X? SEASONAL ABUNDANCE OF THE GREENBUG AND ITS NATURAL ENEMIES IN GRAIN SORGHUM IN THE TEXAS HIGH PLAINS George L. Teetes, Ector G. Lopez and Curtis A. Schaefer* LSUMMARY ,_ Based on population studies during 1971, 1972, and 1973, (biotype C greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), tended Etoward highest seasonal abundance in grain sorghum during mid- gin late July. Predators showed a similar trend, but peak popula- '0ns occurred shortly after greenbug populations began to cline. The proportion of the greenbug population parasitized creased to a peak in early August as the total greenbug popu- “tion was declining rapidly. L ysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) s the most abundant primary parasite of the greenbug. Other amary parasites reared from mummies were Diaeretiella rapae q ’ Intosh) and Aphelinum nigritus (Howard). Hyperparasites rasites of parasites) reared from mummies were Charips sp., 1 hyneuron siphonophorae (Ashmead), Asaphes lucens C‘ ovancher), and Aphidencyrtus aphidivorus (Mayr). Charips sp., _ d P. siphonophorae were the most abundant hyperparasites Qffecting the primary parasite L. testaceipes. Hippodamia were the most abundant predators. FTRODUCTION v_ Better qualitative and quantitative characterization of pest pulations — the damage they cause, their genetic variability, Heir relative numbers and mobility, and the many interactions fitween these parameters and various other environmental tors—is necessary. Assessment of seasonal distribution for Fests such as greenbug, a key pest of grain sorghum in the Texas High Plains since 1968, is essential in the development of pest lgnanagement strategies. Likewise, an assessment of important parasites and predators is required. Research results provide Quantitative information on relative numbers of greenbugs iid beneficial arthropods for defining seasonal trends in abun- lance as an aid in developing sound pest management strategies. Seasonal abundance data for biotype C greenbug in grain ibrghum were recorded in 1969 (Bottrell 1971). He reported .- greenbug reproduction begins immediately after invasion of ' sorghum, with the greenbug population sometimes increasing 13a rate of twentyfold per week. If not controlled, such popula- A,“ continue to increase until mid-July to early August. There- , they usually decline rapidly. Parasitization is an important i; or in population decline (Bottrell 1971). Several major _ators of the greenbug also contribute to this decline, ough their role has not been quantified. 'pectively, associate professor, The Texas Agricultural Experiment f» (Department of Entomology) and graduate research assistants, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Lubbock. THE TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONI J. E. Miller, Director/ Texas A&M University/ College Station, Texas BULLETIN B-l 162 December 1975 Predators and parasites of the greenbug, both indigenous and exotic, have been studied but often in relation to aphids and host plants other than the greenbug and grain sorghum. Daniels and Chedester (1972) reported on developmental studies of the indigenous predator species Hippodamia convergens (Guer) fed biotype C greenbug. In similar studies, Rogers et al. (1972a, b) reported on the biology, voracity, and survival of an exotic coccinellid, Propylea l4-punctata L. The native parasite Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) has long been associated with the greenbug in small grains (Webster and Phillips 1912). Since 1968, when biotype C first appeared in damaging numbers in grain sorghum (Anonymous 1969), research interest in this parasite has been renewed (Hight et al. 1972, Jackson et al. 1970, Starks et al. 1972, Walker et al. 1973 Exotic parasites suitable for possible introduction as biological control agents have been studied by several researchers (Jackson and Eikenbary 1971, Jackson et al. 1971, Esmaili and Wilde 1972, Archer and Eikenbary 1973). Secondary parasites collecte from biotype C greenbug mummies are Aphidencyrtus aphidivoru (Mayr), Pachyneuron siphonophorae (Ashmead), Charips sp., Asaphes lucens, T etrastichus minutus (Howard), (Archer et al. 1974, Walker et al. 1973, Jackson et al. 1970). Primary parasite besides L. testaceipes are Aphelinus nigritus (Howard), A. varipes (Foerster), (Archer et al. 1974, Jackson et al. 1970), and Diaeretiella rapae (M’ Intosh), (Walker et al. 1973). METHODS AND MATERIALS During the 1971-1973 growing seasons, abundance of the greenbug and associated predators and parasites was determined weekly in grain sorghum at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Lubbock County, Texas. The commercial heteroyellow endosperm hybrid was planted in early May and fertilized, irri- gated, etc. according to agronomic practices customarily employe in the area. Rainfall records were taken during the growing season of each year. Population densities of insects were deter- mined from seedling emergence until September. On each sample date, at least 100 whole