3-1618 luly 1989 _ ., . ,..,.. _ ._ . . , .. v- . , ~ -, - "‘ '. .'- ‘" -’.'=_T‘"- » _' i i " '5' - ' ‘Ti-"fiyii- i . MI)?‘ W‘? ." 4 "Iw &£>_\"' -- __ \ K -‘ . '_ ‘ " g. ‘V ' l _ _ v ' _ _ 1' g» g a‘ ~ ‘ ~4- ' T4~_‘\ _ V . u ‘u’, ‘w?’ ‘ _ _. g _ L i‘. ‘ . a‘, a A.o‘i§ .\_.\ » ~ ~ ‘ Qg“ . -- . . . . '. \ _ _-'. -.-. - l. ~_ ‘_ - _ t ‘- fir’. M ' _‘ .’ .. _‘ _ 3r ‘ )_ - _ -.'~ . -' _ ‘ ’" _ _ ' ' _._' L‘. _' , ' ‘_‘ l _ ' ~ .. .. _ - i ' f‘ - _ _ .~ -' l" , ‘ " Ii.» I 'f ‘ ‘ -“\' v ~=e *w are -~ ewe» "a ~=- I“; r a 1r" ~ - a r » -r.»;f‘*= V _ > _ v M %.'___ a... \ , __ _w_ w _ ’~ .’.- g __ ‘~ _ a g, ‘i g ,‘ >4‘ ‘v, - 1- I Q _\‘_-§ a - -‘__ __-_ _ _-.- ¢ - ,_ ‘ _ _ _ \-. ' _; .<‘ 6 , ' h u , x - . 1 .- ‘ . The Impact of Range Improvement on the Economic Success and Survivability of Ranches in the Eastern Rolling Plains of Texas ' r751 as.‘ é‘;- ' , ~_~ ~ . -’0 ~ {I ‘Q 3 I ' v a s * v v» .4} \*..'.. . , v ._ a. .' =4‘. n‘ - ., ‘ I s~ - rféis" a '3 :4‘ 's , '“ "W rfw‘ if; . - x r _ ‘ 4., é‘ A. g. ‘,;._.-:;;?,_¢ . 1 as" . The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station/ Charles]. Arntzen, Acting Director The Texas A&M University System/ College Station, Texas 77843 , f’ _ 14".? t é -;_ ’ j<>»~_,-. d, ,<.“'.2::',r;~» ,_,»-%-i§‘.£;4};~ g’ , V ‘ af .\ ' ._ _- - h»? £+#%'Q¢ ‘W fix w‘ ,_ tfiw b; \- “g. 1 4V _ w» . ~25 - [ Q1?‘ r +11 . ' l. Advéi) i ,~_ . . 4:61 w). w-k‘ 1m: ' ;'i5“*;.':"jx:=3~a¢ ~,‘~’éizé-"-'-fe"fi*~ .f-;-.~?». , d w ~ Vi!’ 1 ‘-':»"*¢ n‘... ~ ' $4, r P‘ ‘ KQYQZZQ‘ J , kw .. ~°’*,.;»~*~*~'..<=:§;;é,»f'*¢¢( ~">>"-"~’~»~.¢;§-“~‘-‘- - ~ . “F “v‘§~*‘,v.-,,—-w<» -- .- ggwv» g ‘Q v2’; "w?1:~?tl- '1'} F . ' " ~- r 1v- a-lwwx, ._ _. . 1 , ‘_ _ ._ w, ~‘"’*’¢" f . ( 3.5; ‘ - r - . . 4 ‘kikaji; _ irfii u l,” ,.u;..,-_,, \ . V‘ ' ’ » s‘ “a? ' ‘ 3g»? ' 1w?- ’ u: ' " v Qg‘ |~f-'~""* w;;"@,,q"".‘.' ‘gvg *7 w. - "WQQ l ~* '- iviw‘ < w?" w .. ,:...- ‘ . '~ w ~ <1w%‘ .. - ‘“' N~‘?»~"*”Q€§%~.%% ~ 1+“ * u -.~‘ . 4j-f‘;_¢¢~*"~»»~v _ i. -'- ‘ ‘ "'* _ Y‘ " ‘ 3 '5 wéfil? _;__ g“ . ‘v l.» i‘; ~P-¢“~“ a m» U? i ‘W. I , M‘: < ‘my ’_ f. v ‘an - If‘. . ‘ ' 3A.,‘ , -‘~ - Iv‘ -_ "I i T I». v‘ ->"<- > ‘ 1 ' Q “rxqaéfi aérw» . ~17» ffi *_._-;.,-s;=@;» 1 * ‘(i _ "4" _ . ' '__/' wvwd"! I ‘r h “- rrp .~*_,"""* ‘ “"“\ T '~.\" ‘ w3I-""‘~_:¢ t‘ $~g-_=_;‘*"~<' _ . » "*3 gs€ ' *~r‘:l-*'<~“=Z¥%--_~. 2 "1 TEQ,» - ._,-wq< w" ‘ “ca; I ’ 7Q‘ =§‘3~’11\_ ‘figzv ' ‘ k ( ‘a... 7"‘ - " 10755:». *1 v fvqfl- V‘ -~ d- ~. a __A~~ i»; s. \- " ‘ fl w’.' ‘ ‘ a"; . ' V _ a“ % fir. n Ad, I . ‘ . _ nww~ w» A . -~=--:@. "w" - ~ " = -c,;?f-1$. . *5" P»? Y" .-§~_ . 32$‘ ,3 _.._ " _ ' _ , i)‘ 4' v1. " >%>"‘M:‘ ' ' v ~<~rfl-~~y~sfl ‘ - . ~ v . _. _»'4" ““' »"$-uq§\‘ 7 _.;.? f‘ a‘ aw»: - . _ r '\ . 9, J41 $15‘ _ _, _ Edxfi‘ ‘.=3~,_:3—_;¢4,m‘5*;,_.i§_i _ ; “fw- 2 “ggg-lsvkw‘; -- 7 =3» .A 5mg» ~94" f»; _ A.» ‘ t". . QT.“ a9!» " F?‘ ’ v . . I , ‘I y, >_'~ ' i. >;_4'.-"' ' ‘ 58W} "WEM ~ xzgw~z* ~ - b‘ ' *1 £15, ~‘~<:- A} z‘ _ Q k ‘ ' n‘. *€0"\’31I¥~ ~ i *7 _ y,‘ - --<. "v 2P; K 34w‘)? v‘ >¢-s“'feav _ ,1“ J - 4,“. - _ 2,» ‘r1 p‘ , v v1 I¢P¢I;\‘II‘{“. _, ’. w.» »‘ ‘ ' -.- ‘ V -.'\ *9, - > . g- '."'~,¢V__;_'*Z-.- Q .3. J a ,"".‘i;-~"§. ~ - Ag’:s*:@~*r~:~'€-z~:<<-@‘ - ~ ' . - >' "y l . fir "’?~‘3@ 4r. A ‘b 9430'» ~»~5;'>.’-¢..-.w~_v$*> - »~»,~'*'>~v=~.*:;*.:.