" UUL: I z TA245.7 B873 NO.1534 B- 4 , April 6 i a ECQNCMIC AND EPIDEMIQLQGIC ANALYSIS CF U. S. BQVINE BRUCELLQSIS PRQGRAMS [IBPARY THE TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION! Neville P. Clarke, Director! The Texas AMI University System! College Station Texag Table of Contents Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Source of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..6 Epidemiologic and Econometric Models Employed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 The Epidemiologic Brucellosis Simulation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 The Econometric Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8 Scenarios Employed For Analyzing Alternative Brucellosis Progams . . . . . . . . . .9 Base Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9 Current Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9 Eradication Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9 Changes in Program Efficiency in High Incidence States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 No State-Federal Program Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9 Base Program Projections and Model Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Epidemiologic Analysis of Alternative Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Economic Analysis of Alternative Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Summary and Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .» . . . . . . . . .19 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Preface Details concerning the contract report, “Economic and Epidemiologic Analysis of U.S. Bovine Brucellosis Programs” consisting of Volumes I, II, and III are avail- able from Veterinary Services, APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Maryland, 20782. Volume I is the primary report; Volume II contains the epidemiological model, the computer program, and the input data; and Volume III contains the national epidemiological summaries of the nine programs simulated and regional summaries of the 1984 current program. These reports are also available from the Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 77843 as follows: Volume I-Departmental Technical Report DTR86-1, Volume II-Departmental Technical Report DTR86-2, Volume III-Departmental Technical Report DTR86-3. Economic and Epidemiologic Analysis of U.S. Bovine Brucellosis Programs Authors RAYMOND A. DIETRICH, Associate Professor The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Department of Agricultural Economics) STEPHEN H. AMOSSON, Former Visiting Assistant Professor The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Department of Agricultural Economics) RICHARD P. CRAWFORD, Professor The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (Department of Veterinary Public Health) Highlights The Cooperative State-Federal Brucellosis Eradica- tion Program, established in 1934, has been highly suc- cessful in reducing brucellosis infection in U.S. cattle herds. Reactor rates in U.S. adult cattle decreased from 11.5 percent in 1935 to a Market Cattle Identification reactor rate of 0.3 percent in 1984. Weaner calf and milk losses t0 producers decreased from $100 million in the l940’s to $32 million in 1983. Forty states, which were classified Class Free or Class A states in 1985, accounted for two-thirds of the U.S. cow population and 5 percent of the quarantined herds. At the same time, 1O states were classified Class B or Class C and contained one- third of the U.S. cow population and 95 percent of the U.S. quarantined cattle herds. The purpose of this research was to analyze the economic and epidemiologic impact of specified alter- native bovine brucellosis programs and to provide a benefit-cost analysis of these alternative brucellosis con- trol and/ or eradication strategies. These strategies and/ or alternative brucellosis programs were examined in terms of their costs and benefits to society, consumers, pro- ducers, and related agricultural industries. BRUSIM, a systems simulation model, was developed to measure the impact of various program components upon selected epidemiologic parameters and for deter- mining associated costs and physical losses of brucellosis control/ eradication programs given epidemiologic coef- ficients and economic criteria from 1976 through 2005. The United States was delineated into 16 regions based upon such factors as prevalence, producer characteristics, and cattle population. TECHSIM, an econometric model, was used for determining the total and net benefits accruing to society, consumers, pro- ducers, and related industries as a result of changes in beef and milk losses from alternative programs. A base program and eight alternative bovine brucellosis programs were simulated for the contiguous 48 states from 1976 through 2005. The base program served as a basis for determining changes in physical losses and program expenditures for alternative pro- grams. The eight alternative programs included a cur- rent program, two eradication programs, two programs with changes in program efficiencies in Class C regions, and three no state-federal program scenarios. Four programs, the theoretical eradication program, the realistic eradication program, the base program with a 25 percent increase in efficiency in Class C regions, and the current program were highly effective in reduc- ing brucellosis infection and physical losses from 1984 to 2005. Brucellosis infection and physical losses in- creased in all other programs simulated, especially the no state-federal program scenarios. Calfhood vac- cination was highly effective in reducing infection and physical losses under the no program scenarios but the no state-federal program scenarios with and without calfhood vaccination were inferior to other alternative programs simulated. The highest positive change in benefits to society, net change in benefits, and most acceptable benefit-cost ratios accrued from the eradication programs, followed by the base program with a 25 percent increase in effi- ciency in Class C regions, and the current program. The largest losses or negative changes in benefits to society, including generation of economically unacceptable benefit-cost ratios, accrued from the three no state- federal programs even with application of calfhood vac- cination at relatively high levels. The realistic eradication program was the most cost effective program since it ranked above other alternative programs, except the theoretical eradication program, in total benefits, net benefits, and benefit-cost ratios. The theoretical eradication program demonstrated that the present “state of the arts” within the U.S. bovine brucellosis program is highly capable of detecting suffi- cient numbers of infected herds for achieving eradica- tion. Results showed that strict adherence to the re- quirements of the Uniform Methods and Rules was highly beneficial in terms of reducing infection and physical losses. Consumers were the major beneficiaries of investments in publicly funded bovine brucellosis pro- grams which decreased losses and increased supplies of meat and milk. Economic and Epidemiologic Analysis of U.S. Bovine Brucellosis Programs Introduction Bovine brucellosis, an infectious reproductive disease which can cause calf deaths, abortions, light calves, reduced milk production, and undulant fever in humans, is a major economic problem affecting the beef and dairy industries, consumers, and related agricultural in- dustries. U.S. cattle producers incurred production losses exceeding $32 million from brucellosis in 1983 (Beal 1984). While such production losses are substantial, in some instances catastrophic, producers incur additional costs associated with testing and prevention practices. Consumers are impacted adversely through higher prices and smaller supplies of meat and milk. Related agricultural industries may incur losses from reductions in sales of products and services as the volume of cattle, meat, and milk declines. The prevalence of brucellosis in the United States has decreased from an on-farm reactor rate of 11.5 percent in 1935-36 when the State-Federal Cooperative Brucellosis Eradication Program was launched on a na- tional scale to a Market Cattle Identification (MCI) reac- tor rate of 0.97 percent in 1966 with a further decline to 0.3 percent in 1984 (Beal 1985). The State-Federal Cooperative Brucellosis Eradication Program has undergone numerous changes since its inception as discussed by Beal and Kryder 1977; Anderson et al. 1978; jones 1979; and Amosson 1983. Some of the major events v_ which have occurred with respect to the State-Federal ' Cooperative Brucellosis Program since 1935-36 are: (1) Strain 19, a live vaccine, was introduced and used in 39 states in 1941. (2) The first edition of Uniform Methods and Rules (UM&R) for the eradication of bovine brucellosis was adopted in 1947. (3) The Brucellosis Ring Test (BRT) was adopted as a surveillance tool for dairy cattle in 1952. Through the use of BRT and follow-up cattle blood testing, suspicious herd milk samples de- clined from 26 percent in 1954 to 0.3 percent in 1976. (4) In the fall of 1954, Congress appropriated addi- tional funding to launch an all out effort to eradicate brucellosis. The basic thrust was area testing with quarantine and retesting of infected herds. (5) The MCI program was developed as a surveillance tool during the early 1960’s. This program was designed to test blood samples of cows slaughtered at packing plants (SPT). Some states have in- creased the MCI coverage to include all cows and eligible heifers passing through the marketing channels, which is often referred to as first point of concentration testing (F PC). (6) Program officials made a decision to de-emphasize Strain 19 vaccination in 1967. (7) F PC testing received added emphasis in high in- cidence states in 1974. (8) As a result of increased infection in U.S. cattle herds, Strain 19 vaccination was once again emphasized by program officials in 1975. (9) Congress appropriated additional federal funding in 1975 for brucellosis eradication with emphasis on herd depopulation, adjacent herd testing, and FPC testing. The U.S. Department of Agriculture appointed the National Brucellosis Technical Commission (NBTC) in 1976 to conduct an impartial study of the National Brucellosis Eradication Program. The NBTC study, completed in 1978, provided detailed findings and recommendations con- cerning program improvement to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the United States Animal Health Association. (10) The distribution of bovine brucellosis infection in the United States as of April 1985 is broadly defined by the four level state classification system used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Figure 1). The Class Free states are primarily the northern-tier states-the North- east, the Lake States, the Northern Plains, the Inter- mountain area, and the Atlantic Coast. Alaska and Hawaii are also Class Free states. The Class A states are Figure 1. Brucellosis state/area classification, United States, 1985. BRUCELLOSIS STATE/AREA CLASSIFICATION ' ' , Q Q v0 J 0:0 . Q O Q 0.0 0O C ° ' 0 0 o o p o o o 0.0;}. ~%'o o o v. , . ‘av; ogo.z,z,z.ta'_ofo,o,o, ,4 9 ' q .o.0.0, 0 A\A$lA _- VIIGIN IHANDS _ ’ Apmt 1a, was $.59 Easr: A a - 533;‘;- o 1-sx ' <0-0Sl <0-1Z <03! >031 Nmaea 0F States f 20 ? 3 if‘ T‘ Hem) lrrscnm RATE Anusnsu MCI Rm: U. i. DCPAIIIINI OI Af-IICULIUII (Cowman) primarily in the West, the Northern Plains, the Corn Belt, and Atlantic Coast states. Class B and C states are primarily in the West and East South Central states and the Southeast. The current distribution of cows in the United States by area classification reveals several important statistics. Class A states contained about 40 percent of the January l, 1985 cow population, followed by Class Free states with 25 percent, Class B states with 20 percent, and Class C states with 15 percent (Table 1). Dairy cows comprised more than 52' percent of the total cows in Class Free states compared to 20 percent in Class A states, 8 percent in Class B states, and 7 percent in Class C states. Dairy cows in Class Free and Class A states comprised more than 87 percent of the U.S. dairy cow population in 1985. Although exceptions exist, these data reveal that the areas with greater concentrations of dairy herds, which routinely undergo a minimum of three to four BRT tests per year, also generally had the lowest levels of brucellosis infection. The net results are that states with relatively high concentrations of dairy cows, historically, have had to meet minimum health stan- dards imposed by various cities and municipalities to qualify their products for sale within such areas. For ex- ample, the Chicago Board of Health stated in 1950 that within 5 years only milk from brucellosis-free herds would be acceptable for human consumption. Such market incentives encouraged predominant dairy states to institute animal health programs which permeated their cattle industry. However, there are exceptions in the predominant beef states as indicated by their cur- rent Class Free classification as well as the large number of beef states currently classified Class A (Table 1). Another measure for determining the relative level of brucellosis infection is the infected herd rate per 1,000 herds at risk. States which had an infected herd rate of 5 or greater per 1,000 herds as of March 31, 1985, were led by Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Mississip- pi, and Oklahoma (Table 2). These six states accounted for more than 86 percent of the known infected herds in the United States as of March 1985. These states, plus Missouri, Kentucky, and Alabama, all reported 100 or more infected herds as of March 1985 and together ac- counted for almost 95 percent of the known infected herds in the United States. The Problem Bovine brucellosis reactors as identified by the MCI program decreased from 0.97 percent of the total cattle tested in 1966 to 0.31 percent in 1984. Further, initial follow-up tests of BBT suspicious herds which were vi i Table 1. Distribution of beef and dairy cows by state and bovine brucellosis area class, United States, April 1985 Beef cows“ Dairy cows“ Total cows Beef cows“ Dairy cows“ Total cows Area classs 1,000 1,000 1,000 Area classs 1,000 1,000 1,000 and state Head Percent Head Percent Head Percent and state Head Percent Head Percent Head Percent Free: Class A continued. Alaska 3 l ‘l Nebraska 1 808 102 i 910 Connecticut 7 48 55 New Jersey 16 39 55 89198.99 2 l0 l2 New Mexico 555 65 620 llaYla" 82 l2 94 ohio l 360 380 740 Mallle ll 59 7° Oregon 639 96 735 malllalilfl n 7g lil7 22g South Dakota 1,627 161 1,788 Miacsfiélganuse S 160 390 550 Tennessee 1,050 210 1,260 . Virginia 643 162 805 mllllltefflca 1 83g 1 Washington 398 211 609 N31; ilaampshire r 5 31 r 36 West Virginia 275 33 308 New york 33 942 1,030 Subtotal 14,689 41.5 3,746 34.6 18,435 39.9 North Carolina 458 127 585 North Dakota 964 97 1,061 Class B1 Pennsylvania 190 735 925 Alabama 871 49 920 Rhode island 1 4 5 K811111819 1,033 232 1,270 South Carolina 272 47 319 Missouri 2.000 225 2.225 Utah 239 3O 369 Nevada 307 18 325 Vermont 11) 133 193 Oklahoma 1,993 107 2,100 Wisconsin 230 1,840 2,070 West Texas 2,100 141 2,241 Wv9rr11r18‘ 918 12 630 Subtotal 8,309 23.5 772 7.1 9,081 19.6 Subtotal 5,411 15.3 5,706 52.8 11,117 24.1 C] B&C ass Clsss A1 Florida 1,161 3.3 164 1.5 1,325 2.9 Arizona 272 83 355 California 1.011 974 1,985 (Jags C Cololado 855 75 930 Arkansas 914 79 993 0991819 771 118 889 Louisiana 670 95 765 1919119 538 182 788 Mississippi 753 84 837 11115199 East Texas 3,486 173 3,659 Igwljlla 1 305 345 1,650 Subtotal 5,823 16.4 431 4.0 6,254 13.5 Kansas 1,512 108 1,620 United States 35,393 100.0 10,819 100.0 46,212 100.0 sArea classification as of April 16, 1985. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, APHIS, VS. Washington, D.C. “January 1, 1985 beef and dairy cows that have calved. