B-I653 February i990 TDOC Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1653 .. \ k Yield Response oncl Profil Implications, Texos High Plains The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Charles J. Arntzen, Director, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas Contents Research Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sugarbeet Production Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Producer Yields and Research Yield Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Stages of Production and Range of Economically Rational Irrigated Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Optimal Irrigation Level and Nitrogen Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Economic Analysis of Returns to Management and Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Sensitivity of Profit-Maximizing Input Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Limitations of the Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 AppendixA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Appendix B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Appendix C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Irrigated Sugarbeets: Yield Response and Profit Implications, Texas High Plains Vernon D. Lansford, S.R. Winter, and W.L. Harman* Sugarbeets (Beta vulgaris L.) in Texas are grown solely in the High Plains. In 1985, four counties (Castro, Deaf Smith, Parmer, and Randall) contributed 98 percent of the 37,000 acres of sugarbeets harvested in Texas (Texas Agricultural Statistics Service, 1958-1985). Acreage in- creased dramatically in 1964, when Holly Sugar Corpora- tion opened a processing plant at Hereford, Texas. Harvested acreage increased from the 2,000-acre range in 1958-1963 to 25,900 acres in 1964. Acreage continued to increase to a peak in 1969 of 37,000 acres but then declined to the lower 20,0()0-acre range in the early 1970’s. By 1985, "Yreage again reached 37,000 acres, equal to the late 1960’s .evel. Sugarbeet root yields averaged 19.2 tons per acre from 1958' to 1985 and ranged from a low of 13.1 tons per acre in 1975 to 22.8 tons per acre in 1981 (Texas Agricul- tural Statistics Service, 1958-1985). Sugarbeets are typically grown in 5-year crop rotations to minimize the incidence of diseases. Thus, not more than one-fifth of a producer’s acreage should be planted to sugarbeets in any one year. Sugarbeets typically follow wheat in the northern counties and cotton in the southern producing area but may also follow corn, sorghum, and other crops to a lesser extent. The growing season for sugarbeets in the Texas High Plains extends from April through October, which includes the 6 months with the highest potential evapotranspiration (ET). The semi-arid climate, having an annual rainfall of I only 18 inches and high summer temperatures and winds, necessitates irrigation for consistent production. Eighty- three percent of the annual rainfall occurs during the 6-month growing season. However, rain frequently occurs in high-intensity storms. Sugarbeets are typically grown on 6 ‘Rcspectively, research associate, agricultural economist; professor, agronomist; professor, agricultural economist, Texas Agricultural Ex- f\periment Station, Amarillo, Texas Keywords: Beta vulgaris L., production function, irrigation, nitrogen, economics graded furrows, where the high soil moisture levels after irrigation can increase storm runoff. As a result, irrigation requirements are higher than may be expected. Emergence irrigation is a common practice to help ensure a stand. Sugarbeet leaves typically shade the soil effectively before the evaporation potential reaches its peak in July of slightly more than 0.30 inches per day (Schneider and Mathers, 1969). Sugarbeets have traditionally received full irrigation in the Texas High Plains to produce high yields and to maxi- mize profits. Fully irrigating beets was common when un- derground water supplies were abundant and energy costs for pumping were relatively low. However, as water sup-- plies diminished and energy costs increased over the past decade, producers tended to reduce water applications. Researchers have evaluated sugarbeets under water stress conditions and have found them to be stress tolerant but also highly responsive to irrigation up to the amount needed to totally satisfy evapotranspiration (Haddock, 1955; Hobbs et al., 1963; Carter et al., 1980a; Carter et al., 1980b; Winter, 1980). The effects of irrigation and nitrogen on root