UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO wa W . ... WWW www.www.www aseWASSA Wewe .. ... www ....... .......... ................ www . . . .... . ... were b . P 3 1822 04429 0807 ATMOSPHERIC OPTICAL SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 211 January 1989 . Offsite (Annex-JO tanals) QC 974.5 T43 no. 211 WHOLE SKY IMAGER MANAGEMENT OF RAW DATABASE . M. E. Karr J. E. Shields 1. ** . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN, DIEGO - . The material contained in this note is to be considered proprietary in nature and is not authorized for distribution without the prior consent of the Marine Physical Laboratory and the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory 6 PER LIFOR . Contract Monitor, Dr. J. W. Snow Atmospheric Sciences Division VW > A . *: . Prepared for Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command United States Air Force, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731 under contract NO. F19628-K-0005. . www........ SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY ......... ... . MARINE PHYSICAL LAB San Diego, CA 92152-6400 .. . . ... . if . ... . . .... ....... . ...... ......................... .. ...... . . ....... sabi . . ... ........... UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO .. www. ... ... ........ . Com ITACIONEM 222222 Wh L ...... wwwwwww22222222222222222222 WERMENUNA WWWWWWWWWWWWWWMO 22-1022222222222222222...... . etece . WwwxWKOWS .. with : . SAW ......... . .. ce . 4 3 1822 04429 0807 TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 211 WHOLE SKY IMAGER MANAGEMENT OF RAW DATA BASE by. Monette E. Karr and Janet E. Shields ABSTRACT This note discusses the current whole sky imager database management procedures applied to raw field data. Before WSI data is processed for cloud/no cloud decisions, the data tapes need to be checked in, reviewed for data quality and registered into the WSI library. The check-in process verifies the arrival of incoming tapes, and monitors our progress in the quality control procedures. The quality control process helps determine whether or not non-standard routines are needed to read or process the data. The tape archival process maintains a record of all WSI tapes received. As the WSI database grows the management procedures may change and this note will be updated. florales B . TABLE OF CONTENTS . ...... i n NO VIIWA 111.................. Abstract ........ 1. Introduction. Naming conventions ........ Tape check-in......... Quality control validations. 4.1 Tape QC Programs .............. 4.2 Quality Checks ... 4.3 Tape QC Processing... Tape archival......... 6. Status reports ................ 7. Local apparent noon image archive ....... 8. Hardcopy archives ..... 9. Computer archives ............. 10. Future Developments ....... 11. Summary ..... 0 00 00 00.00 vau A w wn APPENDIX B. E. F. G. H. I. Sample control log sheet WSI data site contacts Sample diagnostic file Local Apparent Noon Computation Sample Hardware log Sample Software log Running the Tape QC Program Sample catalog file sheet Sample Tape QC Report TABLE INDEX 4-1 Equipment used to read WSI tapes FIGURE INDEX 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 4-1 6-1 6-2 WSI Pre Image Processing Stage Tape Check-In Quality Control Validations Tape Archival WSI Data Acquisition & Archival Schedule WSI Field Station Status Chart WSI Data Tape Status as of 30 Sep 88 wa mig 1. INTRODUCTION This note documents the database management procedures used to handle the incoming raw field data from the whole sky imager. These procedures enable us to find, identify,and document problems with the whole sky imager in addition to keeping a record of all WSI tapes. The database management procedures are separated into 3 steps: they are tape check-in, quality control, and tape archival. The documents used to perform these tasks along with the documents created by these tasks are discussed and included in this note. Figure 1.1 shows the steps involved in these procedures. Reference sheets A, B, and C, shown in Figures 1.2 - 1.4, show the tape check-in, quality control and tape archival processes in more detail. 2. NAMING CONVENTIONS The tape check-in process maintains 1 file, the control log, which is further discussed in Section 3. The control log is kept to note when we received the tape, when the tape was processed through the QC routines and anything unusual about the tape. Control log file names have the form aaaaaaa.log. 'aaaaaaa' is the 7 letter designation for the WSI station. For the 7 WSI stations, the call letters are: WSMRCST = C station (White Sands Missile Range C station) WSMRHSF = HELSTF (White Sands Missile Range HELSTF) KAFBANM = Kirtland (Kirtland Air Force Base Albuquerque New Mexico) CLNWCCA = China Lake (China Lake Naval Weapons Center California) MAFBGFM = Malmstrom (Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls Montana) MALABAR = Malabar TBN = Columbia To be named The quality assurance programs create 2 types of files. The files created are diagnostic files and local apparent noon (LAN) image files. These files are further discussed in Section 4. Diagnostic and LAN file names have the following forms: 'ccc' is the 3 letter station code. For the 7 WSI field sites the codes are: WSC = C station WSH = HELSTF KAA = Kirtland CLA = China Lake MAG = Malmstrom BAR = Malabar TBN = Columbia To be named 'nnn' is the 3 digit id # corresponding to the tape number. For LAN files, '.xxx' is replaced with '.LAN'. For diagnostic files, '.xxx' is replaced with '.DGN'. The letter 'a' is a letter between A-G and indicates a day number (1-7). As an example, the diagnostic file for the third day on a Kirtland tape (whose ID number is 5) would be called KAA005C.DGN. CO The tape archival sequence maintains one file, the catalog file, discussed in Section 5. The catalog file is a reference file used to record all tapes in the WSI library. The naming convention used here is similar to that used in the control log. The same seven digit call letters are used to identify the field station, however '.CAT' is used as the extension. For example the catalog for C station is called WSMRCST.CAT. 3. TAPE CHECK-IN In this process we monitor the arrival of incoming tapes and the results of the QC validations. When a tape arrives the date of arrival is noted on the tape jacket for later reference. If the field station monitor has attached a note to the tape, the WSI engineers are notified if the note discusses any system problems. Updating the control log is part of the check-in process. A sample control log is given in Appendix A. The following information is entered into the control log: 1) The date of tape arrival at MPL 2) The dates of data coverage 3) Tape identification number 4) The date the quality control process was completed 5) Comments regarding anything unusual in the tape e.g. full dark images in the middle of the day. Identification numbers are assigned in chronological order rather than in the order the tapes were received. The date the tape was received and dates of data coverage are noted to quickly discover any missing tapes. If a tape appears to be missing a phone call is made to the WSI field station. The various contacts are listed in Appendix B. If the station has sent the tape and it appears to be lost in the mail, efforts are made to retrieve the tape and an ID number is reserved for the tape. By looking in columns 4 and 5 of the control log a user can determine if a tape needs any special routine to handle the data. The control log is kept on the computer used to process the tape, and a copy of the file is kept in a folder assigned to the field station. The organization and contents of the field station notebook and tape processing computer will be discussed later. 4. QUALITY CONTROL VALIDATIONS 4.1 Tape QC Programs IS After a tape has been received and its arrival noted in the control log, the tape is run through the quality control routines. Currently, two software routines perform the quality control process. These programs written by J. Malo, are called READTPQC and DGN. These programs create two files: the diagnostic file, containing results of a variety of diagnostic checks on the data, and the LAN files, which are image files of the image acquired closest to local apparent noon. A sample diagnostic file is shown in Appendix C. To perform the diagnostic checks the READTPQC routine first unpacks the byte encoded header information which is embedded at the top of each image written to tape. The header consists of the following information: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 3 character field station code Quadrant number in which the image was displayed Latitude and longitude of field station The date the image was taken The time the image was taken The position of the iris The position of the occulter The spectral filter setting The neutral density (ND) setting .. ......... ..... . . . . . 10) Software version number 11) Hardware version number 12) Ten minute image count 13) One minute image count The field station code is extracted from the header and used to name the diagnostic and LAN files. 