13-1473 lune 1984 Rail Freight Services for Country Elevators "i in the Texas Panhandle The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Neville P. Clarke, Director, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas Contents v INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE AND STRUCTURE OF MODELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Wheat Supply and Farm Storage Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Farm Assembly Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Farm Storage Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Country Elevator Storage, Gross Margins, and Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Investment Costs of Upgrading Country Elevators to Handle Multicar Grain Shipments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Annual Fixed Costs Associated with Upgrading Country Elevators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Grain Inventory Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Inland Terminal and Port Terminal Costs and Storage Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Commercial Truck Transportation Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Railroad Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Grain Inspection and Grading Costs at Upgraded Elevators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Average Wheat Production Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 High and Low Wheat Production Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0 Elevators’ Declining Gross Margins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0 Effect of Not Operating the Study Region Short-Line Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll SUMMARY and CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l4 9 CONTRACTING RAIL FREIGHT SERVICES FOR l9 COUNTRY ELEVATORS IN THE TEXAS PANHANDLE Stephen Fuller Department of Agricultural Economics Texas Agricultural Experiment Station College Station, Texas Summary The Stagger Rail Act of 1980 has legalized con- tracts between shippers and carriers. Generally, con- tracts between rail carriers and grain shippers involve volume commitments from the shipper in exchange for lowered rates. Multicar grain shipments lower railroad costs; accordingly, railroads are often willing to con- tract at reduced rates to grain handlers making mul- ticar, point-to-point shipments. Unfortunately, many country elevators are not capable of making multicar grain shipments for which significant rate reductions are offered. This study focuses on the economic feasi- bility of upgrading l0 elevators to load-out multicar wheat shipments in a 15-county area in the upper portion of the Texas Panhandle. The study shows that careful and thorough analysis must be carried out by elevator management before investing in multicar shipping capacity and contracting with railroads. l l i CONTRACTING RAIL FREIGHT SERVICES FOR F‘ COUNTRY ELEVATORS IN THE TEXAS PANHANDLE Stephen Fuller INTRODUCTION Contracts between shippers and rail carriers were legalized by the Staggers Rail Act of 1980. Contracting allows the railroads to plan service and allocate equipment more efficiently while \ simultaneously assuring shippers of specific ser- vices at established rates. Contracting permits railroads and shippers to recognize special trans- portation requirements and to enter into agree- ments which may bring economic advantage to both parties (6). Negotiated railroad contracts generally in- volve rate and service provisions and may include additional features which are important to either shipper or carrier. The inflexible tariff rates of common carriers may be replaced by a fixed rate or any rate schedule the parties to the contract may devise and agree upon. Other contract provisions may involve a change of service levels to better fit shipper needs. Additional contract provisions may deal with dispatch, noncompliance, methods of adjudication, and damage provisions (1). Many contracts between rail carriers and grain shippers involve volume commitments from the shipper in exchange for lower rates. Railroads are able to reduce operating costs through multi- ple-car, point-to-point grain movements. Multicar shipments generally expedite equipment han- dling, shorten equipment turnaround, and permit more productive use of railroad capital. Therefore, railroads are willing to contract at reduced rates to grain handlers that make multicar, point-to-point shipments. Unfortunately, many country elevator facilities are not capable of making multiple car- load shipments for which significant rate reduc- tions are offered. Most contract arrangements allow the grain shipper only 24 hours for purposes of loading the multicar unit. Most country eleva- tors do not have the necessary rail car loading capacity nor track space (rail car holding capacity) to accommodate multicar shipments, thus, sub- stantial investment may be necessary before con- tracting can be an alternative (5). Presumably, the lower rail rates resulting from new elevator invest- ment would ultimately be reflected in higher farm- er grain prices which would subsequently expand the elevators’ market area and volume. Obviously, the feasibility of upgrading country elevators and :ontracting is dependent on the economic returns associated with the investment in new multicar handling facilities. This study focuses on the economic feasibility of upgrading IO country elevators to load multicar wheat shipments in a 15-county area in the upper portion of the Texas Panhandle (Figure l). The l0 selected elevators are located at Dalhart, Hartley. Stratford, Lautz, Etter, Dumas, Spearman, Perry- ton, Panhandle, and Pampa, Texas. The economic feasibility of upgrading the elevators is evaluated under different rail rate reductions, investment costs, wheat production levels, and elevator gross margins. In addition, the analysis examines the effect of a lack of short-line railroad operation (Texas North Western) on the feasibility of upgrad- ing investment in nearby country elevators. The selected study region is a major producer of corn, sorghum, and wheat; however, the intensive cattle feeding activity in the area consumes much of the feedgrain production. Thus, wheat is the principal grain exiting the region and in most cases is des- tined for export. It is estimated that 75 to 95% of the area's annual wheat production moves to foreign destinations. Since export movements lend them- selves to multicar, point-to-point hauls, the eco- nomic feasibility of upgrading is based only on anticipated wheat volumes at the l0 potential mul- ticar loading facilities. The 15-county study region is located approxi- mately 725 miles from Texas Gulf ports. This re- gion is served by country elevators located at 53 separate cities; 44 of these locations are served by railroads while 9 locations have only truck service. The Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe (ATSF), Bur- lington Northern (BN), Texas North Western (TNW), and Southern Pacific (SP) railroad companies oper- ate in the study area. The ATSF and BN railroads