quality have also been studied (Brewbaker, 1934; Haddock and Kelly, 1948; Archibald and Haddock, 1952; Haddock, 1959; Erie and French, 1968; Parashar and Dastane, 1973; Carter, 1980b; Barbieri, 1982; Winter, 1989). Research indicates that excessively high levels of nitrogen lowers sugar content. Nicholson et al. (1974), in Colorado, developed a mul- tivariate production function that predicted sugarbeet root yields as related to available nitrogen, consumptive use of water, and percentage of stand. The function explained only 52 percent of the observed variation in yield. In 1978, Hexem and Heady, using experimental data from Arizona, Colorado, and Texas, developed production functions reflecting the yield-water-nitrogen relationships for sugar- beets. The ability to explain these relationships varied from site to site and year to year. A range of approximately from 40% to 93% of the yield variation was explained. The quadratic function developed at Plainview, Texas, for 1971 explained only 41 percent of the observed variation in yields. Hoyt (1984) developed a single variate production function, which predicted sugarbeet sucrose in pounds per acre relative to irrigation water applied plus rainfall. Al- though this relationship explained 92 percent of the varia- tion in sucrose yields, it was based on only 1 year of data. Solomon et al. (1985) reviewed other sugarbeet functional forms relating evapotranspiration to yields. Limitations of these yield relationships point to the need for an improved sugarbeet production function to assess causal factors of yield response in the Texas High Plains and to evaluate the profitability of production. The objec- tives of this research were to (1) develop a production function relating irrigation levels, nitrogen rates, and rain- fall to root yields, and (2) assess the economic implications to gross sales, production costs, and profits. Research Methods The sugarbeet research was conducted at Bushland, Texas, on Pullman clay loam soil (fine, mixed Thermic Torrertic Paleustoll). This soil has a moderately permeable surface of about 10 inches thick. The subsoil, extending to 21 inches, is a very slowly permeable clay. Because of the very low permeability of this soil, loss of water or nitrate- nitrogen (NO3-N) to deep percolation would have been negligible during these studies (Winter, 1981). The cultivars Mono-Hy D2 (1976-79) and Mono-Hy TX9 (1982-87) were seeded on 30-inch beds in late March or early April. Over the years of research (1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986, and 1987), seeding rates were held constant at 6 to 7 seeds/ft, and the resulting stands were thinned to 8 inches between plants, resulting in 26,000 plants/acre. Irrigation plots each year included eight 30- inch-wide rows that varied over the years from 35 to 90 feet in length. The Plots were relatively disease free compared with typical producer fields. Two or more of the center rows from each plot were harvested for yield in November. Sugarbeets were produced each year in level borders to improve the accuracy of measuring irrigation water applied to the plots and rainfall received on the plots. The amount of water applied was measured with an in-line flow meter. All treatments were uniformly watered for emergence in the spring. In most years, seasonal irrigations of three different levels were applied during the period of about June 10 to September 10. Total available nitrate-nitrogen in the root zone was measured from 0 to 6 feet deep each year before planting. In some years, varying rates of fertilizer nitrogen were applied according to expected root yield (which depended mainly on irrigation) and residual nitrogen levels. This research negated the interaction between high nitrogen rates and sugar content by avoiding excessive rates of nitrogen that could lower sugar content. Other inputs ex- cept irrigation and nitrogen were the same for all irrigation treatments. Sugarbeet root yields were determined for each of the 8 years (Appendix Table 1, Appendix A). During this period, 2 to 6 replications of each treatment were evaluated, giving a total of 246 observations (Appendix Table 1, Appendix A). Available nitrogen (residual + applied) ranged from 40 pounds to 458 pounds, and total irrigation water (preplant + seasonal) ranged from 3.0 inches to 30.5 in- ches. Sugarbeet Production Function From the aforementioned research data, a production function predicting root yields was developed. A multi- variate