TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. BULLETIN N0. 36. AUGUST, 1895. ' VEGETABLES: VARIETIES OF SWEET POTATOES, ONIONS, MELONS, CELERY, BEANS, CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER, AND TOMATOES. INSECTICIDES. POSTOFFICE: COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS CO., TEXAS. All Reporta from this Station are sent free to farmers of the. State on application to J. H. CONNELL, Dmmcwon, P. O. College Station, Texas. AUSTIN: BEN C. JONES 81 CO., STATE PRINTERS. _ 1895 [e07] TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. GOVERNING BOARD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. 8: M. COLLEGE. MAJ. A. J. ROSE, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Austin. IIQN. W. R. CAVITT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Bryan. HON. D. A. PAULUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ha11ettsvi11e. HON. G. W. BOWMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..P1ano. Hon. JOHN B. Lone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Ruskf TREASURER. PRESIDENT L. S. Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Co11ege Station. STATION STAFF . J. II. CONNELL, M. Sc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Director. I-I. II. IIARRINGTON, M. Sc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Chemist. M. FRANCIS, D. V. M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Veterinarian. R. H. PRICE, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horticulturist. JAS. CLAYTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Agricu1turist. D. Ammmcm, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Meteorologist, Associate Chemist. P. S. Tmson, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant in Chemistry. J. W. CARSON, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant to Director. A. M. Souua, B. S. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Assistant Agriculturist. SUB-STATION SUPERINTENDENT. S. A. MCHENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Beevil1e, Bee Co. [608] TEXAS AGRICULTURAL I5XFERIDIENT STATION. SWEET POTATOES, ONIONS, MELONS, OELERY, BEANS, CAB- BAGE, OAULIFLOWER AND TOllL/YFOES. The experiments reported upon in the following pages include a wide range of vegetable work, treating of the selection of best varieties, “growing young plants, transplanting, and the protection of crops against insect enemies and fungus diseases. 'I‘hese experiments were undertaken because of the growing importance of truck fariningr in theState, and at the suggestion of many farmers who desire to grow the best varieties of vegetables. Many of our experiments with vegetables have covered the past three years, but some of the statements made in this Bulle- tin are drawn from the past seven years experimental work. In be- ginning the work with vegetables here, it was hoped that a. Bulletin would be published on each class of vegetables, but, owing to the pressure -of work, it Was concluded to publish all the results in a condensed form in one Bulletin. SWEET POTATOES. R. H. PRICE, B. S. According to the census report of the United States for 1890, Texas a-anks third in sweet potato culture. The numbefof bushels grown in the State that year was 5,505,452. The value at 50 cents per bushel is $2,752,726. This does not include the value of the tops and vines, which are sometimes fed to stock in September and October. Our work with sweet potatoes was very much enlarged during 1894. It will be seen from the table which follows that there were fifty varieties 1in the test, besides three ‘synonyms. The work with these, as announced in Bulletin No. 32, embraced cultural methods, methods of propagation, ‘chemical analyses after storage, fertilizer work, and comparative pro- ductiveness of the varieties. VARIETI ES. The season of 1894 was very favorable, and consequently some of the varieties made enormous yields. The average yield for two years,given in the table, may be considered most reliable for varieties grown on a soil similar to ours, because the time covered a dry and a wet season- extremes in both directions. The soil upon which the tests were made is a dark, sandy, compact clay of medium fertility, underlaid by an almost impervious white clay. Some of the varieties would have shown higher yields and better table quality, no doubt, if they had been grown on a sandy loam soil, whichis considered the best. 610 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. After the ground was well prepared by plowing and harrowing, ridges» were then thrown up, with a turning plow, four feet apart. A plank drag was then run over the ridges until they were leveled down to within four inches of the surface of the ground. dition for transplanting. This put the soil in fine eon- Plants were set 14 inches apart in the rows, April 15th to 25th, both years. Each variety ()(‘.Cll])l(;‘(l a single row 50* feet long. Weeds were kept down by frequent. shallow cultivation. \Vhen the last cultivation was given a sweep was used to 1hrow some dirt up to the vines. It will he seen from the table lhat Gen. Giant made the largest yield for one year and that Shanghai made the largest yields for two years. i? ___?¢.____ ..__._.. ___. Name of Variety. Barbadoes ................... .. Big Stem Jersey ......... .. Black Spztnish ............. .. Brazilian . ................... .. Bronze ........................ .. Bunch Yam .................. .. Canal ........................... .. Cavitt‘s Earliest ......... .. Chinese 30 days Cuban Yam ..... .. Delaware Dog River . . . . . . . . . . . .. Early Golden ............... .. Extra. Early Caroline Florida Yam ................ .. Georgia Yam ............... .. Gen. Grant ................. .. Gold Skin ..................... .. Hall ....................... .. T117111» A71: .1. . Yellow, soft, dampm. l Yellowish red, soft, we .. Light yellow, soft, dry .... .. Charziczter of Flesh when Baked. Blnish white. soft, damp... Yellowish white, rather soft .... .. White, dry, mealy ........... .. White, dry, mealy ...... .. White, moist, sweet White, soft, sweet ...... .. Pale yellow, mealy .......... .. Light yellow, soft, moist . White, soft, sweet .......... .. Cream yellow, soft, we Yellowish, soft .............. .. White, soft, mealy .......... .. Yellowish, soft ................ .. White, soft, mealy ........ .. Yellow, mealy ................. .. . . . - - . . . . .. Redish yellow, soft, moist ......... .. Hayman ................. .. Pale yellow, soft ............. .. Hayti Spanish . . . . . . . . .. White, soft, dry .............. .. Jersey Red .. Pale yellow, mealy .......... .. Matejita . Creamy yellow, soft ...... .. Nancy Hal .................. .. Redish yellow, soft, moist Nansemond ......... .. Yellow, damp, soft .......... .. Negro Choker ...... .. Cream colored, soft, mealy ....... .. New Jersey ........... .. . Light yellow, soft, mealy. Norton ........................ .. White, soft ...................... .. Orange ........................ .. Redish, soft, wet ............. .. Padlsha ................... .. Redish, soft, wet, strong . Peabody ................. .. Cream yellow, dry, mealy. Peruvian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Redish yellow, soft, wet Fool's Yam ................ .. Dull yellow, soft, damp.... Providence .. ........... .. Yellow, soft, damp .......... .. Pumpkin Queen of the West. . Red Bermuda ............... .. Red Nansemond .......... .. Red Nose ..................... .. Rockport ..................... .. Shanghai (California)... Southern Queen .......... .. Strasburg ..................... .. Sugar (Creole) Tennessee ......... .. Vineless ...................... .. White Brazilian .......... .. Yellow Yam ............... ..I . Light red, soft, wet . Creamy yellow, mealy, dry .. . Cream colored, soft, mealy ....... .. . Creamy yellow, mealy Pale yellow, soft, sweet... Light yellow. soft, mealy, strong. Redish yellow, soft, wet... lVhite, soft, damp ........... .. White, soft, damp ........... .. White, soft, dry .............. .. White, soft, mealy .......... .. Yellow, soft, damp .......... .. White, soft, dry .............. .. WVhite, soft. sweet ....... .. White, soft, damp ....... .. Creamy yellow, soft. darn Light yellow. soft, dry .... .. n Season. Early.. .. .’“ Medium 311 .76 Late .... .. 311. 12 . Late .... .. 105.56 ....... “i105 Late .... .. 208. 65 8 .4 a Early.. .. 143. 56 3. 8 Early.. .. 97. '76 39. 88 137 151. 38 Late .... .. 2'75. 73 56. 55 332. 28 227. 73 Early. .. 155.40 4. 60 160.00 104. 96 Late .... .. 320. 00 ....... .. 320.00 172. 22 Late .... .. 101.43 6.75108.18 ....... .. Early. .. 194.44 15 .56 210. 0O ....... .. Late .... .. 276. 07 ....... .. 276. 07 190. 76 Late .... .. 262.94 14. 58i277 52 ....... .. Late .... .. 198 .90 3. 88 202. 78 ..... Late .... .. 138.12 10. 33 148.45 ....... .. Late .... .. 225 70 8. 50 234. 20 154. 81 Late .... .. 103. 7 ....... .. 103.70 ....... .. Late .... .. 413. 05 3 .88 416. 93 271. 05 Late .... .. 411.14 ....... .. 411.14 231. 51 Medium 192. 63 21. 61 214. 24 172.17 ate .... .. 300. 76 10.37 311.13 ....... .. Medium 402. 72 13. 32 415. 45 307. 6O Late .... .. 277. 50 8. 88 286. 38 185. 98 Late .... .. 185.52 113619688 ....... .. Mort-heritable. Yield per Acre, ‘ in bushels. Average Yield for two years. ~1QWQOQOQOWEQOwwwaawcnoooowsuzqqoowmqmwqlqqqauoalauowmqmq, | Table quality, 0to l0. WWWUNO-IEQQWHQ SWEET POTATOES. 611 YIELDS FROM LARGE AND SMALL POTATOES. In the selection 0f seed, the sweet potato is frequently compared with ‘the Irish potato, and it is therefore claimed that only good size, smooth tubers should be selected for seed. Botanically considered, the sweet potato differs very much from the Irish potato. In the first place, it has no distinct eyes, like the Irish potato, when first dug. It is simply a ipart of the root, while the Irish potato is a part of the stem, and the eyes more nearly represent true seed or buds. This fact may be a botanical reason why very large yields are often obtained from small sweet potato tubers and from vine cuttings, while large crops of Irish potatoes are not so apt to grow from small tubers. So far as our experiments go here, it seems safe to conclude that slips from very small tubers will _grow as large potatoes as slips from large tubers; but it must be borne in mind that small tubers will not produce as great an amount of slips as large tubers will. The test with different sizes of tubers was planted at the same time, upon the same kind of soil, in rows 5O feet long, and cultivated in the same way as the varietal test. The conditions for the vine cutting tests were also the same, except that they were planted June 16th. Table N0. 2. Calculated bushels per acre. Large. i Small. Total. "Shanghai, yield from a tuber weighing 5 pounds .............................. .. 315.34 10.40 325.74 Shanghai, yield from Very small tubers ......... .. 402.72 13.32 416.04 285.08 25.82 310.90 'Vine1ess, yield from very large tubers ‘Vineless, yield from very small roots ......... .. 354.66 V 17.66 372.32 YIELD FROM VINE CUTTINGS. Table N0. 3. Bushels per acre. Large. Small. ~ Total. Barbadoes, yield from vine cuttings planted June 16th ................... .. 99.80 18.50 118.30 Georgia Yam, yield from vine cuttings planted June 16th ............... .. 75.00 ....... .. 75.00 Hayti Spanish, yield from vine cuttings planted June 16th ............. .. 