4.2 Quality Checks The first check for proper system operation is the filter check. The quadrant number and spectral filter setting are read to confirm proper spectral filter operation. In quadrant 1 the spectral filter setting should be 0. In quadrant 2 the spectral filter setting should read 1. In quadrant 3, spectral filter 2 is used and in quadrant 4, spectral filter 3 is used. If there is a mismatch in any of these combinations, a spectral filter error is flagged in the diagnostic file. When either the spectral filter or neutral density filter times out in going into the scheduled filter position, an error code '999' is written to the headers rather than the correct filter position. When this happens the QC program writes an error flag to the diagnostic file. The latitude and longitude values are used to compute local apparent noon (LAN). The definition of local apparent noon is given in tech memo AV87-037t, contained in Appendix D. The LAN image is saved and then checked for correct sensor orientation and occulter position. The occulter position is checked every hour to see that it has moved 15 degrees per hour and is therefore accurately tracking the sun. The neutral density setting along with the aperture setting are read to assure that the flux control algorithms are working as they should. If the neutral density setting is greater than 1 (on a 1-4 scale), then the aperture setting should be less than or equal to 20 (on a 0-160 scale) which is about equivalent to f-stop 16. The QC program also performs a check to make certain that the images in all 4 quadrants are always on scale. If the signal in quadrants 1 or 2 is less than or equal to 15 (on a 0-255 scale) then an error is flagged in the diagnostic file. If the signal in quadrant 3 or 4 is greater than or equal to 240, an error flag is written to the diagnostic file. This check serves the double purpose of checking the flux control algorithm and checking for proper camera on-scale bright response. To check for proper camera dark response, several tests are made. A 3 x 3 block of pixels in each of the lower left, lower right and upper right corners of the image is averaged. If value in any of the corners is greater than 15 (0-255 scale) an error flag is written to the diagnostic file. If the average pixel value in the left corner differs from the average value in the lower right corner by more than 10, an error marker is written to the diagnostic file. If the difference in average pixel values in the lower right and upper right corners is more than 10, another error flag is written. Data temporal continuity is determined using the time read from the header. If a minute or more is missing, the time that should have been read is written to the diagnostic file as well as the actual time read. When data is missing, it could be an indication that certain components in the WSI may be malfunctioning, so the missing minutes are noted in the diagnostic file. The ten minute image counts and one minute image counts are also used to keep track of the data and insure that the data stream is uninterrupted. In the WSI field program, the ten minute image count is incremented every time a ten minute image is written to the Exabyte tape unit. The one minute image count is incremented every time a one minute image is written to the Exabyte, with the exception of the one minute screen set that is saved from each 10 minute image. Since this one minute data set is extracted from a ten minute image set it is not used in the one minute count. So we know that there should be 6 ten minutes images written per hour and 54 one minute images per hour. Any deviations from these counts are noted in the diagnostic file. The normal timing sequence is shown in Figure 4-1. Hardware and software version numbers are extracted and written to the diagnostic file. These numbers along with a separate hardware and software log help maintain version control and tell us what system components and software components we have in the field and when these components were installed. A sample of the hardware and software logs are given in appendices E and F. 4.3 Tape QC Processing For a full 7 day tape (12 hours per day), the QC run takes just under 5 hours. More details on how to start a tape QC run are given in memo AV88-058t, included in Appendix G. A summary of the hardware and software required to process the data are given in Table 4-1. Once the tape is run through READTPQC, the output diagnostic file is processed with the program DGN. This program reads the diagnostic file and separates it into one diagnostic file for each day on the tape. The DGN program also totals the error flags encountered in each day's diagnostic file for quick reference. The errors summarized are: 1) Spectral filter setting errors 2) Occulter position errors 3) Camera dark signal errors 4) Onscale image signal errors 5) Missing minute errors The last step in the quality control procedure is to review the diagnostic files for any errors. If any of the above errors occur, or if any other peculiarities occur during the READTPQC run, the appropriate WSI engineer(s) should be notified so that they may review either or both of the diagnostic files or WSI tape. 5. TAPE ARCHIVAL The tape archival procedure consists of 3 steps: 1) Apply final identification label to WSI tape 2) Perform tape backup 3) Update catalog file Once the ID numbers and dates of data coverage have been established in the QC run, an identification sticker with this information is applied to the tape. At this time we are not performing tape back ups, however we will soon implement the ability to copy a tape from one Exabyte tape cartridge system to another. FIG 1 - 1 WSI MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES FOR RAW DATABASE TAPE CHECK IN TAPE ARCHIVAL QUALITY CONTROL VALIDATIONS FIG. 1-3 FIG. 1-2 FIG. 1-4 FIG 1 - 2 TAPE CHECK IN RECEIVE TAPE FROM FIELD STATION NOTE TAPE ARRIVAL IN APPROPRIATE FIELD STATION CONTROL LOG YES IS A PROBLEM REPORT ATTACHED TO THE TAPE? NOTIFY WSI ENGINEER NO YES DOES A TAPE APPEAR TO BE MISSING? CALL FIELD STATION NO COMPLETE CONTROL LOG ENTRY WHEN QC IS FINISHED END END FIG 1-3 QUALITY CONTROL VALIDATIONS CREATE DIAGNOSTIC FILE READ IMAGE HEADERS READ MOGE HEADERS PERFORM DIAGNOSTICS " YES ANY ERRORS? WRITE ERRORS TO DIAGNOSTIC FILE ....... ...... NO YES IS IT LOCAL APPARENT NOON? 73 - Save SAVE LAN IMAGE NO NO END OF DATA? YES REVIEW DIAGNOSTIC FILE YES ANY ERRORS? NOTIFY WSI ENGINEERS ............................. ............................. NO END FIG 1 - 4 TAPE ARCHIVAL CREATE AND APPLY FINAL TAPE IDENTIFICATION STICKERS PERFORM TAPE BACK UP UPDATE CATALOG REFERENCE FILE END Updating the catalog file is part of the archival process. A sample catalog file is given in Appendix H. The catalog file is a reference file used to keep a record of what tapes are in the WSI library. This file contains the following information: 1) Tape id number 2) Data start time 3) Data end time 4) Date 5) Software version number 6) Hardware version number 7) Diagnostic file name This is the file one should use to locate a tape of interest. 6. STATUS REPORTS Every two weeks the field station status chart is updated. This chart, shown in Figure 6-1, indicates when all of the systems were installed and when the field team was at a particular station for system updates or maintenance. This chart also shows the general quality of the data and when any of the systems were down. 10. Every month a QC and a tape check-in report are written. The QC report summarizes the quality of the data and reports anything unique about images contained on the tapes. The control log and catalog files are included with the report. A sample Tape QC report is given in Appendix I. The tape check-in report shows how many days each system was in the field along with the number of days received here at MPL, the number of days QC'd, the number of days we have back logged and the number of days the system was down. A sample Tape QC table is shown in Figure 6-2. 7. LOCAL APPARENT NOON IMAGE ARCHIVE The LAN image files are currently archived on 9 track tape. It is planned to start saving these images using the Exabyte tape cartridge system. The latest LAN files are kept on the tape processing computer in the appropriate directory. 8. HARDCOPY ARCHIVES The control log, catalog and diagnostic files are all kept in a binder assigned to the field station. The status reports are kept in a status report folder. The field station chart is located on the wall next to the tape processing computers. ....... ...... 9. COMPUTER ARCHIVES All programs used in the tape QC process are located in the directory D:/TAPEQC. Each WSI station has its own subdirectory under D:/TAPEQC, they are: 1) D:XTAPEQC/WSC 2) D:/TAPEQC/WSH 3) D:XTAPEQC/KAA 4) D:/TAPEQC/CLA 5) D:/TAPEQC/MAG 6) D:XTAPEQC/BAR 7) D:/TAPEQC/TBN for C station for HELSTF for Kirtland for China Lake for Malmstrom Malabar Columbia to be named These directories contain the control log, catalog, diagnostic files, LAN image files and status reports for each station. See the attached for a sample of each of the above files. 10. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS This is not a final note of how we manage the WSI database. As our database grows and we gain more experience, the way we maintain our database will change. Ideally as tapes come in they are run through the QC process in the evening and the results are passed on to the WSI engineers in the morning. The control log and catalog are then manually updated. In the future the catalog files may be updated automatically during the diagnostic summary run (using the software program DGN). This would insure that the catalog would always be up to date and eliminate the possibility of typing errors. More columns may be added to the catalog file to reflect different status conditions. For example, when a tape has been processed to the cloud/no cloud decision level, an additional entry may be made in the catalog to reflect this fact. An option in the DGN program may be added to allow the option of plotting any of the diagnostic parameters versus time. For example the ability to plot the camera dark signal versus time would quickly show us any anomalies in the WSI camera operation. We may also add specific diagnostics such as histograms of sample images. As these and more changes are made, this technical note will be updated. 