T505 ‘ 8445C) ZTA245. 7 AUQUST i933 B873 lniegroied Brush Monogemeni Systems (IBMS): »- Conoepis ond Poieniiol Technologies for Running Mesquite ond Wniiebrush The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station/Neville P. Clarke, Director/The Texas A&M University System/College Stati oooooo as CONTENTS Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ii Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Conceptual Basis for Integrated Brush Management Systems (IBMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Running Mesquite Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Whitebrush Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Research Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Running Mesquite Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Whitebrush Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Running Mesquite Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Whitebrush Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Herbicide Application/Prescribed Burning as Potential IBMS Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Running Mesquite Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Whitebrush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 CONVERSION OF METRIC TO ENGLISH UNITS Metric unit(s) English equivalent(s) Centimeter (cm) 0.394 Inch (Degrees centigrade [°C]x9/5) + 32 Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) Hectare (ha) 2.471 Acres Kilogram per hectare (kg/ha) 0.892 Pound/acre Kilometer (km) 0.621 Mile Kilometer per hour (km/hr) 0.621 Mile/hour Liter per hectare (liter/ha) 0.107 Gallon/acre Meter (m) 3.28 Feet (ft) Square meter (m2) 10.758 Square feet l“ CONCEPTS AND POTENTIAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR RUNNING MESQUITE AND WHITEBRUSH C. J. Scifres Thomas M. O’Connor Professor The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Department of Range Science) J. L. Mutz Assistant Research Scientist The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Corpus Christi) G. A. Rasmussen Research Associate The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Department of Range Science) R. P. Smith Research Associate The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Department of Range Science) INTEGRATED BRUSH MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (IBMS): .434» i» x J SUMMARY Integrated Brush Management Systems (IBMS) use two or more brush management methods in an appropri- ate sequence to achieve specific resource management goals within an economic framework, with cognizance of critical needs for enhancement of environmental quality and improvement of wildlife habitat. This concept re- duces dependency on single methods of brush control by developing a logical series of treatments for application over a defined planning horizon. IBMS minimize the weaknesses of each treatment while amplifying its unique strengths. This can help the resource manager capitalize on ecological and economic synergisms not possible with single-treatment approaches. Research on IBMS reported herein describes herbicide-fire based systems applied with decision-deferment grazing for im- proving South Texas rangeland supporting excessive covers of whitebrush or the running mesquite complex (a shrub type composed of a mixture of decumbent honey mesquite and screwbean). Prescribed burning in the winter, approximately 31 months after aerial application of 1.1 kilograms per hectare (kg/ha) of 2,4,5-T + picloram in the spring, and burning again at about 57 months after spraying, main- tained canopy reduction of running mesquite more effec- ii tively than spraying or prescribed burning alone. Grass standing crops were greater and a higher proportion of the grass stands were composed of species of good-to- excellent grazing value on plots sprayed and burned than on untreated areas (periodic grazing deferment only) or those treated with herbicide or burning alone. Aerial application of tebuthiuron pellets at 2 kg/ha in the fall of 1975 effectively controlled heavy stands of whitebrush. Although the subsequent prescribed burn could not improve brush control, forage production was increased and botanical composition of the stands was improved compared to areas treated with herbicide only. Herbicide-fire combinations appear promising for improving rangeland supporting excessive cover of run- ning mesquite or whitebrush. Herbicide application ini- tially reduces the brush cover and releases herbaceous vegetation to serve as fine fuel as well as increasing) livestock carrying capacity. Prescribed burning expe- - dites forage production, improves botanical composition of herbage stands, and suppresses brush regrowth and ‘ » reinvasion by woody seedlings. This research indicate that such sites may be burned at 3- to 5-year intervals during periods of average rainfall. uh.‘ L." azujztmc. t INTEGRATED BRUSH MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (IBMS): f\ CONCEPTS AND POTENTIAL TECHNOLOGIES zvzzdaz/Jfldt/ Excessive cover of woody plants on rangeland is a primary constraint to livestock production in Texas and much of the Southwest. Although there are accounts of vast expanses of pristine grasslands in South Texas (Sci- fres, 1980), there is reason to guard against conjuring visions of early grasslands completely free of woody “plants such as honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) (Hester, 1980). Woody plants long have been compo- nents of range vegetation. Remains of honey mesquite from archeological digs along the Frio River have been dated to, 300 B.C. (Hester, 1980). The diaries of explor- ers and travelers through Texas in the 1700’s often refer to presence of specific woody plants which are now considered to be serious management problems (Inglis, 1964). Woody plants, by virtue of man’s influences (re- ducing occurrence of fires, restricting movements of grazing animals, overgrazing and spreading of seeds) (Scifres, 1980, 1983), spread from the draws and water- ways and increased in stature and density to form today’s \“brush problem” (Bogusch, 1952; Johnston, 1962; York and Dick-Peddie, 1969). Bray (1901) referred to the “pigmy” forests of “chaparral” on the South Texas Plains at the turn of the century as not yielding to mesophytic forests because of low rainfall. In rationalizing the gener- al dominance of woody plants instead of grassland, he stated: The temperature conditions are of signifi- cance to vegetation in the province but only indirectly do they react upon the character of the grass formations. This indirect control consists chiefly in permitting the occurrence of woody species that require high annual temperatures (Mimoseae, for example), which, with certain artificial barriers re- moved, the burning 0f grass notably, [em- phasis added], are capable of waging a suc- cessful struggle against grass vegetation. With respect to the relations of grass forma- tions to woody formations in the Rio Grande Plain, the encroachment of the latter has been so vigorous as practically to destroy continuous areas of open grass formation. Much of the province is covered by im- \ penetrablethickets of chaparral. Presently, more than 8O percent of the 43 million hec- tares (ha) of rangeland in Texas is so heavily covered with \brush that livestock production is reduced (Scifres, 1980). Early workers, bent on ridding rangeland of brush, set out to develop methods to eradicate the brush—an f FOR RUNNING MESQUITE