- - ~ >-""°¢P-' ' 2*- w-‘A? w- q, ‘1 ¢ g§§'< 7': 7': a’: i a‘: i: 3': ‘k (30.22) (8.49) (1.96) (-0.29) \-11.06) (9.34) R2 = .65 6 = 6.92 BL = 813.28 + 1.l06T + 160.77S1 - l17.028C1 - 38.46582 + l59.454C2 + 6 (11.21)““ (9.43)““ (-3.18)”“ (-2.32)““ (-0.75) (3.06)““ R2 = .43 6 = 454.57 a . . . t-values for each parameter are 1n parenthesis below parameter estimates. * and ** imply significantly different from zero at the 90% and 95% level, respectively. Where, 0 = standard deviation, H4, H5, H6, S4, S5, and S6 = Heifer (H) and Steer (S) price per cwt. for 400-500(4), 500-600(5), and 500-600(5), and 600-700(6) pound calves, respectively; UT = price per cwt. for utility cows; PR = price per pair for cow-calf pairs; RP = price per cwt. for replacement heifers; BL = price per head for replacement herd sires; t = time trend (e.g., 1, 2, 3...); t = time trend (1.6., 1, 2, 3...); 1 = Znt/L1); 81 = SIN(2nt/L1); 01 = COS(2nt/L1); S2 = SIN(2nt/L2); C2 = COS(2nt/L2); L1 = cycle length of 12 months; L2 = cycle length of 120 months. month seasonal component was specified for L1, and a 120-month cycle was used for L2. The prediction equations were stochastically simulated using cor- related random normal deviates developed from the covariance matrix of the harmonic function residuals. Two different starting points in the cattle cycle were assumed for the simulation as shown in Figure 4. Following the harmonic functions through time, the position for 1987 prices would be at the beginning of Path A. To follow closely with the COMGEM high deficit scenarios, in which average cattle prices decline slightly from 1987 through 1990, and because several conditions pointed to continued soft cattle prices (e.g., decreased demand for beef and dairy buyout program), Path B was also assumed. Subjective probabilities of 0.70 for Path B and 0.30 for Path A were given for determining which path was followed each iteration. Using a 0.725 transmission coefficient between inflation rates of costs of production and farm output prices (Tweeten 1980), and assuming a 6.0 percent general rate of inflation, average annual cattle prices were increased by an annual rate of 4.35 percent after the fourth year in each iteration. While the random normal deviates used to simulate cattle prices were correlated between classes, they were not correlated between months. To maintain this correlation in the stochastic simulation, monthly prices from each equation were averaged into yearly prices and then seasonalized using seasonal indices developed from the historical cattle prices. Results and Discussion To obtain a representative sampling of the sto- chastic process inherent in the model, a 20-year planning horizon was simulated for 100 iterations. Nine scenarios, CN, CS, CB, DN, DS, DB, RN, RS, and RB, were designated for the CG (C), DG (D), and RG (R) grazing strategies, combined with no mesquite treatment (N), spray (S), and spray-burn (B), respect- ively. The ranch’s probability of success (the probability that the ranch would return at least an 8 percent after-tax net return to initial equity), and the pro- bability of survival (the probability that the rancher would remain solvent over the 20-year planning horizon) under each scenario are contained in Table 5. Also presented are simple statistics for discounted net present values (NPV’s), discounted ending net worths (ENW’s), and average size of cow herd maintained. Continuing Scenario CN, a rancher in the Rolling Plains would have a 24 percent chance of surviving during the 20-year planning period, and a 26 percent probability of success. Income from an average of 477 cows did not allow the rancher to maintain the necessary cash flow to remain in business past an average of 16 years. This scenario did, however, have Q4 L) ...J 1DO~ ec- A . l D c l L l g I a 70- S P E 5111 G u l _ LegenchA-PathA 110- B-PachB l-IU- 30- 20-— steers. the greatest probability of success and survival of all the no mesquite treatment scenarios. NPV averaged -$138,660 and ENW diminished to $80,750, down from the original $538,356 under Scenario CN. Controlling mesquite, the probabilities of success and survival were increased to 93 percent and 92 percent, respectively, for Scenario CB, and 9O percent under the Scenario CS. These probabilities were the highest obtained of the nine scenarios examined. Scenarios CS and CB had equal probabilities of survival until the twelfth year when the relatively inexpensive second burn of Scenario CB began to pay off. Scenarios CS and CB also had the highest average NPV of all scenarios ($976,550 and $909,670, respectively), and the highest average ENW ($876,190 10 1 l 1-1' "r 1.1 12 1a 111 1s 1s 1v 1a 1's 2o TERH Figure 4. Starting points and associated cycles for the simulated prices for 500-600 pound and $843,360, respectively). Scenario CB obtained the lowest and Scenario CS the second lowest positive relative variance of NPV and ENW, as measured by their coefficients of variation. The number of mother cows operated by Scenarios CS and CB averaged 185 head more than under the CN strategy. Average number of sections treated for mesquite infestations were the highest of all Scen- arios, with a yearly average of 0.75 sections first sprayed, and 0.84 sections resprayed under Scenario CS; and a yearly average of 0.64 sections first burned, and 0.29 second burned under Scenario CB. _A rancher using Scenario DN under the stated assumptions would have had a zero probability of success and survival, while remaining in business an average of 9.6 years. This strategy operated the smallest average size cow herd (420 head), but had the lowest variation in the number of cows main- tained. Scenario DN had the lowest average NPV (- $327,820), with ENW decreasing $500,000 from the initial $538,351. While each scenario started with the same net worth, Scenario DN was not able to produce enough calves to maintain its equity position. Utilizing mesquite control methods, the prob- abilities of survival and success were improved from zero under Scenario DN to 38 percent and 43 percent each under Scenarios DS and DB, respectively. While the NPV and ENW positions were better than any no mesquite treatment scenario, they were the lowest of all mesquite treatment scenarios. The number of cows operated under these two scenarios were increased by approximately 80 head over the number maintained by Scenario DN, with the variation in average number of head run increasing because of brush control. Insufficient cash flow and the low number of years in operation left Scenarios DS and DB with the fewest number of sections treated for mesquite of the treatment scenarios. The probability of success and survival for Scenario RN (5 percent) was slightly above Scenario DN, but below that of Scenario CN. This scenario maintained the fifth highest average number of cows at 593, but remained in business 14.7 years, the second lowest of all scenarios. Average NPV (-$230,300) was second lowest, and ENW ($14,580) was the lowest of the all scenarios considered. The poor financial showing of Scenario RN was attributed to the initial investment needed to establish the grazing system and the outflow of cash needed for maintenance. Mesquite control enhanced the survivability and success of the RG strategy, with Scenario RS exhibiting an 81 percent probability of success and survival and Scenario RB a 76 percent probability of each. Average NPV’s and ENW’s for Scenario RS ($626,370 and $634,640) and Scenario RB ($488,810 and $539,400) were the third and fourth highest, respectively, of all scenarios. Scenarios RS and RB were more subject to increased variation in NPV and ENW than Scenarios CS and CB, because of the high number (790) and extreme variation of herd size, plus the large debt load maintained. Scenario RS also provided the lowest single iteration NPV of any scenario examined (- $516,700). While Scenarios RS and RB first sprayed approximately the same number of sections per year as their counterpart CG strategies, fewer sections were resprayed or burnt, presumably because of the decreased equity position and fewer number of years in operation. The pre- and post-burn deferment proved to be a detrimental factor in the economic success of the spray-burn scenarios. Because of the smaller herd size operated (i.e., lower deferment bill) under the DG strategy, Scenario DB was more profitable than Scenario DS. As the number of cows operated increased, i.e., under the CG and RG strategies, the economic advantages shifted toward the spray scen- arios with the difference in NPV’s between the spray and spray-burn alternatives increasing with the number of cows operated. Evaluation Using Stochastic Dominance Cumulative probability distributions of ending NPV’s for each scenario (Table 5) were compared using stochastic dominance with respect to a function. Absolute risk aversion intervals of -.00001 to 0, 0 to .00001, and -.00001 to .00001 were used to distinguish producers who are risk loving, risk averse, and risk neutral, respectively. Cumulative probability distributions of ending NPV for all nine scenarios are plotted in Figure 5. The distributions for Scenarios CS and CB clearly domin- ated (i.e., were always preferred by all risk aversion groups) all other distributions because they were always below and to the right. Scenarios RS and RB always dominated the scenarios associated with no brush treatment and those associated with the DG grazing strategy. The distribution for Scenario DN was dominated by all other scenarios. While NPV distributions for Scenarios DN, DS, DB, CN, andRN followed each other closely up to the 0.5 probability level, a distinct branching was obtained afterwards. After separating, these five scenarios were ordered roughly based on the number of cows they operated, except for Scenario RN, which had the highest fixed grazing system costs. The ordering of all distributions from right to left at the 1.0 probability level, was identical to ordering the scenarios by their average NPV. The preference ordering of the nine scenarios for each risk aversion group is summarized in Table 6. For a risk loving rancher, the strategies could be ordered by second degree stochastic dominance because a clear preference was indicated by all risk lovers. This ordering was the same as would have occurred from ranking the scenarios by their average NPV’s. The ordering of scenarios was identical for risk neutral and risk loving ranchers. Their most efficient sets were basically the same as the risk loving producer's, except that Scenario CS and Scenario CB were both included in their most efficient set. Both these CG strategies engaged in mesquite control, and while Scenario CS had the higher average NPV, it also had a higher probability of lower returns and thus did not dominate Scenario CB. Scenarios CN, DS, and DB were also equally preferred under the risk averse and risk neutral ranges given. These scenarios were able to be ordered by the risk loving rancher because of the higher 11 Table 5. Selected statistics for the Conventional (CG), Deferred (DG), and Rotational (RG) Grazing Systems under the nine scenarios examined.a Scenario CN CS CB DN ' DS DB RN RS RB Probability of Survival 24.0 90.0 93.0 0.0 38.0 43.0 5.0 81.0 76.0 Probability of Success 26.0 90.0 92.0 0.0 38.0 43.0 5.0 81.0 76.0 Net Present Value ($1000) Mean -138.66 976.55 909.67 -327.82 -64.14 -21.06 -230.30 626.37 488.81 Std. Dev. b 192.86 512.26 461.06 65.14 324.39 382.16 133.77 533.46 522.46 Coef. Var. -139.09 52.46 50.68 -19.87 -505.73 -1,814.95 -58.09 85.17 106.88 Minimum -432.53 -387.25 -332.51 -498.58 -432.92 -509.09 -433.70 -516.70 -500.24 Maximum 350.85 1,857.94 1,577.90 -96.56 751.66 983.94 218.69 1,439.33 1,433.94 P.V. of Ending Net Worth ($1000) Mean 80.75 876.19 843.36 40.72 159.72" 201.46 14.58 634.64 539.40 4 Std. Dev. 119.25 355.92 325.39 67.42 217.52 253.10 89.53 394.89 383.79 Coef. Var. 147.68 ' 40.62 38.58 165.56 136.19 125.64 614.15 62.22 71.15 Minimum -114.72 -80.16 -68.42 -141.62 -118.31 -149.95 -145.27 -203.76 -213.75 Maximum 405.80 1,553.68 1,325.93 163.90 731.97 913.65 286.09 1,218.77 1,223.99 Number of Cows Mean 477.0 662.0 663.0 420.0 500.0 513.0 593.0 790.0 790.0 Std. Dev. 55.8 111.6 108.3 17.6 74.7 86.8 63.0 156.9 160.4 -Coef. Var. 11.7 16.9 16.3 4.2 14.9 16.9 11.4 19.9 4 20.3 Minimum 354.0 388.0 396.0 369.0 379.0 375.0 393.0 450.0 . 427.0 Maximum 633.0 1,004.0 983.0 450.0 707-0 734.0 719.0 1,281.0 1,281.0 12 aCN=CG system with no brush control, CS=CG system with spraying, CB=CG system with spray-burn. DN=DG system with no brush control, DS=DG system with spraying, DB=DG system with spray-burn. RN=RG system with no brush control, RS=RG system with spraying, RB=RG system with spray-burn. bCoefficient of variation is expressed as a percentage. probability of receiving a big payoff, regardless of the increased variation Summary Uncertain forage production created by variation in climatic conditions and encroachment of un- desirable brush species provide much of the business risk facing range livestock producers. This study focused on the evaluation of range improvement techniques which may decrease economic losses occurring from operating in this complex and un- certain environment. The investment alternatives in question were implementation of grazing systems and control of mesquite infestations. For the representative ranch, results showed that it was economically prudent to control mesquite in- festations. All three grazing systems studied obtained negative average net present values under the no brush control options. The increased productive capacity obtained from mesquite control increased both the NPV and ENW for each grazing strategy, while decreasing the relative variance of both eco- nomic measures. Probabilities of success and survival were also increased when mesquite control was undertaken. Spraying mesquite-infested land returned the highest NPV’s for the CG and RC] strategies. The deferment seemed to be a detrimental factor for the burn options, especially for the grazing strategies with high stocking rates. Holding brush control practices constant, it was not profitable to alter cattle production by deviating from the CG strategy. When the representative ranch was changed to a DG grazing strategy, it suffered disastrous financial results and obtained the lowest average NPV of all scenarios. The increased per- formance per animal unit could not compensate financially for the decrease in total numbers. Com- bining brush control practices with the DG strategy increased the average NPV and ending net worth above those obtained by Scenario CN, but these 1.01 4 0.9- 0.8< 0.7- P 0.6- H C B 4 R B 0.5- I l- . I _ e T , YUJ-l" I. _;‘ 0.:-+ if Y Legend: 1 I Scenario CN i 2 I Scenario CS J 3 I Scenario CB 0.2 4 I Scenario DN 5 I Scenario DS 1 qr 6 I Scenario DB Y 7 I Scenario RN 0 1 _ a 8 I Scenario RS ' 9 I Scenario RB 0.0-i_ _ _f_ _ Y V v -1000000 C 1000000 2000000 NET PHESENT VRLUE Figure 5. Cumulative probability