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1985. Cattle. Washington, D.C. sNinety percent or more of the cattle in Montana and Wyoming are in Class Free counties. F found to be infected declined from 1,653 in 1967 to 197 in 1984. The NBTC (1978) estimated that the combined economic losses to U.S. beef and dairy herds from brucellosis totaled $48 million in 1976 compared to $32 million in 1983 (Beal 1984). While this data represents program progress in all dimensions, U.S. Department of Agriculture data in- dicates that bovine brucellosis infection was still present ~in 31 of the 50 states as of April 16, 1985. Given the wide variation in reactor rates between the non-Class Free states and the concentration of infection in nine states where 9O percent or more of the infection in the United States exists, it is essential that current and alternative bovine brucellosis programs are analyzed periodically to assure that the most economical and epidemiologically efficient programs are being utilized. The purpose of this research was to analyze the economic and epidemiologic impact of specified alter- native bovine brucellosis programs and to provide a benefit-cost analysis of these alternative brucellosis con- trol and eradication strategies. These strategies and/or alternative brucellosis programs were examined in terms of their costs and benefits to the state and federal govern- ments, the cattle industry, and society. Source of Data Data for this study were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. Much of the basic information and epidemiologic data for 1975-76 were obtained from the 1978 NBTC study. These data were supplemented and updated by information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Commerce, V.S. APHIS Forms 4-33D and 4-35, and unpublished U.S. Department of Agriculture, VS, APHIS, program records as required. A national survey of quarantined and non- quarantined Texas producers provided epidemiologic in- formation concerning quarantine duration, number of tests, and initial and cumulative reactor rates with respect to herdsize structure. Data sources also includ- ed the expert judgement of NBTC personnel, Texas A&M University and state-federal epidemiologists, and state and federal program officials. Epidemiologic and Econometric r Models Employed An epidemiologic simulation model and an econometric model were employed to analyze alternative U.S. bovine brucellosis programs (Figure 2). The epidemiologic model was designed to simulate selected herd and management characteristics, incidence and spread of infection, and the effects of prevention, con- trol and/ or eradication program components on the level of infection and physical losses, including associated pro- ducer and state-federal expenditures. The econometric model determines the economic impact of the change in physical losses of meat and milk, which are associated with alternative programs, on consumers, producers, and related industries. The Epidemiologic Brucellosis Simulation Model The epidemiologic brucellosis simulation model, BRUSIM, was redesigned and modified based upon previous research by Beal and Kryder (1977) and the NBTC (1978).‘ The Beal and Kryder (1977) model was modified by the NBTC to divide the United States into additional regions. The NBTC model also allowed af- fected herds to move into a quarantine status or undetected status, allowed the disease to spread between beef and dairy herds, allowed for early quarantine release, and included effects of the cattle cycle on replacement and cull rates. The eight regions of the NBTC simulatin model were replaced by 16 regions inBBUSIM (Figure 3). Regions were specified on the basis of similarity with respect to such criteria as level of brucellosis infection, herd size distribution, method of operation, trading patterns, and effectiveness of brucellosis control. Another major modification of the NBTC model in BRUSIM is the specification and separation of the ef- fects of major program components. A series of equa- tions representing MCI, FPC, and adjacent herd testing, secondary epidemiologic tracing, post-quarantine testing, and private or owner testing is contained in ‘For a detailed discussion of previous brucellosis simulation studies see the National Brucellosis Technical Commission Report (1978) and Amosson (1983). 6 Table 2. Number of cattle operations, infected herds, and infected herd .2’ rate per 1,000 operations, by region, contiguous 48 states, March 31, 1985 Operations Number of Infected herd Region with cattle“ infected herdsb rate per 1,000 N E-LakeC 398,120 18 0.045 Atlantic“ 115,000 4 _ 0.035 Alabama 42,000 108 2.571 Georgia 37,000 43 1.162 Kentucky 65,000 119 1.831 Mississippi 36,000 340 9.444 . Tennessee 77,000 47 0.610 f Florida 21,000 742 35.333 Arkansas 40,000 545 13.625 Louisiana 25,000 665 26.600 Oklahoma 66,000 352 5.333 West Texase 57,225 135 2.358 East Texase 94,650 1,492 15. 763 ' N-Plains‘ 298,500 261 0.874 Wests 138, 600 43 0.310 California 35,000 26 0.743 Total 1,546,125 4,940 3.195 "Any place having one or more head on hand at any time during the year for 1984. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1985. Cattle. Washington, D.C. blnfected herds as of March 31, 1985. Source: U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. 1985. Washington, D.C. °Includes Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hamp- shire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin. dlncludes North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. °West Texas and East Texas correspond to Class B and Class C counties, respectively, as of March 31, 1985. ‘Includes Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. glncludes Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. BRUSIM. Separation of the epidemiological model in- to major program components facilitates more realistic analysis concerning the contribution of such program components to the efficiency and costs of various pro- grams analyzed. In addition, the three level vaccinal protection effectiveness function of the NBTC was i. modified to reflect a continuous vaccinal protection function in BRUSIM. ; BRUSIM modifications from the NBTC simulation model also included expansion of the planning horizon to 30 years from 1976 to 2005, projected changes in cow o ; ~ inventories, and the effects of cyclical factors on replace- ' l ment and cull rates. Expansion of the model planning horizon allows for potential lagged effects, which may accrue from certain program components, to be fully accounted for in the various programs simulated. Figure 2. Epidemidogic-economic systems flow. —BRUSIM— Epidemiologic simulation model computes the effects of alternative _ Change in state and brucellosis contro|/ eradication pol- ' federal expenditures icies on the beef and dairy industries Change in pounds of weaner Change in producer calf losses and milk losses program compliance cost Quarantined herds 1 Undetected infected herds ii Results of: Area testing —TECH$|M— Post-quarantine testing Computes total welfare impacts Formulation of Adjacent herd testing and equity implications to re- benefit-cost ratios Epidemiological tracing lated industries BRT surveilance MCI surveilance FPC surveilance Monetary effects on affected market, and horizontally and vertically related markets -__-> Change in total welfare Figure 3. Regional demarcations of BR USIM, United States, 1984. Table 3. BRUSlM input factors as related t0 region, herdsize, year of infection and quarantine, and beef and dairy sector, i984 Dimemsion of matrix Input matrix description Region Herd size Beef sector Year of quarantine Year of infection Dairy sector Total number of cows X Proportion of replacements purchased X Source ratio of replacements purchased Total number of herds Number of undetected affected herds Quarantined herds Average number of cows per herd Undetected within herd infection rates Undetected infected clean-up rates Regional sales probability BRT Rate Cull .Rate* Replacement rate* MCI rate FPC rate FPC testing percentage Quality control factor Neighborhood spread factor Weight loss for undected infected Weight loss for detected infected Milk loss for undetected infected Milk loss for detected infected Producer test cost per cow Quarantine herd tests Clean-up rate for quarantine herd tests Residual infection rates Weighted population proportions Weighted infection rates Area testing coefficients* Contact herd year keys* Number of contact herds Percent contact herds tested Herdsize management parameter Owner testing percentage Secondary epidemiologic testing percentage Post-quarantine testing percentage ><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><>< ><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><>< ><><><><>< ><>< ><><><>< ><>< ><>< >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><>< ><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< *Dimensioned by model year. Epidemiological factors and/ or parameters relating to herd characteristics, herd management, epidemiology, and physical losses used in BRUSIM for the beef and dairy sectors are shown in Table 3 and Appendix 1. These coefficients varied by region, herdsize, year of in- fection, year of quarantine, and beef and dairy sector. The Econometric Model The econometric model is designed to measure the economic impact of the change in physical losses associated with various program alternatives which ac- crue to consumers, producers, and related industries. In this study, TECHSIM, a general equilibrium econometric model developed by Collins in 1980, was used to determine the equity impacts of changes in physical losses. TECHSIM consists of systems of equa- tions describing the interrelationships of industries in- volved in the crop and livestock sectors of the United States. The discounted value of the change in benefits accru- ing to consumers, producers, and related industries is. calculated by the econometric model from the change in physical losses of the alternative program compared to a base program. This procedure is discussed in detail by Amosson (1983). The change in benefits along with comparisons of program costs associated with various program alternatives compared to a base program facilitates the estimation of net change in benefits, a change in program costs and benefit-cost ratios for deter- .mining economic acceptability of the programs analyzed. Scenarios Employed for Analyzing Alternative Brucellosis Programs A base program and eight alternative bovine brucellosis programs were simulated for the contiguous 48 states. Prime consideration in the selection of program alternatives included potential or most likely industry requirements and potential federal funding for brucellosis programs. The nine programs simulated from 1976 to 2005 in the contiguous 48 states are defined as follows: Base Program The base program was designed to simulate the U.S. bovine brucellosis program on a regional basis from 1976 to 1984 along with changes in program procedures which maintained the disease at a relatively steady state from 1985 to 2005. Maintenance of the disease at a relatively steady state provided a base or benchmark from which changes in program efficiency could be measured for alternative bovine brucellosis programs simulated in BRUSIM. Current Program The current program represents the existing bovine brucellosis program in the contiguous 48 states from 1976 through 1984. Changes in program efficiencies and pro- gram progress which were incorporated in the U.S. bovine brucellosis program from 1976 to 1984 were then simulated from 1985 through 2005 to determine the ef- fectiveness of the current bovine brucellosis program. Eradication Programs The eradication scenarios were modeled under a (1) theoretical mode and (2) a realistic mode. (1) Theorectical mode-assumed that obstacles related to program financing, manpower resources, and producer cooperation are non-existent. It was further assumed that given current levels of technology, program applications were conducted under optimal conditions and that there would be strict adherence to the requirements of the UM&R. This scenario was designed to provide an in- dication of the time limits, benefit-cost ratios, and fund- =" ing requirements associated with a rapid eradication program under which program and industry conditions are optimal. (2) Realistic mode-assumed that, given current levels of technology, existing obstacles associated with producer cooperation, program financing, and manpower resources, industry conditions and program application would continue but that strict adherence to the re- quirements of the UM&B would be practiced. Changes in Program Efficiency in High Incidence States Two programs were designed under this scenario to measure the impact upon overall program efficiency and benefit-cost ratios as program efficiencies undergo change in high incidence or Class C states or regions while program efficiencies remained at 1984 base pro- gram levels in all other regions as follows. (1) A 25 percent increase in program efficiency in Class C regions-assumed that the steady state or base pro- gram assumptions applied to Class Free, A, B, and C regions from 1984 to 2005. It further assumed that there would be a 25 percent increase in program efficiency in terms of adherence to the UM&R after 1984 in Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, East Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma. Oklahoma is officially classified as a Class B state, but it was included with high incidence states in this study because of its proximity to East Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. (2) A 25 percent decrease in program efficiency in Class C regions-assumed that the steady state or base pro- gram assumptions applied to Class Free, A, B, and C regions from 1984 to 2005. However, it further assumed a 25 percent decrease in program efficiency in terms of adherence to the UM&B after 1984 in Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, East Texas, Mis- sissippi, and Oklahoma. No State-Federal Program Scenario The following programs were modeled under this scenario. (1) N0 state-federal program-assumed that producers relied solely on natural clean-up rates, no vaccina- tion, and that there would be a milk ordinance en- forced brucellosis program at producers’ expense. (2) N0 state-federal program with calfhood vaccination supported by industry-assumed that annual state- federal funding would be limited to $6 million, that producers rely solely on natural clean-up rates, and that there would be a milk ordinance enforced brucellosis program in dairy cattle. One of the pro- grams modeled under this scenario assumed a 45 per- cent vaccination level of female calves entering the herd and the other program assumed a 75 percent vaccination level of fem ale calves entering the herd to measure the effectiveness of calfhood vaccination under a no state-federal program scenario. Base Program Projections And Model Validation The epidemiological model developed for this research contains a beef sector and a dairy sector. Results are simulated on a national and regional basis for each beef and dairy sector as follows (1) an epidemiological sum- mary, (2) a brucellosis program test summary, (3) a non- primary surveillance summary, (4) brucellosis livestock producer expenditures, and (5) state and federal ex- penditures. Output results for the base program are presented in Appendices 2 through 11 to provide an insight into the detailed parameters generated by BRUSIM for the programs simulated in this study. Appendices 2 and 3, for example, present the U.S. epidemiologic summary of the base program for the beef and dairy sectors, respectively. Year 1 in the epidemiologic model represents 1976, year 9 is 1984, and year 3O is 2005. The epidemiologic output generated by BRUSIM for years 1 through 9 (1976-84) is identical for the base program and alternative programs since those years represent the bovine brucellosis programs existing in the contiguous 48 states during 1976-84. The epidemiologic summary provides projections of infected herds and infected cows, both quarantined and undetected, weaner calf and milk losses, and program expenditures. The simulation model, for example, pro- jected total quarantined beef and dairy herds at 8,467 for 1984 (model year 9), Appendices 2 and 3. APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture records reported 8,449 quarantined beef and dairy herds for the contiguous 48 states during 1984, a deviation of 0.2 percent between projected versus actual quarantined herds. The base program was designed to hold infection levels “relatively steady” from 