are the area's principal grain carriers. Historically, the region's railroads offered a single-car transit rate which allowed wheat to be shipped from coun- try elevators to Gulf ports on a single car through- rate that included a stop-over at inland terminals. A grain shipper's transportation charge on export- destined wheat was not unfavorably affected by transshipment at inland elevator locations, ac- cordingly, substantial volumes moved through these facilities. Much of the study area's wheat production moved to inland terminals at Enid, Oklahoma and Amarillo, Texas. In 1981 ATSF in- troduced multicar rates which continued to feature transit at inland terminals. These rates allowed one or more cars to be shipped from a country elevator to a transit station (inland terminal) and reshipped to a port facility in not less than 60 car HUTCHWSON ROBERTS OLDHAM POTTER Approximate location of arable land I I Location of potential multicar loading facility """"'* Operating railroad line BN Burlington Northern ATSF Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe SP Southern Pacific TNW Texas North Western Figure 1. Fifteen-county study region with railroads, arable land, and country elevator locations con- sidered as potential multicar grain loading facilities identified. shipments. More recently the ATSF has offered multicar units. Additional elevator revenues as- several shipment options. These include: (l) the sociated with the upgraded elevators’ increase in country elevator making direct 5-car shipments to wheat volume resulting from the lower multicar port elevators, and (2) the country elevator ship- rates are calculated with information generated in ping one or more cars to a transit station (inland this research phase. In the second phase, elevator terminal) for reshipment to a Gulf port elevator in upgrading and operating costs are subtracted from not less than 25-car lots. In most cases, the transit the added revenues to calculate return on each station guarantees rates to the selling country ele- elevator's upgrading investment. Insight into the vator which reflect 25-car, out-bound shipments. desirability of remodeling the country elevator to handle multicar shipments is provided by the cal- culated return on investment. The initial phase is accomplished with a least- cost network flow model which includes essentialfl ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE AND STRUCTURE OF MODELS Study objectives were accomplished in two elements of the study area's export wheat market- separate phases of research activity. The initial ing system. The decision to employ a least-cost phase involves estimating wheat receipts and framework to estimate wheat receipts at the up- gross margin revenues at the upgraded country graded elevators is based on several assumptionw elevators as these facilities’ export rail rates are First, it is assumed that elevators operate in a adjusted downward to reflect their shipments in competitive environment and their farmer offering price is a reflection of costs incurred in grain han- dling and transportation of grain to principal mar- I kets; i.e., if an e1evator's transportation charge is lowered, the elevator will offer an increased grain price to the farmer. Further, it is assumed that a farmer's elevator marketing decision is based on nearby e1evator's offering prices and delivery costs to these elevators. A cost-minimizing network model is developed to represent elements of the entire export grain marketing system. The model's principal elements include: (1) farm storage cost; (2) farmer grain de- livery costs; (3) truck and rail transportation rates or costs that link country elevators, upgraded $country elevators, inland terminals, and port ter- minals; and (4) elevator facilities grain handling costs or gross margins and storage costs. The analytical model represents a wheat crop year (Iune 1 to May 30). The crop year is subdivided into three time periods to make a chronological analysis. Based on historical data it was deter- mined that the first time period, the harvest period, includes 21 days. During this time period annual wheat supply is generated. The following 45-day period represents post-harvest repositioning activ- ity, and the final period is the remaining 299 days of the crop year. To develop the network model, the 15-county study area was subdivided into 3 >< 3 mile areas (9 square miles) and 4 X 4 mile areas (16 square miles) resulting in 1,251 production origins or farms. The harvest-time wheat supply and avail- able wheat storage at each production origin was predetermined. Producers may store their wheat production at farms (production origins) for later delivery by farm truck to country elevators or up- graded country elevators or they may ship to these facilities at harvest. Any country elevator or up- graded country elevator within 30 miles of a farm represents a potential delivery point. Wheat must be gathered and sent to country elevators or up- graded country elevators prior to further movement through the export grain marketing system. Country elevators and upgraded country ele- vators included in the network model have prede- termined quantities of storage capacity available for area wheat production. Country elevators may ship to an upgraded elevator, inland terminal, or Gulf port terminal. Any movement from country elevator to upgraded elevator is constrained to less than 80 miles. Truck and rail modes are avail- able for all country elevator shipments to inland and port terminals, only truck carriage is available for movements from country elevator to upgraded elevators. l The described least-cost model is used to esti- mate elevator wheat receipts before and after the glower multicar rates are introduced at the l0 coun- try elevators. In addition, the model is used to evaluate several scenarios that reflect changes in the economic and wheat production environment. Analysis with the network model estimates the effect of changing wheat production levels, alter- native multicar rate reductions, and nonoperation of a short-line railroad (Texas North Western) on volume of wheat received at the l0 studied eleva- tors. Information on the elevators’ wheat receipts is subsequently used in the second phase of the analysis to calculate the effect on return to upgrad- ing investment. The return on elevator upgrading investment is calculated in the second phase of the analysis. Based on estimated elevator wheat receipts (first phase) and gross margins (free on board [f.o.b.] elevator grain sale price - farmer price), elevator revenues are calculated. Elevators’ estimated costs are subtracted from revenues for purposes of estimating returns. In general, the following steps are followed for purposes of estimating the rate of return on new elevator investment. 1. Elevator returns, prior to new investment. are calculated by subtracting estimated costs from revenues. 2. Elevator returns after investment are cal- culated and subtracted from returns prior to the new investment for purposes of estimat- ing return attributable to the upgrading in- vestment. 