TDOC HAM” TEXAS STATE DEPOSITORY B873 NQJTZD e B-1720 October 1994 LIBRARY TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JAN 1 8 1995 TEXAS STATE DOCUMENTS RELEASES o1= ExoTIc PARASITOIDS AND PREDATORS OF THE E RUSSIAN WHEAT APHID, DIURAPHIS NoXzA (KURDIUMOV), IN THE TEXAS PANHANDLE, 1987-1993 Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Edward A. Hiler, Director The Texas A&M University System College Station, Texas [Blank Page in Bulletin] “ ‘"1 Releases of Exotic Parasitoids and Predators of the Russian Wheat Aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), in the Texas Panhandle, 1987-1993 G. I. Michels, R. L. Whitaker-Deerberg, F. E. Gilstrap, and L. K. McKinnonl Abstract This bulletin presents a catalog of beneficial in- sects released for the biological control of Russian wheat aphids in the Texas Panhandle. Between 1983 and 1987, this project released nearly 1 million indi- viduals. Fourteen parasitic Hymenoptera species, seven predaceous coccinellid beetle species, and three predaceous dipteran species are represented in this catalog. Although two of the parasitoid species have currently been recovered and are thought to be established, most of the species have not been recov- ered. In the future, others may be recovered, and the compilation in this bulletin provides researchers with species names, numbers of individuals released, re- lease dates, locations, and year and shipment identi- fications associated with this project. Introduction Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae), is a pest of wheat in many parts of the world (Hughes 1988). It invaded Texas and other western states in 1986 (Stoetzel 1987). After this invasion, a nationwide program was initiated to im- port, release, and colonize parasitoids and predators of the Russian wheat aphid from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and South America. This program addressed biological control of this devastating pest and was a joint effort involving the United States De- partment of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health In- spection Service (USDA / APHIS), USDA Agricultural Research Service (USDA/ARS), and state agricultural experiment stations (SAES), including the Texas Agri- cultural Experiment Station (TAES). ‘Respectively; professor, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo, Texas 79106; research associate, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo, Texas 79106; professor, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843; research associate, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843. Key words: Russian wheat aphid, biological control. The TAES Research and Extension Center at Amarillo-Bushland was involved with this program since its inception in late 1986 and as of late 1993, released nearly 1 million organisms in the Texas High Plains for colonization and biological control of Rus- sian wheat aphids. Although the program showed some early suc- cess in the Texas High Plains after the establishment of the parasitoids Aphelinus asychis Walker (Michels and Whitaker-Deerberg 1993) and Aphelinus albipod us (Hayat and Fatima, unpublished data), most species that were released have not been recovered. If other species are eventually recovered, the