1984 to 2005. This was accomplished with considerable success considering the fact that the epidemiologic model, BBUSIM, was de- signed to reflect the dynamics of the existing U.S. cattle industry by incorporating existing and projected changes in such factors as herd size, cattle numbers, and cattle cycles. This is demonstrated by the projections of in- fected herds, infected cows, weaner calf and milk losses, and total program costs in Appendices 2 and 3. Data and information from APHIS Forms 4-33D and 4-35, as well as epidemiological data developed by APHIS personnel, were used to validate the epidemiological parameters and output generated by the epidemiological model. Projected quarantined herds, quarantined cows, on-farm tests, MCI cattle tested, and official vaccinates closely track official APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, program data from 1976 through 1984, Appendices 12-16. For example, the average annual deviation for projected quarantined herds versus actual quarantined herds, without regard to sign, was 2.8 percent, Appendix 12. Average annual deviations for the projections in Appendices 12-16 ver- sus APHIS program data were about 5 percent for 1976 through 1984. Epidemiologic Analysis Of Alternative Programs The current U.S. bovine brucellosis program plus seven alternative programs were simulated in BRUSIM to determine their epidemiological and physical impact upon the beef and dairy sectors. Economic analyses and related implications of these results are presented in the next section. Table 4 summarizes the epidemiological and physical impact upon the beef and dairy sectors of alternative bovine brucellosis programs. Four programs, the theoretical eradication program, the realistic eradica- tion program, the base program with a 25 percent in- crease in efficiency in Class C regions, and the current program, were highly efficient in reducing brucellosis infection and physical losses from 1984 to 2005. Brucellosis infection and physical losses increased substantially from 1984 to 2005 when the base program with a 25 percent reduction in Class C regions was im- plemented, but not as dramatically as under the three no program scenarios. The theoretical eradication program, which assumed 10 that finance, industry and manpower impediments were non-existent, with only current levels of technology or the “state of the arts” preventing immediate detec- tion of all infected cattle, was most efficient with respect to reducing infection and physical losses. Although it is unrealistic to assume that all program conditions includ- ed under this program scenario exist in the real world environment, the results provide an estimate of the time required for achieving eradication when impediments to eradication are minimized. Simulation results showed that almost 99 percent of the total infected cows could be eradicated within 3 years under the theoretical scenario. Depopulation of infected herds under this scenario varied with regional classifica- tion, herd-size, and year of infection. Herd depopula- tion schedules for the theoretical eradication program by regional classification and year of quarantine were as follows: (1) first-year quarantine-Free and Class A, 499 head or less; Class B, 99 head or less; Class C, 49 head or less; (2) second-year quarantine-Free and Class A, 999 head or less; Class B, 399 head or less; Class C, 199 head or less; (3) third-year quarantine-all herds in all classifications. Indemnity payments were based on $50 per head for commercial cattle and $250 per head for purebred cattle and dairy cows. Even then, very low levels of infection persisted for 10 to 12 years suggesting that total and immediate depopulation of all known in- fected herds may be essential for achieving rapid eradica- tion when such levels of infection are present. Other problems may include the difficulty of detecting in- fection in small herds from which cattle are marketed infrequently and also problems associated with detecting vaccinated infected herds (Amosson and Dietrich 1984). The realistic eradication scenario, which assumed pro- gam budget levels similar to 1984 but a strict adherence to the requirements of the UM&R by all program per- sonnel, demonstrated a potential to sharply reduce in- fection and physical losses, Table 4. Herd depopulation schedules for the realistic eradication program by regional classification were as follows: Free and Class A, 499 head or less; Class B, 399 head or less; and Class C, 199 head or less. Indemnity and depopulation pay- ment schedules were identical to the theoretical eradica- tion program. Using total infected cattle as a barometer, the realistic eradication program reduced total infected cattle 95 percent below the 1984 base level to about 7,200 head within 8 years (by 1992). The realistic eradication program would require about 14 years to decrease infection and physical losses to the same level accomplished by the theoretical scenario in 3 years. The theoretical program, however, enjoyed advantages over the realistic program stemming from the assumptions relative to the non-existence of program impediments other than state of the arts technology and higher depopulation schedules. The base program with a 25 percent increase in effi- ciency in Class C regions was the third most efficient program followed closely by the current program with respect to reducing infection and physical losses, Table 4. By increasing the program efficiency 25 percent in Class C regions, the infection and physical loss 5 Table 4. Percentage change in quarantined herds, quarantined infected cows, undetected infected herds, undetected infected cows, total infected cows, weaner calf and milk losses, and total costs, by program alternative compared to the base program, United States, 1984 to 2005* Baseline- Baseline- No program No program 25% increase 25% increase with 45% with 75% Current Realistic Theoretical in efficiency in efficiency No calfhood calfhood Item program eradication eradication in C regions in C regions program vaccination vaccination Percent Change Quarantined herds -89.2 -99.2 -99.9 -94.9 -18.4 27,0798" 4,909.4” 701.7“ Quarantined cows -83.5 -99.8 400.0‘ -92.5 22.3 32,3148" 4,747.7'° 5043b Undetected infected herds -86.3 -99.4 -100.0 -93.9 80.0 4,887.9 2,264.4 775.7 Undetected infected cows -82.0 -99.2 400.0‘ -92.7 163.7 15,505.4 5,021.0 1,209.3 Total infected cows -82.9 -99.5 4000C -92.6 78.0 6,926.2 2,049.2 432.3 Weaner calf losses -83.1 -99.5 400.0‘ -92.6 83.2 6,101.4 1,891.6 390.6 Milk losses -80.5 -97.8 -99.7 -90.5 1.6 36,194.1 5,272.4 558.8 Total costs 49.2 -50.1 -39.5 -22.6 1.9 -76.4 -65.8 -47.6 H1984 baseline simulation results for the above parameters were as follows: quarantined herds, 8,467; quarantined cows, 88,756; undetected infected herds, 12,008; undetected infected cows, 57,724; total infected cows, 146,480; weaner calf losses, 19,454,818 (pounds); dairy milk losses, 98,680 (hundredweight); and total costs, $168,894,576. NOTE: Quarantined herds and cows for the no program scenarios reflect identified in- fected dairy herds and dairy cows only. bReflects changes in identified infected dairy herds and cows only after 1984. Quarantined dairy herds and cows in 1984 were 297 and 3,961, respectively. °Less than 0.005 percent. parameters were generally decreased 92 percent or more by 2005 compared to 1984. Comparable reductions in infections and losses for the current program were generally in the low- to mid-80 percent range. The base program with a 25 percent reduction in efficiency in Class C regions resulted in substantial in- creases in infection and physical losses, Table 4. Because of program inefficiencies, quarantined herds declined as program efficiencies were decreased, but undetected infected herds and cows, total infected cows, and weaner calf losses increased 80 percent or more by 2005 over 1984. Changes in program efficiency in Class C regions had the greatest impact on program parameters within Class C regions, although they also had a strong indirect im- pact on non-Class C regions (Class Free, A and B regions). Total infected cows, for example, decreased more than 80 percent in Class C regions and almost 40 percent in non-Class C regions during 1990 when pro- gram efficiency was increased 25 percent in Class C regions. Further, total infected cows decreased 98 per- cent in Class C regions by 2005, compared to a 70 per- cent decline in non-Class C regions as a result of the in- creased efficiency in Class C regions. Similarly, a 25 per- cent decrease in program efficiency in Class C regions resulted in a 12 percent increase in total infected cows by 1990 in Class C regions compared to a 2 percent in- crease in non-Class C regions. By 2005, total infected cows had increased more than 80 percent in Class C regions, compared to a 32 percent increase in non-Class C regions, when program efficiency was decreased 25 percent in Class C regions. These results demonstrate the direct impact of changes in program efficiency upon the regions where such changes are incorporated, and the “spill-over” effect from changes in program efficiency in Class C regions to non-Class C regions. The three no program scenarios, including the no pro- gram and the no program with a 45 percent and a 75 percent calfhood vaccination level, all revealed sharp in- creases in infection and physical loss parameters com- pared to the current program and the other program alternatives analyzed, Table 4. Total infected cows, for example, increased more than 69-fold under the no pro- gram scenario, more than 20-fold under the no program plus 45 percent calfhood vaccination scenario, and more than 4-fold under the no program plus 75 percent calfhood vaccination scenario by 2005 compared to 1984. It is significant to note that calfhood vaccination reduced infection and physical losses as calfhood vac- cination levels increased under the no program scenario. It is also significant to note, however, that even at calfhood vaccination levels of 75 percent under the no program scenario, both infection and physical losses were a minimum of 3-fold‘to a maximum of 13-fold 11 higher than the other non-program alternatives, Table 4. The importance 0f program efficiency levels, strict adherence to the UM&R by individuals and agencies, and decisions regarding program components as adja- cent herd testing and depopulation are highlighted by the simulation results with respect to quarantined and infected beef and dairy herds in Tables 5 and 6. This is especially important with respect to the simulation results for the theoretical and realistic eradication pro- grams, the base program with a 25 percent increase in program efficiency in Class C regions, and the current program. Decisions concerning depopulation schemes, for example, are paramount depending upon the time frame desired for achieving eradication. Table 6 revealed that low levels of infection existed in the theoretical eradication program from 1990 to 2005 even under assumptions of high program efficiency levels since depopulation for larger infected herds occurred only after infected herds were in their third year of quaran- tine. These results suggest that low levels of infection would likely remain in the cattle population, even at high program efficiency levels, in the absence of total eradication of known infected herds at a specific minimum level of infection. Table 7 further illustrates the importance of decisions concerning depopulation along with high levels of pro- gram efficiency to assure identification of relatively high proportions of infected herds. For example, implemen- tation of the theoretical eradication program in 1985 resulted in a 95 percent decrease of undetected infected herds from 1984 to 1985. These results, which were in- fluenced by high efficiency levels in such program com- ponents as secondary epidemiologic tracing, adjacent herd testing, and post-quarantine testing along with a depopulation program, resulted in a decrease in total infected herds of 88 percent from 1984 to 1986 and almost 96 percent from 1984 to 1987 in the theoretical program. The rapid decrease in infection in the theoretical program is primarily because of the relatively higher program efficiency levels assumed than current- ly exist, especially in the Class C regions. Implementa- tion of the realistic eradication program, although highly effective, resulted in a decrease of undetected herds of almost 3O percent from 1984 to 1985, Table 7. Total in- fected herds in the realistic eradication program, which also assumed a lower depopulation scheme than did the theoretical eradication program, decreased 4O percent from 1984 to 1986 and 55 percent from 1984 to 1987. Simulation results for such program parameters as quarantined, undetected, and total infected beef and dairy cows, including weaner calf and milk losses (Ap- pendices 17-21), parallel the simulation results for quarantined and undetected infected beef and dairy herds. Decreases in infection and physical losses were achieved most rapidly by the theoretical eradication pro- gram by 1990, as anticipated, followed by the realistic eradication program, the base program with a 25 per- cent increase in efficiency in Class C regions, and the current program. The realistic eradication program and the base program with a 25 percent increase in efficiency in Class C regions, other than the theoretical eradica- 12 tion program, continued to make the most progress leading toward eradication from 1990 to 2005. The base program with a 25 percent decrease in efficiency in Class C regions revealed substantial increases in infection, but not as dramatically as the three no program scenarios. For example, total infected cows for the three no pro- gram scenarios, depending upon vaccination levels, were from 3O to more than 400 times greater than those for the current program by 2005. Economic Analysis of Alternative Programs Economic considerations for determining the accep- tability of alternative programs in this study include such criteria as benefit-cost ratios, changes in benefits, net change in benefits, and change in program costs. In ad- dition to these criteria, it is important to analyze the equity implications of changes in physical losses and benefits not only to producers, but to consumers and related industries. Benefits or losses to society are an im- portant consideration in analyzing the economic impact of alternative bovine brucellosis programs since the ma- jor source of funding for such programs is from public funds. A primary criterion used for analyzing the acceptabili- ty of alternative programs was benefit-cost ratios. Benefit-cost ratios are calculated by dividing the present value of the projected change in benefits over the rele- vant planning horizon by the present value of the pro- jected change in costs. Benefit-cost ratios, which are greater than one, are generally construed as economical- ly acceptable. Since many programs or projects derive benefits and costs beyond the inception of the program, it is necessary to sum the benefits and costs over the en- tire time horizon of the program analyzed. The change in benefits and program costs accruing to alternative pro- grams compared to the base program resulting from changes in infection were calculated in 1982 real dollars using a 4 percent discount rate? This procedure places benefits and costs on a common time pattern while ap- plication of the discount rate results in conversion of benefits and costs to a present value basis for the entire time horizon analyzed. Other criteria used for determining economic accep- tability or program ranking include net change in benefits (net present value) and change in program costs. The net change in benefits is defined as the present value of the change in benefits minus the change in program costs. In estimating changes in economic benefits which ac- crue to each alternative program, the differences in the market value of annual beef and milk losses associated with each program alternative were measured from the levels of losses projected for the base program. The equi- ty impact of such changes in physical losses upon con- lThe real discount rate in this report is the nominal interest rate for non-real estate loans, minus the rate of change in the consumer price index for all items as reported by the U.S. Department of Commerce. 