. Y ‘ A a 875-812-150 .~ TEXAS AGRICUlIURAl rxmumtnr smnous B L L E N N0 . 1 S 4 ji-fl-f/‘XY5:7'fll/',l\if.1‘§iffilf "FQ/ I J U L Y’ l 2 '77‘; ‘(Y i‘- ? * C" u ‘u; m £4’ r, ~-\ 1 \ ‘in v. - V l. I a ’ l. 1i‘ l7 _',_ __ ~. -- " ~-" 2*: \< 6 I y C?’;,.:i Z3‘ ._ '- r: <1 "w: ‘ m) ' a -"'~' ‘ k l-M‘ -v1-',"~.,: \ Ja§Y~T'-'-~1 ‘ ,2‘ ,» » .'\ fv} ( '-..-<’\."\ ' ‘J w. C0 m mercLi a%li§ féédiA|igw( Stuffs 5y W L. BOYETT, State Feed Inspcctor G. S FRAPS, Chcmist POSTOFFICE College Station, Texas Austin, TOXII 1912 ' TEXAS AGRICULTIIRIXL EXPERIMENT STATIONS GOVERNING BOARD. I ‘ (Board of Directors A. & M. College.) l _ WALToN PETEET. President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fort Worth JonN I. GuioN. Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . ..Ballinger CHAS. DAVIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stee1e’s Store L. J. HART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..San Antonio J. ALLEN KYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Houston R. L. BENNETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Paris D. W. KEMPNER. . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Galveston En. R. KoNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Austin i PRESIDENT OF COLLEGE. R. T. MILNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..College Station STATION STAFF. B. YouNonLoon. M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Director M. FRANoIs. D. V. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Veterinarian G. S. FRAPs. P11. D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chemist H. Ni-tss, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hortir*ulturist J. C. BtmNs. B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aninial I-lusbandman WrLMoN NEWELL. M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Entomologist A. B. CoNNER, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agronomist F‘. H. BLoooETT. P11. D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P1ant Pathologist and Physiologist J. M. JoHNsoN, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Farm Management.‘ Expert W. L. BOYETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Feed Inspector HARPER DEAN. B. S . . . . . f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Assistant Entomologist J. B. RATHER. M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Chemist ~ J. B. KELLY, A. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . .Assistant Chemist L. C. LUDLUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Assistant Chemist F. B. PADDOCK, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAssistant Entomologist l-I. H. JoBsoN, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Agronomist CHAS. A. FELKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chief Clerk A. S. WARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary J. M. ScnAEnEI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Stenographer R. L. SPIIIJ-IR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mailing Clerk S’I‘A'I‘E AGRIGUUFIIRAII EXPLERIBIENT‘ STATIONS. GOVERNING BOARD. Hrs ExoELLENcY GOVERNOR O. B. COLQUITT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; .Austln LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR A. B. DAvmsoN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Cuero COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE HON. En. R. KoNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Austin DIRECTOR OF STATIONS. B. YoUNoBLoon, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .College Station SUPERINTENDENTS OF SUB-STATIONS. E. E. BINFORI), Beeville Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Beeville, Bee County W. S. HOTCIIKISS. Troup Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Troup, Smith County E. M. JonNsToN. Cooperative Rice Station . . . . . . . .Beaumont, Jefferson County I. S. YORK. Spur Sub-Station. .._. . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Spur, Dickens County T. W. BUELL. Denton, Sub-Station . .1 . .‘ . . . . . , . . . . . .Denton, Denton County A. K. SHORT, Temple SubiStation . . . . . .'-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Temp1e, Bell County V. L. Cour, ‘Lubbock Sub-Station. . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . Lubbock, Lubbock County N. E. WINTERs, Angleton SubeStation . . . . . . . . . . . . .Angleton, Brazoria County H. C. STEWART. Pecos Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Pecos. Reeves County (l. T. MCNESS, Nacogdoches Sub-Station. . . .Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches County H. C. HOLMES, Feeding and Breeding Station. . .College Station, Brazos County NoTE.—The main station is located" on the grounds of the Agricultural and" Mechanical College, in Brazos County, The postofiice address is College Station, Texas. Reports and_ bulletins‘ are sent upon application to the Director. A postal card will bring these rniblivzitions. (2) COh/IMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS. W. L. BOYETT, State Feed Inspector. G. S. Fears, Chemist. Realizing that many of the feeds sold in the State were of inferior quality, the Legislature of 1907 passed a law regulating the sale of concentrated feeding stuffs, offered or exposed for sal.e in 'l‘exas. Some reasons for the necessity of such legislation Were that the adul- teration of feeding stuffs with inferior or \\’0l‘tl1lGSS materials was practiced; that the adulteration of feeding sttiffs with ground corn cobs, corn bran, sweepings, oat hulls, screenings and chaff was com- mon; that feeds barred from sale in other states were shipped into Texas and sold. HOW TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW. As the law has been published in previous reports, We deem it un- necessary to print it in this issue. _ Briefly summarized, the law requires manufacturers and importers of concentrated feeding stuffs, or the party or parties Who cause it to be sold or offered for sale, to comply with the following require- ments: Registration: concentrated feed stuffs for sale, he should notify the Feed Control ' Department, and the Department will furnish him a blank to be filled ~ out and the affidavit executed. This form when completely filled out, should be mailed to the Feed Control, College Station, Texas, and a sample should be shipped by prepaid express in a sealed glass jar or bottle, containing at least one pound of the feeding stuff to be offered or exposed for sale. The sample of the feeding stuff must be a fair average sample, as stated in the affidavit 011 the application for registration. On receipt of the application for registration and the sample, the feed stuff will beregistered by the Feed Control, pro- vided it conforms to the name and standards established for such feed, and otherwvise complies with the law. Tax Tags: Vfhen the registration is accepted, the manufacturer or importer is notified that he may olfer the feeding stuff for sale with the official i11~.1_)e'ctio11 tax tags attached. These tags are purchased from the Feed Control at a cost of 13c each, good for 100 pounds. All tags are sold for such a price as to cost lOc-for each ton of feeding stuff offered for sale. The following information is required to be printed on the tax tags by the 1l1£11]llIlj£1-fil1ll’(3l‘ or the importer. The Feed Control, under no circumstances, will print this information: (l) Number of net pounds of feeding stuff the package contains. (2) Name of feed stuff. (3) Names of materials of which such feed stuff is composed, where the contents are of a mixed nature, When the manufacturer or importer desires to offer. __4__ (4) Percentage of ingredients where corn cobs, corn bran, rice hulls or similar materials are present. (5) Name and address of manufacturer 0r importer and place of manufacture. (6) Guaranteed analysis, stating the minimum percentage of crude protein, crude fat and nitrogen-free extract, and the maximum percentage of crude fiber in the feeding stuff. W eights: The law fixes the standard Weights for feeding stuffs as follows: ~ Mill products have the following standard Weights, viz: Flour, one hundred ninety-six (196) pounds per barrel, or forty-eight (48) pounds per sack; corn meal, bolted or unbolted, thirty-five (35) pounds per sack; rice bran, one hundred forty-three (143) pounds per sack; rice polish, two hundred (200) pounds per sack; and other feeds made from cereals of any kind, whether pure or adulterated, one hundred (100) pounds per sack. Fractional barrels and sacks shall Weigh in the same proportion and these Weights shall be net and exclusive of the barrel or sack in which the product is packed. Feeding stuff may also be sold in bulk. The Feed Control office Will, on request, furnish information concerning bulk sales. Penalties: The penalty for using any bag, box, barrel or any other receptacle into Which to put a product other than one bearing the name of such mill manufacturing the product, is a fine of any sum from one hundred ($100.00) dollars to one thousand ($1000.00) dol- lars, or confinement in the county jail for a term of thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. The penalty for selling or offering for sale, concentrated feeding stuffs Without the tax tags, or with a label stating that the feeding stuff contains substantially a larger percentage of protein, crude fat, 0r nitrogen-free extract, or a smaller quantity of- crude fiber than it does contain, is a fine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, ‘ nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for the first convic- tion, and not less than five hundred ($500.00) dollars nor_more than one thousand ($1000.00) dollars for each subsequent conviction. A fine of not more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars is the penalty‘ for counterfeiting or using a tax tag the second time. This may be increased for subsequent offenses. The law provides that one-half be paid to the informer. - The penalty for selling adulterated feeding stuifs is a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty (30) days and not more than sixty (60) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Copy of the feed stuff law and blank forms for registering feed stuffs for sale, will. be furnished on request. l Feeders Zllust Inform Themselves: In order to secure the full ben- efit of the feed stufi law, feeders must familiarize themselves with the meaning of the terms, protein, fat, etc. They must read the tax tags on the feed they purchase, and understand the meaning of the guarantee thereon. Every feeder should know, for example, that cotton seed meal containing 49 per cent protein is worth more for feed- __5__ ing purposes than meal containing 43 per cent protein. Especially in the purchase of mixed feeds should the feeder take care t0 examme closely into the nature of the material which he is getting. The margin between profit and loss in feeding is too small for the feeder not to take every advantage in the difference in. prices of feeds. DEFINITION OF TERMS. The Texas Feed Law requires a guarantee of minimum percentages of protein, fat, nitrogen-free extract, and the“ maximum percentage " of crude fiber. The complete analysis 0f a feeding stuff gives its. contents of Water, ash, protein, fat, crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract, expressed in percentages. Protein, being the constituent of food which forms flesh, muscle, hair, ligaments ‘and other portions of- the animal body, is of great importance. It replaces the Wear and tear of the animal tissue and furnishes material for additional flesh. Besides furnishing material for tissue, protein may be burned in the body to produce heat, or it may serve as a source of fat in case of a deficiency in carbohydrates and fat accompanied by excess of protein. It is, however, a costly source of heat and fat. Value 0f Protein: Protein is the most expensive portion of a feed, and feeds rich in protein usually sell for a higher price than feeds low in protein, though the difference is not as great in Texas as in the Northern States. With a given feed, the more protein it contains the better its quality, compared with other feeds of the same kind. For example, cotton seed meal containing 48 per cent protein is of better quality than cotton seed meal containing 45 per cent protein. A low protein content, accompanied by a high content of crude fiber, indicates that the cotton seed meal contains an excessive amount of u l1‘. We can not, however, compare the values of feeds of different kinds on a protein basis alone. For example, a cotton seed meal con- taining 45 per cent protein does not have five times the value of corn