3. Returns attributable to new investment are divided by the estimated value of this in- vestment for purposes of calculating a rate of return. Analysis is carried out to identify how differ- ing levels of elevator upgrading investment and gross margins impact the rate of return on upgrad- ing investment at the l0 elevators. Rate of return is estimated for investments necessary to facilitate loading of 25-, 50-, and 75-car grain shipments and for six gross margin levels. Rate of return was estimated with use of a developed computer model. The following list identifies data required for calibration of the identified models and for carry- ing out the necessary analysis. 1. Production Origins Quantity of wheat harvested Wheat storage capacities Cost of on-farm wheat storage 2. Country Elevators and Upgraded Country Elevators Grain handling and storage capacities Gross margins Costs of upgrading elevators to accom- modate multicar shipments Costs of handling and storing wheat Grain inventory cost of multicar grain shippers 3. Inland and Port Terminals Grain handling and storage capacities Costs of handling and storing wheat 4. Transportation Cost of transporting wheat by farm truck to nearby country elevators Costs of transporting grain by commer- cial trucker from country elevators to upgraded elevators, inland terminals and port terminals Rail rates associated with moving wheat from country elevators to Gulf ports DATA This section describes how the parameters used in this analysis were developed. Wheat Supply and Farm Storage Capacity Because annual variability in wheat produc- tion may impact the expected return on invest- ment, a historical review of wheat production in the study area was conducted. This revealed sub- stantial variability in annual wheat production in the 15-county region. (Table 1). Between 1970 and 1982 the study area wheat production varied from a low of 14.1 million bushels (1974) to a high of 48.3 million bushels (1979). County-level production data also revealed extensive variability. Coeffi- cients of variation ([standard deviation + mean] >< 100) were estimated for each county's wheat pro- duction—the estimated parameters range from 35.2 to 58.7%. To identify whether annual county wheat pro- duction in the 15-county area varies in a similar manner, a simple correlation analysis was per- formed. Results indicate a strong positive correla- tion between county wheat production levels; this indicates annual county wheat production in the TABLE 1. FIFTEEN-COUNTY STUDY AREAS’ ANNUAL WHEAT PRODUCTION, 1970-82 Wheat Production Year (1,000 bu) 1970 16,241 1971 15,486 1972 17,542 1973 41 yes 1974 14,149 1975 37,453 1976 30,034 1977 27,752 1978 15,238 1979 48,261 1980 37,876 1991 37,919 1982 37,950 Source: Texas Small Grain Statistics, Texas Department of Agriculture, Sta- tistical Reporting Service, USDA, Austin, Texas. 15-county study area tends to vary similarly. Thus, scaling each county's production in a similar man- \ _ g ner in order to reflect varying study area produc- ' tion levels is a valid procedure. Accordingly, re- turns to investment were estimated for l0 elevator locations at regional production levels of 21.6, 28.4, and 35.7 million bushels. The 28.4 million-bushel production level approximates average production while the 21.6 and 35.7 million bushel values ap- proximate the upper and lower bounds of a 95% confidence interval estimated for the 15-county study area wheat production} A county's wheat production was estimated by determining the portion which the county had his- -\ torically contributed to the 15-county area and mul- w A tiplying this portion by study area production (21.6, 28.4, and 35.7 million bushels). A county's es- timated production was distributed among its pro- duction origins (3 >< 3 and 4 >< 4 mile areas) on the basis of cultivated land area in each production origin. Quantity of cultivated land in each produc- tion origin was estimated from the Soil Conserva- tion Services aerial photographs (7). To estimate on-farm storage in each county, a 1978 Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) survey was updated by telephone interviews with ASCS office managers in each of the 15 counties. Office managers were asked to verify the reasonableness of the 1978 survey re- sults and estimate amount of storage added since 1978. Study area counties were estimated to have 14.4 million bushels of on-farm storage. The es- timated wheat production associated with each county's production origin was the basis for es- timating its on-farm storage. (8). Farm Assembly Cost Cost of truck-transporting wheat from area farms (production origins) to country elevators was based on a Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service publication entitled, "1981 Texas Custom Rate Statistics." This study showed producers in the Plains area paying a flat rate of $.10 per bushel (/bu) for hauls of ll miles and less. For hauls in excess of l1 miles, the flat rate ($.10/bu) plus a per mile rate of $.01/bu was applicable; i.e., for a 15 v mile haul the rate would be $.l4/bu. ‘Several major economic forces appear to affect study area wheat production. Government programs in the 1960's and early 1970's curtailed wheat production, thus the low produc- fion levels In [$70-72 Expanding foreign ‘Wheat demand in the mid- and late 1970s resulted in expanded wheat production while increasing energy costs (rising energy costs increased cost of irrigated feed grain production) in the latter 1970's improved the relative profitability of wheat production. Es- timating future study region wheat production involves numer- ous risks. The study region's average wheat production of 28.4 million bushels appears to be a conservative estimate since the annual production from 1978-83 approximated or exceeded the upper estimate of 35.7 million bushels. In view of moderating foreign wheat demand the more conservative esti- mate may be preferable for purposes of planning elevator investment. Farm Storage Cost Farm storage cost includes three cost items: (1) zost of placing wheat into storage, (2) cost of wheat storage, and (3) cost of removing wheat from stor- age. The cost of placing wheat into farm storage was estimated to be $.0Z85/bu while per bushel removal cost was estimated to be $.0l95. Estimates of variable on-farm storage cost was based on a recent study which developed cost budgets for alternative size steel bins (2). Based on an earlier survey, it was estimated that 5,000-, 10,000-, and 20,000-bushel steel bins comprised 38, 20, and 42% of the study areas’ on-farm storage capacity. The weighted annual on-farm variable storage cost mwas estimated to be $.18/bu. Country Elevator Storage. Gross Margins, and Costs Country elevator grain storage capacities of the study area's facilities were taken from federal and state grain warehouse license directories. De- tailed information on the grain handling and stor- age capacities of the l0 renovated facilities was obtained from interviews with elevator manage- ment. To calculate the renovated elevators return