___ r/UL 1 BULLETIN THE TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION/ J. E. Miller, Director! Texas A&M University/ College Station, Texas Lifiinigg/ B-1161 February 1976 : f-“p. ‘Tex ( q . Effects of Temperature and Host 1531'??? M Unit/erg] on Population Dynamics of the Cotton Fleahoppeity, Pseudatomoscelis seriatus Michael I’. Gaylor and Winfield L. Sterling* ABSTRACT Host plants and temperature had a great influence on population dynamics of the cotton fleahopper, Pseudatomoscelis seriatus (Reuter). The longest life ex- pectancy calculated was 4.91 weeks for newly depo- sited eggs at 23.9 degrees C (75 degrees F). Net repro- ductive rates per generation (R0) ranged from about 40 for fleahoppers reared on flowering croton at 26.7 degrees C (80 degrees F) to 1.6 for fleahoppers reared on beans and potatoes at 35.0 degrees C (95 degrees F). The shortest mean generation time (Tc) was 3.87 weeks on flowering croton at 26.7 degrees C, but comparable values were obtained for groups of fleahoppers reared on spotted beebalm at 26.7 degrees C and on beans and potatoes at 29.4 degrees C. A cotton fleahopper population reared on flowering croton at 26.7 degrees C for 10 weeks could theoretically increase to over 13,000 females for each female present at week one. INTRODUCTION Many studies have been conducted to determine effects of environmental parameters on insect popula- tion dynamics. The effects of temperature on the biol- ogy of insects probably have been investigated as thoroughly as the effects of any other environmental parameter. However, most studies to determine ef- fects of temperature on the biology of insects have dealt with effects on developmental rates (Strong and Sheldahl1970, Philipp and Watson 1971, Siddiqui and Barlow 1972). Fewer papers have reported effects of temperature on growth of insect populations (Birch 1953, Strong and Sheldahl 1970, Philipp and Watson 1971, Siddiqui and Barlow 1972). Effects of tempera- ture on developmental rates, survival, and fecundity of the cotton fleahopper, Pseudatomoscelis seriatus (Re- uter), were reported, by Gaylor and Sterling (1975). It has long been ‘recognized that food may influ- ence insect biological processes (Andrewartha and Birch 1954). However, quantitative studies dealing with effects of host plants on insect development are fewer than studies dealing with effects of temperature *Graduate research assistant and associate professor, respectively. (Van Emden and Way 1971). Brazzel and Martin (1957) found that mortality of young larvae and fecundity of female pink bollworms, Pectinophora gossypiella, were influenced by the growth stage of the host plant. Gaylor (1975) found that developmental rates, mortality, and fecundity of the cotton fleahopper were influenced by species as well as growth stage of host plant. Drooz (1971) reported that species and maturity of host plants on which adult elm spanworms, En- nomos subsignurius, fed affected fecundity, develop- mental rates, and size of offspring in the F2 generation. Maturity of the "ideal" host had less effect than matur- ity of less ideal hosts. Birch (1953) reported effects of two kinds of stored grain on entire populations of two species of stored grain pests. However, in Birch's study one pest was not normally found in one of the grains. Similarly, the other pest was not normally found in the second kind of grain. Effects of ”normal” hosts onentire popula- tions of insects have not been well studied. The innate capacity for increase (rm) of insects has been used as an indicator of population change (Birch 1953, Philipp and Watson 1971, Siddiqui and Barlow 1972). Andrewartha and Birch (1954) presented a sim- ple approximation