B-1475 August 1984 L l B R A R Y OCT 2 3 1984 Texas 531M University Cost and Pecuniary Economies in Cotto Production and Marketing: A Study of Texas Southern High Plains Cotton Producers The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Neville P. Clarke, Director The Texas A&M University System , College Station, Texas CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Objectives 1 Cost of Production or Economies of Size Studies 2 ECONOMIES OF SIZE 3 Methodology 4 Study Area 4 Procedure 5 INPUT ECONOMIES 5 General Input Pricing Policies 6 Variable Input Costs 6 Fuels 6 Seed 7 Fertilizer 7 Chemicals 7 Labor 8 Capital 9 Machinery 9 Ginning 0 Equipment Repair O Total Production Cost 11 VERTICAL INTEGRATION 12 Cooperatives 13 Non-Cooperative Private Integration 14 Total Cost Adjustment for Integration 14 Implications for Farm Structure 15 MARKET ECONOMIES 16 Survey Results 16 Volume Marketed 16 Method of Marketing 16 Time of Marketing 16 Contracting-Futures 16 Implications of Marketing Economies for Farm Structure 17 TOTAL BENEFITS BY FARM SIZE 17 CONCLUSIONS 19 REFERENCES SUMMARY In recent years, the ”family farm” and its chances for survival has emerged as one of the major agricultural policy issues. The decline in farm num- bers and increase in farm size have led to renewed interest in the efficiency of different-size farms. This study isolates the degree of pecuniary economies existing for input purchases and marketings on cot- ton farms by size in the Texas Southern High Plains. The results indicate that substantial cost and market- ing economies are being realized by the largest farms in the region. KEYWORDS: Pecuniary economies/vertical integration/economies of size/large-scale farms/cotton farms. Cost and Pecuniary Economies in Cotton Production and Marketing: A Study of Texas Southern High Plains Cotton Producers E. G. Smith, I. W. Richardson, and R. D. Knutson* INTRODUCTION In recent years, the ”family farm” and its chances for survival has emerged as one of the major agricul- tural policy issues. The decline in farm numbers and increases in farm size have led to renewed interest in the efficiency of different-size farms. Efficiency is important to resolving the debate on this farm policy issue. If, in fact, family farms are just as efficient as “heir larger competitors, policies that enhance the movement toward larger farms could have negative impacts on the performance of U. S. agriculture. If, on the other hand, larger-size farms are more efficient, then policy which would limit growth would mean that agricultural products would be pro- duced at higher costs than necessary. Therefore, comprehensive economies of size studies need to be updated for major agricultural crops in different geo- graphical regions so appropriate policy actions can be taken. Objectives The principal objective of this study was to de- velop cost of production and pecuniary economy data by farm size on cotton farms in the Texas Southern High Plains. Emphasis was placed on determining the magnitude of pecuniary economies related to: 0 Input economies; 0 Marketing economies; 0 Economies of vertical integration. Pecuniary economies are defined as lower costs of purchased inputs and higher returns to marketings as farm size increases. Previous studies generally have treated pecuniary economies either as being insignifi- cant or nonexistent. ‘Respectively, Extension economist, grain marketing; associate - _ rofessor; and professor. All are members of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, and the Agricul- tural and Food Policy Center, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. Cost of Production or Economies of Size Studies The most frequently cited economies of size study is Madden’s review of selected literature in the area (1967). His review discussed the findings from 14 farm-size crop studies. He concluded that crop farms requiring one or two man-years of labor can capture most of the available economies due to size. Madden and Davis conducted an economies of size study in 1965 on the Texas High Plains. Although limited to irrigated cotton farms, the study concluded that large farms were no more efficient than smaller one-man farms of approximately 440 acres. Miller, Rodewald, and McElroy (1981) completed an economies of size study that covered seven basic regions of the United States, one of which was the High Plains of Texas. Their study concluded that long-run average cost curves suggest cost economies of 18.9 cents per dollar of gross income as High Plains farms grow from 115 to 974 acres. However, they viewed such economies as not being large. Most of the previous studies on economies of size, including those of Miller et al. and Madden and Davis, used the synthetic firm approach, an approach that Madden (1967) recommended as providing reli- able results. Like most economies of size studies, these failed to analyze either pecuniary economies or the advantages gained from vertical integration} Krenz, Heid, and Sitler (1974) found evidence of pecuniary economies in both input and output mar- kets when studying large wheat farms in the North Central Great Plains. In comparing farms up to 12,000 acres with those in the 1,500-acre range, they found that as many as 40% of the larger farms were verti- cally integrated to some extent. Krause and Kyle (1971) found that the return on investment was greater for larger farms due to techni- lVertical integration means the control by a firm of two or more stages of production or marketing, i.e., cotton producer owning a cotton gin. cal economies as well as pecuniary economies in purchasing and selling. They found evidence that farms in the 5,000-acre range could receive as much as a 20% advantage over farms 0f approximately 500 acres when purchasing inputs. In addition, market- ing advantages could result in as much as $5 per acre for the larger farms. Midwestern corn farms were analyzed in their study. In summary, most economies of size research, on crop farming units where pecuniary and marketing economies have been assumed zero, concur with Miller et al. (1981) that medium-size commercial farms (gross incomes from $41,000 to $76,000) achieve most technical cost efficiencies and any further in- crease in size results in little benefit to society. Unfor- tunately, little of the research on technical economies has studied large-scale farms that produce a majority of the agricultural production in the United States. ECONOMIES OF SIZE The theories of cost production and economies of size are important to this study because of the impli- cation they have for farm survival and thus the struc- ture of agriculture. If the relationship between farm size and cost of production can be adequately de- veloped, the impacts of government policy on struc- ture can be more accurately analyzed. Economies of size occur when the cost of producing a unit of output declines as farm size (measured in acres of land in this study) increases. Conversely, if the cost of pro- ducing a unit of output increases as farms become larger then diseconomies of size have occurred, and if they remain the same the farm is experiencing con- stant returns to size. These relationships are depicted in Figure 1 by use of the familiar short- and long-run average cost curves. From the point on the long-run average cost curve (LAC) labeled ql to quantity q2, the farm is experiencing economies of size. In- finitesimally about quantity q2 the firm has constant returns to size, and as output increases to the right of q2 diseconomies of size occur. Although many factors contribute to economies of size, Ferguson and Gould (1975) conclude that two Cost Per Unit Of Output LAC SAC2 SAW q2 I I I I I Quantity of Output Figure 1. Short- and long-run average cost of production. broad forces are responsible. First, specialization and division of labor can occur as farm size increases. This g specialization can contribute considerably to lowering I cost per unit of output. Second, some inputs, such a heavy equipment, can be used in a more effective manner on larger operations. In addition to speciali- zation of labor and technological forces, there are financial contributions to economies ._of size referred to as pecuniary economies. These pecuniary econo- mies occur when, due to volume or sheer market power, a firm is able to obtain a lower price on purchased inputs. Diseconomies usually occur due to management and coordination problems. The point at which such diseconomies begin is debated exten- sively in agriculture (Knutson 1979). It is important to distinguish between the short- and long-run average cost curves. Ferguson and Gould (1975) conclude that perhaps the best distinc- tion is that firms plan in the long run and operate in the short run. The long run is defined as the length of time necessary for all inputs to be regarded as vari- able. Therefore the LAC curve can be referred to as a planning curve. Since the LAC curve reflects the minimum cost of producing any level of output when all inputs are variable it will always be below the short-run average cost (SAC) curve except at the point of tangency when the costs are identical. There- fore, in theory, all farms would gravitate toward quantity q2 in Figure 1 for it is at this point wherU economies of size can be achieved and the SAC an LAC curves are tangent. Realistically, not all farms in agriculture will op- erate at the optimum size. This is due to various levels of producer knowledge, variation in manage- ment skill, fixed resources, and lags in the adjust- ment process. Therefore, when analyzing actual farm data one observes a broad range of costs-many of which are above the LAC curve. In reality there may be a substantial range of sizes where the LAC curve is flat or nearly so as illustrated in Figure 2. Pecuniary economiesz exist when some farms are able to achieve discounts or premiums on their inputs and output because of volume and/or market power. Such economies may arise from three sources: 0 Input economies; 0 Marketing economies; 0 Economies of vertical integration. Regardless of how pecuniary discounts are achieved, their effect is to lower the technical long-run average cost curves for the farms able to achieve such econo- mies. As pecuniary economies are gained, the LAC curve is shifted downward and returns to manage- ment increase, thus giving the incentive for expan- sion (illustrated by dashed LAC’ in Figure 2). This effect