regression analysis using the Reg Procedures (SAS) resulted in the following predictive equation: [1] Y = 6.8723 + 0.032813 T12 - 0000607113 + 0.063821 TN - 0.000112 1N2 + 0.000454'ITI'N [1084] [00031] [0.0001] [00085] [0000014] [.00011] (8482) (2.835) (5.445) (9.181) (8142) (2594) + 0.018088 M13 - 1.144391 SEP + 1.143803 ocrz - 0.339019 0013 [00023] [038198] [02894] [0.0188] (8025) (-3.110) (3.952) (4.301) R2 = 0.868, F = 111.121, df = 245 Brackets include the corresponding standard error of the estimate of each regression coefficient. The cor- responding t-values are given in parentheses. All regres- sion coefficients were significant at the 1 percent level. Variables in the equation are as follows: Y = yield of sugarbeets in tons of roots per acre, TI = total irrigation (in.) applied, including pre- plant or emergence, TN = total nitrogen (residual + applied) in pounds, TITN = cross product of total irrigation x total nitrogen, MJ = May, June rainfall in inches, SEP = September rainfall in inches, and OCT = October rainfall in inches. The negative signs of the exogenous variables SEP and OCT3 reflect harvesting losses caused by untimely rainfall. 3° Although a more desirable functional form would have included a rainfall-irrigation interaction term, the nature 28 _ of the research (being on level borders) prevented statisti- 26 _ ‘pal sigmficance. 24 ~ Producer Yields and Research Yield Adjustment 22 ' Ten sugarbeet producers were selected from a list of 2O p producers, two from each of five counties in the Texas High 7 8 L Plains. Nine of the 10 producers were using furrow irriga- tion practices and were the basis for evaluating current ,6 —- = production practices. F ive-year average root yields of sur- LU UJ veyed producers ranged from 18 to 34 tons/ac, an average 14 0 (D yield being 23.3 tons/ac, which were much lower than If E research yields. Producer yields may from research 12 — (n U) I yields for a number of reasons: lack of timeliness of disease L 7 7 and insect control, soil variability, stand variability, weeds, harvest losses, severe weather incidents, and other factors such as lower water use efficiency in graded furrows com- pared with level borders. For these reasons, after evaluat- ing three adjustment alternatives, the production function fields estimated by Equation 1 were reduced by 3O percent .1 reflect producer yields (see Appendix B for adjustment procedure). 0.8 1- Root Yields (tons/ac) 0.6 - [21 Y = [@8123 + 0.032013 T12- 0.0011007 113 + 0.0638211»: - 0.000112 "m2 + 00004s41rm + 0.0100013 M13 - 1.144391 SEP + 1.143603 ocrz - 0.339019 ocr‘ 1 x 0.10 Stages of Production and Range of Economically Rational Irrigated Production Given the production response function (Equation 2), the stages of production and the range over which economically rational production would occur can be defined. Irrigation levels outside this rational production region are considered irrational given the assumption of ‘0-2 0 7o 20 30 40 maximizing net returns. Figure 1 shows the yield response _. function related to varying irrigation amounts based on 300 Tgta] “Tigafign (inc hes) pounds of total nitrogen. A 40-year-average monthly rainfall period was used to depict a long-term weather history using data from Amaril- , , _ lo’ Tgxas (1941 1986), the nearest N O AA reporting Sta- Sugarbeet production function with 300 pounds of total tion, where May‘ = 2.76 inches, June = 3.51 inches, "eptember = 1.89 inches, and October = 1.51 inches (NOAA). As a result, Equation 2 can be reduced to a _ _ _ _ 7 _ In Stage I (Figure 1), additional units of input (irrigation fkmpler equation by entering the average precipitation. water) increases the productivity of all other inputs; i.e., 777 = 2015007 + 00,2000, 7.7; 0000424 773 + 00440747770 _ 0000078 7702 average yield is increasing. The greatest efficiency in the + °-°°°3178TTIN use of variable inputs is at the boundary of Stage I and Stage II (Figure 1); i.e., average physical product (APP) of irriga- tion water is maximum at this point. However, net returns are not necessarily maximized at this point and can be increased with additional units of the input, moving into Stage II. In Stage II, each additional unit of input increases yield (total physical product, TPP), but yield per unit of water (APP) decreases. Thus, output increases at a decreasing rate until TPP reaches a maximum at the boundary of Stage II and Stage III. In Stage III, additional inputs cause production to decline. Stage II, therefore, is