species’ origins, release locations, and dates of releases will interest future researchers. This bulletin catalogs the exotic natural enemy species released in the Texas High Plains from 1987 to 1993. Information is provided on the origin of each shipment received at the TAES Amarillo-Bushland facility, the shipping laboratory and identification codes associated with the ship- ment, the release dates, the numbers of individuals released, and the release locations. Materials and Methods Organisms to be released for control of the Rus- sian wheat aphid were collected by various research- ers and were shipped to the United States. Shipments were sent to either the Texas A&M University Bio- logical Control Laboratory at College Station, Texas, or the USDA/ARS Biological Insect Research Labo- ratory at Newark, Delaware. Some species were shipped directly to these two laboratories, while oth- ers were first routed through the USDA / ARS Euro- pean Parasite Laboratory (EPL) at Behoust, France. The Texas facility primarily received parasitoid ship- ments although a few predator species were also re- ceived. The Newark facility received primarily predators and a few parasitoid species. After the organisms were reared through one or more generations in quarantine to remove unwanted parasitoids and hyperparasitoids, founder colonies were shipped to one of three laboratories to be cultured and increased. These laboratories were USDA/APHIS laboratories in Mission, Texas (parasitoids only) or Niles, Michigan (primarily predators with some para- sitoids) and the University of California Biocontrol Laboratory at Riverside, California (parasitoids only). After sufficient numbers of parasitoids or preda- tors were reared, they were shipped to USDA per- sonnel and other interested cooperators. Direct ship- ments to Texas release sites were also made from the Texas A&M University Biocontrol Laboratory Labo- ratory (parasitoids and predaceous dipterans). Shipments to the TAES facility at Amarillo- Bushland were made from the originating laboratory by overnight courier service. If a shipment arrived in time, the organisms were taken to the release site within a few hours and released following standard procedures established by USDA/APHIS. If a ship- ment arrived late or if weather or other time con- straints prohibited an immediate release, the organ- isms were kept in refrigerators until the earliest pos- sible release opportunity. Results and Discussion Table 1 provides a record of the release efforts. The data is grouped first by the class of beneficial insect: parasitic Hymenoptera, predaceous coc- cinellid beetles, and predaceous diptera. Subsequent groupings are by species, release date, and identifi- cation number. Records for some early releases were insufficient or were not provided by the shipper. This type of missing information i: indicated by an aster- isk in Table 1. The shipping laboratories are identified as Mis- sion (USDA/APHIS at Mission, Texas), Niles (USDA/APHIS at Niles, Michigan), Riverside (Uni- versity of California at Riverside, California), and TAMU (Texas A&M University at College Station, Texas) in Table 1. The release sites are identified as follows (all Texas locations): Black (5.5 miles south of Black), Bushland (TAES