TDOC z TA245.7 .1 NIVERSITY iiEEiARY 3-1105 B873 "‘ ApflI1992 NO.1705 Texas Agricultural Experiment Station J. Charles Lee, Interim Director The Texas A&M University System College Station, Texas [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] ' a Descriptions and Uses of Soils of the a f Texas Agricultural Experiment Stations at Dallas and Prosper by Billy W. I-lipp, Tim C. Knowles, and Benny]. Simpson Professor, Research Associate, and Research Scientist, respectively Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center at Dallas Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with Billy R. Stringer Soil Scientist Soil Conservation Service, Terrell, TX and C. Tom Hallmark Professor, Soil Genesis and Classification Department of Soil and Crop Sciences Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Keywords: Morphology/ classification Cover (clockwise from top): The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station at Dallas, research plot investigating fertilizer n requirements of native ornamental shrubs, research on range and pasture fertilizer requirements. This publication was edited by R. Marie Jones, and the cover was designed by Roxy A. Pike, Department of Agricultural Communications, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Contents Summary ........................................................................................................................... .. 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... .. 1 Climate .............................................................................................................................. .. 2 Soils of the Centers ........................................................................................................... .. 2 Soil Series Descriptions .................................................................................................... .. 3 Laboratory Analyses of Selected Soil Profiles ................................................................ .. 9 Water Quality for Agricultural and Domestic Purposes ............................................. .. 12 Use and Management of Soils for Agriculture ............................................................. .. 13 Use and Management of Soils for Urban Purposes ...................................................... .. 14 Use and Management of Soils for Urban Landscapes .................................................. .. 15 Literature Cited ............................................................................................................... .. 18 Glossary ........................................................................................................................... .. 19 '7 ~O j‘tl_fgl__,¢l€yl‘fi' 7 iv-Ig! e sagllrvi Summary Austin silty clay and Houston Black clay are the major soils on the Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center at Dallas. Fairlie clay, Stephen silty clay, and Eddy gravelly clay loam are present to a minor extent. Because of their complex patterns, the Stephen and Eddy soils are shown as one unit in this survey. Austin and Stephen soils are classified as Mollisols in the Comprehensive Soil Classification System of the United States. Houston Black and Fairlie soils are classified as Vertisols. Eddy soils are Entisols. Mollisols are dark-colored granular soils containing more than 1 percent organic matter in the surface layer. Vertisols are referred to as self- mulching soils or cracking clays. Entisols show little or no evidence of horizon development. The soils of the Dallas Center developed mainly from chalk and interbedded marl under tallgrass and mid-bunchgrass vegetation. The relief is nearly level to gently sloping with slopes ranging from 0 to greater than 3 percent. Permeability of the Houston Black and Fairlie soils is very slow. The Austin, Stephen, and Eddy soils have moderately slow permeability. All soils on the Dallas Center are calcareous and have an average pH of 7.8. Montmorillonite is the major clay mineral, which accounts for shrinking and swelling of the soils when drying and wetting. Austin and Eddy soils contain more than 35 percent carbonate in the A horizon. The C horizons of both the Austin and Houston Black soils approach a carbonate content of 75 percent. Introduction On September 1, 1972, the Board of Trustees of the Texas Research Foundation, Renner, Texas, formally presented to Texas A&M University the 380 acres and facilities and buildings of Texas Research Foundation for the purpose of creating the Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center at Dallas. The remain- ing 270 acres of the Foundation were given to The University of Texas at Dallas. The Texas Research Foundation was chartered on April 11, 1946, as an independent, non-profit research and educational institution. Business leaders in the Dallas - Fort Worth area, concerned about the decline of agricultural productivity of the Texas Blacklands, had formed the Foundation. For 125 years, Blacklands agriculture fostered growth of cities and towns of Texas, which are insepa- rable from the history of the state. These towns include Paris, Sherman, Gainesville, Greenville, Denton, McKinney, Dallas, Prosper, Celina, Fort Worth, Hillsboro, Waco, Temple, Austin, San Antonio, and many others. Agricultural production from the Black- lands area passes through the ports of Galveston and Houston to worldwide markets. From the time of the first Spaniards some 400 years ago to the coming of the railroads 100 to 120 years ago, the Blacklands of Texas were covered with tallgrasses and mid-grasses that produced wild game and sup- ported cattle and sheep. Settlers relocating in the West and hides of the diminishing bison provided early g traffic for the railroads. With the arrival of the railroads and their ability to transport principal crops such as cotton, the plows turned the fertile grassland into vast acreages of cultivated fields. Cotton became known as “king." Small crops of corn and small grains were produced, but in this early period of history they were not commercially important. During this period, the Blacklands were considered to be some of the richest soils in America. This fertility was commonly assumed to be inexhaustible. The Texas Blacklands north of San Antonio ac- count for only a small part of the land of the state, but Blackland land resource areas are found extensively in Arkansas, Alabama, and Mississippi. Before 1900, nearly all the plowed land of Texas was in this belt. In the early 1920's, a sharp drop in prices for farm products focused attention on the declining fertility of the Blacklands. Many efforts were made to restore soil fertility, some of which in the early 1940's prompted the establishment of Texas Research Foundation. The excellent facilities and location of Texas Re- search Foundation made it ideal for one of the Research and Extension Centers being established in Texas by Texas A&M University. Added to a continuation of research and extension activities of the Texas Research Foundation is an expanded program of research in all agricultural areas, and especially in horticulture at the Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center at Dallas. Located in the urban area of the Dallas - Fort Worth metroplex, the Dallas Center serves approxi- mately 3.9 million people who reportedly control di- rectly or indirectly the largest land ownership in the state. In 1986, the Dallas Satellite Farm at Prosper was purchased from the sale of approximately 40 acres of the Dallas Research and Extension Center land west of Coit Road. The Prosper Farm consists of 161 acres that were part of a 958-acre tract deeded to D. W. Light in 1873. It is located off State Highway 289 between the towns of Prosper and Celina in Collin County. Research at Prosper is centered around the needs of the agricul- tural community of the north Texas Blacklands. Future research and extension activities at Dallas and Prosper will be directed toward the agricultural and urban needs of the north-central Texas area. The soil series of these facilities represent a large segment of the total Blackland area. This bulletin details and characterizes the uniqueness of the Blackland soils, upon which the Center's research revolves. Climate The rolling hills of the area range from 500 to 800 ft in elevation; the Center is about 700 ft above sea level. The climate of the area is described as humid, subtropi- cal with hot summers, and continental characterized by a wide range in annual temperature extremes (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1977). August, the hottest month of the year, averages a high temperature of about 95 °F (Figure 1), but tempera- tures above 100 "F are common in July and August. January, the coldest month of the year, averages a minimum temperature of 35 ‘F (Figure 1). The average freeze-free period is 249 days. The last 32°F tempera- ture occurs on March 16, and the first 32 °F clay in the fall occurs on November 21. Average annual rainfall at the Dallas Center is 35.1 inches with distinct rainy periods in April and May (4.5 inches/ month) (Figure 2a). This rainfall period is extremely important for field crop production in the area. Potential evapotranspiration (evaporation) reaches its maximum from June through July (9.5 to 10 inches/ month). Actively growing plants often require supple- mental irrigation between June and August. The prob- ability of receiving more than five amounts of precipi- tation within 7-day periods during the year is shown in Figure 2b. 120 O-—O Mean Min. I--I Mean Max. /\ 100-- e \ a =0" -/ AH, ~ "t D n $ \ § 6°" 0/‘ Q/ o I m 1- / \ n‘ 4Q /o o\ 5 an o P f_ lb % 20" Mean Annual Air Temperature 1- 63.8 i‘ Mean Annual Soil Temperature I 65.6 <> 0 4 ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ iészsaaaéfofiiz MONTH OF THE YEAR Figure 1. Average monthly minimum (min.) and maximum (max.) air temperature at the Center (recorded 1947 to 1983 at TAES-Dallas). é 9-09“ I—-O Precipitation / Q " 1L I \ o g 100-r: p \ E 7.00» / \o c 0.00» o’ \ % 500" ’ q \ O "" / \ § 4 001 o ./ \ o\ a ~ / / g o"; \ m 3.00" / . \ / \ o " Q/ i G 2,001. Q... 0-0 +8 1 O. 1'00‘: Mean Annual Precipitation I 35.08 in. 0.00 ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' léilssrfiérofifz MONTH OF THE YEAR Figure 2a. Normal monthly rainfall and potential evapo- transpiration (PET) at the Center (recorded 1947 to 1983 at TABS-Dallas). PROBABILITY (x) é. i s 0 1'01'1 1'21 é 5 l 5 MONTHOFTHEYEAR Figure 2b. Probability of receiving at least the designated amounts of precipitation in a 1-week period at TAES- Dallas. Climate determines the classification of soil mois- ture and temperature regimes. Soils of the Centers are in an ustic soil moisture regime and a thermic soil temperature regime. An ustic moisture regime is typi- cal of rainfed wheat lands. Soil moisture is limited because the soil moisture control section (about 4 to 12 inches below the soil surface) is dry for more than 90 cumulative days when evapotranspiration exceeds pre- cipitation but is not dry 90 consecutive days in most years. A thermic temperature regime denotes