11. SUMMARY The database management of incoming whole sky imager data tapes (raw field data) normally consists of three steps. Tape check-in, a manual procedure, includes tape identification and entry into the control log. The second and most time-consuming task, is quality control. This is accomplished primarily with a tape QC program, and yields diagnostic files and sample images. The final step, tape archival, includes physical identification and storing of tapes, as well as updating an additional catalog file. This procedure has been reasonably effective in allowing us to monitor the incoming tapes and the data quality. SES Table 4-1 EQUIPMENT USED TO READ WSI TAPES HARDWARE 1) Texas MicroSystems Inc computer, Model 2001A (IBM PC-AT compatible) 2) Exabyte 8mm cartridge tape system, Model 8200B 3) ASC-88 SCSI host 4) Imaging Technology Inc. image processing board, Model FG100-1024-AT SOFTWARE The routines that drive the SCSI host, Exabyte and FG100 board are written in assembly language. J. Fox wrote the assembly language routines that talk to the SCSI host and Exabyte. The routines which set up the FG100 board were also written by J. Fox. The programs that direct these routines are written in FORTRAN. The routines used to read WSI tapes are READTPQC and DGN. Figure 4-1 WSI DATA ACQUISITION & ARCHIVAL SCHEDULE - TYPICAL HOURLY DATA SET 1 . 10 : 30 MINUTES 40 . 50 ARCHIVAL KEYS: Assume 12 hr day (LAN + 6 hrs) B Once each 10 min : 2 red + 2 blue Images @ 512 x 512 :: 288 images/day @ 262k ea = 75.5 MB/day © Once each 1 min : 2 red + 2 blue Images @ 512 x 66 :: 2880 images/day @ 33.8k ea = 97.3 MB/day DAILY TOTAL: 3168 images/day 172.8 MB/day (264 images/hr) (14.4 MBhr) LAS Figure 6-1 WSI FIELD STATION STATUS CHART JAN FEB MAR AMC wx of %%%%%%%%%%%%% C-STA APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% 12 APA 3 JUN 21 JUN INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE DATA QUALITY DOWN HELSTF INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE DATA QUALITY APA 25 APR JUN 28 JUN DOWN KIRTLAND INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE DATA QUALITY 17 MAY 20 JUL 1 AUG DOWN CHINA LAKE INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE DATA QUALITY 22 JUN DOWN MALMSTROM INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE DATA QUALITY 29 AUG DOWN COLUMBIA INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE DATA QUALITY DOWN MALABAR INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE DATA QUALITY DOWN TOTAL GOOD DATA = SPECIAL HANDLING REQUIRED = SYSTEM DOWN REMARKABLE PRODUCTS INC 187 = INSTALLATION/MAINTENANCE DEFINITIONS Installation/Maintenance - The entries here show when the WSI was installed and when the field team was at the WSI site for maintenance or upgrades. Data Quality - The description of data quality has been divided into 2 categories. Good data means that no special handling routines are necessary to read or process the data tape. The label special handling required indicates that there may be some glitches or read errors on the tape itself and a different software routine would need to be used to read this tape. The special handling label could also mean that a non-standard algorithm should be used for processing the image for cloud/no cloud data. The control log should be consulted for details concerning tape peculiarities. System down - This column shows the periods where we have no WSI data because the WSI system was down or the field station monitors were not in to replace data tapes due to a holiday or weekend. Also included in the system down category are tapes that are deemed missing. Figure 6-2 WSI DATA TAPE STATUS AS OF 30 SEP 88 C - STA 30 MAR 88 HELSTF KIRTLAND CHINA LAKE MALMSTROM COLUMBIA MALABAR 29 MAR 88 | 17 MAY 88 23 JUN 88 29 AUG 88 TOTAL DAYS IN FIELD 185 186 137 100 32 BI TOTAL DAYS OF DATA 79 117 106 63 C | FULL DATA DAYS (12 HR) 51 78 80 44 DI PARTIAL DATA DAYS 28 26 19 4 E DAYS DOWN - NO DATA 48 15 FL 46 1 BACKLOG - NOT PROCESSED | LATEST DATE RECEIVED 18 SEP | 2 SEPT | 15 SEPT 18 SEP | 9 SEPT 22 SEPT H | DAYS NOT REC'D AS OF 12 l 28 15 21 8 A = B + E + F + H . --.-.-., vol . Los ... e roe. ....... ... * Appendix "A Sample Control Log Sheet . 1 . Station Ne: China Lake Last update Monday, Octob1988 . . ..... ..... ... ........... ..... .... .............. ... .. .. .... ..... Only 10 mins. wOT Of data on the tape... .. Only 5 hrs of data on this tape. Power Failure. Not received yet. 19 + + + There was a power SUMCE on Jul/88. GEN ESIS EBAS None. . Short Tipe. Short Cape. 5/Aug/60 Q/400/88 Short Tape. - t . Short Tape. 12 Aug/13 Aug CL4012. 1 - 2 Short Tape. 25/Aug/86 14 Aug/18 Aug CL4015.- Short Pape. . Short Tape. 29/Aug/80 24 Aug No contrast in Cloud Images, failed. . 1 11/Sep/88 14/Sep/83 Appendix B WSI DATA SITE CONTACTS 1. C STATION Name: Mailing address: Dennis Eschrich SLCAS-AT-WS White Sands Forecast Station WSMR, NM 88002 (505) 678-3818, AutoVon 258-2605 Phone number: 2. HELSTF . Name: Mailing address: Hollis C. Zabriskie (Butch) SLCAS AT-H HELSTF Site WSMR, NM 88002-5501 (505) 679-5107, Auto Von 349-5107 Phone number: 3. KIRTLAND AFB Name: Mailing address: Lt. Josh Nall AFWLWE Kirtland AFB Bldg #434, Room 102 Albuquerque, NM 87117-6008 (505) 844-0451, AutoVon 244-0451 Albe #434, Room Phone number. 4. CHINA LAKE Name: Mailing address: CPO Jeff Dille CPOIC NOCD Code 92 China Lake, CA 93555-6001 (619) 939-5470, AutoVon 437-5470 Phone number: 5. MALMSTROM Name: Mailing address: Mstr. Sgt. Martin Torres DET 5, 9WS Bldg 360 Malmstrom AFB, Montana 59402-5000 (406) 731-3154, Auto Von 632-3154 Phone: 6. MALABAR Name: Mailing address: Phone: At Tracking Station: Mr. George Nemetz AFSTC/OS (407) 723-3100, (407) 494-2862, AutoVon 854-2862 Name: Mailing address: #1 Dr. Greg Taylor #2 Mr. Bud Parks ENSCO, Inc. 445 Pineda Court Melbourne, FLA 32940 Office: (407) 254-4122 FAX: (407) 254-3293 Phone: 7. COLUMBIA Name: Mailing address: Mr. Bart Hagemeir NWS Weather Facility Columbia Regional Airport Route 1 Columbia, MO 65201 (314) 443-1214 Phone: Appendix c Sample Diagnostic (or .DGN) file WSC049€, dan DATE=25.JUL 36 TIME=15; 20:00 MLAN=16:10 LAN=19:10 PILAN=22:10 mai 1 15:20:00 Ten Minute Image count= 259 One Minute Image Count= 2125 13:20:00 Dark Signal Top Right: Dark Signal Left Bottom: 00 Dark Signal Right Bottom: 06 Horizontal Difference: Vertical Difference: 13:20:00 UD #1 Image Signal: 129.22 15:20:00 OD #2 110e Signal; 135.22 13:20:00 OD #3 Image Sional: 1.5: 20:00 OD #44 Iinage Signal: 50.59 Quad Time Is Occultor ND SP #1 13:20:00 020 + #3 15:20:04 020 #4. 13: 20:06 020 15: 50:00 Ten Minute Image Count: 240 One Minute Image count= 21.34 Ten Minute Image counts 241 One minute image count= 2143 13:50:00 Ten Minute Image count= 242 One Minute Image Cout 14:00:00 Ter Minute Inace count One Minute Image count= 2161 14:10:00 Ten Minute Image count= 244 One Minute Image count: 2170 . . : jani na njeni 25 . . 14:20:05 Ten Minute Image Count: 245 One Minute Image count= 2179 14:20:05 Dark Sional Top Right: 1.36 Dark Signal Left Bottom: Darki Signal Right Bottom: Horizontal Difference: .25 Vertical Difference: 1.11 17:20:05 OD #1 Inage Signal: 179.94 14:20:03 OD #2 Image Signal: 155.61 14:20:03 QD #3 Image Siqnal: 60.31 14:20:03 QD #4 Image Signal: 60.31 Quad Time Iris Occultor ND SP 1 14:20:03 020 016 0 0 1. foto puto had #3 14:20:06 020 016 #4 14:20:08 020 14:30:00 Ten Minute Image count= 246 One Minute Image count= 2188 14:40:00 Ten Minute Image Count 247 06 Minute Image count= 2197 14:50:00 Ten Minute Image count: 748 One Minute image count= 2206 15:00:00 Ten Minute Image Count= 249 One Minute Image count= 2215 Ten Minute Image count 250 One Minute Image Count= 2224 ......... ---o... .. ' N C-2 comi. DI 33 ... 2 . . Day: Sia al 09ft BotCOM : Dark Siqnal Right Bottom: Horizontal Difference: 14 Vertical Difference: 2.47 15:20:03 OD # Image Signal: 192.64 15:20:03 OD #2 Image Signal: 161.47 15:20:0.5 QD #3 Image Signal: 67.31 15:20:0S OD #4 Image Signal: 63.22 Quad Time Iris Occultor ND SP 1 15:20:03 020 #2 15:20:04 020 031 0 1 #3 15:20:06 020 #4 15:20:08 020 031 0 3 15:30:00 Ten Minute lace count= 252 One Minute Image Count Z742 15:40:00 Ten Minute Lage count= 253 One Minute Image cout= 7251 15:50:00 Ten Minute Image count 254 One minte Image Count= 2260 16:00:00 Ten Minute Image Count: 255 One Minute mage count= 2265 16:10:00 Ten Minute Image count= 256 One Minute Image Count: 2278 . . . 1 . Ci ló: 10:00 Dart Signal Top Right: 5.78 Dark Signal Left Bottom: Dark Signal Right Bottom: 1 1 4 4 0 0 hool شمیم hori jotenie Horizontal Diference Vertical Difference: 3.39 16:10:00 CD #1 Im 16:10:00 OD #2 Image Signal: 93.39 16:10:00 OD #3 Image Signal: 38.25 16:10:00 OD #4 Image Signal: 35.36 Quad ( !." į5 OCCulto ND SP #1 16:10:00 000 #2 16:10:02 000 044 0 1 #3 16:10:03 000 0.14 144. 16:10:05 000 044 0 3 . . ----... --. ... ..... .... 16:20:03 Ter Minute Image count= 257 One Minute image count= 2287 16:20:03 Dark Signal Top Right: 5.61 Darki Signal Left Bottom: -11 Dark Signal Right Bottom: 50 Horizontal Difference: 39 Vertical Difference: 3,11 1 w ww ..... wwwwwww ........ TO . 16:Z0:03 00 2 Image Si903..: 16:20:03 OD #3 Image Signal : 16:20:03 QD #4 Image Sional: 36.1 1 Quad Tie Irje Occultor ND SP #1 16: 20:03 #2 16:20:04 000 046 0.1 #3 16:20:06 000 #4 16:20:08 000 16:30:00 Ten Minute Image count= 258 One Minute (mene Count 2296 16: 40:00 Ten Minute Image count Une Minute Image count= 2305 16:50:00 Ten Minute Image count= 260 One Minute Image count= 2514 Ten Minute Inace count:= One Minute Image count= 2325 17:10:00 Ten Minute Image count= 262 One Minute image count= 2332 .......... -- -- -- --.-..