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' ’- * ; � + ** • • • •` }|- ' ' ,} · · ***; . . . .« sºy · *****- È ·· - ſºſ, 7, … ± &*)')); }:-)(5'->; :-* '... ? .- kr., ae → ··. , *· · · · · · ·! ,- * →-* -*+ ''*~*~*~*~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~. : „ ”; * 3 : . . . . . )• • •|- ·! !!-:) …’ , ’:’, :’’’’’’, ‘’- ’’– + ~~~.'· `· · · · * * - - ---*- - -! **<!-- *…*..*3*4) *** > *ſºr-|-- * -|- --- --* ~~~~ … ». * . . . · *4.• ; →~ *-'. , ، ، ، ،* *--·--·« …’ -- - -„’ ‘ ’ ”* <-- .~- …· * -··-- « `…|- -|-●*, , + →' * *×--… • ¡ ¿ \* v. UNIVERSITY..Q., ºff SAN DIEG O - ||||||| University of California, San Diego Please Note: This item is subject to recall. Date Due - - MA r UJ 1993 TMT5RBT Cl39a (4/91) UCSD Lib. º Aºmºrrºvº. va. **ºtºlvº gº cERALD W. HOWARt. INVESTIGATIONS BY THE UNITED STATES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL WORTH PACIFIC FISHERIES COMMISSION--iş05 U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Seattle, Washington March l, 1966 CONTENTS Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Tagging and sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Distribution and abundance of salmon . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Oceanography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Ocean mortality and growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Serology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll2 Sockeye salmon scale Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Pink salmon scale studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Population dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 King crab research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 INTRODUCTION In 1965 research by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission (INPFC) followed essentially the same lines as in 1961. Activities included research on (l) distribution, relative abundance, and migrations of high-seas salmon, (2) areas of origin of high-seas salmon, (3) the ocean environment and its influence on salmon, (h) ocean mortality and growth of salmon, and (5) king crab stocks of the eastern Bering Sea. Intensive field tests were started to determine mortality of salmon during their last few weeks of ocean life and rates of dropout (salmon caught but not "landed) during high-seas gill netting. This report describes the progress on investigations in 1965. As in past years, studies on tagging and sampling were carried out by the Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, under contract to the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Research on eastern Bering Sea stocks of king crab is being conducted by the Bureau's Biological Laboratory, Auke Bay, Alaska. The remainder of the work was done by the Bureau's Biological Laboratory, Seattle. Two manuscripts by the Seattle Biological Laboratory describing research findings for 1956-60 on eastern Bering Sea kins crabs are to be submitted for publication in 1966. The United States is cooperating in groundfish studies on Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska stocks with Canada, Japan, and the International Pacific Halibut Commission. Progress in these studies is reported in the Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting (1965) of the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. TAGGING AND SAMPLING by A. C. Hartt, L. S. Smith, and M. B. Dell The Fisheries Research Institute of the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, under contract to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, sampled and tagged salmon on the high seas in a program similar to that of 1964. Tag recovery effort in l965 was similar to that in earlier years except that the reward for tags recovered in the year of release was increased from $l to $3 to conform to practices of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Advertising and visitation work to promote recoveries in the Bristol Bay area was handled by personnel of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries since they were engaged in the recovery of large numbers of tags from their mortality and growth experiments. The l965 work is described under the following three main headings: (1) Gulf of Alaska longlining; (2) Central Aleutian purse-seine indexing; and (3) seining of fingerling salmon in the Gulf of Alaska. Gulf of Alaska longlining Objectives were to fish and tag over wide areas of the Gulf starting early in the season to compare abundance, distribution, and migrations of salmon (mainly mature) with those in earlier years. This longline operation was coordinated with similar operations by Canada and by Japan. Some samples of sockeye salmon (l,638) were frozen and sent to the Fisheries Research Board of Canada Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, for racial identification by means of meristic characters and parasites. Canada kindly loaned a brine freezer and cold storage boxes for installation on • the vessel Storm. Some pink salmon (381) were preserved by salting and sent to Nanaimo to determine vertebral counts for use in identification of Stocks. A secondary objective was to fish with a purse seine in the southern part of the Gulf of Alaska to extend our knowledge of the early-season migrations of immature sockeye and chum salmon. Operations by U.S. vessels for the above work were as follows: Wessel Dates of operation Gear Commander April 10 - June 7 Longline (principal gear) Purse seine (secondary gear) Storm April 20 - July 12 Longline Karen Te May 2l - July 3 Longline The joint longline sampling and tagging in the Gulf of Alaska was the most comprehensive to date. Three Canadian and three U.S. boats repeatedly sampled a grid of stations between lats. H.3° N. and 59° N., westward to long. 155° W. After May 20 most fishing was in the northern and eastern Gulf. Canadian vessels operated from April 1 to June 7 . Two Japanese vessels fished in the northwestern part of the Gulf at a series of stations between Adak and Kodiak in late May. Details of the Canadian and Japanese operations are available in other parts of the Annual Report. In general, the catches in 1965 indicated distribution and seasonal migration similar to that of earlier years. Numbers caught and tagged by U.S. vessels in the Gulf longline operation are listed by statistical area in Table le Mature sockeye salmon were most abundant in the northwestern Gulf of Alaska in April and May (north of lat. 50° N., and west of long, 110° W.) and apparently many shifted westward as the season progressed. Scale examinations showed a high proportion of fish of the Bristol. Bay type in the northwestern Gulf through June 10. Subsequently tag returns verified the importance of Bristol Bay stocks in this area. In April and early May the immature sockeye occurred mainly south of lat. 50° N., , extending to about l;6° N. ; they shifted northward with the season. li Table l. --Longline catch and tagging data by Statistical areas, Fisheries Research Institute vessels, 1965. Number Of Numbers caught and (in parentheses) Inclusive longline Total numbers tagged Areal/ dates Sets skates Sockeye Chum Pink Coho Chinook Steelhead Total W7052 6/7 l lº 129 | 8 O O O lil (90) (l) (1) (O) (O) (O) (98) 6O5|| 5/23 l 2O 281 5 O O O O 286 (117) (5) (O) (O) (O) (O) (52) 6052 6/1 l 2O 76 | l; O O O 8|| (6) (3) (li) (O) (O) (O) (13) 6050 5/25 l l_O 2l 3 O O O O 2|| - (O) (l) (O) (O) (O) (O) (1) 6O18 5/26–5/27 2 |O 6O 2l 3O O O 9 L2O (2) (13) (17) (O) (O) (7) (39) 5558 5/28 l ll LO l9 O O O O 29 (9) (16) (O) (O) (O) (O) (25) 5556 5/20-6/30 3 6O 276 52 6 O O O 33|| (Llo) (115) (l) (O) (O) (O) (168) 555, 5/ll-7/l | 65 131 2O LO O O O l6l (O) (15) (9) (O) (O) (O) (21) 5552 6/, l l; l6 l 3 O O O 2O (12) (l) (3) (O) (O) (O) (16) 5550 5/10-6/3 5 8|| 187 31 lil O O 3 262 (2O) (28) (31) (O) (O) (2) (81) 5518 5/28 l 2O LO 5 2|| O l 18 58 (O) (5) (15) (O) (O) (18) (38) 55116 l/23-11/24 2 3O O 6 ll O O O 17 (O) (5) (3) (O) (O) (O) (8) 55|| l/22 l 19 O O 2 O O O 2 (O) (O) (l) (O) (O) (O) (l) 5O58 5/31-6/15 3 31 68 l2 O O O l 8]. (115) (12) (O) (O) (O) (O) (57) 5056 5/25–6/13 6 63 363 lj 3 O O O 38]. (17O) (9) (l) (O) (O) (O) (180) 505), 6/13–7/2 2 3O 28 l; O l | 6 3 O (O) (3) (13) (O) (O) (O) (L6) l/ See Fig. l 5 Table l. --Longline catch and tagging data by Statistical areas, Fisheries Research Institute vecºels, - (-) E 3 yº- + - vs . l, Jºy - - , . OI.T. iſ use ( Number 2. Of Numbers caught and (in parentheses) Inclusive longline Total numbers tagg Cº * Area/ dates set S skates Sockeye Chum Pink £cho Chinc CE. Steelhead Total W5O52 5/13-6/ll 3 6O 399 lº 50 O C 2 |66 (O) (8) (17) (O) (C) (2) (57) 5O5O 5/ll-6/2 3 |B 2H2 28 lili C C. 2 316 (33) (22) (27) (Q) (C) (l) (83) 5Olı8 5/8–5/29 2 |C lj6 lO 33 O l ll 2ll (6) (7) (20) (C) (O) (8) (35) 5Ol;6 l/25 l l_O C 3 l V O O l (O) (2) (l) (C) (O) ^\ (3) 5Oll. l/2l l lº O C O o O º C) (o) (C) (C) (C) (9) (C) (C) |B58 6/1-6/28 6 8O LO! 90 56 F- o i 256 (60) (76) (18) ( ; ) (0) (O) (189) l,556 5/23–7/5 7 78 26|| 105, lºo 9 Ç 7 555 (102) (86) (155) (5) (C) (7) (355) |B5), 6/15–7/6 3 ||8 1.01 20, 81. T C *- 9 222 (9) (ill) (66) (5) C (6) (103) l,550 5/13 l LO LO 5 º O \ l 26 (LO) (h) (=) (C) (O) (H) (23) l,518 5/7-6/l 3 15 ( ) 19 lºl (23) (16) (20 \ (13) (76) ||3||6 l/26-5/31 5 60 ll 53 65 l C. 20 lº (6) (31) (32) (i.) (o) (18) (91) l;5ll lº/lo l LO C l 16 O \. C L'7 (O) (O) (ll) (J) (C) (C) (ll) ||5||2 l/20 l lO O O O O C O O (O) (O) (C) (C) (0) (C) (O) |O58 6/11–6/26 5 67 l3 25 lap 5 O C 168 (8) (ls) (85) (2) (C) (0) (ll2) |O56 5/22-6/25 7 79 38 l6 2.19 8 O 3 28); (2C) (8) (150) (7) (c) (3) (188) liO5), 6/18–7/7 2 3O 52 9 95 H J l 16|| (C) (7) (69) (, ) (c) (2) (82) T / See Ti or . T 6 Table l. --Longline catch and tagging data by Statistical areas, Fisheries Research Institute vessels, 1965–-Continued Number Of Numbers caught and (in parentheses) Inclusive longline Cotal numbers tagged Areal/ dates sets skates Sockeye Chum rink Ç...hº... ...}, iſ ºk Cº. e8=lhead '.' *, all Wh();2 6/17–6/29 2 3O 2l 9 9|| l Ö l 135 (O) (5) (76) (1) (C) (2) (66) |Olé 5/30 l l3 2 15 3. 7 C l 62 (l) (la) (25) (3) (j) (i) (12) |Olé li/27–5/17 6 88 |O 30 gli l C 2l 189 (22) (19) (4.) (2) (j) (15) (28) |Ol;2 l/18 l LO C \–/ 'J O ^ C O (C) (o) (J) (C) (C) (C) (C) 3552 6/19-6/30 2 2O 2 6 18. 6 O 2 6|| (C) (i) (lili) (3) (O) (l) (32) 3518 5/8-7/9 3 55 17 5l lig L3 l 3 13|| (l) (29) (31) (12) (C) (3) (79) 351,6 l/2H-5/19 6 59 l 27 97 3 C. H 1.32 (l) (ll, ) (27) (2) ſo ) (2) (16) 3512 l/16-1/17 2 2C O O C 1. p (T 1. (o) (c) (c) (Jº (o) (c) (C) 3Ol:8 l/22-7/2 3 Hl 5 O C 6 ( º li (3) (C) (c) (3) (C) (C) (6) 3OH6 5/1–7/LO 6 8|| o () ) s U. º (o) (c) (0) (2) (C) (2) (4) 3OH2 l/15 l 8 O O O (. C \ C (C) (0) (C) { } (C) (C) (...) 25!18 5/27 l li O C O s i. l - (O) (O) (C) (5) (l) (i) (, ) 251.6 5/2-7/ll 2 3|| O O C lis l C 16 (O) (o) ( ) (3C) (C) (c) (30) 25|| l/12 l 5 O C 2 Q O O 2 (O) (c) (1) (C) (…) (O) (i) 251.2 l/13 l LC O O O \ O l l (O) (C) (0) (C) (…) (l) (+) Total ||7 l/12–7/ll loll 1708 31.96 739, 1571, 11.6 6 155 5813 (822) (541) (1090) (iCº) (l) (119) (2680) l/ See Fig. l a VA/ 3058 |7558 J. : 8056 º |7556 º W - - 7554 '^g ric ~ Y. §§ **2% - 42/1189 = 3.5% 44;o 5 Cook Inlet 12 Central B. C. / Q . =" * - 6 Pr. Wm. Sd. - 13 Rivers Inlet area 7 Copper R. 14 Str. Juan de Fuca - Fraser R. - 4:29 – - g -- - - 4:9 o – - w is E. - 165°W 16OOW 155°W 15OCW 1459W 1 400W. 1350 W /VAoSº l/V\oO£7||^AoS ſtylAVAo 09 1^^oº'ºl^Ao09 1 /V\o991 _^• G • 64 J—ſø0țy 4°• 6 a p66 og g o qą u o tu Á q S 9 6 I u į d xi s D1 v g o J I nº a q \ u ſ p e 66 og u o uII os o q o o go uo { } n q ! I 3 s ſ p Á I e Ao o 3 YI ^ \ , \ , \ _)~ \ \ _ — ||—|-zº %† “SI = SSL/#2 †2 = NIDļo Lſºſy £ = NQsn6ny[ ] 49°† = NÁīnſ — v I = NeunſQ 9I = NÁDW ~~GD— kººſ» espºiºſ! Jo quoyw ll. The most significant feature of the tagging of coho salmon (Fig. 5) was the high rate of return from 30 longline-caught fish tagged 16 miles off the mouth of the Columbia River on May 2; ll. (16.7 percent) were recovered. Recoveries ranged from central Oregon to central British Columbia, and were made from May 3 through October 20. Only three were from the Columbia River. Excluding the May 2 experiment, 10 of 125 releases were recovered, or 8.0 percent. The results suggest a very high exploitation rate on coho Salmon Stocks ae, remain insilore • Figures 6 and 7 show the returns in 1961 and 1965, respectively, of coho salmon (caught by purse seines) tagged as fingerlings in 1964 during their first summer at sea. The eight returns in 1961; are included in this report because the five recovered in the Straits of Juan de Fuca (Fig. 6) were erroneously recorded as Fraser River recoveries in INPFC Document 780 (IBM table of U.S. tag returns in 1961). The distribution of returns no doubt was influenced by the distribution of fishing effort in the late fall of 1961, but the results indicate that the coho salmon fingerlings in the western Strait of Juan de Fuca do not necessarily proceed out to sea. Three migrated eastward as far as the entrance to Puget Sound. Another important feature of these eight returns is that all were tagged with the 3/1-inch diameter red and white discs used on larger salmon. Of the 26h fish released, l32 were tagged with discs, and l32 with darts. Eight discs (6.1 percent) were recovered in 1961, and two (l.5 percent) in 1965 (Fig. 7) -- a total of 7.6 percent. The ls2 darts yielded no returns in 1961, and only one in 1965 (0.8 percent). Such results speak well for discs on fish that average only 27 cm. long. The mean size of the dart-tagged fish was 26 cm., but such a slight difference could hardly account for the much poorer return. Undoubtedly the disc-tagged fish recovered in 1964 were held in the nets by entanglement of the discs in the web (seven were recovered in gill nets and one in a purse seine). lj 1300 =*skEENA RIVER §º Q #) QTø. # (); OUg RIVERS INLET cº- sº F-- . ūsº X * "c *& w ( º 50° O2, FRASER l- RIYER & ** = & * , * \ • * * Q. cº | Sº- / s jSs NºSQ. tº WY Iy → q), u į pº 66 pa a o tu ſ os un q o go u oſ 3 n q ! 13 sſp A i º a o o º H *01• 6 į šį į |- );�| AA 009 ia.sºuAA 004 1aſszi, aos i Täeszi3 004 i3 499 i3 009 i3 o $ $ lſ3 00$ 1 __----→~~~~ **ºdę „ov&•- *** **- *--> *- : * - : *-- - - * -º-º------ . -------- 165° |70° 175° 180° 1759 I70° At fu | Q º- ** ... • ? & > O j C º º 47 's o Aººs º- © 4 * * & sº { # e # Q k + 50°]———— —HO- , Q , ––50° O | d O Ol - | O |- O + 4. |- O & * * l © Gº | O + f 45° + o— e-to —%—–4– ——#45° O }. + 4. O | | 4 SOCKEYE SALMON | - WINTER-AT-SE. A & Ag ** s * & © e ‘’’ " Adak - . . e ‘’ + 4? *.* © 6 º $. rºo *\s. ; vº ©9 4. | @ l 50° —4. —º 1––––Å. © –– w— Å º + -º--—º. 50° 6:9 @ 4 ei + 4. © 4. 69 +. 4. © .. @ |- . •º- 4. © {} @ *}- ..! 45° —# ----|-o-º-o -4--~4—º —r 45° O i | + i O H * sockeyE SALMON 2-3-8 4-WINTERS-AT-SEA | Aft O | ** ... • * + O | O erºr # * 47 's o Aººs º- a. * * tº º/J & ~" ; * º O 4 J O 50°l—i---, --- ~~~~|~o . ~~|~ * ~ 1–. --—150° O C ol ! | O l | O f ! O O + Q9 © Fish/IOO fothoms of ne? © -- O = O 45° e - e-si- e = O. i - 5.0 - 45° + }- 4. © + © = 5. - 10.00 = P- 4. | © @ | O. OO CHUM SAL MON 4,58, 6 YEAR OLD Figure lit. --Relative abundance of sockeye and chum salmon, February–March 1965. |O Length and age composition Length frequencies, by number of Winters at Sea, Of Sockeye salmon are given in Figure lj. Cverlap in the length frequencies of the 2- and 3-winter fish and of the 3- and H-Winter fish was pronounced. Among the older sockeye salmon, taken in 3-, 4-, and 5-inch-mesh nets, approximately 53 percent were 2-winter fish, H5 percent were 3-winter fish, and 2 percent were H-winter fish. Age 53 fish dominated among the 2-winter sockeye (88 percent); ages 52 and 63 were about equally represented among the 3-winter-at-sea fish. Among the l-Winter-at-sea sockeye salmon taken in the 2- and 24-inch-mesh net S 2 age *3 dominated (7.9 percent). Distribution of the various age groups of sockeye salmon (Fig. 16) revealed that generally 3- and H-Winter sockeye were in greater abundance west of long. 170° E, than to the east; 2-Winter fish were more abundant east of long. 170 ° E. In the area west of long, 170 ° E. , the age composition, excluding l-winter-at-sea fish, was 7 percent 2-winter, 86 percent 3-winter, and 7 percent H-winter fish; east of long. 170 ° E. , the age composition, again excluding l-Winter-at-sea fish, was 70 percent 2–Winter and 30 percent 3-Winter fish. As mentioned previously, sockeye salmcn l Winter at sea, , ages 32 and *3. were concentrated between longs. 180° and o N l'70° E. and south of lat. 50 ° Only three age groups of chum Salmon appeared in the catches. Ages of lili chum salmon were determined; 33 were H years old, 10 were 5 years old, and l was 6 years. No 3-year-old chum salmon were caught, althºugh 2-year-old fish had been present in the general area the previous September. Apparently, 2– and 3-year-old chum salmon were absent from the area of the northwest Pacific sampled in February and March i965. lil i i 3O – |-WINTER - AT-SE. A N = | O6 2O H. - X = 274.6 : | O H. l, O In- - l - 2-WINTER - AT-SEA 3OH - N = 2 | 6 º x E 483. 8 2O H. º ſ {} |O H. O ºl l, 3-WINTER - AT - SEA 3O H. N = | 8 7 X = 539.7 2O H. | O H. O ſº *º- o 4-WINTER -AT-SEA 5 H- N : *\ º x = 5 S 1.2 O UT T U U Uſ I U | T -T: 2OO 3OO 4OO 5 OO 6OO 7OC. LENGTH IN MILLIMETERs (GROUPED BY 10 \m.) Figure 15. --Length frequencies of sockeye salmon by number of winters at sea, winter cruise, RV George B. Kelez, 1965. H2 | S5° | 70° | 750 | 8 Oo 1750 55° SJ S 155° 1 ATTU T l <" {4 —Sºlº ,- I n T-I I i —I I I I I T I ſ T W 5Oo F- : : º T] 50° Él- - A22 45 5 2 4. 3 O | | H– 45° I I ITF I u i I I N W I T J - | 2 |6 O 4 8 || 2 || 6 O 4 8 |2 || 6 20 ! N U M B E R O F F | S H 45° Ö 4 ë 12 | 6 o 4 8 | | | | | Figure 16. --Distribution of sockeye salmon by age groups, winter cruise, RV George B Kelez, 1965. (Catches weighted to 6 shackles of the 2- and 2#-inch-mesh nets for l-winter-at-sea fish and 18 shackles of 3#-, Hà-, and 5-inch-mesh nets for 2-, 3-, and H- winter fish. Data combined for areas 5° lat. by 5° long.) l, 3 The three pink salmon caught during the winter cruise were 375, 378, and 399 mm. long. Coho salmon ranged from 343 mm. to H59 mm. long. Scales from 16 º specimens showed that l3 were age *3 and 3 were age 32. Maturity Maturity of sockeye and chum salmon taken in February and March was determined by (1) serological methods (Ridgway, 1961) and (2) gonad- weight criteria (Ishida and Miyaguchi, 1958). Results of maturity determinations for female sockeye salmon are given in the section "Serology." It was found that 81 percent of the 2-winter-at-sea and 99 percent of the 3-winter sockeye salmon were maturing. Among the 2-winter mºles, for which gonad weights were obtained, 84 of 96 fish (88 percent) contained gonads weighing l. 5 g. or more. If the remaining growing period from February- March to the inshore migratory period in June is considered, it is likely that these males would have matured. (Males with gonads weighing more than 2 g. in May and June are considered to be maturing. Ninety-four percent of the male 3-winter-at-sea sockeye salmon examined contained gonads that weighed l. 5 g, or more. These fish were judged to be maturing. Among 16 female chum salmon tested by serological methods, 15 were classed as maturing a Cf 15 male chum salmon, examined, lº containºd gonads that weighed le 5 g. or more , it is likely that these males were maturing. We have concluded from these samples taken in the northwest Pacific in February and March, that over 90 percent of the older salmon (3-winter- at-sea sockeye salmon and li-, 5-, and 6-year-old chum salmon) would return to spawning streams the following summer and fall... We 3...so concluded that at least 80 percent of the 2-winter-at-sea sockeye salmºn were maturing and hence that no more than 20 percent of the fish would stay et sea for at least one more winter. lºl. Wertical distribution Experimental fishing at depths from 2H to lić feet and from 18 to 72 feet took relatively few fish during the night. In seven Sets during which 56 shackles of gill nets were fished (28 shackles each at vertical ranges of 2h-lić feet and liS-72 feet), only three salmon were caught--two sockeye salmon at 2h-l:3 feet and one chum salmon at h8-72 feet. During these same seven sets, 28 surface nets (extending from the surface down to 24 feet) and fished directly over the sunken nets took 54 fish (52 sockeye and 2 chum salmon). Environmental relationships The relationship between occurrence of salmon and subsurface temperatures is discussed under the section "Oceanography." An apparent relationship between surface temperatures and the distribution of salmon was indicated by the occurrence of pink and coho salmon and steelhead at two stations where surface temperatures were much higher than at other stations. At most stations, surface temperatures ranged from 1.8° c. to 5.3° C. (see Table 3). Two stations, however, with surface temperatures of 6.9° C. and 7.1° C. yielded our only catches of pink and coho salmon and steelhead. Chum salmon occurred mainly in waters with surface temperatures greater than 3.2° C. and, with one exception, were not taken in areas with temperatures less than 3.2° C. As we have found on past winter cruises, sockeye salmon were taken throughout the areas of low surface temperatures (1.7° C. or colder); they were not taken in waters at four stations where O temperatures were 5. 3 C. or higher. l;5 Spring cruise Special gill net strings of 5%—inch-mesh nets were fished from the RV George B. Kelez and the chartered schooner Paragon (80 feet) during the spring to determine dropout rates. Longlines were fished from the Kelez on five occasions. Salmon catches of the two vessels are listed in Table H. Dropout, studies Two experimental designs (developed by G. Hirschhorn, D. D. Worlund, and R. A. Fredin of the Laboratory's Biometrics unit) were used to determine dropout rates of salmon. In the first design the nets were fished at night; one unit of gear (four 50-fathom shackles of 5#-inch-mesh gill nets per unit) was fished for 6 hours, a second unit for the first 3 hours, and a third unit for the second 3 hours (Fig. 17). This fishing was repeated over three different time periods during the night. The dropout rate was computed by comparing the catch of the 6-hour unit with those of similar units fished during the first and the second 3-hour intervals. In the second design four units of gill nets were set before daylight and fished for various lengths of time until noon. Additional units were fished concurrently as shown in Figure 18. In this design, we expected that in the event fish did not enter gill nets set during daylight, the dropout rate could be measured directly by comparing catches of the gear units after various periods of time. The night-fishing plan provided for the variation in catch attributable to fishing at different times of the night by setting standard units of gear (200 fathoms of 5-inch-mesh nets) to fish during four 3-hour time periods each night. These periods were 8-11 p.m., l,6 • sqas Ke(I-ąų3ȚN /ē • ĐuȚTºuot go saņaſHS = TI ‘ qau IT!? Jo sēTĂoeq S ~ N(0 /ī 910'9 gSI LLI T99'aTºqOJ, 6O22Tā99TOtiOTNĮſ)9 " L " M 1 00.29T ‘N , hē4962-1T2 29T----*• .*** ·29I2T9TNIÐgº ti ”M 100,64T ‘N , 08.19 08-96T 92…a-9O32łį†IMIſ)fi º ti ”M . 6I,09T " N 1 gtſ. 1.6 62-99T , 09tįT•OI6țiitī9tĪTNIÐoºg • M • 22.64T ’N Tē. Lg La-9};/ā OOT~ →·«… *OOT∞OIȚII�■• M • 62,64T ‘N 1934).9 93-99T LOfiTOh9999TT93Mſ)t, ºg º M , 94.64T ’N ITO., L9 63-9GT 99T►►- -93OTT9ȚI9ēNſ)g * g * M , IS „29T ’N I OT499 52-9†T LOZ-<†tē99 IETT92Åſſ)2 · 9 · M , OO „tī9T ‘N , 09.499 22-99Ț 9--fi2099TNIÐfi º 9 * M , OO,tı9T ‘N , 08.499 T2-93T 6·& .º •69tį2TNſ)g * 9 * M 1 OT499T ’N 16T489 9T-9TT 99I2£29O2T93NĮſ)9 · 9 · M · O2.499T ‘N , ST489 LT-99T /ā 61829T† 9821.9T , NĐfi º 9 * M , Stį „L9T ’N · 69429 gT-96 91328893QOTQ3 , Nſ)9 · 9 · M i 18.99£ ‘N , L049 g tīI-99 1.1.