2d Set i'|'%rfir‘,1 U. S. Dent. of Agficuiture. Tafmfzwsoem "v ,~._-¢-;;;~;%..-'L:~4u'r0I-:, D- ‘J- T3/5 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BU DLIETIN N0. 49. Agrioulturcol S6Cli07L—DECEMBER, 1898.—Ficld (Jrops and Live Stock. PART I- CO R N EXPERIMENTS. COLLEGE STATION, VARIETIES. BEEVILLE STATION; VARIETIES. METHODS OF PLA NTING. PART II. BEST VIIIIIETIES 0F (BORN. POSTOFFICEZ COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS CO., TEXAS. J. .1. PASTORIZA PRINTING & LITHO. c0. HOUSTON, 1899. [1177] TEXHSV HGRIGULTURflL EXPERIMENT STHTIONS. CJFFICERJQ- GOVERNING BOARD. (BOARD O1“ DIRECTORS A. & M. COLLEGE ) HoN. F. A. REICIIARDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..H0ust0n. HON. W. R. CA v1T1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bryan. HoN. F. P. HOLLAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Da11as. H0N. CHAS. HOGAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brownwood. HON. JEFF. JOHNSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Austin. H0N. MARION SANSOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A1varado. STATION STAFF. T1115 PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE. J. H. CoNNEnn, M. S0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Direct0r. H. H. HARRINGTON, M. Sc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chemist. M. FRANCIS, D. V. M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Veterinarian. R. H. PRICE, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Horticu1turist. B. C. PITTUCK, B. S. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agriculturist. P. S. TrLsoN, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Associate Chemist. H. N ESS, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Irlorticulturist. W. C. MARTIN, B. S. .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. L . .¢Assistant Chemist. H. C. KYLE, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foreman of Farm. L. L. MCINNIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Treasurer. J. G. HARRISON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bookkeeper. SUPEEINTENDENT OF BEEVILLE STATION. S. A. MCHENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Beeville, Bee County. N0'1‘E.——The mwiii station is located 0n the groitnd-s 0f the Agtricultuwtl (and Mec/tctwiicttl Colby/e in Breezes County. The jaostofiice (uldress is COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. Reports fi-om this station (we sent tofawnei-s of the State ‘upon. application to the Director. [1173] PART I. FIELD TESTS WITH CORN AT COLLEGE STATION ‘AND BEEVILLE. B. C. PITTUCIL The following experiment with corn was carried on at Col- lege Station during the season 0f 1898: 1. Variety *’.ll-est—Embracing 42 varieties. The following fieldexperiments with corn "were carried on at the Beeville Station during the season of 1898: 1. Variety Tlest-—Eimbracing 25 varieties; distance between rows 4 feet, and 20 inches in the drill. 2. Variety and Distance Test—Embracing 5 varieties, the distance varying between ro-ws from 3 feet to 5 feet, and‘ 2 1-2 feet t0 3 feet in the drill. (SUMMARY OF REiSUIJTlS. l i COLLEGE sqraTioN. Varieties-With the varieties tested at ‘College Station, Blount’s Prolific, a Southern-grown (Virginia) seed corn gave the largest yield (40.7 bushels) per acre.’ Second best yield (39.5 bushels) was made by St. Charles White, a Northern (Illinois)grovvn seed corn; Third best yield (37.2 bushels) was made by a Delaware- grown seed corn. ' ' ' ' ' ' By a comparison of yields during the past three and four years we find Blount’s Prolifiomade the largest average yield over all other varieties. ‘This indicates to us the pressing need of more distinct varieties of Southern-grown seed corn. BEEVILLE SUB-STATION- 1. Var/ietiav-The three Varieties making largest yields at College Station also made largest yields at the Beeville Sta- tion, notwithstanding the difierence in soil and seasons. 2. Distance Test~With corn planted at varying distances. three out of the five varieties gave largest yields when planted in rows four feet apart and two and onelhalf feet in the drill. With varying methods of preparation this distance gave larg- est yields in each case. ‘These results indicate that with all [1179] 1180 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. varieties and methods of preparation used in these two soil sections that the best average distance to- be given corn is four feet by two and one-half feet, for seasons such as that experienced in 1898. This conclusion is also con-firmed by the results of our previo-us experiments and observations. Best Yields——Of the five varieties planted 3 feetx2 1-2 feet, Golden Beauty gave the largest yield. Of the five varieties planted 4. feetx2 1-2 feet, the 100-Day Bristol gave the large-st yield. Of the five varieties planted 4 1-2 feetx3 feet, Forsyth’-s Favorite gave the largest yield. Of the five varieties planted 5 feetx3 feet, ‘Thomas gavethe largest yield. EXPERIMENTS AT COLLEGE STATION. EVARIETY TEST. All corn at (‘roll-ege Station xvas planted Martzh 24, 1898, and germinated evenly on April 7th. 1W ith most varieties the stand was good, however, no attempt WEIS made to replant to perfect the stand. WVi-th some varieties the results are omitted owing to insufficient stand. Stands from which re- sults have been taken varied from 7 5 per cent. to 95 per cent. All cultivation was shallow and thorough, as fiollows: April 25—--Plowed with 4-tooth cultivator. lirlay 2--Orrticl; harrow run between rows, set to a. V shape. May 9—-C‘»orn thinned and plowed with double showtel. May 16——C'orn plowed, using 14-inch sweeps. May 20—-1Clorn hoed. May 30—-S1ingle sweeps (buzzard wings) run once to the n1iddles. , The following table gives yield in bushels, per cent cob and grain, length of ear and number of rows of kernels to the ear: FIELD TESTS WITH CORN. Variety Test with Corn at College Station, Texas, 1898. 1181 SE 3 flugé 5 d gm ‘a ‘p 49?, _ m 510.... .,.. ,4) Z VARIETY .573 § g 5.. 5'85; 551.35g?» do f2 :28 5e 6'5’6'°35:1>'°s°’1>"§ '35? i >11: n10 5.8 26285161651116158 8&5 1Golden Beauty (chk) 29.8 80.7 19.3 140 56.5 9 2% 14 Ohio 2St. Charles White .. 34.7 80.7 19.3 124 56.5 9% 2% 18 Ill. 3Early Mastodon 25.8 80.7 19.3 120 56.5 9 2% 16 “ 4Iowa Silver Mine.... 26.2 83.5 16.5 137 58.5 9% 2% 16 “ 5Cuban Giant Ensi’ge 28.9 79.2 20.8 128 55.5 9 2% 14 . . . . .. 16 Golden Beauty (chk) 19.6 80.0 20.0 138 56.0 9% 2% 14 Ohio 17 Champ’n EarlyPearl 30.7 80.7 19.3 122 56.5 9 2 16111. 18 Old Cabin Home.... 26.6 90.7 9.3 185 63.5 71} 1% 10 Dela. 19 So.WhiteGourdSeed 37.2 78.5 21.5 108 55.0 81} 211 18 “ 20 Penn. Yellow Flint 19.7 77.8 22.2 200 54.5 11 1% 8 " 21 White Cap Dent.... 13.4 80.0 20 0 179 56.0 8 2% 2201110 22 beaming . . . . . . . . . . .. 22.4 81.4 18.6 157 57.0 9 2 16 Ill. 23 Early Pearl . 