on new investment, information on per bushel gross margins (f.o.b. elevator grain sale price - farmer price) and costs were required. Information on per bushel gross margins was obtained from a survey of Texas Panhandle country elevators. The survey was conducted by the Texas Agricultural Exten- sion Service and Texas Grain and Feed Associa- tion in August 1982.2 Survey results indicate eleva- tors to have had an average gross margin of $.2l5/bu of received Wheat and a per month stor- age charge of $.U23/bu in 1982. Based on information provided by financial institutions and grain elevator management, three elevator cost models were developed. Costs were developed for 600,000-, 800,000-, and 1,000,000- bushel elevator plant firms. This plant size range approximated that of the l0 elevators to be up- graded. The plant size cost model, which was most like the bushel storage capacity of the upgraded facility, was selected for estimating elevator costs. Plant depreciation estimates of existing plants varied and in some cases plants were fully or nearly depreciated. Depreciation of existing plants was not “an estimated expense. However, annual depreciation expense associated with elevator up- grading was included in the analysis for purposes of estimating rate of return on upgrading invest- ..\ment. Calculation of this expense is shown in a later section. Full-time personnel was a major expense and included salaries for a manager, bookkeeper, ¢"\ zSurvey was conducted by Ed Smith, Extension Economist, Grain Marketing and Policy. weigh scale operator, and elevator superinten- dent. Table 2 shows the base salaries of these employees. Salaries were adjusted to reflect changing plant volume levels, and were increased 1% for each 10% increase in volume above the elevators rated storage capacity; i.e., if a l million- bushel elevator were to annually handle 1.1. mil- lion bushels, the full-time employee salaries would be increased by 1%. The need for part-time employees was based on the elevator's annual volume. The following equation was used to estimate hours of part-time elevator and office help: Part-time elevator help (hours) = 150.0 + 0.00075V. Part-time office help (hours) = —300.00 + 0.00075V where, V = annual elevator volume in bushels The estimated cost of part-time labor, including per hour wages and benefits, was $5.30. A $.02/bu charge represents utility costs. Mis- cellaneous expenses include grain fumigants, of- fice supplies, postage, advertising, and mainte- nance and repair. These cost items are determined by elevator size. The 600,000-, 800,000-, and 1,000,000-bushel elevator models had an estimated per bushel miscellaneous expense of $.05, $045. and $.04, respectively. Inventory insurance was based on a rate of $.12 per $100 of grain inventory. Inventory value was based on a 60% occupancy rate and a per bushel grain value of $3.25. See Figure 2 for graphed average cost relationships of the 600,000-, 800,000-, and 1,000,000-bushel cost models. Investment Costs of Upgrading Country Elevators to Handle Multicar Grain Shipments On-site inspection by experienced elevator construction personnel would have been required to precisely estimate upgrading costs at each stud- ied country elevator. Since this was not feasible, an alternative procedure was used. General char- acteristics of each elevator were collected by tele- phone interviews with elevator management and this information subsequently related to individu- als with experience in remodeling country eleva- tors for purposes of accommodating multicar grain TABLE 2. ESTIMATED BASE SALARIES OF FULL-TIME PER- SONNEL IN THE 600,000-, 800,000- AND 1,000,000-BUSHEL ELEVATOR COST MODELS, 1982‘ Elevator Cost Model 600,000 800,000 1 ,000,000 bu bu bu Manager $22,000 $25,500 $29,000 Bookkeeper 1 7,000 20,500 24,000 Scale Operator 15,000 17,500 21,000 Elevator Superintendent 15,000 18,500 22,000 600000- Bushel Model "25 800,000-Bushel Model \. 2O $/ Bushel 1,000,000- Bushel Model 5 00 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Annual Volume (1.000 Bushels) Figure 2. Estimated average full-time and part-time labor costs, insurance, utilities, and miscellaneous costs for the 600,000; 800,000; and 1,000,000 bushel elevator cost models. shipments? Information was collected on storage capacity of the largest concrete house at each location, number of legs included in this facility and their per hour elevating capacity, truck receiv- ing capacity, per hour grain handling capacity of the bottom belt, railcar holding capacity, avail- ability of a car puller and trackmobile, and ability of the facility to simultaneously receive and load grain. All study elevators are constructed of con- crete and most have storage capacity ranging be- tween .7 and 1.2 million bushels. Most elevators have (1) two legs with per leg capacity ranging from 6,000 to 8,000 bushels per hour (bu/h), (2) truck unloading capacity ranging from 6,000 to 10,000 bu/h, (3) bottom belt per hour capacity which ap- proximates the capacity of the two legs, and (4) the ability to simultaneously receive and load grain. Industry personnel judged each elevator's charac- teristics to be generally alike and remodeling costs to be similar. Investment costs were estimated at $210,000, $333,000, and $435,000 for remodeling the studied elevators to handle 25-, 50-, and 75-car sNumerous individuals, academic institutions, and firms were contacted for purposes of estimating elevator upgrading costs. These include: (l) Ming-Hong Chow, Department of Economics, Kansas State University; (2) Frank Meyer, Custom Metal Fab- ricators, Herington, Kansas; (3) Bill Sanders, Evans Grain Co., Salina, Kansas; (4) L. D. Schnake, USDA-HRS, Manhattan, Kan- sas; (5) Gene Theyer, Montana Merchandising Inc., Great Falls, Montana; (6) G. F. Cook Contruction Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota; (7) Dave Treffer, Ehrsam Products, Salina, Kansas; and (8) Blaine Pounds, Burlington Northern, St. Paul, Min- nesota. grain shipments, respectively. These costs include modifications in spouting and belts, additional leg capacity, a track scale, and an automatic sampler. These costs reflect facility modification which en- able per hour load out capacities of 15,000, 25,000. and 30,000 bu/h at the 25-, 50-, and 75-car grain handling facilities, respectively. Table 3 identifies the estimated investment costs of remodeling. New elevator investment is required in railcar track capacity to accommodate additional cars as- sociated with the 25-, 50-, and 75-car shipments. Estimates of additional trackage were calculated from information on each facility's current rail sid- ing and the estimated amount of siding to handle the 25-, 50-, and 75-car shipments. It was assumed that a trackmobile would be required at each loca- tion for shuttling railcars. Table 4 identifies the estimated investment cost of a used trackmobile and additional track at each elevator. TABLE 3. ESTIMATED INVESTMENTCOST OF REMODELING COUNTRY ELEVATORS TO HANDLE 25-, 50-, AND 75-CAR GRAIN SHIPMENTS Investment Cost Grain Shipments a Item 25-car 50-car 