T H E PRESIDIC TRUST * || Action Plan (RAP) that has been prepared for seven remediation sites: Landfill 8, Landfill 10, Public Health Service Hospital (PHSH) Fill Site, Lobos Creek Target Butt, Lobos Creek Protected Range, Machine Gun Butt, and the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Pistol Range at the Presidio of San Francisco (see Figure 1 on Page 2 for site locations). The RAP evaluates environmental contamination at these sites and cleanup alternatives to address the contamination. The RAP recommends no further action at Lobos Creek Target Butt, Lobos Creek Protected Range, and Machine Gun Butt, removal of contaminated soil and debris at the CHP Pistol range; and vegetative or permeable cover over contaminated soil and debris and land use controls at Landfills 8 and 10, and PHSH Fill Site. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) through completion of an Initial Study (IS) has found that implementation of these cleanup Proposed Draft Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for Landfills 8 NY and 10, PHSH Fill Site, and Four Small Arms Firing Ranges º alternatives will not resultin environmental impacts COMMENT PERIOD: November 17 - December 22, 2008 PUBLIC MEETING: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 6 pm Presidio Officers' Club 50 Moraga Avenue, Presidio of San Francisco The public is invited to submit comments on the Draft Remedial Action Plan (RAP) and Negative Declaration under CEDA during a 30-day public comment period which begins November 17, 2008 and ends December 22, 2008. A public meeting will be held on December 2. Presidio Trust and DTSC representatives will present the cleanup plans proposed by the Draft RAP answer questions, and record oral public comments. Written comments may also be submitted by mail Or email and must be postmarked no later than December 22, 2008. See Page 6 for how and where to send written COmments. * - - DEPARTMENT OF Toxic SUBSTANCES CONTROL and has prepared a draft Negative Declaration in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Both the Draft RAP and Negative Declaration have been issued for public comment as described below. After the public comment period ends, DTSC, in consultation with the Presidio Trust (the Trust) and the National Park Service, will respond to comments received and a Final RAP will be prepared. The cleanup actions or “remedies” selected in the Final RAP may differ from the current proposed actions based on the response to public comments. The cleanup actions are scheduled to occur in 2009, pending approval of the Final RAP by DTSC. This factsheethas been prepared in compliance with the public involvement requirements of Section 117(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA); the California Health and Safety Code (HSC); and CEQA. Technical terms used in this fact sheet are printed in bold italics the first time |AVEGATE Nº. AS Officers' Club% º,50 Moraga gº %2^ / /* Directions: www.presidio.gov/directions visitor.htm or (415) 561-5418 waes, , osz,=Ivº BAVH19|| c +-c |-| | + 009||| 009… ESèłOOO –TOS) O|CI|SER}} da Z / qnļO SJ30ļļO (GHVGWOT1 % ((ae =Ivº =^v º wT\/NOI_1\/N ·* svogOĐ.:\OOSIONv H+? (6uņ99/N ol|qna Z Jºſque0ºC] ļo uOļeOOT) e6eJOW OG Qn|O ,SJ3OJļO OļpļSºlº\ eļļs uoſlov Jequn) ON ( dnu.ee/O 6uļuļnbe») eļļSO SºļļS / ºuļļ JOJ ļļng unÐ ĐuļųOeſ/N : 36ue}} |O]Sid dHO , ļļng 196JeL Xe3.JO SoqoT · Đ6ueſ pºļ0ēļOJ) »ſee JO SoqoT : Environmental Cleanup 8 ||ļļpueT , LN|Ocł LèłOHde|NuoņeooT ells || + HSHa !E5DC1|\+8 æ OĻ ||ļļpueT ,E_L\/€)| eun61-I NECTIO5) ||||||| 1822 03617 97.94 º: T H E PRESIDEO TRUST | they appear and are defined in the Glossary that appears on Page 7. Information on how to obtain copies of the Draft RAP, IS, Negative Declaration, and other documents in the administrative record can be found on Page 8 of this fact sheet. This fact sheet provides: • Information about past and future land use at the seven sites • The need for cleanup and objectives of cleanup at each site • The preferred alternatives proposed for cleanup at sites requiring cleanup • Information on how the public can comment on the proposed cleanup actions Background Information The Presidio is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and is located at the northern tip of the San Francisco peninsula (see Figure 1 on Page 2). The Presidio encompasses 1,491 acres and is bounded by San Francisco Bay to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the City of San Francisco to the east and south. From 1848 through 1994 the Presidio was a U.S. Army installation. The three landfill sites known as Landfill 8, Landfill 10, and the PHSH Fill Site contain fill soils, concrete rubble, and debris from past building demolitions and other development activities by the U.S. Public Health