AND WHITEBRUSH api/Fz/fié fia/m/zpara/é [JJ/K/fif,’ fi? term soon found a prominent place in the vocabularies of ranchers (Caird, 1947) and researchers (Fisher et al., 1946). Early efforts were viewed as a “war” against an enemy which was felt to be progressively occupying all productive rangeland (Caird, 1947). However, there were workers during the same period who recognized some positive attributes of plants such as mesquite. Parker (1943) p-ivqwfiza-tm [c]onsidering the advantagesfarid disadvan- tages of mesquite, the problem appears to be one rather of control than elimination; that is, control of further encroachment into grass land areas and the use of practical methods of thinning out some of the present stands, allowing the remaining perennial grasses to spread. The term “brush control,” as a philosophical re- placement for “brush eradication,” rapidly gained popu- larity and was almost universally used by the mid-1950’s. However, the goal of brush control, applied in the purest sense, still connotes the desire to kill 100 percent of the target woody plant stand. Development of brush control methods traditionally has emphasized use of single technologies. Each available method is charac- terized by certain weaknesses as well as unique strengths. Some weaknesses of standard methods (Sci- fres, 1981) include: 1. Incomplete control of the target population of brush resulting in rapid development of re- growth stands which negate treatment effec- tiveness, and which may be more difficult to control than the original growth form. 2. Partial or ineffective control of associated species resulting in release of “new” brush problems after controlling the primary species. This may be a particular problem in mixed stands where secondary species released are more difficult to control than the initial target population. An example is release of yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) and/or winged elm (Ulmus alata) after control of post oak (Quercus stellata) and blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica) in east-central Texas (Sci- fres, 1980). 3. Lack of economic acceptability because of high treatment costs and/or requirement for reappli- cation. Multiple applications with phenoxy her- bicides are usually necessary for effective control of species such as the post-blackjack oak com- plex, Macartney rose (Rose bracteata), and run- ning mesquite (Prosopis spp.) stands. 4. Potential for damage t0 susceptible crops in adja- cent areas by physical drift and/or volatility as- sociated with herbicide sprays. This potential problem is magnified when multiple herbicide applications are required for brush control. 5. Damage to desirable species, as is the case with use of aerial sprays that control native legumes. Combinations of methods have been investigated to develop complementary treatment sequences, especial- ly use of low-cost measures to extend the effective treatment life of costly practices and to improve degree of eificacy. Some of these treatments, spraying and chaining of honey mesquite as one example (Scifres, 1973), have proven highly satisfact33g~ and provide the basis for pursuing development 61 brush management systems. __ " w. A coNcEPTUAL BASIS FOR INTEGRATED BRUSH MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (IBMS) The concept of brush management, “management and manipulation of stands of brush to achieve specific management objectives,” considers the potential values of woody plants in the range ecosystem. The term brush management was used in the mid-1960’s (Box and Pow- ell, 1965) but has only recently been formalized (Scifres, 1980), and apparently is gaining acceptance. Apprecia- tion of the concept was precipitated largely by the increasing values of rangeland for uses other than solely as grazing by domestic livestock, especially its impor- tance as wildlife habitat. The emergency of wildlife as an economically viable resource provided impetus for managing the use of all range vegetation, not just the grass. “Although the concept of brush management on rangeland is not new, the time appears right for promot- ing its general acceptance” (Scifres, 1978). Development of brush management systems re- quires consideration of all applicable brush control tech- nologies. However, a brush management system, a plan 0f procedure in which the application 0f the individual methods is coordinated by the manager in an orderly fashion, is much more than simply a combination of brush control methods. “Development of effective brush management systems necessitates that all processes re- quired for designing, implementing, and maintaining range improvement—from the development of objec- tives for a given management unit to assessment of economic feasibility-be given appropriate considera- tion” (Scifres, 1980). The systems are based on ecological potential of the land resource using principles of sound business and land management to achieve an economic result. IBMS are employed to optimize rangeland pro- duction considering all uses (livestock, wildlife, recrea- tion) of the resource, not necessarily to maximize returns from any given use. Brush management is integrated with all other management inputs, especially grazing management, to achieve the appropriate result. The IBMS concept reduces dependence on any given brush management method by emphasizing an 2 IDENTIFY GENERALIZED MANAGEMENT GOALS AND OJECTIVES z """ ""‘““' ' Population (s) \\\ l’, _ Ol U" T \ I ,4 ,¢ --»~:§ ASSESS I‘NGE '12:: Conduct Soil Survey a “~37 nzsounc: POTENTIAI. ~' Men Sim ’ r ,~=:::_ a ~ Anon Range l,’ ‘\ Identity Brush cmldmm‘ I ‘s Problem (s) RESOURCE POTENTIAI. FPROPRIATE Conversion to Primary Use Other NO Tltan Rongelond ~ Grazing and Livestock ‘\ Y“ Management Constraints \\\~ CHA"CIERIZE TECHNOlOGICAl ALTERNATIVES ,- ’_- I z Environmental Quality ,' . . I Cntdertnn I Grazing Management \ Alternatives ‘X livestozk Management = ‘ osvnor uusu MANAGEMENT Alternatives In’, Auflugnvig a’! 1 Wildlile Management I Alternative! ' Conduct Releorzh ESTIMATE RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS AND PRODUCTION IMPACTS Planning ‘\ ’o' RG00 Ol Return "Min" ‘\ ,/ Prelerenze ‘ n ~~___\ scououuc ANAlYSIS ,;',--- .... -‘ or ALTERNATIVES '------ Investment ,*" ~'*~_ c°"' "m" ~_ Constraints Capitol ,’ rnmu. sn o Augemmvss coustomo Develop Set 9f Contingency‘ ~_ Alternatives lNlTlATE/CONTINUE/ MODIFY PlAN Figure 1. Processes and functions required for development of Integrated Brush Management Systems (IBMS) (from Scifres et al., 1983). Various persons contributed to development of the flow chart including R. E. Whitson, W. T. Hamilton, j. M. Inglis, and j. R. Conner. appropriate sequencing of a series of alternatives. The alternatives are selected such that the unique strengths i of one compensate for any characteristic weaknesses of the other( s). It is beyond the scope of this paper to entertain in detail all steps involved in developing a specific IBMS (Figure 1). Present IBMS concepts represent an evolu- - tion of philosophies arising from experimentation since the early 1970's (Scifres, 1975, 1978, 1980). Scifres et al. “ T (1983) discuss procedures for IBMS development. How- ever, critical considerations, briefly stated, for develop- ing an IBMS are: 1. Management objectives. The best use (relative to overall firm goals) of the _management unit(s) 1 l. targeted for brush management must be discern- ed, and reasonable production goals to be achieved in an appropriate time framework must be established. The objectives may usually be established to optimize economic returns from all potential uses rather than to maximize income from any single use. 2. Natural resource potential. Realistic manage- ment objectives cannot be established without a reliable estimate of production potential of the management unit. Present production level must be compared against potential production b. to assess economic feasibility. 