of rm. Laughlin (1965) called the approximation the "capacity for increase,” rc, and showed that it could be used as a valuable indicator of population growth. The statistic, Tc, is calculated by the log formula: n: lOge R0 Tc where R0: net reproductive rate per generation and T¢= generation time. Strong and Sheldahl (1970) used re to indicate the ”fitness" of the genotype to the envi- ronment. Values of re for a given population in a given envi- ronment depend on fecundity, survival, and de- velopmental rates of individuals in the population. Effects of host plants on cotton fleahopper fecundity, survival, and developmental rates have been investi- gated under various constant temperature conditions (Gaylor 1975). However, effects of temperature and host plants on growth of cotton fleahopper popula- tions have not been reported. METHODS AND MATERIALS Data used by Gaylor and Sterling (1975) to deter- mine the effects of temperature and host plants on development, fecundity, and mortality were used to develop survivorship and age-specific fecundity curves for the cotton fleahopper. The way these data were obtained has been described (Gaylor and Sterl- ing 1975). Net reproductive rates, R0, generation times, Tc, capacities for increase, n, and finite rates of increase per day,)\, were calculated from survivorship and age-specific fecundity curves. Curves were developed for populations reared on green beans and potatoes under 23.9, 26.7, 29.4, and 35.0 degrees C constant temperature regimens. Beans and potatoes are not ”normal” fleahopper food for naturally occurring field populations. However, de- velopmental rates of fleahoppers reared on beans and potatoes (Gaylor and Sterling 1975) were comparable to developmental rates of fleahoppers reared on the normal hosts, spotted beebalm, Monarda punctata L., cutleaf evening primrose, Oenothera laciniata Hill, and cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., in pre-flowering growth stages (Gaylor 1975). Survival rates were much higher on beans and potatoes than on "nonnal” hosts in pre-flowering growth stages. Since survival to the adult stage was very low on pre-flowering spotted beebahn, cutleaf primrose and cotton, fecundity on these hosts was not determined. However, based on survival and developmental rates, it appears that population growth on beans and potatoes would be at least as rapid as on pre-flowering spotted beebalm, primrose and cotton. Survivorship and age specific fecundity curves also were developed for populations reared on flowering croton and flowering spotted beebalm at a constant 26.7 degrees C temperature regimen. Life expectancy tables were calculated for each population in the manner reported by Deevey (1947) and summarized by Southwood (1966). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Much higher fecundity rates occurred in fleahop- per cohorts reared on flowering croton and spotted beebalm than’ in those reared onbeans and potatoes (Figure 1). Peak egg deposition occurred earlier on normal hosts than on beans and potatoes, and high rates of egg deposition were maintained longer on croton than on spotted beebalm. Not only were more eggs deposited on normal hosts than on beans and potatoes, but Gaylor (1975) reported a higher percent- age of females (about 75 percent) became adults on flowering croton and spotted beebahn than was re- ported (Gaylor and Sterling 1975) on beans and potatoes (about 50 percent). Thus, the number of female eggs deposited per female (mx) on beans and potatoes was found by multiplying the total eggs dep- 2 i osited by 0.50. On spotted beebalm and croton 1 values were obtained by multiplying the total num; of eggs deposited by 0.75. ~ Peak