Gulf Coa t i" 3 \\_\‘\ $ i . , I “I” \ Itural Experiment Station o J. E. Miller, Director, College Station, Texas \ \ \\ \\\ CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 ORGANIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 TEXAS GULF COAST REGIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 MARINAS Greater Port Arthur Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Galveston Bay Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Clear Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Galveston Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Freeport-Bay City Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Port Lavaca Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Coastal Bend Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Rockport-Fulton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Port Aransas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ingleside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Corpus Christi Municipal Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Laguna Madre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Kingsville-Brownsville Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Port Isabel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)33 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was partially funded by the Texas A&M Sea Grant Program. We are pleased to acknowledge the courtesy and the cooperation of the marina personnel who provided information and the Texas A&M University Marine Extension Agents oper- ating on the Gulf Coast. The assistance of Marilyn Hatkin in preparing the graphic materials is sincerely appreciated. erhes o the Gulf Coa t John L. Cron/zpton, Dennis D. Beardsley, and Robert B. Ditton* As part of a continuing effort to identify, monitor, and interpret recreational opportunities and problems along the Texas Gulf Coast, this publication focuses on marinas with wet slip boat storage. In an earlier study it was suggested that wet slips will be in increasingly short supply (l l. Not only are new marinas on the Texas coast unlikely to be forthcoming, but in the market place struggle for shore space many existing recreational amenities such as marinas are likely to be lost. A recent example would be the loss (in 1957) of Bimco l\/larina at Freeport, which was bought by Gulf Oil Corporation and discontinued as a marina operation, resulting in a loss of 45 wet slips to pleasure boaters. The uncertainty of the marina base is accentuated by many factors, one of which is the severe subsidenceproblem in the Clear Lake area south of Houston. This area contains approximately half the total number of boat slips available on the Texas coast. The impact of subsidence on marinas is evident at the 700-slip Watergate Yachting Center which has recently had to construct new walkways and finger piers three to four feet above the level of the original facilities. This action was necessary because of subsidence. The original walkways and finger piers were constructed in 1965. *Flespective|y, research associate, research assistant, and associate professor, The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Department of Recreation and Parks). KEYWORDS: l\/larina/Gulf Coast/Texas/pleasure boat storage/coastal recreation/facilities/inventory. The impact of subsidence is particularly severe on marinas with covered or enclosed slips, for the cost of raising the large metal structures or extending their ceilings is clearly prohibitive and increases the financial strain on already marginally profitable businesses. ' This document is a base line study. The only previous attempt, of which we are aware, to do this type of work in Texas was an inventory undertaken by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) in 1968 as part of their statewide recreational plan. Budget constraints made field study impossible, and inevitably TPWD used mail questionnaires and secondary sources. The study was primarily restricted to large marinas; "mom and pop operations" were excluded. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department inventory identified 2,381 wet slips, whereas this study identifies 5,469 wet slips. There are four major reasons for compiling and distributing this inventory: l. Trade groups, associations in other spheres of business, and user groups have organ- §§ ized both formally and informally to protect their spheres of interest on the coast. To advocate their case to relevant agencies, boaters, industry representatives, and marina operators need supporting data. Data relating to such aspects as economic impact, spheres of influence, market areas, relative importance, and slip shortages can only be generalized, and hence useful, if the total number of marinas is known. The importance of organization, advocacy and data to coastal groups is emphasized by Grant (2). "The politician owes his position to the people who elect him, the administrator to the agency which pays him. Neither can respond to all the interests even of the clientele which he represents. He rather finds himself listening to the loudest voice, representing the most powerful interest, responding to the most immediately pressing or visible problem." a Only with data can the boating and marina industry be heard. Only with data can the interests of the boater be considered. 2. An inventory provides an empirical base against which trends in all the areas of boater service offered by marinas can be monitored through time. The importance of wet slips to the overall boating industry was discussed earlier (l), and constraints on slip space and boater access are likely to become an important issue in future debates on coastal priorities. 3. Without knowledge of the existing resource base, it is not possible to plan for future public needs. The Texas Coastal Public Lands Management Act of 1973 (3) in com- pliance with the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, mandates the General Land Office, among other duties, to perform "A continuous analysis of the potential uses to which the coastal public lands and waters might be put, including recommendations as to which configurations of uses consonant with the policies of this Act maximize the benefits conferred upon the present and future citizens of Texas." The State of Texas owns the submerged coastal lands upon which most coastal marinas I have to be constructed. Given the task of allocating coastal resources, base line studies of this type are important in that they establish present conditions. Keeping current on the problems and needs of marina operations will provide the empirical evidence es- sential for sound decisions both from a private and public perspective. Inventory work on marinas is emerging sporadically nationwide as states, particularly in the northeast, attempt differing types of analysis for assessing their coastal resource base. The publication Boating Industry, in its annual compilation of statistics for 1975, docu- ments that there are close to 6,000 marinas, boat yards, yacht clubs, and fishing stations serving U. S. boaters (4). However, field studies and inventories such as this one in Texas suggest that these nationwide figures are likely to be underestimates. 