llJUb Z TA245.7 B873 no. 1559 .~_ L______/+\_ ____ __i I V 1 _ - v ij ' __€7 ‘ e m“ Fiber A __ ———_>< FT’ J ‘ I PrnluInG i Maintenance X EnarqyLuss i -— -’ Body ‘ llutrllnt = St Pnysloluny @ ._ Poul $7 "'13:", I D I Y | l l l | | I I I l i __, \w_+_ I i 1 1 l | B-1559 January 1987 The Texas A8rM Sheep and Goat Simulation Mfldfils LIBRARY C MAR121987 k Produced ,F|ud Pmmotm -—> ___l ii “A i l i I L -------------- "4 --------- -- Parturltiun | I I i i A __+_ Prob I a l | I ,____ """""""""" " Individual L -------------------- -- Belnq _w Simulated gm“; 0| _ Animals The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Neville P. Clarke, Director The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas in cooperation with The United States Agency for International Development, Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does notconstitute a guarantee or a warranty of the product by The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. All programs and information of The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. 4w f; //7 1* (nvfvg ‘.- afa M. The Texas A&M Sheep And Goat Simulation Models Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas 77843 11.1). Blackburn, 11.0. Cartwright, can. Smitha, N. McC. Grahamb and F. Ruvuna Acknowledgement: The research reported in this bulletin was supported in part by the United States Agency for International Development Title XII Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program under Grant No. AID/DSAN/XII—G—0049. In addition to drawing heavily on the scientific literature, many scientists at Texas A&M University contributed their expertise in the form of knowledge and critique; their contribution is gratefully acknowledged. a Present address: Box 353, Silverton, Texas 79257 b C.S.I.R.0. Division of Animal Production, Prospect, NSW Australia FOREWORD Historically, agricultural science has grown through small advances and incremental progress, and the application of research results have often been limited by the time and geographic location. In contrast, the models reported here permit reaching beyond restrictive time and geographic constraints. The models represent major directional progress in ruminant production through quantitative description of animal performance. The models will be useful to other scientists as research tools to evaluate and develop new hypotheses. Also, the models reach across several disciplines and the integration of knowlege from these disciplines is of scientific interest in understanding the dynamics of growth, maturing and reproduction cycles. Clearly, the models are not intended for direct field use by producers. Their application value lies in use by experts to examine effects of varying nutrition, breeding, and management on practical production or development problems encountered in the field. These applications are especially useful for addressing problems in areas where production research results are lacking and cannot be obtained because of time, funding, facility and personnel constraints or complexity of the problem. These capabilities also provide the means for examining practical problems of individual enterprises; i.e., extending research results directly to the unique set of production resources of individual producers. These models are reported for their scientific accomplishment and interest and for their use to enhance the capability to make decisions about sheep and goat production that are relevant and practical and in quantitative terms. From a broader perspective, the application of systems science in agricultural research is being employed by TAES to both extend the frontier of knowledge and to make the knowledge more accessible for practical application. Dudley T. Smith, Associate Director Texas Agricultural Experiment Station ii PREFACE Animal scientists have become increasingly aware of the need for systematic consolidation of component knowlege obtained through the traditional scientific approaches. Systems analysis is an orderly method of structuring and organizing knowledge and interaction relationships. The development of models of complex systems, which include sheep and goat production, requires substantitive knowledge of the components which make up a system. The models summarized in this publication were constructed so that any breed of sheep or goat can be simulated for a wide range of nutritional environments and management practices. The simulations reflect the response of sheep or goats to a specified set of inputs and therefore, may be used to evaluate the performance of breeds considered for introduction into an area or to examine the effect of nutritional regimes or management practices as well as the interactions among these variables. Results from simulations allow biological interpretation in quantitative terms and are in a convenient form for economic analysis. These models have been validated and put into active, continuing use in less developed countries (LDCs) using micro or minicomputers to simulate various versions. Although systems analysis represents a high technology use of science, at the same time it is appropriate for use in LDCs; it is a method by which scientific knowledge from developed countries can be transferred for practical application in LDC settings. "Production experiments" can be simulated as a substitute for much research for which funds, facilities and personnel are limited. Models are reported in this publication for their scientific accomplishment and interest and for their use to enhance the capability to make decisions about sheep and goat production in quantitative terms. Appreciation is expresed to nuerous coworkers in the United States and host countries who participated in the development or validation of this model. Additionally, graduate students, involved in this research made valuable contributions. T. C. Cartwright, Professor Texas A&M University iii FOreWOrd o o o o 0 o o o o o o Preface . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 1 Conceptual Overview of Model a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. Genetic Potential . . . Maintenance . . . . . . Growth . . . . . . . . Maturing Rate . . . . . Body Composition . . . Pregnancy . . . . . . . Feed Intake . . . . . . Tissue Mobilization . . TABLE OF CONTENTS Partitioning of Nutrients Lactation . . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I Reproduction . . . . . Chapter 2 Functions of the Model . . . . a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. Maintenance . . . . . . Growth . . . . . . . . Lactation . . . . . . . Fiber Production . . . Pregnancy . . . . . . . Total Requirements . . Feed Intake . . . . . . Tissue Mobilization . . Partition of Nutrients Update Phenotype . . . Reproduction . . . . . Fiber Production . . . Mortality . . . . . . . Health . . . . . . . . Chapter 3 Goat Model . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 4 Parameter Specification . . . a. b. c. d. Forage Parameters . . . Genetic Parameters . . Management Parameters . Example of Parameters Specification PAGE ii iii 13 14 15 21 26 27 29 30 33 39 41 42 54 56 59 75 80 80 80 81 81 PAGE Chapter 5 Simulated OuCpUt-SUHIHIBIIIQGS o 0 0 o o o o 0 o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o 0 Chapter 6 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I. Single Animal Version-SAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 a. Model Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 b. Simulated Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 c. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 II. Flock Model (FM) — Northern Kenya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 a. 1979 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 b. 1980 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 c. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O [mm [mum] 1. CONCEPTUAL OVERVIEW OF MODEL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS A major purpose of the sheep model is to simulate sheep performance for a wide array of genotypes in a wide variety of environments with managerial options implemented as desired. These capabilities make it possible to evaluate performance of different genotypes in different areas employing different production practices. The results from such simulations may be used to develop packages of breeding strategies and feasible alterations in management techniques that can be recommended to increase the productivity of the system. Two versions of the TAMU sheep model have been developed, the single animal version (SAV) and the flock model (FM). Both models have the general characteristics of a 15-day time increment for a period of simulation, with conception and lambing occurring at the end of a period of simulation. The length of the time increment was chosen because it closely matches the reproductive biology of the sheep (150—day gestation and a 17-day estrus cycle) and it makes a 360—day simulated year feasible. A shorter time frame might add precision to the simulated results, however it would increase the amount of memory, cost and time required for simulation. The SAV is capable of simulating the biological response (maintenance, growth, work, gestation, birth, lactation, fiber and death) of any portion of the life of a sheep. For example, SAV is capable of simulating the biological response of one ewe, her nursing offspring (until weaning) and any fetuses she may be carrying. The FM incorporates the biological components of the SAV and adds to it the accounting and flock management practices required to simulate flocks of sheep. The FM has the capability to simulate six flocks of sheep with 12 classes of animals per flock. The classes in the FM represent differences in age and sex of the simulated sheep. The flock may also be divided into different management groups (e.g., supplemental feeding and pasture assignments). A conceptual overview of the sheep model is presented in figure 1 and illustrates the interaction among the different biological processes modeled. The physiological status of the sheep interacts with its nutritional intake, partitioning the nutrients for various functions, which results in the final output or sinks on the right hand side of the figure (milk and fiber produced and protein and energy loss, etc.). In figure 1 it is possible to trace the .Ewum>w msu mo Aucwwuv musmuso was Auuuav muons“ wcwaocm Hmnos mmmsw :Zs=»u Q! w .115. r ||||||||||||| ln/ 528w % r llllll ll => 35m % Fzcuunw QflHHH-Hulluun-ulnn |||||| [ILL- _ .5: u "J. lllllllllll IIIHL % _1)I)\_ _r Iva fi ‘ _ _._:§.__ iv A i 3.2m % 32 > , \ w _. E Aw fi ._\ _ .2255 :.=s___=z o u _ _ a =35; 15%|» n llll_ _ % =2 m _ ||¢ D _ .2: M _ _ 1)1lL 282:3; o . 3Q 332:; % .5532. ol%L 1:2 _ .1! Q . Fl: w L division of nutrients for any type of sheep simulated. Sources and sinks are illustrated by amorphous cloud shapes. The sources are parameters supplied to the model. Sinks are losses or offtakes from the system. The nomenclature used follows that described by Forrester (1968). All rectangles represent state variables or physical products (e.g., kg of protein or kg of body weight). The flow of material between levels is denoted by a solid line. The flow of a material is regulated by the valve on the solid line which is turned on or off by the auxiliary variables (circles) or constants. Information flows are depicted by dashed lines and can pass to an from a state variable. That is, information controlling the rate of material flow is altered by an auxiliary or constant, but there is a feedback from the state variable to the auxiliary which may increase or decrease the material flow. The logic flow of the FM follows a hierarchical design, with the main program calling subroutines in a top down manner. Figure 2 illustrates this concept for the entire program. Due to the importance of the biology and management subroutines in the flock model, their hierarchical structures have been diagrammed in more detail (figures 3 and 4) to show subroutines that are called from biology and management. These two figures demonstrate, in broad outline, the simulation process, the options and the capabilities of the model. The information for an individual in the FM is kept in one dimensional arrays, with each sheep being assigned a specific position in that array. The records of an animal's traits are connected together by doubly-linked lists (Knuth, 1968). A doubly—linked list has two pointers, one to the previous position in the array, and the other to the next position in the array. These pointers allow individuals to be deleted frm any portion on the list without having to reorder the entire list of animals. The doubly—linked list procedure also allows the grouping of animals in the same class and it reduces the computation time for a simulation. Mayfield (1979) described this procedure in detail in his master's thesis at Texas A&M. From the preceding discussion and flow charts, it can be perceived that the sheep model is primarily a nutrition model. That is, the model is driven by nutrients (just as the energy "driving" real sheep is derived from their .coHum~:EHm we wowuwm u mm .wmumH:EHm mwwuowwumu uowmE msu mo wusuusnuw Hmuwsonmpowm .N wuswwm mumzmz MUQAOHQ zswznm MQEHDO qmm>HQ BHEHA mm0 m Z mzdn mH0O w m>H U OU _ MHQ memHm >eHqHammm mezomu F mmq<2 