3. Grazing management. Success from IBMS can- not be expected unless sound grazing manage- ment is an integral part of the system. Develop- ment of the most effective IBMS may necessitate some changes in grazing management strategies. IBMS may also be developed which take full advantage of present grazing management, or grazing management systems may be developed simultaneously with formulation of an IBMS. 4. Available alternatives. All available alternatives should be considered relative to such factors as their efficacy, characteristic weaknesses, expect- ed treatment life, biological secondary effects '\ (positive as well as negative), application re- quirements, and effects on wildlife habitat so that maximum flexibility of treatment choice is possible. 5. Proportion of management unit t0 be treated. Often there is management wisdom to applying the brush treatments in a pattern rather than treating the entire management unit. Key sites for wildlife habitat and areas for livestock shade and loafing must be considered. The pattern should be “tailor made” so as to best meet management objectives for the targeted manage- ment unit. This need has precipitated develop- ment of some rather novel treatment designs such as the "Variable Rate Pattern” (Scifres and Mutz, 1982). 6. Economics. A reasonable planning horizon, in light of management objectives, should be cho- sen. Management benefits and treatment costs must be projected, and alternative uses of capital considered. Sound, practical criteria must be selected for economic projections. These may range from projecting simple rates of return and payback periods on borrowed capital to more 0 detailed approaches such as present-value analyses. The primary purpose of this research was to investi- Nate herbicide-prescribed fire combinations as potential components of IBMS for improvement of rangeland infested with running mesquite or whitebrush (Aloysia The research was stimulated by the effec- tiveness of herbicide/fire treatment sequences in sys- tems for improving rangeland supporting excessive cov- er of diflicult-to-manage species such as Macartney rose (Scifres, 1975). THE RUNNING MESQUITE PROBLEM There are 44 species of the genus Prosopis (mes- quites) distributed in arid and semiarid areas of North and South America, northern Africa, and eastern Asia (Burkart and Simpson, 1977). The genus can be sub- divided into the “mesquites” and the “screwbeans” based on legume (seed pod) characteristics (Bensen and Darrow, 1954). The legume of mesquite is slightly curv- ed, creamish-tan (sometimes purple-tinged) at maturity, and generally resembles those of garden beans. The legume of screwbeans (also referred to as “tornillos") are tightly coiled spirals of uniform diameter (Bensen and Darrow, 1954) and bright yellow in some species. Correll and Iohnston (1970) list four species of Prosopis in Texas: P. reptans var. cinerascens, P. pubes- cens, P. laevigata, and P. glandulosa. Gould (1975) lists the same species as Correll and Johnston (1970), except that he includes three varieties of P. glandulosa (var. glandulosa [honey mesquite], var. torreyana [western honey mesquite], and var. velutina [velvet mesquite]). Honey mesquite (P. glandulosa) is the most cosmopoli- tan representative of the genera occurring in virtually every resource region of the state. Gould (1975) gives P. reptans var. cinerascens the common name “creeping mesquite” which also is locally referred to as running mesquite. g The running mesquite type consists of low, spread- ing individuals, rarely exceeding 2 meters (m) tall (usual- ly less than 1 m), and usually occurs on alkaline or gypsum soils of the South Texas Plains. The stands may be surrounded by mixed brush (Prosopis-Acacia) on the less saline soils, and may contain various proportions of species common to mixed-brush stands, especially prick- lypear (Opuntia spp.). We and others have often used the scientific name, P. reptans var. cinerascens, as the species which typifies such stands. However, most authorities (Vines, 1960; Burkart and Simpson, 1977; Bensen and Darrow, 1954) describe this species as “screwbean,” "dwarf screwbean,” or “tornillo. ” Based on legume characteristics of individuals in the stand studied in the present experiment and on similar sites, it appears that the running mesquite type in South Texas is com- posed primarily of a decumbent form of P. glandulosa with scattered individuals of P. reptans var. cinerascens. Therefore, future reference to “running mesquite" herein refers to a kind of shrub stand rather than to a specific species. There are no reliable estimates as to the area of influence of the running mesquite brush type, but it occurs throughout the South Texas Plains and into northern Mexico, especially on saline clay sites. Control of running mesquite with conventional sprays, as with several other problem species such as Macartney rose, requires multiple herbicide applica- tions. Two or three successive annual applications of 0.8 kilograms per hectare (kg/ha) active ingredient (ai) each 3 of 2,4,5-T (2,4,5,-trichlorophenoxy)acetic acid are usual- ly required for effective control (Hoffman and Ragsdale, 1967). Scifres et al. (1976) reported that three successive annual applications of 2,4,5-T at 0.8 kg/ha killed 11 percent of the running mesquite and reduced the canopies by 99 percent. The effective life of such treat- ments is normally about 5 years and rarely exceeds 10 years. THE WHITEBRUSH PROBLEM Whitebrush, also called “beebrush,” is a serious management problem on about 2.4 million ha of South Texas rangeland. Almost 250,000 ha of these stands have canopy covers of >20 percent (Smith and Rechenthin, 1964). Whitebrush may occur in mixed stands with more than 15 other species of woody plants or in almost pure, dense thickets. Plants rarely exceed 2 m tall and are characterized by groups of relatively small, brittle stems arising from the base. The greatest canopy covers usually occur on sites of relatively high production potential. Whitebrush stands greatly reduce forage production and utilization by livestock, and the plant is of little value as browse or cover for range animals. Conventional sprays of phenoxy herbicides at rates commonly used for range improvement do not control Whitebrush effectively. Prior to the advent of tebuthiuron (N-[5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol- 2-y1]-N,N'-dimethylurea), only picloram (4-amino- 3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) effectively controlled whitebrush (Meyer et al., 1969; Scifres et al., 1981). Applications of 1 to 2 kg/ha of tebuthiuron effectively control many Whitebrush and associated species, except for honey mesquite and pricklypear (Scifres et al., 1979). RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Specific objectives of this study were to determine if: 1. a single application of 1.1 kg/ha of 2,4,5-T + picloram (1:1) could be used to effectively con- trol running mesquite when followed by appro- priately applied prescribed burns, and 2. there are advantages ‘of prescribed burning fol- lowing application of tebuthiuron pellets at 2 kg/ha ai for improvement of whitebrush-infested rangeland. The results of the specific experiments were then considered as potential technological elements for inclu- sion into IBMS. MATERIALS AND METHODS Running Mesquite Case Study The running mesquite-dominated site was Maverick clay loam (fine montmorillonitic, hyperther- mic family of Ustollic Cambothids). The brush stand on the study area was dominated (>90 percent of the canopy cover) by running mesquite with scattered black- 4 brush acacia (Acacia rigidula) and lotebush (Ziziphus obtusifolia) plants. Initial canopy cover was estimated as . 