HTC Tech Note E15 FEB 1988 R. W. Johnson UC SAN DIEGO LIBRARY The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory and the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS MANUAL (1 Feb 88) Prepared for Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command United States Air Force, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) www.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww OCEANOGRAPHY MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 ........................................ ............................ . . .... . ... ............... ........ ............... .... .. .PPYEUNAN W W .. .......... . ONURUGWPWSUERE ICHTIRMASPERO W www NTERA E EAWAKURUSHWARASPAR 3 1822 04429 0765 ATMOSPHERIC OPTICAL SYSTEMS . ... wwww. .. . ............... .... ................ WEID ASENGWINGSMARENGRAVUR UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO . .......... ... ..... ........ ................. . . 22002222.00 -2222-22222222222222222222222222222202 WHOXHAJREGGERMEISTER wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww PESAROKARIMSAGERHUS KAWAI mw W UO * UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO ville IOAD SCRIPPS INSTITUTION " N * * RS) . Offsite (Annex-Joi rnals) 974.5 . T43 v. 1988 no. 2 QC OF OF See UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO ...... ....... . . .coin . WWW. . ............ H GHPNIEUW ... Bee wwwwwwwwwwww We uses SKUKGSOMWWWWWW.CELAIN. EXISTINIAI PERAK .. SOWOHJENAGA WwWOWAKWAMWWW ... ................... . . ... TASARASIM . . . . 3 1822 04429 0765 cm. .. WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS MANUAL (1 Feb 88) This preliminary manual summarizes the basic support procedures required for the normal operation of the Whole Sky Imager. It is intended as a checklist operational guide for the use of on-site host personnel in performing their periodic inspection and assessment of the system's performance. System maintenance and trouble shooting instructions are not included in this summary note, but are available under separate cover. UCSD/MPL POINTS OF CONTACT 1. Richard W. Johnson, (619) 534-1772, AV 553-5800 2. John S. Fox, (619) 534-1770, AV 553-5800 3. Jack R. Varah, (619) 534-1768, AV 553-5800 150 ... .... . ..... . . WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Table of Contents 1. System Description 2. Host Personnel Responsibilities 3. WSI Operational Checklists a. b. c. Daily Visual Inspections Data Tape Replacements Solar Attenuator Arm Replacement List of Illustrations HEEE au AWNA WSI Camera Assembly without shroud WSI Control Console Assembly WSI Camera Schematic WSI System Block Diagram E/O Camera Pedestal (Typical) Solar Attenuator, Arm Change Schedule Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Table A Table B WSI Data Site: Host Support Notes Solar Attenuator, Arm Change Schedule Page 1 WHOLE SKY IMAGER .. .. . (E/O Camera System 5) 1. System Description The basic Whole Sky Imager ( WSI) system is contained in two mechanical assemblies. These assemblies are illustrated photographically in Figs 1 & 2, and as block diagrams in Figs 3 & 4. The external and internal assemblies (Figs 1 & 2) are normally interconnected by a set of 100 foot control cables which provide system power, synchronization and data logging capability. In its most basic form, each of these WSI systems consists of a computer controlled solid-state video camera that provides calibrated, multi-spectral imagery suitable for the automatic extraction of local contrast transmission and cloud cover information. Imbedded within the control computer are prototype and proprietary extraction algorithms necessary to provide these numerical products. In addition to radiometrically calibrated imagery, advanced algorithms are available to provide near real-time products of the data acquisition, processing and display sub-systems in the form of continuously updated digital presentations of selected operational quantities. For the WSI task of generating cloud field statistics, these algorithms are withheld from the field systems, and they are used only during post-archival processing, thus each field system is operated in