THIS MATERIALS MAY NOT BE REMOVED FRosw ,4 “THE LlBRARY Action 8r Inacfon Levels ‘n Pest Management >- »”%i/I7§ l "#4. i -/ <1 / ' a 5 l.//' a o» v/ TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION / Neville P. Clarke / The Texas A&M University System / College Station, Texas 5-1480 July 1984 I, . y . / ‘\ f. I -' ' < ; . \ . ' i - K ‘ . \ Action and Inaetion Levels in Pest Management Winfield Sterling Department of Entomology Texas A&M University and The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station College Station, Texas 77843 Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Systems Analysis in Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ecoloical Disasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Action Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Cotton Crop as an Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Action or Action Level Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plant Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plant Phenology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Host Plant Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Durational Stability of the Crop . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Other Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Arthropod Life Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Arthropod Densities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dispersal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Instar, Size and Sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Simultaneous Damage by a Complex of Pests . 9 Action Levels for Cotton Pests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Soils and Fertility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Insecticide Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0 Yield Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0 Inaction Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll Key Predators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll Colonization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l2 Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l2 Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insecticides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost/Benefit Ratios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Production Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y Insect Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Supply and Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Ecology and Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Side Effects of Management Actions. . . i Uncertainty in Pest Management . . . . . . > Insecticide Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . L Policy Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A Strategies and Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I Pesticidal Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' Cultural Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Computer Models and Simulation . . . . . . Models and Pest Management . . . . . . . . . _ Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z - " Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5V 1...... g L. QQ-{gg ‘=-.- >6 Introduction fulness of a pest control concept can be evaluated effectiveness in solving actual problems (13). In d, the economic threshold concept (137, 138) in extremely useful. Contemporary pest manage- ‘ stems that have been developed for insect pests l» and other crops, usually use the economic ld concept or some modification of it in the 1| -mal2000 degree days (D°) 6 >53.5°F, whereas a mature square requires D° (41). Thus, the older the fruit when u} greater the time required for replacement an er the probability of loss. Also, the cotton p » experience sufficient heat during late se If maturation of replacement fruit. i Plant size is also an important conside cially in stripper cotton production. (Strip =4 mechanically harvested by stripping the lin I from the plant along with burrs, leaves, whereas mechanical pickers attempt to rem I lint and seeds.) Plant compensatory growth :0 or leaf loss by pests may result in an undes, plant that is difficult to harvest by a stripper- relationship between fruit loss and plant size?’ modeled in areas where stripper-harvested o‘ produced. j Cotton plants on which pests have fed m) . sate for damage by using the nutrients that L, been used by the damaged plant parts to de leaves, fruit, stems, and roots and to increase = the remaining fruit (10). Prediction of the pl » to compensate at any point in time during th season should be an important component of, . level model. If the plant has reserves of nu _ g sufficient time remaining during the growingi a‘ replace damaged fruit, then a higher action I be set. The effect of leaf damage as rela phenological stage of cotton plant growth is ill! Figure 4. Removal of more than 25 percent from the cotton plant during the boll growth ‘v 10! I18 tt‘ . - eq result in some yield reduction, whereas 100 0-! M removal during the lint-ripening stage may I, t] yield loss. a en Although compensation provides us with p of latitude in pest management decision-m w are also certain problems that must be address we can readily accept pest damage and compensation in cotton production. One probl as the cotton plant begins compensatory gro t‘ l¢ boring plants increasingly shade each other. i ing reduces the amount of photosynthate prod I Dependence on compensation may also delay r I and thus expose the crop to more generation's; and bad weather. Increased shading results w’, drying and a greater incidence of disease, su i‘ rot. In gulf coast areas of the United States, thei ity of heavy rains increases during Septemli Therefore, cotton not harvested before Septe have rain-related harvest difficulties, and the, continue to grow and be damaged by pests. insect pests of cotton enter diapause at high rat September and October. Thus, a delayed h I increase the numbers of overwintering pests invade future crops. Plant injury by insect feeding provides a i.‘ entry for pathogens so that, though the plant m) pensate for the injury, it may become diseased‘ less vigorous. Also, plants suffering from othe? factors such as moisture or nutrient extremes I slower to compensate than healthier plants. lb _'or VEGETATIVE PHENOLUG ICAL STAGE . Leaf loss causing no yield reductions = sur- plus leaf area (after Rahman, 109). s (in chemicals such as fertilizers, insecticides, ,1, nematocides, or herbicides are used in the '1» cosystem, the quality, chemical ingredients, of application, and amount applied will influ- igrowth and development of plants, animals, or i . The use of pesticides may increase the nitro- _ in treated plants and may lead to increased aphid abundance (92). Thus, the direct action s may influence the role of plant compensa- if nology ; m for a crop such as cotton is that pests of i,- it cannot cause damage until these plant ivailable. For example, the boll weevil may , -fruiting cotton fields, but effective coloniza- toccur until squares are available for feeding jtion (160). Preliminary models of boll weevil “(dynamics provided relatively poor predic- lithe dynamics of the weevil was tied to the ‘of the cotton plant. When the weevil model at the time the cotton crop first began to set f wn squares, predictions of boll weevil dy- ved considerably over what could be pre- -~ perature alone (15). Logically, the coloni- .