5 75,0 25.0 230 52.5 7% 2 16 Ohio 24 Johnson’sL.W.Field 21.6 70.0 30.0 129 49.0 9% 2% 16 . . . . .. 25 Early Eclipse . . . . .. 19.7 . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . Ill. 26 Jo’ns’n’s Gi’nt Bea’y 23.6 82.8 17.2 118 58.0 81} 2% 22 . . . . .. 27 Unknown . . . . . . . . .. 19 5 71.4 28.6 133 50.0 9 2% 16 . . . . .. 28 Unkown . . . . . . . . .. 14.9 84.2 15.8 170 59.0 91} 2i; 16 .. . 29 Etiley’s Favorite... 22.7 82.8 17.2 143 58.0 9 2 14 Ind. 30 Golden Beauty (chk) 18.4 80.0 20.0 152 56.0 8 2 14 Ohio 41 Golden Beauty (chk) 24.5 80.1 19.9 145 56.0 8% 2 16 “ 42 Murdock . . . . . . . . . . .. 26.7 80.1 19.9 150 56.0 8% 2 16111, 43 Early Mastodon 27.2 77.8 22.2 120 54.5 9% 2 16 Ohio 44Jo’ns’nsL.W.B.Corn 29.2 75.6 24.4 101 53.0 10 2% 20 Ga. 45 Dungans Prolific.... 13.8 90.7 9.3 131 63.5 811 2% 20 Mo. 46 Golden Beauty (chk) 9.2 80.0 20.0 151 56.0 9 2 14 Ohio 47 Marsfi’ldWhiteDent 4.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mo. 48Leaming . . . . . . . . . .. 4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........Ohio 49100-DayBristol . . . . .. 19.5 80.0 20.0 154 56.0 1O 2 14 . . . . .. 50 Early Red-cob Sugar Corn . . . . . . . . .. 13.1 82.1 17.9 105 57.5 9 2% 18 . . . . .. 51 Golden Beauty (chk) 28.2 82.1 17.9 127 57.5 10 2 14 Ohio" 52661665 Cable........ 16.0 85.7 14.3 205 60.0 611 11 111% 111. 56 Blount’s Prolific..... 40.7 80.7 19.3 175 56.5 7 1111118 Va. 54 Forsyth’s Favorite. 26.5 80.7 19 3 95 56.5 7 :2 11331511. 55 Champ’nYel’wDent 25.7 80.1 19.9 125 56.0 91 2% 18 . . . . .. 56 Golden Beauty (chk) 16.5 83.5 16.5 137 58.5 9 2 12 Ohio 57Imp. Learning .... .. 24.2 60.0 20.0 151 56.0 10 121116 .... .. 58No.1Corn . . . . . . . . .. 27.9 80.0 20.0 56.0 11 121113 . . . . .. 59HickoryKing........ 263 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6O St. Charles White... 39.5 84.2 15.8 160 59.0 7% 2 l4Il1. 61New Golden . . . . . . ..17.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62 Imp. Golden Dent .. 30.9 70.0 30.0 165 949.0 8 2 14 Six varieties yielding above 30 bushels per acre: Blouni/s Prolific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40.7 bushels St. Charles White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 39.5 " Southern White Gourd Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37.2 “ St. Charles White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34.7 “ Improved Golden Dent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30.9 “ Champion Early Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30.7 6‘ 1182 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Twelve varieties yielding over 25 bushels per acre and un- der 30 bushels: Golden Beauty . . . . . . . . .. 29.8 bu. l Old Cabin Home. . . . . . . . 26.6 Johnson’s L. W. B. Corn 29.2 “ Forsyth’s Favorite . . . . .. 26.5 ‘c Cuban Giant Ensilage... 28.9 “ 1 Hlckory Klllg; - - - - - - - - -- 26-3 u N0. 1 Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27.9 “ Iowa Silver M1118... . . . .. 26.2 *Early Mastodon . . . . .. 27.2 “ *Early_Mastodon . . . . . .. 25.8 “ Murdock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26.7 “ 1 Champion Yellow Dent. 25.7 f‘ * First mentiond grown in Ohio; latter grown in Illinois. CORN YIELDS AT ClG/IJLEIGE STAT-TON. Seasons 1894, 18.95 and 1898 Compared. ELoUNrNs PROLIFIC. 18S)4""—Yield per acre, 12.4 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shuclzed ear corn yield 81.7 pounds grain. 1895 Yield per acre, 46.4 bushels 10f corn; 100 pounds shuck- ed ear corn yield 87.8 pounds grain. ‘ a 1898-—Yield per acre, 40.7 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear (‘.0-lf'11 yield 80.7 pounds grain. - Aver(t_ge yield- for three years, 33.2 bushels‘. EARLY MASTODON. 1.894""e—-Yield per acre, 5.3 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 83.6 pounds grain. . 1895——Yield per acre, 41 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 88.8 pounds grain. A 1898——Yield per‘ acre, 27.2 bushels corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 77.8 pounds grain. . ~ . Average yield for three years, 24.5 bushels. LONG YELLOW FLINT. 1894*——Yield per acre, 6.1 bushel-s of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 76.1 pounds grain. . d, ' 1895—-Yield per acre, 11.4 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 7 6.1‘pounds grain. a 1898~—Yield per acre, 19.7 bushels corn; 1-00 pounds shucked ear c-orn yield 77 .8pounds grain. _ Avewtge yield for three years, 12.4 bushels. THE LEAMING. 1894*—Yield PQPQCPQ, 10.6 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 81.2 pounds grain. p 1895-—Yield per acre, 42.5 bushels of corn; .100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 88.5 pounds grain. A 18_98—Yield per acre, 22.4 bushels of corn; 1.00 pounds, shucked ear corn yield 81.4 pounds grain. Average yield for three years, 25.1 bushels. *All yields of1894 reduced by hot Winds of July 1st. EARS OF CORN REPRESENTING VARIETIES GROWN A1‘ COLLEGE S ‘ATION~—I898. The nmnbers shown correspond with Plot Numbers found on page 1181. BLANK PAGE IN ORIGINAL FIELD TESTS WITH CORN. 1183 CHAMPION EARLY PEARL. 1894*-—Yield per acre, 9.6 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 81.7 pounds grain. 1895"—Yield per acre, 25.7 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 88.5 pounds grain. 1898.—Yield per acre, 30.7 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 80.7 pounds grain. Average yield for three years, 22 bushels. FORSYTIYS FAVORITE. 1.894*—Y~ield per acre, 14.2 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 80.7 pounds grain. 1895—Yield per acre, 43.2 bushels of co-rn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 88.5 pounds grain. 1898—Yield per acre, 26.5 bushels of corn. 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 80.7 pounds grain. Average yield for three years, 27.9 bushels. GOLDEN BEAUTY. 1894*—Yield per acre, 11.9 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 82.3 pounds grain. 1895—'Yie1d per acre, 47.4 bushels of corn; 1.00 p-ounds shucked ear corn yield 87.1 pounds grain. 1897—Yield per acre, 23.7 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 80.7 pounds grain. 1898—Yield per acre, 29.8 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 80.7 pounds grain. Average yield for four years, 28.2 bushels. MURDOCK. 18‘94*—Yield per acre, 18.2 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 84 pounds grain. 1895—Yi~eld per acre, 43.8 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 89.5 pounds grain. 1898—Yield per acre, 26.7 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 80.1 pounds grain. Average yield for three years, 29.5 bushels. SOUTHERN wmTE eomw SEED. l894*—Yield per acre, 7.5 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 85.8 pounds grain. 1895—Yield per acre, 28.4 bushels Iof corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 81.5 pounds grain. 