chops containing 9 per cent protein. There are other constituents of both feeding: stuffs (fat and nitrogen-free extract), Wlllfill are of value to the animal, and corn chops contains much more nitrogen-free ex- tract than cotton seed meal. The digestibility of the constituents is also of importance. This will be discussed on another page in this bulletin. Fat (or Ether Extract) is composed mainly of fats and oils in the case of concentrated feeding stuffs, but with fodders and hays it is often composed to a considerable extentiof waxes, coloring matter and other substances. Fat is used in the animal body as a source of body fat and to furnish heat and energy. The animal requires heat to keep its body warm and energy to run the animal mechanism or to do outside work. The beating of the heart, chewing, movements of the intestines, and the involuntary muscular movements require energy which is furnished by the oxidation of fats, carbohydrates or protein. One pound of fat is equal to 2.25 pounds of carbohydrates. __5_ Value 0f Fat : Fat ranks next to protein in its‘value in a feeding _ stuff. The more protein and fat a given food contains, the better . its quality compared with other feeds of the same kind. Cotton seed meal containing" 58 per cent protein and fat is of higher value than cotton seed meal containing 50 per cent protein and fat. Cotton seed meal is indeed often sold (in the basis of its protein and fat content, as determined by chemical analysis. As with protein alone, however, two feeds of different kinds can not he compared on the basis of their contents of protein and fat. since other factors enter into consideration, which will be discussed later. Crude Fiberis the portion of the plant which resists the intense action of acids, and alkalies. It consists_mostly of the cell walls and woody fiber of the plant, and is the most indigestible part of the feed stuff. By means of fermentation in the intestines, crude fiber is iigested to some extent in animals which chew the cud. The opera- tion, however. consumes so much energy that a large portion of the value of the crude fiber is taken up by the process of digestion. Hays A and fodders and other roughage generally contain much crude fibBI‘, but concentrated feeding stuffs comparatively small quantities of it. Value 0f Crude Fiber: Crude fiber is the woody and less digesti- ble portion of a feeding stuff. The more crude fiber a feed contains. the poorer its quality compared with other feeds of the same kind. Feeding" materials of low commercial value, and of low value to the animal such as straw, cotton seed hulls, rice hulls. oat hulls, corn cobs. etc.. contain large quantities of crude fiber, and their addition to a concentrated feeding stuff increasesits content of crude fiber. Thus. if the crude fiber in cotton seed meal exceeds certain limits, it indi- cates that the meal is adulterated with cotton seed hulls. In a similar way, crude fiber in excess of a given minimum may indicate corn cob or corn bran in corn chops; rice hulls in rice bran or other feeding stuffs, The amount of crude fiber is a much more sensitive indication of low quality or of adulteration than the protein and fat, since the adulterants generally contain large quantities of crude fiber. To repeat, the more crude fiber a feeding stuff contains, the poorer its quality compared with other feed of the same kind. This also holds good to some extent in comparing feeds of different kinds. but not entirely; we must also consider the protein and fat contents of zhe two kinds of feed. Thus, wheat bran contains considerably more *rude fiber than corn chops, but may have a higher value when pro- iein is worth more than fat and nitrogen-free extract. Nitrogen-free Extract is composed of starch, sugar, dextrin, and ather substances of similar nature. These substances are mostly carbohydrates; that is, they contain carbon and hydrogen and oxygen in proportions to form water. Crude fiber is also composed largely of carbohydrates. Value 0f Nitrogevz-Free Extract: The nitrogen-free extract of most concentrated feeding stuffs, such as corn chops, wheat bran, cotton seed meal, kaflir corn, is composed largely of sugars and starches, which are readily digested and have considerable value to the animal. The nitrogen-free extract of wheat skins, corn bran, corn cobs. rice ._7_ . hulls, hays and straws, and similar feeds, is composed mostly oi other substances than sugar and starch, and has alower value to animals. The nitrogen-free extract of these two kinds of feeds. therefore, can not be compared directly. I In general, we may say that the more protein, fat and nitrogen- free extract, and the less crude fiber and ash a given feed contains. compared with other feeds of the same kind, the better the quality of the feeding stuff. The same statement also holds in comparing feeding stuffs of dii ferent kinds, but not altogether; since, in comparing feeds of di= ferent kinds, We must also consider their digestibility and theprodir. tive value of the digested materials. Ash is the residue left when the plant is burned. It represent.» mostly the mineral. portion of the plant and the portion which comes from the soil, although a part of the ingredients withdrawn from the soil are volatized (luring combustion. Nitrogen particularly it driven out completely. Ash is valuable to the animal, inasmuch as it furnishes the material for bones, and some constituents» of it, par- ticularly phosphoric acid and sulphur, are essential constituents of the animal cell. * Value 0f Ash: Ash is necessarily present in feeding stuffs. A1: excessive amount indicates contamination with dirt, sand, or other mineral matter. Too little ash in the ration fed may give rise to dis- orders. especially in young animals. . ' Water (moisture) is always contained in feeding stuffs, but sinci it is furnished for the most part in liquid form, it can not be con- sidered as having any special nutritive value. VaJ/ue of Water: The more water a. feeding stuff contains, the less of the other nutrients it contains, and the more liable it is to be in- jured by heating. mold, etc. The Water contents of feeds varies being larger in fresh grain, I ' HOW LAW IS ADMINISTERED. Deputy Feed Inspectors sent out from the Feed Control ofiice "art on the road throughout the year, visiting all sections of the State. examining feed stuffs for adulteration, false weights, untagged goods and other violations; collecting information concerning-feeding stuff, giving information to the farmer, feeder and miller, and taking samples of feed offered for sale. The samples collected are forwarded to the Feed Control at College Station and submitted to the State Chemist, who is chemist to the Feed Control. They are then sub- jected to physical and chemical analyses. If physical analysis shows the presence of adulterants. the manufacturer or importer is notified that registration is cancelled, and he is no longer permitted to offer this teed for sale until properly registered and tagged. Prosecution often follows. Inspection samples are analyzed in the order in which they are received in the office, the purpose of analyses being to verify the guarantee made by -the manufacturer and to see that they maintain the standard adopted for such feeds. __g_ Complaints: Upon receiving a complaint that the feed law is being violated, a thorough investigation is made, often sending an In- spector to see complainant. The Inspector takes evidence, reports fully to headquarters, and such action is taken as will give justice to both miller and consumer. - Prosecution: In every instance where prosecution has been insti- tuted since September 1, 1911, the defendant has plead guilty or cases are still pending. ' _ “TI-LAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED. Some results of the feed law are as followsz. (1) It has placed the feeding stufi trade on "an honest basis so that mixtures of corn chops, wheat bran, Wheat shorts, cotton seed meal and other products with corn bran, screenings, sweepings, cot- ton seed hulls and such materials, are now sold for what they really are, and not as pure corn chops, wheat bran, cotton seed meal, etc. (2) It has equalized and promoted uniformity in the selling price of feed. ' (3) It has induced farmers and feeders to investigate the relative values of feeds, and has thus increased the sale of feeds of known value. (4) It has prevented the sale of "a number of Worthless feeds. (5) It has encouraged the manufacturers to maintain a high standard. i (6) It has prevented the, shipment into the State of inferior feeds, barred from other states that have a feeding stuff law. (7) It has prevented“ the sale of adulterated feeds, as pure products. COOPERATION WITH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. On March 9, 1912, this Department received a commission from the United States Department of Agriculture to collect samples of feeding stuffs and other products as defined in the Texas Feeding ‘Stuff law, which are manufactured or offered for sale in the District of Columbia, or in any territory of the United States, or which shall be offered for sale i11 unbrokenpackages in any State other than that in which .tl1ey shall have been respectively manufactured or pur- chased,‘ for examination under the direction or supervision of the Bureau of Chemistry at Washington, D. C. By means of this appointment, the. Director of the Experiment Station, State -Feed Inspector and his Deputies, are authorized to procure samples under the Federal Food and Drugs Act, without the necessity of waiting, as previously, for the services of a Federal In- spector, and by this commission, we are in a much better position to ' control interstate shipments and protect the purchaser who buys feed- ing stuffs manufactured outside of the State. RELATION TO EXPERIMENT STATION. The Texas Experiment Station is carrying on investigations as to the chemical composition, digestibility and nutritive values of feeding _9___ stuffs. It is also conducting feeding experiments at the College, at the Feeding and Breeding Station and at various other parts of the State. The Feed Control, therefore, is in the position to secure ex- pert advice and assistance, with respect to various problems under the operation of the law. The Veterinary Department, for example. has tested various feeds suspected of having poisoned stock, by feed- ing them to animals. The Chemist has undertaken the study of the moisture in corn chops, as related to the spoiling of corn chops, a matter which has caused great loss during the past spring. The Chemist has also investigated and has under investigation, various methods for the examination of feeds with respect to adulteration. The connection With the Experiment Station is thus of advantage both to the Feed Control anl to the Experiment Station. The Feed Control brings various problems to the attention of the Experiment Station which require solution. Bulletins of the Feed Control are sent to the farmers of the State. as found in the mailing list of the Experiment Station. They thus reach the feeders, who are most directly concerned in the operation of the law. ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW. Enforcement of the feed law is a matter of protection to the feeder against adulteration with low grade feeds, and protection of honest dealers or manufacturers of feeds against dishonest competition. When a feed is adulterated, it is by means of the introduction ot‘ cheaper or low grade materials into it. The tendency is to lower the feeding value and yet not t0 use anything whichis injurious. . EDUCATIONAL VALUE OF THE FEED CONTROL. The object of the Feed Control is to insure that feeds sold in this State shall be as represented. It does not prevent or prohibit the sale of any feed or mixture which is not directly injurious. In order for the feeders to secure the fullest value, they must make themselves familiar with the various constituents of feeds-their values, and the values of various feeds. Then, having the guaranteed composition of the various feeds, they can decide which is the most suitable for their purpose. The law can not protect against ignorance. The feed- ers must inform themselves, and so take advantage of the law. When the Feed Law first went into effect in Texas, most of the millers knew little of the composition of the feeds. Analyses were made for the purpose of complying with the law by chemists who had little knowledge of the feeding stuffs, whatever their other quali- fications. The results of some of these analyses were very surprising indeed. The Feed Control thus had in the beginning considerable educational work to do among manufacturers, supplying them with various information in regard to the law and the composition and nature of the feedstuifs, Many millers were saved from making guarantees which there was no possibility they could maintain. At the present time the manufacturers have become more or less familiar with the law, the chemical analysis of feeds and its significance, but there is much educational work to be done among the feeders. The __1o_ Feed Control, therefore, includes in its bulletins information eon- t-erning protein, fat and other constituents of feeds, and other infor- mation concerning the nature andvalue of the various feeding stuffs, and endeavors to circulate its bulletins as widely aspossible among the farmers and feeders of the State, so that they may have informa- tion concerning feeds in general, and the specific feeds in particular aivailable in xwirious markets of the, State. ' STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS. The law empowers the Director of the Experiment Station to adopt standards for feed stuffs. He may refuse the registration of any feeding stuff under a name which would be misleading as to the materials of which it is made, or which does not conform to the standards and definitions adopted. If a feed is registered and then discovered to be in Violation to the standards and definitions adopted, the Director has the power to cancel registration ten (10) days after notice. 