Research and Extension Center at Bushland), Etter (TAES North Plains Re- search Field at Etter), Hereford (10 miles north of Hereford), IBP (15 miles northeast of Amarillo), and Umbarger (5 miles southeast of Umbarger). Identification numbers were assigned to groups of organisms as a method of tracking their origin and the time they had been in culture. These numbers are also associated with voucher specimens that are curated and housed in the Texas A&M University De- partment of Entomology museum in College Station. Identification numbers beginning with BIRL (USDA / ARS laboratory at Newark), T (Texas A&M), or M (Mission) are followed by a two-digit code for the year and then a three-digit code for the sequential shipment number within a year, e.g., T91017 is the seventeenth importation received by the Texas A&M University Quarantine Laboratory in 1991. EPL num- bers consist of a two-digit year code followed by a hyphen and then a two- or three-digit number des- ignating the shipment number. Two other identifica- tion codes are specific for shipments from South America; BCWLSA is the code followed by a two- digit year and two-digit shipment number for ship- ments of coccinellid predators from Argentina, and PSRF is the code followed by a two-digit year and three-digit shipment number for coccinellid preda- tors from Chile. EPL and BIRL numbers denote sequential ship- ments leaving their quarantine laboratories. The same culture at these laboratories may have had sev- eral different shipment numbers. On the other hand, at the Texas A&M University laboratory, sequential numbers were assigned to each importation received. Although they carried culture (T) numbers, no spe- cific identification numbers were assigned to outgo- ing shipments. Therefore, all releases from the same culture carried the same T number. Acknowledgments The authors thank C. M. Rush and C. D. Patrick, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and Texas Agricultural Extension Service, respectively, for their review of the manuscript. Thanks are also due to L. E. Wendel of the USDA/APHIS Biological Control Laboratory in Mission, Texas; R. V. Flanders, T. L. Burger, Iuli Gould, and D. Prokrym of the USDA/ APHIS laboratory in Niles, Michigan; and D. Gonzales of the University of California at Riverside for their cooperation in shipping materials to the Texas High Plains. Literature Cited Hughes, R. D. 1988. A synopsis of information on the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko). CSIRO Division of Entomology Technical Paper No. 28. 39 pp. Michels, G. ]., and R. L. Whitaker-Deerberg. 1993. Recov- ery of Aphelinus asychis, an imported parasitoid of the Russian wheat aphid, in the Texas Panhandle. South- west. Entomol. 18:11-17. Stoetzel, M. B. 1987. Information on and identification of Diuraphis noxia (Homoptera: Aphididae) and other aphid species colonizing leaves of wheat and barley in the United States. ]. Econ. Entomol. 80:696-704. 98225 2898M ccn 52822 2 82223202 8.200.320 225.225.. whcca. 2222c x325 528M285 8N 0228252 < 882N202 32092220 252225.. whcca. 2222c 020825 528235 83. 028252 2 882M202 22002220 2.5.2232. wvcca. 202N223 98225 22895 8~ 2202822 2 8328.2 3.202222 3252225.. mmcca. 2QuQwc . 20822285 28982 83 2.02322 2 258280 2.2002222 22:22:22.. nwcca. 