a soil having a mean annual soil temperature between 59'F and 72°F at 20 inches below the soil surface. The climate of the Dallas Center and the Prosper Research Station is nearly identical, so the climatologi- cal data presented previously also approximates that of Prosper. Soils of the Centers Austin silty clay and Houston Black clay are the major soils on the Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center at Dallas. Fairlie clay, Stephen silty O clay, and Eddy gravelly clay loam are present to a minor extent. Because of their complex patterns, the Stephen and Eddy soils are shown as one unit in this survey. Austin and Stephen soils are classified as Mollisols in the Comprehensive Soil Classification System of the United States. Houston Black and Fairlie are classified asVertisols. Eddy soils are Entisols. Mollisols are dark- colored granular soils containing more than 1 percent organic matter in the surface layer and are moist more than 3 months of the year. Vertisols are referred to as self-mulching soils or cracking clays. Entisols are relatively young soils that show little or no evidence of horizon development. The soils of the Center developed mainly from Upper Cretaceous chalk and interbedded marl under tallgrass and mid-bunchgrass vegetation (U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1969). The relief is nearly level to gently sloping with slopes ranging from 0 to 3 percent. Weathering of the marl and chalk in low, nearly level, slowly drained areas formed dark, plastic clay soils of the Houston Black and Fairlie series. On steeper, higher lying slopes, erosion exceeds soil formation, resulting in shallow, poorly developed profiles typical of the Austin, Eddy, and Stephen series. Thin, eroded profiles of Stephen and Eddy soils commonly show up as white spots in cultivated fields of the Blackland Prairies. Permeability of the Houston Black and Fairlie soils is very slow. The Austin, Stephen, and Eddy soils have moderately slow permeability. All soils atthe Center are calcareous and have an average pH of 7.8. Montrno- rillonite is the major clay mineral, which accounts for the shrinking and swelling of the soils when drying and wetting. Austin and Eddy soils contain more than 35 percent calcium carbonate (lime). Soils at the Dallas Center are typical of about 6.75 million acres, or 53 percent, of the Blackland Prairie regions of Texas. The Austin series, the most extensive soil at the Dallas Center, accounts for about 70 percent of the soils at the Center. Other soils at the Dallas Center are Houston Black, Fairlie, Stephen, and Eddy series. The Prosper Farm consists entirely of the Houston Black series on O to 1 percent slopes. Austin, Houston Black, Stephen, and Eddy soils are found throughout the Blacklands. The Fairlie soils are extensive in other areas outside Dallas and Collin Counties. Maps of the soils and topography at the Dallas Center are shown in Figure 3. Tables 1, 2, and 3 show characteristics of the soils, their moisture relationships, topography, and ca- pability class. Detailed descriptions of typical profiles for each of the soils are presented in the next section. Soil Series Descriptions This section describes the soil series and mapping units at TABS-Dallas. Five series are recognized at the Dallas Center, representing three groups within three soil orders. Only one series, the Houston Black, is recognized at TAES-Prosper. Each soil series contains both a brief nontechnical and a detailed technical de- scription of the soil profile, or the sequence of layers beginning at the surface and continuing down to depths beyond which most plant roots do not penetrate. Sample sites were selected after preliminary soil cores were taken from loca tions considered to be repre- sentative of mapping units defined after the survey was made. Soils were sampled from freshly dug pits. Morphological descriptions of each horizon were made and samples were collected for laboratory analyses (Soil Survey Staff, 1951). Soil mapping units were delineated by soil scientists of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. Map delinea- tions and soil descriptions were confirmed by soil scientists on the state staff of the Soil Conservation Service. The detailed high-intensity survey was com- pleted in November 1973, then updated in 1991. A: Austin silty clay (fine-silty, carbonatic, thermic, Udorthentic Haplustoll) The Austin series is a moderately deep, well- drained, moderately slowly permeable, fine-textured, calcareous soil on nearly level to gently sloping up- lands. The soil formed in chalky limestone. n Type location: 800 ft east of headquarters along north end of plots, 100 ft south into cultivated field (200 ft southwest of east barn). Typifying pedon: Austin silty clay - cropland (Figure 4, inside back cover). Very dark grayish brown (1 OYR 3/2) silty clay, very dark brown (IOYR 2/2) moist; moderate fine subangular blocky struc- ture; hard, firm, sticky, and plastic; few roots; few soft CaCOa masses and fine concretions; calcareous, moderately al- kaline; abrupt smooth boundary. Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) silty clay, very dark grayish brown (1 OYR 3 / 2) moist; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; hard, firm, sticky, and plastic; few roots; few worm casts; few fine CaCOs concretions; calcareous, moder- ately alkaline; gradual wavy boundary. Ap 0-5" A 5-13" AuA Austin silty clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes AuB Austin silty clay, 1 to 3 percent slopes FaA Fairlie clay, O to 1 percent slopes FaB Fairlie clay, 1 to 3 percent slopes HoA Houston Black clay, O to 1 percent slopes HoB Houston Black clay, 1 to 3 percent slopes SeC Stephen-Eddy complex, 1 to 3 percent slopes, eroded (Aerial photograph taken by Dallas Aerial Surveys, Dallas, TX, and topographic map compiled by the architectural firm of Wheeler and Stefoniak.) Figure 3. Legend for soil maps (see following pages). .. "4 /’-—‘\\ ‘I ‘-\ HoB \ HeB \ x e__--____1_____._l Figure 3a. Soil map of the Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center at Dallas (approximate scale: 1 inch = 720 ft). as first .\ {L R .“' \ ea l; /'/l/ "'/7/\. Figure 3b. Contour map of the Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center at Dallas (approximate scale: 1 inch = 400 ft with a contour interval of 2 ft). Table 1. Characteristics of soils at TAES-Dallas. Map Soil symbol series Surface Subsoil Substratum AuA, Austin silty Dark grayish brown clay silty Brown silty clay; moderate and White platy chalk with brown AuB clay clay; fine subangular blocky fine subangular blocky structure; silty clay in crevices. At depth and granular structure, hard hard when dry, firm when moist; of 20-40 inches. when dry, firm when moist, 10-30 inches thick. 10-20 inches thick. FaA, Fairlie clay‘ Very dark-gray clay; fine angu- Very dark-gray clay; fine angu- White chalk, platy in the upper FaB lar blocky structure, very hard lar blocky structure, extremely 6 inches, massive below. At when dry, very firm when hard when dry, very firm depth of 20-40 inches. moist, 16-30 inches thick. when moist, 12-34 inches thick. HoA, Houston Black Very dark-gray clay; fine an- Grayish brown silty clay with Pale-brown and gray marly HoB clay gular blocky structure; very olive and gray mottles; angu- clay; massive; very hard when hard when dry, very firm lar blocky structure, very hard dry, very firm when moist. when moist; 6-50 inches thick. when dry, very firm when moist; 10-50 inches thick. SeC Stephen-Eddy Dark-brown silty clay, suban- Dark-brown silty clay with White platy chalk, at depths of Complex’ gular blocky structure; hard 60% platy chalk fragments, 7-20 inches. Stephen - when dry, firm when moist; 0-6 inches thick. (80% of unit) 7-20 inches thick. Eddy - Brownish gray gravelly clay White platy chalk with brown- White partly cemented (20% of unit) loam; fine granular structure; ish gray clay loam in crevices; marine chalk, at depths of 35% chalk fragments, 0-5 inches thick 3-15 inches. 3-10 inches thick. ‘The Fairlie series at the center is 4 to 8 inches thicker than normal. ‘These soils occur in a complex pattern and are not mapped separately. Table 2. Characteristics of soils at TAES-Dallas. Percentage Map Moisture Capability Acres at of the symbol relationship classification Setting the Center Center AuA, AuB Well drained, surface runoff AuA - l Nearly level to gently sloping AuA-21 6 is medium to rapid; permea- AuB - lle uplands, slopes are 0-3%. AuB-227 62 bility is moderately slow. FaA, FaB Well drained, surface runoff slow FaA - ll Gently undulating uplands, FaA-4 1 to medium; very slow permeability. FaB - lle slopes are 0-3%. FaB-5 1 HoA, HoB Moderately well drained, HoA - ll Nearly level to gently sloping HoA-27 7 surface runoff is slow to rapid; HoB - lle uplands, slopes are 0-3%. HoB-82 22 very slow permeability SeC Well drained, surface runoff SeC - lVe Gently sloping uplands with SeC-4 1 is medium to rapid; permea- convex surfaces, slopes are 2-5%. ‘ bility is moderately slow. Table 3. Some physical properties of soils at TAES-Dallas. Available water-holding Potential Erosion Soils capacity Permeability vertical rise factors Corroslvity (inches water/ (inches/hour) (inches) K T Steel Concrete inch soil) Austin 0.13-0.16 0.2-0.6 > 2 0.32 2 high low Houston Black 0.12-0.15 < 0.06 > 2 0.32 4 high low Fairlie 0.12-0.15 < 0.06 > 2 0.32 3 high low Stephen 0.13-0.16 0.2-0.6 0.5-1 .3 0.32 1 high low Eddy 0.17-0.19 0.2-0.6 < 0.25 0.24 _1 high low Bw 13-26" Bk 26-33" Cr 33"+ Grayish brown (10YR 5/ 2) silty clay, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/ 2) moist; moder- ate fine subangular blocky and angular blocky structure; hard, firm, sticky, and plastic; few fine roots; few worm casts; few fine CaCOa soft masses and chalk fragments; calcareous, moderately alka- line; diffuse boundary. Pale-brown (10YR 6/3) silty clay, brown (10YR 5/3) moist; medium subangular blocky and angular blocky structure; hard, firm, sticky, and plastic; few fine roots; common soft CaCOs masses, few fine chalk fragments; calcareous, moderately alkaline; clear wavy boundary. White (10YR 8/2) and yellowish brown (10YR5/ 6) platy chalk hardness of 2 Mohs’ scale; fractures in upper part filled with Bk material. Range in characteristics: Solum thickness is 26 to 37 inches. The dry color of the A horizon is dark brown (10YR 3/2) or dark grayish i brown (10YR 4/2). Texture is silty clay or silty clay loam. Thickness is 11 to 19 inches. The dry colors of the B horizons are dark grayish brown (10YR 4 / 2), pale brown (10YR 6/ 3), brown (10YR 5/ 3), or light yellowish brown (2.5YR 6/ 4). Faint mottles of yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/ 6) or light yellowish brown (10YR 6/ 4) range from none to few. Texture is mainly silty clay but ranges to clay. The substratum is platy chalk interbedded with marl and clay in some pedons. B: Houston Black clay (micro high) (fine, montmorillonitic, thermic, Udic Pellustert) Houston Black series is a very deep, moderately well-drained, very slowly permeable, fine-textured, calcareous soil on nearly level to gently sloping