75-car Leg, Spouting, Belts $125,000 $200,000 $260,000 Track Scale 75,000 1 15,000 150,00( Automatic Sampler 10,000 18,000 zspolflt‘ Total $21 0,000 $333,000 $435,000 ~'\ TABLE 4. ESTIMATED INVESTMENT COST AT EACH ELEVA- TOR FOR ADDING TRACK AND A TRACKMOBILE TO MAKE 25-, fiSOq AND 75-CAR GRAIN SHIPMENTS lnvestment Cost Elevator Grain Shipment Location 25-car‘ 50-car‘ 75-car‘ Dalhart $126,520 $284,520 $452,520 Stratford 63,600 1 75,000 389,600 Lautz 97,920 255,920 423,920 Spearman 137,960 295,960 463,960 Perrytonz 35,000 50,000 75,000 Hartley 35,000 193,000 361 ,000 Etter 1 26,520 284,520 452,520 Dumas 103,640 261 ,640 429,640 fi Panhandle 126,520 284,520 452,520 Pampa 103,640 261 ,640 429,640 ‘Costs include a used trackmobile with an estimated purchase price of $35,000, $50,000, and $75,000 for a 25-, 50-, and 75-car grain handling facility, respectively. Personnel experienced in country elevator remodeling estimated 110 ft of trackage to be required for each additional railcar of holding capacity. The per foot cost of this investment was estimated to average $52 and included costs of track, ballast, ties, and switches. zManagement at this location indicated adequate track capacity to load the 25-, 50-, and 75-car grain shipments. Annual Fixed Costs Associated with Upgrading Country Elevators Annual fixed costs include depreciation, inter- est on investment, and additional facility insur- ance and property taxes. Assets were depreciated using the straight-line method. Investment in addi- tional rail trackage was depreciated over a 40-year period, while the trackmobile was assumed to have a 15-year life. Remodeling investment in the elevator (leg, belts, automatic sampler) was depre- ciated over a 10-year period while the track scale was depreciated over 20 years. Interest on investment was estimated at 10% on half of the total initial investment. Insurance on structures and installed equipment was estimated at 13.40 cents per $100 of initial investment. Proper- ty taxes were estimated by multiplying investment cost by .9, then dividing this value by $100, and multiplying the resulting quotient by $1.50. Table 5 identifies the estimated annual fixed costs at each location. Grain Inventory Costs The single-car rate structure allows the eleva- tor operator to ship grain as purchased from the producer. In contrast, multicar shipping organiza- tions will require the elevator operator to accumu- late a grain inventory equal to the quantity in- cluded in the multicar shipment. This will incur an f additional cost. The estimated inventory costs of the multicar organization are based on the follow- ing assumptions: (1) Half of an elevator's annual wheat receipts are purchased at or near harvest. l thus negligible inventory costs are incurred on this grain. The elevator's remaining per month pur- chases are made at a rate equaling 6% of the TABLE 5. ESTIMATED ANNUAL FIXED COST ASSOCIATED WITH UPGRADING COUNTRY ELEVATORS TO ACCOMMO- DATE 25-, 50-, AND 75-CAR GRAIN SHIPMENTS Total Annual Fixed Cost Elevator Grain Shipments Location 25-car 50-car 75-car Dalhart $43,568 $76,472 $107,478 Stratford 38,000 67,229 101 ,872 Lautz 41,217 73,940 104,947 Spearman 44,579 77,484 108,491 Perryton 10,231 55,717 74,068 Hartley 35,467 68,372 99,379 Etter 43,568 76,472 1 07,478 Dumas 41,543 . 74,446 107,329 Panhandle 43,568 76,472 107,478 Pampa 41 ,543 74,446 107,329 plant's annual volume; (2) Interest cost is 12%; and (3) Grain is valued at $3.25/bu. Figure 3 shows the per bushel inventory costs of a 25-car, 50-car, and 75-car loading facility at annual volumes ranging from 1.0 to 2.5 million bushels. As expected, per bushel inventory costs decrease as annual grain volume increases, whereas inventory costs increase as the size of the unit train to be accommodated increases. Inland Terminal and Port Terminal Costs and Storage Capacities The Economic Research Service (under USDA) has conducted a series of studies on grain han- dling and storage costs at inland and port termi- nals. Costs used in this study are based on a 1977 to 1978 estimate which was revised and upgraded to meet 1982 costs using producer price indices and volume estimates for more recent years.‘ The es- timated per bushel variable cost of receiving grain from truck and rail modes at inland terminals is $.0275 and $.0345/bu, respectively. The estimated costs of loading trucks and rail modes is $.0238 and $.0312/bu, respectively. Per bushel variable costs of receiving truck and rail-delivered grain at port terminals are $.021l and $.0227. The port elevators estimated per bushel variable cost of loading to ship is $.0l53. Annual per bushel storage charge for holding grain at inland and port terminals is $.279. Study area inland terminal and port terminal storage capacities were obtained from federal and state grain warehouse licensing agencies. Commercial Truck Transportation Rates In this study, truck movement of wheat from all elevators was assumed to be by commercial truckers. Rates are for diesel-powered, cab-over, twin screw, tractor-trailer rigs. Two sources of rate ‘Analysis provided by Mack Leath, USDA-HRS. University of Illinois. TABLE 9. ESTIMATED RATE OF RETURN ON 25-, 50-, AND 75-CAR UPGRADING INVESTMENTS WITH PER BUSHEL RAIL RATE REDUCTIONS OF $.05, $.075, AND $.10 AND STUDY REGION WHEAT PRODUCTION OF 28.4 MILLION BUSHELS‘ Estimated Rate of Return with Rail Rate Reductions of @ ELEVATOR $.05 $.075 $.10 $.05 $.075 $.10 $.05 $.075 $.10 LOCATION (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 25-CAR INVESTMENT 50-CAR INVESTMENT 75-CAR INVESTMENT Dalhart — 16.5 20.9 — — — — — — Stratford — 17.7 26.7 —- — — -— — — Lautz — -— 9.5 — — — —— — - Spearman 19.0 24.1 32.0 — — 12.5 — — — Perryton 114.3 129.8 151.1 23.9 28.8 35.4 14.4 18.0 23.0 Pampa 15.3 19.0 21.5 —- — — — — — ‘Estimated rates of return are based on a gross margin of $.215/bu. Results are only shown for those locations where combinations of investment levels and rate reductions yield rate of return approximating or exceeding 10%. locations with low returns on upgrading invest- ment have volume increases which average about 25%. The very high rate of return on elevator in- vestment at Perryton is due to the substantial volume increase and the relatively modest invest- ment which management indicated to be required in order to accommodate multicar shipments (Table 5). High and Low Wheat Production Levels Tables l0 and ll relate the expected annual wheat receipts at the l0 elevator locations with study region production of 21.6 and 35.7 million bushels, respectively. Tables 12 and l3 identify for each production level the expected rate of return on upgrading investment at elevators where the estimated rate approximates or exceeds 10%. In general the results are as expected. The subset of elevators’, which generate attractive re- turns at the average production level (28.4 million bushels) are often suitable investments at the low and high production levels. However, the study shows the return on upgrading investment is posi- tively correlated with the study regions level of wheat production. For