●O2TI•* M . 6I. 99T ‘N 108499 2T-9L 68TfŲ9.29T© ®O2TI9 ºg º M , GT499T ‘N : 08499 TT-99 989.289،LTȚIg * g * M . 6I. 99T ‘N , 08.486 OT-99 GT•--GT∞O2ȚI∞º M , LT-99T ’N · 284896-9ių T9T«.^-tſ1.9T2TT92Nſ)O’g ’’M , 00499T ’N 1904999-99. 392OT2țēZIT93Mſ)2 * g * M . $0.99T ‘N 1 TO499L-92 gāTfizETT92À[04 · 9 · M s 40.99T ‘N , Sē4899-9T 75Ț5ğ ·ā 55ī555 Ag Te4OJ, þ{oouȚųO | x\upā | urnųO | 3Á№x{OOS Í SJ noq JaqūIn N puȚX* OsæpnąȚºu O'I Đpną. Į qe'[ | 34€GI* OŃ 3TXQ 'GUIS43S º đIIRÐI, "J-InS sa poeđS/treepUIOȚºļļSOBI g961 ºg ſnxo ºu prāgſ ūõ3āīūā AW pua 7āīāī ·ā ēſīõā5 AH ºsaqoqºo uourtas--, ſi ºlqeſ, Table H ---Salmon catches, RV George B. Kelez and MV Paragon spring cruise, 1965--Continued Position Gearl/ Set, Surf Temp. No. Date ſº Longitude °C. Kind Number hours | Sockeye Total MV Paragon l 6-1 53°l, 31 N. 160°lil' W. 5.O GN 28 51 66 2 6-1, 53°23' N. 166°Ol' W. H.8 GN 28 29 lil, 3 6-7 53°26′ N, 165°52' W. 5.8 GN 28 322 332 h 6-8 53°26′ N, 165°57' W. 5.5 GN 2O h88 5O2 2/ 5 6–lo 53°18' N. 166°00' W. 5.5 GN 28 79 87 2/3 6–ll 53°07, N. 166°28' W. 5.5 GN 28 il3 126 7 6-12 52°52' N. 166°12' W. 5.8 GN 28 52 53 8 6-1, 53°15' N. 166°38' W. 6.2 GN 23 168 l8l 9 6-15 52°57' N. 167°lil' W. 6.2 GN 28 37), 390 2/16 6-17 53°18' N. 166°30' W. 6.5 GN 28 17 l8 ll 6-18 53°16' N. 166°15' W. 6.7 GN 12 l3 15 12 6-21 55°),8' N. 160°31' W. 6.5 GN 28 ll;7 155 13 6-22 55°55' N. 161°00' W. 6.3 GN l2 27 28 il; 6-23 55°06' N. 162°30' W. 5.7 GN 28 395 Bl;9 2/ ? 6-25 56°37' N. 161°30' W. 5.9 GN i2 391 l,57 16 6-26 56°13' N. 161°30' W. 6.8 GN ll, 21O 230 17 6–28 57°06' N. 161°56' W. 5.7 GN ll, 25 37 L8 6-29 56°l,71 N. 161°25' W. 6.5 GN 1O 153 16O 19 7-l 56°30' N. 161°05' W. 7.3 GN ll. lig 5h. 2O 7-2 56°17' N. 162°00' W. 8.3 GN 1G LOl 108 Total 3,20l. 3,192 l/ GN = Shackles of gill net, 2/ Night-Day sets. LL = Skates of longline. & 8PM 2AM 5 AM 8 AM & tº º * . * * • * * -> * * ºf ºn tº tº dº -** sº-º-º-º: º, tº ºr gº º * * * * & 3 w is * * * * 4 - tº - * * * * * * * tº ºr * * * & - - - • * - # & ..". ". ...",". ".", "s", \, .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *. . . . . . * * * * _*.*.*, * * * *, *, *-*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* * *g ****.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *, *, *, *, *, *,' . - - - . - --- s - - --~~A-A-2-3 A-, -ī-, 4-º-º-º: ºxxº~~~~~~~~~~…~~~~ **º- * -º- ºr - - * * * *-wºº & " - >sº sº; Fºrzº.......... :...yº:-- > w- - -r-r-3-z - sº sº sº a s ſº in s sº a ºf * * * * * sº a a is a # ºf a *, * * * * * * * * e •,•,•,• * & A i a * * * * * * 4 * tº tº e" w”, As º • * * * * * , a * g s ºr * * * * tº º – - tº dº * . * * * * * if ºf as # 4 gº " .. 6 ºf g g & * * * * * a s - ºf g x - T ºf s s • - a sº a tº º, ø, ºt • **** *-*== • * **-* * > -º-º-º-º- g * *** “mºs. ºº e A- *-* * * *- : * - => ºr y------------ * As a s 4 “. . . *.*.*.* s s º an .*.*.*. -> *--> v -s a -->erº --- yº- **** 2:-->~~~:->7- - - •,•.*.*.* e s Te º a * * *Sºrry, rºw,5- I-,-,-,-,- e is * * - * * * * ,"s", *a*, *. * * . *, *. . . . . . * *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. * * is a s s tº ... - * * & * ~ * e - *- a s a $ 8 * * * * ~~~~-º-º-º-º-º-º: + ºxi-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: º g * * * * * * * * Eoch unit = 4 shockles (2OO f.) of 5+" gill net Figure 17.--Fishing plan (nighttime) for study of dropout. Each unit of gear is identical; length of shaded area refers to fishing time. • ĐUIȚq ºuļųSȚJ OQ, S.IÐJe:I ea IG pº peqS JO ĮQ3u9T ‘TeoȚquepț sȚ a e3? Jo qȚun qoºq - qnoďorp JO Ķpnąs ICJ (&ep-qų3Țu) u ēTđ ºu ſusț¢--* QT3.Inſºț, I ļºu |||6 , #9ļO ( ` ) OO2 ) SÐ |X| 0 O US #7 = } ! Un Uļ OD E + + ~;~~rºzº g. ~~şºş”;-)--º--º-: ~~~~ ~~~~,~~~ · • w gº w x a Tw Tx T • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * º * * & * * ** * * ~,~~;~;~~;~;~~;~~~~ · • ’ × 7 × ( × 7 × 7 × 7 × ( × 7 • • • • •* • * · * * * * * · • w: ? ſae * a * * * § ø ± ø ±, ± • • • ©__* !_! * _* _ ». * £ .4*** • !• s * • •• • * a* -, ,·tàſi , ' , 'ae•|-* •*.*. „“. . . . . . .« ` ». . “ - º• •· * * · * * · · · · * * . • • • • ,• .|-|--.·- -• • • .* • •- <!--º---º--: --~~~~--~~~~ ~ ~ ~ . . . «Caes".--º-: a-, º-º-º---º---º--º-º-º-º-º-º-º---, - ~~~~<!--\>** ><~::~;~, ºraer;~~~~-·r·º, ; ) • • • •¿•) »→ s. X a.-X, X…X_^)** * * → | –|}_]|-||||1| NOON 2|-W\78 W\79W\79WV 2 11 p.m. -2 a.m. , 2-5 a.m., and 5-8 a.m. In the North Facific the largest catches were obtained between 8 and il, p.m., and the smallest from 5 to 8 a.m. * , * (Fig. 19). This distribution of catch by time periods was similar to that Ç $3, r ë £3, l r t] h †: f § ºl i. C *-> reported for the northwest Pacific f 1961 (French, 1966), The catch by time periods in the Bering Sea differed from that in the North Pacific in that the largest catches were between Ll pem. and 2 a.m. and the smallest from 2 to 5 a.m. The most interesting difference between the two areas was in catches during daylight, from 5 to 8 a.m. (Sunrise occurred about 3:30 a.m. during this time of the year.) In the ce **** * * *i- k . * --, -} -: t Sº- & 4. ... •º • ‘ī-, 24. ..ºb.º. sº Aººs º-gº, ºr *t, *, * & Bering Sea a substantial proportion of the fish were cºught in rº t h & period; in North Pacific oxily .2 percent were caught during this same period a º *; .*, ** gs. * : { º .g. * * , gº i &: * ** *t, *y .* *> & i. i. e. *.*, 3, 1 gº. ** 3: *. sº Ioss of 58.3mon from gill rººts was estimated by regression - tº ºx & + º- º § 2, ..º. i-, i. 2x ~ $º . ā-, :*: rºx A: .9 **** *> º: tº o & analysis based on data from the catches tºker, in 52 time periods (a 6-hour * ºr i-e: *-*. i. tº ºr, zººs ~s' $ $, f *...; , - - - * **, *-2, * ** , º, & * *. $3 *gº sº $ catch versus two 3-hour catches, Figure i7 3. If we assume N., and N., are the —i. º: tº: : * tº 3 × --as $ 7 & ºr " * .. "... < 2-3 tº set.” * : * ~ * * "A & "3 ºr cº- & tºº, * . c. 2: numbers ºf fish available to the gill nets juring the first and second 3-hour intervals, respectively, and that entry of fish into the nets +. occurs at the midpoint of the intervals, the expected catches of the three tº i . j tº *- : * Art, fºr t * , Tr. cº 2','ºz ºf º, a * : units (four 50-fathom shackles) are: c. * s. v. Nº for the first 3-hour unit, ~4. Ú J. 1. AS *** * - 2 > *, * fººt - C2 = s.c. v. Nº for the sº corºd 3-kic ºr ºit, /S 2 again * * º 44; ars *…* ** 2: ... . - ºx Aº e. & eº ºr “ ty & 28 and C = S, s. a. X, + s , u, M., fºr the 6-hour unit. ... C -- A. {..} cº, < $ where u , is the fracticra & N. l * i. extering a unit during the i interval, so is the fraction of 34 M3 retained by the gill rets from the time of N entry to the time of Pauliºg, and sº is the fracticſ, cf 5, ul A., r ** +g: Jº s *...* {...} retaine 5l ; 4 O B E R J N G SE A N OR T H P A C | F | C 8 pm | | pm 2 Gm 5 d m | | pm 2 on 5 d m 8 d m APPROX|MATE FISHING PERIODS figure 19. --Percentage of total catch by 3-hour periods. * 53 by the 6-hour unit during the second 3-hour interval. AN AN - /\ Rewriting C in terms of ‘ch and 'ce we have, * ...” N AS lº, \ Substituting the observed values for 3, ci, and °2's and rewriting, we have: /N "D.", C3 ºl July ºn From each of the time periods of fishing during the cruise, we have a C UL,~. 3. o fºxº *...* {} 3. º: <---- º - .. pair – 2 and -í. , The quantities s, and is are estimated by the Q- Ǻ *::s {& i- 4. l +- . C C2 intercept and slopes respectively, of the linear regression of 2- on --. Cl c1 In the above model, tºe lºss from a gill net, 1-si, applies to the fraction of fish disappearing from a gill net unit during a 3-hour interval which is assumed tº begin 14 hours 3.fter the fish enter the net. The loss from the time ºf entry to tºe beginning of the 3-hour interval is not included in the estimº, tº of sº & The gill net sets thºt, yield ºd us&ºle data on dropout are **** tabulated in Table 5 by time period and unit for both vessels. The weighted regression line, significant at the 5-percent level, is given in Figure 20. The estimated loss of sºlidor from gill ºsts was 27 percent (80-percent confidence interval of 5-43 percent } . The loss was attributable to dropouts and predation. We were unable to estimate a dropout rºte from the data obtained in the second experimental, design in which gill nets were set in darkness and fished until roon. We found thºt salmon entered gill nets throughout the daylight fishing and, therefore, a direct measure of loss of salmon was not possible. º!" ſº § § uise, 1965 6-ll, 6-15 6-22 6–23 6–25 56°lo' 57°ol' 6-7 6-8 6-12 6–ll, 6-15 6-18 6-21 6-22 6–25 6-28 6-29 7-l 7-2 53°20' 53°26' 52°52' 53°15' 52°57' 53°16' 55°l,8" 55°55' 56°37' 57°06' 56°l,7' 167°13' 16], *OO' l62°31' 159°58' l60°ll," 165°52' l65°57' l66°12' l66°38' l67°ll' l66°15' l60°31' 1614°OO' 161°30' 161°56' ll, 15 2l Til tº period ll,7 loş 235 C ) 5, ? = .7325 + 1.0161 x Cl Weighting function = - 2 - | +/C -C, -C2/ | © © | | | l | | 05 | 2 3 4. ^y 8 ! -**- Cl rºw. 20. --Regression of ër Ol : Ö C equals the catch in the 6-hour unit; ca. the catch in the first 3-hour unit, and, G2 the catch in the second 3-hour unit. 55 These preliminary fishing tests have shown significant losses cf salmon from gill rets from fish dropping or strugging out of the nets, and from predation; on entangled fish. We hope in the future to determine dropout rates for gill nets by means of direct observations. Distribution, 5.nd abundance Although the dropout study was not planned specifically to provide information or distribution and relative abundance of salmon, data were chtained which corroborated earlier findings and provided new knowledge of the distribution of sockeye salmon at the approaches to Bristol Bay. ſo fulfill the cbjectives of the cruise, it was important that both vessels make large catches of salmon which would provide data for reliable estime,tes of the dropout rate. The results of earlier cruises had $ºy stablished that ſºon:entrations of mature Bristol Bay sockeye salmon could º, <-3 be fºuncil south cf the eastern end of the Aleutian Island chain in early June. à. Bºth the Faragon rºd the Kelez concentrated their fishing for the first half of the cruise in the area, south of Unalaska and Umnak Islands. ishing during the second half of the cruise was in the Bering Sea north cf ºrimak island and the Alaskan Peninsula, at an average distance from shºre of abºut 35 miles and where the depth of water averaged about ...he most striking feature of the sets in the spring cruise was that a relatively high proportion of them (65 percent) caught more than 10 fish per shackle (50 fathoms) of gill net (Fig. 21). In previous years, a cºtºh ºf more than 1% fish per shackle in high-seas fishing has been considered sº exceptionally high. The fact that over 65 percent of this season's catches ** y, * Aºw were greater than 10 fish per stºckle (ranging as high as 85 fish per shackle) § —55° |70° | 65° |60° © <2 Q O & 50.O 55° — Figure 21, --Relative abundance of sockeye salmon, June and July 1965. 57 indicated the tramendous numbers of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon present in the eastern Aleutian area during the spring of 1965. It addition to the regular gill net sets, the Kelez made five lºrigliº, º sets to chitain sockeye salmon for tagging (see section entitled "3cean Mortality and Growth"). Four sets were made south of Unalaska Island and one in Bristol Bay. The catches ranged from 7 to 132 fish (7 to 200 fish when weighted to 1,000 hooks). The catch of 200 fish per 1,000 hocks at the Bristol Bay station was relatively high and further tº demonstrated the gree.f. ºr uridºr.ce cf sockeye salmon. at the 18 stations south of Unalaska and Umnak Islands even though most stations wers in a relatively small area (Fig. 21). These stations were tº. about 10 to 40 miles offshore average 22 miles) and where depths were 100 to 1,000 fathoms. The two largest catches (over 50 fish per shackle) were made tº out 20 mili -.5 offshore in water of 200 to 500 fathoms • Catches grººter than 10 fish per shººkie were made about 10 to 35 miles offshore, ºh's fishing stations in the Bering Sea and along the north side cf tre. Alaska. Pénirisu.4% were gºnerally farther offshore than those in the North Facific. With the exception of two stations 65 miles offshore, al, wºre detween 20 and 50 miles (average 32 miles) offshore and where water depths were 30 tº 50 fathoms. Öf the 14 stations less than 53 milies offshore, cºy 2 had catches of less than 10 fish per º shackle, Inrºe stations &t which catches were over 50 sockeye salmon per al shºckle were between 30 and 35 miles from shore and in water 30 to lio fathoms deep. At two stations well, cffshore (65 miles), catches were less than 10 fish pººr shº, ºklº. # 1 though fishing north of the Alaskan Peninsula was * =stricted to within 70 miles of the coast, catches suggested that the 58 main route of sockeye salmon to Bristol Bay rivers was along a fairly narrow band approximately liO miles north of the Alaska Peninsula. Fāli cruise In October and November the RV George B. Kelez fished a series of stations south of Attu Island along long. 173° E. between lats. l.0° N. and 52° N, and along an east-west line at lat. 50° N. between longs, 167° and 178° E. The locations of these fishing stations are illustrated in Figure 22. The standard gill net string consisted of 28 braided nylon nets: 12 liº-inch; 8 3#-inch; and 4 each of 5+- and 2#-inch mesh. At four southern stations (No. 's 8, 9, 10, 11} we added three nets of 2-inch mesh to the string, Catch data for salmonids, by set number and location, are listed in Table 6. Miscellaneous catches of non-salmonid fishes are discussed in a later Section, Distribution and relative abundance Catches of sockeye salmon were composed primarily of fish that *Y had spent l or 2 winters at sea. One-winter-at-sea fish (mainly age +3) * - li O . .xe O rt ** * < C occurred from lats. lić” N. to 52° N. along Long. 173 E. and from -oC • 2 - O 4 * , O -- ~ * º longs. 178° E. to 167° E. along lat. 50° N, Their major abundance, however, * tº * *.* O - & ? ~ * 2. was between longs. 172° E, and 1.75 E. at lat. 500 N. (Fig. 23}. Two-winter sockeye salmon (primarily age 53. wers distributed similarly to l-winter * t O fish; they were most abundant between lats. lig N. and 50° N. between O on tº . ~s Ö rfºr * longs. 172 E. and 173 E. The two 3-winter sockeye salmon were captured at lat. 50° N., long. 170° E. 130° 40- 30° 15Oe 16Oe 17Oe 180° 170° 16Oe 150° 140° | I | T | ‘RE | - l I i | ) { * ,” Q .*** - ef \{} O 1 º es"Gº ** © © 216 12 - º-e-e-3–6—e- * —H5Oe . O 4 | 3; • O 7 f O 3 § Kº: - O 9 O10 O11 . Nº. | 3Oe | t f l 1 a Figure 22.-Location of fishing stations of the RV George B. Kelez, October 2 - November 5, 1965. 3. Table 6.--Catches of salmon and steelhead, RV George B. Kelez, fall cruise, 1965 • Species Set. Position Surface Number Steel.- No. Date Lat. Long. temp... “C. ºnes Sockeye Chum Chinook Coho head Total ! 1O-O3 52°OO' N. 172°58' E. 8.6 28 l'H l. tº-3 gº *E= l; 2 lC-Ol. 51°l6' N. L72°58' E. 9. l 28 "O lº 5 dºs 3 l3.l 3 1O-O 5 50°19′ N, 3.73°OO' E. 9.3 28 93 50 fºgº sº K- Ll;8 i. LO-O6 h9°15' N. L72°58' E. 9.9 28 ll.0 36 gº º sº l.T6 5 1O-O7 l;8°22' N. L73°00' E. 9.9 28 ll. 28 tºs & E- cº l;2 6 lO-O8 l8°10' N. 172°59' E. 9.9 28 lò 2l l * =º º 38 7 10-09 || 7 °30' N. l'73°C5' E. lC).2 28 sº 2 gº gº gºss 27 3 lO-10 || 7°00' N. L73°20' E. ll. 6 3l •-º 2 gº * gºes 2 9 lC-12 9 °5l' N. 173°02' E. 10.8 3.l. sº 2 tº & Fº gºs 2 Li Q l.0-l.3 || || *l.0' N. 173°02' E. l.2. O 3]. * gº gº --> sº gºs il. LO-l9 111°00' N. 173°00' E. l6.3 3.l - - - net lost. -- - - - - - - - - - - |.2 LO-2H 50°O2' N. l.T8°32' E. 3.3 28 9l 7 gº * * * 2 LOC) 1.3 lo-28 50°OO' N. L72°17' E. 7.1. 28 90 53 sº sº 8 ljl lº. LO-29 50°Ol' N. L70°38' E. 6.3 28 33 25 * = lO l 69 L5 11-Ol iſ 9°lil; ' N. l67°28' E. 7. O 28 8 9 sº ll sº 28 l6 LL-O5 l;9°57' N. 175°O3° E. 5.8 28 9|| l º l | lOO Total 676 3O7 6 22 l8 1929 Note: l pink salmon caught in set No. 13. E. 160° 170° 180° 170: 180° 170 ° f | ſ | | 42 *s SS Aſg Adak , 4; Adak . O wºº Ale" O tºº Q- O) ^ O Q 50|_ © e e O O e summº ºme G e O O O e — 50° C O O O 3 O O § O O O O - SOCKEYE salvº O winter-at-sta CHUM salºon O *Year ºld | | | Se Se. * Attu fiak Attu A Aſlak. . a K e * & º's Zºo 5- *\º 6a e º C O O O 50– e e O Gº O O º-º- amº- G O © O O © _|50 O O Fish/100 fathoms of net O : e = 0.1-5.0 O - G O = 5.1-10.0 : o O = -10.0 SOCKEYE sumº O *wuffers-ºf-sea chunsuº O 3,4 * OLD 40. 40 - - - -: - - w— * - Figure 23. - Relative abundance of sockeye and chum salmon, October - November 1965. 62 The catch of chum salmon included four age groups: 2-, 3-, li- and 5-year-olds. Two-year-old chum salmon were most abundant in the western part of the sampling area, whereas the older chum salmon (mostly 3- and lº- year-olds) had a wider distribution (Fig. 23). A change in dominance from sockeye salmon to chum salmon took place in the area between lats. HT * N. and lig° N. along long. 173° E. At about lig” N., sockeye salmon constituted 80 percent of the catch; near lat. li.8° N. sockeye salmon made up 38 percent of the catch, whereas at l,7° N. the catch was entirely chum salmon. Only chum salmon entered the catch between lats. l,5°51° N. and liS*22° N.; no salmonids were caught south of l;5°51' N. The few coho salmon and steelhead were taken primarily on the east-west cruise, at lat. 50° N. between longs. 178° E. and 167° E. Set number 2 at lat. 51°16' N., long. 173° E. netted five of the six chinook salmon. One pink salmon was caught at 50° N., 173° E. length and age composition The area of overlap in length frequencies between l- and 2-winter sockeye salmon was small; the separation point was at about H35 mm. (Fig. 21). Only two 3-winter sockeye salmon were captured. Overlap of length frequencies of 3- and li-year-old chum salmon was extensive, although h-year-olds averaged almost 38 mm. longer than 3-year-olds. Length frequencies of 2- and 3-year-old chum salmon had little overlap; the separation point was at approximately l;25 mm. (Fig. 25). Table 7 gives the percentage age composition by set number for sockeye and chum salmon. The majority of sockeye salmon (66.5 percent) were 2-winter-at-sea fish; age group 53 constituted l,7.7 percent of the total catch. 63 40 L 10 I0 50 40 30 20 10 t-win1 ER-AT-sea N =106 7 =37 9.0 2. WINT E R -AT-SEA N+40 4 7:506.2 ſ H | i 3-W INTER-AT-SEA N E2 I ſl | 00 300 400 500 600 LENGTH | N MILLIMETERs (GROUPED BY 10 mm.) Figure 2k. -Length frequencies of sockeye salmon by number of winters at sea, fall cruise, RW George B. Kelez, 1965. T00 3. i 40L 2 year old N=56 30 Y=373.6 20 L 10 – 0. | | ſºl 1. | ſt | ſº , 3 YEAR 0 L D *H N =116 Y=506.0 20– 10– 0 ſº I f | | | 1– ſ ! | 4 YEAR OLD 30L N =112 7 543.6 ii. 10– 0 ſ | i | i | | | 5 5 YEAR OLD ke N-2 0 ... i | | | l | | r ſh k | 200 300 400 500 600 T 00 LENGTH IN MILLIME) ERs (GROUPED BY 10 mm.). | - a º * ºne Figure 25. - Length frequencies of chum salmon by total age, fall cruise, RV George B. Kelez, 1965. Table 7 . --Percentage age composition of sockeye and chum salmon by set number, fall cruise, RV George B. Kelez, October-November 1965 l/ Sockeye Salmon - Total Set Number l 2 3 l 5 6 l2 l3 il; J.5 l6 Catch Total. Catch. l2 60 86 ll.9 12 16 72 78 29 5 7|| 563 Age. % % % % % % % % % % % % 32 37 }; i.2 *: 7 l6 ** 3 *º 12 7. O #3 27 29 £2 17 iQ 28 17 3 26 67 28 2h - O 5|| £º 2 l i. £º $º 5 2 **º *:3 5 2. l 31 £º £º gº 2 8 6 sº £3: £º * gº l. O H2 27 8 7 3.8 32 £º 15 23 i.3 gº 8 13.7 53 9 55 36 55 50 53 lié 58 lºš 33 lib 117.7 61 gº 2 2 7 $ºž 6 1. 7 13 £º 2 H. l 52 £º. £º zºº, tºº #º *º gº l º, §ºff agº Q - 2 63 #### º £º sº gº <ºg gº 1. º £º º O 2 Chum Salmon Total Set Number i 2 3 h 5 – 6 7 8 9 12 l3 Llr 15 Catch Total. Catch 1. lil |13 35 27 21. 27 2 1. 6 5l. 2l. h 288 Ag3. % # / ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, % 2 | OC) 9 £ºğ ** 2]. ll. *} e: #º 87 66 56 31 25, 1. 3 *.3 l6 25 66 2ll. 66 75 gº $3. gº? 9 27 23 38. 3 li šº l, 5 75 3|| 25 23 22 OO LOO 13 25 ll. 116 35.9 5 㺠$º sº $º sº gº 3 *. gº £º ſº 3 i. O. 7 l/ Data adjusted to equal fishing effort for the various age groups. ºs. 66 Of the four age groups (2, 3, k, and 5) of chum salmon represented in the catches, 3- and li-year-olds made up 7.2 percent and 2-year-olds 25.l percent of the total catch. Salmon other than sockeye and chum salmon constituted a small part of the total catch. Coho salmon ranged in length from 296 to 347 mm. ; all were in their first summer at sea. Coho salmon scales showed that 10 had migrated to sea in their second year of life and 7 in their third year of life. Scale readings from six chinook salmon indicated that five were age *2, and one was age 5. Iengths ranged from 606 to 710 mm. Examination of scales from 18 steelhead trout showed that 13 were in their second year of ocean life, 3 in their third year and 2 in their fourth year. Lengths varied from 528 mm. to 907 mm. The one pink salmon taken at lat. 50° N., long. 172° E. was 93 m. long and in its second year of life. Maturity Criteria for determining maturity of salmon in the fall have not yet been established; with our present knowledge it is difficult to determine if a fish will mature the following year. Some of the chum salmon captured (three males and eight females), however, were obviously mature and would have spawned late in 1965 or early 1966. Chum salmon spawn as late as January in many of the rivers of Japan (Sano, 1964), and in North America (Neave, 1963). Miscellaneous catches Non-salmonid catches included 20 salmon sharks (tamºa ditropis), * blue sharks (Ericnace glauce), 1 daggertooth (Anotopterus pharao), 67 ** 30 pomfret (Brama rayi), 12 Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygus), l bluefin tuna (Thunnus saliens), and 1 albaccre (Thunnus alalunga). Salmon sharks were captured at most stations throughout the sampling area. 3. ... } o, .# 4xt; _o *r, g Blue sharks occurred only at lat. 44 10° N., long. 173 E. ; three were tagged with Petersen disc tags and released in cooperation with the shark tagging program of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Pomfret gº $3% § C ſ: . C §: were taken in four sets; at lat. HT 30° N., long. 173 Es, and stations sº 1,9}, nº m -0 south. Both tuna occurred at lat, lili li O' N., long. 173 E. in set º g t– C. #" *º- S - *,xgº, 3. $ 2 number 10, where surface water temperature was 12 C. This was the first catch of bluefir, tuna by our research vessels in ll years of gill netting. . . it Wisceral adhesions in high-seas salmon Earlier reports (French, 1965) noted the incidence of sockeye salmon afflicted with multiple viscerºl. 3.jhesions. Sockeye Salmon taker, during the winter and spring cruises of 1965 were examined to determine the incidence of adhesions . Sockeye salmon with adhesions were taken in nearly every catch of this species during the winter cruise. The adhesions cº-curred in approximately 22 percent of the scekeye taken; they were found most often in males (66 percent) and in fish in their second winter at sea (78 percent). Examination of 5,109 mature sockeye salmon caught in June and July 1965 during their migration to Bristol Bay showed an incidence of visceral adhesions of only 0.7 percent. This percentage was much less than that during the fall cruise of 1964 (19 percent) and the winter cruise of 1964 (26 percent). This reduction in the incidence of adhesions in the Bristol Bay sockeye sampled in the spring of 1965 indicated that the 68 condition is either fatal or temporary if substantial numbers of the sockeye salmon sampled in the fall and winter were maturing Bristol Bay fish. Recent studies of sockeye salmon taken in the Gulf of Alaska have led Margolis to believe that the adhesive condition is a transient one. During the fall cruise, weekeye salmon With visceral adhesions were taken in every catch of this species. Adhesions occurred in approximately 15 percent of the sockeye taken. This percentage is similar to that observed during the 1964 fall cruise (19 percent). In contrast to the winter cruise, there was little difference in incidence of adhesions by sex (males 16 percent; females lº percent). The incidence was highest (22 percent) in l-winter-at-sea sockeye. Summary l. Research cruises in 1965 were made to study salmon distribution in the northwest Pacific Ocean during the winter and fall and to determine dropout rates of salmon caught in gill nets in the eastern North Pacific and eastern Bering Sea during the spring, 2. In the winter, 2-, 3-, and 4-winter-at sea sockeye salmon were taken throughout the area between longs. 