B-1144 July 1974 Bollworm Attack On Experimental Semidwarf Cottons Texas A&M University System, The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, J. E. Miller, Director, College Station, Texas Contents SUM MARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1971 Study - Bollworm Attack on Isolat of Three Genotypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5%‘- Deltapine 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DSR 1X6-56-66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DSR 6-19-66-6M-1O . . . . . . . . . . l" 1972 Study - Bollworm Attack on Cot Planted in 6-Foot-Row Plots ., . . . . RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l’ 1971 - Bollworm Attack 0n Isolated Pl 1972 - Threshold Studies . . . . . . . . . .. DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACKNOWLEDGMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFERENCES CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Summary Investigations of bollworm, H eliothis ze‘ attack on cottons differing in growth and fruiti teristics were conducted in Texas, 1971-72.' ‘y: fruits damaged on experimental semidwarfcq no greater than those 0n Deltapine 16; squ tended to be less on the compact cotton i worms fed, they moved much less on the; cottons in comparison to Deltapine 16. stu? that 9, O00 worms per acre in three infestatio not produce severe effects on lint yields of t investigated. Delayed maturity, as a result g tack, occurred in Deltapine 16; maturity w in an experimental semidwarf cotton. Bollworm Attack On Experimental Semidwarf Cottons J. L. Baldwin, J. K. Walker, J. R. Gannaway and G. A. Nile_s* i. l , research assistafit and associate professor, The Texas Experiment Station (Department of Entomology), and ("te and associate professor, The Texas Agricultural Ex- ‘n (Department of Soil and Crop Sciences). trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a lvlarrantyof the product by The Texas Agricultural Exper- and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other _ also may be suitable. Insect problems associated with cotton production in much of the United States are many times a conse- quence of the extended production period required to produce an acceptable crop. Pest populations tend to increase as the growing season progresses, and insectici- da] protection is often necessary. The development of experimental semidwarf determinate cottons by breed- ers of The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station offers a potential for reducing the production period. These strains produce their crop in a shorter time than many indeterminate varieties and, consequently, may escape a great deal of the late-season insect damage (Walker and Niles, 1971). However, it has been suggested that the problem of the bollworm, H eliothis zea (Boddie), may be greater on semidwarf plant types (Bradshaw, 1972). More damage was observed on a semidwarf strain than on Deltapine 16, possibly as a result of increased feeding efficiency of the pest on the diminutive cotton; that is, these genotypes possess short internodes on the fruiting branches with resulting close fruit placement. The dis- tance of bollworm travel among fruit forms would seem to be reduced; consequently, more squares and bolls could be attacked in a given period of time. Investigations were designed to study bollworm at- tack on semldwarf cottons and to develop information on economic damage thresholds for the bollworm on these genotypes. Methods 1971 Study - Bollworm Attack on Isolated Plants of Three Genotypes Three cottons were examined in the present study. Deltapine 16: This widely grown, commercial vari- ety possesses an indeterminate fruiting habit in that it sets fruit throughout much of the season. Deltapine plants are large and produce extensive branching with long internodes. DSR 1X6-56-66: The experimental cotton strain DSR 1X6-56-66 (hereafter identified as 1X6-56) displays an accelerated fruiting character which enables it to set and mature a large portion of fruit in a relatively short time. 1X6-56 is often referred to as a semidwarf genotype since its plants are small with short internodes and com- pact fruit placement. 4 DSR 6-19-66-6M-10: Another experimental cotton strain, DSR 6-19-66-6M-10 (hereafter identified as 6M-10) combines a determinate fruiting habit with a semidwarf appearance. 6M-10 is very similar to 1X6-56; however, internode distance on the fruiting branches, although relatively short, is somewhat longer and fruit placement is not as compact as on 1X6-56. 