mmqmzmm >OOAOHm EOHM UQHHWU WUGHUDOHDDM MO UHSUUDHuM HQUHSUHWHQHS USE .Q QHDNHM M02430 muz¢mu >mH WMP, C — C WMG = 2 1 T711357“ Potential growth of males is simulated by assuming an increase in WMA and WMP with ti adjusted (ti') to provide a specified growth rate ratio (RSX). WMA' and WMP' are the increased WMA and WMP. WMA' = Q(WMA) Q = 1.5 as a base; WMP’ = ti‘ = Pti RSX _ (WMP'—BW)/Pti (WMP-BW)/ti P = C2Q-Q1 02 — cl RSX RSX = 1.15 Differences between sexes for birth weights are simulated, but these birth weight differences are ignored in estimating potential postnatal growth rate. Baseline Body Composition. An animal that is never stressed by disease, treatment, or nutrition (quality and quantity) is expected to be in "good" condition. The percent body fat of an animal that is always in "good" condition is assumed to increase linearly from 3% at birth to 25% at maturity (Sanders, 1977). The minimum amount of fat a sheep must have at any age is 3%. The lower limit of 3% fat and the average unstressed mature level of 25% fat correspond with data of Farrell and Reardon (1972), who undernourished 16 Merino ewes for 4 months and maintained them in that state for an additional 9 months at which time they were slaughtered. Two groups of undernourished ewes had 9 and 5% body fat, respectively, compared to 27% for control ewes. The 25% body fat for mature ewes in average "good" condition also corresponds closely with data of Notter et al. (1984) who found body fat of Rambouillet, Dorset and Finn to be 27.7, 24.4 and 21.6%, respectively. For an animal in "good" condition, empty body weight (EBW) will equal structural size (WM); hence, expected fat (XFAT) and expected lean (XLN) are functions of degree of maturity (lean is defined as muscle). Z1 = el e2 %¥§:gl-Ygfi) e1 f .83, minimum fat —C1) WMA e2 — . XFAT = zl (WM) XLN = WM ~ XFAT Composition Of Gain. The fat (FG) and lean (LG) gain associated with a gain in WM can be calculated from expected normal compositions. WMX WM + 15 WMG _ (WMX-C1 WMA) x " el + 92 fT:§Ij"wfiX--' Zlx WMX — Z1 (WM) WMG - FG Z1 FG LG Partition Of Gain. FG and LG are partitioned between that amout which is essential (FGE and LGE) for a unit growth in WM and the remainder which is normal (FGN and LGN) (figure 5). A unit of WM growth must be at least 3% fat and at least 65% of the expected lean fraction must be met. The percentage fat considered minimal for body functions is that suggested by Sanders (1977) and substantiated by Farrell and Reardon (1972). The percentage lean is approximately equal to that fraction of body protein that can not be depleted during protein starvation (N. Graham, personal communication). FGE = e1 (WMG) FGN = FG - (FGE) LGE = p1 (LG); P1 = .65 LGN = LG - LE 17 z<@4 /\ /\ .¢H~w Z3 mo cowuwuumm .m muswwm 2s: a; Afima. - H : Av mo< T ID .~ muswwm N ¢~ m~ om mm om mm Q@_ 3393 UOIJBJDGS up afiueqg 23 limiting factors on milk production. A peak lactation at day 30 would closely agree with published values by Corbett (1968), Morag et al. (1970) and Geentry and Jagusch (1974). Breed specificity is introduced to the ALC equation via the genetic potential for milk production (GMLKL). This term is defined as the peak production of a ewe nursing twins with no nutritional impediment. If a ewe is nursing a single lamb the product of ALC and GMLKL is adjusted downward by 25%. The genetic potential for a breed is derived from previous research on the breed being simulated, which meets th previously stated criteria. Lactation capacity available is calculated by: ALC=( 1 . 0+. l(LACPP—1)-. O444(LACPP—1)2)(GMLKL) where: LACPP=Period of lactation. GMLKL=Genetic potential for milk production. The curve for lactation capacity available describes the potential units of milk production a ewe may utilize during her lactation. If a ewe does not utilize her lactation capacity, she loses the ability to make these uits functional. During a simulation, if the ewe's ALC (referred to as lactation capacity used, LCU) is equal to the calculated ALC, then the ewe's LCU is set equal to the potential value for the duration of the lactation. Figure 8 demonstrates this concept. In figure 8 the dotted line represents lactation of a ewe. Before intersecting the potential ALC curve, the LCU is allowed to vary depending upon nutrition and lamb intake. Once the two lines intersect at the idealized ALC (the solid line), it is fixed at that level for the duration of the lactation. In other words the ewes ALC (which is equal to LCU) can vary within the bounds of the ALC curve, however, after they intersect, lactation capacity is set for the duration of the lactation. The major emphasis of this concept is that after a period of time if the ewe has not been able to utilize her ALC she loses the ability to make them functional. The extreme of this case is in period 7; at this time, if LCU has not intersected ALC, milk production will cease. The preceding section describes the maximum potential of milk production. Determining the units of LCU is a function of the amount of milk the lamb or lambs can consume and the plane of nutrition of the ewe. Milk 24 .mBm wmumanewm m we muwummmu cowumuomfi Hmsuum wcu wcm Amcwfi wwfiomv xuwummmu cowumuumfi Hmwucwuom was Qowmmm zoH@<~u<@ ¢_ m w R @ n Q m N ~ 1D 1r q» .w muswwm XlIOV&VD NOILVIDVT 25 taken from a ewe by hand is treated in the same way as that consumed by a lamb except, of course, the lamb does not receive the nutrition. The steps which interface these variables are as follows: First, an estimate of ALC is determined for a particular breed. At the start of lactation the LCU is estimated from the intake capacity of the lamb or lambs. If LCU is greater than ALC, LCU is set equal to ALC. Milk production (MILKPR) is then calculated as: MILKPR = ALC(SR) Requirements. Lactation requirements (LACRQE, LACRQP) are calculated by assuming that milk contains 5.6% protein and 1.1 Mcal/kg energy (Graham et al., 1976) and that the efficiency of protein utilization for milk production equals the BVP and the net availability of ME for milk equals .47 + .284DIG, (ARC, 1980). 1.1 KL = .47 + .2s4n1c KPL .056 7 BVP LACRQE = KL(MILKPR) LACRQP = KPL(MILKPR) If available nutrients are inadequate, milk production is prorated to correspond with level of available nutrients. Maintenance Correction. The aounts of energy and protein required for maintenance are increased durin lactation in proportion to the ratio of actual milk yield to potential peak yield (PMILK) which is assumed to equal 3.7 kg per day (Graham et al., 1976). FMLC = 1.0 + 0.3 §EEEZ§ PMILK MTE = FMLC(MTE) MTP = MTP + .44(EBW + 2)-5(FMLc) d. Fiber Production Potential. Genetic potential for clean wool growth (GWOOL, g/day) is adjusted for photoperiodicity (SCR), age and degree of maturity (UCR). The photoperiod effect is taken from Nagorcka (1979) and requires specification 26 of amplitude (AMP) of seasonal differences (distance from equator effect), frequency (FREQ) of pattern (once/year) and time of peak growth (PHAS, mid-June in Northern Hemisphere). The adjustment for age and degree of maturity is taken from a model by Christian et al. (1978). UCR = (1 + e—165(AGEP—l))(wM/WMA).67 SCR = AMP (cos(120 FREQ (DAY—PHAS))) AMP = .35GWO0L FREQ = 2w/360 n=3.1416 PHAS = 165 FREQ FGRTH = UCR(SCR + GWOOL) Requirements. Clean wool is considered to be 100% protein that is assumed deposited with an efficiency equal to BVP (Graham et al., 1976). The gross energy content of grease wool is assumed to equal 6.0 Mcal/kg and to be deposited with an efficiency of 20% (Graham and Searle, 1982). KW = 6.0/.2 KPW = 1.0/BVP FIBRQE = FGRTH YIELD FIBRQP = KPW(FGRTH) Yield is the fraction of the fleece which is 100% wool. This parameter will change with local conditions and the breed of sheep being simulated. e. Pregnancy Birth Weight. Potential birth weight (BW) is determined from number of fetuses (N), potential mature size of the fetuses (WMA') and size of the ewe (WM) in an equation similar to the one reported by Geisler and Jones (1979). BW = .158(WMA')'83 (1 — 10'Y) Y = (1.1/N)(wM/wMA')-83 BW is also adjusted for sex Qt .015) and for a random effect that can be thought of as the effect of the number of cotyledons. This random effect is necessary in order to simulate birth weight differences between twin—born lambs of the same sex. 27 males, BWm - 1.015BW females, BWf = .985BW RX = N(1.0,.04) Bw' = RX(BWm or BWf) M Conceptus Growth And Requirements. Expected conceptus growth rate (DCW)§ is calculated based upon day (DAY) of gestation and total BW of all fetuses (Graham et al., 1976) and accuulated by 15-day period. d new = 22 .0ooo3ss~§§§~nAY1'6 dl ' Energy and protein requirements for conceptus maintenance (RME, RMP) are based upon conceptus weight (CW) at the beginning of the period. Energy and _ protein requirements for conceptus growth (RGE, RGP) are calculated daily andfi averaged for the period. The net availability of ME for conceptus growth is l assumed to be 0.7. Protein is assumed to be deposited with an efficiency equal to BVP. RME = .079 CW d ZBW 2.66 RGE = %3_ Z2 .0Ql()7 m DAY dl 4184 KLNG KLNG = .7 RMP = .O164RME d zsw 2.79 RGP = %3_Z2 .oo0o1s375 Zf§ DAY d 1000 BVP 1 Mammary Gland Growth. Mammary gland weight (MGW) is assued to increase f (DMGW) from .35 kg on day 105 of gestation through day 30 of lactation. Growth rate is calculated separately for single and multiple births from estimates provided by Rattray (1974). MMGW — MGW nmcw = cx (MGW - MGWI) MMGW 28 where, multiple single C .095 .110 (coefficient) MGWI .20 .25 (initial wt) MMGW 3.0 2.3 (maximum wt) Requirements for mammary gland growth are calculated assuming 3 kcal/g gross energy density, 13% crude protein and the same efficiencies of depositing fat and lean as for weight gain. RMGE 3. 0 mew " KF RMGP .13 nmcw " BVP Requirements for mammary gland growth are calculated only through parturition based upon the assumption that the postpartum requirements would be offset by tissue mobilized as the uterus regresses. No maintenance costs are made for the regression of the mammary gland. MGW is added to body weight and is thus included in the estimation of ewe maintenance requirements via the work equation. Conceptus And Mammary Gland Growth. Conceptus maintenance requirements are added to ewe maintenance requirements and have equivalent priority of nutrient use. The actual amount of conceptus and mammary gland growth is dependent upon the fraction of their requirements (FRP) that is met after nutrients are partitioned among all requirements. MTE’ MTE + RME MTP' MTP + RMP PRGRQE RGE + RMGE PRGRQP RGP + RMGP CW‘ = CW + FRP(DCW) MGW' = MGW + FRP(DMGW) f. Total Requirements Total requirements for energy and protein are summed including the nonessential component of growth (RQEX, RQPX). REQE = MTE + RGE + FIBRQE + LACRQE + PRGRQE REQP = MTP + RGP + FIBRQP + LACRQP + PRGRQP 29 RQEX = REQE + RGEX RQPX = REQP + RGPX. g. Feed Intake The estimation of feed intake for sheep is at best difficult, especially s when they are free grazing on heterogenous pastures. Ellis (1978) stated that "the inability to consistently predict voluntary intake of forage by ruminants reflects an incoplete quantitative understanding of the dynamic process". Prediction of intake deals with a vast array of variables that include forage selectivity, physiological status of the sheep, forage quality and its seasonal changes, and the availability of forage. These variables are in turn affected by stocking rate. The TAMU model uses three factors to determine feed intake of a simulated sheep. The physical capacity of the rumen is the first of these. The volue of the reticulorumen and the rates of chemical and physical processes which determine the turnover of the content of this volue (Ellis, 1978) are reflected in the physical limit equation. For sheep in extensive production systems, volue and turnover rate are the influential factors determining feed intake, except for when forage availability is limiting. The second limiting factor is physiological limit which is expressed as a representation of metabolic control taking into account diet quality and animal condition. Both physical an physiological limits are calculated within th model. The availability of forage for grazing is the third factor determinin intake. It is specified to the model on a 15-day (one period) basis. Physiological limit (PSOL). As digestibility of the diet increases, voluntary intake is controlled less by physical factors and more by the energy requirements of the animal (Freer, 1981). Ellis (1978) stated that there is a transition point between gut fill control and metabolic control which varies with the animal's physiological status. Physiological limit is the metabolic control of feed intake. It is calculated as a function of the sheep's body condition, nutritional requirements and the quality of the diet. Physiological limits are expressed as: PSOL = (REQE - RGE + MXEG/KG)/3.69 where 30 REQE The total requirements for energy, and is calculated as the summation of the requirements for maintenance, lactation, gestation, fiber and growth. RGE = The summation of essential fat and lean gains where each component is multiplied by its respective efficiency factor to determine the energy content of the gain. These values are 9.4 Mcal/kg for fat and 5.7 Mcal/kg for protein which is also