/¢ ‘y’ f, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. BULLETIN N0. 39. JULY, 1896. THE PEACI-I. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. v ' POSTOFFICE: _ COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS 00., TEXAS. All Reports from this Station are sent free to farmers of the State on application to J. H. CONNELL, DIRECTOR, P. 0. College Station, Texas. u A U s TI N = BEN C. JONES 8i 00-, STATE PRINTERS- 1896 [199] TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. OFFICERS AND STAFF. V GOVERNING BOARD. (BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. s: M‘. COLLEGE.) MAJ. A. J. Ross, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Austins. HoN. W. R. CAVITT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Bryan. HON. G. W. BOWMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Plano. HON. JOHN B. Lone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Busk. HON. D. A. PAULUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ha11ettsvi1]e.. TREASURER. PRESIDENT L. S. Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Co11ege Station. STATION STAFF. J. H. CONNELL, M. Sc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Director. H. H. HARRINGTON, M. So . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Chemist. M. FRANCIS, D. V. M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Veterinarian. R. H. PRICE, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilorticulturist. -—— . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Agricu1turi'st. J. W. CARSON, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant to Director. P. S. TILSON, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant in Chemistry. A. M. SOULE, B. S. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Agriculturist. B. C. PITTUCK, B. S . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Assistant Agriculturist. SUPERINTENDENT OF SUB-STATION. S. A. MCHENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Beevi11e, Bee Co. [son] TI-{EI PEACE-I: 1. NOTES ON VARIETIES. I. Varieties belonging to Peen-To race. ll. Varieties belonging to South China race. III. Varieties belonging to Spanish race. (Pages 803 to 823.) V. Varieties belonging to Persian race. VI. Varieties unclassified. 2. VARIETIES FOR DIFFERENT CLIMATES. (Pages 823 to 824.) 3. RULES OF NOMENCLATURE. ' (Page s24.) 4. ORIGIN OF THE PEACH. (Pages 825 to 8:26.) 5. CLASSIFICATION OF VARIETIES. IV. North China race. V. Persian Race. I. Peen-'I‘o race. II. South China race. III. Spanish race. (Pages 826 to 832.) 6. HINTS ON ORCHARD SETTING. The site. How to set. The soil. Pruning. The young tree. Cultivation. (Pages 832 to 838.) '7. DORMANT BUDDING. (Pages 839 t-o 840.) 8. DISEASES AND INJURIOUS INSECTS. Blackgspot. Aphids. Root tumor. Leaf Footed bug. Root knot. The borer. Curculio. (Pages 840 to 847.) 9. PEACHES RECOMMENDED BY TEXAS HORTICULTURISTS. (Pages 847 to 848.) [s01] IV. Varieties belonging to North China race. BLANK PAGE IN ORIGINAL THE PEAQH. BY n. H. PRICE, B. s. That the peach, when well matured, is one of the most delicious and wholesome fruits of our climate needs no proof. Its season of usefulness- begins with the latter part of May and lasts till October. Unlike the apple, there are varieties which fruit well along the Gulf coast; others grow well in the more northern parts of the State. There are varieties which will stand considerable drouth with im- punity, if the soil is well cultivated. Hence, with all the variations found in the soil and climate of the State, there is no part where some varieties will not grow and fruit with fair success. I That this fruit can be grown with some success even with neglect is evidenced by the fact that around most lonely rural homes a peach tree may be found growing as a silent companion on hard, uncultivated ground, bearing some peaches for its ungrateful owner. VALUE OF THE PEACH CROP. a The peach industry is a growing one in the State. For instance, in the counties of Ellis, Limestone and Smith, many carloads are shipped to northern markets. Land for peaches has greatly increased in value. According to the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1894:, there were then 42,9111 acres in peaches. The crop was valued at $685,- 956. According to these statistics, the value of the crop per acre that year was $15.98. According to the same report, the value of cotton per acre that year was $12.20. THE EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARD. The trees in the orchard were set by my predecessor, Prof. T. L. Brunk, during the winter of 1888-89. The soil is a rather stiff, heavy clay loam,_ of medium fertility. Surface drainage is good. The trees were set 20x20 feet apart. Good cultivation has been given. The trees began to bear during the summer of 1892, but no notes were taken until 1893. Notes were then taken on blooming and fruiting each year after- ward, and I have made a study of the varieties each year since. 1. NOTES ON VARIETIES. While a full set of notes were taken each year on blooming and fruit- ing, and recorded in permanent printed blanks, only those notes which are of the most practical use to the grower will appear here because space will not permit to go farther into detail. I have been much assisted in [803] TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. taking these notes by Prof. H. Ness, the assistant in the horticultural de- partment, and Mr. A. M. Ferguson, a post-graduate in the same depart- ment. . . In reading over these notes, it will be observed that by far the largest number of varieties have given no results which would warrant their fur- ther cultivation. To the soil and climate may be partly due the fact that some varieties have not done better, particularly in regard to the late va- rieties, but I am convinced that most of the nurserymen of the State are selling too many varieties, some of which are either of little value or so closely resemble another variety that they could easily be dispensed with Without detriment to a valuable fruit list for this State. This impression has forced itself upo-n my mind after testing a large number of varieties in this latitude, which is somewhat central, and by studying the peach in more northern and southern localities of the State. In regard to our list, it may also be stated that there are a few new, valuable varieties grown which have not been set long enough to bear with u-s, and hence do not appear in our final bearing list. ' - The varieties are divided into groups according to the classification (lcscribed on page 829. The following distinctions in sizes are made: Very large, large, me- dium, small, and very small. Size is a quality which will vary with va- riety, season, latitude and the number of fruit appearing on the tree. Chinese Cling is regarded as a very large peach, and the Honey as a small one. Between these two we have various gradations: Very large, 2% to 3 inches in diameter; medium, 1-1, to 2 inches, and small, 1 to 1% inches. The size of flower depends upon the race to which a variety belongs, and will be given in the classification. I. VARIETIES BELONGING TO PEEN-TO RACE.* Peen- To (fig. 1).——Medium size, flat, col-or greenish white with a few red spots; cling, sweet, juicy, sometimes with peculiar noyau flavor; tree vigorous, holds foliage late and blooms very early; ripened fruit, June 20th; glands reniform Angel and Waldo varieties, which are seedlings of Peen-to, are de- scribed on pages 818 and 819.- II. VARIETIES BELONGING TO SOUTH CHINA RACE. Olimaw.—Smrall, round to oval, freestone; color, cream with red cheek; flesh white, flavor very sweet and fairly good; ripe June 25th; tree a vig- orous grower and inclined to overbear in southern part of the State; fruit should be thinned to increase the size; foliage with reniform glands. In- troduced by G. L. Tabor in 1886. _ C0leman.— Size medium, ovate, freestone; cream-colored, with red cheek; flesh white; flavor sweet and very fair; ripens with Climax; one of the largest of its class; tree vigorous and productive in Southern Texas, inclined to overbear; glands reniform to round. Originated by Thomas loleman, near Rockport, Texas. _ Early Uhinou-Size medium, oval, with sharply recurved point, free- stone; color cream, with bright red cheek; flesh white, pinkish around * For Classification, see page 829. Peen- T0 Race. South Chinese Race. FIG. 1. (Var. Peen-’l‘0.) FIG. 2. (Var. Honey.) S. Extent of suture. 1 Y/ 1 H" ' f Race. (Var. Texas.) Sfpanislz FIG. .-,..__,--<-""‘__ -_ - . ..:.”i.'%’.f¢2w”§5’" ~ ~ .~_ ,- 1’ ,I l.‘ ‘s \ -.\'. {A I \ -'.l‘ \_\\ . \ . ‘y; ,, a ,4’ I v I l p, 2 l 5'19 (Var. AIeXanderI) Pers ian Race. w“ FIG. 5. FIG. 4. North China Race. CUTS CONTRASTING THE FIVE CLASSIFIED RACES OF THE PEACH. [SO/la] BLANK PAGE IN ORIGINAL THE PEACH. 805 stone; flavor very sweet, quality only fair; ripened June 19th; tree a vig- orous grower and heavy yielder in Southern Texas, overbears and needs to be thinned; has not failed to bear a heavy crop in four years; the blo-om will resist considerable frost without injury; glands frequently wanting, round. Originated in South Texas. Honey (fig. 2).—-Size medium to small, oblong, ovate, freestone; color cream, with deep red cheek; flesh whit-e, red around stone; flavor sweet, juicy and only fair; ripened July 1st; tree only fairly vigorous here, quite productive, inclined to overbear, needs to be thinned; no-t as good as some of its American seedlings; glands sometimes wanting, reniform; supposed to be the parent of a new race possessing a peculiar honey sweetness. The one grown mostly in this country was raised by Charles Downing many years since from seed brought from China and presented to him. (Downing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of America.) “The original tree never fruited, but a budded tree was given to the late Henry Lyons, Esq., of Columbia, S. C., about 1855. The variety was placed in the hands -of Mr. P. J. Berkmans, of Augusta, Ga, and the only stock held by him until 1858, when it was sent out for the first time. The variety was not found to be valuable at Augusta, but when it was sent to Florida and Texas, into its natural and proper climate, it was found to possess special merit.” Onderdonk. Reproduces fairly true from seed, as evi- -denced by the seedlings we have which have come from it. y Pallets-Size medium, noundish toovate, freestone; color light cream, splashed with red; flesh white; flavor very sweet, juicy, fair quality; rip- ened June 30th ; tree fairly vigorous and productive; glands often want- ing, small, round; possesses considerable Persian blood; seedling of Honey. III. VARIETIES BELONGING TO SPANISH RACE. Cobler (Indi-an).—Size rather small, roundish; color light yellow, mot- tled and streaked with purple; color of flesh is purple, shading to yel- lowish white near stone, clingstone; flavor sub-acid and quite pleasant; ripe July 20th; tree is fairly vigorous and bears well. Originated in ‘Texas. Columbia. —Medium to small, round with slightly projecting apex; color greenish yellow with dark red stripes; heavy down; free; ripe Au- gust 1st; would ship well, flavor sub-acid and very pleasant; tree is me- dium size and very prolific; glands reniform. About same as Infant Wonder. A valuable peach of its size and season. Has some Persian blood. Druid (Hill).—Size rather sm-all, round; color, yellow; flesh, yellowish white; flavor sweetish and rather po-or; ripened July 29th; tree only fair- ly productive, vigorous; glands reniform. Galveston. —Size medium, roundish; color, cream, with light red cheek; flavor sub-acid; ripe July 30th; tree very vigorous and productive, inclined to overbear; glands few and reniform. Originated in Southern ‘Texas. GuadaZupe.—So small here that it is n-o good; ripens in August; flavor sub-acid; clingstone; tree very vigorous. Originated in Southern Texas. La Reine.-Size rather small, oblong; color, greenish, with red cheek; flesh rather white, r-ed at stone; clingstone; ripens August 5th; tree vig- ~orous; not recommended here. Introduced by G. L. Tabor in 1889. 806 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Lulu. —-Rather small; color, greenish yell-ow; flavor rather acid and quality verypoor; tree is fairly hardy and productive; glands many, round; ripens August 6th ; a poor peach here. From South Texas. Onderdonlc. —Medium size, oblong; flattened; pointed at apex, free- stone; color, lemon yellow; flesh, yellow; flavor a little acid, fair quality; ripened August 6th; tree vigorous and productive; glands reniform. Orig-i inated by G. Onderdonk, Nursery, Texas. Sanders (Cling).—Size rather small, ovate, with acute apex; color,. cream; flesh, yellowish green; clingstone; ripened August 4th; has pecu- liar vinous flavor, like all of its class; tree vigorous and productive; glands reniform. Texas (fig. 3.)——Medium size, oblong, flattened, apex pointed; color, " greenish yellow, with red cheek; flavor, sub-acid, very fair quality; rip- ened August 12th; semi-clingstone; glands reniform; tree very large and inclined to overbear. Originated and introduced by G. Onderdonk, Nurs- ery, Texas. Valuable late peach for the coast country. Victoria. -—Size medium, roundish to oblong, somewhat flattened, apex slightly pointed; color, lemon yellow; flesh, yellow; freestone; flavor sub- acid, very fair quality; tree inclined to overbear; among the largest of ' the whole orchard; glands reniform; ripened fruit August 6th; one of the best varieties of its class. Introduced in 1889 by G. L. Tabor, Glen St. Mary, Fla. IV. VARIETIES BELONGING TQ NORTH CHINA GROUB. Albert (Sidney).—Size medium to large, ovate and abruptly pointed at apex; color, light cream, with red cheek; flavor sub-acid and pleasant; freestone; tree vigorous and productive; ripened fruit July 18th; glands» reniform; a valuable peach. Bernez'ce.—Size medium, ovate conical; color, greenish yellow, streak~ ed with red; flesh whitish yellow; flavor sub-acid and quite pleasant; half- freestone; ripe July 18th ; tree fairly vigorous and productive. Becquett Free.—Size large, roundish and slightly conical; color, green- ish white, streaked with red; flavor mild sub-acid andquite pleasant; freestone; ripened July 10th; tree vigorous and fairly productive; glands reniform; promises to be very valuable further north in the State. Chinese Cling (fig. 4.)——Size very large, oval to conical, with rather- abruptly pointed apex; color, greenish yellow, with small red cheek; fla- vor pleasant sub-acid; clingstone; ripened fruit July 14th; glands reni- form; tree is weak here and bears lightly. At Nursery, Texas, near the coast, I have found it to be almost a dwarf; further north in the, State,“ at Tyler, it bears well. It is now almost discarded, owing to the fact of its more valuable seedlings. Perhaps no other peach in the world to-day has a more valuable offspring. It was introduced, in France from China» about 5O years ago, under the name of Shanghai. ' " Curtis (Gling).—-Medium size, round to slightly oblong; color, clear yellowish white; flavor sub-acid and of high quality; cl.ingstone; ripened July 5th; tree vigorous and productive; glands small, round. A seedling" which originated on the experimental grounds here and named after Prof. G. W. Curtis, who was formerly director of the Station. We have a number of trees propagated from the original seedling and have borne a good crop at their fourth year. A promising variety. THE PEACH. 807 F1636. Elberta. (OriginaL) FIG. 7. Favnily Favorite. (OriginaL) Elberta (fig. 6.)-—-Size medium to large, oblong, slightly flattened, apex pointed; color, golden yellow, with red cheek, very handsome; flesh yel- low; flavor sub-acid and very fair quality; freestone; ripened July 10th; tree fairly vigorous and moderately productive. A little too far south for it here ; glands globose to reniform; a valuable shipping and market peach, owing to its handsome color and firm flesh. Originated in Georgia on the farm of Hon. Samuel Rumph, in Houston county. To-day it is one of the great market peaches of that State. Family Favorite (fig. '7.) Large size, round, with small abrupt apex; ' color, greenish white, with small red cheek; flavor sub-acid and very g-ood; half-clingstone; ripened July 1st; tree large, vigorous and very productive; glands round. An excellent family peach and would ship well, but is not highly enough colored to be attractive in the market. In- troduced by T. V. Munson. - - Ford (No. 1.)F—Medium size, round; color, greenish yellow; flavor pleasant, sub-acid; clingstone; ripened very early, June 141th; tree vigor- ous, but shy bearer this far south; glands few, reniform. Gen. Lee .——Me-dium size, roundish; color, creamy white; flavor pleas- ant, sub-acid; cling; ripened July 10th; tree vigorous, but shy bearer thisfar south. Haupt’s Anguish-Has done no good here. Henrietta. .