4. This study provides the public with necessary information for individuals or groups to identify desired storage locations and inquire as to the availability of wet slip storage. While other sources of information are available, none has been found which provides the depth found in this report. METHODS l\/lost of the marinas were visited personally, and information was supplied by manage- ment personnel on site. In a small number of instances, information was solicited by telephone. While every effort was made to cross-check the material, the 2,500-mile length of the Texas shoreline makes omissions possible. lf omissions have occurred, they are likely to be small facilities located in remote areas and not known to other operators, since op- erators were invited to confirm or amend the merging inventory as the field work proceeded. The use of primary sources for collection of the data suggests that errors of commission are likely to be similarly insignificant. Since this publication will be regularly updated, the authors welcome notification regarding errors of omission or commission. DEFINITIONS A marina is defined as any facility offering wet storage for 10 or more pleasure boats and providing direct access to Coastal bays, Laguna Madre, or the Gulf Coast. This study is concerned only with enumerating pleasure boat slips. In some cases, for example the Aransas County Navigation District with more than 119 slips at its two marinas, most of the slips are in commercial use so that only 32 of these are recorded in this inventory, re- flecting the actual number of slips used by pleasure boats. Wet storage is broadly defined to include areas at which groups of 10 or more pleasure boats are docked. This means that in a few of the smaller facilities cited there were no slips, only dock side areas, but these potential storage areas were actually used. This study includes delapidated facilities which have fallen into a state of major disrepair but which were capable of being renovated. The number which appears under the heading Number oflrfmployees in the inventory tables refers to full-time employees 0r their equivalent. Every 2 part-time employees were assumed to be the equivalent of one full-time employee for the purposes of this enumeration. This arbitrary procedure was adopted because of the difficulty of subclassifying part-time employees. Some work for only the summer season but work 14 hours per day, 7 days per week, in that 3-month period; others may work 2, 4, or 6 hours each day throughout the year; others may work weekends throughout the year; while many marinas are family bus- inesses and members of the family may work in the marina for differing amounts of time over the year as demand requires. The merging of full-time and part-time employees was expedient but for a number of reasons (for example overhead costs associated with full- time workers and not with part-time workers) is a compromise which any future study may seek to avoid. Ownership of marinas is denoted by the following symbols: C - Commercial marina Y - Private facility (for example, yacht clubs) P - Public agency marina The survey ofservices offered by the marinas as tabulated in the inventory charts need not necessarily be operated by owners but may be offered on the site owned by the marina operator and not on an adjacent site. ORGANIZATION The Texas coast has been divided into 6 regions as shown in the first illustration on page 7- Each region is organized similarly, starting with Port Arthur in the north and proceeding respectively to the Kingsville-Brownsville area in the south. For each region, marinas and services offered are tabulated. The regional map locates all marinas, and subsequent insert maps are used for areas in which several facilities are clustered in close proximity. Finally, the name of the owner and/or operator is included with the postal address of each marina, when available. LITERATURE CITED 1. Crompton, J. L., and R. B. Ditton. 