-------- 17:20:03 Ten Minute Image count= 263 One Miriuta lnage count= 2341 17:20:03 Dark Signal Top Right: 5.89 Dark Siqnal Left Bottom: 64 Dark Sional Right Bottom: Horizontal Di Terence: Vertical Difference: 4.55 17:20:05 OD #1 Image Signal: 120.11 17:20:03 OD #Z Image Siqnal: 102.22 17:20:03 OD #3 Image Siqnal: 41.28 17:20:03 OD #4 Image Signal: 40.61 Quad Time Iris Occulto" ND SP #1 17:20:05 000 #2 17:20:04 000 #3 17:20:06 000 #4 17:20:06 000 061 0 3 17: 30:00 Ten minute Image count= 264 One Minute Iage count= 2350 17:40:00 Ten Minute Image count= 265 One Minute Image count= 2359 17:50:00 Ten Minute Image count: 266 One Minute Image count= 2368 18:00:00 Ten Minute Image count= One Minute Image Count: 2377 18:10:00 Ten Minute Image count= 268 One Minute Image Count 2.386 el. mi por nomen i hi ܘܚܽܘܚܶܗ ܃ SOS DOLI 1 . . 1 prie ko. jeni. home 18:20:03 Ten Minute lage count= 269 One Minute Image Count= 2395 18:20:03 Dark Signal Top Right: 5.97 Darki Signal Left Bottom: Dark Siqnal Right Bottom: 1.39 Horizontal Difference: Vertical Difference: 4.58 18:20:03 QD #1 Image Sional: 122.00 18:20:03 QD #2 Image Siqnal: 105.97 18:20:03 OD #3 Image Signal: 41.92 18:20:05 OD #4 Image Signal: 41.83 Quad Time Iris Occultor ND SP #1 18:20:03 000 #2 18:20:04 000 #3 18:20:06 000 #4 18:20:08 000 18:30:00 Ten Minute Image count= 270 One Minute Image count= 2404 min i jende 1 18:50:00 wwwwww ng 1 ng 19:00:00 Ten Minute Image Count: 272 One Minute Image Count: 2422 Ten Minute image count= 273 One Minute Image count= 24.31 Ten Minute Image count= 274 One Minute Image count= - -imit me 440 ng 19:10:00 + 1 X - wwwportowani ut 19:10:00 Dark Signai Top Right: 11 13 7 10 7 8 6.83 to Dark Signal Left Bottom: 1.08 Dark Signal Right Bottom: 1.81 * coming de este perto 1 نسل تسمية juni مستم نسين female formato Horizontal Difference: Vertical Difference: 5.03 19:10:00 OD #1 (age Signal: 124.11 19:10:00 QD #2 Image Signal: 107.92 19:10:00 OD #3 Image Signal: 33,44 19:10:00 OD #4 Image Signal: 43.17 Inforination For LAN Quad Time Iris Occultor ND SP #1 19:10:00 000 089 0 0 #2 19:10:02 000 #3 19:10:03 000 089 0 2 #4 19:10:05 000 ... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- --.-.--.-• -.------- --- 19:20:03 Ten Minute Image count= 275 One Minute Inage count= 2449 19:20:03 Dark Siqnal Top Right: 6.67 Darki Signal Left Bottom: 1.22 Darki Signal Right Bottom: 1.75 Horizontal Difference: 53 Vertical Difference: 4.92 19:20:03 QD #1 Image Siqnal: 125.4.4 19:20:03 OD #7 Image Siqnal: 109,33 19:20:03 OD #3 linage Signal: 44.75 19:20:05 OD #4 Image Signal: 44.03 Quad line Iris Occultor ND SA #1 19:20:03 #2 19:20:04 000 3 19:20:06 000 #4 19:20:00 000 19:30:00 Ten Minute Image count= 276 One Minute Image count= 2458 19:40:00 Ten Minute Image count= 277 One Minute linage count 2467 19:50:00 Ten Minute Image count= 278 One Minute Image count= 2476 Ten Minute Image count= 279 One Minute Image count= 2485 mmoj general 1 One Minute Lace Count= 2194 C-5 ............. ..... ... ... ..... . prendo 20:20:05 Ten Minute Image count= 28) One Minute Image Count= 2503 20:20:05 Dark Signal Top Right: 6.92 Darli Dal Left Bottom: Dari Sional Rio BOTTOM Horizontal Difference: 58 Vertical Difference: 5.1 ZO: 20:03 QD #1 Im 20:20: OK OD # 20:20:03 OD #3 mage Signal: 46.11 20:20:03 QD #4 Image Signal: 45.44. Quad Time Tris Occultor ND SP #1 20:20:05 000 bowie -- - foori . N #3 20:20:06 000 #4 20:20:08 000 20:30:00 Ten Minute image count= 282 One Minute (m20e Count 2512 Ten Minute image counts 285 One Minute image count= 2521 Ten Minute Image COUD6* 284 One Minute lage count= 2530 21:00:00 Ten Minute (name Count= 285 One Minute Image Count= 2537 + 1. One Minuts image Count- 2548 samo s .. ....... ... ... ...- --- ....... ... 1. n mi. ... *: 1 koord 21:20:05 Ten Minute Image count= 287 One Minute (maqe count= 2557 21:20:03 Dark Signal Top Right: 8.08 D=7k Siqnal Left Bot č017: 1.64 Dark Siqnal Hight Bottom: 2.39 Horizontal Difference: 75 Vertical Difference: 5.69 21:20:03 OD #1 Image Signal: 137.53 21:20:03 OD #2 Image Sigral: 115.25 21:20:03 OD #3 Image Signal: 48.78 21:20:03 OD #4 Image Signal: 46.81 Quad Tie Iris Occultor" ND SP #1 21:20:03 000 121 0 0 #2 21:20:04 000 121 0 1 #3 21:20:06 000 #4 21:20:08 000 21:30:00 Ten Minute Image count= 288 One Minute image count= 2566 21:40:00 Ten Minute lnage count= 289 One Minuto (age count= 2575 21:50:00 Ten Minute image count= 290 One Minuto (age Count 2584 Ten minute Image Count = 291 One Minute Image Count: 2593 22:10:00 Ten Minute image count= 292 One Minute lage count= 2602 fani LO C 1 X 22: 10:00 Dark Sianei 100 Right: il 16 11 10 10 9 8.56 3 5 13 13 7 7 7 4 10 10 10 1 1 Dark Si021 let B to Bottom: www C-6 w wwwwwwwwwwww. SVAKO ... WAKA Dark Signa] Right Bottom: 3.19 SS AR 1 5 5 4 11 0 11 2 0 8 2 N fi of 100 lomie one jumang gang for Horizontal Differences Vertical Difference: 5.56 22:10:00 QD #1 Image Signal: 137.06 22:10:00 OD #2 Image Signal: 113.17 22:10:00 QD #3 Image Siqnal: 49.19 22:10:00 OD #4 Image Signal: 46.47 Quad Time Iris Occultor ND SP 1 22:10:00 000 #2 22:10:02 000 #3 22:10:03 000 134 #4. 22:10:05 000 ------------- -... -- -- * •*. ... ... ... .. . -- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- 22:20:03 Ten Minute Image count= 293 One Minute Image count= 2611. 22:20:03 Dark Signal Top Right: 8.36 Dark Siqnal Left Bottom: 1.86 Dark Siqnal Right Bottom: 2.81 Horizontal Difference: 94. Vertical Difference: 22:20:03 OD #1 Image Signal: 139.17 22:20:03 OD #2 Image Siqnal: 115.69 22:20:05 QD #3 Image Siqnal: 49.81 22:20:03 QD #4 Image Signal: 48.00 Quad Time Iris Occuitor NO SP #1 22:20:03 000 136 0 0 #2 22:20:04 000 136 0 1 #3 22:20:06 000 156 0 2 #4 22:20:06 000 22:30:00 Ten Minute Image count= 294 One Minute Image count= 2620 Ten Minute Image count= 295 One Minute Image Count = 2629 Ten Minute Image Count: 296 One Minute Image Count= 26.56 23:00:00 Ten Minute Image count= 297 One Minute I:1130e count= 2647 23:10:00 Ten Minute Image count= 298 One Minute Image count= 2656 juni. juni tai n . X . 11 40 23:20:03 Ten Minute Image count= 299 One Minute Image count 2665 23:20:03 Darki Signal Top Right: 8.00 Darki Signal Left Bottom: 1.50 Darki Siqnal Right Bottom: 2.72 Horizontal Difference: 1.22 Vertical Difference: 5.28 23:20:03 OD #1 Image Signal: 131.75 23:20:05 00 #2 Image Signal: 200.89 23:20:03 OD #3 Image Signal: 47.67 23:20:03 OD #4 Image Signal: 86.31 Quad Time Iris Occultor ND SP #1 23:20:03 000 151 0 0 #2 23:20:04 000 151 0 1 *3 73: 20:06 000 151 1 fundo todo + C-7 23:30:00 en Minute Image counts S00 One Minute Image count= 2674, 25:40:00 Ten Minute Image count= 301 One Minute Image count= Ten Minute Image Count 302 One Minute Image count= 2692 00:00:00 Ten Minute image count= 303 One Minute Image Count 2701 00:10:00 Ten Minute Image count= 304 One Minute Image count= 2710 11 . . . . t 7 00:20:05 Ten Minute Image count= 105 One Minute Image Count= 2719 00:20:03 Dark Signal Top Right: 7.58 Dark Signal Left Bottom: 1.14 Dar! Signa] Richt Bottom: 2.39 podle engin an Vertica) Diference: 5.19 00:20:03 OD #1 inage Signal: 100.11 00:20:03 OD #2 Image Siqnal: 197.03 00:20:03 OD #5 Image Gianel: 00:20:05 QD #4 Image Signal: :: .:: Quad Time (1"Occulk of ND SP #1 00:20:03 020 #2 00:20:04 020 #3 00:20:00 020 #. 00:20:08 020 00:30:00 Ten Minute Inne Count= One Minute Image count= 2728 00:40:00 Ten Minute Image count= 307 One Minute Tinage count Ten Minute Image Count- One Minute Image count= 2746 01:00:00 Ten Minute Image count= 309 One Minute Image count= 2755 01:10:00 Ten Minute Image count= 310 One Minute Image Count: 2764 01:19:00 Ten Minute Image count= 310 One Minute Image count= 2773 END TIME=01:19:00 * * E * the Spectral Errors Occultor Errors Signal Erfors Minute Errors = 0 funcil and . " * * MARINE PHYSICAL LABORATORY, P-001 of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography San Diego, California 92152 Appendix D Local Apparent Noon Computation AV 87-0370 October 15, 1987 MPL File: 87.336 TECHNICAL MEMO To: R.W. Johnson and W.S. Hering From: J.E. Shields Subject: Motion of Occultor Arm This memo discusses the required motion of the occultor arm. Two options are given: a fixed 12 hour data period and a variable data period. The theory is given in the appendix. For now Dick has decided to go with fixed 12 hour days, because the occultor arm cannot currently cover the angles needed for longer days. 1. For a fixed 12 hour data period, we want to center these 12 hours around local apparent noon. To do this, we would start at time t, with the occultor at oº relative to the occultor axis, and rotate the occultor 15°/hr for 12 hours. (We need to check the accuracy of the occultor transducer in order to have this work.) Here time t is close to 6 am, with a correction for longitude and the date-dependent equation of time. The time may be calculated as follows. t = 6 hrs - ASL 2 (Amin) - E +1 hr if daylight savings (1) In this equation, ASL is the zone meridian minus station meridian, where zone meridian is 105° for mountain time, 120° for pacific. E is the equation of time in minutes, given by E = -106 sin L +596 sin 2L - 429 cos L / 60 (2) where L =279° +.985 d and d =interval in days since 1 Jan 1988 (negative in 1987). In summary, we start at a fixed position, but a variable time given by the above equations. Table 1 shows sample start times (from the 73 almanac). UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-(Letterhead for Interdepartmental use) D2 AV 87-0377 Page - 2 MPL File: 87.336 's .II. Variable Data Period . ll. If we eventually go with a variable day, Wayne suggests we keep even hour increments on day length. Again we would center the period on local apparent noon. To do this, we would have to start at time t, at position p, and continue for h hours, where t, p, and h are given by t = 6 hrs - ASL 2 (4 min) - E (+1 hr) - hr © p =- 90° N15° E . h = 12 + N Û where N is the data