108.89 ....... .. 108.89 Red Nansemond, yield from vine cuttings planted June 16th .......... .. 106.50 14.10 110.00 ‘Tieotea, yield from vine cuttings planted June 16th ........................ .. 44.45 I ....... .. 44.45 As a rule we have found that the heavy vine varieties, like Hall and Shanghai, start off quicker and grow better from vine cuttings than the small vine varieties, such as Tennessee and Yellow Yam. We have grown good potatoes from vine cuttings of the General Grant variety in seventy-five days. The tubers from these vine cuttings are usually much smoother than those from the slips. They are also much less liable to be diseased, and are therefore to be preferred for seed the following year. A .few early plants should be set out to furnish vine cuttings. One TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. I acre of early plants will produce enough vine cuttings for four other acres, if a vigorous growing variety be used. DESCRIPTION or VARIETIES NOT MENTIONED IN BULLETIN NO. 28. Bronze.—l~‘oliage dark purple; tubers oblong, dull straw color; table quality high; promising new variety. Originated in Kansas. Obtained from J. T. Lear, Shreveport, La. (YanaL-Vines purple, very strong and vigorous; tubers very large, oblong, smoother than Brazilian, which they somewhat resemble. Prof. F. H. Burnette, of Baton Rouge, La., obtained it from the Georgia Station. 1t came originally from Cuba. Caviws EarliesL-Vines slightly purple; tubers large, roundish and white; one of the earliest varieties. Obtained from Major W. R. Cavitt, Bryan, Texas, who states that one or two hills were discovered by a farmer living north of Bryan. It is very early. Chinese 30 Days .—Foliage when young is purple, and in this respect differs- from nearly all others; tubers roundish. rather small, dull straw color; not a. heavy yielder. Origin, China. Obtained from J. T. Lear, Shreveport, La. Cuban Ya1n.—l<‘oliage light green, with purplish veins underneath; tubers large, roundish, white, resembling Ilayti Spanish. Obtained from Maj. W. R. Cavitt, Bryan, 'l‘exas. Florida Yawn-Foliage pale green, with purplish veins underneath; tubers very large, oblong, white. A vigorous grower, heavy yielder, and has very fair table cpiality; grows well from vine cuttings. Perhaps same as Gen. Grant. Obtained from J. W. Stciibeiireauch, Mexia, Texas. Was named Florida Yam by Mr. Steubenreauch because he traced it back to Florida. He also informed me that it is sometimes called " (Jaildle Potato” in some parts of Georgia. Gen. Grant.—l<‘oliage light green, with purple veins on under side of foliage; tubers very large. oblong, white; a vigorous grower and heavy yielder; grows well from cuttings. Same as Florida Yam. Obtained of Julius Schnadelbach, Grand Bay, Ala. HalL-Foliage light green; tubers rather conical, light purple, grows vigor- ously and is a heavy yielder. Same as Nancy Hall. Obtained from A. J. Ald- rich. Orlando, Florida, who states that it came up from a package of flower seed planted by Miss lIall, and hence its name. Hag/ti Spanisla-Foliage light green, with purple veins on under side; tubers large. oblong and white; a vigorous grower and heavy yielder. Obtained from Dr. W. B. Dlorrow’. Calvert, Texas. Jersey Red-Foliage pale green with purple veins on foliage; tubers oblong, medium size and purple skin. Perhaps same as Brazilian. MatejitcL-Foliage dark green with purple veins; tubers rather oval, large, purple. A vigorous grower, but does not stand drouth well. Obtained of Pro,- fessor F. II. Burnette, Baton Rouge, La. a Nancy HaZL-Same as Hall. Obtained from Julius Schnadelbach, Grand Bay, la. Oranga-Foliage light green; tubers medium size, light purple, aifected con- siderably by drouth. Obtained from Dr. W. B. Morrow, Calvert, Texas. Pa(Zisha.-—l<‘oliage green; tubers resemble Pumpkin Yam in type, but the- quality is much poorer; large, light red. Said to have originally come from Georgia. Obtained from Professor F. H. Burnette, Baton Rouge, La. Peruvian Yam.—l<‘oliage green; tubers resemble Hall, roundish, light purple, vigorous grower, has poor table quality. Obtained from Julius Schnadelbach, Grand Bay. Ala. P00l’s Yana-Foliage green with purple veins; tubers roundish, very large, white. A vigorous grower. Obtained from Julius Schnadelbach, Grand Bay,. Ala., who states that the Fool's Yam was brought from Louisiana about eight years ago by Mr. Pool, and hence its name. Providencea-Foliage green, with purple veins at base; tubers large, rather ob- long, vigorous grower: said to have originated in Florida. Obtained from Pro- fessor F. H. Burnette, Baton Rouge, La. SWEET POTATOES. 613 Queen of the West-Foliage green, tubers roundish, dull straw color. Seed obtained from Thomas Nicholson.El Modena, Oalifornia, who stated it is a sport of the Red Jersey, found by him in 1890. A promising new variety. Roclcport-Foliage green; tubers rouudish, large, white; keeps well. Ob- tained from C. Falkner, Waco, Texas, who says that he obtained the variety from Mr. Duboise, who lives on the coast, in Aransas county, 'l‘exas. llis family lived on Matagorda Island, and claims to have kept the seed for thirty years. Named Rockport from the fact it has been much grown at Rockport, Texas. I have known specimens to keep sound in the open air at Rockport for twelve months. Strasburg.-Foliage green; tubers large, roundish, white. Stands drouth well, but has poor table quality. Obtained from Prof. Burnette, Baton Rouge, La. Resembles preceding variety. Ticotem-Foliage green with purple base; tubers rather small, oblong, white; not productive. Said to have come from Cuba. Obtained from Prof. Burnette, Baton Rouge, La. White Braziliavw-Foliage green and heavy; vine slightly purple; tubers 1ne— dium size, oblong, white. A vigorous grower; table quality rather poor. THE VINELESS YAM. Perhaps no other vegetable novelty which has been introduced in the South in recent years has caused more comment than the vineless sweet potato. The experimental stage has been passed, and the value of this variety, like that of the bunch lima bean, has beeirestablished beyond question. In Bulletin No. 28 we stated that the tops of the vines (leaves and stems) could be cut with a mower. It has been stated as an objec- tion that the ground is usually too rough to r_un a mower over. With nearly a level culture we have grown over three hundred bushels per acre of this variety, and all the tops could have been easily cut with a mower. The high value of the tops for feed has been proven, but it is best to feed them green, as they do not cure well. Frequently it is a good practice to mow off the heavy tops and leave the gritty runners on the ground. Owing to the short vines of this variety, which seldom grow over two to four feet long, I have seen it planted in the corn fields and grown with fair success between the rows of corn. The ground can be cultivated later and the crop can be harvested easier than when run- ning varieties are used. There is only one strain of the Vineless potato that we can endorse. There are two others somewhat inclined'to be vineless, put the foliage is much less dense, and the stems of the leaves are not near so long nor so heavy as in the case of the true Vineless. The other two, which are perhaps varieties of the true Vineless, judging from the resemblance of the foliage and vines, have not proven themselves to be as productive here as the true Vineless. This may account for the partial failure some have reported on the Vineless. In one of these strains there is not only a variation in the vines and tops, but also in the tubers. One has all the flavor and color of the true Vineless, but the other resembles very much in color and quality the Pumpkin _Yam. This being true, the Vineless is likely to become the parent of an entirely new race of sweet potatoes, ranging in quality from the soft sugary Yams of the Southto sweet mealy Nansemonds of the North. The Vineless was found growing among some hills of the Yellow Yam potatoe in Mississippi in 1884. Just how it originated is not known, neither have I been able to trace the origin of the two varieties from the Vineless with certainty, but all the evidence I have been able to collect 614 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, goes to prove that these varieties were found also near the time and place of the true Vineless. Perhaps we owe it to insects cutting off the vines 0r t0 the well known tendency of plants t0 produce variations or “ sports,” that this excellent variety has come into cultivation. (One-half natural size.) FIG. 1. This figure shows the arvfavzgevnent 0f the leaf stalks on the vine 0f the Vmeless variety. swear POTATOES. 615 (One-halt natural size.) FIG. 2. This figure shows the arravzgemerz-t of the leaf stalks on the two variai tions from the Vineless variety. APPLIC ATION OF FERTILIZERS . The fertilizer work was carried 0n during 1894, and is being duplicated during 1895. The conditions were essentially the same as for the variety “test. The latter part of the past season was very favorable t0 growth. The following is the number of the experiment, fertilizing materials used per acre, and calculated yield per acre in bushels: Table N0. 4. Yield in Bushels. No. 1. Sodium nitrate, 460 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 128.33 No. 2. Muriate of potash, 150 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 146.47 No. 3. Bone black, 300 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207.66 No. 4. Sulphate of potash, 200 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 208.79 N o. 5. No fertilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 201.17 616 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Ho. 6. Cotton seed meal, 500 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 194.677 N0. 7. Barnyard manure and wood ashes. 20,000 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 179.85 No. 8. Special sweet potato fertilizer, 600 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 222.50 No. 9. No fertilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . .. 2I9.71 No. 10. Sodium nitrate, 460 pounds; sulphate of potash, 200 pounds. . . . 166.87 No. 11 . Sodium nitrate. 460 pounds; muriate of potash, 150 pounds... . . 170.77 No. 12. Sodium nitrate, 460 pounds: bone black, 300 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . 208.76 No. 13. Bone black, 300 pounds; sulphate of potash. 200 pounds . . . . . . .. 255.50 No. 14. Sodium nitrate, 460 pounds; bone black, 300 pounds; potassium ' ~ sulphate, 200 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.36 No. 15. No fertilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170.58 No. 16. Slacked lime, 4360 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.14 While it is not safe to draw conclusions from only one year’s work with fertilizers (because reliable results can only be reached through several years of such work), yet it would seem that the results reached so far are in favor of bone black and sulphate of potash for this crop on this soil. It will be seen from the table that if the yields of the three check plots are added together and divided by three, the average for the three is 197.15 bushels. Wherever muriate of potash was used it low- ered the yield, and nitrate of soda only increased the yield slightly in one instance. The special sweet potato fertilizer (No. 8) contained a. high per cent of phosphoric acid. The 300 pounds of bone black and 200 pounds of sulphate of potash per acre gave the highest yield, andl slacked lime the next highest yield. The special sweet potato fertilizer- was prepared by Powell Chemical Company, Baltimore, Md., at pur re-» quest, and the compost (No. 7) was made by myself by mixing unleachedl wood ashes with fresh stable manure, and turning it over frequently at. intervals, until it reached a very fine state. The ashes may have driven off some of the nitrogen contained in the barnyard manure when the oempost heap was not covered with a layer of clay dirt nor with plaster (gypsum), either one of which is often recommendedto cover compost heaps, yet the compost fertilizer gave very good results when applied on common garden soil. Prof. P. S. 