—Medium size, round, with abrupt apex; color, greenish yellow, with red cheek; flesh yellow; flav-or acid, quality only" fair; cling; tree fairly vigorous and moderately productive; glands reniform; not de- sirable here. y, Juno .—Size rather small, round, with obtuse apex; color, cream, with small red cheek; flesh same; cling; flavor mild acid, rather poor; ripe August 12th; tree hardy and productive; glands reniform; fruit too small. i Mamie Ross (fig. 8)-—Size large, roundish, with obtuse point; color, 1808 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. pupa v:gi11{lilll]ilfi] I F l ’ 1 2 FIG. 8. Mamie Ross, reduced one-third in size. (Original) light cream, small red c-heek; flesh rather soft when fully ripe, like most of its class; flavor sub-acid, very good; half-cling; ripened June 23d; tree vigorous and moderately productive here; further north, at Waco, it is very productive and much larger in size; glands small, reniform. This peach originated on the farm of Captain A. J. Ross, Dallas, Texas, about fifteen years ago and was introduced by J. M. Howell, of the same place. It is one of the best early peaches for table use and market now grown in the State. Miss LoZo.--Medium to large, roundish, sometimes slightly pointed; color, light cream, with small red cheek; flavor sub-acid and quite g-ood; half-cling; ripened June 28th. Follows Mamie Ross, and resembles it very much in fruit. Tree large and vigorous, and bears well; glands small, reniform. Originated at Mexia, Texas, and was named by J. W. Stubenrauch, of the same place. A valuable peach, especially for fam- ily use. Oriole. -- Medium size, ovate, obtuse apex; color, greenish yellow, splashed with red; flavor rather sweet, quality good; clingstone; ripened July 19th; tree vigorous and productive; glands reniform. Has some Persian blood. Prz'ce’s(Free).—Medium size, roundish, slightly pointed; color, green- . very pleasant; free; ripe July 11th; trec fairly vigorous and productive ' glands reniform. One of the best peaches of its season. THE r PEACH. 809 "ish white, with light red cheek; freestone; ripened August 41th; tree vig- -orous and fairly productive; glands reniform. Smock. -—-Medium size, round, with acute apex; color, cream; flesh light yellow; flavor sub-acid, pleasant; ripened August 15th; freest-one; tree vigorous, but shy bearer. Spottswood.-—~Large, round, slightly oval, blunt apex; color, light cream; flesh rather soft and juicy when fully ripe; flavor slightly sweet, ) Stonewall Jackson .-—Size medium to large, rather oblong, slightly flat- tened, apex abruptly pointed; color, cream, with small red cheek; flesh i rather firm; cling;- flavor. sub-acid and very pleasant; would ship well, but is not an attractive peach in market; tree vigorous and productive; glands small, round to reniform, yellow; ripened July 16th. Sylplziole .—Medium size, roundish; color, cream, with small red cheek; flesh white; flavor mild acid, good; ripened July 19th; cling; tree vig- orous and productive; glands few and reniform. Thu¢ber.——Large, oval; color, creamy white, with small red cheek; flesh white; flavor pleasant acid; freestone; ripe July 22d; tree vigorous and fairly productive; glands few “and reniform. A valuable peach. v. VARIETIES Bnnoueiue TO THE PERSIAN axon. Alexander (figs. 5 and 9.)—-lV[edium size, round, deep suture; color, pale white, with dark red cheek over a large part next to sun; flesh pale white, juicy and tender, sub-acid, quality good; half-freestone; ripened May 27th; a valuable market variety, owing to its earliness and handsome color; tree a shy bearer here this far south; glands globose. One of the most valuable early peaches for family use and for market, but it should not be planted largely in extreme Southern Texas. Amsoleln .-—Size rather large, round, slightly flattened; color, creamy white, beautifully splashed with red; flavor pleasant sub-acid; half-free; ripe June 10th; tree vigorous, but a shy bearer this far south. Resem- bles Alexander very much, but is some later. Amelia.--Large, oval, apex pointed; color, rich yellow, beautiful red cheek; flesh yellowish whit-e, rather firm; flavor pleasant sub-acid, quality good; ripe July 1st; half-clingstone; tree vigorous, but not very product- ive this far south. Originated in Missouri. A-nnie (Wylie.)—Fruit very small; has done no good here. Baldwin (Late.)—Has borne but little here; done no good. Barnes.-—Size medium to small, round; col-or, dark greenish yello-w, ‘with numerous red streaks; flesh reddish yellow, firm; flavor sub-acid and quite fair; ripened August 21st; cling; tree vigorous and only fairly productive; has some Spanish blood. Originated in Bell county, Texas, by Barnes Parker. Beatrice .—Medium size to small, round ; color, yellowish white, streak- ed with red; flavor mild acid and very fair quality; free; tree rather weak grower, shy bearer; ripeJune 5th; glands round. Beauchamp .—Medium size, round, with sharp. point at apex; color, yellow, with red cheek; flesh yellow and rather firm; flavor mild acid, quality only fair; free; ripe August 20th; tree rather weak grower and shy bearer; glands large, reniform. 810 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION; FIG. 9. Alexander Leaf. Becqueit Late.-—Medium to small, oval; color, light yellow; sub-acids and quite good; free; ripe August 11th; tree a vigorous grower and pro- duetive; glands reniform. Bexarr-Size medium to small, ovate; color, light cream; flavor a little acid; freestone; ripe August 14th; tree vigorous and moderately product- ive; glands globose. Blood (Cling.)—Medium size, round to oval, apex with obtuse point; color, very dark red, flesh same; flavor only fair; cling; ripe August 14th; resembles Raisin Cling; tree fairly vigorous, but not as productive as others of same type; glands reniform. Benang0.-—-Has not fruited. ' Chrz'stz'ana.--Round to oval, medium size; color, yellow; flesh soft and mealy; free; flavor a little sweet and quality fair; ripe July 25th; tree vigorous, but notproductive; glands round. Originated at Pomaiia, S.O THE PEACH. 81 1 Ularissar-Medium size, rou11-dish; color, yellow, with crimson cheek; ~ flavor sub-acid and very good; fre-e; ripened July 15th; tree vigorous, but a shy bearer. A promising peach in a climate to which it is better suited. (Jomet.—Rather small, round; color, yellowish white; free; flavor a little acid, but quality very fair; tree not a vigorous grower, shy bearer; glands small, reniform. English origin. Conlcling.-—l\ledium to large, oblong, somewhat flattened; color, yel- 10W, with deep red cheek; flesh yellow and rather soft; flavor sub-acid, quality only fair; free; ripe July 25th; tree a vigorous grower, shy bearer; glands small, globose. A promising variety for more northern climates. Countess .——Medium size, round; color, creamy white, with red cheek; flavor pleasant acid, rich -and juicy; semi-cling; ripe July 1st. A very fair peach; has a mixture of Spanish and Persian blood. Cowom. (Late.)——Very small, round; ripens in September; glands reni- form; has not done any good here. “ Orawforclis Late.--A well-known old variety, which needs no descrip- tion. It ripens here August 1st. Shy bearer this far south, and, in fact, it seemsto me, judging from what I see of it at other places, that the variety is failing. ' - Crimson (Beauty.)—Medium size; ripens very late; shy bearer; has done no good here. . ' Crockett (Late White.)—Rather small, oval; color, white; freestone; ripened August 6th; tree fairly vigorous and productive; glands reni- form; origin, New Jersey; has some Spanish blood. A very fair late , peach. Urothers.—Medium size, round, with acute apex; color, cream; free; flavor rather acid; tree fairly vigorous, not productive; ripened July 7th; glands small, slightly reniform. Bowling (J une.)-—Meclium size, round, slight projecting apex; color, cream, with re-d cheek; flavor sub-acid and quite good; cling; ripe July 8th; tree vigorous and productive; no glands. Dow ning .——Has not fruited. Dufl’ (Yellow.)——Medium size, ovate, with acute apex; color, light yel- low; flesh firm; flavor sub-acid, very fair; cling; ripe July 20th; tree vig- orous and productive; gland-s small, round; a good shipping variety. Duggar (Golden.)—Size rather large, roundish; color, beautiful yel- low, with crimson cheek; flavor pleasant sub-acid; free; ripened July 20th; tree does not grow tall, shy bearer this far south; glands round; a valuable peach for market where it is adapted. Early George (Royal.)—Rather small, round; color, white, splashed with red; flavor a little acid, ‘only fair; free ; ripened July 15th; tree fairly vigorous, shy bearer here; glands round. a Elmircw-Medium size, round; color, cream, with deep red cheek; fla- vor a little acid, only fair; cling; ripe June 25th; tree vigorous and pro- ductive; glands globose. A fair clingst-one peach. Originated in Mis- sissippi. . Foster.-—Medium size, broadly ovate, apex pointed; color, yellow, with large deep red cheek; flavor sweet when fully ripe and quite" good; free; ripened June 27th; tree a vigorous grower, but only fairly productive here; glands small, round. A showy peach. Fordfis No. 2.—Medium size, oval, with pointed apex; color, rich yel- 812 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION._ low, splashed with red; flesh rather firm; flavor sub-acid, but very good; free; ripened July 24th; tree fairly vigorous, but not productive. Flewellen. -—-Has not fruited. Gay larch-Medium size, round, with pointed apex; color, creamy white, heavy down; free; ripe July 7th; tree fairly vigorous, but not pro- ductive; glands large and round. Resembles Orothers. Originated in . Mississippi. _ Gem (Oling.)—-Fair size; very late; shy bearer; glands reniform; has some North Ohinese blood. Gen. Taylor.—-Medium size, roundish, ovate, apex obtuse; color, creamy white, with red cheek; flavor very fair; ripened June 24th; tree vigorous and productive; glands reniform. A very fair clingstone. Glendale (Beautyy-Mledium to large, ovate, with acute apex; color, yellow; flesh, firm; flavor sweet and quite good; freestone; ripened July 11th; tree vigorous, but not productive here; glands large, round. A very f-air peach; would ship well. ' Gov. Briggsr-Nledium size to large, roundish, much flattened; color, yellow, with deep red cheek; flavor sub-acid and very good; free; ripened June 24th; tree vigorous, but shy bearer; glands small, round. A very handsome peach, with firm flesh, and in higher altitudes, where it is better adapted, no doub-t would be profitable. Golden Drolm-l/ledium size, round, with pointed apex; color, yellow; flesh, firm; flavor sweet and pleasant; semi-cling; ripened July 25th; tree fairly vigorous, shy bearer. " Hale Early.—Medium size, round, slightly flattened; color, creamy white, l.ight red cheek; flavor sweet andvery fine; semi-cling; ripened June 25th; tree vigorous, but shy bearer; glands small, round. A good peach where it does well. Originated in Summit county, Ohi-o. Haupt (Extra.)—-Medium size, oval, with pointed apex; color, creamy white, with red cheek; cling; flavor rather acid, but good; ripe July 24th; tree vigorous, but not productive; glands round. very fair peach. Heath Gd'l:'l'lg."-—NO good here; tree rather dwarf. A Howell CZi/ngr-lvledium size, roundish, with acute apex; color, creamy white; flavor very fair; cling; ripened August 21st; tree fairly vigorous and productive; glands small, reniform. Hynes (Surprise.)—Medium size, roundish, slightly flattened, with acute point; color, cream, splashed with red, almost entirely red when exposed to sun; flavor mild acid, very good; semi-cling; ripe June 28th; tree vigorous and fairly prolific; glands globose. A valuable peach for table use. Ispaltavzr-Nledium size, round; color, yellow, with light red cheek; shy bearer here; glands reniform. Jennie (Worthem.)——Small, ovate, with acute point; color, yellow, with red cheek; rich, sub-acid, vinous flavor; free; ripe July 8th; tree a vigorous grower, shy bearer; glands reniform. June Roser-llledium size, round, flattened some; color, greenish white, with red cheek; free; pleasant, sub-acid; ripe July 20th; tree fairly ~vigorous and moderately productive. A very fair pe-ach, but there are several others of the same season better. Lady Ingold.——Medium to large, roundish, flattened some, with acute apex; color, yellow, with large red cheek; flesh rather soft; flavor sub- " acid and very good; ripe July 14th; free; tree very vigorous grower and THE PEACH. 8131 productive; glands globose. One of the most valuable of its season test- ed here. Lady Parham.—-Hias not fruited. Lonolce.—-Has not fruited. Lemon (Cling.)-—Rather small; yellow; acid; very shy bearer here. Lipscomb (Prize.)—Sm-all, round; color, yellow, with red cheek; fla- vor sub-acid,'good; half-cling; ripe June 22d; tree vigorous, but not pro- ductive; glands reniform. LongwortILyE-Smrall, round; color, pale white, with red cheek; flavor- pleasant sub-acid; cling; ripe July 22d; tree vigorous, but shy bearer; glands reniform. Louise (Early.)—Sn1all, roundish; color, creamy White, with red. cheek; cling; ripe June 20th; flavor sweet and very fair; tree vigorous, but not productive; glands reniform. lllinnie. -—Large, oval, apex with acute point; color, greenish white, with small red cheek; free; flavor pleasant, sub-acid; ripe June 27th; tree vigorous and productive; glands reniform. A valuable peach. llIitcheZZ.-—Medium size, round, with prominent acute apex; color, light cream; flavor sub-acid, with a slightly bitter taste; ripe August 11th;. tree not productive here. Monticolcu-Iiarge, round; color, beautiful yellow, with heavy red cheek; flavor pleasant, acid; tree a shy bearer; glands reniform. A valu- able market peach where it bear-s. Mountain (RoseJ-Medium size, round; color, light green, with heavy red cheek; flavor pleasant, sub-acid; free; ripe July 1st; tree vig- orous and productive; glands glob-o-se. A valuable and reliable peach. Mrs. BretzifM-edium size, round; color, white, with crimson cheek; flavor pleasant sub-acid, quality good; free; ripe June 29th; tree vigor- ous and fairly productive; glands globose. A very fair peach. Nelson (Cling.)——Sm»all; very late; has done no good here. Old Mixon Cling.—-Medium size, oval, apex with acute point; color, cream, with small red cheek; flavor sub-acid and quite pleasant; cling; ripe July 25th; tree vigorous and productive; glands round. A well- known p-each of good quality. Old llliccon Freer-Medium size, round, with acute apex; color, cream, ‘ with small red cheek; flavor sub-acid and very pleasant; free; ripe July 29th; vigorous and fairly productive; glands round. A good late peach. Pansy.--Medium size, roundish; colo-r, yellow, with dark red cheek; flesh, yellow", red next to stone, firm; flavor sweet and very pleasant; free; ripe June 28th; tree vigorous, but not productive here; glands yellow, reniform. Picquet Late .-—Medium size, oval, apex smooth; color, light yellow; flesh firm; flavor sub-acid, quite pleasant; free; ripe ‘August 11th; tree large and vigorous, productive; glands reniform. Princess (of Wales.)—Medium size, roundish, slightly oval; color, light green, with red cheek; flesh soft; flavor very good; free; ripe July 5th; tree vigorous and productive; glands dark, reniform. A very fair peach. Raisin (Cling.)——Small, oval, with acute apex; color, yellow, streaked with dark red; flavor sub-acid; ripe August 14th; tree vigorous and pro- ductive. Indian type. Reagen.—Large, round; color, greenish white, with red cheek; flavor“ TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. pleasant acid; free; ripe July 25th; tree a weak grower and shy bearer here. A fine peach further north, Where it would do well. Red Rioer'.—Medium size, round; color, not red as name would indi- cate, light cream; flavor sub-acid and quite pleasant; cling; ripe July 16th; tree vigorous, but not productive; glands few and slightly reni- form. A fine table peach. Introduced by T. V. Munson. y Reeves (Favorite.)—\Iediun1 size, round, broad at basin; color, creamy yellow, with very dark red cheek; flavor mild acid and very pleas-ant; free; ripe July 8th; tree vigorous, but not productive here. A very fair peach. Ren.--Medium size, round, with acute point»; color, yellow, splashed with red; flavor pleasant acid; cling; ripe June 24th; tree vigorous, but not productive; glands large, reniform. a Iicngold. —Medium size, oval, with acute apex; color, cream; flesh, firm; flavor only fair; cling; ripe August 10th; tre-e vigorous, but not productive. _ . ~ Itivers (Early.)—Rathe~r small, round, much flattened, no suture; c-ol+ or, creamy white, with red cheek; free; flavor not decided, quite fair; ripened June 21st; tree of fair size and very prolific; glands round to reniform. A very small peach. i Rzitter.--81nall, late, tree has done no good. St. John (Yellow, Fletias.)—-M.edium size, roundish; color, yell-ow, heavily splashed with red; flavor very fair; ripe June 24th; free; tree vig- orous, but not productive; A well-known old peach. Scott (Scott’s October.)