automatic data acquisition and archival modes only. An auxiliary mounting pedestal illustrated in Fig. 5 is associated with the WSI system to provide a standardized base for the camera, and to provide some measure of environmental control. The 2 ft X 2 ft insulated pedestal is 4 feet high and contains a 1500 watt, 5120 Btuh electric heater with built-in fan, and a 5000 Btuh air conditioner for summer cooling. These heating and cooling units are automatically controlled by 115VAC in-line thermostats which are mounted within the pedestal adjacent to the camera baseplate. WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 2 340 350 – WW W Fig. 1 WSI Camera Assembly, W/O Shroud TRINITRON LORDRE 12 ILMI 32 File(s) copied :BINO SONY Super fine pitch EO CAMERA ACCESSORY CONTROL PANEL LOCAL LOCKOUT SWITCH FWD OPEN 205 POWER REMOTE OCCULTER APERTURE CHANGER (E/O Camera System 5) WHOLE SKY IMAGER Page 3 Fig. 2 WSI Control Console Assembly WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 4 2710 Camera Assembly ULTI . .. WO .. 011000 .! TOO ..... 0. 00 000 . CO .. . +0000 .... 0000000000000 .. 0 0. AU .......000. .. .. .000 000 112 OD10000 0001 .. W 11 X2 0000000000000 2 002 . 001 00 00 02. O 0 TY O * 0 . YUR ** LOTTE OPLE HOOL * OOOOOOOOOO * 0 0000000000 0000000000000000 000 AO + *** t001 0.000000 GOOD ** * * * * * * ** * * TIL * * 0000000000000 00 OOOOO0000000 ****** * 112 20 10 * 4 * 24 OOTD F. 0000000000000000 100001 000000000 0. 000000 00000000000000 + * AL VW MUN * * MU 1 * LLAS * * * * * * 00.00 * * 97 + * * * * * * * * f 2. * * * . * * . * T10001 * * * ** * * * ** 001 * 0 * * * * 00000000000000000000000000 0. 000000000000000 LIURE 04. 0 TOILE teate . . 000000000000 2010 2 1 .. 000 ......0 0.00 #. ...00 000000 0000000000000000 100000000000 0000 10. 1000 2001 * ** * * WOR * 000 Toy . * DIEU 00 0000002 * * * * OL OY * ** 44 $ # # #$ ** * * ** * * NOU 2. INITI * * * PO * * DO 200 OOOO .... 000 100 +0 .. ..000.- 1000000 . 0 200000....0. 00000000 * ... 00 .10. 001000 . . E TU * . ** DO * . AT . . LE 1 11 20 .0 . . ** * MER 003 * A 4 MOTO NOUS * * UNIT LHADO 22 OUT * * # # 02 RI 171107 . * * TW + . 15 E/O CAMERA SYSTEM FOR OPTICAL STATE OF THE ATMOSPHERE ASSESSMENTS . .. ILI ZAINIZA Fig. 3 WSI Camera Schematic - Filter Changer Assembly COIL N.D. 100 DO * * * * * * Fisheye Lens Assembly '174° FOV +0000 M COL *XXX 2 DOO 10000 07 + . . W Image Acquisition & Analysis System Hardware Block Diagram E/O System 5 SONY PVM 1271 Q MONITOR GE 2710 SOLID STATE VIDEO CAMERA TMI COMPUTER (IBM/AT CLONE) AUTOMATIC EQUATORIAL SOLAR OCCULTOR ASSY. VIDEO IMAGE PROCESSING SUB-SYSTEM (ITI FG 100) ARCHIVAL 1/0 SUB-SYSTEM (SEAGATE 65 M byte H.D.) REMOTE CONTROLLED IRIS ASSY. EXABYTE EXB - 8200 2.2 G byte 8mm CARTRIDGE TAPE SYSTEM ANALOG ACCESSORY CONTROL PANEL REMOTE CONTROLLED OPTICAL FILTER ASSY. STOWED KEYBOARD EXTERIOR SENSOR INSTALLATION INTERIOR CONTROLLER INSTALLATION (E/O Camera System 5) WHOLE SKY IMAGER Page 5 Fig. 4 WSI System Block Diagram E/O CAMERA., W/ SHBRUD- WEATHES Strie IO ELL ILILHEALCAS_IHERMOSTALS. LIN 344" MARINE lywego._SHEETING -115 YAS HEATER SEARS A2A31202 Carbour 2x2 HARRKLOOR ERAME_..10 lawu12WZO. 49% Iye SULATION.---- ALL. INTERIOR PANELSURESSES 4274 Lorac AIR CON PITIONER .SEARS ALB.Y.770.4.9.C_CALERNITA LIEHLED 21 - - 24 24 .................... ....... ..... Fig. 5 E/O Camera Pedestal (Typical) (E/O Camera System 5) WHOLE SKY IMAGER Page 6 . ; . WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 7 Host Personnel Responsibilities . . . .. . ... ...... ..... .. .. . 2.. The WSI system is designed to operate in automatic data acquisition and archival modes with a minimum of operator interaction. Thus, once the system has been installed and initialized by UCSD/MPL technical staff, it requires only those services outlined in Table A,.. "WSI Data Site: Host Support Notes.”. . .... . The six tasks outlined in Table A can be further summarized into the several items listed below. 