50 to 60 percent. The site, located between Cotulla and Freer on the‘ South Texas Plains, was aerially sprayed with 1.1 kg/ha of 2,4,5-T + picloram (1:1) in 47 liters/ha of a diesel oilzwater (1:4) emulsion on May 24, 1977. Grazing exclo- sures, 1 ha in size, were erected on the sprayed and on an adjacent unsprayed area the following December. On January 25, 1979, half of each exclosure was randomly selected for burning with a headfire when the air tem- perature was 24 degrees centigrade (°C), relative humid- ity was 52 to 58 percent, and wind speed was 10 to 12 kilometers per hour (km/hr) from the southwest. Im- mediately prior to burning, fine fuel load was harvested J from 24 randomly placed, 0.25-meter-square (m2) quad- rats, dried at 60°C for 48 hours (hr), and weighed. Half of each plot sprayed in 1977 and burned in 1979 was reburned on February 16, 1982, with headfires when the air temperature was 33°C, relative humidity was 17 percent, and wind speed was 7.5 km/hr from the southwest. The area had not been grazed since the previous September 15 to allow accumulation of fine fuel. Fine fuel was harvested to a 2-centimeter (cm) stubble height from 20, 0.25-m2 areas equally spaced on a diagonal across each plot, dried at 60°C for 48 hr, and weighed. The 1982 burn resulted in five treatments in the demonstration: untreated; sprayed in 1977; burned in 1979; sprayed in 1977 and burned in 1979; and ~ sprayed in 1977 and burned in 1979 and again in 1982. ‘- Reduction in brush canopy cover on each plot was estimated in late August to mid-September each year from 1977 until 1982. Standing crops of herbaceous vegetation were evaluated by clipping 15 to 25, 0.25-m2 quadrats to a 2-cm stubble height in September 1977; May and August 1978; January, May, and July 1979; June and September 1980; July 1981; and June 1982. Herbage was separated into grasses and forbs, dried at 60°C for 48 hr, and weighed. Means of treated areas were compared to those of untreated areas using t-test (a=.05). At the same time that standing crops were harvested, botanical composition based on foliar cover was determined from 50 inclined, 10-point frame sam- pling units equidistantly spaced on a diagonal across each plot. Species were grouped by grazing value ac- cording to assessments by Gould and Box (1965), Hoff- man et al. (1979), and the range site condition guide published by the Soil Conservation Service. Experimen- tal area was grazed in mid-May and again in mid- September each year of study except the first growing season after spraying when it was deferred until Septem- ber. Grazing animals were removed from the area when approximately 60 percent of the topgrowth of key species was removed. J Ten to 15 soil samples were recovered from 0 to 8, 8 to 15, and 15 to 30 cm deep on April 10, May 2, June 12, and October 15, 1979; on April 1 and June 23, 1980; and l‘ on July 26, 1981. Samples were dried at 105°C for 48 hi‘! and percentage soil water calculated on a dry-weight basis. Whitebrush Case Study killed about 25 percent of the plants, rapid regrowth of The study Site, located about 16 km northeast of surviving brush had replaced nearly 90 percent of the fiTilden, Texas, is predominantly Clareville sandy 10am Ollglllal Canopy Cover by fall l98l' _ _ _ (fine montmorillonitic, hyperthermic family of Pachic Removal of llle blush canopy by llelblclde appllce“ Arguistolls). The site was dominated by whitebrush lloll’ although temporary’ lmploved bolalllcal compo“ (canopy cover of 245 percent) but the Stand Contained tion of the grass stand compared to stands on the un- Scattered honey mesquite Spiny hackberry (Calm, Pam; treated areas. For example, species of good-to-excellent dd) blackbrush acacia arid lotebush grazing value accounted for nearly 50 percent (based on Tebuthiuron pellets (20 percent ai) were aerially foliar cover) of the forage stand on the sprayed area by applied at 2 kg/ha (an to the whitebrush site on Novem_ fall 1979, compared to less than 3O percent of stands on be‘, 29, 1975_ Herbicide was applied to duplicate 2_1_ha untreated areas (Figure 3). Rainfall in 1978 was greater plots alternated with untreated plots of the same size. than the lollglelm average’ prlmallly the result of fall ‘v on January 24, 1979, half of each plot was burned with a rains, but rainfall in 1979 was only 65 percent of average headfire when the air temperature was 13°C, the relative Cable l)‘ Specles of goollloflxcellelll glazlllg value humidity was 19 percent, and the wind speed was 3 to 8 lllclllded _commoll Cllllylllesqlllle (Hllaria belangerl)’ ' km/hr from the southeast. Prior to burning, fine fuel load plallls bllslleglas§ fseitarla (nacrostachya) and blllleL was harvested from 50 randomlyplaced, 0_25_m2 quad_ grass (Cenchrus czlzarzs) .. Primary species of fair grazing rats in each plot. The fuel samples were oven-dried at value were lolleglas? llldells (Trldens eragrostoldes)’ 60°C for 48 hr and weighed. Immediately following solllgrass (Dlgltarla msulalfls)’ plnk pappllsglass (Pa? burning, basal diameter (ground line) of whitebrush pophorum b ‘C9100 ’ Wlllplasll pappllsglass (Pa? stumps and standing stems intercepted by six equally pllphorulfl vagmatum) and sllky bllleslem (Dwaw spaced, 46ml lines were measured with a caliper_ thmm semceum). Grasses of poor grazing value included Standing forage was harvested in 25, O.25-m2 areas wllorled dlop§e,ed (Spombolus pyramldatus)’ purple equidistantly spaced through each plot and separated lllleeawn (Amtlda pllrpurea)’ red glallla (Bflllteloua into grasses and {Orbs in July 1977’ and in August and tnfida) and tumble windmillgrass ChZOTIS vertzczllata). December 1978. Immediately following the burning in Improved bolalllcél composlllon and glass l8lea§e 1979, 10 exclosures were established on each plot. In llllollgll the l978 glowlllg season llollowlllg Splaylllg lll April and late Iuly 1979, ]une and September 1980, and 10o August 1981, herbage was harvested from O.25-m2 quad- Orats inside each exclosure and at 1 m from the exclo- sures. Grazing animals were allowed access to the ex- perimental area using the same schedule as described for running mesquite. F oliar cover, based on 5O to 100, 10- point frame samples equidistantly spaced on a diagonal across each plot, by herbaceous species, was recorded at 50 ' ' Spraved 1977- each harvest date. Initial brush cover was based on 5O to Burned 1979 6O sampling locations per plot using the point-center quarter method. Posttreatment brush canopy reduction was estimated visually at each herbage harvest date. Data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance to evaluate treatment effect. Means were separated (ci=.05) using Student-Newman-Kuefs test (Steel and Torrie, 1980). Ten to 15 soil samples each from 0 to 8, 8 to 15, and 15 to 30 cm deep were recovered from each plot on Iuly 26, 1979, Iune 19, 1980, and July 23, 1981. Samples were dried at 105°C for 48 hr and percentage soil water L calculated on a dry-weight basis. Rainfall data were 5° ' Sgsizgg 1325's‘ 1982 obtained from the U.S. Weather Bureau recording sta- Burned 1979 . tion at Tilden. 