acquistion period (in hours) minus 12. The value of N would be stored in tabular form as a function of date. We would need to calculate the values for each latitude. A sample of computed N vs date values are given for 35°N latitude, for the first part of the year, in Table 2. If we decide to go this way I can generate the needed numbers. Janet Janet Shields cc: CLD Group D3 AV 87-0377 Page - 3 MPL File: 87.336 Appendix: Theory The required motion of the occultor arm is reasonably simple, because we are using an equatorial mount. Attached you will find an extract from Brown, which describes the daily apparent path of the sun. Essentially the plane of this diurnal path is tilted according to latitude, and the plane moves north and south according to season. Our assembly allows for the tilt of the diurnal plane by tilting the axis of rotation of the occultor arm. The seasonal variation, characterized by the solar declination, is allowed for by using different length arms. Because our axis of rotation is in fact the polar axis of rotation for the earth, the apparant motion of the sun wrt (with respect to the axis is uniform, moving 180° in 12 hours, or 15° per hour. (Thus, we need to move the occultor arm 15° per hour.) This is all a bit hard to visualize without the occultor, but perhaps a bit of description can help explain why the 15° /hr works. Note that when the 0° latitude setting and 09 declination arm are used, and the occultor is moved 180° in 12 hours, it will start at 0° elevation go directly overhead, and end at 0°. When the latitude is changed and the same arm is used, the path will start and end at 0° elevation, but the occultor will not go directly overhead because the plane is tilted. When a longer arm is used, for summer and positive declination, the occultor starts and ends automatically above the horizon if it is rotated a full 180° about the polar axis. ! Given the 1 r rotation wrt the polar axis, the next question is when or where to start the occultor. The earth's path of revolution about the sun is not quite circular. As a result the position of the sun at a given time such as noon varies during the year. This may be characterized as a variation in the time of solar noon. The time of maximum sun elevation is defined as local apparent noon; this time varies from standard noon by +15 minutes during the year. This difference is given by the equation of time, shown in the attached plot. An extract from Brown on equation of time, shown in the attached plot. An extract from Brown on equation of time and the conversation of clock time to local apparent time is included. To calculate local apparent time, first take standard time (ST), add 4 minutes per degree that a place is east of its zone meridian (or -4 ASL for ASL west of meridian), add the equation of time (E) and substract an hour if it's daylight savings. ST + 4 ASL + E (-1) Thus, to have a period of 12 hours centered around local apparent noon, we need to start 6 hours before local apparent noon, thus we need to compute the standard time corresponding to 6 am local sun time, as done in Equation 3. I took the formula for equation of time from the 1988 Astronomical Almanac. ence is attached. We only need about 1 minute accuracy (actually 4 minutes is ok), so I eliminated terms in the equation with maximum values less than 20 seconds. Similarly, reducing the terms 278.895 to 279 and .9856478 to .985 introduce D4 Page - 4 MPL File: 87-336 only a second or so of error, and using integer rather than fractional days introduces about 5 seconds error. (Wayne, I'd appreciate your checking this). Thus the terms shown in the reference are reduced to those given in Equation 2-3. Finally, to allow for longer days, as in the variable length day option, if we use even hour increments, we figure out the date at which the day length exceeds say 13 hours (from the nautical almanac or some other source). After that date then, we would start a half hour earlier than the normally, computed time, with the occultor rotated 742° lower, and go for 13 hours. This is what equations 3 through 5 should do for us. I assume you will alert me to any oversights. D5 AV Oi-ojis Page - 5 MPL File: 87-336 Table 1 Start Time E Start Time Long = 105 100 110 Date 1/1 1/16 2/1 2/16 3/1 3/16 4/1 4/16 6:23 6:30 6:34 6:34 6:03 6:10 6:14 6:14 6:13 6:09 6:04 6:00 5:57 5:56 5:58 6:00 5:43 5:50 5:54 5:54 5:53 5:49 5:44 5:40 5:37 5:36 5:38 5:46 6:33 6:29 6:24 6:20 5/1 6:17 5/16 6/1 6/16 6:16 6:18 6:20 DO Page - 6 MPL File: 87.336 Table 2 Variable Day Parameter Length of Day (hrs) Date Range 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 Jan 1-Jan 11 Jan 11-Feb 18 Feb 18-Mar 18 Mar 18-Apr 14 Apr 14-May 14 ... Om Now D7 Attachment 1 TIME Several kiods of time conventions are used is be world coday. Some communities bave no clocks and measure or otimale cirae by ebe sua ood stars Saudi Arabia keeps suo time and sis clocks cach day at sundown. Most countries keep one time throughout "ibeir domaio. lo some couplrics clock time approximates sun rime · bue ia ocher countries ibere are areas in whicb clocks differ from the suo sime by an hour or more Sioce the cbaru in this book are based on true suo time, some explaоation is pecessary. In the United Sures, clock time iad sua rime ao diier as much as two hours, alebough tbe average diference is much less . Briedy, tbe conversion of clock sime to local apparent time in de Voited States is made us follows: .. : : .... : :... Strodard time plus emioures per degree that a place is our of its zooe meridian equals mein solas time, .. ........ of . .... Scaodard time minus 4 minules per degree that a place is weer of its zooe meridian equals mean solar time ...* iid :19 ::: Mero solar cime plus equation of sime quals loal appareas time (true sun rime). . .... . . Daylight saving sime (when it is in effered coinus 1 hour equals standard sime • Equation of time may be richer a pomine or negative quantity. The quantity should be added algebraically, ten ming the appropriate sisa (Sto serion vided Equation of Tirse) . : : Equation of Time Clock-sime schedules assume that (1) every day stars the i moment after midnigh, with the sun at its lowest point, (2) the sun . moves with perfect regularity around the sky every day of the year, • (3) che sun reaches the highest poine in the sky ar noon each day by : the clock, and (4) every day has 24 hours of equal length. Actually, most of these assumprions are not quite true. During the course of a year's time, the sun goes through four phases, tavo of slowing .. . down and iwo of speeding up. As a result of this irregularity, the ľ perfece sun cime schedule. suſſers. The cardiness accumulates day' . after day at onc season, so that the true sun is nearly 14 minutes : 'behind ius average schedulc before it gets back to normal. Then it gous ahead by about four minutes, then behind by six, theo ahead again by a bit over 16 minutes. Consequently, a perfectis regular clock, locared on one of the time-zone meridians, will kccp mcan solar time, but this will diffce from true solar time by any amount up to 16 minutes during the course of a year. As starod previously, the average or mcan sun schedule gives mcan solar sime, and most time zones use the mean solar cime of the zone meridians for their zone time. To adjust for the irregu. Lariiy in the sun's schedule, a number of minutes, known as the cquation of time, is introduced. By definition, the equation of time is thac quaocity which, when added algebraically to mean solar rime, will give true solar rime. This quanriry changes from day to day and may be either negative or positive. When the sun is ahead of ivs average schedule, the equation of time is positive; when the sun is behind ils average schedule, the equation of time is negative. Values for a mean year may be read from the appropriace Curve in figure 3. Values more precise for any given year and hour may be obtained from the current issue of the American Maurical Almanac compiled and published by the U.S. Nanal Observatory, Washington, DC A-7 Attachment 2 . son unt songs duru WS NOON . : MAR I SEPT. ... - ATT ROVER -- TOM ONIGHT . COM TOHO Out ---------- -- MAA. Ano CO JUNE • 40°N L . marian OON 31 Sul. 23 NAN. 21 SEN Veri 21 OLC 1 . * ANNUAL ILLUMINATION lo studying the illumination throughout a year at a given place, This process can be visualized in another way: Philadelphia, ic bas been found very helpful to visualize the apparent path of the i Pa. lics 10° north of the equator. As a consequence, the apparent suo during a year as that place. The yearly pach of the sun is pach of the sun, the diurnal, makes an angle of 50° wish the divided into daily paths (diuraals) for convenience. The sun's daily Philadelphia horizon. On 21 March, the sun riscs approximately pasb relative to the horizon follows three simple laws: due cast 2 approximaccly CGOO hours truc sun time, roches due pas laws.. . 