TDOC Z TA245.7 B873 8-1688 NO.1688 June 1990 Annotated Bibliography ._\ \ l “Mil Mil UNIVERSITY LIBlt The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Charles J. Arntzen, Director, The Texas A&M University System, College Station. Texas [Blank Page in Origaal Builetin] ' A Review of Agricultural Credit Assessment Research and an Annotated Bibliography Eustacius Betubiza and David J. Leatham* *Respectively, graduate student and assistant professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. KEYWORDS: credit scoring/discriminate analysis/ qualitative choice models Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... .. 1 6* Development of Credit Assessment Models .................................................................................................................. .. 1 Choose Credit Classification ...................................................................................................................... ..j-, .................. .. 1 Collect Information on Past Good and Bad Borrowers ...................................................................... .................. .. 1 Identify Descriminating Factors ................................................................................................................................ .. 2 ‘ Weigh Credit Factors and Correspond to Loan Classifications .......................................................................... .. 2 Experience ..................................................................... ............................................................................................. .. 2 Discriminate Analysis ................................................................................................................................................ .. 2 Qualitative Choice Models .......................................................................................................................................... .. 4 A Linear Probability Model ...................................................................................................................................... .. 4 Probit Model .............................................................................................................................................................. .. 4 Logit Model ................................................................................................................................................................ .. 5 Comparison of Discriminant and Qualitative Choice Models .......................................................................... .. 5 Validate the Model .......................................................................................................................................................... .. 6 Institutionalize the Model .............................................................................................................................................. .. 6 Applications of Credit Assessment Models .................................................................................................................. .. 6 Annotated Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................... JP< 7 Areas of Further Research ................................................................................................................................................ .. 8 Conclusions ............................................................................................... ........................................................................... .. 8 Footnotes ................................................................................................................................................................................ .. 8 __ Literature Cited .................................................................................................................................................................... .. 9 Appendix .............................................................................................................................................................................. .. 10 Table 1. A Summary of Credit Assement Models in Agriculture ...................................................................... .. 16 él llkill Eggkllbfifi lqq-Q Quvwé. Introduction Credit assessment (scoring) models are exper- ence-based or statistical-based management tools used by lenders t0 forecast the outcome of existing loans and potential loans (loan applications). A credit score is essentially a forecast of what will happen to various classes of loans. Credit assessment zgmodels can be grouped into three categories: (1) credit-scoring models that are associated with the decision whether or not to grant credit, (2) loan review models that monitor the risk levels of existing loans, (3) bankruptcy-prediction models that can be used for preliminary credit screening or loan review but are not credit-scoring or loan review models per se. As early as 1941, Durand recognized the import- ance of credit assessment models but also issued a warning: A credit formula is ordinarily regarded as a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, judgement and experience. It may enable a loan officer to appraise an ordinary applicant fairly quickly and easily; and in large opera- tions, it may be of service in standardizing procedure, thus enabling most of the routine work of investigation to be handled by rather inexperienced and relatively low-salaried personnel. A credit formula may