plants were selected at random and ex- amined thoroughly. Parasitism determination was based on Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty of the product by The Texas Agricultural Experi- ment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. All programs and information of The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin. mummy counts. Mummies were inspected t0 exclude those from which adults had emerged. Adult parasites were identified after emerging from samples of field-collected mummies, which were confined in 2-ounce blood sample cups in the laboratory. Major predators recorded weekly were: Hippodamzkz spp., Chrysopa spp., Scymnus spp., Syriphid spp. (larvae), spiders, and three hemipteran species, Orius spp., Nabis spp., and Geocoris spp. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Greenbugs infested grain sorghum soon after emergence of the plants, generally during the last week in May (Figures 1, 2, 3). Rainfall reduced population density early in the season when plants were small. Levels of infestation differed each year, but peak greenbug infestation occurred during the third week in Iuly and declined rapidly thereafter. Mean weekly observed rates of increase for greenbug were 6.6X, 3.5X, and 4.6X for 1971, 1972, and 1973, respectively, or approximately fivefold oer week. Although abundance of parasites cannot accurately be determined by mummy counts because they are an “after the fact” measure, the presence of mummies provided a means of expressing the number of greenbugs eliminated by parasitism. Sreenbug populations each year reached a high density before JHIEISlICS reduced the population significantly. However, aarasitism suppressed the greenbug populations and prevented :ontinuing abundance increases in August. The period of 1000.0 100.0 10.0 '1 h-IQI‘! 1.0 \II\i\QI\LJ\I\IsJ .01 202s 2 916233573421554 111s 25 MAY JUNE JULY AUG. ig. 1. Seasonal abundance and parasitism of the greenbug in grain sorghum 1971. "1oooo P 1972 1oo.o _ 1o.o - I'- Z < 5' RAIN \ 3.55 8 1.0 _ - D ED Z LL] LLl {I 9 .1 .01 - PARASITIZED . i. viv- 9 31 7 14 2s 5121926 2' 17233 MAY JUNE JULY AUG. § Fig. 2. Seasonal abundance and parasitism of the greenbug in grain sorgh l in 1972. - peak greenbug abundance was short, and if the economic v threshold was reached, chemical control was required only for 7‘ a brief period. Teetes and Johnson (1973) attempted to defm the economic injury level of greenbugs and showed that green- g bugs in excess of 1,300 to 1,500 per plant were required to l cause economic yield loss. The population data presented here indicate that the greenbug does not often attain damaging Y levels. When it does, the damaging period lasts only for 1 to i’ 2 weeks. The braconidrwasp, Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson), , was the major primary parasite attacking the greenbug (Table 1 i. Two other primary parasites, Diaeretiella rapae (M’ Intosh) and ‘ Aphelinus nigritus (Howard), were collected, but they represent a small percentage of the total parasites reared from greenbug ' mummies. Hyperparasites (parasites of parasites) collected were" Charips sp., Pachyneuron siphonophorae (Ashmead) Asaphes lucens (Provancher), and Aphidencyrtus aphidivorus (Mayr). v Charips sp. and P. siphonophorae were the dominant secondary l. parasites, with Charips sp. more abundant in early season 3' collections and P. siphonophorae more abundant in August collections. p. Abundance of secondary parasites apparently was sufficie to adversely affect primary parasitism by L. testaceipes. The l hyperparasites destroyed a high percentage of the primary g parasites in the mummified greenbugs collected June 28, July 2, and during August, when only one-fourth or fewer of the adul emerging from mummies were primary parasites. Parasitism by L. testaceipes apparently could be greatly enhanced if secondary. parasites could be suppressed. A 1111.0 INSECTS PER PLANT 1.0 PARASITIZED 24 MY 18 lll2l295l2l8fl3 915 JUlE JULY PUGUST g. 3. Seasonal abundance and parasitism of the greenbug in grain sorghum 1973. Predators in grain sorghum feed extensively on greenbugs 1d corn leaf aphids, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch). Abundance ’aphid predators peaked during the last week of July and the st week of August and then declined as the greenbug popula- m decreased (Figures 4, 5, 6). Early in the season, predators ere sometimes more abundant than greenbug (Figure 4) as vrn-leaf aphid apparently served as a food source. Hippodamia p.pwas the most abundant predator (Table 2) and in most ses constituted more than one-half of the total predator rpulation. 1971 15730-0 — GREENBLGS ' PREDATORS 1113.0 *5 o .