1898-—Yield per acre, 37.2 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear co-rn yield 78.5 pounds grain. Average g/iehl for three years, 24.3 Inlshels. HICKORY KING. 1894*—Yield per acre, 15.2 bushels of corn; .100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 82.2 pounds grain. *All yields of 1894freduced by hot Winds of July 1st. 1184 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1895—Yield per z1cre,4() bushels 0f corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 86.5 pounds grain. 1896——Yie1rl per acre, 26.?» bushels iof corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield . . . . pounds grain. Average yield for three years, 27.1 buslzels. 1:1LEv’s FAV()I{I'J‘E. ]8.‘)4*——X’ield per zlcre, bushels of corn; 100 pounds shueked ear corn yield 77.7 pounds grain. 1895-—Yield per acre. 233.9 bushels 0f corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 82 pounds grain. 1898—Yield per acre, 22.7 bushels of corn; 100 pounds shucked ear corn yield 82.8 pounds grain. Average y/ielrl for three y/eurs, 24 bushels. EXPERIMENTS AT BEEVILLE. While the greatest possibilities of that section of ‘Texas embracing Bee a11d adjoining counties lies in stock breeding and fruit and vegetable groiwing, we must not underestimat-e the importance of field crops. Climatic conditions make i-rri- gation a necessary adjunct to the growth of vegetables. In this connection irrigation can be used successfully and pro-fit- ably. But with field crops it is different and other methods of combatting the severe drouths must be adopted. All possible moisture must be retained in the soil by methods of prepara- tion and cultivation to insure a full crop. The custom of late and shallow preparation generally prevails in this section, to- gether with deep cultivation during the growing period. Gon- sequently the moisture contained in the soil is given favorable opportunity for evaporating. During the few years work of the Beevillc Experiment Station, we have steadily pursued the policy of early plowing (fall plowing, if possible), and fre- quent, clean and shallow cultivation. Our general field crops have suffered les-s from drouth and insects than the crops of adjoining fields, and the yield in every case was much larger. Deep preparation followedby ‘harrowing at intervals up t-0 the time of planting, and frequent, but shallow cultivation during the growing period, serve to retain tIhe moisture. To evolve some method of “beating the drouth” in th-is secti-on is a long felt want. \Vith corn and cotton the question of season is of grave importance, and, as the summer conditi-ons sur- rounding the farmer in this section do not supply the n-eces- "EQXIi yields of 1894 reduced by hot winds of July 1st. FIELD TESTS wrrn 001m. 1185 sary amount 0f moisture during the growing period, we must pursue methods that will retain the moisture contributed by the fall and early spring rains. In Kansas and Nebraska extensive experiments have been made with different methods of preparation and cultivation for the conservation of moisture in the soil. Necessity de- manded these experiments. The Campbell system of plowing packing a11d cultivating in these two states has given the most favorable results. YVhether or not! our soil will yield the best results witlh this system remains to be seen. N0 safe conclu- sions can be drawn from the use of it this year, as the sub- surface packer arrived very late and plowing was carried on undervery unfavorable conditilonls. VAfRIETY AND DlSlTlANCE ‘TEST. Difierent varieties require different distances given between the rows and in the drill, for best results, occasioned by the dif- ference in root growth and development. XVhile seasons, to a certain extent, effect the influence of distance, yet w-e may find an average distance for an average season. For this purpose an experiment was planned, including ~five varieties, using Thomas corn (the common ‘field corn of this-section) as a check on yields. The distance planted varied from 3 feet to 5 feet in the row and 2 1-2 feet to 3 feet in the drill. Preparation and cultivation was as follows: Land was plowed between January 1st and 10th using Gan- ton disc plow, running to a depth of 7 inches, and harrowed twice with steel smoothing harrow previous to planting. Rows were marked off five inches deep with 10-inch John Deere turning plow, and corn planted with Avery corn and cotton planter. t Variety and distance test was planted February 23d. Corn on all plots germinated to good stand in». 8 days. M>arch 23d, all corn was harrowed with steel smoothing har- row. March 25th, cultivated with (i-shiovel corn plow. April 6th, corn was thinned to the following distances: Plots No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3 feet by 2 1-2 feet; plots No. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15_—4 feet by 2 1-2 feet; plots No. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25—4 1-2 feet by 3 feet; plots No. 31., 32, 33, 34, 35——5 feet by 3 feet. _ April 15th, cultivated with G-shovel riding plow, substituting 10-inch sweeps for inside shovels. A April 21st, (mltivated with (i-shovel riding plow, substitut- ing 12-inch sweeps for middle shovels. April 26th. 22-inch sweep run once to the row. May 3d, cultivated with double stock, using 12-inch sweep next to corn and 8-inch shovel ‘on left hand side. May 14th, cultivated with 5-t0oth cultivator. 113C TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. The following table gives yield in bushels, als-0 per cent. shuck, grain and cob at varying distances: ~ Pl c VARIETY Syhigkll! % % ° \ Cerf} Sbuck Grain Cob M“; ( 1 Thomas (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14.3 18 66 16 Q1331 2 Leaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14.7 10 66 24 33$; 3 Golden Beauty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.1 9 73 18 532,; 4 The 100-dav Bristol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18.3 10 69 21 f“ l. 5 Forsyth’s Favorite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15.9 12 67 21 J3‘ [11 Thomas (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18.0 15 7O 15 "m; 12 Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12.6 9 68 23 %§flmi r-t Q M a o mf’ we 2 Q: 22 25 DISTANCE PLANTED ‘gf; g g3 g5 5; .2 s e 2E B“ a q cs a s- Group I —3 feet x 21 feet . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14.3 14.7 20.1 18.3 15.9 Group II.—4 feet x 21 feet . . . . .. 18.0 12.6 18.0 18.7 17.2 Group III.—4§ feet x 3 feet . . . . . . . . . . .. 14.8 9.7 16.6 16.1 17 0 Group IV.—-5 feet x 3 feet . . . . . . . . . . .. 