not be satisfactory, however, in the investigation of extraordinary cases (p. 84). Similary, Batt and Fowkes (1972) said the following: Credit scores, used in the hands of experienced lending officers, can provide a more accurate and consistent control of lending than is possible either by using scores alone or by relying entirely on experience and judgement (p. 194). Credit assessment in agriculture has historically been made by personal examination of individual credit applications and past performance records combined with personal knowledge of an applicant and his or her operation (Dunn and Frey 1976). ‘However, recent declines in commodity prices and land prices coupled with high interest rates have led to an increased frequency of farm failures and defaulted loans, thus increasing the need for more “sophisticated aind objective credit assessment techniques. Credit assessment models can be an important tool to manage loan risk. For example, the models pspan be used to identify loan applications with a iigh likelihood of default, to identify existing loans that need to be monitored closely, to price loans according to the level of risk, and to standardize loan criteria. The standardization of loan criteria will become especially important as secondary markets for agricultural loans develop. It is important to recognize, however, that credit assess- ment models are only an input into the overall credit environment. This report provides a review of credit assessment and scoring models reported in the agricultural economics literature. First, the steps in developing credit assessment models and a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the commonly used credit assessment methods are presented. Second, applications of credit assessment models are reported. Third, past credit assessment studies in agriculture are reviewed. Fourth, areas of further research are identified, and finally, concluding remarks are made. Development of Credit . Assessment Models Six basic steps can be used to describe the development process of a credit assessment model (Alcott 1985; Batt and Fowkes 1972; and Lufburrow et al. 1984): (1) choose the credit classifications, (2) collect information of past good and bad borrowers, (3) identify credit (discriminating) factors, (4) determine the weights given the discriminating factor in assigning credit scores, and correspond the credit scores to the loan classification scheme, (5) validate the model, and (6) institutionalize the model. Choose Credit Classification Choosing the credit classification establishes a point of reference. The classification scheme chosen is typically tied to a bank’s existing loan classi- fication scheme. The following are classification schemes that have been used in the past: (1) vulnerable or loss problem, and acceptable, (2) problem and acceptable, (3) prime, base, and premium, (4) poor risk and good risk, (5) good and bad, and (6) successful and unsuccessful (Table 1). Collect Information on Past Good and Bad Borrowers A reservoir of past lending experience is essential to developing a credible credit assessment model. Theoretical approaches may identify some factors that may be important when classifying loans; however, assigning weights to these discriminating factors requires experience. This reservoir may originate from credit experts or from the collection of relevant information on past borrowers. Data should include financial, production, market/ external conditions, and subjective information. Production information, however, has frequently been omitted in credit-scoring schemes. Subjective information includes considerations of applicant’s character, management ability, marital status, age, and loan repayment record. Identify Discriminating Factors Credit risk can be traced to many factors. These factors can be grouped into broad categories such as liquidity, solvency and collateral position, profitability, economic efficiency, repayment capac- ity, and borrower characteristics, including bor- rower’s management ability. Table 1 shows the credit factors within each group that have been used in past studies. Weigh Credit Factors and Correspond to Loan Classification Concurrent with identifying credit factors, credit scores are determined by assigning weights to credit factors. The correspondence between credit scores and credit classifications is then determined. These weights can be assigned according to experi- ence or statistical procedures. Useful statistical methods are discriminate analysis and qualitative choice models like linear probability, Logit, and Probit models. The procedures for estimating credit scores in past studies are reported in Table 1. Experience The choice and weights attached to credit factors can be based on the experience of the developer or the consensus of opinion of loan officers and execu- tive officers of the lending institution.