ZTA245.7 B873 NO.1709 B-1709 September 1992 1 The Texas Agricullural Experiment Sialion v J. CharleQee, Interim Direclor The Texas A&M Universily Syslem v College Sialion, Texas [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] ' I M I - A NEW MULTIPLE Vmus RESISTANT HOT YELLow IALAPENQ PEPPER A by Benigno Villalon, professor (pepper breeder and pathologist), Texas A8M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Weslaco, TX Hot yellow wax pepper, one 0f about 25 different types of cultivated peppers (Capsicum annuum L.), is. gaining in popularity as the demand for pungent peppers increases. Pun- gent capsicums are now considered the primary spice ingredient in the world. The bright, yellow fruits at- tract consumer attention. Addition- ally, they are known for their excep- tional flavor, aroma, pungency (cap- saicin), high concentrations of vita- mins C and A, aesthetic value, and low caloric value. As with jalapenos, yellow wax peppers are pickled whole, sliced, diced, cut into rings, ,\and are used in salads, sauces, and 2 lips to add flavor and aroma to the North American diet with its increas- ing demand for Mexican-style cook- ing. ‘Ialoro’ is the first yellow jalapeno pepper variety developed. Its combined attributes of being bright yellow and of having the novel jalapeno shape and the multiple vi- rus resistant traits give it market ap- peal. Production Trends The popularity of and market for fresh and pickling hot and sweet yellow wax peppers continue to in- crease. Yellow wax peppers repre- sent about a $200-million industry at the manufacturer level. Total pro- duction area of these peppers in Texas is unknown because these fig- ures are not gathered by the Texas Department of Agriculture. Because of strong competition and high value fxof the crop (2.5 times more valuable than bell peppers), producers are reluctant to divulge area, produc- tion, or dollar figures on these or on any hot pepper produced for fresh market or processing. Yellow wax peppers are grown in most areas where bell peppers are grown. Estimated production costs per hectare for any pepper type are cur- rently about $2,500 in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and about $1,300 in the Lubbock-Hereford area. High costs in the Lower Rio Grande Val- ley are due to excessive use of agri- cultural chemicals for control of in- sects, diseases, and weeds. Harvest- ing cost is an additional $2,500 per hectare for small-fruited peppers such as jalapenos and yellow types. Increased demand for yellow wax pungent peppers places Texas in a favorable position to meet in- dustry needs, especially with the release of new insect and disease resistant varieties such as ’]aloro'. Domestic production in Texas in- cludes the Lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas (two growing sea- sons per year), the Winter Garden area from San Antonio to Crystal City (two overlapping seasons), the Texas Panhandle, the Trans-Pecos, and the El Paso area. In most of these areas, the requirements of labor, transportation, processing facilities, and market conditions are readily available for the fresh market and processors. Peppers can be harvested for8monthsduringtheyearinTexas without much competition from other U.S. pepper-growing areas. Commercially available yellow wax pepper cultivars were devel- oped for other areas with more fa- vorable growing conditions and lack- ing heavy pressure from insects and diseases. The effects of a complex of insects, diseases, and unfavorable environment are reflected in low yields in some temporate and sub- tropical regions of Texas such as the Lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. All commercial yellow wax pep- per cultivars are susceptible to to- bacco etch virus (TEV), potato