—Me-dium size, oval; yellow, with large red cheek; pleasant acid; free, ripe July 23d; tree rather weak, has borne scarcely any here. Originated at Columbia, S. C. Scruggs. —-Medium size, ovate; yellow, with small red cheek; sub-acid, rather poor quality; ripened August 11th; tree vigorous- and productive; ' glands reniform. Tillotson (Early.)-—Mediu1n size, round, slightly flattened; color, light cream, heavily splashed ‘with red; flavor a little acid, but very good when fully ripe; semi-cling; ripe June 24th; tree fairly vigorous and quite ~pro- ductive; glands few, round. A good, small early peach. . Salway.——l\4edium size, round; yellow, with small red cheek; flavor mild acid, good; free; ripened July 25th; tree vigorous, but very shy’ bearer. . . Sloan. (Carolina.)—Medium size, oval; yellowish, with bright red cheek; flesh firm; flavor sub-acid and pleasant; free; ripe July 29th; tree vigorous, but only fairly productive; glands round. A good peach for shipping, and also for table use. Susquehanna. --Rather small, round; yellow, with marbled cheek; pleasant sub-acid; free; ripe July 28th; tree a weak grower and shy bearer. fllrotlz (Early.)——Srnall, round; creamy white, red cheek; flavor good; ripe June 22d; tree vigorous, but shy bearer this far south. A TLPPGCCLTIOQ. —Medium size, round; yell-ow, with tinge of red; flavor rather insipid; ripe uly 22d ; cling; tree shy bearer; glands reniform. Talrbelb-Smafl, roundish; yellowish white ; flavor only fair; ripe Au- gust 8th; free; tree rather weak and shy bearer; glands reniform. Tuskena.--Medium to larg-e, roundish; yellow, with large deep red THE PEACH. 815 A cheek; flavor very good; cling; ripened July 5th; tree a vigorous grower, but a very shy bearer here; glands reniform. Ulatiae-Small, ovate; cream-colored; flavor very fair; free; ripe Au- gust ~11th ; tree a vigorous grower; but shy bearer; glands reniform. ' Vorhees N0. 1.-—Medium size, ovate, pointed apex; yell-ow, with red cheek; good quality; ripe June 24th; free; tree a vigorous grower, but not productive; glands round. WClZk€7'.-—_—M6Cllllm size; ripe August 20th; not productive. Wheatlcmd.—Medium to large, ovate, with small, acute apex; yellow, with deep red cheek; sub-acid and very pleasant; free; ripe July 29th;. tree a vigorous grower, but shy bearer; glands globose. ' f VI. VARIETIES NOT CLASSIFIED. Inthis list are included varieties which are so mixed as to their origin and therefore varied in botanical characters, that they are not decided. enough to go in either race. Alice (Haupt.)—Medium size, ovate; light cream colored; pleasant‘ ' sub-acid; ripe June 26th; half-cling; tree vigorous and productive; glands reniform. A very fair peach for family use and local markets. Has con- siderable Persian blood. Originated on the farm of W. W. Haupt, in Hays county, Texas. Barnard.-—Medium size, roundish; yellow, splashed with red; sub- acid, very pleasant flavor; ripe July 3d; tree fairly vigorous and moder- ately laroductive; glands reniform. A very fair peach; has considerable Persian blood. _ ' Baldwin (Late.)—-Very late; has done no good here. Beer (S1nock.)-—Small,-oval; yellow, with marbled cheek; free; ripe July 28th; tree not vigorous, shy bearer; glands small, reniform. . Becgueti Cling. -—Medium to large, ovate, with acute apex; greenish white, with light red cheek; flavor very fair; cling; ripe July 17th; tree vigorous and productive; glands reniform. A very fair peach. Has both Persian and North China blood. Bilyeu (Late October.)——Very late here; cling; glands round; has done no good. Originated in Caroline county, Md, and introduced by S. C. Bilyeu. Bilshop (Early.)—Large, broad, oval; cream-col-ored, splashed with red; flavor mild acid, good; ripe June 20th; free; tree vigorous and product- ive; glands small, reniform. _H~as both Persian and North China blood. A valuable peach for table use and for market. _ Boniiio.—Medium to small, roundish, with acute projection; cling; ripe July 25th; cream-colored; tree vigorous and productive; glands ren- iform. Has both Spanish and Persian blood. Bronaugh (Cling.)—Very late; has done no good here; glands reni- form. Bolchar-iol N0. lr-Medium size, ovate; creamy yellow, splashed with red, flesh red around stone; free; ripeJuly 25th; sub-acid, very good; tree vigorous, but not productive; glands many, reniform. Has b-oth y Persian and North China blood. Bolcharia No. 2.—Small, white, free, sub-acid, shybearer; has done no good here. . a Ualaway (Gling.)—-Very late; has done no good here; has both Persian and North China blood. i .816 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. (Ihirzese BZood.——S1nall, ovate, with acute apex; yellowish green, with large red cheek; cling; ripe July 3d; rather sweet, ple-as-ant vinous flavor, resembling Chinese Cling; has considerable Persian blo-od; tree vigorous and fairly productive. Eaton (Golden.)-—Small, round; yellow; rather acid; cling; ripe July 10th; tree vigorous and productive; glands reniform. _ Eldred (Cling.)—Medium size, roundish; cream-colored, with small red cheek; juicy, sub-acid and quite good; ripe June 26th; cling; tree wigorous and productive; glands round. Originated on the farm of W. 1R. Eldred, Washington county, Texas. A valuable peach. Englz'slz.-—~Medium size, oval, with pointed apex; white, flesh firm; ;flavor only fair; cling; ripe August 15th; tree fairly vigorous, but not f; productive; glands globose. Easter (Down.)——Yellow, with red cheek; cling; acid; ripe July 25th; ‘.110 glands. Falcon .——-Medium size, ovate, with small, acute apex; cream-colored, - with red cheek; very pleasant acid; free; ripe July 22d; fle-sh firm; tree vigorous, but not productive. Has both North Chinese and Persian blood. A valuable peach, both for table and for shipping. Gen. Gra/nt.—Mediun1 size to small, oval; greenish white; cling; ripe August 8th; very fair flavor; tree vigorous and productive. - George 11th;-Small, round; white, red cheek; pleasant sub-acid; ripe July 20th; glands round; shy bearer. Good’s (October.)—-iAbout same as Cobler Indian. Graves (Early.)——Ha-s not fruited. Houpt Ootober.—Has not fruited. ‘ Hilard (October.)-—Small, very late; has done no go-od here. Ifiiight (Cling.)—Medium size to small, roundish; yellow, striped and splashed with red; flesh firm; very fair flavor; heavy down; ripe August 14th; cling; tree rather dwarf, very prolific; glands reniform. Closely resembles Raison Cling. . _Leopard.—-About same as Blood Cling; has done no good. . _,Lord Palmerston-Large, whitish, with pink cheek; sub-acid and quite good; ripenedAugust 1st. English origin. ' Miner.——-Medium size, oval, with large apex; yellow, sub-acid, pleas- ant; ripe July 11th; tree fairly vigorous, but shy bearer; glands many, reniform. Morris (White.)—Very late, shy bearer, glands small, reniform; of flittle promise here. . ~ i .Muslcogee.—-Medium size, oval, with acute apex; greenish white, istreak-ed with red; free; flavor sub-acid, very fair; ripe August 14th; tree fairly vigorous and productive; glands reniform; resembles Columbia, but not as good. Has Spanish blood. Orange (ClingJ-Rather small, ovate, with pointed apex; light orange; sxveetish, pleasant; cling; ripe July 25th; tree vigorous and productive; glands dark brown, reniform; resemble-s Duff Yellow. - Rosedale (September.)—-Small, cling, yellow; sub-acid, fair flavor; ripened August 25th; glands reniform; shy bearer. Originated in South- ern Texas. o RingoZd---l\Iediu1n size, oval, with sm-all pointed apex; cream-colored; cling; ripe August 10th; tree vigorous and fairly productive; glands globose. A very fair late, peach. THE PEACH. ‘ 817 Rupley (Oling.)——Small, oval, small acute apex; light orange; very fair flavor; cling; ripe July 13th; tree vigorous and productive; glands glo-bose; resembles Orange Oling. Has Spanish blood. Originated by T. V. Munson. Schumaker-J-Ias not borne. Sneed.——A valuable early peach in northern part of the State, but has not been in our test long enough to fruit here. Originated by J. L. T. Sneed, Tennessee. Sea Eagle. -—Medium size, oval, with acute apex; creamy White, with red cheek; sub-acid, pleasant; free; ripe July 19th; vigorous and pro- ductive; glands reniform. A go-od peach. Sener.—Very late; of little promise here. Stump (The World.)——Medium size, roundish; creamy White, with red cheek; sub-acid, juicy and pleasant; free. A very fair well-known peach. Has Persian blood. Snow.-—Small, round; creamy YQll-OW; cling; ripe July 25th; glands small, globose. Has both Spanish and Persian blood. Squaw .—Small, yell-ow, free, ripe July 22d; glands small, reniform. A poor peach here. i Topaz. —Has borne laut few fruit; ripened October 5th; free. Van Buren (Dwarf.)—Large, yellow, round, with prominent projec- tion at apex; flesh yellow and firm; cling; vinous flavor; tree upright; dwarf; shy bearer. _ Yellow August. -—Very late; has done no good here. TEST OF VARIETIES AT HULEN, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, BY PROF. F. w. MALLY. At my request, Prof. Mally has given me a report on his experiments "with peaches, from which I have taken th-ose notes on varieties which were not in our orch-ard. In the table, however, the period of ripening of some other varieties is given also for comparison: “The soil is,‘ on the whole, a sandy. loam, underlaid with a white gravelly marl at a depth of from 15 inches to 2 feet. In some portions a slight ad- mixture of black, clayey soil enters into the composition, with a yellowish to red gravelly subsoil at various depths from 3 to 5 feet. This prairie land was broken from July to October in the fall of 1893. It was cross-plowed and well pulverized before planting in January and February, 1894. “The trees used were well grown, one year budded stock, grading 3 to 4 feet. The lateral roots were all well cut back, leaving from 1 to 2 inches of some roots, as judgment in any case might dictate. They were planted fully as deep as the trees had stood in the nursery row, and the tops cut back to 1 foot, or not to exceed 18 inches. . “The first season was one of excessive rain, and but little judicious cultiva- tion could be given the young trees. As a result of the excessive wet weather several varieties, notably Honey, Waldo and Angel, died out badly where drainage was lacking. Pallas and Imperial died plentifully, too, though not to the extent of the three first mentioned. On well drained soils the va- rieties named made a healthy, vigorous growth. The first summer, there- fore, the orchards did not get the frequent cultivation which should be given young orchards. ,“The first winter little pruning was practiced, further than to cut out inter- fering branches and such limbs as had a tendency to “spread too near the ground. We believe our failure to cut back the ‘leaders’ of the principal limbs and branches was an error. This is indicated by the satisfactory re- sults following our having cut them back about one-third the second winter. “During the second and the present summer seasons reasonable, though TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. not frequent, cultivation was given. Both seasons are well known through- out South Texas as having been afflicted with long drouths. At no time has the cultivation been frequent enough to maintain what is designated as fre- quent, clean cultivation. Several times abundant crops of grass grew up in the orchard. As soon as possible this was plowed under, though not in the~ heat of summer, at least not during the months of July and August.” Angel (Peen-To): “Freestone; fruit small; diameters 1% to 1% inches; shape round or nearly so; skin pale yellowish or sprinkled with red, or more fre- quently splashed with a red cheek; flesh white or tinged greenish, reddish; about the pit; badly subject to ‘black spot’ disease of fruits.” -l*or further details of this disease, see discussion of it on page 840. “With us, this variety has been thoroughly disappointing, despite the fact that it is so highly praised in Florida and by Florida nurserymen as being well adapted to coastwise Texas; In some especially favored localities it may be valuable, but with us the fruit has been small and so acid as to be almost bitter. We note, however, that there is less acidity in the fruit from our three-year-old trees, and it may be possible that as the trees become old-~ er the fruit will be both larger and of better quality. Another factor may" enter more largely into the successful fruiting of this variety than some others, and that is the question of fertilizing. This variety is so vigorous and productive that it is very desirable to overcome the tendency to undue acidity, and if age a11d fertilizing may possibly correct it we certainly can afford the expense of making the necessary tests and experiments with- methods of bringing about this result. We recommend it to every orchardist for thorough trial, though not for extensve planting. This year it began ripening July 1st, fully half the crop being marketable by July 10th, and‘ practically all by July 14th. Scattering peaches were found as late as July 20th.” Introduced by-G. L. Tabor, of Florida, in 1889. '. a, » e Iffiziw? ” . al-léléllgi.‘ r’ f I 5 ya‘ M‘? . 11$ a ~ ai\\\.L % s “JR- a ‘€‘ -. .. _.- Ob _ 1r- ‘ ~ ._I_ i . :?ar:v_.'_ nu - t .- _-: 5511/‘3-"1- -. ' ' _ . '\ lees}; M» ‘ \ \ "i _._.____.:, e FIG. 10. Angel (Peen-To type.) Early Cream (Honey): “Freestone; fruit resembles Honey in shape, but smaller and point not, or but slightly, recurved; skin yellow or pale yellow, sprinkled with red, sometimes a red flush at the base; flesh sweet, juicy, plainly a Honey flavor, and good quality. Two-year trees ripened fruit last year on July 15th. This year the same trees began ripening fruit on July 11th. Tree a vigorous grower and inclined to overbear. Fruit is smaller than Im- perial, and not really necessary to make a succession for a commercial or- chard. No family orchard should be without it.” Florida Crawford (Spanish): “Freestone; large to very large; diameter 21,4 to 21/_> inches; roundish oblong, somewhat bellied with shallow suture; skin pale yellow to deep rich yellow, frequently with a reddish blush at the base; flesh yellow, sparsely sprinkled with ‘red about the pit; firm, juicy, slightly vinous, and of the best quality when fullyripe; moderately prolific. Began THE PEACH. 819 ripening this year July 26th and continued until August 11th; fruit firm and will prove a good shipper. One of the best August peaches for extensive planting.” Introduced by G. L. Tabor, of Florida, in 1891. Imperial (Honey): “Freestone; medium size; ‘diameter 2 to 2% inches; roundish oblong; skin yellowish, tinged greenish, usually Washed With red =on the sunny side. As a rule, not bellied or sutured, but occasionally show- ing the characteristic Honey belly, with distinct and slightly recurved point; fruit rather more hairy than Honey, Pallas or Early Cream, which ripen ahead of it; flesh white, "slightly reddish a.t the pit, juicy, of excellent quali- ty, with perceptible Honey flavor; ripened this year July 20th; quite subject to ‘black spot.’ Probably the best late July peach of the Honey strain, and worthy of more extensive planting.” Introduced by G. L. Tabor in 1889. Japan Dwarf Blood (Oriental): “Freestone; medium size; beautifully col- ored; flesh juicy, streaked with red, and of excellent quality; ripens just ahead of or with Alexander. Our two-year trees ripened fruit this year on June 1st and continued until June 11th. Tree a dwarf grower and said to be a shy bearer, though we can not state from experience in our own orchards. It is so much superior to the Alexander in quality, and ripens so early, that we are inclined to consider it worthy of more general planting, even though =it may be a shy bearer when young.” Ooiedo (Honey): “Freestone; fruit small; roundish oblong; slightly bellied, "with usually a recurved point; skin pale yellow or rich cream color, usually with a red blush on the sunny side; flesh white, sparsely streaked with red, deeply colored red about the pit; firm, with perceptible Honey flavor. Three- year trees began ripening fruit July 12th; fruit was greatly affected with "black spot’ disease and cracked badly, due, probably, to the heavy rains ‘following an excessive drouth; If later experience should note a continu- :ance of this weakness, it will have to be discarded. Tree an unusually vig- Iorous grower.” Sangmel (Honey): “Cling; medium size; roundish oblong, pointed; skin white, overspread with red; flesh white, streaked with red; firm, juicy, sweet, and of high flavor. This variety fruited with us for the first time this year. ‘Scattering ripe peaches were picked July 12th and continued until July 19th. It is the most promising early July cling thus far fruited with us and we con- l-sider it worthy of more extensive planting, and should at least be found in every orchard.” Introduced by G. L. Tabor in 1892. Trlana (Honey): “Freestone; our two-year trees ripened fruit July 17th last year; no fruit this year, and hence no further experience or recommendations of this variety. Said by some to be promising, or at least worthy of a trial. "This sentiment we indorse.” Waldo (Peen-To): “Freestone; small to medium; roundish oblong; skin light salmon to darker, with a pretty red blush or cheek at the base on the side next to the sun; flesh white, tinged yellowish, red. about the pit; juicy, very sweet and of excellent quality. Decidedly our favorite for an early peach. ‘It is a regular and heavy bearer and requiressevere thinning to keep it from ‘overbearing. Our two-year Waldo trees ripened fruit July 6th, 1895, and con- tinued until July 15th. This year the trees began tohave scattering ripe peaches June 11th and continued until July 2d. Fully three-fourths of the crop ripened between June 18th and 27th. This is doubtless the best money- "making peach which can be placed in our coast country orchards and de- serves extensive planting. Attacked quite freely by ‘black spot.’ ” See treat- ment for this fungus on page 839. - This peach was first brought into notice ‘by T. K. Godbejr. of YValdo, Fla., but it was brought into more public notice Fby G. L. Tabor. 820 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Oamparative dates of ripening for the seasons of 1895 and 18.96 czrranged in the order Qfripening at Hulen, Texas. med >8’ 5s. Variety. 1895. 1896. "5 3 Two-year trees. Three-year trees. d: Z S Q) Japan Dwarf Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June] toll . . . . . . . . .. Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. June5to1l.. . . . . . . . . . . . Waldo .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July6to15.. June11toJuly2..... 25 Honey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July4 . . . . . . .. June 22 to July4..... 12 Angel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ju1y1to20 . . . . . . . . Family Favorite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 27 . . . . .. July 7 to 18 . . . . . . . . . . 20 Pallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Julyl. . . . . .. Ju1y9t0l9.......... 4 Chinese Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July 22 . . . . . . July 10 to 24 . . . . . . . .. 12 Early Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July15 . . . . .. July ll . . . . . . 4 Triana . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Thurber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July 24 . . . . . . July ll to 20 . . . . . . . . . . . Colon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Oviedo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July12 . . . . . . . Onderdonk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July l4 to August 10 .. . Sangmel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Imperial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Countess ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 21 to August 12.. .. . . Carpenters Cling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 22 to August l . . . .. . . Florida Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 26 to August 11. . . . . . “If we were to confine our planting of a peach orchard strictly to such va- rieties as we felt were of the greatest commercial value for extensive plant- ing, we would select, primarily, for a complete succession, Waldo, Family Favorite, Chinese Free, Turber, Onderdonk, Imperial and Florida Crawford. Of these, W aldo, Family Favorite, Chinese Free and Thurber are found to have fluctuated greatly in the time of ripening for the two years given. If this is a natural tendency of these varieties, it becomes a matter of business to prevent the occurrence of a gap, as it were, in the succession of peaches by adding such varieties as ripen either a few days earlier or later than the preceding or succeeding variety in the succession. To avoid this vacancy, we would add Pallas, for example, to protect the succession between Family Favorite and Chinese Free, and Early Cream as a link between Chinese Free, Thurber and Imperial.” Date of Blooming and Ripening at College Station. in 1895. Name of Variety. Blfioagtlifnfg_ When Ripe. Fg1éf1§tgge_ Albert (Sidney)* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 20 June 30 Free. WW Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 22 May 27 Semi-Clingf Alice (Haupt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 26 Semi-Cling. Amsden . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26 June 16 Semi-Cling. Amelia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 June 21 Semi-Cling. Annie (Wylie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 . . . . . . . . . . . Baldwin (Late) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 . . . . . . . . . . Barnard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 July 14 Free. Barn es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 18 Aug. 21 Semi-Cling. Beatrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 27 June 5 Free. Beauchamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 27 Aug. 20 Free. Beers (Smock) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 28 Free. Becquett Cling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 July 19 Cling. Becquett Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 July 10 Free. Berneice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 . . . . . . . . . . . Semi-Cling. Bexar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 Aug. S Free. Bilyeu (Late October) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Sept. 1 Cling. THE PEACH. 821 Date 0f Bloomllzg and Ripenllzg at College Station in 1395——continued. Name of Variety. B]€ggg(i§g_ When Ripe. Fggf1§tgge_ Bishop (Early) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 June 2O Free. Blood (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Aug.14 Cling. Bonango . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2O Sept. 9 Free. Bonitio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 13 July 25 Cling. Bronaugh (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 Aug. 2O Cling. Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 18 . . . . . . . . . .. BokhariaNo.l....................... March 23 . . . . . . . . . .. BokhariaNo.2...................... March 25 July 20 Free. Cobler (Indian) . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. Feb’y 24 July 1o Cling. CalaWay (Cling). ... ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 18 August Cling. Carpenter (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 12 August Cling. Chinese Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 20 July 10 Cling. Chinese Cling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 21 July 14 Cling. Christiana . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 2o Free. Clarissa . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 2o Free. Climax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . March 19 June 26 Semi-Cling".- Coleman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 13 June 20 Free. Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 13 July 2') Free. Comet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 July 20 Free. Conkling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 July 2o Free. Countess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 9 July 1 Semi-Cling. Cowan (Late) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 3 August Cling. Crawford Late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July — Free. Crimson (Beauty) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 Aug. 25 Crocket (Late) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 Aug. 6 Free. Crother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 1O Free. Curtis (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March l0 July l0 Cling. Dowling (June) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . March 9 June 3O Cling. Downing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. March 26 . . . . . . . . ' Druid (Hill) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 9 July l0 Cling. Duff (Yellow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March l8 June 28 Cling. Duggar (Golden) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 2O Free. Early China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March l9 June l9 Free. Early Royal (George) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 26 July 15 Free. Eaton (Golden) .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “March 23 July 10 Cling. Elberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 1O Free. Eldred (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 June 26 Cling. Elmira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . March 23 July lO Cling. English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 Aug. l5 Cling. Esther (Down) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 26 July 25 Cling. Falcon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 1O Free. Family Favorite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 June 25 Semi-Cling". Ford (No. 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 June 14 Cling. Ford (No. 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Liar-eh 23 July 3O Free. Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 2'7 Free. Gaylord . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - March 25 July '7 Free. Galveston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 13 Aug. 1 Cling. Gem (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 Aug. 18 Cling. Gen. Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . March 18 Aug. 8 Cling. Gen. Lee. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July l6 Cling. Gen. Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 2'2 July 24 Cling. George 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 9 July 20 Free. Glendale (Beauty). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26 July 11 _ Free. Gov. Briggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 June 24 Free. Golden Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 13 July 25 Semi-Cling. Graves (Early) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guadaloupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 18 Aug. 2O Hale Early . . . . . . . . .. March 27 June 25 Semi-Cling- Hale Clin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . March 12 June 25 Cling. Haupt August . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 . . . . . . . 822 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Date of Blooming and Rtpenttzg at College Station in 1895—continued. Name of Variety. 3113282313; When Ripe. Fr%gf1§tgi1e_ Haupt Extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 20 Cling. Henrietta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Aug. 4 Cling. Henkel . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 18 June 27 Free. Heath Cling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26 . . . . . . . . . . . Honey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V March l3 July 1 Free. Howell Cling . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. Mareh'25 Aug. 1 Cling. Hyne (Surprise) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 28 July 1 Semi-Cling. Ispaham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 July 2o Free. Jack Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 . . . . . . . . . . . Jennie (Worthem) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 June 27 Free. June (Rose) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26 July 20 Free. Juno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Aug. 12 Cling. Lady lngold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 14 Free. Lady Palmerston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Aug. 11 Free. La Reine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 13 . . . . . . . . . .. Langworthy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 20 July 22 Free. Lemon (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 26 . . . . . . . . . . . Cling. Lipscomb (Prize) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 June 22 Semi-Cling. Lord Palmerston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 25 Louise (Early) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 27 June 18 Semi-Cling. Lulu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 9 Aug. 8 \ Mamie Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 June 23 Semi-Cling. Miner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 27 July 11 Free. Mitchell- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 Aug. 4 Cling. Miss Lolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 27 June 19 Semi-Cling. Morris (White) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 18 August Mixou Cling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 28 July 25 Cling. Mixon Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 July 25 Free. Mountain (Rose) .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Liar-eh 23 June 24 Free. Mrs. Brett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 July 29 Free. Muskogee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 Aug. 4 Free. Montieola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 22 July 28 Free. Nelson Cling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 August Cling. North China N0. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 18 July 5 Cling. Onderclonk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 9 July 25 Cling. Orange (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Llareh 26 July 25 Cling. Oriole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 25 Cling. Pallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 20 June 17 Free. Pansy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 13 June 28 Free. Peen-To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan’y 23 June 2O Cling. Piequett Late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Aug. 4 Free. Prices (Free) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Aug. 4 Free. Princess (of Wales) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 20 Free. Reagan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 25 Free. Raisin (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Aug. 25 Cling. Reeves‘ Favorite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 22 June 2S Free. Ren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 June 30 Cling. Roseclale (September) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 18 . . . . . . . . . . . Cling. Red River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26 June 16 Cling. Ringold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Aug.1O Cling. Rivers (Early) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lvlarch 26 June 21 Free. Rupley (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 9 July 12 Free. Rutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July 25 Free. Scott (October) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 20 August Free. Schumaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2O . . . . . . . . . .. - Scruggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 Aug. 1 Free. Smock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . March 22 Aug. 23 Free. Sneed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 . . . . . . . Salway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 July 25 Free. Sea Eagle . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 18 July 20 Free. THE PEACH. 823 Date of Blooming and Ripening at College Station in 18.95——continued. Name of Variety. Bg%t$i%fg_ When Ripe. F1ggPSgtgge_ lSener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 . . . . . . . . . . . Stump (The World) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 18 July 1o Free. Sanders (Cling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 9 Aug. 4 Cling. ISpottswood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 July ll Free. Stonewall (Jackson) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 29 Cling. iSloan (Carolina). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 19 Free. Sylphyde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 19 Cling. Snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 2o Cling. Susquehanna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 28 Free. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. July 22 Free. Tarbell . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 Aug. 8 Free. Texas . . . . . . . . March 9 Aug. 12 Semi-Cling. Thurber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 20 July l4 Free. Tillotson (Early). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 June 24 Semi-Cling. Tippecanoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26 July 22 Cling. Topaz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 18 . . . . . . . . . . . Tuskena . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 23 July 5 Cling. Ulatis . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 27 Aug. l1 Free. Van Buren (Dwarf) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 25 Aug. 10 Cling. Victoria . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 9 Aug. 8 Free. Vorhees No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26 July 3 Free. Vorhees Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 July 3 Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 Aug. 25 Free. Wheatland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23 June 29 Free. Yellow St. John (Fletias) . . . . . . . . . . . .. March 22 June 24 Free. *'l‘hese names are revised according to the rules of the American Pomological Society. 2. VARIETIES OF PEACHES FOR DIFFERENT LOCALITIES. Varieties frequently are affected differently in loc-alities of the same latitude. Perhaps of no other class of fruits is this difference more noted than of the peach. Some experimenters have gone to one extreme and argued from this fact that there is no great scientific importance to be attached to a test of varieties. I am ready to admit that there is much truth in this position when a variety is taken as an isolated individual and conclusions drawn from its behavior in one locality. That there are great and characteristic differences in varieties needs only to be stated that some are late, some e-arly, some sweet, some sour, some stand drouth well, some do not; some are best for shipping, some are best for table use, and some are productive, some are n-ot. Now, when a variety is studied in reference to the class to which it belongs, the work may be of great scientific importance. This is true because it can be much more accurately predicted how a given variety will do when the soil and climate are given, if only the class to which it belongs is known. All varieties belonging t-o a certain class will do pretty much alike under the same circumstances. For inst-ance, an illustration from the vegetable garden: Cauliflower, which is a variety of cabbage, will not head up well except on low, rich, loamy, d-amp soil. Similarly, seedlings of the Honey peach bloom early, but have shown themselves to be less susceptible to injury from frost than any other peaches planted in our orchard. There- 824 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. fore, all varieties having the Honey blood m-ay be expected to have more or less of this admirable quality. To obtain a more intelligent opinion as to how a variety m-ay do which is given in the following list, the reader is referred to the part of the bulletin where the different races or types are discuss-ed under the head of classification. The varieties given below have done well in our orchard, and know- ing something about the races to which they belong and how the races do north and south of us, w-e have made some predictions as to how the varieties will do in latitudes differing from ours. VARIETIES FOR MIDDLE AND NORTHERN TEXAS, ARRANGED 1N THE ORDER OF RIPENING. Early Varietles.—Alexander, Mamie Ross, Amsden, Miss Lolo, Ame- lia, Rivers, Tillotson, Yellow St. John and Family Favorite. Medium Early Varietles.--Spottswood, Elberta, Thurber, Gen. Lee, Cobler and Curtis. Late Varietlesr-lvlixon Free, Stonewall Jackson, Columbia, Texas, Bilyeu and Victoria. VARIETIES MIDDLE AND SOUTHERN TEXAS, ARRANGED IN ORDER OF RIPENING. Early Varieties-Alexander (shy bearer), Mamie Ross, Early China, Coleman, Pallas, Mountain, Till-otson and Family Favorite. “ Medium Earlyr-Spottswood, Elberta,"Gen. Lee and Cobler. Late Varieties.-—Onderdonk, Stonewall Jackson, Columbia, Texas and Victoria. For other varieties tested in the “coast country,” the reader is referred to page 817. 3. RULES OF NOMENCLATURE. At the last meeting of the State Horticultural Society, in August, 1896, the president was given authority to appoint a committee on nomenclature. The committee the president afterward appointed consists of R. H. Price, G. On- derdonk and T. V. Munson. In the discussions of the society it was suggest- ed that this committee take as their guide the rules adopted by the American- Pomological Society. The committee has done so in revising the names of the peaches reported in the following list. In order that further confusion in names may be prevented, and to scatter the rules referred to broadcast over the State, they are published here: * Rule 1. “The originator or introducer (in the order named) has the prior right to bestow a name upon a new or unnamed fruit.” Rule 2. “The Society reserves the right, in case of long, inappropriate, or otherwise objectionable names, to shorten, modify or wholly change the same, when they shall occur in the discussions or reports; and also to recom- mend such changes for general adoption.” Rule 3. “The name of a fruit should, preferably, express as far as practica- ble by a single word, a characteristic of a variety, the name of the originat- or, or the place of its origin. Under no ordinary circumstances should more than a single word be employed.” ' Rule 4. “Should the question of priority arise between different names of the same variety of fruit, the circumstances being general, the name first publicly bestowed will be given precedence.” Rule 5. “To entitle a new fruit to the award or commendation of the So- THE PEACH. ~ 825 ciety, it must possess (at least for the locality for which it is recommended) some valuable or desirable quality, or combination of qualities in a higher degree than any previously known variety of its class and season.” Rule 6. “A variety of fruit, having been once exhibited, examined and re- ported upon, as a new fruit, by a committee of the Society, will not thereafter be recognized as such, so far as subsequent reports are concerned.” In such cases as Crawford Early and Crawford Late, both names must be retained in full in order to distinguish the varieties apart. 4. ORIGIN OF THE PEACH. Concerning anything of much importance, its origin is of interest to us. Especially is this true when classification and usefulness depend largely upon the native habitat of different types of a certain species. This is true in particular of the peach, which is affected so much by climate that if varie- ties belonging to certain types are planted out of the zone best suited to the original type, they will prove utter failures. When considered in this light, some knowledge of the origin and classification of the peach becomes of great importance to successful peach culture. In giving the origin of the peach, I will be confined almost entirely to the book of acknowledged authority on “Origin of Cultivated Plants,” by A1- phonso de Candolle, volume xlviii of the International Scientific Series: “The Greeks and Romans received the peach shortly after the beginning of the Christian era. The names, perslca, malum persicmn, indicate whence they had it. I need not dwell upon these well-known facts. Several kinds of peach are now cultivated‘ in the north of India, but, what is remarkable, no Sanskrit name is known, whence we may infer that its existence and its cul- tivation are of no great antiquity in these regions. Roxburgh, who is usually careful to give the modern Indian names, only mentions Arab and Chinese names. Piddington gives no Indian name, and Royle only Persian names. 'l‘he peach does not succeed, or requires the greatest care to ensure success, in the northeast India- In China, on the contrary, its cultivation dates from the remotest antiquity. A number of superstitious ideas and of legends about the properties of its different varieties exist in that country. These varieties are very numerous, and in particular the singular variety with compressed or flattened fruit, which appears to be further removed than any other from the natural state of the peach; lastly, a simple name, to, is given» to the common peach. “From all these facts, I am inclined to believe that the peach is of Chinese, rather than of WVestern Asiatic, origin. If it had existed in Persia or Arme- nia from all time, the knowledge and cultivation of so pleasant a fruit would have spread earlier into Asia Minor and Greece. 1116 expedition of Alexan- der probably was the means of making it known to Theophrastus (332 B. C.), who speaks of it as a Persian fruit. Perhaps this vague idea of the Greeks dates from the retreat of the ten thousand (401 B. C.); but Xenophon does not mention the peach, nor do the Hebrew Writings speak of it. The peach has no Sanskrit name, yet the peoples who spoke this language came into India. from the northwest; that is to say, from the generally received home of the species. On this hypothesis, how are we to account for the fact that neither the Greeks of the early times of Greece, nor the Hebrews, nor the Sanskrit-speaking peoples, who all radiated from the upper part of the Eu- phrates valley, or communicated with it, did not cultivate the peach? On the other hand, it is very possible that the stones of a fruit tree cultivated in China from the remotest times should have been carried over the mountains from the center of Asia into Kashmir, Bokhara and Persia. The Chinese had very early discovered this route. The importation would have taken place between the epoch of the Sanskrit emigrations and the relations of the Per- sians with the Greeks. The cultivation of the peach, once established in Persia, would have easily spread on the one side toward the west, on the other through Cabul toward the north of India, where it is not so very an- cient: * * * “The peach has been found wild in different parts of Asia, but it is al- ways a question whether it is indigenous there or whether it sprang from the dispersion of stones produced by cultivated trees.” * * * 826' TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. “It is difficult, from all these facts, not to admit the Chinese origin of the common peach, as I had formerly inferred from more scanty data. “Its arrival in Italy at the beginning 0f the Christian era-is now confirmed by the absence of peach stones in the tewa-mare, or lake dwellings of Parma .and Lombardy, and by the representations of the peach tree in the paintings on the walls of the richer houses of Pompeii.” In regard to the peach being a modification of the almond, which Was ad- vocated by Knight and others, De Candolle states, in addition to botanical difference in “size and length of leaves,” pointed out by De Caisne, that ' “geographical botany opposes this hypothesis, for the almond tree has its origin in Western Asia; it was not indigenous in the center of the Asiatic continent, and its introduction into China as a cultivated species was not an- terior to the Christian era. The Chinese, however, had already possessed for thousands of years different varieties of the common peach, besides the two wild forms I have just mentioned. The almond and the peach, start- ing from two such widely separated regions, can hardly be considered as the same species. One was established in China, the other in Syria and in Ana- tolia.” While it seems that the original ‘peach primarily came from China, we. must not infer that varieties from which well defined types have sprung have not originated in Persia and other countries." Mr. P. J. Berkmos, Au- gusta, Ga., has written me the following bearing on this point: “That many of our present types of peaches are of Persian origin is be- yond doubt. One of my most valued correspondents in Russia, Mr. J aroslan Niementz, Russian State Councillor, whose official duties call for stated visits to Persia and Bokhara, has frequently sent me peach and apricot stones gathered from seedling trees growing wild in those countries. Lastyear several of the seedling trees produced from theseseeds bore a crop of fruit and afforded me a most interesting opportunity in noting their various char- acteristics. . “The trees produced from seed labeled Kiardi yielded various forms of the Lemon cling type; those from seed labeled Tcmmm produced white freestones; and from another unnamed lot of seed, white clingstones of the Heath type were produced. Thus showing that these types retain in a great measure the powers of reproducing themselves more or less identically. But not one of these seedling peaches was equal in quality to our cultivated varieties of corresponding types. We may infer from this that our best sorts have been obtained through successive generations and substantiate Von Mon’s theory that by continually growing the best seeds of the best varieties we may finally reach possible perfection.” - a 5. CLASSIFICATION OF THE PEACH. The peach has been so modified by climate and crossing of the different types that it is quite a difficult thing to devise a system which will include all varieties, and 11ot be subject to some just criticism. At the same time, it must be admitted that if a system can be devised by which one can distin- guish a large number of varieties and predict within a reasonable degree of certainty which types are likely to succeed in a given latitude, such a system would be of great value to the practical grower, as well as to the scientific ‘horticulturist. _ There have been several systems devised in the past which are of value in distinguishing varieties, but they are open to more or less objection. The system based upon the prese-nce or absence of glands on the foliage is of considerable value to enable one to distinguish varieties growing in the nurs- ery before they fruit. But we have, however, varieties which bear difierent glands upon the foliage of the same tree. Seedlings from certain varieties bearing one kind of glands may possess entirely different glands. Other points upon which systems of classification have been built are color of flesh, adherence or non-adherence of flesh to pit, and size of bloom. While all these points are of value in distinguishing a given variety, still, if a seed- ling from some varieties possessing these characteristics in a certain form may show them in an entirely difierent form, even if the parent had used its OWIl- pollen to fertilize. This fact is well known and the experiment needs THE PEACH. 827 f’. / 3 FIG. 11. No.1, no glands,‘ N0. 2, globose glands,’ N0. 3, reniform glands. ‘only to be tried to prove the fact. As an example, we have Chinese Free which is a seedling of Chinese Cling. We have new types coming from Chi- na, Japan and Java, which the above points fail to distinguish with clear- ness. There are types ,or races being built up in the southern part of the- United States within the memory of man, viz., seedlings of the Honey, which. parent came from China about 1854. Another race coming from seedlings- of Peen-To, which was imported from Australia by Mr. P. J. Berkmans in 1869, but it originally came from China. There is still another distinct race being built up in the southern part of the United States commonly known as Spanish or‘ Indian type. It is very important at this time that the natural botanical characteristics of each race should be written up with clearness, and the kind of climate in which each may be expected to grow successfully be. pointed out with reasonable certainty. _ During the pa.st four years the peach has been made one of my special studies. Our experimental orchard, which has been bearing during this time, consists of 190 varieties. Both foliage and bloom from these have been collected and mounted for comparison and study. I have also made a study of the peach further south, near the coast, in the large experimental orchard‘ of Mr. G. Onderdonk, of Nursery, Texas, who kindly gave me the benefit of‘ the notes andobservations he had made on the peach in that latitude during the past forty years. Mr. P. J. Berkmans, president of the American Pomo- logical Society, has kindly sent me the notes he has‘ made on the peach dur- ing the past fifty years. Many other prominent horticulturists, both north- and south, have been consulted. From the knowledge gained ‘by my own experience, and from the notes of others, I am prepared to adopt the “Onderdonk Classification of the Peach” as the best. An outline of this classification is published in the report of the United States Departmentof Agriculture for 1887, page 648. Some of the distinctions made in this classification can not be noticed with decisive clear- ness a few hundred miles further north, but in the semi-tropical climate of a the “coast region” the distinctions are very striking. This at once indicates that different types originated in different degrees of latitude and altitude. These facts are further substantiated by botanical characteristics which I have worked out. We divide the peaches now cultivated in America into- five races: (1) Peen-To, (2) South Chinese, (3) Spanish or Indian, (4) North Ohi- nese, and (5) Persian. By race is meant “a variety so fixed as to reproduce it- self with considerable certainty by