'I‘ilson of the Station analyzed both the special sweet potato fertilizer and the compost, and the analyses are given in the following table from water free substance. No doubt a. part of the beneficial effects of the compost were due to the lime con- tained in it. Table N0. 5. potato fer- Compost. ‘Special sweet I 1| tilizer. Total phosphoric acid .50 per cent 0.86 per cent . .93 per cent 1. 42 per cent. Totul nitrogen .............. .. .80 per cent 0. 5T per cent- SWEET POTATO TEST AT HULEN, GALVESTON COUNTY. The following is a report by Prof. Fred W. Mally upon eight varie- ties tested for us on a rather light sandy-loam soil: “ Slips of eight varieties were received May 3, 1894, as follows: Southern Queen, Gen. Grant, Gold Skin, Vineless, Tennessee, Nansemond, Pool’s Yam and Red Burmnda. A severe drouth had prevailed for nearly a month previous to receiving the slips, but fortunately a rain just pre- SWEET POTATOES. 617 ceded their arrival, permitting their being transplanted. The drouth, however, continued until the latter part of July, and then excessive and‘ continued rains followed until October. Hence the normal results were- greatly vitiated in the matter of the test in progress; though they might yet have been approximately normal had not the excessive rainy season been again followed by a season of drouth until December. The‘ tabulated record of yields is therefore only a comparative study relative- to the varieties, and not the actual productive value of the several vari- eties under reasonable circumstances. “From the appended table it will readily be seen that some varieties take more readily during a dry spell at planting time than do other varieties. In this list Tennessee, Pool’s Yam, and Gold Skin do not take readily with insufficient moisture in the soil. This result is indicated in the table by the number of hills dug and examined. “The same table shows that the following kinds rotted badly under the- conditions of excessive rains: Nansemond, Vineless, Southern Queen, and Gen. Grant. Those rotting but slightly are Gold Skin and Tennes- see, while Pool’s Yam and Red Bermuda seem to have withstood this feature of the test very satisfactorily. “' The possible productiveness of the several varieties, as indicated by the average number of potatoes started in the hills, under the desperate conditions mentioned, places Gold Skin, Vineless, and Southern Queen in the lead in the order mentioned, while Tennessee, Gen. Grant, and Nansemond are about at par with each other, though decidedly in second place. _ “It is very evident from the table, under the conditions mentioned, the plants of most of the varieties succeeded in doing little more than set. the potatoes, but could not mature them so late in the season. The rela- tive merits of the several varieties (except Red Burmuda and Pool’s Yam, which did not rot at all, and hence were probably not seriously checked in their development) are therefore probably indicated more ac- curately in the column noting the small potatoes. Upon this basis Gold Skin and Vineless are quite distinctly in the lead in the matter of pro- ductiveness. “ Owing to circumstances beyond control, no quality or keeping test could be made.” Table N0. 6'. :- n g a a -—'~ a‘ :5 cu ea . 0-21 -—' Variety. Q w P ‘é : E g’, 5 -° #1 8 2 8:1 a a d '5 H Ii E F‘ ;_, Q =15 =1 a E °> cs o :1 °> w}! z z m 2 A n: z Q om Tennessee ................ ............ .. 8 45 4O 4 1 1 5 1-2 11 Nansemond ............................ .. 25 130 110 4 4 12 5 1-5 6 P0ole’s Yam ............................ .. 14 32 23 .......... .. ‘l .......... .. 2 1-3 28 Southern Queen 17 152 85 40 27 6 9 44 Gen. Grant ...... .. 30 157 59 27 71 6 5 1-4 62 Gold Skm ..... .. 14 157 107 31 19 2 11 1-4 31%; Vineless .............................. .. 26 273 178 70 25 24 10 1-2 35 Red Bermuda ........................... .. 42 196 113 37 46 .......... .. 4 2-3 42 *Inc1udes medium sized and large. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. TRANSPLANTING. It is frequently the practice 0f growers to transplant when the ground is very wet. This is not at all necessary. If the slips or vines be set when the ground is in such condition, it becomes very hard around the plants when dry, and thus checks the early growth. The ground is moist enough when in good working condition. The main points to be remem- bered are to have the soil well prepared, set the plants on a cloudy day or late in the afternoon, and press the dirt firmly around the roots. The cost of transplanting is usually expensive. When done with a dibble or stick by hand, it is hard work. We have been experimenting along this line to lessen the cost and lighten the labor. l 721.2?!)- ‘n Slifiore" FIG. No. 3.—Szveet Potato Transplanter. a, The paddle which pushes the plant down. b, The foot whtch presses the (Zirt around the roots. In figure No. 3 is shown a sweet potato transplanter, bought of Mr. J. WV. Parker, Paulsboro, N. J., and sold for $1.50. This machine consists of two wooden strips which slide up and down and are held together by tin cross bands. The one with a paddle on end pushes the vine or cut- ting in the ground and is then raised, while the other with a foot on the end is pushed down by the side of the plant to press the dirt firmly around the roots. If the ground be in good condition this machine will put the plants in the ground as fast as one man drops them. The plants are dropped along the row with the roots towards the transplanter. There is a rubber on the end of the paddle to prevent the machine from cutting the plants while they are being pushed into the ground. The machine may also be used in planting vine cuttings. SWEET POTATOES. 619i .¢-' f‘ 4 l ,. __\ l w _ ‘A ‘:__ g‘ _'.__ ‘ if.- wx‘ 1' _ v - - L<’Q- <~.\ _‘ \ _.< __ \ - . . ____. _ ._.\ 7 » .\ .. . \ _,\_ _,_ _ 4: .__ ‘ W.- 1~. ‘ " '; ' ~ ,,‘,.\_\'3_i . “'3. '~ ' ~ __ . i’ " / l» ‘ _~ ' . "l: '- . »,¢’£>—:'~ ..—. i -‘ <; ' - ' " " = -4 ;-.::.... I f m‘ j A v _ I _ i‘: ‘g M‘ V‘ _ _< m. - r. >-=_ _e- l, _ - .~ _,_.. e —>‘<'Ii4l ‘_~__ 1- ~ A .~__-.._— -;_ -— ,-__~_ e=_< — _;__ ~ " - ' - H ;-;' . " 1* ~ .. 4 , . ‘g _:: fa‘ f * '_~ .‘_-_-A 4 ,. .=' - 1 ‘ - . - ,- "===;-:sazaszzaeazfiaifiazafiunP" FIG. 5.—Sh0wz'n.g Convenience FIG. NO. AL-Peerless Plant Setter. of Ordinary “Dibble.” ' In figure N0. 4 a out is shown 0f “ The Peerless Plant Setter,” bought- of W. A. Lake Manufacturing Co., Harriman, Tenn., which costs $6. This machine does well with small plants, but large plants do not slip. through the chute so easily. It is better adapted to transplanting such plants as tomatoes and cabbage than sweet potatoes. To use either of‘ the above machines successfully the ground must be in good condition. They won’t work when the ground is hard and cloddy. In using any complicated or delicate machinery, the Southern horticul- turist or agriculturist is confronted with the difficulty of teaching the ready but unskilled negro how to use these labor-saving implements. Realizing this difliculty, we have sought to overcome it by using to a large extent the same farming outfit we find in the cotton fields. The negro, the mule, and the one horse turning plow work together smoothly. After a furrow is thrown open by this plow, the plants are dropped along the straight side of the furrow every one or two feet. while the furrow is fresh. The dirt is then thrown back on the plants as shown in figure No. 6. If a man walks on the dirt just above the plants or vines after the dirt has been thrown on, and presses it firmly around 620 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. the roots of the plants, growth soon starts. Sweet potato slips should of course be of good length, to keep them from being covered up entirely by the plow. We have transplanted sweet potato vine-cuttings and to- mato plants in this way without losing over one or two per cent. If the roots of plants be puddled in a thin mud of water and dirt before being set, it prevents them from being dried out rapidly by the sun and air, and increases their chances of growth. Plants can be set in this way easily at a cost of about $1 per acre. The cotton farmer can thus ciiversify his crops with the same outfit used in the cotton field. ' ‘u’ r ' I‘. ““““-"Nlllallltlumzilmuielig‘ l‘ \ 2"" l!’ ii sx\\i\\"t\\\\\}\\\\“ l 1 T ~ " 3 .2" . pv- all" "m. Al‘ i ‘ i _ .--...:- -. ‘ .. -. . 4_. 1'1‘! 'L'I//_.|| [III/g]; p.,~_--..lrlp ‘Iillvlvlif-I-‘r/"Ill‘Ullflfllilllflf;'|"!>!!"'1!I""U!."fju"Inn‘;:é|)l.‘:|“':"q"l‘!-‘H mwu_"oi,n"l‘ -. ._. .‘.z_f;____ :.__________;-__ G;_;:_ -_ “ _ f __ .._:______ ‘____ __ —i 1-V-...._. -—-‘—*i -~ aun- , _ =_ ‘ . ,¢ 4\= jij_ y _ _ _ .____-n-———u-_-_ :.\'- "* ' t \_ _:.:'“—“___________ ‘p; __,..._.___________-.. - 1‘ ""_"'?———- 139.6. Fm. No. 6.— Transplanting with a plow and a mule. a, Dirt thrown up by aplow. b, Plants laid along 0n straight side offurrow. ' --u..&_.__. I HARVESTING AND STORING. To keep sweet potatoes, they must first be properly harvested. Cat- tle may be turned on first to eat the tops and vines, afterwards hogs may be turned on to harvest the tubers. In this way nearly all the crop may be saved at a minimum cost. If the potatoes are to bedug, it is impor- tant to know when to dig the crop. The crop should not be dug when the sap is active in the vines. If, when a tuber is cut, the cut place par- tially heals over and becomes dry, the crop is usually ready to be har- vested. But if the cut place turns greenish black, the crop is not ready to be harvested. p Vines are a great nuisance in harvesting sweet potatoes. We have used a sharp rolling coulter on the beam of a turning plow just in front -of the point successfully. This rolling coulter cuts the vines on each side of the row, while some dirt is thrown away from the row at the same time. The third time the turning plow is run in the center of the row and the potatoes thrown out. The tubers are then gathered and sacked. Care must be taken not to bruise them, as the “soft rot” is apt to start at all bruised places. All bruised tubers should be sorted out at once and fed before storing. WVe have tried “ Fostite,” Bordeaux mixture, lime and sand in keeping sweet potatoes, but neither one proved effectual in preventing the spread of black rot. We have obtained good results by letting the tubers remain in the ground where they grew until wanted. Throwing dirt over them with a turning plow will prevent. freezing. Further work, which is now in progress, is necessary along this line be- fore positive recommendations can be given as to the best method to prevent injury by black rot. If the potatoes are to be stored away, they must be dried out first, and those which decay from soft rot must be taken out frequently. In about two weeks after digging they will be SWEET POTATOES. _ 621 dry, and the soft rot will stop. A cut 0f the potato house we have used in keeping potatoes, both sweet and Irish, is shown in figure No. 7. It consists of two outer walls with a dead air space betiveen. Also two -doors, a double floor, and a ventilator. The ventilator may be opened and closed at will. During warm days in the fall the doors are left open for further ventilation. Inside are upright pieces which project from the floor to the ceiling. Strips reach from these across to the wall, and on these planks are laid lengthwise, which are also nailed against the side of the posts, thus forming a long box. The potatoes are stored in these, and dry road sand mixed with them. Mice can not go through dry sand. Potatoes kept well in this house last winter (1894-1895) when the temperature went down as low as 7 degrees Fahrenheit, and not one per cent was injured by freezing. The sand must be changed every year for sweet potatoes, because it is very apt to contain spores of diseases which will infect the next crop when stored. ‘Where we did not change the sand nearly all the crop was lost from black rot. The potatoes that have kept best are the Brazilian, Canal‘, Shanghai, and Southern Queen. "The purple skin varieties have resisted the disease best. We have failed in trying to keep the vines over winter when stored in dry sand and "when buried out in the ground. _-__-_—1a.