up- lands. The soil formed in calcareous marl and clay. Type location: 200 ft east of Coit Road, 100 ft south of intersection of Coit Road and St. Louis Southwestern Railroad. Typifying pedon: Houston Black clay (micro high) - Ap 0-5" pasture (Figure 5, inside back cover). Nery dark gray (10YR 3/1) ranging in texture from silty clay to clay, black (10YR 2/1) moist; moderate medium angular blocky and subangular blocky structure; very hard, very firm, very sticky, and plastic; many fine roots; few fine soft CaCOa masses; calcareous, moderately alkaline; abrupt smooth boundary. A 5-14" Bssl 14-46" Bss2 46-63" C 63-80" Dark gray (10YR 4/ 1) ranging in texture from silty clay to clay, very dark gray (10YR 3/ 1) moist; moderate medium an- gular blocky structure; very hard, very firm, very sticky, and plastic; common fine roots; few fine CaCOs soft masses and concretions; calcareous, moderately alkaline; clear wavy boundary. Grayish brown (10YR 5/2) ranging in texture from silty clay to clay, dark gray- ish brown (10YR 4/2) moist; few fine faint brown (10YR 5/ 3) mottles; moderate medium angular blocky structure; very hard, very firm, very sticky and plastic; common intersecting slickensides below 20 inches; few fine roots; few soft CaCOa masses; calcareous, moderately alkaline; gradual wavy boundary. Lightbrownish gray (10YR 6/ 2) silty clay, grayish brown (10YR 5/2) moist; few fine faint yellowish brown (10YR 5/ 6) and very pale-brown (1 OYR 7/ 3) mottles; mod- erate medium angular blocky structure; very hard, very firm, very sticky, and plastic; few intersecting slickensides and vertical streak of very dark gray (10YR 3/ 1) from horizons above; few roots; few soft powdery masses of CaCOa; calcareous; moderately alkaline; gradual wavy boundary. Very pale-brown (10YR 7/3) and yellow- ish brown (10YR 5/ 6) silty clay loam; massive; very hard, very firm, very sticky and plastic; few fine CaCOs concentra- tions and soft powdery masses; calcare- ous, moderately alkaline. Range in characteristics: Solum thickness is 62 to 78 inches. Gilgai microrelief is indistinct; microknolls are 4 to 8 inches higher than microdepressions. Distance from the cen- ter of the microridge to the center of microdepression ranges from 9 to 14 ft, and this cycle is closer on more sloping areas. Texture of the control section is clay or silty clay with clay content typi- cally 50 to 60 percent. The A horizon dry colors are very dark gray (10YR 3/1) or dark gray (10YR 4/ 1). Thickness is 13 to 41 inches, and the A horizon is thickest in microdepressions. The Bss horizons dry colors are dark grayish brown (10YR 5/ 3), yellowish brown (10YR 5/ 6), or very pale brown (1 OYR 7/ 3). Thickness of the Bss horizon is 17 to 58 inches. The C horizon is mottled with colors of dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2), brown (1 OYR 5/ 3), very pale brown (10YR 7/3), or yellowish brown (10YR 5/6). Texture is clay or silty clay and mar]. C: Fairlie clay (fine, montmorillonitic, thermic, Udic Pellustert) The Fairlie series is a member of the fine, montmo- rillonitic thermic family of Udic Pellusterts. It is a deep, moderately well-drained, very slowly permeable cal- careous soil on nearly level to gently sloping uplands. These cyclic clayey soils have black A horizons and dark-gray or very dark-brown B horizons that rest on chalk about 46 inches below the surface. Type location: 150 ft north and 50 ft east of southwest comer of the Center. Typifying pedon: Fairlie clay, micro low - cropland. Ap 0-5" Very dark-gray (10YR 3/ 1) clay, black (10YR 2/1)moist; moderate fine and medium subangular blocky structure; very hard, very firm, very sticky, and plastic; common roots; few fine CaCOa soft masses and concretions; calcareous, moderately alkaline; abrupt smooth boundary. Very dark-gray (10YR 3/1) clay, black (10YR 2/ 1) moist; moderate medium an- gular blocky structure; very hard, very firm, very sticky, and plastic; common fine roots; few fine CaCOs concretions and chalk fragments; few intersecting slickensides below 20 inches; calcareous, moderately alkaline; gradual wavy boundary. Bss 23-40" Very dark-gray (10YR 3/ 1) clay, black (10YR 2/ 1) moist; strong, medium, angu- lar blocky structure; very ha rd, very firm, very sticky, and plastic; few fine roots; common intersecting slickensides and parallel-epipeds;fewfinechalkfragments; calcareous, moderately alkaline; gradual wavy boundary. A 55-23" Bk 40-47" Gray (10YR 5/ 1) clay, dark gray (10YR 4/ 1) moist; strong fine angular blocky structure; very hard, very firm, very sticky, and plastic; common fine soft CaCOa masses and chalk fragments; calcareous, moderately alkaline; diffuse boundary. Cr 47-55" Very pale-brown (1 OYR 7/ 3) chalky marl, becomes platy chalk below 54 inches with hardness less than 3 on Mohs’ scale. Range in Characteristics: Solum thickness to chalk is 43 to 54 inches. Texture of the control sec- tion is clay; clay content is 4O to 50 per- cent. Dry color of the A horizon is black (10YR 2/1) or very dark gray (10YR 3/1). Thickness is 12 to 40 inches, and subsoil lows and highs occur each 12 to 15 ft. Dry color of the Bss horizon is very dark grey (10YR 3/ 1), very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2), dark gray (10YR 4/1), dark grayish brown (10YR 4/ 2), or grayish brown (10YR 5/ 2). Some pedons have mottled Bk horizons that are very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/ 2) and grayish brown (10YR 5/ 2, 2.5YR 5/ 2). Mottles of brown (10YR3 / 3), yellowish brown (10YR 5/4), or brown (10YR 5/ 3) range from none to few. The Cr horizon is platy chalk or chalky marl. The chalky marl occurs in the subsoil lows. Texture is silty clay with common chalk fragments. Colors are mottled with shades of browns and yel- lows. D: Stephen silty clay (clayey, mixed, thermic, shallow, Udorthentic Haplustoll) The Stephen series is a member of the fine, mixed, thermic, shallow family of Typic Haplustolls. It is a shallow, well-drained, moderately slowly permeable soil on nearly level to gently sloping uplands. These calcareous soils have a dark grayish brown silty clay Ap horizon, brown silty clay Bw horizon, and platy chalk at a depth of 13 inches. Type location: Part of the Stephen-Eddy complex found 350 ft west of east property line and 1,200 ft south of St. Louis Southwestern Rail- road. Typifying pedon: Stephen silty clay - cropland. Ap 0-7" Dark grayish brown ( 10YR4 / 2) silty clay, very dark grayish brown (1 OYR 3/ 2) moist; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; hard, firm, sticky, and plastic; common fine roots; 5 percent chalk frag- ments less than 0.5 inch in diameter; cal- careous, moderately alkaline; clear, smooth boundary. Brown (7.5YR 5/ 4) silty clay, dark brown (7.5YR 4 / 4) moist; moderate fine suban- gular blocky and granular structure; few fine roots; common chalk fragments finer than layer above; calcareous, moderately alkaline; abrupt wavy boundary. Bw 7-13" D Cr 13-20" White (10YR 8/2) platy and massive chalky limestone with hardness of 2 on Mohs’ scale, interbedded with very pale- brown (10YR 7/3) marly silty clay in up- per 5 inches. Range in characteristics: Solum thickness to chalk or marl is 9 to 18 inches. Chalk fragments in the solum range from 3 to 15 percent and in size from 0.25 to 1 inch. Texture is silty clay. Dry color of the A horizon is dark grayishbrown(10YR4/2)orbrown(10YR 4/3). Dry color of the Bw horizon is dark brown (7.5YR 4/2, 4/ 4). Moist chroma and values are less than 3 in at least one- third of the solum depth. The C horizon is white platy chalk interbedded with very pale-brown (10YR 7/ 3) marly silty clay. E: Eddy very gravelly clay loam (loamy-skeletal, carbonatic, thermic, shallow, Typic Ustorthent) The Eddy series is a member of the loamy skeletal, carbonatic thermic family of Typic Ustorthents. It is a shallow, well-drained, moderately permeable soil. These calcareous soils have grayish brown gravelly clay loam A horizons, very pale-brown gravelly silty clay loam C horizons, and white platy chalk at depths of 11 inches. Type location: Part of the Stephen-Eddy complex found 350 ft west of east property line and 1,200 ft south of St. Louis Southwestern Rail- road. Typifying pedon : Eddy very gravelly clay loam - crop- land. Ap 0-5" Grayish brown (10YR 5/2) very gravelly clay loam, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/ 2) moist; moderate fine granular struc- ture; hard, firm; few roots; 35 to 40 per- cent chalk fragments 0.5 to 1 inch in diam- eter; calcareous, moderately alkaline; abrupt wavy boundary. CA 5-11" Very pale-brown (10YR 7/ 3) very grav- elly silty clay loam; structureless; hard, firm; 50 percent by volume of chalk frag- ments 1 to 3 inches in diameter; calcare- ous, moderately alkaline; abrupt wavy boundary. White (10YR 8/ 2) and very pale-brown (10YR 7/ 3) platy and massive chalky lime- stone. Cr 11-18" Range in characteristics: Solum thickness is 4 to 14 inches over chalk. The soil contains 35 to 50 percent by volume of platy chalk frag- ments ranging from 0.5 to 3 inches in diameter. Dry color of the A horizon is grayish brown (10YR 5/2) and brown (10YR 5/ 3, 7.5YR 5/ 2). Texture is very gravelly clay loam with 18 to 35 percent clay. The C horizon is very pale-brown (10YR 7/3) and white (10YR 8/2) platy limestone interbedded with silty clayloam in the upper 4 to 7 inches. The chalk becomes harder and plates become coarser with depth. Stephen-Eddy complex, 2 to 5 percent slopes (SeC) Stephen-Eddy complex soils are shallow and very shallow, gently sloping, calcareous, clayey, and loamy. The soil area is long and narrow and is slightly less than 4 acres in size (Figure 6, inside back cover). A represen- tative area is 350 ft west of the east property line and 1,200 ft south of the St. Louis Southwestern railroad. This soil area is 80 percent Stephen and 20 percent Eddy soils. Eddy soils occur as slightly steeper areas less than 1 / 4 acre in size within larger areas of Stephen soils. Stephen soils have surface layers of very dark grayish brown silty clay about 7 inches thick. Below this to a depth of l3 inches is brown silty clay. Below 13 inches is platy white chalk interbedded with very pale- brown marly clay. The Eddy soils have dark grayish brown clay loam surface layers about 5 inches thick that contain about 35 percent flattened chalk fragments less than 2 inches in diameter. Below this to a depth of 11 inches is a very pale-brown silty clay loam with about 70 percent flat- tened chalk fragments. Below 11 inches is very pale- brown and white platy chalk. Included with these soils and shown on the map are small spots less than about 1 / 6 acre of soil similar to the Stephen with chalk 20 to 26 inches below the surface. The permeability is moderately slow and surface runoff is medium to rapid. The available water capacity is low. The water erosion hazard is moderate to severe. Terracing and crop residue managed near the soil surface has reduced the erosion that normally occurs on these soils. The capability unit is IVe-4. Pasture group is 13A. Laboratory Analyses of Selected Soil Profiles Soil samples representing each horizon from both the Austin and Houston Black