17.2 10.9 16.2 15.9 14.7 RESULTS OF DISTANCE TEST. Both Golden Beauty and Leaniing did best when planted close, while ’l‘l1o1nas, 100-day Bristol and Eorsyth’s Favorite did best in 4-foot rows and 2 1-2 feet apart in the drill. The best average for the five varieties at any one distance Was given in G roup II, followed i11 turn by Group I, Group IV and Urroup III. This indicates that Group II represents the best ‘average distance to be given corn in this section. \' A R I ETPY '1‘ 1S1‘. This test included twenty-five varieties of corn. Preparation FIELD TESTS ‘VITH CORN. 1187 of land ‘and cultivation was identical with that 0f Variety and Distance "Test. The following table gives yield per acre. zilso per cent. corn, cob and shucks: Yield of (y; "/0 g, .9 i a ‘ r 9* VARIETY | D st nee illbbphgCk Shuck Grain Cob l 41. Marsfield White Dent . . . . . . . . .. 4x1§ ft. 7.5 12 56 32 42. Champion Early Pearl . . . . . . . . .. -- 12.5 10 68 22 43. Champion White Pearl . . . . . . .. “ 15.7 12 72 16 44. Dungan’s Prolific . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 14.3 8 7 22 45. glosbyb Pnfilific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 12.9 (i: 46. ld Cabin ome . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " .6 7 47. Southern White Gourd Seed. . .. “ 16.4 10 68 23 48. St. Charles White . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 16.7 8 74 18 49. Iowa Silver Mine . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 12.8 9 7.. 19 51. Blountfls Prolific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ - 16.9 8 76 16 52. Red Cob Ensilage . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~‘ 13.7 8 73 19 53. Early Mastodon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 16.3 10 75 15 54. EarlyEclipse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 15.2 9 76 15 55. Early Mastodon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 15.2 10 72 18 56. Pride of the North . . . . . . . . . . .. " 11.9 16 72 18 57. Early Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 10.1 6 72 22 58. Murdock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 11.3 8 74 18 59. Riley’s Favorite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 131) 10 73 17 60. Farmers’ Favorite Golden Dent. “ 14.9 10 72 18 61. Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ l 12 5 8 71 11 62. Golden Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 7.5 8 76 16 63. Giant Beauty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 14.8 8 73 19 64. White Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ - 9.6 8 76 16 65. Penn. Yellow Flint . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 11.9 7 70 23 RESULTS OF VARIETY TEST, 1898. Comparing the results as given in the previous table with the results at College station and we find Bllountfls Prolific. St. Charles ‘Vhite and Southern lVhite Gourd Seed corn gave the best results at both places. A further comparison of yields shows a remarkable conformity between the two notwith- standing the difference in sioil a11d (‘lllllflt6 in these two sec- tions. PART-II. BEST VARIETIES OF CORN. J. II. (JONNELL AND B. (l. l’I'l‘TU(,"l\'. Perhaps it may be o1‘ interest to some Southern farmers to know that very’ few distinct varieties of Southern grown seed corn are offered for sale by seed ‘houses. The question of the relative value of Northern grown and Southern grown seed corn for this latitude ‘has been discussed through the agricul- tural press of the State, and yet the farmers are 11ot generally agreed. For extra early 1naturing' varieties, seed grown i11 Northern latitudes gives the desired results with greater uni- formity than seed grown in the South, because such corn often matures before the late summer drouths which sometimes catch our native varieties at a critical period and materially shorten the yield. ‘The seasons and general conditions afieot- . ing the growth of Northern corn, are conducive to rapid growth and early maturity; the life p-eriod is short, and the rapid growth and early maturity of seed are made at the ex- pense of final plant growth and root development. ‘The smaller stalk-growth from Northern than from Southern grown s-eed is well known; the eor1'esponcling Zack of root developnzent in corn from Northern seed is not so well known. Our Southern varieties being acclimated to our longer seasons, and to the extireiiie sun heat that often prevails in nearly all parts of Texas, and the South, devote a good part of their energy in preparing for the inevitable, by developing a large and pene- trating root growth, thus enabling them to withstand drouths that would be fatal to Northern grown varieties in a similar stage of development. It occasionally occurs that drouth in- jures our Southern varieties while those grown from Northern seed have already’ so far matured as to sufier but little injury. It also occasionally happens that an. early drouth seriously in- jures corn from Northern seed, while our native sorts pass through unscathed. ‘The sole advantage of Northern seed for field corn is in its early maturity. In seasons favorable to the naturalized Southern varieties there can be no question as to their generally larger yield, both of grain and fodder. (See results of experiments by Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana Stations.) [1188] BEST VARIETIES or‘ 001m. 1189 Inasmudh as modern experimentation has developed meth- ods 0f conserving soil moisture and selection of seeds, com- paratively unknown a few years ago, our snnnner dronths are now far less destructive to the corn crop than they once were. Our climatic conditions te11d to produce large ears groxvn upon large stalks, supported by a widespread root system, and, we have been unable, in this climatic, to dwarf the stall; without reducing the size of the ear and the tinlal yield. Extira early varieties from the North, or va.rieti<_-s grown far North. where rapid development is a requii-enient of the season, are not adapted to the Southern 1‘G(]llll‘Glll6ll1S, provided the water supply is abundant. In some sectiions of 'l.‘exas we have sea- sons where Northern seed may be expected to produce (luite as well as Southern seed. Last season (1897) in this particular section proved favorable to Northern varieties. Earliness of maturitiy is of itself a vir- tue, but not the only one that (ran be made to inhere in tlistinct varieties. Size and form of ear, kernel and tzob, resistance to rot andweevil, number of rows of kernels per ear, and relative weight of grain to other parts of the plant, may all be influ- enced or controlled by the (rareful breeder of varieties. “Te believe that herein may be found a useful and profitable field for Uhe enterprising and competent Southern farmer. Through the kindness of many of the firms from whom we purchased seed we are able to furnish a ilartial list: of States in which each variety was grown. Understanding the season. prevailing in this immediate section as shown on p. 1191. and also the difference in development ot" the different‘ par-ts of the plants in Northern and Southern latitudes, we can readily see why Northern grown seed corn proved equally as good as our late Southern varieties at this Station during the season of 1898. For localities not in this rain belt other kinds are rec- ommended. (See pp. 1197-1201.) Seeds were purchased as follows: '1‘. w. woon a soNs, RICHMOND, v.1. Blount’s prolific. Seed grown in Virginia. TEXAS snnn a FLORAL 00., DALLAS, TEXAS. Champion Early Pearl. Seed grown in Illinois. Early Mastodon. Seed grown in Illinois. Iowa Silver Mine. Seed grown in Illinois. St. Charles XVhite. Seed grown in Illinois. PLANT SEED co l. s1‘. Louis, MO. Dungan’s Prolific. Seed grown in Missouri. Early Eclipse. Seed grown in Illinois. Golden Cable. Seed grown in Illinois. Learning. Seed grown in Illinois. Murdock. Seed grown in Illinois. 