multiplied by 20%, the percent protein in lean. KG An efficiency factor representing the net availability of ME for gain and is assumed to be equal for both fat and lean and to be dependent upon physiological status (lactating vs nonlactating) of the animal and upon the source and digestibility of nutrients. MXEG = The maximum possible daily energy gain. The MXEG equation describes the maximum daily rate of energy gain in mcal/kg/day when an animal's weight (EBW) equals its WM. This rate is adjusted downward for mature animals and as condition increases: MXEG = -03EBW(WM/WMA)'1O(1.6+.75714(EBW/WM)-1.35714(EBW/WM)2) The quadratic portion of the MXEG equation sets the adjustment for condition. Where EBW/WM = 1, this portion of the equation equals 1; when condition (EBW/WM) > 1, this portion < 1; when EBW/WM < 1, this portion > 1. For nursing lambs, the amount of energy obtained from milk is deducted from PSOL to estimate feed intake for the physiological limit (R1). Milk is assumed to have a gross energy concentration of 1.15 Mcal/kg with 98% digestibility (Graham et al., 1976). R1 is set at a minimum of 1% of WM for nursing young. TM = a1MILK/3.69; a1=1.12; 3.69 is a conversion factor, Mcal ME to kg P _ PSOL - "m *1 fir" R1 = MAX(Rl, 0.0mm) Physical limit. The physical limit on feed intake (R2) corresponds to gut capacity and rate of passage. It is calculated as: 31 The equation allows intake to increase as the digestibility of the forage increases up to a maximum digestibility of .85, a limit suggested by Egan (1977). Intake will also increase as structural size increases. The form of this equation is similar to that used by Graham et al. (1976). The variable TAU allows younger animals to consume feed as a larger portion of their metabolic size and is calculated as: TAU .09799(wMA/WM)-3964 TAU MAX(TAU, .12) This adjustment has the greatest effect on intake for sheep between weaning and 2 years of age, which is consistent with Hadjipieris et al. (1965) report i that wethers from 4 to 5 mo age had greater intakes than 5 yr old wethers. The estimate for R2 is not explicitly reduced for low protein diets, however the high correlation between digestibility and protein will indirectly result in adjustment for protein level for herbage. R2 is increased in lactating ewes by FLACT, a function of milk production (MILKPR) and lactation period (LACPP) and PNCR, a derived correction factor for each period (lactation curve). R2 = FLACT (R2) MILKPR FLACT = PNCR _______ MILKP MILKP = the potential peak milk production where, LACTATION PERIOD: 1 2 3 1+ 5 6 7 s 9 10 PNCR: 1.3 1.65 1.6 1.55 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 Feed intake of a ewe is reduced by the developing fetus in the latter stages of pregnancy. Forbes (1969) found a negative relationship between the é volume of rumen contents and the volume of abdominal contents. His results showed that after 120 days of pregnancy, intake is progressively reduced as pregnancy advances. After the seventh 15-day gestation period (PGEST), R2 is restricted for all ewes except mature ewes carrying singles (NFET = 1). RSTRC = a5 ((1—WM/WMA)/.4)+(NFET—1))(PGEST—1) .0333 (l—RSTRC)R2. a5 R2 32 WWW,J¢V¢I~E-9<_-:_1_' A! Availability. The maximum amount of feed available to a mature ewe (AV, kg/head/day) is set externally for each period (see section on Simulation Parameters). It is adjusted downward in immature sheep. R3 = AV(WM/WMA)a6, a6 = .15 Energy And Protein Intake. Total energy intake (DME, Mcal ME) equals energy from dry matter intake (DM) plus energy from milk intake. DM = MIN (R1, R2, R3); R1 = physiological limit, R2=physical limit, R3=availability adjusted for immaturity DME = DIG(DM) + TM The amount of crude protein available for absorption in the small intestine (DP, kg digestible protein) is estimated from ME and crude protein intake (Hogan and Weston, 1981) of feed and added to that obtained from milk (CPM). Milk is assumed to be 5.6% protein with 100% digestibility. CPM = .056MILKPR DP = .OO494(28.3(CP)DM + 29DME -5.2) + CPM It has been well documented that sheep are selective grazers utilizing grass, forbs and browse. Grazing behavior has not been included in the model as an interactive component, but instead is accounted for in the specification of the crude protein and digestibility which are model inputs. h. Tissue Mobilization Qasis. Body tissue, if available, is mobilized if either DME or DP are inadequate to meet an animal's nutrient requirements for maintenance, fiber, gestation, lactation and essential growth. Tissue is not mobilized to meet requirements for the normal and compensatory (i.e., nonessential) coponents of growth. The efficiency of using the energy stored in lean (KLNM) and fat (KFM) is assued to be 100% when used for maintenance. Hence, for accounting purposes, the gross energy content of the tissue is divided by the net availability of ME for maintenance (KM). KFM 9.4 ' EH- KLNM _ 5.7 PPL " KM 33 Consequently, the efficiency of utilizing mobilized energy for requirements other than maintenance is equal to the ratio of the efficiency of energy use for production (KG, growth; KL, lactation; KW, fiber; KPG, gestation) to KM. Mobilized lean is assued to have the same percentage protein as lean deposited during growth. The efficiency of utilizing protein from lean is assued to be 100% for all uses; hence, for accounting purposes, mobilized protein is divided by BVP (biological value of protein) to convert it to the uits of dietary requirements. The order of calculating the amount of tissue mobilized is (1) lean for protein, (2) lean and fat for energy, (3) fat for energy and (4) lean for energy. The aount mobilized in each step is subtracted from the maximum amount available. Tissue Availability. Catabolism of tissue is dependent upon the availability of fat (AVFAT) and the availability of lean (AVLN). Both of these variables calculate the aount of non—essential tissue which can be mobilized per day. AVFAT = (AFAT—e1(WM))/15.0 where AFAT = total fat e1 = .03 AVLN = (WL-(P1)XLN)/15.0 where WL = weight of lean P1 = the amount of essential lean a sheep must have, 1.0-(.35 WM/WMA) XLN = the expected lean of a sheep, WM—XFAT. The following series of equations depict how lean and fat tissue are catabolized. Once available lean and fat are calculated and sumed, the fraction of available fat (FPC) is found. FPC = AVFAT/(AVFAT + AVLN) The total tissue that can be mobilized daily (WMBMAX) to meet a part of maintenance energy requirements is calculated as WMBMAX=FPC(MTE/KFM)+(1—FPC)(MTE/KLNM) With WMBMAX known the maximum fat (FMBMAX) and lean (LMBMAX) that can be mobilized daily in a fasting animal is: T FMBMAX = (FPC)WMBMAX LMBMAX = (1-FPC)WMBMAX 34 In a nonfasting animal, these maximu amounts are reduced in direct proportion to the ratio of nutrient intake to the requirements for maintenance, fiber, gestation, lactation and essential growth by the equations: ERATO LRATO (1.0-RE/(REQE))2"M°BXTR (1_RP/(REQP))2-MOBXTR For nonlactating sheep, MOBXTR = 1 and will be explained in the next paragraph. The ratio of energy intake to requirements is, of course, used for adjusting fat mobilization; whereas, the lesser of the energy or protein ratios is used for adjusting lean mobilization. FMBMAX ERATO (FMBMAX) LMBMAX MAX (ERATO(LMBMAX),LRATO(LMBMAX)) The immobilizable portion of essential lean and fat (3%) components of WM sets an additional upper limit on fat (AVFAT) and lean (AVLN) available for mobilization. AVFAT = MIN ((AFAT—e1(WM))/15, FMBMAX) AVLN = MIN ((WL—P1(XLN))/15,LMBMAX) Due to the increase of nutritional requirements during lactation, ewes in poorer condition (EBW/WM) are not able to catabolize tissue at the same rate or amount as those in better condition. This concept was incorporated by the following equation: MOBXTR = e2(actual condition T expected condition)_1 e2(1—expected cond1t1on)_1 The effects of this equation are shown in figure 9. To completely understand the influence of MOBXTR one must examine how lactating ewes of different conditions (EBW/WM) will mobilize tissue when the ratio of intake to requirements is varied (figure 10). Figure 9 demonstrates how mobilization would be reduced for ewes with various conditions, figure 10 represents the values calculated from either the LRATO or ERATO equations. Lean For Protein. If REQP exceeds DP, lean is mobilized for protein and dietary energy is increased by the energetic value of the mobilized lean (MBLN). MBLN = MIN (REQP—RP)/GL, AVLN) AVLN’ = AVLN — MBLN 35 .UOH03OH ma cowuwwcou awon m.mHmEmm wcwumuoma m4mm Amexmozv GOHuQNHHwflOE oammfiu aw cowuuswou one .m muswwm ==\=@m to O__¢¢ m.o m.o ~.o m.o. m.o 1.0 m.o . ~.@ _.¢ 0.0 ..»>-.->.>>»>h->>>>>.>>FL>&>>>>>._....>>->. :1" f\.l 6 ¢» 9193 u0I1BZII;qoW u; uoyqonpag 36 .mumu cowumnwawnoe wucmsfiucw HHHB maxmoz 30: mumuuwcoemw wmcwfi ucwnwwmww was .QHwE®M wcwumuumfi m mo wunmemuwsvwu umms op wmuwfiwnos mswmwu mo ucmuumm ms“ wcwcweuwumw owumn ucmEmuH:vmu\mxmucH was .oH muswwm ~=@w¢\w!¢~z_ >.c m.o m.o :.o m.o ~.Q _.o o.o .>_ .05 X5 H 7 H 3 m ._ w:.o _ H m H Q H 2 , wwd .\. maxmoz w. n M589: I $25 m H u mbmaz .. 5.6m A... “l: DP’ DP + GL(MBLN) DME KLNM(MBLN) Lean And Fat For Energy. If both are available, lean and fat may be mobilized simultaneously in the same proportion as they would be deposited in a normally growing animal of the same degree of maturity. Fat percentage (FPC) at any degree of maturity is calculated from the assuption of a linear increase in fat percentage from 3% at birth to 25% at maturity for animals in good condition. The weight of tissue available for simultaneous lean and fat mobilization (AVW) is the lesser of the amounts calculated from available lean (AVWL) or fat (AVWF). FPC = .03 + .22((ZWM-C1(WMA))/(l—C1)WMA) AVWL §XE§_ ‘ 1—FPC AWF AVFAT _ FPC AVW = MIN (AVWL, AVWF) The energy concentration (ECW) of the mobilized tissue and the energy deficit of the animal set an additional limit on the weight actually mobilized (MBW). ECW = KFM(FPC)+KLNM(1-FPC) MBW = MIN (§§9E:5E, AVW) ECW MBFAT = FPC(MBW) AVFAT' = AVFAT - MBFAT MBLNF = (l—FPC)MBW AVLN = AVLN - MBLNF MBLN = MBLN + MBLNF RE‘ = RE + KFM(MBFAT)+ KLNM(MBLNF) Fat For Energy. If AVLN limits lean and fat mobilization below that amount needed by the animal, extra AVFAT can be independently mobilized. REQE-RE MBFX = MIN Q----, AVFAT) KFM MBFAT' = MBFAT + MBFX RE = RE + KFM(MBFX) 38 Protein For Energy. If AVFAT limits lean and fat mobilization below that amount needed by the animal, extra AVLN can be independently mobilized. REQE — RE MB = MI AVLN LX N ( ICLNM ’ ) MBLN = MBLN + MBLX RE’ = RE + KLNM + MBLX i. Partition of Nutrients If intake plus tissue mobilization of energy and protein (DME, DP) fail to meet an animal's requirements (REQE, REQP), the available nutrients are partitioned among the various uses. Sanders and Cartwright (1979a) partitioned energy between lactation and WM growth. They depicted this partition as two tanks of different shapes and elevations that are simultaneously filled with liquid. Their concept has been extended for the sheep model to also include fiber, gestation and nonessential growth and to partition protein as well as energy. The relative shapes and positions of the geometric figures (containers) representing each physiological function in figure 11 depict the relative priorities assumed in the model. The shape of the front face of a container is constant but the depth, front to back, is such that the volume equals the requirement for the particular function and period. Containers may have zero depth for certain ages or classes. The relative shapes and positions of the different figures are based primarily upon general experience and intuition. The model can easily accommodate changes in these relative priorities to correspond to differences aong breeds. For instance, the container for lactation could be widened at the bottom to reflect characteristics of breeds resulting from long term selection for milk production. Essential to the joint accouting of protein and energy effects is the assumption that the relative priorities are the same for both. Hence, the model assumes two sets of identical, adjustable—depth containers with the volume of one set equal to energy requirements for that period and the volume of the other set equal to protein requirements. The total availability (intake plus mobilized) of energy and of protein are "poured" into the respective container sets. The set filled to the lowest level identifies the limiting nutrient. The fraction of the volume filled for each container in 39 aEmEmznow. EQBEu mcoEm wEmEsc E coEtma .3 3&2 n. - . .. u». .. ... MM . ||l| Ill: Ill. -I.;..@ ll-Ili!!! w k Ill, - ~ Ill. 0 I I I I | I |\ _ ~6¢o¢w._=._o2 Iul cozoxzj ant cozoEmo £_>>O;@ zvzcmwmw A £390 L / zvzcmmmwéoz \\ / \\\ / \\ ,.