virus Y (PVY), pepper mottle virus (PeMV), tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), and Texas pepper gemini virus (TPGV). Some yellow types exhibit a local lesion resistance reac- tion when challenged with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). All these vi- ruses represent the Valley Mosaic Complex. ‘TAM Mild Jalapeno-l’ and ‘TAM Veracruz’ were developed to meet these industry needs for multiple virus resistance. The need, however, still existed for a tropically adapted pungent yellow wax jalapeno pepper suited for South Texas and other areas. ‘Ialoro’ was developed by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion at Weslaco to meet these needs. It is a yellow, pungent, multiple vi- rus resistant (TEV, PVY, PeMV, TRSV, TMV, and CMV), machine- harvestable jalapeno pepper, ideally suited for growing in most regions of Texas. ‘Ialoro’ is intended for the fresh market and the processing industry (pickling and picante sauces). KEYWORDS: Capsicum annuum, virus resistance, vegetable breeding. A summary of varietal information reported in this bulletin is pub- lished in Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Leaflet 2466, which can be obtained from Texas Foundation Seed, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, TX 77843-2581 (phone: 409/845-4051). History The Weslaco pepper-breeding program began in December 1970. All the previously mentioned viruses were detected and identified on pep- pers and other vegetable crops throughout the Valley. Fifteen dif- ferent pepper genotypes (pungent and nonpungent) having heritable levels of resistance to some of these viruses were initially identified. At the seedling stage, all seedlings were mechanically inoculated with a known viral suspension, and seeds were harvested from hand-polli- nated, viral resistant (VR) plants. Plants resistant to local isolates of TEV, PVY, and TMV were found in AC2207, a small, 3- to 4-cm, pun- gent serrano-type pepper native to Mexico (obtained from Paul Smith, professor emeritus, University of California at Davis). Resistance to these same viruses was found in seg- regating line P1264280, a pungent, small pimiento type also obtained from Paul Smith. Hybridization of PI 264280 x AC2207 in 1971 resulted in segregat- ing VR progeny, designated TAES 71136. This is one of several family series that served as the wide ge- netic base for most of the multiple virus resistant plants in the Texas pepper-breeding program. Heri- table resistance to this virus com- plex, including PeMV, was found in progeny from hybridization in 1973 of TAES 71136 x Jalapeno 1158 (un- known origin). In addition, VR jalapeno fruit types were crossed to Jalapeno L (PetoSeed Co.) in 1976 to amplify the long jalapeno genes. The resulting TAES 76064 VR lines were crossed in 1981 to ‘Caloro’ (a small, yellow wax pepper developed by Paul Smith) to add the genes for yellow color, flavor, aroma, pun- gency, earliness, and prolificness, and to amplify TM resistance. A series of individual plant se- lections of yellow wax, VR, pungent, jalapeno types through the F6 yielded the desired yellow wax jalapeno type. An individual F6 yellow jalapeno-fruited plant was selected, selfed, and increased under isola- tionwithrepeated viralinoculations. Resistance to CMV, TRSV, and a Florida isolate of tomato mosaic vi- rus (ToMV) was found during these screenings. Seeds from the best virus-symptomless plants were bulked. Final pedigree designation was TAES YI81032, and it became the progenitor of ’]aloro'. This is a novel pepper, unknown in the pep- per fresh market or in the process- ing industry. Description Important horticultural charac- teristics of ‘Ialoro’ are compared with ‘Rio Grande Gold-Sweet’ (RGG) and ‘TAM Veracruz’ (TVC) in