distributions for net present values for the nine range improvement scenarios. scenarios were still unable to obtain an average NPV _ _ _ I _ or build on beginning net worth. Table 6. Preference ordering by risk aversion intervals for the nine range improvement scenarios examine Increasing stocking rates by investing in a RG Rank, L,‘ Averseb Risk Neutral Risk Levin system was more economically viable than divesting in cows for a DG strategy, but was not as profitable as 1st Most Preferred CS, CB CS, CB CS . . . h d . b h 2nd Mos. Pmfened RS Rs CB maintaining t e CG system un er simi ar rus jig :32: gjijjijg 0N, DB 6N, DB control techniques. The increased number of cows 5th More Preferred RN RN DB did not compensate for the increased debt or 6th Most Preferred DN DN DS d d f - I - B f m, Mos, pmfened CN ecrease per ormance per anima unit. ecause o gt“ "m Pmerre“ R“ the increased available debt incurred from esta- th Most Preferred DN bl‘ h'ng the RG s stern less capital emaned a ailable IS i y , r I v aScenarios are the same as defined in Table 3. to invest in brush control- bRisk aversion coefficients were: —0.00001 to 0.0 for risloloving, 0.0 AS rnost Comparative analysis 0f range improve- to 0.00001 for risk averse, and -0.00001 to 0.00001 for risk neutral. ment methods, results are applicable only to the area ‘l3 14 under study because of the differences in climate, soil, and vegetation. Caution should also be taken when interpolating the results of this study to individual ranch situations. While conditions repre- sentative of the Eastern Rolling Plains area were utilized for this study, they individually and col- lectively are not identical to any of the actual ranches in the area. The assumptions made for obtaining the production responses of the individual grazing systems and mesquite control practices will vary immensely as the designated climate, soil, and vegetation differ. The results are also sensitive to the assumed economic conditions which may occur during the life of these investments. While the results may not be applicable to all situations, the meth- odology used to quantify the risks inherent in range livestock production should prove helpful and trans- ferable to similar studies. References American Hereford journal. 1972-1986. Various Issues. Yearly auction with averages. Kansas City, MO. Anderson, J. R. 1974. Simulation: methodology and application in agricultural economics. Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics, 42:3-55. Bonnen, C.A. 1960. 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MP-425. 15 Appendix 1 Annual interest rates, inflation rates, and self-employment tax rates for 1987-2006. 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Annual Interest Rates (fractions) Long-term Loans 0.131 0.141 0.156 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 0.172 Intermediate-term Loans 0.127 0.134 0.139 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154 Received for Cash Reserves 0.087 0.094 0.099 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 Annual Fractional Change in Prices (fractions) New Farm Machinery 0.033 0.040 0.053 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 Used Farm Machinery -0.040 -0.040 -0.040 -0.040 -0.040 -0.040 -0.040 -0.040 -0.040 -0.040 Fixed Costs, Insurance 0.043 0.049 0.055 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 Chemicals 0.112 0.015 0.034 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069 Fuel 6 Lube Costs 0.040 0.045 0.055 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.069 Repairs on Machinery 0.043 0.049 0.055 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 Other Production