seed.” CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SEED IN THE DIFFERENT RACES. The shape, size and ‘corrugations of the seed are so’ well marked in the- more distinct representatives of the different races that one, after a little practice, can distinguish them apart by this means alone. This can readily be seen from the following figure, made from a photograph: By reference to Peen-To, 1.. will be seen that the seed is nearly round, much compressed at the ends, corrugations small, somewhat round. The seed of‘ the Honey is oval, with apex slightly recurved, corrugations slight, promi- nent flangeon one side. Seed of the Spanish is large, oval, nearly flat, apex prominent, corrugations very long and wide, at the base they run more longi- 828 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. tudinally than in any other race, flange on one side often prominent. Seed of the North China is nearly round, very thick, corrugations rather slight and irregular, apex rather prominent. Seed of the Persian is somewhat round, more flattened at the base than in any other, corrugations prominent toward apex, but they seldom extend to the base, apex" more or less promi- nent. A resemblance can be seen between Spanish and Persian, and as there is no definite history in regard to the origin of the Spanish it is probable the original types had the same origin. The Indian type of this race can only be distinguished from the Persian in the heavy down of the fruit and corru- gations of seed. . CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WINTER BUDS AND TERMINAL BRANCHES. In all the following figures, showing the winter buds, sections of one and two-year-old wood are given. They are reduced in size and were drawn by Prof. H. Nessa, under my direction, as they came from the orchard. From fig. 13 it will be seen that winter buds of Peen-To (a and b) are small, oblong, rather sharp pointed, and grow close to the limb; branches more small and willow-like than in any other race. Winter buds of Honey, which represent South Chinese race in c and d, are very prominent, round to oval, twoand three buds often occur at the same place, sometimes projected auxiliary buds are produced, occur on the limb to the end, leaving no vacant places; buds are dark red and stand out from the limb at an angle of about 50 degrees; branches not so slender as in Peen-To. . .In fig. 14, a and b, winter buds of the Spanish race are represented. Buds are a little larger than those of South China and nearly always occur singly on the new wood. They are oval and project out from the limb at an angle of about 50 degrees. Short naked places occur on the wood. Color of the buds and bark is of a dull grayish color; branches. quite slender, but not so much so as in South China. FIG. l3. a, Peen- To, one year wood, b, two year wood; c, Honey, two year wood, d, one year wood. c and d represent South Chtrza race. (Original) A FIG. 12. (1) Peen- T0, (2) South Ohinese (Honey), (3) Spanish 01' Indian (Texas), (41) North Chinese (Chinese Cling), (5) Persian (01d Mixon Free). (Original) BLANK PAGE IN ORIGINAL THE PEACH. 829 FIG. l4. a, one year wood, b, two year wood. a and b represent Spanish race, Texas variety. c, two year wood, d, one year wood. o and drepresent North China race, Chinese Cling variety. (Original) At c and d are shown Winter buds of North China race. Buds are slightly larger than those of Spanish and are a little more pointed. This far south, they occur very sparingly over the bearing wood and many latent buds occur near the tips. The buds stand out at an angle of about 45 degrees. Branches are short, thick and stubby, and many come out below the tips, which die back here, as shown at c. Bark, dark grayish color. In fig. 15 are shown winter buds of a standard and a dwarf Persian peach. The buds are about the size of those of North China race, but are a little more oblong. They come out at an angle of about 35 degrees. The most striking features in the wood of this race are the long naked places and the blunt tips. The bearing wood is nearly always dark red, foreshadowing the color of the peach. DESCRIPTION OF THE FIVE DIFFERENT RACES AS THEY ARE AFFECTED BY CLIMATIC INFLUENCES. I. PEEN-To (Prunus platyoarpa, Decaisne): Tree rather large, vigorous, branches willow-like, come out at an angle of about 40 degrees; flowers large, come out frequently in January in the States bordering on the Gulf, blooms at low temperature and very irregularly; leaves narrow and long and in- clined to hang on nearly all winter; fruit much flattened; skin white, and mottled with carmine; flesh white; flavor sweet, with a peculiar slight almond twang. It is adapted to the northern part of the citrus belt, in which climate it ripens from 1st of May to June. It has a tendency to sport. Mr. P. J. Berkmans writes me that “our Australian correspondent, when sending us the seed, stated that both round and oblong, free and cling, varieties would be produced from seed. This peculiarity has given a new race of peaches to Florida and other sub-tropical countries, where the Persian types were un- successful, and extended their season of maturity from April until July.” 830 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT ‘STATION. FIG. 15. a and b, winter buds of the Persian race, Mountain Rose variety. c and d. slight variation in the Persian race,‘ variety, Van Buren Golden Dwarf. (OriginaL) This peach and its offspring thrive in a more southern climate than any others. ll. SOUTH CHINA RACE (the parent of this race is the Honey, Pnrnns persica, B. 8: H.): Tree is a medium-sized grower in this climate; branches come out at an angle of about 50 degrees and curve upward; less willow-like than’ Peen-To; blooms always large and very profuse; the bloom will resist more cold without injury than any class tested here; has borne continuous crops- during the past four years, while sudden and severe spring freezes occurred. Mr. Onderdonk informs me he has had continuous crops for twelve years. Foliage is small, slightly conduplicate, distributed all along on the limb, color dark green, hangs on late in the fall; requires short season of rest; fruit rather small, somewhat oval in shape, slightly flattened, suture very deep at basin, but does not extend more than one-third the way; the apex is long and recurved; flavor is a peculiar honey sweet. Supposed to have originated in Southern China, from which the seed of the Honey came. This race is adapted to more southern climates than any other except the Peen-To. The Honey seedlings are very valuable for the southern part of the Gulf States. THE PEACH. 831 III. 'l‘r11~: SPANISH RACE: Tree very large, except in the Indian type, which evidently has considerable Persian blood, judging from the color of the young wood, which is reddish, the naked places on the bearing wood and the corrugations and shape of the stone; limbs are large, long and spreading; branches low and droop down, except in the Indian type; blooms nearly al- ways large; foliage small and nearly always flat; hangs on late in fall; stays green during severe drouths; turns slightly yellow in fall before falling off; fruit very decided in character, very late, nearly always yellow, except in the Indian type, which is yellowish, streaked with red, or deep blood red just under skin; very heavy down; frequently affected by black spot fungus. A heavy bearer and sure croper in its native zone. Seems to have come from the Indian type brought over from Spain and distributed among the Indians by the early Spanish settlers. Perhaps it is owing to successive seedlings in more favorable climate that the type is now varying. All over the Southern States one hears the expression that seedlings are surer bearers than budded fruit, and LIIQFG seems to be some truth i11 this belief, because by growing seedlings continuously varieties will adapt themselves to climate. This Spanish race is a11 example almost within the memory of man. Adapted to isothermal lines north of which the South China flourishes. IV. NORTH CHINA Rx 01c: The original Chinese Cling tree. which is the parent of this race, is almost a dwarf here. It dies back at the tips and has borne but few peaches. Further south, at Nursery, Texas, it is a complete failure. Bears only three or four fruit a year. Seedlings from the parent are among the largest and best peaches for Middle Texas. Blooms later than Persian and the flowers are nearly always large. Foliage very large and flat; to- ward fall, in the Southern States, the foliage turns a peculiar dull pea green, and these seedlings in an orchard among other varieties can be picked out easily by the foliage alone. The green, dull color of the foliage in the fall indicates the color the fruit will be when ripe. Foliage hangs on well during drouth, but sheds off a little early in the fall. The parent comes from China and is supposed to have come from the more northern part. Adapted to zones north of those suited to the Spanish race. V. THE PERSIAN RACE: Tree medium size to large; limbs short and thick, wvith long naked places; bark usually rich purplish red on young wood; bloom large and small, owing to variety; foliage crimpled and conduplicate, has purplish tinge before falling, foreshadowing the color of the fruit; foliage falls off early; trees require a long period of rest. This indicates that this race had a Northern origin. It now forms the bulk of Northern orchards. Fruit usually the most highly colored and of the best flavor. In this class we sometimes find a variety with the fruit somewhat yellow, but the flavor of such fruit is not so good. It is almost useless to plant this race in the southern part of the Gulf States. New varieties are being introduced from other races of great promise for this region. This race is supposed to have developed in Persia. ORNA MENTAL VA RIETIES . Ornamental varieties are so different from the others in their fruiting habits that it is difficult toclassify them. A separate division is made of them. The following are some of the varieties: Orleans Dwarf, Golden- Leaved Pyramidal, Pink Double Flowering, White Double Flowering, and W illow-Leaved. RELATION OF THE DIFFERENT RACES ‘SHOWN BY DIAGRAM, AS THEY ARE ' ADAPTED TO CLIMATE. In the following diagram, made by Mr. G. Onderdonk, the different races‘ are shown as they are adapted to difierent isothermal lines; it is admitted. however, that this arrangement is arbitrary and will vary some with seasons and local conditions: 832 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. W (an i l J. FIG. 1G. ' The races as they are adapted to dzfeirevzt isothevmzallines. (Onderdonk) 6.4 HINTS ON ORCHARD SETTING AND MANAGE- MENT. For ordinary purposes, some peaches may be grown on most any soil. They grow best on a sandy loam, underlaid by a clay. Some of the best peach soil in the State consists of White, sandy loam, underlaid by red clay. The peaches which grow upon it are highly colored and of fine flavor. The soil should be Well drained. If low, heavy soil is used, it can be much improved 193* throwing it up in ridges as wide as the rows are to be one or tvvo years before planting. THE SITE FOR THE PEACH ORCHARD. " There is scarcely a farm upon which some part of the land is better adapt- ed for peaches than the other. High, rolling lands are usually better than low, level ones. A hill-side with northern exposure is better, because the trees are more backward i11 the spring and, consequently, frequently escape injury from late spring frosts. t . ' PREPARATION OF THE SOIL. The soil should be prepared as well for peach trees as for most any other c-rop. After the soil has been well prepared, there is not much danger losing any trees from (lrouth. If the trees are set in a sod, they Will make a poor, THE PEACH. 833 ‘weakly growth the first year, and if the sod is not broken they will bear a few small peaches in five or six years, and finally die in a few more years Without paying the owner. The owner will then be ready to claim that “peach growing does not pay.” In the “coast country,” where there is sub- irrigation and the soil frequently contains a considerable per cent of sand, peaches have borne fair crops without much cultivation. As a general rule, it may be stated that it will pay to prepare the soil well before setting and give it good cultivation while the trees are growing, just the same as it does for any other crop. ' SELECTING THE TREES. The largest tree is not the best one. One-year-old nursery stock usually ;gives the best satisfaction. The trunks should be clean and healthy, with no scale or other insects on them. Roots should be clean and abundant, with no knots on them. The roots should be examined closely for any mal- formations, and all such rejected. Carelessness in this particular may cause the whole orchard to be. lost in a few years by the ravages of insects or fungus diseases. It is best to buy trees of a nurseryman whose reputa- tion is known to be good. There are several of them in the State. _It will pay to buy the best trees, even if the cost is a little greater. There is one mistake that is frequently made in the State, and that is stripping the leaves off young trees before they have matured their wood. Nurserymen tell me Urey have to do it, because the demand is made upon them to send the trees early. Trees should be ordered direct from the nursery early in the season with the distinct understanding that they are to be left in the nurs- -ery rows till about all the foliageis shed. If the trees come before they can be set in the orchard, they should be taken at once to some well-drained place and carefully healed in. Loose dirt should be thrown over the roots 18 inches deep and be pressed down among the roots carefully. Oarelessness in this respect may cause many trees to be ' lost, others to be weakened and the nurseryman’s reputation to suffer. HOW TO SET THE TREES. If the trees are set in straight rows, the owner is much more apt to take better care of them, and will delight in calling his neighb0r’s attention to the orchard. One of the simpl-est ways to do this is by stretching a common gar- den line across the field and measuring on it with a rod the desired distance the trees are to be set and then drive a small stake at each place for a tree. The holes should be about two feet wide and about 18 inches deep. The top dirt should be thrown by itself, to go around the roots first. The same gar- den line may be stretched across the holes in the opposite direction and the trees be set by it. If the eye be used carefully, the rows may be set fairly straight by this simple method. Set the trees when the ground is in good working order and press fine dirt around the roots firmly. In this extreme southern climate I have obtained better results by setting "in November and December than I have by settingin the spring. The dirt becomes firm around the trees and young rootlets start out during the first warm days. A good safe distance to set the trees is 20x20 feet apart rand it will take 108 trees per acre. PRUNING THE YOUNG TREE BEFORE 1T IS SET. There is a wide difference of opinion as to how much of the top and roots of the young tree should be cut off before it is set. The young tree grew in the nursery in a crowded condition, so that the top is usually in a switch- like form and about half the roots were left in the ground when the young tree was dug, _so that the crown would start too high if left unpruned, and there is considerable difference in the balance between the roots and the top. Then, again, the roots are usually mangled and torn in the process of dig- ging. . These facts make some pruning necessary, both of the top and of the roots. The extreme view in pruning is advocated by Mr. H. M. Stringfellow, of Galveston, Texas. His theory, which has been widely advertised of late, is given here in his own words: 834 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. “Hold the top of the tree down, and cut all roots back to about an inch, sloping the cuts so that when the tree is set the cut surface is downward. Experience has shown that the roots are generally emitted perpendicularly to the plane, or surface, of the cut. This final pruning should be done short» ly before planting, so as to present a fresh surface fo-r the callous to form on. If trees are to be kept some time, or shipped by a nurseryman, about two inches of root should be left, the planter to cutback as directed When the tree is set. About a foot of the top should be left; more or less makes no difference. If the tree is well staked, three feet may be left Without dimin- ishing the growth much. I have had six-foot trees, well staked, to grow finely, but to avoid staking and to secure a new, straight body, it is best to cut back short. Let all shoots grow until a foot or so long, when the straight~ est and best ones should be left and all others rubbed off.” The advantages claimed by Hr. Stringfellow are also given here: 1. “An enormous saving to the nurseryman in digging his stock, which». now must be taken with roots a foot or more long.” 2. “An equally great saving in packing. Instead of great bales of tops, roots, moss, bagging and rope, and the labor of putting up the same, or large- boxes containing thousands of pounds of the same useless dead-weight, at thousand root and top-pruned trees could be packed in a medium-sized light box, with a layer of wet moss in the bottom to maintain a moist atmosphere, and shipped with perfect safety around the world.” 