Table 1. ‘Santa Fe Grande’ (SFG) hot is prob- ably the most popular of the small, yellow wax-type peppers. It is simi- lar to sweet RGG. TVC is probably the most popular of the hot jalapeno peppers. ‘Ialoro’, a hot yellow jalapeno, is a novelty item in the hot pepper industry. ‘Ialoro’ grows between 40 and 50 cm tall, depending on cul- tural practices and growing envi- ronment, and is slightly shorter and more compact than TVC but taller and slightly more open than RGG or SFG. A strong main stem and sturdy branches can support a heavy set of largeyellowjalapeno-typefruit. The medium-size leaves offer ample cover to protect fruit from sunburn scald yet allow transmission of enough sunlight for rapid color de- velopment of bright yellow fruit. Fruit are more resistant to sunburn thanareregularbellpeppers. ‘Ialoro’ sets concentrated fruit with thick walls similar to TVC but is slightly more pungent. The bright-yellow pungent fruit exhibit a few fine epi- dermal cuticular cracks to indicate full maturity and strong jalapeno flavor and aroma associated with jalapeno peppers. The ripe yellow fruit are well suited either for fresh market consumption or for pro- cessed foods (pickled whole, sliced, or diced for picante sauce). The 2 matured red fruit also can be used fresh, processed, or dehydrated to a powdered form. Performance ‘Ialoro’ seeds are smaller and lighter than bell or chile pepper seeds. These light-tan seeds are ap- proximately 6.1 grams per 1,000 seeds, or about 165 seeds per gram. They resemble jalapeno seeds. These seeds do not possess the thick cuticle or epidermal hairs associated with tomato seeds and thus can be easily sterilized on the surface to remove pathogenic fungi, bacteria, and/ or virus particles. Germination of vi- able seed occurs in 6 days at 30°C. After expansion of primary leaves, the tap root system may pen- etrate to a depth of 20 cm in 30 days, but only if seedlings are moisture stressed for 20 days after cotyledon emergence. Large root systems in- crease stem diameter, length, and strength of foliage. Such systems produce greater aerial biomass, thus allowing earlier (5 to 10 days) har- vest. Extensive root systems also foster rapid fruit development and thus reduce risk of sun scalding of fruit late in the season and wilt of plant and foliage during hot after- noons. The elimination of one or two irrigations reduces production costs and offers control or reduction of Phytophthora wilt. For highest possible yields of hi gh-quality fruit, ‘Ialoro’ should be direct-seed planted (16 to 23 kg/ ha) on 0.76-m single-row beds, spacing plants 20 cm apart. The seeds can also be planted on double rows, 30 cm apart on a bed, or direct-seeded on 1.02-m beds, spaced 30 cm on the rows. Extensive trials with ’]aloro' throughout Texas, New Mexico, and California indicated that this pepper is adaptable to most areas. It out- yielded all other cultivars most of the time (Tables 2 to 9) and attracted the attention of several major fresh market producers, pickling pepper processors, and seed producers. '5 Table. 1. Botanical and horticultural characteristics of ‘Ialoro’ compared with ‘Rio Grande Gold-Sweet’ and ‘T AM Veracruz Virus resistance South Texas strains Remarks TEV, PeMV, PVY, TMV, TRSV, CMV Multipurpose use, prolific, high yielding TEV, PeMV, PVY, jlalapeiio’. Ialoro Rio Grande Cold-Sweet TAM Veracruz A Botanical Plant Height (cm) 40-50 33-41 50-70 Branching Multibasal, Multibasal, Semi-compact, single prostrate prostrate stem Foliage Thick, dense Thick, dense Thick, dense Size (cm) 10.5 x 5.0 10.2 x 4.9 10.5 x 5.3 Conformation Semi-compact, dense Compact, dense Semi-compact, dense Color Medium dark to light Light green Medium to dark green green Horticultural Fruit Relative days to maturity 75 