is reinforced if producers are able to gain an additional advantage due to economies in marketing zPecuniary economies are defined as lower costs of purchase” inputs and higher returns for marketed production as a function of farm size. _ _ _ _ AR’ Cost or j Revenue AR Per Unit Of Output ~~_LAc' Quantity of Output Figure 2. Traditional long-run average cost and revenue curves ad- justed for pecuniary economies. resulting in higher prices for their output (illustrated by dashed addition to horizontal average revenue line in Figure 2). Such increases in profit would allow larger firms distinct advantages in building equity and servicing debt, thus leading to even further growth in farm size. Methodology Madden (pp. 24-34) reviews several analytical ‘techniques that have been used in trying to measure economies of size in various agricultural industries and concludes that no single method is best for all economies of size studies. However, Madden con- cludes that the synthetic firm approach provides the most reliable results in studying economies of size in farming. Madden states that the: synthetic-firm analysis is appropriate when either of two research questions is asked: (1) What is the average cost per unit of output or profit that firms of various sizes could potentially achieve using modern or advanced technologies, or (2) What are the differences in average cost per unit of output attributable strictly to differences in size of firm, and not to differences in degree of plant utilization, use of obsolete technologies, or substandard management practices. The synthetic firm approach is useful in analyzing the normative concept of what potential economies exist. The synthetic firm approach was rejected for use in the present study because of its normative nature. If policy makers want to analyze the impacts of farm programs on the structure of agriculture, they need to know what conditions actually exist in the industry, not just what could exist under ideal circumstances. The composite“ firm approach, on the other hand, uses actual firm data to develop averages of the various input costs that exist for different-size opera- tions. This approach is used in the study to determine existing average cost of production per unit of out- put, since it is not the intent of this research to develop a long-run average cost curve. Instead, it is to determine points along the actual short-run aver- age cost curves as they exist for various-size farms in the Texas Southern High Plains in 1980. These costs thus represent the actual costs that farms are ex- periencing. Madden (p. 28) lists several disadvantages of the composite firm approach including the following: 1. Inaccurate cost data are utilized. 2. Composite farms do not accurately reflect the actual average cost of firms within the size category. 3. Several characteristics of individual farms are averaged; thus, the resulting composite is an inaccurate replica of the group it represents. 4. Composite farms do not accurately reflect po- tential economies of size. To respond to point one, inaccurate cost data is a problem to all analytical procedures and cannot be held specifically against the composite firm approach. The utmost caution was utilized in gathering data for this study; thus, this disadvantage is no greater in the composite approach than in the synthetic firm ap- proach. In fact, since a synthetic firm by definition never operates in reality, the costs and economies presented in this study could be argued as more accurate. As for the composite firm not accurately reflect- ing average cost within the size category, procedures were employed in this study to develop data as accurately as resources allowed. Although the size groups are determined subjectively, they are small enough at the lower end of the size scale to allow true cost differentials to be observed. Differences in firm characteristics are particularly troublesome in diversified agriculture where multiple crop and livestock enterprises exist. However, the region under analysis is largely one of specialized cotton production. This disadvantage, therefore, is minimized? Further, since the intent of the research is to study actual cost differences, this disadvantage does not weigh as heavily as it would in measuring potential economies. The last point is not relevant, since this study is trying to determine not the potential long-run aver- age cost curve, but the results as determined by actual agricultural forces. It is important to this study that all factors of cost are reflected by farm size. For example, it is not a problem if small farms are behind technologically or operate at less than full capacity, since this represents reality in the region. In summary, the composite firm approach was selected because, in the study region, it is believed to give a more accurate representation of the actual average cost of production by farm size. Madden’s disadvantages were developed in a context where the 3A trend toward specialization in the production of one or two crops exists across much of agriculture. This trend makes the firm characteristics more uniform than those that existed at the time of Madden’s research. intent of research was to develop the potential econo- mies of size. That is not the intent of the present study. Pecuniary economies are measured directly from information provided by producers, agribusiness firms, and financial institutions. In addition, pecuniary economies achieved through vertical inte- gration were developed indirectly based on input purchase discounts reported by integrated firms and major input supply wholesalers. Marketing econo- mies were developed from producer and first handler supplied data. Study Area Three South Plains counties were randomly selected for study because of the homogeneity of crop production in the area. Gaines, Lynn, and Lubbock counties were selected at random from 11 counties illustrated in Figure 3. These counties produced over 220,000 bales of cotton each as reported by the Texas Department of Agriculture. Cotton constituted 85% of total crop acreage in Lubbock and more than 90% of the total crop acreage in Lynn and Gaines counties. Therefore, cotton was the only crop included in the analysis. Irrigated acreage varied from 20.3% of total crop- land in Lynn County to 42.7% in Gaines, and 63.8% in Lubbock (Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service [b]). Although there would be significant differences in cultural practices between dryland and irrigated crops, this should not affect the analysis of pecuniary economies of size. It could, however, im- pact the cost of production per pound of lint. This would be a problem if lower unit cost were observed on farm sizes having a greater proportion of their cultivated land under irrigation. This, however, was not the case for the producers surveyed. oAiiAu sntlmm mm5~ Quaint: LIPSCOM rOIIO MAIIYLU BOOM HUYCMN- ROBUIYS unawmu. $0M 1-COCHRAN 2-HOCKLEY 3-LUBBOCK 21s.. mm" ms 4-CROSBY 5-YOAKUM sJ-ERRY m“ u... m. w» noun com: 7-LYNN 8-GARZA 9_GA|NE$ emu 10-DAWSON 5 6 7 8 GAINES DAWSON aonozn {Quflflv nsncn 1on6 $M¢KEL roan 11—BORDEN 9 lo Anonrws MARTIN nowmn uncniu noun uvroa CMMM" ECYOR MIDLAND GLASQ- SYUILING COIE RUNNELS COLKMAN w WINKLER coca ___J QLDNAN POTYER CARSON GRAY WHKILER Puma CASYRO [swisuua amscoz NALL cmro ntss 6001i“ nocnuu Luaaocx cwosav DICIENS mac. "$;'\~ anwfl Figure 3. Study area, Texas Southern High Plains. Random sample included Lubbock, Lynn, and Gaines counties. 4 Table 1 indicates the size and number of farms in the three-county study area. Only 1% of the farms in the area have over 2,500 acres of cropland whileJ 40.1% have less than 320 acres. On the average, farms are larger in Gaines and Lynn Counties than those in Lubbock. The smaller farm size in Lubbock County is at least partially explained by a larger number of part- time farmers who work in Lubbock. t Table 2 indicates the percent of total cotton pro- duction by farm size in the sample area. While farms in the 0-320 acre class represent 40% of farm num- bers, they produce only 14% of the total crop. At the other extreme, the 1% with over 2,500 acres produces 6% of the total crop. Sixty percent of the production is on farms with over 640 acres of land. Procedure A stratified random sample of 35 farms was selected from each of the three counties to obtain data on production practices, machinery complements, financial position, participation in commodity pro- grams, input purchases, and marketing. The sample was stratified into seven categories based on farm size (acres). Five farms from each size category were selected, where available, for interview in each coun- ty, resulting in 105 possible survey farms. A questionnaire was administered to the farmers in the survey by personal interview. Of the 105 sur- vey schedules, 98 were usable. Selected input and J market-related agribusiness firms were also surveyed to supplement the producer data on the cost of inputs purchased and potential sources of marketing econo- mies. Financial institutions were interviewed to ob- tain data on the credit and leverage positions of each farm size, as well as the machinery complements held as security in obtaining credit. Data obtained from the surveys were analyzed and used two ways in developing the per unit cost by farm size: 0 Actual prices and quantities of input purchases were used in conjunction with average machinery, interest, and associated opportunity costs on inter- mediate and long-term assets to determine the av- erage cost per unit of output, including any pecuniary economies associated with input costs. 