1. Visually inspect control console video display DAILY. Report abnormalities. II. Remove data tapes & replace whenever indicated on monitor. a. On WEEKLY schedule if operation is normal. b. As indicated in the event of system fault or power failure. III. Weekly removal, cleaning and replacement of external computer air filter. IV. Periodically substitute solar attenuator arms. a. Change arms in accordance with schedule illustrated in Fig. 6. V. Periodically inspect sensor housing and mounting pedestal. Report abnormali- ties. a. Open box to check thermostat settings and verify heater & A/C operation. b. Note instrument purge pressure (optimum camera housing pressure is 2 - 3 psi. c. General visual inspection of dome, occulter/attenuator and housing. Checklists to assist in conducting the tasks listed above are provided in the follow- ing section. WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 8 TABLE A ...... ... ... ..04I I WSI DATA SITE: HOST SUPPORT NOTES DURING DATA COLLECTION INTERVAL (ESTIMATED 2 YRS) 1. Provide daily visual inspection of camera assembly. Wipe or brush optical dome lightly if required to remove snow, heavy dew, thick dust, etc. 2. Provide daily visual inspection of console assembly. Observe video monitor to determine normal image quality and solar attenuator position. 3. Provide weekly unloading and replacement of data cassette with subsequent mailing to UCSD/MPL. (Cassettes provided by UCSD/MPL as well as procedural training). 4. Provide periodic substitution of solar attenuator arms to compensate for seasonal declination changes. (Change schedule and appropriate arms provided by UCSD/MPL. Normal change cycle is at two week intervals, extending to twelve weeks twice a year). Provide telephone contact with UCSD/MPL in the event of system malfunction, and assist in preliminary fault assessment. 6. Permit intermittent access to site by UCSD/MPL personnel to effect system repair/replacement as required. NOTE: UCSD/MPL will provide written instruction manuals as required to assist host personnel in accomplishing items listed above. Page 9 WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Fig. 6 Attenuator Arm Change Schedule DEC NOV SEPT OCT JULY AUG JUNE MAY APR MAR FEB JAN TV VVV WWWWWWWWWWWW VVVV 27 6 L 94 WHAANANANANANANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANA 2 2916 AVA WWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWW WWWMWMV 1 14 ©2 21 0000000000000 W 19 1 - 22/12 IT * .. ... .* .* .. . * . .. . . * .* . . www * * * * * * * * * * * * WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ам 6 6L V " . . UVWAVVALLAVAL DODOCOCCO DEC OCT NOV MAR FEB JAN SEP JULY AUG JUNE MAY APR AV87-0487 ATTENUATOR ARM CHANGE SCHEDULE WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 10 TABLE B SOLAR ATTENUATOR Arm Change Schedule www w wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Date Remove Arm No. Install Arm No. .................. . .. ... .. ... ..................... .. . .. 2 9 Nov 2 Feb 22 Feb 12 Mar 29 Mar 16 Apr 7 May 6 Aug ....... ............._.....__...... . .... . . ............ ........ .................................... ...... ... ...... .. . 27 Aug 14 Sep 1 Oct . 19 Oct 9 Nov 2 WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 11 3. WSI OPERATIONAL CHECKLISTS (REF. TABLE A) A. DAILY VISUAL INSPECTIONS 1. Camera Assembly a. Wipe or brush optical dome lightly, if required. b. Clear occultor drive of debris, if required. C. Check pedestal stability & alignment. 2. Console Assembly a. Check monitor for normal image quality. b. Check monitor image for solar attenuator position, i.e., sun's image within attenuator boundary. c. Check monitor for normal image cycle, i.e., four frame sequence and stable standby. d. Check standby image for correct annotation, i.e., time/date and filter ident. Check solar attenuator position at LAN, i.e., support rod vertical, solar image on vertical center line. with 3. Accessory Control Panel a. Indicator lights cycling normally. b. Attenuator & Iris readouts changing normally WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 12 3. cont ... WSI OPERATIONAL CHECKLIST (REF. TABLE A) B. DATA TAPE REPLACEMENTS The 8 mm tape cassette that is used in the EXB-8200 streaming tape drive is designed to hold approximately 2.2 Gigabytes of data. This is in excess of the amount normally expected from a continuous seven day data collection cycle. Thus the normal operating procedure is to change data tapes every seven days during the normal evening reset cycle. In the event of an EXB-8200 write failure, or a total system power failure, the corrective action is to remove and replace the data tape as instructed on the monitor. This will initiate the automatic re-boot sequence and the system will return to normal operation. 