UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO w UC SAN DIEGO LIBRARY .. ........... ww WS . ... w wwwwwwwwwwwww . SER ... Wwwwwwwwwwwwww ...... .... .. WWWSPA WAWA w wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ................ KASEGWAY W . ww. ...... . w ...... . .. 3 1822 04429 0773 ATMOSPHERIC OPTICAL SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 207A JUNE 1988 bu Offsite (Annex-JO rnals) QC 974.5 . T43 no. 207A ..... AUTOMATED VISIBILITY & CLOUD COVER MEASUREMENTS WITH A SOLID-STATE IMAGING SYSTEM (The As-Built First Generation) R. W. Johnson W.S. Hering UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory and the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory - www Contract Monitor, Dr. H.A. Brown Atmospheric Sciences Division 14 4 2 CORN UK E N BAB SCRIPPS INSTITUTION Prepared for Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command United States Air Force, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 OCEANOGRAPHY MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 SIS **** * .... ........... ..... ................... KVIRSIKUWA w A N ADAPA wwwwwww.. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3 1822 04429 0773 TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 207 AUTOMATED VISIBILITY & CLOUD MEASUREMENTS WITH A SOLID STATE IMAGING SYSTEM (The As-Built First Generation) This Technical Note contains the annotated vu-graph representations, a sub-set of which were presented to the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. on 11 - 15 Jan 1988. w wwww ww ..... ................. ........ ... . . .... . WWW . MICE .. . . .? ??? ..... .. .. . . .. . . . . . ..... . . . .. .. . ........ . . .. . . . .. . . ..... ... . . . ..!!! . . . ..... . .... .... .. . . .. .. ....... . ... . . . ." ... . . . ............ . . . ....... ... 1.1. .. . O #. . . .. . . . . . . . ot.U . ! . . . . . ! . . WOOD + + + . . . ! . . . . . . ! . . .++ + UV O DO DOLORO W OORDOPO #100111 PUUDUVUUD .++++ + .. . ! 200 POPUOLO 1010110 ..!O O OUUOVO + . . #t . . . . . . . . . . t t I * . R . •.•. .. . 0. 00 . +0+*500001 . . + 1 + 0 + 0 • ..•. 9 ! ! ++ + + ! + + * Out . .... . ....." . W ++ DO 2012 OOOO . . 2011.. ! + .. . . OO .... ...O . 5 O .. SINVunosdo MONS NIVY_12 THOSH asya ano na O OTO+ 1 ! . 0 . COU OOO10005 D . .. D . + 0.100.1 ... 0 . 0 : I ! .000. + .. . .. . .... .. ... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! .... . . 0 1 . . Uttttt00.00 + 06. 00000000 ttu + . 1 + . + ..... . . . . 1 . . . . +0.10 . . .tttt .... ...... . .. + . .. ........ . . .. .. . 0 + 1 ! 0 . . O . ! 01. 5 . 0 UUD ! . . 0 $ . . OOOO! . ....... ...... ..t.000 . : . .. 0 . $ . . .. ... .. .. !! 050 00 ... . . . ........ . .. $ . 0 0 . . 0 010000000000OOO ... . . . . . . 100.00 . .. . t $ ....! DODO . O . # . 2. CLOUD COVER 1. VISIBILITY $ # . ... + . $ . . . . . •••••••• + . ... to. . . 010 ... 0 1000011 SA . . . . .. . . 5 . . $0.00 .. . . .. . . 0 . . . ! + . . OOOO! +0000 ! . + . alized search, detect and identify scenarios. cover. The multi-spectral imagery is equally applicable in more gener- detection, cloud-free arc determinations, sector visibilities and total cloud dependent, but current algorithm development is slanted toward cloud the-atmosphere in which this sensor system operates are of course task The quantities most desired for describing the optical state-of- .. . . . 1 tel 100 000000 . 1 u 0. 0 . + 0 0 _COULDW010010. 012 !12 . 1 1100010010..+1 + 1 . 0_02_W . . O_11_21. # . .. # . 7 . U 1 . . . . KNXOOOOO + . . . # .. . . . COMPONENTS OF ATMOSPHERIC STATE SPECIFICATION + . . .1. . . 1 0 . . DEN . . DOLO + + .. + ...... + . . . . . . 00000000 ..OOOOOOO . . ! SNORLIANO NYONO NON OL SNOISN 2011 : 28 aona . + . #.*. * # . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. 0 tot no 10600 000 6 : 4. METEOROLOGICAL REPORTING AND FORECASTING 1000 . ! . . . . . . O + automatic assessment of the optical state of the atmosphere. ing a visible spectrum, computer controlled imaging system for the Laboratory, in support of several DoD sponsored programs, is develop- The Atmospheric Optical Systems Group of the Marine Physical . # ODO 2006 3. UNMANNED AIRFIELD REPORTS . ... ... .... OU. 06. .. * * * * .