0 For comparative purposes, average input prices were assumed in developing production cost, as- suming an absence of pecuniary economies. The difference between these two cost rela- tionships indicate the magnitude of pecuniary econo- mies for input purchases. To minimize the impact of input inventories, the respondents were asked to list purchase price of inputs as of June 15, 1980. Yield data revealed no apparent difference in crop yield per size category; thus, constant yields were assumed across all farm sizes. Marketing economies were ana- lyzed from sales data as reported by farm operators “ with supplementary information obtained from ag- ribusiness questionnaires. TABLE 1. FARM NUMBERS IN SELECTED SIZE CATEGORIES FOR GAINES, LYNN, AND LUBBOCK COUNTIES, 1980 # Farms # Farms % # Farms % # Farms % # Farms % # Farms % # Farms % # Farms % With 0-120 of 121-320 of 321-640 of 641-1380 of 1281-2500 of 2501-4400 of 4400+ of Cropland Acres Total Acres Total Acres Total Acres Total Acres Total Acres Total Acres Total Gaines 592 62 10.5 132 22.3 142 24.0 177 29.9 66 11.1 9 1.5 4 .6 Lynn 553 42 7.6 163 29.5 177 32.0 126 22.8 4O 7.2 5 .9 0 O Lubbock 842 113 13.4 286 34.0 237 28.1 153 18.1 51 6.1 2 .2 0 0 Total for Area 1,987 217 10.9 581 29.2 556 28.0 456 22.9 257 7.9 16 .8 4 .2 Cum % # Farms 10.9 40.1 68.1 91.0 98.9 99.7 99.9 TABLE 2. PERCENTAGE PRODUCTION AND FARM NUMBER BY SELECTED FARM SIZE FOR COTTON FARMS OF THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Percent of Percent of Size Interval Total Cotton Number of (acres) Production Farms 0-320 14 40.0 321-640 24 28.0 641-1,280 35 23.0 1,281-2,500 21 8.0 2,501-4,400 4 0.8 4,400+ 2 0.2 4* INPUT ECONOMIES Pecuniary economies in input purchases exist when per unit input costs decline as farm size in- creases. Three main sources of such economies in- clude: 0 Volume discounts resulting in a lower price for larger volume purchases; o Vertical integration into an input supply function; o Timing of input purchases. Babb (1979, p. 53) indicates volume discounts could be as important as technical efficiency in reducing production cost on larger firms, thus providing incen- tives for growth. He further contends that volume discounts could affect not only the number and size distribution of farms, but also the degree of speciali- zation in production. Other economists such as Stig- ler (1968) and Williamson (1975) have identified the absence of volume discounts in the open market as one of the factors giving rise to integration. Volume discounts may result either from cost savings associated with large volume purchases or from the market power of the buyer. Market power exists when a farmer purchases (or sells) a sufficiently large proportion of a business's volume that the farm- er can bargain for discounts (or premiums) regardless of those justified by cost considerations. Market or Nargaining power can be gained by a farmer either by i1 chieving a sufficient size to vertically integrate into input distribution, or by making the seller dependent on the farmer's business for survival. Vertical integration occurs when a firm combines more than one level of the marketing, production, or processing channel under its management. For exam- ple, backward integration would occur if a farmer acquired an input supply business. Forward integra- tion would occur if a processing or marketing firm was acquired. By integration a farmer potentially could buy inputs at a lower price than is available in the open market and/or capture added cost savings frequently associated with integrated systems of pro- duction. Integration may also be accomplished either through cooperatives or through forming a separate corporate entity. Prices for inputs vary throughout a production year depending on the supply-demand and structural relationships in the supplying firm market at both the wholesale and retail market levels. Therefore, pro- ducers who purchase inputs during periods of de- pressed prices, or before prices rise, lower their costs of production relative to other producers? Thus, time of purchase can play a major role in achieving pecuniary economies for producers who can pur- chase sufficient quantities at a low enough price to offset capital and storage costs. In most instances, larger farms are better able to take advantage of such gains. General Input Pricing Policies Strong preferences existed among farm supply businesses in the study area to price their goods to all commercial farmers at the same price. While 38% of the suppliers of fuel, seed, herbicide, fertilizer, and machinery indicated they had some form of discount program, the volume of purchases necessary to elicit such discounts were obtainable by all commercial farmers? The clear consensus from input suppliers indi- cated that they would rather deal with 100 middle- size farmers (400-1,000 acres) than with a few large- scale producers. If their business depended only on a few large-scale farmers, risk of volume loss would 4Savings in price, of course, must be sufficiently lower to cover the capital and storage costs. 5A commercial farm as defined in this study is a farm where income from agriculture is important to the survival of the farm operation. Products from the farm operation are produced for their income-earning potential. increase greatly. Input suppliers generally felt that if they made better deals to the larger-volume buyers, it would cause discontent among the smaller-scale farmers who are the mainstay of their business. Underlying the attitude against quantity dis- counts may have been the concern that any discount given to large-volume buyers would spread to all producers. In addition, cooperative principles tradi- tionally suggest that all producers pay the same price. The reluctance to give volume discounts could be the impetus for integration by larger-scale producers. Variable Input Costs Fuels The major fuels used in cotton production are diesel, gasoline, and propane. Diesel fuel is used in . greater volume due to tractor requirements. Approxi- mately 25% of the fuel suppliers indicated they of- fered volume discounts in the 5% range. However, the volume required for the discount was sufficiently small as to be obtained by all commercial-size farms. The only substantial discounts for commercial farms occurred when a farm was able to buy and store bulk purchases of approximately 8,000 gallons. Only farms in the largest size group (4,400+ acres) indicated purchases of fuel in quantities sufficient to gain such discounts. Table 3 summarizes fuel use and prices paid by farm size. Diesel was the predominant farm fuel on all farm sizes except the smallest, where gasoline use was slightly more important. The survey reported diesel prices ranging from a low of 92 cents per gallon for the 4,400+ acre category to a high of 99 cents for the 1,601—2,560 acre farm size. It is of interest to note that the next to the lowest diesel price was reported by the smallest farm category (0-320 acre) at 94 cents per gallon. In an attempt to explain the farm price differ- ences among size categories, a major fuel distributor in the region was consulted. He indicated that al- though the survey asked for the price paid for diesel around June 15, 1980, diesel prices within the month of ]une varied from 90 cents a gallon to 101 cents with prices shifting up every few days. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the smaller-size and the two largest-size farms may have reported lower prices because storage capacity relative to farm re- quirements were great enough to carry the farrr operations over a week or so without repeat pun‘ chases, thus resulting in a lower price being reported. No price discounts were reported by diesel fuel suppliers for any farm size except the 4,400+ cat- egory where farms were able to accept truckload shipments. These producers received discounts ap- proximately equal to the savings in hauling costs associated with the volume purchases, about 5% of the wholesale price. The largest farms thus paid 92 cents per gallon, 2 cents lower than any other size group. Gasoline and propane use are highly variable over all farm sizes because they are used primarily for cars, pickups, and large trucks, and not, in most cases, for crop cultivation. Therefore, quantities of either gasoline or propane used do not necessarily increase for larger farms. The average price paid for gasoline was fairly constant across all farm sizes, as was propane, with the exception of the 1,601-2,560 acre farms. The higher 55—cent-per-gallon propane price reported by this group could not be explained from available data. None of the farms surveyed reported any discounts on either gasoline or propane. Irrigation fuel costs, both electric and natural gas, could not be determined from the producer questionnaire. A fuel cost of $1.71 per acre-inch war charged against all irrigated land on the assumptiorfl that 10 acre-inches of water were applied. The cost per acre-inch was derived from work done by Leon New, extension irrigation specialist, for the study area (1981). Seed Seventy-five percent of the cottonseed dealers surveyed indicated they offered some volume dis- counts, but all commercial farmers were large enough to obtain the discount. The major distributors gave volume discounts to their dealers amounting to from 4% to 10%. Thus, if a business organization (farmer, gin, etc.) could meet the dealer qualifications estab- lished by the suppliers (i.e., terms of volume and trade practices), it could receive this discount. The TABLE 3. AVERAGE ANNUAL VOLUME AND PRICE PAID FOR DIESEL, GASOLINE AND PROPANE BY FARM SIZE FOR COTTON FARMS OF THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Diesel Gasoline Propane Average Farm Size Farm Size Volume Price Volume Price Volume Price (acres) (acres) (1,000 gal) ¢/gal (1,000 gal) ¢/gal (1,000 gal) ¢/gal 0-320 189 2.3 94 2.6 108 1.0 52 321-640 511 4.1 98 2.6 109 2.9 52 641 -960 793 9.5 98 4.6 109 1.6 52 961-1,280 1,088 11.5 96 5.0 109 2.9 53 1,281-1,600 1,457 13.4 96 4.2 107 1.7 53 1,601-2,560 2,019 23.4 99 7.3 108 2.5 55 2,561-4,400 3,383 26.5 95 7.3 107 5.9 53 ‘ 4,400+ 5,570 54.8 92 20.7 107 8.6 51 6 1"‘ ' sium (K) used in the mix. The fertilizer dealers report- TABLE 4. AVERAGE VOLUME AND PRICE FOR COTTONSEED BY FARM SIZE FOR COTTON FARMS OF THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH TABLE 5. AVERAGE VOLUME PRICE PAID FOR 20-15-5” FERTILIZER BY FARM SIZE FOR COTTON FARMS OF THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS pPLAlNS Average Average Farm Size Farm Size Average Volume Average Price Farm Size Farm Size Average Volume Average Price (acres) (acres) (1,000 lb) (¢/ lb) (acres) (acres) (tons) (¢/ton) 0-320 189 5.5 .33 0-320 189 12.6 209 321-640 511 10.4 .32 321-640 511 31.7 231 641-960 793 21.0 .28 641-960 793 50.2 184 961-1,280 1,088 24.6 .30 961-1,280 1,088 59.5 175 1,281-1,600 1,457 33.0 .35 1,281-1,600 1,457 80.6 192 1,601-2,560 2,019 38.9 .32 1,601-2,560 2,019 107.7 179 2,561-4,400 3,383 58.1 .28 2,561-4,400 3,383 164.6 216 4,400+ 5,570 138.5 .32 4,400+ 5,570 345.4 221 price per pound of cottonseed as reported by the producers shows no apparent economies to size in cottonseed purchases (Table 4). Fertilizer Fertilizer use was not homogeneous