1975. A feasibility, management and economic study of marinas on the Texas Gulf Coast. Texas A&lVl University, Sea Grant College, College Station, Texas. 2. Grant, |\/lalcolm J. 1974. l\/larine trades and the coastal crisis. University of Rhode Island, Sea Grant Coastal Resources Center. l\/larine Bulletin Series No. 10. 3. Texas Coastal Public Lands l\/lanagement Act of 1973. Revised, Annotated (Vernon's, 1923) Civil Statutes; Article 541e-1. 4. Boating Industry. The boating business in 1975. 1976. Cahners Publishing Co., lnc., Denver, Colorado. p. 41-49. Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. All programs and information of The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to every- one without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin. . 4 . l 5 A a .3 stal Marina Locations GULF COAST REGIONS PORT alveston ARTHUR GALVESTON BAY Victoria ‘l’: Q ' O ‘~ FREEPORT-BAY CITY AREA C , 1;’ Port Aransas . ' ist/ Bay orpus Chr ' .- COASTAL BEND AREA Kingsville‘, f’ Z5 Z Q U) S |_ l- T ID 5 5 Z (D S l- l- m > I m > OZ A Port Isabel Brownsville . ‘ / \\ \-w__ Greater Port Art 4 1 I b u M —' m i- i- '0 2. g ‘° F6‘ 5 3 E 3i’ g n, n: c '1 3 q E s" " ‘i CD g ¢_n_ g? (n QJ Q) I. m 3- 5 : 2 5 Q- QJ 6- m g W o: c‘) I. 9 3 O Type of Marina 5 N0. of Pleasure Boat Slips Marine Gas/Oil Sales Dockside Fuel Pump Boating Equipment Sales o on?» O ‘Iglfl Dry Boat Storage Boat Rental o o new» Boat Repair Service Motor Sales New Boat Sales Motor Rental Electricity to Slips Launderette Recreation Rooms Rest Rooms VHHV HflHlHV lHOd HHLVHHE) Beverage Sales Fishing Tackle and Bait Sales Grocery Sales Picnic Tables Restaurant Swimming Pool Accommodations No. of People -u -u -u k) Employed Jl-J 10 MARINAS OF THE GREATER PORT ARTHUR AREA .Pleasure Island lVlarina Mr. Robert H. Nicholas Isle Marina Company 3831 Woodrow Street Port Arthur, TX 77643 (713) 982-2811 . Le Blanc Marina 2949 40th Street Port Arthur, TX 77643 . Leomarine Service Co. 9999V2 Orange Hwy. Port Arthur, TX 77643 (713) 962-8881 . Rainbow Marina Mr. Don Chambers Orange Hwy. Port Arthur, TX 77643 (713) 983-9794 lvs ay 7 i mm 13‘ A 47' Baytown 2 \ \\ I \ \\ TR/N/TY \ BA Y \ \ \ \\ 146 ‘\v \\%_ \ a lea a K \\\9>m _ GAL v55 TON BA mg. X “GO K/V 0 d \\% ‘ $2; ‘A A 146 .Wl\\ /\ I »="”" *’ 20577717317 ,/ lntracoasta/ W ST BA Y / , / / L ///////// - 1 / & | C‘ | A D Z/f /”// L to 2.984 hmwcmu muwam :owc;ow.m :owc>4 mxmq ES©¢ 00 E 5,9 67> ‘5 j 11 g9 > E f? £2 Q) a x- (‘p ‘U Q7 m {D '1 m =- _, u) 3 '1 F! 3 m _- __ < 5 F‘ =_: (D F4- q 5 ‘L ‘J’, m‘ w m S. <3 2 m ‘° 3 w 9- E ° S‘ °’ " er»- U g s o " m 5 o EB’ _ W m 3 ..... m Q) O I. '- O m m 5 g Q 3 m I. g m q m gr Q '5 :5 s s" 2. - Pr 3 Q0 m "t 2*. :5 a w <= — z a "= - P’ w g 3 m ‘£- w F‘ 2. 0 5 L‘. 3 co : m :5 e a: ‘W n n o Type of Marina 0L Qflzl "as ' ‘as I IIw ’ ' "L210 I IIIIoev I III IIIIWQQ Marine Gas/Oil Sales Dockside Fuel Pump Boating Equipment Sales SZLO Dry Boat Storage Boat Repair Service New Boat Sales Motor Rental Electricity to Slips Recreation Room VHHV AVG NOLSBATVE) Beverage Sales Grocery Sales Picnic Tables Swimming Pool Accommodations N A No. of People h w 4> w —\ N °° w N Emeloxed i “IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII9¢§° 16 MARINAS OF THE GALVESTON BAY AREA 5. Lake Haven Boat Basin 10. 11. 12. 