*. . * WWW . * * * +. . .. . 000+ .. 1000000 St. SUOI NON INNOHAN JUSOH . AIRBOANE AND SURFACE TACTICAL PLANNING . . FIGURE 2 . . .. . ! ! ! ! ! .... ! ! 1 E ! ! U21 . . . ... .. . ..... .. . .. . SITUATIONS REQUIRING ATMOSPHERIC STATE SPECIFICATIONS tot . . . . . . ! . . . • . $ . . . + . . . . 1 + . O . . . . . . . 6001 . . . . . + . . . + . . O . . . . ! ! + . . . . ! . . . . 0 . . . . . . + . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . + . 6 . . . 0.0. . . . + 1 11111 1 1 . # # # ! ! # + . . . .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 .0 + + + . 0 . University of California, San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography Institution of Oceanography. Diego, Calif. and is administratively within the jurisdiction of Scripps organization within the University of California system. It is located in San The Marine Physical is a 100 person multi-disciplined research Atmospheric Optical Systems MARINE PHYSICAL LABORATORY VISIBILITY VISIBILITY VISIBILITY MSIBILITY VISIBILITY VISIBILITY VISIBILITY VISIBILITY VISIBILITY MSIBILITY VISIBILITY FIGURE 1 SAKA | E/O SYSTEM 5 - DISCUSSION OUTLINE 1. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC & PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 3 2. BASIC CONCEPTS The following annotated, illustrations describe the general operational characteristics of the subject Electro Optical Camera System 3. COMPUTERIZED VISIBILITY ESTIMATES FROM VIDEO IMAGERY 4. TWO-COLOR CLOUD DETECTION & ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES FIGURE 4 E/O CAMERA SYSTEM FOR OPTICAL STATE OF THE ATMOSPHERE ASSESSMENTS The schematic drawing of the multi-spectral imager illustrates those features of the camera system that contribute to its general utility as an automatic cloud detection system. Fishoyo Lens Assombly (174* FOV . . .. . . WWW .com . First, the Filter Changer Assembly is shown to contain two independently controlled filter locations on the optical axis. In actuality, this assembly contains two filter wheels, each holding four separate filters in addition to the five lens optical relay. Each wheel can position any one of its four filters into the optical path under either manual or computer control. Thus, both spectral band and flux level can be controlled either manually or by pre-determined computer program. This is important to the cloud discrimination algorithm illustrated later in this series. www WWW . ... AY ... L5 VW ZA ZZZZZZAZ Filter Changer Assembly 2710 Camera Assombly Second, the Fisheye Lens Assembly allows the accumulation of whole sky imagery in a single video frame which contributes to the simplification of subsequent spectral ratioing techniques and related image processing functions. Image Acquisition & Analysis System Hardware Block Diagram E/O System 5 SONY PVM 1271Q MONITOR FIGURE 5 GE 2710 SOLID STATE VIDEO CAMERA TMI COMPUTER (IDMAT CLONE) The major E/O SYSTEM 5 sub-assemblies are physically inter- related as illustrated in this block diagram. The as-built configurations of the exterior sensor housing and the interior electronic control console are illustrated in the figures which follow. AUTOMATIC EQUATORIAL SOLAR OCCULTOR ASSY. VIDEO IMAGE PROCESSING SUB-SYSTEM (ITI FG 100) ARCHIVAL 1/0 SUB-SYSTEM K(SEAGATE 65 M bytel H.D.) REMOTE CONTROLLED IRIS ASSY. EXABYTE EXB - 8200 2.2 G byte 8mm CARTRIDGE TAPE SYSTEM This diagram illustrates the system as used for automatic cloud cover archival and analysis. It is somewhat more powerful than the system required for visibility determinations. ANALOG ACCESSORY CONTROL PANEL REMOTE CONTROLLED OPTICAL FILTER ASSY. STOWED KEYBOARD EXTERIOR SENSOR INSTALLATION INTERIOR CONTROLLER INSTALLATION FIGURE 6 The as-built fisheye system used for Whole Sky Imagery. Pro- vides weatherproof housing and solar occultor forunattended operation. Yields multi-spectral imagery