//. >\ , , ll \ r | \ \ 4O this set determines the fraction of potential productivity attained for that function. If protein is the limiting nutrient, the energy above the level limited by protein is deposited as fat. The proportion of this extra energy that came from mobilized fat is redeposited with the same efficiency with which it had been mobilized (i.e., as if it had never been mobilized). j. Update Phenotype Protein and energy requirements are recalculated based upon actual levels of production and amount of essential growth and subtracted from the amounts available from intake and/or tissue mobilization. The remaining amounts are used for nonessential growth and fat deposition. The ratio of nonessential lean gain to nonessential fat gain can not be greater than the expected ratio of the "normal" components of gain (LGN:FGN) based upon the degree of maturity of the animal. Energy in excess of the amount required for this proportional lean and fat gain, is stored as fat. Net gain or loss equals essential plus nonessential gain minus mobilized tissue. Weight, EBW, WM and WL are updated at the en of each 15-day period. 41 k. Reproduction Research in the area of reproductive physiology has made it apparent that the reproductive process of the ewe is influenced by many factors. Numerous papers have been written on the effects of breed, nutrition, management and environmental stress on reproduction in sheep. From these results we can conclude that the reproductive process is a sequence of component events, each of which must occur at a particular level of intensity for a successful completion of the reproductive cycle. If one of these components falls below a critical level, then the level of reproduction will be reduced or, in severe cases, the reproductive processes will be terminated. The general approach in modeling reproduction has been to account for many of the components which exert an influence on reproduction. Once these components were identified, mathematical functions were developed which described their effects. The functions developed depict the dynamic properties of the component by establishing the range of values and the rate of change between values within the range. These equations are each designed to demonstrate the behavior of a component independent of all other components assuing that the covariance between these components is zero, or that it is possible to disassociate the effects of one component from the other. The fertility subroutine deals with two aspects of the reproductive process. First, it calculates the probability that a ewe may exhibit estrus, and if she has, the probability of conceiving. Secondly, provided the ewe has conceived, the ovulation rate is determined. Estrus. The basic equations used to describe reproduction are expressed as the ewe's functional capability of exhibiting estrus for a current period. A series of equations determine if a given ewe exhibits estrus and is able to conceive. The equation PEST = .85(CFW)(CFDW)(CFT)(CFM)(CFL)(CFS) represents the probability of estrus (PEST) in ewes that did not exhibit estrus during the preceding 15-day period. The constant .85 sets the upper limit on the probability of a ewe initiating estrus which can occu when every factor equals 1.0, the maximum value. These remaining factors are correction factors each of which range from 0.0 to 1.0 but is usually less 42 than 1.0, especially for stressing conditions (see below). The probability of estrus in animals that exhibited estrus during the preceding 15-day period is calculated as: CCYC = (cFw-1)(cFDw-1)(cFs) Conception. The probability of conception given estrus and breeding: PCON = .75(cFT-5)(cFw-Z)(cFnw-2)(MB)(cFs-2) where: MB = The specified management breeding season, with values of 0.0 or 1.0. Cobining the probabilities of CCYC and PEST for an open ewe, the fonn becomes: ACC = CYCC(ACC + PEST)(l — ACC) where ACC = ACC from the previous period The rate at which animals mature influences the initiation and cessation of their body functions. A sheep's maturing rate can influence the time at which it attains puberty. In American and British breeds, ewe lambs reach puberty when they reach 60 to 65% of their WMA or mature weight (Southam et al., 1971; Cedillo et al., 1977). However, Hawker and Kennedy (1978) indicated that Merinos reached puberty at 55% of their mature weight. The purpose of incorporating the CFM is to prevent young ewes which are physiologically immature from cycling. Sanders (1974) showed how the age and weight related to a heifer attaining puberty. In sheep, within a breed, age and weight are factors influencing the age at puberty, but in addition, seasonality may be influential in determining when this event is initiated (Hulet and Price, 1974). Dufour (1975) indicated that ewe lambs reached puberty more as a function of season than of a specific age. Furthermore, shortening day length may trigger estrus at a relatively constant calendar time, but, at varying ages and weights. This would cause lambs born late in the season to cycle at younger ages and lighter weights, than older and heavier contemporaries (Cedillo et al., 1977). Land (1978) proposed two genetic effects that control sexual maturation; one controls the response to a given photoperiodic change, given that an individual is sufficiently mature to respond, and a second that determines whether she is able to respond. 43 Age is an important component in attaining puberty. An animal's age provides an individual an opportunity to express its inherent potential for growth and maturation within its particular environment (Fitzhugh, 1976). Estimates of age at puberty were collected from a variety of sources. It was apparent from these data that breed and environmental effects influence the time when ewe lambs attain puberty. Estimates of age at puberty ranged from 157 to 400 days (Wiggins et al., 1970; Southam et al., 1971; Dickerson et al., 1975; Evans et al., 1975; Cedillo et al., 1977). Estimates which are close to the upper boundary of this range may be due to ewe lambs being born immediately prior to or during the breeding season. Ewe lambs which are born in the spring and early summer have been shown to display estrus between 160 and 250 days of age. The third component of ewe lambs attaining puberty is weight. Estimates of weight at puberty are just as variable as estimates of age at puberty. They are subject to breed and environmental conditions. Reports by Foote et al. (1970) and Southam et al. (1971) exemplify these differences, in their reports, Rambouillet ewe lambs reached puberty at 41.8 kg and 55 kg, respectively. The literature reviewed indicates that ewe lambs reach puberty from 40 to 60% of their mature weight. These estimates are within the ranges given by Sanders (1974). Using degree of a maturity as a basis, the following equation was derived: ((WM/.6WMA) — .67) (1-.67) WM/WMA is the degree or fraction of maturity of the ewe lamb. CFM = The graph of this equation is shown in figure 12. Correction Factor For Weight (CFW). The CFW is an adjustment for body condition of the ewe. As she loses body tissue (both fat an lean) the ratio of EBW to WM decreases resulting in a lower level of fertility. The CFW is a reflection of past nutritional levels. The equation for this correction is: e-6((EBW/WM)—(MIN WT/WM))_1_O CFW = e-6(1—(MIN WT/WM))-1_O where 44 1.005 cmsé 1 0050-5 2'nc1 0.25 0.004 ~ . . - . ' . . ' . ' . . . . . ' . . - v . ' - - - . - ' . . V - 1' 11-‘- I I I I '1 vvrwvvvv I vvYYY'vvvvv ‘ v v v - ' vv . 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.U 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 I. DEGREE 0F MHTURITY HM/HHH Figure 12. The change in CFM as an animal becomes more mature. 5:71P") 0-004 . . . Iv-fv-vvvvvvlvvvvvvvvvlvvvvvvvvvv]vvvvvvvwv] v I I 0 t ‘ 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.U 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 -- 1- EBH/NH Figure l3. The change in CFW as the body condition of a female changes. 45 MIN WT= is the minimu weight of lean and fat a sheep needs to stay alive. EBW/WM is a fraction that measures body condition and MIN WT/WM is a fraction describing the lowest condition a sheep may have before death. At this point all lean and fat reserves are exhausted. The graph of CFW is shown in figure 13. Correction Factors For Weight Change (CFDW). Weight change is a reflection of the nutritional regimen during the period being simulated. It is possible to evaluate weight gain for the current period because the fertility subroutine is called after the feed consumption and nutrient division between various sinks for an animal has been completed. CFDW = 1 - (lOO(DWM - DEBW)/WM) where DWM DEBW Correction Factor For Time Since Parturition (CFT). This correction the change in WM for the current 15 day period the change in EBW for the current 15 day period. accounts for the length of time taken for the involution of the uterus in preparation for the next pregnancy. Smith (1964) was able to rebreed Peppin Merino ewes (4-6 yrs old) at an average postpartu interval of 46.1 days (range 30-67). This estimate was obtained while the ewes were still lactating. Whiteman et al. (1972) experimented with twice—a—year lambing using Dorset, Rambouillet and D x R ewes. In the fall, 85% of the ewes came into estrus with an average postpartum interval of 32 days. When Gallagher and Shelton (1974) rebred Rambouillet ewes after lambing in October, the average postpartum interval was 39 days; however, the interval was 53.5 days for ewes lambing in December and January. In South Africa, Joubert (1962) found the average postpartum interval for Merino, Dorset Horn x Merino, Persian, Dorset Horn x Persian to be 103.3, 42.0, 90.1 and 51.0 days, respectively. The percentages of ewes coming into estrus during the breeding season were 64, 100, 82 and 100, respectively. In a later study with Dorper sheep, it was found that after autumn lambing, the postpartum interval was 61.8 days (Joubert, 1972). Attempts have been made to rebreed Karakul ewes (with lambs removed) during the peak of their breeding season. The reported average postpartum interval was 27.5 days (Nel, 1965). However, the conception rates remained 46 low. The percentage of ewes conceiving at 30 and 40 days and between the ranges of 40-59 and 60-109 days were 7.7, 27.8, 42.9 and 72.2, respectively. Seasonal effects can influence the length of the postpartum interval. Differences between spring and summer were shown by Joubert (1972) and Gallagher and Shelton (1974). These workers showed spring postpartum intervals to be 117-129 days and 62.8 days, respectively, with a shorter summer postpartum interval of 81-97 and 58.8 days, respectively. It is speculated that the shortening of the postpartm interval is most likely due to the decreased daylight in the smmer. A third effect on the postpartum period is lactational status of the ewe. Torell et al. (1956) found no significant differences for postpartum interval for Rambouillet x Merino ewes with or without lambs. These two groups had postpartum periods of 55.4 and 50.3 days, respectively. It should be noted that these ewes lambed in the spring, therefore it is likely that the effects of season and lactation are confounded. Restall (1971) found in fall lambing ewes that nonlactating ewes had a shorter postpartum period than lactating ewes. The nonlactating ewes exhibited behavioral estrus and ovulation at 17 vs 34 days. Ford (1979), used Finn cross ewes to detect any differences between the lactational effects of ewes. This work indicated that some nonlactating ewes reach estrus by 20 days postpartum and that lactating ewes started to show heat by 30 days postpartum. Furthermore, all ewes exhibited estrus by days 60 and 45 for lactating and nonlactating ewes. Sanders (1974) developed an equation to describe CFT for cattle. This form was adapted to fit the biology of the sheep as follows: b CFT = 1-ea(15(P_1)) where P = the periods since lambing a =—.OO0000125, a constant b =—5.2740378, a constant This equation allows 45% of the ewes to cycle 30 days after parturition and all of the ewes to cycle at 45 days postpartum provided all other correction factors are 1.0 (figure 14). Correction Factors For Lactation (CFL). As previously discussed, there is a lactational influence upon estrus. The correction factor for lactation 47 HTH") PERIOD SINCE LRMBING Figure l4. The correction factor for postpartum interval (CFT). 48 (CFL) has been accounted for in the model as a constant of .95 for all lactatin ewes. For nonlactating ewes this value is 1.0. At the present time a functional relationship for CFL has not been developed for the sheep model. This is, in part, due to a paucity of data. Boyd (1983) has recently developed a function to describe this event in beef cattle and perhaps this equation can be incorporated into the sheep and goat models. Correction Factors For Season (CFS). For many breeds of sheep the cyclic change in photoperiod (seasonality) is the main determinant keying estrus activity. Breeds vary not only in breeding season length but also in the intensity of their cycles. The photoperiodic response within a breed will also be altered with a change in latitude or the light/dark ratio; these responses were discussed in the comprehensive review by Hafez (1952). As stated earlier, Land (1978) proposed that the response of ewes to photoperiodic changes are genetically controlled. This response is believed to be mediated via the pineal gland and its secretion of melatonin (Rollag et al., 1978; Barrell and Lappwood, 1979). CFS is therefore a genetic parameter specified in the model as input as a characteristic of the cyclic pattern of the breed in the environment that is being simulated. The input required for ranges from 0 to 1.0. This method provides the capability to specify the exact cyclic pattern for the sheep or goats simulated. As an example of how photoperiod influences breeding season, the response of two sets of Rambouillet ewes in different latitudes is given in figure 15. The CFS array which could be constructed from these data is presented in table 1. These values would then be used in calculating PEST and CCYC. Ovulation Rate. Prolificacy in sheep has been shown to be genetically mediated (Turner, 1969; Land, 1981; Piper and Bindon, 1982). A major component in the chain of physiological responses resulting in multiple births is ovulation rate. The sheep model utilizes the genetic differences in ovulation rate to simulate breed differences in prolificacy. In the development of a method to assign an ovulation rate (OVR), as a genetic parameter for the breed being simulated, several factors were considered. One important consideration was embryonic mortality. In 1969, Edey reviewed the literature on embryonic mortality. Basal embryonic losses were found to 49 .Am~mH ..Hm um couaosmv mwowumaouosa ucmuwmwww N ou mw3m uwfifiwsonemm mo mmcommmu msuuwm msa .mH muswwm m mo EHZOZ Q Z O m < W W Z < Z m W Q z 0 m < W W E < Z m W . _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ q . ~ . % l. w l m 2 1 3 Z 1 cum S 1 S 3 1 E 3 1 3 \ I 1 8 ma 11 ma .