1X6-56 and 6M-10, when grown in high-density plantings, have pro- duced more lint and matured earlier than when grown in standard, single-drill culture on 38- to 40-inch beds (Niles, 1969). The genotypes to be examined were planted April 27 in the conventional system, one drill per 40-inch bed. The plantings were arranged in a randomized block with six replications. Plants were thinned so that certain plants could be isolated from adjacent ones by approxi- mately 8 feet. The isolated plants were checked periodi- cally throughout June for bollworms and boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis Boheman. Very few pests were found, and their damage was insignificant. Each isolated cotton plant was confined in a 6'x6'x6' plastic screen cage. Third instar bollworms reared on an artificial diet were used for the experiment. One larva was released on the main-stem terminal of each test plant in the early evening of July 4. Younger larvae were not used because of their high mortality rate and limited damage, perhaps two or three small squares (Quaintance and Brues, 1905). Undamaged fruit counts were recorded on the day before release of larva. Beginning July 5, the plants were in- spected twice daily, and new fruit damage was recorded. This procedure was followed with each plant until its respective bollworm had ceased feeding. The numbers of undamaged fruits remaining at the termination of each planfs bollworm infestation were recorded. Damaged fruits were tagged when initially discovered on the plants. Date of injury, including morning or afternoon inspection times, was recorded on each tag. The feeding trail of each bollworm was approximated using this pro- cedure. A second bollworm was released on each of the test plants on July 19. The methods and procedures used to determine the feeding trail of the bollworm were identi- cal to those used for the July 4 infestation. These proce- dures subjected each test plant to two infestations by bollworms. After the second bollworm infestation, the test plants were isolated until August 16 at which time they were defoliated, removed from the field and pictorially diagrammed to illustrate their general appearance and locations of damaged fruit. The bollworm feeding pat- terns and movements over the plants were reproduced from the data recorded on the plant identification tags. Measurements were taken of the internode lengths on the main stem and on each fruiting branch. From these data, the bollworm traveling distance (total distance crawled between damaged fruit locations) was i, for each plant, providing a relative means of ¢_ bollworm movement on the three genotypes. The relationship of bollworm numbers to I =30 Deltapine 16 and 1X6-56 was examined. Del was planted May 1 ir1 the conventional systemf per row on 40-inch beds. The 1X6-56 geno planted May 1 in two drills per 40-inch bed wi inches apart. a 1972 Study -- Bollworm Attack on Cottons ‘if G-Foot-Row Plots ‘l The experiment was arranged in a split-p with three replications — main plots were Q and subplots were worm-infestation releases. plot contained a 6-foot section of row. Each Deltapine 16 contained approximately 24 l proximately 48 plants were in each 1X6-56 su n!‘ plants in the subplots were caged with pla cages approximately 2 weeks before worm =5, time of enclosure, the subplots were spraye insecticide to destroy arthropod enemies of h‘ There was no evidence that the released y,‘ attacked by predators or parasites during the Infestations of worms were released in th at different times. Four, early, third-instar 6-foot subplot comprised an infestation (eq approximately 9,000 worms per acre). The first f release was made on nine subplots of each ge July 4. Six of the subplots of each genotype first infestation had been released were rei second time on July 13. A third infestation __ on three subplots of each genotype on July j subplots had experienced attack from the first x infestations. Three subplots of each genotype; controls. All of the plants in each subplot were“, daily; damage to fruits and the date and damage on each plant were recorded. This l new damage to be recognized each day apart c‘ ously damaged forms not yet shed from the p these data the number of damaged fruits (n damaged fruits encountered at each daily e ,1 was associated with a population of approxi worms per acre. Squares that were one-thi F larger were ‘recorded. Fruits were classified proximately 5 days after blooming. Damaged y‘ and shriveled, were not included in the co __ After boll opening began, semiweekly made of the numbers of total bolls and open experiment was harvested on September 15. Results 1 1971 -- Bollworm Attack on Isolated Plants } Damage from worm attack on the cotton ; shown in Table 1. Bollworm damage to was similar during both infestations. Damage f- er on the two modified semidwarf genotypes ltapine 16. 