178° W. and 167° E. , and from the Aleutian Island chair to late 15° N. One-Winter-at-sea. sockeye were abundant in the area bounded by lats. 46° and 1,7° N., and longs. 180° and 175° E. Chum salmon, ages it, 5, and 6 years, were found principally between longs. 178° W. and 175° E. No 2- or 3-year-old chum salmon were taken. Pink and coho salmon and steelhead were taken south of lat. 45° N. and between long. 180° and 177° E. l/ Leo Margolis, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Biological Station, Nanaimo, B. C. (personal communcation). 69 The older sockeye salmon taken in Winter were 53 percent 2-winter, tº l:5 percent 3-winter, and 2 percent li-Winter-at-sea fish. Age ~ J dominated the 2-winter fish, ages 52 and 63 were about equally represented among the 3-winter fish, and age *3 dominated the l-winter sockeye. Results of applying gonad weight criteria on males, and serological methods on females, for judging maturity of winter salmon indicated most of the 2- and 3-winter sockeye salmon were maturing. Nearly all of the chum salmon sampled were maturings Experimental gill net fishing at depths of 24 to 72 feet revealed that relatively few salmon were at these depths compared with the abundance in the upper 24-foot layer. Winter salmon catches indicated a relation between salmon distribution and surface temperatures: sockeye salmon were taken at stations where surface temperatures were below 5° C. 3 chum Salmon at stations with surface temperatures generally above 39 C - ; and pink and coho salmon and steelhead only at stations with surface temperatures of about 7° c. A comparison of catches by 3-hour periods in the northeastern Pacific in June showed that the largest catches were made between the hours 9-11 p.m. and smallest between 5-8 a.m.; in the eastern Bering Sea the largest catches were made from ll p.m. to 2 a.m. and the smallest from 2-5 a.m. Studies of gill net dropouts indicated a loss of salmon of 27 percent. This loss was attributed to dropouts and predation. Relatively large catches of sockeye salmon were made in the northeastern Pacific and in the approaches to Bristol Bay during June. These catches were indicative of the very large run to Bristol Bay in 1965. TO 10. il. l3. In October along l'I3° E. long., between lats. 18° N. and 51° N., immature sockeye salmon which had spent 2 winters at sea dominated the catches. Sockeye which had spent only l winter at sea were most abundant at late 50° N. Chum salmon had their greatest abundance at O * lat. 50° N. near long, 172 E. A change in dominance from sockeye to chum salmon occurred in the area immediately to the south of lat. 19° N. Only chum salmon appeared in the catches south of lat. 18°22' N., and no salmonids were caught south of lat. h5°51° N. Sockeye salmon (mainly 2-winter fish) were most abundant on the east-west leg of the fall cruise along lat. 50° N. between longs, 178° E. and li?” E., whereas 2-year-old immature chum salmon predominated between longs. 170° E. and 172° E. All of the steelhead and coho salmon were captured at stations north of lat. 19°30' N. ; most of the coho Salmon were at the two sººtions farthest to the Weste Of the sockeye salmon caught, 66.5 percent were 2-winter-at-sea fish; l-winter sockeye constituting most of the remainder. Three- and h-year-old chum salmon were almost equally abundant and accounted for 7li.2 percent of the total; 2-year-olds made up most of the remainder. Wisceral adhesions occurred in about 22 percent cf the sockeye salmon taken during the Winter cruise; adhesions were found in only O. 7 percent of the maturing sockeye taken south of Unalaska Island and at the approaches to Bristol Bay during June, but lº percent of the sockeye captured during the fall cruise had visceral adhesions. 7l Literature cited French, Robert R. l966. Salmon distribution and abundance studies. In : Report on the Investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, l964. Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Annual Report l'961. French, Robert R. l965. Visceral adhesions in high-seas salmon. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 91; (2): 177-181. Ishida, Teruo and Kiichi Miyaguchi. 1958. On the maturity of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Q. keta and O. Sorbuscha) in offshore waters, with reference to seasonal variation in gonad weight. Bull. Hokkaido Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory (Yaichi, Japan), No. 18, pp. ll-22. In Japanese, with English summary. (Translation by Kunio Yonezawa, 7 p. , Fish. Res. Bā. Can. Translation Series No. 190.) Neave, Ferris. 1963. Life history of the chum salmon of British Columbia. Int. North Pac. Fish Comm. Document No. 66l. 8 p. . Ridgway, George J. 196l. Serology. In: Report on the Investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission--l960. Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Annual Report l960. pp. 96-98. Sano, S. 1964. Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean--Part IV, spawning populations of North Pacific salmon, 3. Chum salmon in the Far East. Int. North Pac. Fish, Comm. Document No. 703, ló p. . 72 OCEANOGRAPHY by F. Favorite The present objective of oceanographic research conducted for the INPFC Commission is to permit prediction of the abundance and location of species and stocks of Pacific salmon, through knowledge and understanding Of physical, chemical, and biological conditions in the salmon environment. This implies that salmon respond in a predictable manner to changes in their environment. Evidence of this behavior has been presented in previous INPFC Annual Reports. Our early investigations were carried out during spring and summer as an adjunct to experimental salmon fishing; voluminous amounts of oceanographic data were collected. Using these data, we were able to show that southern limits of salmon distribution during winter and during summer in the central, northern North Pacific Ocean were delineated by oceanographic features. Also, we have indicated that the annual, anomalous westward movement south of the Aleutian Islands, of mature sockeye salmon returning to Bristol Bay, appears to be related to the intense westward flow of water in the Alaskan Stream. Further, it has been suggested that the westward extent of these sockeye salmon appears to be at the western terminus of the Alaskan Stream which diverges near long. 170° E., sending one branch northward into the Bering Sea, and the other southward where it merges with the eastward flowing Subarctic Current near lat. lºg º N. 73 Distribution of sockeye salmon in relation to environment During the past winter, through the accumulation of field data, we were able to strengthen a hypothesis that the temperature front near lat. l;5° N. in the central part of the ocean (Favorite and Hanavan, 1963) may denote the southern extent of the range of sockeye salmon throughout the year. The results of Canadian research in the Gulf of Alaska during the period April 9 to May 6, 1962 (INPFC Annual Report lºg2, pp. 31-32) clearly showed a marked separation of sockeye and pink salmon; the former were concentrated in the central part of the Gulf, and the latter off the Washington coast. It is generally believed that such a separation is chiefly due to surface temperatures, and that the pink salmon are associated with the warmer water in the southern part of the Gulf. Since the surface temperatures during spring indicate only a uniform gradient throughout the area, and the values are increasing approximately l’ C. approximately every 2 weeks, this correlation appears to be vague. Rather, the distribution of sockeye salmon appears to be distinctly related to the distribution of a temperature-minimum stratum indicative of a particular type of vertical circulation. This relation was shown by using temperature data along long. 155° W. from the 1962 winter cruise of the RV Bertha Ann (Favorite et al., 1961) to show the vertical structure of the temperature-minimum stratum (< 1.0° C.) at 150 meters depth, and temperature data from the 1962 spring cruises of the C.N.A.V. Oshawa and Whitethroat (Fish. Res. Bd. Can. , 1962) to show the horizontal distribution of the temperature –minimum at ljQ meters depth in the Gulf of Alaska. The correlation between the distribution of this temperature structure and the concurrent distribution of sockeye salmon at this apparently critical time of the year (immediately prior to homing migrations) is remarkable (Fig. 26). 7l, NUMBERS OF SAL MON CAUGHT sock EYE 9 20 177 13 198 74 63 20 20 O P| NK O O O O O O | O | O W W W. W. W. w W W W W Lotitude *N 54° 52. 50° 48° 46° O 2, 200 f £ j+ Und ; : He § { * 400 'i : ...--""--------., TEMPERATURE ("c) § , * e e * LONG. 155° W O ,------432------, 3/18 - 4 / 1 /62 -—T TI I T- I I T- Stotion No's 3O 32 N 34 Žºgº. (°C) AT 150 m. so- 5OP– ) * º º: I [. I I C – C I I T (T I I I º ſº. Tº Gº tº __{ I Tºy WE NUMBERS OF SOCKEYE SALMON (1000 HOOKS) eo- || .g.” 2 sa" 4/9 - 5/6/62 | ^ſº H ºS A) H 9 § ". º H 0 &n $º, H Nº. % §. - }* 2 - º- º , Bo'+ A-f F # 3 O - 3 H *–4–4– -*–––––. Figure 26.--Vertical temperature distribution south of Kodiak Island during late winter and early spring 1962 showing temperature-minimum stratum at 150 m. depth, and the horizontal extent of the stratum in the Gulf of Alaska, compared with the distribution of sockeye salmon. 75 As indicated in numerous previous INPFC Annual Reports, this temperature-minimum stratum is caused primarily by the advection of cold water from the western Pacific and winter turnover, and its southern boundary is denoted by a temperature front indicated by the vertical slope of the hº or 5° C. isotherm. During salmon fishing by the RV George B. Kelez South of the Aleutian Islands along long. 179° E. and long-167° E., in February and March 1965, the boundary was encountered near lat. H3° N. along long. 179° E. No sockeye salmon were caught in surface gill nets south of the boundary (which during this particular period was also denoted by a sharp gradient of surface salinity--see Fig. 27). Fishing was not conducted far enough southward at long. 167° E. to reach the boundary; sockeye salmon were caught at all fishing stations. These vertical sections of temperature also clearly show the relative homogeneity of temperature in the water column during winter. Summer heating at the surface increases surface temperatures from 2° C. to higher than 10° C. and a thermocline with a magnitude of approximately 7° C. forms in the upper 100 meters; thus, the boundary is not detected by surface temperature during summer and fall. However, other basic properties of the water masses northward and southward of the boundary which have influenced the distribution of the sockeye salmon during winter are still present ; and, of course, below 100 meters, the winter temperature regime presists throughout the year. Therefore, it appears that the southern limit of sockeye salmon in the central part of the ocean may be determined by a change in water mass at a position delineated by the temperature distribution. Attempts will be made next winter to locate the temperature front prior to determining fishing locations, & SALMON SOCKEYE 14 60 TOTAL 20 64 - () () ; 32.94 .88 88 97 33.15 & - *" 323iº 8:305. ~ : ; 7 * . | * sº H 125H, - - Gl. tal .O." O° 4.O° * - O - - § 5 l l | | l l 1° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° 43° 42° LATITUDE SALMON SOCKEYE 2 6 44 || 19 OTAL | 2 6 44 || 2O *O- ( () Ö {} {} Ö r 33.04%e kmm - O s Long. 167 2 e © tº Q º © H I I -T Yvºy J --> : FTV/g" - IOOH- *A E | •r. .--e. * * 125H * $ ; 15OH- 3.O° 167P Q r 4.O.” l l | l l | l l | . 4°N 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° ! Figure 27. --Vertical temperature distribution along long. 179° E. and 167° E. Shaded area at long. 179° E. , south of temperature front near lat. 1,5° N., indicates absence of sockeye salmon. 77 and fishing will be conducted at closely spaced intervals north and south of it to determine the distribution of salmon at the boundary between the two Water masses. Chemical studies In the area of marine geochemistry, the principal emphasis during the year was on the development of techniques for the study of trace elements in sea water. In a preliminary adaptation of atomic absorption methods to sea water analysis, we were able to employ a simple extraction procedure for the quantitative removal of manganese, iron, and zinc from sea water into an organic solvent, suitable as a medium for atomic absorption spectrometry. A report on these procedures has been published (Joyner and Finley, 1966). This work has clearly demonstrated the feasibility of the routine measurement of the trace-element content of sea water by modern spectrometric methods. Much additional work remains to be done, particularly in the development of techniques for the processing of large volumes of sea water for high-precision analyses at the parts-per-billion level and lower. This type of research is of a somewhat basic character; immediate applications most readily apparent are for supplementing physical information in the determination of the properties and movements of water masses. Applications to biological problems related to salmon fisheries will require more extensive research into the ecology of plankton than can be undertaken with our present capabilities. Therefore, until routine methods can be devised to measure trace elements, these studies will be supported by funds from other sources. We feel, 78 however, that the studies are basic to our knowledge of processes in the ocean related to salmon distribution; when the techniques are forthcoming they will be used in our INPFC research. Geostrophic transport studies Many studies of the circulation in the North Pacific Ocean have used currents derived from geostrophic calculations (which assume a balance between horizontal coriolis forces and horizontal pressure forces), but there are few instances of use of geostrophic transports. For many purposes the transport is as significant as the surface current, and cannot necessarily be derived from charts of surface geostrophic flow. A knowledge of currents and transports is indispensable to an understanding of the processes acting in the ocean. Accurate and reliable direct observations are slowly becoming available, but are still so few as to be almost nonexistent. The cost and difficulties associated with obtaining data from current meters and neutrally buoyant floats would indicate that, for some years, we will still depend upon indirect means for most of our knowledge of the surface and deep circulation. In indirect analysis, the circulation is inferred either from the astribution of properties or from geostrophic currents calculated from hydrographic data. Since the number of stations over the North Pacific Ocean for any one season has been small, most of the circulation schemes proposed for the region have been derived from a study of water properties. Although there are geostrophic calculations for limited areas of the ocean and particular cruises, calculations of deep currents are lacking, and there appear to be no transport charts computed from station data for the North Pacific Ocean. 79 One reason for the lack of such calculations is that the integrated geostrophic transport is sensitive to choice of a proper reference level; that is, a depth at which the water is at rest. Since relatively few stations extend below l,000 meters, this depth has been used as a reference depth for dynamic calculations: simply because it is the deepest"depth for which extensive observations are available. This choice of depth provides an acceptable surface topography; but little confidence can be placed in these geostrophic transports. As part of our INPFC program, we have investigated two possibilities for obtaining transport values. The first method has been to prepare synthetic hydrographic data for depths below l,200 meters. We have assumed that at this depth the circulation is slow, and is likely to be driven in response to factors that will produce a flow pattern which will not vary much from year to year; that is, the short-term factors are damped out in the deep circulation. All known deep stations have been used to prepare average temperature and salinity charts for the North Pacific Ocean for standard depths from 1,000 to 5,000 meters. Although there is some evidence of possible changes in the deep water on a time scale of tens of years, the evidence from the stations which we examined--with the exception of the 1936 Bushnell stations, all taken between 1951 and 1963--indicates that changes over the 12-year period were slight. These values have been coupled with actual observed station values from 1958 to provide a network over the ocean extending to the bottom. Geostrophic transports have been calculated from these data to show the integrated geostrophic transport in the North Pacific Ocean (Fig. 28). 80 º zº * ,-7 & aſ a *#6*Nº - s • ." | * * © e • * * f - dº / São ſee &P .* o ſº T m=T_* \ 2 * esse sº W. sº emº ame * - - - , 5 - Hy - 4° SS : - * * ſ * * - • - ſº \ \ Æ | TN 40°- ^e Aſ ! * = as sº º º - 5 T O | \ O - {} —32 - | / (f | 56° 168° 180° 168° | 56° | 44° Figure 28. --Geostrophic transport in the North Pacific Ocean (10% m3/sec). * |56° 165° 168° 180° |56° Figure 29. --Wind-driven transport in the North Pacific Ocean (106 m*/sec). 8]. Our second method has been to use the theories of Wind-driven ocean circulation to compute the circulation and transport from the observed or inferred wind or pressure field over the ocean surface. In this procedure, the surface barometric pressure field is directly relatéd to the integrated geostrophic transport in the ocean. This method has been used to predict the general transport for loš8 (Fig. 29). The computation of transport from the wind or pressure field is of great interest because it appears to provide information as reliable as the best estimates from the geostrophic calculations, and the base data are quickly and easily available. It does not, however, provide the information on the internal distribution of transport which is provided by the geostrophic method. Both of these methods provide useful and necessary information and will be checked closely against direct observations as they become available. We plan to develop both methods more fully. The transport from the wind or pressure field will provide us with a quick, reliable estimate of the surface circulation and the total transport. When this is combined with hydrographic data observed at the l,000-meter stations, and the long-term values for deeper water, it will provide information about the internal distribution of currents in the ocean. A definitive paper on the nature, extent, and cause of the Alaskan Stream has been submitted for publication in the INPFC Bulletin series (Favorite, 1965). It shows that relative transport in this narrow current system along the south side of the Aleutian Islands can be predicted from knowledge of the distribution of sea level pressure in the Gulf of Alaska and the vicinity of the Aleutian Islands and that the system can be traced as far west as long. 165° E. south of the Aleutian-Komandorski Island chain. 82 Telemetry buoy program Our research has indicated that within the Subarctic Region, where salmon spend the marine phase of their life cycle, a reasonably ordered circulation system exists but significant annual fluctuations occur that appear to affect the distribution of salmon. We realize that the difficulties are great in ascertaining circulation patterns accurately enough to permit selectinº specific fishing locations at the boundaries of current systems, even on a seasonal basis,'...with ships available to the Commission; we believe that drifting, telemetry buoys will be the best method of obtaining the information required. No buoys are available equipped with the data-recording and telemetry equipment required, and it will be a year or two before a complete measuring and reporting system is functional, but a system capable of placing into position, and obtaining environmental data from a network of drifting buoys would provide a continuous synoptic picture of oceanographic conditions. When we are able to relate movements of salmon to these conditions, such a system might easily provide the basis for controlling the time and area that oceanic salmon fishing could be conducted in the Subarctic Region. Also, by denoting the locations of salmon stocks at any time of the year, the system would permit research vessels to sample the size of stocks from specific areas, months or even a year before the salmon return to parent streams. We have been assured that by 1969 satellites capable of relaying data from such a system will be available, and we have only l or 2 years to decide if we will establish a buoy system and to make arrangements for the inclusion of Our data in the satellite data-acquisition system. The operation of the System would require the cooperation of all three member nations of the Commission. 83 A total of 56 buoys would be used in the initial experiment; every li months a series of 7 buoys would be released off the Kurile Islands. Present knowledge indicates that the buoys will drift eastward and will require about 2 years to reach the North American continent, where most would be recovered. After recovery and repair, each series would be transported back to the Kurile Island area and released again. An approximate distribution of buoys at the end of a 2-year period indicates that good coverage of the Subarctic Region would be obtained (Fig. 30). Of course, daily positioning and transmission of oceanographic data by satellite would portray an infinitely more complex picture of individual buoy drift, as well as permit early recovery of buoys in danger of going aground. One might argue that shoreward-migrating salmon move at speeds greater than those found in ocean current systems, and this may or may not loe true. But these migrations involve only a few months of the several years that some species of salmon spend in the ocean. An indication of the information that might be forthcoming from such a buoy-satellite system is reflected by preliminary results of a drift- bottle study conducted aboard a ship of opportunity, the S.S. Java Mail, last winter. Because previous studies had indicated that only 2 percent of the bottles would be recovered, 96 bottles were released at approximately 8-hour intervals at HO locations during the lz-day period from October 20 to November 1, 1961, as the vessel proceeded from Seattle to Hong Kong (Fig. 31). A total of 59 recoveries were received by September 1, 1965. Some released as far west as long. 165° W. were recovered along the west coast of Canada and the United States, and thus more or less duplicated the results of a study 66°NH- 60°N- º - k—-6 40°N ::=: sºn. Tº T. , —l - 7 zoºs, 2 years : A | | | | | | | - | 7| |50°E 160°E |70°E 180° |70°W 160°W 150°W 140°W 130°W •-1. gº-tº- ...T--~ Figure 30. --Estimated locations, at H-month intervals, of drifting buoys released at indicated - locations off Kurile Islands. Sº 66°NH- d 50°N ~-cº Ø * * - % N SNA O ...” A \ . . . . . * * * –$3%xi º | | | | | | | | | | | |50°E 160°E |70°E 180° |70°W 60°W 150°W 140°W 130°W Figure 31. --Drift bottle experiment. SS Java Mail, October to November 1961. Dots show liO locations where groups of 96 bottles were released. Numbers indicate total recoveries from individual groups as of September l, l065. 