Service, which formerly occupied the PHSH district of the Presidio under agreement by the Army. The four remaining sites, Lobos Creek Target Butt, Lobos Creek Protected Range, CHP Pistol Range, and Machine Gun Butt, are located in other areas of the Presidio and were used as small arms firing ranges by the Army. In 1997, the Army transferred jurisdiction over the interior of the Presidio, including the PHSH district, to the Trust. The Trust is now responsible for the remediation of the environmental contamination left behind by the Army and the U.S. Public Health Service. There are several remediation sites in the Presidio. Three previous Final RAPs have been approved and implemented for several of these sites. This fourth Draft RAP addresses seven additional sites. In the coming years, remedial (cleanup) plans will be prepared to address remaining sites. Why Is Cleanup Needed? Cleanup is necessary when chemicals of concern (COCs) are present in soil or groundwater at concentrations that pose a potential human health or environmental risk given current and future land uses. The cleanup actions reduce the risk to levels that are protective of human health and the environment. COCs including metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and pesticides have been identified in soils at Landfills 8 and 10, PHSH Fill Site, and the CHP Pistol Range. At Lobos Creek Target Butt, Lobos Creek Protected Range, and Machine Gun Butt, data indicate that chemicals in site soils are at safe levels and no further action is necessary. Table 1 on Page 4 summarizes the past land uses, planned future land uses, and COCs for each of the sites. Objectives of the Proposed Cleanup Actions The primary objectives of the cleanup actions are to protect: the health and safety of park users; groundwater and drinking water; and the environment, including native plant zones and wildlife. The criteria used to develop the proposed cleanup alternatives include: • Protection of human health and the environment • Compliance with state, federal, and local laws and requirements • Cost-effective cleanup of the sites consistent with their intended land uses continued on Page 6... º tº H. E. PRESIDIC TRUST Environmental Cleanup Table 1. Cleanup Plans Recommended for Seven Sites Site Name and History Current Site Setting and Future Site Use COCs in Soil Preferred Remedial Alternative Estimated Cost of Proposed Remedial Alternative Landfill 8 Area is currently open space covered by a paved • Metals Placing a permeable cover over the landfill, Capital Cost: $940,000 Received fill material between 1946 and 1973. parking lot, tennis court, and vegetated soil. Area • Pesticides instituting land use controls for the waste soils, and 30-year O&M Cost; $157,000 Includes vegetative debris, building debris, and will be restored to support native plant habitat; • PAHs performing groundwater monitoring. The cover is Net Present Worth: $1,097,000 municipal-type wastes. Estimated surface area public access will be via the Presidio trail system. - protective of human health and the environment and Groundwater Monitoring: $116,000 of 2.6 acres and volume of 30,000 cubic yards. A memorial commemorating those buried in the restores dune sand habitat expanding natural areas A former U.S. Marine Hospital cemetery is cemetery will be constructed. within the Presidio. The land use controls establish beneath the landfill. health and safety requirements if there is a need to work in wastes below the cover. Landfill 10 Eastern half of site (Top Deck) is flat and consists • Metals Grading the Slope to increase its stability, Capital Cost: $3,007,000 Received fill material between 1946 and 1959. of a paved parking lot and former helipad. Area • PAHS consolidating waste from the Slope on the Top 30-year O&M Cost: $364,000 Consists of imported soil and building debris. will continue to be used as a parking lot and for Deck, placing a permeable cover over the waste on Net Present Worth: $3,371,000 Estimated surface area of 3.4 acres and volume landscaping. Western half of site (Slope) is a steep, the Top Deck and a vegetative cover on the Slope, Groundwater Monitoring: $117,000 of 140,000 cubic yards. vegetated slope above Lobos Creek. The Slope will be instituting land use controls for soil and performing restored to support native coastal dune and beach dune groundwater monitoring. The cover is protective of habitat with park trails. human health on the Top Deck and restores native habitats on the Slope. The land use controls establish health and safety requirements if there is a need to ; , work in wastes below the covers. PHSH Fill Site Area is currently open space covered by a paved • PAHS Maintaining the existing permeable cover and Capital Cost: $33,000 Received fill material between 1930s and 1940s. parking lot and landscaping. Site use is expected to instituting land use controls for soil, and performing | 30-year O&M Cost: $52,000 Consists of imported soil and building debris. remain the same in the future. groundwater monitoring. Net Present Worth: $85,000 Estimated surface area of 0.7 acre and volume Groundwater Monitoring: $116,000 of 35,000 cubic yards. CHP Pistol Range Area around the firing line is paved. The firing range • Metals Removing contaminated soil and disposing of it Capital Cost: $571,000 Used as a pistol firing range from 1944 to berm on Battery East is densely vegetated. The area Offsite. 