75 _ Sprayed 1977 2s~ - 7s- - Canopy Reduction(°/o) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 0 Rmmlng Mesquite ca“ Study 10971 l 19179 1991 j 1911 l 19179 Canopy reduction of running mesquite exceeded 95 year of Evguuation percent by August the year of application of 2,4,5-T + . picloram (Figure 2). However, the Woody plants re_ Figure 2. Canopy reduction (%) of running mesquite at various t -' covered rapidly from the herbicide application. Canopy gyclfosraigtli; .z;fig'tal1 a1’) fgifiatigg Afljjgf ‘Jig?’ sgfjjfggffofiffgg b1; reducltl-Qn averaged about 55 Percent b3’ fan 1979 f0now' prescribed burning on January 24, 1979; spraying followed by ing spraying in May 1977 (Figure 2). Although the spray burning in 1979 and again in 1982; or burning in January 1979. l l l t 1981 60 1979 - Poor 1981 5 Fair Q 5° 7 Good to Excellent $ ‘ f \ q) \ 5 40 >- Q _ O \ a Q E \ > 3° " ' ° w C § 8 2o - § - a s \ <> \ ~ a 1o - \ — \ \ \ No tmt. Spray No tmt. Spray Burn Spray+Burn Figure 3. Composition (%) of grass stands based on grazing value of grasses near Cotulla, Texas, after aerial application of 2,4,5-T + picloram (1:1) at 1 . 1 kg/ha on May 24, 1977 and/or prescribed burning on January 24, 1979. 1977 (Table 2) improved fine fuel load (1,935 kg/ha) and continuity for prescribed burning. Consequently, 90 percent of the surface area was covered by the fire in January 1979. Prescribed burning in 1979 reduced the brush canopy 0n the sprayed area by more than 9O percent through the 1980 growing season (Figure 2). There was no evidence of increased brush mortality on the sprayed and burned plot compared to kills from spraying alone. The burn removed much of the standing dead woody topgrowth resulting from spraying, and caused the re- growth to develop laterally rather than to form upright clumps. Area covered by regrowth increased rapidly following burning so that canopy cover was reduced by only 5O percent in the fall 1982 on the plot sprayed in 1977 and burned in 1979 (Figure 2). Grass standing crop by May 1979 after burning in Ianuary equaled average standing crop on the area sprayed only (Table 2). Grass standing crops on both the sprayed and on the sprayed-burned plots exceeded TABLE 1. MONTHLY RAINFALL (CM) FROM 1977 THROUGH 1981 ON THE EXPERIMENT IN WHICH HERBICIDE-PRESCRIBED FIRE WAS EVALUATED FOR IMPROVEMENT OF RANGELAND DOMINATED BY A STAND OF RUNNING MESQUITE NEAR\ COTULLA, TEXAS Year Month 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 January 4.7 1.1 2.0 0.8 4.6 February 0.9 1.3 1.5 0.6 1.5 March 0.6 0.2 1.5 0.6 6.3 April 10.4 1.3 9.6 1.3 5.8 May 4.2 8.8 1.2 8.0 20.3 June 7.0 9.8 5.6 0 17.8 July 2.6 4.8 3.0 0.3 2.4 August 0.8 9.4 1.1 12.3 9.7 September 2.6 14.7 4.1 5.7 2.6 ‘ October 6.5 6.1 0 0.3 8.5 November 1.8 3.0 0.1 4.0 0 December 0.7 3.1 4.6 1.1 1.5 Total 42.8 63.6 34.3 35.0 81.1 % of avg 81 121 65 66 154 standing crop on the untreated area during spring 1979. By the end of the second growing season following the burn (September 1980), standing crop on the area sprayed and burned exceeded (or= .05) that on the plot which was sprayed only. Moreover, grass stands in the fall 1981 on areas sprayed in 1977 and burned in 1979 contained a greater proportion of species of good-to- excellent grazing value than those sprayed only (F igure. 3). Improvement in botanical composition following burning resulted primarily from reduction in the propor- tion of the stands composed of species of fair grazing value, compared to stands on areas which were sprayed but not burned. Fine fuel accumulation (3,290 kg/ha of standing fine fuel and 1,630 kg/ha of mulch) was adequate for installa- tion of a second burn on the sprayed area during Feb- ruary 1982. At the time of the second burn, water content (dry-weight basis) of fine standing fuel averaged 7.4 percent. The heavy load of dry fuel, low relative humidity (17 percent), and relatively high air tempera- ture (33°C) resulted in an intensely hot fire. Flame height was estimated to exceed 8 m during combustion TABLE 2. GRASS STANDING CROPS (KG/HA) AT VARIOUS TIMES AFTER AERIALLY APPLYING 1.1 KG/HA OF 2,4,5-T + PICLORAM (1 :1) TO A RUNNING MESQUITE-DOMINATED MIXED BRUSH STAND IN MAY 1977 AND/OR PRESCRIBED BURNING IN JANUARY 1979 NEAR COTULLA, TEXAS 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Treatment Sept May Aug Jan May July June Sept July June Grasses None 429 502 612 383 805 612 720 540 915 493 ., Spray 719* 916* 1004* 1935* 1629* 940* 1152* 2143* 2218* 1464* Burn - 4"__ _ - 533 552 691 997 1043 977* Spray + burn — - — — 1557* 972* 2667* 3037** 3419* 1720* \ ‘Significantly different from untreated area (a= .05). “Significantly different from untreated area and from area sprayed only (a= .05). 6 f\ I \ I c on areas of heavier fuel loads. The second burn reduced woody plant canopy cover by 85 percent for the 1982 growing season (Figure 2). Grass standing was 1,653 kg/ha (data not shown) by June 1982 on plots sprayed in 1977 and burned in 1979 and 1982. _ These results imply that prescribed burning may be used to prolong the canopy reduction achieved by her- bicide treatment of running mesquite stands. Based on development rate of woody plant regrowth in this study, prescribed burning should be applied at about 3-year intervals to maintain brush suppression and improve production of herbaceous stands. Prescribed burning was not effective as an initial treatment for reducing woody plant canopies. Pre- scribed burning of an unsprayed area in January 1979 reduced the brush canopy by only about 20 percent, based on evaluations in spring 1979 (Figure 2). The unsprayed plot supported only 383 kg/ha of fine fuel which occurred primarily in the spaces between brush plants. Consequently, only about 4O percent of the surface area was covered by the relatively cool burn. Grass standing crops on the area burned only did not statistically exceed those on the untreated plot, regard- less of evaluation date, through July 1981 (Table 2). The apparent difference in grass standing crops of burned and unburned areas in June 1982 was attributed to random chance in sampling rather than to treatment effect. Proportion of grasses of good-to-excellent grazing fivalue had increased in 1981 compared to 1979, on the I f‘ untreated area (Figure 3), apparently in response to the long deferments from grazing. There was little differ- ence in the composition of herbaceous stands on the area burned once and the untreated area. Thus, the single prescribed burn of running mesquite stands did not result in substantial range improvement. Development of luxuriant herbaceous growth on burned areas may reduce soil water contents in the upper 13 cm soil layer (Wright and Bailey, 1982). How- ever, soil water contents to 30 cm deep from untreated plots and those burned only were generally less than from sprayed plots, whether burned or not, during April and May 1979 (Table 3). Since the most herbaceous vegetation occurred on the sprayed plot and the area sprayed and burned, the usual