E155 BULLETIN EXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STAT|ON/ J. E. Miller, Director/ Texas A&M University/ College Station, Texas m B-1151 May 1975 ECONOMIC OPTIMUM RATES AND RETURNS FROM NITROGEN F ERTILIZATION OF COASTAL BERMUDAGRASS FOR HAY IN EAST TEXAS l J. E. Matocha* SUMMARY The price of nitrogen has risen considerably recently, and producers need to figure the most economic nitrogen rates for their own situation. Knowledge of the nature of response by Coastal bermudagrass to various rates and forms of nitrogen can be helpful in the close calculation of the most profitable rate of nitrogen fertilization. Research comparing production of Coastal bermudagrass forage from different rates and five forms of nitrogen fertilizer began in 1969 at the Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Overton. The 5-year study compared urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and two nitrogen experimental con- trolled-release materials (sulfur-coated ureas) on a rela- tively deep, sandy soil. The long-term experiment included two seasons when rainfall in East Texas was considerably below normal. However, data from all 5 years were used in making the economic evaluations. Nitrogen was the only variable in the research with phosphorus, potassium and sulfur applied according to soil test. Three split applications of nitrogen were used in the initial year while five applications were made in all other years withi the exception of 1973 (four applications). The first applica- tion was made about April l. Potassium was split, while -=all phosphorus and sulfur was added with the initial application of nitrogen. By use of a computer, single variable production functions for each of the sources of; nitrogen studied were developed, utilizing the 5 years of production data from the field. *Associate professor, The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Overton. NITROGEN RESPONSE During the research period, forage production was variable among years. For example, with below normal rainfall in the summer of 1969 and 200 pounds of nitrogen applied per acre, Coastal bermudagrass produced 32 pounds of forage per pound of nitrogen, while in 1973, with adequate rainfall, 76 pounds of forage per pound of nitrogen were produced. The research has shown that Coastal bermudagrass is generally highly responsive to nitrogen fertilization. The nitrogen response curve follows a near-linear pattern at rates of less than 200 pounds per acre but will assume a quadratic nature at higher rates. How fast the production efficiency from nitrogen drops with rate depends on many factors, one of which is rainfall. The most efficient pro- duction (pound forage per pound nitrogen) is usually found at the front portion of the nitrogen response curve, synonymous with the largest net return per dollar invested in nitrogen fertilizer. However, whether bermudagrass needs to be fertilized at the rate needed to be at this portion of the curve will depend primarily upon two " factors: (l) the amount of hay needed and the number of acres of Coastal bermudagrass meadow available and (2) the protein level desired in the forage. Protein will not reach the choice l2-percent level unless at least 6O pounds of nitrogen per acre is applied following each cutting of hay. OPTIMUM RATE Economic optimum rates of nitrogen fertilization were developed using the production functions. Since ammo- nium nitrate and urea are the most common sources of nitrogen fertilizer in the East Texas region, economic optimum rates and returns are presented for these two materials. Similar data for ammonium sulfate and experi- mental sulfur-coated ureas will be available but are not presented here. In obtaining these calculations, costs of other essential fertilizer nutrients, such as phosphorus, potassium and sulfur, were included as well as harvesting costs. An average harvesting cost of 55 cents per bale (40 cents for baling and 15 cents for hauling) for 55-pound bales was subtracted from the selling price of the hay prior to calculation of the optimum economic rates. Other fixed costs, such as weed control, interest on capital and others that comprise a small fraction of the total expense, have not been included in these calculations. Table 1 shows various nitrogen fertilizer rates and prices, as they relate to hay costs. For example, with urea at $225 per ton, or 25 cents per pound of nitrogen, and hay valued at $50 per