example, Lautz is not a suitable investment at the lowest production level TABLE 10. ESTIMATED ANNUAL WHEAT RECEIPTS AT STUD- IED ELEVATOR LOCATIONS WITH EXISTING RATES AND THREE REDUCED RAIL RATE LEVELS, AND STUDY REGION WHEAT PRODUCTION OF 21.6 MILLION BUSHELS Per bushel rate reductions Elevator Existing Location Rate $.05 $.075 $.1 0 (1 ,O00 bu) Dalhart 567 931 1,111 1,196 Stratford 442 71 7 899 1 ,040 Lautz 494 71 2 794 863 Spearman 823 1 ,828 2,000 2,083 Perryton 1 ,067 2,075 2,256 2,429 Hartley 1 ,458 1 ,469 1 ,480 1,480 Etter 61 2 778 843 867 Dumas 762 880 957 957 Panhandle 816 876 897 934 Pampa 724 1 ,366 1 ,453 1 ,512 l0 TABLE 11. ESTIMATED ANNUAL WHEAT RECEIPTS AT STUD- IED ELEVATOR LOCATIONS WITH EXISTING RATES AND THREE REDUCED RAIL RATE LEVELS, AND STUDY REGION WHEAT PRODUCTION OF 35.7 MILLION BUSHELS Per bushel rate reductions Elevator Existing Location Rate $.05 $.075 $.10 (1,000 bu) Dalhart 932 1 ,531 1,826 2,009 Stratford 724 1 ,180 1 ,477 1 ,706 Lautz 808 1 ,202 1 ,461 1,583 Spearman 1,100 2,242 2,382 2,595 Perryton 1,290 2,530 2,710 2,902 Hartley 2,392 2,410 2,428 2,428 Etter 1 ,006 1 ,339 1,359 1 ,366 Dumas 1,229 1,301 1,372 1,372 Panhandle 960 1,180 1,264 1,297 Pampa 964 1 ,680 1 ,767 1 ,826 but becomes marginally feasible at the average level of production with a $.10/bu rail rate reduc- tion and 25-car load-out system. At the highest production level, Lautz is a suitable location for investment with either a $.075 or $.10/bu rail rate reduction and investment in a 25-car shipment system. This general trend is similar at other loca- tions where upgrading investment was feasible. The exception is Spearman where the estimated rate of return on investment is greater at the low production level (21.6 million bushels) than the average production level (28.4 million bushels). This is due to the relatively dramatic increases in annual volume resulting from rail rate reductions when study region production is at the lowest level. Elevators’ Declining Gross Margins A recent survey of Texas country elevators revealed an average gross margin (f.o.b. elevator grain sale price - farmer price) of $.2l5/bu, thus all previous analysis assumed this margin when cal- culating rate of return on upgrading investment. Changes in the competitive environment may unQ favorably impact the upgraded elevator's margin and return. Competing elevators may reduce their U t» TABLE 12. ESTIMATED RATE OF RETURN ON 25-, 50-, AND 75-CAR UPGRADING INVESTMENT WITH PER BUSHEL RAIL RATE REDUCTIONS OF $.05, $.075, AND $.10 AND STUDY REGION WHEAT PRODUCTION OF 21.6 MILLION BUSHELS '\ Estimated Rate of Return with Rail Rate Reductions of ELEVATOR $.05 $.075 $.10 $.05 $.075 $.10 $.05 $.075 $.10 LOCATIONS (%) (%) . (%) (%) (°/=) (%) (%) (%) (%) 25-CAR INVESTMENT 50-CAR INVESTMENT 75-CAR INVESTMENT Dalhart —- 10.4 13.8 — — — — — — Stratford — 10.7 18.1 — — — — — - Spearman 25.4 31.9 35.1 — 12.4 14.2 — — - Perryton 102.6 122.5 141.6 20.3 26.5 32.5 11.6 16.3 20.8 Pampa 13.8 17.5 20.0 — — — — — — ‘Estimated rates of return are based on a gross margin of $.215/bu. Results are only shown for those locations where combinations of investment levels and rate reductions yield rates of returns approximating or exceeding 10%. . F\ TABLE 13. ESTIMATED RATE OF RETURN ON 25-, 50-, AND 75-CAR UPGRADING INVESTMENT WITH PER BUSHEL RAIL RATE RIDUCTIONS OF $.05, $.075, AND $.10 AND STUDY REGION WHEAT PRODUCTION OF 35.7 MILLION BUSHELS Estimated Rate of Return with Rail Rate Reductions of ELEVATOR $.05 $.075 $.10 $.05 $.075 $.10 $.05 $.075 $.10 LOCATIONS (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 25-CAR INVESTMENT 50-CAR INVESTMENT 75-CAR INVESTMENT Dalhart 11.2 22.9 30.2 — — 11.1 — — — Stratford 9.8 24.3 35.5 — — 13.4 — — — Lautz — 15.9 21.2 — — — — — — Spearman 30.6 35.9 44.0 11.7 14.6 19.1 — — 9.9 Perryton 128.1 148.0 169.1 28.3 34.5 41.1 17.6 22.3 27.3 Pampa 17.0 20.6 23.1 -- — — — — — ‘Estimated rates of return are based on a gross margin of $.215/bu. Results are only shown for those locations where combinations of investment levels and rate reductions yield rate of returns approximating or exceeding 10%. margin or obtain rail rate concessions, thus un- Effect of Not Operating the favorably affecting the upgrading e1evator's abili- Study Regiqn ShQfl-Line Railroad ty to charge $.215/bu. Analysis in this section is In November 1982' the Texas North Western based on the assumption that the upgraded eleva- tor will meet competition by lowering its gross margin in order to retain its original volume. That is, competition is met by lowering its gross margin and retaining the original volume rather than re- taining the $.215/bu margin and subsequently re- ducing annual wheat receipts. Table 14 provides information on the effect of a declining gross margin on return of investments in multicar shipping capacity. The tabled informa- tion focuses on those locations where the es- timated rate of return approximates or exceeds Railway Co. (TNW) began operation of 83 miles of former Rock Island track between Etter, Texas and Hardesty, Oklahoma. Some recently created short- line railroads in the midwest have ceased opera- tion because of financial problems, accordingly this analysis focuses on the feasibility of upgrad- ing elevators to accommodate multicar shipments under the assumption that the TNW cease opera- tions. The analysis found the quantity of wheat re- ceived at Stratford, Lautz, Etter, Dumas, and . . . Spearman to increase with nonoperation of the O 10A’ when study reglon wheat productlon 1s the TNW railroad. Wheat receipts and return on up- historical average of 28.4 million bushels. The re- grading investment increased modestly at Snub ...sults reveal the expected negative effect of a de- . . clining gross margin on upgrading elevator re- fsicinwilrfiteéfiiierl $'?Z5aa£c%c:1'r1?/gig$e rzilifitgg: turns. In general, the rate of return on upgrading with rod flog of 28 4 .11. ob h 1SYAbandon_ investment declines 2 to 3% for each $.01/bu reduc- mentpoi Ffiw t‘. m1 10% e. s‘ d tion in gross margin. The exception is Perryton . s opera Ions mo es Y mcreas? Fe- which experiences an abnormally large rate of Celpts atd aearrrflan’ Etter‘ and Dumas athexlstlng T return as a result of small upgrading investment. rates an t e t tee reduced If“? levels’ owever’ the effect on returns was negligible. As a result of At Perryton‘ the rate of return on a 25cm loadout railroad abandonment the Lautz facility's return system declines by approximately l0 to 12% for . . ' . . . on upgrading investment with rail rate reductions Eeach $.01/bu decline in gross margin. (See Tables of $075 and the 25cm handling system became I15 and l6 for the effect on returns of a declining marginally profitable while the rate of return with gross margin at low and high annual wheat pro- . . _ duction levels.) a $.10/bu reduction improved the return rate sever ll TABLE 14. ESTIMATED RATE OF RETURN ON 25-, 50-, AND 75- CAR UPGRADING INVESTMENT WITH PER BUSHEL RAIL RATE REDUCTIONS OF $.05, $.075, AND $.10/BU, GROSS MAR- GINS VARYING FROM $.165 TO $.215 AND STUDY