2532c 98225 2289822. 83 0228.20.52 2 222M202 3.202222 8525K‘ cncca. 2232c 98225 2282.55 ccc.2 02.22952 2 8222522 222082.322 25.2325... whcca. 2282c 2082225 2898M 8 D222. < 8232395 2282.220 852.255.. mncmwh 2Qcc\wc =85... 8 2.2.2. < s5 2282s.. 28E. 2282.28 98225 22895 cc2 D222. .2. < 28.2 22002220 8x52222222 9620.2. 2QmcRc 982.225 2898M cc2 92.32. < 82222.95 220K320 8025228222.. 2282. 222.22g 98225 22892.32 3 D22; < 822625 . 802000.220 22522225.. nucca. c2222 98285 .5892 ccw 2202822 2 228280 24502220 225.2225. vhcmw .2. cmRcBc 2.8225 880.2 ccn 282822 2 22002.52. 820822220 825222222... cucww .2. cmRQwc .252 c0280 8> 2202322 2 38.380 22002220 ...==.2220.2\ 2892.2. 82 5... c .22 82.6 82 82222 2 5E2 22.2222. 882. 2.8228 .22 8.2.6 8n 8.2.2 2 82026 .==..22_%. E82 .8252. .252 c380 ccn 282222 2 22825.2. 22002220 8025220222.. cucmwh cQvQvc 208.2965 528M285 ccn 2202822 < 2280280 222002.520 825222222... vhcmmh cmRQvc 5252.85 ccn 2.02822 < 502.52. 2502220 2.5.2232... @822. 82223 .22 82.6 8... 822.2 2 5.826 ....=._2....§.. 2.82. 82223 .22 82.6 80 . . .2313. ..==._2.._2&. 8222. 8a :3 . . 2 :25 < =22 ...._..&s2.. ....=._222.2. 28$ 8: <3 .. . 8 38.2 < 2.2.8. 82.2? 8: =3 2.820822 528285 ccn 2202322 2 2.8280 858M222: 2.2522223... vhccw .2. cQctvc 98.22022 528M285 ccn 2.02822 2 82.5.2. 22002220 2.2222232 cucmw .2. cQcCvc . . z. :25. < 3.836 22.22.22. 2.5922. 82228 . . 2 2822 < =22 22.2222. 282 82222.8 .. .. 8 Q25. < 2.22 ..==._22§.. 282. Q2228 9.8225 2898M 2 D222. .4. 80222.2. 83.00.2220 2.0522822 cucww .2. mwRQwc 8 2.2522025. 280.2. 982.225 2282.55 8 D222. < 382.2 822052502020 82522212.. n2 23.2. cQu 2 2N2 $882.2 02222.2 82m D2500 28.8028 2.8288282 62:5: 082. 2.2.52 2.28am 8am =25 828% d2 38.32 .82 s 2.82 2852.22 2.3 22. s 28.. 22a 52232 .22.. 22.22.. 2.8 02252.. 822E. .2 02¢ Q .82: e82 88.8 882,. 2 8.828.: 5.8888... =................ 885 N2....8 25.58: .55: 8. :25 < 52o 8...8&....8.==...8...... 825 N288 2......8: .55: 8. :25 < 5.8.8.. .58:.....2==...8....... $25 N288 @528: ....@5: 8. :25 < 82o 2.82.... ........8..8... 825 N888 25.58: =55: 8. :25 < 5.. 8.88.......8..==...8....... 82.8.5 N2..28 @5288: .55: 2 22.5 < 88.8.85: 858.......8=.=...8....... 825 N282... 2528: .225: 8.. :25 < 5.82.... .=..8:.....8§=...8..:... $25 N288=8 2.8.2.: .55: 8N :25 < 5.. 8=8.......8§=...8_...w 82.825 N288 @528: =55: 8N :25. < 5.. ...82...8.==...8..:... 825 N288 @528: .55: 8 :25 < 5.85.58: .=.88.......8=.=...8..&. 825 N288... .528: =55: 88 :25 < 5.82.... .....8R....8=.=...8....w $25 N228 @528: =55: 8. :25 < 5.. 8282...... 88.5 N285... .528: =55: 8 :25 < 52o ...@8........8...=...8_.8.... 825 N285... 85.58: .55: 8. :25 < 5.882.. .=.8.......8.==...8....... $25 N288... .82: e82 8N :25 < 8.8.......8=_=...8....... 2:5 N228 .2... e82 8N :25 < 82o 8....8........:.==...8...... 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B25 < s... .888...s.82.=...2...... $8.85 8.2.8 .88.. 282 8. n25 < 8.... .88.......8 .8.....8.....\ 282. 8.2.8 88... 2.82 8. s25 < 8...; 2.8.......82.=...8....... 88...... 8.28 .2... 2882 8. 8.2.2 2 828.83. 288.22.... 2:3 $28 .88.. 282 8. 88>... 2 8.6 2.8.......82......8....... 82.2. 8.8.8 .2... 282 88.. 88>... 2 82o 2.8.......82......8...... 82$ $2.8 .2... 282 88 8.2.2 2 =2. ....8.......8.........8....... 822. N228 .88.. 282 88.. 