accumulation of tha perhaps overfertilization, improper mowing, et ce In most cases, one or two dethatchings on fairways; growing season should be sufficient to keep down 4 thatch accumulation. Fertilization V Fertilization of a fairway is exacting. Enough f lizer should be applied to maintain a tight, dense s 1 of turf and assure its recovery from traffic and r proper fertilization should also lessen the weed _ in a fairway. Even though noticed first, color he the prime factor in determining fertilizer fairway. Although the darker, lush green induced by heavy fertilization may be pleasing usually it is associated with a heavy thatch “on, a need for increased mowing frequency possibly, an increase in disease incidence. ‘ frequency and source of fertilizer materials erned by factors such as the length of growing ailability and use of irrigation, amount of an- I all, height of cut, budget and the desire of the darker color. The rate of fairway fertiliza- {also vary with the age of the grass. For exam- ig establishment, the grass will require more than when it becomes a mature, established turf. 5'- growing season for bermudagrasses in Texas from approximately 6 to 8 months in northern the State to 9 to 12 months in the southern Courses in the 6- to 8-month growing season V’ ably will need 3-5 pounds of actual N per 1,000 feet during the season. This may be supplied April or early May application of a complete ‘, preferably in the ratio range of 4-1-2. This - applied at a rate of 1.5 pounds of N per 1,000 feet (or approximately 65 pounds of N per acre). distribution of the material at this rate should f‘ I erences of P and K content found in the various iiTexas suggest soil testing prior to any fertilizer ions. The indication that medium to high P 1"? exists in a fairway soil should eliminate the jr application of these two elements for that year. , soil analyses should be run in subsequent years Qjwhether the P and K supply is being depleted. iiaining 2.5 to 3.5 pounds of N required on fair- i‘ North Texas during the growing season may 'ed in several forms. Of the relatively inexpen- rganic forms of N (ammonium sulfate, ammo- trate, urea, et cetera) , low rates should be applied frequent intervals to 1 pound of N per uare feet applied at 4- to 6-week intervals). To the frequent applications, one of the organic “ase forms of N (ureaform, IBDU, activated y.‘ sludge, et cetera) may be used. In applying laterials, a rate of approximately 1.0 pound of 71,000 square feet should be distributed several uring the growing season (May, July and Sep- llcombination of both the inorganic and organic if N might give more satisfactory results. The ‘ill respond rapidly to the inorganic N source and ltinue to respond to the organic, slow-release i Sufficient P and K needed for grass growth, the. In the southern region, with the longer growing season, the nutrient requirements on fairways will in- crease. In South Texas, 4 to 6 pounds of N per 1,000 square feet per year may be required. It is recommended that a schedule similar to that of North Texas be followed with the exception that applications would begin earlier (late February or early March) and continue later into the fall. Weed Control In fairway weed control, weeds can be grouped into cool- and warm-season categories and further subdivided into broadleaf species and weedy grasses. The principal cool-season weed in fairways is annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) which falls into the weedy grass category. Management practices that provide a dense, tight-knit bermudagrass going into the fall will help to fight the invasion of Poa annua. On courses where Poa annua is already a problem, several preemergence-type herbi- cides may, if applied properly, eliminate annual bluegrass problems. A few of these materials are DCPA (Dacthal) , bensulide (Betasan, Pre-San, et cetera), Kerb, benefin (Balan) and diphenamid (Dymid, Enide, et cetera). Another material used postemergent on Poa annua is chlorflurenol (Po-San). This herbicide is sprayed on the actively growing Poa annua before seed heads begin to form and should prohibit seed formations, thus reduc- ing next year’s stand. The preemergent materials should be applied in the fall prior to the germination of Poa annua. Several warm-season grasses such as crabgrass, goosegrass and field sandbur (grassbur) may present problems in fairway turf. These are annual weedy grasses that may be controlled with the preemergence herbicides listed when they are applied in early spring. In the North Texas area, application should be made a“ Jib‘ ' :2 _ ' M1’)?! :4:- v/ - - 1 ' rr-‘I - ' - gg/ggggf Uniform distribution of herbicides CIT recommended rates is essential for effective weed control. 17 ~ and bromoxynil (Buctril). April 15-30; in Central Texas, April 1-15; and in South Texas, March 15-31. Dallisgrass, a warm-season peren- nial, can be very troublesome in fairways but can be controlled by several applications in May and June of one of the organic arsenical herbicides such as DSMA (Ansar 100, Dal-E-Rad, et cetera) or MSMA (Ansar 529). Some of the broadleaf, cool-season weeds appearing in fairways are clover, chickweed, henbit, oxalis, di- chondra, dandelion and carpet burweed. Herbicides showing effectiveness in controlling these weed pests are 2,4.