13. Mrs. Veprano, Owner 2613 Nassa Blvd. Seabrook, TX 77586 (713) 538-9937 . Lakeside Marina Mr. R. B. Baldridge 2511 Nassa Blvd. Seabrook, TX 77586 (713) 474-3457 Oddos Yacht Basin Mr. Bennie Oddo, Owner-Manager 500 7th Street Seabrook, TX 77586 (713) 474-3379 . Lakewood Yacht Club Rt. 1, Box 137 2415 Nassa Road Seabrook, TX 77586 (713) 474-2511 . Seabrook Shipyard Mr. Howard Williams, General Manager Route 1, Box 76 Seabrook, TX 77586 (713) 474-2586 Boat Town lnc. Mr. Basil Smith, Owner 4321 Nassa Blvd. Seabrook, TX 77586 (713) 334-1536 Nassau Bay Yacht Club Nassau Development Co. 18250 Nassau Bay Rd. Nassau Bay, TX 77058 (713) 333-9350 Houston Yacht Club Mr. W. H. Reece, Manager 3615 Miramar Drive (P. O. Box 1276) Shore Acres Road, Off Rt. 146 Shore Acres, TX 77571 (713)471-1255 Clear Lake Marine Center lnc. Mr. Steve Ford, Assoc. Manager 4109 Nassa Blvd., P. O. Box 628 Seabrook,TX 77586 (713) 334-2571 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. . Sea lsle Marina Watergate Yachting Center _ Mr. Bill Taylor, General Mana‘ P. O. Box 775 §. League City, TX 775,73 ‘ (713) 334-1511 April Fool Point Marina Mr. Ted Jakubas, Manager P. O. Box 775 League City, TX 77573 (713) 339-1232 San Leon Marina, lnc. Mr. George Biker, President Box 5595 San Leon, TX 77539 (713) 339-1515 Fiesta Marina Mr. Francis Phillipps, Owner-l San Leon, TX 77539 J Tiki Bait Camp & Marina A Mr. Paul McConnell, Manager 1 400 Tiki lsland ’; Texas City, TX 77550 2 (713) 938-4807 (713) 938-0421 John's Boat Storage 4415 N. 20th Street Texas City, TX 77550 Galveston Yacht Basin Mr. George Leatherberry, Ge 715 Holiday Drive Galveston, TX 77550 (713) 762-9689 "i 21706 Burnet Drive, Sea lsle i, Galveston, TX 77550 Marina Del Mar lnc. 8821 Broadway Galveston, TX. 77550 (713) 744-7428 v. Liverpool 26 [55 " ‘Hlh Angleton 18 O0 0O l\) I\J N) N) l\) —\ CD (O \l O3 U"! O0 E —l w w o w s- r- m o m g ;=_ n: m 3 O C 3 :- E 2 Q- 11 8 5 - a’ °' ¢> 3 5 fi 3 O t? w I! 8 z n I v z E5 ~ E ‘<2 =1" Q) O g; m q 2 m H‘ H‘ w < q g :_ U‘ v: I. g m 5' cu c‘ 9;‘ 3 O O 3 q w m g 2 Q! q :_ m g m g; m g m 1-1- é “ g m g c " m 2. 3 '* s 9i g 5' m "' CD 3 m m 2. 3 Q) O o O O O O O O Type of Marina w h N0. of Pleasure \l O7 Boat Slips Marine Gas/Oil Sales Dockside Fuel Pump Boating Equipment Sales ' "in D ry Boat Storage Boat Rental O O OOm O OOOOW Boat Repair Service OO OOOOOv Motor Sales New Boat Sales Motor Rental Electricity to Slips Launderette Recreation Rooms Rest Rooms O OOO OOO OOOOQBLQ Beverage Sales Fishing Tackle and Bait Sales Grocery Sales Picnic Tables Restaurant Swimming Pool Accommodations I\J i No. of People Employed VHHV AJJO AVG-LHOdHHHd MARINAS OF THE FREEPORT-BAY CITY AREA 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Chocolate Bayou Marina and Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy White, Owners-Managers Route 1, Box 136T Liverpool, TX 77577 (713) 393-1051 Lutes Marina Mr. Tom Wheelis, Manager; Mr. R. L. Lutes, Owner Route 1, Box 65 Liverpool, TX 77577 (713) 393-1021 J. C. Peterson's Marina Mr. J. C. Peterson, Owner-Manager Route 1, Box 236 Liverpool, TX 77577 Snug Harbor Marina Route 1, Box 7O Liverpool, TX 77577 (713) 393-1059 Casco Marina Mr. Charlie Casley, Owner-Manager P. O. Box 2144 Freeport, TX 77541 (713) 233-2991 Bastrop Marina Route 2, Box 300-C3 Freeport, TX 77541 (713) 233-4091 Bridge Harbor Marina Ms. Billie E. Clark, Manager P. O. Box 2366 Freeport, TX 77541 (713) 233-5466 Turtle Cove Marina Mr. and Mrs. Biggs, Owners-Managers Route 2, Box 597-S Freeport, TX 77541 (713) 233-9382 . Marlin Marina Mr. and Mrs. Marlin, Owners-Managers Rt. 2, Box 3OOH-7 Freeport, TX 77541 (713) 233-2051 19 11h Po rt Lavaca \ A 1090 E LA VA CA ' BA Y / , / A _, n f,’ -~/ Port La ‘\\\?\"' ,'; In Q \ \. \ '1' > \\ f,’ f - ' \\‘i'\ | I . / ‘t: ‘ \:¢§\ LA VACA _ ‘x §\ \\\ / \ \ O 4i? A git i211:- =1 t? \\ -\\\‘\%* " ‘ \“\.‘l\\\u.\ ' Wk An“ J /@ l7 {£86 v \ ;A Wa x y , Port O’Co - ' /A a 1"! .__ __ Ifiuuilunu w w w w m 4> w N 1 i é é 9 o a I 2 3 3 as" (‘D 3‘ 5 * Q 8 :3 5U‘; g7 ,7 3 < a I! I» U o g- | < g -1 ° a i: 3‘- =° 3' E'- f? w 5 3 m (Q H» 2. 