88.8.5. 2 8228.8... .88......82......2...... 82$ $28 .2... 282 88.. 8.2.2 2 8...... 82$ $28 .2... 2882 88.8 2.... 2 8.8.8.... .88.......8 288.82.... 888$ $28 .88.. 2882 8 s25 < 8.6 ....8.......82......8...... 888E 8.2.8 .88.. 282 88 8.2.2 2 58.8.28. 2.8.......82......8....... 2:8 $2.8 .88.. 282 88 88>... 2 8.6 .8............... 822. $2.8 .2... .2882 88. s25 < s... ....8.......82.....8...... $28.8 8.2.8 .88.. 282 88 8.2.2 2 8.. 2.8.......82......2...... 828.8 $28 .82.. 282 88 88.82.. 2 8228.882. 2.8.......8.........8....w 828.8 $28 .2... 2882 88 8.2.2 2 822...... .88.......8.........8....... 822 $2.8 .2... 282 88. 2.25 < 88...... 2.8.......8.........8....... 828 $28 88... 282 88.8 2.... 2 8.28.... ....8.......8 888$ 8.28 .88.. 282 88... 82.2 < .28.... .2.8.......82......8....... 2.88.8 8.8.8 .2... 2882 8. 8.2.2 2 8.222.... .2.8.......82......8....... 2:8 $88 .88.. 2882 88.. 88.8.5. 2 82o ....8.......8 88.2 8.88 .88.... 282 88 8.2.2 2 s... 2.8.......82......8....... 82E $88 2.8 88o 88.8.2 82.8.... .82.... 28.. .8852 8.88.88 8828 8.8.5 2.8.... .8... 28.2. 603 8 g2 .8.8......=.... maxoh o5 c. 8...... 80:3 5.82M 05.3 98 80:22am 888...... 808.83% A 038k 8:533 8:53.812 855 =85 88.8 s82 2 5o 885 888.58 885 =8.5 88.8 s=z 2 5 2.588.. 82.8212 225 8888.8 55 =85 88.8 8.588 2 5o eiésu 8.2.821... 8885 888 55 =85 88.2 s82 2 5 =_5_.===.==2§.. 8:5 88:58 855 =85 88.8 8.285 2 5o n=5===..==82§.. 8885 82:8 885 =85 88.8 s82 2 5.8.88 85:88 82.888. . 888.88 55 =85 88.8 s82 2 5 .8558. 3.825. . 8828 8525 =85 88.8 s82 2 5 8=5_.=3===2Rw . 8828 855 =85 88.8 s82 2 5o 88.558. 82.8888. . 8828 . =85 8N 22.5 < 5o .=5.=3===2Rw 8885 .8888 . =85 8 22.5 < 5 82.8218. 8888. 888 s52: =85 82. D25 < 5o 3.88.888 ....=.=2§.. 8885 888.58 5a: =85 82 n25 < 5B5 58888. 88.825. 8:5 888 5 282 88 s82 < 85 =.8.883===.._§.. 2.85 888: 5 282 88.8 s82 2 8358M 8=5===..==82§.. 2.5 88E 5 e82 8 s25 < 5o =_5==8.===2§.. 8885 8:88. 5 282 88 2,25 < 5 8=5_.=_Z===..=_.8\ <85 $52 s5 282 82 D25 < 5o 8=5_.=8s_==2$. 8885 8E8. 5 .882 8.. 025 < 5 8=5_.=3==82_8w <85 $382 s5 282 88.: s=z < .8850. 588.58 88.58218. 8885 888 5 2882 88... s=z 2 .550. 8=5==3==82Rw 2.85 888 5 282 82 B25 < 5o ..=5_.===_=82Rw 8885 . 8888 s5 282 88 22.5 < 5o 8=888==8==82Rw 8885 888 s5 282 88 8882 2 5 §E88=S==.__2Rw 8:5 888 s5 8882 88 855 2 82o 8=5_.===.==2§\ 8:5 888 s5 282 88 88285 2 5o 8=5_.=8..===2§.. 885 888 5 282 8_ :25 < 5 888888. 8.28858. .8885 888 s5 282 82 22.5 < 5 q=88.__=8:_=.88=8w $.85 888 s5 282 88 8882 2 5 .5558. §==s=qw 885 888 5 282 88.8 88.85 2 5 8=5_8=.=.=82_m8. R25 888 5 282 88.8 852 2 58 8=588=Z===888w 825 888 5 282 82 n25 < 58.88 ..=5_.=_Z==82Rw 885 888 s5 282 88.2 s=z 2 .5 .=5_.=E.===2Rw 885 888 5 5 885a r8885 s88... s8 s8e=z 8.88828 s85 5.0 s58 .8: 358,8 .88. 8 Q2 .2858 50H 05 5 2:80 8.00:3 585M 05.80 8830.5 85 86:5 280x080 53¢ 4 03.2. \- wag .38.. 8~ :25 < 5.2%.. ..._.§ S25 $2.8 wag .35.. 8Q s25 < 52.13. ...__.§_...==._.2Ew $22. $2.8 wag .352 8 82.5 < g2... 2.8.5 8.221.. $22. $8.8 88.28.. .33 8. 025 < 52.2.52 »_..§_2==._.2...... $25 $88 us? .352 8» :25 < 0.20 ...__.§3==._.2R< 288 $8.8 8528M. .35.. 8.. 22...... < .5... e822. 8:222... 88.5 8.8.8 3.28m .225. 8Q. 225.. < 5.22.30. .299. §=._.2.m.\ .222. $8.8 @835 .385. 8 s25 < 22o »._..§§ 288 $8.8 98g =53 8n D2

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