soils were taken from freshly dug pits atTAES-Dallas in November 1989. The Texas A&M University Soil Characterization Labora- tory performed soil analyses using standard proce- dures (Hallmark et al., 1986). Particle-size distribution, also called soil textural analysis, measures the size distribution of mineral soil particles less than 2 mm in diameter. Soil particle fractions normally determined include sand (0.05 to 2 mm diameter), silt (0.002 to 0.05 mm diameter), and clay (<0.002 mm diameter). The pipette method of measuring suspended solids was used to estimate par- ticle-size distribution (Tables 4 and 5). Most of the soil horizons tested have a silty clay texture. Although the control section of the Houston Black series is silty clay, silt percentages less than 4O percent result in a clay textural class. Thus, the Houston Black soil borders between a silty clay and a clay texture. Soils that are primarily silt have intermediate nutrient-holding capacity but are easily eroded by water and have medium to rapid runoff potential. Clay soils are also sticky and heavy when wet and can be difficult to till but have a high nutrient-holding capacity. Bulk density was determined from core samples taken horizontally within each pit with a double cylin- der sampler. This reflects the density of an undisturbed volume of soil solids plus pore space. Bulk density is used primarily for converting water percentage by weight to content by volume and for estimating the weight of a volume of soil too large to weigh, such as tons per acre foot. Soil reaction (pH), a measure of the hydrogen ion activity in soil, is a routine measurement determined on 1:1 soil-to-distilled-water suspensions. Soil pH greatly . affects the availability of plant nutrients. The observed range of pH values between 7.6 to 7.9 reflects the calcareous nature of Austin and Houston Black soils (Table 6). Major effects of the slightly basic pH often are to reduce the solubility of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) and to reduce the availability of soil phosphorus (P). Total carbon was determined by dry combustion. Organic carbon (Table 6) was calculated as the differ- ence of total carbon and inorganic carbon determined in calcite (CaCOa) equivalent analyses. Organic carbon Table 4. Particle size distribution of TAES-Dallas soils. was multiplied by a factor of 1.724 to obtain an estimate of soil organic matter. Organic matter content of the surface 12 inches of Austin and Houston Black soils exceeded 2 percent (Table 7). Concentrations in these two cultivated soils ranged from4.5 to 4.6 percent in the plow layerbut were considerably lower (<0.03 percent) in subsoil. Organic matter changes are extremely slow in Blackland soils; therefore it is economically feasible to increase soil organic matter for production agriculture only by in- corporating plant residues. Laws (1961) found that about 1.8 tons/ acre/ year of crop residue must be re- turned to Blackland soil to maintain organic matter levels. Smith et al. (1954) determined that Blackland soils under corn reached an equilibrium of about 2 percent organic matter. Bases extractable in 1 M ammonium acetate (NH 4OAc, pH 7.0) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) using 1 M sodium acetate (NaOAc, pH 8.2) were also determined for the two soils (Table 6). Extractable bases measured included calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), and potassium (K). An abundance of free lime (CaCOa) in these soils resulted in high concentra- tions of extractable Ca. The ability of a soil to absorb cations, or plant nutrients, is quantified by its CEC. Soils containing high levels of organic matter and / or montmorillonitic clay have relatively high CEC values; but the presence of sand and silt tends to lower CEC values. Critical levels suggested by the Texas A&M Soil Testing Laboratory are 0.9, 0.42, and 0.32 meq/ 100 g for extractable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, re- spectively, in Texas soils. Fertilizer additions are rec- ommended when soil nutrient concentrations are be- low these critical levels. Thus, plants would not be expected to benefit from applications of Ca, Mg, or K fertilizers at these two sites. Sodium can affect plants by changing the physical properties of soil when extract- able Na concentrations exceed 4.35 meq/ 100 g or when Sand Silt Clay Very Very Coarse Fine Coarse Depth coarse Coarse Medium Fine line (0.1 - (0.02- (0.002- Fine Soil from (2.0 - (1.0 - (0.5 - (0.25- (0.1- 0.02 0.002 0.0002 (<0.0002 series Horizon surface 1.0mm) 0.5mm) 025mm) 0.1mm) 0.05mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) inches percentage Austin Ap 0-5 0.5 0.6 0.7 3.0 4.9 13.0 33.0 32.6 1 1.7 a A 5-13 0.2 0.4 0.2 1.2 3.2 10.0 34.1 30.7 20.0 ' Bw 13-26 0.5 0.4 0.4 2.3 3.1 8.5 37.4 28.1 19.3 Bk 26-33 0.4 0.3 0.4 2.1 3.2 8.2 42.2 27.4 15.8 Cr 33-60 0.1 0.3 0.3 2.8 4.3 7.0 49.3 31.2 4.7 Houston Black Ap 0-5 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.4 2.9 16.8 28.3 44.5 4.9 (micro high) A 5-14 0.3 0.8 0.7 1.5 2.9 8.9 32.2 32.7 20.0 Bss1 14-46 0.5 1.2 0.7 1.2 2.5 9.1 33.2 27.5 24.1 Bss2 46-63 0.6 0.9 0.5 1.0 2.6 10.3 32.1 45.3 6.7 C 63-72 0.3 0.6 0.8 4.2 5.4 4.9 42.2 40.9 0.7 1O 9X“ Table 5. Texture and bulk density of TAES-Dallas soils. ’ Depth Sand Silt Clay Moist ’ Soil from (2.0- (0.05- (<0.002 Coarse bulk series Horizon surface 0.05mm) 0.002mm) mm) fragments Texture class density Q inches ............................. .. percentage ............................. .. g/cm‘ Austin Ap 0-5 9.7 46.0 44.3 1 silty clay 1.00 A 5-13 5.2 44.1 50.7 0 silty clay 0.99 Bw 13-26 6.7 45.9 47.4 0 silty clay 1.02 Bk 26-33 6.4 50.4 43.2 0 silty clay 1.05 Cr 33-60 7.8 56.3 35.9 0 silty clay loam 1.09 Houston Black Ap 0-5 5.5 45.1 49.4 0 silty clay 1.08 (micro high) A 5-14 6.2 41.1 52.7 0 silty clay 1.07 Bss1 14-46 6.1 42.3 51.6 0 silty clay 1.08 Bss2 46-63 5.6 42.4 52.0 0 silty clay 1.20 C 63-72 11.3 47.1 41.6 0 silty clay 1.39 Table 6. Soil reaction, organic carbon, and extractable bases (ammonium acetate extractable) of TAES-Dallas soils. Depth pH Cation Exchangeable Soil from (H2O Organic Extractable bases exchange sodium series Horizon surface 1:1) carbon Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium capacity percentage inches % ................................... .. meq/100g* ................................ .. % Austin Ap (>5 7.6 2.59 68.0 1 .3 0.1 1.3 39.5 0.2 o A 5-13 7.8 1.94 75.5 1.5 0.1 0.8 42.7 0.2 Bw 13-26 7.8 1.23 67.8 0.7 0.2 0.3 37.3 0.5 Bk 26-33 7.9 0.70 58.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 28.6 0.7 Cr 33-60 7.9 0.18 50.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 1 1.3 1.8 Houston Black Ap 0-5 7.6 2.66 85.4 2.1 0.2 0.9 47.5 0.4 ‘(micro high) A 5-14 7.8 1.20 79.7 1.1 0.4 0.4 44.3 0.9 Bss1 14-46 7.8 0.83 83.6 0.9 0.5 0.4 45.1 1.1 Bss2 46-63 7.8 0.44 70.8 0.9 0.4 0.4 42.0 0.9 C 63-72 7.9 0.01 50.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 16.4 1.8 ‘Calcium (ppm) = calcium (meq/100 g) x 200 Magnesium (ppm) = magnesium (meq/100 g) x 120 Sodium (ppm) = sodium (meq/100 g) x 230 Potassium (ppm) = potassium (meq/100 g) x 390 Table 7. Water soluble anions (saturated paste), lime equivalent, and organic matter of TAES-Dallas soils. Depth Soil from Soluble anions Calcite Organic series Horizon surface Carbonate Bi-carbonate Chloride Sulfate Calcite Dolomite equivalent matter inches ............. .. ..... .. parts per million percentage ........................... .. . Austin Ap 0-5 0.0 299 63.0 77 40.5 0.8 41.5 4.5 A 5-13 0.0 159 3.5 24 35.8 0.1 35.9 3.3 Bw 13-26 0.0 159 3.5 34 46.8 0.0 46.8 2.1 Bk 26-33 0.0 165 3.5 34 61.4 0.7 62.2 1.2 Cr 33-60 0.0 134 7.0 82 76.0 0.9 77.0 0.3 fi Houston Black Ap o-s 0.0 177 28.0 sa 22.7 0.4 23.2 4.6 A (micro high) A 5-14 0.0 195 3.5 48 29.5 0.8 30.4 2.1 Bss1 14-46 0.0 128 0.0 101 28.8 0.3 29.1 1.4 Bss2 46-63 0.0 153 3.5 1 10 36.0 0.0 36.0 0.8 C 63-72 0.0 128 53.0 77 72.2 0.0 72.2 0.0 11 exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) exceeds 15 per- cent, resulting in a sodic (alkali) soil. Sodium is nor- mally low in Blackland soils, although a few areas contain saline seeps that result in excessive total salts and/ or sodium. Many compounds that are readily soluble in NH,OAc areonly slightly soluble in water (e.g., CaCOa). Therefore, concentrations of soluble salts often repre- sent solute concentrations in the soil solution more accurately than extractable bases. Electrical conductiv- ity (EC) and soluble cation (base) plus anion concentra- tions to include Ca, Mg, Na, K, carbonate (CO3), bi- carbonate (HCOQ), chloride (Cl), and sulfate (S0,) were determined on a saturated paste extract. Final distilled water content was noted at saturation (Tables 7 and 8). Electrical conductivity was multiplied by a factor of 640 to obtain an estimate of total salt content expressed in parts per million. The EC of a saturated soil extract is directly related to the concentration of soluble salts in the soil solution. High soluble salt concentrations lower the availability of soil water for plant uptake. Saline (salty) soils have EC’s exceeding 4 mmhos/ cm. When EC exceeds 2 mmhos/ cm, salt damage may occur on salt sensitive plants such as beans, corn, clovers, roses, photinia, and holly. Typical ranges of EC measured at the Center were between 0.4 and 1.3 mmhos/ cm (Table 8), indicat- ing low potential for salt damage to cultivated plants. The Texas A&M Soil Testing Laboratory suggests a critical level of 25 ppm sulfate (S0,) in Texas soils. Plants growing on soils testing below 25 ppm soluble S0, could benefit from sulfur (S) fertilizer applications. Typical ranges of S0, measured at the Center were between 24 to 110 ppm, reflecting adequate supplies of soil sulfur. Soils containing calcium carbonate (CaCO3) are called calcareous soils. The presence of CaCO3 in soil influences the soil pH, the availability of phosphorus, iron, and zinc, and the fate of applied phosphorus fertilizers. Percentages of calcite (CaC0,) and dolomite (CaCO3-MgC03) were determined by gasometric analy- sis using a Chittick apparatus. The calcite equivalent (total lime content) was calculated from the sum of CaCOa and CaCO3-MgC03 percentages. The importance of CaCO3 in controlling soil pH is emphasized by the requirementof about 3 tons of sulfur (or 10 tons of sulfuric acid) per acre to neutralize every 1 percent CaCOa to a depth of 6 inches. The presence of CaC03 can be determined qualitatively by efferves- cence in the presence of cold, dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl). Austin and Houston Black soils contained 23 to 4O percent CaCOa in the surface 12 inches and 72 to 76 percent CaCOs in the subsoil (Table 7). Large-scale sulfur applications to decrease alkalinity are not prac- tically or economically feasible for these soils. Water Quality for Agricultural and Domestic Purposes Water used at the Dallas Center is primarily sur- face water from Lake Lavon purchased from the city of Richardson. Two water samples were taken in Febru- ary 1990 at the greenhouse facilities and the turfgrass sprinkler irrigation lines for chemical analysis at the Texas A&M University Soil Testing Laboratory. Simi- lar laboratory results were obtained from both samples; therefore their mean chemical concentrations are pre- sented (Table 9). Principal uses of water at the Center include drip and sprinkler irrigation and consumption by humans and livestock. Concentrations of Ca, Mg, Na, K, C03, HCOQ, Cl, S0,, and nitrate (N03) are well below Texas Department of Health and U. S. Environmental Protec- tion Agency (1975) limits for drinking water (Table 9). Total soluble salt concentration was well below recom- mended limits of 1,000, 1,300, and 2,000 parts per million (ppm) proposed for drinking, irrigation, and livestock waters, respectively (Texas Department of Health). No danger of boron toxicity to plants or animals exists, and negligible quantities of elements Table 8. Salinity and water soluble bases (saturated paste extract) of TAES-Dallas soils. Depth Soil from Electrical Water Soluble bases Total series Horizon surface conductivity content Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium salts inches mmhos/cm % ................................. .. parts per million ................................ .. Austin Ap 0-5 0.8 73 140 2.4 4.6 12.0 512 A 5-13 0.3 79 56 1.2 4.6 3.9 192 Bw 13-26 0.4 66 72 1 .2 6.9 0.0 256 Bk 26-33 0.4 59 72 1 .2 9.2 0.0 256 Cr 33-60 0.4 58 62 0.0 16.0 0.0 256 Houston Black Ap 0-5 1.3 81 250 25.0 14.0 3.9 832 (micro high) A 5-14 0.4 75 70 13.0 16.0 0.0 256 Bss1 14-46 0.4 89 70 1 1 .0 25.0 0.0 256 Bss2 46-63 0.4 93 68 1 1.0 23.0 0.0 256 C 63-72 0.4 63 58 6.0 21 .0 0.0 256 12 Table 9. Analytical data ot TAES-Dallas water used tor ornamental plant irrigation and human and animal consumption. O Pounds applied Recommended Parts per acre limit in parts Analysis per million inch water per million Calcium 25.8 5.8 75" Magnesium 2.0 0.4 1 25° Sodium 9.0 2.0 100° Potassium 5.5 1.2 340‘ Carbonate 0.0 0.0 —— Bi-carbonate 73.1 17.0 150° Chloride 7.5 1.7 250“ Sulfate-S 6.2 1 .4 250' Nitrate-N 0.2 0.0 10' Phosphate-P 0.0 0.0 —- Boron 0.0 0.0 1' Total salts 142.0 32.0 1000' Other unlts Electrical conductivity (mmhos/cm) 0.30 pH 8.10 Sodium absorption ratio (SAR) 0.46 Hardness (grain/gallon) 1.66 Leaching requirement (%) 0.0 Sulfuric acid requirement (gal. of 95% H2804 per acre inch to neutralize bi-carbonate) 0.5 Gypsum requirement (lbs/ac inch) 0.0 ' Based on upper limits for drinking water established by the EPA (1975). i’ Proposed upper limit for drinking water tor which Ca and Mg contribute to water hardness. ° Proposed upper limit for drinking water for persons on a low-sodium diet ° Proposed upper level tor drinking water for disagreeable taste. ' Proposed upper limit for potable water tor detrimental scale formation on pipes and fixtures. ' Proposed upper level tor irrigation of ornamental plants sensitive to salts. essential for plant growth are applied in irrigation water. Although fluoride concentration was not deter- mined, the low concentration of total dissolved solids could reflect low concentrations of this mineral. In fact, livestock would benefit from mineral supplements be- cause of the low salt content of this water. The presence of calcium and magnesium made this water slightly hard. Water hardness can be reduced with a water softener; however soft water can be corro- sive and often contains excessive quantities of chloride and sodium from the softening process. Overall, no restrictions exist for irrigation, livestock, or domestic uses of this water. Use and Management of Soils for Agriculture Research conducted on the soils at TAES-Dallas have wide application because results and findings can oftenbe expanded to include most soils of the Blackland 13 Prairie. The primary crops grown in the Texas Black- land are cotton, grain sorghum, oats, wheat, corn, alfalfa, clover, and forage grasses. The Blackland Prairie soils are subject to erosion by water and wind. These soils have inherently low permeabilities, which increase surface runoff and soil losses. Soil erosion is the major concern on about two- thirds of the cropland and pasture in Dallas and Collin Counties. If the slope exceeds 1 percent, erosion poten- tial is high. When Austin and Stephen soils lose topsoil material to erosion, productivity is drastically reduced because chalky, limestone subsoil becomes the newly exposed surface layer. This bedrock layer restricts the rooting zone of plants and has low fertility. Addition- ally, soil erosion can result in sedimentation and pollu- tion of surface waters. Erosion control measures reduce runoff from soils and increase water infiltration. This may be accom- plished by maintaining a vegetative cover on the soil through crop residue management. Terraces and di- versions that reduce the length of slopes also reduce runoff and erosion. Contour farming is a common erosion control practice in Dallas and Collin Counties. Well-maintained livestock pastures reduce ero- sion on sloping soils, provide nitrogen, and improve tilth for succeeding crops. Commonly grown pasture grasses include coastal bermudagrass, kleingrass, lovegrass, King Ranch bluestem, and Harding grass. Alfalfa and clovers and silage sorghum are also grown to some extent. Native rangeland vegetation suited to grazing includes big and littlebluestem, silver bluestem, Indiangrass, switchgrass, sideoats grama, Texas needlegrass, Texas bluegrass, and vine mesquite. Proper range management minimizes erosion and controls grazing so that vegetation can be about the same in kind and amount as the potential natural plant community for that site (Table 10). Overgrazing and mismanagement has depleted much of our native grass- land, which is now covered with mesquite, weeds, and annual grasses. Carrying capacity should be evaluated as range conditions change and as cross fencing is installed to control free-ranginglivestock. Most ranches require supplemental grazing crops such as small grains or silage sorghum. Hay and concentrates are also fed to range animals in winter months. Houston, Fairlie, and Austin soils can be produc- tive agricultural soils with proper management prac- tices. The clay content results in very low water infiltra- tion rates. Without contour farming, terracingfand proper tillage, soil erosion can be a problem. Plant residue should be managed so that water intake by the soil will be maximized and erosion will be prevented. This can be accomplished by shredding stubble with a rotary mower, incorporating the residue into the top 2 to 4 inches of soil, and leaving it in this manner as long as possible for soil and water conservation (Simpson, 1964). Table 10. Potential native plant communities of soils at TAES- Dallas (dry welght basis)! Houston Common plant name Austin Black Fairlie Stephen Eddy (percentage composition) little bluestem 40 50 50 30 30 big bluestem 15 10 10 silver bluestem 5 5 5 lndiangrass 15 25 25 15 15 switchgrass 5 5 5 sideoats grama 5 5 5 10 10 Texas wintergrass 5 5 Texas needlegrass 5 hairy grama 5 5 vine mesquite 5 5 other perennial grasses 10 10 other perennial iorbs 5 5 5 other annual forbs 5 5 other half shrubs 5 5 5 other trees 5 5 Potential production (lbs/ac) favorable years 6500 7000 6000 4500 4500 normal years 5000 6000 5000 3500 3500 unfavorable years 3000 3500 3500 2000 2000 ' Modified from Dallas County Soil Survey (1980, Range Productivity and Composition). Field plots were in the same location and undergo- ing the same treatment practices each year from 1947 to 1982 at the Dallas Center. These plots, designated as the "Renner Plots," provided valuable soil chemical and physical data under equilibrium conditions with con- tinuous, rotated, fertilized, and nonfertilized systems. Crops in the Renner Plots included cotton, corn, grain sorghum, wheat, and I—Iubam clover. One group of plots received a yearly application (5 tons/ acre) of manure (Hipp and Simpson, 1988). The Renner Plots have shown that under nonfertilized continuous cropping, Houston, Fairlie, and Austin Soils have the nutrient-supplying capacity to yield about 200 pounds of cotton lint, 23 bushels of wheat, 1,500 pounds of grain sorghum, or 26 bushels of corn per acre. Applications of nitrogen (N) will nor- mally increase yields of these crops, and phosphorus (P) applications will benefit some crops if N is applied in adequate amounts. Cool-season crops such as small grains normally respond to fertilizer P applications. Split applications of fertilizer are seldom required for maximum economic yield of annual rainfed crops. When fertilized, Houston, Fairlie, and Austin soils can yield about 750 pounds of cotton lint, 60 bushels of wheat, 5,500 pounds of grain sorghum, or 100 bushels of corn per acre. These three soils will mineralize (make N available from organic N forms) about 40 to 100 pounds of N per year, depending on soil moisture, temperature, and organic N level. Crops in nonfallow rotations (such as wheat after sorghum) require higher N application rates than if a fallow period has occurred 14 between crops (for example, sorghum after wheat). Cotton grown in rotation with sorghum or corn and wheat results in lower incidence of cotton root rot than does cotton grown continuously. Other soils studies at TAES-Dallas involve deter- mining fertilizer requirements of various crops grown on soils of the area, contribution of legumes to fertilizer requirements of other crops, and varietal interactions of field and forage crops with fertility and moisture needs. Continuous studies are in progress involving energy and soil conservation through soil manage- ment, fertilizer efficiency, moisture conservation, resi- due management, and supplemental irrigation. Research with field crops, small grains, and forage crops involves variety selection and cultural practices for the various soil types of the Center. The variety of soils on the Dallas Center provides opportunity for interdisciplinary approaches to research on all the soil types. For example, crop and soils scientists evaluate varieties and breeding lines for adaptation to various soils through drought, disease, and insect tolerance. Use and Management of Soils for Urban Purposes Interest in urban-related soil problems is increas- ing. The location of the Texas A&M University Re- search and Extension Center at Dallas has brought an awareness of the needs of urban people. Much of the research done for agricultural purposes can be adapted to urban situations. Many of the management practices for agriculture are directly applicable to the manage- ment needed for urban lawns, gardens, construction sites, and landscapes. Some urban uses of the soils, however, are not closely related to agriculture. Most of the soils on the Center are poorly suited for building foundations and other structures. Metal pipelines corrode rapidly when buried in Blackland soils. The shrinking and swelling of the clays, the fine texture of the soil, and the depth to chalk layers are all factors that should be considered in the design and construction of urban structures. These problems do not prohibit the use of the soil, but they do need special consideration before building. Table 11 lists some selected urban and agricultural uses of the soil and soil factors that need to be considered. Common practices used on shrink-swell soils are application of stabilization materials (commonly hy- drated lime at high rates) to streets and roads during construction and irrigation of soils around houses and buildings. Maintaining moist soil around slabs and foundations partly prevents soil cracking and conse- quent cracks in the foundation and walls. Rapid estab- lishment of turfgrass is important on new homesites to prevent erosion of topsoil onto streets and sidewalks. Use of Austin, Houston, and Fairlie soils for recre- ational areas (parks, playgrounds, etc.) is hampered by $1‘. 