'l"he following" are standards and definitions that have been adopted: Feed stuffs cannot be sold under a name that is false or misleading. Should the manufacturer desire to use a name not included i1 the list below, it will be Well to correspond with the Feed Control before making application for registration. - Corn Products. Corn Chops consists of the pure grain of corn from sound seed and good quality chopped up. It should contain not less than 9 per cent protein, 3 per cent fat and not more than 3.5 per cent crude fibw Ear Corn Chops is chopped corn and cob with not a greater pro- portion of cob than occurs in the ear corn (20 per cent of cob). It. should contain not less than 8 per cent protein, 3 per cent fat, and not more than 8 per cent crude fiber. Ear Corn Meal corresponds to ear corn chops. Com and Cob Meal consists of corn and cob. The percentage of corn and cob must be stated on the tax tags. Corn Bran is the outer covering of the corn grain and should con- tain not less than 8 per cent protein, 3 per cent fat, and not more than 16 per cent crudefiber. - Wheat Products. ltheat Bran is the outer covering of the wheat grain, with or without shorts, and should contain not less than 14.5 per cent protein. 3 per eent fat and not more than 1O per cent crude fiber. Wheat Shorts is a starchy portion of the wheat seed and should cor tain not less than 15 per cent protein. 3 per cent fat and not more than 5 per cent crude fiber. - Wheat Chops is the entire grain of sound wheat of good quality - nhopped up. It should contain" not less than 14 per cent protein, 2 per cent fat, and not more than 5 per cent crude fiber. Fllircd Bram consists of a mixture of brans. but it must not contain any materials not bran. ' __11_ Cotton Seed Producls. Cot/on Seed Meal is composed of the decorticated kernels of cotton seed, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. It should contain not less than 43 per cent protein, 5O per cent protein and fat combined and not over 9 per cent crude fiber. a Cottonseed should correspond to cottonseed meal in composition. Cottonseed Meal and Hulls consists of cottonseed meal mixed with cottonseed hulls. It should contain not more than-20 per cent hulls. and should have an analyses of not less ‘than 32 per cent protein and no-tmore than 2O per cent crude fiber. Cold Pressed Cottonseed is the residue from the extraction of oil from the whole seed. a Ground Cold Pressed Cottonseed corresponds to cold pressed cotton- seed cake. Rice Products. Rice Bran is the cuticle of the rice grain and should contain not less than 11 per cent protein, 10 per cent fat and not more than 15 per cent crude fiber. _~ v Rice Polish is the finely powdered material secured in polishing rice. It should contain not less than 11 per cent protein, 6 per cent fat, and not more than 4 per cent crude fiber. Kaffir Corn and Milo Maize Products. Kdffl?‘ Corn Chops consists of the entire grain removed fromthe- head and chopped up. It should contain not less than 9 per cent pro- tein, 2.5 per cent fat, and not over 3.5 per cent crude fiber. Kaffir Corn Head Chops consists of the entire head chopped up. It should contain not less than 8 per cent protein. 2.5 per cent fat, and not more than 8 per cent crude fiber. p Milo Maize Chops consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped up. It should contain not less than 9 per cent protein. 2.5 per cent fat, and not over 3.5 per cent crude fiberI Milo Maize Head Chops consists of the entire head chopped up. It should contain not less than 8 per cent protein. 2.5 per cent fat, and not more than 8 per cent crude fiber. - M iased Products. Corn and Wheat Bran consists of a mixture of corn and wheat bran. the percentage of each being stated on the tax tags. l Mixed Feed is a. mixture of wholesome feeding stuffs. The name of the different feeds must be stated on the tax tags, and the percent- age of ingredients, if corn cobs, ground hay, rice hulls, corn bran or similar materials are present. , Other names may be used, with the approval of the Feed Control. ADULTERANTS . Any feeding stuff which contains corn cobs, peanut hulls. rice hulls, oat hulls, chaff’. straw. ground hay, roughage or any other feeding _.1;3_ stufl’ of 10w feeding value is considered as adulterated, unless the per- centage of ingredients of the feed is stated 0n the tax tags. i Table N0. 1 shows the average composition of the concentrated feed- ing stuffs, the analyses of which are published in this bulletin. __13_. TABLE L-AVERAGE CONTENT‘ OF PROTEIN, FAT, CRUDE FIBER, NITROGEN FREE EXTRACT, WATER AND ASH IN FEED CONTROL SAMPLES. Season of 1911-1912. i No. oi _ _ Crude Crude "Crude i Nitro- i Sam- Name of Feeding Stufi Protein Fat Fiber Egen Free Water Ash nles ‘Extract , 12 xltalta Meal _____________________ __ 10.21 2,10 25,54 33,40‘ 7,22 9,29 1 mrley Chops ___________________ -_ 11.25 2.01 5.92 64.03 13.24 2.65 245 30m Chops _____________________ -_ 9.23 3.85 2.3-2 70.07 12.82 1.37 13 Corn Bran _______________________ __ 9,35 0,09 3.44 63,35. 12,40 1,97 4 Uorn Feed Meal __________________ __ 3.31. 3.31 3.36 72,04.‘ 11,93 1,39 l 30m and Gob Meal _____________ __ 7.11; 3.35 3,39 07,30; 12,00 1,29 14 Gold Pressed Cotton Seed Cake" 20.00; 6.80 24.2] 29.84‘ 7.57 4.04 75 Cotton Seed Cake _______________ __ 45.15‘. 3.00 3% 25.031 7,43, 5,33 265 Cotton Seed Meal ________________ __ 47,90! 0.40 3,13 2.1.5:, 0,03 5,43 3 3ried Brewers Grain _____________ _- 26.74.’ 6.89 15.83 40.15‘ 7.01 3.36 S ‘iar Corn Chops _________________ __ 9.18, 3,26 6.85 (3007. 11,26 1.31 l lrits Seconds ____________________ __ 11.50; 7.03 4,13 0409f 9,71 1,37 5 “TTOUIId Oats ____________________ __‘, 12.80 4.95; 10.82 58.69: 9.22 3.42 3 Hominy Feed ___________________ __§ 10.40, 3414i 0,40 5034' 10,53 3,41 9 Kafir Head Chops ________________ __; 9.90 2.34, 5.317 05.641 12.17 2.79 51 Kafir Chops _____________________ __] 11.04.‘ 3.081 2.265 68.941 13.07 1.59 l Low Grade Flour ________________ __, 13.92 2.47} 1.27‘| 71.23 8.02 1.31 w Maize Chops .................... 10.21 2.95. 2.34. 72.24! 11.28 4.51 l7 Maize Head Chops _______________ _- 9.75 2.64i 5.54; 68.481 10.39 3.01 1 Maize Meal ______________________ __* 9.26 3.05g 2.o9| 70.06! 13.32 1.62 48 Mill Run Bran ___________________ -_ 1674i 6.26s 8.08' 56.061 9.86 5.21 1 Red Top Cane Seed Chops ______ __, 9.71 3.12‘ 2.55! 71.47‘ 11.64 1.51 9 Rice Polish ________ __. ___________ ___ 1190i 9.09, 2.80. 63.11i 10.55 4.77 12 Rice Bran ______________________ __ 12.55. 11.69, 11.05‘ 45.40‘ 10.42 3.37 68 Wheat Shorts ___________________ __- 17.221‘ 4.04 439i 61.05§ 9.58 3.52 71 Wheat Bran _____________________ ._' 16.59% 4.03_ 8.84} 54.87‘, 9.86 5.75 l DlGESTlBILlTY OF‘ FEEDING STUFFS. That portion of the feed “which disappears in its passage through the animal is termed the digestible portion. The constituents of dif- ferent feeds vary in digestibility, so that the content of digestible nutrients in a feed affords a better basis for comparison than the chemical composition alone. There are a number of conditions which influence digestibility, such as stage of growth of the plant, the kind and condition of the animal, the ratio between the different nutrients, and the treatment given to the feed. It would occupy too much space to discuss these matters in detail here. By coefficient of digestibility we mean the percentage of the pro- portion which is digested. For example, suppose the coeflicient of digestibility of protein in green corn is given at 59.7. This means that 59.7 per cent of all the protein in the corn disappears in the passage of the feeding stuff throughthe animal. That which disap- pears does not necessarily enter into a11d become useful to the animal. Some portion of it is destroyed by fermentation. Table II gives the quantity of digestible nutrients in 100 pounds of the various feeding stuffs names. These figures afford a basis 0f com- parison between the different feeding stuffs. The digestible nutrients from one feeding stuif. however. do not always have the same values as those from other feeding stuffs. For example, the digestible nitro- gen-free extract of corn chops has a considerably greater value to the animal than that of corn cob. The digestible nitrogen-free extract of corn cob has just 50 per cent of the value of the digestible nitrogen- free extract of corn chops. _14_ TABLE 2.——POUNDS OF DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS IN ONE HUNDRED POUNDS OF FEEDING‘ STUFFS NAMED. ' Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Protein Fat Fiber gen Free Extract Gotten Seed Meal __________________________________________ __ 39.0 8.7 3.6 14.6 Cotton Seed __________________________________________ -_ -- 14.4. 22.4 14.7 9.6 Cotton Seed Hulls _________________________________ -_ .6 1.9 18.1 14.1 Wheat Bran _______________________ __< ____________ _- 12.5 2-6 2.5 39.2 Wheat Shorts ___________________________________ __ . 13.1 3.6 1.3 48.1 Wheat Chops _-_- ____ _-.. ________________________ __ l 11.2 1.5 1.0 51.0 Corn Chops (meal) _____________________________ -- ' 6.5 3-8 ...... _- 67.1 Corr: and (Job Meal __________________________ __ 4.7 2.9 3 3 58.6 Corn Bran ___________________________ -_~. _____ -_ 6.5 3.1 3 2 53.0 Oorn (Jobs _________________________________ -- .7 .6 12 7 27.9 Rice Bran __________________________________ _. 9.0 11.4 2 0 42.4 Rice Pglish _______________________________ __ 8.3 8.3 ....... -_ 56.7 Rice Hulls __________________________________ __ .4 .9 .4 11.3 Kafir Corn Chops _________________________ -- 7-0 2-4I--------- 60-7 Milo Maize Chops ___________________________ __ 7.1' 2-51 ------- -- 61-0 Alfalfa Hay _____________________________ __ 7.5 .8 14.3 27.7 Q9111 Shugkg _______ __- _______________________ __ 1.0 .3 25.1 38.7 Johnson Grass Hay ____________________________________ -- _---i 3-3 -7 22-6 143-1 l RELATIVE VALUES OF FEEDING STUFFS. In Table III we give the relative productive values of different. feeding stuffs sold on the Texas market. These values are based upon two factors. A One of these factors is the quantity of digestible protein contained in 100 pounds of material. The protein represents the flesh-forming value of the food, or its capacity to produce lean meat. . The other of these two factors is the fat value of the feeding stuff. The fat value represents the actual number of pounds of fat which 100 pounds of the feeding stuff can produce when added to a ration sufficient for the support of the animal. The fat value has been de- termined by actual experiments. - “Te have also attempted to combine these two values, the flesh-form- ing value and the fat-producing value. This combinationis difficult to make, as the relative value of protein to fat varies. Protein may sometimes cost more than fat, sometimes much less. Protein has both a fat-producing value and a flesh-forming value. We have assumed that the flesh-forming value of the protein is equal to its fat value. which would make one pound of protein equal to four-fifths of a pound of fat. As the fat value of the entire feed, we simply add the ' fat ‘value of the protein again to secure a. figure representing the total rolzititre productive value of the feeds. TABLE PL-RELATIVE VA LUE OF‘ FEEDING STTIPFS. I Relative a Pounds Pounds o! Productive‘ Digestible Fat- Pro- Value Ex- t Protein in ducible by pressed in 100 Pounds 100 Pounds Dollars of Feed. Feed. Per Ton. Cotton Seed Meal _____________________________________________ __$ 28.30 39.0 19_1 Cotton Seed _________________________________________________ _- 24.80 14.5 21.2 Rice Polish _________________ -. _________________________________ -_ 23.00 3,3 20,9 Corn Chops (meal) ___________________________________________ _- 22.20 6.5 20,0 Rice Bran ___________________________________________________ -_»_ 22.10 9,0 19,3 Wheat Shorts ________________________________________________ __ 20.90 13_1 175 Kaflr Oorn Chops .......................................... .._ 20.00 7.0 13,3 - ..