trend relative to soil water depletion did not occur on this site. By mid-June, the growing season after burning, there was little difference in soil-water contents, regard- less of treatment or sampling depth. Soil water contents varied little among treatments by fall 1979. Thus, pre- scribed burning alone or following spraying did not appear to accelerate soil-water depletion rates. Whitebrush C use Study Control of whitebrush by fall 1976 exceeded 9O percent after aerial application of tebuthiuron at 2 kg/ha fWhe previous fall. Based on evaluations on January 20 and August 9, 1978, the herbicide had completely controlled the whitebrush. Whitebrush canopy cover on untreated plots on these dates averaged 32 percent. TABLE 3. SOIL WATER CONTENTS (%) AT THREE DEPTHS AT VARIOUS TIMES AFTER AERIALLY SPRAYING RUNNING MES- QUITE-DOMINATED MIXED BRUSH WITH 2,4,5-T + PICLORAM (1 :1) AT1.1 KG/HA ON MAY25, 1977; BURNING ON JANUARY 25, 1979; OR SPRAYING FOLLOWING BURNING NEAR COTULLA, TEXAS T t‘ Soil depth reatmen (cm) None Spray Burn Spray/burn April 10, 1979 0-8 14.4 ab 20.2 bcd 12.8 a 16.6 abc 8-15 15.0 ab 21.4 cd 14.9 ab 19.0 bcd 15-30 15.6 ab 22.8 d 16.1 abc 20.4 bcd May 2, 1979 0-8 15.4 a 19.2 b 16.5 ab 17.0 ab 8-15 17.4 ab 22.0 c 18.6 b 22.6 c 15-30 19.1 b 22.4 c 18.8 b 23.9 c June 12, 1979 0-8 16.4 a 19.4 ab 18.8 ab 17.8 ab 8-15 19.2 ab 22.2b 21.5 b 21.4 b 15-30 18.9 ab 20.4 ab 20.9 b 21.1 b October 15, 1979 0-8 7.3 ab 6.7 a 8.2 b 7.0 a 8-15 10.3 c 10.5 c 10.8 c 10.9 c 15-30 12.4 d 13.4 de 13.2 de 13.8 e April 1, 1980 0-8 10.6 a 10.1 a 10.5 a 10.3 a 8-15 14.1 b 13.9 b 13.5 b 14.2 b 15-30 14.6 b 15.3 b 13.8 b 15.0 b June 23, 1980 0-8 8.9 a 7.0 a 9.0 a 8.0 a 8-15 12.2 b 11.2 b 12.1 b 11.5 b 15-30 13.7 b 12.2 b 13.8 b 11.8 b July 6, 1981 0-8 17.7 bcd 14.4 a 17.1a-d 20.1 de 8-15 16.8 a-d 15.1 ab 16.0 abc 18.9 cd 15-30 18.1 bcd 17.5 bcd 18.5 cd 22.1 e ‘Means within a sampling date followed by the same letter are not signifi- cantly different (a= .05) according to Student-Newman-KueVs range test. Annual rainfall in 1976 was greater than the long- term average, and the annual average was received in 1977 (Table 4). Rainfall from March through June 1977 totaled 21.3 cm, most of which (18.4 cm) occurred in April and June. Standing crop of grasses in July 1977 after application of tebuthiuron in fall 1975 averaged 2,561 kg/ha, approximately twice that on untreated areas (Table 5). However, the forb standing crop was 120 kg/ha, approximately one-third that on the treated plots. Application of the herbicide improved the fine fuel load and continuity, compared to untreated plots. Stand- ing fine fuel on tebuthiuron-treated plots was 1,750 kg/ha, contained 9.4 percent water, and burned uni- formly and completely. Maximum flame height was 1O m, and the fire front moved at 46 to 6O m/minute. However, untreated plots did not burn because of the marginal fine fuel load (940 kg/ha with 1O percent water) which was not uniformly distributed. TABLE 4. MONTHLY RAINFALL (CM) FROM 1975 THROUGH 1981 NEAR TILDEN, TEXAS WHERE A COMBINATION OF AERIALLY APPLIED TEBUTHIURON AND PRESCRIBED BURNING WAS EVALUATED FOR IMPROVEMENT OF RANGELAND DOMINATED BY WHITEBRUSH Year a Month 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 January 0.9 1.2 5.7 1.3 4.6 4.0 4.7 February 2.1 T 2.0 1.6 3.5 1.7 1.9 March 1.6 0.9 1.8 T 2.3 3.0 4.5 April 5.6 11.2 8.8 2.3 9.1 0.9 6.6 May 14.6 11.3 1.1 5.3 2.5 16.0 21.6 lune 5.0 0.3 9.6 13.8 8.9 0 19.7 July 8.0 32.4 4.1 1.4 3.1 0.2 4.9 August 3.9 1.0 0.2 11.7 6.0 19.1 10.5 September 8.8 8.6 4.5 15.9 4.3 5.5 3.2 October 3.8 17.7 6.0 1.5 0.1 0.2 10.1 November 0 7.5 7.1 4.7 0.8 10.1 0 \_ December 2.0 5.3 0.1 4.3 0.9 1.5 1.6 U Total 57.2 97.3 a 51.0 63.8 46.1 62.2 89.3 % of avg 102 174 91 114 82 111 159 The fire burned down all whitebrush stems, 0.63 cm in diameter or smaller, on the area treated with tebuthiuron (Figure 4). Percentage burndown decreased as stem diameter increased with only 13 percent of the stems 1.9 cm in diameter being removed. Overall, the fire reduced the density of standing dead stems by 6O percent. Grass standing crops in April 1979 after burning in January 1979 did not differ between burned and un- burned areas which were treated with tebuthiuron (Table 5). Average standing crop on burned areas (3,988 kg/ha) was greater by ]uly 1979 than that on plots treated with tebuthiuron but not burned. However, the increase in grass standing crop attributable to burning did not occur in 1980 or 1981. Increased grass standing crop for only the growing season following burning was expected because of the high degree of effectiveness 0f tebuthiuron in controlling the whitebrush. Primary species of good-to-excellent grazing value were multiflowered false rhodesgrass (Chloris pluriflo- ra), common bulfelgrass, butfalograss (Buchloe dacty- loides), pink pappusgrass, Arizona cottontop (Digitaria californica) and vine mesquite (Panicum obtusum). Grasses of fair grazing value were represented primarily by hooded windmillgrass (Chloris cucullata), sand drop- seed (Sporobolus cryptandrus), lovegrass tridens and filly panicum (Panicum hallii var. filipes). Grasses of poor grazing value included oldfield threeawn (Aristida oligantha), common sandbur (Cenchrus incertus), tum- ble windmillgrass, gummy lovegrass (Eragrostis cur- tipedicillata) and red lovegrass (Eragrostis secundiflo- ra). Other grasses included Bell rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana), common Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon), common curlymesquite, southwestern bristlegrass (Setaria scheelei), red threeawn (Aristida longiseta), red grama, fall witchgrass (Leptoloma cognatum), and whorled dropseed. Application of tebuthiuron and lengthy deferments from grazing allowed proportion of grasses of good-to- excellent grazing value to essentially double, compared to stands on untreated areas, by 1978 (Table 6). Much of 8 the increase in proportion of the more desirable grasses was attributed to dramatic increases in multiflowered false rhodesgrass. This species further responded posi- tively to prescribed burning, accounting for the increase in the proportion of grasses of good-to-excellent value on plots treated with herbicide and burned, compared to that on plots burned only. Prescribed burning increased utilization of the gras- ses, especially multiflowered false rhodesgrass, which may rapidly develop rank growth. The experimental area y, was grazed in a manner to prevent damage to burned I I I I 100~ 80- 60— Stems Burned Down (°/o) 20— I l a 1 O 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Stem Diameter (cm) Figure 4. Burndown (% based on density) of whitebrush stems various sizes on /anuary 24, 1979 after aerial application o tebuthiuron pellets at 2 kg/ha on November 29, 1975 near Tilden, Texas. --u TABLE 5. STANDING CROPS OF FORBS AND GRASSES AT VARIOUS TIMES AFTER APPLICATION OF TEBUTHIURON PELLETS AT 2 KG/HA IN NOVEMBER 1975 AND BURNING IN JANUARY 1979 NEAR TILDEN, TEXAS 19771 1 978 1979 1980 1981 Treatment July Aug Dec April July June Aug H Grassesz None 1298 a 1232 a 842 a 524 a 996 a 452 a 1872 a Tebuthiuron 2561 b 2504 b 1750 b 1208 b 1892 b 1738 b 3624 b Tebuthiuron + burn — —- — 1288 b 3988 c 1960 b 3960 b E A Forbsz i » None 381 a 400 a 389 a 306 a 560 a 260 a 280 a 9 Tebuthiuron 120 b 100 b 180 b 332 a 320 a 180 a 240 a Tebuthiuron + burn - - — 796 b 940 b 220 a 758 b "ITTaken from Scifres and Mutz, 1982. ‘Means within a date followed by the same letter are not significantly different (a= .05). plots the growing season following burning. For exam- moved 33 percent of the standing crops from plots ple, cattle were excluded in late Iuly 1979 after remov- treated with tebuthiuron and burned, 36 percent from ing 49 percent of the standing crop on the burned plots plots treated with tebuthiuron only, and 15 percent from (use of multiflowered false rhodesgrass was estimated at untreated plots. 