egg deposition was lower on beans a potatoes under a 29.4 degrees C temperature regim than under other temperature regimens, but egg de’ osition occurred earlier under the 29.4 degrees C r g men. Also, the percentage of adiilt fleahoppers survi ing during egg deposition was higher at the 29.4 d, grees C regimen than in other temperatures. In cohorts some adult fleahoppers survived for consid ] able periods of time after the last egg was deposit__ Most of these surviving adults were unmated i v viduals in individual cages. The unmated individu i were included in survivorship (1x) curves because - fects of mating and crowding on fleahopper survival test cages is unknown. V~ Gaylor and Sterling (1975) showed that so V’ fleahoppers could survive for more than 10 wee 4 when reared on beans and potatoes at 23.9 degrees if However, the longest life expectancy of fleahoppe i was obtained for a newly depositied egg on beans a potatoes at 23.9 degrees C (Table 1). ' Egg mortality was not determined until hatchin Mean time from deposition to hatching for all coho ; was between 2 and 3 weeks (Gaylor 1975). Thus, a mortality was observed during week 1 in all cohort Therefore, life expectancy during week 1 in all coho 5 a was artificially high (Tables 1-6). Similarly, all e ;_ mortality, as well as early nymphal mortality, w calculated as occurring during week 2. Therefore, expectancy in all cohorts was artificially low durin week 2 (Tables 1-6). High mortality occurred during egg and earl nymphal life in all cohorts except those reared 0 beans and potatoes at 29.4 degrees C (Figure 1). Thus life expectancy decreased for nymphs at the beginnin of the 2nd week of life and increased during the 3r‘ TABLE 1. LIFE TABLE FOR COMPUTING LIFE EXPECTANCYjl o|= COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REAR ED ON BEANS AND POTATOES AT 23.9°cl/ X 1x dx ex 1 1000 0 4.91 2 1000 341 3.91 3 s59 1o 4.67 4 s49 10s 3.74 5 541 s2 3.3s s 459 1s 2.90 7 as1 s2 2.39 s 299 119 1.90 9 1s0 so 1.s3 10 120 30 1 .50 11 90 s0 0.83 0.50 12 30 30 U X= pivotal age in weeks; 1x = number surviving at beginning of age interval out of 1000 eggs; dx = number dying in age interval out of 1000 eggs; ex = expectation of further life in weeks. 100 75 5O 25 100 75 5O 25 1OO 75 5O 25 1OO 75 5O 25 1OO 75 5O 25 SURVIVAL RATE (Ix) 1OO 75 5O 25 Figure 1. [T T 1 I I I I I 10.00 w| aEANss. POTATOES 7.50 m 35.o°c 5% ' |x 6| 2.50 8: 0.00 ' I I I I ‘ 10.00 w BEANS s. POTATOES 7.5O g if“ 5.00 ‘n '""'"' 2.50 o 8 0.00 I 1 I l 10.00 | BEANS a POTATOES 1 7.50 é‘. gomc q 5.00 5| B: 0.00 ll l l l l l l l l ' BEANS a POTATOES 7.5O §; ff“: 5.00 o: ""‘"" 2.50 E3‘ _\ 0.00 ‘l | l I I I j l I l m| FLOWERING SPOTTED BEEBALM 7.5O i}: ' ffff 5.00 o: '""'"' 2.50 8| H Li? o0 ll l : l l l l l I l 1Q,QQ ' FLOWERING CROTON 7.50 3, H 2¢>.7°c ff o H‘ |x 0' mx.... 9i ll l l l 1 l 1 I L j1O 2O 3O 4O 5O 6O 7O 8O 9O DAYS 5.00 2.50 0.00 FEMALE EGGS PER FEMALE (mx) Effects 0f temperature and host plants 0n cotton fleahopper survival and age-specific fecundity rates. _ The survival rate (1 x) is the percentage surviving, and mx values are the number of female eggs deposited per female. 3 TABLE 2. LIFE TABLE FOR COMPUTING LIFE EXPECTANCY OF COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REAR ED 0N BEANS AND POTATOES AT 26.7°cl/ X 1x dx ex 1 1000 0 4.67 2 1000 369 3.67 3 631 19 4.52 4 612 21 3.64 5 591 44 2.76 6 547 209 1.94 7 338 91 1.83 8 247 129 1.31 9 118 71 1.20 10 47 23 1.27 11 24 12 1.00 12 12 12 0.50 J X = pivotal age in weeks; 1x = number surviving at beginning of age interval out of 1000 eggs; dx = number dying in age interval out of 1000 eggs; ex = expectation of further life in weeks. TABLE s. LIFE TABLE FOR COMPUTING