1190 TExAs AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Piasa Queen. Seed groxvn in Illinois. Pride 0f the North. Seed grown in Illinois. D. EJWQQDLING, BEACH CITY, < HIO. Early Pearl. S-eed grown in Ohio. Leaming. Seed grown in Olhio. lVhite Oap. Seed grown in Ohio. sToIms a HARRISON, PAINESVILLE, OHIO. Early Mastodon. ‘Seed grown in Ohio. Golden Beauty. Seed grown i11 Ohio. JOHNSON s STOKES, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Faraners’ Favorite. Seed grown in Pennsylvania. New Giant Beauty. Seed grown iI1 Pennsylvanizl. Red (Job Ensilage. Seed grown in Pennsylvania. IOU-Day Bristol. Seed grown in Pennsylvania. J. A. EvEnrrr, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Forsytlrs Favorite. Seed grown in Indiana. Riley’s Favorite. Seed grown in Indiana. MARK w. JOHNSON, ATLANTA, GA. Johnson’s Large IVhite Bread Corn. Seed grown in Georgia. Shawws Improved. Seed grown in (lreorgia. HOLLOWAY a 00., DALLAS, 'l‘EXAS. .\r[a.rsfield lVhite Dent. w. ATLEE BURPEE a 00.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. IIIaterIoo Dent. Seed grown in Nebraska. White lOap Dent. ‘Seed grown 011 shiore of Lake Erie. D. LANDREPII s. sons, BRISTOL, PA. Southern \Vhite (iourd Seed. Seed grown in Ilelztwizire. Old (labin Home. "Seed grown in Virginia. Long Yellow Flint. Seed grown in Virginia. CONCLUSIONS. As experimentors working for the best interest of the farmers we cannot allow ourselves to hold to pet theories, nor show favoritism to any variety’, seedsman _~or soil section. \\'e present‘ herewith certain data that has aeeu1nula.ted here for ten years past a11d draw from "it ~onl_v silch conclusions as appear absolutely safe where, conditions have been zleeurately noted and the t-liinatie and soil dittereneevs of 'l“exas are borne earefully in mind. RAINFALL BELTS IN TEXAS. 'l‘lIe (1llI(-’l‘(*ll('(* in results obtained at this Station (Brazos BEST VARIETIES or 001m. 1191 county) is not strongly i11 favor of selecting either early or late varieties, because the wet and dry Julys (the last. thirty dalyjs’ growth of late C0111) seem nearly evenly divided here. (See p. 1196.) For planters in the ruin hclt of this latitmle, we would advise that the map, or weather chart, for 'l,“exais found 0n page 1192 be consulted to learn the zwei-agr~ rainfall of his particular locality. {If living east 0f College Station, the rain- fall in July (and for the entire. season) will Iirolrably’ be larger than here recorded for this place, and will therefore prove. favorable to the best strains of Southern lgrmvn seed corn—- such as Blount’s Prolific, \\'elb=o1rn's ‘Conscience and Mosby"s Prolific; if living decidedly west of us, the July rainfall will probably be less for any season and the chances then strongly favor large stalked Northern grown varieties, such as Hick- ory King, Gold-en Beauty and (ill2l.lll])l_()ll ‘Vhitie Pearl. It must be clearly borne in mind that it is the last thirty days’ growth that determines the success of corn in Texas. It must be grown to “beat the drouth.” WYith (iarly maturing kinds, this falls within the thirty days extending from the ninetieth to the one hundred and tiwentietli day from germina- tion; while with late v=a1-ie,ties, the crucial test is to be ex- pected between the one hundred and ti\\'entieth and the one hundred and fiftieth day’ after germiirzltitiii. T/ioize of Plaiztiizy—I11 some portions of Texas, the month of July is not tjhe last critical month for giroiving corn. Further south =of this latitude, the. rainfall available for corn i11 June will determine the success or failure of the crop grown from Northern seed, because corn is planted twenty or thirty (lays earlier than throughout this latitude. Three hundred mil-es to the south, there is buta. small seirtion (co111parativ'e.l_v) that enjoys the necessary rainfall in J7u-nc for maturing corn. For farms lying far north of us, the {utter part of J uly may be considered the “crisis period” for early planted Southern corn. Iln the castcrvt portion of tihat section, known as “North Texas,” the amount of rain assumetl necessaryj for maturing corn during its last thirty days’ growth may be reasonably expected every season—indicating the choice of large stalked late maturing varieties. Dmuthg/ S0iIs—'\Ve have assumed that. 1.5 inches is neces- sary’ for oorns maturing" at College Station during the late- ter part of July (for such as Bl-ount’s Prolific), but there are three important factors that tend to increase and decrease this necessary amount: (1) (712011. how equally the rain he (It's tributed tlzrouy/houf the month. (2) llurg/iirr/ capacity of .901'I.s- to retain. IHITPI‘. ('3) The uctiritg/ of cmiporaition as (‘.Ollvli'l'OIl-(’(1 by tmnpciwlfurc, Mind, etc. (See table, p. 1194.) July rains often come here i11 torrents instead of well-dis- tributed showers; our College Station has a surface soil that x Wfi i; 1192 TEXAS AGRICULIURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. WEATHER CHART. Average Animal Precipitation in Texas from Data Contained in Special Bitlletin N0. 5, Zeocas Section, Climate and Crop Service, U. S. Weather BMTGCLM, Galveston, 18.95. s (I) . m5 u} <13 f} Q0 49 g o 4* "g o P" “=1 c1 :1 :1 mes ... ._. ,6 2% 8 i‘ * 3 3 § 8% $3 q 40.; Rainj. I More th VvusTo/v fyg (‘a F1145. Rain Chart“ of Texas. BEST VARIETIES on 001m. 1193 parts with its water quickly; the sun’s rays and summer winds often rob our soil of water that will soon be wanted by the growing crop. These conditions all tend to render our Sta- tion ground thirsty, thus calling for a rather larger rainfall to mature the crop than upon the black and sandy soils of the S-tate. “Therefore, it is safe to assume that upon bottom lands (and other types of moist soils) an inch and one-half of rain for the last thirty days growth is the anaamwzunz amount needed. Seasons——The rainfall at College Station during the season of 1898 was Well distribute-d, and favorable to the successful maturity of botl1 Northern and Southern grown seed corn. The rain chart given below for 1.898 shows an average monthly rainfall for March, April, ‘May, and June, of 4.43 inches, fol- lowed by 2.6 inches for July and .21 inches for August. Bear- ing this fact in mind and recalling the vigorous growth of all varieties of the past season we must conclude that the rain- fall available for growth of corn during the first 90 days was sufficient for all kinds tested. July’s rainfall of 2.6 inches was well distributed. f a éonw dH d pwnfiwoofi .m_._m9fl 95mm g é é a w. Hwnfiwuwm .225 3w: 58w zfiwofi wfizfi am .HN w. w. béwppwm w 38¢ “aw: é Q “M56262 $59G paw: .3». "£25 9.55 .3. .3 .2 a a 4 hfisnfi. NH 2 wH 2 HQN NH 2 oH HH . r w w w w w HNH wH wH NH » w HH 8 ow ww mw »H wN ow w» mw Hw aw 3 3 E wN wN o» ww wm ww g ww 2 Hm Nw Nw w» w» ¢ 0 0 0 0 u u 000010 0 0 0 a 00 00- 000 00 c 0 0 u I 0 0 0000000000 00 0 u 0 0 0 00a 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 o 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 00 00 0000 000 000000 00 0 0 0 n u 0 00000 . . . . . IIIQQHQS kwmfifiwflwmm . . . . ...