30-year O&M Cost: $0 1964. Soil covering Battery East, a historic gun is used by park visitors, hikers, and cyclists to access Net Present Worth: $571,000 battery, was used as the firing range backstop. the Golden Gate Bridge and overlooks. Site use is expected to remain the same in the future. Lobos Creek Target Butt The site is densely vegetated. Site use is expected to None No further action NO cost Used as a firing range from 1896 to 1902. remain the same in the future. Lobos Creek Protected Range The site is restored dune habitat within the Lobos |||One No further action No cost Used as a firing range from 1902 to 1910. Creek Valley. The Lobos Creek Valley Trail crosses º the site. A portion of the site is covered by buildings alſº and a paved parking lot. Site use is expected to remain the same in the future. Machine Gun Butt Located at the bottom of a densely vegetated bluff None No further action NO cost Used as a firing range from late 1930s to early above Crissy Field. Crissy Field is a popular 1940s. recreation area. Site use is expected to remain the same in the future. Environmental Cleanup • Recycling or reuse of landfill materials to the extent practicable • Preference for permanent (“clean closure”) remedies when practicable, cost-effective, and consistent with future land use The proposed cleanup actions, once approved and implemented, are expected to be final actions. Evaluation and Selection of Preferred Cleanup Alternatives Cleanup actions are proposed for four sites in the Draft RAP: Landfill 8, Landfill 10, PHSH Fill Site, and CHP Pistol Range. For these four sites, potential remedial alternatives were evaluated based on the cleanup objectives described above, and a preferred alternative was identified and recommended. All of the alternatives considered and the evaluations conducted are described in the Draft RAP. The alternatives that were considered and evaluated for these sites consisted of one or more of the following: • No further action • Land use controls • Excavate contaminated soil and debris, segregate and recycle debris as appropriate, and dispose soil offsite at a licensed hazardous waste facility • Place a vegatative or permeable cover over the contaminated soil and debris • Seismic grading or buttressing of steep slopes • Monitor groundwater Table 1 on Page 4 of this fact sheet shows the preferred remedial alternatives selected for the four sites requiring cleanup and the estimated cost of those cleanup actions. The costs presented include the estimated capital costs of remedial construction, the operation and maintenance (O & M) costs over a 30-year period, the net present worth of the combined capital and O&M costs, and groundwater monitoring costs. California Environmental Quality Act In accordance with CEQA, DTSC has evaluated the potential environmental impacts of the recommended alternatives described for the seven sites included in the Draft RAP. The scope of the CEQA IS included consideration of potential impacts to traffic, transportation, air quality, noise, cultural resources, and biological resources, among other topics. DTSC has found that although there will be limited minor and short-term impacts, implementation of the recommended alternatives will improve the overall environmental quality, and therefore would have no significant negative impact on the environment. A proposed Negative Declaration under CEQA is in Appendix E of the Draft RAP. After consideration of public comments, the final Negative Declaration document will be issued in conjunction with the Final RAP How to Submit Comments on the Draft RAP and CEQA Megative Declaration Comments may be provided as follows: Present written or oral comments at the public meeting scheduled for December 2, 2008 at 6 pm at the Presidio Officers’ Club (50 Moraga Avenue, Main Post). - or - Send written comments by mail or by email, postmarked no later than December 22, 2008, to: Bob Boggs, DTSC 700 Heinz Avenue, Suite 200 Berkeley, CA 94710–2721 Email: rboggs(a)disc.ca.gov – OP” – Eileen Fanelli, Presidio Trust P.O. Box 29052; 34 Graham Street San Francisco, CA 94.129-0052 Email: efanelli(a)presidiotrust.gov