1. The plane of the diurnal makes an angle with the horizon. south ar noon, sun rime, at an altitude of so', and sees approxie marely duc west ac 1800 hours, roue sun cime By I May, she sun's of a place equal to the place's co-lacicude ongo minus lacicude). declination is 15® nonh. On this day, the sun rises about 10° norih 2 de any given place the diuroal planes a. allel through. of case at approximately 0504, true sun cime, reaches a noon altitude oue che year. 3. As she declination progresses from 23.5° S to 23.5°N and of 65°, and sets around 1854 hours about 10° north of wese Note rcturns, the diurnal also progresses along an axis which that the whole diurnal is shifted north and up, so that the noon passes through the place and is parallel to the polas axis position of the sun is higher than it was on 21 March by the amount of the carth. of the porch declinacion The highest sbe sua cver geu ia Phila. delphia is 73.5°. This is reached on 21 June, when the declinarioa: Figures 7 through 10 show the progress of the diurnal throughout is 23.5* sorrb. The lowest noon position is 26.5°, when the decliaza the year in four differené locations cion is 23.5° south, on 21 or 22 December. On figure 8, note that on the swo daces, 21 March and 23 The yearly illumination af four selected lacicudes the equator, Soprembes, not only does the horizoa divide the diurnal into equal 40°N, 765°N, 2od che Nonb Pole is discussed in the ear four day and nighs (cquinox) but the diurnal cues the horizon equally berweca north and south. Hence, when the declioarioa is oorth, iba diurnal moels obe borizon to the norrb of ebe E.O line Whea che declination is souch, she sense is crve ܘܘei DECLI:JATION OF SU: JAPID EQUATION OF TIME JAN. NO. MAR. 16,24 . 16. 361 . 16. 16 ! 6 APR. 16 MAY . 16 JUNE 36 10:16 ony 210 MON 161 JULY 16 16 16 16 26 11 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 25 T . . . . ALA .. . SAME (S) NORTH DECLINATION for Northern latitudes this declination is SAME (S) for Southern lotiludes this declination is CONTRARY.CO DICLINATION IN DIGREES SOUTH DECLINATION for Northern lolitudes this declination is CONTRARY (C) for Southern lolitudes this declinolion is SAME (5) CONTRARY ICE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DECLINATION OF SUN, SEQUATION OF TIME * . UHIAIN IL 0 Figure 3. Decllosdon of sua and equalloa ol ime. Attachment 3 . . . 60 .*.. ?" D10 Attachment 4 Astronomical Alnaroc SUN, 1988 . NOTES AND FORMULAE . ! Apparent ecliptic coordinates of the Sun The apparent longitude may be computed from the geometric longitude tabulated on pages C4-C18 using: apparent longitude = tabulated longitude + nutation in longitude (Ay) - 20".496/R where ay is tabulated on pages B24-B31 and R is the true distance; the tabulated longitude is the geometric longitude with respect to the mean equinox of date. The apparent latitude is equal to the geonietric latitude to the precision of tabulation. . Elements of 1 The mean ele Longitude of the on the ecliſ Inclination of the : on the ecli; The mean positi right ascen . . * Sidereal period Mean synodic pe These data ar on the Sun, p. 2 #W . . 3 Time of transit of the Sun The quantity tabulated as "Ephemeris Transit" on pages C5-C19 is the TDT of transit of the Sun over the ephemeris meridian, which is at the longitude 1.002 738 AT east of the prime (Greenwich) meridian; in this expression AT is the difference TDT-UT. The TDT of transit of the Sun over a local meridian is obtained by interpolation where the first differences are about 24 hours. The interpolation factor p is given by: p=-1 + 1.002 738 AT where is the east longitude and the righthand side is expressed in days. (Divide longitude in degrees by 360 and AT in seconds by 86 400). During 1988 it is expected that AT will be about 57 seconds, so that the second term is about +0.000 66 days. The UT of transit is obtained by subtracting AT from the TDT of transit obtained by interpolation. Heliographic The values o eastwards from the central poin semidiameter art If pi, o are th the disk of the S on the solar surf where S is the s of the disk towa The formula Other feature on . Equation of time The equation of time is defined so that: local mean solar time = local apparent solar – equation of time. To obtain the equation of time to a precision of about 1 second it is sufficient to use: equation of time at 12h UT = 12h - tabulated value of TDT of ephemeris transit. Alternatively it may be calculated for any instant during 1988 in seconds of time to a precision of about 3 seconds directly from the expression: equation of time = -105.7 sin L + 596.2 sin 2L +4,4 sin 3L - 12.7 sin 4L 429.1 cos L-2.1 cos 2L + 19.3 cos 3L where L is the mean longitude of the Sun, given by: L = 278°.895 + 0.985 647 d and where d is the interval in days from 1988 January 0 at Oh UT, given by: d = day of year (from B2-B3) + fraction of day from Oh UT where L is meas 360° in the direc the Earth. 19 Geocentric rectangular coordinates of the Sun The geocentric equatorial rectangular coordinates of the Sun are given, in au, on pages C20-C23 and are referred to the mean equator and equinox of J2000.0. The x-axis is directed towards the equinox, the y-axis towards the point on the equator at right ascension 6h, and the z. axis towards the north pole of the equator. These geocentric rectangular coordinates (x, y, z) may be used to convert an object's heliocentric rectangular coordinates (xo, Yo, 20) to the corresponding geometric geocentric rectangular coordinates (Eo, no, 5o) by means of the formulae: so = xo + x no = Yo + y 5o = 20 to 2 See pages B36-B39 for a rigorous method of forming an apparent place of an object in the solar system. Number 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 At the date the prime meric w * * TV .. wt - situation op W w . th 20th W : . .. WWW . . m * . yu WA . MARINE PHYSICAL LABORATORY P-001 of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography San Diego, California 92152-6400 Appendix E Sample Hardware Log Me AV88-040t 15 Aug 88 Technical Memorandum To: R. W. Johnson From: J. E. Shields Subj: 1 Field Unit Status, August 88 Since the most recent field unit status memo on 6 July (AV88-026t), the following changes have been made. 20 July 88 At Kirtland, the camera had been showing full dark values around 140, and been brought home 13 July. A new camera was installed on 20 July. A new flux threshold was determined. Also new clocks (and com Ports) were installed at Kirtland, HELSTF, and C-station, and surge protectors were added to all 3 stations. The new components are given for units 1 v 2D, 2 v 4C, and 3 v 2A, attached. 1 August 88 The CPU and FG100 were swapped out at Kirtland because the computer had hung up. It turns out the BIOS on the CPU had gotten scrambled. The components are given for Unit 3 v 2B, attached. General Note: It turns out that when the occultor motor subassembly was changed (Units 1 v 2B, and 2 v 4A), the occultor was replaced, so we do not know which occultor units are at those sites. JES:cr Attachments ter E-2 S 100 GOCLETIts the pererai charides to the ED Camera Vield Tiits. The charges it's specific corporerits are listed in the Field Unit ajoin Coinpererts" tables Best Ori file. New Entry in 108 1 FIELD UNIT C-STA Versier 18, 16 Feb 88: ero AV68-075t Fielded 16 Feb 85, at C-Staticri. Filter changer hele had been ei:1 arged from ,042, to unknowry size. A11 other comporterts standard at the time. Collected data were abnormal, as listed in BV88-203t. Version 1 software iristalled, See 50ftware 103.) FIUM Coritirol used threstolo 32300. Version 1B, 29 Marm : MEINO AV88-0050 Charged exabyte Om 35 parch 98. Due to failure of Login told inodors :fieis, A150 iristalled software Version 2. Versioi 22, i39; 58: vend AV33-0055 Chariced marisducer head om! 12 April 88, Sirice filter champ2 scretines skipped. Nem transducer tas fiiter charger les drilled to , 270, MG 2018m. hargas. Systir. 5704 be morinal, except that no new Fium 200ml 56cid as detersiried. Version ZE, 5 June 88: ein0 SV38-226t Exabyte wild and disc Failed arc were replaced. 1775alied EW scrowa: 5 see AV88-2186. Bize made her gwiris updates: a) Fisheye lens joider, charged to 3 set screws Famous stability. O NEW 3!1135r. added to filter ctiargem board to preverit skipping, fiite;" charger takem apart to realigri wheel. Ci New timarisilatory stages in camera tousing air Cocuitorijas ucit cim subassembly changed to additional shaft Fiats, added pick-up points to prevent mot dig ilt. eCharged purge system, intention is to keep it sealed. Added dessicarit jms WLarid WCH. After a few days pirassurization failed with this fix.. Versici 2C, 20 Juille 53; Meng 9183-0250 epiace bracker: 2xabyte12mged purge system to prepare itirips. Which seal better. * VESIST! 20, 20 July gö: Put in ciock arie Clockport, new software to maridle sane. cleared filters and aligned, replaced coculteir, ssened 150524 and Earlier 120 pegged seyorid 132 er AC sad 168. Sealed come with RTV to prevent wačem. Baks. porno B V porno FIELD UNIT ELSTA Versiori i, FED 88: DVB-0815 Used in-house, Fed 55 and Mar 38. Versiere, 29 Mar 88: AV98-0054 Freideg 29 March 68. Dimens tinci? Version in the TIEW EPROM installed ir! Exabyte. Filter changer hole size. 05.3", grenit 5.1.1 pped during 50ipping. Flu* ceritni hresh01d 29002. Version 2E, 12 pr 58: mero 183-225t 0? 12 pri 35. charged Exabyts because it failed tai mesec ape. Also in Ealicred camera. Versici 32, 26 Ser 58: Mero 9199-2144 Replaced video carrera due to failure of videc preard. NEW IX corrI threshold mot determined. Version 38. :3 ay 83: Merna AV58-14t. m..? vas, no m. bos, vodo o en oo many compare to Tea. . :.: E-3 : : .. ? . SEO and Focused camera. 52 =O SOTTH21E: ST AVSE- 30. 0 1 0 ut if ! ct t I 3 :512y1295 01 can charged 03 50 50 Cm Stability. B) NEW added to Pilten Dharger Card to DIVE: skipping, item charige;takEri apart to rea?ior wheel. Olew trarsi latcimy stages in Camera Housing din Occultcm motor Slibasseindly changed to additional staft flats, added fiskemu foirts to prevent inatom tilt. e) Charged purge systein, stays sealed We arid added dessicant 18 WLH and WCH. Versiot 46 28 Jure 83: Meino AV88-0260 Replaced exabyte Petro ich had failed. New exabyte pas 'EW inco2 B motors. Charged purge system to pindpare fittings. ein Versior 4C, 20 July 68: Put in FiOCK and clock point arid new software for clock. Cleared Filters and realicred. Sealed done witti RTV to preverite water leaks. U FIE_) UNIT 3 KIRTLAND Version 12, 17 Yay 38; Hero AV99-2140 fizicer 17 Yay 68. irt.270 DFB, New Mexico. Charged Ionic Oil Filter Charger Carol Circuit. Also new styie Stres Sa Camera housing Y translation plates, FIV Cartneret 315 2947. Changed 71% control alacritain to STECK Syte V3!Es 1255 ther. 40, rather than 30, tc help reclude awr Overcast cases being too daink 1PE Blue, Varsin 15, 20 JU17 96: YencAVSU-J25t Replaced exabyte with YW OVE withi new mode motorns. 