~ n by both pests and the natural enemies of fw be related to plant phenology. Sub- ant phenology will be useful in action level . f Resistance plant resistance to pests offers an ideal method of suppressing insect pests because most resis- tant characters are expressed under all weather condi- tions, while some weather may hamper other tactics (72). Maxwell (76) reviewed the major characters impart- ing resistance for several pests of cotton. Cultivars of cotton may have three types of resis- tance: tolerance, nonpreference, and antibiosis. With tolerance the GEP of a pest may not be changed but the action level is raised. However, with nonpreference or antibiosis, the ability of the pest to reproduce is reduced and therefore the GEP is lowered (138). Many varieties of cotton have been bred for pest resistance under a chemical insecticide umbrella. As a result, by breeding resistance characters into these cul- tivars, unknown natural plant defense mechanisms may have been unintentionally selected against and lost from the gene pool. Resistance mechanisms might be more fairly evaluated in the absence of insecticides. Resistant cultivars will undoubtedly affect the prediction of the action level. Durational Stability of the Crop Cotton as a crop may be considered to have low durational stability since it is usually destroyed at the end of the season and must be replanted at the begin- ning of each growing season (with the exception of ratoon [stub] and perennial cottons). However, long-season, indeterminant varieties have provided a durational sta- bility to this crop in relation to the survival of the boll weevil (Figure 5). Use of long-season varieties has in- creased the synchrony of boll weevil and crop phenology so that the need for emergency action tactics, such as insecticidal use, has been increased. With the long- season crop, the spring suicidal emergence is minimized and production of diapausing individuals is maximized. The use of short-season, determinate varieties has les- sened the durational crop stability. A short-season crop enables the pest manager to optimize planting dates— that is, to increase spring suicidal mortality while pro- ducing fewer diapausing individuals in the fall. The value of the short-season, minimal input system has been discussed in detail in other reports(12, 32, 97, 127, 151, 153, 160). The short-season approach also provides reduced vulnerability to Heliothis spp. (151) and the pink boll- worm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (3, 164). Other Factors In a model of the cotton crop for use in the calcula- tion of action levels, other factors must be considered. Fertilizer can speed up plant development (74) if used in optimal amounts. However, crop production systems using excessive amounts of fertilizer and irrigation can prolong growth and delay harvest (50). The importance of optimal amounts of nitrogen and water in minimizing damage from lepidopterous pests has been demon- strated (97). Soil types may affect the action level through their effect on plant growth and development. The economic 7 OVERWINTERED WEEVIL EMERGENCE CUMULATIVE COTTON WEEV“ FRU|T|NG D|APAUSE PROHLE SHORT SEASON SUICIDAL EMERGENCE NUMBERS —> LONG SEASON SUICIDAL EMERGENCE Figure 5. Schematic 0f boll weevil phenology in short and long-season cotton production systems. returns due to boll weevil control were related t0 soil type and the soil’s effect 0n plant growth (113). Plants growing on black soils are excellent producers of plant nectar; alluvial soils result in good nectar production most years; grey or red soils result in good nectar production only under favorable conditions; and sandy soils only occasionally result in nectar production (30). Nectar flow of the cotton plant influences the abundance of red imported fire ants, Solenopsis inoicta Buren, (4) so soil type may indirectly influence the abundance of the fire ants. These ants are key predators of Heliothis spp. (78-80) and the boll weevil (58, 130). However, nec- tariless cotton is less attractive to some insects pests (76). Thus, the abundance of both phytophages and en- tomophages may be affected by nectar production of cotton on various soil types. Weather factors generally used in modeling the cotton plant include daily rainfall, maximum-minimum temperature, solar radiation, and pan evaporation, which is an index of humidity (10). Most of the yearly fluctuations in cotton yield are caused by weather pat- terns and not by insects (41). Cotton farmers tend to overestimate yield potentials because they remember high production years without remembering the as- sociated weather. In years of lesser yields, insects are often blamed instead of the weather. Weather patterns based on historical climatological data are currently be- ing used as the best estimate of future weather in insect predictive models (44, 133). Secondary plant substances have evolved as de- fenses against enemies of plants (107). These products are often toxic or repellent to animals and other plants. The term “allelopathy” is used to describe the biological inhibition of feeding or toxicity to plants or animals by the secondary plant substances such as gossypol or tan- nins in cotton plants. 8 Crop life tables can provide a firm foun) the analysis of pest damage and cost/benefit. management (71) and should be useful for cotto associated arthropods. Arthropod Life Systems Arthropod Densities The primary thrust in decision-making for ted pest management programs has been the nation of pest densities and pest dynamics. The; ics of both phytophages and entomophages if need to be understood if reliable action levels 0r levels are to be calculated. Whether these poi densities are increasing or decreasing will grea ' ence the pest management decision. A pest pop at the action level should require no manage _ tions if pest abundance is declining naturally, es n, if key entomophages are present in numbers a: inaction level. Thus, the ability to predict the pop‘ dynamics will be critical in future pest mana‘ systems. I Simulation models have been developed for _ weevil (15, 59, 154), Heliothis spp. (44, 96, 140),’_ spp. (41), and the cotton fleahopper (133). These _ simulate the dynamics of these insects through I their seasonal cycles, usually during the cotton 9 season. 1 Pest management decisions made for one may affect future seasons (54). In cotton this con very important because both the boll weevil - pink bollworm can often be managed by tactics. during one year that effect pest numbers in future Both insects have few host crops in he United other than cotton on which they can rapidly repr l‘ Thus, management tactics designed to minimize winter survival have been very effective. Destruc- the cotton crop before these insects enter diapa the fall is a key management tactic in some areas. s case of the boll weevil, supplementary suppressiv tions in the fall using insecticides have been an acc and effective tactic (116). Pest management systems will benefit from of that consider the dynamics of insects throughout- year, and from year to year. Winter mortality c especially critical for the suppression of some in, below the action level during the following season. Dispersal g The importance of dispersal in pest manage systems has been reviewed by Babb and r (108,148). Single night flights of Heliothis spp. up miles and 4-day movement of 45 miles have been served (126). Computer simulation models of Hel' spp. (44, 140) include the dispersal of moths be crops as a function of crop attraction. p. Predictions of pest and entomophage dispersal crop colonization will be of great value in develo future pest management models. ' gr rsion _ distinction can be made between macro- frsion (the geographical distribution of arthropods) Fimicro-dispersion (the distribution of arthropods I a limited area such as a field or plant). The macro- rsion may affect the importance of a pest, since it 7 sually not occur in a uniform density throughout its A key pest for one area may be only sporadic or ous in other areas (134). One of the attributes of a l ‘ st is that it should have a high historical probabili- l current economic damage over many years. Once gjhistorical probabilities have been determined, hould be very useful in calculations of probabilities nomic loss for use in action levels. However, the ‘ility of historical probabilities would be question- g based on the frequency of years when insecticides (fused for pest control unless supplemented by sampling of pest densities. A e macro-dispersion of H. zea throughout the USA Er iewed by Snow 8: Copeland (122). The micro- {lion of cotton arthropods has received consider- ttention because it is important in developing ed research or pest management sampling tech- f‘ (63). Also, “spatial aspects of populations are Lt t0 model, and it is very rare to find both spatial poral dynamics included in a single model (114). 