¢.........,; y... .._ __1,5_ TABLE Ii-RICLAJPIVIC VALUF OF FEEDING STUFb‘S-i-iii:lii1iie%a Cotton Oil Co., Chichasha, a.— » Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ __ 43.00! 7.00 9.00 23.00 9413 534R. Inspection Sample _____________________ -- 50.05 8.44 6.87 23.58 10532 145R. Inspection Sample _ 41.35 8.15 11.29 27.30 Cotton Seed Cake—Guarantee _________ __ .43.00 1 7.00 9.00 23.00 9414 535R. Inspection Sample " r 45.68 8.48 9.11 26.17 Childress Grain & Elevator Co., Temple, Texas—— . Maize and Corn Chops——Guarantee___.__ 9.00 3.00 3.00 70.00 9945 1035B. Manufacturer's Sample ________________ __ 10.56 3.34 2.40 70.7 9957 103W. Inspection Sample 9.12 2.94 2.36 69.20 Pure Maize Chops-Guarantee _________ __ 9.50 2.50 3.00 71.00 9995 1035C. v Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 10.05 2.60 2.09 72.03 Chillicothe Grain Co., Chillicothe, Texas—— . Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 3.00i 3.50 70.00 9366 1380A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 8.71 3.84". 2.36 73.99 9.50 2.50 3.00 .00 Milo Maize Chops—Guarantee _____ __,____ Labora- tory Number ' 10151 10256 9673 9674 ‘ 9704 10047 10046 9797 10423 9686 ‘ 9707 9687 9605 10435 10543 9606 10434 10248 9846 9847 9822 10069 10223 --2e-;-. FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-wontinuedf Manufacturer-Address-Feeding Stuffs. Manufacturers Sample ___; ____________ _- Chopped Wheat and Oats-Guarantee--- Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ City Mill, Ennis, Texas-— Corn Chops——Guarantee _______________ _- Manufacturers Sample Corn and Maize Chops-Ifl-ua-ra-nterlil-I Manufacturers Sample Kafir Corn Chops—Guara_ntee::::::: Manufacturer's Sample Mixed Feed-Guarantee ________________ __ Manufacturers Sample ________________ __' Mixed Feed—Guarantee _______________ __ Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ City Mill Grain 8a Feed Co. Corn Chops—Guarantee Guarantee. Inspection Sample Cotton Seed M<§a1_e1¥51»2{5£ééjIIIIIIYII Inspection Sample _____________________ -- Cisco Oil Mill, Cisco, Texas— Cotton Seed Cake—Guarantee___.. _____ __ Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ Inspection Sample Cotton Seed MeaPEQElEEJIIEééIZIIIIIIIIIf Inspection Sample _____________________ __ Clay County Cotton Oil Co., Texas- Inspection Sample Inspection Sample :::::::::___-:: Cotton Seed Cake-Guarantee -_____..____ Manufacturer’s Sample _ Inspection Sample ___-__::::::::: Clarksville Cotton Oil Co., Clarksville, Texas- Cotton Seed MeaL-Guarantee Inspection Sample -___-______::::::: Cleburne Oil Mill Co., Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee _________ __ Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ -_ Inspection Sample Inspection Sample "' ___________________ u Cotton Seed Cake——Guarantee______.____ Manufacturefs Sample Inspection Sample _-___:__:::_______—:::_—__:_—:__ Clement Grain Co., Waco, Texas-e Mixed Chops—-Guarantee Manufacturefs Sample __:::::::: . K. Cochran, Little Rock, Ark.— Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee __________ __ Manufacturers Sample Satisfaction Mixed reeéliéiléléiiiééfjji Manufacturers Sample ________________ n! Chapman Milling Co., Sherman, Texas- Mixed Feed-Guarantee _______________ _- Inspection Sample Wheat Bran—Guaran_tee ________________ _ 7 Inspection Sample Shorts-Guarantee _‘__________-_::::::::: Inspection Sample _____________________ __ . C. Cole Milling Co., Chester, Ill.--— tee Wheat Bran—= luaran Inspection Sample ____-_:__:::__:_u::: , Italy, Texas— Manufacturers Sample 3 Citizens Cotton Oil Co., Mixed Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls- Lancaster, Texas- Henrietta , Cotton Seed Meak-Guarantee __________ -_ Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ Cleburne, Texas- Protein 9. 11.75 16.42 $fél53€S8F>3$3 10.50 ape we eeeeeee ass as seeeses 13.62 14.00 13.62 14.00’ 19.96 15.75 18.04 14.50 15.18 w N) no co -a oo i??? ‘Ii AC i-‘C %=°§$8 [Q03 OOQOQDI@IQI\QIQQDQQOO @[\')\T 93g 3935a f-‘CJD BZCFQBQHAFJQD[§CCIQDQ OOWQSOOOOQ 0O 03Gb wjfigfioo-qg CD-JOIOD-J-JOI P4 “~T\T“~T-J@%“J @‘J C5 @CD@*~]@ O0 "'5 35¢°°.r~?221_s>_ _J:_3.__. 3 Consolidated Alfalfa Milling Co., Newton, i Kansas— i . Pure Alfalfa Meal-Guarantee _________ __, 14.00; 1.20 33.00 33.00 9306 318W. Inspection Sample ...................... __‘. 15.64 2.90 27.99 39.53 FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-{ontinueu . Nitro-. Labora- Feed Crude 26H tory Control Manufacturer-—Address—Feeding Stuffs. Protein Fat Fiber . Free Number Number EX- " - i tract Continental Oil & Cotton Co., Abilene, i Q _ 'l‘exas— i i § Mi.\:ed Feed—Guar-antee _______________ _- 10.60 3.00‘ 40-001 30-00 9312 499R. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 12.48 3-22 37-37j 37-07 10088 106R. Inspection Sample ___ 10.61 3.23 39.79; 33.85 Cotton Seed Meal-—Guarantee _________ __ 43.00 7.00 9-00 24-00 10089 107R. Inspection Sample _ ' 43.97 9.49 8.76 24.50 CQttQn Seed (Jake-Guarantee _________ __ 43. 7.00, 9.00 24.00 10090 108R. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 44.75 9.32 8-20 24-55, J. W. Cooper, Wortham, Texas- I Cooper’s Mixed Horse and Cow Feed—— 12.00 4 50 25.00 35.00 Guarantee. _ 9990 1204D. Manufacturer’s Sample" --_ ______________ -_ 9.00 2.26 28.00 46.87 Wheat Bran and Maize——Guarantee_____ 12.50 3.40 7.00 62.00 9125 1204C. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 13.95 3 52 5.25 63.72 - Corn and Milo Maize Chops-Guarantee 9.00 3 00 3.00 70.00 10590 1204E. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 9.55 4.02 2.03 70 89 Cooper Cotton Oil Co., Cooper, Texas- , Cotton Seed Meal-—Guarantee-_ _________ __ 43.00 8.00} 9.00 25.01.- 10554 1.05M. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 46.60] 8.72’ 8.71 24.27 Corsicana Cotton ‘O-il Co.,~ Corsicana, I ! Texas- ' 1 Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ _- 43.001 8 00| 9 00 24.00 9811 55W. Inspection Sample ______________________ _-i 40.30? 7 71; e 73 23.25 I W. Hdkfloyle Consolidated Co’s., Guthrie, , a.—- Cotton Seed Cake—Guarantee __________ __ 43.70 6.45 9.00 26.65 10232 710B. Manufacturer’s Sample ____ __- __________ __; 41.48 6.99 11.20 27.28 C. B. Cozart, Higgans, Texas—- Corn Chops—Guarantee ________________ _- 9.00 3.00 3.50 70.00 10127‘ 71171.. Inspection Sample _____ _______________ __ 10.12 4.37 2.33 70.00 Oliver Cranston, Houston, Texas—' _ i _ ' . Chicken Feed-Guarantee ____________ _»___ 10.00 - 2.50,’ 5.00 60.00 9169 859Mc. Inspection Sample _____________ ___ _______ __ 10.85 2.61. 2.58 70.60 I Mixed Feed——Guarantee ................ -_ 12.13 3.131‘ 10.52 58.37 9166 856Mc. Inspection Sample—— __________________ _"___ 11.69 3.52 7.98 61.44 Feed Meal—Guarantee ____ __. ____________ -_ 9.00 3.00 3.00 68.00 9167 857Mc. Inspection Sample _____ -2 _______________ __ 9.03 3 86 2.74 70.34 A Pure Corn Chops——Guarantee _______ __-___ 9.00 3.00 3.00 68.00 9167 858Mc. Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 8.92 3 95 1.89 71.65 Cresent Mill & Elevator Co., Denver, i Colo. ' Mill Run Bran-Guarantee ______________ __ 15.62 4.05 855i 58.17 10371 396D. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 14.71 3.96 7.051 57.35 10437 174W. Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 16.12 4.44 8.39 55.40 10122 65M. Inspection Sample ______________________ -_ 15.93 4.37 8.53’ 56.15 10314 97M. Inspection Sample ______________________ -_ 14.52 3.35 9.081 57.91 0733 42M. Inspection Sample ...................... -_ 10.01 4.12! 3.031 35.00 Crouch-Mabry Grain Co., Fort Worth, i i’ Texas- Kafir Corn Chops——Guarantee __________ __ 9.50 2,75 _ 3,00 71,00 9934 1077C. Manufacturer's Sample ________________ __ 12.35 3,19 2,26 69,66 9963 112W. Inspection Sample ______________________ .._ 11.95 3.04 1,35 69,84 Mixed Chops-Guarantee ______________ -_ 9.00 3.50 3,00 70,00 9935 1077D. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __, 11.90 3.62 2.6-7 6s 54 Corn Chops——Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 4.00 3.00 70,00 9964 113W; Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 9.86 4.05 2.36 67 20 9098 259W. Inspection Sample _____________________ -- 8.10 3.67 2.20 _71.57 A. B.‘ Crouch Grain Co., Temple, Texas—- - Mixed Chops—Guarantee _____ __' _______ __ 9.15 3 25 3.00 70.00 10039 49C. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 8.41 3 40 2.19 69.11 Pure Milo Maize Chops—Guarantee .... -- 9.50 2 50 3.00 71.00 9973 49D. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ ' 8.30 2.80 2.23 74.78 Pure Kafir Corn Chops-Guarantee ____ __ 9.50 2 74 3.00 71.00 9974 49E. Manufacturer’s Sample _____ __- _________ _- 10.63| 3 39 2.22 69.31 Mixed Chops—Guarantee ______________ -_ 9.35 3 15 3.00 70.00 10040 49F. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ -- 8.44 3.22 2.32 71.51 Mixed Chops-Guarantee _______________ -. 9.35 3 151 3.00 70.00 _g9__ FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued . Labora- Feed ' _ Crude Nglgf NFOTY Contrel Manufacturer~Address—Feed1ng Stuffs. Protein Fat Fiber lllree umber Number _ _ Ex- . _ _ tract 10041 49G- Mannfaeturefs Sample ________________ __ 9.73 3.53 2.03 03.20 Mixed Feed Guarantee ................ -- 13.00 3.25‘ 5.75 04.00 10350 40H- Mannfaetureris Sample ................ __ 13.51 3.35 5.04 03.93 ' MiXed Feed—Guarantee ________________ -- 1.3.00 3.25, 3.75 04.00 10488 491- lvlanufaeturers Sample ________________ _- 13.50 3.90; 5.33 01.73 - Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee .......... _- 9.00 4.001 3.00 70.00 9958 104W. Inspection Sample - - 9,85? 4,28? 241. 6910 9118 271W. Inspection sample -_ 9.121 3.74‘ 2.20 70.83 C. C. Crosby, Sulphur Springs, Texas— l . Alfalfa Meal—Guarantee _______________ __ 14.00 1.60, 35.00; 38.00 9283 -l.38l\tl. Inspection Sample ______ _________________ __ 14,12 4,55; :3(l",0()l 33_95 Crystal Palace Flour Mills Co., Weather- L 1 ford, 'llexas— . l Ml-Xed Feed—Guarantee ________________ _-. 15.00 3.50. 9.00 00.00 10390 18411- Manufacturers Sample _____ -1 ......... 10.451 397* 0.33. 53.03 Mixed Feed-Guarantee ________________ _-; 12.50 3.75! 5.50» 00.00 10078 84R. Inspection Sample ______________________ 3.40. 324i 4.11 05.20 Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee __________ 9.003 3.00‘. 3.00 70.00 1W0 85R. Inspection Sample ____ ___ ________________ "l 3.75; 3.401 2.13 07.49 ~ 1 Cuero Cotton Oil 8t Manufacturing Co., ~ l Cuero, Texas— - l l Gotten seed Meal-Guarantee __________ __l 43.001 7.00: 9.00 22.00 0005 207‘. Inspection Sample __ l 47.15. 1.07; 7.31 22.09 . . l i L l l Cuniniham Commission Co., Little Roclgl T r .— - i l 1 Corn Chops—Guarantee ________________ 9.00 3.00 3.00‘ 69.00 9709 1433A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __l 8.418, 3.661 72.87 10132 130W. Inspection Sample l . 8.c7§ 4.68. 2. 5 66.95 Pulaski Mill Feed—Guarantee __________ -_1 13.00} 4.00 11.00 52.00 9994 1433B. Manufacturers Sample ___________ _;_-_-_? 15.31: 6.47 9.96 49.70 10920 117W. Inspection Sample ___ _‘ 13.80 7.01 10.86 50.08 19316 124R. Inspection Sample _______ _; ____________ __; 13.72 8.01 8.69 51.91 10530 193W’. Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 14.03. 6.74 9.96 50.03 Pulaski Horse Feed——Guarantee ________ __ 12.00% 3.50 12.00 v 52.00 10031 1433C. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 14.92 3.73 9.59 56.81 10021 118W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 13.49; 4.61 12133 51.6l Shorts—(}uarantee ___________________ _'__ 15.00 4.00 5.00 56.00 10279 14331). Manufacturers Sample ____________ __-____ 1.4.541 3.32 8.75 50.18 Daingerfield Cotton Oil Co., Daingerfield, - Texas— '_ ‘ 1 _ Cotton Seed MeaL-Guarantee __________ __ 43.00 7.00} 9.00 22.00 e003 18M. Inspection Sample ...................... __ 40.37] 15.00; 7.71; 20.33 . . Dalhart Grain & Coal Co., Dalhart, " i Texas- l l Maize Chops-Guarantee _____________ ___- 9.501 2.50 3.00 70.00 10507. 284E. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 9.89% 2.70 2.16 70.94 ' l Dalhart Mill 83 Elevator Co., Dalhart, l 'l‘exas— ' l i Mixed Feed-Guarantee _-_-. ____________ __ 9.00; 3.00 l 5.00 70.00 9184 872E. Manufacturers Sample ________________ _- 10.701 3.61 2.52 71.94 Dallas Corn Mills, Dallas, Texas—— l‘ Pure Corn Chops—Guarantee .......... -- 9-00l 4.00. 3.00 70.00 10112 54M. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 0.00‘ 3.61f 2.62, 71.97 Dallas Oil & Refining Co., Dallas, 'I‘exas-— l = 1 1 . ‘Mixed Feed-Guarantee ________________ -- 11.00} 2.90. 40.00} 35.00 9612 12M. Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 13.28; 2.75! 39.8%‘; 32.30 10112 - 55M. Inspection Sample 10.611 2.06% 39.515 35.30 10405 521*. Inspection Sample ............... ..... _- 12.441 2.01%} 39.99; 32.70 l ‘ k g ’ Davidgon Mill 85 Elevator Co., Muskogee, a a kla.—~ 1 ~ i Durham Mixed Feed-——Guarantee ____ __‘_-_l 14.001 3.001 10.00. 50.00 ' ' 905s 641G. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __§ » . 12.40‘ 3.241 7.32 66.51 ' ' ‘ l l Davis Milling 00., st. Louis, Mo.— l l l Pine Wheat Shorts-Guarantee ......... 14..50| 3.50l 10.00; 50.00 10317 Inspection Sample _______ ___ __________ -_ . 15.061 4.11. 5.07" 59.47 125R. Labora- tory Number _-_- 9681 10203» 10204 10205 10206 9683 9319 9683 9410 9903 9730 9820 9119 9011 10164 10349 10108 10242 '92s? 10582 9381 9825 --4i(l-- FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued . "Nitro- Feed t Crude gen Contrrl Manufacturer—Address——Feeding Stuffs. Protein Fat Fiber Free Number . " Ex- tract Decatur Cotton Oil 00., Decatur, Texas— _ Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ __ 43.00 8.00 8.00 24.00 22R. Inspection Sample _____________________ -- 49.65 9.90 6.09 23.16 78M. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 40.75 8.86 11.69 26.1.4 70M. Inspection Sample ____ _; _______________ _-i 40.96 7.70 11.78 26.23 80M. Inspection Sample _____________________ __§ 42.53 8.05 10.60 20-95 81M. Inspection Sample _____________________ __§ 43.97 8.79 9.79 24.93 Cotton Seed Cake—Guarantee __________ _-i 43.00 8-00 8-00 24-00 23R. Inspection Sample __ i 47.87 7.07 7.67 24.74 Decatur Custom Mills, Decatur, Texas»- ; - Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee--. _______ _-; 9.00 4-00 3-00 70.00 507R. Inspection Sample ‘ 8.61. 3.84 2.26 73.88 24R. Inspection Sample _____________________ _-; 9.11 3.84 2.37 71-96 Delphas Milling 00., Delphas, Texas- f Wheat Shorts—Guarantee ____________ “j 16.82 4.00 5-00 60-00 531R. Inspection Sample _____________________ __E 17.75 5.00 6.69 57.09 Denison Mill & Grain 00., Denison, Texas— Kafir Corn Chops—Guarantee __________ -_ 9.50 2.75 3.00 71-00 1243B lilanufacturerfis Sample ________________ _- 11.31 3.92 ' 2.23 69-03 Kafir and Corn Chops-Guarantee _____ __ 9.25 3.00 3.00 70.50 1243C. Manufacturers Sample ________________ _- 1.0.31 3.30 2.26 09-94 Corn Chops—Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 3.00 3-50 70-00 132M Inspection Sample _-_- 10.71 4.74 2-71 69-67 Detroit Oil & Cotton 00., Detroit, Texas- Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee _________ _- 44-00 8-00 7-00 24-00 40M. Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 46.27 9.32 0-44 25-01 Denton Oil 8r Gin 00., Denton. Texas» Cow Joy—-Guarantee _____________________ .. 10.50 2.75 40.00 30.00 107B. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 11.75 2.50 38.40 35.8‘) Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ __ 44.00 8.00 7.00 24.00 29M. Inspection Sample __; ___________________ _- 50.38 1.3.63 4.47 20.69 Denton Milling 00., Denton, Texas- 0orn Chops-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 4.00 "3.00 70.00 340. Manufacturers Sample ________________ _- 9.26 4.04 2.82 69.63 49M. Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 11.01 3.91 2.34 69.39 Mixed Feed-Guarantee _______________ __ 12.00 3.10 6.50 61.50 34D. Manufacturers Sample _________________ __ 13.36 3.53 3.88 63.69 Mixed Bran and Screenings—Guarantee— 14.00 4.00 10.00 50.00 34E. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 16.37 4.00 7,80 57.25 Dew Brothers Syrup 00., Houston. Texas- _, Top Notch Mixed Feed—Guarantee ____ __ 11.30 2.50 13.12 51.20 1472A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 8.50 1.57 13.54 53.41 New Life Mixed Feed ______ _.' ___________ _- 9.75 3.50 9.10 51.00 1472B. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 9.93 3.57 8.29 54.54 DiamondMill 00., Sherman, Texas- Corn Chops-Guarantee ________________ __ 9.00 3.00 3.00 70.00 245A. Manufactureris Sample _____________ __,___ 9.20 4.74 2.79 70.17 Corn Chops and 0orn Bran——Guarantee 9.00 3.00 3.00 70.00 245E Manufacturerls Sample ________________ __ 9.48 3.57 2.34 69.17 - Pure Wheat Bran-Griiarantec __________ __ 14.00 3.50 8.00 55.00 332W Inspection Sample _____________________ _- , 18.24 4.16 7.54 57.06 R. W. Dillard, Midlothian, Texas- . 0orn Ghops-Quarantec ________________ __ 9.00 3.00 4.50 70.0 292W Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 8.99 4.24 2.26 70.81 'W. H. Dittlinqei" Roller Mills, New Braun-Y fels. T€Y21S—— i Wheat Bran—Guarantce ______________ __ 14.50 3,50 10.00 50.00 342W Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 17.81 4.1.8 8.09 54.82 0orn 0h0ps——GLiarantee _______________ -_ 9.00 4.00 3,00 70,00 343W Inspection Sample ______________________ _- 8.56 3.56 2,28 73.73 E. S. Dixon & 00., Houston. Texas- Mirred Stock Feed-J-‘rua-ravitcc. _________ __ 9,00 5,00 15,43 40,85 870E‘. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ _- 10.52 5.09 17,69 43.20 Dodd City Oil Mill 00., Dodd City, Texas— Cotton Seed Meal—GLiarnnt<-\c __________ __ 46.00 9,00 6,00 22,00 35M. Inspection Sample ______________________ -_ 53.22 8.92 4.74 21,62 FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. Nitro- Labora- Feed Crude gen tory Control Manufacturer-Address-Feeding Stufis. Protein Fat Fiber Free Number Number Ex- tract Doggett & Palmore, Ravenna, Texas-— [ Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee __________ __ 9.00 3.50 ‘3.00! 70.00 ' 10475 1506A. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 8.87 3.56 1.47% 67.85 J. L. Dorsett 8a Co., Plainview, Texas- _ In Maize Head Chops-Guarantee ________ __ 9.50 2.50 7.505 62.00 0713 1437A. l Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ _- 3.031 3.09 3.21: 33.03 1| Kafir Head Chops-Guarantee _________ __ 7.001 2.50 7.005 68.00 9714 1437B. l Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 10.061 2.61 8.281 64.45 i l i 1 lDorsey Grain Co., Weatherford, Texas— l \ Ground Wheat-Guarantee ____________ __. 13.50 2.50 6.00 60.00 l 9471 259E. - Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 17.80 1.86 3.55 65.80 i Milo Maize Heads Ground—(}uarantee___ 9.50 2.50 7 .50 62.00 . 9831 259E. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 9.43 2.26 6.50 69.77 _ Milo Maize Chops—‘Guarantee __________ __ 9.50 2.50 3.00 71.00 9832 259G. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 8.91 2.70 2.27 72.97 Kafir Corn Chops—Guarantee __________ __ 9.50 2.75 3.00 71.00 9979 259H. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 10.18 2.13 1.79 67.06 10051 76R. Inspection Sample 10.43 3.27 2.30 69.72 Mixed Feed-Guarantee ________________ __ 14.50 3.50 10.00 52.00 9980 2591. Manufacturefs Sample __'_ _____________ __ 12.03 2.49 3.59 63.55 Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee __________ __ 9.19 3.84 3.11 69-70 10050 74R. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 8.20 3.34 2.53 66.57 9318 506R. Inspection Sample ___ 8.71 3.84 2.07 73.11 . Alfafeed-l-Guarantee __________________ __ 12.00 3.00 15.00 50.00 10074 75R. i Inspection Sample -- . 12.71 3.08 11.14 55.67 0332 333W. l Inspection Sample -- 12.30 3.20 10.031 31.22 1 Mixed Feed—Guarantee _______________ __, 14.00 3.00 5.001 60.00 10075 77R. Inspection Sample _____________________ __§ 12.96 3.38 4.92 63.43 Drake 8t Son, Alvin, Texas— l ‘ , Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee __________ __= 43.00‘ T 00 8.00% 24.00 9254 284B. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __§ 40.43 6 81 12.82 27-37 I Dublin Mill & Elevator Co., Dublin, Texas—§ , Wheat Chops-Guarantee _____________ __; 14.00 1.90 3.25 68.00 9532 678E. Manufacturers Sample ________________ _-‘; 15.41 1.61 5-09 67-05 Wheat Shorts-Guarantee _____________ --j 16.00 4.00 5.00 60.00 10149 6781?‘. 7 Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __% 18.46 4.54 5.78 57-31 10563 182R. l Inspection Sample __ 20.99 3.46 4.51 59.59 Mixed Feed-Guarantee ________________ __§ 11.70 3.15 6.50 62-00 10357, 678G. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __l 13.25 3.85 6.65 60.71 10562- 181R. Inspection Sample _l 12.63 3.17 4.21 66.36 i Mixed Feed—Guarantee ________________ __§ 9.50 3.00 3-00 71.00 10564‘ 183R. Inspection Sample _____________________ -_i 11.30 3.33 2.15 68.10 I l Dublin Oil Mill, Dublin, Texas— l . _ Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ 43.00 6.00 9.00 22.00 10565; 184R». Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 46.35 7.78 7.59 24.91 l Cotton Seed Cake-Guarantee _________ "l 43.00. 7.05 6.50 24.00 103331 185R. Inspection sample 4372i 7.20 7.70 24.35 l l 1 ‘ Eagle Milling Co., Canyon City, 'l‘exas— Mixed Feed-Guarantee _________________ .. 12.00‘ 3.10‘ 6.50 61.50 10493 1271D. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 13.43 3.60 5.55 61.76 Mixed Feed-—Guarantee ________________ __ 12.00- 3.10 6.50 61.50 10494 1271E. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 13.35‘ 3.52 5.50 61.93 Eagle Milling Co_., Newton, Kansas— , i Pure Wheat Bran—Guarantee __________ -_1 16.00; 3.85 10.00 54.00 9449 540R. Inspection Sample _____________________ -_l 16.28 3.89- 11.01 54.29 Early Grain & Elevator Co., Amarillo, Texas— - I Pure Corn Chops—Guarantee .......... --, 9.00! 3 50 3.00; 70 O0 10123 33M. l Inspection Sample -- A 10.33; 3 s2 2.30; 70 51 1 | | iEaston Grain Co., San Angelo, Texas- l l i Maize Head Chops-Guarantee _________ _-\ 9.501 2.501 7.50 62.00 9534 1095B. ‘ Manufacturers Sample ________________ _- 11.331 2.73} 6.15 65 44 i Kafir Head Chops-Guarantee _________ __ 9.00; 2.50; 7 00 68 00 9535 1095C. s Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ ' 11.85, 2.45‘, 4 96 64 49 q Pure Corn Chops—Guarantee __________ u‘ 9.00; 3.50 - 3.00 70.00 9209 487R. = Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 9.00? 4.362 2.14 70.53 Labora- Feed Crude gen torY Control Manufacturer—Address—Feeding Stuffs. .Protein Fat Fiber Free Number Number Ex- - tract iEaton Milling & Elevator 0o.,_ Eaton,{‘ GO10.—- 1 . Mill Run Bram-Guarantee _____________ __ 14.50 3.50 10.00 50.00 10120 63M. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 14.88 4.28 8.13 56.43 Eddy Milling 00., Eddy, Texas—— , 0orn 0l1ops--—01iz1rantee _______________ __l .00 4.00’ .00 70.00 9378 329W. Inspection Sample _______________ ___ ____ "i 10.76 4.53, 2.53 72. Edwards Brothers, Tohaka, Texas— 0orn 0hops~Guarantee _______________ --l 9.00 4.00 3.00 70.00 10334 1495A. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ A,‘ 10.85 4.50 2.57 69.81 Eggers Milling 00., Herman, Mo.— ' j ; Wheat Bran——Guarantee ______________ -_; 14.50 3.50 10.00, 50.00 9344} 22B. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __' 16.40 4.53, 9.85, 53.57 9815)‘ 59W. Inspection Sample __' __________________ __' 14.86 3.60 10.03 54.99 9148; 277W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 16.15 4.11; 9.13, 53.79 ‘ Wheat Shorts—-(-‘-narantee _____________ __ 14.50 1.0.00; 50.00 10272; 220. Manufacturers Sample ________________ "i 16.97 4.45] 4.56; 60.91 i I . . l Eisenmayer Milling 00., Springfield, Mo;—- l ' - ' f Winter Wheat Middlings——Guarantee____ 15.75 4.50 6.00( 60.00 10536 171R. Inspection Sample ________ -_. ___________ __ 15.93 7.91 1.24 62.33 Electric 0orn Mills, Gorsicana, Texas-a 0orn 0hops—Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 4.00 3.00 70.00 9814 58W. Inspection Sample ______ ___ _____________ __ 9,43 3.69 2.39 70.58 El Gampo Rice Milling 00., El Oampo, Texas— ' _ Rice Bran—Guarantee __-____-__.-_..-_.-_- 12.00 12.00 15.00 37.00 9266’ 897Mc. Inspection Sample __________ _; _________ __ 13.84 10.47 10.24 48.58 C. L. Elam, Pe-arl, Texas—— A l 0orn Chops—Guarantee ________________ __ 9.00, 3.50 3.00! 70.00 10512 1516A.. Manufacturers Sample _______________ __4 8.375 3.65 2.59 66.92 Elgin 0otto_n Oil 00., Elgin, Texas- ' f I 0otton Seed bleak-Guarantee __________ __ 44.00 8.00 7.00; 24.00 9602 1429A. Manufacturer’s Sample _____ __; ________ __ 49.27 9.67 _5.34§ 23.62 9921 89W. Inspection Sample ___ 49.121 12.52 6.26! 19.50 H. W. Ellison, Beasley, Texas— - l _ E ' Pure 0orn 0hops—Gnarantee __________ __ 9.00‘_ 3.50 3.00 70.00 10480 1509A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ --. 