86 conducted during 1962 (Favorite, 1961). However, the northward flow along the coast shown by recoveries from the inshore stations is new information, and º may affect the migration of salmon off the west coast of North America. Some of the bottles released in the central part of the ocean (long. 175° W. to 169° E.) drifted northward and were reported recovered on various Aleutian Islands during early spring. This drift was not expected because the results of a previous winter cruise (February to April 1962) showed that the westward flow of the Alaskan Stream south of the Aleutian Islands, extensively documented during the summer, could also be expected during winter as far westward as long. 175° W., and we assumed that winter conditions were therefore similar to summer conditions (Favorite et al., 1961). This drift-bottle study indicates there was a westward surface current along the south side of the Aleutian Islands; but there also was present a significant northward surface flow in the central Aleutian area last winter that, although perhaps wind-driven, could have had a significant effect on the movements of salmon in this area. If, at each location, instead of 96 drift bottles we had released a drifting telemetry buoy, whose position and surrounding environmental conditions were reported daily, we would have extensive information to correlate with any anomalies in the oceanic distribution of salmon this year. 87 Literature dited Favorite, Felix. 196l. Drift bottle experiment in the northern North Pacific Ocean, 1962-1961. J. Ocean Society of Japan. 2001):6-13. 1965. The Alaskan Stream. Bur. of Com. Fish., Bio. Lab., Seattle, Wash. 71 p. Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Doc. No. 795 Favorite, Felix, and Mitchell G. Hanavan. 1963. Oceanographic conditions and salmon distribution south of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands, 1956. Int. N. Pac. Fish. Comm. Bull. ll: 57-72. Favorite, Felix, Betty-Ann Morse, Alan H. Haselwood, and Robert A. Preston, Jr. 1961. North Pacific oceanography, February–April 1962. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. h77, 66 p. Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 1962. Oceanographic data record, North Pacific survey, May 23 to July 5, 1962. MS Report Series Oceanographic and Limnological, No. 138, 381; p. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. 1961. Annual Report 1962, 123 p. Joyner, Timothy, and John S. Finley. 1965. Determination of manganese and iron in sea water by atomic absorption spectrometry. Atomic Absorption Newsletter 5(1):1-7. 38 OCEAN MORTALITY AND GROWTH by R. H. Lander, K. N. Thorson, R. C. Simon, T. A. Dark, and G. K. Tanomaka For sockeye, chum, and pink salmon of commercial size, an accumulating body of evidence now indicates that increases in stock weight from growth of individuals continue to exceed the losses in stock weight from natural mortality until mature fish reach both the North American and Asian coasts (Ricker, 1962, 1961; ; Parker, i963; Fredin, 1961; ; Hirschhorn, l966). The general conclusion is that pelagic fishing reduces potential yields. e Beyond this general conclusion and its significance to sound resource management, however, remain problems for which definitive research techniques are not yet available. For instance, Parker (1962) noted that "A more direct approach designed to measure mortality directly is needed, and such experiments must be repeated often enough to describe annual variability." Direct proof is seldom if ever available to support the assumptions required in estimating natural mortality (Beverton and Holt, 1957; Ricker, 1958). The only direct estimates of short-term marine mortality in Pacific salmon Blvailable are those based on off Bhore and inshore tagging of Asian chum and Sockeye salmon about 30 years ago (Taguchi, 1961a, 1961b). For sockeye, the estimate of natural mortality was 50 percent during the last month of life at sea (Taguchi, 196lb). After pointing out that lili percent of the coho salmon held in tanks died within 6 hours of capture by troll gear offshore, whereas all survived in the Taku River of Alaska after exercise comparable with fighting the troll gear (Parker et al., 1959), Parker (1963) contended that the Japanese work cited above failed to demor strate any natural mortality 89 in Pacific salmon at all. Evidently as maturing salmon move toward the coast, physiological changes render them less vulnerable to mortality associated with the stress of capture and tagging. Among the additional assumptions that Taguchi (1961a, 1961b) had to make was that survivors of salmon tagged offshore and inshore were exploited at the same rate in the coastal fishery. Parker (1961) reported another example of the difficulty in assessing short-term rates of natural mortality in Pacific salmon. Pink salmon smolts of the l860 brood originating in Hooknose Creek were marked in two coastal areas of British Columbia. The mixing of those Smolts With smolts from other populations, and removal of all populations at different and inexactly known rates by the commercial fishery in 1962, prevented the estimation of natural mortality during the first 5 weeks in salt water. With this background, the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries conducted a tagging experiment on maturing Bristol Bay sockeye salmon during June and July 1965. Major objectives were: (l) to determine the feasibility of estimating terminal natural mortality by tagging during the last few weeks of ocean life; (2) to estimate growth over the same interval; and (3) to define physiological mechanisms of significance in the mortality of maturing salmon captured, tagged, and released at sea. The present report contains basic information on tag releases and on recoveries reported through November 15, 1965; includes certain preliminary analyses pertinent to the problem of natural mortality; and describes research in progress under all three of the above objectives. 90 Release of tags Three vessels participated in the l865 field studies. The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries RV George B. Kelez served as a base for tagging, and for physiological research and gill net dropout studies discussed elsewhere in this report. The Kelez fished both longlines and and gill nets. A purse Seine vessel, the MV Yaquina, was chartered to capture fish for tagging, and most tag releases were made from this vessel. The Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington supplemented this research on June 7 by tagging from the MV Commander. Figure 32 shows the general area and dates of tagging. All releases from June 6 through June 20 were west of lé5° w. long, and mainly south of Unalaska Island (see just below "Unalaska Is..." in Fig. 32). All releases from June 22 through July 2, the last date of tagging, were east of l65° W. long. and mainly in Bristol Bay. These two groups are 11 designated hereinafter as "offshore" and "inshore, respectively. Table 8 gives specific release data for each vessel; for later reference herein, this table also enumerates tag recoveries. All releases and recoveries listed are of sockeye salmon. By vessel, 84l tagged sockeye were released from the Kelez, 6,945 from the Yaquina, and 240 from the Commander, for a total of 8,026. In Table 9 is a summary by release group, type of gear by which sockeye were captured for tagging and physiological studies, type of tag or tags applied, and the method by which fish were handled after capture. A later section entitled "Preliminary analysis of recovery rates" contains material relating to all items in Table 9 except the "Oxygen treatment"; the latter is described under "Physiology" in the section entitled "Work in progress." - 9l 8 O W 75 W 7 O W 65 W 6 O -- HEEEEEEEEEEErrrrrr rºttrº Erirrº L C T C C cº. º.s sºme º 'º tº E & tº º ºs º ºn tº tº gº tº gº tº gº tº º º ºs º º º tº º ſº sº tº º * = a - tº ºn tº a ºn a ºn a º a tº a ºn tº C C C C C C C & Cº . ºtrºttrºsºrºr-rºº 6O° t H º - * H i * - H - Nushogok . 58 J. : -º- • * , -º- 4. . . . . . + . . . . . + . . . . . + . . . . . + . . . . . + • -º- . . . . . + H e - - H g - e ºd k º H | + -} . * . . . . . . . . . . . - * * * * * + * * * * * + . . . . . •º e < * , k - * * * * -4 . . . . . 4- i e - - | ... | - - | - - }{ t - cf. - H 56 H -*. 4. 4. | • * * * * + . . . . . + . . . . . + . . . . . + . . . . . - . . -º- . + • Wº k e - º H H NC. : º e | 4. . . . . . 4. . -4 * * * * * * + . . . . . “. . . . +. . 4. . - - - - - -º- . . . . . • * > * . . . . . . . * . . * . . . . . 54 | ------------------------------------ • + . . ~39 Zſ-- . *r- -— ~r- 55° * º - * º - - e e e e e d 6/ | 9–2O J. X. . . . . . . . . . . º - º . . ...S. v . . . . . . . t - *"...' . . . . . . . . . . . -º- . . . -* . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . 4.- . . . . . + . . . . . - - - - - - 1 . . . . . - .* - - - t - r - - |- H “ ” UNALASKA IS. H & e. e. - s 52 º - . M : -4- & • + 4× + . . . . . -* * * * * * + . . . . . + . . . . . . 2 º H * º º - - º jº }* |- * º - - - |- º e - - • , & ſº º § p . W. | | " … * - - - - . . . is... efºº. . . . - - - - - .. - * * * is -- . # $º - º H'. H lº t º 3 .. te e º H | le & º 5 O'H' . . . * * - - - { . . . . 4 • * º -> • * -º- k . . . . . . . : . - H - |-4 - |- *-------------~~~~-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-HEEEEEEEEE: +++ A 50° | 75° W | 700 155° Figure 32. --General area and dates of tag releases for the l965 mortality and growth experiment on maturing Bristol Bay sockeye salmon. \8 *~~ x = *w-r- ** **ºr * ~~~~~~~~~Trººz-z-z--- - -2. - --~~.--> -- a -a-...-a, --, -, -, --- w x" * * *-*.xy -- - , , , x- Table 8. --Data on tag releases and recoveries of sockeye salmon reported tºrough August 23, 1905. Source : l965 mortality and growth study on Bristol Bºy sockeye salmon, by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries ReleaseS Number of recoveries by area. 2/ Wes Sel NO , Brist. Ol and date Set, Tat. N. LOng .W. Gearl/ Of Nush- Naknek Egegik Ugashik Bay Total NO. fish Togiak agak KVichak unknown George B. KeleZ K2 53–28 l86–Olp G 91 º º gº tº- tºº º sº 6/7 K3 53-06 l66-09 G 72 tº & gº tºº º tº 6/LO K5 53-30 L66-19 L 33 gº « » l gº tº tºº l 6/ll K6 53-30 lé6–18 L llO cº ſº º | l sº gº 5 6/12 K7 53-30 l66-19 L 7 tº gº l sº l tºº 2 6/13 K8 53–O7 lé6–37 G 91 tºº tºº †: ſº tº 3 º tºº 6/1] K9 52–55 lºſſ-l;3 G 65 gº tº tº º tº iº gº 6/17 KlO 53–13 lé6–20 G 59 tº tº iº wº tºº tºº tº º 6/22 Kl3 55–50 lél–OO G l;9 ſº sº tºº tºº tº tº wº 6/26 Kl6 57-23 lj9–2|| L 71. sº gº l6 2 l l 2O G liO3 sº tº J gº tº ſº gº º 6/28 Kl'7 57–21 lj9–22 L gº/ º {-º 3 - gº tº dº 3 G 31 sº * . . gº dº tºº tº a • º 6/30 KL9 57–30 lb 9-55 G ll3 12 3 º l l6 TOTAL : 8||l º tº-e 37 6. 2 2 ||7 Yaquina 5 Y2 53–5l l66–16 l º gº cº • tºº tºº - 6/6 Y3 53-l;2 lé5–56 P 37 tºº ſº - l º º l Y|| 53-l;O 165–57 P 69 gº sº 3 2 tºº º 5 6/7 Y5 53-33 lé6–02 P 161; gº sº 5 3 º tº 8 Y6 53-32 lbó-O6 P 33O gºe dº l'7 º tºº l l8 6/8 Y7 53-36 lb6–12 P 260 tºº sº 27 2 l sº 3O Y8 53-32 lé6–ll P 2|{O gº l l O 2 & Lºs l ll. 6/9 Y9 53-30 L66-19 P l36 tº tºº ll. 2 gº gº l6 YlO 53–28 l86-19 P 187 tºº gº l_O l tºº º ll 6/10 Yll 53–3|| 166-17 P 318 º wº l2 1 º º L3 Yl2 53-29 lé6-22 P 13O l l LO 3 tº gº lº 6/ll Yl3 53–3|| 166–15 P 7|| cº, gº 3 tºº gº l | Yll, 53–31 lé6–25 P 359 gº wº 8 2 º tºº LO YL5 53-29 L66-25 P 8|| wº tº º LO(l) l º dº ll(l) § Table 3.--Dºº on tag releoces and recoveries of cockeye sºlºon reported through August 23, 1969. Jource: L965 inor tº lily cºld Crowth & tº dy ºn fºr C to J. R. Y. g. citeye &al...on, by the ſhºreºul of Col. Tº ſºcial ºil ºf cl i º –- ſº . . . i. 14. C. Release S Number of recoveries by area 2/ VeS Sel. NO , Brist. Ol and date Set, Lat. N. Long.W. Gearl/ Of Nush- Naknek. Egegik UgaShik Bay Total NO . fish Togiak agak KVichak unknown Yaquina continued 6/12 Yló 53–23 166-3O P 233 cº ſº l? 5 gº l 23 6/13 Yl'7 53-19 lö6–ll P 3O8 º º 27 2 l gº 3O 6/11, Yl 8 53–lli lé6–56 P |OO tº gº 3O tºº 2 2 3|| Yl.9 53–15 ló6–59 P 96 º ſº 5 <. tºº tººl 5 6/15 Y2O 53–13 lé6–5ll P 3O8 sº . l; 3 º 2 2O 6/16 Y2l 53-12 ló6–5|| P |25 gº gº 21. 2 sº º- 23 6/17 Y22 53–ll lé6–56 P 31 gº (l) l(l) ſº sº £º l(2) 6/19 Y23 51-22 lé6-52 P l tº-º tºº l & Tº º sº l 6/20 Y2|| 511–22 lö6-52 P 36 tºº dº 3 gº 2 wº 5 6/2] Y25 57–OO l6O-OO P ||59 & 3 ll2(3) 25 3 2 ll 5(3) Y26 57–OO L6O-OO P 2O7 tºº l 6O 5 3 l 7O 6/26 Y27 57–25 lj9–12 P 225 l 57 (l) lº 2 l 75(1) 6/27 Y28 57-18 lb8–3O P 8 iº l l tº tºº gº 2 Y29 57-18 l;8–3O P l;8 l(l) 16(2) l'7 l º tºº 35(3) Y3O 57-119 lj6–25 P lig l 3(l) 2 l gº gºs 7(1) 6/30 Y31 57–32 lj9–15 P 3ll wº Ǻ l6(l) 8 l, l 6|| (1) Y32 57-28 lj9–ll P 23O gº l lı'ſ 6 2 l 57 7/l Y33 57-27 lj9–O3 P 291 tº 3 ||8 l'7 5 ſº 73 Y311 57-30 lj9–OO P 2ll 3 6O l O l, l 8O 7/2 Y35 57–32 lj9–OO P 328 º 2 81(2) 17 2 l LO3(2) Y36 57–31, 159—Oli P 208 •º l; 59 9 l 3 7 TOTAL : 6,915 6(1) liO(l) 8||1(9) lll: 32 22 l,085 (llº) Commander * a 77 Clºg 53–12 lé6-l;7 L 90 l l 6 2 º cº lO C5O 53–23 lé6-32 P ljQ gº l 15 3 gº tº º 19 TOTAL : 2|{O l 2 2l 5 tºº º 29 l/ Letter G = Gill net ; L = Longline; 2/ All stream recoveries in parentheses: - #, Fish held over from gill net set K-15 on 6/25 IE/ Fish held over from longline set K-ló P = Purse Seine \9. Table 9. --Summary of 1965 tag releases of sockeye salmon by release group, gear, tag type, and tagging treatment Group Tag type Treatment, and Disc and gear Disc Spaghetti Spaghetti standardi/ Immediates/ oxygens/ Total Offshore Purse Seine lº,305% l;2 33 lº,380% gº * … lº,380 Longline 21.0 º tº- l98 l;2 tºº 2l:0 Gill net 378 tº a & Tº 2O2 gº lT6 378 Sub-total lº,923 l;2 33 II,780 l;2 lT6 lº,998 Inshore Purse Seine 2,191 2OO 2l. 2,715 « . » sº 2,715 Longline 8O gº tº º lil tºº 39 8O Gill net 233 tº-º & ll 8 ſº ll.9 233 Sub-total 2,80|| 2OO 2l. 2,871; tºº l;l 3,028 TOTAL 7,727 2H2 57 7,65); l;2 330 8,026 l/ Fish put in holding tanks as captured, then tagged and released. 2/ Fish brought aboard, immediately tagged and released. 3/ Fish tagged and treated with oxygen. * Includes 210 fish tagged and released from the Commander. 95 In addition to measuring fork lengths and collecting scales of tagged fish, the tagger recorded a number from l to 5 for each fish to summarize his judgment of its physical condition (degrees of scale loss, injury, and general vigor). The number of seconds out of water during tagging by the "standard treatment" of Table 9 was recorded for 126 releases from the Yaquina. (Additional data taken for physiological studies are described later.) Recovery of tags The tagging experiment was publicized before and during the fishing season in Bristol Bay. At the time tags were released, l; out of 5 were designated from the serial numbers as worth a reward of $3 if recovered; l out of 5 were worth a reward of $15 if recovered. The Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington, the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, and the Japanese Fishery Agency increased their basic reward from $l to $3. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game assisted in the recovery of tags; that agency and the Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington forwarded tags recovered on the spawning grounds. Cannery Superintendents provided space for holding and collecting data on whole fish; they also designated tag processors who recorded (along with finders' names and addresses) the recovery dates and areas for tagged fish submitted by fishermen and cannery personnel. Detailed biological data from individual recoveries are not yet available in convenient format. However, Table 8 lists by area and tag release the number of recoveries reported to the Seattle Biological Laboratory through November 15, l'965. 96 Preliminary analysis of tag recoveries Detailed fishery statistics and biological data from the 1965 return to Bristol Bay are not yet available. These will be required for final interpretation of our progress toward objectives. The present section contains a few preliminary analyses. Offshore and inshore tagging The offshore release of 11,998 fish yielded 338 recoveries, or 7 percent; the inshore release of 3,028 fish yielded 837 recoveries, or 28 percent (Tables 8 and 9). The much lower rate of recovery from the offshore release may be caused by factors acting Singly or in combination. Grossly, these are: (1) differential escapement of survivors through the Bristol Bay fishery, as would occur because of different times of arrival; (2) unequal racial composition of offshore and inshore releases; (3) appreciable natural mortality between the dates of offshore and inshore releases; (ii) a high rate of tag failure operating for a longer period on the offshore release; (5) higher mortality on the offshore release from the immediate or delayed effects of capture and tagging; and (6) selective predation of tagged fish operating longer on the offshore release. Types of fishing gear Longlines, purse Seines, and gill nets were used to capture fish for tagging and physiological studies (see Table 8). In Table lo is a comparison of recovery rates by type of gear. Results in Table lC agree with the observation that salmon taken at sea by gill nets are less likely to survive after tagging than if taken by longlines and purse seines (Hartt, 1963). 97 Table lC). --Comparison of recovery rates of sockeye salmon tagged after capture by longlines, gill nets, and purse Seines, offshore and inshore. (Data from Table 8) Group and Number Number Percent gear released recovered recovered Offshore Longline 21.0 ll. 5.8 Gill net 378 O O. O Purse Seine H.,380 324 7. l; Sub-total ly,998 338 6.8 Inshore Longline 8O 23 28.8 Gill net 233 l6 6.9 Purse seine 2,715 798 29.1; Sub-total 3,028 837 27.6 TOTAL 8,026 l,l'ſ 5 l!.6 98 Certain of the release and recovery data of Table 8, in contrast with the pooled data of Table lC), provide comparisons among three types of gear. It is assumed that these releases are essentially free of differences in racial composition and times of arrival in the Bristol Bay fishery. For example, the inshore tagging from gill nets on June 30 - yielded a recovery rate of lH percent; nearby tagging from a purse seine led to a recovery rate of 22 percent. Inshore releases from longlining and seining on June 26 led to respective recovery rates of 28 and 34 percent. Finally, offshore tagging from longlines and purse seines on June 10-lz yielded recovery rates of 5 and 6 percent. No recoveries were made of fish caught offshore in gill nets, whereas 7. H. percent of the fish caught in purse seines were recovered. We were interested in comparing offshore and inshore recovery rates on maturing sockeye salmon in connection with the work of Taguchi (1961) and Parker (1959, 1963) mentioned previously. There were l6 recoveries from 233 sockeye salmon tagged after capture in gill nets inshore, but no recoveries from 378 releases offshore (Table lo). Aside from possible differences in racial composition and of arrival times of survivors in the Bristol Bay fishery, however, this comparison is not of itself too informative. The l6 recoveries were from the inshore release of June 30 (set K-19); an additional release of lz0 fish taken by gill nets inshore yielded no recoveries. The pertinent result is the absence of recoveries of fish caught in gill nets and released either offshore or inshore, except for the recoveries from Set K-l9. Only in Set K-l9 were gill nets used specifically to take fish for tagging; in all others, fish were gradually accumulated in the holding tanks as nets were hauled for the dropout study. Average times that tagged fish had fought the gear were estimated from average fishing time 99 of nets in the two situations. The average time between setting and lifting was li.l hours for sets in the dropout study, and 2. l; hours for Set K-l9. Therefore, time spent fighting the gear may be a dominant factor in the survival of salmon tagged at sea from gill nets. Types of tags Recovery rates of disc, spaghetti, and double tags were compared (Table ll). Disc tags were affixed anterior, and spaghetti tags posterior, to the dorsal fin. These positions were retained in double tagging. The recovery rates for disc tags were higher than for spaghetti tags for all sets (Y-29, Y-35, and Y-36) in which the two types were compared. These results agree with the observation of Hartt (1963) that disc tags have yielded recovery rates almost double those of spaghetti tags in the year of tagging. Pooled data from the three sets show that the percentage of disc tags recovered was nearly twice that of spaghetti tags. This difference in recovery rates may be due to gear selection for disc tags, differential reportability, tagging mortality, tag loss, or a combination of these factors. Since 3 of lo double-tagged fish recovered from sets Y-24 and Y-27 were without the spaghetti tag, the present experiment provides some evidence of differential tag loss. The results of Set Y-27 suggest differential tag mortality. Since one can reasonably assume no difference in gear selection, and a reportability for double tags at least as high as that for disc tags, the higher recovery rate for disc tags may reflect a lower survival of double-tagged fish. Further and more specialized experiments with single and double tags must be conducted before the separate factors of reportability, tag loss, tagging mortality, and tag selectivity can be accurately assessed. lOO Table ll.