3. “The saving to the buyer will be even greater. * * *- It would be hard‘ to estimate how many hundreds of thousands of dollars are annually paid by planters to railroads, in charges, on worse than useless tops, roots and pack-- ing.” 4. “Thousands of dollars will be saved in the planting. Instead of large holes, and spreading out of roots, working in the soil by hand, etc., as now pacticed, the planter will prepare his ground, stretch a strong line, with tags ried at right intervals, make a small hole with a dibble a couple of inches in diameter, stick the trees down the proper distance, and when a row is- done turn back and tramp thoroughly. This is very important.” 5. “Another most important advantage is that by this method we reduce to a minimum the danger of spreading all kinds of disease a.nd insect pests. such as eel-worm, root tumor, scales, root lice, etc. These are mostly found" on the tops or long roots.” , (3. “It enables the planter ‘to set extra large trees, which the nurseryman" now has to throw away, and thus obtain fruit much sooner.” 1f all these claims could be realized, a “new era” in tree planting would certainly come to the horticulturist, but, reasoning from my own experience, I wish to give a. word of caution here, g0 slowly before ewperimevnting. There" are so many conditions which bear upon results, such as different soils and climates, that general conclusions drawn from meager experiments are apt to be misleading to one, or some, part of the State. So far as I have been able to learn, Mr. Stringfellow’s experiments have been conducted exclusively in the “coast country,” where there is water near the surface and much of the soil is of a loamy nature. As an instance of _ how I came near being misled, I will mention the experiments we carried on here in root-pruning of the peach during 1894. lSix Mamie Ross peach trees. were pruned according to Stringfellow, six moderately pruned, and six un- pruned, were set out in January, 1894, on a heavy. wet soil. The six trees which were severely pruned made more growth than the others the first year. Unfortunately, nearly all the trees died on this heavy soil the follow- ing year. At the same time, we had also set 100 Mamie Ross trees on rather dry upland. These trees were also severely root and top-pruned. Every tree grew and is living now. Some bore fruit last summer. There are two» main differences I notice between these 100 trees and others set on the same soil. They have been very much dwarfed. The tops. in most cases, have‘ started very close to the ground and some are one-sided and very irregular. Taken as a whole, I see no other objection to these trees now except that they are dwarfed. An average tree is shown in the following figure, made~ from a photograph at the end of the third summer: THE PEACH. 835 ‘FIG. l7. A three year old Mamie Ross peach tree which was severely top and root pruned when set out. Grown on a well drained clay loam soil ofmedtnm fertility. Good cultiva- tion was given. (Original) During the spring of 1896 We again set out trees Which Were pruned accord- ing to the “Stringfellow method,” and others Which Were moderately prunea The trees consist of peach, apple, pear and plum. The soil is a clay 10am of medium fertility. It has good surface drainage and has been Well cultivated. The Llflblt season has been very dry and has proved to be a severe test upon the life of the trees. Scarcely any rain fell from the 13th of May till the 16th of September. Old settlers state it was the severest drouth We have "had for 30 years. During the latter part of August, two of the average trees Which had been severely root and top pruned and tWo of the average of moderately pruned were taken up, the leaves Were stripped off and I photographed them. When the trees Were planted out they Were seedling trees of about one size. Those which Were moderately pruned have made the best growth so far in every instance. p836 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, a i. _ FIG. 18. Seedling peach trees zultich were transplanted during the spring of1896‘ and have made a szmzmer’s growth (luring very dry weather. Nos. 1 and 2 severely top and root pruned. Nos. 3 and 4 moderately pruned. (OriginaL) WVithout drawing positive and definite conclusions, it seems evident, so far as this soil and climate are concerned, that severe top and root pruning are not advisable. After sending‘ the photographs ‘to Mr. Stringfellow, he informs me that all the -roots should have been cut close to the main one, except those at the bottom, and the trees should have been set on hard, un- plowed ground. There is no question about the fact that much of the tops and roots of trees could be safely cut off before they are shipped, and much expense be saved in packing and paying freight. One serious objection to trees being too closely pruned before they are shipped is that in rather care» less packing they are apt to dry out too much. If the ends of moderately long roots are dry, they can be cut off at the proper distance and still be» green enough to grow. If closely root-pruned trees, or any other kind of live- trees, Were packed in a very “tight box in humid atmosphere” and shipped‘ “around the Worlc,” they Would undoubtedly mildew and decay. This has happened with me frequently in ordinary packing and shipping less than a thousand miles. p This far south, We have obtained the best results by pruning the top of the young tree down to about 18 or 2O inches and trimming all the roots off to THE ‘PEACH. " 837 within six inches 0f the trunk, with the exception mentioned. On a soil with sub-irrigation, no doubt the results might be different. Two-year-old trees should not be cut quite so low, because the latent buds on the trunk may refuse to grow and sprouts will be thrown up irregularly from the roots and thus make an undesirable tree. The character of growth of forest trees is an index to the climate and forms a true guide by which to start the crown of orchard trees. In this part of the State, the oak tree's are low, with short, thick tops. The trunk is fairly well shaded. Orchard trees should be likewise. There are other advantages in favor of a low top. The fruit can be gathered easily, frequently without a ladder; the branches being diffuse are not so apt to be broken by heavy bearing, and the trunk being shaded is protected greatly from “sun scalc .” After watching trees for sever- \ \ \\ properly out back. FIG. 20. Young tree with top properly formed. al years, which were injured from what is commonly callec “sun scald,” I am convinced that it is a misnomer. I have noticed that every time our trees have been injured in this way it was in the spring, when a freeze occurred after the sap had started. The sun would shine on one side of the frozen trunk and cause the cells of the wood to burst. In one or two months the bark would crack up the tree eight or ten inches and expose a deadened area. This injury did not occur only after a freeze, no matter how hot the sun shone.. If straw be wrapped around the trunks, or planks be set in front of them after such a freeze, so that the sun would not strike the frozen trunks direct and they would thaxv out giradiially. the tinjury could be avert- ed. But the cheapest method is to start the crown low and let each tree shade its own trunk. 838 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. CULTIVATION OF THE ORCHARD. It is an undisputed fact that cultivation helps to conserve the moisture in the soil. In addition to this, it helps to make plant food available and par- tially takes the place of fertilizers. WVe have orchard trees which are now standing in a drouth of three months and are strong and vigorous, and have not ceased to grow, but the soil has been well cultivated. Cultivation should begin before drouth sets in. However beneficial cultivation may be, still there are many trees injured by it. The bark is rubbed off the limbs and the roots are cut by running the plow deep near the trunk. This is due to care- less labor and improper implements. One of the very best implements I have found for general orchard cultivation is the spading disk harrow. It is good to pulverize the ground and is excellent to destroy young weeds and grass. It costs about $25 and takes two horses topull it, but it will do the work of about four cultivators and can be used on other farm lands. PERT] LIZAICRS . Our fertilizer experiments in the orchard with chemical fertilizers have been going on only one year and, therefore, no report can be made on this work now. An outline of these experiments was read before the meeting of the State I-lorticiilttli-al Society, tit. ’l‘yler. August 9th, 1896. For several years we have been using cow peas-and wood ashes with favorable results on a part of the orchard. Wood ashes give good results and should be spread broadcast over the land at the rate of about 15 tons per acre. The whip- potirwvill variety of cow peas has given the best satisfaction, owing to its very short runners. It is best to drill the seed in rows about 2% feet apart, so that a cultivator may be run through them once. If a drouth comes, the _ crop must either be turned under or moved off, as it will take out much of the moisture from the grotind and will injure the trees. PRUNINH. There is considerable difference among growers as to the amount of prun- ing needed. For some time I have been an advocate of the theory that scarcely any pruning is necessary if summer pinching is followed. Of course, dead wood should be taken out, and frequently it is the best way to thin fruit by cutting off the ends of the previous year’s growth. The small dead twigs in among the large limbs soon fall off of their own accord and it, is hardly worth while to waste time on them in a large orchard. The prac- tice of cutting off large limbs every spring because the shears are sharp is largely a waste of the energy of the tree, and of the man. If the tree had been properly summer pinched, the growth could have been easily directed in the proper direction, and the head made symmetrical and beautiful and no energy of the tree wasted. I have trees which have never had a pair of pruning shears on them after the crown was started, and have developed well-proportioned heads with very little attention being paid to summer pinching, but it was given at the proper time. The limbs should not all branch from the trunk at one place, because they are more liable to split off, but they should be somewhat distributed, like the limbs shown in Fig. No. 20. THINNING THE FRUIT ON THE TREE. It is almost the universal practice in the State not to thin the fruit. At the same time, the grower is ready to admit that if half, or more, of the peaches had been taken off the heavy-bearing varieties, the others remaining would have grown almost twice as large and been worth much more in the market. The trees which overbear are exhausted in producing so many pits, and soon die out. A tree which is allowed to overbear one year is not apt to bear a full crop the next year. As a rule, peaches should not be closer on the limb than four or five inches. CPhinning should not be done until after the pit has hardened some, because many drop during this process. THE PEACH. 839 7. A METHOD OF DORMANT BUDDING. In closing this part of the bulletin, I wish to give a description of a method ‘by which budding may be done when the bark does not slip and the sap is almost dormant. ' . Dry Weather frequently comes on during the season for budding in this State, and if onewaits for the bark to slip the work is very much delayed. Another advantage which may be claimed for this method is that budding may be done here in the winter. On the 10th of January, 1894, fifty trees Were budded out in the open ground and all grew and made trees except one, which was accidentally destroyed. Some of these trees bore fruit last sum- mer. We have published short accounts of this method before and two nurs- erymen informed me at the last meeting of the State Horticultural Society that they were using the method in their nurseries successfully. The method as used at the Station here consists of cutting a slip of bark, with some wood attached, down the tree about one inch, leaving it attached at the lower end. About half this slip is then cut 01f, leaving the other half still attached to the tree. Cut off a bud, leaving some wood also attached to it, to prevent in- jury, and then carefully place it between the slip and tree, so that it will fit nicely, and the cambium of the bud and tree come in contact. Tie tight with some good material, such as raffia. In five or six days the bud will be found to have knit firmly. Hlreat them then as those budded in the usual way. FIG. 21. A method 0f downant budding. The method as described here was discovered by the assistant in the De- jpartment of Iiorticulture, Prof. H. Ness, and has been tested here in several ways upon our grounds, but we find that a modification of the method was long since used by a German, H. Jaeger, court gardener to the Grand Duke -of Sachsen-lVeimar. The following translation from his book, Die Baum- sch-Iulc, page 115, gives his account of it: ' 840 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. “This has been described as something new, but has long since been known, though seldom used. * * * According to my own experience, as well as that of others, it succeeds With certainty in cold frames and in hot- houses, or by the use of bell jars. The operation consists in cutting a bud with the usual amount of wood from the scion, then removing a correspond- ing slice of Wood and bark from the stock and putting the first, closely fit- ting, in the place of the second, then tie Well and cover the wound with soft grafting wax, leaving the bud free.” . 8. FUNGOUS DISEASES AND INJURIOUS INSECTS. Peach yellows, which is so bad in many States north and east of Texas, does not occur in th- tate, so far as I know. Not a single case has been re- ported to me. - ' ' - FIG. 22. No. 1, not sprayed with Bordeaux," N0. 