8.37 3.65 2.59 66.92 Elliott & Myers, Superior, Nebr'.- 5 _ Pure 0orn 0hops—Guarantee__. ________ -_ 9,00! 3.00 3.501 70.00 9557 174B. Manufacturers Sample ________________ -- 9.19; 2.99} 2.021 73.54 . l P . El Paso Grain 8: Milling 00., El Paso, g i Texas—— . ’ 0orn Chops-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 4.00 3.00 70.00 10210 115R. Inspection Sample 9.25 9.45 2.20] 55.99 Pure Vilheat Bran—Guarantee __________ __ 14.00 4.20 9.50, 55.00 10211 116R. Inspection Sample 14.68 3.35 6.381 61.91 El Reno Mill & Elevator 00., El Reno, a I 0kla.-— - | Shorts—Guarantec ____________________ __ 14.50 3.50 5.00’ 60.00 I 10428 157R. Inspection Sample ______________________ -_ 16.37 2.97 2.95: 64.63 Ennis 0otton on a om 06., Ennis, - l Texas— - Ear'0orn 0hops——Guarantee ___________ __ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 9215 324E. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 9.33 3.12 10.00 67.04 Ennis- Milling 00., Ennis, Texas—— ‘ - 0orn Chops-Guarantee ________________ -- 9.00 3.00 3.50 70.00 9235 297W. Inspection Sample 9.08 3.59 2.28 70.76 Empire Rice Mill 00., New Orleans, La.— ‘ Rice Polish—Guarantee ________________ __ 11.50 7.50 1.25 65,42 9601 1428A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 9.29 7.62 2.08 65.63 Enid Mill 8a Elevator 00., Enid, 0kla.— a 12.45 3.00 5.20. 68.95 __gv__ R FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. l Nitro- Mixed Feed-Gu arantee ________________ __ __33__ FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. _ Nitro- Labora- Feed _ _ Crude gen tory Control Manufacturer—Address——Feeding Stufis. Protein Fat Fiber Free Number Number - Ex- tract 9937 302D. Manufacturers ‘Sample __' ______________ .._ 14.79 3.51 5.68 59-9? ' Mixed Feed-Guarantee ________ _I ______ __ 9.90 3.50 2.53 76.57 9938 302E. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 11.18 3.91 2.32 69-42 10431 160R. Inspection Sample 10.52 3.63 2.31 68.62 Wheat Shorts-Guarantee _____________ __ 15.00 4.00 4.50 60-00 9447 538R. Inspection Sample . 15.80! 3.90 4.24 35.11 10432 161R. Inspection Sample 17.82 3.06 3.28 62.69 Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ _- 9.00 3.50 3.00 70-00 9240 494R. Inspection Sample ______________________ _- 9.10 4.16 1.93 73-74 Excelsior Mill, Burlington, Kansas- Wheat Bram-Guarantee _______________ __ 16.20 3.73 8.57 54.69‘ 9479 1395A. Manufacturerk; Sample ________________ __ 13.72‘ 4.84 10.07 50.92 - Mill Run Bran-Guarantee ______________ __ 16.57 3.83 8.42 54.08 9480 1395B. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 14.29 4.51 7.87 57.12 " Wheat Shorts-Guarantee _____________ __ 17.14 4.09 4.28 60.97 9481 1395C. Manufacturers Sample ________________ _- 14.09 4.16 3.98 63.41 J. E. Ervine & Co., Houston, Texas- _ . Buffalo Stock Feed——Guarantee ________ -- 12.00 4.00 20.00 45.00 9285 76E. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ -_ 12.99 7.68 14.52 48.20 Magnolia Stock Feed-—Guarantee ______ __ 15.00 3.00 17.00 50.00 9286 76F. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 15.29 4.33 17.58 48.55 Pure Ground Oats-Guarantee _________ _- 10.00 3.00 9.00 58-00 9295 76G. Manufacturers Sample ________________ _- 13.24 4.47 9.74 59.90 Wheat Bran——Guarantee ______________ __ 14.50 3.00 10.00 50.00 9596 76H. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 18.39 \ 4.13 a 11.13 49.13 Corn and Kafir Chops—Guarantee _____ __ 9.00 2.50 3.50 65.00 10250 76I. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 9.61 2.24 1.75 71.90 Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee __________ __ 9.00 3.00 4.00 65.00 9172 862Mc. Inspection Sample 8.50 3.72 2.14 71.51 Feed Meak-Guarantee _________________ -._ 7.00 2.50 5.00 70.00 9173 863Mc. Inspection Sample 7.06 2.54 .2.09 73.34 Excello Feed Milling Co., St. Joseph, Mo.- Excello Mule and Horse Feed-Guarantee 11.51 4.10 10.15 58.41 10398 1496A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 9.56 _ 2.40 11.14 58.381 Excello Molasses Feed-Guarantee _____ __ 12.00 1.66 25.00 ' 39.10"- 10399 1496B. Manufacturers Sample _______________ __'_ 8.66 .82 17 .71 , ' I Farmers Cotton Oil Co., Cleburne, Texas- Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee___. _______ __ 43.00 7,00 9,09: 22,66 9430 563D. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 45,70 5 7,75 3,25 27,01 Farmers Cotton Oil Co., Farmersville, - ' Texas- " ‘ 2 . Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee _________ __ 44.00 3,00 7,66 24,66 10304 86M Inspection Sample ‘ 44.95 9.83 10.48 23.24 ‘10545 112M Inspection Sample 43,13 7,25 7,74 2323 10546 1.13M Inspection Sample 44.68 6,67 10,34 24,63 10548 115M Inspection- Sample 43,22 6,76 8,71 2326 10549 116M Inspection Sample 45,92 6,33 9,69 2263 10569 198W. Inspecti-onSample 45,15 7,62 16,68 2414 Perfecto Mixed Feed—Guarantee_; _____ _- 10.50 3.00 40,00 40,06 10305 87M. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 9,94 1,46 41,16 3523 10347 114M. Inspection Sample 14,33 2,35 33,33 31,54 4 1.0550 117M. Inspection Sample 14,43 1,95 3758 3267 10570 . 199W. Inspection Sample 12,34 1,54 39,63 3347 Farmers Elevator Co., Iowa Park, Texas- ' Pure Corn Chops—Guarantee__, _______ __ 9,06 3,79 2,50 7323 9357 518R. Inspection Sample 3,33 3,66 L95 7414 Farmers Elevator Co., Electra, Texas—- Milo Maize Chops-Guarantee __________ __ 9,56 2,56 3130 71 O0 9887 1316B. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 3,20 3,24 1,91 7375 Corn Chops—Guarantee _______________ __ 9,06 3,06 350 707,0 9370 519R.’ Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 9,99 4,15 226 73:29 Farmers Gin & Milling Co., Cuero, Texas— Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee __________ __ 9,66 4,66 3110 70 O0 9273 904Mc. Inspection Sample 9,51 4,49 326 7593 ' - Corn Bran—-Guarantee ________________ __ 9,00 5,66 1560 55'“) 9274 9051140. Inspection Sample a » 7.74 3.29 13.05 05953. Crushed Corn-—Guarantee' _____________ __ 3,50 3,66 1200 . 657,0 9275 906Mc. Inspection Sample _ 9.03 3,61 9,17 67:18 1 Grits Seconds—Guarantee ______________ __ 9.00 4,66, 560 65 00 9276 907Mc. Inspection Sample 11,57 7,63‘ 418 64:99 Labora- tory Number 10440 9590 1 0555 10556 Feed Control Number 177W. 64R. 15M . 90W . 91W. 196W. __34,__ FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. ' ManufactureP-Address-Feeding Stufis. Farmers Gin & Milling 00., Waxahachie, Texas- I{o-Press-Ko-I‘ E. R. 8a D. C. Kolp. Forth Worth, Texas-J Maize and Kafiir Head Chops-Guar- antee. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ Inspection Sample _____ __v___1 __________ __ Fancy Bran Feed—Guarantee_-_; ______ __ Manufacturefs Sample __~. _____________ -_ Mixed Gh0ps—Guarantee' _____________ -- Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ Inspection Sample _____________________ __ Kaifir and Cane Ohops—.Guarantee ____ __ Manufacturefs Sample ________________ _- Premium Alfalfa Feed~Guarantee ____ _-1 Inspection Sample -___-__--__.__..-______-; Inspection Sample _____________________ __; Premium Rich Mixed Feed ............ -9 Inspection Sample ____________________ __' Inspection Sample _____- _--_..-____..._-_,; Inspection Sample _____________ __.-___-i Kaifir Chops——Guarantee _______________ "a Inspection Sample _____________________ -_. Corn Chops-Guarantee ________ __; ____ __\ Inspection Sample _____________________ __l Wheat Shorts-Jfiruarantee _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ M‘ Inspection Sample _____________________ -1 Kress ‘Mill, Iiress, Texas- Corn Chops—(}uarantee. _______________ __ Bianufacturefs Sample ________________ __| Maize Chops-Guarantee ______________ -_; Manufacturer's Sample ________________ ——‘ Kaffir Corn Chops-Jlnarantee _________ __* Manufacturers Sample ________________ _-~ l LaGrange Cotton 6.: Oil Manufacturing Co. ,'; leiaGrange, Texas- Cotton Seed Meal—Gu-arantee _________ __‘ Inspection Sample ____________________ _-i Inspection Sample _____________________ "l A. Laird Grain C0., Chillicothe, Texas- Pure Corn Chopa-("wuarantee __________ __i _ ' Manufacturefs Sample ________________ --l Pure Kafiir Corn Chops—-Guarantee—— lvlanufacturefs Sample _________________ -- Pure Milo Maize Chops-—Guarantee____- lflanufacturers Sample _________ __' _____ _- Inspection Sample _______________________ __ Lake Charles Rice aMilling 00., Take Charles, La.-— Rice Polish—Guarantee ________________ __ Manufacturefs Sample ________________ -_ Lamar Cotton Oil Co., Paris, Texas- Cotton Seed ltieal—-Giiarantee_-.--__-1- __ Inspection Sample ..................... -4 Mixed Feed——Guarantee ___________ _-.-___i Inspection Sample ----__h _________________ __‘ Protein Fat Nitro- gen Free l-—4 ease? 138$ ii. l-l .°?° $2; 14.00 17.75. mod 14.23. F-‘l-l l~l 5°9°E°.‘°E"’.°°f°.° 9° 8%8io' ~s~ coo v-loooomw _1LwQ_wMg9§:¢@§M_@:3_@§§9p3_.a9:p9%1 LOOJQQ QOONJQ ~I9_i9.__._, 03% 62019010 U‘! U! <39? ('32 .00 43.00 37.66 .___45.__ FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. Nitro- Labora- Feed Crude gen LOIY Control Manufacturer-Address-Feeding" Stuffs. Protein Fat Fiber Free Number Number ' Ex- tract Lampasas Milling Co., Lampasas, Texas— Mixed Feed-Guarantee ________________ __ 12.00 3.00 6.50 61.50 10175 102D. Manufacturers Sample ________________ -_ 13.30 3.70 4.81 63.51 Maize Chops—Guarantee __ ’ _____________ _, 9.50 2.50 3.00 75.00 10228 102E. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 10.40 2.96 2.14 ' 72.00 W. R. Lancaster, Ennis, Texas- - Corn Chops—=q‘uarantee _______________ __ 9.00 ' 3.00 3.50 70.00 9398 1387A Manufacturers Sample ________________ -_ 9.58 3.31 2.60 72.67 Lancaster Milling Co., Lancaster, Texas— _ Mixed Beak-Guarantee ________________ __ 12.25 2.81 4.47 70.73 9854 433D. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 18.03 3.42 5.71 60.89 Wheat and Corn Bran—Guarantee ____ __ 13.75 3.50 8.25 65.00 10254 433E. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 15.81 4.82 7.67 56.36 Mixed Feed-—Guarantee ________________ __ 14.77 3.66 6.55 70.00 10585 433F£ Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 13.38 3.97 4.87 63.93 Wheat Bram-Guarantee _______________ __ 14.00 3.50 10.00 50.00 9457 350W. Inspection Sample 16.64 3.81 8.07 57.30 Corn Chops—Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 9458 351W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 8.98 3.76 2.37 73.31 , L'and Milling Co., Hlexarkana, 'I‘exas~--- 5 Corn Chops—Guarantee _______________ _- 9.00 3.89 2.18‘ 72.63 10448‘ 189W. Inspection Sample 8.87 3.83 2.56, 67.85 Landa Cotton Oil Co., New Braunfels, Texas- _ Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee _________ -_ 43.00 7.00 7.00 20.00 9658 121‘. Inspection Sample __________________ __'___ 47.88 7.89 7.52 24.90 Landa Roller Mills, New Braunfels, Texas- Ear Corn Chops—-Guarantee ___________ __ 8.15 3.15 8.10 65.00 10096 280.‘. Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 9.04 3.49 3.53 69.36 Lane & Lorentzen, El Paso, Texas-— Mill Run Bran—Guarantee _____________ __ 14.50 4.00 9.00 50.00 10213 118R. Inspection Sample _____________________ _- 16.93 4.23 8.50 52.24 Lavaca Oil Co., Hallettsville, Texas-— , . Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee _________ n} 43.00 7.00 8.00 23.00 10410, 58T. Inspection Sample _____________________ --| 46.37 6.93 7.97 25.62 9806’ 211‘. Inspection Sample __________________ __ 48.55 7.59 7.08 24.01 W. L. LaR0e, Tulia, Texas— i Kaifir Corn Chops-Jiuarantee _________ __: 9.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 9552i 1414A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __; 12.38 3.40 2.57 71.23 Corn Chops—Guarantee _______________ _-F 9.00; 3.00 3.50 70.00 955s 1414B. Manufacturer's Sample ________________ __= 11.09; 467 2.17 72.20 Milo Maize Chops-Guarantee __________ -_; 9.005 2.50 3.50 70.00 9554 14140. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ -_' 11.77; 3.18 2.54 72.56 ' l Wheat Chops-Guarantee _____________ __ 13.00; 2.00 5.00 60.00 9555i 14141). Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ Q. 18.06’ 1.59 2.86 66.83 ! _ | Laws & Downey Grain Co., ’I‘exai'kana, i I Texas- I v Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 4.00. 3.00 70.00 9288- 116813. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 8.94 4.56 2.57 71.01 Wheat Shorts—Guarantee _____________ __ 15.00 3.00 6.00 56.00 9289 1169C} Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 18.97 5.16 5.90 56.55 Pure Wheat Bran-Guarantee _________ __= 14.50 4.00 10.00 50.00 9280i 150M. Inspection Sample 16.70 4.67 9.76. 52.40 Joe E. Lawther 8a Co., Dallas, Texas-— I Mixed Feed-Guarantee _______________ __ 13.50 6.00 6.50 55.00 9107 125813 Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 12.85 6.22 5.92 59.30 l Alfalfa Meal-Guarantee ______________ __ 13.50 1.75 30.00 35.00 9109 1258F Manufacturers Sample ________________ -_ 20.69 2.44 16.54 37.37 Lawton Mill & Elevator Co., Lawton, Okla.