from farm to farm across the area either in terms of quantity used or N-P-K analysis. The producer surveys reported 61 different fertilizer formulations with a variety of usage rates, making it difficult to isolate prices for any specific formulation. Major fertilizer suppliers for the area were surveyed as to average formulation and prices for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potas- ed average prices of 25, 30, and 21 cents per pound for N, P, and K, respectively. Nitrogen prices paid by farmers were derived by subtracting the cost of phos- phorus and potassium with the residual applied to nitrogen cost. This method estimated an average price for nitrogen at 22.3 cents per pound, slightly lower than dealers’ average price quotation of 25 cents per pound. This method, when applied to surveys within each farm size, was used to estimate the cost per ton of an average 20-15-5 fertilizer mix based on 200 pounds per irrigated cotton acre and 100 pounds per dryland cotton acre (Table 5). The aver- age price per ton paid by farmers indicate that prices are higher for the two smallest and two largest farm sizes and lower for those in between. Twenty-five percent of the fertilizer suppliers surveyed indicated they gave volume discounts, but most farmers would have the volume necessary to receive the discount. The major fertilizer companies did indicate that significant discounts (15% to 30%) were available to those farmers or farmer groups who had the facilities to handle bulk shipments. Of the farms surveyed, only one was a fertilizer dealer. However, several farmers had ownership in gins which handled fertilizer. (The effect of vertical inte- gration on input prices will be discussed later.) It was concluded that a partial reason for the higher price quoted by large producers resulted from these pro- Qducers reporting their retail price without considering any subsequent discounts they might receive through integration, either in the form of profit distributions or asset value appreciation. 320-15-5 refers to 20% nitrogen, 15% phosphorus, and 5% potassium. TABLE 6. AVERAGE VOLUME AND PRICE PAID FOR HERBICIDE BY ACRE, BY FARM SIZE FOR COTTON FARMS OF THE TEXAS SOUTH- ERN HIGH PLAINS Average Average Average Price Per Farm Size Farm Size Volume Pint Applied (acres) (acres) (pints) (EB/pint) 0-320 189 211.7 3.22 321-640 511 541.7 4.67 641-960 793 1,007.1 4.32 961-1,280 1,088 903.0 4.95 1,281-1,600 1,457 1,457.0 4.00 1,601-2,560 2,019 1,675.0 3.78 2,56l-4,4OO 3,383 2,199.0 3.47 4A)0+ 5,570 2,506.5 3.47 Chemicals As with fertilizer, chemicals (herbicides, insec- ticides, and nematicides) vary in formulation and application to such extent that comparison of price as related to volume was difficult. For cotton production on the South Plains there is very little use of chemi- cals other than herbicides. Herbicide prices were cal- culated based on applied cost per unit of the most frequently used herbicides (Table 6). Herbicide prices vary from a high of $4.95 per applied pint for farms in the 961-1,280 acre range to $3.22 per applied pint on farms in the smallest size group. However, it was evident from the surveys that farmers in the mid-size range obtained substantial application services. Due to this fact, it was impossi- ble to separate cost per acre into a cost for the actual chemical and a cost for application. As a result, no economies of size for herbicide purchases could be determined. Chemical dealers denied offering any volume discounts on chemical purchases. Chemicals were carried largely as a service on which very little markup was charged, therefore making any further discount impossible. Labor Expenditures on full- and part-time labor were obtained from the producer surveys (Table 7). Ex- amination of the data revealed that, in general, as 7 TABLE 7. AVERAGE EXPENDITUREIN FULL- AND PART-TIME LABOR BY FARM SIZE ON THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Labor Cost ,_ lnputed Expenditure Per g Average Full-Time Operator Expenditure On Part-Time Harvested ’ Farm Size Farm Size Labor Labor Per Worker Labor Acre (acres) (acres) (man-year) (man-year) ($/year) (SQ/year) ($/acre) 0-320 189 0.00 0.50 10,592 1,111 40.68 321-640 511 0.47 0.70 10,592 2,499 -_ 35.98 641-960 793 0.57 1.00 12,501 3,559 l‘ 35.80 961-1,280 1,088 0.77 1.00 12,627 4,470 31.88 1,281-1,600 1,457 1.08 1.00 13,201 6,716 30.20 1,601-2,560 2,019 2.25 1.00 12,295 8,529 31.32 2,561-4,400 3,383 3.13 1.00 13,638 12,033 27.18 4,400+ 5,570 6.25 1.00 14,557 20,121 27.85 farm size increased so did the annual expenditure per full-time laborer. This conclusion agrees with conven- tional wisdom suggesting that as farms become larger at least some higher-skilled labor must be employed in their management. However, before drawing any conclusions regarding economies of size, the problem of how to account for operator labor must be dis- cussed. Miller et al. (1981, pp. 7-8) discuss the difficulties of imputing opportunity cost for operator labor. They conclude that since the opportunity cost of operator labor probably varies by farm size and is nonobserv- able, it would be difficult to measure empirically. They point out further that since 60% of farm-family income comes from off-farm sources, with the per- centage being greater for the smaller farms, full-time equivalent opportunity cost should not be charged against the small farm. The approach taken in this research was to allocate operator labor based on the farm and agribusiness interviews, in proportion to the time devoted to the farm operation. Opportunity costs6 were allowed to vary depending on the rate paid for a full-time laborer in the respective farm size category. Operators of farms greater than 640 acres were as- sumed to be fully employed and one man-year of labor was imputed to the farm. Smaller farms were assumed to warrant less than full-time employment and the man-year requirements were set at 50% and 70% for the 189- and 511-acre farms, respectively. This procedure acknowledges the problem and al- leviates somewhat the criticism concerning the treat- ment of operator labor; Although annual expenditure per full-time farm laborer increases with farm size, cost per harvested acre declines from $40.68 on the 189-acre farm, to $27.18 for the 3,383-acre farm before increasing slight- ly for the largest farm. This 30-plus percent decline in labor cost per acre suggests that although cost per man-year of labor is greater for the larger farms, the increased cost is more than offset by efficiencies re- sulting from specialization and skill level. °Opp0rtunity cost is the value of a resource in an alternative use. 8 Capital Most financial institutions indicated there was no differential in interest rates based on size of loan. They contend that each farmer is judged on his personal character, financial position, and past his- tory before loan commitments are made. The average interest rate for operating loans of all farmers surveyed was 14.2%. Although relatively few differences in interest rates could be ascertained, larger farms were apparently in a better position to get all the capital they needed. Of the farms sur- veyed, 17% indicated they borrowed no money for operating capital. Fifty-six percent of these response.‘ i E were from farms having less than 640 acres, while th remaining 44% of the farms were between 641 and 2,560 acres. None of the farms greater than 2,561 acres were financed solely by retained earnings or off- farm income sources. The survey indicated 62% of the farmers were financed through nongovernmental sources and 21% were financed in some part through government lending agencies including the Farmers Home Administration and the Small Business Ad- ministration. Of the 83% which obtained financing, 72% of those under 2,560 acres were financed through commercial lending agencies while 92% of the larger farms were commercially financed. These percentages relate only to the farms in the survey, and since the sample was stratified they may not reflect the actual market shares for the population. Table 8 indicates the financial characteristics of farms in the study. These data were obtained from major lending institutions in the area. Farm assets increased from $107,084 on the smallest farm size to over $2 million for the largest. The leverage ratios7 indicate farms in the 1,601-2,560 acre range are the most highly leveraged with the least leverage occur- ring on the smallest farms. Farm sizes greater than 641 acres show leverage ratios larger than 0.60 which indicates that at least 60% of their equity is matched by debt. These higher leverage ratios for farms in the middle range of farm sizes suggest these farms may have experienced the most recent growth. J 7Leverage ratio is a financial term indicating the ratio between total debts and total net worth. P t Machinery Cost of machinery could not be obtained from the producer surveys; however, typical machinery complements and their values were obtained from financial institutions. Table 9 shows per acre invest- ment in machinery, machinery size, and comple- ments, as reported by financial sources. The data indicate that investment per acre decreases as farm size increases with the exception of the 2,019- and 5,570-acre farm sizes. This increase for the 2,019- and 5,570-acre farms is due to the decreasing proportion of land irrigated over the entire spectrum until the very largest size category and the lumpiness of machinery purchases (i.e., full complements of eight- row equipment). Producers in the area can handle up to approximately 1,800 acres with two eight-row machinery complements. Therefore, the 2,019-acre average farm size required three machinery comple- ments. The additional machinery was not fully uti- lized, thus increasing the investment per acre. The desire to expand and fully utilize this equipment may have been one of the contributing factors to the highest leverage ratio for this farm size. Interviews with farmers did not reveal any pecuniary economies as far as machinery purchases were concerned. The same results were obtained when suppliers of farm machinery were interviewed. Machinery dealers indicated volume discounts are available; however, as many as five tractors have to be purchased at once to obtain a discount. Even the largest farmers did not buy that many tractors at once. Some dealers did indicate farmers who traded equipment more often could obtain better deals on