~-D (amine formulation), dicamba (Banvel), silvex These chemicals are also recommended for use in controlling many of the warm- season broadleaf weeds such as purslane, pigweed, mat chafflower, matchweed, horse purslane, spurge and eve- ning primrose. 1n controlling these broadleaf weeds, the herbicides are more effective when applied to young weeds. Application certainly should be made before flowering begins. It is suggested that all herbicides be applied using calibrated equipment and at the manufacturer’s recom- mended rate. When applied properly, most herbicides will do a good job of weed control without injury to the turf; however, if improperly applied, most of these chemicals will cause serious damage to the desired turf species. Tees Golf course tees are probably second only to greens in required management intensity. Tee boxes undergo a tremendous amount of wear throughout the year from traffic and divots. In many instances, tees are so small or narrow that space limitations often hinder their main- tenance. A satisfactory tee box should be level and firm for making golf shots and of sufficient size to allow tee markers to be moved regularly. There are no set standards which fix the size of tees on golf courses. Consequently, tee boxes may range from several hun- dred to several thousand square feet in size. 1n general, as player traffic increases so should tee size. For in- stance, one formula suggests that Par 4 or 5 holes need 100 square feet of tee space and Par 3 holes require 200 square feet of tee space for every 1,000 rounds of golf played on that course per year. The formula re- quires one to project a “rounds-per-year” figure or start 18 Adequate and well-designed teeing areas simplify the maintend of golf holes. .- with average size tees and increase their size, if nece after player traffic has been established. When I formula is applied to courses throughout the State, ml; tees are greatly undersized. ’ Irrigation Irrigation is essential to insure maximum gr0 conditions under which injured grass may recover u; quickly. Again, irrigation frequency will depend lard upon the moisture holding capacity of the material‘ which the tees are constructed. Tees never should b lowed to dry out to the extent that it is difficult to f the golf tee into the ground. Water should be appli as to allow maximum time between irrigation and pl use. Wet tees under player traffic will increase com tion problems and provide unsure footing for the g0 Mowing Mowing should be scheduled three or four t' weekly in order to maintain a smooth, close-knit i‘ Mowing height on bermudagrass tees may vary M; to 1/2 inch, depending upon grass variety and j quency of cut. As the texture of the varieties beco; finer and the frequency of cut increases, the m0 _ height can (and probably should) decrease. Regard of the height chosen, the grass on tees should always» clipped so that the ball will be above the grass with being teed too high. Mowing should be done wi precision reel-type mower, preferably one of the 3- riding models. The 5- and 7-gang fairway units are normally used for mowing tees. A L l Aerification 1 Due to the small size of many tees and the he? concentration of traffic in this area, the problems, - compaction may show up in a relatively short t” Aerification will help to correct many of these probl Tees should be aerified two or more times during i g upon amount of traffic and the soil type _»- the tees are constructed. Aerification will a moisture penetration if excessive runoff 'on of tees may follow the schedule on or fairways depending largely on whether are removed. If clippings are removed fertilization program similar to the one used should be followed. If the fairway fertiliza- ’_ = is used on tees, the total N applied should - by about 2 pounds during the growing is would increase the rate of vegetative growth the recovery of injured grass on tees. If 1 be overseeded, an additional 5 pounds of ould be applied during the winter at a rate b¢ ately 1 pound per month. Factors which i t fertilization rates on tees are mowing and "frequency-heavy rates of fertilizer would not » to tees mowed only once per week. Overseeding Overseeding tees is a standard practice on many of the courses throughout the State. Aerification of the tee to be overseeded should be scheduled at least 1 month prior to overseeding. Preparation of the tee prior to overseeding ranges from no treatment to the extensive techniques used in overseeding greens. For maximum cover and quality on overseeded winter tees, the tee boxes should be verticut or close mowed, spiked, seeded and topdressed, in that order. Suggested seeding rates for cool-season grasses used on tees are given in Table 3. TABLE 3. SUGGESTED SEEDING RATES FOR 'OVERSEEDlNG TEES Gross lb./1,000 ft’ Ryegrosses‘ 15-25 Kentucky bluegrasses 6-8 Poo triviolis 6 8 Fescues 10-15 Bentgrosses 2-3 ‘Ryegrusses are predominantly used for overseeding tees. If ""' "o “I w; ;\ The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, J. E. Miller, Director, College Station, Texas