\\ /I\\ Il1\ ./ .1OQH unwwa z ‘Ne osmwH Z Hm wmxme msuuwm musom Q cw N uswflq mo muse: msuumm u.“ N l-lnl @.H o.H o.H ¢.H mm. H. H. Q.¢ N. mm. o.H ¢.H o¢m@H ¢.H ¢.H ¢.H ¢.H o.~ mm. mm. M. Q. m. @. o.~ mmxwk Q Z Q m < ~ w z < z m w cofiumuumu =HzQz éofimm mam x055. ZOHHUmMmOQ m5. mom mm5<> mo > SNG),IOVR = 2 IF (RI > (l—TRP)),IOVR = 3 From this point the subroutine CONCV is called to initiate body parameters for the number of fetuses conceived. 53 l. Fiber Production Potential. The model simulates wool production for breeds which grow wool. The genetic potential for wool growth (GWOOL) is similar to other genetic parameters used in the model in that it specifies maximum (or potential) wool growth per day for the simulated breed when all other factors influencing wool growth are at an optimal level. Photoperiod Effect. Fleece growth is adjusted or modified by photoperiod (SCR) and age and degree of maturity (UCR). Nagorcka (1979) derived an equation describing the photoperiodic effect. For this equation, amplitude (AMP) of seasonal differences (distance from the equator), frequency (FREQ) of day light pattern (once/year) and time of peak growth (PHAS, mid—June in Northern Hemisphere, day 165; and mid—December in Southern Hemisphere, day 345) must be specified: SCR=AMP(cos(120(FREQ (DAY-PHAS)))) where AMP=.35GWOOL; for 35 degree latitude FREQ=21r/360 1r= 3.1416 DAY=day of the year PHAS=165 FREQ Using the photoperiod reported by Shelton et al. (1973) the following example of wool growth for Rambouillet sheep in Texas and Idaho may be generated. The parameters used are: GWOOL = .0076 kg given that a ewe shears 5.45 kg of grease fleece which has a yield of 50% thus producing 2.725 kg of clean wool which is divided by 360 to put wool growth on a per day basis. AMP = .31(.0076) for Texas and .42(.O076) for Idaho; 31°N and 42°N are the latitudes, respectively. FREQ = 2w/360 — .0174533 PHAS = 165 FREQ = 2.8797933 Figure 16 illustrates how photoperiod may affect wool growth. The effect on the same breed is illustrated for 3 latitudes: 15°N, 31°N and 42°N. Age And Degree Of Maturity. The influence of age and degree of maturity are calculated by the following equation; UCR = (l+e-.165(AGEP)-1))(WM/wMA).67 "ml; vTYvvvYvrIVIVTYIIIVIIIIVIYFI-IIVIIIVIII!lIIYVIIIIYITIIIVIIIIIIIIYVIYTIIIIIIIIITYIIIIIIVIIYIYfVVIIIvvIIvYI-TvvrvIvvvvvvvvvr 0 2 U 6 8 10 12 1U 16 18 20 22 2% PERI00 0F THE YERR Figure 16. The influence of photoperiod on wool growth. = 12 periods of age = 24 periods of age 48 periods of age WCUG Z \.| l‘ ll IvuvuvvvvrIvuvuvvuvr‘vvvv|vvvv|vvvvv vvIvvvrvrvvv-I-rvvvvvvyvl 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.H 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 UEGHEE 0F MRTUHITY IYIYvvIvvYvIvvvYTvYvIrYYYvIv-vvvr-rrrf Figure l7.“Age and maturity effects on wool growth. 55 Figure 17 shows how wool growth is adjusted for various ages and degrees of maturity. It also demonstrates that this equation has a larger influence on younger sheep. Using the results from the UCR and SCR equations, fleece growth (FGRTH) may be calculated by the following equation: FGRTH = UCR(SCR + GWOOL) Wool Growth. After FGRTH has been calculated, the nutritional requirements to meet fleece growth are calculated. In this process it is assumed that clean wool is 100% protein and deposited with an efficiency equal to BVP (Graham et al., 1976). The gross energy content of grease wool is assumed to equal 6.0 Mcal/kg and to be deposited with an efficiency of 20% (Graham and Searle, 1982). From these assumptions we can calculate the efficiencies used in calculating nutrient requirements. For protein (KPW) and energy (KW), these are: KW 6.0/.20 KPW 1.0/BVP The nutritional requirements for energy (FIBRQE) and protein (FIBRQP) are calculated as: FIBQRE = KW(FGRTH/YIELD) FIBQRP = KPW(FGRTH) where YIELD = The percentage of grease fleece weight which is clean wool. m. Mortality DIE Subroutine. The DIE subroutine provides the basis for determining deaths in a flock based on physiological and nutritional status. This subroutine does interact with other functions but it has more empirically, or statistically, based characteristics and it also has stochastic elements. Mortality rates based on experience of the area and prevailing practices are necessary inputs at the present time, the only specific "health effect" in the program is that due to internal parasites (haemonchus); its effects on mortality is mediated via effects on physiological status and therefore the DIE subroutine. A predisposition to death associated with each animal is calculated; this variable, FD (fraction dead), ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. To calculate if death occurs the variable FD is compared to a random number drawn from a ' 56 uniform distribution between 0.0 and 1.0. If FD is greater than the random number, the animal dies. Empirical Death Factors. At the beginning of the DIE subroutine all animals start with FD = .001; this value is then modified by a series of "death factors" which increase FD, therefore raising the chance of death occurring. These factors are: body condition (CFW), period of the year (CT), age of the sheep over 1 year (CA), sheep under 1 year of age (CL) and lactation (C11). Factors CT, CA and CL are vectors which are based on experience for that area and practices employed. The vectors depict changes in the probability of death other than direct nutritional reasons (e.g., heat stress, lack of water, and disease outbreak). Therefore the vectors change from area to area and from one production system to another. Determination of the die vectors is empirical and requires adjustment for simulations run for each area and set of production practices. Interacting Correction Factors. Body condition (CFW) is calculated within the DIE subroutine by the same equation used to calculate body condition in reproduction (EBW/WM). Body condition alters FD (FD1 = FD) by the equation: FD2 = FD1 (A—(A-1) CFW) where A = 4 This equation is a linear function except that CFW is curvilinear. The value of A, set at 4, produces the desired slope seen in figure 18. Note that death occurs when CFW reaches .54 due to enaciation per se; the probability of death increases as CFW decreases toward .54 so that few animals would ever reach CFW = .54. The lactation status of a ewe increases her FD in the first period of lactation only using the equation FD3 = FD2(C1l) where C11 = 1.25 Newborn lambs are exposed to higher levels of mortality if milk consumption does not meet their nutritional requirements. A result of this situation would be a stunting of lamb growth which may also reduce their 57 UYCF-T) UII-IIDFFIC Z~— TYIUIDTTIIF7ZP-I ..... ..P.".".q.".".","..".q."".".V."."",".".H.V.n."","".".q.".".wr 0 1 0.2 0.3 0 Q 0.5 0 6 0.7 0 8 0 9 1 0 CFH Figurel8. The increase in FD as body condition worsens. IVIIYIITYvvIIVIIYIIIIIVIVIYYYYIYVVV['7' YYYYI 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 vIIVfYI-YVIVIIIIVITVYIIII 0.1 0.2 vvrvvvrvvvvvlvvvv 0.3 0.0 NM / ENM The increase in FD as stunting becomes more severe in young lambs. Figurel9. 58 survivability. This concept was modeled by using an equation to increase the likelihood of death, FD, for lambs which have not grown in WM. The equation compares the expected WM (EWM) to the actual WM for lambs between 1 and 4 periods of age. The PLUS equation is defined as follows: PLUS = 1_((e-8(WM/EWM—.3)_1)/(e—8(.7)_ l) where EWM = BW + 15EDW(AGEP) and EDW=expected growth in WM and is calculated as (WMP-BW)/TI The PLUS curve is shown in figure 19. PLUS is added to FD where all other factors are multiplied (FD+PLUS). The subroutine LMDIE calculates the probability of a lamb being stillborn or dying within the first 24 hr after parturition (PROBD). The probability is calculated as: PROBD = CB(CBA) where CB = A vector containing probabilities of death in newborn lambs due to the time of year. CBA = A vector containing probabilities of death in newborn lambs due to the age of its dam. PROBD is then compared to a random number, uniformly distributed ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, if PROBD is greater than the drawn number the lamb dies. Abortion. Situations arise where pregnant ewes are severely undernourished. In such an instance fetal growth is reduced or halted. When this happens the chance of abortion is increased. The model monitors this situation by accountin for and storing the potential and actual conceptus weight. When the ratio of actual conceptus weight to potential conceptus weight is less than .5 the ABORT subroutine is called and the ewe aborts her lamb. Abortion may be triggered at a higher ratio and, if this is the case, the .5 base can be appropriately increased. Early embryonic mortality is part of the PCON subroutine. Additional abortion may be specified at an mpirical rate. n. Health Limitations. The interactive health component of the model is currently limited to the effects of internal parasites, more specifically the helminth. 59 The important impact that helminths have on sheep and goats is of major hportance on a worldwide basis (Preston and Allonby, 1979). The functions in the parasite subroutine are developed around concepts for which there is less basis in the literature and less experience—based knowledge than for any other equations used in the model. The equations developed depict animal response to parasitic load and, although a considerable amount of biology is known by parasitologists, experimental quantification of the effects parasites have on the biology of sheep and goats is limited. Therefore, the cooperation of consulting parasitologists was paramount in developing the approach and methodology. However, the subroutine developed does provide the opportunity of quantitatively assessing the effect of health regimens and, perhaps more importantly, it provides parasitologists an opportunity (incentive) and basis to further investigate the interaction between parasite and host; i.e., it "... throws information gaps into sharp relief, thus guiding future data collection exercises towards the most critical areas" (Hallam et al., 1983). Population. An overview of the health component is presented in figure 20. The program first establishes the worm population of an animal, which is a summation of previously acquired worm count and the larvae intake for the current period. The existing population may be reduced by the administration of anthelmintics which have varying levels of efficacy, where this level is an input parameter. Larvae intake is also an input parameter (based on data or experience) which varies as the situation (e.g., season) dictates. The effective worm population count is also conditioned by the animal's immune status that determines its resistance to the parasite. The modeled immune response is a function of age, body condition, pregnancy status, lactational status and genotype. The effective wonm population is the number of worms surviving and having an influence upon the animal. Several avenues are utilized in the model to express the effect of the parasites on the individual. The physiological limit of feed intake is reduced as the worm burden becomes heavier. Also, there is a reduction in energy absorbed due to damage to the gut. This effect is small with haemonchus; however it is programmed in a fonn such that it may be increased 60 i X Updated I Worm t \ Population l i \ I i, Etiective ' ___________ ___ Worm { Ir ———————— -- Population i I it i i ii I Feed v Feed i i Resource ‘ Intake i i ll A J Nutrients Available tor Absorption tor Animal Use Figure 20. A flow chart of the effects of parasites on productivity. 