Glossary Administrative record: Documents considered or relied upon in developing and selecting the preferred remedy for a site. See “How to Obtain More Information” on Page 8 regarding the location of the administrative record for the Draft RAP. California Health and Safety Code (HSC): State of California statutes and regulations providing for identification and management of hazardous wastes. Capital cost: The costs of labor, equipment, and other costs during the construction phase of a project. CEQA: California Environmental Quality Act. CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; also known as the Federal Superfund law. Chemicals of concern (COCs): Organic and inorganic (e.g., metal) contaminants detected at concentrations greater than site cleanup levels. These contaminants pose potential risks to human health and the environment at the sites. Vegetative or permeable cover over contaminated soil and debris: Placement of a cover over the contaminated soil and debris to prevent exposure to the underlying contaminated soil and/or restore native habitats. Initial Study: An evaluation conducted to determine whether a project may have a significant effect on the environment. Land use control: An administrative measure that limits exposure to contaminants left in place at a site. Native plant zones: Areas of the Presidio where native plants (i.e., plants that naturally grew in the Presidio prior to manmade disturbances) are designated to be preserved and enhanced. Negative Declaration: A document prepared pursuant to CEQA that determines that a proposed action has no significant negative impact on the environment. No further action: No remedial action is necessary because contaminants are below cleanup levels protective of human health and the environment. Operation and maintenance (O & M) costs: Costs required to maintain the effectiveness and integrity of the remedy over time. Preferred alternative: The cleanup remedy recommended in the Draft RAP. Present worth: The present value of a stream of future costs discounted to a single amount. Remedial Action Plan (RAP): A remedy decision document for hazardous material cleanups under Section 6.8 of the California Health and Safety Code. Removal of contaminated soil and debris: Excavation of all soil (or soil intermixed with debris) containing COCs above cleanup levels and offsite disposal at a permitted landfill facility. May include recycling of debris and/or monitoring of groundwater. The Presidio Trust Environmental Cleanup P0. BOX 29052 SSH DOCS CAL Pam Presorted 34 Graham Street H990 R454x - - - First Class Mail San Francisco, CA 94129 Proposed draft remedial U.S. Postage PAID T ºf E PRESIDIO TRUST action plan (RAP) for Landfills 8 and 10, PHSH fill site, and four small arms firing ranges : San Francisco CA Permit No. 925 Presid WWW.presidio.gov § 12 UCSD SER ACQ Dept. LIB_CA 9500 Gilman Dr Dept 1756 La Jolla CA 92033-0175 ** Eºs R. C. E. VEI) &R, How To Obtain More Information The Draft Remedial Action Plan for Landfills 8 and 10, PHSH Fill Site, and Four Small Arms Firing Ranges, the CEQA Draft Negative Declaration, and other documents which are part of the administrative record are available for review at the following location: Presidio Trust Library 34 Graham Street, Presidio of San Francisco Phone; (415) 561-5343 - Email: bianis(a)presidiotrust.gov Library Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Copies of the Draft RAP and CEQA Draft Negative Declaration are also available on the Presidio website at http://www.presidio.gov/nature/cleanup. For additional information and questions, contact Eileen Fanelli (Presidio Trust) at (415) 561– 4259. At the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), you may call Bob Boggs, Project Manger, at (510) 540-3751; Richard Perry, Public ill, hill, ill, ºilſ, il, lilºli, l, 1,1,1,111 || HAR 16 2009 DC CS casiº SU} Żó Printed on 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper using soy-based ink. Participation Specialist, at (510) 540-3910; or Claudia Loomis, Public Information Officer, at (916) 255-6578. Anuncio Si prefiere con alguien en español acerca de ésta información, favor de llamar a Jacinto Soto, Departamento de Control de Substancias Tóxicas. El numero de telefono es (510) 540-3842. Public Meeting and Comment Period Landfills 8 and 10, PHSH Fill Site, and Four Small Arms Firing Ranges The Presidio Trust and DTSC are holding a 30-day public comment period starting November 17, 2008 and ending On December 22, 2008. A public meeting will be held on December 2, 2008 at 6 pm. Written and Oral comments will be accepted at the public meeting which will be held at the Presidio Officers' Club, 50 Moraga Avenue, Presidio of San Francisco, California (see Page 1 for directions). *- -