1. Normal WEEKLY (7 day) reloading sequence. After seven continuous days of operation, the system will automatically STOP, EJECT THE TAPE, and CUE the screen. a. Remove data tape from tape drive. b. Insert NEW data tape into tape drive. C. Close the tape drive door. The system will now automatically stand-by and resume data collection at the next occurring “TEN MINUTE” data set (in approximately 10 - 20 min.) 2. Abnormal FAULT or POWER LOSS reloading sequence. If a tape write fault, or a system power interruption occurs, the system will automatically STOP, EJECT THE TAPE, and CUE the screen. Operator response is as in the normal WEEKLY sequence. a. Remove data tape from tape drive. (Partially filled tapes will NOT be reused.) b. Insert NEW data tape into tape drive. C. Close the tape drive door. .... .XrxX8u i t . was WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 13 cont .... WSI OPERATIONAL CHECKLIST (REF. TABLE A) The system will now automatically re-boot and proceed through its self test routine. Upon satisfactory completion of self test the system will automati- cally STOP, EJECT THE TAPE, and CUE the screen. a. Close the tape drive door. The system will now automatically stand-by and resume data collection at the next occurring “TEN MINUTE” data set (in approximately 10 - 20 min.) Note that after a FAULT or POWER loss restart as in item 2 above, less than seven days may remain before the normal WEEKLY reloading day occurs. In this event, the normal WEEKLY schedule should be re-initiated by operator intervention at the end of the normally designated 7th day. This re-initiation is most easily accomplished by inducing a POWER LOSS restart sequence. i.e., Turn off system power momen- tarily. Turn power back on and proceed as in item 2. WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 14 3. cont....WSI OPERATIONAL CHECKLISTS (REF. TABLE A) SOLAR ATTENUATOR ARM REPLACEMENT The solar attenuator is an equatorially driven device that is designed to prevent direct solar illumination from falling upon the camera fisheye lens. This shadowing of the lens prevents undesirable stray light from entering the optical system and biasing the imagery collected by the camera. The attenuator is designed to track the sun's position automatically from sunrise to sunset, and then during the evening hours, reset itself to the next mornings start position. There is no automatic adjustment to compensate for the systematic drift that naturally occurs in solar declination with changes in the season. This necessary adjustment is accomplished manually by periodically replacing the occultor support arm. The required seven support arms, each of slightly different length are provided by UCSD/MPL as is the Solar Attenuator Arm Change Schedule, See Fig. 6. Two Attenuator Frame assemblies with glass filters are provided to facilitate arm changeover procedures. The arm change procedure is to be accomplished during the evening reset interval on the dates indicated in Fig. 6. 1. Loosen the three retaining screws on the small external shroud panel, and remove panel. 2. Insert 3/32" allen wrench (UCSD/MPL provided) into each of two 10-32 X 3/8" attenuator arm retaining set screws, and loosen each about one turn. 3. Lift arm from slotted drive disc. * 4. Remove square attenuator frame from arm by loosening two 4-40 FH Nylok attachment screws. * 5. Attach square attenuator frame to newly selected attenuator arm. Assure that arm and frame mate flat-to-flat. Tighten 4-40 screws securely. WHOLE SKY IMAGER (E/O Camera System 5) Page 15 Insert newly selected attenuator arm into slotted drive disc, and tighten both 10-32 allen retaining set screws. Inspect installation for secure attachment of Frame-to-Arm, and Arm- to-Disc. * Steps 4 & 5 are accomplished, using alternate Attenuator Frame, in office environment prior to visiting rooftop camera location. Weatherproof Lens Housing Dwg. No. E03-3600-01 Model III Filter Changer Dwg. No. E03-1200-01 Weatherproof Camera Housing Dwg. No. E03-3500-01 .. ......... ..... K V . : ** * We * . + i . . V * 2 . . 