0', Size and Sex iditionally, emergency actions taken for H eliothis e been designed to prevent the development of 7 mbers of large larvae. These large larvae cause ae remove larger fruit that require a longer j ent time than smaller fruit. Removal of large _= results in a greater loss of plant photosynthate oval of smaller fruit. 0' and sex of Lygus hesperus Knight may also j§lerent amounts of damage. Adult females cause ately twice as much damage as males, whereas ge for third to fifth instar nymphs is near that of 1| . . . neous Damage by a Complex of Pests in damage caused by two or more pest species T synergistic, or antagonistic? What should be .en the crop is infested by species A, B, C, and ofwhich has reached the action level but each of y be within one-half to three-fourths of it (35)? l‘: culating an action level for a single pest when a 30f pests is present, a cotton plant model may be ‘ for calculating the cumulative damage from all A. that can be tolerated and the amount of fruit ébe expected to survive the attack. When two as the boll weevil and Heliothis spp. feed on wthe cumulative damage might possibly be less ditive damage of either alone, since H eliothis A nsume weevil-infested squares, which results l ‘ eous damage to some squares. Definitive data bject isnot available but one simulation study F at reduction in yield from simultaneous dam- l’ ore fruit damage than small larvae (143). Also, A age by two pests was larger than the sum of the yield losses when the damage was caused by each species separately (77). The interactions of the boll weevil and the bollworm have been considered in establishing an economic threshold based on the ratio of fruit production to the rate of cumulative fruit damage caused by both pests (38). Each species may not affect the action level of the other species if each species feeds on a different plant part and if their cumulative plant damage does not result in plant stress. Also, the decision to take action against a group of pests, all below the action level, is complicated by the need for different action tactics for each pest species (134). This helps account for the popularity of broad spectrum insecticides among cotton farmers. Also, the presence of the tobacco budworm, Heliothis vires- cens (Fabricius), in the H eliothis complex will dictate the need for more toxic insecticides or higher dosages, since H. virescens is generally more resistant to many insec- ticides than H. zea (88). Action Levels for Cotton Pests The action levels for Heliothis spp. on several crops and alternate host plants have recently been reviewed (131). Four chapters in SCSB 231 relate to Heliothis spp. on cotton (10, 99, 104, 151). Graham et al (37) also reviewed pioneering research leading to the establish- ment of economic thresholds of ca. 0.5-0.6. larvae per meter (2, 111). These thresholds provided guidance for making pest management decisions for Heliothis spp., but many modifications have been made in the various cotton-growing states. A major improvement was the recognition that the threshold must be dynamic during the growing season (47, 54). For example, after broad spectrum insecticides have been applied, few en- tomophages will survive, which often results in a pest resurgence. Thus, the economic threshold decreases after insecticide applications have been initiated and/or as the season progresses The need for dynamic thresholds was demonstrated by determining that rela- tively heavy infestations in mid- and late-season were required to reduce yield and that 1.2 larvae/m through- out the season significantly reduced yields (61). Cotton was able to tolerate seasonal densities of ca. 0.6 lar- vae/m. In Texas a seasonal average of 0.9 larvae/m significantly reduced yields Action levels are reviewed for other pests of cotton such as the boll weevil (134), Lygus spp. (41, 137), pink bollworm (32), and the cotton leafworm, Alabama argil- lacea (Huebner) (31). Current pragmatic action levels for cotton arthropod pests may usually be obtained from local Extension entomologists. Soils and Fertility The effect of boll weevil control on yields is related to soil type and soil fertility (113). Also, fertile soils such as river “bottoms” may force determinant cotton varieties into indeterminant growth patterns. Thus, ac- tion levels established on soils of a certain level of fertility may not be applicable for soils with other levels of fertility (134). Infertile soils with a low yield potential, 9 , \- s-aa .1.“ i- iiia“iiii;.a in the absence of pest control, may show only a neglig- ible profit increase when control measures are applied (14). Ecosystems enriched with plant nutrients often result in the development of dominant pest species, whereas systems with lower concentrations of plant nu- trients have no or fewer dominant species, and thus the the system is more stable (98, 128). Cotton fields that receive moderate amounts of nutrients might be expect- ed to have fewer dominant pests than fields that receive heavy concentrations of plant nutrients. Contamination of soils with pesticides, salts, and even over use of fertilizers will have some influence on the soil microflora, soil fauna, and their relation to soil and plant health and may be important in the calculation of action levels. Insecticide Resistance In modeling for predictive purposes, time frames of greater than a single season should be considered. One reason is that the gene pool of the various pest and entomophage populations changes over time. This change is apparent in the development of insecticide resistance, but it may also be expected in other physio- logical and behavioral adaptions to changes in cotton production practices. Thus, if insecticides are to be used as a pest management tactic in future years, predictive models of resistance should be developed for key ar- thropods of the cotton agroecosystem. Prediction of susceptibility to insecticides will be useful in decisions regarding choice and dosage of insec- ticides. The total susceptibility of a particular species to currently used pesticides has been referred to as “biolog- ical capital” (54). A genetic model dealing with the developmental rate of insecticide resistance suggests means of minimizing selection pressure (105). Insects may also develop resistance to other man- agement tactics such as resistance varieties and preda- tors (55). Since insects can develop a resistance to their own hormones (149), it would not be surprising if they could also develop resistance to autocidal methods, pheromones, cultural controls, mechanical controls, host plant resistance, and others. Thus, there is a need to determine the risks of these events and the rate of development. Yield Losses Definitive evaluation of crop losses is one of the most complex problems facing the researcher. The liter- ature of economic entomology is replete with examples of yield increases resulting from the use of various pest management tactics. Often these experiments have been conducted in small-plot, randomized plot designs where some replicated plots were treated with broad spectrum, chemical insecticides while certain randomized plots were left untreated as a control. The differences in yield between the treated plots and the control were used as an estimate of pest damage. Experiments of this type have often demonstrated cotton yield “increases” of 100- 500 percent. However, the difference in yields is often due to the destruction of natural enemies in the control plots by the insecticides drifting from the treated plots. 