Cost 0.043 0.049 0.055 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.06077 0.060 0.060 0.060 Labor Costs 0.054 0.069 0.086 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.108 Purchase Livestock Inputs -0.024 0.016 0.047 0.076 0.076 0.076 0.076 0.076 0.076 0.076 Farmland Values 0.027 0.026 0.030 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 Consumer Price Index and Self-Eggloymgnt Tax Rates Consumer Price Index 312.9 328.2 346.3 367.1 389.1 412.5 437.2 463.5 491.3 520.7 Self-Employment Tax Rate .1302 .1302 .1530 .1530 .1530 .1530 .1530 .1530 .1530 .1530 Maximum Income Subject to Self Employment Tax ($) 43218.0 44016.0 46441.0 49274.0 52231.0 55364.0 58686.0 62208.0 65940.0 69896.0 16 Appendix 2 To illustrate the method used, assume quarterly precipitation data is to be stochastically generated and then aggregated into various production periods beginning with Quarter 3 in the previous year and going through the first three quarters in the current year (e.g., Qg + Qk + Q1 + Q2 + Q3, with L signifying precipation lagged 1 year). The 6x6 upper triangular correlation matrix of Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Qg» Qi- would normally be factored into a unique upper right triangular matrix via the “square root method” and multiplied by a vector of random normal deviates "d "to obtain the vector of correlated random normal deviates"c"ais = (1) "OH-i ¢2t ¢3t z ¢4t ¢5t L¢6r_ '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16‘ 111,1 '22 '23 '24 '25 '26 d2, '33 '34 '35 '36 * d3t '44 '45 .r46 d4t r55 r56 dst \ l. '66_ Ld6t_ where t = the current year. The correlated random normal deviate used to determine Q4t, with t=1, would be calculated as 6 (2) C41 =2 f4j * i=1 In year two, 94'} would be determined by c52 as 6 C62 =2 * i=1 Because QL = Q41, it follows that e52 = c41. Therefore, sustituting c41 for c52 gives (4) ¢41=§ r6i*dj2 i=1 ='66*d62, with (5) d62 = ¢41/ '66- Thus the random normal deviate d52 needed to assure that c52 is defined so that Q41 = 0&2 can be determined by using c41. Using the same logic, Q31 ___ QL impnes c = . 32 31 c52. Solving for d52 we get: 6 (6) C31 =2 r54 * djz. i=1 ='55 * d52 t '56 * d5; with l7) d52 = '31 - '56 * d62/ '55- Therefore, instead of all normal deviates being randomly drawn, d5t and d5t are calculated con- ditional upon the correlated deviates obtained for c3t_1 and c4t_1 to have Qi-Z = Q41 and Qgz = Q31. At the beginning of each iteration (year 1), initial values are given to d62 and d52 to start each iteration at the same point. 17 18 Jun» v Iwwwf. 6-"? , v» . 4 - 9;» w».,-.."‘~<1 YMQ" a . "I ' :1~;—-¢,_»uv;.,’.i~. . ‘ “" at V. » . ' , _- N491 - v .‘a~ '. *1‘ u» 3-217‘ ‘ " ‘ -‘ ‘ " ’ - » ~_ i ' ‘*0’; ' ‘a’? . lg‘ ,-\ J 10mg £5 ‘ < J 2*’; F ' f \ mg“: -. w ., _ _ . "' mini v * . wnvf >. _,_»~¢L‘?D:"b*"__z_,-fiw 1}‘, i 1 ' i “k . ‘rRr-A .".-¥r<¢“1- . ~"-~ 1~cx~§"§:§ "V" - "' ' ¢; d,» v- , . ¢ ~:':.1-'~s,w"'>~ ** ( "xv-e "~vr_"~1?",'f' Vafluls-qfi mug-v" § f“? v the” A- “ .40 ~"""‘-‘~"I=E;;E>..T fi m» . “fia-"R \ I " 7-" “'~ w?“ 4%‘*“»v ‘W , ~__ \>\“o,¢- 1 v - u; _ / ."N-.Jl~m ¢¢~ J w- "n ‘f-‘am- ' L» ~ WZ~~P -~, jw~4 \ . we "-.;~’T.’-" * J4 V,§¥€ \- _~--v N.» nififufi» a?‘ ti» ‘Q ' V _.. . .7 % ;~ * W » ‘ ~ I, ».‘;’5”~<¢.~s?,,"f;~*-"—~vv;~ '3- ._\.>»,qw;_ . ‘AIMQQ , ¢~m4 SmMYR-*K£T~€~;,m- w: 1 m» --_ w»? ‘ ~ fir“ . uu-I» y ~ “-v'*:-4"‘~2’~ npntrkwfi». f‘. [v > ,,;-\%.~r\ uk’: , _’ ‘ ‘awn -9:A ‘w: v ’ k inq¢=r~¢4¢7 - ‘ah-G’ ‘w y ~J~\_s$$-'g{ w» F-W“ - ' a All programs and information of The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty of the product by The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. 1.4M—7-89