9i 3 O O O O Type of Marina h w No. of Pleasure N P‘ Boat Slips Marine Gas/Oil Sales ‘.917 ‘Qu Dockside Fuel Pump Boating Equipment Sales Dry Boat Storage Boat Rental Boat Repair Service Motor Sales New Boat Sales Motor Rental Electricity to Slips Launderette Recreation Rooms Rest Rooms Beverage Sales Fishing Tackle and Bait Sales Grocery Sales Picnic Tables Restaurant Swimming Pool Accommodations ("C Q SQOUC No. of People Employed VHHV VOVAVT lHOd 21 22 MARINAS OF THE PORT LAVACA AREA 32. 33. 34. 35. lndianola Fishing Center Mr. Jack Brewer, Owner-Manager Route 2, Box 170B Port Lavaca, TX 77979 (512) 552-3334 Port O'Connor Fishing Center |\/Ir. and Mrs. Ross Davis, Owners Box 1101 Port O'Connor, TX 77982 (512) 983-2751 Weathersby Docks Port O'Connor, TX 77982 Walt Fondren Yacht Basin Mr. Walt Fondren, Owner Port O'Connor, TX 77982 _\ 3 ,ROCKPORT|NSERT I '1_ 1P '- 11E,‘ | "a I 1"’ I r \\ EL, f 35 V / Ir * -$=sa| m I i “I c ' x‘ ‘Q Aransas Pass " I8! 1/ I1 I,’ 71 59 \’ kn Q/_ , , _l"‘\ I _ \\ n I \/, '/ ~_\ ‘f \**\ 7 ~~ ’ M x " ;-.=-S I 1°" ,"'-___ o Aort ‘Q04 :-----:_-_-.—_~...-_:::=:-::=-—:r-"-"-=":r==-~z/ I s ransas o}, 4! \ i V» / (f: Corpus Christi s, I ’ ‘i: \ QQ" \\\ ' I I >\\\\\\ coma/s CHRISTI BA Y $11 I; I A \l Q/l (“I ,1 f I PORT 9% \\ rCORPUS CHRISTI .\ y E1‘ ARANSAS INSERT $1; I MUNICIPAL MARINA 55,, S", 1' I / \I\ INSERT \’1 £11 I" I y I \\ II‘ ~éb’/ xI‘ I O _, Q \_\1\ C1 m 1 _,' v INGLESIDE INSERT \ . _ \\\ _ 451/ t“ \ I ' \ \ > III J . I I81 \\"\»_~\\ _\> _ \\_ l,’ i?‘ ‘ l (D fix \ ‘e11 % I \ \\\\\__ \,I I \ \ I (o »\E§\1 O l! \ \ 1 {In .. Li] ‘>11’ \ ’/ l/ : 1" f ~11 / '1 I {i 11 "' ~ * LAG UNA MADRE INSERT GULF OF MEX/CO rt Aransas/ Aransas P358 '9 ~ ‘” J/ corfim .__< 0 >0 E52 w: (J (J \\ / , \\1r.\/\/// \ \\ . \ ,/Il/|\\, \\ /\/1 \.\\ \ \A»£w\ \_ /Mm\ \ 7, 9d W ? Em 9» 3 \ > § , twEmu f} x ? wammou W /, . /pl 28 s J- 4> 4> a -l> a w w 4:- w m -\ o co \| m m w E n: 91> ‘$5 m m g" 91> 3E’ 2'. c? 3°’ :.< a °’ S 53°’ § o: 5 2.3 =3, c) o 2.9, Om m_ U g 3 Om I l.’ g fi“ —<'1>' 9 5 g H“ m O 3 = O "‘ 5 a 5P P? H 5 Q 5P 8 g g 5.2 _ H‘ 5' 5- =1 2 ‘i ‘P2 3 5‘ l’? °’ ‘i’? § S. 5 -n—' 2' 3 I-' “K °’ “’ 5?». 5 =- 85. a g6: g g6: 3 2 o: _. q a H- O O ‘O O O O O '0 O Type of Marina Q No. of Pleasure o Boat Slips Marine Gas/Oil Sales " Ll Dockside Fuel Pump OOOLQ OOO88 ' '91 OOOQ» Boating Equipment Sales Dry Boat Storage O OOOOZ O OOOQQ O OOOZE Boat Rental Boat Repair Service Motor Sales New Boat Sales Motor Rental Electricity to Slips Launderette Recreation Rooms Rest Rooms Beverage Sales Fishing Tackle and Bait Sales Grocery Sales Picnic Tables Restaurant Swimming Pool Accommodations “OOOO OOOO O S ZOOOO OOOO O r O OOOOOOOOO Z No. of People Emlo ed VHHV CINHG "IVLSVOO 29 30 VS £9 Z9 L9 09 617. 817 L17 917 aoe|d sl/uxap pue1g 1geg s,1a|A_|_ 31 PBW BUlJBW JE-JILUGQ aupew umqog BUlJBW |edgogunw psgxqg SHCUOQ eup 10g11sgq uog1e6gAeN '03 g med ueg 9353c] B] 8p ugseg 1209 sjlpooM euuew sexa_|_ 1o A1lSJ3AlUfl JHOQJBH 120g |edgogunw sesuexv 110d 97 O O O d d Type of Marina 179 86 N0. of Pleasure Boat Slips Marine Gas/Oil Sales CC 9w d "Z2 "s2 Dockside Fuel Pump “'OOLO Boating Equipment Sales C CC“ C CCQZ C CCQZ Dry Boat Storage Boat Rental Boat Repair Service Motor Sales New Boat Sales Motor Rental ‘CCCCCCCCCZL Electricity to Slips Launderette Recreation Rooms Rest Rooms Beverage Sales Fishing Tackle and Bait Sales G rocery Sales Picnic Tables Restaurant Swimming Pool Accommodations No. of People Employed VHHV ONES "IVLSVOO MARINAS OF THE COASTAL BEND AREA 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 42. 43. 