10 Without their natural enemies, and with ins amounts of drifted pesticide to kill the pests,‘ damage was realized from the pests. Also, these ‘p, were and are still frequently being conducted i munities where large amounts of insecticides ar applied to neighboring cotton fields, upwind fr test plots. The effects of patchy applications of insectici community on the abundance or change in beh natural enemies in the untreated areas is larg known, but it would be foolish to assume no A Though the randomized experimental method *- fair evaluation of the relative efficacy of the _i chemical insecticides in the experiment, it is n evaluation of yield losses without insecticides: result, yield losses due to insects tend to be i; timated. . . Estimates of crop losses to pests can only I evaluated in areas where minimal insecticides . sent in the soil, on the plant, or in the air and whe have little chance of drifting into the area. Isol several miles from treated areas may be essen’ these loss estimates. Also, insecticides used over areas may reduce the abundance of natural enem’ that 2-3 years may be necessary for the effective i ery of these natural enemies (6, 87, 100.) Thus, r‘ estimates should be obtained in areas where insecy have not been used for several years, so that th effectiveness of natural enemies can be realized. In ' experiments, the optimal cultural and biological. management tactics should be employed to m the probabilities of producing acceptable yields profits in both the control and treatment plots. _ A distinction can be made between direct and ' rect damage (118). Direct damage results when the” directly attacks the part utilized by man, whereas - age to other plant parts results in indirect damag cotton, higher levels of indirect damage can be tole than direct damage. The key pests of cotton, i.e. bugs, boll weevils, bollworms, and tobacco budwo; all cause direct damage by attacking the fruit. secondary pests are generally leaf feeders. Howi this distinction is simplistic because those pests ._ cause direct damage may also cause indirect damage? the key pests of cotton will occasionally cause dama plant parts other than the fruit. For example, Hel’ spp. feeding on pre-fruiting cotton terminals can d _ plant growth (52). . Despite increased use of insecticides in the Un States, crop losses continue to increase. The chang our agricultural production system that have contrib to this increased crop loss are (a) use of crop vari _ ‘ susceptible to pests, (b) continuous culture of ce , crops with less rotation and diversification, (c) red l_ l A crop sanitation, (d) reduced tillage, (e) growth of cro areas where they are more susceptible to pest attack increased pesticide resistance in pests, (g) destructiol natural enemies of pests. (h) use of pesticides that . 7 the physiology of plants, and (i) reduced tolerance by ' Food and Drug Administration, and increased cosm standards by processors and retailers for crops (102). p losses due to insect pests have increased from int in 1904 t0 a present high of 13 percent (101). ’"these increased loss trends are due t0 high c standards” in fruits and vegetables now sold n- j _ y Hg. JUS market. They also result from planting he "that are more susceptible t0 pests and eliminat- "rotations and other sound ecological practices i» culture. = etic standards are of little or no importance in i; ept for the spotting of the lint that may result f t feeding in the green boll. For example, “y the green stink bug, Nezara oiridula (L.), or ‘bollworm can cause reductions in lint quality. ', feeding by Heliothis spp. or boll weevil does 7: - ly reduce lint quality, because if only a small the boll is damaged, the lint from the damaged w‘ not harvested (152). Inaction Levels ‘gement decisions should be based not only on '0 =1 ce of pest species but also on the abundance lenemies of the pest. Obviously, greater num- ‘ts can be tolerated if an abundance of effective emies are present. Thus, the abundance of emies will affect the action level. However, liance can be placed exclusively on natural ‘a working understanding of the most efficient l" d the numbers needed to maintain pests Zaction level is needed. The presence of great- s of a complex of predators than of pests does the maintenance of pests below economic _ The term inaction level for the density of (emies sufficient to maintain the pests below (level is suggested (29). McDaniel 8t Sterling '_d an example of an inaction level. They ,¢ ratio of one key predator for each Heliothis lqWhen 15-20 percent of the terminal buds of a 'n a predaceous black fleahopper, Rhinacloa a Renter, 80-100 percent of H eliothis spp. eggs ilsumed (53). No chemical insecticides were gded if “beneficials” were present at 20 or 0 row feet of terminals Inaction levels for tor of the boll weevil have been established idence supporting these levels is available Qlnaction levels have not been established for A mies of most insects pests. jators ‘B edator species or stage of a predator species f? s predictive value for forecasting future prey 1 trends and is capable of providing irreplace- i. ensable, sensu Southwood [125], p. 374) V, ading to prey population regulation may be a key predator. Irreplaceable mortality is of the total generation mortality contributed Q-lar agent and not replaced by other natural = us, removal of an agent providing irreplace- "ty would result in greater survival of the _ s. The concept of the key predator should be distinguished from the concept of an index predator. An index predator provides value in forecasting future prey population trends but may or may not regulate the prey population. For example, if the numbers of prey are highly inversely correlated with the abundance of a predator species, then the predator may be included as an index predator. If later evidence supports the conclu- sion that the index predator is causally related to the decline of prey numbers and actually provides irreplace- able mortality, then it is clearly a key predator. Thus, an index predator may also be a key predator, but the difference is that there is no field evidence that the index predator causes any irreplaceable mortality. An index predator may be an excellent predictor of the numbers of the real, but unknown, key predators. A hypothetical example of an index predator might be a ladybeetle that does not feed on a bollworm egg, but numbers of the ladybeetle increase at the same time as the real key predators that actually regulate the boll- worm eggs. In this case the abundance of the index predator might be correlated inversely with the abun- dance of the bollworm eggs, but the correlation is spurious. A key predator might be expected to fit a modified definition of a key factor as proposed by Solomon (123), i.e. one of the main controlling factors affecting a popula- tion, implying that key factors cause the mortality but is not spuriously