REGION WHEAT PRODUCTION OF 28.4 MILLION BUSHELS‘ $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Gross Margins Elevator $.215 $.205 $.195 $.185 $.175 $.165 LOCGIIOFI (°/o) (°/o) (o/o) (°/o) (yo) (°/o) 25-CAR INVESTMENT $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Spearman 19.0 16.6 14.2 11.8 9.4 7.0 Perryton 114.3 105.0 95.7 86.4 77.1 67.8 Pampa 15.3 13.2 11.0 8.9 6.7 4.5 $.075 Rail Rate Reduction Dalhart 16.5 14.4 12.3 10.2 8.0 5.9 Stratford 17.7 15.5 13.3 11.1 8.9 6 7 Spearman 24.1 21.3 18.5 15.7 12.9 10:1 Perryton 129.8 119.3 108.9 98.4 88.0 77.5 Pampa 19.0 16.6 14.1 11.7 9.3 6.8 $.10 Rail Rate Reduction Dalhart 20.9 18.5 16.0 13.6 11.1 8.7 Stratford 26.7 23.8 20.9 18.0 15.2 12.3 Lautz 9.5 7.6 6.0 4.5 2.9 1.3 Spearman 32.0 28.6 25.2 21.8 18.4 15.0 Perryton 151.1 139.0 126.9 114.9 102.8 90.7 Pampa 21.5 18.9 16.3 13.6 11.0 8.4 50-CAR INVESTMENT $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 23.9 21.0 18.1 15.2 12.3 9.4 $.075 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 28.8 25.5 22.2 19.0 15.7 12.4 $.10 Rail Rate Reduction Spearman 12.5 10.6 8.7 6.8 5.0 3.1 Perryton 35.4 31.7 27.9 24.1 20.3 16.6 75-CAR INVESTMENT $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 14.4 12.2 10.0 7.8 5.6 3.4 $.075 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 18.0 15.6 13.1 10.6 8.2 5.7 $.10 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 23.0 20.2 17.4 14.5 11.7 8.8 ‘Results are only shown for those locations and combinations of investment levels and rate reductions where the rate of return approximates or exceeds 10% when the gross margin is $.215/bu. al percentage points. In general, abandonment of TNW operations would not substantially improve the feasibility of investing in a multicar loading system at nearby elevators. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Recent legislation has legalized contracts be- tween shippers and carriers. Generally, contracts between rail carriers and grain shippers involve I2 volume commitments from the shipper in ex- change for lower rail rates. Multicar grain ship- ments expedite railroad equipment handling. shorten equipment turnaround, allow for more pro-é ductive use of railroad capital, and subsequently lower rail costs. Accordingly, railroads are often willing to contract at reduced rates to grain han- dlers making multicar, point-to-point shipments. Unfortunately, many country elevator facilities are not capable of making multicar grain shipments for which significant rate reductions are offered. Thus, substantial investment in elevator plants may be necessary before contracting can be an alternative. This study focuses on the economic feasibility of upgrading l0 country elevators to load multicar wheat shipments (25-, 50-, and 75-car) in a 15- county area in the upper portion of the Texas Panhandle. Economic feasibility of upgrading the elevators is evaluated under alternative rail rate reductions ($.05, $.075, $.10), investments in 25-, 50-, and 75-car grain handling systems, three re- gional production levels and differing grain eleva- tor margins. In addition, the analysis examines the impact of not operating a short-line railroad on the feasibility of upgrading investment in nearby elevators. Since export movements lend them- selves to multicar, point-to-point hauls, the eco- nomic feasibility of upgrading is based only on wheat export volume. Research objectives were accomplished in two phases of activity. The initial phase involves es- timating wheat receipts and margin revenues at the upgraded country elevators as these facilities’ export rail rates are adjusted downward to reflect their shipment in multicar units. This phase was accomplished with a network flow model which included export wheat flows which commenced at farm-level and terminated with port elevator load- ing of ocean-going vessels. In the second phase. elevator upgrading and operating costs are sub- tracted from the added revenues to calculate re- turn attributable to each upgrading elevators’ in- vestment. Desirability of remodeling the country elevator to handle multicar shipments is provided by a return on upgrading investment. Several scenarios were examined to identify the effect of various factors on the feasibility of upgrading investment at the l0 analyzed eleva- tors. Initial analyses included study region wheat production approximating the historical average (28.4 million bushels), a gross elevator margin of $.2l5/bu and operation of the study region's short- line railroad. Rate of return on elevator upgrading investment was estimated for three rail reductionsa ($.05, $.075, and $.10) and three levels of upgrading investment (25-, 50-, and 75-car). Results show up- grading country elevators to accommodate 25-car grain shipments to be the most feasible. Six of th i‘ l0 study elevators had a rate of return on upgrad- ing investment which approximated or exceeded ,- , ‘l fi \ 10 percent when operating with an export rail rate reduction of $.10/bu and investing in a 25-car grain shipment system. Investment in a 25-car grain shipment system was feasible for five elevators (earned a rate of return on upgrading investment exceeding 10%) when receiving a $.075/bu rail rate reduction and three elevators when operating with a $.05/bu rate reduction. Two elevators were feasi- ble with upgrading investment in a 50-car system while only one elevator warranted investment in a 75-car grain handling system. Further analysis showed rate of return on up- grading investment is effected by variation in an- nual wheat production, declining elevator mar- gins, and nonoperation of the region's short-line railroad. As expected, the rate of return on upgrad- ing investment is positively correlated with plant volume. When study region wheat production de- clines about 25% (21.6 million bushels) below average, the rate of return on 25-car upgrading investment declines 2 to 8 percentage points and investment in one plant which is feasible at the average production level becomes unwarranted (Table l5). When study region production in- creases to 35.7 million bushels, rate of return on plants increase (2 to 8%) and additional combina- tions of rail rate reductions ($.05, $.075, $.10) and investments (25-car, 50-car, 75-car) become feasi- ble (Table 16). For example, five plants have at- tractive returns with a $.05/bu rail rate reduction and investment in a 25-car system, rather than the three plants which are feasible at the average production level. Competing elevators may reduce their margin or obtain rail rate concessions which unfavorably affect the upgrading elevators ability to charge $.2l5/bu. The analysis revealed a negative effect of a declining margin on rate of return. In general, rate of return declined 2 to 3 percentage points for each $.01/bu reduction in margin. Additional anal- ysis revealed that nonoperation of a short-line rail- road would favorably effect nearby elevators but would not sufficiently increase returns at infeas- ible facilities to warrant investment. Based on this study, careful and thorough analysis must be carried out prior to