trade-ins although the magnitude of such savings could not be determined. Ginning Ginning includes costs for ginning, bagging, and ties. These costs were developed from surveys of both cooperative and independent gins in the study area. The survey indicated average ginning costs of $2 per hundredweight (cwt) of field weight cotton. It TABLE 8. FARM SIZE, ASSETS, AND LIABILITIES FOR REPRESENTATIVE FARMS ON THE SOUTHERN TEXAS HIGH PLAINS FARM SIZES 0-320 321-640 641-960 961-1,280 1,281-1,600 1,601-2,560 2,561-4,400 4,400+ Cultivated Acres 189 511 793 1,088 1,457 2,019 3,383 5,570 Acres Owned 110 261 357 381 539 646 1,048 3,453 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Total AssetS ($) 107,084 198,200 299,736 463,400 589,964 794,964 867,235 2,036,032 Long-Term Assets 38,819 108,310 173,596 307,548 406,229 521,080 542,132 1,391,301 Intermediate Assets (used machinery) ($) 68,265 89,890 126,140 155,852 183,735 273,884 325,103 644,731 Total Liabilities ($) 27,309 67,854 132,397 191,903 237,842 374,479 369,452 766,679 Long-Term Liabilities ($) 7,373 24,427 52,959 84,437 64,217 149,792 107,141 337,339 Intermediate LiabilitieS ($) 19,936 43,427 79,438 107,466 173,625 244,687 262,311 429,340 Net Worth ($) 79,775 130,346 167,339 271,497 352,122 420,485 497,783 1,269,353 Debt/Asset .26 .34 .44 .41 .40 .47 .43 .38 Leverage Ratio .34 .52 .79 .70 .67 .89 .74 .60 Total Assets ($/acre) 566 388 378 426 405 394 256 366 Total Liabilities ($/acre) 144 133 167 176 163 185 109 138 Net Worth ($/acre) 422 255 211 250 242 208 147 228 TABLE 9. AVERAGE INVESTMENT AND MACHINERY COMPLEMENT BY FARM SIZE ON THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Average Average Machinery Size of Number of Percent of Farm Size Farm Size Investment Equipment Machinery Irrigated (acres) (acres) ($/acre) (row) Complements Land 0-320 189 361 6 1 50 321-640 511 176 8 1 43 641-960 793 159 8 1 45 961-1,280 1,088 143 8 2 32 1,281-1,600 1,457 126 8 2 33 1,601—2,560 2,019 136 8 3 30 2,561-4,400 3,383 96 8 4 23 4,400+ 5,570 116 8 6 43 takes approximately 2,182 pounds of field weight cotton to yield a 480-pound bale (a 22% turnout). Thus, the ginning cost for a 480-pound bale of cotton would be $43.64. This cost is assumed for all farm sizes since no evidence of volume discounts were found from interviewing farmers and ginners. Equipment Repair Equipment and irrigation repair costs were based on the reported machinery complements and the engineering coefficients for repair costs in Oklahoma State University Budget Generator (Kletke 1975). TABLE 10. COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TOTAL COST AND AVER- AGE COST PER POUND OF COTTON LINT, BY FARM SIZE IN THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Average Actual Average Average Cost Farm Size Farm Size Total Cost Total Cost + (acres) (acres) (gt/lb) (¢/Ib) Actual Cost 0-320 189 89.4 89.0 1.00 321-640 511 67.3 66.0 .98 641-960 793 66.6 67.0 1.01 961-1,280 1,088 63.7 64.6 1.01 1,281-1,600 1,457 59.7 59.3 .99 1,601-2,560 2,019 60.7 60.9 1.00 2,561-4,400 3,383 54.7 55.2 1.01 4,400+ 5,570 55.7 55.8 1.00 These coefficients were assumed to accurately reflect repair costs for the Texas Southern High Plains. Interest on operating capital was calculated 3 charging a 14.2% interest rate on all variable cost for half a year. The 14.2% interest rate was the average obtained from the financial data and producers survey. Total Production Cost Based on survey results, it was concluded that larger-scale farmers purchasing inputs from farm input suppliers in the open market could not general- ly obtain volume discounts. To verify this conclusion, unit costs of production were computed for each farm size based on: 0 the actual input prices paid by each farm size, and 0 the average input prices paid across all farm sizes. The use of average input prices for all farm sizes is typical of economies of size studies that do not con- sider pecuniary economies. The results of comparing actual production costs to average input costs are summarized in Table 10. The clear conclusion is there were no significant cost differences and thus there were generally no pecuniary economies available to farmers through quantity discounts in the open market. TABLE 11. ACTUAL PRODUCTION COST PER POUND OF COTTON LINT BY FARM SIZE IN THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Farm Size (Acres) 8 T e i’)? 0-320 321-640 641-960 961-1,280 1,281-1,600 1,601-2,560 2,561-4,400 4,400+ Cost (189)a (511)a (793)a (1 ,O88)*‘ (1 ,457)a (2,019)'*‘ (3,383)a (5,570)" (¢/Ib) Variable Cost Cottonseed 3.2 2.3 2.6 2.7 3.1 2.5 2.0 2.8 Herbicide 1.2 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.0 .6 Fertilizer 4.7 5.1 4.1 3.7 4.1 3.8 4.5 4.9 Fuel 12.8 8.5 9.4 8.6 7.1 8.4 6.3 4.9 Labor 11.4 10.3 10.3 9.3 9.1 9.7 8.5 8.0 Ginning 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 Equipment Repair 13.6 6.6 5.6 5.6 4.0 3.5 2.9 2.2 Irrigation Repair 4.6 1.8 2.3 1 9 1 3 1.5 1 3 16 Interest Operating Capital 4.3 3.2 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.6 Total Variable 64.9 48.7 48.5 45.5 42.3 42.6 38.1 39.3 Fixed Cost Opportunity Cost Inter- mediate Assets 12.2 6.3 5.6 5.6 4.9 5.4 4.1 4.1 Taxes-land .7 .8 .8 .8 .8 .9 .9 .8 Land 11.6 11.5 11.7 11.8 11.7 11.8 11.6 11.5 Total y Fixed Cost 24.5 18.6 18.1 18.2 17.4 18.1 16.6 16.4 Total Cost 89.4 67.3 66.6 63.7 59.7 60.7 54.7 55.7 “Average size farm within specified range. 10 Table 11 provides the breakdown of costs used to prepare the data for Table 10 when actual input prices paid were used. Since these costs will subsequently be compared with those of farmers who were verti- cally integrated into farm supply and marketing, more detailed comments on their preparation is war- ranted. Opportunity costs for intermediate assets were assumed at 10%. This assumption was based on the cost of capital for intermediate purchases as reported by the lending institutions adjusted for an annual 1% appreciation in nominal equipment value. Machinery market values for intermediate assets were developed from data supplied by financial institutions. Taxes on farmland were derived from financial institutions and local tax offices. Income taxes were not included in Tables 1O and 11. The opportunity cost of land was based on the typical crop-share lease used in the area. Traditional- ly, cotton cropland is leased for a one-fourth share of the product less the landlord's contribution of one- fourth the value of fertilizer and ginning. Therefore, the total cost in Table 11 represents actual as well as imputed opportunity cost with the residual claimant being a return to the owner-operator's management. The total cost figures from Table 11 are presented in Figure 4. Costs decline sharply from 89.4 cents per pound on the smallest farm size (O-320 acres) to 59.7 \ cents per pound for the 1,281-1,600 acre farms. While costs rise somewhat for the 1,601-2,560 acre farm, largely due to the lumpiness of machinery purchases, they subsequently decline another 5 cents per pound 96 94 92 9O O 189 acres 88 86 84 82 80 f5“ 7B J *5 76 1: g 74 n. 72 t? 1o £9 g 53 o 511 acres 0 66 o 793 acres 54 0 1,088 acres 62 O 2,019 acres 50 0 1,457 acres 58 56 g 0 5,570 acres -' I 3,383 acres 54 52 5O 500 1.000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3.000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,500 6,000 Acres Figure 4. Cost of production by farm size for the Texas Southern High Plains. to 54.7 cents at the 2,561-4,400 acre level. Costs subse- quently rise somewhat for farms having over 4,400 acres to 55.7 cents per pound. It would be possible to fit a curve through the points in Figure 4 that would closely resemble those derived in earlier studies (Madden 1967; Miller et al. 1981). However, the points in Figure 4 are points on individual short-run average cost curves that repre- sent the average cost of cotton production for these farm sizes in the Texas South Plains. It would, there- fore, not be theoretically appropriate to draw an envelope or planning curve through these points. It is important, however, to note that this study includes farm sizes much larger than the 974-acre farm analyzed in the Miller et al. study. The Miller et al. study concluded there were few, if any, poten- tial economies beyond the 395-acre farm. The key here is potential. Although potentially few economies can be achieved beyond 395 acres, in reality, the results of this study indicate that the 3,383- and 5,570- acre farms have substantially lower costs than any of the smaller-size farms. VERTICAL INTEGRATION As mentioned previously, producers could attain additional benefits in lowering their costs of produc- tion by integrating segments of the production- marketing channel into a farm operation. Two basic methods exist for integration by producers: 1. They could become a member of a supply or marketing cooperative. 2. They could acquire ownership interest in a supply or marketing firm. Such a firm normally would be organized as a regular corporation. The degree of integration by producers using either of these methods was deter- mined from the producer surveys. Potential benefits were then imputed to farmers who were engaged in various degrees of integration. An example of the benefits a producer could gain from integration is illustrated in Figure 5. Assume Cost Per Unit Of Output P3 E A P2 C P 1 D B Quantity of Output Q2 Q1 Figure 5. Long-run average cost 0f production in an integrated seg- ment 0f the marketing channel. 