--Comparison of recovery rates of disc, spaghetti, and double tags ^ - i Set, Number tagged Number recovered Percent, recovered Disc and Disc and Disc and nºmber | Disc Spaghetti Spaghetti | Disc Spaghetti Spaghetti | Disc Spaghetti Spaghetti Y-21; *g 7 29 º -, 5 tºº •. l'7 Y-27 2Ol tº 2|| 7O tºº 5 35 ~) 2l Y-29 ll 2 115 tº- 29 9 gº 26 2O sº Y-35 228 LOO º 89 l6 gº 39 l6 tºº Y-36 L55 53 tº 63 13 tº Hl 24 * * * lCl Standard and delayed tagging During "standard" tagging (Table 9), fish were placed in holding tanks at the time of capture, then tagged and released several hours later. During "immediate" tagging, fish were tagged and released immediately, while the gear was being hauled. Of 110 sockeye salmon caught on longlines. (Set K-6 of Table 8), 35 were tagged by the "immediate" treatment and the remaining 75 by the "standard" treatment. Respective recovery rates were lz and O percent. Of 7 fish taken on longlines and tagged by the "immediate" treatment (Set K-7), 2 (29 percent) were recovered. (the highest recovery rate observed for any offshore release). Of 33 fish taken on longlines and released after "standard" tagging (Set K-5), only l was recovered (3 percent). The data from longline tagging suggest that immediate release results in increased survival. Effect of holding tanks on Survival A significant difference in recovery rates between fish held in the port and starboard compartments of a holding tank was reported by Hartt (1963). The difference was believed due to a difference in oxygen content between the compartment with the inlet and the compartment Without . To alleviate this condition on the Yaquina, a flexible inlet hose was used which was changed from side to side at about 20-minute intervals. To check the effectiveness of this procedure, the recovery rates of fish held before tagging in the port and starboard compartments were tested by Chi-square. In 26 separate sets the tests indicated significant differences in only 2 sets, and it was concluded that no diſſerence i.) wo.t.c." utiliu, cºis Ued. DC CVſeen compartſ.cnts. It Was possible , however . that the ſater tºuclity within the tank may have adversely affected the survival of the tagged fish. . To test this possibility some fish were tagged directly from the seine, whereas others were held in the tanks prior to tagging. Experimenting with four separate sets : the recovery rates Were higher from figh held in thc C&ill: `or two Get S : tile rates Were the same for one set, and for another the recovery rate of fish held in the seine was the higher. The C.V.C.i.lt...le evidence. Cherei Ore . does not indicate • * > *- a, i'actor within the tank itself’ that Would confound other comparisons. C-so 1. Tº -( * , . … . . " * S - z - if ſect, oil crowdinº 4 - 1 ... estimated 5.000 fish were taken in 2 inshore Seine hauls by the Yaquinº on June 50 (Jets Y-31 and Y-32, Table 8). Most of these were released untagged; some were in evident distress. From l'7 offshore sets by the same vessel in which the release numbers accurately reflected the total catches, and therefore the degree of crowding, a negative correlation (r. = - .357) was found between recovery rate and number of tagged fish released; although not significant at the 95 percent level, its direction suggestic the same harmful effect of crowdin , noted by Hartt (1993). The true effect of crowding is obscured by changes in Weather, different, exploitation rates in Bristol Bay on fish tagged on different dates, and other factors. lO3 Time required for tagging We have long suspected that the time required for tagging may reach a point critical to the survival of tagged fish. Therefore, in l26.h., the time required to tag 50 fish captured in two sets was recorded (Lander et al., 1965). These data indicated a decline in the rate of recovery as tagging time approached 30 seconds. The experiment was repeated in 1965, when l96 tagging times were recorded (during Set Y-2.l.). Again, reduced recovery rates with increasing time were indicated. Further study of this effect is planned. Work in progress Mortality The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is compiling detailed catch, effort, management, and biological Statistics needed before the feasibility of estimating terminal natural mortality by tagging can be determined. When these data are available, all material will be analyzed to determine whether a realistic mathematical model can be developed from 1965 data. Additional tagging on this stock is tentatively planned for 1966. Growth Biological data collected at times of release and recovery during l965 permit a study of short-term ocean growth of Bristol Bay sockeye. Results will be of interest because previous work on ocean growth of Bristol Bay sockeye was based on successive sampling of the stock at sea, and terminated 3 weeks before the peak return (Lander and Tanonaka, l06%). Preliminary analysis of tagging data, however, suggests the need for improved quality of release and recovery information. 10l. Physiology Objectives of the physiology field study were: (1) to characterize both exhausted and rested fish biochemically; (2) to test the hypothesis that biochemical responses and hence the sensitivity of fish to tagging are different at early and full maturity; and (3) to test the hypothesis that holding tagged fish in water supersaturated with oxygen before release will enhance survival as measured by the recovery of tags. For objectives (l) and (2) above, samples of blood, muscle, and liver were fixed in 10 percent trichlorocetic acid (TCA), then frozen for later laboratory analyses of glucose (or glycogen), lactate, and pyruvate. Serum was separated from blood; both fractions were frozen for later determinations of adrenal corticosteroids and urea, and of chloride, phosphate, potassium, and sodium ions. Of 250 fish sampled, about half were sampled soon after capture and the rest after 2k or more hours in holding tanks. Blood pH was determined electrometrically on 65 of these fish while alive; precautions were taken to keep the electrode chamber at the same temperature as the sea water to avoid exposure of blood samples to the air, and to standardize the instrument frequently. Bouin-fixed subsamples of adrenal and pituitary glands were taken for histological study. Preliminary tests with fingerling sockeye salmon in a plastic oxygen-pressure chamber (Fig. 33) had suggested that 3X supersaturation in water greatly increased survival after complete exhaustion. A 500-gallon tank was accordingly fabricated and welded in place near holding tanks aboard the Kelez (Fig. 34). Adult salmon captured by gill nets and longlines and tagged were alternately released and put in l,05 the tank. Water was recirculated inside the tank continuously during and after loading. After 30 to 50 salmon had been placed in the tank, 50 gallons of sea water were drained from the full tank by displacement with pure oxygen. The tank Was tightly sealed, and oxygen pressure was raised to 30 PSI above atmospheric pressure. Pressure was released after about 60 minutes at 3X supersaturation (as measured by a silver-lead electrode in the bottom of the tank). Fish were released by tripping an end hatch abutting a flume which carried fish and water directly over w º the side of the vessel. (Fig. 35). Although interpretation is tenuous because of generally poor tag recoveries, there was no evidence of increased survival. 106 Figure 33. --Plastic pressure chamber, pilot model. Stirring by magnetic bar assures proper function of oxygen electrode and accelerates dissolution of oxygen. G PO 990-0 7.5 1O7 Figure 311. --Holding tanks (lower left) and oxygen pressure tank aboard RV Kelez. Access door at top center. Three viewing ports are not visible. G P O 9 9 O-O 75 - - - 108 *º * --Emptying tank contents after release of oxygen pressure Figure 35. G P O 9 9 O-O 75 109 Literature cited Beverton, R. J. H., and S. J. Holt . l957. On the dynamics of exploited fish populations. U. K. Min. Agr. and Fish. , Fish o Tnvest. , Ser, II, Vol. XIX, 533 pp. Fredin, R. A. 1964. Ocean mortality and maturity schedules of Karluk River sockeye salmon and some comparisons of marine growth and mortality rates. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish, Bull. , 63(3) : 551-57+. Fukuhara, Francis M. , Sueto Murai, Jonn J. LaLanne, and Arporna Sribhibhadh. 1962. Continental origin of sockeye Salmon as determined from morphological characters. Int, a North Pac. Fish. Comm. , Bull. No. 8, pp. 15-109. Hartt, Allan C. 1962. Movement of salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as determined by tagging. 1956-1958. Int., Nºrth Pac. Fish. Comm., Bull. No. 6, 157 pp. l963. Problems in tagging salmon at sea. TNAF Special Publication No. 4, pp. lili-lº. Hirschhorn, G. l966. Effect of growth pattern and exploitation features on yields of pink salmon in the Northwestern North, Pa. ific, Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 25(1): 39-51. Lander, Robert H., and George K. Tanohaka. 1964. Marine growth of Western Alaskan sockeye salmon Cncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum). Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm., Bull. No. 11, pp. l-31. §§§3% ll.O Lander, R. H., G. K. Tanonaka, K. N. Thor Son, and T. A. Dark. 1965. Ocean mortality and growth. Report on the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, 1964. U.S. Bur. of Comm. Fish. , Biol. Lab., Seattle, Washington, Feb. 18, 1965. pp. 71–68. Margolis, LeO. l963. Parasites as indicators of the geographical origin of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), C3curring in the North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas. Int. NCirth Pac. Fish , Comm, , Bull. No. ll, pp. 101-156. Parker, Robert R. l962. Estimations of ocean mortality rates for Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus). J. Fish. Res. Ba. Canada, lº[4): 561-569. | l963. On the problem of maximum yield from North Pacific sockeye salmon stocks. J. Fish. Pes, Bd. Canada, 2006):1371–1396. 1964. Estimation of sea mortality rates for the 1960 brood-year E. pink salmon of Hook Nose tº reek, British Columbia. J. Fish, Res. Bd. Canada, 21(5):1019–1034. Parker, R. R., and E. C. Black. l959. Muscular fatigue and mortality in troll-caught chincCK &ºw 3- salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). . . Fish, Res. Ed. Canada, l6(l): 95-106. Parker, R. R. , E. C. Black, and P. A. Larkin. * * l959. Fatigue and mortality in troll-taught Taºific salmºn & ...” * (Oncorhynchus). J. Fish, res. Bd. Canada, 16 (+): 129-118. & **ś& lll Ricker, W. E. l958. Handbook of computations for biological statistics of fish populations. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Bull. No. ll.9, 300 pp. 1962. Comparison of ocean growth and mortality of sockeye salmon during their last two years. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 19(H): . 531-560. 1964. Ocean mortality of pink and chum salmon. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 21(5):905-931. Taguchi, K. l96la. A trial to estimate the instantaneºus rate of natural mortality of adult salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and the con- sideration of rationality of offshore fishing. I. For chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). Bull. Japanese Soe. Sci. Fisheries, 27(11):963–971. [Translated by R. H. Kono, U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Biological Laboratory, Seattle, Washington.] 1961b. A trial to estimate the instantaneous rate of natural mortality of adult salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and the consideration of rationality of offshºre fishing. II. For red salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Bull. Japanese Soc. Sci. Fisheries, 27 (ll):972-978. [Translated by R. H. Kono, U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Biological Taboratory, Seattle, Washington. J ll2 SEROLOGY by Fred Utter The objectives of the serological studies which have been conducted under the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission research program include the separation of major Pacific salmon Stocks which intermingle On the high seas and the detection of the onset of maturity in Pacific salmon, During the past year our racial studies have focused on chum and pink salmon, and the major emphasis of our maturity work has teen or sockeye SalmCri. Blood group studies of pink and chºſ salmon More than 60 rainbow trout isoimmune reagents were tested for cross-reactivity with chum or pink salmon red blood cells; of these, if cross-reacted with chum salmon and l? cross-reacted. With pink. Salmon cells a The reagents with strong reactions were diluted serially until they no longer reacted with any of the test cells. Where differences of two or more serial dilutions were found for test cells of a given species, cells from individuals which failed to react at the lower dilution were used for absorptions. Table lz lists the reaction frequencies of Chºm salmon cel is from Puget Sound and Alaskan areas with two of the isoimmune reagerts . The reactive frequency of reagent 252 with cells from three of the four areas of the Puget Sound and Columbia River district, exceeded 50 percent, whereas all of the Alaskan samples reacted with a frequency considerably below 50 percent. The limited testing with reagent ii.25 indicates a possible value of this reagent for separation of Puget, Sound chum salmon from those Originating in Alaskan Waters • All of the Quilcene River chum salmon cells which were tested with reagent H.25 reacted, whereas the highest reactive frequency of cells from Alaskan areas was 51.5 percent. l l 3 Table la . --Reacticms of red various American isoimmune. Sera, blood Cells from chum salmon from area.s. With two rainbow trout Reagent Area ..., | * * * *:::::::..) #25 (August 1961 bleeding) No. NO . Total Percent No. No. Total Percent posi- nega- sam- posi- posi- nega- sam- posi- tive tive ple tive tive tive ple tive Washington & Oregon Columbia R. 1961 : 5 i. 2C) 5. , 7 £º Ǻ ſº tºº Samish R. 1961 Q 1.5 6C.. O <º tº gº º º Skagit R. i96H 16 l iſ 914 - i. tº tºº gº <ºx Quilcene R. 1961i 7 17 21; 29, l iO O lO lCO Alaska Tutka Bay }965 Ö ... 3 ... 3 O 5 8 l3 38. li. Olsen Creek 1965 5 17 22 22.7 l2 l6 22 5h.5 Annette Is . 1961, l 29 30 3. 3 º sº tº ſº Annette Is . 1965 9 3.5 214. 37.5 6 18 2ll 25. O Chi-square value – L6.8%+ ** Significant at le-percent level. ll. The reactions of pink salmon cells from various Alaskan and Canadian areas with two rainbow trout isoimmune reagents are given in Table l?. A pool of reagent l;25 which had been absorbed with weakly reacting pink salmon red cells reacted at a higher frequency with cells from the three southernmost areas. Further work with this reagent may provide a means of separation of pink salmon over a broad geographic range. Although reagent l;17 was tested with cells from only three areas, the distinct frequency difference between two adjacent areas, Kachemak Bay in Cook Inlet and Olsen Creek in Prince William So and, suggests that this reagent may be useful in discriminating stocks originating within a more limited geographic area • Serological studies of maturity in sockeye salmon Female sockeye salmon taken on the high seas during the fall and Winter cruises of the RV George B. Kelez were testes for the presence of the SM (serum maturity) factor (Ridgway, 1961). Trie. SM factor has been characterized as the vitellin component of the developing egg (Ridgway, Klontz, and Matsumoto, 1962; Wanstone and Ho, 1962. Its presence is therefore considered a valid indication that the fish is female and is maturing a Table ll summarizes the reaction data for the SM factor with reference to the number of winters at sea for lić8 female sockeye salmon. These data have been plotted in Figure 36 as the percentage of SM-positive females in the different winter-at-sea categories. Females which have spent two Winters at sea apparently mature earlier than those that have spent only one winter. ll.9 Table l? ... --Reactions of pink salmon red blood cells from Canadian and Alaskan areas with two rainbow trout isoimmune sera Reagent l; Pool absorbed Area Year 25 (Pool absorbed) lil'ſ (Pool) No. No. Total Percent | No s No. Total Percent posi- nega- sam- posi- posi- nega- Sam- posi- tive tive ple tive tive tive ple tive Canada & S.E. Alaska Skeena R. l961; 22 O 22 1OO & Cº. tºº gº: gº Annette Is . l961; 27 2 29 93. i gº tºº gº tºº Annette Is. l965 l6 O l6 l.OC) 6 8 ll. liz.9 Prince William Sound & Cook Inlet i Kachemak Bay l965 ll 8 l9 57.8 l6 3 l9 8]... 2 Sheep Bay l96), 22 3 25 88. C gº gº {…} iº Olsen Creek l965 12 8 2O 60. C 6 l2 18 33, 3 Homer l96; l9 5 2|| 79 el 4 º' tºxº gºt tºº Chi-square value 26.6%-4 lO. 13% ** Significant at l-percent level ll6 Table ll.--Frequency of occurrence of positive SM reactions among l;88 female sockeye salmon taken during the fall l961 and winter 1965 cruises of the RV George B. Kelez, according to the numbers of winters spent at Sea Number of September–October February–March Winters Number SM-positive Number SM-positive at Sea. tested Number Percentage tested Number Percentage O 2 O O |T l 2 sl l 223 6 2.7 59 l;8 8l. It 2 60 3l 5l. T 90 89 98.9 3 O O O. O 7 7 LOO ... O ll 7 |OOP * –ammºh g F 80+ O wo Winter 1965 O 0. * 60H > (ſ) H- 40 H ; 4. §: 2O+ FO || |96 Lal d. O U W U U O | 2 3 NUMBER OF WINTERS AT SEA Figure 36. --Percentage of SM positive female sockeye salmon taken in the fall lºli and winter 1965 cruises of the RV George B. Kelez at different Ocean ages. ll.8 We have continued to seek an immunological method for detection of the onset of maturity in males as well as more sensitive methods for detection of maturity in females. We are currently working on a method of hormonal assay which has proven valuable for detection of various antigenic hormones in higher vertebrates (Wide and Gemzell, 1960; Berson, Yalow, Aurbach, and Potts, Jr., 1963). Three rabbits have been immunized with a purified salmon pituitary preparation furnished by Dr. H. L. A. Tarr and associates at the University of British Columbia • Concurrently we have been working on methods of sensitizing various mammalian and avian erythrocytes so that they may be capable of absorbing gonadotropic hormones which may be present in salmon sera. If the gonado- tropic hormone adhering to the sensitized erythrocyte reacts with a specific antiserum, the resulting agglutination would be an indication of the onset of maturity in either male or female salmon. Such a test would be much more sensitive than the double-diffusion test currently used for the detection of the SM factor. ll.9 Literature cited. Berson, Solomon A. , R. S. Yalow, G. D. Aurbach, and J. Y. Potts, Jr. 1963. Immunoassay of bovine and human parathyroid hormone. Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sci. H9(5):6l3-617. Ridgway, George J. 196l. Serology. In: Report on the Investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission--1960. Annual Report lg80, Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm., pp. 96-98. Ridgway, George J. , George W. Klontz, and Charles Matsumoto. l962. Intraspecific differences in serum antigens of red salmon demonstrated by immunochemical methods. Int, North Pac. Fish. Comm., Bulletin No. 8, pp. i-ly. Wanstone, W. E. , and F. Chung-Wai Ho. 196l. Plasma proteins of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, as separated by zone electrophoresis. J. Fish. Res. Bā. Can. , 18(3):393-399. Wide, Leif, and Carl A. Gemzell. 1960. An immunological pregnancy test. Acta Endocrinologica, Vol. 35, pp. 261-267. l2O SOCKEYE SALMON SCALE STUDIES by James E. Mason This report presents the results of classifying to continent of origin the mature and immature sockeye salmon caught on the high seas in 1962, plus the mature salmon in the 1961, Bristol Bay inshore samples. Mason (1966) reported on the analysis of 1963 samples. Samples collected in 1961; from the high seas and from Asia were not available for analysis. The three scale characters used to determine the continent of origin of both mature and immature sockeye salmon were defined by Anas (l961) as follows: £/ l. Circulus count within the first half of the width:/ Of the first-ocean zone. 2. The scale width measured across the first six circuli in the first-ocean zone. 3. The scale width measured across circuli là-lö inclusive in the first-ocean zone. The following material will be presented in this report: the criteria used for determining maturity, the sources of the samples, the method of interpreting the scale characters, the classification procedures, and the results of classifying sockeye to continent of origin. Since the classification procedures for mature and immature sockeye salmon were different, the procedure for classifying mature fish will be described first, followed by the procedure for immature sockeye. £/ "width" is substituted for "length" as used by Anas (1963, 196].) and Anas and Murai (1961). l2l Maturity Sockeye salmon samples collected on the high seas were classified as mature if the gonad weights in grams exceeded the following values : * Late Early Middle and Early Middle and Sex May June late June July late July Female lj. O lj. O 20. O 25. O 25.0 Male l. O 2. O 3. O 3. O 5. O #TCriteria from letter dated April 2, 1961, to Mr. Roy Jackson, Executive Director, INPFC, from Dr. T. Hanaoka. Samples Aristol Bay samples taken from the Branch, Egegik, Kvichak, Naknek, Ugashik, and Wood Rivers (approximately at the peak of the respective runs) were used as North American standard reference samples for 1962 and l961. Because no samples from inshore areas of Kamchatka or the Okhotsk Sea were available for l962 and 1961, two samples collected June 12, 1962, near h9° N. lat. , 166° E. long. , were used as Asian standards and for estimating the average error of misclassification for 1962. They are shown as samples l and 2 in Table lj. The date and location of collection indicated that the fish were not from North America; most probably they originated on the Kamchatka Peninsula • These same samples were used by Landrum and Dark (1961) in the morphological classification of maturing sockeye salmon in 1962. The 1962 samples of mature and immature sockeye salmon caught on the high seas were mainly collected aboard the Japanese motherships Meisei Maru, Shimano Maru, Miyajima Maru, and Jinyo Marus Samples were also collected by the U.S. research vessels George B. Kelez and Bertha Anne Only the samples which exceeded 29 mature or 17 immature sockeye Salmon were used. § Table 15.--Classification of high seas samples of mature sockeye salmon in 1962 Number of Percent classified Corrected - Sampling location}/ Sample Bristol Bay Bristol Kamchatkan percent 90 percent Sample Sampling number date Lat. Long- size sockeye Bay type Bristol confidence type Bay type interval 2/ lººk 6-l2 h9°35' N. lé6°26′E. 73 2l 28.77 71.23 tº gº tºº ++ 6-12 l;9°22' N. 166°36'E. 88 22 25.00 75.00 º º 5–25 l,6°17′N. 169°53'E. l67 lo'7 6l. O7 35.93 65 55-76 5-27 l,7°17′N. 170°17′E. 57 l!! 21.56 75.5l. O O-l'7 5–26 l,7°00' N. 170°00'E. 50 l3 26.00 7l.00 O O-l& 5–25 l,7°23' N. L69°20'E. 87 17 19.5l. 80.1+6 O O-ll; 5–26 l,7°00' N. Ló9°00'E. 52 22 l;2.3l 57.69 27 7-l;7 5-27 l,7°03′N. 169°25' E. 5l 9 lT.65 82.35 O O-lö 6-18 18°26'N. 167°l,8'E. 83 28 33.73 66.27 l2 O-27 6-18 l,8°26'N. lé7°58'E. 9l 28 30.77 69.23 7 O-21 6-12 l;8°20' N. 168°12'E. 92 27 29. 35 70.65 5 O-lò 6-10 l,8°10' N. 168°23’E. l,7 l2 25.53 7||... l;7 O O-l9 6-10 l,8°l,5°N. L68°ll; ‘E. 5O 8 l6.00 8l. OO O O-18 6–ll l,8°lly N. lé8°lly E. |8 ll 22.92 77.08 O O-l& 6-ló l,8°ll N. 168°lılı E. l,8 l3 27.08 72.92 7 O-l9 6-l6 l,8°35' N. L69°ll 'E. l:3 9 20.93 79. O7 O O-l9 6-12 l,8°32'N. 167°ll'E. lOl 30 29, 70 70.30 5 O-lò 6-ll. l,8°32'N, 168°23’E. 5l. l3 21.07 75.93 O O-l'7 7–3 50°10' N. L65°31′E. l;3 ll. 32.56 67. lili. lO O-31 6–2l lºg^38' N. L66°31'E. 118 l2 25. OO 75. OO O O-lò 6–29 50°O9° N., lé8°28′E. 38 l; 29.17 60.53 22 O-liff 6-23 50°13' N. 169°17' E. 5l l3 25. h9 711 .5l O O-lö 6–23 50°13' N. lé9°3); "E. lil 12 29.27 7O. 73 l; O-25 6–25 50°20' N. l'IO*18'E, 36 l6 lili, lili 55.56 7-55 6-10 50°23' N. l/lº18'E. l27 52 l:0.9l; 59. O6 12-38 6–2 50°09' N, 179°37' E. 122 6l 50.00 5O.OO 28-5l. 5-3.l. 51°ll N. 175°22' W. l8l. ll.O 76. O9 23.9l 77-95 6-l 51°08' N. 175°15'W. 55 l:0 72.73 27.27 63-98 5–31 51°22'N, 176°Oh W. 178 l3 71. 72 25, 28 75-93 6-l 51°20' N. 176°OO! W. l;9 38 77.55 22.h5 72-100 § Table ls ---Classification of high seas samples of mature sockeye salmon in 1962 - continued Number of Percent classified Corrected Sample sampling sampling locationi/ Sample Bristol Bay Bristoi Kamchatram percent 90 percent number date Lat Long. Size sockeye Bay type Bristol confidence type Bay type interval 2/ 3l 6-2 51°19′ N. 175°51" W. 5l. lil 75.93 21.07 86 69-loo 32 6-l. 51°08' N. L75°53' W. 109 89 8l. 65 18.35 96 85-l.00 33 6–ll 50°57' N. 176°00'W. lº'ſ 3|| 72.3% 27.66 8O 61-99 3|| 6-2 51°08' N. 176°l,5°W. 57 l:3 75.lpl; 2h. 56 85 69-100 35 6-6 51°20' N. 176°57' E. 189 l60 8l. 66 15.3% lOO 92-lOO 36 6-7 51°20' N. lT6°09'E. 5l. l:0 78.1#3 2l. 57 38 18-58 37 6-6 51°20' N. 176°21'E. 97 8l. 86.60 l3.10 lOO 89-100 38 6-5 51°00' N. 176°00'E. 37 22 59.h6 l:0.5l. 57 3|-80 39 6-7 51°09' N. 17), “23” E. 5l 35 68.63 3l. 37 73 55-92 l, O 6-lt 51°28' N. 173°Ol'E. 30 25 83.33 16.67 99 79-100 lil 6-25 51°10' N. 170°ll'E. 33 ll. l;2.112 57.58 28 3–52 l;2 6-27 51°02' N. LTO°36′E. lily 10 22.73 77.27 O O-l9 l;3 6-27 51°06' N. 171°Ol' E. 35 9 25.7l 71.29 O O=22 lily 6-28 50°53' N. 171°ll'E. 33 l2 36.36 63.6l. 17 O-lil lº; 6–3 51°00' N. 170°OO "E. 66 23 31.85 65.15 ll. 0–31 16 6=25 50°32'N, 169°15′E. lill ll. 31.82 68.18 9 0-29 17 7el 55°33' N. 165°30'E. 36 ll. 38.89 6l.ll. 21. O-liff liğ 7–5 55°33' N. 165°ll E. 3l LO 32.26 67.71, LO 0–3|| lig 7=1 50°l B' N. 166°OO ‘E. l;2 9 21.13 78.57 O O=2O 50 7.5 50°ii.2° N. 165°59'E. 30 9 30.00 70,00 6 O=30 51 5-25 52°31' N. 170°23’E. 77 33 l;2.86 57. Lll 28 l2=ll. 52 6–3. 52°00' N. 170°12'E. l6 l3 28.26 71.7l. 3 Q=22 53 6–19 53°28' N. 175°57' W. 30 23 76.67 23. 