—— . Corn and Kftifil‘ Chops-—Guarantee ____ __ 9.00 _ 3.00 . 3.00 70.00 9849 296C. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 10.93 4.21 2.56 68.66 Wheat Shorts and Karlfir Chops——Guar- 12.00 2.00 4.25 55.00 antee. ' 9850 296D. Manufacturer's Sample ________________ __ 14.99 3.69 4.94 62.00 l Wheat Bran and Kaffir—-Guarantee__-__ 12.00 3.00 7.75 55.00 __47__. FEED CONTROL ANALYSES—continued. Nitro- Labora- Feed Crude gen torY Control Manufacturer—Address—Feeding Stufis. Protein Fat Fiber Free Number Number I. EX- } tract .9856 296E. Manufacturers Sample ________________ _- 15.87 5.22‘ 6.51‘; 57.82 Leavenworth Milling Co., Leavenworth, i Kans.— Corn Chops—Guarantee _______________ __ 8.50 3.00. 3.50 70.00 9133 1362A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 8.09 3.30‘ 2.15 72.58 Bran—Guarantee ____ _________________ .._ 14.00 3.60 10.00 53.50 9134 1363B. Manufacturer's Sample ________________ __ 13.05 3.80; 9.34‘ 54.63 Shorts-Guarantee ____________________ __ 16.00 4.00 7.50 56.00 9135 1363C. Manufacturers Sample ________________ _; 17.25 4.93! 6.71. 55.64 i Lee County Cotton Oil Co., Giddings, m I Texas- i 1 Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ __ 43.30 6.70 9.001 21.06 10386 1501A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ -_ 44.56 8.27 9.17 22.96 9758 36W; Inspection Sample __ 46.97 9.93 7.21 23.25 G. W. Lehman, Rosebud, Texas- g Kaifir Corn GhOI)S—-—GLl8.l‘fi.IllI86 _________ __ 9.50 2.75, 3.00 71.00 10374. 1059B. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 9.57 2.88] 3.03 66.06 i Mixed Chops—Guarantee _______________ _. 9.25 3.151 3.00‘ 70.50 10396 1059C. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 8.58‘ 2.401 2.31‘ 67.12 i» . 1 Lexington Flour Mills, Lexington, Mo.— i 5 l Wheat Shorts—Guarantee _____________ -_ 15.50’; 3.50 5.00. 60.00 10436 173W Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 16.28? 4.501 4.955 59.87 I f Lillard Milling Co., Decatur, Texas- \ i i Milo Maize Chops-Guarantee __________ __' 9.00_ 2.501 3.00; 70.00 e777 1350. Manufacturer's Sample ________ _l ______ _- 12.31 3.73! 2.521 58.07 Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee _________ __ 9.81 3.45 2.57 72.13 9680 20R. Inspection Sanple _____________________ __ 9.35 4.12 2.511 70.92 Mill Run Bran—Guarantee ______________ __ 15.00 3.85 8.00 54.00 9681 21R. Inspection Sample 19.41 3.98 8.29 54.85 Mixed Feed—Guarantee ________________ __ 12.50 3.50 6.00 60.00 9380 331W Inspection Sample 14.21 3.92 4.12 66.35 9320 5320B Inspection Sample 16.25 4.24 5.85 61.85 ' Lindsborg Milling 8a Elevator Co., Linds- borg, Kans.— Wheat Bram-Guarantee ______________ __. 14.50 3.50 10.00 50.00 9403 1389A. Manufacturer’s Sample ____________ __-____ 16.35 324i 11.17 53.40 10113 36M. Inspection Sample 19.06 3.98 8.63 52.29 Wheat Shorts-Guarantee _____________ __ 15.50 4.00 6.00 55.00 9404 1389B. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 19.31 5.51 5.23 57.27 Mill Run Bran-Guarantee--. __________ -_ 15.00 3.50 8.00 55.00 9405 1389C. Manufacturer's Sample ________________ __, 17.08 4.86 8.85‘ 54.05 10319 128R. Inspection Sample ' 16.91 4.14 8.02 54.23 Link Milling Co., Springfield, Mo.— - Mill Run Bran-Guarantee _____________ __ 16.57 3.88 8.42 54.69 9710 1434A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ -- 17.56 4.23 8.45 54.34 Lockhart Oil & Gin Co., Lockhart, Texas— Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ __ 44.00 7.00 8.00 22.00 9660 14T. Inspection Sample 43.77 8.52 11.16 25.26 10296 48T. Inspection Sample __ 46.00 7.27 9.6-2 24.73 10612 78T. Inspection Sample 44.43 6.91 9.96 26.12 J. H. Lockwood & Co., Paris, Texas— Corn Chops and Corn Bran-Guarantee 9.00 3.00 3200 70.00 10352 77B. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 10.15 3.72 2.38" 71.44 Longview Cotton Oil Co., Longview, Texas- Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee ______ __.__- 43.00 7.00 8.00 24.00 9667 22M. Inspection Sample 45.60 7.78 7.43 25.80 Lubbock Grain & Coal Co., Lubbock, Texas- Maize Head Chops-Guarantee _________ -_ 8.00 2.50 8.00 70.00 10289 1491A. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 8.62 2.47 5.38 69.12 Luling Oil 8a Manufacturing Co., Luling, Texas- Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee __________ -_ 44.00 7.00 8.00 22.00 _4g'_. FEED CONTROL _ ANALYSES—continued. . ' Nitro- Labora- Feed " Crude gen tory Control Manufacturer-Address-Feeding Stufis. Protein Fiber Free Number Number Ex- tract 9641 6T. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 47.35 8,72 7.85 24.37 Love & Cobb, Blessing, Texas- Ground Oats-Guarantee ______________ __ 12.00 3.00 11.00 58.00 9130 11.810. Manufacturers Sample _______ __- _______ -- 12.46, 5.17 10.50 58.01 Oats and Corn-Guarantee _____________ __ 10.50; 3.50, 7.00 65.00 91.31 1181D. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 10.88- 3.37’ 5.30 66.13 aRice and Corn Bran——Guarantee _______ __ 8.75 2.00! 6.00 65.00 9132 1181E. Manufacturers Sample ____________ _______ 8.91 2.171 5.70 68.15 Chick Food—-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 2.75 4.00 70.00 9138 118111‘. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 10.52 2.52 3.16 69.65 Lyons Oil Mill-Co., Lyons, Texas- Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee __________ __ 43.00 9.00 22.00 9418 336W. Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 50.65 4.84 22.92 10441. 180W. Inspection Sample ________________ -_‘_____* 47.75 5.69 20.07 E. D. & J. D. McAdams, Clarendon, Texas- Milo Maize Chops-Guarantee ..... __._-_ 9.50 2.50 3.00 70.00 10604 1519A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 7.58 2.65 6.76 70.95 Iiaifir Chops-Gtiarantee’ _____________ __ 9.50 2.75 3.00 71.00 1.0605 1519B. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 9.02 3.03 5.59 70.05 McAteer Grain Co., Lott, Texas—— , Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ __? 9.00 3.00 3.00 68.00 10026 126W. Inspection Sample __-. ___________________ ._@ 9.80 4.02 2.20 71.47‘ McCormick Grain Co., West, Texas- Corn Chops-Guarantee ___________ __..--- 8.91 3.82 3.00 70.00 9141 1364A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 10.39 3.99 2.40 70.86 McDaniels Milling Co., Carthage, M0.— 1 ‘ Corn Chops-Guarantee _-. ____________ __ 9.00 4.00 .00 70.00 9281 136M. Inspection Sample _______ __- ____________ -- 9.24 3.74 2.31 _ 72.53 9237 299W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 9.46 3.85 2.03 72.50 S. N. McDaniel, Tahoka, Texas—- ‘ » ~ Iwlaize Chops-Guarantee ______________ __ .50 ' 2.50 3.00 71.00 102s 1486.4. l%-Ian11facturer’s Sample ................ -- 12.517 2.87 249i 71.27 McFadden-Weiss-Kyle Rice Mill Co., Beau- i mont, Texas- - E , Mixed Feed-Guarantee _______________ -- 11.00 4.25 10.00 52.00 9769 47W. Inspection Sample __.. ___________________ __ 12.05 9.33 12.35 45.29 Rice Bran~Guarantee _________________ __ 11.00 10.00 15.00 44.00 9770 48W. Inspection Sample 11.18 8.75 14.03 44.66 9236 298W. Inspection Sample _______________ y. ____ __ 11.75 11.25 13.84 44.29 9189 878Mc. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 12.49 12.19 12.68;» 42.97 Rice Polish-Guarantee __. _____________ __ 11.50 6.50 3.001 60.00 9771 49W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 13.15 10.42 2.96 57.50 9190 879Mc. Inspection Sample ______________ -_- _____ __ 12.1.1 9.55 2.05 61.66 McGregor Milling 8: Grain. Cc», McGregor, 'l‘exas"— . ' Mixed Chops-Guarantee ______________ -_ 9.50 3.00 71.00 10029 10G. Manufzicturerls Sample ______ __. ________ __ 11.50 2.14 70.04 1 Mixed Eeed—-—Gu~arantee _______________ -_ 12.00 8.00 60.00 9383 334W." Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 14.45 7.68 59.28 ' McGregor Oil & Manufacturing Co., Mc- Gregor, Texas—— _ - Pure lWleGregor Meal-Guarantee _ _ _ _ . __ 43.00, 7.00 24.00 9859 60W. Inspection Sample . __ _ 44.87 9.80 23.13 10614 205W. Inspection Sample ______________________ -_ 45.26 8.61 22.40 McKinney Cotton Oil Mill Co., McKinney, Texas—— . t Sacked Whole Cotton Seed Cake-Guar- 43.00 45.00" 20.00 antee. ' 833 809C. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 18.02 6.27 23.05 Cotton Seed Meal——Guaran_t-ee~ ________ __ 43.00 7.00 24.00 9907 45M. Inspection Sample __-. ________________ _- 48.85 6.75 22.72 Magnolia Cotton Oil Co.,. Houston, Texas—- ‘ Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee _________ __.- 43.00 9.00 20.00 9900 25T. Inspection Sample __-- 48.00 8.03 24.55 _v_4,9__ FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. Nitro- Labora- .Feed Crude gen tory Control Manufacturer--Address—Fecding Stuffs. Protein Fat Fiber Free Number Number _ 0 Ex- tract J’. P. Major, McLean, Texas- Treshed Kafir Chops-Guarantee _______ __ 9.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 9399 1388A. Manufacturefs Sample ____________ ___-___ -13.13 3.39 1.92 70.04 Threshed Maize Chops-Guarantee ____ __ 9.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 9400 1388B. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 11.36 2.75 2.12 72.04 Maize Head Chops-—Guarantee ________ __ 9.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 9466 1388C. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 8.76 2.76 5.27 70.71 Kafir Head Chops—Guarantee _________ __ 8.50 2.25 6.00 65.00 9467 1388B. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 11.66 3.03 6.97 65.99 Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 3.00% 3.50 70.00 9401 1388E. Manufacturers Sample ______________ __-_- 11.23 4.68 2.06 71.06 Ear Corn Chops-Guarantee ___________ __ 8.00 2.50 8.00 60.00 9402 1388B‘. Manufacturer-‘s Sample ___________ __‘____'_ 11.61 3.74 5.75 67.72 Mammoth Milling Co., Kansas City, Mo.— a Masota Mixed Bran'—Guarantee___.__-__ 14.00 3.50 10.00 50.00 10515 1511A. Manufacturerfls Sample ________________ __ 14.53 3.51 11.80 52.94 Masota. Mixed Feed-—Guarantee ________ -- 14.00 3.50 10.00 50.00 10516 1511B. Manufacturefs Sample ____.- ___________ __ 13.86 3.43 12.06 54.32 O. K. Corn Chops-Guarantee ________ __ 9.00 3.00 3.50 65.00 10600 1511C. Manufacturers Sample _________________ -_t 8.81 4.04 2.16 70.22 Masota Ear Corn Chops—Guarantee_-.._l 8.50 3.00 7.00 65.00 10601 1511D._ Manufacturers Sample ________________ -_! 7.21 3.10 8.851 66.34 1 Marco Mills, Pine Bluff, Ark.— ‘ Pure Corn Chops-Guarantee __________ __; 9.00 3.50 3.50‘ 70.00 9810 54W. Inspection Sample _____________________ --' 8.61 4.33 2.10 69.24 Marlin Oil Co., Marlin,. TeXas--- Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee _________ _- 43.00 8.00 .9.00 24.00 9913 81W. Inspection Sample ______ -; _____________ -_ 52.42 7.69 5.83 22.50 Marsh Milling & Grain Co., Madill, Okla.— Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 4.00 3.50 70.00 9678 ' 19R. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 9.06 3.90 3.07 72.74 Marshall Mill 8a Elevator Co., Marshall, Texas- Pure Corn Chops—-Guarantee __________ -_ 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 10146 250A. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 10.20 3.89 2.16 69.02 Corn Chops and Corn Bran ___________ _- 9.00 3.50 3.25 70.00 10178 250B. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 10.16 ~ 4.09 2.50 68.40 Kafiir Corn Chops—Guara_ntee ____ ________ 9.00 3.75 3.00 65.00 10465 250C. Manufacturerfls Sample ________________ __ 9.63 2.23 2.07 67.94 Marshall Oil Co., Marshall, Texas- _ . “Moco" Mixed Feed-Guarantee _______ __1 10.25‘ 2.25 40.00 33.00 10587 293D. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ n) 11.18, 2.71 37.45 34.86 Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ -1 43.50; 6.50 9.00 24.00 086s 23M. Inspection Sample { 46.421 8.20 8.07 24.93 i 9830 43M. Inspection Sample i 4201i 10.00 9.05_ 26.53 10110 53M. Inspection Sample ---. ................. n‘ 45.401 8.43 7.02, 23.02 p F. L. Martin, Abilene, Texas- I Maize Chops-Guarantee -___- ........... "l 9.50 2.50 3.00 71.00 10284 1485A. Manuiacturefs Sample ________________ "i 12.11 2.64 2.10 71.53 Mart Cotton Oil Co., Mart, Texas- ‘l 1 Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee _________ __' 45.00, 7.40 6.22_ 24.00 9301 312w. Inspection Sample ..................... 48.33; 3.84 7.29, 23.07 10024 124W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __!: 47 .95? 8.901 7.08. 23.8.1 ' . : l i Mason Brothers, San Angelo, Texas-— i i Maize Head Chops-—Guarantee ________ _- 9.50} 2.50 7.50§i 62.00 10513 1517A. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 10.75’ 2.60 7.22; -66.30 _ Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 3.50; 3.00; 70.00 10514 1515B. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 8.98 3.65‘, 2.55’ 67.55 Mason Grain Co., Brownsville, Texas— Rice Bran and Molasses——Guarantee____ 8.00 6.50 7.25% 50.50 9518 1404A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 10.03 10.21 14.71; 42.76 10045 361‘. Inspection Sample __________ -1 _________ __ 8.63 6.35 10.81 48.90 Mason Ice & Power Co., Mason, Texas- rWheat Chops—Guarantee _-_' ....... -;__- 19.00 2.00 4.00 60.00 9486 1159B. Manufacturefs Sample ................ _- 19.69 2.05 8.17 64.19 --50-- - FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. Nitro- . Labora- Feed - Crude gen tory Control Manufacturer-Address-—Feeding Stuffs. Protein Fat Fiber Free Number Number I Ex- tract T. H. Mealer, Garland, Texash- - Milo Maize Chops——Guarantee _________ __ 9.00 3.00 2.35 70.00 10303 85M. Inspection Sample 8.23 2.87 2.43 72.60 Memphis Cotton Oil Co., Memphis, Texas- Screened Pea Cotton Seed Cake——Guar- 44.00 7.00 8.09 24.44 antee. 9886 680D. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 45.89 8,46 8.09 25.81 10124 67M. Inspection Sample 46.40 7.61 7.81 26.26 Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee _________ __ 44.00 7.00 8.09 24.44 10118 61M. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 46.45 9.10 8.15 24.22 “Dixie Cream” Mixed Meal and Hulls- 10.00 3.00 40.00 35.00. Guarantee. 10119 62M. Inspection Sample 11 48 3.16 38.59 34.72 Merchants & Planters Oil Co., Houston, Texas- ' ' Cotti n Seed Meal ______________________ __ 43.00 7.00 9.00 24.00 9901 26T- Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 41.18 7.39 11.37 27.45 10499 75T. Inspection Sample 41.75 8.26 10.53 26.11 Mercantile Grain Co., Houston, Texas- Germ-N-Micks—Guarantee ____________ __ 10.50 6.00 15.00 45.00 10099 3lT. Inspection Sample- 11.71 (5.41 10.88 52.50 9162 852Mc. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 1.1.96 6.98 13.19 49.45 Corn Chops—Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 3.00 3.00 65.00 9160 850Mc. Inspection Sample 9.55 4.01 2.18 70.27 Alfene Dairy Feed-Guarantee _________ __ 15.00 3.75 20.00 40.00 9161' 851Mc. Inspection Sample 14.22 3.20 20.54 47.37 A Blue Streak Mixed Feed—Guarantee_-_-_ 9.50 5.00 16.00 40.00 9163 853Mc. Inspection Sample ' 10.29 6.34 14.43 49.25 ' ' “Chick Micks Junior” Mixed Feed-Guar- 10.00 2.50 5.00 60.00 antee. ' 9164 854Mc. Inspection Sample - 10.20 1.98 2.16 72.53 Meridian Mill Co., Meridian, Texas—~ . * Wheat Shorts-Guarantee _____________ __ 15.50 2.90 4.00 66.00 9197 278W. Inspection Sample ’ 18.44 4.12 4.71 60.90 Midlothian Oil 8a Gin Co., Midlothian, Texas— - Low Grade Cotton Seed Meal-Guar- 41.00 7.00 11.00 22.00 antee. 9231 291W. Inspection Sample 40.20 6.95 11.33 29.52 X.. H. Miller, Bartlett, Texas- Corn Chops—Guarantee ............... __ 9.00 3.00 3.50 70.00 9147 276W. Inspection Sample 8.86 4.02 2.12 69.52 Miller & Watson, Lockney, Texas— Chopped Wheat-Guarantee ___________ -- 13.00 2.00 5.00 60.00 9569 1419A Manufacturers Sample ________________ __1 15.94 1.97 3.67 _ 67.69 Miller Brothers, 101 Ranch, Bliss, Okla.— A Corn Chops—Guarantee _______________ -_@ 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 9717 1440A Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 10.07 3.02 2.15 70.82 Miller & Co., Wagoner, Okla- - . Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ -_; 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 9570 1420A Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ --f 9.12 4.47 2.47 72.54 J. F. Meyers & Sons Milling Co.,’ Spring- eld, M0.—— » l Corn Chops—Guarantee ______________ _- 9.00 4.00 3.00 70.00 ‘9269 900Mc Inspection Sample . 9.49 4.19 2.70 71.16 Albatros Bran-Guarantee ____________ __ 14.75 3.65 10.00 52.00 10218 147W Inspection Sample , - 17.73 3.90 7.79 54.00 Pure Wheat Bran & Shorts—Guarantee__ 14.50 3.50 8.50 54.00 10529 192W Inspe-ction Sample 16.88 4.09 7.61 53.40 Mills of Larabee, Hutchinson, Kansas—— Mill Run Bram-Guarantee ______________ __ 14.00 3.50 8.50 54.00 1040 138R Inspection Sample 17.02 3.27 9.09 55.43 Corn Chops-Guarantee ______________ __ 9.00 3.90 2.20 68.00 9241 495R Inspection Sample -_ 11.22 4.34 2.21 70.43 Wheat Bram-Guarantee ______________ __ 14.50 4.00 5.00 54.00 FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. Nitro- Labora- Feed Crude gen tory Control Manufacturer—Address—Feeding Stuffs. Protein Fat Fiber Free Number Number ' Ex- tract 9220 887Mc Inspection Sample 16.76 4.61 7.79 54.82 “Germil O”, Mixed Feed—Guarantee____ 14.00 3.80 8.50 54.00 9103 481R Inspection Sample 12.87 4.42 6.90 61.25 Mineral Wells Cotton-Seed Oil Co., Mineral Wells, Texas- Cold Pressed Cotton Seed Cake——Guar- antee ___- --_- 24.80 7.00 25.00 27.00 10048 72R Inspection Sample 27.93 6.31 24.49 29.40 Missouri Milling Co., Ballinger, Texas~ l Mixed Chops—Guarantee _____________ -_{ 9.00 3.00 3.00 70.00 9212 490R Inspection Sample _____________________ __' 9.30 4.21? 2.56 70.99 Mixed Feed-Guarantee _______________ _- 11.81 1.47, 14.28 56.08 9213 491R Inspection Sample 12.93 3.63_ 6.25 63.22 Pure Corn Chops—Guarantee _________ __ 9.00 3.00 3.00 70.00 9450 541R Inspection Sample 8.66 4.04 2.77 72.37 ’ Adulterated Bran-Guarantee ________ __ 11.81 1.47 14.28 56.08 9451 542R Inspection Sample _____________________ .._ 16.70 3.89 7.45 59.88 Mission Cotton Oil Co., Mason Texas—- Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee _________ _- 43.00 7.00 9.00 22.00 9468 1391A Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 45.95 10.85 6.73 23.09 10107 6M Inspection Sample 43.87 9.01‘ 8.36 26.05 10103 38T Inspection Sample __ 44.40= 13.40, 5.87 22.81 Cotton Seed Cake-Guarantee ________ __ 43.00 7.00 9.00 22.00 9512 1391B Manufacturers Sample -_--r. .......... -_l 44.53 11.63, 5.60 22.32 J. M. Mitchum, Park Springs, Texas- 1 l Corn Ch0ps——Guarantee ________________ _§ 9.00 3.50, 4.00 70.00 9494 1398A Manufacturers Sample _______________ -- 9.12 3.971 2.14 73 27 C. R. Morgan, Bowie, Texas— l Mixed Chops-Guarantee ______________ __ 9.50 250i 3.00 70.00 10580 915C Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 9.00 3.60; 2.48 70.52 Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ .._ 9.00 4.00. 3.00 70.00 9322 510R Inspection Sample _____________________ -- 8.39 3.82; 3.23 73.77 E. A. Moffit, Mineral Wells. Texas- Pure Corn Chops—Guarantee _________ __ 9.00 3.001 3.50 70.00 9720 1443A Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 10.06 3.81; 2.59 71.76 Moreland & Stephenson, Fluvanna, Texas- ‘ Maize Head Chops-Guarantee ________ __ 9.50 2.50 7.50 62.00 .9572 1422A Manufacturers Sample _______________ __ 8.62 3.411 2.94 72.96 - | J. G. Montray Elevator Co., El Campo, i Short Horn Mixed Feed-—Guar*antee_____ 9.00 3.25 3.00 70.00 9975 68C .Manufact-urer’s Sample ________________ _- 10.05 4.35} 2.14 69.35 Mount Calm Cotton Oil Co., ‘Mount Calm, 1 Texas- ' 1 Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee _________ __ 43.00 7.00; 9.00] 20.00 9561 810C Manufacttirerls Sample _________________ _. 48.60 10.615 6.34‘ 22.98 10433 169W Inspection Sample ____________________ __ 47.07 9.73; 6.99 22.90 9251 309W Inspection Sample ____________________ __, 47.47 9.26, 8.61? 22.88 Cotton Seed Cake-Guarantee ________ __‘ 43.00; 7.001 0.00 20.00 9249 307W Inspection Sample ____________________ __‘ 46.95f 8.50‘ 8.24 24.32 ' 1 ; l Model Milling Co., Guthrie, Ol:la.— i i \ lliill Run Bran-Guarantee ____________ __ 19.23, 3.98‘ 7.44; 54.13 9431 1224B Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 20.435 3.64 7.46; 52.37" Wheat Bran-Guarantee ______________ __‘ 18,90} 3.55 8.63; 53,15 9996 1224C Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 17.75; 3.76 8.80 50.22 Katfir Meal—Guarantne ________________ __ 1037i 3.00 2.56 70.09 10150 1224B Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 10.94} 3.01 1.89 67,99 " MiYed Fced—(4uarantee ________________ __ 1215i 2.75 2.05 71.80 1017!.‘- 1224E. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 1269i 2.83 1.59 68.02 Mixed Feed—_—Guarantee ________________ __ 14.01% 3.33 5.02 63.68 10177 12241?‘ Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ __ 14.65; 3.20 5.42 60.53 Monarch Milling Co.. Hutchinson, Kans.- ; Mill Run Bran—Guarantee _____________ __ 15.00‘ 3.50 8,00 55.00 9462; 994B. 5 Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 17.46, 4.42 . 6.38 58.86 l Shorts-Guarantee -- 15.50} 3.50 6.00 60.00 9463 994C. 15.75| 4.46 7.93 57.50 Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. Nitro- Labora- Feed - Crude gen tory Control Manufaeturer-Address—Feeding Stuffs. Protein Fat Fiber Free Number Number Ex- tract Morris Ranch Milling Co., Morris Ranch, Texas- Wheat Chops----Guarantee ______________ __ 13.50 2.50 6.00 60.00 9597 208C. Manufacturefs Sample ________________ __ 14.46 1.78 3.77 68.28 Mose H. Land Milling Co., Marshall, Mo.— , Winter Wheat Bran-Guarantee _______ _- 15.00 3.50 ~10.00f 50.00 9391 1383A. Manufacturer’s Sample ________________ -_ 15.32 4.22 8.80% 55.59 _ Winter Wheat Middlings~Guarantee_____ 16.00 4.00 7.00‘ 55.00 9392 1383B. Manufacturers Sample ________________ _- 17.98 5.18 7.38 55.25 Pure Corn Chops—-Guarantee _________ -- 9.00 3.00 3150i ' 70.00 9393 1383C. Manufacturer's Sample _. ............... _- 8.72 3.75 2.12.5 73-92 Moulton Cotton Oil & Gin Co., Moulton, Texas—— . ‘ Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ __ 43.00 7.00 8.00 24.00 9656 10T. Inspection Sample __ 48.13 8.42 7.24 24.37 Munday Cotton Oil Co., Munday, 'I‘exas—~ Cotton Seed Meal~Guarantee __________ __ 43.00 7.00 8.00 24.00 " 9745 51R. Inspection Sample 43.19 8.66 10.82 24.50 Cotton Seed Cake-Guarantee _________ __ 43.00 7.00 8.00 24.00 9746 52R. Inspection Sample ______________________ __ 44.21 8.26 9.12 24.96 Munger Cotton Oil Co., Mexia, Texas— Cotton Seed Meal-Guarantee __________ __ 44.00 8.00 7.00 4.00 9752 30W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 48.06 7.52 7.6 25.27 The Munn Corn Products Co., Little Rock, Ark.— - I Wheat Bram-Guarantee _________ ___ ____ __ 14.50 4.00 9.50 53.50 9575 1424A. Manufacturers Sample _______ __,____-_____ 16.47 4.36 10.04 53.16 Corn Chops-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.00 ' 3.50 2.20 70.00 9598 1424B. Manufacturer’s Sample ___' _____________ __ 8.53 3.01 2.46 73.96 _ Wheat Shorts—G-uarantee _____________ __ 14.75 4.25 5.00 58.00 9936 1424C. Manufacturer’s Sample _~_____ ___________ __ 16.62 5.19 8.51 54.07 Hominy Feed-{luarantee ________ _»______ 9.00 8.00 8.50 58.00 1047] 1424D. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 10.16 9.36 8.22 57.94 i Mutual Cotton -Oil Co., Fort Worth, g Texas—— l “Mehue" Mixed Feed——Guarantee ______ __ 10.50 3.00 40.00 30.00 9334 297A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 14.21 3.35 37.20 35.37 9635 11W. Inspection Sample 11.72 2.37 39.72 35.29 9303 315W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 12.54 2.56 39.78 35,19’ Cracked Cotton Seed Cake—Guarantee__. 44.00 7.00 9.00 24.00 9304 316W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 45.78 7.83 8.92 26-53 9652 9W. Inspection Sample 49.73 7.91 6.76 24.30 Cotton Seed MeaP-Guarantee __________ __ 44.00 7.00 9.00 24.00 9305 317W. - Inspection Sample 44.70 8.57 10.16 25.95 9653 10W. Inspection Sample _____________________ __ 47.38 9.01 8.90 23.96 Nacogdoches Oil Mill, Nacogdoches, Texas- Cotton Seed Meal—Guarantee __________ __ 44.00 8.00 7.00 24.00 97491 27W. Inspection Sample 44.86 9.73 6.84 25.52 E _ l Mixed F’eed—Guarantee ________________ __ 10.50 2.75 40.00 30.00 9750; 28W. l Inspection Sample _____________________ -_ 13.57 2.49 36.15 34.81 R. F}. Nail, Albany, Texas— Pure Corn Chops—Guarantee __________ __¢ 9.00 4.00 3.00 70.00 10278 1417A. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 8.59 3.83 ' 2.19 69.30 Kaffir Chops-Guarantee _______________ __ 9.50 3.00 2.75 71.00 , 10375 1417B. Manufacturers Sample ________________ __ 11.77 3.27 2.27 67.08 Maize Chops——Guarantee ______________ __ 9.00 2.00 2.00 70.00 10376 1417C. Manufacturer’s Sample _________________ __ 9.57 2.37 2.25 72.97 National Feed Co., St. Louis, Mo.— - Pure Wheat Bran-Guarantee __________ __ 14.50 4.00 10.00 55.00 9522 543R. Inspection Sample ______________________ _- 14.85 4.02 10.19 55.69 Winter Wheat Middlings—Guarantee_____ 15.00 3.00 5.00 55.00 10271 126R. Inspection Sample - _ 15.74 4.11 7.51 53.55 l Pure Wheat Shorts—Guarantce ________ __ 15.00 3.00 5.00 55.00 9210i 488RQ Inspection Sample . ' 18.59 4.60 a 0.70 55.48 , jNavarro Cotton Oil Co., Corsicana, T6X21S—— 1 ' Cotton Seed Cracked Cake—Guarantee-_ 44.00 9.00 23.00 ‘ ~31 8 FEED CONTROL ANALYSES-continued. ‘ l Nitro- Labora- Feed Crude * gen tory Control Manufacturer—Address—Feeding Stuffs. Protein Fat 1