55 to. 60 percent). During the same period, they re- No difference in soil-water contents occurred moved 18 percent of the grass standing crop on plots among treatments, regardless of depth, in late ]uly 1979 treated with tebuthiuron but not burned, and a negli- (Table 7). However, average water contents were re- gible amount from the untreated plots. However, differ- duced, compared to that of untreated areas, to 15 cm ences in utilization between burned and unburned areas deep on tebuthiuron-treated plots, both burned and were not apparent in 1980, the second growing season unburned, on June 19, 1980. Variation in water contents v following prescribed burning. The cattle were allowed to of the surface soil was attributed to differences in amount emove 7O percent of the standing crop in mid-June 1980 of herbaceous standing crop among treatments during F from plots treated with tebuthiuron in 1975 and burned the dry period (no rainfall was received in June, rainfall i’ in 1979. They removed essentially the same amount (64 in May came as a single early storm, and March-April percent) from areas treated with tebuthiuron but not precipitation totaled only 3.9 cm [Table The in- burned, but removed only 8 percent of the standing crop creased herbaceous cover apparently increased the Wa- fi-om untreated areas. The same trend was apparent after ter demand on the surface 15 cm of soil during this dry a grazing period in late July 1981 when the cattle re- period (Table 7). TABEE 6- EROPQRTKJN OE HERBAGE 5TAND5 C0MPO5ED OE TABLE 7. SOIL wATER coNTENTs m) AT VARIOUS TIMES AFTER 9RA55E5 BY GRAZWG VALUE AT VAR'OU5 TTME5 AFTER AER'AE AERIAL APPLICATION OF TEBUTHIURON PELLETS AT 2 KG/HA IN APPLICATION OF TEBUTHIURON PELLETS AT 2 KG/HA IN NOVEMBER 1975 AND EURMNG IN JANUARY 1979 NEAR HE NOVEMBER 197s AND PRESCRIBED BURNING OF DEN TEXAS TEBUTHIURON-TREATED AREAS IN IANUARY 1979 NEAR TILDEN, ’ TEXAS Treatment‘ Tebuthiuron Soil depth Tebuthiuron Grazing value None Tebuthiuron + burn (cm) None Tebuthiuron + burn August 9, 1978 IUIX 26, 1979 GOOd-IO-EXCGIIEM 20.3 46.3 —— 0-8 13.8 b-d 12.7 CI 11.7 d y Fair 65.9 47.0 — 8-15 17.8 ab 16.0 ad 16.2 a-d 8" POOI’ 13.8 6.7 15-30 17.3 ac 18.0 ab 16.2 a-d AEriI 25, 1979 June 19, 1980 Good-to-excellent 26.0 51.0 66.7 0-8 6.4 ef 5.5 e-g 3.1 g Fair _ 50.0 36.7 18.2 8-15 11.1 a-c 8.2 c-e 5.7 d-g CF00!‘ 24.0 12.2 15.1 15-30 13.6 a 11.7 ab 11.0 a-c June 19, 1980 July 23,1981 Good-to-excellent 21.6 57.2 65.5 0-8 7.0 cd 5.1 de 6.0 cd air 58.3 30.8 28.3 8-15 8.6 bC 8.8 bC 9.1 bC _E POOI’ 20.0 21.0 6.2 15-30 12.0 a 11.2 ab 9.7 a-c ‘Means within a date followed by the same letter are not significantly different (a= .05) according to Student-Newman-Kuels range test. HE RBICIDE APPLICATION/ PRESCRIBED BURNING AS POTENTIAL IBMS TECHNOLOGIES Based on results of this research, herbicide applica- tion and prescribed burning combinations have potential as components of Integrated Brush Management Sys- tems (IBM S) for rangeland supporting excessive cover of running mesquite stands or whitebrush. Success from such systems hinges largely on initial control of the woody species by herbicide applications. Running Mesquite Complex Based on results of the demonstration near Cotulla, prescribed burning following aerial application of 2,4,5- T + picloram (1:1) at 1.1 kg/ha maintained the reduction in woody canopy more effectively than where spraying alone was used for range improvement. However, bum- ing alone was not effective as an initial treatment. Thus, effective performance of prescribed burning depended on initial effectiveness of the herbicide application. Strict attention must be given to applying the herbicide under the optimum environmental conditions and when the brush is in the appropriate stage of development (Scifres, 1980). Given those conditions, herbicide appli- cation reduces the brush canopy cover, thins the density of live plants, and releases herbaceous vegetation fo¢ grazing as well as fuel for prescribed burning (Figure 5). Results of this study confirm earlier conclusions that single applications of foliar-active herbicides result in only short-term suppression of running mesquite. How- ever, prescribed burning was effectively substituted for subsequent herbicide treatments, at least for the 6-year investigation period. Perpetuation of brush suppression with prescribed burning was reflected by greater standing crops and grass stands composed of a higher proportion of species of good-to-excellent grazing value than those on un- treated areas. A single burn of unsprayed areas did mop generally increase forage yields compared to untreate areas. Ineffectiveness of burning alone was attributed to the extremely light load and discontinuity of fine fuel. Thus, the spray application increased amount and con- tinuity of fine fuel. The study on running mesquite was conducted on level to gently rolling topography, and burning plans and expected results will vary with topography. However, the failure of unsprayed brush to burn effectively in this study gives us reason to believe that the desired pattern PHASE I HERBICIDE APPLICATION PHASE II IMPROVE HERBACEOUS STANDS PHASE III FINE FUEL DEVELOPMENT/ BURN PREPARATION _PHASE 1v PRESCRIBED BURNING PHASE V MAINTENANCE OF RANGE IMPROVEMENT Reduce canopy cover and density of running mesquite and associated brush to release forage. OBJECTIVES Use grazezrest periods to allow increase in propor- tion of desirable perennial herbs in stand. ‘Build continuous load of fine fuel adequate to ensure hot, uniform fire. Maintain brush suppression- expedite increased propor- tion of desirable grasses and forbs. Perpetuate desired level of productivity with minimal financial input. Aerially apply l.l kg/ha of 2,4,5-T + picloram (lzl) or equivalent in the spring. ACTIVITY Defer from grazing for 60- 90 days to allow for grass release; increase stocking rate in accordance with response of key species. Defer grazing for 90-l20 days in fall to build fuel; prepare fire plan and install fire guards. Install prescribed burn according to sound fire plan; defer grazing to allow recovery of key species; then allow removal of no more than 60-65% of topgrowth before next deferment. Schedule prescribed burns as needed (approximately 3- to 5-year intervals). Apply in appropriate pattern for game manage- ment; usually treat no more than 80% of manage- ment unit; treatments will likely be extremely damaging to several pre- ferred browse species. CONSIDERATION(S) First flush (first season) of grasses usually short- term opportunists released from shading etc; defer- ment designed to allow vigorous development of key species. Deferment period must be adjusted to rainfall condi- tions; under drought condi- tions, utilize proper amount of accumulated fuel and delay burn. Late winter when wind speed l6-l9 km/hr, RH< 60%, fine fuel water content 120%. backfire 30-45 m before headfiring: if RH <20%, fuel water €l0%, wind speed of steady 8-ll km/hr will effectively burn. Grazing deferment to build adequate fine fuel and post burn to allow grass recovery. Brush defoliation >90% for first growing season; then 50% original cover replaced third growing season if not burned; rass released by spray ay more than double that on unsprayed areas irst growing season; orbs will be controlled y spray for at least l rowing season. RESULTS Proportion of grass stand of good-to-excellent grazing dramatically increases by second growing season. Accumulate 2,500-3,000 kg/ha of fine fuel with only minor discontinuities. Fire covers >90% of area; brush stem $1.5 cm diam. consumed or dropped; warm- season perennials in- creased; brush regrowth Hlwdtogmwmlim; forb population restored. Continual suppression of brush sprouts; remove rough vegetation, improve grazing distribution and range condition, etc. i» Figure 5. Potential aerial spray-prescribed burning applications as co improvement of running mesquite-dominated rangeland. 