customized for automatic cloud descrimi- nation studies. FIGURE 7 und REAL ACTS*** OWN AN The system control console required for automatic cloud discri- nation illustrated here photographically. This highly efficient package requires only 28 inches of panel height in a standard 19 inch instrument rack. It provides IBM/AT compatible computer capability, image proc- essing, archival, and display characteristics as previously summarized in the preceeding block diagram. COLOR MONITOR ZENITH MODEL ZVM-136 FIGURE 8 ACCESSORY CONTROL PANEL MOTOR DRIVE MANUAL OVERRIDE COMPUTER ZENITH MODEL ZF241-81 PRECISION ROTARY TABLE DAEDAL INC. MODEL 20801 P .... ......... DAEDAL MODEL MD-23 USTEPPER MOTOR DRIVE The E/O SYSTEM 5 instrumentation is used in a modified con- figuration to address the task of automatic visibility determinations. This alternate configuration is illustrated in the figures which follow. IMAGE PROCESSING SUB-SYSTEM W ITI PEG-8 PC VISION, REVC ARCHIVAL & VO SUB-SYSTEM 640 kbyte RAM 360 kbyle FLOPPY 1.2 Mbyle FLOPPY 40 Mbyte H.D. (REMOTE UNIT). EVEREX FT-60 1/4" STREAMER W/CONTROLLER This diagram illustrates the system as used for automatic deter- minations of sector visibilities and related local apparent contrasts. DAEDAL MC5000 INDEXING MOTOR CONTROL BOARD WEATHER PROOF ENCLOSURE MODEL EO3-3900 VIDEO COAX STOWED KEYBOARD COMPUTER TO TABLE HOMELMT SWX) SONY AC PWR DISTA RECIAC FAN +15VDC CAM. PWR AUTOSALON COSTACAR SORT BRED EXTENDER es EBS VIDEO CAMERA CID 776 115VAC ACCESSORY POWER COMPUTER TO MD-23 (DIR. & STEP FIG. A AUTOMATIC VISIBILITY SYSTEM HARDWARE LAYOUT - 1 MAY '88 AS-BUILT INTERIOR CONTROL CONSOLE FIGURE 9 The as-built horizon scanning system used for the automatic determination of local sector visibilities. The weather proof housing contains a precision rotary table upon which is mounted the solid state video camera and it's telephoto lens. Computer control of the table rotation enables reproducible horizon scans and the computerized assessment of pre-selected target properties. FIGURE 10 The rack mounted version of the system control console re- quired for automatic visibility determinations is illustrated here photo- graphically. The rack mount configuration is very similar to that used in the automatic cloud discrimination mode, but is operationally much simpler. Note that this illustration of the rack mount configuration has substituted a TMI 2001A computer for the original Zenith A-241 to simplify the mechanical assembly. Wh Sex S RELATIVE SPECTRAL RESPONSE Oriel Broadband Interlerence Filters with GE2505 Camera www blue groen red Peak Bandwidth - À @ 0.5 Peak 456 56.7 550 54.7 654 71.1 FIGURE 11 Spectral bands associated with automatic assessment of at- mospheric optical properties. Relative Response, S(2)T() The blue and red bands are used for the discrimination of cloud/ no cloud regions, and the green band is used in the determination of surface sector visibilities. 0.0 R 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) SOLAR SPECTRAL IRRADIACE FIGURE 12 ww w . .... . . .................. ATMOSPHERIC OPTICAL EFFECTS " . ... .. . ..... ...... ... . .......... ........ ... ... DIRECT & OIFFUSE SURFACE IRRADIANCE SCATTERED SKYUGHT (PATH RADIANCE) .. The process of daytime visibility determination either instrumen- tally or by a human observer ultimately involves the resolution of the distance from pre-selected targets that the apparent contrast, Cr, reduces to some minimum (threshold) value needed for detection. The elements to be addressed in the solution of this or any target detection and identification process are illustrated in the adjacent flow chart. SOLAR NEW ANGLE GEOMETRICS BACKGROUNO REFLECTANCE OBJECT REFLECTANCE ا 4,اما The notation is adapted from Duntley et. al (1957), "Image Transmission by the Troposphere 1", JOSA, 47, 499-506. INHERENT BACKGROUND RADIANCE INHERENT OBJECT RADIANCE ATMOSPHERIC RADIANCE TRANSMITTANCE APPARENT OWECT RADIANCE APPARENT BACKGROUNO RADIANCE NHERENT CONTRAST APPARENT CONTRAST The stepwise derivation of