't counts taken after each of the infestations l the bollworm releases did not have a great .1 the fruit loads of the plants. There was an uction in the number of squares on the two cottons after the second infestation; how- due to the determinate fruiting habit of g — the decline in number of squares from e count was greater than the number of raged by bollworms. Both 1X6-56 and 6M-10 ‘iderable number of squares and small bolls it second infestation. damaged-square counts recorded at the ter- i the second infestation indicate the advanced the two semidwarf cottons. Deltapine 16 uld have been much more susceptible to .5 orm attack because of its greater number of traveled significantly greater distances f“ e 16 than on 1X6-56 and 6M-10 (Table 2). The ‘was related to the contrasting plant mor- fbollworms did not have to travel as far to on 1X6-56 and 6M-10 as on Deltapine 16. The ‘cottons fruited on short internodes and, dur- i 3 weeks of fruiting, had more large squares 16. However, the reduced movement of ion the semidwarf genotypes did not enable ‘V age greater numbers of fruit (Table 1). Fig- _ 2 are diagrams of one of the experimental -10 with locations and kinds of fruit damaged by two bollworm infestations. Travelling distances of the worm were figured from these diagrams. This experiment was repeated with similar results. Bollworms destroyed similar amounts of fruits on the three cottons, and despite attack from two infestations, the isolated plants set and matured 15-30 bolls per plant. 1972 - Threshold Studies Bollworm attack on the genotypes is illustrated by the data from the subplots of Deltapine 16 and 1X6-56 where the first and second infestations were released (Table 3). Counts varied from day to day, but upper and lower limits of square damage are apparent. The number of old and newly damaged squares encountered daily in the 6-foot subplots of Deltapine 16 never exceeded 23, which, for the date, represented 17-percent square dam- age. Most daily counts ranged from 9 to 17 old and newly damaged squares per 6-foot subplot. The percentage of total squares damaged during this time ranged from 5 to 15 percent in most cases. Boll damage was never high since the worms attacked considerably more squares than bolls. Despite the loss of substantial numbers of squares to the released worms, boll counts progressively increased during the duration of the experiment. Num- bers of damaged squares and percentage of square dam- age were less in the semidwarf cotton 1X6-56. There were more large squares on this compact cotton with each furnishing more food; consequently, fewer squares were eaten than on Deltapine 16. Table 4 provides the results of the statistical analysis i? ERAGE FRUIT DAMAGE PER PLANT FROM TWO RELEASES OF BOLLWOFlMS ON THREE COTTON GENOTYPESl Fruit count before bollworm release 9e Test. Fruit count after Bollworm damage infestation Genotype Squares Blooms Bolls Squares Blooms Bolls Total Squares Blooms Bolls Deltapine 16 32.0 1.1 3.3 9.3a 0.2a 1.6a 11. 1a 27.1 1.6 6.8 1X6-56 32.5 1.3 7.1 7.5a 0.8a 0.8a 9.1a 24.0 1.8 9.5 6M-10 27.6 1.0 4.3 8.3a 1.0a 0.6a 10.0a 21.1 2.1 7.6 Deltapine 16 30.6 1.5 13.1 6.0a 1.1a 1.6a 8.8a 32.8 2.8 19.0 1X6-56 11.3 2.1 17.6 2.0a 1.1a 1.6a 4.8a 3.8 1.3 15.0 6M-10 19.1 1.5 16.8 3.3a 1.0a 1.1a 5.3a 3.6 0.6 14.8 ‘l; Total damage for two releases Deltapine 16 15.3a 1.3a 3.3a 20.0a 1x553 9. 5a 2. 0a 2. 5a 14.0a 6M-10 11.6a 2.0a 1.8a 15.5a mpared-vertically: those followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level of probability using Duncan's 5 TABLE 2. AVERAGE DISTANCES TRAVELED PER PLANT BY first and gecgnd infegtatigng and the first, 3 s. slNsl-E BOLl-WORMS ON THREE COTTON GENOTvpEsl third infestations were released. Total fruit 0- if pears t0 be excessive, but lint losses were su ii Distance traveled, centimeters SmalL i‘ Release Deltapine 1s 1x6-5s 6M-10 ._ f The statistical analysis of the fruiting and ' Julv 4 193a 72b 94b formance of the two genotypes, 1X6-56 and l’ MY 19 172a 40b 55b 16, are summarized in Table 5. 