44. Palm Harbor Marina 151 Port Avenue Rockport, TX 78382 (512) 729-8540 Aransas County Navigation District Marina Mr. Bernie DeForrest, Harbor Master Rockport, TX 78382 (512) 729-5661 (after 5:00 p.m.) Fulton Marina Mr. August Masier, Manager P. O. Box 656 Rockport, TX 78382 (512) 729-6673 Sea Gun Motel and Marina Mr. Carl Crickenberger, Manager Rt. 1, Box 85 Rockport, TX 78382 (512) 729-2341 Sand Dollar Marina Mr. Tom Campbell, Manager Fulton Beach Road Fulton, TX 78358 (512) 729-2381 Ext. 77 . Key Allegro Isle Marina Inc. Mr. Rus Wilhour and Jerry Starr, Owners 37 Mazattan Rockport, TX 78382 (512) 729-2761 Aransas County Navigation District Marina Mr. Bernie DeForrest, Harbor Master Fulton, TX 78382 (512) 729-5661 (after 5:00 p.m.) Seven Seas Marina Mr. John Koeyon Farm Road 1069 lngleside-on-the-Bay, TX 78362 (512) 776-7295 (512) 776-9971 Bahia Azul Marina Mr. H. M. Olson, Manager-Owner P. O. Box J lngleside-on-the-Bay, TX 78362 (512) 776-7295 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 52. 53. 54. Port Aransas Municipal Boat Harbour City Harbour Port Aransas, TX 78373 (512) 749-5429 University of Texas Marina Mr. John Thompson, Assistant Director Marine Science Institute Tarrant Avenue Port Aransas, TX 78373 (512) 749-6760 Woody's Boat Basin Mr. Ed Simmins, Manager 114 West Colter, P. O. Box 27 Port Aransas, TX 78373 (512) 749-5252 Villa de la Pesca Mr. West Colter, Owner-Manager Port Aransas, TX 78373 San Patricio County Navigation District Marin Mr. Ronald Yeager, Attorney Aransas Pass, TX 78336 (512) 758-3252 Corpus Christi Municipal Marina Mr. G. Gable, Marina Superintendant P. O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, TX 78408 (512) 882-7333 . Coburn Marine Center 130 Caribbean Corpus Christi, TX 78418 (512) 937-3131 Marina Madre 3001 Laguna Shores Road Corpus Christi, TX 78418 (512) 937-0124 Tyler's Bait Stand 4242 Laguna Shore Road Corpus Christi, TX 78418 (512) 937-0103 Jerry's Place 3909 Laguna Shore Road Corpus Christi, TX 78418 (512) 937-0104 '21 I I‘ I K|n svulle - -'- rownsvlll Area 9 ' . Ix \ :' I mm> WM my m m. m m m .. M w m ... ..... w .. .. _. ... mm.wm...m..mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm... e ms m m m... B R R m B m u m m R m mw. m w. w m m mm w w. m m w... w w w m w m W... w w ..... w. ma m m m m w .p T NB M D 8% D B B M N M E L R R W. H. m G H R Qw. N. Mum mm r.w.._.n..... o 8 ‘ ' ' ‘ w mm m... ma. 2...... o 3 ' ' ' ' . mu ,fi\v<__wn@. o. 2.2633: w mm ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' No mm fiwmwzimzn: 23.125 O mm ' u ' v ' ' ' “ ' v v w mm .__..._._._... o 8 ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ N 8 o.._......_..<<__..<_. o Nm . ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' . .. g pgflm... .. N... O O O O O O O O O .. .8 .62. m.<<__8x _<_...__... n .5 ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ N mm >250. _<_m_._:m ._._.m=m. 1.... O wm M v ‘ ' ' ' A m» I~=<¢< Oocfim O mm .. ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A mm 2...... 5...... o Nm O Om Im_m< 2...... 0.2.8. O 3 ‘ ‘ d 34 MARINAS IN THE KINGSVILLE-BROWNSVILLE AREA 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. L. B. J. Cafe General Delivery Raymondville Station Port Mansfield, TX 78580 (512) 944-2272 Red Fish Marina General Delivery Raymondville Station Port Mansfield, TX 78580 (512) 944-2391 Willacy County Navigation District General Delivery Raymondville Station Port Mansfield, TX 78580 (512) 944-2325 Sea Ranch Motel and Marina P. O. Box 2106 South Padre Island, TX 78578 (512) 943-2601 Jim's Pier P. O. Box 2048 South Padre Island, TX 78578 (512) 943-2865 Captain Wiley's P. O. Box 2097 South Padre Island, TX 78578 (512) 943-2412 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. . White Sands Motor Lodge and Marina P. O. Box 1027 Port lsabel, TX 78578 (512) 943-2414 John R. Wilcox Marina P. O. Box 758 Port lsabel, TX 78578 (512) 943-1057 Anchor Marina Trailer Park Tarpon Avenue Port Isabel, TX 78578 (512) 943-9914 Harvey Courts 100 Houston Port lsabel, TX 78578 (512) 943-1001 Woods Marina Port lsabel, TX 78578 (512) 943-2486 Haley Marine Center 600 Yturia Street Brownsville, TX 78520 A