-. iéwnfiwowmH .. Hwflnflwkwoz ywnofiQ Hwnfiopmow .. . . . . .......Q~w5“:<. .-- .-.. ..-.@g.:.?.o .-.-...-.>§2 .........Z.HQ< wmanH .820 éZ P95 fiPH .0 Z HEQS bfisqcz nawfi DEQ QHHHEHHHHS Esnfimwfi ..m0m.n|-H|n_.Hm“d._H. "HmhPH4mmfiHémH 22.. 2.», www $3 HQHQ 3w Nww HLPH. KwHiH. NW9“. E; . ow. »N wN 2 wH wH HQH 2 -mmm.n .UZHm_.|.D.nn fluflnqmzHd-m Hm. NH. .............ooQ .............>oZ .......uoO . ...............%5< .. . .. _N.mm...%~5.fi ...®HH5% ...®w....H@2 Inorm ............H§H. [1194] BEST VARIETIES OF CORN. 1195 Below we give a table sho-wing the rainfall available for growth. of corn from tl1e season of 1890 to the present date. This table is of considerable importance, showing the position of our corn growing seasons for the past ten years bearing upon the occurrence of the drouth period annually. Ten Years’ Rain-fall for College Station-Spring and Suntmer Moozths. Rainfall in inches 1889 1890 1891 1892 1898 1894 1895 1898 1897 1898 for March, April, k May and June... 4.13 4.69 2.87 * 4042.33 5.33 1.77 2.62 4.43 Rainfall in inches for July . . . . . . . . .. 2.47 .45 1.36 .75 .45 1.64 1.51 .48 1.45 2.60 Rainfall in inches for Augustt . . . . .. 1.19 .75 .09 3.99 1.85 7.01 2.81 .60 4.68 .21 * Data for first three months missing. + Except with late plantings, August rainfall has no effect on maturity of corn planted here. “Soasonable R~cvinfall”—-In this latitude the successful ma.- turity -of distinct varieties of Sontlliern grown seed corn de- pends upon the amount of moisture in the soil during July. The transpiratio-n of moisture during this month is greater than at any other time, and maturity cannot take place unless a sufficient amount of water is available in the soil during July. Early and extra early varieties have no fear of the July drouth since they mature during the latter part of May, or in June. Considering the importance of July conditions upon the growth of late corn we desire to call attention to the following facts: ~ During 1894 tlhe July rainfall amounted to 1.64 inches, which, had it n-ot been for the unusual hot winds during the early part of July would probably havebeen sufficient to properly mature all late corn. As it was, a fine promise was ruined in a day, and no amount of water following these winds could revive the corn. "While all Southern, varieties were cut short, still the early varieties were also reduced in yield. During 1895, the July rainfall amounted to 1.51 inch-es; July, 1897, 1.45 inches, and July, 1898, 2.6 inches. During the past ten years these three seasons were distinctly favorable to late maturing varieties, and during each year the best South- ern varieties gave largest yields upon our College trial grounds. These results indicate that if given a moist soil on July 1st, that about 1.5 inches rainfall during that month will prove suflicient for maturity of la.te corn. Perhaps further eX- periments here may slh~o~w that a smaller amount will be suf- ficient. Upon less drouthy soils we may assume thatan inch would prove enough if the rainfall were well distributed. 1196 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Taking this (amount as a s-tandartl we find the favorable years for early (Alorthern) seed corn in this mini belt and latitude were, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, and 1896; while both late and early eorwts did "well during 1896. For late (Southern) corn 1889, 1894, 1895, 1897 and 1898 lu-ere favorable years. For all seasons we have prepared our la.11-d by deep plowing, have planted as early as frost would permit, and given thor- ough and frequent shallow cultivation to keep crop clean and protect against dry seasons and a naturally thirsty soil. Dur- ing each seas-on all varieties have been planted at one time and all were treated alike except in the matter of distance. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE. In this discussion more particular attention is paid to the effect of raivtfall upon the growth and maturity -of corns de- rived from all sources than is given to the influence of tentperatztre upon such varieties, because we feel assured that temperature does not influence the growth of corn in any other way so much as through the control of the sup- ply of water in the ground. Thus. such varietie-sas the (hearted Ictnds grown in the extreme Northern portions of the United States have very shallow root systems a.nd such varie- ties, of course, are more quickly subject to the drying out effect of our hot suns than the larger stalked, deeper rooting kinds originating in. this section or latitude. . If the smallest dwarf varieties from the North be planted in the extreme South they will in many cases fail t-o grow as much as 3 feet in height, and very often fail to mature any seed the first season, probably‘ because of the fact that the shallow stratum of soil in which the roots are found is thor- oughly dried out under the influence of our warm April and May suns, thus checking, or completely stopping, plant growth during the average season i11 the South. ‘Therefore, we think- it fair t-o assume that heat is a control- ling factor in determining the success or failure of varieties in the South, merely because such heat’ controls the moisture supply, quickly influencing dwarfed Northern varieties, having some effect upon large Northern varieties. but injuring vigor- ous kinds of Southern origin least. because of deeper and more vigorous root system. As another evidence of the fact that in this section heat exerts its most active influence upon plant growth through the circulation of sap by controlling soil moisture 11ear the sur- face, attention is called to the fact that but little corn is ever planted in the South during late summer (for th-e purpose of growing table corn, etc,), because, as it is often said, the heat is too instense. But since the introduction of the more vigor- BEST VARIETIES OF