1X6-56 accumu much faster than Deltapine 16. At the last boll ~' lMeans are compared horizontally: those followed by the same September 15, Significantly fewer bolls werep letter are not significantly different at the 5% level of probability both genotypes Where three infestations had - usmg Dunn's Mumple Range Test‘ leased. The other infestation releases did not i’ nificantly from the control subplots in numbers __ of the damaged fruit records for all worm releases. The rapid maturity of 1X6-56 is shown in T’ Square damage was significantly less in 1X6-56 where the its larger percentage of open bolls earlier in t A SQUAR A SQUARES . PREVI i BLOOMS ‘ 10 cm. I 20am 20am r 22 am (T) l7) Figure 1. Attack pattern of first worm infestation release on DSFi a‘ 6-19-66-6M-10. Numbers are July dates; am and pm indicate morn-_ Figure 2. Attack pattern of second worm infestation r a 4 lng and evening records; symbols designate location and kinds of 6-19-66-6M~10 (same plant shown in Figure 1). Sym p fruit lost to bollworms. location and kinds of fruit lost to bollworms. 6 ‘F in GE NUMBER OF BOLLWORMS AND DAMAGED AND UNDAMAG ED FRUITS RECORDED IN 6-FOOT SUBPLOTS OF Number Total squares Total bolls released (damaged and Old and newly Damaged squares, (damaged and Old and newly Damaged bolls, it - ms found undamaged) damaged squares % of total undamaged) damaged bolls % of total Four larvae released per subplot per infestation First infestation released July 4; second infestation released July 13 Deltapine 16 3.6 141 14.0 9.9 10 0.0 0.0 3.3 140 8.0 5.7 12 0.0 0.0 3.3 136 11.0 8.0 13 0.3 2.3 3.6 130 20.0 15.3 16 2.0 12.5 3.0 139 21.0 15.1 19 3.0 15.7 2.6 135 23.0 17.0 20 3.0 15.0 1.3 141 17.0 12.0 27 3.0 11.1 0.3 136 12.0 8.8 27 1.0 3.7 3.6 147 11.0 7.4 33 0.0 0.0 3.6 140 14.0 10.0 33 1.0 3.0 3.0 120 16.0 13.3 37 1.0 2.7 3.0 128 14.0 10.9 42 1.0 2.3 2.3 106 16.0 15.0 44 1.0 2.2 1.3 115 14.0 12.1 53 1.0 1.8 1.3 107 11.0 10.2 56 1.0 1.7 1.0 94 13.0 13.8 59 1.0 1.6 0.6 96 3.0 3.1 80 1.0 1.2 1X6-56 4.0 210 6.0 2.8 62 1.0 1.6 3.3 196 7.0 3.5 72 1.0 1.3 as 205 8.0 3.9 s9 1.0 1.1 2.6 185 9.0 4.8 92 3.0 3.2 Z3 176 9.0 5.2 126 4.0 3.1 1.6 172 10.0 5.8 112 3.0 2.6 0.6 150 6.0 4.0 112 2.0 1.7 0.6 132 7.0 5.3 142 2.0 1.4 3.0 143 3.0 2.9 123 4.0 3.2 3.6 129 5.0 3.8 138 2.0 1.4 3.0 113 7.0 6.1 146 3.0 2.0 4.0 100 2.0 2.0 144 4.0 2. 7 3.3 84 2.0 2.5 144 2.0 1.3 1.6 69 1.0 1.4 157 3.0 1.9 0.3 57 1.0 1.7 154 3.0 1.9 0.3 50 0.3 0.6 158 3.0 1.8 0.0 40 1.0 2.5 163 2.0 1.2 Q Deltapine 16. The released bollworms layed maturity of Deltapine 16, but not may have been the result of the greater of 1X6-56 early in the squaring period. d ‘ diagrams of plants in control subplots and ‘ere three infestations of bollworms were delay in maturity (percent open bolls) ltapine 16 can be explained by Figure 5; l» be set at distal locations on the fruiting A consequently, later). The feeding attack ever, did not result in a delay (Figure 6). The release of three infestations did not result in statistically significant reductions of lint yield; about 1,000 pounds of lint per acre were produced on both cottons (Table 5). Discussion The damage potential of bollworms is not increased by enhanced feeding efliciency on semidwarf cottons; however, reduced traveling distance for worms on these strains could lessen the efficiency of insecticidal treat- ments. Reduced exposure to the chemicals may result as 7 TABLE 4. TOTAL NUMBER OF coTToN FRUITS PER 6-FOOT SUBPLOTS DAMAGED BY DIFFERENT BOLLWORM RELEASES ON TWO COTTON GENOTYPESI First and First, second First second and third infestation infestation infestation Genotype Control release release release Squares Deltapine 16 0a 46.3b 80.3c 79.3c IX6-56 0a 22.6ab 28.0b* 26.3b* Blooms Deltapine 16 0a 3.3b 7.3bc 11.6c IX6-56 0a 5.0ab 10.0bc 12.3c Bolls Deltapine 16 0a 5.6b 10.9b 23.6c IX6-56 0a 8.6b 16.3c 31 .6d Total fruit damage (not analyzed) Deltapine 16 0 55 98 114 IX6-56 0 36 54 70 lMeans within genotypes are compared horizontally: those followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level of probability using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. *Differences between genotypes are compared vertically: an asterisk indicates that means differ significantly at the 5% level of probability using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. a consequence of the decreased movement on the di- minutive cottons. In areas where dependence on insec- ticide is heavy, semidwarf genotypes might aggravate an already difficult situation. These threshold data demonstrate the ability of the cotton plant to withstand considerable damage to squares and yet produce high lint yields. For example, square damage in Deltapine 16 where two infestations of worms were released attained a level of 15 percent or greater on several dates. Cotton with 15 percent of the squares damaged by bollworms appeared to be suflering consid- erable injury; yet these studies showed that yield losses were not severe. The release of an additional infestation increased fruit loss, but lint production despite the worm attack should be viewed in perspective. Insecticide pro- grams for bollworm control are expensive, and the or- ganophosphate materials used today do not perform as well as did DDT in the 1950s Ironically, insecticidal applications, through destruction of the bollworm- regulating populations of arthropods in cotton fields, increase by many times the number of bollworms to be killed. Further, late-season populations of the insectici- dally resistant tobacco bollworm H eliothis virescens (F.) may develop in treated cotton. 