61 hen other types of internal parasites are simulated. The maintenance requirements of the host are increased to reflect the loss of blood absorbed by haemonchus. Effects. Each sheep has a potential parasite population (PWPOP) which is a function of body size. The maximum nuber of worms that can implant themselves in the gut wall is set at 11,000. The equation describing PWPOP is: PWPOP = 11000(1-e"-°45WM) (1_e"-°45WM)) The intake of worms in a period (WINTK) an the existing worm population (WPOP) in the sheep may not exceed PWPOP. Each breed of sheep has a genetically based resistance (PRST) to internal parasites. Preston and Allonby (1979) demonstrated this effect and cite other research reports that show similar results. For simulation, a breed is assigned a level of resistance indicative of its ability to maintain resistance to population build up of the parasite population relative to level of infestation. The "genetic resistance" of each breed, PRST, ranges from O to 1.0, a 0 PRST means no resistance and 1.0 means complete resistance to infestation. As stated previously, the animal's immune response is a combination of factors. One of these is the influence of age (CIMAGE) on immunity. Information from T. M. Craig (personal communication) was used to develop the CIMAGE equation: CmAGE = e(AGEP-9)/(e1.OO5_1) The CIMAGE equation allows animals to increase resistance to parasites as age increases (figure 21). Body condition has been established as an important factor in determining resistance. Body condition is a reflection of several factors. When condition is high, EBW/WM close to or greater than 1.0, it is an indication that the forage resource is not limiting, therefore the sheep do not graze the forage close to the ground and increase the chance or rate of larval consumption. Furthermore, it is general knowledge that animals in good body condition have a higher resistance to diseases and parasites, and their debilitating effects, than animals in poor condition. 62 LTJCJPZZHO HGE IN PERIODS Figure 21. CIMAGE, the increase in resistance due to the animal's age. TICJF1Z{'—'\’W A1111 vvIvwvvv ‘vvvwwvwvvIvvwvvvvvvlvvvvvvvvvIv v ' IvvvvvvvvvlvvvvfvtvvIvivvvvvvvIrvYvvv 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.14 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 EBW/WM Figure 22. CIMCON, the correction factor for condition in worm burdened animals. 63 The equation describing the influence of body condition (CIMCON) on resistance to parasites is: CIMCQN = (e20(1-EBW/WM)_1)/(eZ0( .4)_1) Figure 22 shows the shape of the curve described by CIMCON. Lactation status has an important impact upon a ewe challenged by haemonchus. During a lactation a ewe loses her immunity and then regains it later in lactation as the "self—cure phenomenon". Figure 23 illustrates the shape of the curve and the equation describing lactation effect is presented below: CIMLAC = 1.0 —.583LACPP + .l167LACPP2 where: LACPP = the period of lactation. The final adjustment made to the immune status of a ewe is for pregnancy (CIMPR). As a ewe reaches the last period of gestation her imunity drops from 1.0 to 0.60. The product of the mediating factors previously described are used as the actual resistance to the parasite load (ARST). ARST = PRST(CIMCON)(CIMAGE)(CIMPR)(CIMLAC) The value of this equation ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The value for ARST is then used to reduce the potential worm population to obtain the effective worm population (EFFWOP), the number of worms which have an effect on the host: EFFWOP = WPOP — ARST(WPOP) Once the worm burden, or effective parasite population, has been established, the effect on the host is calculated. Reduction in the physiological limit effect (WRR3) is given by: WRR3 = _O1e4.60517(EFFW0P/PWPOP) The range of WRR3 is from 0.0 to 1.0 and the maximum effect on physiological limit is 20% (figure 24a). Another effect of internal parasites is damage to the gut wall which decreases the host's ability to absorb energy (WRRE figure 24b). This effect is represented by the following equation: 64 r>>-H Z|#<1 _ 13.2» JLLLLAA PERIOD OF LRCTHTION Figure 23. The fluctuation in ewe resistance during lactation. 65 i a 0.751 W R 0.50 R 3 0.25 0.09. ‘vrrvvvvvvlvvvvvvvvu‘vvvwvvvvv‘vvvvvuuv-‘vvvvvvwuv'vvvvvvvv-Iuv--vvvwv‘v-vvvvvvvlvvvv-vvw Iv vvv I 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Fraction of Maximum Worm Population,EFFWOP/PWPOP b P1712151 1.001 . . i . . I 4 0.75f . . ‘ i 1 I 0.50% . I 1 i 4 . 0.25% . . I 4 1 1 0.00: '1 vvvv vvv v vvvvv ‘Vivi VvTTfIYvvvIvvvv vvvv ‘vvvvIYfYfTYvvvv uvrvvvvvl 1v I'm-v Ivvvv I v-m-Iv vvvv Y] ‘ , 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.U 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Fraction of Maximum Worm Population, EFFWOP/PWPOP Figure 24. The influence of parasites on feed consumption, (a). The fractional reduction in energy utilization as worm burden increases, (b). 66 1_ef3@0543(EFFWQP/PWPQP) WRRE = WORTYP is a term that denotes the extent of damage to the lining of the gut. Haemonchus does not damage the lining as severely as other species of parasites and the WORTYP value is set at .02. The effect of other species may be set higher (or lower) depending on their characteristics. The maximu value of WRRE is therefore .02; that is, the digested nutrients of a particular sheep could be reduced by 2% due this effect. The final simulated effect of parasites on the sheep is an increase in maintenance requirements to account for the loss of blood absorbed by haemonchus. The additional requirements for energy (WRQE) and protein (WRQP) are calculated as: WRQE MTE(EFFWOP/PWPOP)/(.25 + (EFFWOP/PWPOP)) WRQP .0164WRQE The term (EFFWOP/PWPOP)/(.25 +( EFFWOP/PWPOP)) ranges from 0 to .8; i.e., under maximum haemonchus load of a sheep with zero level of immunity, etc., the energy requirement for maintenance increases 80%. Simulations. A series of simulations was performed with the SAV to determine how the model would respond to the parasite subroutine. A goat was used for the simulations (goat model will be described in the next section). A similar response was obtained when a sheep was used. The model input parameters were set to simulate a dual purpose goat which had a WMA of 45 kg and either 100, 50 and 10% PRST (figure 25). Larvae intake was 2000 per period. Simulations were of single nonreproducing does of each PRST which were drenched at 6-month intervals with an 80% effective anthelmintic. The 100 and 50% PRST does were either completely or partially resistant to the parasite load therefore the anthelmintic had little or no effect on their body weight (figure 26). Does of PRST of 10 and 50% were then simulated to be bred and forced to have single and twin kids to determine the influences of pregnancy and lactation on doe weight (figures 27 and 28). These results show that the "50%" doe was able to regain some weight while the "101" doe continued to lose weight and would have a high probability of dying (condition decreased to 70%; i.e., EBW/WM = .7). Further simulations involving similar does giving birth to singles and being wormed at 3-month intervals with a drug 67 effectiveness of 80% were performed (figure 29). Under this health management, both "IOZ" and "SOZ" does were able to maintain sufficient body weight and remain in reasonable body condition. The changes in the host's worm population are plotted in figure 30. The graph illustrates the genotypic difference in PRST and how the anthelmintic reduces the worm population. These simulations can not be taken as validations since they are not compared with real data; nonetheless, they do appear to represent the form and magnitude of effects expected by experienced small ruminant parasitologists. Currently, experiments with the TAMU/SR CRSP Breeding Project in Kenya have been designed to provide feedback information to refine this component of the model. 68 I-IZ '2se2 00 flare relevant information sources. The breed simulated was the Somali Blackhead. Mason and Maule (1960) describe this breed as a fat-rumped hair sheep, with a mature ewe weight ranging from 33 to 52 kg and milk production ranging from 200 to 300 g per day. Field (1979) studied the characteristics of this breed in northern Kenya. She reported that mature pregnant ewes weighed 35.3 kg in the wet season and 31.7 kg in the dry season. It was estimated that ewes produced 58.8 l of milk in 5 months. Season and sex effects appeared to be present. Rams born in the rains or in the dry season had a preweaning weight gain of 107.1 and 91.9 g/day, respectively. Ewe lambs gained 91.9 and 86.5 g/day in the respective seasons. Carles (personal communication) has recorded weights of Soali Blackhead ewes at Kabete, Kenya and found them to have an average mature weight of 35 kg. The seasonal factors which affect the productivity of East African Blackhead sheep were examined in western Uganda (Trail and Sacker, 1966a). Lambs born to ewes exposed to dry conditions during the last 2 months of pregnancy had mean birth weights of 2.61 vs 2.63 kg for those born in the remainder of the year (P>.O5). At two months of age those lambs which suckled during the dry season weighed 9.64 kg compared to 10.25 kg (P<.05) for lambs not nursing in the dry season. If lambs were born before the dry 81 season but were still nursing during the dry season (age 2 to 5 mo), seasonality was nonsignificant. Sacker and Trail (l966a) provided estimates of the growth rates for the same group of lambs. Single born lambs had a range in weight gain from birth to eight weeks of age of .095 to .136 kg/day. Mortality rates from birth to 5 months of age of single lambs from ewes lambing for the first time was 21.6% with 6.5% occurring from birth to 21 days of age (Trail and Sacker, 1966b). from aged ewes was 15.8%, with 4.6% occurring from birth to 21 days. The mortality rate for single lambs Those ewes producing twins had a 27.5% loss of which 10.2% came before day 21. Lamb mortality was higher in the dry season than in the remainder of the year (31 vs 20%). The Somali Blackhead or varied strains of it have been used outside of Africa. Estimates of mature ewe weights from South America range from 27.6 to 31.3 kg (Butterworth et al., 1968; Fitzhugh and Bradford, 1983). Birth weights were reported to range from 1.9 to 3.0 kg. Butterworth et al. (1968) reported that the milk production of ewes on a high and low nutritional plane was 67.9 and 37.8 kg for a 12-week lactation. The literature reviewed indicated that the genetic parameters for mature size (WMA) and the genetic potential for milk (GMLKL) should be set at 35 kg and 1.30 kg, respectively. The value used for WMA agrees with Carles (personal communication) whose sheep were under very little stress allowing them to express their genetic potential. The 1.30 kg level for GMLKL (which is the peak milk production level) would produce an average milk production within the range of reported values. The ovulation rate for the Somali Blackhead was set at 1.1, which would result in very few multiple births. The seasonality of reproduction in the Somali Blackhead is not influenced by photoperiod. Therefore, seasonality of estrus in the model is set to 1.0 for 24 periods which allows the sheep to breed year around. The forage parameters used in the simulations were provided by the IPAL staff. They hand plucked the plant species that sheep and goats were observed foraging. The crude protein and digestibility levels of those plants are given in table 2. As stated previously, obtaining forage availability estimates were difficult. In situations where the exact availability is unknown, several steps can be used to construct these 82 4 . lslnpngillulatmai-walflihan parameters. Of primary importance is the input from on—site personnel who know, in general terms, what month, or combination of months, forage quantity may be limiting. An indirect indicator is the fluctuation of mature ewe weight. Ideally these two sources coincide. Rainfall pattern and amount, and stocking rate may also be valuable in fine tuning forage estimates. The availability of forage for the IPAL runs were derived by using a combination of all the factors listed (table 3). The inputs for the management subroutine were obtained from the IPAL staff. These inputs comprise the management practices used on the IPAL flock. They included year—round breeding, weaning all lambs at 10 periods of age (150 days), utilizing 1/4 of the ewes milk for dairy production and setting the minimum age for breeding ewe lambs at 1 year. Model stipulations placed upon milk extraction for dairy purposes were: the ewe must be at least 1 year of age, the lamb's body condition (EBW/WM) must be .85 or greater and the maximum amount of milk to be extracted was set at 1/4 of the total amount produced. These stipulations reflect the basis on which herdsmen make decisions about whether to milk a ewe. The management subroutine can transfer animals to other classes when deemed necessary by the simulator. In the IPAL simulations there are several classes that both sexes can go through (figure 31). The transfers are determined by either age, weight, or a proportion of total flock size. Setting culling and sales policies are important in simulating the production situation, but also they provide a means of establishing a flock in steady state. A flock in steady state is defined as one where there is very little fluctuation in the number of mature ewes. It is necessary to simulate a flock in steady state for validation against actual results. More importantly, the effects of alterations in management practices or other simulated effects can be more clearly compared with the baseline (validation run) when a steady state is simulated unless, of course, the effect of interest is the process of change. With the IPAL input data in the model, simulations for that production system may be run. The first computer runs will be a validation or comparison of model results with the actual results. 