‘ Weights are established by eliciting the participating individ- uals’ ranking of each credit factor. The average rank for each credit factor is used as the weight. The credit score for each loan is the credit factor value times the weight summed over all credit factors. Weighted scores are assigned to credit classifications. An individual application is classi- fied by computing a total weighted score and identifying the category in which it falls. The experience-based credit assessment models are validated by comparing the classifications of existing loans with the loan classifications based on credit scores. The weights are modified until the model classifies loans accurately. The credit scores are also compared with actual loan outcomes over time. The strength of this procedure is that it incorpo- rates the past experiences of the developers, thus increasing its chances of applicability and success. Furthermore, the users of the model can be in cluded in the development process, thus increasingz: credibility and acceptance. The weakness of this procedure is that it is highly subjective, and little statistical theory is employed in its generation. The statistical significance of the credit score cannot be determined. i, Discriminate Analysis The basic objective of linear discriminate analy- sis, which was introduced by Fisher in 1936 and first used on credit data (used cars) in 1941 by Durand, is to form a linear combination of the discriminating variables with associated weights that will require the groups of data (acceptable and unacceptable borrowers) to be as statistically different as possible. In its general form, a discriminate function can be expressed as where Y = discriminate value, Xi = quantifiable and observable characteristics (i = 1, ..., k), Yi= discriminate coefficients, (i = 1, k). The objective is to find a set of Y ’s so that for thtt, two populations under consideration (good and bad loans), the calculated Y’s are as far apart as possible. The Y ’s are then estimated using a least squares technique. Briefly, the procedure entails the following? (i) With matrix notation and the subscript G denoting good loans and B denoting bad or problem loans, the sums of squares and cross products for the two groups are (2) XéXG and XigXB where XG is of dimension n x k, XB is of dimension nb x k, ng is the sample size of good loans, nb is the sample size of bad loans, and k is the number of variables. To get the total sums of squares and the cross products, the two matrices are added: (3) XéXc + XQXB = X'X ,3 (ii) Next, generate a k x 1 vector M of differences between the means of the explanatory variables for the two groups: (4) Ylg ' in) I Xi (l Xkg - ikb I (iii) Then compute the Y ’s: A (s) v = (X’X)“M JlIGPG Y is a k x 1 vector of Y i (i = 1, ..., k). By substituting these estimates into the general function, we get A A Y :'Y1X1 ‘l’ Y2X2 ‘l’ "l" YkXk. “The average discriminate value of a good loan is given by (7) Yg = vlxlg + +9 kXkgn Similarly the average discriminate value of a bad loan is given by (s) Yb = fix“, + + ?kxkb. In both cases, ifs are mean values. A Z statistic can then be computed for Yg and Yb to determine a cutoff point between good and bad loans. Let the cutoff point be an arbitrary value Yc. For good loans (9) Zg = (Y, - Yip/sag where: Zg = the Z statistic for good loans, and Sdg = the standard deviation of Yg. Similarly, for bad loans, (10) Zb = (Y, - Ybysdb Jhere: Zb = the Z statistic for bad loans,_and Sdb = the standard deviation of Yb. Let us assume that the probability of rejecting a good loan and the probability of accepting a bad loan are of equal significance. By setting Zg= -Zb, Yc can be solved for as3 (11) Y, = (Sdg Yb + SdbYgJ/(Sdg + Sdb). Using past records about good and bad loans, a financial institution can then estimate the "Y coefficients with equation 5. Similarly, a cutoff value that discriminates between the good and bad loans can be computed using equation 11. To evaluate loan applications, relevant variables (i.e., those that correspond to the variables that were used during estimation) are used to generate the discriminant value for this particular borrower according to equation 6. This value is to be com- ‘Apared with the cutoff value that was computed using past records as discussed previously. If the borrower’s computed discriminant value is less than the cutoff value, the loan will probably be a bad one, and if it falls above the cutoff value, then Pthat loan will probably be a good one. In the aforementioned formulation, the error of turning down a good loan and the error of accepting a bad loan are assumed to be of equal significance, which may not be true. This assumption is a simplification that assists in computing a cutoff value. Such an assumption, however, may not be legitimate because it may be less costly to reject a good loan, thinking it is bad, than to accept a bad loan, thinking it is good. Many costs may be involved i_n trying to recover a bad loan. The sample means Yg and Yb are assumed to be the true mean discriminant values. However, these values may be data specific. Leatham’s (1987) comparison of explanatory variables used to develop agricultural credit-scoring models seems to suggest the same conclusion. This is a strong assumption, given that they are merely sample means. Results generated using these values should be used with caution. Linear programming can also be used to solve discriminant-type problems. The logic followed in constructing a linear—programming model to solve the credit-scoring problem is similar to that used for discriminant analysis. Weights must be derived for the measurement variables that will separate scores computed for the two groups as much as possible. This is accomplished by first establishing a critical value or cutoff point as the boundary between the two groups of data. Next, through a system of constraints (each constraint representing an observation), weights for the variables are established that will maximize the deviationiof an individual score from the critical cutoff valuex‘ Hardy and Adrian (1985) used a linear-program- ming formulation. They, however, noted that the lack of