- o u ‘o - b-l Z .01 Z026 2 91623307 111212811 ll 1825 MY JUNE JULY AUGUST Fig. 4. Seasonal abundance of the greenbug and associated predators in grain sorghum in 1971. Greenbug was affected by natural mortality factors throughout the growing season. Aphid predators did not prevent the greenbug from reaching high populations, and parasitism occurred too late to prevent greenbug damage to sorghum. CONCLUSIONS These data and those reported by Bottrell (1971) show a definite trend of increase in abundance of greenbugs and major predators and parasites in grain sorghum on the Texas High Plains. Knowledge of these trends further support the reliability of the integrated control approach by Cate et al. (1974) where ' extremely low dosage rates are used to suppress greenbug and kBLE 1. PARASITES EMERGING FROM MUMMIES COLLECTED FROM GRAIN SORGHUM, LUBBOCK, TEXAS, 1973 l'___} F Mummies collected Percent of parasites consisting of late of Mean "umber P91’ Plant Percent L. Charips P. siph0n0- Other Pection Greenbugs Mummies Number emerged testaceipes sp. phorae speciesl 1171'} <12 35 77 25 42 25 s 4 84 < 1 100 9 3 14 71 8 7 984 < 1 200 90 55 3 3 1 0 2 1,864 6 300 88 48 3 3 12 7 1,102 79 300 91 71 21 8 <1 2 45 142 300 83 23 41 35 1 9 1 14 300 44 1 8 90 1 16 ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' " 300 13 2 3 95 0 Iyuded D. rapae, A. aphidivorus, A. lucens, and A. nigritus. mummies were detected m-im m Inna 7R 4 _ 1972 1000.0 - 11173-0 f- GREElBlJGS _ GREEN PREDATORS FREDA 1mg . 100.0 ' g 10.0 - '5 10-0 ' é a? E g g Lg . Z _l.0 ' .1 - -1 ' .01 - -01 ' l l l l l l l l l l l l I l 0 l l l l l l l l l l l l 0 3171421285121926291723306 2111 814212451218273915 PAY JUNE JULY NJGUST SEPT. MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST a Fig. 5. Seasonal abundance of the greenbug and associated predators in Fig. 6. Seasonal abundance of the greenbug and associated predat grain sorghum in 1972. grain Sfifighllm if! 197 3- TABLE 2. MAJOR PREDATORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE GREENBUG [N GRAIN SORGHUM Cate, J. R., Jr., D. G. Bottrell, and G. L. Teetes. 1974. Manag the greenbug on grain sorghum. III. Integration of insec 1“ Seasonal mean percentage of aphid predators bi0l0gi¢a1 COIIIIOI- Ellwmflphflgfl (In Press) :- Daniels, N. W., and L. D. Chedester. 1972. Developmental stu‘, the convergent lady beetle. Tex. Agric. Exp. Stn. PR-31 ‘i Hippodamia Predaceous Chrysopa Scymnus Syriphid Y“ SPP- bugs SPP- SPP- SPP- SPideIS Esmaili, M., and Gerald Wilde. 1972. Behavior 0f the parasite h" lt' t th b d tinhsts. En 1911 e6 1 13 1 0 16 ‘$563.1? r“? ‘E5222... ° gm "g a“ a ° 1972 52 7 9 1 24 Hight, Susan C., R. D. Eikenbary, Rudolph J. Miller, and Kenn i? 1973 47 20 3 2 1 27 gbsglgeggreenbug and Lyszphlebus testacezpes. Enviro Mean 55 10 3 4 1 22 Jackson, H. B., and R. D. Eikenbary. 1971. Bionomics of Aph asychis (HymenopterazEulophidae) an introduced parasite 1f, sorghum greenbug. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 64: 81-8 p 2 Jackson, H. B., Leon W. Coles, E. A. Wood, Jr., and R. D. Eike Larvae only. 1970. Parasites reared from the greenbug and corn leaf =1; - - - _ Oklahoma in 1968 and 1969. J. Econ. Entomol. 63: 73‘, spare beneficial arthropods. The data also illustrate that green Jackson’ H_ B“ O E. Rogers, and R_ D. Emenbary. 197L Colo 1 Included Orius spp., Nabius, spp., Geocoris spp. bugs do not always reach economlcally damagmg levels’ and and release of Aphelinus asychis, an imported parasite of F" when they do reach this level, the damaging time period is short. greenbug. J. Econ. Entomol. 64: 1435-1438. a - Rogers, C. E., H. B. Jackson, and R. D. Eikenbary. 1972a. Vorl‘ ACKNOWLEDGMENT survival of Propylea I 4-punctata preying upon greenbugs. " Entomol. 65: 1313-1316. .1 Rogers, C. E., H. B. Jackson, G. W. Angalet, and R. D. Eikenbary, Biology and life history of Propylea I 4-punctata (Coleopt a This research was partially funded by the Texas Grain Sorghum Producers Board. Coccinellidae), an exotic predator of aphids. Ann. Ento 1f’ LITERATURE CITED Amer. 65: 648656 w, Anonymous. 1969. The greenbug situation on sorghum — 1968. Plant Starks, K. J., R. Muniappan, and R. D. Eikenbary. 1972. Inter Pest Control Div., USDA, Coop. Econ. Insect Rep. 19 (5): 63-65. between plant resistance and parasitism against the green Archer, T. L., and R. D‘. Eikenbary. 1973. Storage of Aphelinus asychis, barley and sorghum. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 65: 65f a parasite of greenbug. Environ. Entomol. 2: 489-490. Teetes, George L., and Jerry W. Johnson. 1973. Damage asses Archer, T. L., R. H. Cate, R. D. Eikenbary, and K. J. Starks. 1974. greenbug on grain sorghum. J. Econ. Entomol. 66: 1181 Parasitoids collected from greenbugs and corn leaf aphids in Oklahoma Walker, A. L., D. G. Bottrell, and J . R. Cate, Jr. 1973. Hymenop-l in 1972. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 67: 11-14. sites of biotype C greenbug in the High Plains of Texas. A = '. Bottrell, Dale G. 1971. Concepts for insect pest management in grain Soc. Amer. 66: 173-176. j sorghum. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Ann. Corn and Sorghum Research Webster, F. M., and W. J. Phillips. 1912. The spring grain-aphis Conf. USDA Bur. Entomol. Bull. No. 110. The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, J . E. Miller, Director, College Station, Texas 0.8M—12-75