B-1148 October 1974 LIBRARY JAN 2 7 1975 Texas A&M University custom Feeding Clients Using Texas Feedlots Operational Characteristics, Management Practices, and Feeding Strategies The Texas A&M University System, The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, ]. E. Miller, Director, College Station, Texas in Cooperation with U. S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service Highlights The rapid development of the cattle feeding in- placement patterns during periods of unfavor 5: m. 1* a s‘ dustry in the Southern Plains is characterized by the feeding margins. . growth and development of large commercial feed- Qustom eliehts purehased their feeder e’ lots that specialize in feeding cattle for custom clients. rnost eornrnonly through dealers or order buyers Past research has shown that these feedlots are heav- _ _ _ specified the grade, weight, sex and type of f ily dependent upon custom feeding as a malor source "‘ cattle desired. However, a iarge proportion of Qf reVePue-Feensecluentl)” imPertent ewnemlefmn" clients purchased their ownifeeeder cattle. Most cli siderations include the characteristics and activities of Consulted feedlot personnel throughout their tee lIhQSQ CuStOIn CIIQHtS and thQIT HnPaCt upon the Stabll‘ prOgI-anl, but Qllents generally Specified Selling ltY and Smwth 9f the (Tattle feedmg mdusfry- and marketing methods when fed cattle were f This study examines the operational characteris- . eueftem Clients aid net engage in a high aege tics, management practices and feeding strategies of Vertleal mtegraeeej Lees than a Pereent of the i custom clients using Texas Panhandle-Plains feed~ Placed on feed Onglnated fTOm i119 Clients 0W“ lots. The effect of these clients upon the stability and Calf eperaeen aunng 1972' However! almost, growth of the Texas Panhandle-Plains cattle feeding the Cattle Plaeed en feed by ehente were eendme _ industry ls also analyzed or grown-out, on small grain or other type of _ _ _ proved pasture prior to placement in feedlots. _ Custom feeamg Clients uemg Texas Panhandle’ Feedlot selection criteria considered mostimt Plains feedlots are relatively large operators, they are rant by Custom Clients were reputation and nerfe l elftenl h1gh1y_ SP eielallfrea aea llhey éenerany are ance. Health services and care ranked a distant the ereeey eeeeeleter. W1 egrleea lalraeaa ref 3X31“? e’ Commercial banks were the most impose p eeemeete Per e lent average ’ ee uneg source of financing for feeder cattle purchases i a 19.72‘ The pnmary °°°“P?“°“ of ih¥ee'f.°urths ef the lowed b Production Credit Associations Le F clients was closely associated with agriculture, and . . y . '