the fundamental equations for con- trast transmittance as given by Duntley, et. al (1957) is likewise shown schematically in the adjacent flow chart, along with the definition of the individual terms in the expressions. Coslehoo Lollobo Cp = (hp-b CONTRAST TAANSMITTANCE to = C/C. = lololololt Visual Range vs. Apparent Contrast Relationships * * * FIGURE 13 v in{s(e.) /[1-(8.) (1-s)]} in{s ()/(1-() (1-s)]} The computations implied in the preceeding flow chart can be illustrated by the corresponding diagnostic equation for the calculation of visual range, V, in the form shown in the adjacent figure. Where Specified: r, € Estimated: S,CO Measure: Cr Derive: V E = the threshold contrast for detection S = Lg/blo = the so called "sky-ground ratio" (Duntley 1948) Under optimum conditions of horizontal homogeneily, this diagnostic expression reduces to the familiar Koschmieder relationship whenever one uses black targets viewed against a clear, horizon sky, in which case, h = the point source function (equilibrium radiance) of the directional path radiance L*r. Co=-1 and S = 1. Equilibrium Radiance Relationships FIGURE 14 bbs = 6Lo T, + 3 (1 - T) The notational equivalencies between Duntley's Equilibrium Radiance, Lq , and the Chandrasekhar's Source Function, 3 , are illustrated in the adjoining figure. The source function, Lq , may be estimated from the clear-sky horizon radiance for a path of sight having the same scattering angle with respect to the sun as the target line of sight. = Apparent Radiance = Inherent Radiance Ref: = Radiance Transmittance (over pathlength "p") Duntley, S.Q. (1948), "The Reduction of Apparent Contrast by the Atmosphere", JOSA, 38, 179-191. = Equilibrium Radiance (Chandrasekhar's Source Function) Chandrasekhar, S, (1960), "Radiative Transfer", Dover Publications, 180 Varick, N.Y. 14 N.Y. Under meteorlogical conditions characterized by horizontal homogeneily and increasing opacity as T, + 0 then bLs → 3 s FIGURE 15 Sky Ground Ratio, S Duntley (1948) · Duff (1972) * | * SA The Sky Ground Ratio illustrated in the adjacent figure is a concept established by Duntley (1946 & 1948), repeated by Middleton (1952), and discussed at length by Duff (1972). It is a powerful concept for modelling and computational techniques but it is difficult to determine experimentally, and is often misused. Sky Ground Ratio, s, = Equilibrium Radiance Inherent Background Radiance Lg (2,0,0) blo (21, 0, 0) Ref: • Duntley's Equilibrium Radiance, Lg, Chandrasekhar's Source Function, 3 • Equilibrium Radiance & Inherent Background Radiance must be defined for the same Detector/Target path of sight. Duff, E.A., "Atmospheric Contrast Transmission Application to the Visual Detection and Electro-Optical Lock-on Problem", Master of Science Thesis, School of Engineering Air University, USAF, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio (1972). For some paths of sight, Equilibrium Radiance cannot be measured directly. • • Clear Horizon Sky radiances L* (z, 90, $) are direct measures of Equilibrium Radiance La (7, 90, ) along these horizontal paths. Duntley, S.Q., Visibility Studies and Some Applications in the Field of Camouflage, Summary Tech. Rept. Div. 16, NDRC, Vol. 2, NTIS No. AD 321 102, (Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 1946). • A Clear Horizon Sky radiance is the Equilibrium Radiance for any path of sight having the same scattering angle B from the sun. Duntley, S.Q., "Reduction of Contrast by the Atmosphere", JOSA, 38, 179-191 (1948). FIGURE 16 The general solution to the expression for V/r shown previously is illustrated here for the case where the threshold contrast is .05 and the inherent contrast is -1. VISUAL RANGE / TARGET RANGE (Log Scale) * Note in particular the changes in calculated visual range associated with departures of sky-ground ratio from the clear horizon-sky background value of 1. In general, S varies from about 0.2 for very bright backgounds to 5 or more for low surface reflectance and upsun paths of sight. The error bars shown for the S=1 result, indicate the relative errors in the calculated visual range due to a +20 percent uncertainty in the estimated inherent contrast. * Note that the errors in calculated visual range due to errors in estimated inherent contrast increase markedly with increas- ing apparent contrast of the designated target. 