correlated with it. An index predator would more closely fit Morris’s (83) definition of a key factor, i.e. any biological or environmental condition associated with mortality that is useful in predicting a future trend in a population but lacks evidence of causa- tion. Spurious correlations may have predictive value even though changes in one may not cause the changes in the other. More than 600 species of predators have been ob- served in Arkansas cotton fields (159), but only a few species are responsible for most of the predation. In field studies, the order of importance for Heliothis spp. eggs was as follows: ants, lady beetle larvae, adults of the spotted ladybeetle (Coleomegilla maculata DeGeer), adults of Hippodamia conoergens Guerin-Meneville, spiders, predaceous mites, and green lacewing larvae (Chrysopa spp.). In later studies (158) Orius spp. and ‘ Geocoris spp. adults were added to the list. Similar results were obtained in east Texas using 32F labeled Heliothis spp. eggs (78, 79). Dominant egg predators were ants (mostly Solenopsis inoicta), Orius insidiosus (Say), Geocoris spp., H. convergens, Cycloneda san- guinea (Linnaeus), C. maculata, P. seriatus, and the spiders C hiracanthium inclusum (Hentz), Phidippus au- dax (Hentz), and Oxyopes salticus (Hentz),. The average seasonal egg mortality due to predators was 93 percent after 72 hrs. Many of these same species are important larval predators of H eliothis spp. with the notable excep- tion of the large lady beetles (80). As a result of this high level of predation, Heliothis spp. seldom caused economic damage except where insecticidal perturba- tions had occurred. 11 The efficiency of many of these predators when reared 0r field collected and released has been evaluated (69, 70, 110, 111, 146). A maximum of 9O to 99.5 percent reduction of Heliothis spp. was observed as a result of these releases, the efficiency depending 0n the numbers of predators released. A review of inundative releases (139) is a valuable reference 0n this subject. N0 more than a dozen key natural enemies of pests are of importance on cotton (112). The species and their importance may vary between geographical areas. Thus, their efficiency should be evaluated in many cotton production areas and for all key and secondary pests. Of course, predators are not the only natural enemies of cotton pests. Parasites and pathogens may also play a major role in the regulation of pest abun- dance. The identification and relative importance of Heliothis spp. parasites has recently been reviewed (112), and a manual is provided for pathogen identifica- tion (106). Colonization To predict the colonization of entomophages and pathogens in cotton, their sources should be known. For example, a major source of predators in south Texas is grasses (34). Certain entomophagous species exhibit su- perior dispersal-colonizing abilities and are characteristi- cally dominant in disturbed habitats such as agroecosys- tems (22). However, there is usually a trade-off between the reproductive-dispersal abilities of a species and their competitive abilities. Species exhibiting high reproduc- tive-dispersal abilities have been labelled r-strategists and those with high competitive abilities, k-strategists (73). Ehler & Miller (22) contend that r-pests may be controlled by r-strategist natural enemies in disturbed systems and in habitats of low durational stability. Since the cotton field is essentially a pauperized, ecological desert before the crop is planted, most en- tomophages must disperse into and colonize the field before they can effect control of pests. To predict the efficiency of natural enemies in the management of pests, a knowledge of their dispersal and colonization rates may be essential. Switching Polyphagous predators may switch from feeding on a key pest species to secondary pests or innocuous species, resulting in greater survival rates of the key pest. In field cages, bollworm eggs survived at a rate 16 times greater when Orius spp. and aphids were both present as compared to eggs alone (25). However, noneconomic densities of aphids, thrips, spider mites, lepidopterous eggs and larvae, and innocuous species attract, hold, and increase predator and parasite abun- dance (89). Models Preliminary models of natural enemies that could be used in action level models are available (44, 142). 12 economics of alternate action tactics, which have Q Economics Mid-season chemical insecticide applications t often necessitate subsequent treatments latef season to protect the crop from resurgence of the pest or an outbreak of a secondary pest (137). first insecticide application perturbs the co roecosystem by causing a decrease in the effectiv; natural enemies. Frequently, this perturbation r_ a virtual ecosystem addiction to the insecticides g] that a “treadmill” of applications is essential to; the crop. Each additional application of insectici not ensure the protection of the crop at poten present when the application was made. Muc crop may remain susceptible to pest damage,“ very large losses may be suffered if the applicati terminated. Economic analysis of cotton o?’ should definitely consider this “treadmill” effect.) Insecticides Of the pest management tactics available for. sis by economists, pesticides have been univer 1' tractive because they are “easier to cost” and put into practice than other methods (94). Howe“ nine separate, large-scale pest management pro = Texas, an average 44.2 percent reduction in the -; insecticides resulted (64) when greater dependen placed on native entomophages for pest contro returns increased by an average of 77 percent. Th t been neglected in the past, should receive a fairl research priority in the future. " Cost-Benefit Ratios Cost-benefit ratios are of value because the, easily understood by growers (35). In practical a 5 ture, a simple cost-benefit ratio is the best “first ap” mation” of potential crop yield (137). The grower? understand this ratio more easily than marketing flu tions and commodity prices on a regional, nation international basis. 1 When the concept of social cost/social benefit is introduced, the modeling problem becomes r complex. The concept of social benefit (welfare) is v and controversial (66). As in other areas of mode _ there is a need for definitive data in order to calc the costs and benefits to all individuals in the soci rather than basing calculations on estimates or The impact of pest management decisions on the he 5, wealth, and nutrition of individuals is one of the imj tant elements that needs to be quantified. Production Costs I Costs of contemporary pest management system Texas have been reported (12, 32, 91, 97, 127). . evaluating costs of pest management systems, prod tion, management, sampling, set up, and application tactics should not be overlooked (134). Losses due t0 cotton insect pests have been re- f? (17, 39, 85). Care should be observed in evaluat- estimates. If pest damage were eliminated, the ue of the product would decline on a per unit cept in the case of price supports) because of the p, 'elds and supplies that would result. Thus, loss 3w re often exaggerated. For example, boll weevil 0n benefits t0 the cotton producer are nebulous. ers benefit from large-scale management pro- ch as boll weevil eradication because of lower 'ces, but landowners lose because land values f‘ and Demand ‘rder to calculate an action level of value to the , some estimate of the short-term value of the "Trequired. The supply-demand relationship of d’ its value has been reviewed (47). Information rrent status of world cotton production, US lent of Agriculture (USDA) loan levels, and f-y payments may be obtained from several lsuch as the