LIFE EXPECTANCY OF COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REARED ON BEANS AND POTATOES AT 29.4°cl/ X 1x dx ex 1 1000 0 4.40 2 1000 127 3.40 3 873 0 2.82 4 873 159 1.82 5 714 433 1.11 6 281 158 1.06 7 123 88 0.78 8 35 35 0.50 l! X = pivotal age in weeks; 1x = number surviving at beginning of age interval out of 1000 eggs; dx = number dying in age interval out of 1000 eggs; ex = expectation of further life in weeks. TABLE 4. LIFE TABLE FOR COMPUTING LIFE EXPECTANCY OF COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REAR ED 0N BEANS AND POTATOES AT 35.o°cl/ X 1x dx l ex 1 1000 0 2.59 2 1000 580 1.59 3 420 49 2.10 4 371 155 1.31 5 216 150 0.88 6 66 49 0.76 7 17 17 0.50 week of life. Fleahopper cohorts reared on beans and Y potatoes at 29.4 degrees C did not experience high egg ; and early nymphal mortality. In this cohort, life expec- tancy decreased as fleahoppers aged. With one excep- tion, under all conditions tested, life expectancy was greatest when nymphs had just emerged from eggs (Tables 1-6). Fkleahoppers reared on beans and g potatoes at 29.4 degrees C (Table 3) were an exception » and this was due to relatively high egg survival under _l these conditions (Gaylor and Sterling 1975). The host plant on which fleahopper populations were reared had a great effect on fleahopper reproduc- tion rates. Net reproduction rates per generation ( ') § were higher for populations reared on flowering cro- . ton than for cohorts reared on other hosts (Tables 7-12). The R0 value for populations reared on croton A (Table 7) was almost 4 times greater than for popula- tions reared on beans and potatoes at the same tem- perature (Table 10). The net reproductive rate also was f much greater (about 2X) on flowering spotted beebalm T (Table 8) than on beans and potatoes under the same p, temperature regimen. The R0 value was greater in the 26.7 degrees C regimen than in all other temperatures , (Table 10). The lowest R0 value for fleahoppers reared 5 on beans and potatoes (Table 12) was about 16 percent of the net reproduction rate at 26.7 degrees C on beans and potatoes (Table 10). Mean generation times, Tc, also were affected by temperature and host plants. The T.- was about 1 week A ' longer on beans and potatoes at 23.9 degrees C (Table 9) than on the same host at 26.7 degrees C (Table 10). The shortest generation time was on flowering croton (Table 7), but comparable Tc values were observed on spotted beebalm at 26.7 degrees C (Table 8) and on é beans and potatoes at 29.4 degrees C (Table 11). Using I'c as the criterion of suitability (Strong and l Sheldahl 1970), flowering croton was the best host 3 (Table 7), followed by flowering spotted beebalm (Ta- ble 8). The most suitable temperature for populations reared on beans and potatoes was 26.7 degrees C 11 (Table 10). TABLE s. LIFE TABLE FOR COMPUTING LIFE EXPECTANCY OF COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REAR ED 0N FLOWERING CROTON AT 2s.7°cl/ X 1x dx ex 1 1000 0 3.88 2 1000 - 361 2.88 3 639 44 3.22 4 595 102 2.42 5 493 280 1 .82 6 213 30 2.56 7 183 37 1.90 8 146 36 1.25 9 1 1O 1 10 0.50 U X = pivotal age in weeks; 1x = number surviving at beginning of age interval out of 1000 eggs; dx = number dying in age interval out of 1000 eggs; ex = expectation of further life in weeks. 