ton, the optimum economic rate of fertilization would be 340 pounds of nitrogen per acre, which would provide a return of $1.61 for each dollar invested in fertilizer. In this example the total profit from fertilizer is $51.85 per acre. Using ammonium nitrate at the same price per pound of nitrogen (25 cents or $168 per ton) and $50 per ton for hay, the optimum nitrogen rate is 357 pounds per acre, with a total profit of $70.50 per acre from fertilizer) NITROGEN SOURCE DIFFERENCE The difference in profit per acre attributable to nitrogen source is primarily a result of forage production differences. The 340 pounds of nitrogen per acre yielded 6.75 tons of forage when applied as urea and 7.25 tons when ammonium lExample formula for figuring profit per acre: lb. N per acre X cost per lb. N X dollar return per dollar fertilizer = profit per acre For $225 per ton urea and $50 per tonhay: X ($1.61 — $1.00) = $51.85 For $168 per ton ammonium nitrate and $50 per ton hay: 357 X .25 X ($1.79 — $1.00) = $70.50 340 X .25 nitrate was used. Protein content of the forage at this rat averaged approximately 13 percent for the five cuttings t. hay. If the price of hay is increased by $10 per ton (to $60 p ton), the optimum economic rate__of nitrogen increases t) 475 and 468 pounds per acre, respectively, for urea an‘ ammonium nitrate. Likewise, the returns per dollar invest i; in fertilizer increases significantly over 25 cents. Differences in the optimum rate of nitrogen and refur‘ due to nitrogen source appear to widen slightly as“ h‘ prices increase. A OTHER FACTORS Harvesting costs of hay are a major factor in the net val A of the hay and, consequently, play a large role in the co ‘ puted economic optimum rates of nitrogen fertilizatio If harvesting equipment is owned or readily availabl these costs then may be reduced and the nitrogen rat for economic production of Coastal bermudagrass w' increase. On the other hand, if harvesting costs l‘ higher than the calculated cost of $19.80 per ton of ha . the nitrogen rates and fertilizer returns are over-estimate ‘ ‘One of the most important factors determining the nitroge“ fertilization rate is the expected selling price of the ha ~1 Although it may be difficult to predict hay prices sever months in advance, it is important to establish som estimated selling price to determine an economic rate f r optimum nitrogen fertilization. A differential hay pric: of $10 per ton, or slightly more than 25 cents per bal xvill have a substantial effect on the amount of nitroge‘ fertilizer that is profitable to use. For example, it ca mean the difference between not being able to fertiliz the hay meadow profitably ($30 per ton of hay) an fertilizing for some profit ($40 per ton of hay). Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does n constitute a guarantee or a warranty of the product by The Tex Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approv to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitabl .wmwsHucH nooA uoc u>mA .uum .HmuHmmu no ummumucH .wcmH mm Ausw mumou wmxHm u:A mcowumusmfloo mmmnu cH wmwsHucH cmmA m>mA wnHuww>umA wsm Aw .M .mv cwwouuHc cmAu nmAuo mucwHuu:c uw~HHHuumw wmuH:vwu mo wumoux w¢.~ mmm ~@.~ mmm @~.~ @~m Ho.m “mm @~.m oww ~m.m New ¢H.m “QR ow mH.N Hwq om.N mom ¢¢.~ qmm Ho.~ mmm Hw.~ “mm wo.m HHw @m.< omm on mm.H mmm wm.H qmq mo.~ wow m~.~ com @~.~ Nmm ¢m.~ <@m wm.m mwo om mA.H @- m~.H oHm m~.H “mm mw.H Hoe ~m.H Qqq oH.~ ~w< mw.~ Hwo om oo.m mm ~w.H mm H~.H wqH ¢o.H mow ¢@.H mom ¢o.H “mm ~o.~ <~m ow All mHAmuHmoua uoc mm.H ~m~ on o.om w.- o.m~ ~.- ¢.mH ~.@H 2 AH Hum m.mo momw wwflw woHw mqfiw omHw ~HHw sou umm ow» Hz AH mum mucwo .uou umm my wumuuHz E:Hcoaa< mo muHum o~.~ wqm cm.~ @~m ~¢.N moo Q@.~ mmo m@.~ qmw oH.m @~@ 1 I ow mm.H Nmq mo.~ mmm ¢H.~ qmm @m.~ mwm @@.~ mH@ @@.~ qqw om.¢ mm~ on N~.H mam w~.H “me ~w.H m~¢ ~o.N mHm @~.~ mmm @¢.~ omm @Q.< ¢o~. ow oo.H mqw oo.H omm Ho.H Qqm om.H mam <~.H mqq mw.H wmq H~.m Nmw om A|!l|||||||mHAmuHmoum uoc ¢¢.N mo om.H omH ¢m.H omw mm.H mom -.H omm ow Ml! uHAmuHwoum uoc om w <\z AH w <\z AH W <\z AH w <\z AH w <\z AH w <\z AH w <\z AH sou mom w hm: mo muwum o.om w.- o.mN ~.NN <.mH ~.oH z AH mum m.wu m-w ommw m-w comm m~Hw omHw nou mum owwa= AZ AH Mum wucwu .cou mum mv mmum mo mowum ¥ MNNUH. ummm HRH 5mm WMQHMMUSEHUM HMUWGOU HOW WGMUUUM UHHN MUUQM GUMOHUHZ UHEOGOUN EUEHUQO The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, J. E. Miller, Director, College Station, Texas 1.5M—5-75