National Cotton Council, Cotton ted, and the Economic Research Service of the Ecology And Society ,; ly sound management practices should also be F ly sound. However, ecological measures such (Id natural enemy conservation, or ecosystem n, may be of economic value primarily over 'rm, which may extend to several human gen- awareness of the need to preserve non- » resources and to leave the earth as healthy as ‘it is an ethical legacy that we must pass on to kerations (92). In the case of ecologically sound i optimal profits often may not coincide with "jprofits. In the search for maximum profits, Nd may be given to such concepts as conserva- Ability of systems. Thus, boom or bust cycles fnplace in cotton production. When the price “. high every possible acre of farmland may be =cotton. From the air the gullied and eroded ‘the cotton belt of the USA lie as a testament _ re of this strategy. The top soils of much of ertile land now lie in river beds and ocean ,1 s, this potentially rich inheritance of fertile ,asted and of no value to future generations ‘ers attempted to make quick profits, that are f, to their offspring. i, osion is not the only example of the deteriora- valuable natural resources. Reduction or I of natural enemies of plant-feeding insects »misuse of broad spectrum insecticides and f soils with salts of irrigation waters, insec- ‘i lizers, and herbicides may have greatly af- stability and long-term profitability of many e history of cotton production around the eplete with examples of financial disasters ."",‘ 9'. ".. resulting largely from a failure to understand certain basic ecological and economic principles (145). Side Effects of Management Actions Economists refer to some of the side effects of actions taken as “externalities,” or the benefits and costs accruing to persons other than the producers or consum- ers of the agricultural commodities involved (66). The identification of externalities is nebulous (66) because these secondary effects are not signalled to the decision- maker either from the market or from the ecosystem and are therefore not considered in his decision-making (67). It is possible for externalities to cause a major divergence between management strategies optimal for the grower and those optimal for society. A decision model has been developed to estimate the external costs and quantify the costs of pesticide side effects (21). According to N orgaard (90) the misuse of pest man- agement actions is a social problem. He claims that social objectives such as nourishment, health, and environ- mental quality are not being met and that solutions to this social problem lie in changing the behavior of men. Thus, farmers need to use fewer and narrower spectrum pesticides and biological controls consistent with the dynamics of the agroecosystem. Or, farmers should plant less vulnerable plants in better patterns and places at better times. Because of the externalities inherent in pesticides, their use should be reduced to the extent that their marginal social costs (including all side effects) approxi- mate their marginal benefits (27). Marginal costs or benefits are the total costs or benefits of cotton produc- tion that result from each additional input such as each additional application of insecticide. Some of the side effects of pest management actions have been summarized (92). These side effets relate primarily to chemical pesticides and their detrimental effects on the crop and nontarget organisms; they in- clude long- and short-term effects on human and ecosys- tem health. A review of the side effects of insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides on some of the flora and fauna of plant, soil, and aquatic ecosystems has been provided (9)- Management tactics such as cultural practices, hor- monal regulation of plant growth, host plant resistance, mechanical control, pheromonal control, pathogens, classical biological control, and the augmentation and conservation of natural enemies of plant pests are gener- ally considered to have less detrimental side effects than broad spectrum insecticides. This may be because man- agement tactics other than insecticides have been poorly evaluated for these side effects. For example, foreign parasites introduced for the classical biological control of pests are usually screened for hyperparasites but not for new pathogens that could be a hazard to native natural enemies of pests. However, even with pesticides, “in- adequate data and the necessity of subjective evaluation of damage to wildlife and threat of risks subvert detailed, quantifiable, cost-benefit analsysis of overall liabilities and benefits of pesticide use” (92). 13 Uncertainty in Pest Management Uncertainty because of lack of information 0n the part of the farmer is an additional factor encouraging pesticide use. F eder (27) investigated the impact of uncertainty on farmers’ decisions regarding pesticide use and the way it affects reaction to various changes. Given risk aversion on the decision-makers part, Feder’s im- proved optimization model introduced random elements into several components of the pest-pesticide-crop sys- tem and used Bayesian decision rules and dynamic programming to reproduce the farmefs decision-making process. F eder (27) also evaluated the impact of im- proved information regarding old and new technologies, as well as information acquisition. The cost of informa- tion and its effect on pesticide use was evaluated, and a market for management information was established. Insecticide Decomposition A simulation model of the rate of insecticide loss from a terrestrial ecosystem was developed (150) that was based largely on soil surface temperature and mois- ture fluctuations. This type of model could prove useful in predicting the residual side effects of pesticide use. Also, the model ecosystem approach, along with the use of radiolabeled insecticides, is an informative and conve- nient experimental technique for studying the environ- mental effects of insecticides (82). Policy Decisions Some farm policies and practices have been coun- terproductive. Nearly four billion dollars was spent by the US government to retire productive land from culti- vation (103). This land restriction encouraged high crop yields on fewer acres, resulting in some cases in in- creased reliance on pesticides. Thus, one trend in crop production has been the use of more pesticides and less land. Any program that indirectly encourages the sub- stitution of pesticides for land should be critically ex- amined (103). A computer model predicted that future costs of cotton production without insecticides would be slightly greater than the cost of producing cotton with insec- ticides in the absence of a government land retirement program (103). With a land retirement program, the cost of producing cotton would be greater with insecticide use. Restrictions on land use appear to play a greater role in price increases than do restrictions on insecticide use. The farmers income is often supported through a guaranteed government price; thus his gross income is proportional to his output. This is a form of insurance that is of value to the farmer only if there is no crop failure. Thus, the farmer often sees the use of chemical pesticides as a means of reducing the risk of being unable to take advantage of price supports. This type of policy thus tends to subsidize the use of chemical pesticides (92). Davidson & Norgaard (16) have suggested both income or output insurance as a solution to this problem. 