investing in multicar shipment capacity. Feasibility of invest- ment is highly correlated with the cost of upgrad- ing; that is, a plant which requires only modest investment has a much higher likelihood of ob- taining an adequate return than a plant requiring extensive remodeling. Further, the quantity of grain flowing to the upgraded elevator is directly correlated with the size of the rail rate reduction. Rate of return on upgrading investment is closely associated with the amount of additional grain that flows to the upgraded elevator at lowered rail rates. For example, the six feasible elevator loca- tions (25-car investment) had an average volume increase of 108% when rates were lowered $.10/bu, in contrast, the four infeasible locations had a 25% TABLE 15. ESTIMATED RATE OF RETURN ON 25-, 50-, AND 75- CAR UPGRADING INVESTMENT WITH PER BUSHEL RAIL RATE REDUCTIONS OF $.05, $.075, AND $.10/BU, GROSS MAR- GINS VARYING FROM $.165 TO $215 AND STUDY REGION WHEAT PRODUCTION OF 21.6 MILLION BUSHELS‘ Gross Margins Elevator $.215 $.205 $.195 $.185 $.175 Location (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 25-CAR INVESTMENT $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Spearman 25.4 22.5 19.6 16.7 13.8 11.0 Perryton 102.6 94.2 85.8 77.4 69.0 60.6 Pampa 13.8 11.8 9.7 7.7 5.6 3.6 $.075 Rail Rate Reduction Dalhart 10.4 8.8 7.2 5.6 4.0 2.4 Stratford 10.7 9.1 7.4 5.7 4.1 2.4 Spearman 31.9 28.5 25.2 21.8 18.4 15.0 Perryton 122.5 112.6 102.7 92.8 82.9 73.0 Pampa 17.5 15.2 12.9 10.5 8.2 5.9 $.10 Rail Rate Reduction Dalhart 13.8 12.0 10.1 8.2 6.4 4.5 Stratford 18.1 16.0 13.8 11.6 9.4 7.2 Spearman 35.1 31.5 27.8 24.2 20.6 17.0 Perryton 141.6 130.2 118.9 107.5 96.2 84.8 Pampa . 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 9.9 7.4 SO-CAR INVESTMENT $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 20.3 17.6 15.0 12.4 9.7 7.1 $.075 Rail Rate Reduction Spearman 12.4 10.6 8.7 6.8 4.9 3.1 Perryton 26.5 23.4 20.3 17.2 14.1 11.0 $.10 Rail Rate Reduction Spearman 14.2 12.2 10.2 8.2 6.2 4.2 Perryton 32.5 28.9 25.4 21.8 18.3 14.7 75-CAR INVESTMENT $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 11.6 9.6 7.7 5.7 3.7 1.7 $.075 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 16.3 14.0 11.7 9.3 7.0 I 4.7 $.10 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 20.8 18.1 15.5 12.8 10.1 7.4 ‘Results are only shown for those locations and combinations of investment levels and rate reductions where the rate of return approximates or exceeds 10 percent when the gross margin is $.215 per bushel. volume increase with a similar rate reduction. Density of grain production and competition from elevators in the upgrading elevators expanded market area impacts on the ability to attract larger volumes. Also, elevators that make the decision to upgrade must give special attention to the dura- tion of their contracted rate advantage. Because of the long-term nature of the upgrading investment, the contract must include provisions that allow for lowered rates over an extended time period. 13 TABLE 16. ESTIMATED RATE OF RETURN OF 25-, 50-, AND 75- CAR UPGRADING INVESTMENT WITH PER BUSHEL RAIL RATE REDUCTIONS OF $.05, $.075, AND $.10/BU, GROSS MAR- GINS VARYING FROM $.165 TO $.215 AND STUDY REGION WHEAT PRODUCTION OF 35.7 MILLION BUSHELS‘ Gross Margins Elevator $.215 $.205 $.195 $.185 $.175 $.165 Location (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 25-CAR INVESTMENT $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Dalhart 11.2 9.4 7.6 5.8 4.0 2.3 Stratford 9.8 8.1 6.5 4.8 3.1 1.5 Spearman 30.6 27.3 24.0 20.8 17.5 14.2 Perryton 128.1 117.8 107.5 97.1 86.8 76.5 Pampa 17.0 14.7 12.4 10.1 7.8 5.5 $.075 Rail Rate Reduction Dalhart 22.9 20.2 17.6 14.9 12.3 9.6 Stratford 24.3 21.6 18.8 16.1 13.3 10.6 Lautz 15.9 13.7 11.6 9.5 7.4 5.3 Spearman 35.9 32.2 28.6 24.9 21.2 17.5 Perryton 148.0 136.1 124.3 112.5 100.6 88.8 Pampa 20.6 18.1 15.5 12.9 10.4 7.8 $.10 Rail Rate Reduction Dalhart 30.2 26.9 23.8 20.6 17.4 14.2 Stratford 35.5 31.9 28.4 24.7 21.2 17.6 Lautz 21.2 18.6 16.1 13.6 11.1 8.6 Spearman 44.0 39.7 35.4 31.1 26.8 22.5 Perryton 169.1 155.7 142.3 128.8 115.4 102.0 Pampa 23.1 20.4 17.6 14.9 12.1 9.4 50-CAR INVESTMENT $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Spearman 11.7 9.9 8.1 6.3 4.4 2.6 Perryton 28.3 25.0 21.8 18.6 15.3 12.1 $.075 Rail Rate Reduction Spearman 14.6 12.6 10.6 8.5 6.5 4.5 Perryton 34.5 30.8 27.1 23.4 19.7 16.0 $.10 Rail Rate Reduction Dalhart 11.1 9.4 7.6 5.9 4.1 2.4 Stratford 13.4 11.5 9.5 7.6 5.7 3.7 Spearman 19.1 16.7 14.4 12.0 9.6 7.2 Perryton 41.1 36.9 32.7 28.5 24.3 20.1 75-CAR INVESTMENT $.05 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 17.6 15.2 12.8 10.3 7.9 5.5 $.075 Rail Rate Reduction Perryton 22.3 19.5 16.7 14.0 11.2 8.4 $.10 Rail Rate Reduction Spearman 9.9 8.3 6.6 4.9 3.2 1.6 Perryton 27.3 24.1 21.0 17.8 14.6 11.5 ‘Results are only shown for those locations and combinations of investment levels and rate reductions where the rate of return approximates or exceeds 10 percent when the gross margin is $.215 per bushel. 14 LITERATURE CITED . Bagby, I. W., I. R. Evans, and W. R. Wood. i "Contracting for Transportation." Transporta-$ tion ]ourna1 Winter 1982. pp. 63-73. . Davis, C. D., and R. L. Oehrtman. "The Costs of On-Farm Storage for Wheat in Oklahoma/l Un- published manuscript, Oklahoma State Univer- . Interstate Commerce Commission. Contract Ad- visory Service, Summary No. 15, March 25, 1983. . Iohnson, M. A., R. C. Brooks, and T. E. Nichols, Ir.. Contracting Rail Freight Services for Poultry Feed Ingredients Moving to the South. Econom- ics Information Report No. 68, Department of a Economics and Business, Raleigh, North Caroli- na, November 1982. . Iohnson, M. A., and L. O. Sorenson. Contracting for Railroad Freight Service. Western Rural De- velopment Center, Report 17, Ianuary 1983. . Morton. I. R. "Contract Rates by Rail—A Tool in Ratemaking." ICC Practitioners’ Iourna] 49: 413- 419. May-lune 1982. . U.S. Department of Agriculture. County Soil Survey Maps. Soil Conservation Service and Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1970. . Grain Storage Capacity Survey. Ag- ricultural Stabilization and Conservation Ser- vice, October 1978. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special appreciation is expressed to Dr. Cal- vin Parnell, Department of Agricultural Engineer- ing, Texas A8zM University for advice and counsel regarding the upgrading of country elevators. Equal appreciation is expressed to elevator man- agement for their counsel and willingness to share iniormation regarding their facilities. Drs. Shan Chiyarath and Larry Makus made valuable contri- butions as did Hector Viscencio. Special thanks is extended to Ruth Clearfield and Helen Schiffhauer for manuscript preparation. a.“ [Blank Page in Orwnal Bulletin] z- ‘n: up! ii Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty of the product by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. All programs and information of The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, color, religion, ser ~ age, handicap, or national origin. 2.5M—6-84