the economically rational production region given the as- sumption of maximizing net returns with respect to the variable input. Thebeginning of Stage II is defined as the point at which APP is maximum and equal to marginal physical product (MPP) (Figure 1). One can solve for maximum APP (MPP = APP) by setting the first derivative of APP with respect to TI equal to zero. d APP = 0.0229691 -0.000848TI = 0 d Tl -0.0229691 = ——--i = 27 inches -0.0008498 Thus, the beginning of Stage II is at 27 inches of irriga- tion water. After determining the beginning of Stage II at 27 inches, the end of Stage II, or the maximum yield (TPP), can be determined by setting the first derivative of Equation 3 equal to zero and solving for TI. However, in this function- al form, total nitrogen (TN) is an implicit variable. In the following example, nitrogen was assumed to be 300 pounds. a Y = 000127411’ + 0045933211 + 00003178119 a 11 a Y = 0.001274 '11’ + 0045938211 + 0.000317s(300) = 0 a TI By the quadratic equationl, yield is maximum when TI equals 38 inches. 0.0459382 - M(0.04593s2)2 - 4(0.0012747)(0.09534) TI = (2 * -0.001274) TI = 38 inches lThe quadratic equation equals: -b 1-\/(b2-4ac) whereY = axz + bx + c = 0 2a Thus, the economically rational production region (Stage II) for irrigation is defined as being between 27 and 38 inches, given 300 pounds of total nitrogen (Figure 1). The end of Stage II varies with the level of nitrogen. For example, with 100 pounds TN, yield is maximum at 36.7 inches irrigation water compared with 38.6 inches with 400 pounds TN. Figure 2 indicates a family of alternative production functions with 100, 200, 300, and 400 pounds TN. As TN increases, yields generally increase at a decreasing rate for each production relationship. How- ever, a high level of 500 pounds TN reduces yields at all levels of irrigation below those of 300 and 400 pounds TN (not shown). Optimal Irrigation Level and Nitrogen Rate Although the aforementioned mathematical analyses determined the stages of production, no determination was made of the most profitable levels of inputs (TI and TN). To determine the optimal input levels to maximize profits with all other inputs held constant, the first derivatives of the production function with respect to the inputs are set equal to the ratio of the input cost and the product price ($/ton of sugarbeets) and are solved simultaneously (see Appendix C). A product price of $37.01/ton (P513) reflects the 1986 price received by producers for beets yielding 14 percent sugar. The cost of applying irrigation water was $4.01/ac inch (P1), which includes a $0.45/ac-inch cost of irrigation labor (Texas Agricultural Extension Service, 1987). The cost of nitrogen (including application) was $0.11/pound (PN). The optimal input levels that maximized profits (given P513 = $31.07, P1 = $4.01, PN = 0.11) were 35 inches of irrigation water and 333 pounds of total nitrogen. Deviation from these levels will result in sub- optimal profits. Economic Analysis 0f Returns t0 Management and Risk Development of the aforementioned relationship of yield to water and nitrogen permits an expanded analysis of the potential profitability of sugarbeet production in the Texas High Plains. Surveyed growers provided information on production practices for the analyses. The per acre returns to management and risk were estimated over a range of sugar prices and at alternative irrigation levels. Nine of the 10 producers surveyed using furrow irriga- tion practices were the basis for evaluating current produc- tion practices and costs. For each producer surveyed, an enterprise budget was generated estimating the individual’s cost of production using the Texas Agricultural Extension Service MBMS budget generator (McGrann et 30 Root Yields (tons/ac) 1 O I i l i I l l O 10 20 30 40 Total Irrigation (inches) Figure 2. Sugarbeet production functions at various levels of total nitrogen. al., 1986). A comparison between the high-cost and low- cost producer indicated a difference of over $115/ac in total costs. There was a $70 difference ($315-$245) in the total preharvest cost between these two producers. The average preharvest costs of all producers was $302, ranging from $245 to $346. The high-cost producer applied 31 inches of irrigation water, compared with 23 inches for the low-cost producer. Overall, producers applied an average of 26.5 inches, ranging from a low of 20 inches to a high of 34.8 inches. Equation 2 (adjusted for producer yields) was