10 u‘ J mponents of Integrated Brush Management Systems (IBMS) for -\\ PHASE I for game management can be installed with the her- bicide sprays, and be maintained with burning without ndue risk of removing too much brush. This opinion, however, does not diminish the need for involving sound fire control measures within the fire plan. Under proper conditions, fire might be used to enlarge or reduce the area of brush suppression. Our data indicate that pre- scribed burning may be applied at 3-year intervals on previously sprayed sites with positive results, except as restricted by periodic drought. Differential carrying capacities of the treatments applied to running mesquite were evaluated in late summer 1980. Based on available forage, it was es- timated that 32 ha would be required to support an animal unit (AU) yearlong on the untreated rangeland. Flu comparison, estimated carrying capacities were 8 ha/AU for sprayed sites, and 6 ha/AU for areas which were sprayed and then burned. Whitebrush Primary objectives for prescribed burning following tebuthiuron application were to suppress species not affected by the herbicide (e. g. , honey mesquite); remove standing woody debris; improve botanical composition of the forage stands; and improve grazing distribution and use of species which tend to develop rank growth after PHASE II FINE FUEL DEVELOPMENT/ short periods of protection from grazing (e.g., multi- flowered false rhodesgrass). Prescribed burning in January 1979 following appli- cation of 2kg/ha of tebuthiuron in November 1975 in- creased forage standing crops only during the growing season following the burn. Lack of difference in subse- quent years was attributed to the highly effective control of the whitebrush by the tebuthiuron. However, burn- ing tended to improve the proportion of the herbaceous stand composed of grasses of good-to-excellent grazing value, and improved grazing distribution. Moreover, the prescribed burn removed standing whitebrush stems with basal diameters $1.0 cm and top-killed honey mesquite less than 1.5 m tall, but did not kill the large (4 to 6 m tall) honey mesquite trees (Figure 6). As a result the treated strips assumed a parklike appearance. Based on forage production and using the technique of Whitson et al. (1979), the whitebrush-infested range- land was capable of supporting 1 AU/ 14 to 16 ha year- long. Carrying capacity at 18 months after herbicide application was estimated to be 1 AU/8 to 9 ha. Howev- er, it is important to note that carrying capacity for livestock was essentially unchanged during the growing season of herbicide application. This is to be expected because of the time required for tebuthiuron to com- plete its activity (Scifres et al., 1979). Range improve- PHASE III PHASE IV MAINTENANCE OF HERBICIDE APPLICATION BURN PREPARATION PRESCRIBED BURNING RANGE IMPROVEMENT \ Figure 6. Potential tebuthiuron-prescribed burning applications as components of Integrated Brush Management Systems (IBMS) for improvement of whitebrush-dominated range/and. Aerially apply tebuthiuron Defer grazing during fall for Install prescribed burn Schedule prescribed burns as pellets at 2 kg/ha (a.i.) 90-120 days; prepare fire plan according to sound fire plan; needed (approximately 3-year in fall (Sept.-Oct.) or and install fire guards. defer grazing until late April- intervals). t late winter (Feb.). May or until reserve soil ; moisture adequate for rapid "‘ growth; defer after 60-65% of 5 top growth removal by grazing. Apply in strips for game Deferment period must be When wind speed 16-19 km/hr, Grazing deferment to build g management (ex: 190-200 m adjusted to rainfall condi- RH <60%, fine fuel moisture adequate fuel and post burn to p treated alternated with 30- tions; under drought condi- content <2S%, backfire 30 to allow grass recovery. é 4S m untreated to improve tions utilize proper amount 45 m; if RH <209s, fine fuel g 80-85% of area) will con- of accumulated fuel and delay moisture 5109s, wind speed of a trol spiny hackberry and burn until next year. steady 8-11 km/hr will effec- g several other associated tively burn. u species but not mesquite. whitebrush defoliation Accumulate 2,500 to 3,000 Dead brush stems El cm in Suppress brush sprouts, remove greater than 909s by end of kg/ha acre of standing fine diam. consumed or dropped, rough vegetation, improve first growing season under fuel of relatively uniform grass released to uniform grazing distribution, improve average rainfall; ultimate distribution. (Fuel load on stand; warm season perennials range condition, etc. u, kill usually exceeds 9096, research area varied from increased, annuals decreased; S- grass release evident by about 1,000 to <2,S00 kg/ha forb population restored (wet a end of first growing [oven-dry basis] but without springs stimulate forb pro- Q‘ season; fall deferment major discontinuities). duction); fires usually do not \ expedites grass release; carry through heavy brush ' forb production greatly covers on untreated strips. reduced. 11 ment was initiated during -the second growing season and under complete protection from grazing. Estimated carrying capacity was 1 AU/5 to 6 ha by the growing season following application of the burns. Untreated (“brushy”) areas protected from grazing for the same times were judged to be capable of supporting 1 AU/ 12 ha. These results and time-lapse between treat- ments will undoubtedly vary with rainfall conditions. As with the running mesquite sites, the tebuthiuron-treated whitebrush sites may be effectively burned at 3-year interals, depending on rainfall. The treatment sequence in this study has left a minimal amount of brush residuum in the treated strips. This suggests the need for careful analysis of game re- quirements when developing a treatment pattern and determining percentage of the management unit to be treated. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge P. H. Welder and Dick Horton for providing land for this research. The efforts of Julia Scifres in manuscript typing and preparation are appreciated. The aid of numerous gradu- ate students who helped with treatment installation and data collection from these studies is acknowledged, and the help of B. H. Koerth in data collection is ap- preciated. 12 LITERATURE CITED ’\Bensen, L., and R. A. Darrow. 1954. The Trees and Shrubs of the Southwestern Deserts. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. 437 pp. Bogusch, E. R. 1952. 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