0v x2 Table 5. Quarantined beef and dairy herds, by program, United States, 1975-2005’ Baseline Baseline N0 program N0 program 25% increase 25%» decrease with 45% with 75% Baseline Current Realistic Theoretical in efficiency in efficiency N0 calfhood calfhood Year program program eradication eradication in C regions in C region programb vaccinationb vaccinationb 1976 14,407 14,407 14,407 14,407 14,407 14,407 14,407 14,407 14,407 1,445 1,445 1,445 1,445 1,445 1,445 1,445 1,445 1,445 15,852 15,852 15,852 15,852 15,852 15,852 15,852 15,852 15,852 1980 11,294 11,294 11,294 11,294 11,294 11,294 11,294 11,294 11,294 843 843 843 843 843 843 843 843 843 12,137 12,137 12,137 12,137 12,137 12,137 12,137 12,137 12,137 1985 5,072 6,976 8,710 13,069 8,431 4,963 0 0 0 254 234 388 432 241 250 425 425 425 5,326 7,210 9,098 13,501 8,672 5,213 425 425 425 1990 3,912 2,699 1,305 45 1,565 4,078 0 O 0 214 ‘i118 99 14 85 222 2,586 1,437 852 4,126 2,817 1,404 59 1,650 4,300 2,586 1,437 852 1995 3,976 1,720 372 6 800 4,464 0 0 0 214 75 35 6 49 243 11,653 3,432 1,089 4,190 1,795 407 12 849 4,707 11,653 3,432 1,089 2000 4,046 1,192 113 1 488 5,139 0 0 0 218 53 17 5 35 280 35,532 7,519 1,597 4,264 1,245 130 6 523 5,419 35,532 7,519 1,597 2005 4,483 880 55 1 406 6,590 0 0 0 213 37 11 5 29 320 80,724 14,878 2,381 4,696 917 66 6 435 6,910 80,724 14,878 2,381 “Data by year and program reflect beef, dairy and total, respectively. “Quarantined dairy herds after 1984 are identified infected dairy herds. Table 6. Undetected infected beef and dairy herds, by program, United States, 1976-20051 Baseline- Baseline- No program No program 25% increse 25% decrease with 45% with 75% Baseline Current Realistic Theoretical In efficiency in efficiency No calfhood calfhood Year program program eradication eradication in C regions in C regions program vaccination vaccination 1976 21,784 21,784 21,784 21,784 21,784 21,784 21,784 21,784 21,784 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 22,002 22,002 22,002 22,002 22,002 22,002 22,002 22,002 22,002 1980 19,359 19,359 19,359 19,359 19,359 19,359 19,359 19,359 19,359 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 -114 19,473 19,473 19,473 19,473 19,473 19,473 19,473 19,473 19,473 1985 12,479 10,445 8,518 654 8,891 12,585 21,916 21,916 21,916 38 31 24 3 30 38 174 174 174 12,517 10,476 8,542 657 8,921 12,623 22,090 22,090 22,090 1990 11,130 5,344 1,827 28 2,686 12,327 63,853 48,757 39,420 28 14 5 0 12 28 708 365 200 11,158 5,358 1,832 28 2,698 12,355 64,561 49,122 39,620 1995 11,376 3,689 562 4 1,530 14,399 190,023 98,888 54,659 27f. 9 2 0 7 29 3,266 919 280 11,403’ 3,698 564 4 1,537 14,428 193,289 99,807 54,939 2000 10,869 2,226 158 1 905 16,452 383,697 180,262 76,611 26 7 1 0 5 30 10,139 2,125 438 10,895 2,233 159 1 910 16,482 393,836 182,387 77,049 2005 11,887 1,644 69 0 730 21,585 577,057 279,913 104,515 26 5 1 0 5 34 21,892 4,010 645 11,913 1,649 70 0 735 21,619 598,949 283,923 105,160 “Data by year and program reflect beef, dairy, and total, respectively. 13 Table 7: Quarantined and undetected beef and dairy herds, theoretical and realistic eradication programs, by year, United States, 1984-90 program Beef herds Dairy herds Total herds and Undetected Undetected Undetected Total year Quarantined infected Quarantined infected Quarantined infected infected Theoretical eradication: 1984 8,170 11,970 297 38 8,467 12,008 20,475 1985 13,069 654 432 3 13,501 657 14,158 1986 1,814 442 298 2 2,112 444 2,556 1987 561 180 146 0 707 180 887 1988 223 80 41 0 264 80 334 1989 91 44 24 0 115 44 159 1990 45 28 14 0 59 28 87 Realistic eradication: 1984 8,170 11,970 297 38 8,467 12,008 20,475 1985 8,710 8,518 388 24 9,098 8,542 17,640 1986 5,464 6,511 300 19 5,764 6,530 12,294 1987 3,979 4,852 234 14 4,213 4,866 9,079 1988 2,910 3,591 188 9 3,098 3,600 6,698 1989 2,163 2,399 133 7 2,296 2,406 4,702 1990 1,305 1,827 99 5 1,404 1,832 3,236 sumers, producers, and related industries is dependent upon such factors as direction of change in infection, elasticity of demand for beef and milk, infection status of producers, etc. The ramification of these considera- tions is discussed in detail by Amosson (1983) and Liu (1979). Before analyzing the equity impact of changes in benefits, benefit-cost ratios, and other selected economic criteria, it is important to analyze the annual state- federal, producer, and total costs associated with the various programs simulated, Table 8. The state-federal expenditures simulated by BRUSIM closely track actual state-federal expenditures as reported by APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture after adjusting for the reported state (non-federal) expenditures which included producer expenditures but which were reported as state or non-federal expenditures. This adjustment was necessary to assure that costs were not duplicated since BRUSIM calculates total producer expenditures separately from state-federal expenditures. With the exception of the three no program scenarios, annual program costs for the alternative programs by 2005 were lowest for the realistic eradication program, followed by the theoretical eradication program, the base program with a 25 percent increase in efficiency in Class C regions, and the current program (Table 8). Although infection under the theoretical eradication pro- gram was virtually eliminated by 1990, program costs for this program remained at relatively high levels because program activities associated with SPT and FPC remained at high levels of activity and efficiency throughout the time horizon simulated. While secondary 14 epidemiologic tracing and adjacent herd testing efficien- cy levels also remained at high levels, the activities associated with these program components tended to decrease as infection levels or primary source herds decreased. Producer costs which accumulate under the no pro- gram scenario reflect producer costs associated with an assumed city/ municipal milk ordinance enforced BRT system. The additional producer costs which accumulate under the no program scenario with 45 percent and 75 percent calfhood vaccination reflect producer costs associated with maintaining calfhood vaccination at the specified levels from 1985 to 2005. Total annual costs associated with the theoretical eradication program, the realistic eradication program, the base program with 25 percent increase in efficiency in Class C regions, and the current program were lower than annual costs in the base program for all years ex- cept the first 3 or 4 years of the simulation period after 1984, Table 8. Lower annual program costs along with declining infection levels of the above programs com- pared to the base program indicate they were both more cost efficient and more epidemiologically efficient than the base program. For example, annual program costs for the realistic eradication program were above annual costs of the base program from 1985 through 1987, but below annual costs of the base program at a decreasing rate from 1988 to 2005, Figure 4. Higher annual pro- gram costs for the realistic eradication program from 1985 through 1987 compared to the base program results from higher program efficiency levels associated primari- ly with the MCI program and secondary epidemiological Table 8. State-federal, producer, and total bovine brucellosis costs, by program, United States, 1976-20051 Baseline— Baseline— N0 program N0 program 25% increase 25% decrease with 45% with 75% Baseline Current Realistic Theoretical in efficiency in efficiency No calfhood calfhood Year program program eradication eradication in C regions in C regions program vaccination vaccination Thousand dollars 1976 122,835 122,835 122,835 122,835 122,835 122,835 122,835 122,835 122,835 50,082 50,082 50,082 50,082 50,082 50,082 50,082 50,082 50,082 172,917 172,917 172,917 172,917 172,917 172,917 172,917 172,917 172,917 1980 103,185 103,185 103,185 103,185 103,185 103,185 103,185 103,185 103,185 48,463 48,463 48,463 48,463 48,463 48,463 48,463 48,463 48,463 151,648 151,648 151,648 151,648 151,648 151,648 151,648 151,648 151,648 1985 85,474 95,818 112,366 131,816 101,540 84,921 0 0 0 50,930 55,249 51,613 51,388 55,018 50,772 556 36,278 65,709 136,404 151,067 163,979 183,204 156,558 135,693 556 36,278 65,709 1990 78,481 76,336 69,959 54,753 74,221 80,004 0 0 0 49,525 50,626 34,023 39,746 48,045 49,817 2,351 37, 740 67,190 128,006 126,962 103,982 94,499 122,266 129,821 2,351 37,740 67,190 1995 83,334 74,901 57,165 54,015 71,502 85,919 0 0 0 52,200 51,742 31,270 38,981 49,198 53,000 7,671 43,334 74,478 135,534 126,643 88,435 92,996 120,700 138,916 7,671 43,334 74,478 2000 89,534 76,893 51,158 59,249 72,911 94,764 0 0 0 56,093 54,857 32,176 43,035 52,258 57,756 20,271 48,005 78,611 145,627 131,750 83,334 102,284 125,169 152,520 20,271 48,005 78,611 2005 97,214 78,634 51,453 59,317 75,420 107,948 0 0 0 60,674 57,830 32,815 42,790 55,325 64,089 39,788 57,717 88,458 157,888 136,464 84,268 102,107 130,745 172,037 39,788 57,717 88,458 aCosts by year and program reflect state-federal, producer, and total costs, respectively. Costs are in 1982 dollars. program components of adjacent herd testing, post quarantine testing, and epidemiologic tracing. The net results were that infection decreased as well as associated program costs. Questions often arise concerning equity impacts of ex- penditures for publicly funded programs such as brucellosis. Table 9 reveals the benefits accruing to con- sumers, producers, and related agricultural industries from changes in weaner calf losses associated with alter- native programs compared to the base program. Beef and dairy weaner calf losses were decreased most dramatically by the theoretical eradication program followed by the realistic eradication program, the base a program with a 25 percent increase in efficiency in Class ' C regions, and the current program, Appendix 20. Beef and dairy weaner calf losses increased for all other alter- native programs simulated compared to the base pro- gram. Consumers are the largest beneficiaries from ef- ficient bovine brucellosis programs which decrease weaner calf losses as the theoretical and realistic eradica- tion programs, the base program with a 25 percent in- crease in efficiency, and the current program, Table 9. g Consumers incur the largest decrease in benefits when weaner calf losses increase as under the no program scenarios. The net results are that programs which decrease weaner calf losses increase supplies of beef and exert a downward pressure on price which is favorable to consumers. Benefits to related agricultural industries, which provide services and/ or products to the cattle in- dustry, parallel benefits to consumers but at a lower level, Table 9. Producers are faced with a dilemma with respect to economic implications arising from the alternative pro- grams simulated. Producers with affected herds can and often do incur catastrophic economic losses from infec- tion in their herds. Producers whose herds remain free of infection through good herd health management prac- tices tend to benefit at the expense of infected herd owners since they tend to receive higher prices for beef when supplies are decreased as a result of infection. The net results are that programs which decrease weaner calf losses will increase beef supplies and depress prices at the producer level as shown in Table 9. The opposite results can be anticipated for cattle producers as weaner calf losses increase and beef supplies decrease. The overall results are that positive benefits accrue to society from programs which decrease weaner calf losses, Table 9. Care should be exercised in placing un- due emphasis on the absolute values generated in Table 9 since the direction of anticipated change in benefits accruing to alternative programs is of prime considera- tion. For example, the results show that the largest decrease in total benefits accrues from the no program scenarios and the greatest positive benefits to society are projected to result from the eradication programs. Program benefits and program costs associated with 15 Figure 4. Comparison of base program and realistic eradication total program costs, 1985-2005. 1 7 0 Base Program 150- 140- 130-‘ 120-‘ 110-" MILLION DOLLARS 100* 90-‘ 8O —* ‘L I I I I 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 YEARS Table 9. Change in benefits from weaner calf losses which accrue to consumers, livestock producers, related agricultural industries, and total benefits, by program alternative compared to the base program, United States Change in Change in Change in livestock related Change in Program consumer producer agricultural total alternative benefits benefits industry benefits benefits Million dollars Current 552.64 -225.18 140.13 467.59 Realistic eradication 848.63 -345.50 220.23 723.36 Theoretical eradication 961.01 -391.06 256.11 826.06 Baseline-25% increase in efficiency in Class C regions 724.31 -295.00 198.47 627.78 Baseline-25% decrease in efficiency in Class C regions -280.07 114.40 -39.63 -205.30 No program -23,905.03 9,564.62 -2,620.34 -16,960.75 No program with 45% calfhood vaccination -7,271.71 2,952.50 -866.82 -5,186.03 No program with 75% calfhood vaccination -1,810.54 737.68 -269.93 -1,342.79 16 Table 10. Summary of program alternatives, by selected criteria, compared to the base program“ Change in Total annual Total annual Net change producer Total increase in decrease in Net change in producer Program and consumer program program program in program and consumer alternative benefits costs costs costs costs benefits Million dollars Current 473.50 2,089.33 27.33 94.98 -67.65 540.96 Realistic eradication 733.12 1,732.60 45.16 469.54 -424.38 1,157.50 Theoretical eradication 837.70 1,728.69 41.60 469.89 -428.29 1,265.99 Baseline-25% increase in efficiency in class C regions 636.05 2,032.54 30.52 154.96 -124.44 760.49 Baseline-25% decrease in efficiency in class C regions -206.15 2,203.55 47.88 1.31 46.57 -252.72 N0 program -18,338.17 447.14 0 1,709.84 -1,709.84 -16,628.33 No program with 45% calfhood vaccination -5,429.78 872.69 0 1,284.29 -1,284.29 -4,145.49 No program with 75% calfhood vaccination -1,387.93 1,267.32 0 889.66 -889.66 -498.27 “Dollars are in 1982 realdollars along with a 4 percent real discount rate. Total program costs for the base program were $2,156.98 million. alternative programs are presented in Table 10 and Figure 5. The largest positive change in benefits to socie- ty resulted from the theoretical eradication scenario, followed by the realistic eradication scenario, the baseline with 25 percent increased efficiency in Class C regions, and the current program. The largest negative change in benefits or loss to society resulted from the no program scenario with accumulated losses to 2005 ex- ceeding $18 billion. Programs with the next largest losses were the other two no program scenarios with 45 per- cent and 75 percent calfhood vaccination, respectively. The baseline program with a 25 percent reduction in ef- ficiency in Class C regions also exhibited a loss in benefits a to society exceeding $206 million. v7 The relative large positive change in benefits accru- ing to society from the eradication programs reflects the decreases in physical losses of meat and milk in these pro- grams compared to the base program. Such decreases in physical losses result from increased efficiency in detection of infected herds, depopulation of detected in- fected herds as specified, and the decline in the spread of infection as infected cattle are eliminated. While the annual cost of some programs, as the realistic eradica- tion program, exceeded the annual base program costs for the first 3 years (Figure 4), program costs for the re- mainder of the time horizon simulated were below the base program costs resulting in net declines of more than $424 million in total costs of the realistic eradication pro- gram compared to the base program, Table 10. Similar- ly, the base program with a 25 percent increase in pro- gram efficiency in Class C regions demonstrated that in- creased program effort in high incidence states, even though annual program costs increased over the base program during the first 4 years, resulted in substantial reduction of infection during the life of the program. In addition, program costs declined almost $125 million compared to the base program. The current program paralleled the base program with a 25 percent increase in efficiency in Class C regions but at a slightly lower level with respect to reductions in physical losses and total program costs. Although the largest declines in program cost accrued to the no program scenarios, accompanying declines in benefits to society because of large increases in infected herds and cattle were even more dramatic. Analysis of the total annual decrease in program costs versus change in benefits to producers and consumers (society) revealed that for each $1 decline in program costs of the no pro- gram scenario, benefits to society declined more than $10 compared to the base program, Table 10. Similar comparisons of the no program scenarios with 45 per- cent and 75 percent calfhood vaccination resulted in declines of $4.23 and $1.56 in total benefits, respective- ly, for each $1 decline or savings in program cost of these no program scenarios. While relatively large negative declines in total benefits result from the no program 17 Figure 5. Change in total producer and consumer benefits and change in program cost, by alternative bovine brucellosis program, compared to the base program, United States, 1985-2005. BILLION DOLLARS _12-l Change In Benefits 2 Change In Total Costs _14- I I I Current Real Theo. Erad. Erad. Erad. Inc. Eff. Class C scenario, declines in benefits are mitigated as the level of vaccination is increased. All other programs, with the exception of the base program with a 25 percent decrease in efficiency in Class C regions, revealed positive net changes in total benefits over the time horizon simulated. Benefit-cost ratios revealed similar patterns of accep- tability and ranking as did net change in total benefits, Table 11. Benefit-cost ratios which exceed 1.0 are economically acceptable. When the base program is used as the base (Column 1, Table 11) for estimating benefit- cost ratios, the eradication programs, the baseline pro- gram with a 25 percent increase in efficiency in Class C regions, and the current program are economically acceptable. However, the no program scenarios and the base program with a 25 percent reduction in efficiency in Class C regions all had benefit-cost ratios under 1.0 indicating economic unacceptability. This was especially true for the no program and the no program with a 45 percent calfhood vaccination level. When the no pro- gram with 45 percent and 75 percent calfhood vaccina- tion levels are used as a base (Columns 7, 8, and 9, Table 11) it is evident that the eradication programs, the baseline program with a 25 percent increase in efficien- cy in Class C regions, and the current program are economically desirable programs compared to the three no program scenarios. When the no program is used as a base, the relative high benefit-cost ratios of the no pro- gram scenarios with a 45 percent and 75 percent 18 Base:25% Base'-25% Dec. Eff. Class C Nb Nto Nio Program Program Program 45% CV 75% CV calfhood vaccination level demonstrate the benefits ac- cruing to vaccination programs if state-federal brucellosis programs were eliminated. These benefit-cost ratios suggest that additional expenditures for vaccina- tion under no program scenarios would be highly beneficial. A summary of the rankings of program alternatives by selected economic criteria is shown in Table 12. The two eradication scenarios, including the theoretical and the realistic programs, reduced infection and meat and milk losses to lower levels and at a faster rate than other programs analyzed. The efficiency of these two pro- grams is revealed in Table 12 where theoretical and realistic eradication programs ranked 1 and 2, respec- tively, in total and net change in consumer benefits, and benefit-cost ratios. The base program with a 25 percent increase in efficiency in Class C regions and the current program ranked third and forth, respectively, in total and net change in benefits and benefit-cost ratios. The no program scenarios ranked below all other program alternatives simulated, except in program cost, where they ranked above other programs because of greater reductions in program costs. However, this larger reduc- tion in program costs compared to other programs simulated was offset by proportionally larger decreases in benefits to society resulting in negative benefit-cost ratios to society from the no program scenarios. 7%. .. Table 11. Comparison of regular benefit-cost ratios, by alternative bovine brucellosis programs, United States, 1985-2005“ Base Program versus Baseline base program Theoretical eradication Realistic eradication Current program Baseline— 25% increase in efficiency in C regions Baseline— 25% decrease in efficiency No in C regions program No program with 45% cahhood vaccination No program wit6h 75% calfhood vaccination Current program Realistic eradication 1.68 1.36 — 0.94 Theoretical eradication 1.73 1.42 1.06 — Baseline- 25% in- crease in efficiency in C region 1.37 1.11 0.80 0.75 Baseline- 25% de- crease in efficiency in C region 0.89 0.64 0.36 0.31 No program -36.19 -37.40 -38.78 -39.02 N0 program with 45% calfhood vaccination -3.75 -4.37 -5.08 -5.20 No program with 75% calfhood vaccination 0.61 0.18 -0.31 -0.39 1.26 — 0.71 0.65 -37.89 -4.62 -3.46 Ratio 0.90 1.38 9.22 3.24 1.50 1.23 1.81 11.27 4.06 1.96 1.29 1.88 11.35 4.13 2.02 — 1.50 9.56 3.41 1.62 0.54 — 8.43 2.77 1.11 -35.62 — -26.92 -35.07 15.30 — -3.18 0.01 0.81 13.73 3.88 — aBenefit-cost ratio of the current program versus the baseline program is calculated as change in benefit under the current pro- gram relative to the baseline program costs/current program costs. Change in benefits are the sum of producer and consumer benefits. Summary and Implications The Cooperative State-Federal Brucellosis Eradica- tion Program, established in 1934, has been highly suc- cessful in reducing brucellosis infection in U.S. cattle herds. This is demonstrated by a decrease in reactor rates from 11.5 percent in 1935 (Becton 1977) to a MCI reac- tor rate of 0.3 percent in 1984 (Beal 1985). Weaner calf and milk losses to producers decreased from $100 million in the 1940’s (Becton 1977) to $32 million in 1983 (Beal 1984). Forty states, classified Class Free or Class A in 1985, accounted for two-thirds of the U.S. cow popula- tion and 5 percent of the quarantined herds. The re- maining 10 states, classified Class B or Class C, con- tained about one-third of the U.S. cow population and 95 percent of the U.S. quarantined cattle herds as of March 1985. The net results are that 31 states accounted for one or more quarantined herds during 1985 with more than three-fourths of the quarantined herds con- centrated in the five states or regions currently classified Class C. The purpose of this research was to analyze the economic and epidemiologic impact of specified alter- native bovine brucellosis programs for Veterinary Ser- vices, APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and to provide a benefit-cost analysis of these alternative brucellosis control and eradication strategies. These strategies and/ or alternative brucellosis programs were examined in terms of their costs and benefits to society, consumers, producers, and related agricultural in- dustries. In addition, alternative criteria such as change in benefits, change in program costs, and net benefits were estimated to provide guidelines to decision makers concerning optimum alternative bovine brucellosis con- trol and/or eradication programs. BRUSIM, a systems simulation model, was developed to measure the impact of various program components 19 Table l2. Ranking of program alternatives, by selected criteria, com- pared to the base program Change Net change Change in producer in producer in Regular Program and consumer and consumer program benefit-cost alternative benefits benefits costs ratio Current program 4 4 7 4 Realistic eradication 2 2 5 2 Theoretical eradication l 1 4 1 Baseline-25% increase in efficiency in C regions 3 3 6 3 Baseline-25% decrease in efficiency in C regions 5 5 8 5 No program 8 8 l 8 No program Wlll"| 450/0 cahhood vaccination 7 7 2 7 No program with 75% calfhood vaccination 6 6 3 6 upon selected epidemiologic parameters and to deter- mine associated costs and physical losses of brucellosis control/eradication programs, given epidemiologic coef- ficients and economic criteria from 1976 through 2005. The United States was divided into l6 regions based upon such factors as prevalence, producer characteristics, and cattle population. TECHSIM, an econometrics model, was used for determining the net benefits accruing to society, con- sumers, producers, and related industries as ‘a result of changes in beef and milk losses from alternative pro- grams compared to a base program. The discounted values and associated program costs were used for deter- mining benefit-cost ratios and related economic decision criteria. A base program and eight alternative bovine brucellosis programs were simulated for the contiguous 48 states. Prime consideration in the selection of program alternatives included potential or most likely industry requirements and potential federal funding for brucellosis programs. The nine programs simulated for 1976 to 2005 included the following: (1) base program, (2) current (1976-84) program, (3) rapid eradication with theoretical and realistic modes, (4) base program with 25 percent increase in program efficiency in Class C regions, (5) base program with 25 percent decrease 20 in program efficiency in Class C regions, (6) no state- federal program with no vaccination, and (7) no state- federal program with calfhood vaccination supported by industry. Major findings resulting from the alternative bovine brucellosis programs analyzed in this study are as follows: (1) Control and/or eradication 0f brucellosis infection. Four programs, the theoretical eradication program, the realistic eradication program, the base program with a 25 percent increase in efficiency in Class C regions, and the current program, were highly effective in reducing brucellosis infection from 1984 to 2005. The theoretical eradication program demonstrated that eradication could be achieved within 3 to 5 years when program con- straints are eliminated with the only limiting factors be- ing the current state of technology. These results demonstrate that the current state of technology is suf- ~ ficient to achieve eradication. The time frame for achiev- ing eradication will depend on financial and manpower commitment, level of program efficiency, producer and agency cooperation, and depopulation programs for known infected herds. These research results parallel the recent field experience of the Canadian Department of Agriculture (Agriculture Canada 1985) which reported no known bovine brucellosis infection in Canada since March 1984 after initiating a strong market cattle testing program, along with an indemnity and depopulation program which encouraged producer cooperation in 1979. The realistic eradication program, which assumed 1982-84 funding levels, strict adherence to the UM&R by program authorities, and a modified depopulation scheme, reduced total infected cows by more than 92 percent from 1984 to 1990. Increased emphasis on depopulation of detected herds, although increasing pro- gram costs in the realistic eradication program, would likely have decreased infected cows at a faster rate than reported above. The net results are that the realistic eradication program would be a powerful tool leading to eradication given increased producer cooperation through incentives or educational programs plus pro- ducer incentives for depopulating known infected herds. The base program with a 25 percent increase in pro- gram efficiency in Class C regions, although revealing infection levels ranging from 5 to 7 percent higher in all infection parameters than did the realistic eradica- tion program by 2005, was more effective in reducing infection than the current program. Results reveal that a 25 percent increase in program efficiency in high in- cidence or Class C regions through stricter adherence to the UM&R or other incentives would be highly ef- fective in reducing infection levels. The base program with a 25 percent decrease in pro- gram efficiency in Class C regions demonstrated that reductions in program efficiency in high incidence regions would result in substantial increases in infection. The most dramatic increases in bovine brucellosis infec- tion were generated by the three no state-federal pro- gram scenarios. Total infected cows increased 69-fold under the no state-federal program without calfhood 6 vaccination from 1984 t0 2005 compared to a 4-fold in- crease in infected cows for the no program scenario with a 75 percent calfhood vaccination level. These results demonstrate that (1) calfhood vaccination would be highly beneficial under a no state-federal program scenario or when bovine brucellosis infection exists at relatively high levels and (2) no state-federal programs with calfhood vaccination, even at high levels of calfhood vaccination, were substantially inferior with respect to reducing bovine brucellosis infection com- pared to other alternative programs simulated. (2) Reduction ofphyical losses. Weaner calf and milk losses were reduced most effectively by the theoretical eradication program, followed closely by the realistic eradication program. The base program with a 25 per- cent increase in program efficiency ranked third in reducing physical losses followed by the current pro- gram. All other programs simulated, including the base program with a 25 percent decrease in program efficien- cy in Class C regions and the three no program scenarios increased physical losses with the sharpest increase oc- curring under the no program scenario. (3) Program costs. Total discounted program costs over the 30-year period simulated were lowest for the no state-federal program without calfhood vaccination followed by the no state-federal program with calfhood vaccination. Costs accruing to these programs were at- tributable to producer costs associated with a milk or- dinance enforced brucellosis program in dairy cattle and calfhood vaccination. The highest program cost occurred under the base program with a 25 percent decrease in program efficiency in Class C regions as a result of additional secondary epidemiologic tracing, adjacent herd testing, and herd testing as infection increased. The lowest total program costs associated with alter- native programs which were most effective in reducing brucellosis infection and physical losses were almost identical at $1.7 billion for the realistic and theoretical eradication programs as were net declines or savings in program costs at more than $400 million for both pro- grams. The base program with a 25 percent increase in program efficiency in Class C regions and the current program ranked third and fourth, respectively, in total costs and declines in costs for those programs most ef- fective in reducing infection and physical losses. Net declines in total costs accrue from lower program costs attributable to program efficiency resulting in fewer numbers of secondary epidemiologic traces, adjacent herd tests, quarantine and post-quarantine herd tests, and lower handling costs. (4) Economic benefits. The highest positive change in benefits to society, net change in benefits to society, and benefit-cost ratios accrued from the theoretical eradica- tion program, followed closely by the realistic eradica- tion program. The base program with a 25 percent in- crease in program efficiency and the current program ranked third and fourth, respectively, relative to positive changes in benefits and benefit-cost ratios. The three no state-federal program scenarios and the base program with a 25 percent decrease in program efficiency in Class C regions all produced negative changes in benefits to society, compared to the base program, as well as generating economically unacceptable benefit-cost ratios. (5) Equity impact. Equity analysis revealed that con- sumers would accrue substantial positive benefits from programs which decrease infection as the eradication programs followed by the base program with a 25 per- cent increase in efficiency in Class C regions and the cur- rent program. Further, consumers