— l I I I l 4L .1 A4 FAM; . ‘A ‘m u‘ l “ ZE/rf/gafizaabrz/ 113G. N0. 7 .—a, Posts which go up through the center fromjloor to ceiling. b, Ven- tilator which may be opened in warm weather and closed in cold. c, Double wall. d, Potatoes stored in sand. e, Cross-pieces which run from posts to wall. 622 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. FUNGCS DISEASES OF THE SWEET POTATO. 'l‘here'are several fungus diseases which live upon the sweet potato and produce the condition known as rot. Only those which have been the most destructive here will be discussed. Perhaps the most serious one the grower has to deal with is the soft rot (Rhizopus nigrieans). This fungus is not found in abundance in the field, but does the most serious Work in the store room. soft and xvorthless. and gives off an offensive odor. Mycelium (or mould) soon g'rows over the tuber in a white felt-like mass. The tuber then begins to shrink, and at the end or bruised places will appear a. dark powdery mass of spores, as shown in figure No. 8. The fungus-- does its most serious work soon after digging, while the potatoes are going through a sweat. The tubers should be placed in small piles in a. dry cool place, and be watched carefully until they are dried out. If the (liseased ones are taken away and the potatoes are well cared for the fungus will atllnost stop in two weeks, when the tubers are ready for- storing. k "l 4 ‘“§\\\§ \\\‘ s ‘ q¢_ __ _ k . ~ .. >~§s‘-§\‘\“~‘\‘§"“‘§\\§“\\\\\\\,§§§§§$==¥?5§ - -»msssssaxe.ww- ~ ~ "- -"=°“~\‘ ‘*‘\\\\~ ‘- \\\\\\ \\1§--=.~->~‘-~" "“““‘ "“¢\“~‘ "\‘~\_'-:<.,\\~.\~\\~~sr?:i-‘-~ - _ _ ‘__‘:_\_;£'_<§Z_l'1 :.‘\4-» ~_~\\\\\\\'-\\ ._ "'\__ ' ' \ \ < \-‘ ..- . -\ ._‘ ‘~.~-:~_._ .\\‘\ - 2Q! _‘ .='. -‘-~ FIG. No. S.- Diseased potato, shelving soft rot. a,’ Diseased end where broken 01?’. b, Same magviified, shozuivig spore sacks. c, Diseased at bruised place. In handling the potatoes, bruise them as little as possible, and thus leave no place where the diseases may enter. If they be put away in a. dry cool place after curing out, and dry clean road sand be sprinkled among them well, this fungus will do but li.ttle injury. It is very seri- ous sometimes if this is neglected, destroying hundreds of bushels in a short time, yet it can easily be held in check. Black rot (Ceratocystis jimbriata) has been the most serious disease we have had to contend with in the store room. All of the light red skin varieties, such as Pumpkin Yam, have been injured most, the white skin varieties next, and the purple skin varieties have resisted the disease best. This disease appears upon the tubers in the form of dark brown or olive patches, which are very irregular in outline. If a tuber be eaten when only a very small infected spot is found on it, the whole will have an unpleasant bitter taste. Some have attributed this bitter taste of the tubers to freezing, which is a mistake. We have had several of these diseases in the laboratory at once, and have been studying them under a microscope during the past two years. Spores from diseased potatoes have been placed in sound potatoes and the disease produced, so there can be no doubt as to the cause. A tuber when infected with this dis- Thtl potato when attacked at once becomes‘ SWEET POTATOES. 623 -ease becomes dry and inofiensive. It sometimes attacks young plants in the bed, producing what is known as “ black shank.” Diseased potatoes should never be bedded out to grow slips or sets from. Diseased slips should never be planted in the field. A field which has grown diseased sweet potatoes should not be used again for the same purpose for two or three years. As before stated, it is best to grow potatoes for seed from vine cuttings, because they are much less liable to carry diseases which will infect next year’s crop. FIG. N0. 9.-—Blaclc rot on szueet potato. Stem rot (Nectria zjoomeoe), Prof. Byron D. Halstead*' has described this disease, which he found occurring on egg plants, under the common name of "egg plant stem rot.” We have found it occurring‘ with black rot on sweet potatoes, both in the field and in the storage room. 'I.‘he dis- ease appears in small pink colored spots on all parts of the potato. These pinkish spots, when placed under a microscope, are seen to be spore sacks, containing immense numbers of spores. “Te have succeeded in making a pure culture of this disease, and infected a potato with the spores. The potato shrivelled up and became very hard and dry. 4 *Twelfth Annual Report, N. J. Experiment Station, p. 2S1. 2—Bulletin 36 624 ‘TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION.. 1°11}. N0. 10.—Sh0ws the appearance of the potato that was infected with stem rot; a, Ozttplttce where the spores were put into the potato. While this potato became very dry, shrivelled and hard in the ]abora-- tory, yet in the field where the soil is damp the infected tubers are rather soft, and the spores, which occur in pinkish spots, appear all over the sur- face. I have not yet noticed it upon the young plants, but it is evidently carried to the field on young slips from the bed. It is probable also that’ spores may come from egg plants and cause infection. Sweet potato scurf (Montlochcetes tnfuscans) produces a dark, rusty, brownish coating, and frequently appears on the tubers when dug. The disease spreads some after the crop is dug. It causes the potatoes to shrivel, but does not injure them much for table use like the black rot» does. Potatoes having this scurf on them should not of course be used» for seed. INSECT ENEMIES OF THE SWEET POTATO. Injury by cut worms, flea beetles, tortoise beetles and saw flies can be- prevented till the plants get a start by dipping them before they are- planted in the following preparation: London purple, three ounces; lime, two pounds; and water, twenty-five gallons. \Ve have dipped the plants in twenty-five gallons of Bordeaux mixture which contained three- ounces of London purple, to prevent injury from both insects and fungus diseases, but the experiments have not gone far enough to enable us to give positive statements in regard to this treatment for diseases. A new insect enemy,.known as “Sweet Potato Root Borer” (Uylasr formicarthts), appeared along the coast of the State at Matagorda Island SWEET POTATOES. 625 some ten years ago, and is now making its way further up into the State. Last year we found a few in our tests here. Growers can not be too careful t0 destroy all infected potatoes by burning them, as this seems to be the only way 0f checking the insect. Potatoes should be examined carefully before being planted. Plant on different land each year. This insect, which is supposed to have come from Cuba, is of a black and red color, and in its full grown state resembles the common corn weevil in shape. FIG. NO. lL-Sweet Potato Root Borer in all stages of growth, magnified. CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION. In Bulletin No. 28 the varieties were divided into three classes. The classes were based upon the character of the foliage; the first included those with round or entire foliage, the second included those with shoul- dered foliage, and the third included those with lobed or split foliage. These classes included the three main divisions of sweet potatoes, as re- gards foliage. If the description of the foliage be taken in connection with a description of the tubers, there is scarcely a variety which may not be easily distinguished. The great number of local names which are given a variety in different localities where it may. be cultivated is to be deplored, and should be discouraged by all who are interested in this most excellent vegetable for the South. At the head of each class occurs a figure illustrating the foliage of each. 626 Fro. No. 12. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Varieties with entire 0r round foliage. (Jamil; Hayti Spanish, hog River, Mfltejita, Florida Yam, Nancy Hall, General Grant, Orange, Hall, Padisha, Ilayman, notched some, Pumpkin, FIG- No. 13. Red Nose, ShanghaL Southern Queen, dered some. shoul- FIG. No. 14. Varieties with shouldered foliage. Big Stem Jersey (Fig. 13), Early Golden (Fig. 13), Black Spanish (Fig. 14), Gold Skin (Fig. 13), Brazilian (Fig. 14), Jersey Red (Fig. 14), Bronze (Fig. 13), Nansemond (Fig. 13), (Tavitfls Earliest (Fig.13), Negro Choker (Fig. 13), Chinese 30 (Jays (Fig. 13), New Jersey (Fig. 13), Quban X73111 (Fig, l3), NONZOII (Pig.13), Delaware (Fig. 13), Peabody (Fig- 13), Extra EarlyCaroli-ue (Fig. Peruvian Yam (Fig. 13), 13), A Pool‘s Yam (Fig. 13), Providence (Fig. 13), Queen of the West (Fig. 13), Red Bermuda (Fig. 13), Red Nansemond (Fig. 13), Strassburg, notched some (Fig. 13), _ _ White Brazilian (Flg. 13), Yellow Jersey (Fig. 13), Ye]. Nansemond (Fig. 13). Georgia Yam, Rockport, Barbadoes, Cavitts Earliest, Cuban Yam, Early Golden, Florida Yam, General Grant, Georgia Yam, Big Stem Jersey, Orange, Chinese 30 days, Delaware, Dog River, Hall, Nancy Hall, Negro Choker, Black Spanish, Brazilian, SWEET POTATOES. FIG. No. 15. Ten n essee, Ticotea, Varieties with white skin. Hayman, Hayti Spanish, Norton, PooPs Yam, Providence, Rockport, Southern Queen, Gold Skin, Nansernond, New Jersey, 627 Varieties with deeply cut or lobed foliage. Yellow Yam, Vineless. Shanghah Strasburg, Tennessee, Ticotea, Vineless, White Brazilian. Varieties with dull straw colored shin. Extra Early Caroline, Queen of the West, Red Nose, Yellow Jersey, Yellow Nansemond. Varieties with light red shin. Orange, Padisha, Peruvian Yam, Pumpkin , Red Bermuda, Red Nanscmond. Varieties with purple skin. Canah Matejita. After further study we fail to find any distinguishing characteristics between Negro Choker and Red Bermuda. They must be the same. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Many tubers from both weighed eight and nine pounds. Recommended for stock. Some interesting chemical work is reported by Prof. Harrington, chem- ist of the Experiment Station; WA'FER AND SUGAR IN SWEET POTATOES, AS INFLUENCED ‘ BY KEEPING. ll. II. HARRINGTON, M. S. In connection with the work of Prof. Price, it was thought that an :inal_ysis of the potato at various times during the winter season would he of interest, as showing variation of the water and sugar contained. Stated in the table below will be found the dates on which these analyses were made, namely’, lst of November, 20th of December and the 6th of March. The table comprises some sixteen samples, although some of them may be the same or nearly the same varietyfil‘ In many eases, the quantity brought in for analysis was too small to furnish average sam- ples. It was expected, according to popular belief, that the water would decrease as the winter advanced. This was true in a general way, and is clearly shown by reference to the table. The increase of invert sugar, *‘ comprising‘ grape sugar and fruit sugar, is not so uniform as that of total sugar, comprising cane sugar in addition to invert.” The highest total amount of sugar on March 6th was found in the Early Bunch Yam, although it was not the highest initial amount. Next to this came the Vineless in final total sugars. The Norton and the Pumpkin Yam and Southern Queen carried the largest amount of total sugars on November lst, the time when first analyses were made. As to the amount of water, the above three varieties, "together with the Vine- less, the Brazilian Yam, the 'I‘ennessee and the Negro Choker, were low- est in water or moisture when the analyses were first made. But the amount of water which they lost on keeping seems to have been very little. The greatest per centage loss of water was in the Del- aware, next to this came the Early Bunch Yam; but with a difference of eleven per cent of sugar in favor of the yam. So far as these analyses indicate, the Early Bunch Yam would seem to be the best potato for table use, when a dry potato with a large amount of sugar is wanted. The next best answering the purpose would be the Pumpkin Yam. But I believe it is a fact that dry mealy potatoes, low in sugar, are more ap- preciated in the Northern market than are the Yellow Yams, rich in sugar. As a feed potato for stock, it would be impossible to decide upon any one of these varieties from analyses which are shown in Bulletin No. 28, or from partial analyses presented in this Bulletin. This question will have to be (letermined by practical feeding tests taken together with analyses. But it is probable that there would be very little variation in this respect. We hope next winter to make a digestion test of some one of these varieties. Prof. Duncan Adriance has carefully carried out the ana-lytical data of the table of analyses. I *Bunch Yam Earl Y Bunch Yam and vineless are the same-R. H. PRICE. , 3 ONIONS. 629 Table N0. 6. ANALYSES OF THE TUBERS AT DIPTERENT PERIODS. ‘ November 1, 1893. December 20, 1893. Mflfflll 5, 1994- Name of variety. . T 1 Inuit Tot n ' ota . ' ‘ ' l Water “ml” sugar. WM“ sumr- sneer- i 1 , .. v 1 Bunch Yam ................ ..1 :2. l4 3. 7-1 671.03 (i. 41 1.3. 5O 11R. 8n i N. i3 Early Bunch Y m. 2. 66 4.60 135. (11 5. 55 11). ()1) 111). RI 1 ~11 I}, Vineless ...... .. 1. 111 11.11 1111. 01 11.112 12. 511 132.1111 11. 111 111.1- Nansemond 3. 33 5.110 711. 31 3.73 5. s3 111. 11 1411) H- 09 Red Nose ................... .. . . 3.27 5.211 72. 31 3.15 11.1111 1311.113 g 151 1113 Brazilian Yam _____________ ,1 117. 2:1 2. 52 5.211 1111. <13 5. 55 11.11 1311. §q g f?!) 1-1- §1> Negro Choker ............. uni 113. 23 2. 34 7.1111 1111.71 5.1111 0.110 111.12 g 113 l_1- =10 ‘Tennessee .................. 115.113 2.111 2.77 111. 01 5. 211 11. 11:1 511. 31 ; r113 1.1.1111 .Southern Queen ......... ..1’ 111.53 5.10 0.20 1111.110 7.35 111.511 Q11 l": 9 ~11; "H14 Red Bermuda ............. 75.111 2. 77 5 .20 71. 47 11.10 7. 20 1 8:’ d 4-1 8-84 Early Golden ............. .. 7 .7 3. 0O 6. T5 613,511 4. 511 '7. l4 m; .......... ........... Peabody ..................... .1 70.04 a. 35 11.11 711.117 3 511 11.1111 111.110 .1. .11 191111 Delaware .. 7 .211 2. 03 00 117.117 5. 511 7.111 511. 1_111 1.15 .35 Barbadoes. 75. 41 2.112 11.113 111.111 5.1111 11.1111 511.511 2 n1 11.311 Norton ...................... .. 111s. 1111 4. 117 11. 110 20 11. 1111 12. 111 .................................. .. Pumpkin ................... .. 110 111 3. >11 s 07 1111 110 11.25 11,115 117.1111 1 1111 l3 J VARIETIES OF ONIONS. n. n. PRICE, B. 1. During the past two years (1893-94) we have carried on experiments There in testing varieties of onions, as regards earliness, productiveness, and keeping qualities. Two methods 0f culture were also tried. It will be seen from the table that seven varieties produced at the rate of over ‘200 bushels per acre. Onions frequently retail in this State at $1 per bushel. 5o it seems that growing onions from black seed is a paying in-_ dustry. The inexperienced should 11ot attempt it on a large scale at "first. The soil upon which the test was made is the same as that de- vscribed for sweet laotatoes. The ground was given a dressing at the rate of ten tons per acre of well composted barn yard manure and wood ashes iin the fall, and then thoroughly plowed and harrowed. A dressing of the same amount of the material was again put on in February, and the ground was again plowed, harrowed and run over with a plank drag. This work put the ground in excellent condition. The plank drag pressed it rather firmly, so that the seed drill would work well. This firming of the ground after plowing and harrowing is necessary: so that the drill will run easily, the seed germinate well, and the bulbs form on top of the ground. The three main points of success are heavy manur- iing, thorough preparation of the ground, and good seed. The seed was_ sown on February 16, 1895, in rows 14 inches apart and 5O feet long for each variety. On March 1st the varieties were coming through the ground. The drill used was the Planet Jr. The same machine with the cultivator attachments was USBd afterwards in cultivating the onions. This machine can be bought of many seedsmen. The ground was kept well stirred after the plants came through till the bulbs began to form. The following table gives season, color, size, keeping qualities, and productiveness of the varieties. The following abbreviations stand for seedmen of whom the varieties were pilrchased: “ P. H. & Co.,” Peter 630 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Henderson & Co., New York City, N. Y.; “ W. A. B. & Co.,” W. Atlee- Burpee & Co., Philadelphia, Pa; “Liv.,” A. W. Livingston’s Sons, Columbus, Ohio; “G. T. dz S.,” George Tait & Sons, Norfolk, Va.; “T. S. & F. Co.,” Texas Seed and Floral Co., Dallas, Texas. Table N0. 7. VARIETIES OF ONIONS. A2 i-a Name or Variety. Seedsmen. Color. Size. Season. Keeplng 2w '3.‘ Quality. w g g E2 .. m 8 3. Adriattic Barletta ...... .. Fair ....... .. 94.60 Bermuda Red ............. .. Liv .. Good 233. 33 Bermuda Island Red .. Fair ....... .. 170.00 Bermuda Island White .. Poor ...... .. 73.58 Creole or Southern .... .. .. Poor .. 163. 33- Early Red Globe ....... .. - P001‘ ...... .. 115- 66 Early Neopimtian- Ii Wh't M a‘ 13 1 F i 10 00 Marzajo a ............ .. J v ............... .. 1 e ............. .. e ium... - .- {I'm / *‘ -~_.> a-" _ - - ‘» - .- H» ““_;:.‘-':‘i‘»—_.-.‘.iir_7 ~_~ _‘__. _=~._:f,=,-_,..‘ "I; u-fm. _. 7;,’ .// " § _' '.' -- - "_':.'- - ‘='“~' "I-7‘ ~%"I> ¢ -'v'. I ’. .-:§§:‘-"~\¥;=‘;~£-1&hf€_ '~‘v.-.‘~§i"<'?:-::-.-=" 1§J=_¥=;=2.>/ 4% 1/, ,,» eves,“ ~.~...7--~ -" - “ " “" ._ — ..-¢4> Z1", 49>»: _ \‘ \\ &°:\“‘~~ {* vlr/ -’J 14/ / l] . ~ “us” \--..- w... -—-—-~ ‘v f} fi» /" -/// 1' / _ v (all; ~ -} II’ "/- I _ v1\ ‘ ‘~ §§:\‘_.:—=;~._,-, ‘Q-st =1 / I . ‘\\ “av . ~- A - g y-f / Q§§~~ _ @~>,’-J'=-,¢5e/4//5 423.1. “vi ‘ __. ?»/j//IIII . s}; ---Q=‘-=».':-- _=~_‘='-==—~—_~"--"a>-. i- $777 11/ i i ‘Pr. -' “\k\J-&?_=n_ __--i- ~%-‘Q"&_y ¢_‘,_:vd.:f , f/l ll/f/l _ _\@\-._.q w:___;.. -ié%~_¢gfx/ /;I/ 4 , , --_--__-.c=O‘-“€; fin, 11/1] _.v . _~ f; ' i Cf I? 1 n?" -. l,‘ I l f, ‘l l, i i I _ /II I, . 1155740995" ~ \ _ i * x ‘- \~ \~:~~*él_e ‘:- ; 1 ‘ \\‘ -_\ A‘ —,-_ _ ' f: f“ _ , Y" ’a-l'rz;'r/l/f(x_:i,, . ‘N .- \ \‘z‘\\‘ \ m-T%f%%=_ . ‘4-‘1 ,..,;ZA,<,'/"7'. ' L \\\x\,<, i "- f1’: r I i‘ "':~‘;-.\\‘§. ‘ ‘ "*§‘_ -‘_15l—-'"- '_-.:-:—: ' " If" I /"' ‘-4’ I/"i ' ..\~\\\\§_ - '-_. .7} .**~- \_’;__ v7"? '_»'~ '.'- 5' ‘w ‘I’ ~\ . . . » ..._.\.~~-,_._ __ . ._. ,‘- »- . _,_ ufwxxa“ __ ~_ g. ~ _ _, _ _,_:—_~_~J~_-__-=_§_ _ a9 _ - . ,- ’_ ~i _ ~ _ _ ' _ . -’o/.-" - F?» >Q N, p, p i i “. --.~ 2 ' Jfdiiwz? - _._l‘.l all iluautities for home use only this far South. Our work with cabbage, cauliflower, and tomatoes was planned by myself. The details of the work were entrusted to Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Mr. H. Ness, who has submitted a report on the experi- rnents. CABBAGE. 641 VARIETIES 0F AGABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER AND ‘TOMATOES. H. NESS, B. S. The soil 0f our plots consists of a stiff loam, made up of a mixture 0f black sand and clay, with but little organic matter in it. This is under- laid by a grayish clay, so stiff that it does not admit 0f easy subsoiling, and is so void of pores that it neither takes up nor holds a sufficient. quantity 0f water. Though many plants may prefer clayey and some- what stilf soil, such soil must be porous, not only to make it a reservoir of moisture, but also to allow a good circulation of air, so necessary for the growth of the roots, and the promotion of those chemical changes incidental to the creation of plant food. Our soil has for several years received annual dressings of stable manure, ashes and cotton seed meal, so that the small yields shown by weight of the heads is not due to lack of _food, but to the compact con- dition of the soil, which prevents the plants from obtaining the food. VARIETIES OF CABBAGE. The seed was sown on the 16th of February, 1895, in boxes about 4 inches deep and of suitable length and breadth, so that they could be handled with ease. The dirt used was a Inixture of sand, garden soil, and enough thoroughly rotten manure to make it loose and rich. After sown and sprinkled the boxes were dusted with a mixture of slacked lime and sulphur, to prevent the growing plants from “ damping off.” The boxes were placed in a hot-bed and covered with glass. The lolants came up from three to five days after sowing. The glass sashes were from that time kept open, whenever the temperature was high enough not to injure the plants. The temperature most favorable to production of strong and vigorous plants is about from 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Plenty of fresh air and sun is necessary to prevent the plants from grow- ing rank and damping off, but in case of too hot sun they must be shaded. As soon as our plants were large enough, that is, when the second pair of leaves began to show themselves, they were transplanted into 3-inch flower pots, and those for which we lacked pots were transplanted into fresh boxes in order to give them the necessary room. Only pot grown plants, however, were used in our experiment, as these were not only superior in size, but were almost perfect as to regularity, size, and qual- ity. Such plants can be transplanted into the field without risk of loss,. either in number or in vigor, even when the soil is not in the best con- dition. On the 5th of April the plants were, with the ball of dirt undisturbed, planted in the field, which had previously been given a coating of stable- manure, and also by previous culture brought into the proper tilth. The plants grew satisfactorily until the latter part of May, when they com- menced to suffer from drouth. On the first of June one-half of each. plot was irrigated. The following table, in which I preserve the order in which they wene- 642 planted, shows the comparative earliness and size of those irrigated and those not irrigated: Table N0. 10. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Z .9 I\ju----s>_-_-_A\-nu-na_- C’CI*QCZU\AZJIL~—C$I\ICZIJIAQCIS— i Varieties. Hen. Selected Ey. Jersey Wakefield .... .. True Ev. Jersey Wakefield ................... ... Large Ey. Jersey Wakefield ................ .. Large Ey. Jersey Wakefield ................ .. Talt’s True lily. Jersey Wakefield ....... .. 'l‘ait’s Extra Ey. Pilot ........................... .. lilxtrzt 16y. Etampes ............................... .. Newark Ey. Flat Dutch ........................ .. Newark Flat Dutch ............................... .. Premiurri Flat Dutch ............................ .. Premium Late Flat Dutch ................... .. BalPs Excelsior Flat Dutch .................. .. Louisville Extra Drumhead ................. .. Improved Large ‘Late Drumhead .......... .. Perfection Drumhead Savoy ................ .. Burpeeis ShllPChOiLd ............................. .. Louisville Drumhead ............................ .. Grand Duke ........................................... .. World Beater ........................................ .. Fottler’s Improved Brunswick ............. .. Brillts Nonsuch ..................................... .. Warren’s Stone Mason. ......................... .. Mammoth Red Rock .............................. .. Early Winningstadt ............................... .. Early Winningstadt ............................... .. Burpee‘s All Head Early ...................... .. Burpee's All Head Early ...................... .. Early Summer ....................................... .. Hen, Early Summer .............................. .. Hen. Succession ................ .................. .. Succession ....... ................................... .. All Seasons ............................................. .. All Seasons ............................................. .. Time of Average Average Seedsmen. first geiligia greilgetgl cutting. p- - _ ,’ P, - ’ unirrigat d 11r1gated. Hend ................ .. May 31. 2 1-2 lbs .. 3 1-2 lbs. Francis Brill*... June 11. lbs ......... .. 3 17-20 lbs. Francis Brill..... May 31 . lb ......... .. 5 1-4 lbs. G. .& .......... .. June ll. 1 17-20 lbs.. 2 7-20 lbs G. T. & S .......... .. May 31 . 3 1-2 lbs 4 1-20 lbs G. T. 8t S .......... .. June 11. 4 1-41bs..... 4 2-5 lbs. Francis Brill May 31 . 3 3-5 lbs..... 4 3-20 lbs. . . & ......................... .. No heads Francis Brill June 18 .3 3-5 lbs..... 5 11-20 lbs. G. '1‘. 8t S .......... .. June 11 .2 3-4 lbs. .. 4 7-20 lbs. G. '1‘. 8r ‘ .......... .. June 18 .2 3-5 lbs..... 4 4-5 lbs. Francis Brill..... June 18 . No heads .4 lbs. Francis Brill June 18. No heads . 3 13-20 lbs. Francis Brill June 18. 2 1-5 lbs . 3 2-5 lbs. Francis Brill June 20. No heads . 5 3-20 lbs Francis Brill June 25. No heads . 2 7-10 lbs Francis Brill June 25. No heads . 3 9-10 lbs G. T.&S .......... ..June18. 11-2 lbs .41 s. G. T. & S .......... .. June 25. No heads .3 7-10 lbs G. T. 8t S .......... .. June 26. . No heads .4 3-5 lbs. Francis Brill June 18. . 2 lbs ......... .. 4 3-5 lbs. Francis Brill June 18. .2 7-20 lbs . 6 1 s. Francis Brill June 26. . No heads . 3 13-20 lbs Francis Brill June 26. No heads . 4 1-2 lbs. Francis Brill June 11 1 7-20 lbs . 3 2-5 lbs. G. T. 8t S .......... .. June 26 1 2-5 lbs... . 3 13-20 lbs Burpee ............. .. June 11 1 9-10 lbs. .4 1-4 lbs. Francis Brill June 11 2 3-10 lbs. . 5 3-4 lbs. en ................ .. June 11 2 3-10 lbs. .5 7-10 lbs. Francis Brill June 11 .2 1-51bs..... 4 1 s. Francis Brill June 11 . 3 lbs ......... .. 5 3-5 lbs. G. T. 8r. S .......... .. June 11 .3 lbs ......... .. 4 9-20 lbs. G. '1‘. 8t S .......... .. June 11 .2 1-2 lbs..... 3 9-10 lbs. Francis Brill..... June 11 .. 2 7-20 lbs. .3 3-5 lbs. 'l‘ait’s Extra Early ................................. .. G T *Francis Brill, Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y. The addresses of the other seedmen will be {Ound on pages 629, 630. for market. The first cutting was made before the heads were fully grown, yet large enough for market; the weights were taken from eight to twelve days later. when the heads were fully matured. Very few of those whose first cutting was made after the 11th of June headed up on unirrigated ground, and those that did grew only small and irregular heads not fit This was of course owing to the increasing heat, which after the 25th of June became strong enough to cause them to give off that peculiar odor signifying fermentation. varieties most worthy of recommendation are the Jersey Wakefields, Tait’s Pilot, Flat Dutch, and Henderson’s Succession. Henderson’s Selected Early Jersey IValcefield and True Early Jersey Wakefield are very similar, both producing oval heads with a rather pointed apex, and having uniform size; the only and very slight difference in appearance is that the lower leaves seemed larger in the latter variety. As seen fromthe table, the CABBAGE. 643 FIG. N0. 20. Early Jersey Wakefield. Taz't's True Jersey I/Vakefield is another variety of this class to be recom- mended. The name indicates a synonym with N0. 2, though it is shown in the table that it is not only earlier but also larger; and it was of a more rounded form than the above mentioned. Large Early Jersey Wakefield (lifferetl from Nos.l and 2 in producing more rounded and, as its name might suggest,larger heads. This variety was, without exception, the best in our plots, in regard to size, earliness and uniformity. Tatt’s Extra Early 1’z'l0t,with oval heads and large lower leaves, though a good variety, appeared less uniform,both in shape and in size, than the varieties above. Extra Early Etamgaes is objectionable on account of irregularity in size, and too many fail to produce heads. 'l‘he same can be said of Tattle Extra Early, which made no heads at all. Both suffered much from heat and insects, which, how- ever, are only general indications of unadaptibility to our conditions of soil and climate. Newark. Early Flat Dutch, Newark Flat Dutch and Premium Flat Dutch, Nos. 9, l0 and ll in the table. are all similar, having round fiat-shaped heads. They are so much later than the Jersey Wakefields that their full development was, on account of the increasing heat, not reached on unirrigatetl ground. They are all to be recommended. however, to market gardeners having a deeper and moister soil, as good varieties, with solid heads of uniform size. Heuclersoufs Early Suonmer, Nos. 29 and 3O in the table, produced rounder and somewhat flatter topped heads, and is much to be recommended for solidity and uniformity in size. ‘ Hertdersmfs Succession, Nos. 31 and 32, is similar in appearance to Early Sum- mer, but larger. and hence of higher merits. AllSeasmz, Nos. 33 and 34, has round heads and coarse veined leaves, and proved somewhat irregular, both with respect to time of heading up and to size. Several of the Savoy, or crimpled head cabbages, so celebrated for their tenderness and mild flavor, have from time to time been given trials here, but so far they have made no success, neither as a spring nor as a fall crop; still they have done so much better in the fall, that with a proper start early in September, and on better land than we have, they will, in a moderate season, certainly reach maturity’ before freezing. For spring they are not to be recommended, at least not for our slowly pro- ducing thin upland soil, as they are certain to be killed by heat just be- fore the time of heading up. 644 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. VARIETIES OF CAULIFLOWER. Varieties 0f this vegetable have been tested here, both as a spring and as a fall crop. As a spring crop they were a complete failure in 1894, as they failed to head up. In the year 1893 the following early varieties made heads of moderate size, but rather leafy, tough, and discolored by the sun; hence unmarketable: Early Snowball, Earliest Erfurt Dwarf, Itarly Perfection and Worldbeater. These same varieties, of which Er- furt Earliest Dwarf has proven the best for this place, have given more satisfaction as a fall crop. It is a difficult task to procure a good stand of cauliflower for fall in this locality, as they are likely to suffer, both from heat and lack of moisture, more than the cabbage. Our method of raising the young plants is the same as pursued in raising cabbage for fall crop; namely, to sow in shallow boxes during the latter part of July or the beginning of August, and place the boxes in a cold-frame, over which a shed is erected. During very hot weather an almost constant sprinkling of the soil, planks and walks stir-rounding the boxes is kept up, to generate moisture and lessen the heat. “Then the plants are large enough, they are transplanted into flower pots, as prescribed for cabbage. It is best to do the trans- planting on a cloudy or moist day; if not, drenching the boxes with water serves to bring the dirt into the consistency of a mud, and thor- ough sprinkling immediately after transplanting, will prevent any seri- ous loss. During rainy weather, the plants must be very carefully guarded against dripping from the roof, as this is apt to cause them to damp off at once. Transplanting into the field takes place in September, as soon as the size of the plants (the proper size is from four to five inches in height) and the climatic conditions will allow. VARIETIES OF TOMATOES. The experiment with tomatoes has, as in the case of cabbage and cauli- flower, been carried on for two years (1893-94), and for the same pur- poses. The soil of the plots and the treatment they were subjected to, previous to planting of tomatoes, are also the same as described under the head of cabbage. It-will be seen from that description that our soil is even less suitable to tomatoes than to cabbage. The tomato needs a porous, sandy loam of no very high degree of fertility. The red sandy soil underlayed by a dark red porous clay, found throughout the piney region of East Texas, as well as in spots here and there through other parts of the State, produces tomatoes not surpassed in size, beauty, and flavor, by any country. The tomato, with every year, is becoming more important in the State as a crop for shipping. An all-important consideration to the gardener who raises tomatoes for shipping, is what kind of varieties to plant. In regard to habit of growth, there are two kinds of varieties; those with a long, flexible, and diffuse stem, requiring a support to keep them up from the soil, and those with a dwarf, bushy, and erect (or nearly erect) stem, requiring no support. The latter class is much easier and cheaper to cultivate, inasmuch as they can be plowed and the fruit gathered at any time with- TOMATOES. 