75 75 Size L x W (cm) 5.4 x 2.8 6.0 x 3.4 5.9 x 2.7 Conformation 3-4 celled, conical, 3 celled, conical 3-4 celled, conical, cylindrical, blunt end cylindrical, blunt end Attachment Pendent Pendent, semi-pendent Pendent Epidermis Smooth, semi-waxy, small Smooth, waxy Semi-smooth, cracks cracks, some desirable 30%-40% desirable Color Bright yellow to red Yellow to mature red Dark green to red mature Habit Concentrated, uniform Concentrated, uniform Concentrated, semi- maturity maturity uniform A Wall thickness (mm) 4.13 3.34 3.90 » Locule no. 3-4 3 mainly 3-4 Uses Market, processing, picante Market, processing Fresh, nacho ring sauces, ring slices sauces and pickling, slices, picante sauce ornamental Pungency Capsaicin (ppm) 5,000 0 4,000 Scoville units‘ 26,000 0 24,000 Pungency rating‘ 8-9 1 7-9 TEV, PeMV, PVY, TMV, TRSV, CMV TMY, TRSV, CMV Prolific, high Prolific, early, high yielding yielding, skin cracks, fruit slightly variable l Capsaicin: Quantified by high-pressure liquid chromatography and converted to Scovill heat units, Cal-Compack Food s, Santa Ana, CA. ‘Pun en ratin : 1 =non un ent,5=mild,10=su er hot. 8 CY 8 P 8 P TLimitations Information in this document is the result of Texas Agricultural Ex- periment Station trials. These results may vary under individual cultural bactices and growing conditions. It snould be recognized that the dis- ease and / or insect resistance/ toler- ance of all varieties is verified by standard testing under laboratory conditions. The degree of resistance/ tolerance will vary depending upon many factors including environmen- tal conditions, agressiveness of the pathogen/ insect, presence of new strains or races of pathogen/ insect, etc., in the field. Availability At the time of this writing, ’Ialoro’ will be released as an exclu- sive license to a major seed producer to ensure genetic stability. Applica- tion for plant variety protection will be filed with the Plant Variety Pro- tection Office of the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Acknowledgments Much evaluation of this new pepper variety was done by Frank I. Dainello, associate professor, Texas A&M University Agricultural Re- search and Extension Center at Uvalde (currently, Extension horti- culturist - Vegetables, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station); and by David A. Bender, associate professor, Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Lubbock. Numerous individuals of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, and other major growers and processing firms assisted in de- veloping the new germplasm and in obtaining data on the performance of ‘Ialoro’. Sincere appreciation is expressed to the Texas Pepper Foun- dation, New Mexico Chile Commis- sion, Pickle Packers International, Inc., Valley Onions, Inc., McAllen, Texas, and Starr Produce, Rio Grande City, Texas. Table 4. Comparative perfonnance test of ‘Ialoro’ compared with other jalapefios, fall 1989, Donna, Texas. n v-u w _- -v- I n-nn-uu mun . . ALLIEEIB 25111635 Table 2. Comparative performance test of ‘Ialoro’ compared with other jalapefios, spring 1987, Munday, Texas. "s. Yield TEV Pungency Entry (mt / ha) rating rating ]aloro 32.00 a‘ 9’ 8° a TAM MILD lalapefio-1 25.60 b 9 6 Jalapeno-M 24.60 b 1 8 TAM Veracruz 16.70 c 9 7 ‘ Means represent average of six harvests from 2.13-m plots, 30-cm plant spacing, four replications, separated by Duncan's Multiple Range Test, 5% level. zVirus rating: 9 = very resistant, 1 = very susceptible. aPungency rating: 10 = super hot, 5 = mild, 1 = nonpungent. Table 3. Comparative performance test of ‘Ialoro’ compared with other jalapefios, fall 1988, Munday, Texas. Yield TEV Pungency Entry (mt / ha) rating rating Ialoro 19.70 a‘ 9’ 73 TAM Mild jalapeno-l 11.00 b 9 8 TAM Veracruz 10.40 b 1 8 Jalapeno-M 8.70 c 9 4 ‘Means represent average of six harvests from 3.05-m plots, 30-cm plant spacing, with four replications separated by Duncan's Multiple Range Test, 5% level. “Virus rating: 9 = very resistant, 1 = very susceptible. 