0' U‘ D Table 11. Use Interpretation oi soils at TAES-Dallas. Streets Gardening Soil and and Sanitary series Buildings roads Recreation landscaping landfill Pasture Cropland Austin Poor Poor Poor Fair Poor Good Good High shrink-swell High shrink-swell Clayey texture Clayey texture Depth to rock Clayey texture Fairlie Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Fair High shrink-swell High shrink-swell Clayey texture Clayey texture Clayey texture Clayey texture Very slow permeability Houston Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Fair Black High shrink-swell High shrink-swell Clayey texture Clayey texture Clayey texture Clayey texture Very slow permeability Stephen- Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Eddy Shallow to rock Shallow to rock Shallow to rock Shallow to rock Shallow to rock Shallow to rock Shallow to rock Sloping the slow water infiltration rate, which results in stand- ing water for long periods. The sticky nature of these soils limits use during wet weather. These problems can be partly offset by maintaining a ground cover and providing adequate drainage. A major urban use of soils such as those found at TAES-Dallas is for gardening and landscaping. All these soils pose some particular problem, but certain management practices decrease the problems enough to permit their use. For gardening and landscapes, the primary problem with Houston Black and Fairlie soils is the high clay content and low water infiltration rates. The water infiltration rate is moderate when dry, but as soils become wet, the infiltration rate is reduced to very low (about 0.06 inches per hour). Water must be applied slowly by sprinkler or drip (trickle) irrigation systems to avoid runoff and erosion or standing water. Associated with low permeability and high clay content is slow oxygen diffusion to plant roots. This is particularly a problem when soils remain wet for long periods and is deleterious to plant growth. Establishing a ground cover such as grass increases permeability of soils to water and air. Addition of peat moss, compost, or mulch is beneficial to home gardens because it improves tilth and physical properties. The Houston and Fairlie soils are inherently fertile, but additional nitrogen and phosphorus are normally needed for gardens and most landscape plants. Problems with permeability of Austin soils are similar to those encoun- tered with Houston and Fairlie but to a lesser extent. Stephen-Eddy and eroded Austin soils are com- mon in new’ home developments. Establishment of vegetation is difficultbecause of poor water infiltration, low water-holding capacity, and poor root growth in the bedrock. Trees and shrubs normally require appli- cation of peat moss, mulch, or topsoil material at the time of transplanting. Established plants and grass roots can penetrate the subsoil to some extent, and 15 water infiltration is greatly increased after establish- ment. Severely eroded areas may require a thin appli- cation of topsoil before grass can be established. Soils such as these require slow irrigation (e.g., sprinkler or drip) and must be watered frequently because of the low water-holding capacity. Successful gardening requires the addition of peat moss or other suitable sources of organic matter and / or topsoil (mixed in the surface soil if possible). These soils require frequent but low application rates of nitrogen and phosphorus, and for some plants, iron or zinc applica- tions may be beneficial. Selection of adapted plants is an important consid- era tion in establishing landscapes on soils such as those found at TAES-Dallas. Use and Management of Soils for Urban Landscapes The Center is on a part of the Blackland Prairie, which stretches from near the Red River in northern Texas to the Rio Grande Plains in southern Texas and from the Post Oak Savannah in the east to the East Cross Timbers in the west. It is a part of the Tallgrass Prairie of the midcontinental grasslands of North America (Collins et al., 1975). Climax vegetation is tallgrass; little bluestem is the climax dominant, and other tallgrasses are a part of any particular association de- pending on depth of soil, rainfall, etc. Woody plants occupied the well-watered valleys and thin hillsides where fire could not occur because of lack of fuel material on the rocky slopes and excess moisture in the valleys. Once the land became settled, the prairie broken by the plow, and fires more or less controlled, trees and shrubs established in fence lines and aban- doned areas. Thebestplace to observe whatmighthave been part of the climax vegetation is along fenced-in railroad tracks (Simpson, in press). Although Blackland soils present drawbacks such as high CaCOa, root pruning by the shrink-swell nature of montmorillonitic clays, high incidence of cotton root rot, poor internal drainage, and a waxy, sticky nature, a rather extensive plant palette exists (Table 12), which is suitable for aesthetic landscaping (Baker, 1987; Gar- rett, 1975; George, 1991). Specialized lists of Texas native plants (Native Plant Society of Texas, 1990), drought-tolerant plants (Simpson and Hipp, 1984), and plants having urban erosion control potential are avail- able (Hipp et al., 1991; Simpson and Hipp, 1986). A well-adapted plant to this area will meet a minimum set of requirements, i.e., grow in a pI-I range of 7.0 to 8.3, be adapted to USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 7b to 8a (average annual minimum temperatures of 5° to 15 'F), and able to withstand sustained readings of more than 100'F in the summer. These criteria are not readily controlled or easily manipulated by the homeowner or grower (Hipp and Simpson, 1986). Other aspects of landscape gardening such as fer- tility requirements, pest control, water requirements, uses of mulch, organic matter enhancement, and im- proved internal drainage of the soil, while perhaps not simple, can usually be satisfactorily accomplished. Correct plant selection will go a long way toward solving most garden problems. If plants are adapted to the soil type and the climatic conditions of the area, other facets of gardening become easier. Some Black- land soils are low in phosphorus and in most areas in nitrogen. Some flowering plants and many native plants require low inputs of fertilizer (Hipp et al., 1988, 1989). Potassium is normally available in adequate Table 12. Landscape plants adapted to the soils and climate at TAES-Dallas. Houston Black and Fairlie Austin Stephen-Eddy and eroded Austin Trees, shade Trees, flowering Trees, decorative Trees, conifer Shrubs bigtooth maple’, Texas ash’, escarpment live oak’, Caddo maple’, cedar elm’, American elm’, Shumard red oak’, Texas red oak’, chinkapin oak’, bur oak’, Chinese pistache, lacebark elm, pecan’, sweetgum’, sugar hackberry’ desert willow’, crape myrtle, goldenrain tree, Texas redbud’ (esp. the cv's Oklahoma and white Texas), Mexican redbud’, Mexican plum’, southern magnolia’, ornamental pear, Wright acacia’, mesquite’, eastern redbud’, Eve's necklace’, rusty blackhaw’ yaupon holly’, deciduous holly’, southern waxmyrtle’, prairie flameleaf sumac’, redtip photinia bald cypress’, Japanese black pine, deodar cedar, eastern red cedar’, ashe juniper’, Arizona cypress’, alligator juniper’ barberry, crape myrtle, abelia, Japanese boxwood, dwarf and shrub junipers (many cv's), elaegnus, burford holly, Chinese holly, dwarf nandina (several cv's), compact nandina, nandina, dwarf yaupon holly, Nellie R. Stevens holly, flowering quince, spirea, smooth sumac’, fragrant sumac’, red yucca’, false indigo’, flame acanthus’, Texas barberry’, agarito’, American beautyberry’, cenizo’, white bush honeysuckle’, dwarf waxmyrtle’, mockorange’, autumn sage’, mountain sage’, Arkansas yucca’, silver dalea’ All the trees that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. If grown on thin Austin soil, will need supplemental irrigation. All the trees that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. If grown on thin Austin soil, will need supplemental irrigation. All the trees that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. lf grown on thin Austin soil, will need supplemental irrigation. All the trees that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. If grown on thin Austin soil, will need supplemental irrigation. All the shrubs that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. If grown on thin Austin soil will need supplemental irrigation during drought. 16 Texas ash’, escarpment live oak’, cedar elm’, Texas red oak’, bur oak’, Chinese pistache, bigelow oak’, sugar hackberry’ goldenrain tree, Texas redbud’, Mexican redbud’, Mexican plum’, Wright acacia’, mesquite’, Eve's necklace’ deciduous holly’, prairie flameleaf sumac’ ashe juniper’, alligator juniper’, eastern red cedar’ abelia, barberry, Japanese boxwood, most junipers, elaeagnus, all nandina cv's and species, smooth sumac’, fragrant sumac’, red yucca’, flame acanthus’, Texas l6 barberry’, agarito’, cenizo’, white bush honeysuckle’, dwarf waxmyrtle’, mockorange’, autumn sage’, mountain sage’, Arkansas yucca’, silver dalea’ f“ Table 12. (Continued) Houston Black and Fairlie Austin Stephens-Eddy and eroded Austin Vines Ground covers Flowering plants, herbaceous perennials Flowering plants, annuals Tu rfg rass Landscape grasses, cool ‘ season Landscape grasses, warm $898800 Carolina jessamine’, English ivy, coral honeysuckle‘, trumpet vine’, Madame Galen trumpet vine, cross vine’, climbing prairie rose’, wisteria, Boston ivy, Lady Banks rose, summer grape’, sweet mountain grape’, mustang grape’, seibel 9110 grape creeping junipers (many cv's), Asiatic jasmine, purpleleaf honeysuckle, English ivy, greater periwinkle (Vinca major’), common periwinkle (V. minor), liriope cv's, monkey grass, purpleleaf euonymus, artemesia’, Virginia creeper’, wood fern’ Mexican hat’, columbine’, butterfly weed’, chocolate daisy’, blackfoot daisy’, Barbara's buttons’, winecup’, lantana’, Lantana cv's, black sampson’, purple ooneflower’, Engelmann daisy’, Maximillian sunflower’, Jerusalem artichoke’, Turk's cap’, pink evening primrose’, mealy blue sage’, pavonia’, dogweed’, Aster’ spp., Pensfemon’ spp., Wright skullcap’, blue baptisla’, chrysanthemum, canna, daffodil, daylily, iris, thrift alyssum, begonia, caladium, candletree, ooleus, copperleaf, dianthus, shasta daisy, geranium, impatiens, Joseph's coat, kale, marigold, nierembergia, pansy, periwinkle, petunia, portulaca, snapdragon, tulip (act as annual), zinnia, Texas bluebonnet’, Indian blanket’, black-eyed Susan’ common Bermuda, ‘tit’ Bermuda, buffalo’, ‘prairie’ buffalo’, St. Augustine, tall fescue, Zoysia cv's Canadian wild rye’, Virginia wild rye’, Texas bluegrass’, junegrass’, western wheatgrass’, threeflower melic’, blue fescue big bluestem’, little bluestem’, season bushy bluestem’, Springfield bluestem’, splitbeard bluestem’, indiangrass’, seep muhly’, sideoats grama’, eastern gamagrass’, switchgrass’, pampasgrass All the vines that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. During drought, will need supplemental irrigation. All the ground covers that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. During drought, will need supplemental irrigation. All the flowering plants that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. During drought, will need supplemental irrigation for all non-natives and for columbine’ and Maximilian sunflower.’ All the flowering plants that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. Non-native will need supplemental irrigation. All the grasses that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. Tall fescue, St. Augustine, 'tif' Bermuda, and Zoysia cv's will need supplemental irrigation. All the grasses that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie. During drought, will need supplemental irrigation, especially during heat of summer. All the grasses that grow in Houston Black and Fairlie except bushy bluestem. During drought will need supplemental irrigation. coral honeysuckle’, trumpet vine’, climbing prairie rose’, sweet mountain grape’ creeping junipers, purpleleaf honeysuckle, artemesia’, virginia creeper’ All will grow except non-natives (Lantana cv's will grow) and columbine’ and Maximilian sunflower.’ Except for Texas bluebonnet’, all these annuals need special bed preparation (compost, peat moss, etc.) and supplemental irrigation. common bermuda, buffalo’, ‘prairie’ buffalo’ None is adapted unless planting areas are amended with organic matter. little bluestem’, Springfield bluestem’, seep muhly’, sideoats grama’ ’Native Texas plants. 17 amounts and does not need to be added to Blackland soils for urban landscape maintenance. Organic matter is vitally important and canbe obtained from composted leaves, grass, and other organic materials. These mate- rials can be used as mulch in droughty conditions of midsummer and then incorporated into the soil at least 2 inches deep in the fall. Turfgrass should be mowed regularly, leaving all clippings on the lawn as fine organic matter (Knoop, 1988). In most Blackland areas, plants benefit from raised flower and shrubbery beds. These need to be elevated only 6 to 12 inches but 18 inches is better. Native soil of the area should fill the bed, and composted organic matter (2 to 6 inches deep) should be added and thor- oughly tilled in. This should give excellent drainage. For transplanted trees, special beds are not necessary, but the trees should be planted slightly higher than previously planted. Many transplanted trees are lost because they are planted too deeply and watered exces- sively. Beds and trees should be watered only when needed, which might be once per week in a hot, dry summer, or possibly only once every 2 weeks for well- established trees in summers with normal rainfall. However, when plants are watered, apply at least 1 inch of water. Drip irrigation is an excellent way to water beds and trees (Duble and Welch, 1985; Parsons et al., 1985). Inexpensive drip irrigation kits can be purchased at most nurseries or hardware stores. The pressure gauge should be set to apply about 2 gallons per hour at each emitter. About 62 gallons of water per 100 ft’ equals an inch of surface water. Sprinkler irrigation is the mostcommonly used method of irrigating turfgrass. Sprinklers should be operated in short enough time frames that runoff does not occur. If ru noff begins, stop the irrigation and allow standing water to soak in, then apply subsequent waterings until the desired amount has been applied. Literature Cited Baker, M. L. 1987. Trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers for north central Texas. TX Agri. Ext. Serv. Mimeograph. Dallas. Collins,O. B., F. E. Smeins, and D. H. Riskind. 1975. Plant communities of the Blackland prairie of Texas. In M. K. Wali (ed.). Prairie: a multiple view. Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks, 320 pp. Duble, R. L., and W. C. Welch. 1985. Texscape for conservation. TX Agri. Ext. Serv. B-1498. Texas A&M Univ., College Station. Garrett, Howard. 1975. Plants of the metroplex. Lantana Press. Dallas, TX, 90 pp. George, Steven. 18991. Recommended landscape plant materials for north central Texas. TX Agri. Ext. Serv. Mimeograph. Dallas. Hallmark, C. T., L. T. West, L. P. Wilding, and L. R. Drees. 1986. Characterization data for selected Texas soils. TX Agri. Exp. Sta. MP-1543. Texas A&M Univ., College Station, 239 pp. 18 Hipp, B. W., and B. J. Simpson. 1986. Influence of sulfur on soil pH and growth of cenizo [Leucophyllum frutescens (Berl.) I. M. Johnst.]. J. f, \‘ Environ. Hort. 4(4): 142-144. Hipp, B. W., and B. J. Simpson. 1988. Thirty-five years of farming systems research in the Texas Blackland. TX Agri. Exp. Sta. B- 1604. Texas A&M Univ., College Station, 24 pp. Hipp, B. W., B. J. Simpson, and P. S. Graff. 1988. Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and tissue N and P concentration in Salvia greggii. J. Environ. Hort. 6(2):59-61. Hipp, B. W., B. J. Simpson, and P. S. Graff. 1989. Influence of phospho- rus on nitrogen fertilizer requirement of Melampodium leucanthum (blackfootdaisy) grown in perlite-vermiculite medium. J. Environ. Hort. 7(3): 83-85. Hipp, B. W., M. C. Engelke, and B. J. Simpson. 1991. Use of resource efficient landscape plants to reduce urban runoff. In Ric Jensen (ed.). Symposium on water quality of the upper Trinity River. Texas Water Res. Inst. Texas A&M Univ., College Station, 274 pp. Knoop, Bill. 1988. Don't bag it. Lawn care plan for north central and central Texas. TX Agri. Ext. Serv. L-2456. Texas A&M Univ., College Station. Laws, W. D. 1961. Farming systems for soil improvement in the Blacklands. Texas Res. Found. Bull. 10. Renner Research Founda- tion, Renner, TX, 26 pp. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1977. Local cli- matological data, Dallas - Ft. Worth, TX, and Asheville, NC. Native Plant Society of Texas. 1990. A beginner's list, native plants for landscape use in Dallas and Fort Worth. Georgetown, TX. Parsons, J., S. Cotner, and R. Roberts. 1985. Efficient use of water in the garden and landscape. TX Agri. Ext. Serv. B-1496. Texas A&M Univ., College Station. Simpson, B. J. 1964. Wheat production in farming systems for north central Texas. Texas Research Foundation Bulletin 19. Renner Research Foundation, Renner, TX, 31 pp. Simpson, B. J. In press. The modern urban Blacklands, from tallgrass prairie to soccer fields. In O. T. Hayward and Joe C. Yelderman (eds.). The Texas Blacklands: a land, its history, and its culture. Blackland Symp. Baylor Univ., Waco, TX. Simpson, B. J., and B. W. Hipp. 1984. Drought tolerant Texas native plants for amenity plantings. In M. A. Collins (ed.). Water for the 21 st century: Will it be there? Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, 869 pp. Simpson, B. J., and B. W. Hipp. 1986. Native Texas flora with urban erosion control potential. Proceedings of Conference XVII. Inter- national Erosion Control Assoc, Dallas, 303 pp. Smith, R. M., D. O. Thompson,J. W. Collier, and R. J. Hervey. 1954. Soil organic matter, crop yields, and land use in the Texas Blackland. Soil Sci. 77:377-388. Soil Survey Staff. 1951. Soil survey manual. U.S. Department of Agriculture - Soil Conservation Service Handbook 18. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 503 pp., illus. Soil Survey Staff. 1987. Keys to soil taxonomy (third printing). SMSS Tech. Monograph No. 6. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, 280 pp. U. S. Department of Agriculture. 1969. Soil survey of Collin County, Texas. U. S. Department of Agriculture - Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 55 pp., illus. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1975. Maximum contaminate levels. Federal Register, V. 40, No.,248, pp. 59566-59588. Glossary* - Aggregate. Many fine soil particles held in a single mass or cluster, such as a clod, crumb, block, or prism. Alkaline soil. Generally, a soil thatis alkaline through- out most or all of the part occupied by plant roots. Precisely, any soil having a pH value greater than 7.0; practically, a soil having a pH above 7.3. Anion. Any ion carrying a negative charge. Common soil anions are bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, and nitrate. Available water capacity (availab le moisture capac- ity). The capacity of soils to hold water available for use by most plants. It is commonly defined as the difference between the amount of soil water at field capacity (-1 / 3 Bar) and the amount at wilting point (-15 Bars). Calcareous soil. A soil containing enough calcium carbonate (often with magnesium carbonate) to effervesce (fizz) visibly when treated with cold, dilute hydrochloric acid. Cation. Any ion carrying a positive charge. Common soil cations are calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Cation exchange capacity. The total amount of ex- changeable cations that can be held by the soil, expressed as milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil. I Chalk. A soft, white or light-gray, unindurated lime- stone consisting principally of skeletons of Fora- minifera in a matrix of finely crystalline calcite. Clay. Individual mineral soil particles less than 0.002 millimeter in diameter. As a textural class, soil material that is 40 percent or more clay, less than 45 percent sand, and less than 40 percent silt. Clay film. A thin coating of clay on the surface of a soil aggregate; clay coat, clay skin. Concretions. Grains, pellets, or nodules of various sizes, shapes, and colors, consisting of concentra- tions of compounds or of soil grains cemented together. The composition of some concretions is unlike that of the surrounding soil. Calcium car- bonate and iron oxide are examples of material commonly found in concretions. U" Consistence, soil. The feel of the soil and the ease with which a lump can be crushed by the fingers. The following terms are used to describe consistence: Loose. Noncoherent; will not hold together in a mass. ‘Adapted from Soil Survey Manual (1951). 19 Friable. When moist, easily crushes under gentle pressure between thumb and forefinger and can be pressed together into a lump. Firm. When moist, crushes under moderate pres- sure between thumb and forefinger, but resis- tance is distinctly noticeable. Plastic. When wet, readily deforms by moderate pressure but can be pressed into a lump; will form a wire when rolled between thumb and forefinger. Sticky: When wet, adheres to other material; tends to stretch and pull apart rather than to pull free from other material. Hard. When dry, moderately resistant to pressure; can be broken with difficulty between thumb and forefinger. Soft. When dry, breaks into powder or individual grains under slight pressure. Cemented. Hard and brittle; little affected by mois- tening. Depth, soil. In soil descriptions, the following depth classes are used: Very shallow. 