33 87 65–100 5|| 5=25 52°30' N. L70°23’E. 76 25 32.89 67.1]. ll. O-26 55 6-16 53°18' N. 166°55'E. l37 37 27.01. 72.99 O O-Ll; 56 6-16 5l. “Ol' N. 177°01' W. 5l. lig 90.7l. 9.26 1OO 86-100 57 6:12 l,7°11' N, 169°59'E. 52 ll. 2.l.. 13 78.85 O O-l& 58 6–ll. 812 55 ll. 25.115 71.55 O O=l7 59 6-12 lºgº B3' N. 176°/15°E. 11.8 lil l,7,70 lº2.30 2 O-l2 60 6–17 8.i.2 |B 7 15.56 8l. lili O O-l9 § Table lj.--Classification of high seas samples of mature sockeye salmon in 1962 - continued l Number of Percent classified Corrected Sample Sampling sampling location” Sample Bristol Bay Bristol Kamchatkan percent 90 percent number date Lat. Long. size sockeye Bay type Bristol confidence type Bay type interval 2/ 6l 6-18 812 ll:6 l;2 28.77 72.23 l, O-ll. 62 6-13 813 l;5 l2 26.67 73.33 O O-l9 63 6-19 9||7 lO7 25 23.36 76.6}. O O-l2 6|| 6–ll 91.5 53 17 32.08 67.92 9 O-28 65 6-l2 91.5 8l 31 38.27 6l. 73 2O 5-36 66 6-13 9||5 l;6 l6 3].78 65.22 ll; O-31, 67 6-l; 9|Fl; lOO l;2 l;2.00 58. OO 79 66-92 68 6-17 9ll. 39 8 20.5l 79.l.9 O O-2O 69 5–25 1003 ljl 87 l;7.62 l;2.38 5|| l;2-66 TO 5-3.l lCO6 81 l;2 51.85 l;8.15 lily 28-60 7l 6-6 1008 90 35 38.89 6l.ll. 2l 6-36 72 6-6 1009 l36 86 63.2h 36.76 6|| 52–76 73 5-31 ll23 6|| lºl. 68.75 3.l., 25 7|| 57-90 7|| 6-6 ll21 9l 8O 87.9l l2. O9 lOO 89-loo 75 6-6 ll2O 67 l,8 71.6l. 28.36 79 63–9]. 76 6-l lilj 81. 63 77,78 22, 22 89 76–loC) 77 6-l. liló 7|| 62 83.78 l6.22 100 88-lOO 78 7-13 50°56'N. 163°LO' E. 32 l. l, 6.88 53. L2 O O-22 79 7-9 50°32'N. L63°32' E. l;2 l6 38.10 61.90 O O-2O 8O 7-9 50°ll "N. J.63°32' E. |8 8 l6.67 83.33 O O-18 81. 7-l 50°20' N. 163°32'E. 33 9 27.27 72.73 i. O-23 l/ Numbers other than longitude and latitude refer to area designation - One degree of latitude by 2/ Truncated at 0 percent and 100 percent. ** Asian standards. one degree of longitude (Lander and Tanonaka, 1961). l25 Interpretation of scale characters The scale character data presented for 1962 through 1961 were collected by the same personnel using the same equipment, procedures, and criteria as in previous years (Anas, 1963; Anas and Murai, l961). Only the "preferred" scale located two rows above the lateral line on the diagonal scale column which extends downward from the posterior insertion of the dorsal fin, or a scale from the "A" zone (page ll 5, INPFC, l963) was read. Classification procedures for mature sockeye salmon The discriminant function computed by Anas and Murai (1964) for the 1957 scale-character data was used to determine the percentages Of specimens classified as Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon in the l962 high seas samples of mature sockeye and in the 1962 and l96); inshore samples. The observed percentages of misclassified specimens in 1962 and 1961; in the Bristol Bay stream samples were weighted by their respective escapement estimates shown in Tables 16 and lſ. The computed average error of misclassification of Bristol Bay-type sockeye salmon was 16.1 percent in 1962 and 20.8 percent in 1961. The corrected percentage of Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon in the 81 samples of mature sockeye caught on the high seas in 1962 and the 90-percent confidence intervals, computed by the procedures of Anas and Murai (1961), are given in Table 15. Discriminant function analysis by use of the three defined characters has separated Bristol Bay and Asian samples in all years from 1956 through 1963 (Fig. 37). In 1964, results of the classification of Sockeye salmon from Bristol Bay rivers were similar to those of other years. l26 Table l6. --Average error in misclassification weighted according to relative abundance of the contributing stocks of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon in 1962 Observed percent River Escapement Relative Of Weighted in millions abundance misclassification value Branch O. O.9l O. Olólº ll.8 O. l.935 Egegik l.027 0.185l 10.3 l, 9065 Kvichak 2.581 O. l;650 12, l 5. 6265 Naknek O. 722 O. l3Ol 7. 9 l, O278 Ugashik O.255 O. Ol:59 23.2 l,0619 Wood O.87); O. l;75 l;0.0 6. 3000 Total 5. 550 l. OOOO l6, ll)2 Average errors of misclassification were l6.ll.92 percent for the Bristol Bay population and 26.7081 percent for the Kamchatkan population (samples l and 2, table lj). 127 Table 17. --Average error in misclassification weighted according to relative abundance of the contributing stocks of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon in 1964 Observed percent River Escapement Relative Of Weighted in millions abundance misclassification value Branch 0.2k9 O.O.502 10.7l-77 O. 5395 Egegik O.850 0.1715 l. 69/19 O. 2907 Kvichak 0.957 O. l932 37. 32.19 7.2106 Naknek l. 350 O.2725 5. 5319 l. 507k Ugashik 0.1173 0.095l. 20.7756 l.982O Wood l. O76 O.2172 l;2.5l 66. 9.24ll Total lº.95l. l.0000 20.7713 Average error of misclassification was 20.7713 percent for the Bristol Bay population; l961; samples for the Kamchatkan population are not currently available. § ſ + 6 s- Rivers Inlet +5 - * - 49°35'N. e-Froser R. 166°26'E - Columbio R. - sº 51°N 153°E + 4 olumbi o R Skeeno R * Noss R ºms 3 e- 52°N 154°E + •- 51°N 153°E - s- 49°22''N 49°O5' N to O © Ö :#: #3:É #51°N 153°E 166° 36'E 50°56'N s–52°N 154°E ºr Nome •-Ozernoy a R. •- 49°N 162°E Gnd + 2 - - e- 50° N 162°E 165°O9'E to Ke-52°N 154°E 166°55'E O Q s—51° N 15.4°E :::::N #: (31 samples) - * 52 ° N 164° º Yo •- KG r u : R. 52 E + | •- Wood R. •- Wood R. -- <- Kor luk R. •- Wood R. s— Wood R. e- Wood R. s •- Kvichok R. •- Wood R. •-Kvichel R. o sº- tº ſº º - * Ugashik R. •-Naknek R. Ugoshik R. e-Naknek R. - •-Kuskokwim Rſ.`` . º Kvichok R *-Branch R. K–Ugashik R. U hik R. He- UQ oshi tº g e :::::::::: § +'." R. 9 - + Jºshik F. Ke-Wood R. <-Ugoshik R. – 1–F–Naknes R. T.Kvichak R. B-kvichºk 5. F9°9'" R. - Ege gik R. - Egegik R. Ege gik R. tº Kvichok R. e-Wood R. --Naknek R. F. Kvicho" R. Egº"R. Ugoshik R. Bronch R. ºr tº - 2+-- Egegik R •– Nok nek R. * No knek R. IÉ. . re-Broncºs R. •- Ege gilt * Kvichok R. * No knek R. <-Egegiº R. * NG!, the Y R. | 956 | 95.7 | 958 1959 | 9 6 O | 9 6 | | S 62 | 96.3 | 9 S4 Figure 37.--Linear distribution of sample mean "Y" values; three scale characters and a discriminant function computed from data collected in l957 were used. l29 Classification of mature sockeye salmon in North Pacific Ocean samples in 1962 Samples taken May 21-31, 1962, between longe. 165°30' E. and 170°30' E. (Fig. 38). South of lat. 119°30' N. In four of six samples, sockeye salmon were classified as loo percent Kamchatkan type • Sockeye salmon in two samples (3, 7) were classified as 65 and 27 percent Bristol Bay type. The 90 percent confidence intervals for the iatter two samples excluded zero . North of lat. H9°39' N. The sockeye salmon in two samples (51, 5h] were classified as 28 and ll percent Bristol Bay type. The 90-percent confidence interval for sample 5l was 12-hl percent; thus, it is probable that Bristol Bay sockeye occurred in this area at this time of the year. Samples taken May 21-31, 1962, between longs. 17030. E., and T5-307 ETCETE-53) North of lat. H9°30' N. All three samples included Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon; the percentages ranged from lili to 71 percent. The 90-percent confidence intervals all excluded zero. These high percentages were attributed to the presence of Bristol Bay sockeye, not sampling variation. Samples taken June 1-10, 1962, between longs. 165°30'E. and 170°30' E. (Fig. 39) * = { South of lat. 19°30' N. The sockeye salmon in two samples (12, 13) were classified as loo percent Kamchatkan type. g 16O" 165° 17O 9 175° id: | 75° 17O° Å) | | | 55°H y \ \ - —155° 2^ - - / * 54 (II) O Sºy aſſº ...a fl -*. - 5| (28) O - © A’.”. S. 2 : 2-3-4- (2 s] | |% gº e 27 (86) O 7374 o 50°H 69(54) • O 7044 - —15O" #}|: |:42, 8 (O) O O 5 (9) • | 3 (65) 45°H - –45° Figure 38.--Samples of maturing sockeye salmon taken May 21-31, 1962, showing percentage of - Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon by l’ x l’ areas. First number is the sample number; second number (in parentheses) indicates percentage Bristol Bay type sockeye. º 16O" 165° 170° 175° 18Oo 175° ... 170° R}| || | | | | 55°H' y Q - - —155° Arº N Y —*— - | - / - - So || - - d : 52(3)|e ‘736(35) Cº. ..? |* 2.99. **isiº. els; ºf asāj: Höðsk (* Esőőrſégé ºf jeo 39(73), * | c. 75(79)|_|77(IOOjoo ſo *śī(§6. | b O 3– - - 25(25) © 7 | (2 |) G © 72 (64) |34(85) 32 (96) Mºss- © 50 o 26(41) 50 | 3 (O) o - c. | 2 (O) o 45°H- —#45° Figure 39---Samples of maturing sockeye salmon taken June 1-lo, lgó2, showing percentage of Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon by lº x 1° areas. First number is the sample number; second number (in parentheses) indicates percentage Bristol Bay type sockeye. North of lat. 19°3C N. Two samples (H5, 52) showed small percentages of Bristol Bay type sockeye Salmon. Since the 90 percent confidence intervals included zero, it is possible that the point estimates reflected variation in Sampling. Semples taken June 1-10, 1962, between longs 2.72°30' E. and iſ/5°30' E. (Fig. 39) North of lat. 49°30' … The sockeye salmon in three samples (25, 39, 40) all 90 percent confidence intervals excluded zero. Samples collected north of lat . . . *30' N. had higher percentages of Bristol Bay salmon than tºose collected to the south. Samples taken June 1-12, 1962, between longs. 175°30' E. and 179°305 W. (Fig. 39) North of lat. 49°30' N. A. samples were classified from 2l to lC0 percent Bristol Bay type Scºtkeye salimon; all 90-percent confidence intervals excluded zero . The samples with the highest percentages of Bristol Bay salmon were near the Aleutian Islands. * * 2ampºse taken June 3:…, 1962, between leagº, i.2°30′ N, ; and Iſlº W. (Fig. 39) g North of at samples were classified from 80 to + & 14 9 6. 3 Ç N Al -i-~ lOC percent Bristol Bay type scekey 3. salmon; 90-percent confidence intervals ranged from 52 to iOC percent . Samples taken June 11-29, l962, between longs. 165°30' E. and ITC^3OTE. (Fig. Ho ) South of lat. 119°30' N. Eighteen of 20 samples were classified as less than 20 percent Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon. The average Was about 8 percent. The 90 percent confidence intervals included * zero except for samples 65 and 67 which classified 20 and 79 percent Bristol Bay type; confidence intervals were 5-36 percent and 66–92 percent, respectively. Samples taken June ll-20, 1962, between longs, 179°32' W. and 17, 230° W. (Fig. iio) Only two samples (53, 56) from the Bering Sea and one (33) from south of the Aleutian Island chain were available . All showed high percentages (80-100) of Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon, and all had 90 percent confidence intervals that ranged between 6l and loo percent. Samples taken June 21-30, 1962, between longs. Ló5°30' E. and iTO”30' E. (Fig. Ill.) North of lat, lig°30' N. All samples classified from zero to 31 percent Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon, with an average of about 8 percent. The 90 percent confidence intervals included zero for all samples except one, for which the range was 7-55 percent, Samples taken. June 21-30, 1962, between longs, lºſo’30° E. and lT5°30' E. (Fig. , 1) The fish in the four samples were classified 0, C, 17, and 28 percent Bristol. Bay type sockeye. The 9C percent confidence intervals included zero in three samples and ranged from 3 to 52 percent in one sample of 33 sockeye. § IGO'” |65° 17Oo | 75° i8O2 175° -170° ſº | | | | | 55°H. y - § \ - –55° 2-º- • /ſ - - | | | |* Setoº - e|53(87) ©|55(O) & Y | |. - ..a 3 V | }...! is || • |2-3-4-'ſ * is] |*|ºt * o33(80) 5O2H | - º ab - –50° : 63'(o)|96438°|og §§ - { | |ºllº |cºl{} % ‘....'...gifts) 68(O) 2|2).33 | IO (7) |33 || o |62 (O) £39) - É%| o |57 (O) e I (4) 45°H e -U. —45° Figure H.O.--Samples of maturing sockeye salmon taken June ll-20, 1962, showing percentage of Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon by l’ x l’ areas. First number is the sample number; second number (in parentheses) indicates percentage Bristol Bay type sockeye. § 16O2 165° 17Oo | 75° 18O" 175 170° | ... • Å) | | | | 55°H. y TS § - - —155° / Sº Y & * zº-º-º: | © • Jºe - ( - • |2-3-4-f 4] (28) - Z.A. sº e|sº- •e 42 (O) gº 46 (9)|e • 43 (O) - zºº) © H - O O - Mºmms O 50 2O(O) e e e|24(31) 50 2 I (4) 22 (O) 45°H –45° Figure lil.--Samples of maturing sockeye salmon taken June 21-30, 1962, showing percentage of Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon by lº x l’ areas. First number is the sample number, second number (in parentheses) indicates percentage Bristol Bay type sockeye. Samples taken July 1-20, 1962 (Fig. =2) All samples were taken rear 165° E. long. The sampling dates and the small percentages of the samples classified as Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon make it unlikely that these fish Were of Bristol Bay origin. Classification procedure for immature sockeye salmon is criminant function analysis used in scale Studies requires a priori knowledge of the population to be classified to continent of origin. Whereas studies (Fukuhara et al., 1962; snow that mature sockeye salmon in the Bering Sea and west of 165° W. Long, are of Kamchatkan or Bristol Bay origin, evidence is not available on the origin of immature sockeye found in this area e Japanese tagging of both mature and immature sockeye salmon showed that Asian sockeye were found in a large area southeast of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kurile Islands (Hartt, 1964). Margolis (1963), using the nematode Dacnitis as an indicator, found immature Kamchatkan sockeye salmon from the east coast of Kamchatka eastward to near long. 170° W. Margolis (1963) found immature Bristol Bay sockeye salmon from longs. 145° W. to 175° E. in the North Pacific Ocean and from longs. 175° W. to 170° E, in the Bering Sea. Hartt (1964) found that immature sockeye salmon moved Westward along the south side of trie Aleutian islands from late June into mid-September (when sampling was discontinued). Both the abundance and the age Composition of these immature fish have beer related to the run to Bristol Bay the following year. Hartt (1964), in his studies of tagging of immature Sockeye salmon in the Aleutian Island area, noted that retºrrs were essentially from the high seas and from western Alaska. § 16O2 RA #: —H% Hā: ièg: Iſº- |70° 55°H. y § Y –55° | Aº’ſ / Sºo © *— z-a-t - © ( © º ... ? 789A 47(2|) - **s, NS e|Sºe cº -- agº 2 | "::3% Nº || 2 | 79 (O) O O 50 (6) | * \tº \ - - 50°H 8 (D|A| || - 19(o) - —15O2 © JULY | – |O A JULY || - 20 45°H |-|45° Figure l;2. --Samples of maturing sockeye salmon taken July 1-20, 1962, showing percentage of Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon by l’ x l” areas. First number is the sample number, second number (in parentheses) indicates percentage Bristol Bay type sockeye. 133 The results of these studies are believed sufficient to justify the assumption that most of the immature sockeye salmor, in the Bering Sea and west of long. 165° W., in the Pacific Ocean are of Kamchatkan or Bristol Bay origin. If sockeye from Gulf of Alaska rivers were present in samples taken west of long, 165° W., they would probably be classified as Kamchatkan type (Anas and Murai, 1964). This would introduce a bias that would increase the cliassification estimates of the percentage of Kamchatkan type sockeye in the samples a Anas and Murai (1961) used a linear discriminant function and a weighting method developed by Fukuhara et al. (1962) for samples with pooled ages and brood years that resulted in an estimate of percentage of mature Bristol Bay sockeye in high seas samples. A linear discriminant function for pooled ages and brood years was also used for immature sockeye salmon. No satisfactory method of Weighting the various age classes of immature sockeye salmon for their relative abundance has been developed. The data for immature fish are therefore unweighted, as are the data for mature Asian fish a The three scale characters used to classify sockeye salmon are formed on the scale during the first year of ocean growth. The growth patterns recorded on the scale in this year of ocean life remain, regardless of the age at Which maturity cºurs . This should result in similar mis- classification percentages of sockeye from a single brood year and of the same freshwater age that return in successive years. For example, the average misclassification of age 42 Bristol Bay sockeye in 1963 was 17.0 percent and the average for age 52 sockeye in 196H was 12. It percent. The average misclassification was 8.6 percent for age 53 in 1963, and l. 6 percent for age 63 in 1964. Other age classes were either absent or not present in sufficient numbers for evaluation . 139 The l962 samples collected on the high seas included immature sockeye salmon of the following ages: - All other Age : 32 H2 #3 52 53 62 63 6, 7, ages Percent: 7.9 25.7 10.7 li. 6 35.7 O. l 3.0 8.8 0.2 3.3 The most important year classes represented were those from * the 1956, 1957, 1958, and 1959 brood years. Sockeye salmon from these |brood years returned to Bristol Bay as mature fish in important numbers in the spawning seasons, 1960 through 1961. To estimate the percentage of Bristol Bay immature sockeye salmon misclassified to Origin, the average percentage of mature fish misclassified in 1960-1964 (19.97 percent) was applied to the immature fish. Similarly, the average percentage (28.62 percent) of Kamchatkan type sockeye misclassified was computed from samples selected for 1960-63. (Data for the Asian standards for 1961 were not available.) Results of classifying high seas samples of immature sockeye Samples collected on the high seas in 1962 having more than 17 immature sockeye salmon were classified to origin (Table l8). These samples were grouped by 5 degrees of longitude for June 6-29, 1962, and July 1-August 22, 1962, and the average corrected percentage of Bristol Bay sockeye was computed (Table lº). The percentages of the samples classified as Bristol Bay immature sockeye increased substantially after July 1 (Table lº). In the area bounded by long, l'ſ 5° W. and lºſj“ E. , two samples had 7l; .0 and l;8.0 percent Bristol Bay type fish before July l, compared with 90.0 and 65.3 percent in two samples after July l. High percentages (78.0, 66.0, 90.0, 65.3) of the samples collected in the area from longs, 165° W. to 175° E. after July 1 were classified as Bristol Bay type. The percentage of Bristol Bay H.-4 Table 18. --Samples of immature sockeye salmon collected in 1962 by Japanese motherships and United States research vessels - *** * Number of Percent classified Corrected Sample Sampling Sampling Location Sample Bristol, Bay Bristoli Kamchatkan percent 90 percent number date Late Cong. size sockeye Bay type Bristol. Confidence nºe-assºs ºrºº: type Bay type intervalſº i. 6-6 l; 9°l;7' N. L.76°L2°E. 26 3.6 6L. 53 38.17 6l. 31.9ll 2 6-6 ligº33’N, 176°l 5° E. 18 8 lili lil. 55.56 32 O-68 3 6-ll 50°57' N. 176°00'W. 18 l2 66.66 33.34 7|| 38-100 l 6-12 |T 21h." N. 169°56' E. 33 8 2l; .21. 75.76 O O-25 5 6-12 l/?);2° N. 168°15′E. 22 8 36.36 63.6l. 15 O-l.8 6 6-25 51°10' N. 170°ill. "E. 26 17 65.38 31.62 72 lº2-100 7 6-26 50°58' N. 170°O5'E. 2]. ll. 66.66 33.31 7|| Il-100 8 6-27 51°O2° N. 17.1.”O'L'E. 18 7 38.89 6l.ll. 2O O-57 9 6-28 50°53' N. 171°Llº E. 38 16 li2.10 57.90 26 l-52 LO 6-29 50°20' N. 168°28′E. 21 8 38.09 61.9l 18 O-52 1.1. 7-l 50° 33’N, 165°39°E. 18 5 27.77 72.23 O O-31 12 7.2 51°00' N. 177°OO W. 92 69 75. OO 25. OO 90 76-100 l3 7.3 50°10' N. 166°3], *E. 27 l3 li8. Llr 53.86 38 7–69 1h. 7.5 50°33° N. 165°), L'E. 23 7 30.13 69.57 l. O=3| 15 7.5 50°ii.2° N. 165°59’ E. 2l, 5 20.83 79. L7 O O-30 16 7.7 50°Oh, N. 162°h 3' E. 2.l. 7 33.33 66.67 9 O-liº 17 7-7 50°16′ N, 16|| "Bl; ‘E. 30 10 33. 33 66.67 9 O-37 18 7~Ll 50°20' N. 163°32'E, 21. 7 33, 33 66.67 9 O-li2 l9 7–12 52°52′ N, 467°07 W. 275 219 79.63 2O. 37 99 91–100 2O T-l.3 50°20' N. 163°32' E. 28 6 21. H2 78.58 O 0-27 !. 7~1.3 50°56' N. 16.3°10'E. 21. l 19. Oli 80.96 O O-32 22 7~lli 51°50' N. J.67°00'W. 212 138 65.09 3.91 71. 60-81. 23 7-15 52°20' N. L66°58' W. 57 35 61.10 38.60 6|| l. 3–8); 21 7...].5 ligºl 6° N, 16; 25.2°E. 30 J.O 33, 33 66.67 9 O-37 25 7~1.5 59°ll N. l65°13'E. 31 ll. l, 5.16 51.8l. 32 li-61 26 7-l'7 51*OO' N. 170°52' W. 57 38 66.66 33.3% 7|| 5ll-9), 27 7–18 51°28' N. 170°58' W. 157 88 56.05 l;3.95 53 lil-66 28 7-21. 50°37' N. 169°32' E. lili l3 29.5l. 70. l;6 2 O-2h 29 7–21 50°37' N. leg”21°E. 113 l8 lºl.86 58, ll: 26 2-50 RO 7–23 51°27′ N, 168°56' E, lil 15 36.58 63. H2 16 O-l;0 3.l. 7–23 5l.”39' N. 169°06′E. l;O 15 37.50 62.50 17 O-lº2 32 7-25 5.1°33' N. L71, “Oh W. 92 60 65.2.1 34.79 7l 55-87 33 8-li 50°50' N. 179°OO E. 34 2O 58.82 lºl. 18 59 32-86 3. 8-8 50°19' N. 178°59' E. l37 76 58, liſ lil. 53 58 115-72 35 8-9 51°].2° N, 176°OO E. 268 186 69.l.0 30.60 79 70-88 –36 8-22 5'-3'N, 15.90'W. 75 ll. li. 66 85.31 O Q-17 1 / Francated at 0 percent and 100 percent. lili Table 19, --Classification of high seas samples of immature sockeye salmon, grouped by 5° of longitude, June 6-29, 1962, and July 1- August 22, 1962 Average corrected Tate and Sample Number of percent Percentage longitude size Bristol Bay Bristol Bay range sockeye sockeye 6/6-6/29 165E-17CE 76 24 ll. SC C - 18 170E-175E 103 5i, li& O 20 - 7h 175E-180 lili 24 H.8, O 32 - 6l. 180-175W 18 12 Tit. C 71 - 7h 7/1-8/22 16OE-165E 1.51 lili 6.0 0 - 9 165E-17CE 291. 105 15,0 C - 38 175E-18O 439 282 65.3 58 - 79 180-175W 92 69 90.0 90 - 90 175W-17CW 306 186 66. O 53 - 711 17OW-165W 54), 392 78.0 61 – 99 155Wel.50W. 75 11. Ç Q = Q 1112 immature sockeye salmon declined progressively from east to West in samples taken west of long. 175° W. during June 6-29 and July 1-August 22. No Bristol Bay immature sockeye were found in the single sample from the Gulf of Alaska. Summary and conclusions Mature and immature sockeye salmon collected on the high seas in 1962, and mature sockeye from inshore areas in 1962 and 1964, were classified to continent of origin by using scale characters and a linear discriminant function computed from l957 data. Eighty-one samples With more than 29 mature sockeye caught on the high seas, and 36 samples with more than 17 immature sockeye, were available for classification. The samples collected closest to the Aleutian Islands after June l generally had higher percentages of mature Bristol Bay Sockeye salmon than those collected farther offshore. From June 1-10, samples averaged about 88 percent Bristol Bay type sockeye salmon in the area between 179°30' W. long. to l'7); "30" W. long. , compared with about 67 percent, 66 percent, and li percent in areas 175°30' E. to 179°30° W., l'70°30' E. to 175° 30' E., and l65°30' E. to 170°30' E. long. , respectively. After June 10, most of the available samples (from west of long. 171°30' E. ) were classified as having small percentages of Bristol Bay sockeye. The three samples collected near l'75° W. long. in the period June ll-20 had high percentages (80, 87, 100) of Bristol Bay sockeye. The percentages of immature Birstol Bay sockeye salmon in the samples collected from June 6-29, 1962, were: 74.0, for the area 175° W., long. to 180°; 18.0, 180° to 175° E. long. ; lić. O, 175° E. to 170° E. long. ; and ll. O for the area from 170° E. to lö5° E. long. , showing a decline to the west. l;3 In comparison, percentages of immature Bristol Bay sockeye were higher in samples collected after July 1, as follows: 78.0 for the area between 165° W. and l'O? W. long. ; 66. O, 170° W., to l'î5° W. long. ; 90.0, 175° W. to 180°; 65.3, 180° to 175° E. long. ; 15.0, 170° E. to 165° E. long. ; and 6.0 percent for the area from 165° E. to 160° E. long. No Bristol Bay immature sockeye were found in the single sample from the Gulf of Alaska collected on August 22, Literature cited Anas, Raymond E. 1963. Red salmon scale studies. In : Report on the investigations by United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission--1961. Int, North Pac. Fish. Comm. Annual Report 1961, pp. 114-3.19. 