101 Exabyte was working, but had did notors.) Added dessicarit, arid purge syste?ng including proparle Fit :195. Charged Fisheye 1995 CICEI to 3 set screws. Unlit already tiad Lipdon es marido discussed in Unit 2 Vers 4A. Did mot raFocus; t:9d to keep fisheye lens spacing fixed, ie tried to get 1ers L1 to 12 spacing back to where it was. Versiori 2A, 20 July 88: Replaced transducer, because Camera Full dark level had one up @Ver. 120. The grobiern was tenperature Serisi V DUH 511. posrert Whier: cool. 15C Systein deve1982 wae sak during a bad storin. New systein has come sealed with #7V. SLX Cort;0. Freshold is 07. ivs it * Version 28, August 88: Replaced Cabcard aria G100 board, because computer, tad 了​? in Fatt was a Scie: Nics it , or FIELD UNIT 4 CHINA LAKE ole Versici? 2E une se: Emo 789-0264 Field20 2 urte 58, Chira Lake, Ca. This unit tad updates through rent icred in unit 2 vers 4 above. 1'520 250 CRDical Fiber rather thari 100 ft videda Status Playmina. I'll JUJW.J.MIWILLIWIWwwwww.worldcatMahiwwwwwwwwww O wwwwwwwwwww w wwwwwwww E-4 FIELD UNIT #1 VERSION 2D MAJOR COMPONENTS Changed 20 July 88, C-station Date: 15 Aug 88 AV88-040t Sensor Components Item Ident Item # (Table A) Changed From Previous Version Sun Occultor Filter: 4.0 ND Filter: 4.0 ND (Spare) Wx- Proof Lens Housing Fisheye Lens Filter Changer Spec. 1 (blue) Spec. 2 (red) Spec. 3 (blue) Spec. 3 trim (0.5) Spec. 4 (red) Spec 4 trim (0.5) ND 1 - none ND 2 (0.3) ND 3 (0.7) ND 4 (1.0) Wx- Proof Cam Housing Video Camera OCC-03 M-51010-01 M-51010-02 WLH-03 FL-03 FC2 B-57330-07 R-57610-07 B-57530-08 NI R-57610-08 NI Bu N-50810-05 N-50821-04 N-50830-04 WCH-03 730-87345 . 18 Control Components Item # (Table A) Changed From Previous Version Item Ident 17 Accessory Control Panel TM Computer Seagate Hard Disk Exabyte Streamer ACP-01 TM 1955 133988 4973 E-5 FIELD UNIT #1 Version 2D (cont.) Date: 15 Aug 88 AV88-040t Boards (Slot #) Video Color Card (1) Hayes Modem (2) DIO 96 (3) CPU & Co-proc (5) FG 100 (6) Hd. Disk Control (8) External Drive (9) SCSI Host (10) Com Port Keyboard External Disk Sony Monitor Clock Radio 012185 8728 86A1543 1819 HKM389 WD1003-RA2 NR NR A0184802 TMI 4 26-5033091 201932 06-76836 15 Peripheral Components Item Item # (Table A) Changed From Previous Version Ident* NI NI Stand and Shroud Cable Set · 19" Rack Rack Slides Pedestal Air Conditioner Heater NI NI NI NI NI *NI = No Ident applied, NR = Not Recorded E-6 FIELD UNIT #2 VERSION 4C MAJOR COMPONENTS Changed 20 July 88, Helstf Date: 15 Aug 88 AV88-740t Sensor Components Item # (Table A) Ident Changed From Previous Version Item 20 Sun Occultor Filter: 4.0 ND Filter: 4.0 ND (Spare) Wx- Proof Lens Housing Fisheye Lens Filter Changer Spec. 1 (blue) Spec. 2 (red) Spec. 3 (blue) Spec. 3-trim (0.5) Spec. 4 (red) Spec 4 trim (0.5) ND 1 - none D 2 (0.3) ND 3 (0.7) ND 4 (1.0) Wx- Proof Cam Housing Video Camera NR M-51010-03 M-51010-04 WLH-02 FL-02 FC 4 B-57530-01 R-57610-01 B-57530-02 N-50812-01 R-57610-02 N-50812-03 N-50810-01 N-50821-01 N-50830-01 WCH-02 716-87059 Control Components Item # (Table A) Changed From Previous Version Item Ident 17 Accessory Control Panel TM Computer Seagate Hard Disk Exabyte Streamer ACP-02 TMI 2039 147136 4972 B-7 FIELD UNIT #2 Version 4C (cont.) Date: 15 Aug 88 AV88-040t Boards (Slot #) Video Color Card (1) Hayes Modem (2) DIO 96 (3) CPU & Co-proc (5) FG 100 (6) Hd. Disk Control (8) External Drive (9) SCSI Host (10) Com Port Keyboard External Disk Sony Monitor Clock Radio NR 8728 86A1406 1714 HKM369 368644 7205 75021 A0184911-A A1612 26-5033090 2018930 08-71287 Peripheral Components Item # (Table A) Changed From Previous Version Item Ident* NI Stand and Shroud Cable Set 19" Rack Rack Slides Pedestal Air Conditioner Heater NI NI NI NI NI NI *NI = No Ident applied, NR = Not Recorded E-8 FIELD UNIT #3, VERSION 2A, MAJOR COMPONENTS Changed 20 July 88 Date: 15 Aug 88 AV88-040t Sensor Components Ident Item # (Table A) Item (Taone Changed from Previous Version Sun Occultor Filter: 4.0 ND Filter: 4.0 ND (Spare) Wx- Proof Lens Housing Fisheye Lens Filter Changer Spec. 1 (blue) Spec. 2 (red) Spec. 3 (blue) Spec. 3 trim (0.5) Spec. 4 (red) Spec. 4 trim (0.5) ND 1 - none ND 2 (0.3) ND 3 (0.7) ND 4 (1.0) Wx- Proof Cam Housing Video Camera OCC-03 M-51010-01 M-51010-02 WLH-05 FL-05 FC06 B-57530-11 R-57610-11 B-57530-12 NI R-57610-12 NI N-50810-07 N-50821-06 N-50830-06 WCH-05 638-8669 18 Control Components Item Item # (Table A) Changed from Previous Version Ident Accessory Control Panel TMI Computer Seagate Hard Disk Exabyte Streamer ACP-04 1944 120434 4976 E-9 FIELD UNIT #3, VERSION 2A (cont.) Date: 15 Aug 88 AV88-040t Item # (Table A Changed from Previous Version Item Ident Boards (Slot #) Video Color Card (1) Hayes Modem (2) DIO 96 (3) CPU & Co-proc (5) FG 100 (6) Hd. Disk Control (8) External Drive (9) SCSI Host (10) Com Port Keyboard External Disk Sony Monitor Clock Radio 13946-454 A05400963591 86A1544 1986 HKM083 968607 7205 2886 A0331352-A 12522-454 4865-5029688 2012850 07-63933 Peripheral Components Item # (Table A) Ident Changed from Previous Version Item NI Stand and Shroud Cable Set 19" Rack Rack Slides Pedestal Air Conditioner EEEEEE Heater *NI = No Ident applied GWwwowth E-10 FIELD UNIT #3, VERSION 2B, MAJOR COMPONENTS Changed 20 July 88 Date: 15 Aug 88 AV88-040t Sensor Components Item Item # (Table A) Ident Changed from Previous Version OCC-03 M-51010-01 M-51010-02 WLH-05 FL-05 FC06 B-57530-11 R-57610-11 B-57530-12 Sun Occultor Filter: 4.0 ND Filter: 4.0 ND (Spare) Wx- Proof Lens Housing Fisheye Lens Filter Changer Spec. 1 (blue) Spec. 2 (red) Spec. 3 (blue) Spec. 3 trim (0.5) Spec. 4 (red) Spec. 4 trim (0.5) ND 1 - none ND 2 (0.3) ND 3 (0.7) ND 4 (1.0) Wx - Proof Cam Housing Video Camera NI R-57610-12 NI N-50810-07 N-50821-06 N-50830-06 WCH-05 638-8669 Control Components Item # (Table A Ident Changed from Previous Version Item Accessory Control Panel TMI Computer Seagate Hard Disk Exabyte Streamer ACP-04 1944 120434 4976 E-11 FIELD UNIT #3, VERSION 2B (cont.) Date: 15 Aug 88 AV88-040t ek Item Item # (Table A) Changed from Previous Version Ident Boards (Slot #) Video Color Card (1) Hayes Modem (2) DIO 96 (3) CPU & Co-proc (5) FG 100 (6) Hd. Disk Control (8) External Drive (9) SCSI Host (10) Com Port Keyboard External Disk Sony Monitor Clock Radio 13946-454 A05400963591 86A1544 3969 HKM1234 968607 7205 2886 A0331352-A 12522-454 4865-5029688 2012850 07-63933 Peripheral Components Item Item # (Table A) Changed from Previous Version Ident NI NI NI Stand and Shroud Cable Set 19" Rack Rack Slides Pedestal Air Conditioner Heater NI NI NI NI *NI = No Ident applied Appendix F Sample Software Log 10 JUN88 AV88-0185 Technical Memorandum To: From: R. W. Johnson J. S. Fox Subj: Current status software at White Sands Missile Range, HELSTF and C-Station New Mexico The Whole Sky Camera system has the following changes to the system software. The table below outlines the changes, to the best of current knowledge. 1 CHANGE I PURPOSE/REASON ... .... I PASSING I VARIABLE I OKPIX I THIS IS USED IN THE FLUX CONTROL CALLS BEFORE IT WAS I HARD WIRED INTO THE SUBROUTINES SO EVERYTIME WE I CHANGE SITES OR SENSOR WE HAD TO RECODE THE CALLS I NOW WE CAN CHANGE IT IN THE CALLING PROGRAM. I Z-TIME I CHANGE FROM LOCAL TIME TO Z-TIME, THE FOLLOWING I SUBROUTINES WERE EFFECTED OCSTH ,OCSTC (PASSES START I TIME), OCSET, CHANGED OCCULTER TRACKING TO WORK WITH I 2-TIME. I Z-TIME AT START UP IS DISPLAYED IN HOUR/MINUTES I RESTART I CHANGES I IN THE EVENT OF A NONSTANDARD RESTART THE OCCULTER I IS RESET BY THE CALL OCLONG, BEFORE WE ZEROED IT. NOW I WE RESET TO CORRECT LOCATION. WE DO THIS BEFORE TAPE I IS RESET TO GIVE THE TAPE TIME FOR IT'S SELF TEST. I IN PAST VERSION THE TAPE WAS FIRST. ------------------------ I THE ONE MINUTE CALLS WERE CHANGED TO REFLECT I THE NEW LOCATION. I I ONE MIN. I CALLES I UPDATES. . comentarios I CALLING I LAT, LONG, LOCATION, VER# BOTH SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE I PROGRAM I THE RESET LOGIC WAS CHANGED TO HANDLE 2-TIME. I WE CALL OCZERO (THIS SENDS THE OCCULTER TO THE STARTING I LOCATION) ONLY AT THE END OF THE DAY. --- -------------------------- --------------------------------------- As we can see we made a few changes. With these software changes all three unit in the field are running the same software version. The three unit being C-station , HELSTF, and KAFB. John S. Fox Cc: WSH JRV JES MEK HGS Appendix G Running the Tape QC Program AV88-0.58t 04 NOV 8 8 Technical Memorandum TO: R. W. Johnson From: John A. Malo, Jr. Subject: READTPQC.EXE and DGN.EXE This memo summarizes the use of READTPQC.EXE and DGN.EXE. To execute READTPQC put a tape in the Exabyte and type READTPQC at the prompt. When READTPOC starts, information similar to the following will be displayed: Readtpac--program version 4.0. Data Search in progress, ## Time/Date: TIME=15:10:04 DATE=26/APR/88 Station=WSH Please Enter Tape Number >> At this point the tape identification number is entered. This number should be a number that is less than 1000. If the station name can not be identified the READTPQC will ask for it before it asks for the identification number. The line that reads: Data Search in progress. ## may or may not appear. When the tape read program finishes, the output should look similar the sample output below: ...... ----------------ONE Quad Time Iris Occultor ND SP #1 00:55:00 156 180 0 0 #2 00:55:02 156 180 0 #3 00:55:03 156 180 0 2 #4 00:55:05 156 180 0 3 Data search in progres .................... ... Finished 00:55:00 Ten Minute Image count: 72 One Minute Image Count: 644 Stop - Program terminated. D:\TAPEQC) The files that will be created by READTPQC are a diagnostic file and a LAN file for every local aparant noon on the tape. The diagnostic file is named in the form LLL### .DGN. The "LLL" is the three letter identification and the "## #" is the tape identification number. The LAN files are named in the form LLL###D.LAN. The "LLL" and the "###". correspond to the diagnostic file and the "D" in the name corresponds to the day on the tape. The day will be a letter in the range A-G. G-2 DGN.EXE takes the diagnostic file created by READTPOC and divides it into seperate files for each day. To execute DGN.EXE, type "DGN filename". More than one file name may be listed. The file name is of the form - LLL # # #D.DGN. The "LLL###" is the same as the diagnostic file it came from. The "D" is the representation of the day as in the LAN files. At the end of every file is a list of totaled diagnostic errors: 1) Spectral Errors- Occurs when the spectral filter is out of sequence. 