8 TABLE 5. NUMBER OF BOLLS, PERCENT OF AND LINT PRODUCTION m GRAMS PER 6-FOOT m Two COTTON GENOTYPES SUBJECTED T0 i» BOLLWORM BELEAsEs1 First and First second infestation infestation Genotype Control release release Number of bolls, July 14 Deltapine 16 42 23 32 A IX6-56 155a* 121 b* 119b* Number of bolls, July 21 Deltapine 16 110a 63b 54b 1X6-56 199a* 16Gb‘ 151 b‘ Number of bolls, August 14 Deltapine 16 153 159 150 1X6-56 169a 160a 156a Number of bolls, August 24 Deltapine 16 153 151 153 1X6-56 159 160 152 Number of bolls, September 15 Deltapi ne 16 146a 139ab 1303b 1 X6-56 148a 1 38ab 139ab Percent open bolls, August 31 Deltapine 16 54a 33b 23b 1X6-56 86* 79* 72* Percent open bolls, September 4 Deltapine 16 70a 52b 47b 1 X6-56 94 88* 87* Grams of lint harvested Deltapine 16 265 249 233 1X6-56 251 246 238 200 grams per 6-foot cotton row = 960 pounds of li ‘Means within genotypes are compared horizontallyi; by the same letter are not significantly different» _, of probability, using Duncan's Multiple Range Test: *Differences between genotypes are compared verti - _ indicates that means differ significantly at * probability using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The threshold research presented w '_ pected to simulate every natural bollwo w; For example, the age structure of pop worms attacking cotton is complex; these ~» “_ only the effects of a population of fixed 1Q less, this research provides understandingf m came F-QQ d - A I ; I- n: I i ‘i _ i _.. 2 __ fe :;- *——_;_ _&_ -L ams of all "“' _,_ __ -l— _,_ i f» t-row con- -— a *4“; _L L_ —'- 3, Deltapine , , , "-1- '33. L__::f LL-4. n_ __'“J iii-u L‘ h’ iioutlook toward the bollworm problem that is insecticides cautiously, thereby preserving the benefi- ;~je=| ong many growers in Texas (Sterling and cial arthropods. Growers have found that many early Iuly infestations of bollworms can be ignored, even though _nsider the bellworm to be largely a seeom square damage may seem severe. Such tolerance of ap- preciable worm damage is feasible, however, only when insecticidal programs are not underway for control of the boll weevil. induced, in many instances, by applications s which disrupt the normal complex of pre- he». asites. Consequently, it is a policy to use |20cMl ll llililialiii a i? 11%. prams of all plants in a 6-foot-row control subplot (two drills per bed) of DSR 1X6-56. we. a m. a a a‘ r mama“ a '1 ra"-"W-=I"-“-Y ~i O Bolls w Dam. Squares 0 Dam. Blooms O Dam.BOIls ' F. s v.11 v w. .; Figure 5. Diagrams of all plants in a 6-foot-row subplot of Deltapine — third infestation release. Symbols indicate undamaged bolls and z fruit. Numbers are dates in July when fruits were attacked. O Bolls w Dam. Squares o Dam. Blooms O Dam. Bolls Figure 6. Diagrams of all plants in a 6-foot-row subplot (two drills per bed) of DSR 1X6-56— third infestation release. Symbols indicate A. bolls and damaged fruit. Numbers are dates in July when fruits were attacked. ” 1O ence Foundation (NSF GB 34718) and a ‘iagreement with the Agricultural Research . Department of Agriculture. Literature Cited . 1972. Eflects of boll weevils in diflerent generations on genotypes planted in two densities. Unpublished Texas AGIM University. . Growth and fruiting modifications for mechanized n. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Confer- p. 114-117. 1..., and C. T. Brues. 1905. The cotton bollworm. USDA tomol. Bull. 50. 155 p. A veld, and Robert L. Haney. 1973. Cotton yields climb, A 7 through pest management systems. Texas Agricultural .Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta. and Tex. Agr. Ext. Serv. 19(3):4-7. and G. A. Niles. 1971. Population dynamics of the boll and modified cotton types. Tex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, I. E. Miller, Director, College Station, Texas 3M——7-74 1e Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Texas A8cM University POSTAGE AND FEES m College Station, Texas 77843 u.s. DEPARTMENT OF _ _ , AGRICULTURE ‘RT? J. E. Miller, lhrector AGR m‘ n» Publication Penalty For Private Use, $300