used to estimate yields and profits per acre (Table 1). Through partial budgeting, yields were estimated at various levels of irrigation and at the corresponding optimal level of nitrogen. In addition, profits were estimated using alterna- tive sugar prices and assuming a sugar content of 14 per- cent. Production costs except for nitrogen and irrigation were based on the average costs of the survey. Nitrogen was $0.11 per pound (including application cost), and irrigation water cost $4.01/ac inch. Calculated on the basis of 2-inch increments of irrigation, the budgeting analysis indicated that 36 inches of water was the most profitable level of irrigation when the price of sugarbeets was at or above $33.14/ton ($24/cwt of sugar). When the price of sugar- beets was from $24.68 through $31.76/ton ($18 - $23lcwt of sugar), 34 inches was the most profitable irrigation level. Thereafter, 32 inches was most profitable until negative returns were realized at and below $22.10/ton. Table 1. Per acre net returns to management and risk at alternative prices 0f sugar, 14 percent sugar content. Irrigation level (in./ac), total nitrogen (lbs/ac), and yield (tons/ac) Price per ton NSP per 18 in. 20 in. 22 in. 24 in. 26 in. 28 in. 30 in. 32 in. 34 in. 36 in. 38 in. sugar 100 lb. 299 lb. 303 lb. 307 lb. 311 lb. 315 lb. 319 lb. 323 lb. 327 lb. 331 1b. 335 lb. 339 lb. beets sugar 20.4 t 21.5 t 22.5 t 23.5 t 24.4 t 25.2 t 26.0 t 26.6 t 27.1 t 27.4 t 27.5 t $41.42 $30.00 346.78 375.40 403.39 429.98 454.45 476.05 494.04 507.67 516.20 518.89 515.00 $40.04 $29.00 318.56 345.76 372.35 397.60 420.81 441.25 458.22 471.00 478.87 481.12 477.04 $38.66 $28.00 290.34 316.12 341.31 365.22 387.16 406.45 422.40 434.33 441.54 443.35 439.08 $37.28 $27.00 262.12 286.48 310.27 332.84 353.52 371.65 386.58 397.66 404.21 405.58 401.12 $35.90 $26.00 233.90 256.84 279.24 300.46 319.87 336.85 350.77 360.98 366.88 367.81 363.16 $34.52 $25.00 205.68 227.20 248.20 268.07 286.23 302.05 314.95 324.31 329.55 330.04 325.21 $33.14 $24.00 177.46 197.56 217.16 235.69 252.58 267.25 279.13 287.64 292.21 292.27 287.25 $31.76 $23.00 149.25 167.92 186.12 203.31 218.94 232.45 243.31 250.97 254.88 254.50 249.29 $30.38 $22.00 121.03 138.28 155.09 170.93 185.29 197.65 207.49 214.30 217.55 216.73 211.33 $29.00 $21.00 92.81 108.64 124.05 138.55 151.64 162.85 171.67 177.63 180.22 178.96 173.37 $27.62 $20.00 64.59 79.00 93.01 106.17 118.00 128.05 135.85 140.95 142.89 141.19 135.41 $26.24 $19.00 36.37 49.36 61.98 73.78 84.35 93.25 100.03 104.28 105.56 103.42 97.45 $24.86 $18.00 8.15 19.72 30.94 41.40 50.71 58.45 64.22 67.61 68.22 65.65 59.49 $23.48 $17.00 -20.07 -9.92 -0.10 9.02 17.06 23.65 28.40 30.94 30.89 27.88 21.53 $22.10 $16.00 -48.29 -39.56 -31.14 -23.36 -16.58 -11.15 -7.42 -5.73 -6.44 -9.89 -16.43 $20.72 $15.00 -76.51 -69.20 -62.17 -55.74 -50.23 -45.95 -43.24 -42.41 -43.77 -47.66 -54.39 $19.34 $14.00 -104.73 -98.84 -93.21 -88.12 -83.87 -80.76 -79.06 -79.08 -81.10 -85.43 -92.35 $17.96 $13.00 -132.95 -128.48 -124.25 -120.51 -117.52 -115.56 -114.88 -115.75 -118.43 -123.20 -130.31 $16.58 $12.00 -161.17 -158.12 -155.29 -152.89 -151.17 .36 -150.70 -152.42 -155.77 -160.97 -168.27 $15.20 $11.00 -189.39 -187.76 -186.32 .27 .81 -186.51 -189.09 -193.10 -198.74 -206.22 $13.82 $10.00 -217.61 .36 -219.96 -222.33 -225.76 -230.43 -236.51 -244.18 $12.44 $9.00 -245.82 -247.05 -248.40 -250.03 -252.10 -254.76 -258.15 -262.44 -267.76 -274.28 -282.14 $11.06 $8.00 -274.04 -276.69 -279.43 -282.41 -285.75 -289.56 -293.97 -299.11 -305.09 -312.05 -320.10 $9.68 $7.00 -302.26 -306.33 -310.47 -314.80 -319.39 -324.36 -329.79 -335.78 -342.42 -349.82 -358.06 $8.30 $6.00 -330.48 -335.97 -341.51 -347.18 -353.04 -359.16 -365.61 -372.45 -379.76 -387.59 -396.02 $6.92 $5.00 -358.70 -365.61 -372.55 -379.56 -386.68 -393.96 -401.43 -409.12 -417.09 -425.36 -433.98 $5.54 $4.00 -386.92 -395.25 -403.58 -411.94 -420.33 -428.76 -437.25 -445.79 -454.42 -463.13 -471.94 $4.16 $3.00 -415.14 -424.89 -434.62 -444.32 -453.98 -463.56 -473.06 -482.47 -491.75 -500.90 -509.90 $2.78 $2.00 -443.36 -454.53 -465.66 -476.70 -487.62 -498.36 -508.88 -519.14 -529.08 -538.67 -547.86 $1.40 $1.00 -471.58 -484.17 -496.70 -509.09 -521.27 -533.16 -544.70 -555.81 -566.41 -576.44 -585.82 Note: The average selling price for sugar in 1986 was $22.51 per 100 lb. sugar or $31.07 per ton of sugarbeets. The solid heavy line denotes the boundary of profit maximization (column to the left of the line) or loss minimization (negative returns). i‘ . Sensitivity of Profit-Maximizing