2) Occultor Errors- Occurs when the occultor changes more or less than 15+-2 degrees per hour. If images are missing this error could be flagged. 3) Signal Errors When the dark signal rises. 4) Image Errors When the signal in a given quadrant is too high/low. 5) Minute Errors When the time skips ahead or back. 6) Ten Count Errors-When the image count jumps forward or back on a ten minute image. 8) One Count Errors-When the image count jumps forward of back on a one minute image. The attached page is a flow chart of READTPQC.EXE version 4.0. WA ..... .. ...! ! ! 'w.draw.. .. Alim. ... www v.. www. NA . .... SAV.. .... . ... .. m .!!!! w i l i .....rawat Appendix H Sample Catalogue File Sheet Catalog of Diagnostic Files Station Name: Kirtland AFB, New Mexico Last Update: Wednesday, 4 October, 1988 Updated By: Peter Pak 3 . ! is TAPE (D# START TIME • 4 DATE SVERS HVERS DIAGN AVIH make AVIS AVIS AVIS to KAA001.1 KAA001.2 KAA001.3 KAA001.4 KAA001.5 KAA001.6 17/MAY/ 88 18/MAY/88 19/MAY/88 20/MAY/88 21/MAY/88 is 13:10:00 01:08:05 01:08:05 AVIH AV14 AVIH AVIH KAA001A. DGN KAA001B.DGN KAA001C.DGN KAA001D.DGN KAAOO1E.DGN KAA001F.DGN KAA001G.DGN dit AV15 AVIS AVIS sematen 13:10:00 01:08:05 fummis AVIH 4A002.1 RAA002.2 13: 10:00 13:10:00 13: 10:00 jasnio je non AV15 ni in 26/MAY/88 junio AVIH 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:06:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 o joni je mnie KAA002A.DGN KAA002B.DGN KAA002C.DGN KAA002D.DGN TAAOOZE. DGN KAA002F.DGN KAA002G.DGN a 13:10:00 funni 28/MAY/88 AVIH to ju mnie ai jaren AVIS AVIS 13:10:00 monike mu · 30/MAY/88 AVIH KAA005, 1 نیم شه ملسم 01:08:05 01:08:05 1/ JUN/ 88 KAAOOSA. DON KAA003B.DGN KAA005C.DGN KAA0O3D.DGN 13:10:00 15: 10:00 AVIH AVIH 3/ JUN/68 AVIS AVIH 1 je da KAA004.4 16:40:00 13:10:00 13:10:00 13:10:00 13:10:00 13:10:00 13:10:00 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 4/ JUN/ 88 5/JUN/88 6/ JUN/ 88 7/ JUN/88 8/ JUN/88 9/ JUN/88 KAA004A. DGN KAA004B.DGN KAA004C.DGN KAA004D.DGN KAA004E.DGN KAA004F.DGN KAA0046.DGN jande AVIS AVIH AVIH AVIH AVIH ha te KAA004.6 i jemi b comercio junio 01:08:05 01:08:05 jenis juta promiso 13:10:00 min Jouko junak 10/ JUN/88 11/JUN/88 12 JUN/88 13/JUN: 88 14/ JUN/88 KAA005A.DGN KAA0058. DGN KAA0050.DGN KAA005D.OGN KAA005E.DGN oceno 01:08:05 jenis AVIH AVIH AVIH AVIS AVIS 13:10:00 janis see ai j a KAA006.1 KAA006.2 سب مهم متمسسز pen 13:10:00 13:10:00 13:10:00 13:10:00 do in t 14/JUN/88 15/ JUN/88 163/JUN/88 17/JUN/88 18/ JUN/88 19! JUN/ 88 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 01:08:05 AVIH AVIH AVIH AVIH AVIH AVIH KAA006.4 KAA006A.DGN KAA006B. DON KAA006C.DGN KAA006D.DGN KAA006E. DGN KAA006F.DGN AV15 AV15 AVIS AVIS. منسز min jenis jamais منسي ملمسا KAA0O6. ن I H- KAA007.1 isom.. AVIS f . in . . 1 moves V1:08:05 we 4A007.6 KAAOO7E.OGN KAAOO7F.DGN KAAOO7G. DGN 13:10:00 AVIH KAA008.1 13:10:00 01:08:05 28/JUN/86 t... 1 Turned off or 4outine qajntanance.. .. 1 1 1 • 2. ! i AVIH t KAA009.2 juni Remedio 13:10:00 13:10:00 Home 28/JUN/88 29/JUN/88 30/JUN/86 1/JUL 88 2/ JUL/88 KAA009.4 persino KAA009A, DGN KAA0098. DGN KAA0090. DON KAA009D, OGN KAA009E. DON KAA0097, DON KAA0096.DGN on AVZS - AVIH AV1H AVIH AVII- KAA009.6 train 13:10:00 in 1 orano 47 JUL/88 . . . 1 س: ne 01:18:00 نسخ منسي on o 5/ JUL/88 6/JUL! 88 7/JUL/86 8/ JUL/88 KAAO10,5 KAA010.4 KAA010.5 AVIH AVZS AVIH AV2S AVIH AVIH AV2S - AVIH KAAOI0A.DGN KAA010B.DGN KAAO10C.DGN KAA010D.DGN KAA010E DGN 01: 18:00 jaoks مشر متسمم . KAAO11.1 journia AVSS perhe 19/JUN/88 20/JUN/88 21/JUN/88 AVZH KAAOI1A.DGN KAA0118.DGN KAAO11C.DGN KAA011.3 jaan 13: 10:00 . KAA012.) 21/JUN/88 om AVIS 8 de vorming KAA012A.DGN KAA012B. DGN KAA0120.DGN KAA0120.DGN in HAA012.4 24JUN/ 88 AV35 AV2H - 1 KAA013.) 25/JUL/88 AVZH KAAOISA. DGN KAA0138. DON KAA014.1 KAA014A.DGN KAN015.1 .. * AVSS min 4/AUG/88 KAA015.3 KAA015,4 01:19:00 01:19:00 tuncis AVS5 KAA015A. DGN KAA015B. DGN KA4015C.DGN KAA015D.DGN KAAO1SE. DON KAA015F.DGN KAA0156. DGN kui AUG/ 88 KAA015.6 jenis 01:19:00 13:20:00 14:20:03 jumala 8/AUG/88 AV2H 16:20:00 15:20:00 20: 10:00 9/AUG/88 10/AUG/88 11/ AUG/66 AVZH AVZH AVZH AV2H garantis KAAO15.1 KAA016.2 KAA016.5 KAA016.4 KAA016.5 KAA016.6 KAA016.7 AVSS 01:19:00 01:19:00 01: 19:00 prijeti KAAO16A.DGN KAA016B.DGN KAAO160, DGN KAAO16D.DGN KAA016E, DGN KAA015F, DGN KAA016G.DGN 13/AUG/08 14. AUG: 88 15/AUG/68 AVIS AVIS learnio 13:20:00 AVZH AV2H how to Samir . . . A017.1 . 1 6 /AUG/88 AVZH KAAO17A.DGN AVSS . 01:09:00 01:09:00 01:09:00 hari ja KAA018.1 KAA018.2 KAA018.3 KAA018.4 KAA018,5 KAA018.6 18/ AUG/ 88 19. AUG/ 88 20/ AUG/ 88 21/AUG/88 22/AUG/88 AV3S AVIS AVSS AV3S AVZH AVZH AVZH AV2H AVZH AVZH KAA018A.DGN KAA018B. DGN KAA018C. DON KAA018D.DGN KAAQ18E.DON KAA018F.DGN 13; 10:00 01:09:00 WIE KHAOL9.1 . (3:10:00 . .. H-3 KAA019A. OGN .. 20:30:00 24/AUG/88 AVSS AVCH. ". ** Line .. 26/AUG/88 ji . : ' 14: 10:00 13:10:00 13:10:00 13: 10:00 13: 10:00 13: 10:00 13: 10:00 01:09:00 01:09:00 01:09:00 01:09:00 KAA020A, DGN KAA0208. DGN KAA020C.DGN W90ZOD. DGN KAA020E, DGN KAA020F. DGN KAAOZOG, DGN .... . 28/ AUG/88 29/AUG/88 30/AUG/88 31/AUG/88 AVZH AV35 AV3S KAA020.6 19 . . www . KAAO21.1 13: 10:00 20:50:00 1/SEP/88 AVSS KAAOZIA, DGN us .. . .. . 14: 10:00 13: 10:00 : :: AVZH KAA020, 1 KAA020.2 KAA020.3 KAA020.4 KAA020.5 KAA020.6 01:09:00 01:09:00 01:09:00 01:09:00 25/AUG/88 26/AUG/88 27/AUG/88 28/AUG/88 29/AUG/88 30/AUG/86 31/AUG/88 AV3S AVIS AV35 AV3S AV3S AVSS 13: 10:00 13: 10:00 13: 10:00 13:10:00 . KAA020A. DGN KAFO20B. DGN KAAO20C. DGN KAAOZOD. DGN KAA020E.DGN KAA020F. DGN KAAOZOG. DGN .. AVZH AVZH AV2H AV2H 1999 01:09:00 Ol:09:00 4 W . KAA021.1 13:10:00 20:50:00 1/SEF/88 AV3S AV2H KAA021A. DON .. .. .. 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Johnson From: John Malo Subject: Malmstrom Tape QC Update Appendix I Tape QC Report This note summerizes the the tape status at Malmstrom as of 30 September 1988. Attached to this memo are the log sheet and the computer catalog of the tapes and their accompanying diagnostic file. Five Tapes have been received from Malmstrom. On 8 September incorrect occultor readings were read. It is this day or the next that the occultor gear box jammed. It is on the 9th of September that the ramping is great enough to flag the first signal error. . John Malo 1-2 ... ....... .. .. . .. . . ... .. ... . ... . .. . ... . .. .. . ... . . ..... .. . .. ........ .... ... .... .. ... Log Sheet .. Station Name: Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana Last Update: 15 September 1988 Updated By: John Malo Last Update: 18 September388 at Falls, Date Received Tape Date . Tape Log # Date Checked in Comments 01/SEP/88 30/AUG-31/AUG MAG001.1-2 01/SEP/88 First field run. Short tape. Abort by John Fox. 08/SEP/88 31/AUG/88 MAGO02. 1 08/SEP/88 Tape stopped due to power outage. 13/SEP/88 31/AUG-06/SEP MAG003. 1 -7 14/SEP/88 22/SEP/88 08/SEP-14/SEP MAG004.1-7 26/SEP/88 Occultor gear box jammed on 10 SEP. 28/SEP/88 16/SEP-22/SEP MAG004.1-7 29/SEP/88 Ramping starting to show. I-3 .. ..... ............. ................ et Station Name: Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana Last Update: 15 September 1988 Updated by: John Malo TAPE ID# START TIME END TIME DATE SVERS HVERS DIAGNOSTIC MAG001.1 MAG001.2 20:40:00 13:30:00 01:29:00 14:58:00 30/AUG/88 31/AUG/88 MV1S MVIH MV1S MVIH MAG001A.DGN MAG001B. DGN MAG002.1 16:20:00 21:10:00 31/AUG/88 MVIS MVIH MAGOO2A.DGN MAGOO3.1 MAGO03.2 MAG003.3 MAG003.4 MAG003.5 MAG003.6 MAG003.7 22:00:00 13:30:00 13:30:03 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:30 01:29:00 01:29:00 01:29:00 01:29:00 01:29:00 01:29:00 01:29:00 31/AUG/88 01/SEP/88 02/SEP/88 03/SEP/88 04/SEP/88 05/SEP/88 06/SEP/88 MVIS MVIH MVIS MVIH MVIS MVIH MVIS MVIH MVIS MV1H MVIS MVIH MVIS MVIH MAGOO3A. DGN MAGO03B. DGN MAG003C.DGN MAGOO3D.DGN MAGOO3E.DGN MAGOO3F.DGN MAGOO3G. DGN M MAG004.1 MAG004.2 MAGO04.3 74.4 MOOV04.5 MAG004.6 MAG004.7 16:50:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:20:00 13:20:00 01:29:00 01:29:00 01:29:00 01:29:00 01:29:00 01:19:00 01:19:00 08/SEP/88 09/SEP/88 10/SEP/88 11/SEP/88 12/SEP/88 13/SEP/88 14/SEP/88 MVIS MVIS MVIS MVIS MVIS MVIS MVIS MVIH MVIH MVIH MV1H MVIH MVIH MVIH MAGO04A.DGN MAG004B. DGN MAG004C. DGN MAG004D. DGN MAGO04E.DGN MAG004F. DGN MAG004G. DGN h MAG005.1 MAGOO5.2 MAG005.3 MAGOOS.4 MAG005.5 MAG005.6 MAG005.7 15:40:00 -13:20:00 13:20:00 13:20:00 13:20:00 13:20:00 13:20:00 01:19:00 01:19:00 01:19:00 01:19:00 01:19:00 01:19:00 01:19:00 16/SEP/88 17/SEP/88 18/SEP/88 19/SEP/88 20/SEP/88 21/SEP/88 22/SEP/88 MVIS MVIH MVIS MVIH MV1S MVIH MVIS MVIH MVIS MVIH MV1S MVIH MVIS MVIH MAGOOSA. DGN MAGOO5B. DGN MAGOO5C.DGN MAGOO5D. DGN MAGOOSE. DGN MAGOO5F. DGN MAG005G. DGN