2 . 27 . 2 . . .. XON Ora T WA * . .. Det *. AR * . * VAN . **** COM * . . . * NA * AMEX * ** * WS A 11 , * * tes * * . * . * NA ** * . . * w ** # . 1 . . . ** to * ' O # . * * 09 M * * * 1 . . **** * . * * * # * & * * 19 * NO * * * WA 1 * DR . * * * ** *** . **MORE ** *** * * OS * * * . * * OX *** .. * . . . WS . * ** . * . * w * * . * . * ..X17 . Y . OX * * .. * A :30 * ** WA . * * * KO? * * . S * . * * . * . . * . * * * 29 . ** * ** * * M ** . ** 2. * . . ** ** . * . * 2 *** * . * .. W ** LE . * . ** . *** AL * * * * * ** PHOT * . . * ** VOX ** * OR * ** *** * * WWW . . Det * ** * * * * * ** * . .. . . . & UGOM . * * * ..*** * * 20 W ** * * . * . ANA . * * . ** * WWW. . * * we . 1 . 2 ..... re .. . ** . * 6 " . * . . . ** NO . * . 2 21 ** . 2 . * . **** SAR " . W * . * A WA * * . . . ** *** ** * * ** * * * . . * * ** * . . .. . * . . * * . ** * . * * . * .*** .. • 2 ** * * * 1 * * * * * . * * EX . ) " * Y *** * " * 62 SP * . * 2 * * . ** ** * * * * * 61 * * * * * * : . SR. OR X . OLE + * * . . ** # NO ** . .. ** * .. ** .. .. .. WWW # • * + .. . * * * . 13 " *** . . to A * . . . S * 4 * * . VW ** * * * X . * * * . 11 * ** * * * * . . * * * ** . . .. * SWAN 1 ** # + + + . . * ** . * # * Occulter Subassembly Dwg. No. E03-2103-01 * 10 2. # ** * ***** * " * . . . . * * . . ** . . . . * . ro A 44 * *** ** ve . **** 41 * +. 49 . * * $ ** ** * * * * * *** .* *" * ** . . . . + * * ** 71 * * * . . * * ** * . . *** * . *** . . . *** * TU * . 2 . . N . * V0000000000 * ** . * * * . *.* * . * . ** * WO * O **** St. . . . * + SEX . ** Equatorial Drive Assembly Dwg. No. E03-2102-01 Page 72 Heathkit OPERATION OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS SIGNAL STRENGTH INITIAL SETTING OF THE CLOCK The length of time it takes for the GC-1000 Clock to initially set and update (correct the time) itself is entirely dependent on how strong the WWV sig- nals are. The factors which effect the WWV signals are: The distance from the WWV transmitter. The greater the distance, the weaker the signal strength will be. The GC-1000 Clock decodes the WWV time codes (described in the “Theory Of Operation"). This coded information contains the time, date, UTC cor- rection factor, and daylight-saving time information. It takes one minute to decode one complete frame of data (since that is the rate at which it is sent). However, due to signal fading conditions, the use of only one frame of data could cause an erroneous time to be used to set the clock. To minimize this possiblilty, the GC-1000 Clock decodes and com- pares three frames of data. This data must agree be- fore the time can be set. Once the time is set, the clock will continue to keep time using its own 3.6 MHz crystal oscillator as a time base. Weather conditions. When weather condi- tions are poor, the signals are usually weaker than normal. Winter reception is better than summer re- ception. When the WWV signal is clear and strong, the clock will typically set itself in from four to thirty minutes. Strong WWV signals are characterized by: • Loud, clear audible tones. lonospheric conditions, the time of day, the season, and sunspot activity. These factors tend to effect the individual WWV bands. For example, the best reception generally occurs on the 5 MHz band at night, 15 MHz band during the daytime, and the 10 MHz band near dusk and dawn. • Clear voice announcements. The Capture LED being lit. Obstacles that block the signals. Moun- tains, tall buildings, and metal walls are a few examples. A flashing Data LED (regular and rhythmic) each second. • A rare WWV band scan. Other RF signals of sufficient strength to interfere with good reception. Some of these factors change and can cause dramatic differences in signal strength over a time period of a few minutes to several weeks. However, fixed ob- stacles and long distances from the transmitter often