CORN. 1197 ous and hardy “Mexican June ‘Goi*11,” which is a pure type of the Zea lllays, late summer planting is coming more into use since it has been found that the hot weather, s-o injurious t0 ordinary varieties, does not dry out the land sufficiently t0 stop all growth in this vigorous and deep-rooted variety. For the same reason it is being largely used for late spring planting to follow such crops as oats, Crimson clover, etc, that have occu- pied the land during the Winter months. In the extreme Northern portion .of the Union, temp-era- ture has another important efiec-t upon the adaptability of varieties of corn to that section since the large stalked and late maturing kinds do not have time to ripen before the early frosts (occurring towards the end of the brief- summer season) occur and kill the plant. In addition to the factors “temperature” and “water sup- ply,” there are probably other meterologica.l conditions that directly influence the habits of growth of our cultivated plants, but our knowledge of such conditions has not yet reached a practical form. VARIETIES SUITED TO TEXAS. It has been evident for a long time that the proper selec- tion of corn best suited to various soils and waria.ble. climatic conditions is not a simple problem, and has furnished the text for many newspaper articles aidvising what to plant and what not to plant. Results have varied with seasons, with culture, with soils, with time of planting, and with latitude. The prob- lem has been especially complex to the ‘Texas farmer because th-e range of these conditions is the widest obtaining in any other State. But may we not reasonably determine the adapta- bility of alny fixed variety’ of corn t=o any “Yell-known soil and localityi of the State if given: (1) Its tivnzc of growtlt in which it reaches maturttgt,‘ (2) The natural size of stalk and ear, and (3) character and quality 0f the gHrioI? From the data presented in the foregoing pages concerning rainfall, soils, and the charcteristics of many varieties of corn. we reach logical conclusions as to the style of corn best suited to various rainbelts and soils of Texas, which, we believe, are in harmony with not only the experiments conducted by this Station in several portions of the State but agree with the re- sults obtained by careful farmers who have made a study of this subject covering several years’ trial of fixed types of corn. For convenience, we divide the corn grozutng districts of Texas according to “Rain Belts” into (1) “East and- SorzttIz-Ealst Texas Belt;” (2) “fllliddle batty” (3) “Western belt.” ‘These rainbelts ex- tend lacross the State in an irregular north and south line, and have been determined by the State lVeather Bureau, (see chart, page 1192.) 1198 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. “11’(11inhelt I”—In the Jflustern portion of the State, including the Nouih- Just), tl1e best results may be expected when plant- ing linzpr'olvc(l Iate111(1tz11ri12_r/ mrieties of corn, which are of South- ern origin—upon both 1111lands and lowlands—because the rainfall of that portion of the State is heavy’, rendering this the safest corn groxving section of Texas, and for many _years it was eo11si(le1re(l tl1e only portion i11 which corn of any kind could be safely grmvn. ’l‘he list of varieties from which we must select i11 planting S-outl1er1reorn is very li111ited. These varieties represent two distinct classes, viewed from the. farmers standpoint: (1) T11e small eared. “prolifi(-s;”'(2) The large eared, “gourdseeds.” There are some strziinsfltlrati occupy an intermediate place be- tween these two extremes. All are generally large stalked, late 111aturi11g kinds, but (litter among themselves somewhat i11 this particular. “They ripen in 140 to 170 days from the time of planting—130 to 150 (lays from time of germination. ’ NVe have grmvn at (Jollege Station, Beeville, BIcKinney, and \Vi(-hita Falls under experiment Within the past five years the following fairly (listincti varieties of (Southern seed corn: Alalrzuna Station Yellow, 142 days (Ala). Higseed, 142 (lays ('l7‘e'nn.). (i}la._\jto11 BIWild, 142 (larys (Ala). (Jockes Prolific, 133 (lays (Va) Hawkins Improved, 142 (lays (Ala). Mosby’s Prolific, 133 days (Miss). North Texas Siellowi 142 day's (Texas). Poorland, 142 days (Fla). \i\'~elborn’s Conscience, 14-2 days (Texas). \Vhite Rockdale. 130 (lays (La). \Vhite Southern Bread. 150 (lays (1:1). \\'hite Slouthern (iourd Seed, 14$.) days (D~el.). Mexican June Corn, (Texas). 'l.‘hese varieties of corn can be pr-ocured by addressing seeds- men, whose names appear 011 pages 1206 a.11d 1207. The best tested varieties of those above mentioned, are: Mosb_y’s Prolific, ~ Y/Velborirs Conscience. Mexican June Corn. Tfhe use of the latter is limitedseverelyt by practical con- (litions. “Railimbclt II ”—For Jliddle 7.’c.1>(1s, the better varieties of late maturing corn are recomlnended. with certain exceptions. Forthe bottoms. and more moist soils—-sucl1 as are found in the vicinity of Dention, Dallas a11d Navarro Counties. the late corns are to be 111-efe1-re(l1 because there is usually an abundance of moisture available (luring the last months of maturity’ of *' Received from Pennsylvania two seasons before testedlbyjthis station. ‘ BEST vnnnrrms or 001m. 1199 the corn crop. Further to the South and to the \\'est. in this “llltidtlle minbelt,” the soils and the average. rainfall fawni- the (Wicker maturing vaiieties, described as “medium earl_v." This statement refers generally t0 the lands lying in and near the counties 0f Jack, Parker, Hill, l-lays, Iiavatcczi and Nneces, which usually respond best to such varieties as 1~Iick-or_v King. Golden Beauty’, and F-OPsYtTlYS FHVOPIU’, that. matnrti in 112% t-o 123 days from germination. This type of 4:01-11 seems to have originated in the States of Kansas, Iowa, and NGbPflSlQL, and when grown one season in Texas it loses in earliness and gains in size of stalk and, sometim-es, in the size of the ear. \V hen grown tw-o seasons in this latitude without selection, the type changes to a late variety’ and becomes, essentially, Southern in characteristics. ‘The “medium early” vari-eties are also suggested for those who cultivate the dry uplands of (llayt, ‘Tarrant, Limestone, Brazos, Colorado, \Vharton and adjoining counties i11 “Rain- belt II.” \Ve have received many reports of successful changes in this district from the “late” to “medium early” VaPl-QIIGS of corn for such uplands. IVe need not expect, however, that in this rainbelt and on the dry soils that the medium early kinds will give the largest yield over lat-e corns every 3/0110‘. Occa-s ionally we have a season in “Rainbelt II” decidedly more fa- vorable to late corn, but for average annual yield, extending over several years, the data gathered by this station show that the early corn is the m.ore