would incur large negative benefits or losses from programs which increase infection as the no state-federal program scenarios. Benefits to related agricultural industries parallel those of consumers but at a lower level. Although producers with infected herds may incur catastrophic losses, pro- grams which decrease infection increase supplies of meat and milk, exert a downward pressure on price, creating negative benefits to producers. However, summation of benefits over all sectors revealed that substantial benefits would accrue to society from alternative programs which decrease infection, as the eradication programs, and that large negative benefits would accrue to society from alternative programs which increased infection and physical losses. Some epidemiologic and economic considerations emanating from this study may be summarized as follows: (1) The realistic eradication program appears to be the most epidemiologically sound and cost effective pro- gram of the alternative programs analyzed since it ranked above other alternative programs, except the theoretical eradication program, in total benefits, net benefits, and benefit-cost ratios. The theoretical eradica- tion program demonstrated that the present “state of the arts” within the U.S. bovine brucellosis program is highly capable of detecting sufficient numbers of in- fected herds for achieving eradication. Application and/or utilization of current program components at higher efficiency levels through stricter adherence to the requirements of the UM&R, continuation of producer incentives through indemnity payments, along with the incorporation of a depopulation program, would likely result in an annual increase in program costs for an in- terim period over the program costs currently incurred. However, simulation results of this study, as well as the recent experience of the Canadian Department of Agriculture, suggest that such an approach would be cost effective while leading toward the goal of eradication. (2) joint consideration of economic and epidemiologic efficiency is paramount to animal disease programs as bovine brucellosis, given the wide variation in infection among and between states as evidenced by the bovine brucellosis classification system, and as states reach or approach Class Free status. Future cost considerations may suggest that the market cattle surveillance system, depending upon regional classification, be based on a sampling basis provided it meets the requirements of an epidemiologically sound and efficient disease monitor- ing system. (3) Research by the NBTC (1978) and Amosson (1983) revealed that contact or adjacent herd testing was an important epidemiologic tool and highly cost effective 21 in detecting and eliminating brucellosis infection. Results of this study suggest that maximization of adjacent herd testing, post quarantine and post ownership testing, and secondary epidemiologic tracing efficiencies, along with an efficient primary surveillance system as MCI and BRT, are essential in all area classification systems if bovine brucellosis is to be eradicated. (4) Simulation results again revealed the importance of calfhood vaccination in combating brucellosis infec- tion in high incidence regions as under the no state- federal program scenario where benefits of calfhood vac- cination greatly exceeded costs. However, utilization of calfhood vaccination in low incidence regions, where programs are maintained at high efficiency levels, is not cost effective (NBTC 1978 and Amosson 1983). This study further demonstrated that calfhood vaccination, by itself or in the absence of other current program com- ponents, will keep brucellosis infection from spreading as rapidly as it would in the absence of vaccination, but calfhood vaccination did not eradicate brucellosis. (5) Equity analysis revealed that consumers were the major beneficiaries of investments in publicly funded bovine brucellosis programs, which decreased physical losses and increased supplies of meat and milk. References Agriculture Canada. “Brucellosis Eradication In Canada- Progress Report.” Food Production and Inspection Branch, Canadian Department of Agriculture. March 1985. Agriculture Canada. “Evaluation of Alternative Brucellosis Programs By Benefit-Cost Analysis.” Management Con- sulting Services, Ottawa, Canada, 1979. Amosson, Stephen H. , Raymond A. Dietrich, and Richard P. Crawford. “Economic and Epidemiologic Analysis of U.S. Bovine Brucellosis Programs - Volume II.” Prepared for Veterinary Services, APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Maryland, 1985. Amosson, Stephen H. “Economic and Epidemiologic Implica- tions of National Bovine Brucellosis Programs—A Case Study.” Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, 1983. Amosson, Stephen H. and Raymond A. Dietrich. “Theoretical Basis and Empirical Implications of the Bovine Brucellosis Market Slaughter Testing Program in the United States.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 3(1984/5) 53-64, 1984. Anderson, Robert K., David T. Berman, W.T. Berry, John A. Hopkin, and Robert Wise. “Report - National Brucellosis Technical Commission.” Prepared for Veterinary Services, APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Maryland, 1978. Beal, Victor C., ]r. “Current Estimated Brucellosis Losses.” Veterinary Services, APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Maryland, 1984. Beal, Victor C., Ir. Personal Communication. Veterinary Ser- vices, APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyattsville, Maryland, 1985. Beal, Victor C., Ir. and Harvey A. Kryder, Ir. “Brucellosis Program Analysis.” Veterinary Services, APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1977. 22 Becton, Paul. “The National Brucellosis Program of The United States.” Bovine Brucellosis An International Symposium, eds. Richard P. Crawford and Richard]. Hidalgo, College Station, Texas A&M University Press, 1977. Collins, G.S. “An Econometric Simulation Model for Evaluating Aggregate Economic Impacts of Technological Change on Major U.S. Field Crops.” PhD. Disseration, Texas A&M University, 1980. ~. Jones, Robert E.L. “Brucellosis Losses and the~*Feasibility of an Annual Brucellosis Prevention Program for Texas Beef Producers.” M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University, 1979. Liu, Chun-Ian. “An Economic Impact Evaluation of Govern- ment Programs: The Case of Brucellosis Control in the United States.” Southern journal of Agricultural Economics. Volume II, Number 1, 1979, pp. 163-168. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cattle. Washington D.C. 1985. Acknowledgement Information in this report is based primarily on “Economic and Epidemiologic Analysis of U.S Bovine Brucellosis Programs—Volume l,” a contract report prepared for Veterinary Services, APHIS, U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, August 1985, by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. Funding for this research was provided by Veterinary Services, APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. The Brucellosis Policy Advisory Committee aided in the development of alter- native bovine brucellosis programs. The Committee was composed of ]ack Dahl, rancher, Gackle, North Dakota; Dr. William Cowart, epidemiologist, Elba, Alabama; and Dr. David Hird, epidemiologist, University of California, Davis, California. Helpful suggestions were also provided by Dr. Victor C. Beal, ]r. Veterinary Ser- vices, APHIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Hyatts- ville, Maryland. 2h Appendix 1. Epidemiological factors included in the 1976 APHIS, the 1978 NBTC, and the 1985 Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES) bovine brucellosis analyses 1976 1978 1985 Epidemiological Factors APHIS NBTC TAES Probability of buying infected animals X3 X X All 3 binomial methods include: Proportion of herds infected Number of source herds ><>< ><>< >< Double & triple binomials permits: Less than 100% infection in herd Number of replacements per source herd ><>.< ><>< ><>< Third binomial changes replacement infection: Infectiousness of replacements Age difference in replacements Quarantined herds 1st concentration point testing Vaccine effect in initiating infection lncubating infection in replacements I |><><><>< Z l > Stratify by herd size Stratify by year of herd infection Stratify by dairy and beef Natural clean-up Stratified by region (management) Regional purchase probability Fence or neighborhood spread Vaccine effect on infection rate in herd MCI detection and efficiency BRT detection and efficiency Organized clean-up Depopulation ><><><><><><><><><><><>< |><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><§><>< First point testing effect on MCI: increase traceability Increase number tested | >< l Differential cull rate for MCI — Stratify quarantined herds — Residual infection - Area testing — Adjacent herd testing — — Epidemiological testing — — Post quarantine testing - — l><><><><><><><>< ><>< aAn ”X” indicates the factor or activity was included in the study while a ”—" indicates the factor or activity was not included in the study. ”NA” denotes not applicable. From: Beal, V.C., Jr. 1983. The use of mathematical models in animal disease program evaluation. Proc. 87th Ann. mtg. U.S. An. Health Assn. 386402. 23 Appendix 2. Baseline program - epidemiological summary of U.S. brucellosis program **#******************************************* BRUSH" Shnuhflon Inodel********************************************** Beef model Baseline program *******#********************************************* U S totak ***************************************************** Undetected Quarantined Quarantined Undetected Total Calf loss Total cost Cum. costs Year inf. herds herds inf. cows inf. cows inf. cows pounds 1982 dol. discounted 1 21,784. 14,407. 207,101. 130,304. 337,406. 47,028,720. 133,303,856. 168,671,856. 2 20,537. 13,518. 167,230. 116,908. 284,138. 37,540,400. 124,558,768. 320,216,576. 3 19,818. 12,890. 128,252. 105,569. 233,821. 31,545,152. 116,862,464. 456,929,024. 4 20,142. 12,674. 117,031. 107,101. 224,133. 30,700,224. 110,989,136. 581,776,640. 5 19,359. 11,294. 127,096. 105,393. 232,489. 31,781,568. 115,622,416. 706,833,664. 6 17,552. 11,939. 139,314. 95,286. 234,600. 31,787,072. 134,477,216. 846,689,792. 7 15,881. 11,188. 131,728. 84,996. 216,725. 29,539,488. 140,347,072. 987,036,672. 8 13,069. 9,623. 102,472. 65,602. 168,074. 22,555,216. 138,230,832. 1,119,950,850. 9 11,970. 8,170. 84,795. 57,486. 142,281. 19,365,264. 142,549,520. 1,251,745,790. 10 12,479. 5,072. 55,373. 59,551. 114,923. 15,992,933. 114,654,656. 1,353,673,220. 11 12,256. 5,077. 58,339. 58,263. 116,602. 15,919,974. 119,702,128. 1,455,995,140. 12 11,790. 5,116. 57,465. 54,793. 112,258. 15,216,403. 124,136,832. 1,558,026,500. 13 11,406. 4,999. 54,770. 51,944. 106,714. 14,484,265. 123,714,080. 1,655,799,300. 14 11,053. 4,358. 47,434. 50,727. 98,161. 13,307,932. 113,506,400. 1,742,054,660. 15 11,130. 3,912. 44,646. 53,428. 98,074. 13,322,744. 102,217,088. 1,816,743,680. 16 11,055. 3,655. 43,700. 55,635. 99,336. 13,435,901. 98,698,144. 1,886,087,680. 17 11,021. 4,246. 52,131. 55,554. 107,685. 14,548,806. 110,178,016. 1,960,519,940. 18 11,012. 3,810. 47,077. 57,624. 104,701. 14,254,356. 103,568,784. 2,027,796,220. 19 11,240. 4,028. 52,221. 60,661. 112,883. 15,361,806. 107,955,744. 2,095,225,090. 20 11,376. 3,976. 53,075. 63,823. 116,898. 15,971,345. 109,113,968. 2,160,755,970. 21 11,366. 4,846. 65,548. 63,258. 128,806. 17,562,400. 128,240,176. 2,234,811,390. 22 10,880. 5,272. 67,299. 58,348. 125,647. 17,169,632. 140,270,000. 2,312,698,370. 23 10,890. 4,195. 54,153. 60,346. 114,499. 15,718,087. 119,229,360. 2,376,355,840. 24 10,772. 3,868. 51,940. 61,283. 113,223. 15,361,629. 113,998,112. 2,434,879,230. 25 10,869. 4,046. 55,584. 62,283. 117,867. 16,018,961. 117,230,416. 2,492,747,260. 26 10,862. 4,036. 55,863. 63,146. 119,009. 16,234,174. 118,566,896. 2,549,024,000. 27 11,086. 4,001. 56,981. 66,345. 123,326. 16,877,456. 118,172,256. 2,602,956,290. 28 11,034. 4,159. 60,151. 66,908. 127,059. 17,323,040. 123,142,384. 2,656,995,330. 29 11,558. 4,234. 63,439. 72,738. 136,177. 18,789,360. 123,990,304. 2,709,313,540. 30 11,887. 4,483. 70,008. 78,183. 148,192. 20,518,688. 131,335,120. 2,762,599,680. Appendix 3. Baseline program - epidemiological summary of U.S. Brucellosis program ********************************************** BRLEHAA S"nLHaflOn 'nOde| ********************************************** Dairy model ***************************************************** U S Baseline program “flab ***************************************************** Year ‘Q G>\lO\U1b-UJk)—* Undetected Inf. herds 218. 170. 144. 130. Quarantined herds 1,445. 1,213. 1,162. 1,075. 843. 720. 487. 365. 297. 254. 221. 216. 215. 212. 214. 211. 202. 220. 205. 214. 209. 214. 218. 214. 218. 220. 219. 217. 219. 213. Quarantined inf. cows 26,317. 15, 712. 13,526. 11,952. 10,782. 9,806. 7,532. 5,088. 3,961. 3,507. 3,074. 3,002. 2,991. 2,984. 3,010. 2,966. 2,902. 3,094. 2,939. 3,083. 3,074. 3,178. 3,222. 3,156. 3,178. 3,183. 3,179. 3,189. 3,233. 3,216. Undetected inf. cows 1,449. 1,191. 939. 855. 708. 480. 371. 272. 238. 236. r 196. 176. 171. 170. 161. 158. 164. 152. 163. 159. 171. 174. 171. 163. 152. 149. 149. 151. 152. 161. Total inf. cows 27,766. 16,902. 14,465. 12,807. 11,490. 10,285. 7,902. 5,359. 4,199. 3,743. 3,271. 3,178. 3,162. 3,155. 3,171. 3,124. 3,066. 3,247. 3,103. 3,242. 3,245. 3,352. 3,393. 3,320. 3,330. 3,332. 3,328. 3,340. 3,385. 3,378. Calf loss pounds 578,558. 377,101. 316,109. 282,020. 252,492. 221,595. 169,297. 114,008. 89,554. 79,722. 68,896. 67,359. 67,407. 67,376. 67,729. 66,928. 65,698. 69,470. 66,689. 69,393. 69,657. 71,761. 72,648. 71,085. 71,445. 71,748. 71,717. 71,968. 72,922. 72,782. Milk loss pounds 61,919,312. 38,254,592. 32,785,136. 29,076,144. 26,266,384. 23,810,128. 18,793,584. 12,669,701. 9,867,967. 8,726,738. 7,624,870. 7,396,574. 7,339,524. 7,316,455. 7,357,225. 7,241,006. 7,092,317. 7,496,022. 7,142,176. 7,448,806. 7,419,056. 7,648,344. 7,731,643. 7,564,681. 7,584,360. 7,572,875. 7,549,127. 7,561,498. 7,647,667. 7,609,882. Total cost 1982 dol. 39,613,424. 34,088,496. 33,300,176. 32,507,952. 36,026,112. 33,307,696. 33,056,912. 29,443,840. 26,345,056. 21,749,840. 22,102,912. 23,728,096. 24,231,632. 24,027,776. 25,789,200. 25,909,696. 24,085,296. 28,038,368. 24,501,552. 26,420,416. 24,378,400. 24,529,776. 25,354,544. 26,161,424. 28,395,888. 29,098,320. 28,813,120. 28,356,128. 28,533,600. 26,552,624. Cum. costs discounted 50,123,600. 91,597,456. 130,553,936. 167,120,944. 206,086,768. 240,726,768. 273,783,552. 302,094,848. 326,452,224. 345,787,648. 364,681,216. 384,183,808. 403,334,400. 421,593,344. 440,437,248. 458,640,896. 474,912,000. 493,125,120. 508,428,544. 524,295,936. 538,373,632. 551,994,112. 565,530,880. 578,961,408. 592,978,176. 606, 789,376. 619,939,072. 632,382,464. 644,422,144. 655,195,136. 25 Appendix 4. Baseline program-brucellosis program component test summary *********************************************** *********************************************** Beef model - - - Baseline program ************************************=I=***************** U S ****************************************************** FPC cows Year tested 1 3,003,894. 2 3,124,041. 3 3,367,423. 4 3,427,235. 5 3,297,318. 6 3,952,536. 7 4,037,473. 8 4,088,851. 9 5,012,588. 10 3,860,068. 11 4,098,070. 12 4,291,049. 13 4,388,993. 14 3,772,408 15 3,357,374. 16 2,951,022. 17 3,642,275. 18 ~3,095,137. 19 3,358,415. 20 3,183,670. 21 4,133,521. 22 4,680,864. 23 3,633,678. 24 3,255,599. 25 3,523,003. 26 3,467,525. 27 3,432,045. 28 3,515,297. 29 3,650,377. 30 3,726,419. SPT cows tested 6,666,029. 6,501,146. 5,562,879. 3,886,849. 3,566,368. 4,347,426. 4,928,607. 6,786,816. 6,848,591. 6,648,802. 7,239,200. 8,198,268. 8,331,908. 7,321,889. 5,766,646. 5,250,658. 6,325,249. 5,504,034. 5,411,802. 5,312,989. 7,024,462. 9,034,539. 6,658,590. 6,052,644. 6,104,719. 6,200,013. 5,703,507. 6,299,585. 5,452,996. 5,816,334. MCI herds quarntd. 9,342. 7,831. 6,336. 5,215. 5,183. 5,754. 5,680. 4,922. 4,194. 3,217 3,425. 3,531. 3,468. 2,897. 2,507. 2,281. 2,864. 2,438. 2,657. 2,601. 3,453. 3,881. 2,860. 2,596. 2,786. 2,782. 2,745. 2,910. 2,960. 3,184. MCl reactors detected 59,395. 48,363. 36,521. 30,715. 29,158. 32,169. 31,834. 26,206. 26,430. 20,895. 