645 out bruising 0r mangling the vines. They are also less liable to diseases brought on by exposure to too hot sun, 0r by contact with damp and mouldy soil. These dwarf varieties are at present very few in number compared with the others, but because of the many advantages which they ofier, their further development and increase, either by selection or by crossing, ought to be one of the objects for the future. Our tomato seed was last year (1894) sown in boxes on March 1, and treated as described for cabbage and cauliflower. In that year, we planted about two weeks earlier, in consequence of which the plants grew too large before they could be risked out in the open field. Pot- grown tomato plants were on our soil more evcn in size and vigor, and -came earlier into bearing than those not pot-grown. On sandy loam, I presume the difference between potted and unpotted tomato plants is very small, if any, because on such soil no plants suffer so much from "transplanting as they do on compact sandy clay. Only potted plants were therefore used in our experiment. The transplanting into experi- mental plots was done 011 April 15. The plants grew well until the latter part of June, when they were seriously checked by the hot and dry wind, from the efiects of which much of the fruit was sun scalded, and the rest remained below the average size during the entire test. Only three plants in each row were used in obtaining the weight and number -of the fruit The following table gives a comparison of the results: Table N0. 11. "a i‘ - g u a i: 35°: 3c? '5 r1 bit r g Name of Variety. Seedfnen. g 5g g g 5% G?0wtg_ Color. 8 B"; B; ~35 5 5 a 5 a o rz za zm En. 1 75 19 5 3-20 Diffuse ......... .. Blood red. 2 78 45 7 19-20 Diffuse ......... .. Cherry red. 3 94 1 12 1-10 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. g 132 g 3-50 Ilgififuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 5 l- -1 ififuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 6 59 23 6 3-10 Difluse ......... .. Yellowish red. 8 Dwarf Champion .......... .. Liv ......... .. 50 17 6 3-5 Dwarf .......... .. Blood red. 1g Early édvance ............... .. ......... .. N14? 9 10 9-10 Ilgiguse ......... .. Reddish yellow. ar y onqueror .......... .. 1v ......... .. o r uit. ............. .. i use .................................... .. '11 Early Ruby ................... .. Liv ......... .. 91 1O 1O 17-20 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 12 Early Ruby ....... .. Hend ...... .. 67 2 11 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. ‘l3 Early Red .................... .. Liv ......... .. 60 34 6 3-4 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 14 Essex Hybrid ................ .. Liv ......... .. 189 30 8 3-10 Diflusc ......... .. Cherry red. 15 Eordhook First ............ .. Burpee 71 19 3 1-4 Diffuse ......... .. Red. 16 Golden Sunrise ............. .. Hend ...... .. 68 49 3 2-5 Diffuse ......... .. Pale yellow. 17 Hain’s 64 ........................ .. T. S. F. Co. 51 6 7 17-20 Diffuse Cherry red. 18 Hathaway’s Excelsi0r..... ' 62 7 5 11-20 Difluse Reddish yellow. 19 Hendersoms Ponderosa.. 32 4 15 3-10 Diffuse . Cherry red. :20 Ignotum ......................... .. 56 16 9 1-20 Diffuse Cherry red. '21 Ignotum ....................... .. 112 30 6 1-12 Diffuse Cherry red. ‘22 Livingston’s Beauty.. 40 37 4 4-5 Diffuse .. Cherry red. '23 Livingston’s Beauty ...... .. 48 21 6 4-5 Diffuse ......... .. Blood red. "24 Livingstoirs Buckeye State ........................ .. 17 2 2 Diffuse ......... .. Pale yellow. '25 Livingston’s Dwarf Ar- istocrat .................... .. 40 1 5 1-5 Dwarf .......... .. Yellow redish. 26 Livingston’s Favorite..... 65 41 6 1-2 Diffuse Reddish yellow. :27 Livingston's Favorite...“ 70 23 9 19-20 Diffuse . Reddlsh yellow. Ifiivingstonzs Gécildllgall 170 4 6 7-20 Diffuse Pale yellow. ivingston s o e n Queen ...................... .. 51 32 4 3-4 Diffuse Yellowish red. '30 Livingstows Perfection.. 61 43 5 17-20 Difiuse .. Yellowish red. ‘31 Livingstows Royal Red.. 36 19 4 1-10 Difluse ......... .. Yellowish red. r32 Livingstows Stone To- mato ........................ .. 40 18 6 1-10 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 646 Table N0. 11—continued. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. ‘ c: "3 s “" i5 ‘F a ' O C o o 5 Habit of’ i" Name of Variety. Seedmcn. 5m 3m .= v3 Color. J y) m q; GPOWLII. n Q __, .0 a mg 5 5'5 5'5 ‘5 :1 D 5 n. D u O v. 2m m. Bu. 33 , Lemon Blush ................ .. l§ll1‘]_)C(‘...... 61 l ll 8 2-5 Diffuse ......... .. Pale yellow. 3-H Lorillard ...................... .. Liv ........ .. 41 l 13 5 2-15 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 35' lflzitehless ......... .. '1‘. S.1".Co ~11 3-1 4 1-23 Diffuse. ....... .. Reddlsh yellow.. m; [Way ppm-e Liv _________ ,_ 56 29 6 19-20 Diffuse ......... .. Reddish yellow.. :17 lvlil<;nlo,___ _ Liv, 23 4 3 3-5 Diffuse... Blood red. 3H Mikado... Hend ...... .. 51 13 6 1-2 Diffuse .. .. Cherry red. 39 hlikzulom. ............ .. G. T. 6c b ~17 12 8 9-20 Diffuse . Cherry Ted- -10 Nestor ........................... .. '1‘h0r ...... .. 31 ........ .. 3 1-5 Dwarf.... YGIIOW red- -f1 New Dwarf Champion..... Hcnd ...... .. ~15 1~f 5 7-10 Diffuse Red. 42 Northern Light ............. .. Thor ....... .. 30 i 1 5 Diffuse ......... .. Yellow; 43 (lptiinus ......................... .. Hend ...... .. (l3 3-1 6 13-20 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 4-1 Perfection ..................... .. G. '1‘ a b 5:’ 34 4 1-20 Diffuse ......... .. Yello_w1sh red. 45 Perfection ..................... .. Hend ...... .. ~18 30 4 3-4 Diffuse ........ .. Redd1shyel1ow.. 40 Paragon ........................ .. 110ml ...... .. 37 15 3 1-20 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 47 Potato Leaf ................... .. Liv ......... .. 51 12 7 Ii-ZU DiTTHSQ --------- -- Cherry Ted- 48 Red Queen ..................... .. Liv ......... .. ~10 10 6 19-20 Diffuse ......... .. Cherry red. ~19 Royal Red ...................... .. '1‘. S. F. Co 2H 23 6 19-20 Diffuse ........ .. Cherry red. 50 '1‘al>1cQueen .................. .. Hend ...... .. 21 18 1 7-20 Diffuse ......... .. Pale yellow. 51 Terra (‘otta ................... .. Burpee..... 4H 7 4 3-10 Diffuse Reddish yellow. 52 '1‘he Shah ................... .. Hcnd ...... .. 3H 7 6 7-10 Diffuse ......... .. Reddish yellow.. 53 ’l‘horhurn’s Lenfn Hlush Thor ....... .. ~18 10 4 11-20 Diffuse ......... .. Pale yellow. 54 Thornhurn‘sTcrraCottzi Thoi ....... .. 101 28 10 3-4 Dwarf .......... .. Pinkish yellow.. 55 '1‘rophy ......................... .. Liv ........ .. 26 16 4 2-5 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 56 '1‘rucker’s Favorite ....... .. Burpec..... 5H 21 6 17-20 Diffuse ......... .. Cherry red. 57 Valentine ...................... .. Liv. ....... .. 27 23 2 1-2 Diffuse ......... .. Yellowish red. 58 Yclloiv Plum ................ .. Liv ........................... .. 8 17-20 Diffuse ......... .. Yellow. 50 Yellow Husk .................. .. Liv .......................................... .. Ground cherry Of little value. There was no great difference in date of ripening of the earliest variety and nearly all other varieties, since most of them ripened their first fruit- hetwecn June 28 and July 1. The following varieties have been marked desirable in my notes of 1894: Atlantic Prize, Ignotu1n,Livingston’s» Favorite, Livingston’s Stone, and Ponderosa. These were the best among those of diffuse growth, in regard to solid-- ity, productiveness, and evenness in size and shape. They are all well known varieties, and need no description, with the exception of Living-- ston’s Stone, introduced by Livingston’s Sons in 1891, and Ponderosa, introduced by Henderson at the same time. Livingsvtowfs 196mm is a very prolific bearer, producing large yellowish-red fruit. with small cavities and thick, firm flesh, and though the vine is rather diffuse and apt to lie down, it withstood the scalding sun of last summer well, compared with most other varieties of its class. Ponderosa was this year the largest tomato in our experiment; it is a roundish, slightly ribbed fruit of a cherry red color; quality of fruit and nature of vine» same as in the ahove. This variety, on a moist sandy loam, would certainly grow too large for shipping purposes. Last year it developed no particular- characteristics to recommend it. The following varieties have been marked as poor in my notes of last. year: Beauty, Cardinal, Early Red, Essex, Fordhook’s First, Golden Sunrise, Livingston’s Buckeye State, Livingston’s Royal Red, Living-- ston’s Golden, Matchless, hlayflower, Paragon, Perfection, Table Queen, The Shah, Terra Cotta, and Volunteer. Since the true characters of no variety of plants develop themselves except in a soil and a climate best suited to them, all these varieties may be called poor only as far as our soil is concerned; many of them, if TOMATOES. 647 tried on other soils and in other localities, might prove well adapted. Terra Cotta, however, is an exception on account of the nature of its. fruit, which is rather a semi-capsule with a leathery covering, reminding one of a pod of sweet pepper rather than of an ordinary tomato. The following varieties are dwarfs: Dwarf Champion, Livingston’s Aristocrat, Meteor, New Dwarf Champion, and Northern Light. The Dwarf Champion, seed obtainedTrom Livingstoifs Sons, did not this year quite come up to our expectation in the experimental plot, but with plants from home grown seed it was, as in the previous years, decidedly the best tomato on our ground. I here find it proper to copy the following description of this variety from an article published in the Texas Farm and Ranch, on our tomato experiments of last year: “The Dwarf Champion is comparatively a new variety of tomato, and differs from the other varieties in having a stout nearly erect stem, which in soil of ordinary fertility reaches a height of thirty to thirty-six inches. Having ample foliage, it is thus far less liable to sun scald than the more prostrate growing varieties; and it is, no doubt, owing to this erect habit of growth that it remains healthy until killed by frost, while all other varieties died in August.” * * * Livingstorfs Dwarf Aristocrat is another new variety, resembling the Dwarf Champion so much in leaves and stem that it can readily be mistaken for it; but the fruit, though like that of the Dwarf Champion in shape and size, differs from it in color, being bronze red. The short experience that I have had with the variety forbids me to recommend it as highly as 1 have the Dwarf Champion; yet my expectation is that it will prove itself to be of equal value. Northern Light, with a bushy stem a11d bluntly ribbed, yellowish fruit, 0f medium size, is perhaps not so prolific as the two varieties just described. Meteor seemed identical with Livingstone Dwarf Aristocrat. The Upright Station Tree. from Thurburn 8s Co., was given a trial here last year, but unfortunately not included in our list of this year, is the most compact and bushy of all the Dwarfs that we have tested. The stem is about as tall as . that of an average Irish potato, and much stouter and firmer, hearing a thick dark green foliage. The fruit, which is round, very fine and smooth, and of cherry red color, appeared a little too small on our grounds. This variety may prove a good one on soil well suited to tomatoes, where the fruit will be increased both in size and in number. , The Yellow Plum may be mentioned among the small fruit varieties as the best on our groond, in regard to productiveness and hardiness. EFFECT OF PRUNINe.