20.06 ADJUSTED TO THRESHOLD CONTRAST - .05 INHERENT CONTRAST - 1.0 14.05 SKY/GROUND RATIO >l- 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.0 7 ¢ ¢ À u kt 05 APPARENT CONTRAST (Log Log Scale) * In other words, reliable calculations of visual range are especially difficult using the apparent radiance contrast of close range targets in good visibility conditions. Cr FIGURE 17 The solid-state imaging system provides highly accurate and continuously updated measurements of the apparent contrast of all identifiable objects within its field of view. Early experience indicates that consistent and reliable estimates of visual range can be obtained from these target-background ensembles as well as with isolated targets. o Whenever practicable, as illustrated in the adjacent figure, the actual selection of visibility targets should be adjusted for each scene in accordance with observed conditions. In the absence of ideal dark targets viewed against the background horizon sky, priority should be shifted as necessary to objects at distances close to the limit of detection, where the most consistent and representative calculations of visual range can be made. The important consideration is that the objects in a selected area ensemble be located at approximately the same range and as close in range as practicable to the limit of visibility. Diagnostic Display for Automatic Visibility Assessments FIGURE 18 Target A Target B Target C Target D Target E Target F AP CR = Cr RANGE = r EPSON = E 206 6.000 1.030 .186 5.000 2.173 5.000 1.030 2353 2.209 4.000 4.000 .030 .030 269 4.000 .030 The stylized computer display illustrated here typifies a situation where an interactive operator has selected six different visibility targets i.e. A through F, and asked the machine to estimate the sector visibility for diagnostic assessment. . 9.030 NNG OOON SO A . Note that this example is NOT for the scene illustrated above and that in full automatic mode, the machine would display only the best estimate, and not the total selection illustrated. NNN co co XXXX .50 14.24 13.43 3. 12.80 12.30 11.89 .55 .60 65 .70 ON Dono 19.03 17.77 16.81 16.06 15.45 14.94 14.52 14.15 13.84 13.56 13.32 .75 .80 .85 13.24 14.9412.93 18.21 12.56 13.72 12.05 16.31 12.03 12.81 11.39 14.97 11.61 12.129 10.86. 13.97 11.26 11.56 10.44 13.20 10.96 11.11 10.09 12.58 10.71 110.7490 9.80 12.07 10.50 10.42 9.559 11.64 10.31 10.15 9.33 11.28 10.14 9.91 9.14 10.97 9.99 9.70 8.97 * 10.70 190 .95 1.00 11/26 11.01 10.79 10.60 10.43 DO YOU WANT A NEW TARGET SET AND NEW IMAGE? YES, NOx0 23 PERCENT ERROR IN COMPUTED VISIBILITY DUE TO HORIZON CLOUD 100 TEST BOGEY- TEST BOGEY - PERCENT ERROR PERCENT ERROR PREFERRED OPERATING REGION. FIGURE 19 PREFERRED OPERATING REGION The proprietary extraction and analysis algorithms embedded within the control computer enable a broad variety of self-test and optimization routines to be exercised at the discretion of the operator. 28 -0,6 0.4 0.8 12 1.6 2 24 . CLOUD-SKY BRIGHTNESS RATIO -0.8 -.75 INHERENT CONTRAST . T.T An example of several runs performed to evaluate the influence of a cloudy horizon upon human mimicking visibility determinations is shown in the adjacent set of graphic displays. TEST BOGEY 10.4 PERCENT ERROR Dlagnostic Caveats for Obscured Horizon Sky Avoid to Minimize Error • Extremely Bright Clouds • Clouds Very Near Target Range • Non-Black Targets • High Observer to Target Transmillances PREFERRED OPERATING REGION 1.2 1.6 3.