statistical measures creates a problem because options such as using the F-value to determine which variables should enter the scoring equation are not available. The selection of vari- ables to enter is controlled by the intuitive logic of the analyst and varified through testing. Even though coefficients from linear-programming models cannot be tested statistically, the overall measure of a “good” model, i.e., the portion of observations correctly classified, is still present. Another problem with credit-scoring models generated with linear programming is that they do not have an intercept term; thus coefficients assigned to each variable must account for all variation in classification. Because of this, algebraic signs of the coefficients in the function will not always be as expected. A major advantage noted by Hardy and Adrian (1985) is that the user does not need a high level of statistical knowledge to interpret and analyze the results. In addition, restrictive statistical assump- tions are not required. Another advantage of the linear-programming approach is that the weights or penalties associated with incorrect classification can be changed. Conservative lending programs would attach relatively higher costs for misclassify- ing problem accounts during formulation of the linear program by judiciously attaching higher weights. Qualitative Choice Models In many situations, the dependent variable in a regression equation is not continuous but represents a discrete choice, such as purchasing or not purchasing a car, voting yes or no on a referendum, or participating or not participating in the labor force. Models involving dependent variables of this kind are called qualitative response models. The observed occurrence of a given choice is considered to be an indicator of an underlying, unobservable continuous variable, which is characterized by the existence of a threshold (or thresholds); crossing a threshold means switching from one alternative to another. As Kmenta (1986) notes, the complexity of estimation and testing of models with qualitive dependent variables increases with the number of alternative choices. The simplest models are those with only two alternatives involving a binary or dichotomous dependent variable. In the context of credit scoring, one wishes to find a relationship between a set of attributes describing a loan applicant and the probability that the loan will turn out to be a good or a bad loan. The dependent variable is given the value of 1 (when the loan is good) or 0 (when the loan is bad). The estimation procedure may be taken one of three ways: as a linear probability model, as a Probit model, or as a Logit model. Each of these estimation procedures is discussed as follows. Linear Probability Model The regression form of the model is Yi: 0t + ‘l’ where Yi = 1 if loan is classified as good and 0 if loan is classified as bad; a = constant; B = change in probability of Yi occuring, when Xi changes by 1 unit; Xi = value of the attribute, i = 1, n; Ei = error term. The regression equation, which can be estimated using ordinary least squares, describes the probabil- ity that an individual’s loan will turn out to be good (i.e., the individual will not default). When Xi is fixed, the probability distribution of 6i must be equivalent to the (binomial) probability distribution of Yi. Classical statistical tests cannot be applied to the estimated parameters because the tests depend on the normality of the errors. The variance of the error term is given by \:/ <13) Ec?) = a"; = Eomu - E_ Ci J I j = number of variables for each acceptable borrower i, j gwivii + Di" - Dis Ci for each unacceptable borrower i, and l1 Tl .2 D15. 2 Ci 1 - 1 1 - 1 for Vi; V2 being unrestricted in sign; D+i, Di-Z 0 where a i, Bi = constants associated with deviational variables, Di = positive deviational variable; Di = negative (“shortfall”) deviational variable; Wi = constant associated with jth borrower character- istic; Vii = jth borrower characteristic associated with ith borrower; Ci = cutoff value for the ith borrower. The objective function attempts to maximize the summed deviations from the established cutoff score. The weights assigned to deviational variables, a: i and Bi, are arbitrary. Hardy and Adrian (1985) note, however, that Bi values should always be greater than ¢~ values to indicate the penalty for not satisfying a constraint and to prevent the system from being unbounded. They further note that although the cutoff score C is also arbitrary, it should be the same for all observations. 5For a more rigorous discussion, refer to Pindyck and Rubinfeld (1981, pp. 273-315). Literature Cited x Alcott, K. W. 1985. An Agricultural Loan Rating System. Journal of Commercial Bank Lending 65:29-38. Amemiya, T. 1981. Qualitative Response Models: A Survey. Journal of Economic Literature 19:1483-1536. Batt, C. D., and T. R. Fowkes. 1972. The Development and Use of Credit Scoring Schemes. In Applications of Management Science in Banking and Finance. Grower Press. Bauer, L. L., and J. P. Jordan. 1972. A Statistical Technique for Classifying Loan Applications. Uni- versity of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 476:1-16. Capps, 0., and R. Kramer. 1985. Analysis of Food Stamp Participation Using Qualitative Choice Models. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 67:49-59. Collins, R. A., and R. D. Green. 1982. Statistical Methods for Bankruptcy Forecasting. Journal of Economics and Business 34:349-354. Dawes, R. M., and B. Corrigan. 