Input Levels When water supplies were abundant and when irriga- tion energy costs were low, producers highly irrigated ’* sugarbeets. However, as underground water supplies diminished and energy costs increased sharply during the past decade, producers recently tended to limit irrigation amounts. The 1987 survey of producers indicates that two- thirds were irrigating at levels too low to be in Stage II, the stage of economically rational production. The level of irrigation applied by a producer is sensitive to input costs, sugarbeet prices, and seasonal water availability. The fol- lowing analysis evaluates the sensitivity of maximum-profit irrigation levels to sugarbeet prices and variations in pump- ing costs and nitrogen prices. Varying the price of sugarbeets from $20/ton to $40/ton resulted in a narrow range of profit-maximizing irrigation level of only 0.7 inches (36.4 to 37.1 inches), at an irrigation cost of $1/ac inch. At $6/ac inch, the range of optimal irrigation levels was only 4.3 inches (30.0 to 34.3 inches). As the cost of irrigation water increased from $1/ac inch to $6/ac inch and the price of sugarbeets held constant at v,\$31.07/ton (1986 price), the profit-maximizing irrigation level decreased only 3.7 inches, from 36.9 to 33.2 inches. Hoyt (1984) also found that profit-maximizing water quan- tities were not significantly affected by varying sugar prices at low and medium water costs in Colorado. The profit-maximizing irrigation level was also relatively insensitive to varying rates of TN. The optimal irrigation level changed by only 2.9 inches (33.8 to 36.7 inches) when nitrogen ranged from 100 to 500 pounds. Furthermore, ranging the price of nitrogen from $0.05 to $0.20/lb changed the profit-maximizing amount of TN by only 31 lbs/ac. Summary Eight years of sugarbeet production resulted in the following production function: Y = @373 + 0032813112 - 00110001113 + 0.0038211»: - 0.000112 m2 + 0.0004s41rm + 0.010003 M13 - 1.144391s1z1> + 1.143603 ocrl - 0.330010 with an R2 = 0.87. A reduction from research yields of 30 percent was needed to adjust this function to reflect r~producer field yields. In the research, total irrigations (in- cluding prewater) ranged from 3 to 30.5 inches and total nitrogen (residual + applied) ranged from 40 to 458 r"\pounds for a total of 246 observations. The range over which economically rational production would occur was calculated to be 27 to 38 inches of total irrigation given 300 pounds of total nitrogen. The optimal (profit maximizing) irrigation level was calculated to be 35 inches given the price of sugarbeets of $31.07/ton and the cost of applying irrigation water of $4.01/ac inch. A comparison of this level to those of the surveyed producers indicates that producers in the Texas High plains on the Pullman clay loam soils are under-irrigating sugarbeets. Sugarbeets are relatively drought tolerant where water supplies are limited. However, in areas of adequate water supplies, this analysis indicates that producers should ir- rigate at the higher irrigation levels to maximize profits. The profit-maximizing irrigation level decreased only 3.7 inches when the cost of irrigation water increased from $1/ac inch to $6/ac inch. When sugarbeet prices were varied from $20 to $40/ton and water cost held constant, the profit-maximizing water level was not significantly af- fected. Limitations 0f the Analysis This economic analysis is limited in that it does not allow for interactions between nitrogen rates and sugar content of sugarbeets. Research suggests that high rates of nitrogen decrease sugar percentage. The research was not designed to evaluate this interaction because the irrigation treat- ments were adequately fertilized but not excessively fertil- ized. Thus, the analysis considers only impacts on root yields but does not evaluate impacts on sugar quality. Another limitation of the analysis is that the estimated irrigation levels to maximize yields and profits were outside the experimental data range. The irrigation level of 38 inches of total irrigation to maximize yield was 7.5 inches above the experimental range. The maximum profit level of irrigation was 4.5 inches above the highest level used in the research (Appendix Table 1, Appendix A). Higher irrigation levels in future research efforts may improve the predictive ability of the production function. Literature Cited Archibald, D.B., and J .L. Haddock. 1952. Irrigation prac- tice as it affects fertilizer requirement, quality and yield of sugar beets. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. Proc. 7:229-236. Barbieri, G. 1982. Effects of irrigation and harvesting dates on the yield of spring-sown sugar-beet. Agricultural Water Management, 5:345-357. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam. Brewbaker, H.E. 1934. Studies of irrigation methods for sugar beets in northern Colorado. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy, 26:222-231. Carter, J .N., M.E. Jensen, and D.J. Traveller. 1980a. Effect of mid-to-late-season water stress on sugarbeet growth and yield. Agronomy J ournal,72:806-815. Carter, J.N., D.J. Traveller, and R.C. Rosenau. 1980b. Root and sucrose yields of sugarbeets as affected by mid-to- late-season water stress. Journal of the Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol., 20:583-596. Erie, L.J., and O.F. French. 1968. Water management of fall-planted sugar beets in salt river valley of Arizona. Trans. ASAE 11:792-795. Haddock, J .L. 1955. The irrigation of sugar beets. Year- book of Agriculture. pp. 400-405. Haddock, J .L. 1959. Yield, quality and nutrient content of sugar beets as affected by irrigation regime and fer- tilizers. Journal of the Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol., 10:344-355. Haddock, J .L., and O.J. Kelly. 1948. Interrelation of mois- ture, spacing, and fertility to sugarbeet production. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. Proc. 5:378-396. Hexem, R.W., and E.O. Heady. 1978. Water production functions for irrigated agriculture. Iowa State Univer- sity Press, Ames, Iowa, pp. 136-171. Hobbs, E.H., K.K. Krogman, and L.G. Sonmor. 1963. Ef- fects of levels of minimum available soil moisture on crop yields. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 43 (4):441-446. Hoyt, P.G. 1984. 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(in) (in) (in) 87 6 20.7 0.0 3.0 0.0 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 87 6 21.3 0.0 3.0 89.2 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 87 6 23.8 0.0 3.0 178.4 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 87 6 23.7 0.0 3.0 267.6 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 77 2 14.2 0.0 5.0 60.0 120 4.19 0.43 0.28 78 4 24.2 0.0 5.3 40.0 171 9.57 5.34 0.33 76 2 15.6 0.0 6.0 0.0 398 2.60 2.31 1.63 86 6 18.2 0.0 8.7 0.0 40 6.77 1.88 2 49 86 6 20.2 0.0 8.7 53.5 40 6.77 1.88 2 49 86 6 20.5 0.0 8.7 107.0 40 6.77 1.88 2 49 86 6 22.0 0.0 8.7 214.0 40 6.77 1.88 2 49 82 3 15.3 0.0 9.1 0.0 75 5.85 2.15 1 02 82 3 19.6 0.0 9.1 53.5 75 5.85 2.15 1.02 82 3 20.3 0.0 9.1 107.0 75 5.85 2.15 1.02 82 3 23.0 0.0 9.1 160.6 75 5.85 2.15 1.02 87 6 20.4 8.1 3.0 0.0 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 87 6 23.4 8.1 3.0 89.2 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 87 6 24.8 8.1 3.0 178.4 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 87 6 27.1 8.1 3.0 267.6 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 82 3 17.8 3.4 9.1 0.0 75 5.85 2.15 1 02 82 3 22.6 3.4 9.1 53.5 75 5.85 2.15 1 02 82 3 22.2 3.4 9.1 107.0 75 5.85 2.15 1.02 82 3 23 2 3.4 9.1 160.6 75 5.85 2.15 1.02 84 3 20.4 0.0 13.1 0.0 182 4.81 0.74 3.44 84 3 19.7 0.0 13.1 53.5 182 4.81 0.74 3.44 84 3 19.9 0.0 13.1 107.0 182 4.81 0.74 3.44 84 3 20.8 0.0 13.1 214.0 182 4.81 0.74 3.44 77 2 22.8 10.0 5.0 120.0 120 4.19 0.43 0.28 76 2 21 8 12.0 6.0 40.0 398 2.60 2.31 1.63 86 6 24 1 10.3 8.7 0.0 40 6.77 1.88 2.49 86 6 25 7 10.3 8.7 53.5 40 6.77 1.88 2.49 86 6 29.0 10.3 8.7 107.0 40 6.77 1.88 2 49 86 6 32.3 10.3 8.7 214.0 40 6.77 1.88 2.49 87 6 24.6 16.2 3.0 0.0 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 87 6 30.9 16.2 3.0 89.2 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 87 6 33.3 16.2 3.0 178.4 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 87 6 33.2 16.2 3.0 267.6 96 8.21 4.46 1.25 78 4 35.1 14.0 5.3 80.0 171 9.57 5.34 0.33 82 3 18.8 10.4 9.1 0.0 75 5.85 2.15 1.02 82 3 24 3 10.4 9.1 53.5 75 5.85 2.15 1.02 82 3 24 6 10.4 9.1 107.0 75 5.85 2.15 1.02 82 3 27.2 10.4 9.1 160.6 75 5.85 2.15 1 02 84 3 29.2 8.0 13.1 0.0 182 4.81 0.74 3 44 84 3 30.3 8.0 13.1 53.5 182 4.81 0.74 3 44 84 3 29.7 8.0 13.1 107.0 182 4.81 0.74 3.44 84 3 28.6 8.0 13.1 214.0 182 4.81 0.74 3.44 78 4 40.9 19.1 5.3 120.0 171 9.57 5.34 0.33 :77 2 34.2 20.0 5.0 180.0 120 4.19 0.43 0.28 Q86 6 25.6 18.0 8.7 0.0 40 6.77 1.88 2.49 '86 6 30.1 18.0 8.7 53.5 40 6.77 1.88 2 49 86 6 31.5 18.0 8.7 107.0 40 6.77 1.88 2 49 86 6 36.4 18.0 8.7 214.0 40 6.77 1.88 2 49 84 3 32.8 16.0 13.1 0.0 182 4.81 0.74 3 44 84 