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 CLOUD-TARGET RANGE RATIO ABSOLUTE CALIBRATION PROCEDURE FIGURE 20 BAFFLE STANDARD OF RADIANT INTENSITY W2= 28540K CALIBRATE TARGET Rx-BASO4 LAMP - EIO CAMERA ASSEMBLY + ROUND TARGET Whereas many useful algorithms for the determination of atmos- pheric properties can be devised to require only the input of the relative values of radiant flux fields, it is generally true that far more redundant and reliable methodologies are available when absolute values of radiance are available. Thus, to enable an optimum selection of techniques for analytic applications, the camera systems described in this note are all calibrated against standards of radiant intensity traceable to N.B.S. using standard radiometric procedures in association with optical calibration facilities established at the Marine Physical laboratory. . www www. . . . www www CONTROL COMPUTER - **. ww WWW. W ten NU - w . ... .... .. .. ... 3 METER . OPTICAL BENCH & ACCESSORIES TAPE ARCHIVE A schematic representation of those calibration facilities is shown in the adjoining figure. . REGULATED POWER SUPPLY _ FIGURE 21 24 A variety of techniques for objective cloud/clear-sky discrimina- tion with the solid-state imagery system are being investigated. Single image (monochromatic) analysis with simple brightness contrast and/or edge depiction techniques often provides excellent results. The cloud radiances are in generallarger than the background clear-sky radiances, especially in the red portion of the visible spectrum. b) Cumulus clouds Four examples of monochromatic (650nm) whole sky imagery taken under various different cloud conditions are shown in the adjacent figure. d) Cirrus clouds Fig. 4-1. Imagery from EO Camera Il for a variety of sky conditions. Images were digitized from video, piped through image processing, displayed into matrix camera. FIGURE 22 SINGLE WAVELENGTH DISCRIMINATORS: CAVEATS a. Sky & Cloud Radiances Vary over Large Excursions b. Threshold Radiances Require Continual Analytic Updates c. Dark or Shadowed Clouds mimic Background Sky Radiances Although the qualitative brightness contrast is readily apparent in most monochromatic images, obvious difficulties are involved in the development of objective depiction criteria using single wavelength image analysis. As summarized in the list of caveats in the adjacent figure, the cloud and clear-sky radiances vary over broad limits, requiring complex analytic adjustments to the appropriate cloud/clear-sky thresh- old radiance values. Furthermore, dense and/or shadowed cloud radiances are comparable and sometimes become less than the corre- sponding background sky radiances. a. Cloud Imbedded in Cloud Background Yields Redundant Boundaries b. Fails as Scene Approaches Uniform Overcast 09-04- a) Clear sky C) Alto cumulus 1. RADIANCE THRESHOLD TECHNIQUES 2. EDGE GRADIENT TECHNIQUES Barce BLUE-RED SKY RADIANCE RATIO FIGURE 23 Visibility km Equinox 10:00 AM Lat 30 N 40 Experimental results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of color contrast, as derived from multi-spectral imagery, for objective sky- cover analysis. RADIANCE RATIO • Dedicated systems with the dual filter wheel option can easily be configured to acquire, sequentially, narrow-passband blue and red imagery with variable neutral density control. East West 0.07 -80 · Objective cloud depiction algorithms based upon the ratio of the all-sky blue and red radiance fields provide good specification accuracy over a broad range of sky and visibility conditions as illustrated here. The blue/ red spectral radiance ratios are characteristically near 1 for the white or grey cloud elements in contrast with significantly larger values for the background clear sky. -60 -40 -20 0 20 ZENITH ANGLE 40 60 80 BLUE-RED SKY RADIANCE RATIO Visibility km FIGURE 24 Equinox 7:00 AM Lat 30 N RADIANCE RATIO As in any new experimental system, there are operational regions which cause difficulty and require additional system sophistica- tions for adequate performances. For the current configuration of EOI CAM SYSTEM 5, early morning eastern skies as illustrated in the adjacent figure show an aggravating ratio cross-over which must be resolved by the application of supplementary decision algorithms. West 0.0 ton -80 -60 -40 East nonton -20 0 20 40 60 80 ZENITH ANGLE . . . . . . . .. FIGURE 25 Illustrated here is a typical set of cloud depiction imagery. Shown for comparison, are the observed brightness field acquired with the red passband filter, and the red/blue radiance ratio field, which has been false colored for illustrative clarity. The false color key identifies the relationship between the calculated blue/red ratio as derived from the systems multi-spectral imagery, and the display brightness used to activate the monitor. This depiction of a broken Strato Cumulus cloud field clearly illustrates the ability of the machine's cloud discrimation algorithm to mimic the monochromatic depiction which is used as the test bogey. 255 FIGURE 26 DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS A graphic representation of the false color translation key is shown on the left. It should be noted that the cloud detection threshold can be adjusted by the system operator to optimize decisions, or to investigate other near-threshold phenomena. The four regions near the ratio value of 1.0, which are blocked in along the horizontal axis, are typical of those near-threshold regions currently under investigation. CLOUD DISCRIMINATION ILLUSTRATION Broken Strato Cumulus MONOCROMATIC @ 654 nm BLUE/RED SPECTRAL RATIO (THRESHOLD @ .85) SPECTRAL RATIO VALUE .85 1.3 3.0 65 105 DISPLAYED BRIGHTNESS VALUE FALSE COLOR CODE FALSE COLOR CONVERSION CHART (display brightness vs. blue/red ratio) 1.0 3.0 2.0 SPECTRAL RATIO (Derived from calibrated blue and red images.) B & W .61 .73 FIGURE 27 An example of alternative threshold selections applied to broken Strato Cumulus imagery are illustrated in this six element display. Interactive analysis using this variable threshold procedure has been highly productive in technique development. Preliminary results indicate that the cloud analysis based upon the radiance ratio imagery might be extended effectively beyond a simple yes-no representation. For example, studies are underway to explore the correspondence between the measured radiance ratios and the opacity of thin, semi-transparent cloud elements.: Note that the numerical values shown with each image represent display brightness values which must be related to blue/red ratios using the preceeding false color conversion chart. TYPICAL ANALYSIS FOR VARIABLE THRESHOLD EFFECTS CLOUD DISCRIMINATION ILLUSTRATION Thin Cirrus FIGURE 28 Experimental results have clearly demonstrated the effective- ness of color contrast, as derived from multi-spectral imagery, for objective sky cover analysis over a broad range of sky and visibility conditions. This image pair illustrates an application of the blue/red cloud discrimination algorithm to a thin cirrus situation. The basic technique is the same as that used for the broken strato cumulus example shown earlier. MONOCHROMATIC @ 654 nm BLUE/RED SPECTRAL RATIO (THRESHOLD @ .85) SPECTRAL RATIO VALUE .85 1.3 The discrimination of these thin, tenuous cloud types is one of the most demanding tasks faced by observers, and one for which the automatic system is demonstrably well suited. .84 -96 1.07 3.0 65 105 DISPLAYED BRIGHTNESS VALUE 255 FALSE COLOR CODE B&W .61 .73 FIGURE 29 Similar to the preceeding Strato Cumulus set, interactive analy- sis using variable thresholding techniques is applied in this case to the thin cirrus imagery. The sublety of the ratio detection discrimination algorithm is clearly illustrated, evoking an exciting new concept for future research. .84 .96 1.07 TYPICAL ANALYSIS FOR VARIABLE THRESHOLD EFFECTS Sky Cover Determination vs. Spectral Radiance Ratio Threshold FIGURE 30 . An attractive technique for reducing the data acquisition rates thus enabling a higher temporal sample rate is illustrated on the left. In this procedure, rather than digitize and store the entire 512x512 image, the system is instructed to digitize and store only the data contained in 32 preselected rows and 32 preselected columns. This reduced sub-set is then operated upon by the red/blue