1974. Linear Models in Decision Making. Psychololgical Bulletin 81:95-106. Dunn, D. J ., and T. L. Frey. 1976. Discriminate Analysis of Loans for Cash-Grain Farms. Agricultural Finance Review 36:60-66. Dunn, J . D. 1974. Evaluating Potential Loan Outcomes Based on New Loan Applications for Illinois Cash- Grain Farms. Unpublished Master’s thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois. Durand, D. 1941. Risk Elements in Consumer Installment Financing. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. Evans, C. D. 1971. An Analysis of Successful and Unsuccessful Farm Loans in South Dakota. Economic Research Service, U.S.D.A. Fisher, R. A. 1936. The Use of Multiple Measurement in Taxonomic Problems. Annals of Eugenics. 8:179-88. Gustafson, C. R. 1987. Promising Future Research Related to Credit Scoring. Proceedings of Regional Research Committee NC-161. Denver, Colorado, October 6-7 . pp. 59-75. Hardy, W. E., Jr., and J. B. Weed. 1980. Objective Evaluation for Agricultural Lending. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. pp. 159-164. Hardy, E. W., and J . E. Patterson. 1983. An Objective Evaluation of Federal Land Bank Borrowers Farm Real Estate Debt, Credit Scoring Techniques. Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi. Highlights in Agri- cultural Research, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, 30:3. Hardy, E. W., and J . L. Adrian. 1985. A Linear Program- ming Alternative to Discriminate Analysis in Credit Scoring. Agribusiness 1285-282. Hardy, E. W., Jr., S. R. Spurlock, D. R. Parish, and L. A. Benoist. 1987. An Analysis of Factors that Affect the Quality of Federal Land Bank Loans. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 19:175-182. l Johnson, R. B. 1970. Agricultural Loa11 Evaluation with Discriminate Analysis. Unpublished Ph.D Disserta- tion, University of Missouri. Johnson, R. B.. and A. R. Hagan. 1978. Agricultural Loan Evaluation with Discriminate Analysis. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 10:57-62. Kohl, D. M. 1987. Credit Analysis Scorecard. Journal of Agricultural Lending 1:14-22. Kmenta, J . 1986. Elements of Econometrics. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, Inc. Leatham, D. J . 1987. An Overview of Credit Assessment Models. In Proceedings of the Regional Research Project, NC-161, Annual Meetings. Denver, Colorado, October 6-7. Lufburrow, J., P. J. Barry, and B. L. Dixon. 1984. Credit Scoring for Farm Loan Pricing. Agricultural Finance Review 44:8-14. Morris, C. D., R. L. Harwell, and E. H. Kaiser. 1980. Agricultural Loan Analysis and Agricultural Invest- ment Analysis for the South Carolina Farmer Home Administration. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Report. South Carolina Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, 411:28. . Park, N. W. 1986. Analysis of Repayment Ability for Agricultural Loans in Virginia using a Qualitative Choice Model. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Pindyck, R. S., and E. L. Rubinfeld. 1981. Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts. New York: McGraw- Hill. Reinsel, I. E. 1963. Discrimination of Agricultural Credit Risks from Loan Application Data. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University. Tongate, R. 1984. Risk Indexing: A Valuable Tool for Today’s Lender. Agri Finance. Marchzl2. Wee, B. J., and W. E. Hardy, Jr. 1980. Objective Credit Scoring of Alabama Borrowers. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Circular, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama: 249226. Appendix Alcott, Kathleen W. “An Agricultural Loan Rating System.” The Journal 0f Commercial Bank Lending 65(1985):29-38. The author discusses the importance of establishing a loan-rating system by agricultural lenders. Such a system could help management in pricing loans, monitoring adherence to internal policies, drawing budgets, as well as forecasting loan losses and net bank yields. This system makes it easier to review loans and monitor trends within the industry or a geographical region. She recommends that lending institutions should classify borrower accounts into different classes. In her dairy farm example, she suggests the following perform- ance criteria: liquidity (debt structure ratio, debt/dollar sales, debt/cow, debt/income, and cashflow coverage), solvency (leverage ratio and percentage of equity), and efficiency (pounds of milk sold per cow, replacement stock ratio, feed costs per milk income, machinery and real estate investment per cow, total investment per cow, total investment per man, and capital turnover). These ratios are then weighted according to their perceived importance.* After the scores are totaled, the borrower is placed in one of the five relevant categories. The lending institution then takes any necessary action. Alcott concludes that a rating system forces agricultural lenders to look beyond their instincts to a more objective and complete analysis of farm credits. *Refer t0 the section on “Erperierzee” for iriforrriatiori on hou" these ireights are established. 