4 l/ X = pivotal age in weeks; 1x = number surviving at beginning of age interval out of 1000 eggs; dx = number dying in age interval out of"1000 eggs; ex = expectation of further life in weeks. ‘ff-TABLE 6. LIFE TABLE FOR COMPUTING LIFE EXPECTANCY f1 OF corrow FLEAHOPPEFIS REARED ON FLOWER mo SPOTTED BEEBALM AT 26.7°cll X 1x dx ex 1 1000 0 3.25 2 1000 363 2.25 3 637 109 2.25 4 528 142 1.62 5 386 217 1.03 6 169 152 0.70 7 17 g 0 1.50 8 17 17 0.50 U X = pivotal age in weeks; 1x = number surviving at beginning of age interval out of 1000 eggs; dx = number dying in age interval out of 1000 eggs; ex = expectation of further life in weeks. TABLE 7. LIFE AND AGE-SPECIFIC FECUNDITY TABLE FOR COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REARED ON FLOWERING CROTON AT 26.7°C Pivotal age Proportion alive Y no. female eggs/ in weeks (X) from 100 eggs (1x) female/week (mx) 1xmx 1 .5 .639 2.6 .639 0.45 0.28s 3.5 .556 43.65 24.2694 4.6 .406 37.13 16.0377 5.5 .222 0.00 0 R0 = 39.6961 y R0 = Net reproductive rate per generation = Zixmx Tc = Generation time in days =Z1xmxX/Z1xmx = 3.8725 rc = Capacity for increase = logeRo/Tc = 0.9500 A = Finite rate of increase per day = antilog rc = 2.5856 TABLE 8. LIFE AND AGE SPECIFIC FECUNDITY TABLE FOR COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REARED ON FLOWEFIING SPOTTED Finite rates of increase per female per day were calculated by: A = antilog r5 as described by Andrewartha and Birch (1954). Rates of increase per week ranged from 1.3905 on beans and potatoes at 23.9 degrees C (Table 9) to 2.5856 on flow- ering croton at 26.7 degrees C (Table 7). Finite rates of increase for insect populations do not remain constant for extended periods (Sterling and Adkisson 1970). However, A values are useful in demonstrating population growth rates under specified conditions. Population growth potentials under different conditions are clearly demonstrated when finite rates of increase per week are extrapolated over time. After 10 weeks at 26.7 degrees C on flower- ing croton, a fleahopper population with a A value of 2.5856 would increase to over 13,000 females for each female present at week 1 (Figure 2). After 10 weeks on beans and potatoes at 26.7 degrees a population would increase to less than 200 females for each female pre- sent at week 1. The difference between potential popu- lation size for fleahoppers reared on beans and potatoes at 35.0 degrees C and 26.7 degrees C was much less than the difference when reared on beans and potatoes at 26.7 degrees C and reared on flower- ing croton at the same temperature. Thus, host plants have a great influence on potential fleahopper popula- tion size. Cotton fleahopper populations migrate from host to host throughout the summer (Reinhard 1926, Thomas 1936, Almand 1974). However, Eddy (1927) reported that fleahoppers could be found on croton throughout the growing season. He concluded that populations on croton might be a source of fleahop- pers for continual infestations in cotton. Results of the TABLE 9. LIFE AND AGE SPECIFIC FECUNDITY TABLE FOR COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REARED ON BEANS AND POTATOES AT 23.9°C Pivotal age Proportion alive X no. female eggs/ BEEBALM AT 261°C in weeks (X) from 100 eggs (1x) female/week (mx) 1xmx Pivotal age Proportion alive Y no. female eggs/ 2.5 .659 - - - - - - - - -- in weeks IX) from 100 eggs (1x) female/week (mx) 1xmx 3.5 .597 - - - - - - - - -- 4.5 .529 .76 .4020 1 .5 .659 -—-- ----- 5.5 .447 1 1 .10 4.9617 2.5 .661 ----- ----- 6.5 .381 2.14 0.8153 y? 3.5 .512 29.91 15.3139 7.5 .226 1.05 0.2373 “j 4.5 .306 29.13 8.9138 8.5 .154 0 0 5.5 .076 4.05 0.3078 9.5 .105 0 0 6.5 .028 0 0 10.5 .090 0 0 7.5 .028 0 0 1 1.5 .030 0 0 R0 = 24.5355 Flo = 6.4164 R0 = net reproductive rate per generation = Z1xmx Tc =/'generation time in days = Z1xmxX/Z1xmx = 3.8884 rc = capacity for increase = logeBo/Tc = 0.8230 A = finite rate of increase per day = antilog rc = 2.2773 R0 = Net reproductive rate per generation = Z1xmx Tc = generation time in days = Z1xmxX/Z1xmx = 5.6383 rc = Capacity for increase = logeRO/Tc = 0.3297 A = Finite rate of increase per day = antilog rc = 1.3905 10000_ 1,000 _ 100 r NUMBERS OF FLEAHOPPERS I 1 . . WEEKS 1 ,2 3 4 Figure 2. Exponential rates 0f increase for cotton fleahopper populations reared under different temperature and host plant conditions. _ present study tend to support this conclusion, since flowering croton is a suitable host plant. However, populations also may increase to high levels on other native host plants such as spotted beebalm. Results of the present study and earlier studies (Gaylor and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 35.0°C BEANS a POT noes- l l 5 c6 789 Sterling 1975) indicate that fleahopper populations p‘ would not increase to high levels on cotton. Damaging , infestations probably result from migration into cotton . from native hosts. Research herein is part of a Ph.D. dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of degree requirements at Texas A&M University in cooperation with the Ag- ricultural Research Service, USDA. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Environmental Protection Agency, through a grant (NSF GB-34718) to the University of California. 6 The findings, opinions, and recommendations ex- i pressed herein are those of the authors and not neces- . sarily those of the University of California, the Na- _' tional Science Foundation or the Environmental Pro- , tection Agency. This paper was approved for publica- tion as Bulletin 1161 by Director, The Texas Agricul- ;_ tural Experiment Station, February 1976. 10 TABLE 10. LIFE AND AGE-SPECIFIC FECUNDITY TABLE FOR COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REARED ON BEANS AND POTATOES AT 267°C Pivotal age Proportion alive Yno. female eggs/ in weeks (X) from 100 eggs (1x) female/week (mx) 1xmx 1 .5 .679 --- 2.5 .622 - - - - - - - - -- 3.5 .601 1.93 1.1599 4.5 .569 11.34 6.4525 5.5 .448 5.36 2.4013 6.5 .327 0 0 7.5 .200 0 0 8.5 .082 o 0 9.5 .024 0 0 10.5 .024 0 0 11.5 .012 0 0 R0 = Net reproductive rate per generation = Z1xmx Tc = Generation time in days =Z1xmxX/Z1xmx = 4.6240 rc = Capacity for increase = logeRO/Tc = 0.4983 X = Finite rate of increase per day = antilog rc = 1.6459 TABLE 11. LIFE AND AGE-SPECIFIC FECUNDITY TABLE FOR COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REAR ED ON BEANS AND POTATOES AT 29.4°C Pivotal age Proportion alive Y no. female eggs/ in weeks (X) from 100 eggs (ix) female/week (mx) 1xmx 1 .5 .901 ---- 2.5 .873 - - - - - - - - -- 3.5 .873 5.43 4.7404 4.5 .515 3.28 1.6892 5.5 .179 0 0 6.5 .054 0 0 7.5 .036 0 o R0 = Net reproductive rate per generation = Z1xmx Tc = Generation time in days = Z1xmxX/Z1xmx = 3.7627 rc = Capacity for increase = IogeFio/Tc = 0.4946 l = Finite rate of increase per day = antilog rc = 1.6398 TABLE 12. LIFE AND AGE SPECIFIC FECUNDITY TABLE FOR COTTON FLEAHOPPERS REARED ON BEANS AND POTATOES AT 350°C Pivotal age Proportion alive Y no. female eggs/ in weeks (X) from 100 eggs (1x) female/week (mx) 1xmx ? 1.5 .471 _ - 4 - - - - - - -- 2.5 .403 - - - - - - - - -- 3.5 .331 2.6100 .8639 4.5 .116 5.2400 .6078 5.5 .025 5.4000 .1350 6.5 .006 0 0 no = 1.6068 R0 = net reproductive rate per generation = Z1xmx Tc = Generation time in days = Z1xmxX/Z1xmx = 4.0461 rc = Capacity for increase = IogeRo/"FC = 0.1172 A = Finite rate of increase per day = antilog rc I 1.1244 REFERENCES CITED Almand, L. K. 1974. Seasonal abundance, dispersal and control of the cotton fleahopperin certain host plants. Ph.D. Dissertation. Texas A&M University. Andrewartha, H. G. and L. C. Birch. 1954. The distribution and abundance of animals. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago and London. 782 p. Birch, L. C. 1953. 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