11 this is the long—run average cost curve for a cotton gin and the gin has sufficient business to operate at its most efficient level q1. However, due to the structure of the industry, assume that the ginner is charging the producer P3 for his services and collecting economic rents equal to area P3ABP1. Further assume that a single operator (or group) supplies q; amount of the firm’s total business. Therefore the producer(s) could purchase a cotton gin and the cost of ginning would be reduced from P3 to P2. The total gain to the producer from integration would be area P3ECP2 and it is this savings in cost that accrues to the integrated producers Cooperatives Sixty-six percent of the producers surveyed were members of farm supply or marketing cooperatives. Most cooperatives in the counties studied have cotton gins as the core of their operations. For farms having less than 2,560 acres, 72% of the producers belong to a cooperative. For farms with over 2,561 acres only 31% had cooperative membership (Table 12). A survey of 44% of the cooperative gins in the area indicated cooperatives averaged 28% of their gross sales as net income. Cooperatives normally distribute their net income to members either in cash or in allocated equity capital. Unallocated net income would be taxed at the corporate rate. The coopera- tives in the survey indicated they distributed net margins by giving the producer-member 38% of the net margin in cash and 62% in allocated equity. However, the farmers must pay taxes on the total patronage dividends. On the average, allocated equi- ty was retained in the business for seven years. For a farmer to realize year-to-year benefits from belonging to a cooperative, the present value of cash and al- located equity must exceed the farmer's marginal tax rate. Otherwise, when paying identical prices for inputs, the farmer would lose money on an annual basis from doing business with a cooperative? For example, the net present value of $1 paid seven years from now discounted at 15% is worth 38 cents today. Producers who receive 38 cents in cash and 62 cents in allocated equity with a net present sSince benefits were determined based on what regional supply firms suggested could be achieved through dealership integra- tion, some argue that this method overcompensates the inte- grator. The argument centers on the fact that integrated producers seldom operate solely on their own business but sell services to other firms. Therefore they are able to achieve further economies, for example out to ql. The full economies obtained from integra- tion are represented by the area P3EDP1. This study utilized only the area P3ECP2; therefore, it does not overcompensate for the benefits of integration. 9This statement does not rule out the possibility that there may be longer-term benefits from cooperative memberships such as the existence of additional competitors in the market; however, it recognizes that farmers emphasize shorter-term price advantages in their patronage decision. It also recognizes that such benefits can be captured by both members and nonmembers. 12 TABLE 12. NUMBER OF FARM OPERATORS WITH COOPERATIVE MEMBERSHIP BY FARM SIZE IN THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Number with Percent of ‘ Farm Size Total Farms Cooperative Farms in Size (acres) Surveyed Membership Category 0-320 16 12 75 321-640 15 9 .< 60 641-960 14 1O 71 961-1,280 13 9 69 1,281-1,600 12 8 67 1,601-2,560 15 13 87 2,561-4,400 8 3 38 4,400+ 5 1 20 Total 98 65 66 value of approximately 23 cents, pay taxes on the $1 but in essence, only receive 61 cents. Thus, a person who has a marginal income tax rate greater than 38% would pay more in taxes today than was received in cash; however, it would take a marginal tax rate greater than 61% for a farmer to actually lose money by being a member of the cooperatives. This may be one of the reasons operators of larger farms use cooperatives less than their counterparts on smaller- size farms. A second reason could be the likelihood that direct ownership integration has the potential for asset appreciation while cooperative allocated equity »_ does not appreciate in value. A third possibility for large-scale farmer involve- ment in corporate integration ventures is a wider net profit margin. Profit incentives and management ca- pabilities are frequently asserted to be stronger in a corporation than in a cooperative. In addition, a corporation can be more selective in the products handled and the customers with whom they choose to do business. To reflect the benefits from cooperative integra- tion, the costs reported in Table 10 and Figure 4 were adjusted to account for patronage dividends returned to the producer member. Cooperatives were sur- veyed to determine what services, on the average, were available to cooperative members. The results indicate that in addition to ginning cotton, 35% han- dled fuel; 58%, seed; 8%, fertilizer; 25%, chemicals; and 29%, certain specialized machinery parts. The reduction in costs due to patronage refunds were computed by applying the dealer discount as report- ed by the major suppliers of inputs. The following discounts by input were used in computing cost adjustments: 0 Ginning 28% 0 Fertilizer 22.5% 0 Equipment 20% 0 Cottonseed 7% 0 Fuel 6.5% 0 Chemical 5% “ 0 Equipment Repair 20% Since the average present value of each dollar of patronage refund is 61 cents, the above values were adjusted accordingly. This value was then used in conjunction with the percentage of cooperative mem- berships in each farm size, and the total services offered by the area cooperatives in determining ad- justed cost of production (Table 13). It is interesting, and not totally unexpected, to note that the smaller farm sizes benefit more from cooperative integration than do farms larger than 1,600 acres. This occurs because a larger proportion of smaller farmers do business with cooperatives. Non-Cooperative Private Integration Fourteen percent of the producers surveyed had a significant ownership interest in a farm-related pro- prietary agribusiness supply or marketing firm (Table 14). Sixty-four percent of the integrated farms were larger than 1,600 acres, with the heaviest concentra- tion occurring in the 4,400+ acre group where 4 of the 5 farms surveyed had some ownership interest in at least one farm production (input) related agribusiness firm. Integration into non-cooperative cotton gins was predominant, with 11 of 13 producers having from 10% to 100% ownership in gins. One farmer had an interest in a fertilizer and chemical business, one in a TABLE 13. PRODUCTION COST PER POUND OF COTTON LINT DUE TO COOPERATIVE INTEGRATION FOR FARMS OF THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS ~ Production Reduction Actual Cost Adjusted due to Average Production for Cooperative Cooperative Farm Size Farm Size Costa Integration Integration (acres) (acres) (qt/lb) (¢/lb) (¢/Ib) 0-320 189 89.4 88.1 1.3 321-640 511 67.3 66.5 0.8 641-960 793 66.6 65.9 0.7 961-1,280 1,088 63.7 62.8 0.9 1,281-1,60O 1,457 59.7 58.9 0.8 1,601-2,560 2,019 60.7 59.8 0.9 2,561-4,400 3,383 54.7 54.1 0.6 4,400+ 5,570 55.7 55.3 0.4 aFrom Table 10. farm implement business, and one had an interest in a grain elevator as well as a gin. Nineteen farmer-owned cotton gins, not or- ganized as cooperatives, were surveyed to determine the services provided the owners and their custom- ers. In addition to ginning, the survey indicated 53% handled seed; 32%, fertilizer; 47%, chemicals; 13%, fuel; and 42%, certain specialized machinery parts. Although the gins reported selling inputs to all cus- tomers for the same price, it would be a fallacy not to attribute at least the discounts reported by input suppliers to the integrated farms production cost. Such cost savings were imputed only on inputs and services provided to the farm business. No allow- ance was made for returns earned on sales to other farmers. Using the same procedures developed for cooperative integration, imputations for returns on investment for these integrated producers were ap- plied to the cost of production figures from Table 10. The resulting cost of production per pound of cotton lint after adjustments for vertical integration are pro- vided by farm size in Table 15. As expected, the operators of farms larger than 2,560 acres received the greatest average benefit from non-cooperative inte- gration. The cost reductions developed for corporate in- tegrated farms using these procedures were conser- vative. The adjustments based on the percentage integration by farm size dilutes the impact on an individual integrated producer. For example, a pro- ducer in either of the largest two categories who has ownership interests in a ginning facility that addition- ally carries dealer status in the selected inputs previ- ously discussed could lower his cost of production by 4.2 cents per pound of cotton lint, a 7.6% cost reduc- tion. Such a reduction would mean a net benefit to the largest farms of from $33,348 to $65,611. Unlike cooperative ownership, an independent vertically in- tegrated business can gain from appreciation in assets as well as certain tax advantages (not included here because of measurement difficulty). If measured, the per unit cost reduction may be even greater. TABLE 14. NUMBER OF FARM OPERATORS WITH SOME PROPRIETARY INTEREST IN AGRICULTURAL-RELATED BUSINESSES BY FARM SIZE, TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Number by Type Agribusiness Number with Percent of Farm Size Total Farms Interest in Farms in Size Fertilizer Implement (acres) Surveyed Ag. Business Categories Gins & Chemical Dealers Elevator 0-320 16 0 0 321-640 15 2 13 2 641-960 14 0 0 961-1 ,280 13 1 8 1 1 1,281-1,600 12 1 8 1 1,601-2,560 15 3 20 2 1 2,561-4,400 8 2 25 2 4,400+ 5 4 80 3 1 Total 98 14 14 1 1 1 1 1 13 TABLE 15. PRODUCTION COST PER POUND OF COTTON LINT DUE TO PRIVATE FARMER INTEGRATION, TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Reduction due to Average Farm Actual Production Cost Adjusted Non-Cooperative Farm Size Size Costa for Integration Integration (acres) (acres) (gt/lb) (¢/lb) (¢/Ib) 0-320 189 89.4 89.4 0.0 321-640 511 67.3 66.9 g 0.4 641-960 793 66.6 66.6 9* 0.0 961-1,280 1,088 63.7 63.5 0.2 1,281-1,600 1,457 59.7 59.5 0.2 1,601-2,560 2,019 60.7 60.2 0.5 2,561-4,400 3,383 54.7 53.9 0.8 4,400+ 5,570 55.7 53.6 2.1 W 4 “Totals from Table 10. TABLE 16. ACTUAL PRODUCTION COST PER POUND OF COTTON LINT BEFORE AND AFTER REDUCTIONS DUE TO COOPERATIVE AND NON-COOPERATIVE INTEGRATION FOR FARMS OF THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Average Farm Actual Production Cost Adjusted Reduction due Farm Size Size Costa for Integration to Integration (acres) (acres) (¢/Ib) (¢/lb) (¢/lb) 0-320 189 89.4 88.1 1.3 321-640 511 67.3 66.1 1.2 641-960 793 66.6 65.9 0.7 961-1,280 1,088 63.7 62.6 1.1 1,281-1,600 1,457 59.7 58.7 1.0 1,601-2,560 2,019 60.7 59.3 1.4 2,561-4,400 3,383 54.7 53.3 1.4 4,400+ 5,570 55.7 53.2 2.5 “Totals from Table 10. Total Cost Adjustment for Integration When the actual production cost as reported in the surveys was adjusted for both cooperative and non-cooperative integration, total production costs were reduced to the levels reported in Table 16. Actual integration amounts to approximately a 1.2 cent reduction in cost per pound of lint in all farm sizes except the largest, where a 2.5 cents per pound cost reduction is achieved. Interestingly, the lowest level of