reliable. For the bottom lands of ilIidd-le and East Texas, we think these medium early and medium sized varieti-es littl-e suited, because of a decided tendency to rot or develop “black heart,” when grown among the tall w-eeds and in the moist atmosphere of such localities. The same tendency to rot during wet sea- sons has been nwoticed and reported where the very soft “gourd- seed” or “shoe peg” typesare grown on bottom lands receiving heavy rains in July and August. » lVe conclude that for the northern portion of “Rainbelt II,” late maturing varieties will give largest yieldsyper year upon the naturally moist so-ils of that section, while for the d/ryer" lands ‘of that district and for the southern portions of this im- portant rainbelt——the medium early varieties will rarely fail and, in the long run, will average larger yields thanwill the late kinds. ‘The Southern portion of “Rainbelt I” receives its rainfall tootlate for the successful maturity of those varie- ties of corn that require more than 130 days for maturity. IVe have grown a number of fairly distinct, early maturing kinds of corn at the places already mentioned, and it will be noted that nearly all of these originated to the north of this State. The distinct varieties are here listed (for fnll descrip- tion see pages 1203-4.) 1200 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. *Blount’s Prolific, 127 days (Va). (Jlau-k/‘s Mastodon, 120 days (Va). Dungalfs Prolific, 130 days (Mo). Earl ' Ecli use, 12-2- davs (310.1. First? Prenlium, 127 days (Ind). *(1olden (Beauty, 1223 days (Ohio). Holden (fable, 127 days (.\lo.). Iowa Silver hline, 12-5 (lays (Iowa). Hundred Day, days (Pa). *Hickory lung, 12133 days (Kansas). léztnszisléiing, 133 day-s (ilfillngas). (I 1 ) .~ arsfie \\'hite Dent, '3. 1151's p m iana. Riley’s lPzuvorite, 133 days (Ind). St. Charles’ \Vhit(.~, 127 days (Mo). \Vilson’s Prolific, 127 (lays. White Pearl, 127 (lays (N. Y). -White (lap Dent, 120 dziys (QI’a.). Many other so-called varieties have been tested, belonging to this class of medium early varieties, but we think that those given cover the entire list of distinct varieties tested, since many of the seed bearing different names have proven, upo-n tirial, to be dilterent i11 name only from well-established and better advertised Silfillllb‘ of corn. It will be noticedlliati none of these medium early varieties have origiwzuted in the extreme Northwest, where our corn growing season is shortest. They are best described as “stalk, medium,” and “ear varying; from medium t0 large,” as shown upon pages 1202-1 of this bulletin. Nearly all are classed as “dents,” and in the corn growing belts of the United States would be considered “late maturing.” For Texas conditions, we class them as “medium early.” _ ' ' The very’ early varieties of corn (they are usually “flints”) from which we have tested many sorts, are too much dwarfed because of maturing too quickly’ to- be recommended for field purposes in Texas. Such varieties do not root deep enough at any time to supply themselves with silflicient water during the warm spring" days, if grown in any portion of this state. No varieties thus far tried that mature in less than 100 days are adapted ftlo ’l.‘exas conditions. except for early roasting ears and canning lmrposes. A “ltainbclt .I'I'I”—The western limit of the’ growth of corn in this State is marked by the north and south line that shows where less than twenty inch-es of rain falls annually. Even within “Rainbelf III” corn growing is 110-t universally’ prac- ticed because of the uncertain rainfall. In the western portion of that belt, and further west, the growth of Kaflir corn, Milo maize, and other sorghums take the place of corn and are now "x1e of the most valuable medium early varieties for planting in Middle Texas. BEST VARIETIES OF CORN. 15201 being successfully grown and fed to stock. “hen corn is to be gvoWn under irrigation, a11d the supply of water is abundant. We would suggest a (rhoice 0f the “late” varieties mentiontad in the discussion of “iR-ainbelt I.” As to the atlaptiabilitydol’ varieties of corn t0 the irrigated districts of theState, little, has yet been developed, though seed of the Southern typeis used, and in many cases June corn has been selected as a varif ety best suited t0 such conditions, especially in localities in the vicinity of the ‘Rio Grande River. VARIETIES AS TO USE. In selecting a variety of corn for planting, the matter of yield per acre is 11ot always the point of greatest importance, and some suggestions are theretlore mentioned for the purpose of indicating the better varieties for storing, milling, and feed- i11g to Work stock and other animals. ~ T'he late n1a.t1.1r-i11g corns have deeply marked “dents" and in many cases the grain is so pinched as to form a double Wedge, as i11 the case of the “gourdseed” kinds. This type fur- nishes the best quality iof iiiilliiigcoi-ii for bread making pur- poses because of the soft flour-like meal pro-duced. The ab- sence of the hard, outer coat renders this type an easy prey to the attacks of insects. such as the grain and bean weevil. For milling purposes, We recommend “W elborn’s ilonseieaice,” “Mo-sby’s Prolific,” “White Southern lBread,” and “Mexi- can June C-orn.” These varieties represent a desirable type of corn for feeding Work mules and horses and many prefer them for this purpose in preference. to the flinty kinds because. they are more etisily brokenin the month-s of stock When fed upon the ear or as shelled corn. a Forstoring purposes, We prefer the varieties having hard, flinty, outer coats or bran, Which seems "to partially protect them from weevils, though there is no variety that is “weevil- proof,” as sometimes advertised. iV-e have very generally rec- oommended carbon bilsulphide (“high litre”) as a~ remedy for Weevilsin co-rn cribs, and na.pl1t:haline as a preventive treat- ment, and many persons report successful use of this material after the mannerrdescribed by us. ‘Recently, We have- failed in- some efforts to kill Weevil by- careful use of this material and have had others report similar results. \Ve can only 2L0- count for this upon the supposition that the material now be- i11g sold at les-s than twelve cents per pound in this State is adulterated largely With benzine or other volatile matter; Consumers or users of this material should be protected by a state laW fixing a standard of purity and requiring that each package bear mrrect statements as to quantity and quality of its contents. 1202 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. DE‘S(_.‘.R-II;”1‘I()-N (NF QlYPICAAL V ARJIETTES. LATE MATURING VARIETIES. 4il(tb(l’il(" Eapcrinzcrat Slfution Yellow.——Seed from Experiment Station, Auburn, Ala. Donated. A yellow flint variety. lllatured in 142 dzrvs. Stalks l-arge and vigorous. Elars me- dium Isize. Big See