2, sprayed. (Original) BLACK SPOT OF THE PEACH} Black spot is, perhaps, the most serious disease in the State upon late va- rieties, especially those of the Spanish race. The damage is due to a fungus by the" name of Oladosporiam carpoph/zllawz. It first appears on the peach when about two-thirds grown, in small, round, black spots or patches. If the weather continues damp for some time, the fungus will soon spread over the entire upper surface. During dry seasons it is not so bad, as might be ex- pected. The side of the peach attacked becomes dry and wrinkled. Some- times cracks appear in the flesh .to the stone. During the past season We tried the Bordeaux mixture for this fungus. The varieties upon which the experiments were made were Early China and Mamie Ross. The first spraying Was made April 13th, when the peaches - were the size of the end of the thumb. The next spraying was put off rather late on account of there not being much rain. It was made May 24th. The next spraying Was made June 8, at which time the beneficial effects of the Bordeaux could be plainly seen. At the last spraying, three ounces of Paris green Was put into 25 gallons of Bordeaux for curculio. The result of this arsenical compound was that the foliage was partially injured, as might have been expected, because it is Well known that the peach is very suscepti- ble to injury from the arsenical compounds. Could see no appreciable bene- fit in preventing injury from curculio. The beneficial results in preventing the spread of the black spot fungus were verjv’ decided. Photographed peaches, sprayed and unsprayed, are shown in Fig‘. No. 22. The Bordeaux THE PEACH. R 841 was made according to our regular formula, which we have used for a num- ber of years, viz., two pounds of copper sulphate, dissolved in 25 gallons of water, and then two and a half pounds of unslaked lime mixed with it. The mixture is strained through some coarse cloth before being put into the spraying machine. A fresh mixture is always used. - - " PEACH CURL. The peach curl has been reported to me a few times, but it does not occur in our orchards. This disease is also due to a fungus. It distorts the foliage in the spring' and causes it to fall off. It is claimed that this fungus can be prevented by spraying. It is a good idea to cut the affected parts off and burn them. FlG. 23. Peach curl (Taphrina deformans). ROOT TUMOR OR ROOT GALL. The very large, irregularly lobed and somewhat corky tumor which usually occurs on the peach, and several other trees, near where the roots begin is a serious thing in the State. No scientist, so far as I know, has ever been able to discover any insect, fungus or bacterium which is the primary cause of this material enlargement. The tumors occur both on small and on large trees. Sometimes they are found on the smaller roots down in the ground. The disease is found in Europe and the German writers claim it is due to mechanical injuries done to the roots. This seems to me most probable, but thereare several who claim that if healthy trees are set on infected land they will soon become diseased. It is also claimed that the disease can be transmitted by budding. Others claim it can not be. Our buds from infected trees failed to take and therefore, we can not now make a positive statement about this point. We have taken a tumor off of a large tree in our orchard and carefully sprayed Bordeaux around the roots. The tree seems now to be recovering, and bore itsfirst fruit during the past season, but from our results so far we can not recommend the treatment as a positive remedy. This one being the only af- fected tree found in the orchard, has prevented other experiments. At any rate, one should be very careful to reject all such trees at setting time and all affected parts should be burned. The disease deserves more study than 842 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. we have had time to give it. We have done considerable work in microscop- ic examinations, but, like others, have been unable to find anything. After the tumors become old, various insects may be’ found around them, but they do not seem to have any direct connection with the disease. We are glad to FIG. 24. Root tumor. know that the Department of Vegetable Pathology, at Washington, is now working on the disease. Recently we had specimens forwarded there from an infected orchard. Owing to the widespread interest manifested in this malformation on fruit trees, it may be well to give here the results of an in- telligent practical horticulturist, who has been studying it a number of years and carried on experiments to see if it could be transmitted by budding or grafting. At my request, Mr. Yates has kindly written out the results of his experience and observation, which I will give here in full: SOME REMARKS ON ROOT OR STEM TUMORS BY W. A. YATES, BRENHAM, TEXAS. “While the different forms of root-knot are now pretty thoroughly under- stood, having been classified and described by scientific investigators, there still remains a dissention of opinion regarding the cause of the root or stem- tumor, now so prevalent in many of the nurseries and orchards in the South and West. “The writer having been familiar with the above form of knot for a number of years past, and during that time conducted certain experiments, with the object of discovering, if possible, the origin or these abnormal growths, will - briefly give the result of observation and experiment made in this connection. “Acquaintance with these tumors was first formed in the propagating bed THE PEACH. 843 of a greenhouse, where frequently the usual callous formations of the cuttings: would, instead of throwing out roots, continue to develop until an abnormal size; upon partially cutting away these callous growths, however, and re- planting the cuttings, roots would be thrown out without any recurrence of the kind. Afterward, upon finding similar growths on the roots and stems of fruit and other trees, and under the impression that, perhaps, these tu- more were communicable, experiments to determine this point were com- menced by budding, grafting and inoculating unaffected from affected trees, but, although these experiments were carefully conducted for several years, no tumors were ever reproduced on the unaffected trees by these means. “It was while experimenting in this way that the writer, being exceptional- 1y well situated for extensive observation, first noticed that wherever the free circulation of sap in young trees had been checked or impeded, either from some mechanical cause or adverse weather conditions, it was no uncommon thing to see some of these tumors commence to form, which, during the spring and early summer months, would grow with great rapidity; wet sea- sons and naturally moist ground apparently favoring their more rapid de- velopment. Continued investigation along this line finally forced the con- viction that tumor was primarily caused either by impeded circulation of sap and consequent disorganization of the sap vessel and surrounding tissues, a lack of working harmony between root and branch, or a disparity in the absorption of moisture by the roots and its transpiration by the foliage with a like result. _ “While there are many mechanical causes of impeded or arrested circula- tion of sap, such as the bending of stem or roots in transplanting or by other means, and abrasions or wounds of any kind made beneath the ground sur- face, perhaps the most prolific mechanical cause of tumor is budding and grafting; after which operation there often exists a lack of complete har- mony between root and branch, as when plum is worked on peach, pear on quince, or apple on paradise stock. The act of budding in itself may not be performed without checking in some measure the free flow of sap, added to which, in the case of the peach especially, is the difference during early spring in the relative sap conditions of the stock and the variety inserted thereon. The former generally being in an active state.of growth, while the- latter _ much longer remains dormant; as a consequence, therefore, the sap vessels of the stock must for some time remain in a more or less congested condition, resulting not infrequently in eruption of the cells and the formation of cal- lous growths, by the sap being forced out of its regular channels. “These growths are also frequently the result of grafting when there exists any disparity between size of stock and scion, causing improper union; or when, as above stated, growth commences in the stock and the flow of sap is checked or impeded by the dormant condition of the scion; in these cases, the tumor may generally be found at or near the point of mechanical opera- tion. “In the case of the apple, it not infrequently happens when the tumors occur immediately below the ground surface, they commence to throw out a bunch of somewhat fleshy fibrous roots, upon doing which the tumors cease to de- velop in size, and apparently devote all their energies to root forming. Oc- casionaly roots thrown out from these tumors may be found both on the peach, plum and pear, but these instances are of rare occurrence. The writer has also frequently found tumors on grape vines and persimmons affected with root-rot (Ozomunz cvwriconiuaz) at the point where the elaborated sap had been checked in its descent by the ascending root-rot fungus. “An unseasonable loss of foliage, causing inequality between absorption and‘ transpiration, and thereby congestion and rupture of the sap cells in the lower portion of the tree, is a prolific source of tumor. Vineyardists in Cali- fornia well know that a spring freeze is not infrequently followed by the so- called “black knot” on their vines, which knot is but another name for tumor. “Generally speaking, tumors first commence to form in the early spring; months. and during the first season of their existence remain a healthy, ir- regularly formed mass of callous matter; many of them, however, owing to their abnormal formation, become diseased the second year, and after thor- oughly decaying become loose and fall away from the tree; others continue» to appropriate the sap of the affected tree until of enormous size, when the- host succumbs to this fatal drain of the life-giving fluid. 844 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. “If discovered in time, the tumors may be "permanently removed by care- ful cutting, covering the wounds thus made with grafting wax. Fruit trees, owing to the various mechanical operations they undergo, are more subject to tumor than other trees; although the writer can name many species of shades, shrubs and evergreens on which he has seen at one time or other some form of root or stem-tumor.” l /‘ ,/ .4 l]. l v1,‘ l’ ,7? s, l; ~_ fan f f)’ If) u‘ ’\ ‘a ,1 it)‘; ( ' . FIG. 25. Root knots clue to nematodes. ROOT KNOTS . Root-knot is quite a different thing from root-tumor, with which it has been confounded by some orchardists of the State. This disease is due to a small “eel-worm” or nematode. The knots due to this cause usually occur on the small roots somewhat in heed-like strands and are much smaller than root-tumors. The little worms can easily be found in. them with a micro- scope. - These knots have sometimes been also confounded with root nodules, ‘which occur on leguminous plants. Sometimes root-knots are also found on leguminous plants. The microscope easily then settles the point. The nod- ules are filled with bacteria, which are beneficial to the plant, while root- knots are filled with worms, which are injurious. THE CURCULIO . * The curculio has been decidedly the most injurious insect of the peach here. A short description of the insect, together with our experiments in prevent- ing the injury done to plums, was given in Bulletin No. 32. The insect in- jures the peach also, but not quite so bad as it does the plum. THE PEACH. b ' 845 FIG. 26. The Ourcnho ( Conotraehelns ozenfztplzar). The peach shozuivzg injury when the eggs are first deposited is natural size. The insect is much enlarged. While we have had very fair success in spraying plums for this insect with the arsenical compound, our success in spraying peaches does not encourage us to recommend it. As before stated, the peach is very susceptible to in- jury from the use of these poisons, and the quantity used must be very small, probably one pound to 200 gallons of Water, and then some lime must be mixed With it. lVe prefer the jarring method for the peach. If the in- sects are jarred down into sheets early in the morning, they do not fly read- ily and may easily be caught and killed. The trees can be jarred for some- thing less than 5 cents per tree. lVhen the “Wormy” fruit fall to the ground, it is a good idea to turn hogs in to eat it up and greatly prevent the insect next year. BROWN OR nLAox ROOT APHIDES (LICE). Lice sometimes occur upon the roots and cause the trees to have a stunted, sickly appearance. FIG. 27. Black peach aphts (Aphis perstcoe-vztger). The conzmovz wingless ‘form. If the trees are suspected of being infested, an examination of the roots should be ma.de, and, if the insects are found, heavy applications of tobacco dust dug into the ground is said to be very good. If the insect appears above ground on the twigs, kerosene emulsion should be sprayed on them. 846 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. _.. 1, .\l§:.\.‘vr\\""' LEAF-FOOTED BUG. This insect was discovered in our experimental plum orchard injuring the fruit during the summer of 1893. Later it appeared 0n the peaches. FIG. 29. Leaf-footed bug (LGpZOQZO-SSUS phyllopzzs‘). The insect thrusts its long beak into the fruit and sucks the juice. At the places where the fruit is punctured it becomes hard and knotty, frequently gum oozes out. In size, shape and color it somewhat resembles the common squash bug. The main prominent differences are a distinct white band across- the body about midway and the peculiar flat, leaf-like hind pair of legs. Its peculiar flat hind pair of legs would indicate that the insect might be some- what aquatic in its habits. Its full life history is not known. After the fruit" _ had gone here, I noticed it feeding upon a late crop of tomatoes in Septem- ber. The young were also found upon the plants at the same time. In No- vember the adult bugs were found by the side of a large pond of water. THE PEACH. 847 ' The insect has been reported to me from several parts of the State and indications at- present are that it may increase. I have no good remedy to offer for this insect. The jarring method used for the curculio will drive them from the trees and may frighten many away from the orchard. THE PEACH TREE BORER. In some parts of the State considerable damage has been reported from the borer. In our orchards here not one has been found. FIG. 30. Peach tree borer (Sannina exitiosa). N0. 1, larva; No. 2, gaupa,‘ N0. 3, female,‘ No. 4, male. A great many remedies and labor-saving devices have been recommended for this insect. The old way, which is sure, but hard work, is to cut them out with a knife or thrust a small wire into the holes they have cut and kill them. A very satisfactory wash I have used and recommended to several growers in the State, who have also reported good results, consists in painting the trunk of the tree one or two inches below the surface of the ground up to about 18 inches, with the ordinary white lead paint, into which had been stirred a little Paris Green-enough to slightly color it. Many jack rabbits have been reported to me as being poisoned by this paint. The dirt should, of course, be raked away from around thetree before the paint is put on, and then afterward be raked back. All borers which may be in the tree should first be hunted out. A very small amount of Paris Green should be used, about one tablespoonful to 10 pounds of paint. In two years the trees should be repainted. The cost for each tree to paint once is about 11/», cents. 9. VARIETIES RECOMMENDED BY NURSERYMEN AND FRUIT GROWERS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE STATE. The following letter, which explains itself, was sent last September (1896) to different horticulturists of the State. Their replies are printed below, be- ginning with those from South Texas: “Will you please send me a list of six peaches which do best in your sec- tion of the State (1) for table use, and (2) for shipping‘? Arrange them in the order of ripening, beginning with the earliest. If you can not recommend as many as six, cut the number down. Return this letter as soon as you can, as we wish to print your reply in a bulletin now prepared on the peach.” Wm. Watson, Brenham: Six best grown in Washington county: Japan Blood, Mamie Ross, Mountain Rose, Gen. Lee, Alice Haunt and Stonewall Jackson. The same number are recommended for shipping. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. G. Onderclonk, Nursery: For table use grown in Victoria county: Early Chi- na, Pallas, Onderdonk, Cobler, Galveston and Guadalupe. For shipping: Pallas, Onderdonk, Cobler, Texas, Guadalupe and Orman. H. M. Stringfellow, Galveston: For table use grown in Galveston county: Waldo, Angel, Imperial, Chinese Free, Family Favorite and Pallas. (No list for shipping.) F. T. Ramsey, Austin: For table use grown in Travis county: Alexander, Rivers, Family Favorite, Lee, Elberta and Carpenter. For shipping: Sneed, Alexander, Mamie Ross, Elberta, Chillon and Carpenter. J. W. Stilbenraueli, llleaia: For table use grown in Limestone county: Car- man, Mountain Rose, Elberta, Mrs. Brett, Heath Cling and Levy. For ship- ping: Carman, Gov. Briggs, Elberta, Matthews Cling, Salvay and ‘Levy. J. M. Howell, Dallas: For table use grown in Dallas county: Sneed, Mamie Ross, Gen. Lee, Old Mixon Free, Routh Cling, Elberta and Howell Cling. For shipping: The same, except Old Mixon Free, for which Old Mixo-n Cling is substituted. O’. Falkner, Waco: For table use grown in McLennan county: Alexander, Mamie Ross, Amelia, Jackson, Elberta and Mixon Free. For shipping: Ma- mie Ross, Jackson, Chinese Cling, Elberta, Crawford’s Late and Heath. E. W. Kirkpatrick, McKinney: For table use grown in Collin county: Alex- andcr, Rogers, Gen. Lee, Elberta, Heath Cling and Caruth. For shipping: Sneed, Mamie Ross, Gen. Lee, Elberta, Chinese Cling and Heath. John S. Kerr, Sherman: For table use grown in Grayson county: Alexan- der, ‘Mamie Ross, Family Favorite, Gen. Lee, Elberta and Caruth’s Late. Fo shipping: Mamie Ross, Gen. Lee, Elberta and Ringgold Cling. ~ Irwine <5 Thompson, Bowie: For table use grown in Montague county: Tillot- son, Joe Johnson, Gen. Lee, Elberta, Henrietta and Salway. For shipping: Alexander, Mamie Ross, Gen. Lee, Elberta, Henrietta and Salway. T. V. Manson, Denison: For table use grown in Grayson county: Yellow St. John, June Rose, Mrs. Brett, Elherta, Raisin Cling, Eldred, etc. For ship- ping: Triumph, Mamie Ross, Bishop, Family Favorite, Elberta, Becquett Free and Salway. P. W. Hunt, Fort Worth: For table use grown in Northwest Texas: Alexan- der, Hale’s Early, Elberta, Old Mixon Cling, Stump the World and Summer Snow. For shipping: Mamie Ross, St. John, Elberta, Gen. Lee, Old Mixon Cling and Stump the World.