integration benefits of 0.7 cents per pound accrue to the 641-960 acre farm, which is frequently considered to be a typical High Plains family farm. The farmers apparently shop around, but there is no evidence they receive a lower input price as a result of this search process. Implications for Farm Structure Evidence indicates that, in general, no pecuniary economies are available to farms who purchase sup- plies in the open market. There is evidence that large farms are able to take advantage of discounts on selected inputs but that in general, input suppliers fail to give warranted volume discounts for fear of the repercussions they might cause among their smaller volume customers and the potential overall reduction in market prices for inputs. This form of market failure may account for the fact that a signifcant number of farmers have integrated into either cooperative or privately owned farm-related ag- ribusinesses, in an effort to reduce costs through the 14 pecuniary advantages of volume buying. Other studies have suggested that as farm opera- tions become larger they might tend to bypass the locally owned suppliers and negatively impact rural communities (Carter et al. 1980; Krenz et al. 1974). However, in most instances, those farms which have integrated tend to compete for the business of all producers in the area. Therefore, total competition in the area might actually be enhanced in the inter- mediate term as new firms are added. In the longer run, however, the Carter and Krenz implications may still hold. Cost of production per pound of cotton lint de- clines by 34.9 cents from the smallest to the largest farm, when considering adjustments for integration. This conclusion indicated that substantial economies exist up to at least the 2,560-acre farm size. The largest category of farms, 4,400+ acres, do not appear to gain additional economies but also do not have higher costs as suggested by the cost of production analysis alone. Pecuniary economies are, however, available up to 4,400 acres but are not realized unless a firm integrates. Cooperative integration is more likely to occur by the smallest farms while the largest farms are more likely to invest in an agribusiness over which they have more direct control. Corporate in- tegration advantages were conservatively stated. An " individual farm that is corporate integrated may easi- ly realize advantages of at least 2 cents per pound more than indicated in these averages. MARKET ECONOMIES As with pecuniary economies from input pur- chases, product prices received by farm size were examined. Before explaining the results of the sur- vey, it is desirable to describe cotton marketing chan- nels. Figure 6 shows the flow of cotton as it moves from the producer to the final consumer. Producers in general have the following five major alternatives for selling their cotton: 1. F .O.B. buyers. A majority of the cotton is sold to or through f.o.b. buyers. These buyers normally serve a procurement function for the shippers although some sell directly to do- mestic mills. 2. Cooperatives. Some cooperatives function in a similar manner as the f.o.b. buyers in that they directly purchase the cotton in competi- tion with other buyers at the going market price. 3. American Cotton Growers. The ACG owns a cotton mill and directly processes some of its members’ cotton and sells the rest. The mem- ber producers are paid a pooled price based on profits on sales from both sources. 4. Commodity Credit Corporation. In times of sur- pluses the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) nonrecourse loan is an alternative mar- ket available to producers. During the 1960's the CCC acquired large quantities of South Plains cotton through producers forfeiting commodities under loan. However, in the 1970's, it was used more as a tool to hold cotton until a more favorable price could be obtained. Cooperatives also use the Form G CCC loan program extensively to hold pooled cotton in storage until it can be favorably marketed or forfeited to the CCC. 5. Direct Sale. Some producers bypass the f.o.b. buyers and sell directly to the major shippers. The larger shipping firms indicate most of their cotton is purchased from f.o.b. buyers but that they do purchase some cotton direct- ly from producers. A majority of the South Producer CCC F.O.B. Buyers Cooperative l l Shippers l Domestic Foreign Mills Mills i Figure 6. Marketing flow for Texas Southern High Plains cotton. Plains cotton crop ultimately is purchased by 8 or 1O shippers. Producers sell cotton to f.o.b. buyers by means of direct negotiation, brokers, agents, or over the Telcot system. The first three are self-explanatory while the fourth warrants discussion. The Telcot system is a computer-operated tele- communication network by which farmers may sell their cotton. The Plains Cotton Cooperative Associa- tion (PCCA) initiated the Telcot system for marketing members’ cotton (Boggs and Davis 1980). However, since Telcot became operative in 1975, members have entered into a joint venture agreement with a private non-cooperative corporation known as Commodity Exchange Services (CXS). Thus, both cooperative and non-cooperative farm operators have access to the Telcot system. Table 17 shows the share of Texas and Texas High Plains upland cotton traded over the Telcot system since 1975. In 1980, over 40% of the Texas High Plains cotton crop was marketed via the Telcot system. These figures are somewhat biased on the high side since separate data for Telcot market- ings in Southwest Oklahoma could not be deter- mined. Such an adjustment would likely lower the Telcot market share by no more than two percentage points. In any event the Telcot system has captured a significant share of High Plains cotton marketing. TABLE 17. TEXAS AND HIGH PLAINS UPLAND COTTON PRODUCTION AS WELL AS MARKETINCS OVER THE TELCOT SYSTEM, 1975-1980 Percentage of Percentage of Total High Texas Crop High Plains Total Texas Plains Telcot Marketed over Crop Marketed Production Production Marketing Telcot over Telcot Year (1,000 bales) (1,000 bales) (1,000 bales) (%) (%) 1975 112,382 1,947 230 9.7 11.8 1976 3,307 2,568 361 10.9 14.1 1977 5,465 4,210 844 15.4 20.0 1978 3,792 2,737 863 22.8 31.5 1979 5,515 4,034 1,600 29.0 39.7 1980 3,320 2,419 976 29.4 40.3 Source: Telcot data reported by PCCA Lubbock, Texas. ‘Total Crop Production for Texas and High Plains (Regions 1N, 2N, 1S, 2S) as reported by Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. 15 Survey Results Data obtained from the producer survey indi- cates 1,601-acre or larger farms received 1.7 to 3.4 cents per pound more for their 1979-1980 cotton crop than smaller farms (Table 18). Possible explanations for this higher price included the volume marketed, the method of marketing, the time of marketing, and the use of contracting. Data on quality differences were not available and may account for higher prices. However, there is no reason to suggest that larger farms would be expected to produce a better-quality cotton. These pecuniary marketing economies yield- ed increased revenue which ranged from $7,800 for the 1,601-2,560 acre farm to $17,800 for the largest farm size categories (Table 18). Volume Marketed One might initially assume that a larger volume of cotton marketed would command a premium price. A 1980 study by Ling on the Telcot system, however, concluded that the size of the cotton lot offered for sale was not important in influencing price received by farmers. Interviews with major buyers in the area indicated volume will sometimes command a premium, but on the average it is in the range of from only 25 to 50 points for even running lots of 100 or more bales.” Method 0f Marketing Thirty-five percent of the cotton sold by produc- ers in the survey was marketed over the Telcot sys- tem, 6% was sold through the American Cotton Growers cotton pool, and the remaining 59% was sold to buyers directly. There is a general feeling among people familiar with cotton marketing that producers could receive a higher price for their cotton if they sold it directly to the buyers instead of over the Telcot system. Most shippers who were interviewed indicated they did pay a premium due to the fact they had to protect the f.o.b. buyers on whom they could depend for delivery. These shippers would normally TABLE 18. AVERAGE PRICE RECEIVED FOR COTTON BY FARM SIZE ON THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS, 1979-1980 Average Average Pecuniary Extra Farm Price Marketing Average Revenues Farm Size Size Received Economies Volume Obtained (acres) (acres) (¢/lb) (1,000 lbs) ($) 0-320 189 50.2 0 53.9 0 321-640 511 50.2 0 111.9 0 641-960 793 50.6 .4 229.4 918 961-1,280 1,088 50.5 .3 181.9 546 1,281-1,600 1,457 50.3 .1 254.1 254 1,601-2,560 2,019 52.2 2.0 391.2 7,824 2,561-4,400 3,383 53.6 3.4 515.9 17,541 4,400+ 5,570 51.9 1.7 1,047.2 17,802 mAn even running lot is one that is of uniform quality and a point is 1/l00th of a cent per pound of cotton. Therefore, 100 points equals 1 cent. Z6 negotiate with producers over approximately 50 points that they would have to pay as commission for cotton purchased on the Telcot system. The major“ shippers indicate they sometimes have commitments for cotton to buyers. To meet these commitments they would sometimes pay a premium over the Telcot price. Some feel a better price can be: obtained for cotton sold directly because of the buyers’ aversion to the Telcot system. Survey data indicate cotton over the Telcot system sold for from 1 to 2 cents per pound over other cotton for the two smallest size categories and the 2,561-to-4,400—acre size category. Cotton sold over the system brought the same price in the 1,601- to—2,560—acre category and was from 2 to 3 cents per pound less than the non-Telcot cotton in the four remaining categories. Therefore, no evidence could be obtained from the producer data which would indicate conclusively that cotton sold over the Telcot system brought any different price. Time 0f Marketing Since prices fluctuate through a marketing year, time of marketing could have an effect on the price received by different-size producers. Large producers might be better at picking the right time to market since they generally received a 1 to 2 cent premium. However, Table 19 does not give evidence of any one farm size receiving a better price due to time of sale. » Contracting-Futures Contracting and use of the futures market could have