83 TABLE 2. weighted Average of Crude Protein and Digestibility for Sheep Diets 1979 1980 Z Diet Z Diet Month C.P. Z DIG Z accounted for C.P. Z DIG Z accounted for Jan 9.46 50.90 87.0 12.14 56.57 56.0 Feb 14.53 54.35 87.0 8.87 42.57 61.0 Mar 10.25 39.89 83.0 5.66 40.59 34.0 Apr 11.61 48.38 74.0 14.40 56.71 42.0 May 10.36 43.43 80.0 13.66 64.71 51.0 Jun 9.86 46.53 76.0 7.47 54.07 47.0 Jul 7.34 42.50 31.0 6.65 47.52 62.0 Aug 6.60 43.97 37.0 6.09 50.32 40.0 Sep --- --- --- 6.50 54.90 73.0 Oct 8.25 45.77 91.0 5.90 54.46 68.0 Nov 12.50 56.50 65.0 4.67 50.49 80.0 Dec --- --- --- 12.65 47.36 25.0 84 TABLE 3. FORAGE AVAILABILITY FOR IPAL SHEEP kg/hd/day. Month 1979a 1980 January 1.1 1.7 February 7.5 .4 March 7.5 3.7 April 7.5 4.0 -.9° May 7.5 .7 June 7.5 8.0 July 7.5 2.1 August 3.9 .5 Septemberb 1.9 .1 October 2.7 1.0 November 1.0 12.0 December 1.0 9.3 a Values greater than 2.0 indicate availability is unlimited. September availability values were increased by .25 kg to represent the consumption of Acacia tortilis pods. C .9 is the availability for the second period of April. 85 ursing ewe lambs trans- ferred at 10 periods of age Replacement ewe lambs. Transferred at 1 year of age Breeding ewes culled by age and low fertility Cull ewes sold or eaten EWES Excess ewe lambs sold or eaten at 1 year of age RAMS Nursing ram lambs trans- ferred at 10 eriods of ag) Replacement ram lambs. Excess rams sold or eat Transferredat| 1 year of age] at 1 year Breeding rams culled at 5 years of age Figure 31. The age transfer of animals through the flock. 86 of age - 5. SUMMARIES OUTPUT - SUMMARIES Summaries of the results from a simulation are printed in the run summary, the flock summary, the lamb sumary, the management report and the year summary. These summaries allow the user to examine output on ax periodic, yearly or a total run basis. The user has the option as to when the reports are printed. The simulation output is printed in a specific order. For a simulated period, if all summaries are printed, the order of the output is the flock summary, lamb summary and management report. The year and run summaries are printed at the en of output. Before printing the flock summary (table 4) the individuals are sorted_ by pregnancy status, within lactation status, within age and within class. The averages of these subclasses are printed in the summary. This grouping allows closer examination of sheep in different physiological states. The lamb summary (table 5) provides information on lambs that are not weaned. A lamb's (or group of lambs’) growth pattern can be followed from a period of age until they are weaned. Lambs are categorized in the summary by birth period, sex, age of ewe and type of birth. The management summary (table 6) provides information on flock dynamics (the number of births and deaths), transfers from one class to another and the number of sheep sold from each class. The year sumary (table 7) lists every class in the flock by period of the year. All animals within the class are averaged together, regardless of age or physiological status. The run (table 8) summary accumulates flock data and prints it out yearly. This summary provides the user with an overview of total flock performance. Printed are total births, deaths, animals marketed and feed consumed. This information can be used for evaluating biological efficiency (total kg of liveweight and milk harvested/total kg of dry matter consummed) of the flock. The data printed in the summaries are intended to meet the information requirements of most users. However, more information can be placed in these smmaries as the user desires. For example, the total weight of lean and fat for all sheep sold can be included in the run summary. Furthermore, shortages of energy and protein for particular body functions (i.e. 87 u uulr» L cfrq I\\<| 1u1v|nl1|l au-lll- u|ltnln( r\>r< <- .mx .Hoo3 wo 0Q< mom uzwwmz mummam o>< .m~. .wx .cmwH mo 00¢ vow coma wo usw-m3 o>< .- .wv_ .23 H. oo< v.6 z: o>< .2 .wx .msouw m pow 0Q< wow u:wHm3 0>< .o~ moo-mom cw @w< .m .>uHmw pow wow: uc:oEm msu wow wcwumuomfi mmam wo .oz .H~ mwmm@mHmm%% @w . mu: ova HE o c . . . . . w w xfl. 0 o soem Hmuoo.wcm wowomuumfi vm3m wo oz ow moouw cw msumww wo .oz .o .mwm: m o m E: wsuumm ow wmzm mo ucwouwm .m- wosouw cw .oz .m U 0 0 an mm c.ncm wwsw ucmcwmua mo .oz .w- cowumummm mo no-umm .Q m mw\ x c@wuouo wwnuu man-uwmw-Q .- msumuw co-umuuma .m mw\m2 Hmoz Zn c% wwcwmocou mwumom .@- msouw ww< .~ 3 Mimi: “muons .05 .2 wmufiae? fimsfifivfi o0 wwfio 4 0.0 0 -.0 - 0 0 0 0 00.0 0.0 -.0 -.0 0 000.0 0.0 mo.o-m -0.0 0 m0.0 0 mmmno 0 - - ..mm-.0.0 - 0 O O 0 ..uo<._ mo u Z 0.0 0 0.0 - 0 0 0 0 00.0 0.0 -.0 0.0 0 000.0 0.0 00.0-0 00.0 0 h-.0 0 - 0 0 0 N 0 0 - 04 m Z 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 00.0 0.0 0.0 -.0| Q 000.0 0.0 00.0-0 00.0 0 0-.0-» 0- 0 0 0 - ..mm<4u..wzw am 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 00.0 0.0 ~.0 -.0: Q 000.0 0.0 00.0-0 00.0 0 0-.0~> 0- 0 0 0 - ..wo<.> mam am 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 00.0 0.0 0.0 -.0| Q 000.0 0.0 00.0-0 00.0 0 0-.0|> 0- 0 O O - 0 flu h mam mm 0.0 m- 0.0 Q- 0 0 0 00 00.0 0.- -.o Q.-| 0Q 000.0 0.0 >m.o-_n mo.o QQ w>.0|mQ w- - 0 O mu ..ww<4o..w>w mm 0.0 m. 0.0 Q- 0 0 0 0 00.0 0.- >.0 Q.-1 0Q 000.0 0.0 -m.o-.n mo.o QQ w>.0¢mQ w__ - 0 0 mu ..wo<.n_ m3w mm 0.0 - 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 00.0 0.0 o.o 0.0» mm 000.0 0.0 mw._-m~ mo.o wQ nm.O-QQ m- - 0 0 - m >0 0- w3m mm 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Q 00.0 0.0 w.0 0.-| 00 000.0 0.0 -Q.-|O0 mo.o QQ m~.o-wQ w- 0 0 O Q 0 ow 0- wzw mm o.o o o.o o o o o w ~o.o m.o o.o -.-- mm ooo.o o.o ~n..-on mo.o vv wv o-mQ w._ o o o w > mu n- mam am 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Q 00.0 0.0 o.o 0.-| 0Q 000.0 0.0 m>.0|-0 m0.0 QQ v- 0|mQ w- 0 0 O Q w ow 0- mam mm o.o - o.o _ o o o - ~o.o o.o o.o Q.-| ow ooo.o o.o »m.o-_n mo.o mw >m o- m n- may mm 0.0 Q 0.0 Q 0 0 0 Q 00.0 0.- >.0 0._| 0Q 000.0 0.0 00.0»-0 mo.o QQ 0m.0»mQ w- 0 0 0 Q w 0 0- mam mm 0.0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 00.0 0.- >.0 0.-1 0Q 000 0 0.0 0>.0»-0 mo.o QQ -w 0»QQ w__ 0 0 O - m 0 0- w3w um 0.0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 - 00.0 0.- >.0 -.-| -Q 000.0 0.0 ow.o-_n m0.0 mQ -m 0~QQ m- 0 0 O - Q 0 0- w3w mm 0.0 - 0.0 - 0 0 0 .- 00.0 0.- >.0 0.-| -Q 000.0 0.0 0>.0|-0 mo.o QQ n> 0|mQ w_. 0 0 0 - w 0 0- w3u um -.0 0 -.0 0 0 0 0 0 00.0 ~.. 0.0 o.o- -Q 000.0 0.0 wQ.0|m0 mo.o mQ 00 -|mQ 0- 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0- wzw um 0.0 - -.0 - 0 0 0 0 00.0 -.- 0.0 m.o- 0Q 000.0 0.0 om.o-_n mo.o QQ 0m.0|mQ w- 0 0 0 - 0 0 0- wzw mm o.o . ..o _ o o o o no.0 _.. -.o o.o- on ooo o o.o <~.o-on mo.o QQ _w.o-Q¢ w__ o o 0 . o _ n_ mam mm o>< oz o>< oz u>u au- 23- ozw u¢- ozo 2 oo< o>< oo< wwm oo< o>< oo< o>< oo< o>< o:< o.o o.o zoo 2:2 -o oo mu mw<4o ->~:3 3w @ @@@o< .... 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ZOHH..>_...>_.>.. m ~ Q _.>.>_.->~ ~ @ m 1 m m _>»>._->..-.. wmumfisewm U. | .0. am:uu< » .._..r»_.>.._...-.>. i II\II%'IITI (D D Ink-IBIS HZH<—C"UZCCDZQ('1 DWHTFTI U) C) 1| N U1 l'\) CD p; \—l I u Q U! lllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllll U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1D 11 PERIOD UF SIHULRTIUN Figure 36. Feed intake of ewes fed H/H ration: actual intake (solid line), simulated ewes bearing twins (dashed line) and simulated ewes bearing, singles (dotted line). 100 nwrgilmnmmmir-Ekfl ZCD-~—O'OZCCOZQ(W DITIFNTI U) Q I llllllllllllllljlllllllllllllllllllllllll PERIOD OF SIHULHTIUN Figure 38. Feed intake of ewes fed L/H ration: actual intake (solid line), simulated ewes bearing twins (dashed line) and simulated single bearing ewe (dotted line). 101 ZQ'-<-I"OZCCDZQF7 DFWTTIW PERIOD OF 5IHULHTION Figure 37. Feed intake of ewes fed H/L ration: actual intake (solid line), simulated ewes bearing twins (dashed line) and simulated single bearing ewe (dotted line). 102 consistent at 1.12 kg/day. The simulated intakes of the H/L, H/H and L/H ewes were in general agreement in shape and fluctuation of the actual data, but there were magnitude differences for all three groups. During the later stages of pregnancy, intake of the simulated H/L ewes carryin twin fetuses decreased. This is a programmed adjustment of the rumen capacity which increases during gestation to represent the decrease in rumen volue due to the increased conceptus size. Before parturition the differences between actual and simulated intakes were 26 and 34% for single— and twinrbearing ewes. After lambing, simulated feed intakes had an earlier and lower plateau than Barnicoat et al. (1949a) ewes. Compared to the actual intake the difference between the peak and ending simulated intakes were 14 and 26% for ewes nursing twins and 22 and 30% for those nursing singles, respectively (the original work did not separate the intake levels of single— and twin—bearing ewes). Although the model appears to be simulating the fluctuations and levels of feed intake reasonably well it is necessary to address the differences observed. Before parturition both groups increase feed consumption, however, the intakes of simulated ewes level off sooner. The simulated ewes had a lower level of feed intake because the physical limit of their rumen had been reached. This difference increased when the physical limit was reduced as a result of increasing conceptus weight. Differences between actual and simulated feed intake during lactation also exist. Here also the physical limit of the simulated ewes prevented any further increase in feed intake. Ewes were fed in groups so that there must have been wasted and left—over feed, but there is no indication that this feed was taken into account; therefore intake may have been over—stated by Barnicoat et al. (1949a). V Over all treatments, the simulated ewe body weights closely followed the Qpweight and weight fluctuations of the Romney ewes with mean differences of ggless than 10% (figures 39 and 40) at any time. Divergence of the simulated {Lad actual results occurred during the later stages of gestation and in the jéater periods of lactation. g The H/H simulated ewes consistently gained more weight than the actual fwes as the postpartum interval lengthened. Comparing the single and twin éimulations within a treatment, the effects of bearing and nursing twins are 103 WT. qg so L 8 ‘\\ 1L‘ 70 §‘*#}—~s-~g--<}-»3 **“”'A~——n-——-s—~*A lllllllll 50 EWE S0 BODY KG 30 20 10 lljlllLlJjlljLllLllLllJLjllll so 1 b 70 llllL Q I \ \ \ \ \ 4/ E I I so { ' " ENE 50 ; BODY " WT. Q0 KG lll 30 20 L = Period of lambing ll‘1.l,l_ll 10 Q llLll_l_l Period of Simulation Figure 39. a) Ewe body weights for the H/H ration b) Ewe body weights for the L/H ration. For each graph actual weight (*), ewe bearing twin lambs (A) and ewe bearing a single lamb (U). 104 EWE BODY O KG EWE BODY KG 80 70 60 S0 U0 30 20 10 80 70 60 SO U0 30 20 10 1l.LlL1l.l lllllLlllllllllll llll |l11|4l111ll1111l111 L: Period of lambing 11141 D 1 2 3 U S 6 7 8 9 .9 Period of Simulation body weights for the L/L ration. body weights for the H/L ration. For each graph, actual weights (*), ewe bearing twin lambs (A) and ewe bearing a single lamb G3). Figure 40. a) Ewe b) Ewe 105 LL.‘ C l h) o U1 1111111111111 ‘1111111111111111 MILK ,_ PRODUCTION KG ‘J1 111 h; o CD 11111111111111111111‘111111 D U1 D C O 3.0 MILK PRODUCTION KG U S b PERIOD OF LACTATION 0 1 2 3 Figure 41. Milk production of ewes fed H/H ration, a) ewes nursing singles and b) ewes nursing twins. * Actual, 3 Simulated 106 ik~zhiffih£li MILK § PRODUCTION 3 KC 1_Qj U‘ TU U1 lllll IU CD 1 Ill A MILK PRODUCTION 5 KG 1.0 —_ PERIOD OF LACTATION .__.,,,..,,v.,- vigcvvrw-r 5', v Figure 42. Milk production of ewes fed H/L ration a) ewes nursing singles and b) ewes nursing twins. ='< Actual, a Simulated i‘- 107 3.0% j £1 2.5% 2.0§ 1.5% MILK PRODUCTION _ KG : 1.01 0.55 0.0L Y Y I I I Y YT‘ I I I 1 Y I T '1' I Y Y T I I T III Y I I I I Y Y 1V‘ I 1 I Y I I I VII V I V ' ' '7 I 0 1 2 3 u 5 5 3.0 1 1 b 2.5 Q 2.0 Q 1.5 Q MILK 5 PRODUCTION 5 KG 1.0 5 0.5 Q 0'0 L] v r v v v v v v1‘ v v v ' - v v 1.