1961. Sockeye salmon scale studies. In : Report on the investigations by the United States for the International. North Pacific Fisheries Commission--1963. Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Annual Report 1963, pp. 158-162. Anas, Raymond E. , and Sueto Murai. 1961. Scale characters suitable for racial studies of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus rerka (Walbaum). U.S. Burs of Comm. Fish. , Biol. Lab., Seattie, Wash. (Manuscript being revised for INPFC Document. ) lili Fukuhara, Francis M. , Sueto Murai, John J. LaLanne, and Arporna Sribhibhadh, 1962. Continental origin of red salmon as determined from morphological characters. Buil, , Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm., No. 8, pp. 15-109, Hartt, Allan C. 1964, Migrations of salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea as determined by seining and tagging, 1959-1960. Fisheries Research Inst., University of Washington, Seattle. (Unpublished Maruscript, “r internati.oria. North Pacific. Fisheries Commission. 1963. Annual. Repcºt for the year 1961. Int, North Paz. Fish. Comm., Vancouver, B, C, , Canada. Ir terrational North Pacific Fisheries Commission . 1951; , Statistical Yearbook, 1951. int. Jorth Pac. Fish, Comm., Vancouver, B. C., Canada (Processed, ) Landrum, Betty J , , and Thomas A. Dark, 1961. Morphological classification of maturing sockeye salmon in 1962. In Report on the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission--1963. Int, North Pac. Fish. Comm. Annual Report 2,963. Lander, Robert H. , and George K. Tanonaka. 1961. Marine growth of Westerr. Alaska scº.cye a..., c., ºncorhynchus *…*.*.*.*.* tºº-º-º: * rerka Walbäum). Bull. , Int, North Pac. Fish. Comm. , No. iii, = PP o i.e. 3. o Margc] is, Led . 1963, Parasites as indicators of the geographical origin of sockeye salmon, Onçcrhyncºus nerka. Waibaum), occurring in the North Pacific Ocean and adjacent sease Bulls, Int. North Pac, Fisr. Comm., No. 1..., pp. 101-156. Mason, James E. 1966. Sockeye salmon scale studies. In: Report on the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission--196h. Int, North Pac. Fish. Comm. Annual Report, 1964. ll:6 PINK SATMON SCALE STUDIES by Roger E. Pearson The primary objective of the scale studies was to classify pink salmon collected on the high seas to continent of origin, Methods of collecting, processing, and analyzing data for this purpose were presented by Pearson (1961a, 196hb, and 1966) for 1959 and 1963. This report summarizes the results of studies completed in 1965. Included here are {1} arithmetic means and standard deviations of scale characters obtained from the 1961 collections in North America, (2) comparisons of scale character mean values between North American samples collected in 1963 and 1961, (3) comparisons of scale character mean values between samples taken from the eastern North Pacific ocean in 1963 and from North American spawning regions in 1963, (4) arithmetic means and standard deviations of scale characters obtained from Kodiak Island pink salmon from 1957 through 1961, and (5) tests to determine if the measurements taken from scales of Bella Bella pink salmon on three different dates in 1963 were the same. Arithmetic means and Standard deviations of scale character's obtained from the 196ll collections in North America Fourteen different scăle measurements were obtained from the 1964 North American scale samples for use as racial characters (Table 20). These are the same characters that were taken from the 1963 collections and include the characters that were best for differentiating fish from North American spawning regions in 1959 (Pearson, 1966). Arithmetic means and standard deviations for the 14 scale characters are shown in Table 21 for 1964. The ranges in mean value varied widely for all characters. Smaller means frequently occurred in samples 147 1/ Table 20. --List of pink salmon scale characters- the same as used by Pearson (1966). Scale character Character rºumber 14 Width from center of focus to 5th circulus. 15 Width from center of focus to 10th circulus. 16. Width from center of focus to 15th circulus. 37 Width from center of focus to 20th circulus . 18 Width frºm center of focus to 25th circuius . 19 Width from center of focus to 30th circulus. 2C Width from 5th to 10th circulus. 21. Width from 10th to 15th circulus. 2. Width from 15th to 20th circulus. 23 Width from 20th to 25th circulus. 2: Width from 25th to 30th circuius a 25 Width from 15th to 30th circulus. 26 Width from .] Oth to 20th circulus . 27 Width from 20th to 30th circulus. 1/ All scales were examined at OOX magnification. Each measurement was to the nearest millimeter. All sºlº ºniº, rººter number's are #. Table 21. --Arithmetic means and (in parentheses) standard deviations of measurements (millimeters) of scale characters from the 1961 North American samples of pink salmon Character number 1/ * Sample Area. Date º ill. 15 16 17 18 19 2O British Columbia, Rivers inlet 3-li 68 2.6 (2.3) 39.7 (3.5) 56.2 (li. 7) 71.8 (5.6) 83.8 (6.9) 97.1 (7.6) l; .1(2.11) Bella Čoolà 7~22,23 2 5 23. Ç 2, 3) 33 l (3, li) 55.2 (li. 3) 71.0 (6.0 83.5 (6.5) 97. l. (7.2) 15.1 (2.1.) Be... . a. Beila. 7-22,23, 296 23: 3 (2 5) 38.6(3.6) 55, 5 (5.1) 71.4 (6.2 : 83.1 (7-O ) 96.6(7.8) 15.3 (2.1) 27, 28 . Buſ 3:33 le 8.18, 20 2. 25. 2, 2.5 lij || || 3.5) 38 . . . . 7) 71.7/6. ( ; 8, , ; (6.7) iO2, 3 (8.2) 16, 2 (2.1) Cºrey ville § a , 5 ,6 ºn 6 2. 6 2. 7) liſ), 7:3, 9) 57.6: A 3) 74 3 6.0) 33.6 (6.8) 100.8 (8.5) ió. 1 (2.3) §§e: ºla, Riº er 3-2,3,4,5 27: 23.9 (2,6) 39. 3; 3.7% 96.1 (4.8 70.5 (5.5 82.6; 5.9) 98.7 (7.3) 15, h (2.2) Nass River 8-3,1,5, 2.5 2.8 (2.8 lio. 6' 3-8) 96.7 a .8 70.9 (6.2) 83.3(7.1) 100.9 (8.1) 15.8%2.0) 7-31 Alaska Southeastern Behm Canal. 7–22 238 21.8 (2.3) lil. 8 (3.3) 58.1 (1.6) 74.7 (6.5) 88.2 (7.7) loll.l(8.2) 17.0 (2.l.) Anan Bay 7–20 97 26.3 (2,7) h 3. l (3.5) 60. l. (li, 3) 76.5 (5.7) 90.7 (6.5) loſ. 7 (7.1) lé.9(l.9) Sumner Strait 8-25 77 25.6(3.1) l;2. O (li. 2) 59.2 (5.1) 75.9 (6.7) 90.6(7.8) loſſ. 9(8.7) le. l. (2.1) Port Houghton 7-20 262 26.h (2. li.) lić. 2(3.6) 65, l01.8) 81. l (5.9) 99.3 (6.7) ll&. 5 (8.3) lo. 8 (2.2) Icy Strait 7-15 218 26.9 (2.7) ||6.0 (3.8) 611. 7 (5.l) 84.0 (6.5) 99.3 (7.1) ll:7.9 (8.7) lo. l (2.1) Prince William Sd. 8-3,h 233 25, 1 (2.5) l;3. 6(3.8) 63. l. (5.2) 83.3 (6.l) 99.3 (6.7) lló. 2 (7.8) 18.5 (2.2) Cook Inlet 7-25 318 23.2 (2.5) h9.5 (11.0) 65.2 (5.1) 85.8 (6.2) lol. 8 (7.1) la 3.9 (8.7) lo. l. (2.3) Kodiak Island Larson Bay 8-l2 236 25.1 (2.3) lili.l (3.6) 65, l (; .9) 83.8 (6.O.) 99.8 (6.6) lz3.5 (8.5) l8.9 (2.2) Clga Bay 8–5 235 22,802.1) h(), li (3.9) 62.8 (5.5) 83.3(6.l.) loo. 1 (7.1) 12.3(8.8) lºſ. 5 (3.2) Alaska Peninsulia Pavlof Bay Ivan Bay Ivanof Bay Ivan – Ivanof Bay 2/ Bristol Bay Mushagak River 7-21; 7-27 3.13. 7-28 330 7-18 7-27, 28, 357 29 : s : 5 ) 2 l;2 l;2. lil; Hill. HO. .8(l. 1 (H. •l (H. l(H. h (3. l/ The character description is found in Table 20. 25 ſ 2/ Mixed fish sampled at a cannery. . 3 (5. •l(5. .0 (5. .2(5. 3 i 3 )| 128.9(9.l.) 127. 5 (9.l.) l27.8 (9.5) l27.8 (9.2) 2C). lS). 20. 2O. 18. 3(2. l(2. ). º Table 21, --'Arithmetic means and in parentheses) standard deviations of measurements (millimeters) of scale characters from the 1964 North American samples of pink salmon--Continued S i 2. : 2 i 2 2 6 2 7 2 5 *** - Lºº. British Coliumbia Rivers ini et, 8-|| 68 16.5 (2.3) 15.6 (2.2) 12.0 (2.8, 13. 3 (3.0} lit. 9{l 7) 32.1 (3.11) 25.3 (3.6) Bella. Coola 7-2^,23 2.15 27, l (2. l. ) 15.9 (2.2) 1.2. 5 (2. l ; 13 6(3, 3 } li. 9 (li. 2) 33.0 (3,7) 26.1 (3.7 ) *:: * *. & rts ºr F-y e ,-- r. • f < . . * > * ~A ; , ; . * * * * . ~, • ‘ * : . -, \ * , r- « * - * i. s. Bella. Be! 3 a. (e 22, 2 2 296 17, C (2. li. 15 (2 . ii.) li. 9 (2.0 13, 5 (3... i.) 11, O(li, 3) 32.5 (3.9) 25.5 (3. li. €. Character number 1/ Area. Tjate - -z l/ '. 23 24. s -22-* ...4 * -. X 2 Butedale 8-18, 21. 16. 7 (2. li ) ; 3.6:2.5) 12.1 (2, 3} +8.2 (li li ) lili. 3 (5.6) 30.3(H.C.) 30.6(5.6) Grenviliº 8-li,5,6 2.6 16.9 (2.3) 13.7 (2. li.) 12.3 (2.5 ) 17.2 (3,9) # 3.2, 5.2) 30.6(3.9). 29.5 (5.1) Skeena River 8-2,3,4,5 27, 16.8; 2.7) lll .. 3 (2.2) 12.1 (2.4 16.1 (3.5 H2. 5 (li. 5) 31, 203.7) 28.2(l. 3) Nass River 8-3, h, 5, 215 ió. 1 (2. li.) llì. 2 (2,7) 12.3 (2 l; ) 17.7 (l, .O) lili 2 (5.1) 30.1 (3.9) 30.0 (5.0) 7-34 Alaska Southeastern Behm Canal Anan Bay Sumner Strait, Port Houghton Icy Strait Prinºe William Sd. Cook Inlet Kodiak Island Larson Bay Olga Bay 238 97 262 21,8 233 *** - / . t-y © K. G & & & ‘.& Ǻ 2 i : | ©º à : .2) 16. 16. 19. Ö 2O. © G wº G cº tº: 3 & o 9 # - 9 :- o 5 s * * ( ſº * . 7 7 :3 C § 2 l ...'C. Q o &S3. & Q l; h 3r; J. ſ Ö o &l ) i 2 Cº-3 tº gº o & s7- * ſº i. 2 o à 33 : i * ) s ; ! (( : . | 5 8 li *( #. s j Alaska, Peninsula. Pavlof Bay 7-211 Ivan Bay T-27 Ivanof Bay 7-28 Ivan - Ivanof Bay 2/ 7-18 Bristol Bay Nushagak River 7–27,28, 357 29 i/ The character description is found in Table 20. 2/ Mixed fish sampled at a cannery. () li C \ l 8 Q t} . : © :y © j 8 61.8(5.7) liz. 7 (1.1) 5.H.) H1.7 (3.8) 6Q, 7(5, 7) l;0, 5 (3.7) : . º : º : 2 5 l, 34. º v.3 : . : ; : . . º : 3 t | 7 Q tº & 3 i 6 2 2 9 2 6 1. 7 8 ( 2 2 ) l ( º 2 2 l, 5 ( 3 2 ) 6 C ... 8 ( 5 6 ) l;0.7 (li. O) li 3 O ( 5 O 2 3 8 3 Q l 21.7 (2,6) lº. 9 (2. C) 9 2 7 2 6 6 3A. 6 8 2 ( 5 7 } l; 5.5 (H.O) ||6. 5 (1.6) 15 Q taken from British Columbia and part of southeastern Alaska (characters 16-27). Larger mean values occurred with some characters in samples taken in Cook Inlets Kodiak Island, the Alaska Peninsula, and Bristol Bay {zharacters 19, 21, and 24-27. The means of some characters became progressively larger with an increase in latitude of the spawning region (characters 17-20, 23-25, and 27), Comparisºchs of mean values of Scăle characters, pink saincºigºted in Nºrth America in 1963 Tână 1961 The me: values of scale characters iſ samples obtained in 1964 from North Ameriºr, spa.ºr.ir.g. regions were compared with the means of the 1963 samples from North America, Ine mean values for 1961, are listed 3ritish Cº.umbia samples, the meat, values of scale characters 1-23 and C § + S o 3, 1. & h à, r £, ~ €. r S i Y}. 25–27 were sma...er in 1964. The mean values of m A.º.3kºr. samples were also small=r in 1962. The characters follow a pattern similar to the relationship shown in Figure liº, for character 19, Here, every region had smaller mean vºlués in 1961. Figure ºil shows that this relatic n-hip did nºt cººr with character 24, for some regions had either similar va... a- in bºth years, cr larger values in 1961, . Compariś ºf meaſ...Vºiaș.S.: sºle Chârâ:ters from pink salmon cºllected on the nign seas. 3rd frºm Ncrth American spawning regiºns in 1963 Mean values of scale character 19 (width from center of focus to 30th circulus were obtained from al., 1963 high seas samples with 100 or more pink salmos., The means and standard deviations of these samples ar.” ‘…. 5.re shºwn in able. 33. Comparison of these data, with the North American 1964 NoRTH AMERICAN 1963 NORTH AMERICAN 15l SAMPLES -138- -136- - 134- Nushagak River Alaska Peninsula (Pavlof Bay) Alaska Peninsuld (iv on of ãº- Alaska Peninsuld (Ivon Boy) — Kodiak Island (Olgo Bay)— Cook Inlet --> Kodiak Island (Larson Boy) Port Houghton Prince Williom Sound icy Stroit _T Sumner Strait — Anon Boy Behm Conql Buteddle — Noss River == Grenville Principe Ske end River —T Bello Coold ~ Rivers in let =E -132- =130- =128- -126– -124- =122– E120- | | 8– – re- = 14 - || 2– - 10- -108- -106- =104- -lo2- -loo- –98– –96: Bello Bello s SAMPLES — Alasko Peninsulo (Ivanof Boy) Aidsko Peninsulo (Ivan Boy) Kodiak Island (Olga Boy) Kodiak Island (Zacher Boy) Cook linket Afognak Island June du Prince Williom Sound Baronof Island —r z Wrangel Ketchikon Noss River Skeeno River _-T Rivers l n le? 2; River T- Buteddle Bello Bello © La Conner (Washington) Bello Coold _T – 94– Figure l;3.--Linear comparison of mean values of scale character 19 (width from center of focus to 30th circulus) for North American samples collected in 1963 and 1961. 1964 NORTH AMERICAN SAM PLES H 27– nº lº 2 6– Alaska Peninsula (Ivan Bay) Alosko Peninsulo (Pavlof Boy) H 25– - Nushqgak River Alaska Peninsulo (Ivanof ãay)2 }. Kodiak Island (Olgo Bayj-T- 24- Kodiak Isiand (Larson Bay) T © . — 23– Cook Inle? –H 22– - 2 || – - 2 O- Port Houghton T- Prince Williom Sound —H | 9 – icy Siroit — But eddle — Nass River — 8– summer strait T- Grenviſie Principe -s Anan Bay —H ! 7- Skeena River ~ Behm Cond –H | 6 - .*. - || 5 — - || 4 - Bello Cooid Beiia Seño - Riversinlet —T-13 - 152 Is |x 2 S 1963 NORTH AMERICAN SAMPLES Alasko Peninsulo (Ivanof Boy) Alasko Peninsulo ( Ivon Boy) Kodiak Island (olga Bay) Kodiak Island (Zacher Boy) Afognak is lond Cook Inlet Junedu Boronof Island Prince William Sound Fraser River Skeend River But eddle --Ketchikon o sciºconner (Washington) S. Noss River Bello Bello Rivers in le? Bello Coolo Figure lil.--Linear comparison of mean values of scale character 2, (width from 25th to 30th circulus) for North American samples eolleeted in 1963 and 1961. 153 Table 22. --Arithmetic means and standard deviations of measurements (millimeters) of scale character 19 (width from center of focus to 30th circulus) from 1963 high seas samples Sample |- Location Date sample+/ | number Latitude N. Longitude W. size Mean 8 l l,8°31' 12l;"lºo" 8-18 iOl 10l., 5 6.6 2 - 51°ol, 133°l,0' 6-2 91, lia.3 lC).O 3 i;9°00' 136°5l. ' 5-27 90 l13.5 10.9 l, 57°23' 137°06' 6–ll, I likš ll.T.2 10. 7 5 57°35' 10°08 || 7-1 | 95 ll.T. 7 || 9.7 6 57°l,5' ll:3°10' 6-30 ll2 lis. 7 ll. 1 7 17°oo. ll;6°15' 5-ig 63 122.0 || 10.5 8 57°37' 150°21' 7-12 8l. 126.8 10.3 ******~~~. ºss l/ Samples with 100 or more fish were originally examined; however, some scales could not be used because they were regenerated or - or had a dirty surface. lºl, & inshore values presented by Pearson (1965) show that the standard deviations of the high seas samples were only slightly larger than the standard deviations of the inshore samples. The loºr standard deviations O 8. show that few fish with different scale measurements were present in the 3/ - * high seas samples ; this suggests that most of the fish in each sample were from one region or they were from regions with similar scale measuremerts . Figure 15 shows that the mean value of high seas sample number 1 was mºst similar to mean values for Washingtor, and British Columbia.; mean values of samples 2 through 6 were close tº those cf northern British Çolumbia and part of southeastern Alaska; Sample 7 was like Baranof Island and Prince William Sound; and sample number 8 was similar to arosex s $º Island, Cock Inlet, and Kodiak Island , scale data from the high seas samples were examined to H. & § Sº, & § determine if East Kamchatkan stocks were present, for pink salmon tagged in Alaskan coastal, waters were recovered in East Kamchatka, in 1963 (Hartt and Dell, 1964). Since Asian scale samples were act obtained in 1963, the mean value of scale character 19 was not known for the East Kamchatka...a stocks. In 1959, however, East Kamchatkan mean values were 136.5 and 139.2 (Pearson, 1966). £º l seas samples listed in Table 22. Assuming that the 1963 East Kamchatka scales were similar to 1959, the small mean values in Table 22 iºdicate that very few East Kamchatkar, pink salmon could be present in the eight high Seas samples . 3/ If fish from regions that have different mean values are mixed, the standard deviation of character 19 will be larger thºr, those in the individual regional samples. For examples the standard deviation for a mixed sample of Olga Bay (20% fish) and Bella Coola (263 fish) scales was 15.0. The regional standard deviations were 9. for ºlga Ray and 7.9 for Bella. Coola. | 963 H |GH SEAS | 963 NORTH AMERICAN 155 SAMPLES SAMPLES -138-I- Alasko Peninsulo (Ivanof Bay) - -36- Alaska Peninsula (Ivan Bay ). PI34- - |32– + - Lºo-Kodiak Island (Olga Bay) tº -128- Kodiak Island (Zacher Bay) * * 0 - - Cook Inle? (8) 57 °37 N |50° 2| W TH26-L- Afognak ls lond L124-2- Jºneºu o ann" 0 Xy -Hº- Prince Wil iid ºn Sound (7) 47° OO'N 46° 15'W —F122- Bord nof Isld no (5) 57°35'N 140°os'w - 20- (4) 57°23'N | 37° O6'W T-Fl 18- (6) 57° 45'N 143° lo'w —H 16- Wrangel #3, #29. N 33.33.8 –Flº, O º {} } (2) sº own 33°40'w —Lº 2+Tsºn. River -] O – Rivers Inle? Mºe em Froser River - -108- Bute do le 9 Q -106-S-Bella Belio ( . ) 48° 3 º' N 24° 4 O'W —#jS. (Washington ) * , tº: Bello Coold º -100+ –98- – 96– tea- 94 — Figure h9.--Linear comparison of mean values of scale character 19 (width from center of focus to 30th circulus) 1963 high seas samples and 1963 North American spawning region samples. 156 Arithmetic means and standard deviations of scale chârâcters - from Kodiak Island pink salmon in 1957-61; The objective of this studiº was to determine if scale character mean values (characters 1H-27) from one region varied between years. Kodiak Island samples were selected. More scale samples were collected from this area in 1957-61 than from other North American spawning regions. Table 23 lists the means and standard deviations of scale characters from the Kodiak Island samples • The ranges in mean value showed some variation between years. Figures 46 and 47 show that the mean values of character 19 for Kodiak Island were large in both odd- and even-numbered years. This relationship held for all characters in odd-numbered years, but some characters had smaller mean values in even-numbered years (Figures h9 and lig). The sampling sites within Kodiak Island were different in the even- and odd-year cycles, however, and this could account for some of the observed differences in Scale measurements. Arithmetic means and st&ndard deviations of $6.8.le character's obtained from Bella. Bella pink salmot, ºollected on three different dates in 1963 4. †he objective cf. this study was to determine if differences occurred in scale measurements (characters 14-27) between samples from one f & ~~~~ spawning region collected cº different dates in a sees one Differences in scale characters between dates could bias the results of studies for determining the region of origin of pink salmox, caught on the high seas. Not many samples were available to adequately examine this important subject, Most pink salmon runs were of short duration, and it was difficult to obtain large samples from one stock that were taken more than a few weeks apart. The best available samples were taken from Bellº, Bella over a 3-week period in 1963. 5. able 23, --Arithmetic means and (in parentheses standard deviations of measurements (millimeters) of scale characters from Kodiak Island pink salmon scales collected in 1957-6): s's f s Character number 3/ Area 1/2/ Date Sample racter number 2. Size ſili 15 16 17 18 l.9 20 * Uyak Bay 7-30-57 72 26.9 (3.0) || 7.3 (li. 7) 73.0 (6.3) 92.% (6.5) llo. 2 (7.8) 135.3 (9.7) 20. l. (2. Larson Bay 7-26-58 89 26, 5 (2.6) lić. 3 (3.8) 67.2 (li. ii) 87.4 (5.1) 101.7 (6.1) 120.11 (7.0) 19.8 (2. Karluk Lagoon 7-30-58 37 25.1 (2.1) hº. 1 (3.1) 67.9(h , li) 88.2 (5.5) 103.9 (6.5) 123.6(8.8) 20.8 (2. Uyak Bay 8-6-59 56 27.8 (2.8) ||6. O(l. 5) 67, 5 (5.9) 86.8 (7.3) 102.2 (7,9) 125.1 (9. O) l8.2 (2. Karluk Lagoon 7-28-60 LO6 25.9 (2.7) ||6. L (l. 3) 68.7 (5.1) 87.6 (5.9) 103.6(6.8) 126. O(8.l.). 20.1 (2. Uyak Bay 8-11-61 8, 27.8 (2.8) h".8 (1.7) 69.9/6. 3) 90.3 (7.6) loº. 5 (8.l. 130.1 (9.9) 19.9(3. Olga Bay 8-1-61 57 26.2 (2.8) lilº. 5 (1.6) 67.7 (6.L.) 88.6(7.2) 101.8 (8.7) lºg. 7 (10.9) 18.3(2. Karluk Lagoon 7-25-62 7l 26.7 (2.8) iſ 5.2 (H.O) 65.1 (5.1) 85.6(6.2) 100.8 (7.1.) la B.8(8.5) 18.6 (2. Ciga Bay 7-22-63 205 2) . 7 (2.2) lib. 2(3.9) 69. 3 (5.l.) 90.0 (6.5) 106, 3 (7. l; ) 130, 5 (9.11) 20, 6 (2. Uyak Bay 8-7-63 163 29.1 (2.9) 19.6(i.l) 7: .. 3 (5.2) 91.5 (5.9) 106.1 (7.0) 129.2 (9.2) 20.5 (2. 9 9) 62.8 (5.5) 83.3 (6.11) 100.1 (7.1) 1211. 3 (8.8) 17. 5 (3. 2 º & 2 2 8 º -ºr ) li ſ") l ( 3 Olga Bay 8-5-64 ; , ; (2, 3 } lili.l. (3.6) 65. l (; .9) 83.8 (6.0) 99.8 (6.6) l?3.5 (8.5) 18, 9 (2. 2 6 2 5 Larson Bay 8-12-61. l/ Ninety-five fish were sampled at Karluk River weir August 22, 1956, but all their "preferred" scales Were eroded . 2/ Scalie samples were collected from 76 fish at Olga Bay on August 9, i959, but most of the scales (69) were eroded too extensively for use ; *..he sample was dis Cºrded . 3/ The character description is found in Table 20. \ Tºble 23, - . Arithmet ic means and (in parentheses) standard deviations of measurements (millimeters) of scale characters from Kodiak Island pink $3.1 mor, scales collected in 1957-6]. --Continued º Çharacter number 3/ Area 1/2/ Date Sample - - Size 2}. 22 23 2|+ 25 26 27 Uyak Bay 7-30-57 72 25.7 (2.9) 19, 5 (3.l.) 17.7 (2.8) 25, 1(3.l.) 62. 3 (5.5) l 5. l (3.9) li 2.8 (5.1) Larson Bay 7-26-58 89 20.9 (1.9) 19.9 (2.5) ill. 6(2.2) 18.6 (3.3) 53.2 (li.6) liſ), 8 (3.5) 33.2(3.6) Karluk Lagoon 7-30-58 87 22.7 (2,6) 20, 3 (2.5) 15. 7 (2.8) lo. 6 (l,0) 55, 7 (5.9) 12. l. (l. 1) 35. H. (5.0) Uyak Bay 8-6-59 56 2.1, 5 (2.7) 19.2 (2.7) 15: li (1.6) 23.1 (3.6) 57.8 (5.1) liO.8 (l. 2) 38.6(3.9) Karluk Lagoon 7-28-60 106 22.6(2.6) 18.9 (2.2) 16.0 (2.2) 22, li (3.8) 57, 3 (5.2) hl. 5 (3.7) 38. l. (l, 7) Uyak Bay 8-ll-62 8h 22.2(2.8) 20, it (3.0) 16.2 (2.3) 23.6(3.8) 60.2 (5.9) liº. 6 (li.6) 39.8 (1.9) Olga Bay 8-ll-6l 57 23, 2ſ2.6) 20.9 (2.6) l6.2(2,7) 21.9 (3.8) 62.0 (6.6) lili. 1(l. 1) lil. L(5.5) Karluk Lagoon 7-25-62 7l 19.8 (2.5) 20.6 (2.6) 15.2 (l.9) 23.0 (3.2) 58.8 (5.2) l;0. l. (3.5) 38.2(11.0) Olga Bay 7-22.63 205 21.1(2.8) 20.6(3.l.) 16.3 (2,5) 21.3(3.5) 61.2 (5.9) lili. 7 (li. 6) lio. 6 (5.0) Uyak Bay 8-7-63 163 21, 7 (2. l; ) 20.2 (2.3) li. 9 (2.1) 22.9 (li. 3) 57.9 (5.8) l;1.9 (3.5) 37.8 (5.3) Olga Bay 8-5-6H. 235 22, 5 (2.7) 20, li (2.7) lé.8 (2.2) 21, 2 (3.2) 6l. II (5.5) l;2.9(li.l) lil. O(li. 3) Tarson Bay 8-12-6H. 236 2.1.0 (2. li.) 18, 8 (2. li.) ; 5.9 (2. l; ) 23.7 (3.l.) 58, li (5.l.) 3 9 7 f 3 8 ) 3 9 6 f h 7 ) 1/ Ninety-five fish were sampled at Karluk River weir August 22, 1956, but all their "preferred" scales Were eroded s 2/ Scale samples were collected from 76 fish at Olga Bay on August 9, 1959, but most of the scales (69) were eroded too extensively for use; the sample was discarded. 3 The character description is found in Table 20, 1957, 1959 8, 1961 159 963 NORTH AMERICAN KODI AK ISLAND SAMPLES - F138– Uyak Boy 7–30–57 —t'*: -134+ |-|32- Uyok Boy 8- il - 6 f –-130. oigo Boy s-ii-61 T. º - -128- Uyak Boy 8-6-59 —tº: Ej- -122- Q / -120- * H || 8- - || 6- SAMPLES Alaska Peninsula (Ivanof Bay) Alaska Peninsula (Ivan Bay) Kodiak Island (Olgo Boy) Kodiak Island (Zacher Bay) Cook inle? Afognok Isld no June qu Prince Wiiliom Sound Boro nof Isld no Wrangel -| 14-L--Ketchikan – 12--T -110- * - |O8– ::s: Bello Noss River Skeend River Rivers Inlet Froser River Buteddle Lo Conner (Washington) Bello Coold Figure l;6.--Linear comparison of mean values of scale character 19 (width from center of focus to 30th circulus) for North American samples collected in 1963 and Kodiak Island samples collected in other odd-numbered years. 160 1958, 1960 8, 1962 K ODI AK Korluk Logoon 7-28-6O Korluk Lagoon 7-25-62 > Korluk Logo on 7-3O-58 Larson Bay 7-26-58 — Figure liT.