ratio algorithm and the resultant cloud/no cloud decision for each point along the rows and columns is superimposed over the original image enabling rapid monochromatic visual analysis. Using this technique the existance of the grid overlay indicates pixel below ratio cutoff and thus identifies that pixel as cloud. Note that the higher the cutoff selected the better the cloud discernment of thin and semi-transparent cloud elements becomes. R = 1.0 R = 1.75 R = 450nm (blue) / 650nm (red) Sky Cover Determination vs. Spectral Radiance Ratio Threshold FIGURE 31 Huwa 650nm Rx 1.0 In this multi-image display, the use of the grid overlay technique is illustrated using three separate cut-offs. Note the clearly improved thin cloud discernment as the identification cut-off is increased from 1.0 to 1.75. nh, R 1.50 R* 1.75 Spectral Ratio (R) - 450nm (blue) / 650nm (red) Sky Cover Determination vs. Spectral Radiance Ratio Threshold (R) FIGURE 32 The multi-image display shown here illustrates a comparison between the multi-threshold false color evaluation format and the mono- chromatic screen technique. R = 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 R=1.0 Whereas the false-color imager is a more asthetically satisfying medium for some analysts, the screen overlay technique also has it's advantages. This is particularly true when data storage or processing limitations are being stressed by the operational tasks, or reliable sub- sets are required for quick quality control assessments. R = 1.50 R = 1.75 R = 450nm (blue) / 650nm (red) FIGURE 33 The false color technique is used in this image pair to illustrate broken alto-cumulus sky cover with wind-blown whispy cirrus clouds visible in the intervals between the middle-clouds. The opaque cumulus cloud elements have blue/red ratios less than 1.25. The associated ratios of the upper thin clouds are in the range of 1.25 to 1.75. Sky Cover Determination A clear sky situation with fresh narrow contrail patterns is shown in the imagery to the left. Much of the detail in the contrail is lost in the photographic reproduction; however, these images illustrate that con- trails which are both optically thin and geometrically small are readily identifiable in the ratio imagery. One should note that the threshold cut-offs used for detection must vary depending upon the directional scattering properties and optical depth of the contrail element. Note also the potentially misleading spectral ratio distributions in the solar aureole region. Sky Cover Determination vs. Spectral Radiance Ratio Threshold 650nm 450nm (blue) / 650nm (red) R = 450nm (blue) / 650nm (red) 1.25 1.50 1.75 Spectral Ratio Code vs. Spectral Radiance Ratio Threshold FIGURE 34 650nm 450nm (blue) / 650nm (red) R = 450nm (blue)/650nm (red) 1.25 1.50 1.75 FIGURE 35 Automatic Observing Systom for Wholo Sky and Horizon Imagory . me en internatione m renderemo Oncinar Shuttor Assointly - Fishoye Land 1 Tolaplolo i ens 1911 . From our experience to date, it is clear that a small, relatively automatic system for the determination of cloud cover and related statistical characteristics is now available to the experimental and modelling communities. The adjacent figure illustrates our conception of an automatic system designed to accumulate the imagery required to address not only the specification of local cloud cover, but also the effects of directional contrast transmittance, and related optical phenomena. wer Tavoal Scono . w wers 40 (2007 .. ................ Heated Observation Windows - I lortzon Www . * Fior Assembly - 50/50 Noam Splittor do + y - 150 ann, all. Tukownola.-- didy - 30 nom, olt. I'ishayo * * * ' .. menamenwen Locollorizon Insulatod Woathor-Prool Housing www IR AFW mome www.17 nommen werden Concora vintuvu : -.. w ve ... The application of this prototype system to the task of multi- purpose, local area measurements will begin shortly and should be the - harbinger of a new standard of consistent and reliable weather related observations. Montenentemente come To Control Panol