‘ v - . v v ' v Ivlvvvvu w] . v ' ' ' . v1] 0 1 2 3 u 5 c PERIOD OF LACTATION Figure 43. Milk production of ewes fed L/H ration a) ewes nursing singles and b) ewes nursing twins. * Actual, U Simulated 108 3.01 E a 2.s§ 2.0% 1.s§ MILK 5 PRODUCTION 5 KG 1 0; 0.5% 0.05 0 3.0 1 b 2.5 Q 2.0 Q 1.5 § MILK 5 PRODUCTION _ KG 1.0 5 0.5 5 0-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WT , ....... .w ....... --, ....... .., . , , , 0 1 2 3 u 5 0 PERIOD OF LACTATION Figure 44. Milk production of ewes fed L/L ration a) ewes nursing singles and b) ewes nursing twins. * Actual,U Simulated 109 evident. Twin—bearing ewes weighed more than single—bearing ewes prior to parturition, this situation was reversed after parturition. The simulated results follow this same pattern. Comparisons of simulated and actual milk productions were made for each ration and nuber of lambs nursing within a treatment (figures 41 through 44). In general, the simulations produce close representations of the reported data. For all ewes fed a high nutrition diet during lactation there was close agreement between simulated and actual results for the duration of lactation. There was a tendency for the simulations to underestimate milk production in the first period of lactation for ewes fed the high nutrition diet. Two explanations for this behavior are that simulated feed intake did not increase as rapidly as the actual, resulting in less nutrients available for milk production, or the Romney ewes mobilized more body stores during the initial stages of lactation than the simulated ewes. The simulated milk production for ewes fed the low (H/L and L/L) nutrition diet followed the magnitude and trend of the actual results. However, there were greater differences between these values and those for the ewes fed the high nutrition diet. The greatest difference between actual and simulated results is for the H/L twinrbearing ewes. Here the simulated ewes produced more milk than the actual ewes in the first four periods of lactation. The Barnicoat et al. (1949a) L/L twin ewes produced more milk in the first period of lactation than the H/L twin ewes (1.7 vs. 1.3). It would seem logical for the ewes fed the H/L ration to have more body stores to be catabolized during lactation. If this were the case, then the H/L twin ewes should logically produce more milk than the L/L twin ewes. The "unexpected" actual results could well have been due to sampling or experimental error which is familiar to all experienced animal scientists. (It is well to note at this point that the modeler must be especially cautious and question simulated data even though these data may appear, and often are, more logical than the actual biological data that are subject to a vast array of real life, often cryptic, effects.) Comparing the simulations between different rations, the simulated output agrees with the conclusion of Barnicoat et al. (1949a) that the current level of feeding is more important than the previous level of feeding llO for the determination of total milk yield. However, it would be expected that those simulated ewes which were fed on a high nutrition diet before parturition would yield more milk than those on the opposite treatment due to more body reserves. Milk production for the simulated H/H twin and the L/H twin ewes were different indicating that the H/H twin ewe was able to catabolize fat at a faster rate and for a longer period of time than the L/H twin ewe and/or to partition more nutrients for milk production. Simulated ewes nursing single or twin lambs fed the H/L ration produced more milk at the beginning of lactation than L/L ewes due, most likely, to more fat being catabolized by the H/L ewes. The simulated results of the ewes fed the L/L ration represent the weakest set of validations. Although they follow the trend of the actual data, the differences are the greatest for these simulations. The final product of the production system examined by Barnicoat et al. (1949b) was the weight of lamb produced. Lamb growth largely determines the efficiency of the biological system. The model simulated this growth accurately (figures 45 through 48). The largest discrepancy between actual and simulated results was for L/L single lamb. In this comparison the simulated lamb had a faster growth rate. This would correspond to the higher level of milk production of the simulated ewe during the middle periods of lactation. The lambs produced in the study by Barnicoat et al. (1949b) were Southdown x Romney crosses. The model does not currently accout for the effects of heterosis so that the mature weight and maturing rate functions of the simulated lambs are the same as their dams, whereas the actual lambs would be expected to have had a relatively faster maturing rate and a lighter mature weight than their dams. Therefore the absolute growth and maturing rates were assumed to be approximately equal. c. Conclusions This series of validations for the SAV of the sheep model displayed the model's capability of simulating the fluctuations and magnitude of changes of real data sets. It was evident from these simulations that the end product of the system (lamb growth) was simulated accurately, as were the intermediate steps and components (feed intake, ewe body weight and milk production) that influence lamb growth. lll 25 - a i 20 Q LAMB 15 Q cnowru - KC 3 10 - '1 S -< F 1 0 ,."".",""."",""."",H".""Twfl."",H".nH, 0 1 2 3 u 5 s AGE IN PERIODS 25 - b 20 l LAMB 1s GROWTH KC 10 5 0 AGE IN PERIODS Figure45. The growth curves of lambs whose dams were fed H/H ration. a) single lamb b) twin lamb. * Actual,E]Simulated 112 25 - 20 ‘ LAMB 15 GROWTH KG 10 s 0 0 1 2 a u s s AGE IN PERIODS 25 - b 20 l LAMB 15 GROWTH KG 10 s 0 0 1 2 3 U S 6 AGE IN PERIODS Figure 46. The growth curves of lambs whose dams were fed L/H ration. a) single b) twin * Actual,F]Simulated 113 2s - l‘ 8. 20 i LAMB 5 GROWTH I KC . 10 l 5 L '1 i f] .- AGE IN PERIODS 2s - I b 2o l LAMB 15 GROWTH - KG i 1o - 5 Q Ia g l o 1 2 a u s s AGE IN PERIODS Figure 47. The growth curves of lambs whose dams were fed H/L ration. a) single lamb b) twin lamb. * Actual,5 Simulated 114 2s 2o LAMB cnowm 15 KG 1 o s o 2s 2o LAMB 15 GROWTH KG 1 o s o Figure 48. “ ___a T ’,a—”'a I ,9’ C — £1’ : I’, _._ j §r-lEA~’”’flr— ‘I I I T IIIII ililYliIilIuIIlliiIiTr O 1 2 3 H 5 5 HGE IN PERIODS b llllllilllllllllL l l l I l l l I vvvvlvvvrfvvrvlvuvv vvwlvvuvrvvvr1rvvuvvrrrr O 1 2 3 U 5 5 HOE IN PERIODS The growth of lambs whose dams were fed L/L ration. a) single lamb b) twin lamb. * Actual,U Simulated 115 The simulation of data reported by Barnicoat et al. (1949a,b) and Treacher (1970) indicate that simulated ewe performance was responsive to the feed resource. Also, simulated ewes, when placed under nutritional stress, lost weight similarly to that lost by the actual ewes. However, with this data set it cannot be determined if fat and lean were catabolized in similar proportions and at proportional rates in the simulated ewes as in the real ewes. The simulated results of milk production indicate that the technique proposed by Bywater (1976) is viable. That is, the SAV is capable of simulating milk production and, perhaps more importantly, lactation curves accurately. This capability implies that this method can be used over a broad range of production situations. The results of these validations indicate that the SAV is adequately simulating the biology of the breeds of sheep reported in the two studies. Further testing of the SAV components is needed but must await acquisition of new comprehensive data. II. FLOCK MODEL (FM) - NORTHERN KENYA The first validation with the flock model utilized sheep data collected in northern Kenya on the IPAL project. The actual forage and anhnal data were collected in 1979 and 1980 and are described by Blackburn (1984). To reduce the amout of stochastic "bounce" or variability in results, the simulation was run with a flock size of 300 ewes. The simulations were run for 10 years in order to attain a steady state flock structure for both 1979 and 1980. a. 1979 Results Ewe Body Weight. Body weights of actual and simulated ewes were compared for the entire year. The simulated ewe weights used were fro the 4.5 year age group. This was the youngest group where WM = WMA = 35kg, meaning that the ewes had reached their maximum structural size. Also, for most research results ewes of this age group are at their peak producing ability. Empty body weight (EBW) and full weight (W) were compared to the actual ewe weights (figure 49). It is necessary to compare all three curves in figure 49 because actual ewe weights were recorded in the morning after ll6 .muzwHmB Aocwfi wmuuowv anon xumew wmuwfiseww wcm Amcfia wmnwmwv Hwuou wmumfisiflw .AmcwH wwaowv Hmsuum m~mH we comwnmmeoo .m¢ muswwm m->>..._>...:-.._.>..-.>>>_.>..>>>>._...r>..:4:....»>L..II..._>..>>...L.>.-.:.._........._>.:.>.>._>L:...:_ IvivvvvilvivIYIYFVIIIYIIr1rIII‘|IIvvIII Q_ om om or MOD? 7 l l ‘r ft“; being enclosed all night in a pen and, therefore represent an intermediate weight. I For the greatest part of the year there is consistent agreement between% the simulated and actual weights. The largest divergence between simulated I and actual results occurred in the last 3 months of 1979. At first inspection the decrease in actual weight does not appear to be logical, because the crude protein and digestibility were increasing. An explanationég for this response is that 40% of the actual ewes gave birth and/or were x lactating at this time. Therefore lambing and lactational stress caused the 5 reduction in actual weights. Sixteen percent of the ewes in the simulated A flock gave birth at this time; therefore, the weight increase and decrease were not as great as in the actual data. To further substantiate the agreement between simulated and actual ewe weights, the weights of simulated ewes lambing in September and October were plotted against the actual data. Figure 50 clearly shows that simulated ewes in a similar reproductive phase as the actual ewes display the same pattern of weight loss. Milk Production. The average actual and simulated lactation curves are in figure 51. Both of these curves are averaged over the entire year. Actual lactation data were available only for the months of April, May and November. In general the simulated and actual lactation curves were in agreement. The decrease and following increase of actual milk production did not occur in the simulated lactation curve. To determine the cause of fluctuation, the actual curves were divided and replotted as November and April and May. From these curves it is apparent that the fluctuation is the result of the April and May lactation curve. For comparison, the simulated November, April and May lactation curves were plotted with their respective counterparts. The November curves show a greater uniformity of agreement (figure 52) than the April-May curves (figure 53). The simulated April-May curve shows a similar decrease in milk production but it does not increase in milk production during period 4. The cause of this increase is not clearly explainable, because feed quality does not significantly change during this time. Due to 118 .wwmnm>m xuoaw umumfisawm mcu EOHM ma wowpma cw wcwnsma mwzm we wuzwwms >@¢@ >umEm wcm Hmuou wmumfisewm mo mucww~m>Hw ms“ mum mwswfi wwsuumswmouu .munwHm3 Amcflfi wmuuouv xwon >~@e@ wwumfisswm wcm Awcwfi vmcmmwv Hwuou vmumasfiww .AmcHH uwaowv Hmnuum m~mH we comwnmmeou .om muswwm ¢.-<-~,»» ar" ~\,v - .-' - - I ' < the small number of lactations, it is possible that the increase was due to a peculiar artifact not counterbalanced as would be expected for a larger sample size. Lamb Growth. One of the final products of this system is lambs produced. A comparison of the least squares means of the actual lamb weights and the simulated W and WM weights averaged over the year was made (figure 54). There is close agreement between actual and simulated weights up to 300 days of age. The close agreement between actual and simulated data for preweaning, birth to 10 periods (150 days of age) of growmh has additional implications. The close agreement based on a larger sample size indicates that real milk production levels for actual and simulated ewes were more similar than indicated. The IPAL flock had a 130% lamb crop (live lambs The simulated flock had a 132% lamb crop. estimates of reproductive efficiency were not obtainable from the actual Reproduction. born/ewes) for 1979. Further data. Additional simulation output indicated that lambs weaned/ewe in the flock was 120% while lambs weaned/lambs born, a measure of lamb survival, was 76.4%. The actual reproductive rate was higher than the regional average due to IPAL ewes receiving higher levels of management (e.g., drenching and dipping). The simulated lamb survival to weaning is closer to the regional mean (IPAL, personal communication). b. 1980 Results Ewe Body Weight. The 1980 year was drier than 1979, and the effects of Also, the altered The simulated ewes emulated the actual ewe body weight fluctuations (figure 55). The the drier year resulted in lower ewe body weights. environment resulted in a different ewe body weight pattern. decreases and increases that occurred in ewe body weight for 1980 fit more closely than for the 1979 data. The 1980 simulated ewe weights had a greater change in magnitude between the high and low weights especially for the weights in June (periods 12 and 13). It appears that the simulated ewes were given (in the input forage vector) greater access to forage than the real ewes. The difference between the actual weight and simulated weight in June was 16.8% which, taken with the pattern for the entire year, was considered to be a close validation. 123 wmumasfiwm wcm Amcwfi wmsmmwv 2&8: Hmuou uwumfisfiww wcm hos: EH03 5mm; Hmnuum now mcumuuma 52.5 AEMH 22 mo comwummeoo .»>>b > . - . > ->>>>-- Xocwfl wmuuon “Z5 ouww fimusuusuum 335m ZH M04 Z 2 2 _........-_.......-._>>-.... v» m m _._ m o ...>-.-~....-...._..>»....._........>_ .ITI'F‘VIYII1IVI‘IIIIIIIIYI 0Q m; om mm . 3 mnswwm A~@a@ wmumfisiwm wcm Amcwfi wwzmmwv uswflms Hmuou nmumfiaewm .Amc@H wwfiomv uswHw8 Hmsuum now wuzwHm3 mvon mam owmfi we cowwpmmeou .mm.wpswHm mm muswwm mmoHmmm ZH mu< ww mm ow @_ @_ :_ mfi ofi m m 1 m Q o_ BE-I ow IIYIYIYITYG‘"f""'l""'r"" n—]