22,123. 22,420. 21,998. 17,905. 15,808. 14,017. 18,086. 14,931. 16,822. 16,109. 21,935. 24,178. 17,441. 15,609. 17,238. 16,946. 17,013. 17,670. 18,875. 20,043. herds tested 13,886. 32,447. 39,217. 22,774. 13,714. 9,422. 8,871. 6,860. 5,183. ????????????????????? Area Test Area Test herds quarntd. 49. 174. 308. 661. 704. 388. 393. 280. 143. 9???????????????????? Non-Primary Sur. Herds tested 124,958. 123,957. 124,533. 125,948. 140,007. 147,203. 148,662. 147,178. 145,728. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,994. 132,944. 132,944. 132,994. 132,994. Herds quarntd. 3,900. 3,423. 3,279. 3,430. 4,394. 5,046. 4,701. 3,997. 3,560. 1,536. 1,584. 1,511. 1,442. 1,355. 1,334. 1,328. 1,371. 1,297. 1,341. 1,327. 1,375. 1,310. 1,201. 1,207. 1,221. 1,200. 1,204. 1,206. 1,223. 1,259. Heifers vaccinatd. 2,916,407. 2,916,407. 3,080,424. 3,923,985. 4,519,871 . 5,458,767. 6,013,894. 6,352,222. 7,250,514. 6,393,669. 6,578,440. 6,714,604. 6,644,099. 6,590,942. 6,488,120. 6,654,856. 6,740,698. 6,898,424. 6,989,476. 7,273,238. 7,483,430. 7,713,160. 7,603,630. 7,643,163. 7,648,505. 7,806,058. 7,896,604. 8,131,127. 8,218,123. 8,664,361. On farm tests 7,315,604. 6,477,280. 5,913,792. 5,442,857. 5,560,188. 6,209,907. 6,302,816. 5,473,912. 5,108,438. 3,914,084. 3,980,149. 3,923,670. 3,830,775. 3,512,463. 3,417,937. 3,362,187. 3,697,340. 3,564,850. 3,800,690. 3,887,735. 4,405,376. 4,501,848. 4,051,625. 3,894,050. 4,058,801. 4,105,172. 4,206,489. 4,324,785. 4,590,867. 4,916,648. 26 Appendix 5. Baseline program-brucellosis program component test summary *********************************************** *********************************************** Dairy model - - - Baseline program ****************************************************** US ****************************************************** FPC cows Year tested 1 791,794. 2 845,845. 3 935,108. 4 1,008,592. 5 1,204,736. 6 1,094,430. 7 1,018,882. 8 890,064. 9 804,081. 10 569,207. 11 602,246. 12 695,538. 13 721,273. 14 706,586. 15 802,994. 16 806,384. 17 700,180. 18 914,401. 19 712,815. 20 813,372. 21 693,191. 22 694,108. 23 734,748. 24 778,132. 25 899,692. 26 934,170. 27 916,095. 28 884,902. 29 888,638. 30 771,601. SPT cows tested 3,067,230. 2,939,561. 2,929,904. 2,670,792. 3,490,203. 2,869,817. 3,265,128. 3,328,258. 2,688,762. 2,132,424. 2,257,440. 2,611,121. 2,708,088. 2,652,286. 3,013,073. 3,025,698. 2,623,110. 3,434,496. 2,670,536. 3,051,282. 2,595,732. 2,598,978. 2,752,721. 2,916,855. 3,377,172. 3,507,557. 3,438,838. 3,320,422. 3,334,334. 2,890,679. MCI herds quarntd. 1,096. 813. 711. 621. 582. 517. 384. 295. 248. 229. 201. 198. 197. 194. 196. 193. 184. 203. 186. 197. 192. 197. 201. 197. 202. 203. 202. 201. 203. 197. MCI reactors detected 9,552. 5,433 4,588. 3,777. 4,240. 3,265. 2,558. 1,715. 1,240. 831. 763. 850. 874. 851. 962. 944. 801. 1,096. 814. 963. 812. 843. 899. 920. 1,056. 1,089. 1,061. 1,025. 1,040. 901. Area Test Area Test herds tested S3$399999FDQPFDQQFPPPQQQQQQPQFDQQQP? herds quarntd.$399539999999F399Q9@99@9F3F3@P9 Non-Primary Sur. herds tested 39,196. 39,1 70. 39,054. 39,124. 41,425. 41,730. 41,576. 41,406. 41,198. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. 40,645. herds quarnted. 232. 171. 143. 138. .186. 189. 185. 136. 100. 38. 33. 31. 30. 30. 30. 28. 27. 29. 26. 27. 24. 27. 28. 26. 26. 26. 25. 25. 26. 25. Heifers vaccinatd. 924,140. 924,140. 977,521. 1,165,404. 1,315,949. 1,409,657. 1,535,242. 1,501,939. 1,569,360. 1,300,107. 1,300,427. 1,316,000. 1,325,095. 1,333,575. 1,342,100. 1,352,172. 1,362,314. 1,372,530. 1,302,024. 1,393,194. 1,403,643. 1,414,170. 1,424,776. 1,435,461. 1,446,226. 1,457,072. 1,460,000. 1,479,009. 1,490,100. 1,501,276. On farm tests 2,044,097. 1,600,347. 1,502,027. 1,499,012. 1,405,792. 1,374,749. 1,204,564. 949,459. 075,140. 033,031. 016,395. 020,926. 025,605. 027,017. 039,346. 043,973. 040,131. 066,730. 055,292. 071,656. 060,794. 070,219. 000,650. 093,002. 900,069. 917,330. 922,375. 926,700. 934,046. 932,510. 27 Appendix 6. Baseline program - brucellosis livestock producer expenditures ********************************************** ********************************************** Beef model ******4‘********************************************** U S Baseline program ***************************************************** -< (D DJ -1 UJNJNJN)l\Jl\Jl\>l\JI\JI\Jl\>——*—‘—‘—*—‘—*—‘—"-‘—‘ 3RD@\lU‘\U'l-hUUI\)-—‘$kD@\lQ\U'l->UJI\)-—\@‘~D%\IQ“\U'I-I>~LAJI\J-—* ' Producer MCI test costs 18,302,656. 17,230,256. 16,295,895. 14,475,057. 14,102,351. 16,887,152. 17,799,984. 19,506,672. 21,602,944. 18,253,248. 19,585,088. 21,048,656. 21,375,536. 18,511,904. 15,760,784. 14,152,131. 17,306,544. 14,925,301. 15,659,332. 15,147,014. 19,765,792. 23,326,256. 17,792,624. 16,068,894. 16,932,816. 16,915,136. 16,355,465. 17,275,712. 16,897,136. 17,686,224. Producer area test costs 804,593. 1,297,595. 1,494,631 . 854,752. 676,093. 729,038. 749,71 1 . 526,883. 468,142. QFD9PSDSDFDFPQQQQFDQPPQPF>FDQ Producer post quar. costs 80,696. 96,646. 1 14,745. 129,305. 298,835. 356,188. 429,144. 371,875. 344,794. F3999F>99$3999F399$39F3¢9F39 Producer private costs 2,906,992. 2,906,992. 2,906,992. 3,045,653. 3,464,741. 3,737,077. 4,055,824. 3,946,570. 4,106,402. 4,225,071. 4,312,520. 4,267,237. 4,233,093. 4,167,054. 4,274,140. 4,329,271. 4,430,569. 4,489,047. 4,671,293. 4,806,289. 4,953,828. 4,883,479. 4,908,871. 4,912,300. 5,013,483. 5,071,637. 5,222,257. 5,278,130. 5,564,725. 5,806,781. Producer sec. epi. costs 37,495. 31,046. 32,636. 61,226. 134,737. 193,209. 201,697. 172,256. 162,848. PSDFDFDFDPFDQQSDPQQPFPFDQPFDFPF’ Producer adj. test costs 130,695. 103,952. 1 1 1,808. 168,436. 352,975. 520,630. 526,189. 439,268. 402,656. FPQFDSDQPPPQFDFD9QQSDPQPQQ9 Producer vaccinatn. costs 9,430,154. 9,430,154. 9,332,458. 10,723,407. 11,225,305. 13,529,154. 15,008,331. 15,393,999. 18,712,320. 15,500,958. 15,977,824. 17,329,248. 17,147,280. 17,010,095. 15,744,730. 17,175,040. 17,395,592. 17,803,548. 18,038,540. 18,770,992. 19,313,440. 19,905,352. 19,523,548. 19,725,595. 19,739,472. 20,145,095. 20,379,775. 20,985,055. 21,209,558. 22,351,232. Producer quarntd. costs 8,840,849. 8,072,120. 7,470,615. 7,331,381. 6,429,410. 6,954,224. 6,608,489. 5,450,886. 4,835,383. 3,465,665. 3,473,137. 3,415,492. 3,297,237. 2,852,330. 2,654,742. 2,532,217. 3,003,158. 2,771,544. 3,057,721. 3,126,990. 3,882,233. 4,092,879. 3,348,360. 3,098,724. 3,315,312. 3,361,522. 3,455,662. 3,623,562. 3,921,002. 4,328,611. Producer total cost 1982 dol. 40,534,096. 39,168,704. 37,759,744. 36,789,168. 36,685,408. 42,906,640. 45,379,328. 46,808,368. 50,635,472. 42,444,928. 44,348,576. 46,060,640. 46,053,152. 42,541,376. 39,434,368. 38,188,656. 42,136,864. 39,989,520. 41,426,976. 41,851,264. 47,915,296. 52,208,976. 45,673,488. 43,805,584. 45,001,072. 45,494,400. 45,413,120. 47,162,480. 47,592,400. 50,182,848. 28 Appendix 7. Baseline program - brucellosis livestock producer expenditures ********************************************** BRUS|M Simuhtion mode| ********************************************** Dairy model ***************************************************** U S Baseline program ***************************************************** < m UuI\>l\JI\.>|\.>I\JI\Jl\Jl\)l\JI\->—*—d—‘—-‘-—‘—*—*—‘-*-" ©&DOO\lO\U1-b-L»JI\J—*@\DOO\IO\U1-I>U.>I\J—-*Q\OOO\IO\U1J>UJI\J—\E Producer MCI test costs 5,283,068. 5,202,969. 5,380,870. 5,294,076. 6,591,597. 5,688,954. 5,883,100. 5,596,793. 4,737,007. 3,600,813. 3,803,643. 4,389,156. 4,549,964. 4,457,130. 5,058,165. 5,079,064. 4,411,532. 5,759,491. 4,491,794. 5,124,899. 4,369,844. 4,376,730. 4,632,306. 4,903,258. 5,666,589. 5,883,121. 5,769,441. 5,573,603. 5,597,593. 4,862,267. Producer area test costs 9.9953‘F9999$39Q$39F399F>99999QF3F399@@F3 Producer post quar. costs 9,868. 6,737. 4,543. 5,916. 12,133. 13,011. 13,117. 7,801. 5,572. QQFDQQPSDPPQQFDQFDQQQSDQFDFD Producer private costs 466,331. 466,331. 466,331. 487,781. 518,188. 552,176. 554,199. 491,552. 480,492. 483,566. 486,660. 489,726. 492,859. 496,013. 499,732. 503,480. 507,256. 511,060. 514,892. 518,753. 522,643. 526,563. 530,512. 534,490. 538,498. 542,537. 546,605. 550,704. 554,834. 558,995. Producer sec. epi. costs 2,798. 2,418. 1,432. 2,454. 4,079. 5,439. 5,673. 3,745. 2,772. QFDQPPFDQQFDFDPP99QQQ$DFDPQ Producer adj. test costs 0. 1,930. 1,356. 1,573. 5,905. 9,120. 11,614. 8,127. 4,843. PQQQQQFDSDQPQQFDQFDPFPFDFDPQ Producer vaccinatn. COStS 3,204,193. 3,204,193. 3,396,355. 3,946,667. 4,333,040. 4,618,826. 4,995,891. 5,004,367. 5,229,012. 4,331,873. 4,359,596. 4,387,494. 4,415,133. 4,443,385. 4,471,819. 4,505,357. 4,539,144. 4,573,186. 4,607,483. 4,642,038. 4,676,852. 4,711,926. 4,747,264. 4,782,863. 4,818,734. 4,854,874. 4,891,283. 4,927,968. 4,964,925. 5,002,159. Producer quarntd. costs 582,092. 466,140. 445,609. 398,259. 312,987. 271,596. 175,699. 108,335. 85,125. 69,346. 60,315. 59,477. 59,713. 59,296. 61,224. 61,101. 58,351. 64,716. 60,181. 63,500. 61,451. 63,034. 64,912; 64,979. 67,708. 69,207. 69,361. 69,193. 70,213. 68,096. Producer total cost 1982 dol. 9,548,355. 9,350,720. 9,696,497. 10,136,729. 11,777,929. 11,159,128. 11,639,294. 11,220,716. 10,544,822. 8,485,606. 8,710,221. 9,325,861. 9,517,673. 9,455,830. 10,090,946. 10,149,007. 9,516,289. 10,908,458. 9,674,356. 10,349,195. 9,630,795. 9,678,264. 9,974,998. 10,285,598. 11,091,536. 11,349,745. 11,276,692. 11,121,472. 11,187,571. 10,491,522. 29 Appendix 8. Baseline program - state and federal brucellosis expenditures ********************************************** ********************************************** Baseline program ***************************************************** ***************************************************** -< (D DJ -1 UUN)I\>I\>I\)I\JI\Jl\JI\Jl\Jl\J—\-d-—‘—*—‘—-‘-*-"-‘-‘ CDKD@\IC\U'1J>UJI\>@@'~D@\IC\U'I-§UJI\J-—‘@KD@\IO\U1-BUJI\)—\ MCI sur. cost 24,071,000. 24,491,120. 22,404,592. 10,224,240. 17,050,170. 20,059,504. 22,353,792. 27,401,010. 29,554,520. 25,042,050. 27,002,304. 30,534,432. 31,095,520. 27,134,730. 21,192,040. 19,044,970. 23,203,040. 19,907,712. 20,433,904. 19,012,410. 27,107,010. 33,504,320. 24,049,000. 21,757,240. 22,400,000. 22,577,010. 21,300,144. 22,922,004. 21,173,104. 22,217,032. lnit. MCI farm test cost 12,807,521. 8,530,579. 6,673,007. 5,867,568. 6,637,183. 7,572,174. 7,803,568. 6,985,916. 6,224,140. 5,378,010. 5,742,108. 5,760,510. 5,604,075. 4,767,659. 4,185,618. 3,962,326. 4,895,898. 4,337,652. 4,817,288. 4,862,589. 6,346,782. 6,780,527. 5,273,424. 4,836,150. 5,193,476. 5,247,331. 5,303,685. 5,580,019. 5,894,062. 6,458,530. lnit. area farm test cost 3,984,545. 6,233,610. 7,105,279. 4,106,523. 3,639,717. 4,631,655. 4,812,034. 3,321,818. 3,052,999. FD.OF>.O.°SDF>.Q.Q?>FDFD.QFJQPFD.OFD.QP Beef model Herd depop. lnit. test & indemnity non-prim. payments cost 12,426,105. 9,113,678. 10,033,814. 9,041,159. 7,695,119. 9,149,476. 7,021,914. 9,843,050. 7,625,795. 12,717,496. 8,358,870. 14,882,856. 7,903,718. 16,079,997. 6,148,324. 15,071,886. 5,087,717. 15,090,397. 3,322,351. 11,167,377. 3,500,346. 11,398,517. 3,447,914. 11,270,970. 3,286,222. 11,180,793. 2,846,019. 11,006,361. 2,678,787. 10,899,147. 2,622,022. 11,018,279. 3,127,854. 11,303,790. 2,824,593. 11,424,918. 3,133,270. 11,917,956. 3,184,477. 12,262,368. 3,932,865. 13,059,915. 4,037,956. 12,874,451. 3,249,177. 12,524,089. 3,116,401. 12,532,834. 3,335,022. 12,791,001. 3,351,788. 12,939,360. 3,418,871. 13,323,644. 3,609,061. 13,466,187. 3,806,320. 14,197,386. 4,200,502. 14,814,952. Vaccinatn. cost 3,440,678. 3,440,678. 5,124,773. 9,336,659. 13,402,201. 16,275,484. 17,690,640. 17,487,792. 19,805,856. 17,350,256. 17,851,664. 18,187,360. 17,996,384. 17,852,400. 17,152,656. 17,539,376. 1 7,935,184. 18,181,312. 18,597,104. 19,352,128. 20,208,992. 20,829,392. 20,231,216. 20,336,400. 20,350,592. 20,769,808. 21,010,736. 21,634,736. 21,866,208. 23,053,520. Retest quar. herd cost 26,326,336. 23,619,216. 20,890,576. 19,800,128. 17,856,512. 19,190,144. 18,324,064. 15,005,161 . 13,098,498. 9,349,201. 9,178,624. 8,875,101 . 8,497,994. 7,357,959. 6,673,983. 6,322,630. 7,515,497. 6,843,171 . 7,629,222. 7,788,808. 9,608,781. 10,034,502. 8,228,369. 7,613,568. 8,090,467. 8,186,672. 8,402,141 . 8,767,109. 9,460,912. 10,407,236. Total cost 1982 dollars 92,769,824. 85,390,128. 79,102,784. 74,200,032. 78,937,072. 91,570,656. 94,967,776. 91,422,496. 91 ,914,1 12. 72,209,808. 75,353,632. 78,076,256. 77,660,960. 70,965,104. 62,782,816. 60,509,584. 68,041,248. 63,579,344. 66,528,800. 67,262,768. 80,324,944. 88,061,104. 73,555,936. 70,192,608. 72,229,424. 73,072,560. 72,759,200. 75,979,952. 76,397,968. Total cost nominal dollars 53,919,696. 53,351,280. 52,914,064. 54,756,720. 66,164,144. 85,252,448. 94,967,776. 94,632,336. 95,141,264. 74,745,168. 77,999,296. 80,817,552. 80,387,680. 73,456,720. 64,987,136. 62,634,096. 70,430,208. 65,811,648. 68,864,672. 69,624,384. 83,145,184. 91,152,992. 76,138,496. 72,657,088. 74,765,424. 75,638,160. 75,313,824. 78,647,648. 79,080,320. 84,001,616. 30 81,152,336. Appendix 9. Baseline Program—state and federal brucellosis expenditures *********************************************** *********************************************** ****************************************************** U S ****************************************************** Year RO@\IO'\U'I->UUI\J—-\ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 fszs 29 30 MCI sur. cost 9,295,548. 9,092,134. 9,223,356. 8,670,310. 1 1,047,120. 9,283,105. 10,065,455. 9,621,937. 7,953,895. 6,145,539. 6,500,742. 7,510,423. 7,789,128. 7,629,006. 8,667,394. 8,703,767. 7,548,005. 9,877,723. 7,684,418. 8,777,723. 7,469,902. 7,479,349. 7,920,891. 8,392,275. 9,714,034. 10,088,526. 9,870,179. 9,531,043. 9,571,040. 8,300,1 13. Init. MCI. farm test cost 2,847,437. 1,872,132. 1,500,624. 1,392,215. 1,332,340. 1,224,084. 1,062,232. 721,634. 642,734. 636,731. 599,300. 612,786. 616,271. 608,920. 633,429. 633,583. 605,402. 683,647. 622,337. 663,896. 634,267. 647,439. 663,415. 662,869. 694,356. 705,949. 701,881. 697,948. 706,746. 678,738. Init. area farm test cost 9.999.999.9999?9999999999F3$399F399P Dairy model - - - Baseline program Herd depop. lnit. test & indemnity non-prim. payments cost 6,579,338. 3,817,453. 3,927,893. 3,752,154. 3,381,580. 3,683,236. 2,988,085. 3,863,928. 2,695,517. 4,273,810. 2,451,412. 4,611,411. 1,882,980. 4,681,439. 1,271,927. 3,981,519. 990,256. 3,793,387. 876,757. 3,619,595. 768,593. 3,641,715. 750,580. 3,662,681 . 747,779. 3,686,117. 746,074. 3,709,704. 752,383. 3,737,524. 741,430. 3,765,552. 725,378. 3,793,790. 773,609. 3,822,241. 734,817. 3,850,905. 770,675. 3,879,781. 768,436. 3,908,878. 794,518. 3,938,190. 805,535. 3,967,723. 789,070. 3,997,475. 794,447. 4,027,459. 795,777. 4,057,658. 794,798. 4,082,505. 797,308. 4,113,122. 808,348. 4,143,967. 804,048. 4,1 75,041 . Vaccinatn. cost 579,271. 571,092. 586,612. 933,942. 1,341,852. 1,500,169. 1,722,350. 1,400,231. 1,460,052. 1,209,551. 1,212,360. 1,213,594. 1,221,239. 1,229,054. 1,236,917. 1,246,194. 1,255,539. 1,264,957. 1,274,442. 1,284,000. 1,293,629. 1,303,332. 1,313,105. 1,322,952. 1,332,874. 1,342,870. 1,327,711. 1,337,668. 1,347,699. 1,357,807. Retest quar. herd cost 6,946,178. 5,522,528. 5,228,384. 4,522,849. 3,557,733. 3,078,525. 2,003,328. 1,225,973. 960,020. 776,107. 670,013. 652,222. 653,529. 649,287. 670,741. 670,265. 640,964. 707,887. 660,369. 695,264. 672,571. 688,757. 708,993. 711,305. 741,315. 757,958. 759,491. 757,688. 768,353. 745,474. Total cost 1982 dollars 30,065,168. 24,737,920. 23,603,776. 22,371,312. 24,248,352. 22,148,704. 21,417,760. 18,223,216. 15,800,346. 13,264,288. 13,392,729. 14,402,291. 14,714,069. 14,572,048. 15,698,393. 15,760,794. 14,569,083. 17,130,064. 14,827,295. 16,071,343. 14,747,690. 14,851,587. 15,379,669. 15,875,953. 17,304,480. 17,748,736. 17,536,560. 17,234,768. 17,346,144. 16,061,225. Total cost nominal dollars 17,474,528. 15,456,130. 15,789,246. 16,509,183. 20,324,704. 20,620,464. 21,417,760. 18,863,024. 16,355,100. 13,730,003. 13,862,952. 14,907,958. 15,230,685. 15,083,675. 16,249,567. 16,314,164. 15,080,607. 17,731,504. 15,347,888. 16,635,613. 15,265,487. 15,373,030. 15,919,655. 16,433,363. 17,912,048. 18,371,888. 18,152,272. 17,839,888. 17,955,168. 16,625,141. 31 Appendix 10. Baseline program-non-primary surveillance component summary *********************************************** *********************************************** 7k. ._ Beef model - - - baseline program ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Adjacent Adjacent Post Quar. Post Quar. Private Private Sec. Epi. Sec. Epi. Non-Primary Sur. herds herds herds herds herds herds herds herds Herds Herds Year tested quarntd. tested quarntd. tested quarntd. tested quarntd. tested quarntd. 