--Linear comparison of mean values of scale character 19 H | 28- iSL AND SAMPLES =136- -134- -132- H30: #126; #124; -122- -120- -118– -116- - 14- - || 2 – - I lo- - - - - - - |O8 - - |38-1 1964 NORTH AMERICAN SAMPLES — Nushogak . Houghton rince William Sound `--> - icy Stroit Summer Stroi; A nan Bay Behm Cond — Buted Gle <=Ng: River Grenville Principle `s J-Skeena River Rivers inleſ R. Coold Bello Bei lo (width from center of focus to 30th circulus) for North American samples collected in 1961; and Kodiak Island samples collected in other even-numbered years. LT Alaska Peninsula (Pavlof Bay) 2-Alaska Peninsula (Ivanof Boy) T-Alaska Peninsula (Ivan Boy) — Kodiak Island (Olga Bay) sº Inlet Kodiak island (Larson Boy) 161 1957, 1959 8, 1961 KODI AK, ISLAND SAMPLES Uyak Bay 7:30-57 — Olga Boy 8- || -6 —T Uyak Bay 8- || - 61 — uyak Bay 8-6-59 H / * - 6 - – 27- -as- – 25 - -24- — 23 – –22– - 2 - - 2 O – º o | 9 em - || 8 - - || 7 — 1963 NORTH AMER ICAN S AM P LES Alaska Peninsulo (Ivonof Boy) Alaska Peninsulo ( Ivon Boy) → Kodiak Island (Olgo Boy) Kodiak Island (Zacher Boy) Afognok Isiond Cook nie? H. Junedu Bdron of is id no Prince William Sound ~ Froser River Ske end River But eddle — 5 — - || 4 - s -- Ketchikon LaConner (Washington) Wrangel i Noss River Belid Bello Rivers inle? Beil C. COO G. . -13- Figure h9.--Linear comparison of mean values of scale character 2h (width from 25th to 30th circulus) for North American samples collected in 1963 and Kodiak Island samples collected in other odd-numbered years. l62 1958, 1960 8, 1962 KOD: A K S L AND SAM PLES I-27 - Koriuk Logoon 7-25-62 — Korluk Logoon 7-28-so — Karluk Lagoon 7-30-58 Lorson Boy 7-26-58 — H 26 — - 25 - - 24 — — 23 — - 22 - - 2 | – – 20 — |964 NORTH AMERICAN SA M PLES Alaska Peninsula (Ivan Bay). Alaska Peninsulo (Pavlof Boy), Nushogak River Alaska Peninsula (Ivanof Bay) Kodiak Island (Olga Bay) Kodiak is lond (Larson Boy) 2. s T- Cook inje? —T For Houghion Prince Wii liom Sound H icy Stroit — Butedale Noss River Sumner Stroit Grenville Principe Anan Bay 2- L_- Skeena River Behm Cond Bell d Coolo = Betia Beiia - 13 - T- Rivers inlet Figure h9.--Linear comparison of mean values of scale character 2l, (width from 25th to 30th, circulus) for North American samples collected in 1961, and Kodiak Island samples collected in other even-numbered years. 163 Each character Wes tested to determine if differences occurred in measurements between dates in the Bella Relia samples. A one-way analysis of variance test was used. Characters 17, 18, 21, and 24 were significantly different at the 5 percent level; asid characters 22 and 26 ~, were significantly different at the l percent level. Although some scale measurements were different between dates, all hººd small mean values (Table 24 compared with North American samples from part of southeastern Alaska, Afognak Island, Prince William Sounds Coºk Inlet, Kodiak Island, and the Alaska, Per; insula. This relºtionship is shºwn in Figures 50 and 5l for scale characters 19 and 24. Arithmetic means and standard deviations of Jh scale characters were calculated from the 196H collections in spawning regions. No Asian scales were examined a ſhe ranges in me&n value varied widely for all characters. Mary scale characters differed between samples from North American spawning region;5. The mean values of scale characters in samples obtained in 1964 from North American spawning regions were compared with the means of the 1963 samples from North America. The mean ºralues of most scale characters were smaller in 1961. In both years, the mea: values of some characters became progressively larger with an increase in latitude of the spawning region. Scale character mean values of eight 1963 high seas samples were compared with values of 1963 samples from spawning regions. The Iſlé8.r.l. values of five high Seas $3mples were similar to mean values found in British Columbia &nd southeastern Alasks, sºmples, ſº high seºs sample had a mean like those of Barºnof Island ºrd Priº Wi.liam Šound . Another sample was most similar to Washington and British Columbia. 161; Table 21. --Arithmetic means and (in parentheses) standard deviations of scale characters from 1963 Bella Bella pink salmon collected August 12, August 26, and September 2 Character August 12 August 26 September 2 number 1/ (39 fish) (38 fish) (32 fish) ll. 21.8 (3.2) 25.5 (2.8% 26.2 (2. li.) 15 lia, O (li. 7) lºl. 7 (11.0 . is 3.5 (li. 3) 16 61.2 (5.8) 59, 5 ( 5.2 61. 7 (5.0) 17 78.6 (6.3) 75, l, (5.7; 78.2 (5.3) 18 92.7 (7.6} 88.9 (6.2) 92.6 (6.1. ) 19 107.2 (8, 1) iOl. 5 (7.5) 108.7 (7.7) 2O 17.2 (2.1) 16.2 (2. li.) 17.2 (2.8) 2l 19.2 (2.2) 17.8 (3.C.) 18.2 (2.1) 22 17. 5 (2.2) 15.9 (2. li.) l6.5 (2.0) 23 14.1 (2.2) 13. H. (2.0) li: , li (2.2) 2h ll.l. (2.0) 15.6 .3.1) 16.1 (3.l.) 25 lió. O (3.8) 15.0 (l, , li) 47.0 (5.0) 26 36.7 (3, 3) 33.7 (3.8) 3h. 7 (2.9) 27 28, 5 (3.2) 29.0 (li. 2; 30, 5 (3.9) l/ See Table 2C for description of characters, 165 1963 BELLA BELLA 1963 NORTH AMERICAN SAMPLES SAMPLES -138- Alaska Peninsula (Ivanof Boy) L1381– Alaska Peninsula (Ivan Boy) =1343 - || 32- '• C 2n- Kodiak Island (Olga Boy) O - -130- Kodiak Island (Zocher Boy) -128- Cook Inlet —l 26- Afognok Island |- +x_Juneau -124- Prince Williom Sound - -122-- Boronof Isld no ^ H20+ - 18- - || 6 +- Wrongell --> - Ketchikon El 14 +TNass River - || 2+T. Skeend River Plio- Rivers gº. º cº- Froser River sº -108- But eddle tº ugu -106-S-Bella Bello -- August 26 —HºaiNº. (Washington) Fº º Bello Coold -lo2- -loo- –98– – 96 - –94- Figure 50.--Linear comparison of mean values of scale character l9 (width from center of focus to 30th circulus) for Bella Bella samples collected on three different dates in 1963 and from 1963 samples regions. from North American spawning l66 1963 BELLA BELL A | 9 S3 NORTH AMER!CAN SAM PLE'S SAM P L ES F- Alasko Peninsula (Ivanof Boy) – 27 — A losko Peninsula (Ivan Bay) - 26 - O – 25 — Kodiak Island (Oigo Boy) – 24- © * ~ 23 ––Kodiak Island (Zacher Boy ) |s-Aſºº ! sigſld – 22– Cook in le? – 2 || – – 2 O - - June Cu - 9 – Boro not is jond |-Prince Williom Sound — 8 - — 7 — Frc Ser River Skee no River But eddle September 2 —- 6 - *:::::::"w hington) t LG Conner (Wo shington August 26 —# S; Q – 5 — S. §. ej}o Bei C. Augus $ $2 tº º Rivers in le? Q - 4 |S; Coo!o – 13 – Figure 5l.--Linear comparison of mean values of scale character 21, (width from 25th to 30th circulus) for Bella Bella samples collected on three different dates in 1963 and 1963 values for samples from North American spawning regions. t 167 The eighth high-sess sample had a mean cle: * to that cf samples from Afognak :sland, Cook Inlet, and Kodiak Island. The near velues of the high-seas samples Wer's not similar to 1959 East Kameha tº valves, Kodiak Island samples that were cºllected from 1957 to 1964 were examined to determine if mean vºlues of sºić chºrººter's varied from year to year. The means showed some variation between years; however, the means of all characters were large in the odd-ºumbered years. Some characters had smaller mean values in even-nurſ: erºd years - * “l **, *, * -- º – as “º , & Fºx & tº-esº-s, ºr- ºr "...-, --, -sº, --'k-, -ºo.2s 2, º k +***, *, assº gº Fella Hºlla samples that were tº ºr ºr three different dates in §& …, , & ** **** º ** * * tº § &. ū. x 23%. 3. * ºr "Úº, lººs Céstºr, 1963 were examined for differences dates. Six of the 14 characters examined wºre different between dates, Although some characters were differents all had smº... mean values compared with North American samples from part ºf southeasterr. Alaska, Afognak Island, Prince William Sounds Cock ºf. -t, Kodiak Islands and the Alaska Peninsulº, a l68 Literature cited Hartt, Allan C. , and Michael B. Dell. 1961. Tagging studies. In : Report on the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission – 1963. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Annual Report loé3. pp. ll3–12l. Pearson, Roger E. 196lia. Pink salmon scale studies. In: Report on the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission – 1963. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Annual Report l963. pp. 162–165. 1961; b. Use of a discriminant function to classify North American and Asian pink salmon oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum), collected in 1959. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. Bulletin ll. pp. 67-90. 1966. Pink salmon scale studies. In: Report on the investigations by the United States for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission – 1961. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Annual Report lg.6l. 169 POPULATION DYNAMICS by R. A. Fredin, G. Hirschhorn, and S. Murai In i965, c.ometric research on the dynamics of exploited fish G populations of the North Pacific Ocean included studies of the scientific S aspects of the rationality of high-seas salmon fishing; fisting mortality, natural mortality, and growth rates of king crab in the eastern Bering Sea; and fluctuaticns in catches and relative abundance of Salimon on the high seas as indicated by salmon fishery statisti ſã from Japanese motherships These studies are reviewed in the folio wing three sections - Scientific aspects of the rationality of high-seas...sai.on fishing Three papers having a direct bearing or tre rationality of high- seas salmon fishing have oeen published : 1. Fredin, R. A., 1964. Ocean mortality and maturity Q- schedules of Karluk River sockeye sº ...micrº and some 2. Freiin, R. A., 1965. Some metriods for estimating ocean mcrºality of Pacific salmon and applic: a tions j . Fish. l , ſº . - --, - f' º, * Res. Bil. Can. 22 (l j : 33- 5 3. Hirschhorn, George, 1966. Effect of growth pattern and exploitation features on yields ºf pinx salmor, in the nºrthwestern North Pacific. Trans . Amer Fish , SOC. . 95 (1): 39-5l. The first paper shows that, except for the relatively scarce li-winter-at-sea fish under one of four different temporal distri ºvt.ors of oceanic natural mortality considered, any capture of Karluk sockeye salmon before the end of their ocean life causes a loss of potential yield, provided an inshore 17O fishery exists capable of catching the fish not needed for reproduction. The second paper gives estimates of natural mortality during the last or penultimate years of ocean life of sockeye from Bristol Bay and Karluk River. The estimates of average monthly instantaneous mortality rates are lower than corresponding estimates of growth rates available for either Bristol Bay sockeye (Lander and Tanomaka, 1964) or Karluk sockeye (Ricker, l962). The third paper deals with the effects of different growth patterns and exploitation features on yields of pink salmon in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Fishing mortality, natural mortality, and growth rates of king crab in the eastern Bering Sea An analysis of tag recoveries from a part of the U. S. king crab tagging program in eastern Bering Sea (1955-60 releases) was completed (Hirschhorn, 1965). Parameter estimates were obtained for natural mortality, catchability coefficient (for Japanese tanglenet gear, in use from 1956-61), and growth in carapace length. The results suggest that the instantaneous rate of natural mortality of the king crab increases with size (age) throughout most of the fishable lifespan. Catchability coefficients were also found to be strongly related to carapace length, confirming earlier results by Miyahara and Shippen (1965) which were based on estimates of total abundance (by 5 mm. group) and length-frequencies in samples of the commercial cats.hes of Japanese factory; hips in 1957 and 1958. The distribution of biomass in a cohort of freshly recruited king crabs was estimated by means of the parameter estimates of mortality and observed growth increments by time at liberty. The distribution indicated that animals of about 160 mm, carapace length are likely to l 7 l constitute the optimal size group in terms of potential yield. This size group was the dominant modal group in earlier years but modal values of Japanese-caught animals have shifted gradualiy from 170 mm, in 1955 to ljQ mm. in 1965. The achievement of existing quotas has become progressively more dependent on the catches of relatively small animals. The relative abundance of the optimal size group in Catches of king crabs in the eastern Bering Sea may have decreased (in 1965) by as much as two-thirds from the level of 1955-60. However, factors 3. affecting presently availabie indices of relative abundanºe cannot now be examined in greater detail for lack of suitable data . Analysis of salmon fishery statistics from Japanese motherships Fisnery statistics for the Japanese mothership salmon fishery for 1961 (INFF. Statistical Yearbock, 1961; ) were combined with correspond- ing data for 1952-63 (Manzer, Ishida, Peterson and Haravan, 1965; and tº. INPFC Statistical Yearbooks, l961-63 for an analysis of azinual and intraseasonal fluctuations in catches and catch per unit of effort of sockeye, pink, chum, Coho, and chinook salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea west cf iong. 175° W., Sockeye salmon The total catch of sockeye salmon in 1961, (Table 25 and Fig. 52) was the smallest eirce 1955. As indicated by the catch per unit effort, the abundance of sockeye in the mothership fishing area was lower in 1964 than in any year since the post-war high seas fishery began in 1952. l'72 Table 25.--Salmon fishery statistics from Japanese motherships, l60° E. longitude to l'75° W. longitude, 1952-61 l/ Species All Year * species Sockeye Pink Chum Coho Chinook Catch (thousands of fish) 1952 738 698 629 2|| l 2,091 1953 l,531 2,892 2,678 3O7. 3 7, lill, 195l. 3,382 2,698 8, 25l. 675 57 15,071 1955 9, l;56 9, 108 lli, Ol2 l, Hö7 l;3 31, 164 1956 8,702 6,589 15,316 3,393 ll? 34, 17O 1957 l9, liO3 17, 2011 8,877 l93 25 l;6, Ol;2 l958 10,708 7,859 ll, Olı8 3, 106 38 35,832 l959 9, 125 18,612 12,856 l, 388 63 l;2,326 1960 l2,879 l,826 10,517 862 18O 26,321, 196l. 12,998 3,226 6, 128 281 3]. 22,7Ol. l962 10,590 l, Oll 6,372 l, 531 122 19,755 1963 8,902 6,212 5,858 l,890 88 23, l;75 1961, 7,097 2, 198 8,6110 3,533 lilo 21,96l. - Fishing effort (thousands of tans) 1952 l,71 39|| liſl l99 l,7l l,7l 1953 1,314 l,027 l, 31|| 619 l, 314 l, 314 195l. 2,5117 2,265 2,5117 l, 253 2,547 2,517. l955 5,761 l, 511 5. 761 2,392 5,761 5,761 1956 8, 729 6,908 8, 729 3,629 8, 729 8, 729 l257 6,213 l, l8O 6,213 l, l;67 6,213 6,213 1958 7,207 5,628 7,2O7 2,681 7, 2O7 7,207 l959 7,096 5,957 7,096 2, l;33 7,096 7,096 1960 6,518 5,921 6,518 3,079 6,518 6,518 1961 lº,991; l, 538 l, 99|| l, ligli lº,99l, l,994 l962 5,851 l, 918 5,851 2,231 5,851 5,851 l963 5,951, 5, 186 5,951, 2, liglº 5,951, 5,95l. 196l. 7,518 6,586 7,518 3,926 7,518 7,518 Catch per unit (No. of fish per tan) 1952 l. 57 l. TT l. 3; O. l.2 O.OO2l li. lili 1953 l. 17 2.82 2. Oli O. 5O O.OO23 5.6l. 195l. l. 33 l. l.9 3.21. O.5l. O.O.22h 5.92 1955 l.6l. 2. O2 2. l;3 0.6l O.OO75 5.93 1956 l. OO O.95 l. 75 0.93 O.Ol3|| 3.9l 1957 3.12 li. 12 l. H3 O. l3 O.OOl;O 7. lil 1958 l. H9 l. HO l.95 l. 16 O.OO53 l.97 l959 l. 29 3. l3 l.8l O. 57 O.OO89 5.96 1960 l.98 O. 31 l.6l O.28 O.O.276 li. Ol. l96l 2.60 O.7l l. 23. O. l.9 O.OO62 li. 55 1962 l.8l O , 21 l. O9 O.69 O.O2O9 3.38 1963 l. 50 l. 20 O.98 O.76 O.Oll,8 3.9l 1961, 0.9l O.33 l. 15 O.90 O.O5h.5 2.92 l/ Statistics for 1952-60, INPFC Doc. 622; statistics for 1961-6, from . INPFC Statistical Yearbooks. Statistics ror sockeye, chum, and chinook salmon for entire season; statistics for pink salmon for June through August; statistics for coho salmon for July and August. 173 |-! !! !! !!~~'|-∞∞∞, ∞,∞): ºg ºrgā : : : »~ • •~#:: -ę«.، : , ; :, ’:’, :’, :,,, , .§§º. . º = '< &º.} · \ v ->& * * *ș- -(? - 5.- * · · · · · * * * * ſ;ķaeº -... ** « > ***ſ ºſſ, *șş§§§§•■■º £,№&$$$$ſtº.∞ saeae§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§%Ķrº, № №ſſºſ ģ№ț¢&#ț¢&#ffff;&èſºț¢&Ēģ §§§:№:№ae, ¿ ::::· s.º. „, , , , ** y:::::::* »,7±± 1 § 3), º *gº, -§§*: <ų -e, º aelº، |×Aſſº:∞ §§§§·•»ș* ?, ~~~~r - ~4 ••• , , *`... ,?·ſae;§ (T.©~ .ae • ?;,&q=\,,,,,,。■■■■ øº§§§§!§§#ĢģĶķ$№r: FISHING EFFORT 1}|~~~~| §§§§§§§ §§§ §©® • å% (** &] tae§©®°¶√∞) é: ĒĢģĶī£§§§ 、§ģēģ§§ §§§§§§ë . ſ) ROE (*,*), §§§§§ ķșNaey (Saeſ *;---: •ș& ·...·2···|×.* — №. :) :)… ► ►? º,º “J’’’, ,,r; ~ &·- EH H-{ Ē ȚY, Ķ țI: $2 <Ć CD §§§§§§§§§§§@₪ «+»!-¿??¿|- &&&š ººg, și&šķ};· •ºſº¿•)› ‹ §§§§§§§ğ§3 -→ ·* $$$$$$$$&#%$§§ →-- •••• •*(:?Ģºgºſº:…?"--~~~~;~ |×$2¿G, ſ$ffffff;&###ș7: 。、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、:::::::.jº ×*<!?!!?)&&&&&&&#&¿KO }:$§§§§§§§§§§§§ ∞ √∞- ، ،|×3×); ſae :§§§ ¶√≠√∞§§¿fae¿È 59 № ,… º&aesåS&W «! !! !! *·ſae*,§¶√∞s= _■■■■■× × ×&&、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、) !!!!!!!!!!!!?№:№ſ ſzív> !. ^ºſ* → * * «^§§§)?(?:#(...)!?. §§§§§§§§§§§ ſaeſº:º și**Yaeſi :::: 55 & ±3,±,±,±,±,±√∞∞∞∞∞ §§.*¿$§§ sae$$$$$$* $ſ;§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ *—º-º-º: :’, :, sraeg¿?:%$§§ fºſ! ¿¿.*s:\ſ)*?}}{2}(ſ.+ * ſaeº s Ř********¿¿.*?)$'; (№ſè,… *zz::::::::::::&&&&&& .::~$* • I i; ; HSI H O(L^O r-+ ¿HO SNOITTIWISNWJ, JO rr^O SNOITTIWI 3 H. NWI, HOEIdſ HST) ){0 }{{{HUNflN Figure 52. --Sockeye salmon catch, fishing effort, and catch per unit effort, Japanese mothership salmon fishery, longs. 160° E. to 175° W., l952-6' (entire season). Most of the 196. catch was taken before July l, west of long. 175° E., and after July 20, east of long. 175° E. The catch between June 21, and July 20 was very Small. In 1956, 1957, 1960, and 1961, substantial catches of sockeye salmon were made east of long, 175° E. in June and as late as early July. In the other previous years, as in 1961, most of the catch in May and June was taken west of long, 175° E. In all previous years, the catches of sockeye between June 21 and July 20 were substantially greater than in 1964. Catches east of long. 175° E. after July 20 were considerably greater in 1964 than in any previous year. In May and June of 196]+, sockeye salmon were more abundant west of long. 175° E. than east of 175° E. In late July and early August, sockeye salmon were fairly uniformly distributed over a broad area in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean (from the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula to long. 175° W.). Presumably most of the sockeye salmon in late July and early August were immature fish., Pink salmon The total Catºn of pink salmon in 136H. Tatle 25 and Figure 53) was about 2.2 million fish, as compared with catches of about 1.0 and 1.8 million fish in 1962 and 1960. The increase in catch was due to increases in fishing effort and in abundance as reflected by the catch per unit of effort. Almost all of the pink salmon catch in 1961; was made between longs, 160° and 175° E. from June 1 to July 10. Every year since 1955, except 1956, 60 to 80 percent of the total annual catch of pink salmon has been taken west of long. 17.5° E. during the same H0-day period. The remaining 2C to 40 percent has usually been taken west of long. 175° E. after July 13. [<į S. 6, 62 626, & 98 59 57 and catch per unit effort Japanese ... to l'75° W., iş53-6: (June–August). ŹN*----~~~~)------}(£TTT). № ſº'º 'º ºagº, º Tººſ ºſ $;'); • ^. : · * *, …?)( *), *:', ,'} \; ;ſº z ºg Tºrºſz.). № 5.ººº ,.* ! №. - ,~~�•,,* '^^ .. :-*-````:, Tºº; è,5; -a*'});::: ~~~~); ; ;? ^?(. ),•- ?! ! !!:-• .ºvº,, ' ', ,''{' ? : ' ′ . 4.+ $'}, ſºlºŹ,* -ae! 7. §*ſkºj #3.,5.,-3,…;...? : '#$ ~ !, ;…& t.ſ. ſ.º?, ¿?. ¿¿.*?$$$$$3'...'?' -> ſ: Sº. º.);', ' (Jºc -º...?;ſ~~). ? '|' +ºº ºº-). (- [ ºº),_№_1_r > `-._^**?^^ ^_S_º * , !~ - !• „º.· ` •v A| čº &«, »3 ••*3 wº-==Lº-~~~~-=-- ~~===••••- ș>~~►;-;---:~*ºf: . . . . . . . . .<!--(.|\ſ*), §. 32.§ ?.-;«?<!)^3 ~~ -: ~ 4 ~*}, \,\!--(':') !”-º : * ±±(√3 (~~~~)( )( )( *)$. ***• ºº :-)sT:~ •! sº ):„, , , , , , , , , , , ; *)**,*), §. •�y f^:*_j\})(?:\ + 3 --~}*.**… … : „ , ???), 3.7: *… ;; > -3,3, 14 ****T**, \,*: <-- -; -º-№: “ !! * ~. ***** --~ ~ | °|, ';'. · · *→* „… ... } ,: ~^ ww-º (5′, «…)**** -·• , ſ. š.. :) ... , -, ::: ... ;º ). --.*?--~~~~). :) Rogºz; ) --|-- £§§§§->~~~¿¿.*° • ×:::::، ، ، ، ، ،--• × ° -ſ^2}.*¿¿.*¿.*;§§§§§§± &****\;\;\xr , .*¿.* •*• • • • •--• ſº • ¿¿.*| <!-- *Eș5:2:2::3::··→ , , ,#:9, ! 63 6l. 62 60 6l. ~|---−− →=• r ) =ærII (). Tā!wg.:x;:&... ***~~ ■■■***§©®£}^{№ſºvº,¿¿.*..*¿¿.*¿¿.*¿¿...;-3;-+ ***) * º *■ ■::: * · * *�& - &****): F,5 , !”..ſyſ (-)-<№. !! !!!!!$$3<3;&-. : „Rę.Ģģ,¿??¿ $2^-} \* Lº … ~~~~ ~~~~! - -ș Iºº. • •|-· • ×:’, :, ,•& \ + C.… *-*: < .)? .” *$£§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ț¢&###&&&&&*****$$$2$.: J *>.'… • • • • • • • • • -• aegaeº, ***ş; saeºſ, ºſv) (.*;!». --.*?------+--№-~~~~);; )JOE JOE-_- - -5 ,,T,U,Tae, №. §§§§§§*$§§§§§§§§§§§§$%$§$('#'; ; ; (X≤≤;&-§§- -3 . №&&§§§:ſſä&¿¿.*..*…*.* Ѻ.º.“ ?!? |××××Ķī£§§…*». * ,-->4... \, ,** ..--«... • • • • ’ ’. {{#¡¿¿.*¿¿.*¿¿.* ~~ -+---+------------•••• •+=~~~~~~~~::~~=+-* T. * ¿EĻĢĒ§§tº(#**********§ 2. || .7§§§<--...) (* . §§§�• × $32,º, №.2,; $(''); }, })~*: ***<<::::::¿§§§§-ſ ;º) !! !! !! :( :( - -w. 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'^^vºººº :))^{-,** • ** , ºg ...** * * · · -· ,\:£<;$3&... ► | ►►--;* . .: , ,': * • .--• • •- - º.º.) ->(\'r\;\?.*?\\\^&*()_°3”, „ ...,-k,-x} +| 1 |- waer •wr-•-• • ••• •-- * * * *** … ^••* • … » . .*... •~~~~); , -!----~x,ş.º y ſº~- · · ·,~ & 1。 、。、');TIJ, №ſsº,^» **^ .· · ·,≤) ***•· ? .(--~~· ~~~ș--******w***^s.… :-) •* - ' ; *?,*:+--+ …ººº;***~~~~^^-,№, **)*:-→ • $, $4§3;*、、、、、、、、、、、、、、È********¿2'! ;º) …’ ()¿¿�?* ſ---§§§§§*?)\,:; ſ. №, №.4 ºf &&3&&3&šſišºſ, --★¿***®*?)($*$)$('#ffff;<ſ :: … :º)→、、、。º.£;,&&&-ſºſ'<º.•ł… • (2R):!!!!!!!*º 4OH 2OH. | | | | 1 ſ |2O |3O |4O |50 |6O || 70 |80 | 90 200 2IO - LENGTH OF CARAPACE (MM.) Figure 57. --Length-frequency distribution of H,588 male king crabs sampled in 1965 by a U. S. . observer aboard the Japanese mothership Dainichi Maru. O 18.5 activities in the eastern Bering Sea. A large part of the research conducted by the United States and Japan in the past has been centered on tagging. The U.S.S.R. has not returned king crab tag recoveries from the eastern Bering Sea since 1961, and no formal catch data have been made available • An agreement between the U.S. S. Ro and the United States signed in February 1965, however, states that these data will be available to the United States in the future . There is indication that the data. for past years may be available to the United States sometime during 1966. Tag-and-recovery data for king crabs tagged in the Bering Sea by the United States prior to 1962 and recovered by Japan during 1965 havº. been received at the Auke Bay Biological Laboratory • The data show that the Dainichi Maru captured 138 king crabs bearing U.S. tags, and the Tokei Maru captured 84. The last year in which the United States tagged crabs in the eastern Bering Sea was 196l. The 1965 recovery data have not been thoroughly analyzed . The annual catches of king crab in the eastern Bering Sea by the United States were summarized from catch statistics of the Alaska. Department of Fish and Game ‘Tab.e. 26). The numbers of ºracs snown in Table 26 may vary from numbers giver, in other reports because the table includes Catches from U. S. territorial Wäter's c Two reports have been completed by the Seattie Bic.ogica. Laboratºry and will be submitted to the INPFC for publication. They are : "King &rab of the eastern Bering Sea: A study ºf movement ºf king crabs into the commercial fishery," by Robert R. Simpson and Herbert H. Shippen. "Biomass relations in eastern Bering Sea king crabs, based on tagging estimates of growth and mortality," by Gecrge Hirscarorr. l86 Table 26.--Annual U. S. commercial catches of king crab in eastern Bering Sea, 1960-65 l/ Year Number of crabs º l960 87,730 7.8 1961 61,528 iQ a Q 1962 10,316 lſº e O iS63 .OC,728 7.7 196i 122,848 3. 3 1965 223,218 ſ's 3 l/ Includes catches in territorial waters inside 3 miles of shore ) Source : Alaska Department of Fish and Game. -;- -*, , , , , ' \* *- -· • × °. . . . . . . ~* , , ,* • •*. . . . . . ^,* .** * *·» ~~ ~ . … --« ·-~-i 3 * * · · · įr*~→*|-· · · · · · · ,** •·* , ,· ·*·+ -țw.…·-*---- ~~ ; • .-* * * * * * ·|-^.* , ,» . ' -«”, , * *-; ·: • • •·_ * , ,-- * , -)~---· · · · · · · ·; ' . . .!} ,…*→* · · * * .· ,• •-· *-?} * . ~~ ~ . '* ,→* ,*- ~ ~*·' :, *-· *--·~|- : »·*… + · · * *» ; ** *~ »-, , ,- -• ¶+|-.*· · · · · · · · · · · · * * * . .→-·-: • .· ·~ ~ ~+|- -~..* ‘’’.· · · · ·-·|×|-|' ', . »• ,){ , , *· *„*(~~~~- - *_■ * *�. . ·----------» . 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