14 Marketing standards are determined by _"g ment policy. High marketing standards dictated u latory agencies may have little bearing on the nu value of the product. Thus, for largely cosmetic _ action levels have been reduced to near zero, __ in a greater use of pesticides, higher productio higher environmental costs, and an increased c0 if final product (35). Consequently, the flame of i ' , which is often fueled by policy decisions and is ably predictable, should be considered in esta‘ action levels. f The passage of the Occupational Safety and Act, which requires a hazard-free environment f0, ers, has transferred some of the costs of pestici _ effects from society to the farmer. Farmers may legally liable for damage or contamination of nei farms from spray drift (92). The federal government compensated bee ‘_ an average of $1.5 million per year in the early 1 if for losses due to “pesticide accidents. ” “When the picks up the tab for negligence, there is little in to be careful” (92). 3 Thus, the effects of government policy art counterproductive to the minimization of the def tal side effects of pesticides. Policy decisions wi" ably play an important role in the calculation 0 _, levels in future pest management models. The the quantification of externalities resulting fro l» ticide use as they might affect policy decisions is s 4 ed by Headley and others (48, 67). For an e‘ review of economic research on pesticides for decision making see the proceedings of the 197 posum of the Economic Research Service (11, 19) Strategies and Tactics Pest management decisions can be made at eithi strategic or tactical level. A pest management (i; a scientifically determined plan in which potential » agement tactics and other pertinent contingencies been optimized for the management of pests r ecosystem [modified from Encyclopedia Brita a (23)]. The three basic strategies are (a) prevent‘ eradication, (b) containment, and (c) doing nothing" Other factors that should be considered in develop strategy of cotton production include the selection planting date, crop variety, and methods of weed trol, fertilization, irrigation, etc. These decisions MU, made before the crop is planted and thus are part H crop production strategy. Obviously, anyone who produces cotton has“ veloped a production strategy. However, one obje, of optimized strategies may be to avoid the creati new pest problems and to try to remedy those situal _ from which present-day problems have arisen Koenig and Tummala (62) contend that systems sci techniques should be used to redesign agroecosyst , Crop production practices can be evaluated by syst science to produce improved ecosystem strategies susceptible to pests. " j ics were defined as the “specific methods 0r l 'ng techniques required to carry out a basic if’ (56). Pest management tactics include plant f} and cultural, biological, mechanical, pesticid- idal, pheromonal and plant growth regulators (8, . These tactics were categorized as follows: (a) q- pesticides and (b) bioenvironmental controls fioenvironmental control was defined as “any in ical control method utilized to reduce pest 'ns by environmental manipulations and biolog- trol" (102). Bioenvironmental controls are em- lion more acres of crops (9%) than insecticidal ;.(6%) in the United States (102). "g efficiency of a management tactic may affect the l. of the action level. A tactic yielding 98 percent J of a pest should generally have a higher action a tactic yielding only 50 percent reduction. If (n level has erroneously been set too high, or g fails to accurately detect the action level, a ective tactic can still be used to “clean up” and “from these mistakes. However, a less effective uld be of less value in recovering from decision _ us, the tendency is to set the action level at a tively low point (134). T ers often appear to be risk-adverse. To lessen wledge is needed not only of the expected gewm for decisions but also of the variance of of possible outcomes. This information can be lodels that yield not only the expected outcome ..the probability of all possible outcomes (18); .4 until these predictive models are available, ods of minimizing decision risks will depend Aditional experimental methods. ,production method that has shown much pro- l educing the risk of pest damage to cotton is the on, reduced input systems that many of the lg: Texas have been quick to adopt (151). Where rtilized, indeterminant cottons are grown in vestment risks may be greater than with the on systems. ,major risk in cotton insect pest management is l will cause unacceptable losses to the crop. I , there are many other risks associated with , made in pest management. The risks of taking ent actions when they are not needed and the y ing no action when actions are needed (i.e. type II errors, respectively) must both be 1-: (135). Current concerns regarding the risk to i alth due to agricultural chemical pesticides are p‘ in legislative sanctions against their misuse. 4e risk appears to be to those who apply the (103). Thus, the farmer-applicator should have cerns for the risk he takes in using certain a =3 Y’ 5Y,"5F"~<‘.“". I l_ ity Strategies _'nction can be made between local (producer _» regional (community-wide) strategies (125). Considering the vagility of both phytophages and en- tomophages, it is small wonder that community-wide strategies have some distinct advantages over individual producer stategies. Community-wide strategies minimize the problem of recolonization of pests from fields not included in a management program to fields included in such a program. However, in community- wide insecticidal applications there is a high risk that some fields will be treated where no treatment is needed, unless each field is sampled separately. Pesticidal Tactics Of the currently available and effective tactics, chemical insecticides remain an important component of pest management systems. Thus, pest control models such as the one by Talpaz and Borosh (141) are needed to evaluate strategies for pesticide use. They applied a mathematical-numerical optimization that selected fre- quency of applications and dosages designed to minimize control costs and crop damage. Watt (156) also used a computer to evaluate alternative insecticidal programs. Insecticides should only be used on an “as needed” basis. Sampling is generally recommended to determine the need for management actions. However, preventa- tive actions have been suggested as a valid option if the risk of economic losses is almost certain every year when actions are not taken. In south Texas, the risk of unac- ceptable boll weevil loss was so high every year that a preventative strategy was incorporated into the pest management program (51). The use of insecticides where they are not needed can be very expensive insurance. For example, control- ling Lygus spp. with insecticides tended to reduce yields of Acala cotton in simulation studies (41). Thus, “farmers were spending money to lose money” (41). The use of pesticides rarely increases yields; rather, use prevents loss of yields (71). Of all the chemicals used to produce cotton, insec- ticides have the most serious side effects (92). About 80- 90 percent of human cancer may be caused by chemical contamination of the environment and food ('75). Also, there is evidence that aldrin (24) and DDT (49) cause cancer and possible birth defects and genetic mutations. The history of chemical pesticide use in a field or community may indicate the current availability of natu- ral control agents. Up to three years may be required for a normal balance of predators to return after the use of persistent insecticidal chemicals over broad areas (6). Cultural Tactics Some of the cultural tactics used in cotton pests management include planting and harvest dates, tillage, crop rotations, water management, and trap crops (155). Cultural control is defined as “the use of farming or cultural practices associated with farm production to make the environment less favorable for survival, growth and reproduction of pest species” (155). 