dictate the use of an external antenna for accurate operation of your Clock. The weaker the WWV signals are, the more the Clock will deviate from these characteristics and the longer it will take for the Clock to set itself. NOTE: From the time you first apply power to your Clock until it sets itself, you may see "ghosting" of the displays. This means that the digits will be random and dimly lit, or they may go out completely. This is normal. . . . . . miles W Page 73 Heathkit pe UPDATING THE CLOCK often the Clock is updated, the better its accuracy during periods of the day when the WWV signal is too weak to be used. While the Clock is running, it continues to decode the WWV time code. When the Clock decodes two frames which agree with the displayed time, the Clock will update and turn the Hi Spec LED on for approximately 10 minutes. This updating will cause the displayed time to be resynchronized to the WWV time if the error is greater than .005 seconds. Other- wise, the Clock will automatically adjust (trim) its 3.6 MHz time base oscillator, and cause it to run even more accurately than before. Thus, the more Generally, the Hi Spec LED will be lit more than half the time when WWV reception is strong, and will be off nearly all the time when WWV reception is weak. NOTE: If the Clock does not update itself each day, the . 1 second digit may dim until the Clock updates, or until ten days have elapsed. If this oc- curs, it generally means that you need a better an- tenna system. FUNCTIONS Refer to Pictorial 8-1 (Illustration Booklet, Page 13) for the remaining section. FRONT WINDOW mine which channel has the best signal, each LED alternately illuminates for approximately 3 seconds (while the receiver samples this channel). When the receiver determines which channel has the best signal, it will lock on the signal for approximately 16 seconds, and the appropriate LED will stay lit to indi- cate the channel it is monitoring. . . . Display Switch (S101) — The display switch is located on the left side of the case. When you slide this switch towards the front of the case, the LED indicators and 7-digit readouts are turned on (provided the Clock has set it- self). When the switch is toward the back of the case, the indicators and readouts are turned off to conserve power, (as with 12 VDC battery operation). 5. . . . . . . . AM/PM LED Indicators — These indicators will illuminate only if you select the 12 hr mode of operation and once the clock has been set by WWV. They will be out in the 24 hr mode. Capture LED Indicator - Whenever the re- ceiver detects the WWV 1000 Hz (800 ms) tone burst, it will illuminate the capture LED indicator. If the microprocessor determines that the WWV information is unclear or mis- sing, it will then turn off the capture LED and proceed to the channel that is the clearest and strongest. If there is no strong signal, it will scan the channels once more to the highest frequency for 16 seconds, then repeat the scan until it finds an acceptable channel. As soon as another 1000 Hz tone burst is received, the capture LED will again be illuminated. 6. Hrs - Mins - Secs LED Indicators — With the TEST switch (S501) in the NORMal posi- tion, these digits will be blank (except for the decimal point) when the clock is initially powered up, and will stay off until the clock is set by WWV signals. With the TEST switch in TEST, the digits and all the LEDs (except the Data LED) will be lit. The tenths (.1) of second digit may dim if the Clock does not update itself each day. Data LED Indicator – When WWV is being received, this LED will flash once every sec- ond (except for the first second of each min- ute). Each second will vary from short (binary "O"), to medium (binary "1"), to long (a 10 second marker). NOTE: This flash lags the seconds update by .2 seconds. Hi Spec LED Indicator — This LED will il- luminate for approximately 10 minutes each time the complete WWV information is re- ceived and the clock is within 10 mil- liseconds of the WWV time. 5, 10, 15 MHz LED Indicators - These LEDs indicate which WWV channel the receiver is tuned to. While the receiver scans to deter- will vi mwWwwWwWw .