1O Bauer, L. Larry, and John P. Jordan. “A Statistical Technique for Classifying Loan Applications." University of Tennessee Agricultural Experimen‘ Station, Bul. 476(1972):1-16. The authors sampled 43 problem loans and 41 good; loans from a group of east Tennessee farmers who were borrowers at Production Credit Associations. Using stepwise regression, the authors narrowed the number of independent variables down to (IYdebt-to-asset ratio, (2) farm value, (3) total liabilities, (4) marital status, (5) family expenses as a percentage of total expenses, (6)1 current ratio, (7) number of dependents, and (8) expected income as a percentage of the previous year’s. The statistical analysis indicated, after application of dis’- criminant techniques, that the discriminant function could, with 99% probability, discriminate between the two groups of data. The analysis further indicates that the function correctly classified 85% of the loans included in the two groups, implying that discretion and further subjective analysis should be applied when the discrim- inant value is near the cutoff point because there is a 15% chance in this case of misclassifying an applicant. The authors caution that this, coupled with the limitation that qualitative variables like managerial ability were not included in the model, serves as a tool to supplement but not to replace the subjective analysis of the loan officer. Dunn, Daniel J., and Thomas L. Frey. “Discriminate Analysis of Loans for Cash-Grain Farms.” Agri- cultural Finance Review 36(1976):60-66. The goal of the study was to determine which character- istics could be used to distinguish between loans that become problems and those that remain acceptabl several years after the original loan is granted. Accepkz; able loans are defined by the Production Credit Association (PCA) as loans that are highest in quality ranging down to and including loans that have significant credit weaknesses. “Problem” loans are defined by PCA as those that have serious credit weaknesses and need more than normal supervision, but are believed to be collectible in full. Loans classified as “vulnerable” or “loss” were not included in the study. The study con- centrated on predicting successful loans from data available on the original application. Study data were from loans made to PCA cash-grain farmers in central Illinois. These farmers obtained their first PCA loans during 1964-68 and were still members in 1971, when the study was conducted. Sixteen financial ratio characteristics and six nonratio characteristics that are potentially significant measures for classifying “acceptable” and “problem” loans were used. Multiple discriminant analysis was used to determine which groups of ratios best discriminated between loans that remain acceptable and those that become problems. Stepwise discriminant analysis was first applied to the original 22 characteristics to cut down on the number of variables to be used in the final analysis. Only four characteristics met the 95% significance level for being included in the discriminant function: (1) the ratio of total liabilities to total assets, (2) the amount of credit life on the applicant, (3) the amount of note (original PCA loan) as a proportion of net cash farm income, and (4) the number of acres owned. The joint significance level exceeded 99%. The ratio of total liabilities to total asse" was by far the most important. The correlation matrifil’ for the four characteristics showed a low level of correlation among the characteristics, reflecting the additional discriminatory information added to the function by each of the characteristics. In the test, the model correctly classified 75% of the loans. Lenders Tvithout the model correctly classified 50% of the test oans. Dunn, Daniel J. “Evaluating Potential Loan Outcomes Based on New Loan Applications for Illinois Cash- Grain Farms.” Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Uni- versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, 1974. The purpose of_this study was to analyze financial and nonfinancial data from the borrower’s original loan applications to see what information available at that time could be used to discriminate between potentially acceptable and unacceptable loans. The data were collected from four central Illinois PCAs: Bloomington, Champaign, Charleston, and Decatur. Sixty acceptable loans and 39 problem loans were selected randomly to be studied. Information was collected from the original loan application of new members in 196431968. Sixteen financial ratio characteristics and six nonratio characteristics were used. By using multiple discriminant analysis, it was found that data coming from different years did not matter. When the data were analyzed using stepwise discriminant analysis, only two ratios were significant: (1) the ratio of total assets to total liabilities and (2) the amount of note-to-net-cash farm income. This model classified 65% of the acceptable loans and 55% of the problem loans correctly. It correctly classified 50% of all loans. »-\_ Stepwise discriminant analysis was again carried out, this time on all the 22 ratio and nonratio characteristics. Only four were found significant: (1) total liabilities-to- total assets, (2) amount of loan insurance, (3) amount of note-to-net-cash farm income, and (4) acres owned. This model classified 90% of the acceptable loans and 60% of the problem loans correctly. It correctly classified 75% of all loans. Hence, this four-variable model performed better than the original two-variable model. Evans, Carson D. “An Analysis of Successful and Unsuccessful Farm Loans in South Dakota.” Economic Research Service, U.S.D.A., Feb. 1971. Evans reported on successful and unsuccessful farm loans in South Dakota. He concentrated on existing farm operating loans and tried to identify borrower character- istics that showed developing unsatisfactory loan situa- tions. He studied the differences between successful and unsuccessful loans of 100 PCA members and 100 Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) borrowers. All the farmers were creditworthy at the time of their original fapplications between 1955 and 1964. By 1964-65, however. half of the loans were unsatisfactory in terms of repayment. The study was concerned with developments after the first loan was made but not with the correct evaluation of available data by the lender at the time of “the first loan application. The loans had to be successful or unsuccessful for at least 2 years before the study date. No distinctions were made among farm types, which differed from 5,000-acre ranches to 80-acre crop farms. The data used for analysis came from original loan r-sapplications and from the last year’s loan applications. Evans used discriminant analysis to test 15 character- istics from the last year’s loan applications and 23 characteristics from the first year’s applications. He ‘l1 found that the 23 characteristics of the first year’s loan applications were not significant. He, however, did find significant differences in the characteristics of the last year’s loan applications. This study was concerned mainly with the loan characteristics that determine the deterioration of a loan. The five most significant characteristics of un- successful PCA loans were (1) the high ratio of debt to assets owned, (2) high cost of operations, (3) poor production record,_(4) high ratio of debt to net worth, and (5) the large size of the borrowers household. The five most significant characteristics of unsuccessful FmHA loans were (1) the ratio of FmHA loans to poor production record, (2) the high cost of operation, (3) the high ratio of nonreal estate debt to total debt, (4) the high ratio of non-real estate debt to value of non-real estate assets, and (5) a low ratio of net worth to total assets owned. Hardy, E. William, and James E. Patterson. “An Objective Evaluation of Federal Land Bank Borrowers Farm Real Estate Debt, Credit Scoring Techniques, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi.” Highlights in Agricultural Research. Alabama Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Auburn, 30(1983):3-i11. To analyze characteristics of real estate borrowers in the Fifth Farm Credit District (Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi), data were collected from the Federal Land Bank of New Orleans by Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station researchers. Data provided for the analysis included more than 22,000 loans made during the 5-year period from 1974 to 1978. A 10% sample was drawn from the data for use in the statistical model. Of all variables considered, two appeared to possess significant discriminating power to distinguish between good and bad loans. These variables were total debt divided by total assets and loan commitment divided by net worth. Approximately 71% of the loans in the sample were classified correctly. In addition, 68% of the loans in a separate test sample were classified correctly. Hardy, E. William, and John L. Adrian. “A Linear Programming Alternative to Discriminate Analy- sis in Credit Scoring.” Agribusiness 1(1985):285-282. The purpose of the study was to present a linear- programming formulation for solving discriminant type problems. Through a system of constraints (each con- straint representing an observation), weights for the variables are established that will maximize the deviation of any individual score from the discriminant critical cutoff value. A sample of 1984 loan accounts from the Federal Land Bank of New Orleans was used as the basis for the analysis. The sample included 1764 accounts that were classified as acceptable and 216 that had problems in meeting repayment obligations. Two vari- ables were used: a ratio of total debt to total assets and a ratio of loan commitment to net worth. The linear- programming model correctly classified 82.4% of the total borrower sample. The ordinary discriminant model correctly classified 70.6% of the total borrower sample. As the weight given to misclassifying problem borrowers is increased relative to that given to acceptable loans. the portion of acceptable loans classified correctly declines and the portion of problem loans classified correctly increases. Increasing the weight associated with mis- classifying problem loans would yield a more conservative credit-scoring model. Hardy, E. William, J r., Stanley R. Spurlock, Donnie R. Parish, and Lee A. Benoist. “An Analysis of Factors that Affect the Quality of Federal Land Bank Loans.” Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 19(1987):175—182. The purpose 0f the research presented in this paper was t0 examine the agricultural real estate credit market and determine which loan, borrower, and farm business characteristics are most important in discriminating between loans that are good (borrowers are able to meet repayment obligations) and those that have deteriorated to the level of foreclosure. It was hypothesized that certain borrowers’ loan and farm business characteristics would be significantly different between borrowers who are making their payments and those who had suffered foreclosure. An additional justification for the analysis was the need to determine if the most important dis- criminating characteristics in the current (i.e., at the time the research was done) financial market for agri- culture was different from that existing in the past. Data for the analysis were taken from the loan files of the Federal Land Bank (FLB) in the Fifth Farm Credit District, Jackson, Mississippi, in