15 Other Tactics Tactical decisions can be separated into emergency actions 0r preventative actions. Emergency actions are taken as a result of failure to accurately predict events leading to emergency pest situations and requiring im- mediate amelioration. The unexpected development of economic injury because of an outbreak of pests, result- ing in emergency applications of insecticides, is an exam- ple. The tactics frequently used in emergency action situations are insecticides and plant growth regulators. Curative actions are designed to prevent pests from reaching the action level where emergency actions are needed. Plant resistance, cultural, biological, autocidal, and regulatory tactics are all examples of curative ac- tions. Usually two or more of these tactics are used simultaneously. For example, certain varieties and planting dates designed to minimize pest density are used together with chemical methods. Action levels are used primarily to determine when to take emergency actions but probably find little use in determining when to implement curative actions. Discussion Definitive predictions of action levels are likely to be based on a clear understanding of the relation between the plants, arthropods, economy, and ecology. The fail- ure to consider any of these factors and their interactions may result in erroneous management decisions that are not in the long-term best interests of the producer, consumer, or others in our society. Computer Models and Simulation Brown et al. (10) reviewed the use of computer simulation in establishing economic thresholds. Simula- tion is the process of designing a model of a real system and conducting experiments with this model for the purpose of either understanding the behavior of the system or evaluating various strategies for the operation of the system (117). Adequate economic thresholds and economic injury levels have been established for relatively few of the most important pests of the world, in spite of the long recognized need (35). None of the action levels currently used are based on precise estimates that integrate the host, the pest, enemies of the pest, the economy, and the ecology. This multiplicity of factors needed in cal- culating precise action levels is too complex for most human minds to comprehend simultaneously. Compu- ters can store, recall, evaluate, simulate, and calculate rapidly using large quantities of data; thus their potential for calculating precise dynamic action levels is excellent. Some of the variables used in the calculation of the action level are more important than others. The initial models may include a wide range of variables that can be evaluated through the simulation process; unimportant variables and relationships can be eliminated, leaving only the variables of key importance for prediction. We should also be able to predict when occasional 16 pests will be present in outbreak numbers. g eliminate unnecessary and environmentally dis 1 “insurance” treatments (138). According to Clar (13), “Forecasts can be required for a variety 5 poses, such as: evaluating the variability of a; injuriousness in time; preparing for possible incr’ the injuriousness of a pest; and timing the appli recurrent control measures.” All of these objecti o be used in either “action” or “action level” mod) An optimization model for the calculation economic threshold of L. hesperus was develops Even programmable calculators have been used late economic injury levels (157). User inputs in program are the approximate growth stage, esti’ price of crop, control costs, and an estimate of free yield. 7‘ Models and Pest Management v Figure 6 depicts how models might be used [I management programs. Updates of weathel economics together with current plant and ar dynamics would be used to calculate fore strategies, tactics, and their side effects. From v action levels could be predicted and used in d’; sampling, or action decisions could be calculated by the computer with or without field validation decision to sample or not to sample might be basi the calculated reliability of action decisions. If thei sion to take action has a high degree of reliability, validation sampling may not be necessary. Howe the action level cannot be calculated because ‘<1; reliability, then either decision or validation sam may be needed. Also, if the areawide update sam, reveals a very low or very high risk situation, then decision or validation sampling may be unnecei When decision or validation sampling becomes 1 sary, the sampler will enjoy the benefit of posse computer tactic recommendations, calculated levels, and computer management decisions to assi making the final, in-field, decisions. 1 There is the need to make a careful distin between decisions that should be made in the field decisions that can be made by computer. As the relia ty of computer models increases, more and more if sions should be made by computer to decrease the and expense of field sampling. However, some i?’ validation or decision sampling may be needed for 5 _ foreseeable future. l" Conclusions The essential value of the action level and the inacf level is that their use improves the probability a ' increases in yield, as a result of decisions maderegar . the choice of tactics and strategies employed, will the costs of pest management. Yield may also include i value of the commodity to agribusiness as well as t0- consumers of the commodity. A change in the level may be detrimental or beneficial to either gro 3 The costs of pest management are not simply »_ -{ WEATHERI lsusnmess wonun] ntrol tactics (e.g. chemicals, parasite releases, es, application costs, etc.); they also include tzgfcal costs that are the result of deterioration of item which in turn is associated with monocul- ing, pesticide application, and the misuse of ‘land irrigation. iver, the long-term goal of pest management hould be to develop nondisruptive, preventa- that totally eliminate the need for action 1e the latter are useful only in conjunction igency action tactics rather than with the pre- entative strategies. L. 1973. Relating economic analysis t0 cotton. Pre- fiConf. Econ. Injury Eval., Dallas. . L., Bailey, C. T., Hanna, R. L. 1964. Effect of the l eliothis zea, on yield and quality of cotton. ] . Econ. 2448-50 L., Gaines, I. C. 1960. Pink bollworm control as a total cotton insect control program in Central Texas. Stn. Misc. 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Schematic of the basic components of an action level system with options (Modified from Ruesink 114). Acknowledgments Ithank G. Teetes, S. Gravena, A. Gutierrez, T. Wilson, and A. Dean for their criticisms of earlier drafts of this manuscript. The support of the Environmental Protec- tion Agency and the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. Cited 8. Bottrell, D. G., Adkisson, P. L. 1977. Cotton insect pest manage- ment. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 22: 451-81 9. Brown, A. W. A. 1978. The Ecology of Pesticides. New York: Wiley. 525 pp. 10. Brown, L. G., Hartstack, A. W., Ir., Parvin, D. W., Skieth, R. W. 1979. Computer simulation for establishing economic thresholds. See Ref. 131, pp. 75-84 11. Carlson, G. A. 1971. The microeconomics of crop losses. See Ref. 19, pp. 89-101 12. Casey, I. E., Lacewell, R. D., Sterlin, W. L. 1975. An example of economically feasible opportunities for reducing pesticide use in commercial agriculture. ] . Environ. Qual. 4: 60-64 13. Clark, L. 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