3 Pungency rating: 10 = super hot, 5 = mild, 1 = nonpungent. "\ Fruit Wall Yield Pungency Length Width thickness Entry (mt / ha) (1-10) (cm) (cm) (mm) Ialoro 38.11 a‘ 8’ 5.27 c 2.60 b 3.57 c TAM Veracruz 37.30 a 8 7.50 a 2.85 a 4.50 a TAM Mild jalapeno-l 32.77 b 2 5.75 b 2.50 b 4.20 b ‘ Means represent average of two harvests from 1.5-m plots, 15-cm plant spacing, with four replications separated by Duncan's Multiple Range Test, 5% level. zPun enc ratin : 10 = su er hot, 5 = mild, 1 = non un ent. 8 Y 8 P P 8 Table 5. Comparative performance test of ‘Ialoro’ compared with other jalapefios, fall 1989, La Feria, Texas. Fruit Wall Q Yield Pungency Length Width thickness Entry (mt / ha) (1-10) (cm) (cm) (mm) TAM Mild Jalapeno-l 22.83 a‘ 3’ 5.35 bc 2.53 b 3.45 b Ialoro 20.61 ab 7 5.70 b 2.93 a 4.13 a TAM Veracruz 20.37 ab 8 6.78 a 3.25 a 4.23 a 5179053,,“ 15.22 b 1 6.30 a 3.23 a e 3.53 b "\ ‘Means represent average of two harvests from 1.52-m plots, 15-cm spacing, with four replications separated by Duncan's Multiple Range Test, 5% level. ’Pungency rating: 10 = super hot, 5 = mild, 1 = nonpungent. Table 6. Comparative performance test of ’Jaloro’ compared with other jalapefios, fall 1989, Rio Grande City, Texas. /'\ Fruit Yield Length Width Wall Entry (mt / ha) g / plant (cm) (cm) (mm) Pungency Jaloro 12.1 a‘ 479.8 a 5.22 c 2.80 a 4.69 a 8’ TAM Veracruz 4.5 b 225.5 b 7.68 a 2.85 a 4.83 a 7 Jalapefio-M 2.4 b 114.4 b 6.32 b 2.49 b 3.95 b 8 1 Means represent average of once-over harvest from 15.2-m plots, 30-cm plant spacing, with four replications, separated by Duncan's Multiple Range Test, 5% level. ‘Pungency rating: 10 = super hot, 5 = mild, 1 = nonpungent. Table 7. Comparative performance test of ’Jaloro' compared with other jalapefios, spring 1990, TAES-Weslaco, Texas. Yield TEV Pungency Hot set Entry (mt / ha) rating rating rating TAM Veracruz 13.92 a‘ 92 73 8‘ Jaloro 12.54 a 9 8 8 Mitla (Hybrid) 4.35 b 1 8 1 TAM Mild Jalapeno 4.32 b 9 3 10‘ Early Jalapeno 3.27 b 1 8 6 Jalapeno-M 2.67 b 1 7 6 Jalapa (Hybrid) 2.16 b 1 8 6 ‘Means represent averages of once-over harvest from 1.52-m plots, 15-cm spacing, with four replications serparted by Duncan's Multiple Range Test, 5% level. “Virus rating: 1O = very resistant, 1 = very susceptible. »""“Pungency rating: 10 = super hot, 5 = mild, 1 = nonpungent. Hot set rating: 10 = 60% or more flowers, 1 = no flowers. Table 8. Comparative performance test of ’Jaloro’ compared with other jalapefios, 1990, Uvalde, Texas. Fruit Yield Pods / plant Pod length Stand Entry (mt/ ha) g/ pod (#) (cm) (%) TAES jumbo Jalapefio Type 11.87 1 7.4 17.9 4.4 100.0 Jaloro 11.61 10.8 29.4 3.1 97.5 TAM Veracruz 10.38 15.5 17.4 4.1 100.0 Jumbo Peto 9.88 30.4 8.5 4.2 95.0 Jalapeno-M 6.18 10.6 13.6 3.5 98.8 LSD (P = 0.05) ns 3.5 ns ns 8.6 Table 9. Comparative performance test of ‘Jaloro’ compared with other types,1991, Uvalde, Texas. Fruit Yield‘ Pods/ plant Pod length A Entry (mt / ha) (#) (cm) Jaloro 13.53 33 4.3 TAM Veracruz 9.87 14 5.8 Jalapeno-M 2.04 5 4.6 Santa Fe Grande (Yellow) 0.87 2 4.6 LSD (P = 0.05) 1.40 2 0.5 »?\ \ field based on three harvests. Cover design by Roxy A. Pike Edited by R. Marie Jones Department of Agricultural Communications _1]|:s A Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty of the product by The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. All programs and information of The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, '~ color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. Copies printed: 4,000