1 2,785. 466. 1,422. 157. 119,948. 3,140. 803. 137. 124,958. 3,900. 2 2,112. 356. 1,267. 134. 119,948. 2,824. 630. 109. 123,957. 3,423. 3 2,397. 409. 1,504. 155. 119,948. 2,597. 684. 118. 124,533. 3,279. 4 3,251. 565. 1,694. 174. 119,948. 2,503. 1,056. 188. 125,948. 3,430. 5 6,197. 1,099. 3,462. 350. 128,246. 2,573. 2,101. 372. 140,007. 4,394. 6 8,789. 1,530. 4,610. 455. 130,893. 2,561. 2,911. 501. 147,203. 5,046. 7 8,258. 1,418. 5,119. 479. 132,458. 2,324. 2,827. 481. 148,662. 4,701. 8 7,001. 1,148. 4,729. 435. 132,994. 2,011. 2,454. 404. 147,178. 3,997. 9 6,226. 1,019. 4,250. 381. 132,994. 1,786. 2,259. 374. 145,728. 3,560. 10 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,536. ~ 0. 0. 132,994. 1,536. 11 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,584. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,584. 12 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,511. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,511. 13 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,442. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,442. 14 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,355. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,355. 15 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,334. 0. 0. 132,994 1,334. 16 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,328. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,328. 17 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,371. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,371. 18 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,297. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,297 19 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,341. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,341. 20 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,327. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,327. 21 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,375. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,375. 22 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,310. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,310. 23 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,201. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,201. 24 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,207. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,207. 25 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,221. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,221. 26 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,200 0. 0. 132,994. 1,200. 27 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,204. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,204. 28 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,206. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,206. 29 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,223. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,223. 30 0. 0. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,259. 0. 0. 132,994. 1,259. 32 Appendix 11. Baseline program-non-primary surveillance component summary *********************************************** *******>l<***************************#*********** Dairy model - - - baseline program **********************'******************************** ****************************************************** Adjacent Adjacent Post Quar. Post Quar. Private Private Sec. Epi. Sec. Epi. Non-Primary Sur. herds herds herds herds herds herds herds herds Herds Herds Year tested quarntd. tested quarntd. tested quarntd. tested quarntd. tested quarntd. 1 0. 0. 257. 14. 38,820. 198. 119. 20. 39,196. 232. 2 93. 8. 165. 10. 38,820. 138. 92. 15. 39,170. 171. 3 66. 6. 110. 7. 38,820. 121. 57. 9. 39,054. 143. 4 75. 7. 134. 10. 38,820. 106. 94. 16. 39,124. 138. 5 295. 31. 311. 24. 40,662. 107. 157. 24. 41,425. 186. 6 389. 44. 340. 22. 40,797. 92. 205. 30. 41,730. 189. 7 458. 60. 324. 22. 40,590. 74. 205. 30. 41,576. 185. 8 369. 43. 237. 14. 40,645. 58. 155. 21. 41,406. 136. 9 251. 26. 186. 11. 40,645. 48. 117. 15. 41,198. 100. 10 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 38. 0. 0. 40,645. 38. 11 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 33. 0. 0. 40,645. 33. 12 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 31 . 0. 0. 40,645. 31 . 13 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 30. 0. 0. 40,645. 30. 14 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 30. 0. 0. 40,645. 30. 15 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 30. 0. 0. 40,645. 30. 16 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 28. 0. 0. 40,645. 28. 17 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 27. 0. 0. 40,645. 27. 18 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 29. 0. 0. 40,645. 29. 19 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 20 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 27. 0. 0. 40,645. 27. 21 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 24. 0. 0. 40,645. 24. 22 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 27. 0. 0. 40,645. 27. 23 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 28. 0. 0. 40,645. 28. 24 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 25 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 26 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 27 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 25. 0. 0. 40,645. 25. 28 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 25. 0. 0. 40,645. 25. 29 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 0. 0. 40,645. 26. 30 0. 0. 0. 0. 40,645. 25. 0. 0. 40,645. 25. RR Appendix I2. Comparison of projected quarantined herds versus ac- tual quarantined herds, current bovine brucellosis program, I976-84 Appendix I5. Comparison of projected MCI cattle tested versus ac- tual MCI cattle tested, current bovine brucellosis program, I976-84 APHIS Projected Actual Percent deviation APHIS Projected Actual Percent deviation Model fiscal quarantined quarantined projected vs. Model fiscal MCI cattle MCI cattle projected vs. year year herds herds actual year year tested tested actual 1 1976 15,852 16,910 -6.3 1 1976 13,528,947 15,657,074 -13.6 2 1977 14,731 14,332 2.8 2 1977 13,410,233 14,150,463 -5 2 3 1978 14,052 14,692 -4.4 3 1978 12,795,314 14,377,108 -11.0 4 1979 13,749 13,872 -0.9 4 1979 10,993,468 11,359,104 -3.2 5 1980 12,137 12,751 -4.8 5 1980 11,558,625 11,296,791 2.3 6 1981 12,659 13,218 -4.2 6 1981 12,264,209 12,507,445 -1.9 7 1982 11,675 11,706 -0.3 7 1982 13,250,090 13,102,705 1.1 8 1983 9,988 9,866 1.2 8 1983 15,093,959 15,603,713 -3.3 9 1984 8,467 8,449 0.2 9 1984 15,354,022 15,233,587 0.8 Appendix I6. Comparison of projected number of official vaccinates versus actual number of official vaccinates, current bovine brucellosis program, 1976-84 Appendix I3. Comparison of projected quarantined cows versus ac- tual quarantined cows, current bovine brucellosis program, I976-84 APHIS Projected Actual Percent deviation APHIS Projected Actual Percent deviation Model fiscal quarantined quarantined projected vs. Model fiscal official official projected vs. year year cows cows actual year year vaccinates vaccinates actual 1 1976 233,418 186,663 25.0 1 1976 3,840,547 3,840,623 a 2 1977 182,942 161,922 13.0 2 1977 3,840,547 3,757,906 2.2 3 1978 141,778 171,035 -17.1 3 1978 4,057,945 4,057,952 a 4 1979 128,983 141,128 -8.6 4 1979 5,089,389 5,089,403 a 5 1980 137,878 143,888 -4.2 5 1980 5,835,820 5,835,858 a 6 1981 149,120 142,342 4.8 6 1981 6,868,424 6,868,416 a 7 1982 139,260 124,723 11.7 7 1982 7,549,136 7,549,136 0 8 1983 107,560 105,840 1.6 8 1983 7,854,161 8,070,418 -2.7 9 1984 88,756 83,059 6.9 9 1984 8,819,874 8,837,746 -0.2 Appendix I4. Comparison of projected on-farm tests versus actual on- farm tests, current bovine brucellosis program, I976-84 APHIS Projected Actual Percent deviation Model fiscal on-farm on-farm projected vs. year year tests tests actual 1 1976 9,359,701 7,350,000 27.3 2 1977 8,165,627 7,270,000 12.3 3 1978 7,496,619 6,990,000 7.2 4 1979 6,941,869 6,710,000 3.5 5 1980 6,965,980 6,990,000 -0.3 6 1981 7,584,656 7,600,000 -0.2 7 1982 7,507,380 6,920,000 8.5 8 1983 6,423,371 6,240,000 2.9 9 1984 5,983,578 5,445,708 9.9 O0 >J> aLess than 0.005. \ Appendix 17. Quarantined infected beef and dairy cows, by program, United States, 1976-2005’ Baseline- Baseline- N0 program No program 25% increase 25% decrease with 45% with 75% Baseline Current Realistic Theoretical in efficiency in efficiency N0 calfhood calfhood Year program program eradication eradication in C regions in C regions program” vaccinationb vaccinationb 1976 207,101 207,101 207,101 207,101 207,101 207,101 207,101 207,101 207,101 26,317 26,317 26,317 26,317 26,317 26,317 26,317 26,317 26,317 233,418 233,418 233,418 233,418 233,418 233,418 233,418 233,418 233,418 1980 127,096 127,096 127,096 127,096 127,096 127,096 127,096 127,096 127,096 10, 782 10,782 10,782 10,782 10,782 10,782 10,782 10,782 10,782 137,878 137,878 137,878 137,878 137,878 137,878 137,787 137,878 137,878 1985 55,373 70,662 59,926 53,208 84,410 53,677 0 0 0 3,507 3,222 3,102 3,088 3,316 3,426 11,154 11,154 11,154 58,880 73,884 63,028 56,296 87,726 57,103 11,154 11,154 11,154 1990 44,646 28,035 3,648 69 14,435 46,653 0 0 0 3,010 1,791 709 78 1,127 3,044 45,413 18,533 7,999 47,656 29,826 4,357 147 15,562 49,697 45,413 18,533 7,999 1995 53,075 21,655 1,349 6 9,180 59,939 0 0 0 3,083 1,297 287 20 672 3,353 195,364 44,203 10,611 56,158 22,952 1,636 26 8,852 63,292 195,364 44,203 10,611 2000 55,584 15,858 175 1 6,214 71,081 0 0 0 3,178 1,016 117 15 485 3,800 582,903 96,961 15,664 58, 762 16,874 292 16 6,699 74,881 582,903 96,961 15,664 2005 70,008 13,875 123 0 6,290 104,115 0 0 0 3,216 729 85 14 410 4,448 1,283,950 192,019 23,936 73,224 14,604 208 14 6,700 108,563 1,283,950 192,019 23,936 “Data by year and program reflect beef, dairy and total, respectively. bQuarantined dairy cows after 1984 are identified infected dairy cows. Appendix 18. Undetected infected beef and dairy cows, by program, United States, 1976-20051‘ Baseline- Baseline- No program No program 25% increase 25% increase with 45% with 75% Baseline Current Realistic Theoretical in efficiency in efficiency No calfhood calfhood Year program program eradication eradication in C regions in C regions program vaccination vaccination 1976 130,304 130,304 130,304 130,304 130,304 130,304 130,304 130,304 130,304 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 131,753 131,753 131,753 131,753 131,753 131,753 131,753 131,753 131,753 1980 105,393 105,393 105,393 105,393 105,393 105,393 105,393 105,393 105,393 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 106,101 106,101 106,101 106,101 106,101 106,101 106,101 106,101 106,101 1985 59,551 49,149 38,504 2,089 40,040 61,241 138,212 138,212 138,212 236 192 144 4 170 239 1,991 1,991 1,991 a 59,787 49,341 38,648 2,093 40,210 61,480 140,203 140,203 140,203 1990 53,428 24,381 6,675 108 10,487 62,160 630,240 364,278 225,707 161 88 28 0 56 165 8,951 3,664 1,589 53,589 24,469 6,703 108 10,543 62,325 639,191 367,942 227,296 1995 63,823 19,568 2,569 19 6,986 85,620 2,302,638 846,370 327,270 159 64 11 0 34 170 41,223 9,114 2,154 63,982 3 19,632 2,580 19 7,020 85,790 2,343,861 855,484 329,424 2000 62,283 12,320 799 3 4,357 100,696 5,001,884 1,629,074 482,051 152 51 5 0 24 172 129,349 20,629 3,239 62,435 12,371 804 3 4,381 100,868 5,131,233 1,649,703 485,290 2005 78,183 10,379 455 2 4,182 151,996 8, 706,496 2,913,847 750,698 161 39 3 0 23 208 301,540 42,240 5,066 78,344 10,418 458 2 4,205 152,204 9,008,036 2,956,087 755,764 “Data by year and program reflect beef, dairy and total, respectively. 35 Appendix 19. Total infected beef and dairy cows, by program, 1976-2005“ Baseline- Baseline- N0 program N0 program 25% increase 25% increase with 45% with 45% Baseline Current Realistic Theoretical in efficiency in efficiency No calfhood calfhood Year program program eradication eradication in C regions in C regions program vaccination vaccination 1976 337,406 337,406 337,406 337,406 337,406 337,406 337,406 337,406 337,406 27,766 27,766 27,766 27,766 27,766 27,766 27,766 27,766 fj 27,766 365,172 365,172 365,172 365,172 365,172 365,172 365,172 365,172 365,172 1980 232,489 232,489 232,489 232,489 232,489 232,489 232,489 232,489 232,489 11,490 11,490 11,490 11,490 11,490 11,490 11,490 11,490 11,490 243,979 243,979 243,979 243,979 243,979 243,979 243,979 243,979 243,979 1985 114,923 119,812 98,430 55,297 124,450 114,918 138,212 138,212 138,212 3,743 3,415 3,246 3,092 3,486 3,665 13,145 13,145 13,145 118,666 123,227 101,676 58,389 127,936 118,583 151,357 151,357 151,357 1990 98,074 52,416 10,324 177 24,922 108,813 630,240 364,278 225, 707 3,171 1,879 737 78 1,183 3,210 54,364 22,197 9,588 101,245 54,295 11,061 255 26,105 112,023 684,604 386,475 235,295 1995 116,898 41,224 3,917 25' 16,167 145,558 2,302,638 846,370 327,270 3,242 1,362 298 20 706 3,523 236,588 53,317 12,765 120,140 42,586 4,215 45 16,873 149,081 2,539,226 899,687 340,035 2000 117,867 28,178 975 4 10,571 171,777 5,001,884 1,629,074 482,051 3,330 1,067 122 15 508 3,973 712,253 117,591 18,903 121,197 29,245 1,097 19 11,079 175,750 5,714,137 1,746,665 500,954 2005 148,192 24,254 577 2 10,473 256,111 8,706,496 2,913,847 750,698 3,378 768 88 14 433 4,656 1,585,491 243,260 29,002 151,570 25,022 665 16 10,906 260,767 10,291,987 3,148,107 779,700 aData by year and program reflect beef, dairy, and total, respectively. Appendix 20. Beef and dairy weaner calf losses, by program, United States, 1976-2005“ Baseline- Baseline- No program No program 25% increase 25% decrease with 45% with 75% Baseline Current Realistic Theoretical in efficiency in efficiency No calfhood calfhood Year program program eradication eradication in C regions in C regions program vaccination vaccination , _ One-thousand pounds 1976 47,029 47,029 47,029 47,029 47,029 47,029 47,029 47,029 47,029 579 579 579 579 579 579 579 579 579 47,608 47,608 47,608 47,608 47,608 47,608 47,608 47,608 47,608 1980 31,782 31,782 31,782 31,782 31,782 31,782 31,782 31,782 31,782 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 252 32,034 32,034 32,034 32,034 32,034 32,034 32,034 32,034 32,034 1985 15,993 16,295 13,296 6,892 16,659 16,047 22,790 22,790 22,790 80 72 68 62 73 78 312 312 312 16,073 16,367 13,364 6,954 16,732 16,125 23,102 23,102 23,102 1990 13,323 7,030 1,412 27 3,324 14,833 88,637 48,386 28,577 68 40 16 2 25 69 1,234 478 197 13,391 7,070 1,428 29 3,349 14,902 89,871 48,864 28,774 1995 15,971 5,540 548 4 2,170 19,978 319,773 111,838 40,910 69 29 6 b 15 76 5,337 1,149 263 16,040 5,569 554 4 2,185 20,054 325,110 112,987 41,173 2000 16,019 3,752 142 1 1,420 23,429 671,355 211,223 59,889 71 22 3 b 1 1 86 16,042 2,549 394 16,090 3,774 145 1 1,431 23,515 687,397 213,772 60,283 2005 20,519 3,275 88 b 1,427 35,535 1,171,135 382,437 94,852 73 16 2 b 9 101 35,349 5,033 602 20,592 3,291 90 1 1,436 35,636 1,206,484 387,470 95,454 “Data by year and program reflect beef, dairy, and total, respectively. bLess than 500 pounds. 36 AAppendiX 21. Dairy milk losses, by program, United State, 1976-2005 Baseline— Baseline— No program No program 25% increase 25% decrease with 45% with 75% Baseline Current Realistic Theoretical in efficiency in efficiency N0 calfhood calfhood Year program program eradication eradication in C regions in C regions program vaccination vaccination Hundredweight 1976 619,193 619,193 619,193 619,193 619,193 619,193 619,193 619,193 619,193 1980 262,664 262,664 262,664 262,664 262,664 262,664 262,664 262,664 262,664 1985 87,267 80,737 77,336 75,884 82,200 85,447 293,039 293,039 293,039 1990 73,572 45,744 17,950 1,872 27,258 73,544 1,230,802 505,187 220,145 1995 74,488 33,802 7,255 422 15,913 78,832 5,320,266 1,202,901 289,916 2000 75,844 27,004 2,866 310 11,222 87,157 16,080,474 2,639,852 424,144 2005 76,099 19,235 2,124 299 9,360 100,226 35,815,037 5,301,481 650,074 37 Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty of the product by The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. All programs and information of The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, color, . . religion. sex. age. handicap. or national origin. 2M-—4-86