spring 1985. The data represented a sample of loans closed between January 1, 1979, and December 31, 1981, in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Data from those years were selected because they represented relatively recent history. Furthermore, the loans were of sufficient age to provide some indication of whether the borrower would be able to meet loan payment obligations. A stratified random sample of loan accounts was taken so that observations would lie at both extremes of the performance scale. Good loans were those that were having no problems with repayment (not classified as problem, vulnerable, or loss), and bad loans were those that had already suffered foreclosure. A total of 68 observations were classified as good, and 76 were from foreclosed accounts. Discriminant analysis was used to estimate a credit assessment model. Four variables proved to be important in discriminating between good loans and those that had been foreclosed. The variables were the ratio of total debt service to total income, the ratio of acres on security to acres owned, the ratio of loan amount to appraised value, and the ratio of debts to assets. The model correctly classified 82.6% of the sample data. To statistically verify the validity of the dis- criminant function, the U-method was preferred on grounds that it is a particularly appropriate technique when sample sizes are relatively small, as was the case in their analysis. With this method, one observation at a time is deleted from the sample, and the discriminant classification function is derived using the remaining observations. The deleted observation is then classified with the new function. This process is continued until n classification functions, each using n-1 observations, have been derived where n is the number of observations. The “test of goodness” is the measure of the portion of the individual observations that are classified correctly. For the data used in this research, the U—method correctly classified 79.9% of the observations. Since this level of correct classification is relatively close to that achieved by the initial function, 82.6%, it could be assumed that the estimation error rate of about 17.4% in the original model was valid. This error rate would be associated with the classification of extreme cases (good and foreclosed accounts). Variables found to be important in 12 the study are similar to those found by previous researchers. Johnson, R. Bruce. “Agricultural Loan Evaluation< >< >< C. Data 1. Commercial banks X 2. FICB, PCAs/FmHA X X X X X X 3. Simulation X 4. Federal land bank Z5 TABLE 1. (continued) Lufburrow, Hardy l‘ Johnson Dunn Hardy Barry, and Spurlock Bauer ‘J Item and Hagan and Frey and Weed Dixon et al. Alcott Kohl and Jordan D. Estimate of weights 1. Based on a experience X X a 2. Discriminate analysis X X X X X 3. Qualitative choice models a. Linear prob- ability models b. Logit c. Probit X 4. Linear programming 5. Number of observations 272 99 220 241 144 — — 84 E. Validate percentage a successfully classified (%) 62 75 81 71 82.6 — —- 85 F. Institutionalized St. Louis — -— — — Oneida — — FICB Nat’l. Bank, N.Y. Morris, Harwell, Hardy and Hardy and Item and Kaiser Adrian Tongate Reinsel Patterson Dunn Park A. Classification: 1. Vulnerable or loss, problem, and acceptable X 2. Problem and acceptable X X X 3. Prime, base, and premium 4. I-V - 5. I-IV 6. Poor risk and good risk 7. Good and bad X X 8. Successful and unsuccessful t X B. Performance criteria 1. Liquidity a. Current assets/ current liabilities X b. Current debt/ total debt y X a c. Note-to-net-cash income X d. Cash expenses/ cash receipts X e. Number of credit @ SOUTCGS 18 TABLE 1. (continued) Morris, Harwell, Hardy and Hardy and Item and Kaiser Adrian Tongate Reinsel, Patterson Dunn Park 2. Solvency and collateral position a. Total debt/ total assets X X X X b. Net worth/total - assets c. Net worth/ FmHA credit X d. Total debt/ net worth X e. Non-real estate debt/total debt X f. Total liabilities g. Loan commit- ment/ net worth h. Collateral i. Loan secured by farm credit system X j. Loan secured by FmHA X k. Loan amount/ appraised value I. Supplier and creditor accounts 3. Profitability a. Return on investment b. Return on equity 4. Economic efficiency a. Operating ex- penses/earnings 5. Repayment capacity a. Actual loan pay- ment/ expected loan payment b. Debt paymentl net income X c. Planned debt repayment X d. Total cash/ total debt X e. Total debt/ total income f. Cash earnings/ annual debt payment g. Repayment history 19 TABLE 1. (continued) Morris, Harwell, Item and Kaiser Hardy and Adrian Tongate Hardy and Reinsel Patterson Dunn Park 6. Borrower's characteristics a. Size of family b. Marital status c. Number of dependents d. Attitude toward insurance e. Credit insurance 7. Management ability a. Management ability b. Tenure c. Diversification level C. Data 1. Commercial banks 2. FICB, PCAs/FmHA X 3. Simulation 4. Federal land bank D. Estimate of weights 1. Based on experience X 2. Discriminate analysis 3. Qualitative choice models a. Linear prob- ability models b. Logit c. Prcbit 4. Linear programming X 5. Number of observations — 9180 E. Validate percentage successfully classified (%) -— 82.4 F. Institutionalized -— — — 2200 99 75 382 83 Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty of the product by The Texas Agriculturv Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. All programs and information ofThe Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. 1.2M—6-9O