—Pruning was practiced last summer during the latter part of August on several rows in a plot of Dwarf Champion, and had the beneficial results of increasing the productiveness and invigor- ating the plants after they had been weakened by (lrouth and lack of cultivation. Dwarf Champion, as well as all the other dwarfs, becomes top-heavy by age. The lower leaves fall off. The activity of growth is greatest in the tops, where also the fruit is being borne, and in conse- quence of the weight bend over or fall prostrate on the ground, thus obstructing passage between the rows, and preventing the necessary cul- tivation. The plants very soon beeome enfeebled and try to recuperate by starting numerous shoots from the base, which, however, seldom become strong enough to bear fruit. The method of pruning pursued by us consisted in cutting off all the branches lying flat on the ground, and cutting the tops and drooping" branches back to a lower vigorous shoot; thus relieving the plant of one-third or one-half of its growth, together with all of its fruit. The rows were then cleaned of weeds by plowing and hoeing, which of course- cut many roots also. This soon induced a new growth of leaves and branches on the naked part of the stem. The new fruit was increased in size, and the plant remained vigorous until the frost. 648 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. REPRODUCTION FROM CUTrmes.—Tomatoes grow, as is well known, with ease from cuttings. We have several times tried them for fall crop, and invariably had success, wherever the season has been favorable. A cutting ought to be about six inches long, taken from a vigorous and stocky shoot. The lower leaves should be removed and the cutting planted with one-half its length into the soil. The best soil to start summer cuttings in is a sandy loam, and the best place is a cold-frame under shelter. When they show sign of growth, the shelter may be removed during not too hot and dry weather. They can be transplanted into open field when they have made a growth of about three or four inches and the roots have well started. By making the cutting during first of August, we have succeeded in having the plants come into bearing about the first of November, which can be done in a much shorter time on better soil, especially with irrigation. Another way of prolonging the tomato season, which we tried during 1894, was to cut the vigorous vines loaded with green fruit and bring them into a house just before a frost is expected to occur, and hang them up, where nearly all the fruit ripened well in from ten to fifteen days. INSECTICIDES. 649 INSECTICIDES. R. H. PRICE, B. s. We mean by an insecticide anything used to kill insects. Recom- mendations for injurious insects and plant diseases are given in Bulletins N0. 23 and No. 32, and the results 0f our experiments in preventing injury by weevils are given in Bulletin No. 31. Still, this Bulletin would not be complete for those whom it is intended to benefit if some general information on how to prevent injury by insects were not given. During the past seven years we have tested many things to prevent injury done by insects and by fungi, and feel confident in recommend- ing the insecticides herein mentioned. It should be borne in mind, however, that the results from the use of an insecticide depend very much upon the manner of application. Insecticides must be applied in time, and in a thorough manner. “ We can keep an enemy away cheaper than we can drive him away.” Therefore all plants which are not of benefit and harbor insects should be destroyed. Frequently insects prey uponcrops and are not noticed until they do great damage. It is in this case, as in most others, very important to be ready, observe, and begin early. As regards their use, there are two general classes of insecticides; those used against biting insects which obtain their food from the outside of plants; second, those used against sucking insects which obtain their food from the inside of plants. For biting insects some form of the arsenical compounds, such as London purple or Paris green, is commonly used, and the insects are killed by eating the poison. For the sucking insects, which obtain their food from the inside of plants, some applica- tion is used which will close the breathing pores or affect the nervous system, such as kerosene emulsion or Persian insect powder. It is useless to use the arsenical compounds for sucking insects, while they are very effective for biting insects. Insecticides are generally used in three forms; liquid spray, powder, and fumes or vapor. With the exception of carbon bisulphide we have usually obtained the best results in the form of a liquid spray, because in this form the preparations are distributed more thoroughly and stick on the plants better, but it is not always the most convenient method. London Purple.--This is an arsenite of lime, obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of analine dyes. It contains from 3O to 50 per cent of arsenic. It is a lighter, finer powder than Paris green, and therefore is held in suspension in water better than Paris green. It frequently contains some soluble arsenic, which sometimes burns the foliage. This injury can be prevented by putting some lime in the water. Pam's Green.--This is an arsenite of copper. It contains about 58 per cent of arsenic. The wet preparation of this material must be stirred frequently to keep poison from settling to the bottom. For making a dry mixture of either one of the arsenical compounds mentioned, either plaster, flour, air-slaked lime, road dust or sifted wood ashes may be used as a diluent. A mixture of 1 part of the poison to 5O parts of the diluent often gives good results. Some plants will stand a mixture as strong as 1 of the poison to 20 of the diluent. In all cases the mixing 650 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. must be done thoroughly, and it is better to apply the mixture during a- still morning while the dew is on the plants. For the wet preparations, the following mixture gives good results: 1 pound of the poison to 200 gallons of water. If some lime be added to the water a stronger mix- ture can be used on the plants safely. The preparation we have found best to fight insects and plant diseases with at the same time is 3 ounces of London purple stirred into 25 gallons of Bordeaux mixture. In this form the poison is held on the foliage a long time. The formula for all is 2 pounds of copper sulphate dissolved in 25 gallons of water and then add 2% pounds of unslaked lime, afterwards add 3 ounces of London purple. The London purple mixes more readily if a paste be made of it before putting it in the water. Of course these poisons must be kept at a safe distance from the family and all stock. Ba£t.—Use 1 ounce of poison, 8 ounces of chopped grass or clover leaves; mix with syrup and roll into balls; spread the balls among the plants for wire worm, beetles, crickets, cut worms, etc. For sucking insects kerosene emulsion is commonly used, and we have found the “ Hubbard-Riley" formula to work very well, if the water be soft. Hard soap .1» pound (preferably while oil soap), boiling water 1 gallon, kerosene oil 2 gallons. Churn or pump the mixture violently‘ for 10 or 15 minutes, till it becomes like buttermilk. If there be any free oil it will kill the plants. Dilute 10 or 12 times before using. The following formula is also sometimes recommended: Sour milk 1 gallon, kerosene oil 2 gallons; warm slightly and mix thoroughly. Dilute as for the other emulsion. Carbon Bz'suljicZe.--'I‘his is a very foul smelling liquid which volatil- izes at a very low temperature. It has a local Texas name, “ high life.” This local name seems to have come about by using some of the material. on the hair of a stubborn pony or a mule to make it move. It is highly inflammable and should be kept at a safe distance from all fire. We have been very successful in using it for the red ant in the following manner: Pour two or three spoonfuls into the colony and cover with some dirt. and press it firmly with the foot. After waiting one or two minutes stick a lighted match to the place and the fumes will burn with a very hot, invisible llame. During the hottest part of the day or early in the morning when all the ants are in, is the best time to apply it. A student in the senior class treated eighty ant beds here last spring under my direction in this way, and killed sixty of them by the first treatment. 1n about four days some of the ants will appear on the surface if they are not all killed. The application should then be repeated. This ma- terial can be bought much cheaper if it be ordered from some large dealer in 5U or 100 pound can lots. Pyretlzrunt 0r Persian Insect Powdeva-This is a fine, light brown pow- der made from the heads of pyrethrum plants. It is not injurious to man, and can be used with impunity in the house for such insects as flies and mosquitoes. For the dry mixture use the pure powder. For the wet mixture use one ounce of powder to one gallon of water. Some care should be exercised to procure fresh powder, as it loses its strength when old or exposed to the atmosphere. INSECTICIDES. 651 MACHINERY. For the distribution of the powders we have not found a small machine which gave entire satisfaction. The larger of the Woodason machines, ;sold for $2 by Thomas Woodason, Philadelphia, Pa., does fair work. For the wet preparation we‘ have used satisfactorily a Jappy Spray Pump, with Vermorel nozzle and agate mortar, made by Robert Leitch (h Sons, Washington, D. C., and sold for $14, complete. There is a small hand force pump sold by nearly all dealers in spraying machinery, which is a very good cheap machine in helping to make the kerosene emulsion and spraying in a small way. The Climax 'l‘ripotl is a good machine to attach to barrels and be hauled over the ground when spraying; it costs $15. It should be requested of the manufacturer to use the agate mortar in the spraying machine, because kerosene emulsion’ will swell the rubber mortars and valves so that they will soon become useless. Before buying a machine it is well to write to several manufacturers for catalogues, so that a machine may be selected to suit the purpose desired. The ad- dresses of some of the manufacturers are as follows: Albinson & Trus- heim, 2026 Fourteenth Street, Washington, D. C.; Nixon Nozzle and Machine Co., Dayton, O.; Field Force Pump Co., Loekhart, N. Y.; P. -C. Lewis, Catskill, N. Y.; Lansing Iron Works, Lansing, Mich.; Supe- rior Machine Co., Springfield, 0.; Wm. Stahl, Quincy, 111.; Thomas Woodason, 451 E. Cambria St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Gould’s Manufactur- ing Co., Seneca Falls, N. Y., and Robert Leitch & Sons, Washington, D. C. Figures Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 17, 18 and 19 were drawn under "my direction by Mr. F. A. Munro, a student in the College. Figure No. 11 was obtained of Prof. A. C. True. Figure No. 4 was obtained of W. A. Lake Manufacturing Co., Harriman, Tenn. Figure N0. 2O was ob- tained of “ The Market Garden,” Minneapolis, Minn. Figures No. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 were drawn by myself. .9. > %. u. 21.1