3 to 10 inches of soil over bedrock or another impervious layer that severely restricts growth of roots. Shallow. 10 to 20 inches of soil over bedrock or another impervious layer that severely restricts growth of roots. Moderately deep. 20 to 40 inches of soil over bedrock or another impervious layer that restricts growth of roots. Deep. 40 to 60 inches of soil over bedrock or another impervious layer. Very deep. More than 60 inches of soil over bedrock. Gilgai. Typically a succession of microbasins and microknolls in nearly level areas; similar to hog- wallow land. Horizon, soil. A layer of soil, approximately parallel to the surface, that has distinct characteristics pro- duced by soil-forming processes. These are the major soil horizons: Ap horizon. A plowed surface horizon. The plow layer of agricultural soils. A horizon. The mineral horizon at the surface or just below an Ap horizon. Living organisms are most active in this horizon, and it is therefore marked by the accumulation of humus. The horizon may have lost one or more soluble salts, clay, and sesquioxides (iron and alumi- num oxides). B horizon. The mineral horizon below an A horizon. The B horizon is partly a layer of change from the overlying A to the underlying C horizon. The B horizon also has (1) distinctive character- istics caused by accumulation of clay, sesquioxides, humus, or some combination of these; (2) prismatic or blocky structure; (3) redder or stronger colors than the A horizon; or (4) some combination of these. The combined A and B horizons are usually called the solum, or true soil- If a soil lacks a B horizon, the A horizon alone is the solum. Specific types of soil horizons: Bk - Indicates the accumulation of calcium carbonate in the B horizon. Bss - Indicates the presence of slickensides in the B horizon. Bw - Indicates the development of color and / or structure with little or no apparent illuvial accumulation of material in the B horizon. C horizon. The weathered rock material immedi- ately beneath the solum. In most soils, this material is presumed to be like that from which the overlying horizons were formed. If the underlying material is known to be different from that in the solum, an Arabic numeral precedes the letter C. Difficult to excavate. Cr horizon. Root restrictive layers of soft bedrock. Excavation difficulty is low or moderate. R layer. Consolidated rock beneath the soil. The rock typically underlies a C horizon but may be immediately beneath an A or B horizon. Diffi- cult to excavate. Loam. The textural class name for a soil that is 7 to 27 percent clay, 28 to 50 percent silt, and less than 52 percent sand. Marl. A mixture of clays and calcium carbonate. Matrix. The natural material in which a fossil, metal, gem, crystal, or pebble is embedded. Microrelief. Minor surface configurations of the land. Mohs’ scale. A scale of hardness for minerals in which 1 represents the hardness of talc; 2 of gypsum; 3 of calcite; and on up to 10 of diamond. Mottled. Irregularly marked with spots of different colors that vary in number and size. Mottling in soils normally indicates poor aeration and lack of drainage. Descriptive terms are as follows: abun- dance - few, common, and many; size - fine, me- dium, and coarse; and contrast - faint, distinct, and prominent. The size measurements are these: fine - less than 5 millimeters (about 0.2 inch) in diameter along the greatest dimension; medium - ranging from 5 millimeters to 15 millimeters (about 0.2 to 0.6 inch) in diameter along the greatest dimension; and coarse - more than 15 millimeters (about 0.6 inch) in diameter along the greatest dimension. Munsell notation. A system for designating color by degrees of the three simple variables hue, value, and chroma. For example, a notation of 10YR 6/4 designates a color with a hue of 10YR, value of 6, and a chroma of 4. Parent material. The disintegrated and partly weath- ered earthy material from which a soil has formed. Ped. An individual natural soil aggregate, such as a crumb, a prism, or a block, in contrast to a clod. Permeability or hydraulic conductivity. The quality of the soil that enables water to move downward through the profile, expressed as inches per hour through saturated soil. The following terms de- scribe permeability: Very slow . . . . . . . . . . less than 0.06 inches/ hour Slow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.06 to 0.20 inches/ hour Moderately slow . . . . . . 0.2 to 0.6 inches/ hour Moderate . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6 to 2 inches/ hour pH value. A numerical means for designating rela- tively weak acidity and alkalinity in soils. A pH value of 7.0 indicates precise neutrality; a higher value, alkalinity; and a lower value, acidity. Potential evapotranspiration. The rate at which water, if available, will be removed from the soil surface. Expressed as a depth of water. Profile, soil. A vertical section of the soil through all its horizons and extending into the parent material. Reaction, soil. The degree of acidity of alkalinity of a soil expressed in pI-l values. A soil that tests to pH 7.0 is precisely neutral in reaction because it is neither acid nor alkaline. In words, the degrees of acidity or alkalinity are expressed thus: PH PH Extremely below 4.5 Neutral 6.6 to 7.3 acid Very strongly 4.5 to 5.0 Slightly 7.4 to 7.8 acid alkaline Strongly acid 5.1 to 5.5 Moderately 7.9 to 8.4 alkaline Moderately 5.6 to 6.0 Strongly 8.5 to 9.0 acid alkaline Slightly acid 6.1 to 6.0 Very strongly 9.1 and higher alkaline Relief. The elevations or inequalities of a land surface, considered collectively. Runoff. The part of the precipitation upon a drainage area that is discharged from the area in stream channels. The water that flows off the surface t‘ 6“ f) without soaking in is called surface runoff; water that enters the ground before reaching surface streams is called ground-water runoff. Sand. Individual rock or mineral fragments in soils having diameters ranging from 0.05 to 2.0 millime- ters. Most sand grains consist of quartz, but they may be of any mineral composition. The textural class name of any soil that is 85 percent or more sand and not more than 10 percent clay. Shale. A sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation (hardening) of clay deposits. Silt. Individual mineral particles in a soil that range in diameter from the upper limit of clay (0.002 milli- meter) to the lower limit of very fine sand (0.05 millimeter). Soil of the silt textural class is 80 percent or more silt and less than 12 percent clay. Slickensides. Polished and grooved surfaces produced by one mass sliding past another. In soils, slicken- sides may occur at the base of a slip surface on a relatively steep slope; in swelling clays they may occur where moisture content changes markedly. Soil separates. Mineral particles less than 2 millimeters in equivalent diameter and rangingbetween spec- ified size limits. The names and sizes of separates recognized in the United States are as follows: Very coarse sand (2.0 to 1.0 millimeter); coarse sand (1.0 to 0.5 millimeter); medium sand (0.5 to 0.25 millime- ter); fine sand (0.25 to 0.10 millimeter); very fine sand (0.10 to 0.05 millimeter); silt (0.05 to 0.002 millime- ter); and clay (less than 0.002 millimeter). The separates recognized by the International Society of Soil Science are as follows: I (2.0 to 0.2 millime- ters); II (0.2 to 0.02 millimeter); III (0.02 to 0.002 millimeter); and IV (less than 0.002 millimeter). Solum. The upper part of a soil profile, above the parent material, in which the processes of soil formation are active. The solum in mature soil includes the A and B horizons. Generally, the characteristics of the material in these horizons are unlike those of the underlying material. Stratified. Composed of or arranged in strata, or layers. The term is confined to geological material. Allu- vium is commonly stratified, and its strata inherit characteristics of the parent material. Layers that are the result of the soil-forming processes are called horizons. Structure, soil. The arrangement of primary soil par- ticles into compound particles or clusters that are i) 21 separated from adjoining aggregates and have properties unlike those of an equal mass of unaggregated primary soil particles. The principal forms of soil structure are platy (laminated), pris- matic (vertical axis of aggregates longer than hori- zontal), columnar (prisms with rounded tops), blocky (angular or subangular), and granular. Structure- less soils are (1) single grain (each grain by itself, as in dune sand) or (2) massive (the particles adhering without any regular cleavage, as in many claypans and hardpans). Subsoil. Technically, the B horizon; roughly, the part of the profile below the plow depth. Substratum. Any layer beneath the solum, either con- forming (C or R) or unconforming. Surface layer. Technically, the A horizon; roughly that part of the profile above the subsoil; includes the plow layer. Surface soil. The soil ordinarily moved in tillage or its equivalent in uncultivated soil, about 5 to 8 inches in thickness; the plowed layer. Terrace. An embankment, or ridge, constructed across sloping soils on the contour or at a slight angle to the contour. The terrace intercepts runoff so that the water soaks in the soil or flows slowly to a prepared outlet. Terraces in fields are generally built so they can be farmed. Terraces intended mainly for drainage have a deep channel that is maintained in permanent sod. Terrace (geological). An old alluvial plain, ordinarily flat or undulating, bordering a river or lake. Stream terraces are frequently called second bottoms, as contrasted to flood plains, and are seldom subject to overflow. Texture, soil. The relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles in a mass of soil. (See also Clay, Sand, and Silt.) The basic textural classes, in order of increasing proportion of fine particles, are sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, and clay. The sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam classes may be further divided by specifying ”coarse,” ”fine," or ”very fine.” Well drained. Water is removed from the soil readily but not rapidly. Moisture is available to plants throughout most of the growing season, and wet- ness does not inhibit root growth for significant periods during most growing seasons. [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] ' . 4-. ~’< v a t»: . » , :1- * _. M, .4 ,., ‘<4 ,>‘.v..- m0 Figure 4. Typical profile of Austin silty clay at TAES- Dallas. Figure 6. Typical profile of the Stephen-Eddy complex at TAES-Dallas. Figure 5. Typical profile of Houston Black silty clay at TABS-Dallas. Q Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty of the product by The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. All programs and information of The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. Copies printed: 4,000