3 34.2 16.0 13.1 53.5 182 4.81 0.74 3.44 84 3 31.8 16.0 ‘13.1 107.0 182 4.81 0.74 3 44 84 3 32.9 16.0 13.1 214.0 182 4.81 0.74 3.44 76 2 28.9 23.9 6.0 60.0 398 2.60 2.31 1.63 79 6 37.0 22.5 8.0 89.0 218 4.84 0.39 1 82 APPENDIX B Producer Yield Adjustment Procedure Three methods of estimating differences between producer yields and those obtained in the research were evaluated by selecting the method that minimized the average of the sum of deviations between predicted yields using Equation 1 and the 5-year average yield of the producers surveyed. The predicted yields, using Equation 1, were based on the producers’ irrigation levels and nitrogen rates. However, 40-year normal monthly rainfall for Amarillo, Texas, was used for the rainfall variables. The first method simply multiplied the predicted yields from Equation 1, using producer levels of irrigation and nitrogen, by 70 percent; the percentage research yields varied from the 1976-85 county average yields (Texas Agricultural Statistics Service, 1976-85). These adjusted yields were then compared with reported yields, and the sum of the deviations was averaged across producers, resulting in an average reduction of 9.2 tons/ac from predicted yields. The next two methods resulted in subtracting a constant amount from the predicted yields of Equation 1 rather than subtracting a percentage amount. The second method used 70 percent of the predicted yield of Equation 1 but was based on the surveyed average producer irrigation level of 26.5 inches irrigation water and 300 pounds nitrogen. Compared with reported yields, the average of the sum of deviations was a 10-ton reduction from predicted yields. The final method also reduced the predicted yield of Equation 1 by 30 percent but was evaluated at the end of Stage II as being 38 inches irrigation water and 300 pounds nitrogen. This resulted in an average of the sum of deviations of an 11-ton reduction from the predicted yields. Thus, the first of the three estimating methods, a 30 percent _reduction from predictions of Equation 1, minimized the sum of the deviations between predicted and reported yields. 1O APPENDIX C Simultaneous Solution of Optimal Irrigation Level and Nitrogen Rate The simultaneous solution of the optimal irrigation level and nitrogen rate is accomplished by simultaneously solving the following two general equations: d Y P] d Y PN ____ = and = d TI PSB d TI PSB d Y _ The first derivative d is set equal to the ratio of the water cost and the product price (S/ton of beets). TI Ci Y 2 P I = -0.0012747 TI + 0.0459382 TI + 0.0003178 TN = d TI PS3 2 4.01 = -0.0012747 TI + 0.0459382 TI + 0.0003178 TN = ————— 31.07 [1] = -0.0396049 T12 + 1.427299 TI + 0.0098740 TN = 4.01 d Y \ The first derivative is set equal to the ratio of the nitrogen cost (including application) and the product price d TN ($/ton of sugarbeets). d Y PN = -0.0001568 TN + 0.0003178 TI + 0.0446747 = Cl TN PSB 0.11 = -0.0()01568 TN + 0.0003178 TI + 0.0446747 = --——- 31.07 [2] = -0.0048718 TN + 0.0098740 TI + 1.3880429 = 0.11 To simultaneously solve Equations 1 and 2, one must reduce the equations to one unknown. To solve for TI, TN must be cancelled when adding the two equations. This is accomplished by multiplying Equation 2 by 2.0267663 (0.0098740/0.0048718), which will cancel TN out of the summation of the equations. [3] -0.0098740 TN + 0.0200123 TI + 2.8132386 = 0.2229443 11 Adding Equations 1 and 3 together results in the following: -0.0396049 T12 + 1.4272999 TI + 0.0098740 TN = 4.01 0.0200123 TI - 0.0098740 TN + 2.1832386 = 0.2229443 0.0396049 T12 + 1.4473113 TI + 2.1832386 = 4.2329443 0.0396049 T12 + 1.4473113 TI = 1.4197057 Solving for TI using the quadratic equation results in the following: -0.0396049 T12 + 1.4473113 TI - 1.4197057 = 0 - 1.4473113 - \/ (-1.4473113)2-4(-0.0396049)01.419705?) 2(-0.0396049) TI = 35 inches To determine optimal TN, substitute (TI = 35) into Equation 2 as follows, and solve for TN: —0.0048718 TN + 0.0098740 (35) + 1.3880429 = 0.11 -0.0048718 TN = -1.6236329 TN = 333 pounds 12 ‘a 3' "iffilmv [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] v zflu Mention ol a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty ot the product by The Texas Agricultural w Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion oi other products that also may be suitable. All programs and information ot The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, color, v religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. 0.8M —2-90