an effect on the price received by producers. The producer survey indicated virtually no use of the futures market and only 14.7% of the 1979-80 crop was marketed under contract. No perceptible effect on the average price received by farm size could be determined, even though the largest farms in the size category contracted 40.5% of their volume. Histori- cally, contracting has led to higher producer returns in some years. In other years, producers who did not contract received higher returns. Implications of Marketing Economies for Farm Structure Although the previously discussed possibilities likely had some effect on the price received by farm- ers and could have contributed to the higher price received by the larger-scale farmers, no definite de- termination can be made on the precise reason for higher returns. A possible explanation is that larger- scale farmers, due to labor specialization, are able to free themselves from the physical aspects of the farm operations, analyze their marketing options, and shop around for the best price for their crop. They are able to spend more time in marketing and thus gain greater premiums. Although the market may operate in a narrow range for any specific quality of cotton, a 1 or 2 cent premium will justify the time spent on marketing for these larger-scale producers. For a F TABLE 19. TIME OF SALE FOR COTTON FARMS OF THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS BY FARM SIZE, 1979-1980 Percentage Marketed Percentage Marketed Prior to After Average Price Farm Size Average Farm Size January 1, 1980 January 1,1980 Received (acres) (acres) % % (¢/Ib) 0-320 189 22 78 50.2 321--640 511 40 6O 50.2 641-960 793 31 69 50.6 961-1,280 1,088 59 41 50.5 1,281-1,600 1,457 54 46 50.3 1,601-2,560 2,019 54 46 52.2 2,561-4,400 3,383 44 56 53.6 4,400+ 5,570 45 55 51.9 farmer marketing over 1,000 bales of cotton, the extra revenue from effective marketing could be over $6,000. TOTAL BENEFITS BY FARM SIZE This section provides insight into the combined effect of technical, pecuniary input, and marketing economies, on total revenue and cost by farm size. Table 2O and Figure 7 indicate the total benefit accru- ing to a farm due to vertical integration (cooperative and non-cooperative) and marketing economies in both cents per pound of lint and before-tax net reve- nue. Although a few cents per pound of cotton may '5' ‘seem insignificant, it translates into substantial in- creased earnings when multiplied by total farm pro- duction on the larger-size farms (Figure 7). Benefits increase from $728 on the smallest farm to $65,605 for the largest farm (Table 20). These increased earnings provide substantial economic incentives for larger- scale farmers to find methods of obtaining them. Figure 8 shows net revenue per pound of cotton, by farm size, after adjustments for vertical integra- tion, and marketing, and the price of cottonseed (9.2 cents per pound of lint). Notice that revenue after these adjustments increases from -28.7 cents per pound to 9.5 cents per pound as average farm size increases from the 189-acre to the 2,561-to-4,400-acre category before leveling off for the largest-size farms. These data suggest that increasing net revenue per unit of marketing, as well as reduction in costs per unit of output, may be causal factors for farm growth through the largest farm sizes. The conclu- sion contradicts much of the conventional wisdom regarding the factors influencing structure. CONCLUSIONS Characteristics and costs of production were de- veloped for the following eight farm sizes typical of the Texas Southern High Plains: 189, 511, 793, 1,088, 1,457, 2,019, 3,383, and 5,570 acres. Results of the analysis suggest that cost of production declined by 34.9 cents per pound of cotton lint as farms increased nxin size from the 189-acre to the 5,570-acre category. [his decline was a function of both technical and pecuniary economies generated through backward integration in the input supply chain. TABLE 20. AVERAGE REVENUE OBTAINED FROM VERTICAL IN- TEGRATION AND MARKETING ECONOMIES BY FARM SIZE FOR FARMS OF THE TEXAS SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Average Vertical Total Farm Integration Marketing Extra Farm Size Size Economies Economies Revenue (acres) (acres) ¢/Ib total $ ¢/Ib total$ ($) 0-320 189 1.3 728 O 0 728 321-640 511 1.2 1,720 0 0 1,720 641-960 793 0.7 1,582 0.4 904 2,486 961-1,280 1,088 1.1 3,056 0.3 833 3,889 1,281-1,600 1,457 1.0 3,754 0.1 375 4,129 1,601-2,560 2,019 1.4 7,089 2.0 10,127 17,216 2,561-4,400 3,383 1.4 11,116 3.4 26,996 38,112 4,400+ 5,570 2.5 39,054 1.7 26,551 65,605 In general it was determined that no pecuniary economies were available to the farms that purchase inputs from suppliers in the open market. The appar- ent reason input suppliers fail to give warranted volume discounts was the fear of repercussions that may occur from their smaller-volume customers. Smaller-volume customers make up the majority of an input supplier's total business. If word got out that a larger volume buyer was getting a better deal (al- though warranted), the average farmer might de- mand equal treatment, thus creating a potential re- duction in overall income to the business. The failure of the market to provide cost-justified discounts could account for the significant integration into the input supply industry observed both cooperatively and privately. Cost adjustments due to integration revealed that most farms achieved approximately a 1.2 cents per pound of cotton lint advantage from being verti- cally integrated. However, the largest farm size (5,570 acres) achieved a 2.5 cents or 5% reduction in its total cost due to the vertical integration. Eighty percent of the farms having over 4,400 acres owned some pro- prietary interest in an input supply firm. Marketing economies of approximately 4.2% were achieved when farms reach the 2,000-acre range. That is, large farms received an average 2.4 17 7.5 —1 — 75.0 7.0 — -— 70.0 65 " Cents Per Pound of Lint _ 65° Net Revenue In 1.000 Dollars 6.0 — — 60.0 5.5 - — 55.0 5.0 — — 50.0 4.5 - — 45.0 4.0 — — 40.0 3.5 — — 35.0 3.0 ~ — 30.0 Cents Per Pound o1 Lint SJB||OQ 090'; up anus/tag taN 2.5 _. r 25.0 2.0 — - 20.0 - 15.0 —10.0 \Q99S 793 1.088 1.457 2.019 3.383 5.570 Figure 7. Net benefit due to vertical integration and marketing econo- mies by farm size for farms of the Texas Southern High Plains. cents per pound more for their cotton than smaller farms. Although volume, method, and time of mar- keting were examined as contributing factors, no conclusive evidence could support the reason for the higher returns. It was concluded that larger-scale farmers, due to labor specialization, are able to free themselves from the physical aspects of the farm operation, analyze their marketing options, and shop around for the best price for their crop. It was therefore concluded that economies of size 18 NAOIQ 0 +2.1 o +03 O 0-2.9 -4 '6 ¢-e.7°-64‘ -a -1o -12 -14 -1e -1a -20 -22 -24 -2e -2a -30 Cents Per Pound o1 Lint o - 28.7 189 511 793 1.088 1.457 2.019 3.383 5.570 Acres Figure 8. Net revenue per pound 0f cotton lint by farm size for farms of the Texas Southern High Plains after imputation for vertical inte- gration and marketing economies. exist for farms up to the 3,383—acre level. At that point unit costs are relatively constant. Pecuniary econo- mies through integration contribute to this conclu- sion. When the economies derived from integration are combined with the marketing economies ob- served at the 2,000+ acre level the result is additional net revenue to the three largest farm size groups of $17,216, $38,112, and $65,611, respectively. This extra income provides a substantial economic growth and survival advantage for large farms. 10 . +95 -. 0 +7.9 w REFERENCES Babb, E. M. 1979. ”Some Causes of Structural Change in U.S. Agriculture." In Structure Issues of American Agriculture, pp. 51- 60. Washington, D.C.: USDA ESCS Agri. Econ. Rep. 438. Boggs, C. L. and D. Davis. 1980. ”Computerized Marketing of Cotton-Telcot.” In Proceedings National Symposium on Electronic Marketing of Agricultural Commodities. Texas Agri. Exp. Sta. MP-1463. Carter, H. O., W. E. Johnston, and C. F. Nackron. 1980. ”Farm Size Relationships, With an Emphasis on California.” Califor- nia Agricultural Experiment Station, Giannini Foundation Pro- ject Report, Chapter IX. University of California. Ferguson, C. E. and I. P. Gould. 1975. Microeconomic Theory. Homewood, I1l.: Richard D. Irwin, Inc. Kletke, D. 1975. Operators Manual for the Oklahoma State University Enterprise Budget Generator. Agriculture Experiment Station (Rep P-719), Oklahoma State University. Knutson, R. D. 1979. ”The Structure of Agriculture: An Evaluation of Conventional Wisdom.” Paper presented at the 1980 Ag- ricultural Outlook Conference, Washington D.C., November 8, 1979. Krause, K. R. and L. R. Kyle. 1971. Midwestern Corn Farms: Econom- ic Status and Potential for Large and Family Size Units. Washing- ton, D.C.: USDA ERS Agr. Econ. Rep. 216. Krenz, R. D., W. G. Heid, Ir., and Harry Sitler. 1974. Economies of Large Wheat Farms in the Great Plains. Washington D.C.: USDA ERS Agr. Econ. Rep. 264. Ling, K. C. 1980. Pricing Impact of a Cooperative Electronic Cotton Marketing System: The Price Discovery Function of Telcot. Washington, D.C.: USDA ESCS. Madden, I. Patrick. 1967. Economies of Size in Farming. Washington, D.C.: USDA ERS Agr. Econ. Rep. 107. I Madden, I. P. and B. Davis. 1965. Economies of Size on Irrigated Cotton Farms of the Texas High Plains. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 1037. Miller, T. A. G. E. Rodewald, and R. G. McElroy. 1981. Economies of Size in United States Field Crop Farming. Washington, D.C.: USDA ERS Agr. Econ. Rep. 472. New, L. ”Irrigation Field Test 1979-81." Unpublished, College Station: Texas Agricultural Extension Service. 1981. Stigler, G. I. The Organization of Industry. Homewood, Ill: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1968. Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service [a]. 1980 Texas Agricul- tural Cash Receipts, Prices Received and Paid by Farmers. Austin, Texas, selected annual issues. Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service [b]. 1980 Texas County Statistics. Austin, Texas, selected annual issues. Williamson, O. E. 1975. Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Anti- trust Implications, pp. 1-56. 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